AUG-SEP 2012 NEW RELEASE GUIDE THIS MONTH’S HIGHLIGHTS: LIMUHD060LE / LIMUHD060 BISCD1789 8.572207 Gustav MAHLER The Super Telarc Sound 1 Pipe Dreams FIMLP005LE / FIMLP005R GP619-20 LPO-0064 TCHAIKOVSKY Pyotr Ilʼyich TCHAIKOVSKY BEETHOVEN 1812 (DVD) OA1085D / (Blu-ray) OABD7108D (DVD) 2058728 / (Blu-ray) 2058724 (DVD) 711308 / (Blu-ray) 711404 (DVD) 711308 WAGNER A Tribute to Frederick the Great Gala from Berlin 2011 Naxos International (Far East) Limited 5B, Blue Box Factory Building, 25 Hing Wo Street, Tin Wan, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Tel: 2951 9557 Email:
[email protected] Hector BERLIOZ (1803-1869) Gustav MAHLER (1860-1911) Le corsaire – Overture, Op. 21 Symphony No. 1 Symphonie fantastique, Op. 14 Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (including an alternative version of Marin Alsop Un bal with cornet obbligato) Orchestre National de Lyon This remarkably original work, Leonard Slatkin with its recurring quotations from the composer’s own songs, Immensely influential, the remarkable notably Lieder eines fahrenden Symphonie fantastique was Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer) composed while Hector Berlioz and Des Knaben Wunderhorn (The was suffering an intense and Boy’s Magic Horn), is the perfect unreciprocated passion for the Irish actress Harriet Smithson. Its expression of one of Mahler’s most quoted sayings, “The symphony autobiographical tale describes a young musician’s opium-poisoned is a world; it must contain everything”. The opening movement, filled nightmares of jealous despair and fatal justice following the murder with sounds that Mahler remembered from his childhood, depicts of his beloved. Berlioz wrote a second movement cornet solo into a “Nature’s awakening from the long sleep of winter”, and is followed by subsequent revision of the score, here included as an optional extra.