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Durham E-Theses Durham E-Theses Richard Hooker and Episcopal Ecclesiology in the Church of England SHIPP, ELIZABETH,ANN How to cite: SHIPP, ELIZABETH,ANN (2021) Richard Hooker and Episcopal Ecclesiology in the Church of England, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/13940/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk 2 RICHARD HOOKER AND EPISCOPAL ECCLESIOLOGY IN THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND BY ELIZABETH ANN SHIPP SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM DEPARTMENT OF THEOLOGY AND RELIGION 2020 Abstract This thesis argues that in the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Polity, Richard Hooker presented a coherent and skilful defence of the 1559 Settlement as being congruent with wider Protestantism. It then explores how Hooker’s theory of episcopal ecclesiology as presented in the Lawes has influenced the contemporary episcopal polity of the Church of England. The question of how far the Church of England’s doctrine and practice was congruent with wider Protestantism was a key theme of the controversies with which Hooker engaged. Throughout the Lawes, Hooker constructs a defence of the 1559 Settlement as sitting within that doctrinal tradition. Whilst scholars have long noted Hooker’s arguments for the apostolic origin of the episcopate in selected passages of Hooker’s Lawes, the practical, theological, and political outcomes of his defence of episcopacy in the 1559 Elizabethan Settlement, and especially its influence upon the Oxford Movement and contemporary twenty- first century episcopal ecclesiology, have not been explored in detail, and this is one of the main focuses of this thesis. Chapters two to five show how Hooker, in the Lawes, uses a theological and political framework in order to provide a systematic defence of the place of the Royal Supremacy, the division of ecclesiastical jurisdiction between the monarch and the clergy, and the place and power of bishops in the 1559 Settlement. This thesis shows that the subsequent attempt to claim Hooker for the cause of the Tractarians in the nineteenth century (chapter six) was far-fetched, and that by the twenty-first century (chapter seven), Hooker had largely fallen out of use in episcopal ecclesiology as viewed by traditionalist catholics. In so doing, this thesis firmly places Hooker in the ambiguous central ground of contemporary Anglican episcopacy. Hooker’s ability to write simultaneously both theologically and politically needs to be taken seriously. It is only by doing so that his dexterous rootedness in these two spheres can be used to demonstrate Hooker’s intention: that the Lawes presented a 2 sufficient defence of the doctrine and practice of the Church of England, and especially that of episcopal ecclesiology, as being sited within a wider Reformed Protestant understanding. 3 Statement of Copyright The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation of it should be published in any format, including electronic, without the author’s prior written consent. All information derived from this thesis must be acknowledged appropriately. 4 Declaration This work has been submitted to the University of Durham in accordance with the regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. It is my own work, and no part of it has been previously submitted to the University of Durham or in any other university for a degree. 5 Contents Abstract 2 Statement of Copyright 4 Declaration 5 Acknowledgements 7 Textual Note 9 1 Introduction 10 2 Hooker’s Lawes and the Royal Supremacy 47 3 Hooker on State Power, Natural Law, Community, and Dominion 72 4 Hooker and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction 126 5 The Lawes and Episcopal Power 181 6 The 1836 Edition of Hooker’s Lawes of Ecclesiastical Polity, Edited by John Keble 235 7 Usage of Hooker in Contemporary Episcopal Ecclesiology in the Church of England. 287 8 General Conclusion 331 General Bibliography 339 6 Acknowledgements No work of this magnitude can be completed in isolation from the kindness and generosity of a great number of people. I am blessed to have been surrounded throughout my research with such support. I am thankful to the Women’s Continuing Ministerial Trust of the Church of England, the St Luke’s College Foundation, the Ministry Department of the Diocese of Worcester, the Ministry Department of the Diocese of Ely, and the Ely Diocesan Theological College Trust for their generous grants which have enabled the financing of this degree. Profound thanks must go to Professor Alec Ryrie as he supervised this thesis: his exacting, diligent, and encouraging support carried me through moments when the end never seemed in sight. Thanks, too, to The Revd Canon Professor Simon Oliver, as Second Supervisor. Any errors in this work reflect my own failings, and not the quality of the academic advice or support given by Professor Ryrie or Professor Oliver. Other people have, at many and various times, greatly aided me by showing an interest in my research, giving me hope and inspiration. In this regard, I am especially indebted to The Revd Dr Hannah Cleugh, The Revd Dr Sarah Brush, The Revd Dr Rob Mackley, The Revd Canon Dr Georgina Byrne, The Revd Canon Dr Alvyn Pettersen, The Revd Canon Dr Michael Brierley, The Venerable Rob Jones, The Rt Revd Dr John Inge, the late Dr Denise Inge, The Rt Revd Stephen Conway, Mrs Catrine Ball, Mrs Sam Setchell, Mrs Emma Pettifer, and Dr Bridget Nichols. Also, to Jen Garrett, who reminded me that there is more to life than Richard Hooker. Thanks, too, must go to The Very Revd Dr Tony Curtis and Dr Jessica van ‘t Westeinde, and finally to The Revd Professor Sarah Coakley and The Revd Professor Mark Chapman, whose comments many years ago sparked off this pursuit of Richard Hooker. At other times, groups of people have shown me great love and support, especially the Cathedral Community of The Blessed Mary the Virgin of Worcester, and the parishes 7 of All Saints’, Melbourn, and Holy Trinity, Meldreth. These communities of saints have kept me going through the difficulties of studying part-time, away from an academic community, in the midst of demanding full-time jobs. I am also grateful to the staff of Durham University Library and Cambridge University Library. Above everyone else, however, I dedicate this work to two main sources of support. First, to my husband, Dr Thomas Murgatroyd, whom I married as I worked on this thesis, and to our dogs, Albigensian, Audrey, Dorothy, and Patricia, who have brought joy in the midst of blood, sweat, and tears. Tom has inspired me with his own scholarly endeavours and enthusiasm, having far greater trust in my own ability than I ever managed to show. Second, to my mother Daphne and father Peter, whose constant love and support has made me who I now am. Ad majorem Dei gloriam. 8 Textual Note Two scholarly editions of the Lawes have been published since Keble’s edition of 1836. The Folger Library Edition of the Works of Richard Hooker was first published in 1977, edited by a committee led by W. S. Speed-Hill and Georges Edelen. In addition to this, in 1972, Speed-Hill edited Studies in Richard Hooker: Essays Preliminary to an Edition of His Works. The Folger Library Edition is still held to be the most accurate and thorough edition of Hooker’s Lawes. In 2013, the most recent edition of the Lawes was published, edited by A. S. McGrade, in which the decision was taken modernize the spelling and phraseology of Hooker’s text. This thesis uses the Keble (1836) edition of the Lawes, unless otherwise stated (references to ‘FLE’ = ‘Folger Library Edition’). This is due to the difficulty and cost of obtaining a copy of the Folger edition due to location as a distance student, as well as accessibility and movement restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. After the initial citation in each chapter, the format adopted follows the convention of ‘book, chapter, verse’. The same is true for citations from the works of John Whitgift, John Jewel, and John Calvin. Citations from the editorial preface of Keble’s 1836 edition of the Lawes are clearly marked as such. Citations from Luther’s works are from the Weimar (1883–2009) edition. 9 1 Introduction This thesis examines the construction and influence of Richard Hooker’s episcopal ecclesiology in the Church of England. In particular, it investigates the episcopal polity advocated in Hooker’s magnum opus, The Lawes of Ecclesiastical Polity (the ‘Lawes’), which has had a significant influence upon Anglican ecclesiology since its publication. Argument of the Thesis This thesis argues that Hooker was able to present the episcopal ecclesiology of the 1559 Religious Settlement as being congruent with wider Protestantism, in answer to Puritan calls for further reformation and the parity of ministers. This thesis then argues that Hooker’s presentation of an episcopal ecclesiology congruent with wider Protestantism was subject to attempts by John Keble, in his editorial preface to his 1836 edition of the Lawes, to claim that Hooker took a higher view of the authority and prestige of the episcopate than was in fact the case.
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