The Wodginite Group. Iii. Classification and New Species
633 Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 30, pp. 633-638(1992) THE WODGINITE GROUP. III. CLASSIFICATION AND NEW SPECIES T. SCOTT ERCITI, PETRIERNY eNp FRANK C, HAWTHORNE Deportmentof GeologicalSciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,Manitoba R3T 2N2 ABSTRACT The minerals constituting the wodginite group are isostructural oxides, with the generalformula ABC2Oy (Z = 4);A = Mn2*, Fd*, Li, E B : Sn4*, Ti, Fe3*, Ta;C : Ta, Nb. A classificationsystembased onthe chemistry of the .,4-and B-cationsites has been devised; it useschemical modifiers in conjunctionwith the root name"wodginite". Wodginite itself has the generalformula MnSnTa2Os;two new membersof the wodginite group are charactedzed here:-ferrowodginite, F/+SnTa2Os and titanowoiginite, MnTiTa2Os. Ferrowodginite occurs as 0.01- to- 0.2-mm inclusionsin cassiteritefrom a granitic pegmatitenear Sukula, southwestemFinland. It is dark brown to black' has a dark brown streak, vitreous luster, is optically anisotropic with all n>2, and is nonfluorescent.The calculated density is 7.02 g/cm3; it is brittle, H 5%, without cleavage;it has an irregular fracture. The averagechemical composition(wt. Vo)is: MnO 2.8, FeO 9.3, Fe2O31.9, TiO2 4.3, SnO210.1, Nb2O5 14.8, Ta2O5 56.3, total 99.4.The strongestfivelines in the X-ray powderpauein-are:4.16('50),'2.g7(Aq,2.55(30i, 2.493(40\ {nd 1.a55(30)A. fne unit-cell parametersare o 9.415(7),b 11.442(6),c 5.103(4)A, B 90.8(l)', V 549.'7(6)Ar, spacegroup A/c. Titanowodginiteoccurs as euhedral,diamond-shaped crystals up to I cm acrossat the Tanco pegmatite,Bernic Lake, Manitoba.
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