JULY 30, 1971 12 PAGES 15C PER COPY of Communities in the Occupied Mr

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JULY 30, 1971 12 PAGES 15C PER COPY of Communities in the Occupied Mr :: ....,r R. J. · JEWISH HtSToRICAL ASSOC. 11 209 AllGELL ST• PRO¥ r 6 0 R. I• OH06 Palestinians Attempt To Assert Independent Role On West' Bank HEBRON-A new attempt to The prime organizer for the assert an Independent Palestinian conference Is not Sheik Jaabarl, a role for the moderate west-bank controversial figure with rivals leaders Is taking shape here. and personal enemies, but the Sheik Mohammed Alt Jaabarl, younger and more pragma11c the Mayor of Hebron, outlined Mayor of Belt Sahur, a small THE ONLY ENG LISH JEWIS H W EE KLY 'N R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS plans for a convention next month town near Bethlehem, Nickolas of mayors and business leaders Abu-Allah. VOLUME LV, NUMBER 22 FRID-.. Y, JULY 30, 1971 12 PAGES 15c PER COPY of communities in the occupied Mr. Abu-Allah sa1d he has area of Jordan on the west bank been In contact with the mayors of the Jordan River. The of all 22 muntclpalltles In the Soviet Emigrants To Israel Lessen conve_!ltlon, he sald, would west bank by telephone. Eighteen Initially take a stan\l on economic of the mayors accepted relations with other Arab Immediately, he said. The four countries, but would, he hoped, be others promised to reply within a turned into the nucleus of an day or two. Rate Is Lower This Month effective political body. Interviewed separately, both "With their present divisions Mr. Abu-Allah and Sheik Jaabarl and troubles, the Arab said they were confident that the But Exceeds Last Year~ governments are not going to help Israeli military government us Palestinians," Sheik Jaabarl would authorize the meeting. MOSCOW -The Soviet in the entire year. and In 1969, to Israel. said in an Interview. "The Arab To drive 45 minutes from the au tborltle s hsve apparently the figure was about 2,000. It Is not known how many of world Is going backward, not offices of Sheik Jaabarl to those reduced the now of Jews In Jsnusry of this year, the the Soviet Union's Jews have forward. Instead of waiting lor of Mr. Abu-Allah Is to span two permitted to emigrate to Israel total of Jews who left for Israel applied to emigrate, The official someone else, It Is up to us to extremes of Palestinian society. this month. but the rate condnues numbered SO, and In February, census counts some 2,150,000 take the Initiative." The Sheik, aristocratic and to exceed last year's. reliable the figure rose to 130. In March. Jews In the country, a figure that The major has long advocated paternal, receives petitions from Western sources said. It Is esdmated that 600 to 1,000 some Jews believe Is too small. a conference of the west-bank and his citizens like a feudal lord. A The sources said that about left. The authorities apparently There are estimates that Jews Gaza leaders, but his previous delicate china dish of fresh 200 left In the first three weeks II be r a II zed restrictions on who have asked to leave number attempts to convene a meeting Jasmine petals rests at his side, of July, and there has been no emigration In vtew of world-wide In the tens of thousands. but the have been thwarted-sometimes to flavor the air of the Mayor's lndlcadon that the emlgradon wlll concern over trials of Soviet Soviet authorldes have said that by quarrels among the desk. stop, It Is calculated that Jews allegedly Involved In anti­ those estimates are too high. Palestinian leaders themselves, Mr. Abu-Allah works emlgradon in July may reach Soviet activity and In a pl an to There are al so disagreements sometimes by the refusal of the intensely at the front otnce of his 300. hijack a plane. about how many Jews would leave Israeli authorities to authorize large plastics factory, busily This represents a drop from Jewish sources here also If assured of permission. Jewish such a political gathering, alternating political decisions the monthly record In April, when believe that the number was militants have put that number at A coincidence of factors leads . with handling technical 1,300 to 1,400 left, In May, the Increased to rid the country of up to a half mllllon. but this Sheik Jaabarl and other west­ difficulties on his production llne. emigration figure was about 850 potendal dissidents at the time of figure Is disputed by others. bank notables to expect more On his desk Is a glass full of tiny and in June about 700, the the 24th Congress of the The drop In emigration has success this time. plastic pellets for occasional sources said. Communist party, held from caused concern among many Jews fidgeting purposes. In 1970, only about 1,000 left March 30 to April 9. who have sought to em lgxate. Major Arab leaders who have Various explanations have They have circulated among opposed Independent political been given for the decline In July, Western correspondents their action in the west-bank area are Western sources believe that pedtlons to authorld~s seeking in political disarray. Within two P~esident Sadat Says Egypt Arab governments made a strong prompt permission to leave, weeks there has been a coup protest over the emigration, In Some Jews, such as a group of d'etat in the SUdan, attempted Must Move By End Of Year many cases, of trained personnel. 33 from Soviet Georgia, came to coups In Morocco and Yemen and Including some of military age. Moscow and staged a hunger a seemingly final round of civil CAIRO-President Anwar el­ movement toward removtng the Jewish sources. who say -that strike In the Ceptral Telegraph war between King Hussein's Sadat said this week that Egypt traces of the (Israeli) aggression the July figure was less than that Office to attract attention. They i for c e s and the Palestinian must take political and military on the basis of the attitudes we reported by Western sources, were arrested and sent back to l' guerrillas In Jordan. moves before the end of the year have declared, principles and said a reorganization of the Georgia, where they are serving Moreove,, the reason for a to eliminate Israeli occupation of attitudes we have declared, procedure s needed to get two-week sentences for being In west-bank meeting now Is not a Arab lands. whatever the effort and permission might have led to the Moscow Illegally, vague desire for local autonomy Speaking over the Cairo radio, sacrifice." lower rate, The authorities, annoyed by such as has long been evident he said, "We must m?ve and we These sources said the unfavorable publicity abroad, here, but a specific need to "Otherwise " he said "we shall do so with God's help both would perm It' the crisis to authorities now Insisted that have sought to block meetings of present a common stand on polltlcally and mllltarlly before freeze." potential emigrants repay the Western correspondents with economic matters to a scheduled the end of this year." Soviet state for the cost of higher di s s lden t s. Today, In two conference of the Arab League In The President was addressing Mr. Sadat also repeated what education they have received at separate Incidents, three Soviet Cairo In September. the 1,700-member national he had sa1d on May 1 in regard to state expense. This could nm as Jews were seized by security congress of the Arab Socialist fighting the Israelis-" An eye high as 4,000 rubles ($4,400). police as they attempted to meet Some Arab League countries for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, are threatening to boycott all Union, Egypt's only political Emigrants to Israel already have with correspondents. In both party. depth for depth and napalm for to pay 900 rubles ($1,000) for cases, the Western newsmen trade exchanges with the west­ napalm~" bank area on the ground ' that, He asked for a mandate to documents --400 for the right to were told by the agents that "this alter four years of Israeli face the situation In the Middle He said he -would bear Vi sit a capitalist country In a Is none of your business." occupation, trade with the west­ East and repeated the thought he responslblllty for the next period ~vate capacity and 500 to give Last week, three other Jews bank amounts to trade with expressed In a speech Friday that "within the limits of our well­ up Soviet qtlzenshlp, which Is were arrested and released after known strategy," Is r a e 1 • Both the Jordanian 1971 would be a decisive year for now com put sory for those going having met with newsmen. Government and the local Arab the region. leadership oppose such a move. Mr. Sadat told the closing Finally, the proposed session of the Congress: conference has broad support "l am not saying that our way Recent Attack On Hassan among various factions in the to victory must be fully covered west-bank area and the Gaza this year. strip, unlike previous efforts that "But I say that this year must seemed to be power plays by one witness, and will witness, with Frightens Moroccan Jews Palestinian faction or another. G o d • s· w I ll , our practical MARRAKESH, Morocco -In He called his staff together, told Europe have ever ravaged their m ldafternoon on Saturday, July them about the massacre.. at the people In the Arab wor Id. In fact 10, the Rabal radio switched to palace by rebel forces seeking to the ties of Jewish doctors and Auto Of Soviet Attache Firebombed martial music.
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