The Nordic region for all

Nordic co-operation on universal design and accessibility Published by the Nordic Centre for Welfare © May 2016 (updated and translated into English in September 2016)

Part of the ”Disability perspective, gender and diversity” project

Author: Maria Montefusco [email protected] Publisher: Ewa Persson Göransson

ISBN: 978-91-88213-07-5

Edition: 300 Graphic design: Idermark och Lagerwall Reklam AB Press: TB Screen AB

The report can be downloaded from Contents

Introduction...... 5 Summary and recommendations for co-operation for a nordic region with better universal design...... 6 Summary and expert group recommendations for cooperation on a more universally designed Nordic region...... 8 Value added through nordic co-operation on universal design and accessibility...... 10 Members of the expert panel on universal design and accessibility...... 12 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, ACCESSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT...... 14 the value of universal design...... 14

3 the nordic welfare model and universal design...... 18 Perspective on rights...... 20 Gender perspective and accessibility...... 20 Legal framework for accessibility and equality based on functional capacity...... 21 Strategic implementation of universal design in the nordic region...... 22 WHAT STRENGTHENS THE DEVELOPMENT OF A UNIVERSALLY DESIGNED SOCIETY, AND HOW CAN THE NORDIC COUNTRIES CONTRIBUTE?...... 26 Research...... 26 Innovations...... 28 Education...... 28 raising awareness of the rights and benefits of universal design.... 30 universal design for a lot of different reasons...... 30

Sustainable construction...... 32 Accessible transport...... 33 Welfare technology...... 34 digital inclusion...... 34 Standardization...... 34 LiteraturE...... 37


At some point in our lives, we have all The proposals for areas of co-operation were experienced encountering obstacles in our developed with input from a Nordic panel, environment and surroundings. In many cases which used the countries’ official reports and these obstacles are created by people. The UN experiences as its basis. The group members Convention on the Rights of Persons with include representatives from disability organi- Disabilities (UNCRPD) inspires and focuses on zations and people with experience in disabili- universal design. It highlights the government’s ties and special accessibility needs. They come responsibility to make improvements, since from across the Nordic region and autonomous accessibility is a right. Governments are respon- territories and complement each other with their sible for systematically removing obstacles related expertise and experience. The group and creating inclusive solutions for everyone, has contributed to knowledge gathering which regardless of functional capacity, characteristics resulted from study visits and two working and preferences. We need cross-border co-ope- sessions. Good examples were presented and ration if the Nordic region is to function for common challenges discussed at these sessions. everyone - not only across countries but also among policy areas and sectors. The report is primarily aimed to policy makers at the Nordic level. It may also be of interest to The Nordic countries, including the Faroe people who work with sustainable development Islands, Greenland and Åland islands, want to as well as universal design and accessibility at work together as effectively as possible to make the national, regional or local level. Differences society more accessible. The Nordic Council in the conditions for participation and equal of Ministers has commissioned a report with opportunities between women and men or proposals for areas of co-operation with regard girls and boys, respectively, were also described to universal design and accessibility. The work where such information exists. The project and is funded by the Council of Ministers’ Sustai- the panel were coordinated by the Secretariat nable Development Strategy. Since the report for the Council for Nordic Co-operation on was commissioned, the UN has adopted sustai- Disability at the Nordic Centre for Welfare. nability goals as part of Agenda 2030; these are related to universal design in several ways, which makes co-operation even more relevant.

5 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR Research CO-OPERATION FOR A NORDIC REGION Research in the area of universal design and WITH BETTER UNIVERSAL DESIGN accessibility indicates there is a need for stronger The panel emphasizes the importance of people Nordic research collaboration. with disabilities, through their organiza- tions, being involved in the activity proposals THE EXPERT GROUP RECOMMENDS: presented below. • Charting Nordic research efforts in areas such as the following: The report uses the term ”universal design” - different needs/aspects of universal or an equivalent. The definition appears in the design and accessibility in terms of Scandinavian translations of the UN Conven- physical environment, transport, infor tion on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. mation and communication including ICT (information and communications Emphasizing the value of universal design technologies and services) The main challenge, according to the panel, is - universal design for learning (UDL) that the advantages of universal design are not - demographic research related to widely known. The importance of encouraging universal design and housing policies sustainable development right from the start, - socio-economic research and the connections to the UN’s Development - cost/benefit analysis of universal design. Agenda 2030 need to be made apparent. Efforts need to be made to raise awareness of the value Education of a society that works for everyone. There is a common need to increase knowledge of universal design among public sector workers THE EXPERT GROUP RECOMMENDS: across the Nordic region. • Making the benefits of universal design and accessibility better known by mentioning this THE EXPERT GROUP RECOMMENDS: objective in strategic plans for sustainability • Developing a course for universal design in and inclusion. the Nordic region at the college level, poten- • Including universal design and the inclu- tially based on existing materials. sive-society perspective in international • Including more universal design in existing profiling of the Nordic Region. higher education, such as for architects, designers and engineers. Use good examples from the Nordic educational sector. • Organizing a recurring Nordic Conference on universal design to increase awareness at the local, national, and Nordic level.

6 Benchmarking using Nordic comparisons Standardisation There is a need to be able to compare efforts Within universal design and accessibility, the and results of work on universal design and need for a more thorough Nordic effort with accessibility in the Nordic region. The purpose respect to international standardisation activi- of comparing statistics on, for example, housing, ties has increased. transport and ICT is to highlight the positive developments and to draw attention to areas THE EXPERT GROUP RECOMMENDS: where development has stopped. Comparing • Identifying some current international data among countries can also draw attention standardisation processes within universal to border restrictions and increase opportunities design and accessibility which are important for companies to have the entire Nordic region for Nordic countries. as a market. Comparing statistics should never • Strengthening the Nordic voice in interna- be used to ’worsen an achieved quality level’ but tional standardisation processes by holding rather should always aim to improve the situa- Nordic preliminary meetings that include tion and exchange knowledge. user groups.

THE EXPERT GROUP RECOMMENDS: Tourism • Comparing the Nordic countries’ regula- The Nordic region has huge potential to stand tions in order to improve accessibility across out as a leading region for accessible tourist the entire Nordic region. destinations. Several regions are dependent • Connecting these comparisons to the UN on tourism and many travellers require better convention and Agenda 2030 for sustai- accessibility. This includes the elderly, which nable development. promises to be a group with great purchasing • Initiating a project that identifies indica- power in future. tors that enable comparisons among the countries’ efforts within universal design. THE EXPERT GROUP RECOMMENDS: Examples of potential questions: • Including universal design/accessibility in - How much accessible housing is there? quality marketing for tourist destinations. - Who experiences obstacles in their It can also be included in the marketing of physical environment? sustainable tourism. - Do municipalities have action plans for • Marketing the Nordic region internationally universal design? as an accessible and universally designed region.

7 VALUE ADDED THROUGH NORDIC The Nordic countries share common definitions CO-OPERATION ON UNIVERSAL DESIGN of functional impairments and disability. The AND ACCESSIBILITY approach is characterized by a definition rela- There are several strong reasons for Nordic tive to the social environment which says that it co-operation in this field. The Nordic countries is mainly the environment that prevents indivi- have a consistent level of ambition and similar duals from participating. This definition differs systems for inclusion and preparations for from the individualist perspective where the demographic trends. This provides a good basis individual’s disability is considered the problem. for planning where we in the Nordic countries should direct our attention in order to build a Research on complex contexts can be relatively strong society. costly. Nordic co-operation can contribute to more efficient use of resources and dissemina- Major similarities among our welfare models tion of knowledge. Joint educational courses often make sharing experience and knowledge for professionals as well as representatives from in the Nordic region more effective than in other disability organizations provide added value international contexts. Sharing best practices at the Nordic level. Educating many at once is and learning from other ones is easy. There are more cost effective and can increase opportu- rich opportunities to learn lessons in another nities for creating cutting-edge expertise in the Nordic country and then apply them in a diffe- Nordic region. rent context. At the same time, the differences enable exchanges that can contribute to inno- There is a potential joint Nordic market for the vations through new ideas and ways of thinking construction industry, tourism and ICT services, and acting. which could be strengthened by collaboration. Accessibility makes the Nordic region more Yet another reason is the Nordic countries’ attractive and competitive both as a market and shared values in terms of human equality, the as a tourist destination. right to protection and opportunities for self-ful- filment. In addition, there is a strong culture and tradition of involving the target groups and civil society in developing policies and services.


MEMBERS OF THE EXPERT PANEL ON ICELAND UNIVERSAL DESIGN AND ACCESSIBILITY Björn Karlsson, Mannvirkjastofnun [Construction Authority], Iceland Camilla Ryhl, Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut NORWAY [National Building Research Institute] – SBI, Åse Kari Haugeto, Deltasenteret, Norway Denmark SWEDEN Carsten Graversen, Energistyrelsen [Danish Hans von Axelson, Agency for Participation, Energy Agency], Denmark Sweden

FINLAND Håkan Thomsson, Association for the Visually Erja Väyrynen, Ministry of Environment, Impaired, Sweden Finland ÅLAND Niina Kilpelä, The Finnish Association of Dan Backman, Industries Department, Govern- People with Physical Disabilities Accessibility ment of Åland, Åland Centre ESKE, Finland Viveka Landgärds, Åland Disabled Association, Åland Ása Olsen, General secretary MBF, Faroe Islands

10 In the UN Convention on the Rights The strict implementation of universal of Persons with Disabilities (United Nations design applies to all new goods, products, 2006), universal design is defined in Article facilities and technologies that make 2 (on general principles) as follows: society accessible to all people, including those with disabilities. ”Universal design” means designing products, environments, programs Accessibility to what is offered publicly is a and services so they can be used by right for people with disabilities. This right everyone to the greatest extent possible should be ensured by strict implementa- without needing to be adapted or speci- tion of accessibility standards. Obstacles ally designed. ”Universal design” shall found in existing objects, facilities, goods, not exclude assistive devices where such products and services must be eliminated items are needed for particular groups of gradually and systematically with conti- persons with disabilities. nuous monitoring in order to achieve full accessibility. The Committee for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has On an individual level, there is a right to adopted a general comment (No. 2) on reasonable accommodation which applies accessibility. The comment was added to all services and environments that are because accessibility is critical for people open to the public. Government is respon- with disabilities to be able to participate sible for ensuring that the protection fully and equally in society and thus exer- against discrimination applies to reaso- cise their fundamental human rights and nable accommodation. As a minimum, it freedoms. Accessibility is also described specifies when services or facilities are to as a way to invest in society and as an be set up in accordance with accessibility integral part of the sustainable develop- standards in place and when availability ment agenda. of, or access to, a facility or service can be guaranteed by reasonable accommo- dation.


Objectives for the social aspect of sustainabili- region in a constantly changing labour market. ty appear in the ”A good life in a sustainable Equal opportunities for people with disabilities Nordic region” sustainability strategy (Nordic are promoted in part through increased univer- Council of Ministers 2014). This includes in- sal design. creased diversity and employment of groups excluded from the labour market. The strategy THE VALUE OF UNIVERSAL DESIGN shows that people with varying functional capa- Universal design includes the entire range of city, people with an immigrant background and human diversity. Physical and cognitive abilities single-parent families are at the greatest risk of are included, as are body size and shape, linguis- falling into poverty. Powerful political action is tic characteristics and functional variations ba- needed here so that as many people as possible sed on gender and age. If we develop products, can escape poverty and make a living. buildings, environments and systems with this diversity in mind from the outset, then we can Nordic co-operation for the inclusion of people create a more functional and useful world for with disabilities is a multidisciplinary matter. all. This ethical platform is one of many things The Nordic Council of Ministers for Health and which form the basis for co-operation for a sus- Social Policy has four priority areas in its current tainable society within the UN. strategy (Nordic Council of Ministers 2013). First is to ensure social security in the Nordic


Evastina Björk, associate professor at the Norwegian Technical Sciences University (NTNU): HEALTH PERSPECTIVE OF UNIVERSAL DESIGN

Research previously compiled in the ac- is crucial when it comes to construction, and it is tivities of the Nordic School of Public apparent that some facilities will need to be slightly Health (NHV) shows the consequences to larger in order to be fully accessible for persons with health that limited participation entails. physical disabilities. But the short-term savings can In Sweden, illness has been shown to be be very costly in the long run when modifications need to be made afterwards. ten times higher among people with di- sabilities than in the general population Evastina Björk believes that we need to have a (Swedish National Public Health Institute fundamentally ethical discussion about everyone’s 2010). Participation, influence and acces- right to participation and activities, even if it is dif- sibility are described as being essential ficult to quantify. - It is easy to measure and com- determinants of health. municate quantifiable variables, but much more dif- ficult when it comes to activities, participation and – There is a negative effect on health when people, quality of life, she says, and stresses the importance for various reasons such as lack of accessibility, are of education: limited in their choices and desires. – I believe in education on many different levels - even in elementary school we can discuss the fact This is according to Evastina Björk, associate pro- that everyone has equal rights and that there is a fessor at the Norwegian Technical Sciences Univer- natural variation among people. Children have a na- sity (NTNU). To reduce the adverse health effects, tural understanding without prejudices and precon- you need to take a broad user perspective early on ceptions. in the planning stages. A clear and exacting regulatory framework for ac- It is a matter of increasing the skills of those who cessibility is another factor for success. Evastina work with these issues by educating them: archi- Björk highlights Norway as a model country thanks tects, engineers, consultants, developers and buil- to the authorities’ foresight there. ders. The design of physical accessibility is often – In Norway you can see it starting to happen spon- determined by the minimum levels of regulatory re- taneously, thanks in large part to the regulations. quirements. In practice, the price per square metre

15 There is a strong economic sustainability argu- There are many market advantages to be won in ment for universal design since illness results both the short and the long term through uni- in social costs. Fundamentally, it helps prevent versal design. Standardized accessibility measu- obstacles and it promotes participation, inde- rements across the countries would benefit both pendence and mobility. Not least in the labour the people residing in social environments and market, where people with disabilities make up the construction industry, which could operate a large part of those excluded (EU-SILC 2010). in a broader market. The same advantages apply to the development of welfare technology and Accessibility is increasingly becoming about the accessible ICT. aspect of quality. Universally designed environ- ments are necessary for some and pleasant for Both the private and public sector would bene- everyone. Universally designed planning and fit from more supply and demand in the Nordic new construction entails both costs and savings, region, which is one of the facts that the Nordic and can often be regarded as an investment Welfare’s ”Connect” project investigated. (Swedish Disability Federation 2012). A lack of accessibility also entails costs since comple- Universal design and accessibility are impor- te environments need to be supplemented with tant for both the conference and event industry expensive custom modifications. The Finnish re- and for tourism, where the topic is known as port ”Efficient and Sustainable Accessible Flats” ”Tourism for all”. Tourism for all includes those (Esteetön kerrostalo tehokkaasti yes kestävästi) with physical disabilities who use a wheelchair, shows that costs for accessibility that stem from cane or walker, those with impaired vision and building regulations and building instructions hearing, cognitive impairment or mental illness are minor (1-2%). Especially compared with and the elderly with reduced mobility, a weak special accommodation and repairs where costs heart or other health problems. People with tem- are significantly higher. porary disabilities, like those experienced after an injury, for example, are also included, as are Universal design means thinking ahead, doing people travelling with a lot of luggage, pregnant it right the first time, and designing for the women and those travelling with small children long term in a sustainable manner. The difficult and prams. Tourism industry staff also benefits aspect of proving profitability here is measuring from accessible environments. the economic value of independence and partici- pation. A detailed understanding of the business Large groups of elderly people with resources being measured is also required. One example will mean increasing numbers of tourists with is a Norwegian study of costs, advantages and varying levels of functional capacity who expect effectiveness: ”Universal Design Based on Visual good accessibility. The World Organization of Impairment” (Fuglerud, Halbach and Tjøstheim Tourism has adopted several resolutions, decla- 2015). It demonstrates aspects of both the added rations and recommendations on accessible value of implementation of universal design and tourism. Several organizations in ”Visit”, the the complexity of doing such studies. Nordic countries’ tourism trade association, are active in the field of accessible tourism.

16 Magnus Berglund, the Scandic hotel chain’s Accessibility Ambassador: ALL MONEY IS EQUALLY VALUABLE

– I propose a Nordic conference on tourism ample. Similarly, one person’s preferences can in- issues and accessibility! This says Magnus fluence an entire family’s holiday decision. Magnus Berglund, Scandic’s Accessibility Director, Berglund is convinced that a concerted Nordic ac- who is enthusiastically looking for Nordic cessibility initiative would result in a major profita- co-operation in this field. The arguments ble advantage for the tourism industry in the Nordic are persuasive: region. – Few people understand the enormous market that opens up when you focus on Profitable investing in accessibility accessibility, he says. There is an unmet He points out that this type of issue is often referred potential for the business community here. to the Ministry of Social Affairs, but that is not what he wants. Scandic’s successful work regarding accessibility – This is an important economic issue, an issue has been highlighted and praised many times. Ba- of concern to those responsible for business and sically, there is a desire to realize the oft-expressed tourism issues. It is about how best to accommo- intention - that all humans are equal - with concrete date all guests and the fact that everyone’s money content, not just words. But businesses do not sur- is equally valuable. That is why we need to meet vive on praise and pats on the shoulder alone. For across Nordic borders - at a conference, for ex- an investment to be sustainable in the long run, it ample - and talk about what we can do better in also needs to be profitable. And that is exactly what terms of accessibility. Scandic’s commitment to accessibility is. – In 2005, following our investment in accessibili- Everyone has the right to take part in public servi- ty and education for all staff, we took 15,000 hotel ces and be places that are intended for public use nights from our main competitors over the course of or take advantage of services offered there. That is one year, says Magnus Berglund. And that is just the why international obligations no longer allow defi- conference portion, there are also individuals and ning target groups for developments and improve- groups. ments to users consisting only of supposedly av- erage people. All segments of a population consist A big opportunity for business of individuals who are different and have different A big opportunity for business It is all about com- capabilities. When developing, improving and cre- mon sense: with approximately 15-20 percent of ating conditions for equal opportunities, it makes the population having some form of disability, with a sense to use those with the greatest challenges as greater proportion of older people with money and the starting point. What is necessary for some pe- with an increase in travel, it goes without saying that ople is almost always good for everyone. the totals we are talking about are huge. – A single person with a disability can influence the location of a conference with hundreds of partici- pants, mentions Magnus Berglund by way of ex-

17 THE NORDIC WELFARE MODEL AND tudes, lack of accessibility and a low level of UNIVERSAL DESIGN knowledge about individual accommodation Central to the Nordic welfare model ideology (Svalund 2013). Persons with disabilities should is the idea of inclusion and a society where eve- be given an opportunity for employment and to ryone can contribute, be accommodated, and earn a living (Svalund 2013). Universal design have the opportunity for self-fulfilment. In ad- involves a long-term, functional strategy to meet dition to a strong sense of community, the mo- these challenges. The strategy can also be used del is based on a high employment rate in the as a tool to meet the major societal changes that labour market and the willingness of citizens to stem from urbanization, digitization and indivi- pay taxes, which is a cornerstone of an efficient dualization (Deltasenteret 2013). Nordic welfare model. Trust and loyalty are also important prerequisites (Valkonen 2014). The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a starting point for co-ope- A sense of community, the inclusion of vulnera- ration for a universally designed society. Accor- ble groups and increased employment have both ding to Article 4 of the Convention, governme- a moral and an economic aspect. Participation nts must implement and conduct research on in the workplace creates conditions for the ge- universal design and promote the development nerous welfare policies that make the Nordic of standards and guidelines. Article 9, on acces- countries stable as a region, particularly in times sibility, describes the Convention countries’ obli- of economic crisis (Nordic Council of Ministers gations with regard to measures for full partici- 2014). pation in all social environments.

Demographic trends are a major challenge for The Disability Convention Supervisory Com- the entire Nordic region. An increasingly older mittee has issued a comment about how Artic- population requires new and sustainable solu- le 9 of the Convention should be interpreted. tions for citizens to be able to contribute as much Among other things, universal design is descri- and long as possible. Not least by being indepen- bed as a prerequisite for independent life with dent in daily life to the greatest extent possible. human rights and freedoms. Universal design One way to meet this challenge is through acces- is also said to mean accessibility for everyone sibility and universal design (Samuelson, 2015). in society, not just those with disabilities. The Convention’s state parties must enable full par- Another challenge is the increasing number of ticipation by systematically removing obstacles. sick days that result from mental illness. The so- They should also review national accessibility cial debate in the Nordic region focuses largely standards and introduce necessary legislation so on preventive measures to prevent people from that the standards are followed. developing mental illness. The Committee also clarifies in its comment that An additional challenge linked directly to uni- universal design and accessibility are an essen- versal design and accessibility is people’s work tial part of sustainable development strategies. and livelihood. There are major challenges on the labour market in the form of negative atti-

18 Status of ratification of and reporting on implementation of UNCRPD Country Ratified Protocol signed/ Report cycle started/ Ratified completed Denmark Yes Yes/yes Yes 2013/14 Finland Yes Yes/yes No Faroe Islands Yes Yes/yes Yes 2013/14 Greenland Yes Yes/yes? Yes 2013/14 Iceland Yes Yes/yesderskrivit) No Norway Yes Yes/no Yes 2015/16/17 Sverige Yes Yes/yes Yes 2012/14 Åland Yes Yes/yes No

19 PERSPECTIVE ON RIGHTS distinguished and understood separately, espe- It is characteristic of the Nordic model that the cially because completely different professions distribution policy is aimed at the social com- and academic skills are needed to support them. munity at the group level rather than being go- verned by individual rights and needs. The indi- GENDER PERSPECTIVE AND vidual rights perspective is relatively new in the ACCESSIBILITY political landscape. Nordic rules of law concer- Sustainable society is characterized by equality ning equal treatment and equal worth reflect the between women and men, girls and boys. The individual’s right to self-expression and protec- Nordic region has long maintained a high in- tion from discrimination and abuse. It also has ternational profile when it comes to rights and a certain foothold beyond the laws on equality gender equality issues. The idea behind universal and discrimination. Today, the supply of support design is to create equal opportunities for eve- and services is handled as an individual right for ryone regardless of functional capacity, gender those whose needs depend on functional capa- and other social categories. In order to specifi- cities and characteristics. The rights perspective cally secure rights for women and girls, atten- is also reflected internationally, for example, in tion should be drawn to gender perspectives UN conventions and co-operation in the EU and during the planning and analysis of universal the Council of Europe. design and accessibility.

Awareness of the need for universal design Nordic gender policy currently focuses on level- should be integrated into all areas of society. A ling out power relationships between women rights-based strategy means that functional ob- and men by gathering knowledge, addressing stacles can largely be prevented and removed. At stereotypes, creating conditions for equality in the same time, people with disabilities need spe- the labour market and having zero tolerance for cial assistance, for example, in healthcare and gender-based violence. By clarifying these issues, nursing and in education and getting to work. the Nordic countries have progressed furthest in the world in their work towards promoting There are two ongoing social processes for par- equal opportunities regardless of gender. In ad- ticipation and equal opportunities for people dition to the moral aspects, it contributes to the with disabilities: one for universal design and countries’ economies when both women and accessibility, and the other for necessary indivi- men participate in the labour market. dual support. To exemplify: a person with im- paired vision will need a screen reader to take The Nordic Council of Ministers of Equality advantage of universally designed websites and highlight participation in public environments intranets; a person with severe mobility impair- in its current co-operation program. The goal of ments will need a wheelchair and assistance to reducing disparities in the conditions for partici- use a universally designed polling place. Neither pation among women, men, girls and boys, na- process can be seen as exclusive; they are mu- turally applies to everyone, regardless of capabi- tually dependent. To achieve the most effective lities and characteristics. A highlighted theme is social development possible, these need to be representativeness. The level of human diversity

20 in our societies should be reflected in the public LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR ACCESSIBILITY domain. This requires both increased focus on AND EQUALITY BASED ON FUNCTIONAL universal design, and addressing the stereotyped CAPACITY perceptions of groups and individuals with di- Diversity occurs when society welcomes the uni- sabilities. queness of each human being. Societies that wel- come differences and encourage equality work Universal design is a prerequisite for participa- for a variety of identities, regardless of functional tion in society. Accessibility allows for demo- capacity, gender, age, ethnicity, faith and other cratic rights and citizens’ rights to live and be aspects of identity. Attitudes and prejudices about represented on an equal basis within the public different social groups are barriers to diversity. A domain. This theme appears in the UN Com- lack of accessibility also prevents people with di- mittee’s general comments to Article 6 of the sabilities from participation on equal terms. Disability Convention. Article 8, about raising awareness, also mentions the government’s obli- Legislation is a tool that can promote diversity gation to take action against stereotyping based and equal treatment by combating discrimination on gender and disability. Mass media’s roles and and abuse. The Nordic countries handle disabili- responsibilities are underscored in Articles 8 and ties and the lack of accessibility in different ways. 21. The Convention is the first with an interse- The individual’s right to equal treatment is pro- ctional approach in which attention is drawn moted in constitutional laws, occupational laws, not only to functional capacity but also gender, educational laws and laws against discrimina- ethnicity and age, to counteract discriminatory tion. The laws lay down fundamental rights and treatment. freedoms such as the principle of equal treatment and the right to privacy. In some countries, lack The UN is currently (March 2016) formulating of accessibility is classified as discrimination. Fin- a comment on Article 6 about women and girls land, Norway, Sweden and Åland classify a lack with disabilities. The draft of the comment inclu- of accessibility as a form of discrimination in des language concerning Article 9 on accessibility. their laws against discrimination. Denmark and They underscore the need for new measures, in the Faroe Islands also have protections against part to meet current and future professionals in discrimination of persons with disabilities, but architecture, design and engineering, and in part only in the labour market. Laws against discrimi- to promote an integrated gender perspective in the nation in Iceland and Greenland do not protect architecture and construction sectors. The com- persons with disabilities specifically. ment is intended to guide implementation of the Convention’s articles. If society is to become more Planning and building regulations, along with universally designed, then there is a need for gre- recommendations and accessibility standards, ater focus on differences being a natural part of contribute to universally designed physical en- human diversity. The realization that the average vironments. Occupational laws prohibit discrimi- person does not exist will need to be supported. nation on the basis on various grounds and can promote equality by requiring action plans for dealing with discrimination.

21 Overview of protection against discrimination

Country Disability a reason for dis- Lack of accessi- Disability reason for crimination in all areas of bility a reason for discrimination in the society discrimination in labour market public spaces Denmark No No Yes Finland Yes Yes Yes Faroe Islands No No Yes Greenland No No No Iceland No No No Norway Yes Yes Yes Sweden Yes Yes Yes Åland Yes No/yes Yes

STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION has created an overview of accessibility in the OF UNIVERSAL DESIGN IN THE tourism industry in Tórshavn. MBF is part of a NORDIC REGION working group that will produce a tourist guide Denmark for tourism in the Nordic region. The group’s Denmark’s action plan, ”A society for all”, con- members are from the Faroe Islands, Iceland tains a number of significant initiatives regar- and Greenland. Co-operation with Norway and ding accessibility in the section entitled ”Inno- Scotland is also ongoing. vative solutions, new technologies and increased accessibility”. In it, there is an initiative for the Greenland construction industry that represents the first Greenland does not yet have a strategic plan for steps towards accessibility that is more oriented the implementation of universal design. towards universal design. Iceland Finland Iceland A parliamentary decision on universal Finland’s VAMPO Disability Policy program design refers to the UN Convention and states was in effect from 2010 to 2015 and is current- that new construction in Iceland must be acces- ly being evaluated. Municipal accessibility plans sible to all. exist, like the Helsinki Accessibility Plan.

Faroe Islands The Faroe Islands do not yet have a strategic plan for the implementation of universal de- sign. The disability organizations’ umbrella or- ganization, MBF, together with Visit Tórshavn,

22 Åse Kari Haugeto, section manager for Deltasenteret: NORWAY’S NEW ACTION PLAN FOR UNIVERSAL DESIGN

Among the Nordic countries, only Norway This does not mean that it is all smooth sailing in has an action plan that focuses on univer- Norway. There is reluctance in some areas and sal design. The new plan is in fact already some people think that the requirements are too the third in the system with the same fo- strict. cus. – There are several different types of currents in so- – It is difficult to say for certain why this is so, says ciety, says Ase Kari Haugeto. Everyone is in favour Åse Kari Haugeto, section manager for Deltasente- of the idea of a society that is accessible to everyo- ret, which is the Norwegian National Competence ne but when it comes to practical action, the effect Centre for participation and accessibility, which fol- is in fact remarkably often dependent on individuals. lows up on the action plan for universal design. – Universal design has been firmly rooted in poli- Developing society in the right direction requires tics and at the official level for a long time. A lot of both a carrot and a stick. Well-developed legislation people looked forward to this third plan with antici- is the stick. For example, if a new law is in effect pation. regarding digital learning platforms in schools - they need to be accessible to students and teachers as The fact that the focus on a universally designed well as parents. society has such strong support at the national level – The carrot is the advocacy work that goes on: sha- has had positive effects: The concept is well known ring experiences with each other, developing best and there is a broad societal understanding that de- practices, doing motivational work and demonstra- sign needs to be universally accessible. This applies ting the potential, says Åse Kari Haugeto. in all areas: education, culture, transport, construc- tion, outdoor environments...

Norway (NTP). The current NTP is for the period 2014- An action plan for universal design is set for the 2023, but work is already continuously under- period 2015-2019. The plan will focus largely way on the NTP for 2018-2027. Measures to on information and communication technology promote universal design will be included. The as well as welfare technology. transport sector has come a long way with its commitment to integrate universal design into In the transport sector, universal design appears its regular operations. in several points in the National Transport Plan (NTP). The current NTP is for the period 2014- The Government continues to support standar- 2023, but work is already continuously under- disation efforts through grants to projects in the way on the NTP for 2018-2027. Measures to Norwegian standard. A number of standards for promote universal design will be included. In universal design have been developed in recent the transport sector, universal design appears years. in several points in the National Transport Plan

23 Statsbygg has developed a plan to include uni- Åland versal design in public buildings, in part in con- Åland The action program called ”An Acces- junction with other maintenance. Operators in sible Åland” was adopted by the provincial the construction industry are important to ensu- government on 27 June 2013 for the disability re the universal design of public buildings. They policy years 2013-2016. In connection with its can serve as a model for counties and municipa- operations report, the provincial government’s lities with respect to structured commitment to departments must follow up and report on me- universal design of public buildings. asures taken in the ”From talk to action” annex every year (Annex 4-5, Follow-up 2013 and Fol- Accessibility of public web pages has been legi- low-up 2013-2014). slated. ÅDA, Åland’s Digital Agenda, is also included in Sweden the community service reform. ÅDA will develop Swedish Parliament adopted the action plan cal- IT digitization and make it accessible to everyone, led ”From patient to citizen” in 2000. The goal including people with disabilities; it will be over- was an accessible society by 2010 and the stra- seen by a Swedish consulting firm. tegy was based on the fact that the action plan would be valid until 2016. In the tourism strategy for Åland 2012-2022, there is a group that looks at the strategy solely from the disability perspective. A comprehensi- ve accessibility inventory has been carried out at 40 sites and tourist destinations and an Åland accessibility guide will be drawn up.

24 Niina Kilpelä, architect, The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities (FPD) Accessibility Centre: HELSINKI’S STRATEGIC WORK TOWARDS ACCESSIBILITY

The goal of the Helsinki project called – The project produced a tremendous amount ma- ”Helsinki for All” was a city where it’s easy terial that can be used in future and serve as a basis for everyone to move about and be active. for further work, she says. It was a basic survey of Pathways and parks must be easily traver- daycares, schools, swimming pools, service cen- sed, buildings and public transport need to tres... well, basically all public activity. function smoothly. Public services must be universally designed. The project materials, the foundations for the future of a universally designed Helsinki, are now availa- In addition, there is a permanent project manager ble on the city’s website . Documents there include and a delegation for accessibility issues, which the city’s accessibility plan, an accessibility meter reports to the city government about its activities which lists indicators for accessibility, instructions on an annual basis. The delegation’s main objec- for construction, as well as a database with infor- tive is to coordinate and promote accessibility mation on signage for accessibility along with a set work in Helsinki. of icons.

The fact that Helsinki came in second place in the What do you think, has Helsinki become accessible? EU’s accessibility contest ”Access Awards 2014” is largely the result of the ”Helsinki for All” project. – The project formulated the basic ideas; we defined what makes something accessible and what needs Niina Kilpelä, who is now an architect at that FPD to be built new or rebuilt. A lot still needs to be done, Accessibility Centre, was involved in the project, but the materials that were gathered thanks to the which went on between 2002 and 2011. project are unique in Finland.


The expert panel has listed areas that st- Creative expertise is needed among engineers, rengthen the development of universal de- designers, planners and architects in order un- sign and highlighted some good examples derstand user needs and plan accessible environ- below. ments, products and services. The users need to be involved in the process in order to find new RESEARCH solutions and ensure that already implemented There is some research on universal design and solutions really work. It is important to high- use in the fields of architecture and health care. light research on the user’s role and the valua- In the past, many researchers in the field of tion of responsibility and knowledge. One area health care gathered in connection with activi- that needs to be strengthened in general is the ties at the Nordic School of Public Health Scien- field of cognition with a focus on research-based ces. There is a Nordic network for research on knowledge of user needs. universal design in the field of architecture. No rules or instructions can replace the influen- Larger studies regarding universal design ce of those who will actually spend time in the and the economy are lacking, such as the link environments and use what is provided. Users between demographic data, building research and civil society should have an influence on re- and research on universal design. We current- search, planning and education. The ”nothing ly also lack forums, both within the countries about us without us” concept has become part and at the Nordic level, where we can discuss of the UN Convention. It establishes the obli- sustainability on the basis of universal design. gation to consult with disability organizations Furthermore, we lack broader knowledge of the on the issues that concern them. The creative value of universal design in the construction se- expertise is responsible for finding the best pos- ctor - in relation to ethics, attitudes and quality sible solution that works as well as possible for rather than simply economics. as many people as possible in the context for which it is planned.

26 Per-Olof Hedvall, Certec, Rehabilitation Engineering Division at the Institute of Design Sciences at the Technical University of Lund: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON UNIVERSAL DESIGN

There were 34 countries from all conti- – It is important that the conferences be inclusive, nents represented at the most recent ma- not just a presentation of scientific papers, says jor conference on universal design held Per-Olof Hedvall. The participants can decide for in Lund in 2014. The 2016 conference in themselves how they wish to participate, with a York also has a lot of participants. There is case, a paper or by setting up an exhibition. considerable interest in the topic throug- hout the world, thanks to the UN Conven- The foundation is the understanding that everyone tion on the Rights of Persons with Disabili- has something to learn from one another and that ties, in which universal design is identified research and development have to be done in pa- as a path towards a more inclusive society. rallel.

An international research conference on univer- It is difficult to measure the effects of a conference, sal design is held every other year. A broad tar- but the impression is that knowledge-sharing has get group can participate and get an overview of been quite successful, considering both the wide what is happening with regard to the topic and range of content and the participants’ occupations then explore the trends and future opportunities. and nationalities The International Conference on Universal Design – I have noticed that there is an increasing interest in was held in in 2012, in Lund in 2014 and is to universal design in Sweden, says Per-Olof Hedvall. be held in York in 2016. This may not be due to the conference alone, but I think it is responsible in part. – The conferences are targeted towards everyone who is interested in universal design, says Per-Olof The National Agency for Participation sees universal Hedvall, Certec, one of the founders. We gather design as important, the Swedish Disability Fede- individuals who may themselves have a disability, ration has decided to work with universal design, representatives of various organizations, municipal as has DHR - all strong indications that pressure is officials who have universal design as their mission, mounting. as well as government officials and researchers. – We already know that the 2018 conference will be held in Ireland and there are two countries that This wide audience also affects how the conferen- would like to host the conference in 2020 - for this ces are presented. The content has to be interesting type of conference, it is rather amazing to already for everyone. Researchers can publish studies, ar- know where it will be held four years from now! says chitects can present their cases and traffic engine- Per- Olof Hedvall. ers can present the latest universal solutions in the field of public transport.

27 INNOVATIONS EDUCATION Goods and services as well as environments and Universal design is a subject in an education in concepts can have different uses for people with architecture, among others. Nevertheless, know- different functional capacities. Both designers ledge of universal design is still needed in many and users benefit when large user groups parti- post-secondary education programs. Professio- cipate in development. Societal challenges in the nals who are responsible for universal design of form of exclusion and demographic trends can environments, technology, goods and services, be met if enough people participate in society need a good understanding of its benefits and and also use products and services and can move user needs. These include, among others, urban freely and independently in different environ- planners, designers, architects, technicians and ments. We need to think in new ways if we are engineers. going to achieve this. Lund Technical University offers courses in uni- Nordic Innovation, under the Nordic Council versal design via Certec. Mid Sweden University of Ministers, is an agency for Business, Energy has an ”International Master’s Programme in and Regional Policy, MR-NER. It manages va- Design for All”. Existing Nordic post-secondary rious projects relevant to the field of universal education in universal design should be suppor- design and welfare technology. The projects aim ted and strengthened in future efforts. There is to promote development and create conditions already co-operation among educational institu- for smarter solutions that meet the needs and tions, including the Arcada in Finland and the challenges of tomorrow. One example is the inn- Norwegian research laboratory for universal de- ovation competition called Nordic Built Cities. sign at the University College in Gjøvik. It welcomes ideas and projects related to socie- ty-for-all solutions in a creative process with In addition to a significant need for educating other innovators. Special focus is placed on the Bachelors in architectural and design schools, challenges of demographic change. as well as engineering and construction designer programmes, in-depth education for professio- The Independent Living Challenge, arranged by nal operators is also needed. SBi at Aalborg Uni- Nordic Innovation, welcomes innovators who versity has established a research-based Nordic have proposals that focus on greater indepen- Master’s Degree in universal design (60 ECTS). dence. The goal is to make life more convenient, It is aimed specifically at operators with at least both for persons with disabilities regardless of two years of practical experience in the construc- age and for staff in the fields of health and wel- tion sector. The goal is an intra-disciplinary and fare. The National Post and Telecom Authori- multidisciplinary level of knowledge among the ty (PTS) in Sweden also organizes innovation participants. competitions. Their purpose is to increase par- ticipation when it comes to digital solutions, by promoting innovations that focus on universal design and design for all.

28 Camilla Ryhl, senior researcher at the National Building Research Institute, Aalborg University in Copenhagen: MASTER’S PROGRAM IN UNIVERSAL DESIGN AND ACCESSIBILITY

Research shows that people who work in – The objective is to raise awareness. That is why construction in various capacities have we are eager to help participants learn to think more limited knowledge about accessibility. broadly than the regulations and to see the interdis- Everyone is an expert in his own field but ciplinary context. lacks insight into the entire construction process. Participants in the Master’s pro- The programme includes modules that cover both gramme in universal design at Aalborg Uni- the ethics and economics as well as the strategic versity in Copenhagen learn how to ensure implementation of universal design. After comple- that everyone has access to public spaces, ting the programme, participants will be able to from new parents with prams to elderly work with universal design in a broad and innova- and disabled persons. tive manner and discuss new reasons why it is a good idea. – Shortcomings in accessibility are often the result of a lack of knowledge, says Camilla Ryhl, senior re- The first class will complete their education in the searcher at the National Building Research Institute, spring of 2016. The next class begins in Septem- Aalborg University in Copenhagen. Hence the need ber, 2016. The programme has a Nordic profile and for our Master’s programme. actively caters to participants from all the Nordic countries. The two-year program is aimed at a wide range – Assignments that are given throughout the pro- of people with at least two years of practical work gram, including the master’s dissertation, can be experience in the construction sector: architects, linked to students’ own experiences and their jobs engineers, construction consultants, occupational in their home country, says Camilla Ryhl. therapists, developers, builders, consultants, con- tractors, landscape architects, municipal officials responsible for construction issues...

29 RAISING AWARENESS OF THE RIGHTS UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR A LOT OF AND BENEFITS OF UNIVERSAL DESIGN DIFFERENT REASONS A lack of accessibility constitutes an obstacle Making the disability perspective mainstream for large groups of people. They are unneces- and promoting participation can provide bene- sarily isolated and excluded from participation fits based on more than just the ethical perspec- in society, which violates core values about pe- tive. This includes the economic incentives invol- ople’s equal right to participation. The prevail- ved in meeting the demographic trend in which ing norms surrounding gender as well as func- the older population is increasing. tionality serve to control, directly or indirectly, the way people treat each other. That is why a critical approach to these norms is important. Criticism of norms is an important component in the change process that works to accommo- date groups with inferior roles in society. In our modern society, the norms for ”how a person should look, act and be” remain very restrictive.

Several operators and activities in society have important roles and responsibilities for making people with disabilities visible and making it cle- ar that equal rights apply to everyone. Not least, the media have an important role and a respon- sibility not to stereotype people with disabilities. They must work to reflect the diversity of people in the entire society (Article 35, 3 and 19 of the UN CRPD).

30 Guðrún Jónsdóttir, Director of Stigamót: ACCESSIBILITY FOR THE STÍGAMÓT CRISIS CENTRE

Women and men, girls and boys can all be – Our previous premises were not accessible, said subjected to violence in varying degrees. Guðrún Jónsdóttir, Director of Stigamót, and points There is ongoing work in various ways to out that despite improved accessibility, limitations tackle the problem in the Nordic region. still exist for persons with disabilities. Prevention is part of the solution. There are important aspects to accessibility and Helga Baldvins- og Bjargardóttir was hired as a spe- counteracting the isolation of persons with cialist. She is a lawyer, educator and has studied in disabilities. the field of disabilities. One of her most important tasks is to find people with disabilities who are vic- There can be several barriers that prevent persons tims of sexual violence and abuse. She works with who need accessibility, support and service from information, raising awareness and visiting environ- getting help when they have been the victim of a cri- ments where people with disabilities are found. Her me. Among other things, access and expertise are service is also part of Stigamót’s improved accessi- often lacking in the social organizations in charge bility - she makes it possible for more people with of protecting and supporting vulnerable people. The disabilities than ever to benefit from the assistance. same applies to access to persons like those char- ged with administering justice and providing legal The organization has also produced new, easily ac- assistance. We need to make some major efforts to cessible materials, some of which have been trans- deal with these problems. lated from other Nordic languages.

In Reykjavik, there is Stígamót, a centre for victims Thanks to better access, the organization called of sexual violence. In the past, the centre’s premi- Tabú now has a place at Stigamót. Tabú organizes ses were not universally designed. There was also a self-help groups led by, and for, women with disa- lack of personnel who know sign language or with bilities. expertise in communicating with people with intel- - I think that through our improved accessibility we lectual disabilities. have met a need that we were unable to meet in the past, says Guðrún Jónsdóttir. It is not easy to The fact that persons with disabilities are subjected measure, but my impression is that we have more to violence to a greater extent than the rest of so- visitors with disabilities now. I hope that even more ciety was a crucial reason for Stigamót in Iceland will be able receive our offers of assistance in future. investing in better services, including better ac- cessibility. The organization, which helps victims of sexual abuse and violence, has hired a lawyer with expertise in the field of disabilities. They also moved to new accessible premises.

31 SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION universal design should be made clear to everyo- Building regulations and processes in the Nordic ne involved. countries and autonomous regions are simi- lar in several ways. Existing accessibility rules There is a great need for accessible housing. should be taken into account for new buildings Not least because the older population is incre- and renovations. In several countries, reasonable asing. In the report ”Housing for the long-term judgements are made on a case-by-case basis. In - building community with smart accessibility such cases, it is determined whether a property of living environments” (Samuelson, 2015), the owner or business needs to modify an existing researchers for the Swedish government suggest environment to make it functional for more pe- that Sweden should improve the accessibility ople. of existing housing stock. Sweden needs more housing for the elderly, even in weak markets, Despite the fact that rules and recommendations with a focus on forms of housing that provide a for accessibility are often found throughout the possibility for community. Furthermore, Sweden construction process, mistakes are often made. needs to make it easier for seniors to move into The Danish National Building Research Institute - or remain in - homes they can grow old in. has analysed construction processes and found Sweden should also promote research and other that mistakes occur throughout the construction advances in knowledge about accessibility and process, not just by architects but also by the community in the housing market to prevent builders, inspectors and clients responsible for isolation, loneliness and poor health. the actual building. The benefits and value of

32 Despite the fact that the demographic challenge ACCESSIBLE TRANSPORT applies to the entire Nordic region, compromi- Accessible transport is a key aspect of univer- sing on accessibility of new housing construction sal design. Whether or not people can get from is debated in all countries. Certain policy-makers point A to point B independently, and choose believe that the housing market requires, and whether to stop off at points C and D along the is satisfied with, fewer accessible units, for ex- way, all depends on the design of the transport ample, for people with mobility aids. Universal system. General differences exist between the design advocates, on the contrary, believe that a ways men and women travel, but the overall lack of accessibility will sooner or later result in assessment is that accessible transport systems high costs. There will be a need for renovations benefit everyone, regardless of gender and func- and welfare technology solutions as a result of tional capacity. There is co-operation among the citizens’ increasingly limited participation and Nordic authorities in the field of transport under independence. the supervision of the Public Roads Administra- tion in Norway: the Nordic Roadways Group Iceland’s authority for built environments has for universal design (NVF-uu). compiled materials in which statutory and re- commended accessibility measures can be com- The EU passenger-rights directive and other pared. The Swedish National Housing Board led transport directives have had a major effect on a project for the harmonization of the Nordic the design of new systems, but there are still countries’ building regulations using accessibi- some shortcomings and needs, such as stan- lity as the basis in 2015-2016 (Boverket 2016). dardization in the field. The universal design The Nordic Council of Minister’s Border Ob- of transport systems or a lack of accessibility stacle Council is also working with the issue at can make a big difference for people travelling the instigation of Åland and Finland but with across borders. Escorting, assistance and digital emphasis on noise and fire protection. accessibility of the booking system and support services are central to the universal design of Networks for official co-operation on built en- transport. This includes all types of vehicles on vironments and transport have previously been roads, rails, waterways and in the air. governed by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The Nordic Council of Ministers has also con- The Copenhagen Metro has tracks with glass ducted several projects on its own and through walls at some stations. The glass walls prevent its institutions, including ”City for All”, ”Cultu- people from falling down on the tracks and are re for All” and the standardization of building of great benefit to people with impaired vision, regulations. The Nordic networks are perceived balance or mobility. Danish regional trains have as extremely valuable for the exchange of know- ”flex rooms” - compartments with additional ledge and as a driving force in national policies. space for people with prams, bicycles, extra lug- gage or a larger wheelchair, for example.

33 WELFARE TECHNOLOGY Welfare technology is an umbrella term in the US legislation concerning accessibility puts pres- Nordic region, which is most simply and broad- sure on global IT companies to develop services ly defined as ”technologies that help or provide so they are accessible. In the EU, partially har- welfare services”. The definition also comprises monized requirements for public procurement the potential to prevent the need for other social have been developed within standardization. assistance. Norway’s ”Regulation on Universal Design of The development of welfare technology should Information and Communication Technological always embrace several fundamental aspects of (ICT) Solutions” clarifies that all new websites universal design. One example is ”sustainable that cater to the general public must be univer- building” where smart technology will account sally designed after 1 July 2013. All ICT solu- for a portion of the solutions in future. The de- tions must be universally designed by 2021. velopment of assistive devices can affect acces- sibility requirements and building standards. STANDARDIZATION Similarly, the welfare technology field interacts Since the European Union adopted and rati- with digital accessibility and standardization. fied the UN Convention, activities in the field Research and education are also likely to be af- of standardization have increased. The general fected by continued technological developments comment on accessibility stresses the impor- in welfare technology. tance of accessibility standards and is based on such development in essential elements. Guide The importance of welfare technology for uni- 71 (Guide 6 in Europe) provides guidance for versal design is strengthened in all of the Nordic those responsible for standardizing how acces- countries by government organizations focusing sibility requirements can be implemented depen- on the field. ding on the industry standard being developed. An updated version of the guide was released in DIGITAL INCLUSION late 2015. Everyone has the right to social information and services based on individual needs. Everyo- ISO 26000 is a standard with guidelines for so- ne needs to be able to take advantage of what cial accountability. It focuses on sustainable de- is offered as the services become digitized. If velopment and includes references to universal universal design is applied from the beginning, design. Work is also in progress on a standard new obstacles to participation can be avoided. for sustainable procurement, ISO 20400, where Universally designed digital environments lead Sweden is a driving force behind including refe- to improved participation for women and men rences to universal design. who encounter obstacles in the physical en- vironment. This is why it is important that the EU standardization organizations have been tas- processes take into consideration the fact that ked with developing standards for the procure- all categories of web sites and e-services should ment of accessible information and communica- be universally designed from the outset. tion technology, ICT, and the built environment.

34 The first standard for appropriate accessibility Standardization is an important topic for rese- requirements for the procurement of ICT was arch. International co-operation involving the launched in 2014. An equivalent standard will participation of several Nordic countries is cur- be developed for built environments. rently in progress.

How industry standards will incorporate ac- cessibility requirements is handled within the context of another task at the European level. This task also concerns new standards for deve- loping products and services with a design-for- all perspective that is comparable to universal design.

Even if standards are developed in the context of ISO, CEN and corresponding groups, work still needs to be done at a Nordic level. Particu- larly in fields like the built environment, where requirements are expressed in mandatory regu- lations related to law. A joint Nordic approach to universal design and accessibility would in- crease the chances of both the approach and the issues being reflected in other standardization processes. Nordic co-operation on the issues would also improve the conditions for disability organizations to participate in the standardiza- tion processes. Educating participants from the- se organizations in the standardization work at the Nordic level would also be appropriate and an efficient use of resources.

A standard has been developed in Norway for how to involve users in ICT development. In Sweden there is a model where the involvement of disability organizations and other interested parties is strengthened because the project fees and costs for foreign travel are subsidized. The participation of Swedish disability organizations has increased sharply since 2010.



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