Enyalius Bibronii Istributio
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ISSN 1809-127X (online edition) © 2010 Check List and Authors Chec List Open Access | Freely available at www.checklist.org.br Journal of species lists and distribution N Reptilia, Squamata, Leiosauridae, Enyalius bibronii ISTRIBUTIO D geographic distribution map Boulenger, 1885: Distribution extension and RAPHIC G 1,2 * 1,3 1,2,3 EO Melissa Gogliath , Leonardo Barros Ribeiro G N O and Eliza Maria Xavier Freire OTES N 1 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Biociências, Departamento de Botânica, Ecologia e Zoologia, Laboratório de Herpetologia. Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova. CEP 59072-970. Natal, RN, Brazil. 2 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Biociências, Departamento de Fisiologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicobiologia. Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova. CEP 59078-970. Natal, RN, Brazil. 3 Universidade Federal do Rio [email protected] do Norte, Centro de Biociências, Programa Regional de Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente. Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova. CEP 59072-970. Natal, RN, Brasil. * Corresponding author. E-mail: Abstract: This article provides a new record for Enyalius bibronii from municipality of Tenente Laurentino Cruz, state of Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. The collection site is located in a mountain forest enclave belonging to the Caatinga domain. This record extends the species distribution towards central region of the state. Leiosaurid lizards of the genus Enyalius comprise nine September 2009, we collected one juvenile and one adult recognized species (Rodrigues et al. 2006), restricted to E. bibronii in a forest enclave inside the Caatinga biome, in forested areas in Atlantic Rainforest remnants of eastern the municipality of Tenente Laurentino Cruz (06°10’80” S, Brazil, the Brazilian Amazon rainforest (Jackson 1978; 36°43’38” W, 751 m asl). Additionally, 14 specimens were Ávila-Pires 1995), patches of savanna and gallery forests collected from October 2009 to April 2010 (Figure 2), six of the Cerrado in Central Brazil, and in scattered patches at another location (06°05’94” S, 36°42’94” W, 710 m a.s.l.) of the semiarid Caatingas (Rodrigues et al. 2006). In general, Enyalius are diurnal and insectivorous lizards that 2869, 2870, 2926-2929, 3208-3210, 3301-3303, and 3577- use tree trunks, shrubs, fallen logs or leaves as perches, 3580)within arethe deposited same municipality. at the Herpetological Voucher specimens Collection (CHBEZ of the but are also commonly found on the ground or leaf litter (Jackson 1978; Sazima and Haddad 1992; Vitt et al. 1996; Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, in Natal, Rio Grande do Zamprogno et al. 2001; Teixeira et al. 2005). Norte,Department Brazil. of Collecting Botany, Ecology permits and were Zoology, granted Universidade by Instituto Enyalius bibronii Boulenger, 1885 was described from Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) (Permit 206/2006 and Process no. 1969). It is typical of relictual forests of arid environments 02001.004294/03-15). froman unspecified northeastern locality Brazil in (Jacksonthe state 1978).of Bahia According (Etheridge to Rodrigues (2003), after the degradation of its original of this species in a mountain forest enclave belonging to habitat, this species remains in a few areas that are the CaatingaThe findings Domain reported in the here state represent of Rio Grande the first do recordNorte. compatible with its physiologic processes. This extends the known geographical distribution of E. Based on records available in the literature, the bibronii ca. 170 km west from the nearest record in the current distribution of E. bibronii is in northeastern Brazil, state, in the municipality of Natal (05°47’25” S, 35°11’59” with records for the states of Minas Gerais (Jackson 1978), W) (Freire 1996), ca. 135 km north from the nearest record Bahia (Bertolotto et al. 2002; Rodrigues et al. 2006; Freitas and Silva 2007), Pernambuco (Jackson 1978; Rodrigues et al. 2006), Paraíba (Rodrigues et al. 2006; Freire et al. 2009), etin theal. 2009),state of and Paraíba, ca. 320 in the km municipalities northeast from of Sãothe Josénearest dos Rio Grande do Norte (Freire 1996), Ceará (Borges-Nojosa recordCordeiros in theand state Sumé of (07°28’15” Ceará, in the S, 36°52’51”municipality W) of (Freire Crato and Caramaschi 2003; Rodrigues et al. 2006; Loebmann & (07°10’ - 07°50’ S, 39°00’ - 39°50’ W) (Borges-Nojosa Haddad 2010), and Piauí (Rodrigues et al. 2006) (Figure and Caramaschi 2003). The present record associated with the recent records of Acratosaura mentalis (Amaral, 1933) and Anotosaura vanzolinia Dixon, 1974 (Squamata, 1). Etherigde (1969) cited a specimen from Linhares, state Gymnophthalmidae) to the municipality of Tenente Enyaliusof Espírito pictus Santo, (Wied, southeastern 1825). Brazil (MCZ 82873), but Laurentino Cruz (Gogliath et al. 2010 a; b) represents an JacskonHerein, (1978) we expandconfirmed the thatgeographic it actually distribution represents of anE. important advance to the knowledge about the distribution bibronii in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. On 22 and 24 of squamate reptiles from the Caatingas. Check List | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | 2010 652 Gogliath et al. | Reptilia, Squamata, Leiosauridae, Enyalius bibronii Boulenger, 1885 Figure 1. Geographic distribution of Enyalius bibronii 15. Pacoti; 16. Pacatuba; 17. Ibiapina; 18. Ubajara; 19.. Serra1. Montezuma; das Confusões; 2. Serra 20. da Parque Jibóia; Nacional 3. Dias D’Ávila; Serra da4. MorroCapivara. do Chapéu, 5. Juazeiro; 6. Garanhuns; 7. Serra Negra; 8. São José dos Cordeiros and Sumé; 9. Areia; 10. Tenente Laurentino Cruz (new record); 11. Natal; 12. Crato; 13. Mulungu; 14. Guaramiranga; A B Acknowledgments: Laurentino Cruz for Welogistical thank thesupport. Programa This PELD/CNPqstudy was –supported Caatinga: Estrutura e Funcionamento and the municipal government of Tenente Gogliathby doctorate and L.B.and Ribeiro,postdoctorate respectively, fellowships and by froma research Coordenação fellowship de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) awarded to M. H.C.granted Costa by and CNPq anonymous to E.M.X. referees. Freire (Process 304077/2008-9). Early versions of the manuscript benefited from comments by D. Loebmann, C Literature Cited Squamata). Zoologische Verhandelingen Ávila-Pires, T.C.S. 1995. Lizards of Brazilian Amazonia (Reptilia: 2002. Comparative cytogenetics 299: 1-706.and supernumerary Bertolotto,chromosomes C.E.V., K.C.M. in the Pellegrino, Brazilian lizardM.T. Rodrigues genus Enyalius and Y. (Squamata,Yonenaga- Polychrotidae).Yassuda. Hereditas 136: 51-57. Borges-Nojosa, D.M. and U. Caramaschi. 2003. Composição e análise 463-512comparativa In I.R. da Leal,diversidade M. Tabarelli e das and afinidades J.M.C. Silva biogeográficas (ed.). Ecologia dos e conservaçãolagartos e anfisbenídeos da Caatinga (Squamata) dos brejos nordestinos; p. Enyalius. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural. Recife: History), Editora Zoology Universitária da UFPE. Etheridge, R. 1969. A review of the iguanid lizard genus lagartos (Sauria) das dunas de Natal, Rio Grande 18(8): do 233-260. Norte e da Freire,restinga E.M.X. 1996.de Ponta Estudo de Campina,ecológico Cabedelo,e zoogeográfico Paraíba, sobre Brasil. a fauna Revista de Brasileira de Zoologia Figure 2. Specimens of Enyalius bibronii collected at Dizimeira and Serra 13(4): 903-921. Nova, municipality of Tenente Laurentino Cruz, state of Rio Grande do Freire, E.M.X., G.O.S. Skuk, M.F. Kolodiuk, L.B. Ribeiro, B.S. Maggi, L.S. Rodrigues, W.L.S. Vieira and A.C.G.P. Falcão. 2009. Répteis B) Adult male Enyalius bibronii Enyalius Indas Caatingas do seridóRecursos do Rio naturais Grande dasdo Caatingas:Norte e do uma cariri visão da Norte,bibronii Brazil. A) Lateral view of gular flap of adult female (CHBEZ 2929); multidisciplinarParaíba: síntese do conhecimento atual e perspectivas; p. 51-84 (CHBEZ 2926); C) Juvenile of E.M.X. Freire (ed.). (CHBEZ 3210). Photographs by Melissa Gogliath. Natal: Editora Universitária da UFRN. Check List | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | 2010 653 Gogliath et al. | Reptilia, Squamata, Leiosauridae, Enyalius bibronii Boulenger, 1885 Freitas, M.A. and T.F.S. Silva. 2007. Guia ilustrado: a herpetofauna das Caatingas e áreas de altitudes do nordeste brasileiro In Morellato, L.P.C. (ed.). História Sazima,natural I. and da C.F.B. Serra Haddad. do Japi: 1992.ecologia Répteis e preservação da Serra de do uma Japi: área notas florestal sobre Acratosaura. Pelotas: mentalis Editora dohistória sudeste natural; do Brasil p. 212-236. (NCN).USEB. 384 Geographic p. distribution. Herpetological Review Gogliath,106. M., L.B. Ribeiro and E.M.X. Freire. 2010a. between the sympatric. Campinas: lizards Editora Enyalius da UNICAMP/FAPESP.bilineatus and Enyalius Anotosaura 41(1): vanzolinia 105-. Teixeira,brasiliensis R.L., K. (Iguanidae,Roldi and D. Leiosaurinae) Vrcibradic. 2005. from Ecologicalan Atlantic comparisons Rain-Forest Geographic distribution. Herpetological Review area in southeastern Brazil. Journal of Herpetology Jackson,Gogliath, J.F.M., 1978.L.B. Ribeiro Differentiation and E.M.X. in Freire. the genera 2010b. Enyalius and Strobilurus Vitt, L.J., T.C.S. Ávila-Pires and P. Zani. 1996. Observations on the ecology 41(2): 243-243. of the rare Amazonian lizard, Enyalius leechii 39(3):(Polychrotidae). 504-509. Brazil. Arquivos de Zoologia Herpetological Natural History Loebmann,(Iguanidae): D. and implications C.F.B. Haddad. for pleistocene 2010. Amphibians climatic changesand reptiles in eastern from Zamprogno, C., M.G.F. Zamprogno and R.L. Teixeira. 30: 1-79. terrestrial feeding in the arboreal 4: 77-82. lizard Enyalius bilineatus (Sauria, conservation implications. Biota Neotropica Polychrotidae) of south-eastern Brazil. Revista Brasileira2001. Evidence de Biologia of Rodrigues,a highly M.T. diverse 2003. areaHerpetofauna of the Caatinga da Caatinga; domain: p. composition181-236 In andI.R. Leal, M. Tabarelli and J.M.C. Silva (ed.). Ecologia10(3): e 227-256. conservação da Caatinga 61(1): 91-94. 2006. A new species of. Recife: lizard genusEditora Enyalius Universitária (Squamata, da UFPE. Leiosauridae) from the Received: December 2009 Rodrigues,highlands M.T., of M.A.