Rubella Specific Igg and Igm Antibodies Among Infants Before Rubella Vacci- Nation in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: a Cross-Sectional Study
Ibrahim M, et al., J Clin Immunol Immunother 2020, 6: 018 DOI: 10.24966/CIIT-8844/1000018 HSOA Journal of Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy Research Article Results: A total of 150 infants were recruited in the study, the ma- Rubella Specific IgG and IgM jority 79 (52.7%) were males. A total of 104 (69.3%) were positive to IgG antibodies while 7 (4.7%) were positive IgM antibodies. Around Antibodies among Infants before 21 (20. 2%) of infants had a strong immunity to rubella with IgG titres ≥ 15 IU/ml. There were a significantly different proportion of IgG an- Rubella Vaccination in Dar es tibodies with infant location Conclusion: There is substantial preclinical rubella infection in Dar Salaam, Tanzania: A Cross- es Salaam, before the age of rubella vaccination. Sectional Study Keywords: Rubella; Infants; IgM; IgG; Antibodies Mariam Ibrahim1,2#, Mtebe V Majigo1#*, Joel Manyahi1, Fausta Mo- Abbreviations sha3, Marcelina Mashurano1 and Fred S Mhalu1,4 CRS: Congenital Rubella Syndrome; 1Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Muhimbili University of Health DBS: Dry Blood Spot; and Allied Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; 2Tanzania Industrial Research and Development Organization, Dar es Sa- IgG: Immunoglobulin G; laam, Tanzania IgM: Immunoglobulin M; MUHAS: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences; 3Ministry of Health Community Development Gender Elderly and Children, United Republic of Tanzania OD: Optical Density; RCV: Rubella Contained Vaccine. 4Department of Microbiology and Immunology, St Joseph University in Tanza- nia, College of Health and Allied Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Introduction #Equal contribution Rubella infection is an acute, mild viral disease mainly affecting susceptible children and young adults worldwide.
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