University of Toronto Scarborough Toronto University of Annual Review 2009 Annual Review University of Toronto Scarborough Annual Review 2009 University of Toronto Scarborough 1265 Military Trail Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4 Tel: 416.287.8872
[email protected] FACULTY & STUDENTS Professor Greg Vanlerberghe, Chair 24 full-time faculty At a Glance 4 Canada Research Chairs ?00 undergraduate students 50+ MSc and PhD students 20+ post-doctoral fellows, research assistants, technicians Contents At the University of Toronto Scarborough, 2 5 12 22 50 innovative thinking is in high gear and PLANNING IN HOW WE’RE ACADEmiC BIOLOGICAL Faculty MOTION MOVING MOMENTUM SCIENCES propelling us rapidly forward. After an A message from AHEAD A message from the Principal UTSC> RE isS focusingEARCH SHOWCAthe DeanS E& 53 extensive consultation and planning process, on five strategic Vice-Principal Grants & Awards we’re more focused than ever on pursuing prioritiesStress(Academic) on the Brain 26 UTSC’s goals as a leader in breakthrough The aging of Canada’s populationCO overMP UTEthe nextR & decade56 will bring 6 18 MATHEMATICAL Publications research and academic excellence. The Campusa steady rise inRE theS EAincidenceRCH of heartSCIENCE attacksS and strokes, along Expansionwith Alzheimer’s,ADVANCE Parkinson’sS and other neurodegenerative sense of new momentum is evident right diseases. CriticalA message research on the brain’s role in these conditions across our campus, from the labs where got an importantfrom boost the this past year when the Centre for the 8 Vice-Principal, 30 SupportingNeurobiology Research of Stress (CNS) HsecuredUMANIT additionalIES infrastruc- students work alongside faculty on pioneer- Studentsture support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation.