Subject Index
SUBJECT INDEX Al Page Page Indian Health Care Amendments of 1988 4784 Abandoned Infants Assistance Act of Indian Housing Act of 1988 676 1988 2533 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 432 of 1988 683 Abiquiu Dam, NM, water storage 2604 National Deafness and Other Abortion: Communication Disorders Act of Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 28 1988 ...2769 Departments of Commerce, Justice, Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness and State Departments, the Act of 1988 1107 Judiciary, and Related Agencies Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Appropriations Act, 1989 2186 Act of 1988 3342 Departments of Labor, Health and Veterans' Benefits and Services Act of Human Services, and Education, 1988 487 and Related Agencies Agent Orange, Veterans' Benefits Appropriations Act, 1989 1680 Improvement Act of 1988 4122 District of Columbia Appropriations Agricultural Act of 1949, Act, 1989 2269 Foreign Operations, Export amendments...67, 68, 602, 925-932, 945- Financing, and Related Programs 947, 1163, 1337, 2263, 4708 Appropriations Act, 1989 2268 Agricultural Act of 1970, Health Maintenance Organization amendments 4708 Amendments of 1988 2578 Agricultural Adjustment Act, Academic Research Facilities amendments 1407, 1868 Modernization Act of 1988 2873 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, Accident Reports Act, amendments... 633, 634 amendments 948 Acquired Immune DeHciency Agricultural Aid and Trade Missions Syndrome. See AIDS. Act 1411 Adult Day Care. See Health and Agricultural College Act of 1890, Medical Care. amendment
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