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July 1995 Number 2 >v- of . THe Helminthological Society -of fe A semiannual journal of research devoted to Helminthology and all branches of Parasitology Supported in part by the , - (.^ >_.,-:• Brayton H. Ransom ^Memorial Trust Fund '/ \ _ CONTENTS ";'" -; , KHAN, R. .A.'AND A. J. PAUL. -Life Cycle Studies on Arcto-boreal Leeches (Hiru- 105 HASEGAWA, H. AND SYAFRUDDIN. " Nippostrongylus marhaeniae sp. n. and Other Nem- atodes Collected frqm Rattus cf. morotaiensis in "North Balmahera, Molucca Is- lands, Indonesia .-._ _;. _•; r.._.-^ '. .. .-.-.- _• ^ ; 1.11 NAHHAS, F JM. AND J. A. WETZEL. Di^ehetic Trematodes of Marihe'-Fishfes froWSuva, Fiji: The. Family Gyiiauchenidae Ozaki, 1933; '. .....^.^._.__^L ±_« -.117 DRONEN, N. O., Z: N. HQMESLEY, AND A. G. CLEVELAND. Conodiplostamwn asym- . metricuni sp. n. (Neodiplostomidae: Crassiphialinae), from, Niviveiiter cremori- - yenter (Muridae) from Yunnan, Proyince of the Peoples Republic of China GRACZYK, T. K,, M. R. CRANFIELD,_J. J. BROSSY, J. F. COCKREM, P. JOUVENTIN, AND P. J. SEDDON. < Detection of Avian Malaria Infections in Wild and Captive Pen- 135 McALLiSTER, C.XT., S.XUPTONrS. E. TRAUTH, AND C. R. BURSEY. N Parasites of Wood Frogs, Rana sylvatica (Ranrdae),: from Arkansas, with a Description of a"New_ . Species of Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) .__-..>: . .„... ;__-^_:iil: 143- MCALLISTER, C. T., C. R. ^LIRSEY, S. J. UPTON, S._ E. TRAUTH, AND D. B. .- CONN. Parasites of -Desmognathus brimleyorum(Caudala: Plethodontidae) from - " the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and-Oklahoma _.^__S.-1._1 . 1 ; - PARISELLE, A. AND (L. EUZET. Scutogyrus gen. n. (Monogenea/ Ancyrocephalidae) for Cichlidogyrus longicornis minus Dossou, 1982, C. Lrlongicomis, a%d C. I. gra- viyaginus Paperna and Thurston, 1969, with Description.of Three -New Species Parasitic on African Cichlids _.1._. ^.^ Zl~ __^I . „ FLOWERS^J^ R, AND/G. C^ MILLER, ^^.rmatae Xiphidiocercariae of North Carolina, with a Description of Five Nevv Cercarial-Species '. ^_ IT.1_.._._..^... _. (Continued on^Outsid^Tiack Cover) Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington > -THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON _„ _< THE SOCIETY meets in October, November, February, April and May for the presentation and' 'discussion of papers in any and all branches of parasitology or related sciences. All interested persons - are invited to attend. ^ , ,x Persons interested in membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may obtain-ap- -plicatioa-blanks in recent issues of THE JOURNAL. A year's subscription to the Journal is included inthe annual dues of $20.00 domestic and $22.00 foreign. " _ , " /- OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1995 -' '- President: JOAN E. JACKSON , . A ~ •. ; ._ Vice'President^ SUSAN FRICKE-MEYER ' , , . ^ Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer. HARLEY G. SHEFFIELD '--" v ' . V. Recording Secretary: MICHAEL J. BANGS ,. - \^ •" Archivist/Librarian: PATRICIA A. PILITT ^Custodian of Back Issues: J. RALPH LICHTENFELS Representative to the Washington Academy of Sciences: KENDALL G. POWERS Representative to the American Society of Parasitologists: ERIC P. TiOBERG ' - Executive Committee Members-dt-Large: J.OHN H. CROSS, 1995 •— \ -^\ , ^ ' •'?... - x / DENNIS E. KYLE, 1995 • '. 'FRED A. LEWIS,-1996r ; ">- RONALD C. NEFIE, 1996 . !: : Immediate fast President: MARK C.JENKINS ' " _;• THE JOURNAL OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE JOURNAL is published semiannually at Lawrence, Kansas by the Helminthologieal Society of Washington. Papers need not be presented at a meeting to be publishedoin the Journal. .s MANUSCRIPTS should be sent to the .EDITOR, Sherman S. Hendrix, Department of Biology, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA 17325. email: shendrix@, Manuscripts must be typewritten, double spaced, and in finished form. Consult recent issues of the Journal for format and style. -The original and two copies are required. Photocopies pf-drawings may be submitted-for review purposes but glossy prints of halftones are required; originals will be requested after acceptance of the manuscript. Papers are accepted with the understanding that they will be published only in the /Journal. • /'' ' .__ ~-._ •'y ~~ REPRINTS may be, ordered from the PRINTER at the same time the corrected proof is returned to the EDITOR. ., ,- ' '-'/.'. .AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS to publication costs (currently $40/pg for members, $80, for non- members) will be billed by Allen Press and are payable to^the SOCIETY. r BACK VOLUMES of -the 'Journal-are available. Inquiries concerning^ back volumes and current subscriptions should be directed to the business office. , .' s _, / , . , BUSINESS OFFICE. The Socie|y's business office is at Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries concerning subscriptions or back issues and all payments for dues, subscriptions, and bacLjssues should be addressed to: Helminthological Sbciety of Washington, %>' Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A. ' —-- v """, \ ~/~4--. ' EDITORIAL BOARD SHERMAN S./HENDRIX, Editor -7 1995 -1996 "-- 1997, DANIEL Rs BROOKS, ; DWIGHT D. BOWMAJSH - X ROY C. ANDERSON ERIC P. HOBERG RAYMOND H. FETTERER -— RALPH R~BCKERLIN ROBIN M. OVERSTREET WILLIAM F. FONT RONALD PAYER MARY H. PRITCHARD JOHN C. HQLMES : ,A. MORGAN GOLDEN ROBERT L. RAUSCH <- J. RALPHrLICHTENFELS ROBIN N. HUETTEL .. HARLEY G. SHEFFIELD JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ FyAD M. NAHHAS ' .DENNIS A. THONEY~ BRENT B. NlCKOL DANNY B. PENCE5-^ STEVE J.UPTON - VASSILIOS THEQDORIDES JOSEPH P. URBAN The Helminthologicai .Society of Washington ix995; l\s paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). ' ' Nr - ISSN J049-233X Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 62(2), 1995, pp. 105-110 Life Cycle Studies on Arcto-boreal Leeches (Hirudinea) R. A. KHAN1 AND A. J. PAUL2 1 Department of Biology and Ocean Sciences Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5S7 and 2 Seward Marine Center, University of Alaska, Seward, Alaska 99664 ABSTRACT: This study provides further information on the life cycles of 6 piscicolid leeches inhabiting the arcto-boreal region of the northwestern Atlantic and northeastern Pacific oceans. Four species including Pla- tybdella olriki, Platybdella anarrhichae, Oceanobdella sexoculata, and Johanssonia arctica inhabit the Atlantic primarily, but Notostomum (Notostomobdelld) = cyclostomum and Beringbdella rectangulata have been recorded only from the Pacific. Some species (P. olriki, J. arctica, N. cyclostomum, and possibly B. rectangulata) deposit their cocoons on decapod crustaceans and a pycnogonid, whereas others (O. sexoculata and P. anarrhichae) utilize the eggs of host fish. Newly hatched leeches can readily locate their hosts that hatch simultaneously. It appears that 3 species, namely, P. olriki, P. anarrhichae, and O. sexoculata, have annual life cycles, whereas others such as /. arctica, N. cyclostomum, and B. rectangulata live more than 1 yr. The life cycle strategies, which include sites of cocoon deposition and host preferences, ensure that their progeny will successfully locate new hosts after emergence. KEY WORDS: marine leeches, Hirudinea, Platybdella, Oceanobdella, Johanssonia, Notostomum, Beringbdella, northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska. There is limited information on the life cycles real region and their strategies for locating their of marine leeches, especially species living in the hosts. arcto-boreal region. Some leeches are normally attached to their fish hosts in nature. Others are Materials and Methods occasionally associated with decapod crusta- ceans. Increasing evidence indicates that this re- Platybdella olriki were obtained from the toad crab, Hyas araneus, captured in baited conical traps set at lationship is not parasitic but one in which the 10-50 m deep in Conception Bay, Newfoundland arthropod provides a hard substrate for cocoon (47°31'N, 53°05'W). After removal, leeches were held deposition and dispersal (Moore and Meyer, in ambient seawater and subsequently allowed to reat- 1951; Meyer and Barden, 1955). This relation- tach to toad crabs held in a flow-through aquarium in the laboratory. Species offish were introduced at 2-5- ship has been confirmed in studies on Myzob- day intervals to ascertain host preferences. Addition- della lugubris Leidy, 1851, on the blue crab, Cal- ally, a number offish species inhabiting Logy Bay were linectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Daniels and examined by SCUBA divers at depths of 5-20 m for Sawyer, 1975); Johanssonia arctica (Johansson, P. olriki. 1899) on the spider crab, Chinonocetes opilio (O. Seaspiders, Nymphon sp. (Pycnogonidae), were col- lected by otter trawl off the northeast coast of New- Fabricius, 1788) in the north Atlantic (Meyer and foundland and Ungava Bay during 1978 and 1982 and Khan, 1979; Khan, 1982a, b); and Notostomum held in ambient seawater tanks until their return to the cyclostomum (Johansson, 1898), which attaches laboratory. Seaspiders harboring cocoons of undeter- to the red king crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus mined leeches were retained until young emerged. Oth- er pycnogonids, without leeches, were exposed to a (Tilesius, 1815) in North Pacific waters (Moore number of species of leeches to determine which spe- and Meyer, 1951; Sloan et al., 1984). Some other cies would attach to deposit their cocoons. reports of associations remain speculative, such Egg masses with adhering leech cocoons of an ocean- as that of Platybdella olriki