"It's here because it's THE COWL true, not true because it's here."

Volume XXX - No. 6 Wednesday, March 2, 1977 Providence, R.I. 02918 8 Pages Mason Chosen To Fill Comm. on Adm. Post By Molly Hennessey Student Congress, reminded At its February 27 meeting, the Greenberg that Student Congress Student Congress defeated an must approve any amendments amendment to the Dillon Club to an organization's by-law or constitution, and heard of the constitution. After a brief debate appointment of Fred Mason to on the need for a club president the Committee on Ad• with final decision making ministration. power, the amendment was The Dillon Club amendment defeated by 25 opposed, 6 for and would have limited the authority 8 abstentions. of its president, stated that three In other business, Steve San- of the five executive board ford, former president of the members constitutes a quorum Student Congress, announced the of the board. In addition, the publication of a pamphlet which amendment would have required will describe the nature and that at least three of the five functions of the organizations board members would have to which make up the Student approve all appointments and Congress. Two committee formations. The pamphlet will also provide Mason, a junior resident a break down of the $ 60 student student, was appointed to the activity fee. Approximately 5000 Scenes central College adminstrative copies will be printed at a cost of position, after interviews with ten $300. nominees. Mason succeeds senior The Board of Governors sub• John Houlihan, who will end his mitted for approval an amend• Above, (l-r) Mike tenure with the committee in the ment which stated that can• Monea, Donna Chevalier, near future. Mason has served didates for BOG president or vice and Sister Kalhy O'Connor the last year as chairman of the president must be of sophomore Residents Board. or junior standing at the time of of the College's ad hoc Mark Greenburg, junior the election and a member of the Committee on Resident representative to the Cor• executive board or standing committee for at least one Lifestyles (see below). poration, voiced objection to the Dillon Club amendment, saying semester prior to the election. that it should not have been Nancy Culotta, vice president brought to Congress for a vote. of Student Congress, introduced a He said, "In light of the recent bill which would make several Left, students participate problems the Dillon Club has had, changes in Student Congress by• in a penitential service in they should be allowed to solve laws. The changes would their problems among them• "correct oversights" in the '64 Hall, which inaugurated selves, and the Student Congress organizational structure of the Lenten season last should not have a part in their Student Congress. The bill will be problems." given further consideration at the Wednesday. Rich Leveridge, president of next Student Congress meeting Dillon Club of the 1720 residents, 400 would choose plan (a), 900 would choose Offers Services Resident Comm. plan (b), 210 would choose plan (c) , and 210 would choose plan By Terri Suf foletta creasing the involvement of (d) . Are you interested in mixers, commuter students in campus At the request of Father Heath, sports, off-campus apartments, activities; 2) promoting social Vetos Meal Plan Thomas Heskin, comptroller of boat rides, charities, food (in activities and student services for the entire student body; and B> Richard Ratcliffe examined for the 1977-1978 the College, estimated the cost of Alumni Cafeteria), traveling to the four alternative meal plans. other states and countries, social 3) improving the relations bet• academic year, in lieu of the one ween the commuters and Father Thomas R. Peterson, meal plan currently being of- All expenses (food, labor, activities, etc.? The Dillon Club O.P.', president of Providence utilities, etc.) were based on data (named in honor of Father John resident students, providing a ferred. The plans were as friendly atmosphere where College, established an ad hoc follows: for September 1, 1976. He con• J. Dillon, O.P., fourth president committee last year to examine cluded that if the plans were put of Providence College), consists commuters are known by name and not by social security resident life on campus. Ac• (a) All meals seven days a into effect, the charges for this of involved commuters who give cording to Patti Davis, former year would have been: plan (a) their time to sponsor these ac• numbers. week; The Dillon Club sponsors an• chairman of the Student (b) Lunch and dinner seven $1,060, plan (b) $880, plan (c) tivities. Congress lifestyles committee (a $775, and plan (d) $620. The Dillon Club, located in nual events like the senior- days a week ; faculty basketball game, separate entity), the ad hoc ( c ) All meals five days a week ; Slavin 210 (right next to Alumni College committee was set up in According to Sister Kathy, two- Cafeteria), was founded in 1965. boatride and a back-to-school (d) Lunch and dinner five days thirds of all operating expenses mixer. These events and other response to a bill sponsored by a week. ft was inaugurated to strengthen former Congress president Jim for Raymond Cafeteria are fixed the day student's position and activities, such as Italian night, a (i.e., heat, electricity, and pinball tournament, and some McCarthy, which called for the The students members of the participation in campus life at existence of a few coed dor• labor). Therefore, those students PC. Before 1974 it consisted of bus trips to PC basketball games, mitories. committee estimated, based on are first planned out by com• plans at URI and Brown, that out See COMM.. Page 6 officers and two representatives from each class that were elected mittees who then report to the The committee, consisting of by commuters. Since 1974 it has club. Assistant Athletic Director Helen been an open club. Besides these events, the club Bert, Brother Kevin O'Connell, The purpose of the club has also provides these services: an O.P., Residence Director Father College Budget expanded over the years. Some of up-to-date list of available off- Walter Heath, O.P., Assistant these objectives include: 1) in- campus apartments, a Residence Director Donna representative in the food McCaffrey, Sister Kathleen committee of the Student O'Connor, O.P., faculty member See DILLONERS, Page 5 Raymond Sickinger, and Being Planned New Club students Bill Cupelo 78. Donna Formichella '78, Donna of next year's budget, he does Chevalier 78, Fred Mason '78, By Celia Kettle expect it to close in comparison to Formed INSIDE Mike Monea 79, and Patty According to Joseph L. Byron, last year's. That is, Mr. Byron McGowan '77, convened last vice president for business af• expects the 1977-1978 budget to be A new Providence College Calendar of April. fairs at Providence College, the as closely monitored as was the organization, Pro Vita, has been school is now in the process of 1976-1977 budget. established, with its stated aim Events - Page 2 Immediately after the com• working out the budget for the Some increases in tuition and "to recognize the right to life of mittee met, the student members 1977-1978 school year. room and board are expected for all innocent human beings from told Congress that the committee All budget requests have been next year, but no definite the first moment of conception." was going to examine a few other received and the College is now statements can be made until The club, composed of College Springsteen's questions before they were going holding budget meetings with the after the budget is completed and students, faculty and ad• Coming! to discuss coed dorms and various heads of each depart• accepted by the budget review ministrators, is also working to parietals. ment. Byron stated the College committee. Decisions on any rate "bring about a change in the - Page 5 expects to complete the budget increases will be made earlier constitutional amendment for The committee examined by mid-March, at which time it this year so that students can abortion in such a way that the various meal plans, in an attempt will be presented to the Budget make living decisions earlier. It sanctity of human life is Women's Hoop to give the students a wider Review Committee for approval. is estimated that the decision recognized." will be announced within three variety of choices. They proposed Altthough Byron could not give See PRO VITA, Page 5 - Page 7 that four different meal plans be definite statements as to nature weeks. Page 2 Wednesday, March 2, 1977 News Coffeehouse Theatre A different show each Friday Resident Board Deals presented by Roger Williams College students Shows at 8 and 10 p.m. Admission, 50 cents; With Dorm Complaints includes refreshments By Carol Persi representatives are elected. The LECTURES, EXHIBITS requirements are a 2.0 GPA, Fiction Reading The Resident Board is one of living in the dorm they're run• the committees of Student ning for, and have lived in it for Thomas Williams, author and Congress. This year the officers two semesters for all offices teacher at UNH, Roger Williams are the Chairman Fred Mason except for floor representatives. College, March 3, Lecture Hall and the Vice Chairman Bob The presidents are the only ones FILMS A History of the American Avant- 130, 8 p.m. Free. Gorman. who can vote and the vice Avon Repertory Cinema Garde Cinema RISD Museum presidents vote in their absence. 260 Thayer Street, Providence. Part II, RISD Auditorium. 224 Benefit Street, Providence The active voting members Open Tuesday, Wednesday, along with the officers are the 10 Freshmen can only run for March 2-3, Mysteries of the THEATER representative and cannot run if Organism, 7:30 p.m., Tropic of Trinity Square Repertory Co. Firday, and Saturday from 11 dorm presidents: John Bestwick a.m. to5p.m.; Thursday from 1-7 (Aquinas), Tim Callahan (Dore), they are on academic probation. Cancer, 9:15 p.m. March 4-5, 201 Washington Street, Putney Swope, 7:30 p.m., The Providence. King Lear, upstairs p.m.; and Sunday from 2-5 p.m. Paul Protentis (Fennel), Ed The chairman and vice- Admission for non-members is Drysgula (Guzman), Jack Mc- chairman of the Resident Board Front, 9:15 p.m., Midnight theater, through April 3. Per• Movie: Janis, March 6-8, Elvira formances Tuesday-Sunday $1; no admission charge on Bride (Joseph), Mike Holt must have a 2.0 cum average and Saturdays. (McDermott). Sharon Theodus Madagan, 7:25 p.m., Garden of nights at 8 p.m.; selected two semesters of dorm living. This week: Lunch Hour Tour, (McVinney), Sharon McCarthy One of the by-laws passed the Finzi-Continis, 9:15 p.m. matinees at 2 p.m. on Wed• (Meagher), Rus Corcoran Price for both films, $2. nesday, Saturday and Sunday. "Egyptian Myths," Florence February 20th at the Student Friedman, Brandéis University (Raymond), and Bill Reindl Congress meeting was the BOG Movie Student rush tickets available (Stephans). The passive mem• one half-hour before each per• graduate student, March 4. secretary and treasurer be March 2, Joseph 204, W.C. Gallery Tour bers are all the resident students. elected instead of appointed. Fields and Me. Film shown at formance at $3.50 each. PC Nominations for the Resident 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. discount SO cents) available - see "Mysteries and Myths of The line of communications Ancient Egypt," Florence runs from the students to their Board are March 2nd-5th, Dr. Zhivago Father J. Stuart McPhail, campaigning is from March 6th- Student Affairs Office, for Friedman. Woods-Gerry Gallery, dorm presidents, and all com• Roger Williams College. March Sec EVENTS, Pages ments are reported at the 8th, and the election is Wed• 4 and 6, Lecture Hall 129, details. Resident Board meetings. The nesday March 9th. The positions Classroom Building at 8 p.m. Resident Board takes care of being run for are chairman, vice Students, $4.50, others $1. situations requiring immediate chairman, secretary and Documentary Film Series attention, but they will also help treasurer. Also at RWC, these films will the Student Congress if needed. The following are responses to be shown each Wednesday in There are many things that the suggestions given to Father Lecture Hall 129, Classroom Resident Board is working on. Heath by the Resident Board: Building at 7 p.m. Free. March 2, Recently there were about 45 By September, lights will be Triumph of the Will (Germany suggestions submitted to Father put in the Quad especially near 1934-36). Heath Father Heath and the the bushes and trees in the circle. RISD Film Revue. Resident Board have worked well This will cost around $3,000 and White Heat. Preceded by a together, says the Board will be taken from the College RISD student film short. Seventy- Chairman, since he always aids budget. five cents with a RISD ID, $1 the students by telling them what More electrical outlets will be without. he has done in relation to each put in the bathrooms in Aquinas proposal. by the end of the year. Also, the Some things suggested to the trash cans must be kept in the Resident Bd. Board were better food, ample Aquinas bathrooms because of hot water, continual heating, fire laws. However, metal cans more electrical outlets in the with lids will soon replace the Votes Soon bathrooms of Aquinas, more plastics ones to eliminate toxic showers, clean shower curtains fumes in case of fire. Resident Board elections will in the girls' dorms, repairing There will be more weekend be held next week, March 9 in vending machines, better cleaning in bathrooms, and the Raymond Cafeteria and Slavin lighting on the campus, and College is hoping that there will Center. Nomination papers may many other general and specific be students on work-study be taken out from March 2 to suggestions. Just recently rugs programs doing the work. March 4 from the Student Congress Office. Campaigning were installed into the halls of Mirrors, requested by students Meagher and washers and dryers will take place from March 5 to in Meagher and McVinney, will March 8. were put in Joseph. Two major not be installed because there is reasons that some proposals are no immediate need, and it would This year, two new positions rejected are either because of the be too expensive at this time. have been added to the Resident finances or the standing tradition Board, in addition to those of of the College. It's very difficult The broken bathroom door in chairman and vice chairman. for students to argue when facts McVinney (eighth floor) will soon The new positions of secretary and figures are placed in front of be fixed. There are problems and treasurer will have the same them. with replacing the marble and qualifications as the two older the maintenance men are waiting posts: a minimum 2.0 GPA and Funding for the Resident Board for the other necessary parts. minimum of two semesters' for distribution comes from the Don Burns, director of the residence on campus. The older College maintenance fund. The physical plant, has been notified requirement of two semesters on Resident Board receives $500 per of inconsistent heating, partially the Dorm Council was removed semester and allocates $50 to due to the cycle program, where last week by Student Congress. each of the 10 dorms for each the plant is heated at specific semester. times during the day. It was Last year one of the most suggested that more heat could successful activities was The be used to help warm the upper Typing done in my home. Battle of the Dorms sponsored by campus if the residents of Mc• the Class of '78 and supported by Vinney would use better Fast service. Reasonable the Resident Board. It is hoped judgement when setting ther• that this event will be held again mostats. Rates. You deliver and this year and will prove as suc• Burns is also investigating the cessful, if not more so. hot water situation in Fennell pick up. All dorm officers are elected in Hall, where the morning hours September. A president, vice- the water is usually cool or president, secretary, treasurer, lukewarm. Call Sandra - 831-3115 social chairman and floor •Sec BOARD, Page 5 SOPHOMORES Last chance to earn$100.00 Per month. Prepare for your FUTURE through the Army ROTC Two Year Program. Contact; Department of Military Science Providence College 865-2471 Wednesday, March 2, 1977 Page 3 innumerable odds and his own cynicism. Harris is more sub• dued than he has been recently and this is definitely to his ad• ATTENTION SENIORS vantage. His performance is You are invited to attend a Workshop on controlled and confident, adding much to the film. "THE JOB SEARCH" sponsored by the Equally fine is as Jennifer. Loren creates a woman Counseling Center. Among the topics to who seems as intelligent as she is beautiful. The sensitivity she be discussed in the three sessions are gives to her early scenes with Harris extends these moments defining job abjectives, resume writing, 'Network' Scores far beyond the sometimes cliched By David St. Germain this film. In Network, he is at the dialogue. It is Sophia Loren's and interviewing techniques. and Suzanne Fournier peak of his powers, demanding thoughful performance which attention as a middle-aged keeps the film from being mere Pre-registration is at the Counseling Screenwriter Paddy Chayef• executive deeply troubled by sensationalism, showing that she sky, known for his razor-edged fears of an encroaching old age. has progressed from a love Center on a first-come, first-servebasis . satires of modern society, has He exhibits strength of character goddess to a highly capable pulled out the plug on that and depth of feeling in a setting actress. WORKSHOP DATES: favorite American pastime sorely devoid of these qualities. known as television in the new The very term "love goddess" Any criticism of such a finely was invented to describe Ava March 22, March 29, April 5 film Network. drawn setting must also pay film UBS Gardner. From her breathtaking In thij . newscaster ample tribute to its creator, entrance the viewer knows he is TIME: Howard Beale (Peter Finch) writer Paddy Chayefsky. It is his in the presence of that rarest of announces to his viewers that he vision of American life today commodities these days: a 1:30 - 3:00 intends to commit suicide on air which penetrates our society and STAR. at 54 still due to his impending can• informs his picture of UBS. exudes that delightfully decadent PLACE: cellation. Rather than actually Credit for unifying all the sensuality which first made her a cancel Beale, who appears to be diverse elements in this picture sex symbol. Slavin Center Room 217 undergoing a mental breakdown, goes to director Sidney Lumet. his superiors keep him on the air Besides eliciting controlled As Nicole Dressier, the middle- because his ratings have gone up. aged wife of a German arms performances from his actors, magnate, she does not offer the Through the scheming of Lumet has obviously worked typical portrait of a self-pitying, programmer Diana Christensen very closely with Chayevsky to aging woman. But rather she is a STA-BRITE (Faye Dunaway) and business preserve the writer's theme. brazen woman who laughs in the executive Frank Hackett (Robert Ultimately, Network is a face of danger. Miss Gardner is Duvall), an entire show is combination black comedy, definitely a major asset to the LAUNDRY AND CLEANING created around Beale, "the mad message-for-our-times satire film with her wry delivery of prophet of the air waves." The which keeps the viewer in• vitriolic dialogue that often eases *Same day Service On All Laundry For angry protests of his friend Max terested and agitated the film's tenser moments. Schumacher (William Holden) do throughout. The intensity of this not stop such exploitation, but experience helps to create in It is easy to see why Lee Only 18e Per Pound. Just Drop Off And merely cost him his job. With the Network a film which demands Strasberg has taught some of the dismissal of Schumacher, any viewing. world's finest actors at his pleas for human decency are Method Studio. As Mr. Kaplan he Pick Up Later. abandoned in hopes of a higher A welcome diversion from takes a part conceived in card• Nielsen. The final fate of Beale some recent cinema fare is The board and enriches it by adding * Dry Cleaning Also Available and company is a shock not only Cassandra Crossing, an un• subtleties which give depth to the to his viewers but to Network's pretentious film which simply character undreamed of in the *50 Machines Available If You Desire To viewers as well. tries to entertain the viewer. script. In the film two terrorists break After these four performances Do It Yourself Paddy Chayefsky achieves a into the International Health the acting is for the caboose scathing indictment of the quality Organization in Geneva. One of section of the train. Burt Lan• of modern American life in his the men smashes vials containing caster as MacKenzie is so story of the industry which an incurable pneumatic plague stereotyped that his acting is as shapes our tastes and sets our and dies of infection. The other flat as his hairdo. Location: Drive down to River to' Branch goals. He creates the television terrorist escapes. Since the network UBS as a perfect as Dr. Stradner disease is highly contagious the plays her role with an "I told you Ave. At Junction of 146. Five microcosm of a larger society man must be captured and willing to accept "The Howard so" stance that is grating. It is quarantined. Col. Stephen Mac• appropriate that she and Lan• Beale Variety Hour" as a kenzie () and Dr. Minutes from PC. Information panacea for boredom and rage. caster have all their scenes Stradner (Ingrid Thulin) are in together thereby not infecting the The frustration and the confusion charge of this mission. Call 831-9421 in each individual on the screen rest of the cast with another reflect an effective criticism of They discover that the infected disease: clicheitis. the frenetic pace of our modern man has gained passage on a Martin Sheen is surprisingly lifestyle. Transcontinental Train going to bad and deserves little more than Hours 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Mon. - Sat. Paris. Passengers on board in• lighting Ava Gardner's As Howard Beale, the late clude: Dr. Jonathan Cham• cigarettes. Richard Harris's wife Peter Finch attained the actor's berlain (Richard Harris), his ex- Ann Turkel has a hippie type role Sunday's 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. dream of going out in a great role wife Jennifer (Sophia Loren), suggesting she wandered onto the here. Finch so skillfully balances Nicole Dressier (Ava Gardner), set en route to making a '60s his character's off-the-air state her "companion" Robby documentary. with his on-the-air prophecies Novarro (Martin Sheen), Worst of all is O.J. Simpson as that we are never completely Herman Kaplan (Lee Strasberg) Haley, an undercover agent sure whether he is a madman in a and Haley (O.J. Simpson). posing asa priest. Unfortunately SPEED READING COURSE TO BE sane world or a sane man in the O.J.'s collar isn't tight enough to asylum of television. When the terrorist is eventually keep him from uttering such captured the train has to be insane dialogue as calling a little TAUGHT IN PROVIDENCE Faye Dunaway excels in her sealed and the 1000 passengers girl "sweets" every two minutes. are to be brought into Poland and performance as Diana, the Another element hindering the abrasive female who helps to quarantined. Complicating the situation is the fact that they film is the music by Jerry deny any basic dignity in Beale. Goldsmith, which constantly She conspires with Frank must travel over a bridge named AND NEWPORT BEACH the Cassandra Crossing, an tries to be ominous. It appears Hackett for control of the that the composer had his own medium which has shaped her outmoded structure not used The New England Reading Lab is offering their famous speed reading since 1948. What follows is a tense crash not of trains but of his attitudes and ambitions. She hands into the keyboard. course to a limited number of qualified people here in the Providence presents to the viewers of Net• film in which the suspense is and Newport Beach area. The average person who completes this work a woman who lives in and constantly compounded for the All the credit or blame must ultimately go to director George course can read 10 times faster, and with substantially improved for television. Diana cannot be viewer. comprehension and better concentration. fully human since her whole Pan Cosmatos. Cosmatos is The Cassandra Crossing is a seeking a hit movie at any plot being is devoted to that 22-inch This famous course has taught many thousands of people to read screen. "Grand Hotel" on rails and the cost. The Cassandra Crossing is performances range from first simply an intriguing adventure over 1000 words per minute with the ability to understand and retain Against this empty woman is class to baggage. Richard Harris story and should be viewed not what they have read much more effectively. Average graduates can pitted the older character sen• as Dr. Chamberlain returns to for any depth but as another car read most novels in less than one hour. sitively portrayed by Holden, the type of role that suits him on that long endless train of perhaps the finest performer in best: the hero who fights against disaster films. For complete details about this famous speed reading course, be sure to attend one of the free one hour orientation lectures that have been scheduled. These lectures are open to the public, above age 13 to Martin Luther King, Jr., and Thursday and Sunday, while ( persons under 18 should be accompanied by a parent, if possible) and Turner Voted several social events. The Cowl shows on Friday and Saturday the course will be explained in complete detail, including class will publish a story concerning begin at 8 an 11 p.m. the Afro-Am Society in depth in schedules, instruction procedures and a tuition that is much less than Afro-Am the near future. Annette Olivier, piano, and similiar courses. Sheri Markward, violin, March 9 in '64 Hall, 1:30 p.m. Free. Providence Meetings will be held in the Marriott Hotel, Orms President Events Street ; off I-95-Newport Beach Meetings will be held in the Treadway The Afro-American Society All material should be sub- Motor Inn. elected Beverly Turner, a junior (Continued From Page 2) milled to The Cowl Office no social work major from East 62 Prosepect Street, Providence. later than noon the Friday before Schedules for both locations are as follows: Providence, R.I., president of its Open weekdays and Saturdays publication on the following Tuesday, March 8 6:30 p.m. club recently. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. ; Sundays, Wednesday. Address in care of 8:30 p.m. The club, whose stated aim is 2-4 p.m. Free. Denise Rock. Cowl Office, Slavin to "try to take care of the black 100. Releases for next week Is Wednesday, March 9 6:30 p.m. student's social and cultural "A Tribute to Ireland" events calendar should cover all 8:30 p.m. March 3-31, features lectures, needs," according to Turner, also activities from March 9 to March elected three other officers They music, folk dances, arts and 22. For more information Thursday, March 10 6:30 p.m. are Cedric White, vice president; crafts at the Pawtucket Public 8:30 p.m. Flossie Adams, secretary; and Library, 13 Summer Street, telephone 86S-2214. Leslie Nesmith, social chairman. Pawtucket. Saturday, March 12 2:30 p.m. only White is a freshman biology SPECIAL EVENTS Next Week! major from New York City and a Classes are limited and class places will be filled on first come-first resident of McDermott Hall, artf Slavin Center Pit: Billiard-pool player Jack White, March 4. Cowl Poll: Where serve basis only. Be sure to attend the earliest meeting possible to Adams is a freshman social work insure a class place. Group rates are available upon request. major from New York and a Bo Diddley Are The Seniors McVinney resident. Special at Lupos Heartbreak The 23-member club has Hotel, March 8-13. Admission $3. Going? ADVERTISEMENT among its plans a March 4 tribute Shows begin at 9p.m. on Tuesday, The Cowl established by Providence College in 1935 member of Associated Collegiate Press A Good Idea Poorly Applied Two weeks ago, the Board of Governors financed a trip to the National Entertainment Con• ference (NEC) national con• vention in San Antonio, Texas. The'approximate expense for the four people who attended the convention was $1,400. The convention is designed to supply information and suggest new ideas in entertainment for organizations on college cam• puses which have, basically, the same function as the BOG. Through seminars and workshops, the student representatives learn about innovative methods of programming, which, no doubt, this campus could use. The BOG representatives are all actively involved in student programming at Providence College. However, three of the representatives are seniors. It is questionable whether the expense was entirely justifiable or not. As members of the graduating class, the information Reprinted with permission of The Providence Journal Bulletin. they received would only be convention came out of the BOG editorial board feels that the ordinator for the office of student The other three people, useful for the remaining three budget, which is supplied with expense was misdirected. We do affairs, he does work closely with because they are all graduating months of school. Though they funds by the student activity fee. not question the credentials of the the BOG. However, considering this year, were not wise choices . are preparing written reports on The intention of the expenditure conventioneers; however, we do his position within this com• Though qualified and responsible the convention information, was in the best interest of the question their selection. munity, it does not seem people, they will not be here next reports are never as productive students: that is, providing them One of the representatives justifiable that a majority of his year to fully carry out any new as personal experience. with more diversified en• chosen to attend the convention is expenses be paid with students' programming. Had one orlwo of The monies for the five-day tertainment. However, the not a student. As program co- money. See QUESTIONED, Page 5

the title of resident lifestyles The question remains: when Decision committee, the investigations will the time come to deal with College 'Going were redirected. By starting with these other problems? It has the less controversial topics already taken a year to decide Took Too (e.g., Raymond Caf) it was upon minor improvements in the To The Dogs' decided that the committee cafeteria. How long will it take would be more capable of han• the committee to formulate In recent weeks, as in the beginning of every fall and spring Much Time recommendations for the season, the number of unleashed dogs on campus increases dling the more crucial issues The ad hoc committee (e.g., parietals). weightier problems? drastically. Furthermore, the present number of dogs roaming the established last year to in• campus is expected to double as the warm weather approaches. vestigate resident lifestyles has Presently, the College has attempted to control the situation with submitted its second proposal to the aid of the Providence Dog Warden and our own PC security. But the president of the College, the "dog roundup" seems to be a losing battle for the officials. Father Thomas R. Peterson, O.P. Due to the remoteness of Providence College, many people forget The suggestion is an attempt to THE COWL that we are located within a city, a city that has ordinances eliminate the so-called designed to provide for the general welfare of its citizens. In the "crossover" problem in Published each full week of school during the academic case of Providence's regulations, the dog ordinances were set up to Raymond Cafeteria. year by Providence College, River Avenue and Eaton protect citizens from large numbers of animals from roaming the Street, Providence, R.I. 02918. Second class postage paid at The crossover problem is a Providence, R.I., Slavin Center, P.O. Box 2981, 865-2214 streets, damaging and destroying property, and providing for the situation caused by students cleanliness of public areas. So it is in the case of PC's own carrying trays through the meal Editor-in-Chief George D. Lennon, '77 regulations concerning the control of pets on campus. lines to the dishwashing windows Business Manager Heinz R. Brinkhaus, '79 The campus for the most part is too small to have unleashed (the "pits"). Among the Managing Editor Francis P. Fortin, '78 dogs, let alone allowing packs to roam freely. The situation of these suggestions of the committee is Editorial Editor Rosemary Lynch, 77 unleashed dogs also pose the problems of filth and danger for the the construction of a second Sports Editor John A. O'Hare, '7* PC community. window on the other side of the Photography Editor Mike Delaney, '78 Usually, one or two leashed dogs get along quite well when placed cafeteria. Thus, the annoyance Art Editor KyleCorkum,'80 in an environment populated by human beings. But when the of carrying trays through lines of Circulation Manager Robert Noble, '78 number increases and these animals are allowed to wander without people would be eliminated. College Advisor John A. McMahon, O. P. any control, the danger of these animals becoming vicious is real. Also included in the report to Hence, these friendly, household pets can become a threat to Father Peterson is the com• anyone who may fall victim to a possible attack by these pets. General Assignment Staff: David Amara], Dea Antonelli, mittee's recommendation Kathy Conniff, Ann Corrado, Kathryn DelSignore, Mary Furthermore, the problem of damage that these uncontrolled against instituting a meal plan. animals have been causing should also be dealt with. Dodge. Carol Grabowski. Mark Gray, Holly Green, Jane The plan investigated consisted Hickey, Celia Kettle, Paul Longhammer, Steve When a student is found damaging campus property he can be of four options. It was decided Maurano, Jim Monahan, Maureen O'Hare, Carol Persi, made accountable for it through such actions as fines and even that the institution of a meal plan Richard Ratcliffe, John Reilly, Terri Suffoletta, David St. threats of dismissal. However, when a dog, or dogs, chew up would be less beneficial to the Germain, and Denise Rock. Slavin Center furniture, or do what dogs always do, who is held students because it offered less responsible for it? No one! Yet, it will be all of us, the student body than the present plan while in• Sports Staff: Mike Callahan, Mike David, John Mullaney, who will have to to be charged to repair the damage caused by creasing costs. If a student Debbie Noviello, Jim O'Donnell, Albert Palladino, and Lou these animals. Then, too, what about the chaos these four-legged wished to retain the same Pulner. students cause when they enter classrooms, dormitories and the number of meals monthly he now Copy Staff: Peggy Brodeur, Molly Hennessey, Laura library. Are we not entitled to a class hour of studies rather then a has, it would cost at least $200 Smith, and Carlton (CO Cornish. period of playing dog catcher? more. Layout Staff: Bill Ahders, Steve Basson, Marie Mar- The question of the health problem should also be considered Their first proposal, the im• üneau, Rosemary Murray, Maryanne Putz, Philip when discussing this matter. No matter how many times an animal provement of services at Rapuano, Veronica Ryan, and Jay Vizcaronda. is bathed, it still picks up and maintains parasites as it wanders. Raymond's third line, has been in Photography Staff: Dan Lund, Corey Shaker, Rick Teves, Thus, when these animals, dogs who have been living outside or in effect for a few months. It, too, and Isabelle Taft. the basement of some apartment, and who roam in the mud and was designed to diminish minor Art Staff: Steve Cousineau, Marc Tetreault, and Jeff filth are allowed into such places as the dorms and the cafeteria, daily aggravations. the owners are subjecting their own personal preferences onto Verderame. The products of the com• Circulation Staff: John Henebry, David Hergot, John others. mittee's labors, though they Furthermore, not everyone is a dog lover. Many people are quite alleviate some of the residents' Lenox, John Nolan, and John Scanlon. terrified when a large, beastly cur approaches them. The owner hassles, seem somewhat in• Foreign Correspondents: (Fribourg): Fran Harrington may enjoy his best friend, but that is not to say that everyone else significant when one considers and Beth McDonald. should be forced to do likewise. the original reasons for its The Editorial Board of The Cowl does not object to the possession establishment. Subscription Rate: $4.00 a year of dogs, but rather we object to the irresponsible attitude that many In March, 1976, the group was dog owners have been showing in allowing their animals to wander formulated to investigate among The opinions expressed herein are the opinion» oí the editorial freely on campus. Furthermore, we call for stronger action on other things, parietals, their board and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the ad• behalf of the College to enforce the local ordinances on the keeping possible extension and the ministration or the student body of Providence College. and controlling of these "pets." feasibility of coed dorms. Under Wednesday, March 2, 1977 Page 5 Springsteen To Storm Alumni Trey Florist He was supposed to be the savior of rock. Instead, he's just the best performer on the concert somehow you equate to fac• circuit this year. tionalism in the Club and Bruce Springsteen, the raspy- Florist and Greenhouse •Thanks' dissatisfaction with the new voiced New Jersey native whose Dear Editor: president. Recently, a Dillon songs have both moved and This letter is not written on an Club member put a cigarette out rowsed thousands of music fans intelligent level of thought. Your on the floor in the middle of the everywhere, will bring his newspaper has a habit of printing office. Apparently, he must be famous E-Street Band into unintelligent letters and dissatisfied that Gerald Ford is Alumni Hall March 20. Phone 521-3539 editorials, so I will keep this at no longer president of the United Springsteen's shows have the level which seems to be most States. As stupid as that sounds, sparked legendary comments on familiar to you. it makes as much sense as your the energy expended and diffused In reference to your editorial, it statement in your editorial. during his concerts. Springsteen is obvious to myself and many Finally, I'd like to conclude by prefers to play in small halls of 50 Radcliffe Avenue other Dillon Club members that saying that although you state less than 5,000 capacitv. you have no understanding of the that the Dillon Club should heal About 3400 seats are available occurrences in the Dillon Club. itself and its factionalism, what I for the concert. By Wednesday Providence, R.I. You mentioned in your editorial and other Dillon Club members afternoon this week, there may that supporters of Domenic fail to realize is why your be a few seats still available. The Coletta have been conducting newspaper prints only letters and BOG today sent some tickets off- themselves to impede the ef• editorials which are detrimental campus for general sale. All but Flowers for all occasions. fectiveness of Cheryl Groccia's to the Dillon Club and its mem• the worst seats are selling for term of office. Although this bers and refuse to print any letter $7.50, and all are reserved. statement is totally false to begin which speak favorably of the Springsteen has produced three We can fill all your Friar Formal with, what is even more Club. You express a desire to end albums. The first two, Greetings ridiculous, is that you have no it all, and yet, you drag it out with from Ashbury Park, N.J. (1971), grounds whatsoever to base your an article that has no relevance and The Wild, the Innocent, needs. Located within easy talking statement on. Looking in from to the Dillon Club. The only thing and the E Street Shuffle (1973), the outside, there is no possible I san say to The Cowl is "thanks, are often regarded as better than way you can understand what's but we can do without your help. ' ' his third album, Born to Run distance of PC. happening. (1975). Both early albums exhibit You also mentioned a hole in Lou Zammarelli the same panorama of music. the Dillon Club wall which Class of 1978 The best known tune probably is the electric, kinetic "Rosalita," General meetings in which from E Street, a favorite dancing Di I loners each committee reports their song. news are held at 8:30 p.m. on Born to Run, a million-seller, Wednesdays in Slavin 210 or 203. met with much criticism, E and J Plan More Everyone is welcome to come probably as a result of the and get acquainted. publicity showered on the man, Activities which included a cover story on Time magazine and interview ( Continued from Page 1 ) Pro Vita stories in nearly every music newspaper. In fact, the making of PIZZA Congress, travel to other states (Continued from Page 1 > and countries, and fund-raising Sec SPRINGSTEEN, Page i, for charity. Many members of The newly-elected officers of the club serve on one or more Pro Vita are Carl Erickson, * Delicious Pizza, committees. The various com• president; John Uveges, vice mittees are: president: Molly Hennessey, Board Social Committee - plans all secretary; Peter Brodeur, social events which are open to treasurer; and Father John Wants the whole school. McMahon, O.P., chaplain. Grinders and Spaghetti Travel Committee - runs trips Membership in Pro Vita is open More Heat to Bermuda every year. This to all members of the Providence ( tu ii i nu ni from Page 2 ) year it is running trips to Ft. College community. The Lauderdale and San Juan It is organization is seeking more There were many food com• also working on a trip to Hawaii members who are interested in plaints. For example, it was FAST SERVICE for the Rainbow Classic next working for its stated goals. noted that food was put out too Christmas. Student Congress last week soon and quickly becomes cool. Meeting Street Committee - approved the club's constitution, All these food suggestions have raised over $700 last year. This making it eligible for financial been passed along to the food FREE DELIVERY year's goal is $1000. It will be aid from Congress for the 1977- committee of Student Congress. sponsoring a spaghetti supper on 1978 school year. The vending machines on Thursday, March 10. There will campus have been abnormally also be a senior-faculty troublesome. The Rome Vending basketball game followed by a Questioned? Machine Company has been mixer. Lollipops will also be sold. called and told the machines 751 -2251 (Continued From Page 4) Housing Committee - keeps an have been abused. If there is a up to date list of off-campus the conventioneers been juniors loss of money, the Residence apartments, maps and general or sophomores, next year's board Office should be called. Delivery 4:30 p.m.-l a.m. information. Last summer it would not have to rely merely on The distribution of laundry placed over 50 freshmen in off- second-hand reports of tickets is up to the Dorm Council campus apartments. programming and entertainment of each dorm. It will, however, be ideas. e Food Council - a representative suggested at the next meeting of from the club makes suggestions Additionally, whatever is in• the Resident Board. 30 COUPON and complaints about the food in stituted in the remainder of the In regard to vacuum cleaners, Alumni Cafeteria. Its main ob• semester could be carried over the Resident Board will check out jective: food improvement. into next year without any and decide the need for them. If c possible break in continuity. Not 30 Off Any Large Pizza Membership Committee - its they decide that they are needed only would the issue of then they will be bought. main objective is to get more programming consistency commuters involved in the club The Resident Board will listen With This Coupon present no problems had some of to any suggestions of students, and campus life. It is working on the representatives been other a newsletter to get more people providing the suggestions are 1 Coupon per Pizza than seniors, but the students practical ones. The Resident acquainted with the various would have more time to activities that have been planned Board Office is located in the Valid March 2 - 9 organize and effectively im• Student Congress Office in Slavin and the different committees plement any new programming. within the club. Center. Kristy's Deli and Lounge 580 Douglas Ave. Formerly J.J. Beard's Now open for your eating and drinking pleasure. Mon. - Thurs. 11 am - 1 am Fri. - Sat. 11 am - 2 am Deli Sandwiches Complete Friday menu Happy Hour 4 - 6 pm Mon. - Fri. Good Food, Good Spirits, Good Time

Take Out Service 831-9382 Wednesday, March 2, 1977 There IS a difference!!! Comm. On MCAT -LSAT • DAT • GMAT • VAT • GRE • OCAT • SAT Lifestyles Over 38 years of experience and success. Small classes. Voluminous home study materials. Courses that are constantly updated. Centers (Continued from Page 1 ) open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities for review By Denise Rock in my lifetime, the meal as a of class lessons and for use of supplementary materials. Make-ups for whole was quite satisfying. choosing plan (a) would have to missed lessons at our centers. If you're ever bopping around The others had stuffed shells, absorb these expenses and the the East Side and get pangs for veal parmigian and manicotti, all cost to them would be higher than Italian food, visit Alfredo's on of which met with approval The they are currently spending now Thayer Street for a "treat that veal was, as I was told, "real cant't be beat (trite, trite)." veal," not the ground-up hockey Because of the feeling among members of the committee that Seriously, Alfredo's is a pretty puck variety. Both the stuffed shells and manicotti were most students would not gain 25 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. nice place with two big plusses from a new meal plan system, going for it: friendly, prompt abundantly filled with ricotta cheese, and at $3.25 each, that's a and in fact many would lose, they (617) 261-5150 service and relatively inex• voted unanimously against a new pensive prices. pretty good deal. - The dessert listing at Alfredo's meal plan system Prepare For Your New MCAT! My friends and I began our meal with a bottle of well-chilled is limited, offering only ice All students who currently lambrusco delivered by the cream, pies, and such Italian reside on campus must contract bartender, who greeted us restaurant regulars as tortoni the equivalent of plan (a). If the warmly. We were then given an and spumoni. I tried something new system were initiated these antipasto immediately followed interesting called Flaming students who wished to remain on by minestrone soup. The an• Moska (the waitress told me that this plan would pay $180 more tipasto was more than adequate, moska was Italian for fly, than the current rate. The price with large pieces of Genoa although exactly what that has to for plan (b) is the same as this salami, prosciutto (a delicious do with it, I'll never know) which year's current board price, but Italian ham ), and vegetables on a consisted of a cordial glass filled they would get less for their bed of lettuce. The vegetables in with Anisette and a coffee bean money. Only plans (c) and (d) the salad were scarce, but served to your table engulfed in would be less expensive. everything was fresh and flames. It's great if you like delicious. Anisette, terrible if you don't, and The next problem they fun all the way around just to examined was the service on the The soup, however, was the blow out the flames. real highlight of the meal. It was third food line, they recom• LIQUORAMA One of us ordered Cappuccino, mended various small im• hot and abundantly stocked with vegetables and noodles: an ap• which I tasted, and found to be provements. Among the im• pealing homemade tasting soup. fine, but certainly not worth the provements were silverware at For entrees we all went Italian, $1.25 price tag that went along the entrance of the third line, although for non-tomato sauce with it. The ice cream was really tables moved away from the fans there are such items as thick and creamy : a nice ending salad bar to provide more space, steak and roast chicken on the to a good meal. additional coke machines placed menu. next to the milk machine on the If you're planning to visit third line, more varieties of milk, I had the specialty of the house, Alfredo's, better get there early, and a roped-off third line. All lasagna, and for $3 75 I was given because it's small and fills up these imrpovements have been 325 Douglas Ave. a large portion of pasta fast. The turnover is pretty good implemented. smothered with tomato sauce though, so if you have to wait, it with a salad on the side. For won't be long, and one thing is cheese freaks, this lasagna was a certain, you'll never have to wait treat. It was packed with ricotta long for your food. Under One Plan, and parmasan cheeses, although On the whole, Alfredo's is a I've tasted better spaghetti sauce relaxing, pleasant evening, The Current Meal hampered only by such failings as potatoes which tasted instant, System Would Cost a spaghetti sauce which would never incite national acclaim. As a total experience, we rated $180 More Than Alfredo's "eight" on a scale of ten. And eight isn't bad, not bad This Year's Rate. at all. According to Sickinger, "These are not earth-shattering reforms or improvements, but many of Springsteen the little day-to-day aggravations have been alleviated." (Continued from Page 5) Donna Formichella, present that album was so painstaking Congress committee chairman, that it took Springsteen months stated, "The committee was before he admitted he "sort of established by Father Peterson liked" the album. to investigate all aspects of His time this past year has resident life. While there are been occupied by a law suif with already standing committees, the his former manager, whom present one is a separate com• Springsteen claims has been mittee composed of students and stealing all his profits. administrators to give a com• The court case still isn't plete evaluation of resident life resolved but it seems as if "Overcrowding, security and Springsteen (or, as some call dorm life are all equally im• him, "Juicy Brucey") is trying to portant aspects of resident life keep his mind off such mundane You can't discuss dorm life matters. In any case, if you were without first discussing security one of the lucky few to get tickets, The cafeteria question deals with enjoy yourself. The show should the whole question of over• be nothing less than memorable crowding." Wednesday, March 2, 1977 Page 7 stituted freely throughout the Lady Friars Split; But Still Tournament Bound second stanza. Buchanan led all scorers with 23 points and 12 By Mike David through the first half and the URI then responded to the Providence snapped right back rebounds; freshman guard Wrams, taking advantage of challenge by scoring 10 out of the on the winning trek on Friday Sheedy added 10 points while Ah, the Ides of March and Friar foul trouble, ran off a 10- next 13 points behind the snooting night as they massacred Holy providing sparkling court playoff fever. The whole campus point spree to forge a 28-17 lead. of Mickey Gargiulio and Laurie Cross by 68-39 count. The game leadership. seems to be infatuated with it as Oddly enough, the pressing Cason to assume a five point lead. was never a contest as the Lady Special congratulations go out the Lady Friar hoopsters, URI person-to-person defense The Lady Friars, behind Lynn Friars, totally dominating both to Mary Ann McCoy for her following the lead of their male that "killed" the Lady Friars in Sheedy and Mary Ellen backboards, ran up a 37-22 selection as the Lady Friars' counterparts, locked up a post• their first encounter failed to Buchanan, rallied back to trail by halftime lead. Sixth Player award. McCoy, a season tournament berth by materialize this time around. only two, 57-55, in the last minute, freshman from Westwood, Mass., splitting two games this past "We had originally planned to but URI's Phylis Douglas iced the "Holy Cross tried a full court won the award by outballoting week to run their record to a combat the pressure by having Wram victory with a basket in press that caused us some early her teammates in a vote taken by sensational 15-3. Mary Ann (McCoy) bring us the the final seconds. turnovers, but our team quickly radio station WDOM. "Our strategy will not change adjusted to the pressure," ball," reflected" Gilbride. In retrospect, the Friars played Providence will conclude their but we're going to try to win," "However, their guards got into Gilbride stated. regular season schedule this stated Coach Tim Gilbride prior theirs hearts out but lost to a early foul trouble and sub• poised, clutch-shooting squad. It was the same story in the week as they take on Boston to the PC-UR.I re-match held last sequently we didn't see much second half as the talented Friars College and nationally ranked Wednesday evening in Kingston. man-to-man during the game." "We lost to a very tough team," thoroughly intimidated the Southern Connecticut on the His squad did everything but At the start of the second half, reflected Gilbride. "Our team Crusaders. The score became road. The latter should be a good triumph, however, as they were PC got back into the game by played possibly their best game lopsided that the coach sub- tune up for the playoffs. defeated by a tough Wram squad shredding the Wram's 1-3-1 zone of the season. I'm very happy by a 61-55 score. The Friars, defense with pinpoint passes to with our performance, even in a not yet over and BC scored again. performing with more finesse pull into a 36-34 lead with 7:30 losing situation." Lady Pucksters The third period, unlike the and poise, battled the Wrams on remaining. Sheedy led the Lady Friars other two, would produce only even terms for most of the game. "Our offense was very patient with 15 points while Buchanan one goal, and it would light upon From the outset both teams throughout the game and our added 12 points and 11 rebounds. Now 7-4 the Providence side of the came out nervous and ap• perseverence payed off with URI was paced by Gargiulio and By Debbie Noviello scoreboard. The winning goal prehensive, and play was ragged many hard-earned hoops," stated Cason, who combined for 37 On February 21 the Lady was scored when Dawn Sprague for the first five minutes. The Gilgride. However, it just wasn't points. As the old saying goes, Hockey Friars came back from skated in, retrieved her own tempo started to pick up midway enough. you can't fight city hall. Boston College with another rebound and slid the puck into the victory, defeating the Eagles, 3-2. net. The first goal scored was for According to Coach Tom runner and glided in to break the Boston, but the Lady Friars came Palamara, an important factor in Treacy Sets Record; tape first. back quickly to tie the score when the game was the superior In other competition of the day, Kathy Luther fed Dawn Sprague performance by goaltender Savoie and O'Shea finished in the with a backhand pass to end the Cindy Mellon. She had 26 saves, third and fourth spots respec• first period at 1-1. enabling Providence victory Relay Team Stars tively in the one mile run. The roles were reversed in the despite the fact that the Friars Before the race, the two top second per.od as the Lady Friars were outshot, 19-28. By John Mullaney year and break PC's record set finishers, Bruce Builford of seven years ago by Marty Robb. came on strong to take a 2-1 lead The Lady Hockey Friars John Treacy set a new school Northeastern and Bruce Clark of when Lynn Johnson tipped in a record now stands at 7-4 with two record and the Friar two-mile In the two-mile relay, the UConn, indicated that they were Terry Finnegan shot. Also games remaining in the season, relay squad came pretty close to foursome of John Savoie, Moe out to break the four-minute mile. assisting on the play with a sharp March 1 at UConn and their final doing the same thing this past Rafferty, Peter Crooke, and Mick Therefore, when they started to pass was captain Jane Palumbo. home game Saturday, March 5, weekend at the New England O'Shea came within one second of make their move, both Savoie But the Providence struggle was at 3 p.m. Intercollegiate Championships at setting their own school record as and O'Shea were forced to push the University of Connecticut. they edged Boston College to win. out. O'Shea, however, tired and For the talented Irishman, the The time set by the squad was failed to hold onto the third place victdry was another step in the 7:40.9, which topped their position. That spot, instead, went journey toward the national previous top effort by a good 10 to teammate Savoie, who un• championships, which will be seconds. fortunately did not have the held in Detroit, Michigan, on It took two personal bests by strength to overtake his op• March 11 and 12. In his two-mile both Rafferty and Crooke and an ponents. effort on Saturday, Treacy inspired performance by senior The Friars' next set <¡í com• Subway established both a new school and O'Shea to pull out the victory. petition is slated for this coming meet record with a time of 8:04.4. The turning point came when, Saturday and Sunday in Prince• That was good enough to chip 6.6 with two laps to go in the race, ton, N.J., as they will compete in. seconds off the mark he set last O'Shea moved past the front the IC4A Championships there. is Coming

KNIGHTS Of COLUMBUS FRIAR COUNCIL Raffle drawing for the trip to Bermuda / Florida has been rescheduled from Feb. 21; Drawing will be on March 8. The VeriDames of Providence College Invite You and Your Friends STUDENT AFFAIRS OFFICE To Enjoy Our Easter Party The Chateau De Ville NOTICE March 23, 1977 Cocktails 6:30 pm • Dinner 7:30 pm Regulations followed by Spring Fashion Preview Concerning Animals Presented by No animals are allowed in campus buildings for Jean Hien's Village Shop, Inc. whatever purpose or duration of time. Seeing-eye Lincoln, R.I. dogs are excepted from this norm. Music by In accordance with City Ordinances, dogs on the Mr. Al Conte campus must be leashed at all times. Owners must Please forward reservations and raffle returns assume responsibility for the dog or other animals. Mrs. Albert A. Gray If a dog is roaming freely and the owner can be 18 Diana Drive determined, the owner is subject to a fine. Pawtucket, R.I. 02861 The dog will be removed from Campus. Deadline, March 16 • Donation, s12.50 Page 8 Wednesday, March 2, 1977 Sports PC ends season at 23-3: Villanova Vanquished, Redmen Scalped By John O Hare scoring six points in seven aforementioned refs, but the old Villanova's zone defenses, and minutes. cliche that the mark of a good exhibiting very strong balance. JAMAICA, NY-There is Defense was ferocious on both team is how well it does on the Hassett had another one of his simply no further room for doubt. sides, and neither team managed road was certainly proved true. patented Philadelphia outings, As the regular season ends. to run off any consistent scoring Campbell led PC with 19 points, scoring 26 points, with five Providence College is once again drives. The most any squad led followed by Joe Hassett's 14. rebounds and eight assists. Bob the capital of New England by was six points. Still, PC led by Local boy Bob Misevicius was Cooper was next with 19, followed college basketball. You may get five with less than two minutes high on the team with 13 by Dwight Williams' 13. left, before Tom Calabrese hit a some argument from the folks rebounds. Glen Williams paced Villanova, though, can take atop Mount St. James in Wor• jumper and George Johnson stole the Redman with 21 points. the ball and converted for a pair solace in the fact that the Wild• cester, but that bickering will be Against Villanova, the Friars cats boast a regular "nestfull" of forever settled in the ECAC of his own. The Friars' Paul showed just how tought they were Oristaglio was then fouled, and talent. On the roster you can playoffs in Hartford this week. against quality competition. observe a flock of Herrons However, in order to convert missed his one-and-one. Johnson Going into the game PC was a was fouled his next time down (Keith, Larry and Reggie), piusa any doubting Thomases that shaky two-point favorite. After sparrow (Rory Sparrow). might still be underfoot, the the floor and hit both ends of his the contest, however, there was Friars recently took their show one-and-one to set the stage for no doubt as to who was the better Campbell's heroics. So Providence has not only on the road to the twin bastions of team. survived its trip into the last Eastern roundball: first to Providence put on an awesome remaining strongholds of Philadelphia, where they just All in all, the St. John's debacle display of power basketball, and Eastern hoopdom, it has pummelled a tough Villanova turned out to be one of PC's dominated the Wildcats the way prevailed. Next, it's on to the squad, 84-71, and then to New toughest contests this winter, nobody has done this season. At ECAC's and presumably, future York, where they edged St. what with the Redmen's bandbox one point, the Friars led by as glory. So sorry about that ankle, John's in a 69-66 nailbiter. gym, a rabid crowd, and the many as 19 points, burying Ron Perry. PC is now 23-3, currently Joe Hassett ranked, (8) in the country and by Playoffs in Jeopardy? Friar faithful for one last rally. NBC in its "fabulous fifteen" But Auger finished those hopes at poll It must be quite a surprise the eight-minute mark of the for the skeptics who insisted in third period by slamming home November, after all those early Twin Losses to RPI Leave PC Reeling his own rebound. season misfortunes, that the hoop After an RPI goal was team would be making reser- The Friars started confidently DeCenzo beat Bill Milner on a tip- disallowed because Don Arm• By Al Palladino and scored the game's first goal in at 1:54 and Hahn made it strong was in the crease, Arm• at 4:55 when Tom Bauer number 30 three and one-half strong extended the Engineer A week ago things looked so minutes later. Louis Muzzatti's lead to 8-3 at 10:41. Tom Byers easy. The PC hockey Friars had deflected a Jeff Whisler shot into the RPI net past Ian Harrison. unassisted goal at 13:16 gave the scored two minutes later but just upset New Hampshire and Engineers their four goal lead. most of the 1500 partisans had looked like a shoo-in for the Pierre Auger evened things up at 7:33 on a 20-footer, and with four PC finally woke up and Colin already departed. ECAC playoffs. That was a week Ahern lit the lamp at 15:58 and Net Notes: PC was outshot by ago. Since then Providence has minutes to go in the period the Engineers' leading scorer, Pat appeared ready to make a RPI, 37 to27... 21 penalties called dropped back-to-back games to charge. Their charge lasted 31 in the contest.... Friars now 12-11 RPI, the latest on Saturday, 8-4, Hahn, tallied his 29th goal of the season and put RPI ahead to seconds when at 16:29 Dino Serra in ECAC's division one and are before 1500 at Schneider Arena. stole the puck at the center line now in ninth place ... Top eight PC is now faced with the stay. The game was pretty much and made it 6-2. get into playoffs ... "Probably necessity of winning both of their poorest game we've played all remaining games - Northeastern decided in the second stanza as Bauer's second goal of the in the first 10 minutes RPI ex• game, on a PC power play at year," said a disappointed Lou at home and Boston University in Lamoriello afterwards. Boston. tended its lead to 5-1. Pete 19:59, boosted the hopes of the

Cheerleader Mary Santry vations for a Dillon Club trip to Bermuda this spring instead of being the overwhelming favorite in the ECAC's. But such is life. There was an impending feeling of doom before the Friar- Redman contest, and before the final buzzer sounded it looked as if PC would fall victim to a combination of St. John's talent plus a pair of incredibly inept referees. But with the chips down and St. John's leading 66-65 the Friars went to Soup Campbell, who canned a running hookshot with seven seconds left to resuce the thing for the Black-and- White. Bill Eason settled the issue by hitting on both ends of a one-and- one with a second left. Both Bob Misevicius and Dwight Williams had fouled out earlier in the Three faces of that RPI loss. The Friars' Colin Ahern takes it all contest, so it was Eason who Brian Burke heads for the sin in on the bench before his next picked a good deal of the slack, bin. The Engineers thwart another PC scoring bid. shift. Fairfield, HC and UConn: Previewing the ECAC's

By John Mullaney and, at times, have looked potential threat to the Friars The ( 14.6 ppg), you can bet that the In order to halt them, PC will awesome in doing so. remaining member of the Crusaders will not bow out of the have to constrain the Huskies fast Without the services of two of foursome is newcomer Fairfield. competition without a battle. break and try to match Con• their regulars in the early going, This coming Thursday evening Unfortunately, their lack of depth necticut on the boards they weren't supposed to give though, when PC walks onto the Let's take a look at the tour• and depleted scoring punch may Purdue or Holy Cross trouble. court at the Hartford Civic nament teams: spell their doom. But they did. Fairfield: The Stags (16-8) are Center to participate in the ECAC a team that has a rather in• Holy Cross: The Crusaders (21- When they met number one Regionals, all of their records UConn: Perhaps the Huskies consistent season. They managed nationally ranked Michigan in and accomplishments will mean 5) hopes were greatly diminished to knock off Hofstra by 10, but last week when standout fresh• H5-9) biggest advantage is the the finals of the Industrial nothing. For, when the man in the fact that the action will take also found out a way to drop two National Classic, they weren't striped shirt tosses up the first man Ron Perry was sidelined for decisions to lowly Long Island U. the remainder of the season with place on their home floor. It is no supposed to win. But they did ball, it will mean the start of a secret that Coach Dee Rowe Their schedule also has not new season for the Friars - the a sprained ankle. Without him, With some tough road games always has his players exactly been the most difficult playoffs. Coach George Blaney will lose his one in the country either. On top slated for Louisville, LaSalle, top scorer and play maker. emotionally ready for the tour• ney. He recently termed the of that, Fairfield has had con• Villanova, and St. John's near the In recent years it hasn't been a close of the season, they weren't The injury was not the first one playoffs "the ice cream after the siderable trouble winning away pleasant task for Coach Dave season". That accurately reflects from their home court. supposed to record 19 victories in Gavitt's forces. In the 1975 for the Cross this year, though. their final 20 outings. But they Earlier in the campaign, starting the spirit of the Connecticut Regionals, the Holy Cross squad. did. Crusaders did them in by a final center John O'Connor was lost for The Stags plusses include a tall It seems that the list could go of 66-55. Then last year, the the remainder of the slate. front line of Balkan, Young, and Plefka, and sharpshooter Joe on forever. Providence College, UConn Huskies embarassed PC Despite his absence, Holy The two main guns, of course, the team that wasn't expected to 87-73 in the tourney final. are Tony Hansen (25 ppg) and DeSantis (18 ppg). On the other Cross stuck together—and that's side of the coin, though, the Stags do much this season has sur• where their strength lies. Joe Whelton (13 ppg). To put it prised everyone. Along the way Not by coincidence, both of simply, to stop or even to contain defense has been spotty and their they have suppressed the upset those squads will once again be Behind talented forwards Chris those individuals is the secret to Learn quickness is virtually non• dreams of a number of teams present this year to pose a Potter (18 ppg) and Mike Vicens victory against UConn. existent.