Modern Foreign Languages – French
Brayton Primary School MFL : CURRICULUM CONTENT AND PROGRESSION FRAMEWORK Year 3 Curriculum Content The key things we want children to know/be able to do LISTENING 1. French culture: ● begin to listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding Understand that French is spoken in France and elsewhere. ○ short dialogues of about 2 sentences (questions/answers) Say and respond to bonjour, salut and au revoir, and à bientôt. ● begin to explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs Understand the convention of kissing on the cheek when greeting, in and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words normal circumstances. ○ know some vowels, nasal sounds on/an/en/am/in/un/ain/im, consonants (ch, ss, gn, ç) silent letters (h, s, t, d, x), 2. Classroom Instructions: diphthongs digraph /triphthongs trigraph (au/o/eau, ou, ai/ei, Say and respond to silence/ un peu de silence, écoutez, regardez, oui, oi, eu) répétez, levez-vous and asseyez-vous, levez la main ● begin to appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the Understand that French has silent letters and that –z is always silent when language at the end of a word. ○ nursery rhymes, language songs,authentic material Learn how to pronounce the phoneme é. whole school / topic based 3. Greetings: SPEAKING Say and respond to bonjour, bonsoir, salut, au revoir. ● begin to engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; Say and respond to Ça va? Comment ça va? and Et toi? using ça express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification va/bien/mal ça ne va pas and comme çi, comme ça.
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