Bull. Astr. Soc. India (2007) 35, 187{208 Calibrating TAUVEX: turning space hardware into a scienti¯c instrument Noah Brosch¤, Elhanan Almoznino, Hagai Netzer and Meirav Naaman Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel Erez R. Yacoby, Jeremy Topaz and Nachman Saar Elbit Systems Electro-Optics ELOP Ltd., Advanced Technology Park, P.O.Box 1165, Rehovot 76111, Israel Abstract. This article explains the basic philosophy of calibrating TAU- VEX on the ground at the El-Op facilities in Israel, and in space after launch. We refer the reader to historical articles describing TAUVEX, its design and calibration, and update the knowledge base as to the modern testing and cal- ibration procedures. We explicitly point out the products expected to result from the calibration process. Keywords : telescopes { techniques: photometric { methods: observational { ultraviolet: general 1. Introduction The TAUVEX space telescope array, constructed for Tel Aviv University with funding from the Israel Space Agency (Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport), consists of a bore-sighted assembly of three telescopes with 20-cm apertures mounted on a single bezel and imaging the same »one-degree ¯eld of view in the vacuum UV. The mission and payload have been described by Brosch (1996), Brosch et al. (1994, 1996), Leibowitz (1995) and Topaz et al. (1993a, b) and the optical design of TAUVEX was presented by Nir & Freiman (1993). ¤e-mail:
[email protected] 188 N. Brosch et al. TAUVEX is mounted on the side of the GSAT-4 satellite on a plate (Mounting Deck Plate=MDP) free to move the line of sight to di®erent declinations from ±=+90± to ±=- 90±.