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IF LOBSTERS HAD DOCTORS 12 Shlichus | Dr. Aryeh Gotfryd

OUR FIVE-YEAR PLAN 16 7 Mitzvos | Hannah Porat

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Sichos In English

world... that there is one G-d and The ultimate consummation of the it is befitting to serve Him. He efforts to reveal Eisav’s spiritual would travel from city to city and from country to country, potential will be in the Era of the collecting the people and proclaiming [G-d’s existence].” Redemption when “Delivers will go up [7] Yitzchok, by contrast, never to Mount Zion to judge the mountain traveled outside the Holy Land and even within Eretz Yisroel, we of Eisav, and the sovereignty will be do not find many stories of his G-d’s.” efforts to reach out to others. His divine service had, instead, an inward focus. All of us desire posterity. We and inspiration for people in This is reflected in his efforts want our lives to bring something coming generations. to dig wells. lasting into the world. Digging a well involves This is the message of Parshas A FOUNTAIN OF INNER removing the layers of earth and Toldos: that a person can leave a STRENGTH uncovering the source of life- legacy that will continue to thrive giving water that is found in one’s With whom does the Torah after his passing. own place. choose to associate the message of Our offer two In the analogue, this refers to Toldos? definitions of the word Toldos: a) the efforts to penetrate to one’s Yitzchok. [4] progeny [1] - this includes both a G-dly core and activate it as a There are two particulars person’s biological children and source of inner strength. which reflect the nature of also his “spiritual children,” i.e., Each of us has a neshama Yitzchok’s divine service: a) the individuals whom he has which is “an actual part of G-d” unlike his father Avraham, he taught. [2] Both of these types of [8] and every entity in the world is never left Eretz Yisroel, [5] b) his children perpetuate the person’s maintained by a G-dly spark. efforts were focused on digging influence. b) the chronicles of Yitzchok’s thrust involved wells. [6] one’s life and experiences. [3] realizing these inner potentials, Through his journeys, Avraham When a person’s life is full of bringing them to the surface, and spread G-dliness in the lands in inner meaning, the chronicles of using them to initiate positive which he sojourned. his life continue to provide depth change. He “proclaimed... to the entire

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In this manner, the awareness Avrohom’s efforts, the awareness Eisav, rather than to Yaakov. of G-d becomes an integral part of Yitzchok inspired was more As a father, Yitzchok was one’s life. It does not remain permanent and lasting, for it came involved in an ongoing endeavor merely an external factor, from the people themselves. to enable Eisav to fulfill his dependent on the teachings of Yitzchok’s internalized bond spiritual potential, and he thought others, but, instead, comes from with G-d was able to inspire an that granting these blessings to one’s own insight, and is inner awareness within the people Eisav would further this purpose. internalized within one’s own around him. [12] [16] thinking processes. He did not realize that in fact it This in turn enables one to TO COMMUNICATE would be Yaakov - and his realize the G-dliness present in TO OUR CHILDREN descendants - whose divine every element of existence. service would tap Eisav’s spiritual In this context, our Sages In the most complete sense, potential and bring it the surface. interpret [9] the verse, [10] our desire for posterity is focused The ultimate consummation of “Dwell in this land,” as “Cause the on our children. the efforts to reveal Eisav’s Divine Presence to rest in this We want them to continue and spiritual potential [17] will be in land,” help the world manifest its further the principles and values the Era of the Redemption when G-dly core. of our homes. “Delivers will go up to Mount And here a difficulty arises: Zion to judge the mountain of Yitzchok’s children were Eisav Eisav, and the sovereignty will be INWARDNESS WHICH and Yaakov. LEADS OUTWARD G-d’s.” [18] Yaakov indeed perpetuated and At that time, the powerful One might, however, ask: This enhanced Yitzchok’s divine spiritual energies which Eisav is surely a worthy path of divine service. possesses will surface and will be service, but why is it associated Eisav, however, rejected given appropriate direction. with the name Toldos which means Yitzchok’s path entirely. “progeny”? Moreover, this difficulty is Seemingly, it would be more compounded by the fact that a A SOURCE OF LIGHT appropriate to associate the major portion of the Torah reading FOR ALL MANKIND concept of Toldos with the divine concerns itself with Eisav, and on Our Sages relate [19] that in service of Avraham, for he actively the phrase “And these are the the Era of the Redemption, the sought to communicate the toldos of Yitzchok,” the Midrash Jews will praise Yitzchok, telling awareness of G-d to others. states [13] that the word Toldos him: “You are our Patriarch.” By naming this Torah reading refers specifically to Eisav. For in that era, the inward Toldos, our Rabbis underscore the Although openly Eisav’s thrust of Yitzchok will permeate fact that the inwardness of conduct did not demonstrate that all existence. “The occupation of Yitzchok also produces “progeny”. he was Yitzchok’s son, the the entire world will be solely to Yitzchok’s divine service and connection between them, know G-d. The Jews will be great the positive influence it generates nevertheless, existed. sages and will know the hidden attracts the attention of others and This is reflected by our Sages’ matters, attaining an motivates them to seek a bond statement [14] that Eisav’s head understanding of their Creator to with him and follow his guidance. was buried “in the bosom of the [full] extent of mortal In this vein, our Torah reading Yitzchok his father.” potential.” [20] relates that Avimelech, the king of Similarly, our Sages explain Although all the Jews will all the Philistines, and Phichol, his [15] that, in contrast to Yishmoel live in Eretz Yisroel, they will - as general, came to visit Yitzchok who is not considered as an heir of their ancestor Yitzchok - influence and told him, “We have seen that Avraham, Eisav is considered as mankind as a whole. G-d is with you.” [11] Yitzchok’s heir. For the source of “And it shall come to pass in Yitzchok’s divine service was Eisav’s soul, his head, contained the end of days that the mountain able to bring them to a recognition very powerful divine sparks, and of G-d’s house will be established of G-d’s active presence within the these were associated with on the top of the mountains... and world. Yitzchok. all the nations shall flow unto it. Indeed, in contrast to the For this reason, Yitzchok Many people shall say, `Come let awareness generated by desired to give his blessings to [Continued on pg. 42]

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9-10 kislev

fourteen years after the Alter Rebbe’s marriage. Sensing that his soul was a gilgul of Rav Hamnuna Saba (Rabbi Hamnuna the Elder, a THE MITTELER great sage of the Mishna) his father, the Alter Rebbe, originally wished to name him Hamnuna, but in deference to the Maggid’s request, the child was named REBBE: DovBer. (Years later, when an astonished Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev—whose grandson married the Mitteler Rebbe’s daughter—marveled that the HIS LIFE AND discourse he had just heard from the relatively young Rabbi DovBer stemmed from a spiritual level so exalted it was beyond the reach of even the Rashbi (Rabbi Shimon LIBERATION Bar Yochai, another Mishnaic sage and author of the ), the Alter Rebbe explained that since Rav Hamnuna had been on that level, By Yitzchok Wagshul the Mitteler Rebbe was able to perceive it as well.) Over a hundred years ago, the his release from Czarist prison) American poet and philosopher with some insight into the Mitteler George Santayana famously wrote, Rebbe’s life and his TO THE ALTER “Those who cannot remember the contributions—to the extent we REBBE’S CHASSIDIM past are condemned to repeat it.” can even comprehend such At the age of fourteen (a His point was that studying history things—to the development of customary age for marrying at that is important because it enables us . time) the future Mitteler Rebbe to learn from past mistakes. That wed Rebbetzin Sheina, who was may be very true, but another A GILGUL OF RAV the same age. By then, he was an reason to learn about history is HAMNUNA THE ELDER outstanding Torah scholar who undoubtedly that doing so gives us displayed such a thirst for a better sense of who we are today. The Alter Rebbe and his wife, chassidus that he would become A little historical knowledge Rebbetzin Sterna, had daughters, physically ill if deprived of the provides a backdrop to the present; but for many years they longed for opportunity to learn it. it adds flavor to our own lives a son. On numerous occasions, the A year later, the Alter Rebbe through appreciation of how we Alter Rebbe would ask his own began involving his son in got here and why. Rebbe, the Maggid of Mezritch, communal responsibilities, And who, indeed, are we? We for a bracha, but did not receive a especially helping people are Lubavitcher Chassidim, and definitive response. Finally, two understand chassidus. The Alter some conception of what things days before the Maggid passed Rebbe would also deliver were like for past generations of away, drawing upon the especially just for him and a few Rebbeim and chassidim lends a lofty spiritual state he was able to select others. At sixteen, Reb definite flavor—a chassidisher reach at that point, the Maggid DovBer was appointed mashpia to geshmak, if you will—to our lives blessed the Alter Rebbe for a son. those who sat and learned after and our avoda even now. In that He requested that the boy be marriage, a position which spirit, let us approach the named after him. eventually expanded to include occasions of Tes Kislev (birthday The Mitteler Rebbe was born older chassidim as well. In that and yahrtzait of the Mitteler just under a year later, on the capacity, he would often explain Rebbe) and Yud Kislev (marking ninth of Kislev, 5534 (1773)— the advice his father, the Alter

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Rebbe, had given people in go to his son, Reb DovBer. (As is Rebbe’s style of saying chassidus yechidus. well known—their names appear was too different from that of his When he was eighteen, the at the beginning of the —the father; the Alter Rebbe’s Alter Rebbe already perceived that Alter Rebbe had two other sons, maamarim tended to be fairly he stood accused in the heavenly Reb Chaim Avrohom and Reb brief, while the Mitteler Rebbe’s court of publicizing too much Moshe, but they were younger than maamarim were known for their chassidus too soon. Already then, the Mitteler Rebbe and would not great length. The length of the he hinted that his son should take put themselves forward as Mitteler Rebbe’s maamarim was his place as Rebbe if the Alter candidates.) compounded by their profound Rebbe himself were to pass away. The Alter Rebbe had made it depth, requiring the Chassidim to Baruch Hashem, the Alter clear that he considered only Reb concentrate deeply for a prolonged Rebbe did not pass away then, and DovBer capable of succeeding him period of time, which not everyone in subsequent years, when he was as Rebbe. In addition to his was able to do. Other chassidim away from Liozna or, later, remark, mentioned above, made worried that the Mitteler Rebbe (sometimes for months at a time), was so utterly removed from Reb DovBer was the one who worldly matters that he would not would farbreng with the chassidim. be able to relate to their needs in Sometimes, he even did so when matters such as parnasa. Many of the Alter Rebbe was in town. In these people chose to attach addition, Reb DovBer was given themselves instead to Rav Aharon the responsibility of writing down HaLevi of Starishela, one of the his father’s maamarim, something Alter Rebbe’s greatest talmidim which he was able to accomplish and longtime chavrusa of the with remarkable speed. When he Mitteler Rebbe. Ultimately, was only 23, Reb Dovber was however, the tzaddik Reb Aharon instructed by his father to also seemed to lean more toward begin adding his own explanations chassidus Chagas—the emotional to the maamarim. style of Chassidism—than to Chabad, the intellectual style of SUCCESSION Chassidism introduced by the Alter TO THE NESIUS Rebbe. It was specifically the Mitteler Rebbe who carried on in It seems obvious to us, today, the path of Chabad. that a Rebbe is to be succeeded by his son (if he has one). We have THE “EXPANSES almost 200 years of precedent to The holy handwriting rely on. But things were not always of the Mitteler Rebbe OF THE RIVER” so obvious. After all, when the Baal Rabbi Sholom DovBer Avtzon, Shem Tov passed away, leadership when the Mitteler Rebbe was author of the recent biography, of the Chassidic movement was not eighteen and the Alter Rebbe’s life The Mitteler Rebbe: Rabbi DovBer assumed by his son, Reb Tzvi; it was in danger, two years before his of Lubavitch (volume 2 of his “The went instead to the Baal Shem actual histalkus (passing) the Alter Rebbeim Biography Series,” Tov’s disciple, the Maggid. Rebbe explicitly told his chassid, available at your local Lubavitch Similarly, when the Maggid passed Reb Pinchas Reizes (also known as s’farim store), says that while the away, leadership was not taken Reb Pinchas of Shklov), “Only Rav Alter Rebbe founded Chabad, the over by his son, Reb Avrohom DovBer can continue to explain the Mitteler Rebbe defined Chabad. HaMalach, but instead was divided teachings of Chabad Chassidus The Alter Rebbe’s teachings revealed among a number of his disciples, correctly, [and] all aspects of many lofty concepts in G-dliness for many of whom became in pidyonos can be done only through the first time, and these were their particular regions. Thus, after him.” rendered comprehensible—up to a the Alter Rebbe passed away on In spite of this, many chassidim point. A person could grasp what th the 24 of Teives, 1812, it was were confused and uncertain the Alter Rebbe had taught and not universally taken for granted following the passing of the Alter derive inspiration from it, but if he that leadership of Chabad would Rebbe. Some felt that the Mitteler had to explain the concept in all its

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In those early days of Chabad The Rebbe Rashab once remarked that and of the chassidic movement in he toiled so hard in trying to general, chassidus was not yet widely known and understood. As understand the Mitteler Rebbe’s seifer mentioned, the Alter Rebbe had revealed many Chassidic teachings Imrei Bina that his hair fell out. for the first time, and these had yet to be fully elucidated. Additionally, details, would usually be unable to dedicated himself to saying as Chassidism itself remained under do so. It was the Mitteler Rebbe much chassidus as possible, not attack by opponents— who expanded upon his father’s only by saying a great many misnagdim—who would stop at teachings, explaining them at maamarim (sometimes several in nothing to stamp it out before it tremendous length and in very one day) but also by explaining the could take root. great depth, so that a person could concepts at great length and depth. A powerful remedy for these clearly understand their meaning Some of the Mitteler Rebbe’s conditions was the teaching and and make full use of their practical maamarim took hours to deliver. spread of as much chassidus as implications. As for depth, the Rebbe Rashab possible. The Mitteler Rebbe For the above reason, the Alter once remarked that he toiled so published more s’farim of Rebbe is called the Chochma of hard in trying to understand the chassidus than any of the other Chassidus Chabad and the Mitteler Mitteler Rebbe’s seifer Imrei Bina Rebbeim except for the Rebbe Rebbe is referred to as the Bina of that his hair fell out. MH”M. What is more, he Chassidus Chabad. Bina is Nevertheless, the Mitteler published his maamarim described as rechovos ha’nahar, the Rebbe possessed the ability to individually, in separate sheets (as expanses of the river, a metaphor explain chassidus to everyone on opposed to collecting them into elucidated by the Mitteler Rebbe that person’s own level. In fact, bound volumes), to make it easier himself. A river has three many of his s’farim were actually for the impoverished chassidim of dimensions: length, breadth, and written for specific chassidim and those times to afford them. And he depth. In the context of Bina, the tailored to their capacity. Imrei made it a rule that whenever a length of the river refers to Bina was written for the chassid chassid would return home after a bringing a concept further and Reb Yekusiel Liepler and explains stay in Lubavitch, he had to stop in further down to earth with some of the deepest concepts in all the Jewish towns along his numerous details and analogies; chassidus. On the other hand, the route and review the chassidus he the breadth of the river seifer Pokeach Ivrim, written in had heard. The Mitteler Rebbe encompasses all the possible simple Yiddish, was the first seifer said, “My wish is that when two different explanations that can be of chassidus ever to be published Chassidim meet, their everyday given on a subject; and the depth in that language, and was intended discussion be about the levels of of the river alludes to the root, the as a guide to assist Reb Shlomo yichuda ilaa and yichuda tataa.” source, of the idea. The Mitteler Leib Gamantzki in doing t’shuva. And the Tzemach Tzedek—his Rebbe goes on to compare nephew, son-in-law, and Chochma, by contrast, to the A HISTORY LESSON successor—said of the Mitteler underground spring that feeds the Rebbe that if one were to cut his The Mitteler Rebbe was great in river in the first place. finger, chassidus would flow out nigleh— and the revealed Significantly, this spring is not instead of blood. parts of the Torah—as well as in visible on the surface. It is only by chassidus. And there is no question contemplating the great river, with that he felt a deep personal CONCERN its great length, breadth, and yearning, an actual need, to draw FOR BASIC NEEDS depth, that one can appreciate the close to Hashem through true greatness of its source: the The Mitteler Rebbe himself was comprehending and contemplating spring. known to be utterly removed from chassidus. Still, it seems we may In the same way, the Mitteler all worldly matters, so much so gain insight into his tremendous Rebbe, in his humility, viewed his that some had initially feared he emphasis on chassidus by chassidus as merely an extension of would not be able to comprehend considering the context of the his fathers’ chassidus. He their concerns. Yet the very times. opposite turned out to be the case:

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as a Rebbe and leader of the Jewish people, the Mitteler Rebbe It was a tribute both to the chassidim’s deeply cared about every aspect of devotion to the Mitteler Rebbe and to a Jew’s needs, both spiritual and material. his own devotion to them that many Another history lesson: recall that the Alter Rebbe passed away chassidim resolved to remain in poverty and the Mitteler Rebbe assumed the nesius at the close of the but close to the Rebbe, rather than move Napoleonic War in Russia. The ravages of war left many Jewish to distant Cherson, from where it would communities devastated, and be impossible to travel the vast distance countless families had had to flee the advancing armies and abandon to Lubavitch. their homes and sources of livelihood. Even before the war, the detrimental effect on his frail together with a cousin of the government had implemented health, the Mitteler Rebbe made Mitteler Rebbe who bore a various decrees on a local basis, the arduous journey and spent six personal grudge against the Rebbe making things very difficult for the months among the Jews of over a family matter, demanded Jews. In all, the period saw Cherson, from Pesach until Elul, money from the Mitteler Rebbe on widespread poverty and suffering 5577 (1817). Subsequently, he threat of informing against him. on a catastrophic scale. The sent Reb every year Since the Rebbe had not done Mitteler Rebbe devoted himself to as his representative. anything wrong, he refused to give helping the Jews in a way that The same concern for Jewish in to their demands, and the two would provide true opportunity for welfare was displayed toward the then wrote to the government rebuilding and recovery. Jews of Eretz Yisroel. The Mitteler claiming that the Mitteler Rebbe To this end, he took advantage Rebbe encouraged his chassidim in was planning a rebellion. They of the Russian government’s the Holy Land to settle in the city altered the letter the Rebbe had gratitude toward his father for his of Chevron, and he supported the written to Reb Pinchas Reizes in assistance against Napoleon. The community there in numerous 1813 to make it look like the sum Mitteler Rebbe was able to prevail ways over the years. the Rebbe had received had been upon the government to grant his over one hundred thousand rubles father’s ten-year-old request that instead of a much smaller amount. large tracts of land be granted in ARREST AND What else could the Rebbe possibly Cherson and elsewhere for Jews to LIBERATION be doing collecting such vast sums settle. As a result, thousands of The Mitteler Rebbe’s communal of money except preparing for a families settled in 22 colonies activities unfortunately set the revolution? The pair also pointed there, farming the land and stage—indirectly—for to the letters the Rebbe had been earning a respectable livelihood. unscrupulous individuals to falsely sending over the years to These Jewish settlements lasted accuse him to the government. encourage chassidim to support 150 years, until the outbreak of Since the Alter Rebbe’s home the Jews of Eretz Yisroel. Since World War I. It was a tribute both and possessions were destroyed in Eretz Yisroel was then under to the chassidim’s devotion to the his flight from Napoleon, the Ottoman control, they argued that Mitteler Rebbe and to his own chassidim gave the Mitteler Rebbe the funds were really being devotion to them that many funds to rebuild in Lubavitch. The channeled to the Turkish Sultan, chassidim resolved to remain in Mitteler Rebbe wrote to Reb then at war with Russia. poverty but close to the Rebbe, Pinchas Reizes with instructions rather than move to distant concerning the distribution of this Cherson, from where it would be money, and when Reb Pinchas “HONORED impossible to travel the vast passed away twelve years later, in CITIZEN FOR ALL distance to Lubavitch. The Mitteler 5585 (1825), a relative of his GENERATIONS” Rebbe’s solution was his inherited that letter. This person An identical accusation had promise—which he fulfilled—to was opposed to Chassidism, and, been leveled against the Alter travel to them: disregarding the

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him despite the prevailing practice The great respect accorded to the Rebbe that the accused would stand. The infuriated his accusers, who then accuser became nervous and addressed the Mitteler Rebbe as alleged that all those people had been “Rebbe,” prompting the Mitteler Rebbe to point out, “He calls me a bribed in order to impress the officials. liar and a rebel against the government, yet he himself calls Rebbe years before, and he had Dr. Heibenthal, informed the me ‘Rebbe’! Obviously, he knows been exonerated of all charges. Not governor-general that the anguish the truth.” The accuser had no only that, but he had turned out to of not being allowed to say reply and the Rebbe’s innocence be a patriotic supporter of the chassidus was affecting the Rebbe’s became obvious to all. Czar who played a significant role health. The doctor pointed out that A few days afterward, on Yud in the war against Napoleon. His if the charges turned out to be Kislev, 5586 (1825), the Rebbe son, the Mitteler Rebbe, had been unfounded—as was likely—and was informed that he could go rewarded for this loyalty with the anything were to happen to such home. Nevertheless, the governor- title, “Honored Citizen for all an honored citizen as the Mitteler general persisted in investigating Generations” and granted large Rebbe, the Czar would be very minor charges, hoping he could areas of land in Cherson and upset. As a result, Chavonsky substantiate something that would various other favors. Was it likely, permitted the Rebbe to daven with justify his having arrested the then, that he would be plotting to a minyan every day and say Mitteler Rebbe. Because of this rebel? The Russians had no wish maamarim twice a week. ongoing investigation, there was to be embarrassed by another false no celebration the following year accusation, which, they strongly on Yud Kislev. It was only the year INNOCENT st suspected, was no more justified OF ALL CHARGES after that—on the 21 of Kislev, than the original ones. 5588 (1827)—that the Russian They therefore decided not to Although he knew that Senate dropped all charges against arrest the Mitteler Rebbe, but to Chavonsky himself had been the Mitteler Rebbe. But by then— have the local governor-general, involved in his arrest (the twelve days earlier, on Tes Governor Chavonsky, conduct an governor-general had made a bet Kislev—the Rebbe had passed investigation in the regional capital with some local nobles that he away. of Vitebsk. The Rebbe was treated could force the Rebbe’s family to with respect and permitted to plead for his freedom) the Mitteler Rebbe requested—in a letter SPIRITUAL travel to Vitebsk on his own, SIGNIFICANCE OF stopping along the way to say subsequently published under the chassidus in the Jewish title Bad Kodesh—that Chavonsky THE LIBERATION communities. The great respect himself judge the case, explaining The Rebbeim explained that just accorded to the Rebbe infuriated that G-d’s wisdom rests on as the Alter Rebbe’s imprisonment his accusers, who then alleged that government officials. Chavonsky was an earthly expression of the all those people had been bribed in agreed, and arranged an heavenly debate over whether order to impress the officials. As a independent translator to chassidus should be revealed so result, Chavonsky ordered the determine the true contents of the broadly and clearly, the same was Rebbe’s privileges revoked, and he Rebbe’s letter to Reb Pinchas true of his son, the Mitteler Rebbe. was held in house arrest in Reizes. Upon realizing that the The Mitteler Rebbe taught so Vitebsk. accusers had lied about the letter, much more chassidus, and with so the governor-general ordered a much more explanation, than the debate in which the Mitteler Rebbe Alter Rebbe, that the heavenly NOT SAYING CHASSIDUS would personally confront his WAS AFFECTING HIS accusations were triggered anew. accusers, so Chavonsky could But just as the Alter Rebbe’s HEALTH evaluate who was telling the truth. vindication showed that permission Initially, the Mitteler Rebbe was When the Rebbe arrived, dressed had been granted in the heavenly held under strict conditions, but in his Shabbos finery, his court for the spread of chassidus, after two weeks, his personal appearance was so majestic that so did the Mitteler Rebbe’s victory physician, the respected professor Chavonsky had a chair brought for demonstrate that chassidus could

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indeed be revealed on the of the Mitteler Rebbe in Nezhin unlimited scale characteristic of him.

THE MITTELER REBBE AND THE REBBE Let us conclude with a fascinating anecdote involving both the Mitteler Rebbe and our Rebbe. There is a well-known story I heard directly from Rabbi Chesed Halberstam, who, years ago, had the merit to serve in the Rebbe’s household, particularly as an assistant to the Rebbetzin. The story concerns a time when the elevator in the Rebbe’s house malfunctioned, leaving the Rebbetzin trapped inside. Using the elevator’s emergency The doctor pointed out that if the telephone, the Rebbetzin called charges turned out to be unfounded— Rabbi Halberstam, who was not on the premises at the time. He asked as was likely—and anything were to whether the Rebbe was in the house, and the Rebbetzin replied happen to such an honored citizen as that he was, but was not responding to her calls. Rabbi the Mitteler Rebbe, the Czar would be Halberstam, who did not have a key, therefore had to come to the very upset. Rebbe’s home and try to figure out a way in. free the Rebbetzin. He told the enter into a state of hispashtus In brief, Rabbi Halberstam Rebbetzin about the Rebbe’s ha’gashmius—literally, the casting relates that he climbed up to a appearance, thinking that perhaps off of physicality, or, in modern window and was shocked to see something was amiss, but the terms, what might be called an the Rebbe’s face apparently staring Rebbetzin reassured him that this out-of-body experience, in which out at him. However, the Rebbe was not unusual. Nevertheless, he his soul would ascend on high. did not move or otherwise give the felt terrible about having disturbed The chassidim wished to see this slightest sign that he saw the the Rebbe, and asked the for themselves, so, on one such young man. In fact, Reb Chesed Rebbetzin to please ask him for occasion, they bribed the Mitteler remembers, the Rebbe’s face was forgiveness on his behalf. Rebbe’s assistant to turn the chair flushed and his eyes bulged, Subsequently, the Rebbetzin told around, allowing them to see the staring straight ahead but not Reb Chesed that she had conveyed Rebbe’s face. The Mitteler Rebbe seeing. Realizing that nothing was his apologies to the Rebbe, but the was sitting motionless, his face going to change if he did not take Rebbe had said he had not seen a flushed and his eyes bulging, and action, Reb Chesed stammered out thing. Reb Chesed then took the he did not see them. some apology about the Rebbetzin opportunity to ask the Rebbetzin The Rebbetzin meant to imply, being stuck in the elevator and for an explanation of the Rebbe’s understood Reb Chesed, that the climbed into the window right in behavior. Instead of answering Rebbe, too, had been in such a front of the Rebbe—who directly, the Rebbetzin told him a state. continued to sit motionless as story about the Mitteler Rebbe: (This article is largely drawn from Rabbi The Mitteler Rebbe was Shalom DovBer Avtzon’s recently published though in a trance. biography, The Mitteler Rebbe: Rabbi DovBer of Rabbi Halberstam made his way accustomed to sit in his room, Lubavitch.) to the elevator and managed to facing away from the door, and

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Abraham Twerski’s Reflections on the tragedy in Mumbai By Dr. Aryeh Gotfryd

“Why, then, should we avoid accomplished, loving and emotional pain? Why not say that dedicated people you could ever when a person feels pain about a hope to meet. certain event, it is positive - that the The emcee’s words heightened pain is a force pushing him to the contrast, juxtaposed the change? There is tremendous inertia promise and the pain, and framed when it comes to changing our the question: How can we come personalities, and without such to terms with this evil terrorist motivation it is questionable strike at the heart of goodness whether a person would in fact and kindness? He introduced the change..” guest speaker, the famed --The Chassidic Approach psychiatrist, Rabbi Dr. Abraham to Joy (Ch. 8) Twerski, author of fifty books, to guide us in how to make sense of A thousand people packed the it all. hall, sanctuary actually, at the All eyes and ears were on Shaarei Shomayim Synagogue in Rabbi Twerski as he opened, “Any Toronto. A giant screen in front attempt to make sense of this of the ark displayed a powerful massacre is doomed to futility.” for us this question of purpose: video presentation documenting He cited the precedent of Moses, Why? the magnificent lives and G-d’s right hand man, prophet Rabbi Twerski turned the achievements of Rabbi Gavriel extraordinaire, who begged his question around, and in so doing, and Rivka Holtzberg of blessed Creator for an explanation when reminded us of our humanity and memory. he asked, “Let me know Your our spirit. His words paved for us Above the ark, carved in stone, ways,” i.e., Why do bad things a road of self-improvement, a we could read the divine fiat, happen to good people? If anyone uniquely human road, an “Thou shalt not murder,” as we could merit an explanation, it especially Jewish road from watched the massacre unfold on would be Moses. But heaven’s personal slavery to personal the screen below. Inside the ark, answer was: There is no liberation, from material to a Torah scroll was poised to explanation, at least not one that spiritual values, from exile to express this week’s reading about a mortal human being could redemption, as the Lubavitcher Jewish continuity, our patriarchs comprehend. Rebbe would always emphasize. and matriarchs, even as we The juxtaposition of Rabbi Twerski believes that the reflected on the abrupt unspeakable evil in the face of spreading of Chassidus is the only discontinuity of a young couple, incomparable good always raises antidote to the massacre of two of the finest, most selfless,

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Rabbi , shliach of the Rebbe MH”M in Mumbai, chatting with a mekurav All these above-mentioned qualities exist on the spiritual plane, quite beyond the biological. In fact, as a psychiatrist Twerski testifies that the exercise of these spiritual values is actually a human need just as much if not more than the biological needs we share with lower forms of life. Like any other essential lack, if we are deficient in spirit we humans will exhibit symptoms of malaise as certainly as we would if our deficiency was chemical. Biologically, were we to suffer from an iron deficiency, no multivitamin or alternative medication would help, only iron. Analogously, if the deficiency is a lack of purpose, no amount of money or materialistic indulgence is going to provide anything more than a temporary distraction from the true deficiency, which is spiritual in nature. What are the symptoms of a spiritual deficiency? One feels stuck, discontented, agitated, sometimes hopeless. This is not clinical depression nor an anxiety disorder. All the Prozac and valium in the world won’t cure it. But if you supply the meaning, the purpose, the goals, the program of self-improvement, Mumbai. Twerski, who is a direct morning and asked itself, “How higher values, community service, descendent of both the Baal Shem can I be a better cow?” Animals charitable works, you will see the Tov and the Alter Rebbe, explains don’t make ethical judgments, difference - you will see growth, how the goal of Chassidus is to don’t study history to learn and with it comes happiness and create Chassidim, people whose lessons for the future. It’s only peace of mind. personalities are characterized by humans who can decide their But spiritual growth is not selflessness, generosity of spirit, goals in life or question the always easy. There is usually and devotion to G-d. purpose of their existence. And something holding us back, be it These are not qualities that fit what animal is likely to defy a our habits, our desires, our the model of man we were taught bodily drive for the sake of some distractions, or our addictions. in high school or university. moral or ethical value? Dr. Twerski tells of one patient of There, man is merely a specimen All these qualities have nothing his who beat his drug addiction of Homo sapiens, no more than a to do with man, the machine, and then went home for Passover. clever baboon. But is this view of man the bag of bones whose very Right at the beginning of the human nature correct? Perhaps existence is a random chemical seider, when his father said, “We we are much more. hiccup. The humans that we were slaves in the land of Egypt,” No cow ever got up in the really are, are creatures of spirit. he said, “Dad, what do you know

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about slavery and liberation? I with these things. The problem is I’m feeling uncomfortable in my really have been a slave. The drug when we live for them. When life shell. What do I do?” The doctor told me what to do and I did it - is defined by our material needs could say, “Take a pain killer.” or for years. Now I’ve been liberated and wants, our spirit become “You need to lose weight” But and there’s no words to describe encrusted and we can’t break that won’t solve the problem. The how grateful I am.” free. Our only way out is to need is growth and that need Have you ever wondered, repress the physical a little to must be met. Rabbi Twerski asks, why Jews are make room for other things. Sometimes pain is a blessing. so obsessed with the Exodus from We can learn a lesson about It’s a neshama crying out for Egypt? They mention it in their this from the lobster. Have you meaning. At that point it’s time to daily prayers, they commemorate ever wondered how lobsters heed the call. it when they make kiddush on grow? Their shells are hard and R’ Gavriel and Rivka and festivals, they fixed in size. As the soft creature Holtzberg heard the call of the mention it in the Shma, they within grows larger, it starts to neshama. They put their own associate it with mitzvos like feel squeezed inside its shell. This material comfort to the side, t’fillin, tzitzis and sukka. Even discomfort signals that it’s time dedicating all their inner and Passover itself is no simple one to cast off the shell to enable outer resources to helping other day commemoration but weeks of growth. The lobster finds a nice Jews find their way in the world. preparation plus a week of rock to hide under, climbs out of If we can deny our material celebration. its shell, and then grows a new obsessions and gratifications just The answer is it’s not about one to match its size. a little bit, we can rise a step leaving Egypt at all - it’s about The lesson for us is recognize closer to living a life of meaning liberation from slavery, and that’s that the discontent, agitation and like theirs. what life is all about. In slavery hopelessness we feel may in fact And then our personal there are many kinds and be our souls calling out for a little redemption will contribute to the degrees. There is slavery to gross more space. Every once in a while ultimate redemption, may it take addictions like drugs, alcohol, we need to cast off our place speedily in our days, Amen. and cigarettes. But we may also materialistic exterior which of Looking for a speaker on the interplay become enslaved to things that course could make us vulnerable of science and faith? Call me at could be benign if we had the for a time, but it also (416) 858-9868, or visit right attitude to them: like food, accommodates inner growth. www.arniegotfryd.com. fashion, fame and fortune. Imagine what would happen if There’s nothing wrong to live lobsters had doctors. “Hey doc,

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7 mitzvos

people reside amongst the nations of the world, every individual – man, woman and child – is able to carry out the dissemination of OUR FIVE- the seven Noachide laws. [This obligation is included within the general principle to “establish many disciples.”] The laws must be explained in a way that the YEAR PLAN nations can relate to, and, because non-Jews generally have an innate desire to comply with By Hannah Porat, MA, Educational Consultant, the dictates of ethical Mandel Institute for Leadership, Jerusalem monotheism, they may even be more willing to transform their lifestyle more quickly and readily Just as it is the innermost desire of than many Jews would.” Before we begin the work, we every Jew to fulfill the will of G-d look in the Rebbe’s Torah There are close to seven billion through Torah, likewise it is the B’nei Noach waiting to be educated through pleasant and innermost will of every human being peaceful means about the created in the image of G-d to fulfill His commandments which Moshe Rabbeinu was directed to convey will through the seven universal to the whole world. Fortunately, there are several thousand commandments. The world is ready. Shluchim in place to get the job done. But before we start dealing The non-Jews, B’nei Noach, are ready with the practical side of this task, let us look for a moment and are waiting for us to teach them into the Rebbe’s teachings to G-d’s authentic will. * A Practical understand the connection between the time of Noach and Strategy for Publicizing the Seven the “days of Moshiach” we are now entering, when “The world Noachide Laws. will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as waters cover the sea.” The Rebbe learns from the Let’s open with an anecdote. head office: “Send a 747 with all commentary of the Tzemach An American shoe company sends the sizes and all the models Tzedek on the Midrash to two sales representatives to a very immediately; EVERYONE here Malachi 3:4: “And the offering of underdeveloped country in Africa. needs at least two pairs of shoes!” Yehudah and Jerusalem will be The first, a pessimist by nature, Chassidim, eternal optimists pleasing to G-d like in the days of spends a few days sipping Coca- that we are, have our work cut old and in the previous years”, Cola at the desert pub and out for us. As “Chayalei Beis that “days of old” refers to “days assessing his surroundings, then David” and “,” of Noach”. The purification sends home a text message: “The each and every one of us has been process through which the world situation is hopeless, nobody here empowered by the Rebbe, our becomes ready for the Geula is wearing shoes, book my flight commander, to take over the Shleima began at the time of the home.” The second guy also world. In our spiritual battle to flood, since Hashem promised notices upon arrival that all the bring about the redemption, the global survival ever after. On the natives are going barefoot. That Rebbe clearly instructs us: “In verse, “And I will remove the very day he rushes off a fax to Exile times, since the Jewish spirit of the impurity from the

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earth,” the Rebbe comments, that “from the earth” means “from the people,” an endeavor which, he teaches, requires an effort on the part of Jews. The Rebbe has informed every Jew and especially the Shluchim that the dissemination of the Seven Noachide laws is a principal force in bringing the true and complete redemption and no less essential than their work with Jews. The purpose of this article is to sketch out a practical strategy for the Shluchim, so that our efforts can be coordinated to accomplish the maximum result Rav Boaz Kali Rav Uri Lipsch given our limited time, money and human resources. There is no printed words (which is what need their own experts to turn to shortage of examples of this) can go a long way to win the with questions, since Jews are not individuals or organizations who battle for the “hearts and minds” always accessible. The logical manage to achieve their goals by of men and women on the seven thing for us to do, then, is to set mapping out what they wish to continents. up a certified training program, accomplish and the means by In the enterprise of education in which such experts can receive which they plan to do so. there are a few basic common instruction and ongoing support. We are holding the trump card factors to always consider: 1. The There are also many rabbis who in this game here and that is: The students. 2. The teachers. 3. The have made themselves available by Torah! And what we lack right curriculum. 4. The books. 5. The setting up a shiur for non-Jews now in money, we can more than schools/facilities 6. The goals of once a week. Rav Wilhelm’s make up for in intelligence, the education (including the classes in Antwerp, Belgium, for dedication to the Rebbe’s assessment of whether these example, have an attendance of instructions, spiritual integrity, goals are being met). And 7. The about 300. Such a shiur can also power, and last but not least, in educational media (films, be webcast, thus reaching many practical unity. The less we allow websites, etc.) So as not to more people in their homes. friction between us to grow out reinvent the wheel, when it comes Regarding teaching materials, of control (and the more we train to teaching “everyone in your we have the ubiquitous Bible, plus ourselves to throw out the various city” the seven Noachide laws in many s’farim written about the ploys designed to take away our depth and breadth, I would like to Noachide covenant. inner power of Torah learning now discuss some of these There are, in essence, two and of our prayer), the more we common factors as they are no kinds of books on the Seven can fulfill our greatest doubt relevant in your location as Noachide laws: those written for resolutions. Each Shliach is, as well. Jews to understand the Seven the representative of the Rebbe, First, teachers. The ideal Noachide laws (to learn in order in charge of his city and has the teacher can be either a non-Jew to teach) and those books that power to affect that place for who keeps the laws himself and are written for the B’nei Noach to total good. also studies them all the time or a learn on their own. The primary The world is at our disposal. Jew who has become an expert in source book of the first kind for We can use every communication Hilchos B’nei Noach. Obviously, every Shliach is the compilation and finance tool available (like the teacher for this subject needs of the Rebbe’s insights spanning the Internet, e-mail, PayPal etc.) to care about it and practice what five decades on all aspects of the to get the most done with the he preaches. The Rebbe makes Seven Noachide laws and the least sweat and headache. A few the point that B’nei Noach will B’nei Noach. Its title is “Kol Baei

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Olam.” First published a decade few copies remain. There are works to deal explicitly with the ago by Rabbi Dovid Smith, it can plans in the works to scan it and Shulchan Aruch for B’nei Noach, be ordered at directly from him at make it available as an e-book on ideally with an Internet forum “[email protected].” the Internet, and then have accessible by password where Learning this book (the translations of this book made questions and answers will be language is Hebrew and Yiddish) into the different languages. It is posted. is like entering into Gan Eden. intended for non-Jews to learn. Another point Rav Lipsch He cites about a 100 excerpts of Dr. Michael Shulman has set made is that the Seven Noachide the Rebbe’s talks, in which he up a system where interested Laws are in no way a mere defines and teaches anything and B’nei Noach can locate qualified technical body of rules for the everything pertaining to non- rabbis to guide them through The gentiles, but also addresses one’s Jews, as far as their observance of Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe character and personality. The the seven Noachide laws is Weiner. A readymade curriculum essence of being a Ben Noach is concerned. What emerges from can be obtained at his site that he is of the “Chassidei Umot all this is that the Rebbe wants www.asknoahinternational.org, HaOlam” and that he expresses nothing but goodness, peace and where an Introduction the inherent goodness of man. stability for all of humanity. Correspondence course Man was created to be good and Along the way, he also answers in [http://www.asknoah.org/UNA- straight, as already Adam detail a great many of the deeper Course1.html] is being offered HaRishon was called by the title Halacha issues for B’nei Noach. for Beginners, including a quiz, of “Chassid”. To be a Ben Noach, This book is an absolute must for whose successful completion who listens and accepts the will a Beis Chabad. In addition to it qualifies the learners to move on of G-d including accepting the being important tool for to the advanced courses offered role of the Jewish people to teach influencing others, it is also by his UNA (United Noachide and clarify G-d’s will in the endlessly informative and Academies) . If you are short on world, also includes to be inspiring in and of itself. time and want to send someone forgiving, to honor one’s parents, The Divine Code by Rabbi on to get started learning today, to give charity, to be considerate, Moshe Weiner is available (in tell them to e-mail Dr. Shulman and to be modest. Therefore it is Hebrew and the first of 4 volumes and request the curriculum for essential that the also by now in English) from the the correspondence course. Shliach/educator focus on the Ask Noah International Initiative What not to do: basic “whole person,” the entire unique by Dr. Michael Shulman (Ph.D.) guidelines by the Rebbe avoid personality, reaching out to each in Pittsburgh, PA. repeat past mistakes. person’s full spiritual potential. [http://www.asknoah.org/]. This The Torah was given to bring Rabbi Smith of New Jersey is tremendous actual Shulchan peace and order to the world, so editor for the sourcebook of all of Aruch L’B’nei Noach (altogether anything that brings about the Rebbe’s teachings on B’nei 800 pages) will be most useful for confusion, hatred and animosity Noach, Kol Baei Olam. He made learning actual Halacha with has to be avoided. Rav Uri the crucial point that anyone that groups of B’nei Noach in study Lipsch, author of the book “Olam we are seeking to influence will circles and also for your own Metukan” on the Seven Noachide be receptive if we think about him understanding of the subject. laws, reminded me of the Rebbe’s deeply as the unique individual he Everything is clarified and directive that a leaflet for B’nei is, and consider his entire explained in detail and this Noach that was published in situation. Thus the failure to publication has the backing by Australia be shredded, since it influence (whether it be in Israel’s chief rabbis, HaRav Amar was presented in such a way as to Chinuch, in the family, or in and HaRav Yona Metzger. weaken the institution of outreach) results from the lack of The book Olam Metukan was marriage. We always need to focused thought. The difference written explicitly for B’nei Noach remember that anything that we between “preaching” and by Rav Uri Lipsch and Rav Boaz print or quote from printed “teaching” is that “teaching” Kali (www.7for70.com ). It was matter in public forums, as far as implies a relationship in which a published in 5764 with 2000 the Torah position for the world thinking human being is free to copies printed in Hebrew. The is concerned, must have first ask and to speak his mind, and in original files were lost due to a come before a board of rabbis. A which he is being supported by computer fire and today only a Chabad rabbinical board is in the those who guide him to thrive in

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information I spent a very There are also many rabbis who have amazing afternoon visiting made themselves available by setting up Jerusalem and looking at everyone on the street as a a shiur for non-Jews once a week. Rav subject of King Moshiach. This number – 770, 000 people – and Wilhelm’s classes in Antwerp, Belgium, the fact that it was printed, is obviously no accident, but rather for example, have an attendance of comes to reveal to us that the essence of the city of Jerusalem is about 300. Such a shiur can also be that it is the city of Moshiach. webcast, thus reaching many more The world itself bears the vitality of the seventh generation. people in their homes. With the world population getting closer and closer to Seven Billion making his own life and develop included) out from their homes people (google “Population his own talents. The Rebbe also on cold December afternoons. clocks”) on seven continents and specifically instructed us not to Since the essence of the Menorah the country of Israel having seven mention any punishments for lighting is to publicize the miracle million residents (5.6 million transgressing the Noachide Laws, to the world, Chanuka is a Jews and 1.4 non-Jews), they are such as telling people that if they natural occasion to undertake a all subjects of Moshiach. As such, take home a paper clip from their public event for the seven all activities to teach and to reach office, they are liable for the Noachide laws in your city. Go out to non-Jews by the Shluchim death penalty. Rather we are to for a big hall, and don’t be will be successful for the simple encourage them and support shocked when it is actually full. reason that the king wants us to them and to repeat our message The world is ready! teach them what they need to to them like expert salespeople - The greatest motivation and know to get themselves ready for polite, friendly, giving great inspiration for dealing with the the redemption, so they can service (answering their nations in all their particular actually have a real relationship questions, referring them to languages, customs and cultures, with G-d, based on G-d’s Torah. useful information) and extolling is to recognize that just as it is For each and every Shliach, the reward for their righteousness the innermost desire of every Jew the success for his work in in the World to Come. to fulfill the will of G-d through teaching the seven laws to all the Chanuka: Utilizing Public Torah, likewise it is the innermost people in his city is assured, since Menorah Lightings to bring the will of every human being created every individual can rectify the message of the Seven Noachide in the image of G-d to fulfill His entire world. Noach stood up to laws. Last Chanuka I was in will through the seven universal the entire world, which had Offenbach, Germany, with the commandments. The world is gotten to the absolutely lowest Shliach, Rav Menachem Mendel ready. The non-Jews, B’nei point, and through his service Gurewitch. The event drew about Noach, are ready and waiting for and actions in the manner of 1000 Jews – and quite a number us to teach them G-d’s authentic complete righteousness, he of non-Jews, as well. Seeing the will. effected a total rectification of the mayor of Offenbach standing up Everything in this world is by entire world, in such a way that there together with the Shliach, I Divine Providence. During this there was a “new world.” This, couldn’t help but think what a past Sukkos, it came to my the Rebbe learns, is the perfect opportunity this is, in the attention that the number of instruction for each and every middle of the city square in front people living in Jerusalem is Jew: that even if a Jew thinks that of the town hall, to give over the 770,000 people. I first heard it he isn’t up to the task of dealing message of the seven laws to all from a fellow Chassid and then I with the world, or that he is the the passersby. The public saw it quoted in the Jerusalem only one in his entire Menorah lightings are very Post’s Real Estate magazine, in surroundings, this makes no powerful events and they actually an article by Judah Massias. After difference whatsoever in his draw people (B’nei Noach absorbing this piece of mission of spreading goodness, truth, and righteousness. Already

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coast of Israel with a man from For each and every Shliach, the success America, a Christian, whom he for his work in teaching the seven laws describes as a hopeless eccentric. “The man is here with his whole to all the people in his city is assured, family, including his three daughters, in order to teach the since every individual can rectify the Jews, whom he says will soon be returning in masses to the Land entire world. of Israel, the principles of agriculture, so they will be able to from the days of Noach, it was mean “the human intellect,” cultivate their own land.” If so, the case that one person stood which directs the body of the the number one “eccentric” is the against the whole world and was person on the basis of his soul. Rebbe, who told us to prepare victorious in all of his matters to The nefesh ha’maskelet drives a ourselves, our families and the the point of actually beginning a person to achieve a life of justice whole world for the redemption. whole new phase in creation. and righteousness, success and Preparations are always practical And even more, the Rebbe happiness, and most important, a and I wish every Shliach total learns from the double mention of life of being able to know and success in practically preparing Noach at the beginning of the serve G-d. So our basic goal is to his city and all the people in it for Parsha that victory is assured guide them by our example and to the arrival of Moshiach by from start, just as it was in the teach them what there is to learn teaching the Seven Noachide laws time of Noach. And when one – which is actually a lot. When it in their breadth and depth, and knows in advance that he will comes to the practical observance with all the tools and educational win, his entire service will be of the commandments, our role is strategies - utilizing all already done in a manner of happiness, to support and encourage. Each existing venues and channels to like an army that goes out to war and every Beit Chabad is the the maximum. singing a victory march! This main center in that country, city Mrs. Hannah Porat, an educational point should give each and every or neighborhood, for teaching consultant and researcher, is a Shliach the boost he needs to and influencing the B’nei Noach. graduate of the Mandel Leadership head out with a big smile and a Herman Melville, a famous Institute’s “Jerusalem Fellows” song in his heart! novelist, described in his diary a professional training course (2003), Rabbi Smith summed up the visit he made to Israel in the late and a mother and homemaker based goals of education beautifully. In eighteen-hundreds. After in Beitar Illit. She is developing video lectures for teaching the Seven essence, a non-Jew is created in commenting on the remarkable Noachide laws on her website the Image of G-d (b’tzelem desolation of the city of Jerusalem www.torahfromsinai.com. Elokim). The Rebbe Rayatz and the desert area around it, he explains the term b’tzelem to describes an encounter on the

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moshiach & science

Prophets, on the other hand, can “see” what the rest of us cannot, and therefore we should HAVE I GOT realize that when a prophet, such as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, “sees” that increasing in Torah study and acts of goodness and kindness will merit the Geula, AN ANSWER then we should not object just because we cannot “see” the whole picture. Yaacov, what I am asking is: why do we, as observant Jews, FOR YOU! need to turn to science to bolster our confidence in prophecy? You, yourself, I believe, have argued that cloning is the rational By Yaacov Moshe Moses explanation for resurrection of the dead, T’chiyas HaMeisim. Are you really saying that Torah needs The Large Hadron Collider, under the science to explain Scripture? A: Dear reader, Swiss countryside at Cern, is a 17-mile Of course not! I am saying that science is finally catching up circular race track for subatomic to Torah, that Torah never needed particles. It’s the world’s biggest physics science, but that the college educated, young Jewish man or experiment and it’s finally set to go woman who has, in the regrettable past, laughed at Torah after 60 countries have contributed 10 because they thought, erroneously, that they knew so billion dollars and 15 years of work by much science and that science contradicted Torah (G-d forbid, 10,000 scientists. But what is it all what a joke) – these kids can stop about? * Part 1 of 2 laughing now. Cloning is a rational explanation for resurrection of the dead, not that Q: Dear Yaacov, necessary to produce dark matter G-d needs science or a Professor Yirmiyahu Branover are generated, we still will not be laboratory. But, again, please noted in an essay he wrote for the able to see dark matter because it don’t forget – G-d created weekly publication, Geula, on does not interact with any known science and laboratories! Also, I March 6, 2009, that the Large particles in the universe. believe you are misreading Prof. Hadron Collider (LHC) currently Therefore, cosmologists who Branover in the same way. being rebuilt and repaired at argue that there is five times To repeat a few points briefly CERN in Switzerland is intended more matter in the universe than alluded to in some of my previous to explore the structure of so- what physicists are able to “see,” articles: called ‘dark matter,’ and that still will not be able to prove their The Zohar predicted a discoveries made through the point or settle the argument. revolution in scientific thought LHC are “supposed to settle Prof. Branover then goes on to that would occur around the year long-standing debates between argue that “we have a similar 5600 (1840). In the Torah cosmologists and physicists.” problem in a spiritual sense, portion of Noach, it states: “In The problem, however, Prof. because it is clear that we can the six hundredth year of Noach’s Branover points out, is that even only glimpse a very small fraction life…all the wellsprings of the if at CERN, the huge energies of the totality of creation.” great deep burst forth and the

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windows of heaven opened.” The Zohar, the fundamental Mass must come from somewhere and work of Jewish mysticism, somewhere there is a ‘particle’ that explains the esoteric meaning as follows: “In the six hundredth can’t be defined (except in year of the sixth millennium the gates of wisdom above and the abstractions), a nothing that is wellsprings of wisdom below will be opened; the world will then be somehow something. prepared to enter the seventh millennium.” removed from it, it remains intact also crystallized from The two phrases – “the by itself. ‘But their eyes are nothingness?” wellsprings of the great deep” bedaubed (blinded) so that they The article goes on to state and “the windows of heaven” – cannot see’ (Isaiah 44:18). The that anyone who has been allude to two types of wisdom great difference between man’s following the goings on in science (knowledge). “The wellsprings of work and schemes [which is (the will have heard that mass, the the great deep” refers to wisdom production of) something out of defining feature of ‘things’ in the below, meaning science, while something (yesh m’yesh), except world, owes its existence to a “the windows of heaven” refers to that he changes the form and the particle called the Higgs boson, the wisdom above, meaning image] – and the making of which has become known as “the To r a h . heaven and earth [which is G-d particle.” This “G-d particle” Even so, mystical truths were creatio ex nihilo (yesh m’ayin)] is is built from a host of inaccessible because their form that the latter is a wonder much ingredients: quantum commotion was too abstract and esoteric. greater, for example, than the (the metric field that delineates The task of the Baal Shem Tov, splitting of the Red Sea” (Tanya, space), time and gravity, exotic and after him, the Alter Rebbe, pages 535-538). materials like the quark-anti- Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, In other words, the Alter quark condensate, and the Higgs the Baal HaTanya, was to Rebbe is telling us that heaven field. All together, these somehow translate these truths into a form and earth cannot exist without transform empty space into a understandable to the common constant creative input (will) multi-layered, multi-colored Jewish populace (see Beis from G-d, this being the nature superconductor. In other words, Moshiach, October 31, 2008). of something created from this is science jargon that points For example, the Alter Rebbe nothing. to the realization that mass must writes in Tanya: “And as known Also, our own Siddur, T’hillas come from somewhere and that what the Baal Shem Tov, of Hashem Nusach HaArizal, somewhere there is a ‘particle’ blessed memory, said on the documents, “and in His that can’t be defined (except in verse, ‘Forever, Oh L-rd, your Goodness, He renews the work of abstractions), a nothing that is word stands in the heavens’: The creation each day, continuously” somehow something. combinations of the letters with (page 43). Again, this emphasizes And so science and Torah meet which the heavens were created, that renewal or, in other words, (not collide)! The Alter Rebbe has i.e., the fiat ‘Let there be a continuance of reality as we know told us that the world (creation) firmament…,’ stand and remain it, only lasts as long as the comes to us ex nihilo, something vested in the Heavens forever, to Creator continuously wills it to from nothing; and now science vivify and sustain them. Thus last. tells us that the world comes to unlike the theory of the Now, what does this have to us something from nothing. Both philosophers who deny individual do with science, you say? agreeing, dear college students! providence, they, in their false Recently appearing in the journal, With each other! Diverse imagination, compare the work of New Scientist (published in orientations not withstanding! G-d, The Maker of Heaven and England, September 20, 2008), Also, in a recent science Earth, to the work of man and his was the headline, “Something publication, The Lightness of schemes. When the metal-smith from Nothing,” referring to a new Being: Mass, Ether and the has completed a vessel, the vessel scientific theory (don’t tell the Unification of Focus by Frank no longer needs the hands of the Alter Rebbe!) that postulates the Wilczek, the author explains that smith. Although his hands are question: “Are space and time the masses of protons and

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neutrons we call the world are far Is Wilczek referring here to the origins of the universe and heavier than the sum of their Einstein’s space/time matrix or how it came to harbor life. elementary parts, so what perhaps water droplets (a So how does it work? The accounts for their weight? ‘condensate’)? Is this the Collider uses giant magnets Wilczek tells us: empty space. mysterious ‘water’ that G-d housed in cathedral-size caverns Only space is not so empty, it is separated (the lower waters from to fire beams of energy particles actually “seething with activity.” the upper waters, Genesis 6:7)? (protons), where they will smash Wilczek calls this non-empty All of which now brings us to together near the speed of light, emptiness – the Grid (come on, the anticipation of the data it is and computers will analyze couldn’t he just have said, the hoped will emerge from CERN’s particles for clues to what really one true living G-d!). Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, happened at the Big Bang. Wilczek is not just a nobody Switzerland, the much vaunted The experiment was projected with a quack idea, he is in fact a particle accelerator that might to restage trillions of times the revered physicist who won the discover, according to its moment when an unimaginably 2004 Nobel Prize in physics for international team of builders, dense and hot object, the size of his work on quantum perhaps not only the ‘G-d a small coin, exploded rapidly to chromodynamics, a theory that particle,’ but some of the ‘secrets create everything in existence, as describes how quarks and gluons of nothingness.’ (Reminiscent of we know it. A truly “once-in-a interact. He even rewrites the tower of Babel?) generation occasion,” as one Einstein’s famous E=mc2 into After all, nothing exists but scientist put it. And on 10 M=E/c2, describing, he says, energy, says quantum physics, September, 2008, the proton how mass derives from pure and according to the physicist beams were successfully energy. Again, something from David Bohm, this energy is an circulated in the main ring of the nothing - after all, ‘energy’ being ‘indivisible wholeness.’ It has no Large Hadron Collider and on 19 an abstract term for “nothing that dimension, no time or space as September, 2008, the multi- is somehow something,” dear defining characteristics. It is, million dollar experiment broke, reader! according to quantum physics, due to a serious fault between Also remember, energy could eternal and everywhere, a flowing two super-conducting bending be another word for G-d, except matrix in which all parts intersect magnets. A Bust! The Big Bang! A that scientists are reluctant, for with all other parts, this time Bust! the sake of their reputations, to science sounding a lot like Now what does all of this have use such theological words. In Eliyahu the Prophet’s description to do with us, Yidden?! Because addition, what Wilczek postulates of G-d, which we repeat every it is theorized that the collider is that truly empty space is Erev Shabbos in Mincha. I quote: would produce the elusive Higgs unstable. “From nothingness, ‘Eliyahu opened his speech boson, as discussed earlier: quark-anti-quark pairs crystallize and said: Master of the worlds, something from nothing. This is a and fill space, actually lowering You are One, but not in a challenge to the religious dictum the energy of the vacuum in the numerical sense. You are supreme that only G-d can produce process.” over all the exalted ones, ‘something from nothing.’ In other words, his main concealed from all the hidden I must point out, in all point, according to reviewer ones; no thought can grasp You at fairness, that not all scientists Amanda Gefter, editor, Opinion all. …You, however, have no agree that all the fundamental Section of the New Scientist specific name, for You permeate forces of nature diverged from (again see New Scientist, all the names, and You are the one single force soon after the September 20, 2008) is that “all perfection of them all…You have Big Bang. In fact, Xavier Calmet familiar mass – our desks, chairs, no specific place.’ Sounds just of the Catholic University of bodies – comes from energy like quantum physics to me, dear Louvain in Belgium and his crystallized out of nothing.” And, reader! colleagues argue that it may be Wilczek wonders, “is the Grid’s But now back to the Hadron impossible to prove that all forces metric field – that is, space and Collider. What we have is this: may once have been unified via time themselves - a condensate scientists at a vast underground any conceivable experiment in a that similarly crystallized from Swiss laboratory have launched particle accelerator. I quote: nothingness in the earliest an experiment to re-enact the Big “The problem is that high moments of the Big Bang?” Bang on a small scale to explain energy levels at which unification

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of all the forces is thought to occur is close to the ‘Planck Just imagine all the money and tears scale’ at which quantum that could have been saved, if only fluctuations in space-time become strong and these fluctuations may scientists had listened to the Alter create huge uncertainties in the strengths of the forces at this Rebbe’s Tanya and Eliyahu HaNavi’s scale,” says Calmet (New Scientist, 15 November 2008). clear pronouncement. And, Calmet admits, all this is a ‘bit depressing,’ because it and planets; and on earth, You energies required…Energies at ‘dashes hopes of a grand unified drew forth the trees, vegetation, the Large Hadron Collider are theory emerging from relatively the Garden of Eden, grasses, the likely to peak at 14 teraelectron low-energy measurements made beasts, cattle, birds, fish and volts. In contrast, the energies at the Large Hadron Collider at mankind…However, there is none around a black hole would Cern.’ who can know You at all. Without theoretically be limitless.” In So, just imagine, dear reader, You, there is no unity in the other words, dear reader, the all the money and tears that could higher or lower realms, and You LHC will not work to prove have been saved, if only scientists are known as the Cause of all and creation came from nothing! had listened to the Alter Rebbe’s the Master of all.” Frank Wilczek and Rabbi Tanya and Eliyahu HaNavi’s clear Therefore, good luck, science! Schneur Zalman of Liadi are both pronouncement: “Master of the The challenge is over! right; the world was created and world, You are the Primary Cause In a recent update in New is continuously being created and the reason of all reasons, Scientist, 17 September, 2009, from nothing, but the Large who waters the Tree through that Jessica Griggs writes, “What will Hadron Collider will not be able spring; and that spring is like the happen to fundamental physics to demonstrate this fact. Only soul to the body, the life of the when our descendants reach the G-d can create something from body. In You, however, there is no limit of particle accelerator nothing, not a large mechanical similarity or likeness to anything technology? We’ll surely run out colliding collider. Science has the within or without. You created of space and money long before right idea but misses the main heaven and earth and drew forth the smallest building blocks of the point: Prayer! Not a math from them the sun, moon, stars universe can be probed with problem! G-d not Grid! machines, because of the massive www.MoshiachForKids.com Check it out!! Educational and Fun!!

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By Eli Shneuri They all returned from A”Z (avoda zara). Four stories about Jewish souls lost in klipa who found their way out thanks to the Rebbe’s shluchim in India.

CAPTIVE SOULS strings attached. He said that he was involved in Chanan G., who worked at the After a few minutes he said, “I meditation and mysticism for over in Kasol, relates: have a question that I want to ask, twenty years. He had built himself We decided we had to go out to but you religious people – don’t a place where he gave lectures and the street to put t’fillin on with mix religion into this.” We agreed guided people who were interested people who didn’t come to the and he said, “I want to hear some in a spiritual experience. Chabad house. The ideal place to explanations about concepts such “Lately, I accidentally do this was the bus station, which as: Rebbe, Chassidus etc. It’s a discovered that I’m Jewish. I have was the point of departure and subject that interests me. Just do Jewish parents, Holocaust arrival for all the Israeli tourists. me a favor and don’t mix religion survivors.” We set up shop with a t’fillin into this …”. We suggested that he put on stand and refreshments. Many One day we noticed someone t’fillin. He wasn’t opposed, but he people took the opportunity to standing near the t’fillin stand and wanted to know what they are stop and talk for a few minutes watching as we put them on before he did anything. We told and we invited them to come and passersby. He had Rastafarian him that after he put them on we visit the Chabad house. braids down to his thighs but what would answer all his questions. He One man was afraid to accept really made us uncomfortable was was willing to do so and put on anything to eat for fear that we the cross he wore. t’fillin for the first time in his life. would talk religion with him. We After a few minutes of Before we parted ways we made an agreement that there observation he asked us some invited him to visit the Chabad would be no talk about Judaism. questions. After we explained what house, and he showed up before He was also invited to the Chabad we were doing he told us that he very long. As soon as he walked in house for a cup of coffee with no too was a Jew. We were shocked. one of the people working at the

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with the help of the Rebbe’s shluchim.

INFLUENCE FROM A DISTANCE Chanan went on to relate: During my stay at the Chabad house there was a girl who would often come and help out, mostly with the meals. Then she stopped coming. After two months we heard that she had rented an apartment on a hilltop together with an Indian boyfriend. I was very upset about her deterioration and decided that something had to be done to help her. One day an Israeli tourist stopped by with more concrete information about where she was living. It was somewhat presumptuous to appear at their home without an invitation and I considered what to do next. The main problem was the goy she was living with. What could we tell him – that we had come to take his Jewish girlfriend away? I asked the Israeli to come with “I want to hear some explanations me so he could show me their house. He was a little apprehensive about concepts such as: Rebbe, and asked me what I intended to do. I reassured him and said he Chassidus etc. It’s a subject that should just show me where they lived and I would take care of the interests me. Just do me a favor and rest. After some more urging he don’t mix religion into this …” was persuaded to help me and accompanied me to their house, all the while curiously asking me what Chabad house stood up and began few years earlier, when he was I intended to do. pacing the room uncomfortably. irreligious and touring India, he Not far from their house I sat After a few minutes he left. A few had taken courses with this man. down on the roadside. I told my minutes later he returned, looked “He’s a Christian. I don’t surprised friend that he should do at the strange-looking guest and understand what he’s doing here.” the same. I took out a Tanya and hurriedly departed, only to then It was only after I explained to began reading it together with him. came back in. him what happened that he sat When we got up to chapter 12, we This was peculiar behavior and back down and tried to diffuse the got up, turned around and walked I asked him to sit down, but he tension. back to the Chabad house. The looked at the guest again and There are still plenty of Jews Israeli was astonished. I explained walked out. out there who are waiting to find that we made a spiritual effort and I went outside to find out what out that they are Jews and to surely this would affect her was going on. He told me that a actualize their Jewish potential neshama. Amazingly, the next day

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the beginning of a fight that ended Not far from their house I sat down on with the ultimatum, “It’s me or the the roadside. I told my surprised friend mezuza!” Her Jewish spark flared up and that he should do the same. I took out she said, “I will never remove that mezuza.” a Tanya and began reading it together Without another word he walked inside, packed his few with him. When we got up to chapter belongings and left. Since then, she and her children are regular 12, we got up, turned around and guests at the Chabad house. The walked back to the Chabad house. children began learning the alef- beis and Chumash and other she showed up at the Chabad several years. Jewish subjects. house! After despairing of her empty *** The next day we went to her life in Israel, she decided to take I (the author ES) met the house again and, standing not far her seven year old son to India, far family this year. My friend away, read chapters of Tanya and away from everything, where she Menachem Lenchner taught the T’hillim and again, she dropped in hoped to find serenity. older son Chumash and Mishnayos the next day. Each time that we After a few months she got and how to put on t’fillin and I did this, she appeared the next day involved with a local Indian, a taught the younger son the alef- at the Chabad house. It was guru who worked in the area and beis, especially the letter yud which incredible seeing this connection. arranged courses on mysticism and emphasizes the difference between She inquired more about meditation. Due to his workload being a Jew and one of the billion Judaism and helped us prepare the he only visited their house once a Indians surrounding him. meals, becoming active again at month and then immediately Every Sunday he would come the Chabad house. One day, her returned to the ashram. After a few to the Chabad house jumping in Indian boyfriend came to the years they had a child together. glee, as though he had waited all Chabad house too, asking about When we came to the village week for this day so he could get her. she was very happy to see us and something his neshama had been Time passed and after I had gave us a warm welcome. We craving for so long. finished my stint on shlichus I got asked her about mezuzos and were a message from people active at not surprised to hear that she had A TIME FOR the Chabad house that the two of none. We found a reason to visit EVERYTHING them had separated. I have no the house and after talking to her doubt that it was thanks to the about the importance of the mitzva The following story happened Tanya and T’hillim that we said of mezuza, she was convinced and in Goa during Chanuka of last near her house. asked us to take care of it for her. year. Some time afterwards we went It was the second night of back with kosher mezuzos. We put Chanuka. A few days earlier we SHOWDOWN had received an invitation from OVER A MEZUZA them up and then hoped for the best. Bayit Cham (an irreligious Menachem Lenchner relates: After about a month, when the organization that provides various When I went to Goa, India, two guru returned to the house, he services for Israeli tourists) to years ago on shlichus together with stopped short at the entrance. attend a Chanuka party they were my friend, Yossi Farber, we were Something barred him from making in a village a half an hour surprised to discover Israeli entering. He looked around and away, and to say a few words families living there on a noticed something on the about the holiday. permanent basis. Among these doorpost. He called out for his I tried to come up with a good families was a woman who was wife and asked, “What’s that?” idea about what to say, something half Israeli. By “half” I mean that “That’s a mezuza,” she different that would be short and she had been married to a famous explained. To her surprise, he interesting, but nothing came to Israeli writer and lived there for didn’t let it go at that. This was me. A few minutes after lighting

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the menorah at the Chabad house, I went to take the Chabad house’s Each time that we did read Tanya and scooter to get to Bayit Cham, but T’hillim near her home, she appeared just then one of the guys asked me if he could use it… “Something the next day at the Chabad house. urgent, I’ll be back right away.” He pressured me and although I I asked whether he was Jewish had orchestrated things so that I had mixed feelings, I let him drive and he said, “I am not Jewish but was delayed because of the missing it away. my maternal grandmother was scooter and met this Jew who did I stood there outside the Jewish.” not even know that he was Jewish. Chabad house for a long time, After he gave another few signs Now I knew what I was going to waiting for him to come back. and I was certain that he was talk about at the party. Time was passing and he still Jewish, I let him know that he too Two minutes went by and the hadn’t returned. was Jewish and suggested that he Israeli reappeared with the scooter. A European tourist in his fifties light the menorah. It was only after He had run out of gas and had to drove up on his scooter and much nudging that he finally walk to the nearest gas station to noticed the large menorah in the agreed to do so, for the first time refuel, and that is why he had been yard. After his curious gaze had in his life. delayed. lingered longer than expected, I He was emotional as he held I quickly drove to the event and asked him if I could be of the candle and recited the brachos. I arrived at the end. I told the assistance. After he lit the candles he watched story and explained how the Rebbe “I remember how my them for a long time without looks out for every Jew, even those grandmother lit something like saying a word. who don’t know they are Jewish. that.” I thought about how Hashem LIVE SHIURIM 0NLINE cwwv Anywhere, Anytime ! j,ww, INYONEI GEULA unahj dtukv gbhbh & MOSHIACH rncwwo RAMBAM ckeuyh ahgurho SHIURIM IN LIKUTEI eusa ahju, SICHOS KODESH

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shleimus ha'aretz IS AMERICA THE PROBLEM?

By Raanan Isseroff

In the 1940’s the Lubavitcher Jews in America need to know The flip side, though, Rebbes both spoke out against that the Land of Israel is given to “Yedayim Yedei Eisav,” is “putting our faith in the nations of them by G-d and the Israeli unfortunately no secret. We drop the world.” Putting our faith in the government needs to be lobbied, down from Mitzvos, and Eisav is “saving graces of America” is no bothered and pushed unceasingly allowed to assume control over different. Chassidus teaches that to either assume this position or to us... We stop doing our “Torah Yisroel is the reason for creation step aside and defer leadership to and Mitzva” thing and are subject and it is we who have an influence those who feel a proper to the blessing G-d gave to Eisav. on the world when we go in the responsibility towards the (G-d forbid) ways of Torah and Mitzvos. It is preciousness of Jewish life in such For thousands of years we up to the Jewish people to change a special place. It is the obligation didn’t have the merit of self- the world, not up to the rest of the of every Jew to take the security of governance in Israel, so the mitzva world to undertake changes on our the Land of Israel into his own of defending it didn’t apply. Since behalf. hands. This is a special mitzva that 1948, we DO have this mitzva Being that there are Jews living we have in our hands like at no whether we like it or not. The in Israel, the Rambam holds that it other time in the last 2000 years! Mitzva of Ahavas Yisroel does not must be defended. Rambam does This idea needs to be allow us to turn our back on a not state: “Write to your continually and unhaltingly fellow Jew! congressman so that perhaps addressed because, as the Rebbe We all know how to lobby the America will decide to protect has emphasized time and again, American government when it Israel.” this is the real crux of the problem! comes to civil rights issues. But Chassidus explains that all of For too long, Israel has been that isn’t what’s called for now. creation receives its life force from handing over crucial elements of The core issue is not how to K’dusha. Everything that takes its daily survival time after time influence the United States but place in the world around us is into the hands of those who hate rather the government of Israel only a symptom of what the Jews us or, at best, those who at any who has for too long relied on a are doing. When, G-d forbid, we moment will turn their backs on sleeping American Jewish are “off-task,” the forces of our plight. Water resources, community to blindly advocate and unholiness derive their life force. military supplies, oil, and buffer support whatever they claim is So it is incumbent on every Jew to lands are continually being given needed. Of equal import is to assume responsibility for his away. Even our security secrets are influence the sleeping lion of the existence by operating in a “Torah given away or compromised as potentially powerful Orthodox and Mitzvos” mode! America feels the need to barter Jewish communities here in the The approach of telling Jews with this one or that. United States. The third that it is a “mitzva” to get the As the saying goes: “HaKol Kol imperative is to bring this message United States to defend Israel Yaakov”. When we operate in a to the not-yet religious Jew as well, when Israel is doing nothing about Torah and mitzvos mode, we bring in a manner that is both relevant this itself betrays this upon ourselves all the blessings and meaningful. responsibility. showered upon Yaakov. The religious community is the

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biggest provider of money and candidates for Aliya. Studies have Being that there are Jews living in shown that most Jews (meaning the Israel, the Rambam holds that it must pre-observant) are completely ambivalent about what happens to be defended. Rambam does not state: Israel. The majority of Olim who go “Write to your congressman so that and stay - over 75% - are religious. Over 40% of the officer corps of perhaps America will decide to protect the Army are religious. Services for religious Jews have increased, such Israel.” as instituting all-religious brigades to accommodate the religious 45% of Israel’s Understanding this, we can read into what is being population. Within 20 years Israel will be a mostly given away and understand what is really going on. Orthodox country. While Israel gets most of its money and Olim from the religious communities of the US, the majority of the areas it is giving away are religious communities. "The quickest way to reveal Moshiach is by learning the Torah sources Even the status of Jerusalem is up for negotiation. about Moshiach & redemption" t"ab,wv grumnu ghrz, p"a One is reminded of the Kastener trial in the fifties. Radio Moshiach & Redemption Kastener was the head of the Jewish community in 1620-1640 AM around Crown Heights & Boro Park Hungary under the Nazis, yemach shmam. He made a & 1710 AM in parts of Brooklyn 24/6 deal with the Germans that in exchange for giving worldwide live broadcast: www.RadioMoshiach.org over most of Hungary’s (mainly religious) Jewish community into the death camps, he and his favored few (non-religious) thousand (plus the Satmar Rebbe to make things look kosher) would be saved. As things turned out, after the war, Kastener and his henchmen ended up in Israel and of course, for their exemplary work of favoring the lives of the irreligious over the religious, thus keeping the religious from “invading” Israel, they were put in important positions in the new government. And not much has changed since. Israel is still following the same failed path Kastener did in 1944. We must answer the call of the hour and channel all our efforts, skills and talents into influencing the government of Israel and American Jews in particular to withdraw support for peace talks, land giveaways and other concessions dangerous for Israel. This Please contribute generously to our 100,000 fundraising campaign support can be redirected to taking back the land that For donations or dedications make checks payable to: has been given away and military action against "Radio Moshiach & Redemption" missiles and other acts of terror to stabilize the 383 Kingston Ave. #94, Brooklyn, NY 11213 balance of power which has tipped against us. 718 756-4530 Tel/Fax 363-1652 Email: [email protected] sgu okugk jhanv lkn ubhcru ubrun ubbust hjh Raskin's Consistently “if it grows we have it” Superior Fruit and Produce Emporium WHOLESALE & RETAIL Michal & We Deliver 335 Kingston Ave. Brooklyn NY 11213 * Tel: (718) 756-3888 756-2221 * Fax: 756-2440

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“One day, a young Russian woman asked for my help in her conversion. Due to my years of THE PEOPLE experience and disappointments with converts, and in accordance with what halacha advises, I pushed her off a few times. However, she was serious and she OF THE kept coming back to me. I finally invited her to a Shabbos meal, in the course of which she asked whether we had a book about Judaism in Russian. BOOK “The only book that I had at home in Russian was a thick book about the Lubavitcher Rebbe, his approach to Chassidus, hafatza, By Rabbi Yaakov Shmuelevitz etc. I loaned her the book. She Shliach, Beit Shaan came back to me a few days later and said, ‘I read the book and now I am determined to convert Stories about shluchim and books. * according to halacha and I want to be a Chabadnik, a Chassida of the Sometimes a book can change a life! Rebbe who is the subject of this book.’ “The woman went through the process and converted. She got married and established a Chassidishe home in Canada.” Another story happened with Mrs. Kochonovsky. She had a childhood friend who she had gone to school with but had abandoned Torah and mitzvos. She heard that this friend lived in Zichron Yaakov and when the Kochonovsky family went to Zichron Yaakov, she looked up her friend’s number and invited her to visit with her at the hotel. They talked about this and that and then Mrs. Kochonovsky gave her friend a gift, a booklet with Kiddush for Shabbos and Yom Tov, with a dedication to her friend written in it. Three years later, the friend called her up, out of the blue, and THANKS TO A BOOK he makes and for his huge shul said that a few months earlier she ABOUT THE REBBE Chabad house that is frequented had been cleaning out a closet and by hundreds of people every day, had found the Kiddush booklet. Rabbi Chanan Kochonovsky, and of course, Shabbos and Yom She read and reread the warm shliach in Rishon L’Tziyon, is Tov. He relates: dedication, flipped through the known for the brissin and chuppos pages and decided that she and

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her family would do t’shuva! place in Teveria which was the shliach and rav of yishuv Yinov Said the friend, “From that joint effort of the shliach, R’ and the outlying yishuvim of the week on we began to keep Reuven Gol and the talmidei Tenuvos regional council: Shabbos, to make Kiddush, daven, ha’yeshiva learning in that city. R’ At our yishuv there is a go to shul, and dress as religious Eliyahu Kaye, a lecturer at Ascent, Sefardic shul. I am the rav of the Jews do. Our entire lifestyle was invited as the guest speaker. shul and I give shiurim in changed for the good, all thanks He is an expert at finding your Chassidus, hold , and to the booklet you gave me.” personal code in the Torah host children’s rallies. We had a according to your date of birth, seuda for the yahrtzait of Baba THANKS TO your name, and the parsha of the Sali and I told the people about A SET OF RAMBAM week you were born. the special connection between the At the , one of the Rebbe and Baba Sali, about their I heard the following story participants, a talmid of R’ Gol, correspondence and relationship. from R’ Noam Dekel, shliach in volunteered his birthday so that R’ In the middle of the seuda I Yaknaam: Kaye could find his code. It was, noticed that one of the regulars Twenty years ago we celebrated R’ Gol relates, an amazing scene. was not present. When I called our first Siyum HaRambam. We R’ Kaye opened his personal him I found out that he had gone invited rabbanim, had it catered, computer to the parsha of the to the main yahrtzait celebration hired a band, and we ordered week that the volunteer had been for Baba Sali in Netivot. He said some sets of Rambam so that born in. The crowd could see it on he couldn’t talk at length but he anyone interested in learning three a large screen. Within a few would return to Yinov with a chapters a day could immediately seconds the computer found his surprise. buy a set and begin learning. name, Avshalom, at 160 letter On Shabbos, this man came to The Siyum was a great success skips. shul with a beautiful book of and at its conclusion, people R’ Kaye explained, according to Haftoros, a big smile, and an bought sets of Rambam. I noticed Chassidus, Avshalom’s character interesting story. a man from the yishuv looking at traits, and the participants, who “Over there at the hilula, there the s’farim that were being sold. I knew him, were amazed by the was a public sale of Judaica to asked him whether I could be of accuracy of his statements. raise money for the mosdos of help and he said that he wanted to Baba Sali. The amounts of money buy a set of Rambam but he didn’t were in the thousands and tens of have the money on him. I told him BOOK OF HAFTOROS FROM THE BABA SALI thousands of shekels. I bought the to take a set and pay me when he ‘key to parnasa’ for 12,000 shekel. was able to. Quite possibly many of our It’s a big golden key, a key to It was only later that I found Chassidishe readers are unfamiliar parnasa, bracha and hatzlacha. out what an impression this made with the book of Haftoros written When I went to get the key from on him. He went home and told on parchment that is made like a the person in charge, I was told his family, “Now I see where the Sefardic Torah scroll. It is placed that there had been a mistake and truth lies. They, the Chabadnikim, in a round and decorated holder the key had already been sold and don’t only think about how to and put in the Aron Kodesh next given to someone else. profit. They truly think about to the other Sifrei Torah. Even if I raised a hue and cry and they people and how to help them.” you are not familiar with it, this referred me to the wife of Baba This man became closer and exists in hundreds (maybe Sali herself. She brought me to closer to the Rebbe and to Chabad thousands) of shuls in Eretz the room where the holy items and all his children learned or Yisroel and the world, including were spread out and she said I presently learn in Chabad. One some Chabad shuls and Chabad could choose what I liked. There daughter is married and she went houses. were candlesticks, pictures, bottles on shlichus. It was all thanks to Every Shabbos, a boy who is and one book of Haftoros. I said the graciousness of the shliach almost bar mitzva is given the to myself: That would be just right and a set of Rambam. honor of carrying the book of for our shul. Haftoros to the bima and they R’ Tzemach Avrohom PERSONAL CODE read the Haftora from it. concluded, “See? We made a I heard the following story A farbrengen took seuda in honor of Baba Sali and from R’ Tzemach Avrohom, so he sent us a gift for our shul.”

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times that his financial state was poor, the Rebbe made sure he wasn’t lacking.” THE LELOVER Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Biederman, shliach in Vienna, describes his uncle, the Lelover Rebbe: “My father would always say REBBE ZT”L about his brother R’ Shimon that from his childhood he was an oved Elokim. He worked on himself with tremendous efforts. He was very diligent, learning entire nights, and his quiet, introverted nature did not hold him back from being outstanding in his caring for others. He also put a lot into his avodas ha’t’filla. For decades he would say the entire T’hillim daily. He was extremely punctilious in everything and it was all done with simplicity and modesty. “He lived quietly in Crown Heights for fifteen years, absorbed in learning and davening. You can say that the Rebbe adopted him. The Rebbe treated him like his son, making sure that Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch obtained the proper papers for him to live in the US. R’ Leibel Groner was his neighbor and the Rebbe would ask R’ Groner what R’ Biederman needed. Rabbi Shimon Nosson Nota Rebbe in B’nei Brak and passed “Although he was a masmid by Biederman zt”l, the Lelover Rebbe in away in 5761. nature and every disturbance to his B’nei Brak, passed away suddenly The Lelover Rebbe, R’ Shimon learning wasn’t easy for him, and shortly after Kol Nidrei this year. Nosson Nota, led his Chassidim in despite the poverty in which he lived, The weakness that caused him to simplicity, modesty, chassidus and he still had an open house for arrive forty minutes late for prishus. He had excellent ties with meshulachim from Eretz Yisroel. He davening increased after he retired the Lubavitcher Rebbe and Chabad welcomed them warmly and to his room at the conclusion of the Chassidim. For fifteen years he lived provided for their needs. He would t’filla. He collapsed and was taken to in Crown Heights and every sometimes prepare their food for the hospital, where he passed away. Shabbos Mevarchim he would recite them and occasionally even R’ Shimon Nosson Nota was the T’hillim in the Rebbe’s minyan. He accompanied them as they knocked second son of R’ Moshe Mordechai participated in farbrengens and had on doors. of Lelov zt”l, who was known as a yechidus, including the famous “In his youth he learned for a miracle worker and a great tzaddik. yechidus with the children of the while in Tomchei T’mimim in Tel After the passing of R’ Moshe previous Lelover Rebbe in 5745. Aviv. If my memory serves me well, Mordechai, his three sons served as Rabbi Ben-Tzion Grossman, a my father told me that their Rebbes. The oldest, R’ Avrohom well-known Lelover Chassid, relates, melamed was R’ Refael (Folye) Kahn Shlomo zt”l, served as Rebbe in “The Rebbe treated him with great a”h and that R’ Shimon appears in Yerushalayim and passed away on respect. R’ Leibel Groner told me the Seifer HaT’mimim. 16 Shevat, 5760. R’ Alter Elozor several times that the Rebbe was “He had very special kiruvim Menachem Mendel zt”l served as especially fond of him. During the from the Rebbe, even in more recent

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years when he did not live in Crown Heights. “In 5745, he and his brother R’ Alter had yechidus with the Rebbe on shlichus of their father, my grandfather. Part of the yechidus was with their entourage and the content was already printed; there is an edited record of it. But after that they remained for another 50 minutes or so alone. At the time, my uncle told me that the Rebbe asked them to tell their father, my grandfather R’ Moshe Mordechai, whose health was very poor at the time, that since he had influence in Ger and Belz, he should intervene The Lelover Rebbe visiting the Chabad yeshiva in Tzfas last year with these two Chassidic groups for there was tension between them. while I was there. On the tape we He took the time to make the “Unfortunately, this did not heard the Rebbe saying that inquiries and that’s when I realized happen since when they returned to ‘Moshiach is already here and you how his avoda had changed. Instead Eretz Yisroel, my grandfather was just need to open your eyes and to of being immersed in his spiritual already extremely weak and they prepare for his coming.’ One of the world, he had become completely couldn’t even tell him about the people present in the room said in a devoted to others and their needs. Rebbe’s request. defensive tone, ‘The Rebbe is not Till today I am amazed that an “At that yechidus there was referring to himself but to the idea in introvert like him agreed to accept a something that was said that is general.’ R’ Shimon listened to the leadership position. This alone is clearer to me now in hindsight. tape again and again and then he grounds for me to consider him a (This is also in print but it is clearer said a brief statement in his low-key model of a real oved Elokim who on tape). It seems R’ Shimon was but firm way, ‘He is referring to worked to change his nature for the trying to get the Rebbe’s agreement himself. If only … They just sake of Hashem and His people that Tzfas is a City of Refuge. The shouldn’t interfere with him …’ Israel.” Rebbe said it is not mentioned in the “He was a talmid Chacham, *** Torah as a City of Refuge but R’ diligent in his learning and deep. At The Lelover Rebbe did chesed all Shimon maintained his position and a certain point he served as Rosh his life. He did things quietly, saying can be heard whispering his Yeshiva. He authored a halachic the entire T’hillim without fail every insistence and then the Rebbe says – work Har HaBashan on the day, for forty years. He gave a lot of “unless Tzfas will be one of the 42 Rambam. It became tremendously tz’daka and excelled in Hachnasas cities of the Levites that will also popular among Torah scholars, and I Orchim. serve as refuge” … (Indeed, was surprised that he didn’t publish About a decade ago, he was something like this is written in more of his chiddushim. When I visited by a delegation of Chabad Chesed L’Avrohom from a student of asked my father about this, he said Chassidim, including Rabbi Moshe the Ari, that Tzfas will be a City of that although my grandfather had Yaakov Weiss, Rosh Av Beis Din in Refuge in the future). given him an approbation for the Neve Achiezer, and Rabbi Yitzchok “Now I understand that this was first book, at a later point their Lifsh of Tzfas. After they showed a personal matter for him. He father cited to him an aphorism of him the Rebbe’s sicha of Parshas always preferred to stay in Tzfas for the first Lelover Rebbe, R’ Dovid, on Mishpatim, 5751, that we already he felt good there, physically and the verse, ‘In my heart I hid Your have the appointment of “Dovid My spiritually. He once said he felt that words…’ He understood from this servant,” and what is lacking is his neshama belonged in Tzfas. not to publish more. “kabbalas ha’malchus,” he signed on “When my father was “A few years ago he called me to the Kabbalas HaMalchus. hospitalized in 5752 he would listen ask about a certain bachur in Europe Last 3 he attended a to tapes of the Rebbe. One time, his regarding a shidduch that a family in farbrengen in honor of the Rebbe brother R’ Shimon came to visit him New York had spoken to him about. that took place in Tzfas.

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age 123, “I don’t know the day of my death.” The reason –it was five years before the age his mother ETERNAL LIFE Sarah had died. “He said, perhaps it will be the age of my mother, and she was 127 when she died. I am five years younger than that.” By Rabbi Yosef Karasik What connection is there District Rav Bat Chefer – Emek Chefer between a parent’s lifespan and that of their children? There is the physiological Why should a person begin to worry reason, that since we get our genes from our parents, it makes sense to when he’s five years away from the age say that the length of the parents’ life is an indication of what their of his parents’ passing? Do the parents’ children’s lifespan will be. lifespans affect those of their children? But a Jew knows that life and death are not a result of strength * A fascinating look at the parsha from or weakness of the body as transmitted by DNA. It is Hashem the perspective of Chazal, Kabbala and who decides how long we shall live. He gave each of us a life’s Chabad Chassidus. mission and the ability to do it. A person’s lifespan is based on the mission and the abilities given to Everybody wants to live a long, Yitzchok, when he was 123, said carry it out. healthy life, certainly Jews whose “behold I am old,” and then he According to this, the sign that lives are full of Torah and mitzvos lived another 57 years. Chazal gave linking the lifespan of and serving Hashem. Every Although every moment of life children to that of their parents moment is precious as he builds a is a blessing for which we ought to indicates that there is a deep “dira ba’tachtonim” for Hashem thank Hashem, when there is long connection between parents and and gives Him nachas. life even after reaching old age this their children and their respective Our most precious resource is is a special, supernatural bracha. missions and abilities. The Arizal life. Nothing else compares, and teaches that the souls of children people are willing to give anything AGE OF THE PARENTS are connected to the souls of the for a good, long life. parents like a branch of a tree People throughout the Of course, the lives of our holy which grows and gets its generations want to know how Avos, whose every moment nourishment from the root in the long they will live. Even Dovid affected all their descendents for earth. Consequently, there is a HaMelech, in T’hillim 39:5, asks generations to come, were similarity between their lifespans. Hashem, “Make known to me, especially important. The Torah Hashem, my end, and the measure tells us how long each one lived. of my days – what it is.” WHAT IS CONSIDERED Avrohom lived till 175, Yitzchok to Chazal gave some signs by 180 and Yaakov to 147. The Torah THE END OF LIFE? which we can reckon how long we also tells us that Sarah lived till When someone seems about to will live, and one of them, 127. die because of their advanced age mentioned in Rashi in this parsha, Their longevity was unusual, and poor health and they is the number of years your even for those times. When miraculously live additional years, parents lived. “Rabbi Yehoshua ben Avrohom was 100 and Sarah was the question is how should their Korcha said, if a person reaches 90 they are called “z’keinim ba’im children look at their age – as they the age of his parents he should ba’yamim” (old) and yet, they would have lived in a natural worry five years before and five continued to live even longer – manner or according to how long years afterwards.” Chazal learned Avrohom for another 75 years and they actually lived? this from Yitzchok’s statement at Sarah for another 37 years. A similar question can be asked

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in reverse. If a person who under normal circumstances had the A Jew knows that life and death are not a ability to live for many more years result of strength or weakness of the body was suddenly killed in an accident, does his child need to be worried as transmitted by DNA. It is Hashem who when he reaches this parent’s age even though he did not die a decides how long we shall live. natural death? The Rebbe answers the question by closely examining what should be concerned when death as a result of an accident, Yitzchok said: reaching within five years of a one should not consider that age When Yitzchok was 123 years parent’s actual age at death and because under normal old, he was afraid he would die not the number they may have circumstances they would have since this was five years before the lived. lived longer. age that his mother, Sarah, died. (We see another proof from Furthermore, someone whose Yitzchok’s concern is surprising, Yitzchok who died at 180, five parents died at a young age does for where is his trust in Hashem? years within his father Avrohom’s not have to be concerned and live Hashem Himself blessed him death at 175. Avrohom was in dread, but should trust in (25:11), so shouldn’t he expect to supposed to live to 180 and it was Hashem that He will grant him a live a long life? only to spare him the anguish of long life. Hashem desires to do From this we learn that it’s not seeing his grandson Eisav good and He is the source of life. the actual age that the parents died becoming a rasha that he died five Surely He will grant every Jew that matters but the age they years early. From this we learn that “length of days and good years.” would have died under natural we count the actual life span and Fear when approaching the age circumstances. Since at age 90, not the life they may have lived. of a parent is exclusive to someone Sarah was already considered old, Since Avrohom lived 175 years and on the level of Yitzchok. From the that was the age to be concerned not 180, Yitzchok in fact died five aspect of chesed and the love of about, not the age that she actually years after his father actually died Hashem with which He leads the died, 37 years later. That extension and not when he could have died). Jewish people, one can live far was supernatural and the result of longer than his parents. In a blessing from Hashem. Thus YITZCHOK – addition, the Torah tells us that Yitzchok’s apprehension is not a THE TRAIT OF G’VURA every mitzva that we do, every contradiction to his trust in good deed, adds to our merits and Hashem’s bracha, since this was The Rebbe adds that the two blessings that Hashem grants us. many years after the age of 90, the issues stated about the age at death: 1) calculating it based on first milestone considered close to ETERNAL LIFE the death of one of his parents. what would be the natural age at Thinking about the length of This answers the second death even if they lived a longer our life only pertains to the time question, whether to be concerned life, 2) calculating it based on the before the Geula. In the future, about the age a parent dies, when actual age at death even if it was a there will be no illness or death they would have, under normal result of an accident and and we will all live eternally. All circumstances, lived longer. otherwise, they would have lived Jews who lived in previous Yitzchok’s fear of dying at age longer – are only from the generations will be resurrected and 123 was, as we said, five years perspective of Yitzchok, who was will live forever. before his mother died. She called “pachad Yitzchok” (fear of We have heard from the Rebbe apparently would have lived even Yitzchok), the midda of g’vura. He that we are in the final stage and longer but she died because of the looked at everything from the moments of galus and hinei, news about the Akeida. From this aspect of g’vura. Moshiach ba, at which time we will we see that Yitzchok held that However, from the aspect of merit length of days and good since she died at 127 years of age, chesed you can say the opposite: years, lives full of everything good. it was a sign for him to start 1) the parents’ actual age at death worrying even though she should be considered, even if they ordinarily could have lived longer. lived a long life as a result of a Source: vol. 15, p. 217 From here we see that one miracle, 2) in the event of an early

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out Haman’s name. We realized that we had come late again and someone else was reading the BEARING Megilla for the soldiers. We headed back to Beitar Illit feeling rather disappointed that we hadn’t succeeded in our mission. We had to return to the base at Karmei FRUIT IN Tzur to read for those soldiers who had been on patrol at the time of Megilla reading. When we got there, we were surprised to find about two hundred soldiers sitting KARMEI TZUR and waiting for us.” Those soldiers had come from all over the region, and the feeling of having ‘missed out’ that By Nosson Avrohom enveloped them naturally Translated By Michoel Leib Dobry disappeared at that very moment. “This was a wonderful form of compensation,” Rabbi Kotler there was positively stunned to see [Continued from last week] concluded. us. Overcome with excitement, he Rabbi Kotler’s own process of apologized that there wasn’t room STORIES OF THE SOUL kiruv to the teachings of chassidus for all of us in the watchtower, AT IDF OUTPOSTS and the Rebbe, Melech which measured less than two and HaMoshiach, started through the A sizable portion of the a half feet square. Yet, in the end, bachurim at the Chabad yeshiva in outreach work is directed towards there proved to be plenty of room Kiryat Gat, who came to do IDF soldiers stationed throughout and plenty of simcha for everyone. outreach activities at Moshav the region. Besides the vast The soldier couldn’t believe his Nehora, where he lived with his seasonal activities before each eyes, as the boundless joy and his family. “To this day, I maintain a holiday, when they make certain emotion proved so contagious that strong connection with these not to leave any soldier in the area we all caught the bug.” bachurim, who have since gotten unaware that it’s Chanukah or One of Rabbi Rosenfeld’s married and started families. Purim, there are also the regular biggest helpers in his activities, Despite the fact that I studied in year-round T’fillin Campaign Rabbi Dovid Kotler, tells about an Yeshivat “Ohr Somayach” in activities. This great outreach amazing case of Divine Providence Yerushalayim, I eventually moved program takes place in cooperation that took place this past Purim: on to learn chassidus and Chabad with other regional Chabad “We had been invited to read customs.” Houses, such as Efrat, Chevron, the Megilla at an army base located The journey to reach these IDF Bat Ayin, and Beitar Illit. near the settlement. When we bases and outposts was not always Rabbi Rosenfeld relates some arrived there, we discovered that a bed of roses. There are many amazing instances of Divine the base was empty. We heard from hostile Arab villages along the long Providence that he’s witnessed soldiers standing at the entrance and winding roads leading to these through these activities: that the few religious soldiers had locations. “Every time I approach “There are a number of army just left to hear the Megilla at the one of these dangerous areas, I stations that command a view of yishuv. We didn’t waste a moment stop my vehicle for a few moments the entrance to Arab villages. There and moved on to our next stop – and say, ‘Rebbe, all of this avoda is are also terraces and outposts another army base, located near for you; I ask you to protect me!’ where a limited number of lone Beit Shemesh. “Two years ago on Purim, I was soldiers serve on duty, and we try “Upon our arrival at the traveling with several bachurim in to reach all of them as well. Last entrance to the base, we heard my vehicle towards a rendezvous Chanukah, we came to one of these voices saying ‘Amen’ in unison, with soldiers waiting to hear the lone outposts. The soldier on duty followed by the sound of blotting Megilla reading, as the sun was

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starting to set. On my right side, I saw a commercial vehicle standing on the side of the road, and I prayed in my heart that he won’t make a U-turn, which would lead to a certain collision. Just as I was thinking this very thought, the truck began to turn around. “I was gripped by panic. I said to myself, ‘Never mind me, Hashem – what about the soldiers waiting for us to read the Megilla for them?’ I stopped the car, but the other vehicle kept moving. It was only due to a complete Iro miracle, which I don’t understand R’ to this day, that we avoided a head- on collision and continued on our Lag B’Omer parade in Karmei Tzur way. This was unquestionably one of of the most influential experiences th I ever had on my shlichus here. We so reached the base about a minute th before sundown, and the soldiers were privileged to hear about ow another miracle – in those times pr and even in our times…” pi Rabbi Rosenfeld then told us about a personal miracle that he m experienced in the early days of his H shlichus activities, during the dark lea days of the second intifada: pr “One of the things that I heartily recommend to every chassid is to give lifts to soldiers fa and play a disc of a shiur or a wh farbrengen in the car. In this Ch manner, you can have a powerful Joy breaks all boundaries influence without saying a word. I pl customarily do this on a regular none of them needed a ride in my miracle for me…’” he basis, and I’m surprised anew every direction, so I continued on my wi time by the reactions it elicits. way. About a minute later, I heard THE ANNOUNCEMENT Many want to know where they can the echoes of rapid gunfire. As I OF THE REDEMPTION: fa buy the disc, while many others was entering the gates to the Re express their fascination, leading to yishuv, I noticed a number of WHEN YOU EXPLAIN, a discussion about Judaism and ambulances roaring in the direction EVERYTHING IS Pe chassidus. We can never know the I had just come from. I discovered UNDERSTOOD re effect upon the person that we pick later that terrorists had stopped Regular weekly activities also up. their vehicles in front of the take place with local settlement In “The miracle that I experienced junction and opened fire, killing children, when the students of co took place several years ago, in the three of the Jews whom I had just Chabad high schools for girls come hi days between Rosh Hashanah and offered a ride. When I returned to to visit the yishuv and run the Yom Kippur. I had stopped at the the junction, I made the bracha of Tzivos Hashem club activities. junction leading to Karmei Tzur to ‘Blessed is He Who performed a “They say the Twelve P’sukim with offer a lift to some hitchhikers, but

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“They find the real answers in Karmei Tzur itself is one of the the teachings of chassidus and the yishuvim scheduled for possible Rebbe’s sichos, where the role of Melech HaMoshiach and the expulsion, and the residents here know nature of the times we live in are explained with the utmost depth that there is no one upon whom they and clarity. Our most vital objective is to place ‘the lights of Tohu’ into can rely. Realizing that they could be ‘the vessels of Tikkun’ - to take the highest possible lights of chassidus thrown out of their homes at any given and make every effort, through moment, they have many serious proper explanation, to bring them down to the level of ‘the vessels of questions about the country’s Tikkun’, so that average people can understand. During the week of leadership. Parshas VaYechi, I taught the sicha from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. 31, the children, tell them chassidic Rebbe gave his blessing and he was which discusses how Yaakov Avinu stories, and if there’s a holiday, born. The story made a deep and didn’t die. At the end of the shiur, they speak about the relevant positive impression upon everyone, someone got up and said quite themes at length. They also run children and adults alike.” simply, ‘That means that the Rebbe various extramural activities. The Rabbi Rosenfeld also holds is alive…’” children make certain not to miss a activities on Moshiach and the *** single week, and many of those Redemption. “What we have to do When we spoke with Rabbi living on the yishuv have already is not to give instructions, but to Rosenfeld about his future plans, acquired letters in the Children’s explain and provide reasons. When he shifted in his chair Seifer Torah.” you explain, everything is uncomfortably. I quickly realized On Lag B’Omer and at other understood. Today, there are vast that he’s not the type of person children’s rallies, you can see most communities, particularly among that designs projects. His activities of the settlement’s children the settler population, which have are done in growing measure on a participating, sometimes with their detached themselves from the “one-on-one” basis. “The plan is to parents, and this definitely warms ‘messianic’ nature of the modern widen the circle and reach as many the heart. “I had a big surprise for Zionist state, as a result of the Jews on the settlement as possible. the kids during the last parade. I government’s ‘disengagement’ Today, approximately twenty brought them a magician from policies. Karmei Tzur itself is one percent of yishuv members Beersheva, and at the height of the of the yishuvim scheduled for participate regularly in our Torah parade, he asked me for the possible expulsion, and the classes. In addition, there’s an age microphone. With great emotion, residents here know that there is group that I have so far failed to he told the crowd that his name is no one upon whom they can rely. penetrate – the teenagers. This is a Menachem Mendel and he was Realizing that they could be thrown great challenge that I place before born with the Rebbe’s bracha. The out of their homes at any given myself, but with G-d’s help, we will doctors had told his mother that moment, they have many serious succeed.” the situation from a medical questions about the country’s standpoint was hopeless, but the leadership.


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moshiach & geula ~ The Final Era ~ ‘MYEMISSARY, THE TORAH’

By Boruch Merkur (based on Seifer HaSichos 5748 Vol. 1, pg. 306-319)

emphasizes the unity between the letters and the Together with the Tablets in “material” upon which they appear, reflecting the the Ark, however, was a unity of G-d’s wisdom (the letters, form) with G-d’s essence and being (substance). Torah scroll, written by The Tablets Moshe Rabbeinu was given on Mount Sinai are an embodiment of this lofty level of Torah, Moshe Rabbeinu, reflecting engraved letters. The Tablets were placed in the Ark in the Holy of Holies, where they remain covered and the union and passage, as it unseen. Together with the Tablets in the Ark,204 however, was a Torah scroll, written by Moshe were, of the engraved letters Rabbeinu, reflecting the union and passage, as it of the Torah to the Written were, of the engraved letters of the Torah to the Written Torah, ink on parchment. All future Torah Torah, ink on parchment. * scrolls that are written, exactly replicating Moshe Rabbeinu’s Torah, represent the further passage or Tracing the Rebbe MH”M’s decent of the Torah, away from the cloistered sanctity of the Holy of Holies and into the public instructions on how to domain, where the Torah scroll is available to be opened up and studied. perfect our Divine service in In the philosophical terms of Chabad Chassidus, the Final Era. the Rebbe details the spiritual descent of the Torah, especially as expressed in writing a Torah scroll, and traces its likeness to the mission of shlichus, being [Continued from Issue #714] sent as emissaries of the Rebbe: On the Shabbos following the Rebbetzin’s “Torah is ‘from Heaven’ – ‘from the heavens I spoke to Shloshim, the Rebbe spoke, acknowledging the you.’205 It is the wisdom and will of the Holy One worthy undertaking of his emissaries, the shluchim, Blessed Be He. Indeed, it is literally one with the very of completing the writing of a Torah scroll that essence and being of G-d, reflected in the saying, Thursday, the day of the Shloshim. It is appropriate ‘Torah and G-d are entirely one.’206 Nevertheless, ‘it that the emissaries were the ones responsible for descended from its place of holiness…and journeyed producing the Torah scroll, for their entire purpose – and descended within the concealed heights, from level going out to the furthest extremes, away from the to level in the process of the descent of G-dly energy holiness of the Rebbe’s court, and bringing that within the worlds, until it became invested within holiness outwards, to Jews who have even lost their physical things and the affairs of the material world, slightest affiliation with Judaism – echoes the which are the vast majority of the Mitzvos of the Torah accomplishment of writing a Torah scroll. and their specific laws, and the combination of physical To explain: At its source, the G-dly source from letters appearing as ink upon the scroll, etc.’207 which the Torah is derived, the Torah’s letters are “This descent…embodies the concept of shlichus, said to be engraved, a medium of writing that

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being sent as an emissary, insofar as G-d ‘sends’ the physical world, to be invested within ‘a combination of Torah downward in order that Jews should be able to physical letters, made up of ink on a scroll (which is not study Torah and fulfill Mitzvos…specifically within the so regarding the Oral Torah).’” context of the material world.208 In this manner, the Supernal intent of the entirety of Creation is fulfilled NOTES (including the ‘shlichus-mission’ of the Jewish people’s 204 Within the Ark or beside it (according to the two souls descent from above to below, from a towering opinions appearing in Bava Basra 14a ff; commentary of mountain to a deep abyss). Namely, ‘The Holy One, Rashi on Parshas VaYeilech 31:26). Blessed Be He, desired to have for Himself a dwelling 205 Yisro 20:19; see Sanhedrin beginning of Perek 209 place in the lower worlds.’ Cheilek. “In fact, the above explanation also illuminates the 206 Zohar, cited in Tanya, Ch. 23, beg. – see Footnote significance of writing a Torah scroll. For the descent of 22 in the original. Torah specifically into the physical world is not only 207 Tanya Ch. 4 (8b) relevant to the ‘Giver’ [of the Torah, G-d Himself] but 208 To note that also with regard to Torah study, which is also the ‘recipient.’ That is, when a person, here below, also applicable in Gan Eden (unlike the performance of writes a Torah scroll, ‘a combination of physical letters, Mitzvos, which are only possible in the physical world), made up of ink on a scroll,’ within these letters and by there is an advantage specifically in the physical world, means of these letters is drawn down and revealed the etc. – see Footnote 25 in the original. holiness of the Torah as it is one with G-d’s being and 209 See Tanchuma Naso 16, among other places; Tanya essence. Thus, the sanctity of the letters of a Torah Ch. 36, and several other places. scroll further emphasize the decent (shlichus) into the

[Continued from pg. 5] entitled “Genuine Satisfaction: 16. This provides every parent with a Noach’s Legacy”). lesson with regard to the way to relate us ascend the mountain of G-d... Parshas Toldos which focuses on the to his children, even if, G-d forbid, and He will teach us of His ways.’” their conduct - like Eisav’s - is [21] chronicles of Yitzchok’s life, by contrast, communicates the lacking. The divine service of the Jews importance of creating a posterity. A parent should never give up, and and the influence it will arouse will 5. See Genesis, ch. 26. should constantly continue trying to radiate to the world at large, reveal his child’s inner potential. motivating them to seek G-dly 6. Ibid. Forever, since “all Jews are knowledge. May this take place in 7. Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Hilchos responsible one for another” (Shavuos the immediate future. Avodas Kochavim 1:2, based on Sota 39a), this lesson applies not only with Adapted from Likkutei Sichos: Vol. XV, p. 10a, B’Reishis Rabba, the conclusion regard to our own children, but with 191ff, Vol. XXV, p. 123ff of sec. 54. regard to every member of the Jewish people. 8. Tanya, ch. 2. NOTES: We must, to quote the Mishna (Avos 9. B’Reishis Rabba 64:3. 1. Rashi, Genesis 25:19. 1:12): “ Love the created beings and 10. Genesis 26:2. bring them close to the Torah.” 2. See Sanhedrin 19b, Rashi, Numbers 3:1. 11. Ibid.:28. 17. A foretaste of the realization of Eisav’s spiritual potential can be seen 3. Seforno, loc. cit. 12. In this way, Yitzchok’s “progeny” resembled him as children resemble a in the converts from his descendants: 4. This is borne out by the fact that father. the prophet Ovadia, Unkelus, and both Parshas Noach and Parshas Rabbi Meir (Torah Or, Toldos 20c). 13. Shmos Rabba 30:3. Toldos begin with the words: Eileh 18. Ovadia 1:21. toldos, “These are the chronicles 14. Targum Yonason, Genesis 50:13. of....” Toras Chayim 89d cites this statement 19. Shabbos 89b. Nevertheless, Parshas Noach is given in the name of the Zohar. See also 20. Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Hilchos that name because the lessons it similar quotes in Sota 13a, Pirkei Melachim 12:5. teaches center on the concepts of d’Rabbi Eliezer, ch. 39. 21. Isaiah 2:2-3. satisfaction and repose (see the essay 15. Kiddushin 18a.

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