Slip-up Reveals Closed-Door Decision USG Redefines "Nominal Power" of Longer Term by Bob Ehalt December 16 CAB Calendar, which as possible. Duke said the statement which The current Veritas-dominated United didn't do it this way." stated: "The 'lame duck' USG will still explained that USG had decided to Student Government will make decisions After that last sentence, a bevy of maintain nominal powers in case an extend its term was written in two days. "sushs" descended on Lubell, and he on matters previously covered by them, as emergency regarding swift action occurs." well as on ones arising after the newly- Tom Maier, USG presidential candidate finally realized that his statements were elected USG comes into power According to Duke this means that the stated, "As soon as I net in office 1 intend to being recorded. Lubell then stated that he had "done it again," and proceeded (9 give Jerry Mclntyrc. USG President, pre USG elected in the spring of 1976 will sit in take this issue to the student government court and have the Veritas organization the correct spelling of his name, to insure sented this new interpretation of the at meetings with the USG to be elected this removed under the constitution. This is a proper attribution co-existence period, in which the lame spring. The old members would have real disgrace to the students. 1 intend to When questioned after the meeting duck and newly-elected USG will work no votes, but would serve in an advisory take office without Veritas." Lubell and Mclntyre defined the new rules together, after a USG meeting on Monday capacity. for the coexistence period. night. But this new policy pertaining to the However, alter explaining "nominal co-exisiencc period was not freely submit- According to Mclntyre, the newly-elect- powers." Duke said that emergency cases ted to The Ram. ed USG will decide only on matters which would require action by the "old" USG, At Monday's USG meeting vice-presi- affect next semester, such as appointments even though a "new" one had just been dent Bob Nugent mentioned that this was of Student Activities Board Committee elected. to be Veritas' last meeting. It was then positions and Deli directors. The present An example of this is current USG pointed out to him that there would be one USG will still have the power to finish involvement in the phone removal crisis in more meeting, during petition week. Then actions started by them, as well as to deal Martyrs' Court. The present administration Lew Lubell, Senate Floor Leader, un- with any new problems which arise this has taken preliminary actions to help solve aware that there was a Ram reporter in the semester. this problem and feel it would be necessary room, began wondering what all the talk of "There would be chaos if we changed for them to see it through to insure the best last and next to last meetings was about. administrations during the school year, results for the Martyrs' residents. He stated that Veritas would be in power and left projects unfinished," stated vice Duke did say that the "statement was until June. Lubell then added: president of operations Eric Duke. unclear" blaming it on pressure exerted by "If we don't stay in power then why did But this new interpretation of the Jeff Aronoff, a member of USG, and Peter we vote for the extended term? The new co-existence period appears to be different Fazio, Assistant Dean of Students, to people will decide only on next year's USG President Mclntyre from the original statement made in the prepare a new election schedule as quickly matters. We would have been fools if we

U.S.Postage PAID VOL. 59 Bronx, N.Y. ... Permit No. 7608 NO. 7 Non-ProfitOrg. THURSDAY, MARCH 10,1977 FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK Fordham Plaza Might Commercial & Still Revive The Bronx Office by Al Galgano and Nancy Brown ' 3033 Sources within the city government say within five to six weeks the appraisal will be that the city and federal government may approved and the project will finally go to sign a contract in the next 5-8 weeks that contract. would make Fordham Plaza a reality. Victor Marrero, chairman of the City Relocating the small businesses at the new Planning Commission, was hesitant to Post Office site has been resolved and the comment on the new developments. He did Post Office is prepared to begin construction say that he "was no longer aware of any at the 151 Street expansion site. opposition to the project by Congressman Badillo." The same sources have said that the new According to Badillo's press secretary appraisal for the proposed Fordham Plaza John Gordon, however, Badillo, who is also land will be approved by the US Congress. an adjunct professor at Fordham's Lincoln This would indicate that Congressman Center campus, has not changed his stand. Herman Badillo of the 21st district in the "The congressman still feels that these South Bronx is no longer blocking sale of federal monies should not be put into the the property, as The Ram reported last hands of private companies such as Arlen February. At press time, it is not known Realty Company., If private businesses seek why this has happened. Hopes are that to improve their capital, let them do it through private enterprise," said Gordon A new snag in the project was revealed by the Bronx Borough Chief for City Planning, Boarders Defeat New Housing Plan Robert Esnard, who said the Department of Air Resources under the Environmental will not have to come to the Housing been housed. One student asked, "Why Protection Agency has voiced concern over by Neil Grealy Office," Becker said. should we be concerned with freshmen?" the quality of the air on Fordham Road. It is After meeting with the Fordham Boarder The lottery for single and double rooms in Dean Becker said that a group of floor believed that the Plaza will attract even more Council and dormitory residents on March 2 Martyrs' Court and Spellman Hall will take representatives from 555 came to him traffic, especially trucks, to the already in Lalande Lounge, Robert Becker, Assis- place on April 13. This lottery will be run on asking that the whole lottery be run congested area. Tests have been conducted tant Dean of Students in charge of the principle of seniority, which is the according to seniority and felt that they to determine the present quality of the air by Residence Halls, revised the room selec- number of semesters after freshman year should "shaft the freshmen, since they've a truck that was stationed at the northeast tion procedures for this year. As a result, the that a person has lived in his building. All always been shafted." On this matter, , corner of Webster Avenue and Fordham distribution of application cards and housing eight-person groups choose on April 14, al Becker stated, "1 don't think it's justified just Road. The results of these tests have not agreements to students presently living on six-person groups on April 15 (both 555 anc because it was once done." been made public. campus will be delayed until Monday, March Keith) and all four-person groups on Apri Once a housing policy agreeable to all Plans call for the City of New York to 21. Cards were supposed to have been 14. Complete groups without assignments, parties is found Becker wants to follow it purchase the five-acre site running south circulated March 8. and incomplete groups choose on April 18. every year. If the current Fordham policy from East Fordham Road to 188 St. and With the new selection procedure, "the Anyone still not housed will choose on Apri continues, Becker predicted, that eventually west from Washington to Webster Avenues. majority of people will get the majority of 19. Applications for housing will be made "it is going to lead to suites or apartments The land is now owned by the United States what they wanted," Becker stated. "I'm sure available to students presently living off- made up of people from one class." This Postal Service which had planned to build there are going to be people who complain campus on April 20. would be a result of the retention rule. about the way it is set up. If you had asked "If someone has a question, 1 wish they the new Bronx General Post Office on the Although Becker changed his original site. After the city had purchased the land, anyone at the meeting what the procedure plan, he did not adopt all the revisions would go to their R.A. or see me," he advised. "If you complain to your room- the plan was to lease it to Arlen Realty, the should be, they would have said: 1. 'I want decided upon at the Boarder Council parent company of E.J. Korvettes, for to live in the room I'm in now,' and 2. 'I meeting. A tension existed between the mate, it's not going to do any good. 1 could explain why it is the way it is." development as a commercial complex don't care about anyone else.' I try to worry, interests of the upperclassmen and fresh- On March 9, Mr. Becker met with the which would include E.J. Korvettes, an about everybody at the same time." men. The priorities advocated at the March Boarder Council and he stated that there office tower, parking garage, and a shopping All cards and agreements are to be 2 meeting put freshmen complete groups were no changes in the selection procedure mall for small retail. behind upperclassmen complete groups The Postal Service had agreed to sell the returned by April 6 under the procedure. moving within a house in Martyrs', moving as a result of the meeting. land on the condition that the city acqure a On April 12, rooms will be assigned for between houses in Martyrs', moving to One change residents will find next year is new site for them at 150th and 151st St. on those retaining their present suite or different floors in 555, and Keith. With his in the Residence Hall Room Agreement. the Grand Concourse, next to its present apartment. Retention requires a majority of plan, all complete groups are on equal The new housing statement begins: "This the present residents be returning, and that location. footing. document is not a lease; it is an Agreement any spaces be filled with people living on These plans hit the first of a series of snags At the meeting, upptirclassrncn were pertaining to the rights of a Fordham lampusasof March 21 Spaces can be filled when the City's capital budget failed, making u-uh residents from the Class of '80. "Most vocal in their demands that freshman pick continued on page 5 last in the lottery, after all uperclassmen had continued on page 3 people'Wi|| be retaining what they have and Page.fc The Ram Courtney Offers Security Philosophy

by Neil Grealy But Security is a preventive rather every building and on every floor The role of Security at Fordham than an investigative force and at all times." is service-oriented in the minds of crimes requiring investigation are A campus problem is that Thomas Courtney, Director of turned over the the NYC. Police. "carelessness prevails," according Security, and Frank Leo, Assistant On the Rose Hill campus, there to Courtney. "No one can take the Director at Lincoln Center. are usually eight to ten I.B.I. time to lock a door. I could go now "Basically, the role of Security is guards on duty in an eight-hour to Martyrs' Court and 50 percent to see that every member of the shift. After 4 p.m., they are of the doors would be open and no Fordham community operates supplemented by student guards. one would be in the suite. Clerical without trouble," Courtney ex- "To be run efficiently, we can't people and administrators are just plained. "We want to help people depend solely on ourselves," as careless." get things done." Courtney said. At Lincoln Center, the security Security enforces the New York Since they have limited man- situation is different since the State Penal Code, student regula- power, Security "strongly solicits" campus covers five acres (as Security's Courtney tions and Fordham University the support of all students to compared to 80 acres at Rose Hill) rules. "Ultimately it gets to the participate in a joint effort for and consists of two buildings, the point where somebody has to be a campus safety. "With marauders Lowenstein Center and the Law bad guy and catch people doing from outside, we can check them if. School building. Job Hopes for Grads the wrong things," Courtney said. someone tells us but we can't be in There are no dormitories, and Frank Leo, in charge of Security at by Keith O'Brien they said. Cl 7-0764-5 CO 5-8959 Lincoln Center, terms his problems "Thousands of challenging job Due to increased budget cuts, as "minimal." opportunites are waiting for col- public and private non-profit or- "The main focus is on service," lege students," said Jerry ganizations throughout the city are COLUMBUSClRCLE LlQUOR Leo said. "We're not here to Kasman and Joe Nicelli, members in desperate need of volunteers. At harass or confront, but to do of the Mayor's Voluntary Action the same time, there has been a STORE, INC. service for the students, faculty, or Council Task Force for College "60 percent decline in the number "Where Service Is Our Motto" anyone who comes into the build- Volunteers (MVAC), at a meeting of college students offering their ing. With the number of students last week at Citibank headquaters services in New York City since last Bon Voyage and Gift Packaging A Speciality and the average tenure of guards in Manhattan. Jobs corresponding year," according to Kasman and 178 Broadway (Between 57 and 58) (approximately four years), most to almost every major ranging from Nicelli. The group cited several Free Delivery students know the guards and accounting to zoology are avail- reasons for the dramatic falling off work out the difficulty on a able. "Students can pick and of student involvement—from persona! basis." choose the positions they want," newly-imposed tuition at City Uni- versity to general student apathy. Those attending agreed unani- mously that increased publicity was the key to recruiting more volun- teers. Brainstorming sessions pro- duced alternatives including a- wards at graduation, financial in- centives, recruiting on college campuses during freshman ori- entation and career clays, in- creased use of placement offices, and increased communications with college service organizations. Students who volunteer will be contributing to the community while gaining experience in their future fields, an asset often crucial in obtaining a job after graduation. Kasman and Nicelli emphasized that students would be placed in jobs for which they volunteer, and would not perform menial clerical tasks. The long list of possibilities includes work in consumer advo- cacy, criminal justice, recreation Army and tutoring. Many students receive academic credit for their endeavorsfrom their respective colleges, they said. To R0T< become involved, students can contact the Mayor's Voluntary Action Center, 250 Broadway. New York, N.Y. 10007, or phone intwoj^ars. .566-5950. "With two years of Vitale college behind me, I began looking ahead. I found out I could get my Succeeds degree and an Army officer's commis- sion at graduation. I got over $500 for a six weeks camp at Fort Knox, Ken- tucky and will have received $2000 worth of financial aid by graduation. 1 Fordham Cadet Steve Price talks about ROTC pm glafj \ fad ft/ You can do it, too. Not only through basic camp, but multiple entry. Enroll at a time that fits your schedule during your freshman or sophomore year, and there is no militaiy obligation. You may even want to take the on-campus program this summer. For more details Last weekend's production of Neil Simon's The Odd Couple Call raised about $700 for needy student activities, according to Al Vitale, the producer, director, and star of the show. MAJOR GARY JEWETT Vitale said a total of $lb00 was • Faculty Memorial Hall, Room 405 taken in from ticket sales and refreshments sold in the lobby of (212) 933-2233, extension 324 or 325 Collins Theater during intermis- sions. From this amount, about $750 will go to reimburse Vitak'. who financed the show initially out of his own pocket. Another $150 will go for tlw cost of shipping the set for the show, which \r,\A four performance I did it. And you can, too. Amy BOTC in two jears in Collins, back to a theater yroup in Rochester, New York, whidi owns the set. ' Page 3 T/ie Chgney: Sexism in Tenure Case

by Helen Niven Chaney said these procedures were "very for tenure, and added that he also '"button- Dr. Elsa M. Chaney, denied tenure by dubious." She added that Wallace told the holed" graduate students to get their Rose Hill's Political Science department, is faculty members that he had destroyed the opinions on the tenure candidates. currently appealing the decision to New questionnaires because he wanted to pre- Donovon said he then made his recom- York City's Human Rights Commission. In a serve confidentiality. Chaney said, "that's a mendation to the tenured faculty. He said he letter to University President Rev. James C. also submitted the student questionnaires, Finlay dated Feb. 23, 1977, she said the silly reason, because they were anonymous.' plus the two surveys from past years that he proper procedures were not followed. She added that she felt she had earned the had used in maKing his recommendation. According to Chaney, student opinion was enmity of Wallace for criticizing his survey. Donovon said the tenured faculty were free not taken into account in the department's Chaney also claimed the United Student to refer to the questionnaires and the decision. Government surveys which were published surveys "if they thought I was off base, if The letter was cosigned by Dr. Paula in 1973 and 1975 were "decent" and did they thought my recommendations were not Gerson of Rose Hill's Fine Arts department not conform to the negative findings of the in keeping," and Dr. Gerda Lorenz of Rose Hill's student committee. The 1973 U.S.G. Wallace stated that he was unable to Sociology department. Both Gerson and evaluations however, show that 50% of obtain class lists of the professors up for Lorenz are also appealing the denial of Political Science majors in an upper level tenure, but that "we went to their classes and tenure to them from their respective undergraduate course found Chaney "no diked anyone who had any of these departments. All three professors assert that more than adequate." professors to step forward. We solicited the common denominator in their cases is Andrew Donovon, the graduate student opinions of all people who ever had sex discrimination. representative who handled the graduate Chaney." Wallace stated that only two In her letter Chaney charges that "student survey and recommendation in Chaney's non-majors responded to the surveys and evaluations were conducted in such a case, said that he took a survey in late that one must also state whether or haphazard fashion that only four of the 18 November, 1975 concerning each of the not one is a major or non-rnajor on the graduate students enrolled in spring, 1976 three faculty members up for tenure last year questionnaire. whom the professor had in class, filled out in the department. Donovon stated that he Wallace said thatthe committee "tried as the Graduate Student Representative's gave the surveys out to each of the best we could with what was available. 1 questionnarie on the tenure candidate." In a professors in question who were to distribute can't honestly say it was a borderline case. It recent interview Chaney also said the survey them in class and return filled-out question- was cut and dried and student opinion was taken by the Political Science Undergraduate naires to Donovon. Donovon said that two overwhelming." Wallace also said that the Curriculum Committee was "very much a of the professors had returned the question- committee went to course evaluations from buttonhole operation." According to Cha- naires by early December, but that Chane', previous years to see if they reinforced the ney, John F. Wallace III, FC76, who was did not return hers until January, 1976. committee's decision. the committee's Chief Representative, col- Donovan stated that when Chaney finally Wallace also said he "would doubt very lected 17 questionnaires at random in the did return the questionnaires, she returned much that the reason she's being denied hallways, accepting many from students only seven but that there had been eight tenure is because she's a woman. We did who were not Political Science majors. students in her class. Donovon said that he not consider the fact that the candidate was Chaney further claims that Wallace later called a meeting of graduate students in a male or female and it played no role in the destroyed the 17 questionnaires. February, 1976, to discuss the candidates decision." Prof. Paula Gerson JoeSpinosa Aronoff Welter Skelter' Revisited Switches by David H. Wetzel chance" that Charles Manson would be USG hopeful. It can be a very confusing Listening tc Vincent Bugliosi speak to the paroled in 1978, when he first becomes title, especially when it refers to Jeff Aronoff. standing-room-only crowd in the Campus eligible under California law. Most of the It was widely believed on campus that Center ballroom Tuesday, one could not questions directed toward Bugliosi dealt with Aronoff was a candidate for USG president, help but remember a scene from The his reactions towards the TV documentary but in reality he will run for vice president of Twilight Zone. The subject, however, was based on his book, Helter Skelter. operations on a ticket headed by Ed not fantasy from the mind of a writer, but Bugliosi expressed his opinions on the Lohmann, FC'78. rather "the most bizarre crime in the annals Robert Kennedy assassination only when of the United States," the Tate-LaBianca asked by a student specifically, because he murder case. said he has no specific authority in the case. election Bugliosi. assistant district attorney of Los He named numerous incidents in the case Angeles and chief prosecutor in the case, which point towards the possibility of a '77 held students in awe as he spoke of the second gun, and explained that there were Lohmann stated that there was no need maniacal Charles Manson and his "family." some questionable procedures followed in for Aronoff to point out that he was not a He fascinated his listeners with details about the investigation of that theory by the police. presidential candidate, since Aronoff claim- Manson and his fantastic scheme to precipi- He did state, however, that there was ed only to be a USG hopeful. Lohmann tate a racial war, "Helter Skelter," which definitely a second gun at the scene; the added that months of planning went into the would destroy the entire white race." person who held that gun has since placement of people on the ticket. "Charles Manson had an inherent ability disappeared. "We decided that at Fordham, you are to influence people, much like Adolf Hitler," Bugliosi's speech, a unique look into the dealing with students who vote for people in Bugliosi explained. "He was an evil, macabre details of the Manson case, different ways. Personality is a big factor. sophisticated con man." concluded with a chilling footnote: that Jeff is a good man for the operations Bugliosi brought with him a first-hand Manson had argued against his release on position since he is competent in business," insight into the mentalities of murderers who parole a year before the Tate-LaBianca said Lohmann. felt no remorse killing whenever ordered by murders, saying that prison was his only Under present plans Lohmann intends to the man they called Jesus Christ and God. home. run a slate of five candidates for the top USG Bugliosi explained how Manson even "Perhaps if someone had listened at that Vincent Bugliosi executive positions under the party name of changed his middle name to further increase time, 35 people might not be in their graves Odyssey. his image as the new Messiah. Charles Milles today," Bugliosi stated quietly. Manson became Charles Willis Manson, a twisted anagram to impress his followers that he was indeed the new "Son of Man." Bugliosi blended wit and wisdom without Predict End to $ Crisis going to either extreme. When asked "We are trying to show business that New the feeling that they're part of their whether or not Manson really believed he by Nancy Brown York has turned a new leaf," he said. government," he stated. was right, his answer was succinct. New York City will have a balanced The city is also trying to keep its middle Marrero explained that the Recovery Plan budget by the end of fiscal 1978, predicted "Of course Manson believed he was class residents from leaving by giving them a is aimed at stabilization, not expansion. right." he stated. "Just like Adolf Hitler Chairman of the City Planning Commission, more active role in planning their com- "We'll just have to adjust," he said, "to the believed he was right." Victor Marrero. munities, Marrero said. fact that we aren't expanding. Maybe smaller In a speech at Fordham last Friday, "It is all part of a strategy to give people Is better. ougiiosBugliosi'i s speechn was acin in-deptin-uepiihi looiw.^.k> a"t> - • the strange personalities which combined to Marrero said, After we 3 r enormous hump (the current fiscal crisis), form the ruthles s "family.. ..,„,." Buglios. i sai.dJ .Uth_e nnnrmnilC hlimn the CUTT which should be, I predict, by the end of this most bizarre facet of the entire case was the Boarder- year, we will see a period of stabilization." continued jrom page 1 rooms, they just won't be able to live there." fact that the murderers were young girls. 3 question of the Marreriviarrerou attributeounuuicdu th>••«e. city'~.. s- current University student in relation to the use and He estimated the dates of the Christmas "The most intriguing question of the y case." said Bugliosi, "is how did a little guy problems to erosion of the economic base in occupancy of residence hall space maintain- break to extend from about December 23 until January 11, according to the tentative like Charlie Manson get enough power over the past 20 years. This erosion is due, he ecj by the University." A new clause this 1 n schedule for next year. During spring • " explained, to middle class residents and year, guarantees the right to continuous human beings to get them to kill for him?" - r • ,. •,,.,. _,,.. vacation next week "Everything's open in to escape occupancy "except for the vacation period Bugliosi explained how Manson and the businesses which left the oty the dorms," Becker stated. Becker said the :avy rax uwuena. from the end of the fall examinations in •family" may be responsible for as many as heavy tax burdens. new semester schedule "allows a lot more Marrero introduced New York's Five Year December to the first day of registration for 35 murders, many of which will never be time and from a managerial standpoint, it's Plan for Economic Recovery which includes the spring semester in January, and except solved He gave examples, as in the case of much easier for me." relief for businessmen from some forms of during the spring vacation period. During The room rates, per semester, for next Shorty Shea and defense attorney Ronald double taxation; business expansion by tax these vacation periods, students must vacate Hughes, where members oft the "tamn"family uuuuie u,™,™,, _.,_ Residence,. Halls,". year are: Spel.lman Hall, .(single)..$475, .lilmittod to themurder but it could not be abatement; cutting someMarrer of the o"red adde, taped "tha otf theiAccordinr roomg st o inDea thne Becker, the term Spellman ' Hall (double) $415. Queen's tthh e city'it'ss bureaucracy Marrero added that According to Dean proven. ' , . . / shopping strips, including Ford- "vacate" does not mean that students "have Court and Martyrs' Court $437.50, and 555 Hi' dri'w cheers fromthe crowd when he i ham Road, must be stabilized-. ..-•••• to take everything, they own-out of their •and Keith-Ptaza $505. I'Npl.uiu'd there was "a zero pi'rci'ht Thursday, March 10,197/ The Ram READ ^AA PUGSLEY PIZZA The Jewish Student Union/Campus Ministries Sponsor The Annual FASTER 3>-/O Delicious Pizza made to your taste 5 wteki gQariutced count Sal sez taste me once and you will DOUBLE o? TRIPLE jour ipeed. call me dynamite PASSOVER SEDER UndentMid more, rtUln more. Nationally known profnuor. O*u forming now. Phone 584-4405 Reading SklDs 864-5112 2648 Briggs Ave. and 194 St. -Thursday evening, March 31,1977, 5 p.m. -Upper Room of Campus Ministries -Admission $2.00 1 tit There IS a difference -Reservations are a must-you must reserve by • • • EUROPE--" ^ PREPARE FOR: Tuesday, March 22 MCAT« DAT* LSAT« SAT For Further information and/or reservations, contact us at 440 FMH, or Box 718 in Campus Center GRE • GMAT • OCAT • VAT fS"T (800)'325-486*f Gut O'oMl Mfujc o' pruya'iis provides an umbrella of fesf- of srt Y^UI travel agenl cou'se is taken Over 38 yums ol exut'iienci' and success Small classes Voluminous home sludy itnteridls Courses thai are constantly up- Jdled Peniuineni centers open days pvooings & week- LANTERNBAR ends .ill year Complete l.ipe facilities for review ol class Read Faster li-'ssoi'b ,md f,n use ol supplemental materials Make-ups for missed lessons at oui centers 374 E. 194th Street * Increase speed 2 • 10 tirres with equal or better compreher.s,:;-: ECFMG • FLEX * Wisk through "Must readings NATL MEDICAL & DENTAL BOARDS • Gather information as quick!/ Flexible Programs & Hours GUINNESS ON TAP as you can turn pages Brooklyn 212-336-5300 Call Now For Manhattan 212-838-4454 -H. Convenient Metropolitan Aroj ',-y ---. Long Island 516-538-4555 364-8958 4 Spring Surrmer Sce-'l.. ih New Jersey 201-B46-2662 IMP N |Oul:ideNV Stale Only •«• •«< 00 JO EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTO Speed Reading Plus - Division 16/5 E 16 SI Bkly CALL Toll Froo BUUZZ1UB4U NEVER A DULL MOMENT Tesl Preparation Centers. Inc NY I 1229 (2121769-1076 TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938J To all Fordham University Students of the Rose Hill Campus: CONSIDERING A LAW CAREER? On March 28,29,30 elections for the following Student Government Offices Will Be Held: EXPLORE ALL YOUR USG EXECUTIVE FC STUDENT GOV'T OPPORTUNITIES AT OUR President President of College ADMISSION CONFERENCE. Executive V.P. Sec/lreas of College CLASS OFFICES: One-hour group sessions will be held in New York on Sunday, Operations V.P. March 27, at the Park Lane Hotel, 36 Central Park South. Finance V.P. President Sessions at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Communications V.P. Sec/Treas Plan to attend our law school admission conference and learn about your opportunities in the legal profession, the study of law Three USG Senators in California, your own potential and admission requirements. CBA STUDENT GOVERNMENT Western Slate University College of Law is the largest law school in I the nation with campuses in Fullerton (near Los Angeles), and President of CBA San Diego. Admission is based on the "Whole Person" concept V.P. of CBA and does not rely solely on LSAT scores and GPA's. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN TO: Treasurer of CBA I WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW. DEPT. 112 Secretary of CBA 1111 N. State College Blvd.. Fullerton. CA 92631 CLASS OFFICES: Phone: (714) 993-7600 Q 1 plan to attend. Send me more information about the conference President I and WSU. USG Senator D In addition to the group meeting, I would like a personal interview. V.P. • I will not °B able to attend. However, send me more information CBA Senator Treasurer about WSU. Name _. . Those interested in running must submit a petition with name and I Street office. If running as a party, petition must include name of party, names of each candidate, and corresponding position. Petitions must be submitted in Student Government offices on 4th floor of FMH on March 21 between hours of 9:30 and 3:30 and March 22 Western State University; between 9:30 and 1:30.



FOURTH FLOOR FMH. Fully accredited by the State Bar of California and Jby'tH Western Association of Schools and Colleges. ^w


Fast Inexpensive Service 2 Locations to Serve You IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE FIRST ANNUAL EIGHT-BALL POOL TOURNAMENT. AWARDS WILL BE GIVEN TO WINNERS OF BOTH MEN'S AND (Our Fordham Rd. Shop Is At WOMEN'S DIVISIONS. SIGN UP NOW. TOURNAMENT Webster Ave., Adj. Fordham Univ. BEGINS MARCH 21. Our Kingsbridge Shop is Off Jerome)

415 E. Fordham Road 364-8932 14 E. Kingsbridge Rd 584-8110 2597 Webster Ave., Bronx Alternate Call 364-9559 The flam Thursday, March 10,1977 Page 5 This Embattled Boro: Hope for Hunts Point? by Ai Gaigano and Nancy Brown limit, the building is abandoned. The South Bronx should be declared a Sometimes, the tenants of these buildings "disaster area" by the federal government, with nowhere else to go, take over the city planner Peter Cantillo said in a tecent building by pooling money and resources in interview in his Grand Concourse office. an attempt to keep up services and repairs. The area, which today resembles a labyrinth In other cases, the tenants continue to live in of burned-out apartment buildings and the structures lonq after they have been storefronts, with some signs of life- in- condemned. Often, they are too poor to habited buildings and flourishing businesses continue upkeep, and their apartments are -would then be eligible for federal disaster cold, with no heat or water. funds from the United States government. Cantillo'said. Kraus Builders is one company involved 1 Cantillo, who is also the liaison for the with major rehabilitation in Longwood Second Division of the South Bronx (the North, just above Hunts Point. The program South Bronx: Healing with Disaster Hunts Point area), hopes that the new has increased population through increased administration in Washington will be more housing opportunities and has been tried in willing to give these grants to "needy areas," other South Bronx areas. Experimental Radio including Hunts Point. Hunts Point has experienced a pattern of Another possible remedy for the problems decline which has become characteristic of of Hunts Point is repaving. Trucks jam Begins at Fordham Hunts Point Avenue, the most direct route the entire South Bronx and continues to by Josephine Lombard! Mack said he has been working on this spread to the more northern areas. Recently, through the area, because it is in bettc" condition than any other possible route. ' i A new type of radio is being developed, project for the past three months and it will this area had to be re-districted because its not for professionals, but for the average not be ready for another two or three current population of 60,000 people is well repaving the roads which run parallel ; Hunts Point Avenue, truck traffic could be American citizen. Professor Daniel Mack of months. below the 150-250,000 required for district the communications department received a Mack will rely on volunteers to staff the status. drawn off to make that area, which is largely residential, less congested and noisy. $3000 grant from the National Endowments station. Since there is no course offered at Several programs have been suggested to for the Arts at the New York University Fordham for this type of experience, Mack stall the pattern and, perhaps, reverse it to A few weeks ago at a Fordham lecture, Alternate Media Center to set up a low-cost said he has been meeting a few times a week bring new life to the Bronx. Hunts Point has Dr. Frances Fox Piven, professor of political community radio center in Manhattan. with four students in radio production been a prime testing ground for the J-51 science at Boston University and author of Not dependent on advertising, the center tutorials. He hopes to have another tutorial program, rehabilitation programs and re- two books on the urban crisis, said, "It is is more open to the needs of the in the fall with no more than six students. paving. propaganda to say that we will repave the community, and is more like "an electronic The students will then teach the community "The Hunts Point area will never be rebuilt South Bronx as an industrial park." Cantillo back fence," according to Mack who teaches what they have learned. Mack said he as a housing development," Cantillo said, agreed with the statement and added that "Basic Reporting." He said he hopes to welcomes students bilingual in French or "because the area is so diversified with "right now concentration should be centered reach an audience commercial broadcasters Spanish or those who live on the Upper customs and interests." Yet some programs on what is already there." often ignore. "Because radio is aimed at the West Side where the radio is located. are being legislated with this end in mind. Many businesses exist in the Hunts Point 18 to 35 year olds who have the purchasing Mack plans to begin a foreign language J-51 is a program that deals with the area and throughout the South Bronx. The power that advertisers are after, senior program in Spanish and French geared to ' major repairs of still-decent apartment City Planning Commission is attempting to citizens and blind people are often ignored," the heavy population of Haitians and Puerto buildings. According to J-51, if a landlord entice more businesses into the area by he said. Ricans in the area. Radio programs on makes a major repair or addition to building, making it more comfortable for the existing The technology behind the block radio health, consumer and safety information, he may receive a 12-year exemption from businesses. Cantillo suggested the creation idea involves hooking up to the A.C. carrier especially for senior citizens, are in the taxes. There is no increase in the assessed of "superblocks" of highly concentrated current which has been used for the past 30 working, as is a newspaper or magazine- value of the building to do to the "reasonable business areas. These areas would feature a years on college campuses, explained Mack. reading program for the blind. cost" of alteration. Ideally, this would light security system to protect businesses. The broadcasting radius of Mack's project encourage the owners to keep up repairs on encompasses the vicinity of the neighbor- Mack added he would possibly have a the building and would keep rents from The South Bronx is an ideal industrial hood located at 100 St. and Amsterdam "Swap Shop Program" in which listeners could offer for sale their old baby carriages or soaring. Unfortunately, too often the land- location with an accessibility to Manhattan Ave. in the basement of Trinity Lutheran lamp shades. "It would be a garage sale on lord does not pay the tax, repairs are not and the rest of the metropolitan area that the Church. Area residents can pick up the the air," Mack said. Other possibilities done, and sometime within the 12-year City of New York cannot afford to ignore. signal at 590 on the AM dial. include religious programs, local news or block news, and even a clearing ground for he neighborhood gossip, Mack said. It is possible, he said, that young teens may want Commuters: to try out songs that they have written, Block Radio is a block party on radio with a twofold purpose. It is, a community service Someone's Watching comparable to that of a library, said Mack, who has worked with NBC and had his own by Ken Leopold streets from the air as one might think:"We daily talk show on WRVR. The service will While hundreds of Fordham commuters have certain landmarks we use to keep our secondly, serve as a foundation for a are stuck in the middle of the morning rush bearings—Yankee Stadium, the East River, community cable television center. hour, there are some people high above the or occasionally some rooftop nude sun- This type of radio is still in an experimental agonizing tie-ups offering advice that just bathers." stage, Mack said. Although the idea of block might help. Neither man recollected ever misidentify- radio has been around a while, Mack read ing a street, highway, or sunbather. Radio stations WOR-AM and WCBS-AM about the idea six years ago, and decided to The most difficult problem in traffic- send up helicopters twice each weekday. make his master's thesis a proposal for this reporting is predicting the length of a delay, The result: live traffic reports that make experiment. If this experiment works, Mack according to the two experts. Many times commuting to Fordham—or anywhere—a hopes to spread it to other parts of the what looks like a serious problem will be little more bearable. country. Fred Feldman and George Mead take ., cleared up in a few minutes. turns piloting the WOR-owned whirlybird, / Frequently, an accident will occur just alias Copter 710, or, as Mead calls it, "the / after the helicopter has passed the area. "It's Mattel Messerschmidt." It's an interesting A hard to be everywhere at the same time," The Plaza job, as Feldman and Mead told The Ram in ' Feldman conceded. a recent interview. continued from page 1 No one can guarantee that radio traffic "Most people don't realize that we both fly it necessary to find other financial sources to and report at the same time," Feldman reports will make the commuter's journey faster or safer, but Fordham drivers—and purchase both sites. This problem was pointed out. "We're up there all alone. potential sunbathers—should remember that seemingly solved when the City Planning Feldman was the second man in the someone is watching. Commission approved several million dol- country to fly solo and report traffic from a lars of federal monies from the Community helicopter. The first man died in a mid-air Development Fund to be used. collision over Los Angeles. Here is a commuter's guide to radio traffic The next snag arose, however, from 'Ihere is some danger involved, Mead reports. You may want to clip and save it for within the Postal Service structure over the admits, but "the most dangerous part of the future reference. price the Postal Service was asking the city job is driving to the airport." to pay for its property. According to a Copter 710 has no prescribed flight plan. WOR 710 AM WCBS- 880 AM Ram article last February, the city and the It usually begins the morning over the A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Postal Service were "no longer at odds" over Bronx, where the Cross Bronx Expressway, 6:56 4:42 6:45 4:15 a price of approximately $4.5 million. 4:30 a major east-west route, gets special 7:09 4:49 6:55 Badillo's opposition to the use of Federal 4:45 attention. 7:21 4:57 7:07 Community Development Funds for the 4:53 Mead or Feldman then begin circling the 7:29 5:10 7:10 Fordham Plaza Project was the third major 5:09 7:40 5:18 7:16 snag. Badillo was exerting pressure in metropolitan area, scanning Long Island, 5:16 7:57 • 5:27 7:26 Congress to delay construction of the project eastern New Jersey, southern Westchester. 5:22 and Manhattan. 8:09 5:43 7:45 by stopping the Postal Service from approv- 7:57 5:30 Wind, weather, and, most importantly, air 8:21 5:49 ing plans to buy the Grand Concourse site 8:15 5:34 traffic dictate where the "Messerschmidt 8:29 5:57 according to The Ram article. 8:40 6:10 8:24 5:46 can fly. The pilots are in constant two-way 5:56 Marrero pointed out the Fordham Plaza 8:30 will bring much-needed jobs to the area and communication with the Federal Aviation 8:36 6:09 Authority, reporting their position and 6:16 will stabilize business between the Plaza and 8:45 Alexander's. seeking clearance. the 8:56 6:27 The two pilots also provide information to 6:36 "The Plaza is critical as a way. ot solidrfying 9:06 '•••• the police, notifying them of accidents and commuter Fordham road." Marrero said. "As Ford- injuries. They say it's not as hard to identify ham goes, so goes the rest of the Brqnx." The Ram Page 6 Thursday, March 10,1977

Member ofihe


1 The Truth in 'Veritas Slips Out Given convincing data, could an incoming government be so self-cen- tered as to discontinue a project not The United Student Government has we don't stay in power then why did we growth of the deli, a large responsibil- originated with them? Couldn't Veri- finally revealed its motivation for the vote for the extended term?. . . We ity placed on the student government. tas, knowing the needs of the job, term extension announced last Dec- would have been fools if we didn't do it Beyond these functions, however, present the incoming government with ember. At a meeting on Monday, the this way." the current USG has nothing to do and arguments persuasive enough to see reason slithered into the public record, will be non-voting members of the special projects continued? And if not, USG claimed from the beginning and its entrance, though unanticipat- student government to be elected at are the projects indeed worthy? ed, merely confirmed what many have that the incumbents would remain in the end of March. Bitter complaints registered by USG felt - the current members of the office in order to work in an advisory presidential hopeful, Tom Maier, and student government are interested in capacity to smooth transitions be- Despite the "given" reasons, there vice-presidential hopeful Jeff Aronoff power for power's sake. tween governments and to finish any seems to be no sound basis for the against the practices of the present projects unable to be completed before Monday, USG VicePresident and extension of the current student gov- student government seem justified. the original change of governments in presidential candidate Bob Nugent ernment's term. Are there such differ- The current student government has March. Innocuously mentioned that "Veritas," ences in opinions on what would be not demonstrated any qualities suffi- the ticket that swept last year's elec- Yesterday, Vice President of Opera- good for the university that an outgo- cient to require further "services" from tions, was in the midst of its last tions, Eric Duke, said that the present ing student government could not it. meeting. He was corrected, told there USG had two important functions to suggest to an incoming one what would be one more meeting during carry out. One is working with Boarder projects should receive priority? Was it We look forward to the next student petition week, the week after Spring Council President Billy O'Connor to impossible for Veritas, knowing that government. Preferrably It will not be break. try to save the phones in Martyrs' its term would one day have to end, to one to present students with more And then came a final correction Court, a project still in its initial prepare the way for a new government Veritas-style politics. Instead, it ought which would put to rest all speculation stages. Secondly, it will help with the by amassing information necessary for to be one offering genuine student surrounding the term extension. Lew selection of student deli directors. immediate continuation of important government services to Fordham stu- Lubelt, Senate Floor Leader said, "If This is an important action due to the projects? dents.

CHARLIE KELLY MARCJ.STORMES Political Affairs Editor Bob Ehalt Photographers Mark Kulik, Jim McGurk Editor-in-Chief Business Manager Academics Editor Yvonne Murray Graphics Kevin Hoepper, Patricia Kuehl Rose Hill Arts Editor Jeff Dorsch Ass't LC. Business Manager James Matcovich BILLSCHMITT Sports Editor Pat Borzi Accountant Mark Cerrato Executive Editor ROBERT FRATTA Contributing Editors Marcia Colquhoun, Peter Subscriptions Manager Mary Pawlikowski Kovacs, Jodi Liss, Elaine Love Administrative Assistant. Katie Mahoney MARIA BASILE Business Manager Photography Editor Joe Spinosa Production Manager Joseph J. Palenchar Managing Editor Lincoln Center

bers—or lack of them. It is just poor journalese to repeat the same information especially in such a Hoop hard to compete on a tough Both the USG and the Student short filler as this was. A famous schedule. They were rarely blown Activities office have a list of bona Rough on writer has said that "One man and off the court and never gave the fide clubs and organizations which God is a majority," and though Hopes opposing team an easy win. They must submit charters at the begin- there were scant numbers at were always an exciting team to ning of the year, none of which Fordham that day concerned To the Editor: watch for those of us who came mentions the above group. In (act, Pro-Life about the welfare of the unborn, I just turned off the WFUV out to watch them. They were a while there is not a "club" by that team that deserved to have sup- name, there is a political party of To the tdltor: this does not in any way vitiate broadcast of the Fordham-South port whom three members just happen 1 find, on opening the March 3 their efforts nor denigrate the Carolina basketball contest. As to live in apt. 703. issue of The Ram. that the Editor rectitude of their cause. To be right part of that minority that supports Louis Raffaele the team at Rose Hill and at the and staff have decided once again can sometimes be a very lonely CBA'80 All students should be allowed Garden, I'd like to say that I am as to "do a number" on the Pro-Life and very unpopular thing, as well to use the CAB Calendar, as they disgusted as Coach Dick Stewart is movement. Unfortunately this in- as a costly one, personally, but for are any university facility. But the with the student apathy concerning tention was rather transparent; it is those who are Believers, the deceptive labeling on this can of injunction. "Suffer the little child- our basketball team. In an inter- worms should not have been as if your reporter, in this case a view following the close and Unity ren to come unto me. and forbid allowed. Mr. Leopold, were told to go out hard-fought loss for Fordham, them not," rings down the cen- To the Editor: Tom Maier and nit-pick, in order that a Coach Stewart came from a concentration on minor flaws turies as true today as it ever was in I must protest the improper and any pagan civilization. disappointed Ram locker room, certainly deceptive use of the CAB would obscure major truths. This angry at what little support the goes beyond editorial slant, into Calendar in last week's Ram Adrienne McGuire Hiddleson Rams received during the season. concerning the meeting of the what could quite properly be called Graduate student, The Rams were a tough, aggres- "Unity Club," in Room 703 of editorial bias Corrections English Department sive, hustling team who worked 555. To wit. in the interests of unwavering exactitude. Mr. Leo- The Feb. 17 Ram erroneously pold has made an issue of the very reported that Fordham professors' fine distinction which can be drawn Housing Plans Clarified contracts call for a 6 percent raise between the Rev. Reilly's paying in salaries for next year. federal income taxes on all his To the Editor: a logistical, as well as practical, impossibility. If Mr. According to Dr. Paul Reiss. salary, or not paying, vs. his 1 would like to take this opportunity to clarify some F.hall lived on campus he would have realized that Executive Vice President, thi'iv IT paying these taxes on 90% of all points in your front page article on February 24. freshmen are not assigned rooms until July. no such contract stipulation. Hv: his salary. Mr. Leopold's fidelity to 1977. "Boarder Council Says No." written, it would 1 he Boarder Council, in the form of representatives possibility that faculty will rece'.vc the truth would be commendable, appear, by Bob Ehalt. The authorship is somewhat from and Martyrs' Court, met with me on 6 percent raises as a result of new were it not for the fact that the vast difficult to determine since the first (our columns, "A February 1 At that time I went over my proposal (at University attrition policies is beiny majority of the Roman clergy, and Terrible Outrage." may be the beginning of the article that time in its fourth draft), and they pointed out discussed by the Faculty Salar. many ministers as well, receive or a companion piece. If Mr. Ehalt. or whoever wrote changes they would like to see made. Some of these, and Benefits Committee. Reiss little more than subsistence wages. the article, had spoken with me, or at least read the such as majority retention, were incorporated, while said. both 100% of zero and 90% of room selection procedures, several of the errors could others were not I .•UToare stil! zero. I suspect rather have been avoided. The policy was designed to provide as much ihrit Rev Reiily was trying to The system for 1977-78 housing is almost the same opportunity for as many people as possible to live in a Last week's Ram • article con- arouse the lethargic and uninform- as that used last year, with the exception that present situation of their choice. It should be obvious that not cerning summer trips to Ireland ed Fordhnm citizenry from their Irishmen, while not entitled to retention, will be everyone will be able to live exactly where they wont, and Israel gave incomplete infor- 'orpor. by following the same line considered for housing with present sophomores and this would be the case no matter who formulated the mation concerning deposit dead- '•I rt'iizoning which prompted our minors and that there is no seniority system for single policy. lines for interested students. t'.uniiing Fathers, and with less rooms. Students "presently living in the dorms' As soon as the new room agreements are back from According to the Summer Sos • .nisi' to object to immoral taxes already have the chance to move to other suites the printer, I will send you a copy, as well as a copy of sion office, first deposits for the your reporter either missed •'before anyone new moves in." We will not be the selection procedures Your publication of them Israel trip are due by the end of March, the Ireland deadline is pas:, "he po;nt completely or pretended accepting applications from commuters or transfers would be a service to the commuters who would like 1 '•' Midicites the sorry state into until April 12 to apply for a room on campus next year, since I have but interested students should set. '.h;. ti The Ram has fallen Incoming freshmen will be housed in Queen's no other (easible way of reaching them. Dr. A Paul Levack. Final payment j is due April 15 for Ireland. April 'M! Another point which interested Court. Sptllmred performance is dynamic motion Theatre majors were "initially inti- Lincoln Center, is Emilia, Iago's Pope Auditorium of The Leon and emotional, yet tempered with Blushed at herself: midated" when Stone, a former enough control to prevent him "foolish wife" and Desdemona's Lowenstein Center at the Fordham pro, came to the first run through Lincoln Center Campus. Alter- from overdoing the part, Washing- Desdemona is Othello's love lady. Welch is simple and bouyant with his lines memorized, it did not nates will appear at the matinees ton peech is far from rude: it is and wife. Another Fordham as Emilia. discourage anyone but make them on Wednesday and Saturday at 2 eloq! lent. Theatre Arts major, Laura Ferri, Roderigo, Iago's dupe, is played all "work harder." p.m. and at the Thursday evening nat grand a man does not has this role. Ferri captures the by Joseph G. Santry, a Fordham show. For ticket information, call exis1 comments Washington beauty and intelligence of Des- pre-med. Santry is an eager Permeating the entire Othello the box office at 956-4774. abou^ Othello. "He is hard to play demona's personality. She is ele- performer who needs some more experience is the impact of re- The Bard Goes Uptown Fordham Players Present a Funny Condensed 'Dream' by Thisby Bottom —Peter Quince (Vicki Gutierrez), one of many dreams. superb stage presence and a clear funloving, mischeivous fairy and it Nick Bottom (John Mazzarella), The play was well done con- resonant voice. John Mazzarella was she who gave the show its Francis Flute (Mark Curran), Tom sidering the fact that it was a was not consistent in the role of magical quality. The Fordham Players, directed Snout (Joan Doerbecker), Robin student production. John Hirten Bottom and he over-acted the by V\ illiam Stott and Paul McCar- Shakespeare's play of mistaken Starveling (Gail Avitabile) and played the role of Theseus a bit too death of Pyramus. Mark Curran ren, are back this semester with a identity and wistful dreams will be Snug (Jane Smalley). The play of stiffly for the way a young newly- (Flute and Thisby) played the role prodiction they call "V2 a Mid- presented March 9th and 10th, in Pyramus and Thisby (Mazzarella wed Duke should act. Sue Ma- of the frail and lovelorn Thisby and summer Night's Dream." Unlike and Curran) is chosen as one of loney had the necessary impish- an intensity which made it even the Keating Little Theater at 8:00 their previous productions, which the entertainments to be per- ness to carry out the part of Titania more comical. Finally, Mary Gren- p.m. Once again, Dean Stott's were done in totally unstructured formed for the Duke on his although at times she was not nen was superb in the role of Puck. "Drama, Word and Action" class settirgs, the Players make use off wedding day. The scene changes easily understood. Vicki Gutierrez, She appeared to be completely provides an interesting theater an criginal set design, costumes to Fairy King Oberon and Queen a new addition to the Players, had immersed in the role of the experience. and lighting, along with the inti- Titania quarreling, causing Oberon macy of the Keating Little Theater. to send Puck (Mary Grennen) to Several of the most important fetch an herb which, once applied seem 5 from the original comedy to Titania's eyes, will make her fall by William Shakespeare have been head over heels in love with the pieced together into a shorth , first creature she sees. As one of cone ensed version of the play, his pranks. Puck turns Bottom into Alth ugh the original plot was a donkey and when Titania more complex because it dealt with awakens she becomes totally in- four pairs of lovers, their inter- fatuated with him, and gives in to action, the fairy kingdom, and the Oberon's demands. nobi .ty. the basic themes of the The scene changes again, and ness of love still remain by now, the marriage has already The play, set in a forest near taken place. The craftsmen per- form for the Duke and his court, Ai'ne is. combines an aura of mystery, the supernatural and who are already familiar with the '-'nchintment. In the opening play, and are not too thrilled about . Theseus. Duke of Athens sitting through this crude produc- Hippoltya, Queen of the tion. At the end of the play, the Atna;ons (played by John Hirten Duke asks them to forget the and Susan Maloney) are seen epilogue and leave things be Puck closes the play by asking the discussing the arrival of their Several members of the Dream cast listen to Bottom (second from right; played .John wadding day. The scene changes audience to pardon the poor performance and to regard it as Mazzarella). > thi? introduction of the craftsmen The flam Page 8 Thursday, March 10,1977

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151? iMWii.lrnklr1." ll?" Ttl. (1U| I37-I79* J ' the Ram Thursday, March 10,197? Page 9 SANTANA Bernard Shaw's Royal Lovers by Mary F. Evans strong, if not exciting performance as byTonyZiemba It is a temptation to begin this review with Cleopatra, although her exaggerated ges- Somewhere during his four tumultuous the cliches that usually surround the names tures and whiny voice are distracting and encores last Saturday night at the Palladium, of Caesar and Cleopatra, but that would be even monotonous at times. Carlos Santana humbly thanked his audi- an injustice to George Bernard Shaw. His ence for having inspired him that night. And play, Caesar and Cleopatra, which opened The strongest performances in the play inspired him they must have, for his group's February 24 at the Palace Theatre, gives a are from some of the supporting actors. play at times generated that peak musical portrayal of these famous historical figues Novella Nelson arrogantly plays Cleopatra's scheming and overbearing nursemaid Flata- experience of almost crazed ecstasy. San- that one might seldom consider. teeta. Paul Hecht is convincing as the stern tana played with a joyful abandon that was In the opening scene of the production, and gruff Roman officer Rufio. The most continually overwhelming. Their torrid in- the Egyptian god Ra proclaims to the enjoyable character is Caesar's secretary strumentals and driving Latin beat were audience that "men twenty centuries ago Brittanus, played by James Valentine. He offset beautifully by the low-keyed group were already such as you. . . no worse and offers a witty and satirical view of an ancient vocals. That concert and the new album, no better, no wiser and no sillier." Shaw Carlos Santana Briton, hinting that race characteristics portrays the title characters as human beings Santana Festival, show why Santana has the last of the four frenzied encores Santana change little from generation to generation. been the most successful American rock was in control. The energy and excitement complete with all the weaknesses and band around the world. built to several peaks during the evening but shortcomings of our own leaders. Shaw's wit is not to be outdone. It After seeing Santana for the first time last it could never overwhelm the music. The Rex Harrison plays the aging conqueror provides a great deal of humor and iron^ to spring I was enchanted by the live perfor- group played so well together that SanU'.na's Caesar, who conceals his baldir.g head the play. Shaw stresses the pageantry and mance of their fusion of Afro-Latin and blues blistering solos stood out only because of the beneath a crown of laurel leaves. Several spectacle of events, and this is brilliantly roots. A little skeptical, perhaps, of the superb musician that he is. His long searing lines in the play emphasize and poke fun of executed in both the costumes of Jane contribution of the Latin influence but solos provided a neat counterpoint to Tom his age, an aspect of the role which is quite Greenwood and the sets designed by Ming nonetheless I came away impressed with the Coster's amazing work on keyboards and believable through Harrison's abilities. He Cho Lee. The stage is a rich mixture of frenzied vitality of the music. 1 couldn't truly synthesizers. resembles a wise old grandfather rather than golds, blues and greens, complete with appreciate the intricacies of the Latin Their set included the best material from a powerful hero. Harrison lacked energy at Roman officers. Egyptian slaves, ships and palaces. rhythm, and having a diehard interest in the last two albums, and the live treatments some points in the production. His voice, most notably, seemed strained and lacked rock I didn't try much. Thus, I had been sounded even better than the superb studio Shaw, though not at his best here, should the resonance that one would expect in an more than a little dismayed to read that versions. And, of course, the old rockers of not be missed by the conventional theatre actor of his stature. Carlos Santana had dismissed his band and "Black Magic Woman," "Oye Como Va," goer in Ellis Rabb's production of Caesar and was regrouping it with more of a Latin and "Soul Sacrifice" were as vital and alive Elizabeth Ashley plays Cleopatra, the Cleopatra. Harrison and Ashley are an influence. But I really had nothing to fear for as ever. Santana's music has been described petulant 16-year-old queen of the Nile. interesting combination portraying two of Santana's music is an enraptured celebration as the "sounds of the street." If only the When introduced to Caesar she is still but a history's most enigmatic figures. Set against of life that cannot be contained or pigeon- streets of New York were as alive as child romping around sphinxes, with no the pageantry and splendor of-ancient holed in any restrictive categories. Santana's music, the city would have no resemblance to the regal temptress history Egypt, the play offers an entertaining From the opening notes of "Carnaval" to problems at all. has made her out to be. Ashley gives a evening at theatre. Artistic Disaster Strikes Again In "Cassandra Crossing" by Philip Russo he imposes his virus-racked body The Cassandra Crossing also Pan Cosmatos (who also directed) and sometimes evocative photo- I hate disaster movies. From The on a train traveling across Europe. has the usual plot twists and an and that it comes graphy by Enio Guarieri, who Poseidon Adventure to Earth- He immediately and unknowingy ironic ending provided by Lee off as unintentionally anti-Semitic might be remembered for his fine quake, I do not find myself chilled infects most of the passengers by Strasberg. The director of the and painfully corny. work on the film, The Garden of by the briny deep nor made feverishly drooling into the rice famous Actors Studio plays an old the Finzi-Continis. naseous by the thrills of -Sensur- being prepared in the kitchen as Jewish survivor of the Nazi con- This is the first American film by Other than Gaurieri's photo- round (although the acting in these well as rubbing little children's centration camps who must return director George Pan Cosmatos graphy, there is absolutely nothing films does make me a bit queasy). heads and bumping into just about to the area where he had been and he has directed it in a fast to recommend in The Cassandra The latest to hit the everyone who is moving on the imprisoned during the last World paced, but overly slick television Crossing. In fact, this bridge movie screens around town is The Cas- train. War. His old terrors return to style which does not show much in might as well throw itself off the sandra Crossing and it lives up to haunt him. Unfortunately, this the way of personal vision or depth Tallahatchie Bridge; or the one the term disaster not only in its Eventually the authorities find scene is handled so clumsily by as an artist. The film's only over the river Kwai, for that story but also in virtually every out the terrorist is on the train, and scriptwriters Robert Katz, George redeeming quality is its stunning matter. other element of the film. led by as a cold- hearted but security minded The Cassandra Crossing fits neatly into the disaster genre American general, they decide to without elevating the genre's lowly seal the train and send it off with all quality. One of the most important its passengers to a quarantine parts of this type of film is the story. station in Poland. The catch is to It must play on the subconscious get to the Polish terminus, the train fears and frustration of the masses must pass over a decrepit old of modern society who make up bridge that threatens to collapse the vast majority of its audience. A and kill everyone on board. This simple formula can be concoted to bridge is of course the Cassandra do this. Crossing of the movie title, and as in most disaster films, it is the real First we must pick a specific star of the movie. disaster as the catalyst for the conflict. This is what Hitchcock Another important element of refers to in the suspense film as the this type of film is that it have a "McGuffin." It doesn't matter a "star-studded" cast. Some of the tinker's dam what the catalyst is, actors should be good ones and because the audience doesn't care the others can just be big names about it; all they want to see is the that might draw certain stargazing action derived from it. groups of people into the theater. In the disaster film it also helps if Neither group of performers is the "McGuffin" has been on required to or ever does present newspaper front pages lately. Tak- the viewer with a good and realistic ing these two things together in portrayal of his or her character. The Cassandra Crossing, we get the story of a radical Swedish Some of the good actors in this terrorist group that tries to bomb movie who don't do any acting the main offices of the World include Richard Harris as Nobel Health Organization in Switzerland Prize-winning doctor (that was the (incidentally, we are never told best joke in the film); Last year, the storypf their why they do this—the "McGuffin" as a novelist (the second best joke) effect again). The terrorists bungle and Harris' wife; lngrid Thulin as the job and in trying to escape they an idealistic doctor and Martin early years won llEmmys. are accidentally exposed to an Sheen as a heroin smuggler. Ava experimental virus which the Uni- Gardner, O.J. Simpson and Ann Now, see them in ted States has secretly bei' Turkel also figure prominently in veioping (this is the de rigeur social the movie, but they are there just comment in the disaster film). to lend their relative good looks to the film. Only one terrorist escapes and One of the most celebrated events on television last year was the story of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt in their early years. Now, Jane Alexander and Edward Herrmann continue STUDENTS WELCOME their portrayals of the Roosevelts in "Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years." Don't miss it. FORDHAM ROAD EXXON SERVICE 'Eleanor andFraiiklin:TheWhiteF;ouseYears' 590 E. Fordham Road Sunday,March 13,8 PM.on WABC, Channel 7 New York, N.Y. 10458 lkom>hi louuibv . -Phone: 212-WE 3-8600 IBM Page 10 Thursday March 10,1977 •>+ The Ram Put a paii* of Levi's on your feet.

ifour fax have pern wafanq -for y y could have a pairp of Leviese allio tt\mselves.New fe heavy eathets wiih ruqqedsoles... h rivets.. {.n Hitl&otvmaeiBQs.Cmon , getinto Levk... for feet The flam A Metamorphosis For Fordham Cheerleaders by Ron Mergenthater As Rice described the progress Many people who attended on his new project, "The girls had Fordham basketball games at Rose set a goal to be, ready for a Hill and Madison Square Garden basketball game and if they were (his season expressed curiosity ready, skillwise. I'd let them per- over why the opposition was form." usually well-represented by their And? own school's cheerleaders, while "I didn't think they were ready, Fordham lacked such representa- so we decided to wait until next tion. year." The most embarrassing instance What's left of this year's cheer- for Fordham was in the game leading squad, a total of only three against St John's on February 12. girls, stayed from the St.'John's The visitors had about two dozen game. According to O'Gorman, it cheerleaders, both male and fe- was a form of protest concerning male, who did various dance Rice's decision about the Two- numbers during play stoppages as steppers. When asked for a com- well as leading cheers from the ment Rice declined to speak until sidelines. Fordham, on the other conferring with O'Gorman. The hand, had no one. girls returned for Fordham's Madi- son Square Garden game with This problem has not gone Manhattan on February 24. Cheerleaders: A new look next year unnoticed, and there several trying Meanwhile, Rice has started to realign and revamp the cheer- preparations for next season with leader's program at Fordham. plans for expanding the program. Women's Basketball Finishes Fourth Jean O'Gorman. the cheerlead- A tournament to "scout" high continued from pagel2 restrain her. For her efforts, she out. ing coach, feels the primary hurdle school cheerleaders was scheduled the start of the second half, while got three technical fouls and was The season is not yet over for in improving the system is student for ihe end of February but was the Rams shot only 30 percent in thrown out of the game. the women as they still have one apathy. cancelled due to the weather. It the second half. Collins finished with 27 points more tournament to play in, the will be rescheduled at a later Fordham's frustration came out and eight rebounds while Gregory Women's Invitational at Manhat- 1 "In the fall," O'Gorman said, date . In addition, he has sent over at the sixteen-minute mark. Anne had 20 points and 16 rebounds in tan ville. Their first opponent is "we ran ads in The Ram, distribut- 1500 letters to every high school Gregory was charged with an 26 minutes. Both of them fouled Lehigh Thursday at 3:30. ed folders to incoming freshmen, cheerleading coach "in a couple of offensive foul driving to the basket and displayed posters indicating states" in hopes of attracting and Mosolino nearly went into a the time and place of meetings and prospective cheerleaders to Ford- fit. She charged out on the tryouts. ham. court before her bench could FOR THE BEST MEAL "However," she continued, "only 20 girls showed up, and out IN TOWN of those, only 12 eventually tried Only $14.00 Can Buy You This Space out. Unfortunately, many of the girls work, and their hours conflict COME TO with the games." "* And The Attention of 8,000 Students In addition to O'Gorman, Peter Fazio, Assistant Dean of Students for Student Activities, and Dr. Lynn Budd, Assistant Dean of WILLY'S COLLEGE Students for Campus Activities, 933-1692 730 E. FORDHAM ROAD helped coordinate advertising and COR. CROTONA AVE. the distribution of folders. BRONX, N. Y, 10456 DELI Also, Coordinator of Intercol- lege Athletics Dave Rice has been SERVICE working on developing a choreo- A & A STATION 2561 WEBSTER AVE. graphic unit separate from the regular cheerleaders who would Mobil perform during halftirne of basket- BRAKES CY 5-6030 ball games, tentatively named the IGNITION "Two-Steppers." GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIRS SYSTEMS BEER CITY

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NO ONLY LICENSE VERE'S LUNCHEONETTE $398 570 E. Fordham Rd. NO (Across the street from 555) PAYMENT INSURANCE PLANS LEGAL IN N.Y., MORNING SPECIAL AVAILABLE N.J., AND CONN. 8-11 AM Orange Juice, two eggs any style, THE GREAT AMERICAN CYCLE SHOP Potatoes, Toast, and Coffee $1.00 plus tax FEATURING MOPEDS FRANK DURSI 220-1111 Class of'68 Hamburgers, French Fries, 660 East Fordham Rd. -Opposite Faculty Memorial Hall Rarn Page 12 Thursday, Match 10,1977 Wins Toronto 800 Meter runner to slow *e±. runner to slow oo,. n - • • by Pat Borzi and Dave Harvey out from some tearr.rr-:-. .- , Jtm DeRienzo a:dr.'i res.vze :nar ^ that others had air.c rr-V-.-; •• .. had won the 300 meters at the The crowd love • ; • • USA-USSR-Canada -rack proud to run in frcr.t <•.* : • Thursday night unt:! nearly a people," he saic [)>?..-.- . ... minute after he had finished Then run before large crow ••is he deeded to ran a victory usually it was with a a- •. •.-, lap for the 6000 cheer,ng specta- from the AAU Char,;;,'.. • ,. tors at Maple Leaf Gardens in where he took fourth ',;•. ">> ' ,:i

Toronto, since, as he said, "The to qualify for this rrekt '-.r crowd was applauding while i was never run in an :nrir,:<^,; ,•._., panting." before a big crowd Though DeRienzo got some "When you're rurnirq -,•, . .

help when the Soviet Union's self," DeRienzo explained Trvr.. Anatoly Reshetnjak stopped a !ap is a sensation involved ,.- -

early wh:!e in the lead. DeRienzo's can't put into words Lu:.-...; -ri win was a major upset, it isn't too race, D°Rienzo felt swept a.'.s, often that a 19-year-c!d-'kid" by the cheering crowd It iel: ..-•., steps into an international meet for the crowd was helping propei y^ the first time and beats not only around the turns," DeRicrvr, n,c two of the best runners from two Clark, who remained co/.^-i n other nations, but also a teammate and jostled the entire race-, n^.tr who had bearer: him at the AAU was a facior, finishing fcurtn Championships. Reggie Clark DeRienzo flew back Friday and Drawing the outside lane at the competed Sunday along six start. DeRienzo stuck with his usuai would get came from Reshetnjak. enzo recalled. "I kept saying other members of JFordham's strategy of going out for rhelead He made a strong move on what error "I heard the gun (signalling to myself, if only I could hold track team in the iC4A track and early. He did. snd the field cruised he thought was the final lap and the 'start of the final lap)," DeRien- on..." field championships m iad'.vin by the 4*30-meter nark in a took the lead "I thought for sure zo said,"And I knew I was right." He did, finishing in 1:52 despite Gym at Princeton comfortable 54 seconds that was it forme." DeRienzo said So DeRienzo found himself in breaking stride when he slowed. "I Although hampered by a il.ght "I took my chances by taking the But Reshetnjak had miscounted the lead again with a lap to go. picked my stride right up after cold, DeRienzo still managed a lead." DeRienzo said "But I wasn't his laps, and as Reshetnjak crossed "The excitement of being in front that," DeRienzo said, "and tried time of 1:51 I. good tor third challenged, and ! felt confident " the tape'ess finish line. DeRienzo r in a race like that with one lap to go to make up for it." DeRienzo place . just three tenths of a ^x ,r-i slowed, thinking he himself was in The only challenge DeRienzo is really some experience," DeRi- thought that he had been the only behind winner Mark Beiyer of Villanova. Excellent performances \-:w Hockey Loses in 72-Hour Overtime also turned in by Gene McCarthy and Howie MeNiff McCar",, by Jim Donaghy the final stanza. the Rams leading goal scorer Nick saves, including a couple of break- running in the mile, turned - a Mangiatordi. aways. But he could not overcome The Fordharn Rams lost their The Rams had taken a 3-2 lead personal running in the two nv.t\ first game in hockey playoff action late in the second period when On Monday it was learned the his teammates' costly penalties also finished fourth witha :.;:.<: Pete Genesi caught goalie Jim overtime would be played on to New York Tech by a score of Was coach Frank DeSanto sur- 8:51 flat, one second shy ot ri: Patrick napping and fanned on Tuesday night at Racket and Rink 4-3 in sudden death overtime. But prised the game ended so early in school record. Genesis low drive in Farmingdale. otherwise known like Rich Man. Poor Man. this story overtime9 "Nothing surprises me In other events, high jumper B.I; Pete Menza, second on the team as the "home of the Islanders." has several parts. with this team." said DeSanto. Theirfeider jumped 6-7 but nv.sse•.: in points, scored the other two Last Saturday. Fordham jour- The Rams packed their duffle three attempts at a personal best ! Ram goals each time assisted by neyed to (he Twin Rinks Skating bags and set out on an hour-and- The Rams next playoff game 6-9. while John Daly made .: : Center in Port Washington its first half drive for an overtime period of will be at 7 p.m. Friday at the the semifinals of the 1,000 yard playoff game against New York ten minutes Unfortunately for the Elmsford Rink against Stony run. Tech. It was a contest the Rams Rams it only lasted Ii22. Tech's Brook. Under the playoff system, McCarthy, Daly. Ken Mitchell figured to win. but tied 3-3. Tom Barry rifled the puck past two losses means a team is out. In and DeRienzo. the distance med- Normally :n playoff action the Bocchino from close range and the other words, the Rams must win all ley, will now go to the NCAA overtime occurs immediately fol- game that took 72 hours to decide their remaining playoff games. championships in Detroit lowing the tie The Twin Rinks was over. management had several anxious At the time of the winning disco skaters waiting ro take the marker Tech was on a power play Swimmers Felice, May ice. however, and the overtime that was held over from the 3-3 tie was postponed to a later date on Saturday With four seconds A goal by Tech center Tom left in the game Bob Fleming was Win At Eastern Finals Laprine with only 2 22 left in the whistled for holding game forced :he issue into OT It was a very tightly refereed by John Maresca versatility as he took second ;:'. :r Laprine skated ,n unmolested on game with 22 penalties called. Six Behind strong performances by 100 yard freestyle. The time .>.: goaiie Virsr.y Bccc".:-:o and shot a of the seven goals, including the captains Chuck Felice and Tom 46.43 seconds. This is Felice blast over Bocc'-.'Si right last six. were of the power play Kelly and sophomore FrankMay. last year, along with Kelly. ..r shoutaef it A3; 3 piav goal 'variety Fordham's swimming team took both have a shot at A for Tech set up z\. Tony Riccchi's Ram Captain Mike Burke Bocchino made several brilliant seventh place in the Eastern high ;fxk:nc cer.a.f. s' 13 04 if. Americans in the National? a: :•" Championships out of a field of 23 end of March. teams Fordham finished with 12S "Since my freshman >ear Women's Basketball Finishes Fourth points, edging out rival Columbia Felice remembered. "^e\e a«-;• in the overall standings. Columbia from nothing to a near nat:> • had beaten Fordham in a dual power A large part of that is ••'• In New York State Playoffs meet earlier this year 59-54. the to the coaching of Bernal Rams first loss of the season. "As toi myself and Tom K^ • by Ro ^'aboard metropolitan Playoffs the consolation game Saturday. eleven. Gregory's 12 first half Brooklyn was trv Ram's third ro "reak ;h>. 1:40 mark ;n that 1 Thursday afternoon's win over points kept the game competitive i^amt in three day- -nd naturally N.Y. Tech 4, Fordham 3-OT they were tired T: other teams Cortland was easily one of Ford- for the Rams The rest of the Ram.s oik captured fifth place in the had a full bench. a:ui our starter's ham's high points of the years weren't providing much support: MY yard brtMststroke in 59 17. In SCHEDULE Freshman wonder Anne Gregory the team finished the game with 25 usually p'^vei the whole game," :'tw 800 yard freestyle the combi- TOMORROW: Rifle at Sect .'a ?. was devastating, scoring 36 points percent field goal percentage. said M•••sjiino. Collins took some nation of May. Chris Judge. Tom US. Naval Academy. Anrvxc s of :b.~ 'essure off Gregory by while reaching for 23 rebounds St, John's led 34-25 at the half, Gleason, and Felice took sixth The 5'10" Gregory's play was one and the Rams stayed within striking firing m 21 first half points against place with b:55 5. May was a Hockey playoffs: Fordnam\s of the individual highlights of the distance until strong defensive Brooklyn, many of them from pleasant surprise in the 1650 yard Stony Brock at Eims- tournament, and Gregory was plays and a patient offense gave outside freestyle, finishing in 'bird place ford Rink. '.30 P ••'> rewarded by making the all- the Express a 49-31 iead- The Rams stayed even with with a strong time ot SATURDAY: Rifle at Sectional Gregory and the Rams were not Brooklyn for much of the first half tournament team, "Coach Boniiil feels that I'm WEDNESDAY: Temple at ere.'. out of it yet. Gregory cut the before Collins started cooling off The Rams stopped Cortland's finally starting to come along." Harlem River running game and kept them to margin to 51-39 with a three and Brooklyn moved to a 41-33 May said "I felt good coming into THURSDAY: Women? tvis below 40% in shooting percent- point play and St. John's was over halftime lead. Brooklyn began the Easterns and 1 did my personal ketball at Manhattanvilie ''' r ;; age. PLaying without fioorleader the foul limit with 12 minuteis. left, beating the Rams off the boards at best." vitational Tournament, '. ; left. continued on page 11 round vs. Lehiqh 3.30 u •' Mary Hayes for the tournament. Fehct1 showed his swimming