AVCRAOB DAXLW CIBCLCATIO.N for the MoDtb' of Joiw^19S4 . THE WEATHER Foroeost ot C. S. Waatbar Boiuaa. Hartford 5,428 . Member of the Aodiit Bureau ot dreulatloDa. Fair tonight and Wednenday; not much change In temperature. VOL. Lm .. NO. 244, (Clasotiled Advertlalng ou Page 6.) MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, JULY 17. 1934, Center of West Coast’s Paralyzingr Tieup SAY EQUAIMnG BOARD’S A a i o l COAST STRIKE IS SPREADING: WAS NOT LEGAL MILITIA MOVE INTO OAKLAND ^1 ' <aj *1 Ninth District Committee . Mmntains Property in Other Districts Should Not ] FOOD TRUCKS BEGIN (By Associated Press) : Seattle— Labor leaders expressed ' San Francisco—The second day doubt any general strike would be ; Be Included in Appraisal. of the general strike found relaxa- declared in Seattle. Non union labor tion of union restrictions ufion dls- : loaded ships at .SmiUi's cove, and a TO ARRIVE IN AREA fributlon of food and Ice, and re- i citizens' commute said further port The Ninth District committee had citabllshment of limited street car —‘ —- opening wduld be attempted. prepared a statement for presenta- transportation schedules. Vancouver, B. C.—Longshoremen tion at the annual meeting of the Oakland —Fifteen thousand strik- voted down an arbltratl'on board's Street Cars Stopped in East Bay Cities Which Adds ing building trades workers were to derision' in a wage dispute and district last Friday evening, but the be joined by approximately 27,000 agreed not to unload any ships whlcn forced adjournment of this meeting central trade workers in on exten- hAd been load'.'d In United States 500,000 Persons Hit hy General Walkout — Many made It* presentation impossible. sion of the general strike to the east ports by "unfair" labor. This statement deals with the equal- bay area. , San Pedro— Police sought to col- izatlon problem, a complicated .sub- Portland —This Oregon metro- lect for the duration of the maritime Ferryboats Go Out of Service— Over 7,000 National ject which obviously contains possi- polis . appeared drifting toward a strike all firearms held by civilians bilities for differences of opinion; general strike as dwindling gasoline in the Los Angelos harbor area. Guardsmen With Tanks, Machine Guns and Gas Con- but the facts as the Ninth District supplies forced prices as high as 49 Police broke up.an outdoor labor committee sees them. The inferences cents a gallon, with no "gas" avail- meeting, arresting *a woman speak- to bo drawn from these facts as able for U. S. mall trucks or planes. er. centrated on Waterfront in Frisco. contained In the statement are as follows: Board’s Decision. San Francisco. July 17.— (AP) — FIRST great WALKOIT "1. The Committee on Equaliza- The general strike grasped Oakland WAS f.'OMPURTE SI'CCESS tion, consisting of the chairman of ^ in Its Iron-Ilke claw today and FOOD THE BIG PROBLEM the Board of Selectmen, a represen- : reached l.ts grip on San Francisco, By associated PRESS tative .of the Board of Assessors, i Aft^r a day of idleness San Fran- The strikers in the first great and a representative of the Town walkout o j record never did School Board, is charged under the cisco's muntcipkl street cars rolled IN WEST COAST STRIKE go back to their jobs. General Statutes with the duty of I from their barns, but the' more nu- They were the Israelite.s who appraising the property and esti- merous trams of the key system worked In; Egyptian brick fac- mating the debts of the various dis- didn't turn a' wheel in the East Bay tories. tricts. We are advised by the Stores and Markets Nearly ; cities. The Bible tells that Pharaoh chairman of this committee that It ordered them to furnish the has been determined that the town 1 Walkout of the key lines trainmen : straw for the bricks Instead of should assume all of the bonded In- Out of Fresh Meats and Connor Baby I initiated the general strike in Oak- getting It from their taskmas- debtedness of the Ninth District and i land, Berkeley, Alameda and other ters. should take over the school build- ] East Bay cities, extending the ings. as the assets of the district, Vegetables; Other Stocks ' strlke'.s paralyzing grip to an addi- They objected. Having found a at their full appraised value, with tional 500,000 of the Metropolitan leader In Moses, they walked out the exception of the West Side Rec- sis-ScY i"! s?-" area's 1,300,000 people. —toward the Promised Land— X i Shot of the " " s'-aphlcally shown in thl, alr- Are Dwindling. Found Alive and never returned. reation building on which they have Ferry boats of the key route sys- placed a value of 40 per cent of its tem also went out of service, crip- appraised valuation. pling transportation for the thou- "2. The Committee on Equaliza- San Francisco, July 17.— (AP) — .sands who commute between San municipal line were not molested. tion arrived at this arbitrary value Food was the paramount problem Francisco and Oakland. Southern The food problem remained acme Behind Home but the decision of the strike steer- of the West Side Recreation biiildlng STATENS 0 . S. FUNDS today in San Francisco's mass Pacific ferryboats were left to bear by endeavoring to estimate approxi- MACHADO NOW LOCATED the burden of the entire traffic. ing committee to permit opening ot strike. those of the city’s two thousand mately the ratio of the square floor Hartsdale, N. Y., July 17.— (A P )— More Guardsmen area devoted now to school purposes, Store, and markets were depleted Simultaneously 200 more Na- restaurants which employ union times the hours of school use to the OVER 24 MILLIONS of fresh meats apd vegetables and Robert Connor was found alive and tional Guardsmen moved Into Oak help Is expected to lift the ba'- total square floor area, times the IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC other food stocks were dwindling smiling this afternoon In the woods land's west waterfront, while almost ricr. total available hours In the day. No rapidly. the full strength of California’s! „ , , Uquor behind his house by state troopers. figures have been presented by them Public opinion, already aroiased 7,000 militiamen was concentrated Safety for produce trucks brln.fl- Mrs. Charles H. Connor fainted to us and no opportunity has been This Does Not Include Grants by the food shortage, appeared like- on the San Francisco waterfront' “ Vsh vegetables and other suu- given to check the correctness of American Sea Captain Tells ALCORN LAUNCHES ly to spur ' ffo'la toward ending the when a trooper came In the door of with tanks, machine guns and ar- i P“ ®® into the strike zone also was strike. tillery gas units. promised by the general strike com- the estimate on this assumption. It her Hart.sdalc Manor home with 21- The food .situation: Relief for the gasoline and food ' however, declared a would seem to give no credit for the Made for Relief Agencies; n'unth-old Rob.irt in bis arms. following: How Former Cuban Presi- p R Q B E IN HARTFORD Fruits and fresh vegetables,— shortages on both sides of the bay !'®(*ipt ban on all liquor for s.ile In . "a. One room constructed ' as a None available, except limited sup- The child’s face was badly scratch- was seen as the first tracks began' school room, but not now In use for dent Was Spirited Away . Figures Released. plies of citrus fruits. to arrive In the cities under heavy i strike committee's this purpose. Fresh i; eat*—None. Some canned guard since the teamjiters strike of i ff Pfo^ram providing for Um- "b. A large assembly hall, occu- meats, but grocers said they would last Thursday. distribution of necessaries on- Policemen released from water- | 'J®*" union supervision, also called for pying over one-half of the floor area from New York. Reopens Investigation of Do- Bridgeport, July 17— (AP) —L. be In consumers' hands shortly. of the second floor, designed, both A. Hoffman. PWA . engineer for Cured meats all sold. front duty in Oakland by the arrival i operation of bakery, milk for school purposes and general Connecticut and Rhode Island rc- Canned goods-S tlll available at of Guardsmen were immediately as- service. Miami, Fla., Jply 17.— (A P )_ ings at Last City Election; most groceries, although stocks signed to the convoy service. First The gasoline ban on all but '’ei- assembly hall purposes and physical ,ported today a total of *24.016,900 sential" services remained, however. training. Gerardo Machado, former Cuban badly depleted. trucks brought In produce, groceries In Federal funds had been allocated Efforts to meet the emergency "c. Toilet, bathing facilities, cloak president Is now In the Dominican Staplea- Ratlonlng resorted to by and gasoline—all treasures In the Hints Conspiracy. •to Connecticut, as of July 7, 1934. most stores .'n order to keep some strike area. officially proclaimed by Mayor An- rooms and a pro rata of corridors Republic after flight from the Unit- This total, Hoffman said, was ex- gelo J. Rossi, were started by a and stairways. sugar, and flour on hand. Supplies ] ed States- and a rnurder warrant clusive of allocations made to the available for a few days more. OVER 100,(M)0 ON STRIKE c'tlzcns’ committee of 500 F. M. "d: The use of the building during •state through the CWA, CCC, FERA Hartford, July 17.— (AP) Cot Bread and milk -No interruption San Francisco, July 17.-^(AP) — McAuillfe, attorney and chairman ct and out of school hours ,by school aboard the 80-foot auxiliary and similar relief agencies.
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