2018/2019 BBC National Confederation of Industry SBN Quadra 1, Bloco C, Ed. Roberto Simonsen, 12º Andar BRICS Business Council Brasília, DF Email:
[email protected] Website: www.cni.org.br/assuntosinternacionais 01 PROGRAM OF WORK 2018-2019 PAULO CESAR DE SOUZA E SILVA PRESIDENT OF THE BRAZILIAN SECTION OF THE BRICS BUSINESS COUNCIL CHIEF EXECUTIVE, EMBRAER 04 A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR The BRICS Business Council is an import- an assessment of the proposals submitted ant mechanism for cooperation between to the governments, as well as review the the private sector and the governments of priorities for the coming years. It is essential Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. that the Council should focus on concrete Established in 2013, during the BRICS results and that such goal be reflected in Summit attended by the Heads of Govern- its action plan. ment of the five member states, the Council One of the various priorities of the Bra- is composed of twenty-five companies, five zilian Chapter that I would like to highlight, from each country, whose aim is to improve in particular, is the consolidation of the the business environment and to strengthen relationship between Brazil and the New trade and investment among the countries Development Bank (NDB). There needs to of the block. be an increase the number of Brazilian proj- Over its five years of existence, the ects funded by the bank. For that purpose, Council has become stronger and has worked we have been working towards opening a more consistently. On a yearly basis, it Regional Office of the NDB in Brazil and submits reports to the Heads of State of having Brazil sign a Project Preparation the BRICS countries in order to consolidate Fund Agreement in order to determine the recommendations agreed upon by the funds to finance the preparation phase of private sectors in the five countries.