DOLAN LOSES in a NEW Ncht in I M WEEKS Their Poisoned Meat in Pipes Not Large Enough for Cats and Dogs to Crawl Through
PRICE THREE CENTS VdL. XLIV., NO. 296. Adrettlsliig on Pice MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDA Y, SEPT. 16,1926. (TWELVE PAGES) “ PIED PIPER’S” POISON Mrs. Wilson at League Assembly MAY TRY FOUR KfT.TiS d o g s a n d g a t s COMM. KEENEY, Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 16.— DEMOCRATS STRADDLE ON RUM; Rex Keep, “ Pled Piper” of Syra cuse, N. Y., and F. R. Brigham, IN HALL CASE health board agent, who are en G. A. R. VETERAN, gaged In freeing the city of rats, today had a warning from J. M. O’Nell, dog constable, to place IS HERE DOLAN LOSES IN A NEW nCHT IN i m WEEKS their poisoned meat In pipes not large enough for cats and dogs to crawl through. A dozen dogs ‘RICHEST YOUNG MAN” and an equal number df cats Head of Drake Post for Last TO BECOME. A PROFESSOR State Body Declares for Re* Widow and Three Kinsmen have been affected, some of Manchester Party Leader them dying. Cambridge, Mass.. Sept. 16.— hdicted in 10 Hinnte^ 15 Years Dies from in Jangle Widi Spdiacy John Nicholas Brown, the peal and for Enforce “ world’s richest young man,” to- Effects of Kick from Cow; 'day was signed up for .-a gradu Henry Sterens Jailed; When He Balks at Scheme ate course at Harvard In prepa ment; Names Judge R. U. MYSTERY SHROUDS ration for a professorship. He Six More Vets Here. was graduated from the univer- Tyler for Senator, Cr G. Gorsline Perjury Case. to Get Him Off Central 'slty here In 1922 “ magna cum YOUTH’S INJURIES iaude.” The, fortune of "Brown Commander Maranthon Henry Committee But F U y of Harvard” Is estimated at Morris for Goyemor With* Somerville, N.
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