Sociology Databank

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Sociology Databank SSoocciologyiology DDatabankatabank Contents The Family ....................................................A-1 Education .....................................................A-2 The Political Institution ...............................A-4 The Economy ................................................A-7 Religion ......................................................A-10 Sport ...........................................................A-11 ASA Code of Ethics .....................................A-13 Glossary—Glosario ......................................A-20 References ..................................................A-40 Index/Credits .............................................A-54 Sociology Databank Th e Family For sociologists, a family is a group of people related by marriage, blood, or adoption. Percentage of Children Living with Americans Who Identifi ed Grandparents as Caregivers With More Than One Race, 2000 7HITE !FRICAN !MERICAN 7HITE 7HITE !SIAN!SIAN !FRICAN!MERICAN 7HITE 3OMEOTHER !MERICAN )NDIAN !SIAN 3OMEOTHER !FRICAN!MERICAN 7HITE 3OME !MERICAN)NDIAN OTHERRACE /THERTWORACES 4HREEORMORERACES 4OTALMULTIRACIAL!MERICANS ORHIGHER 3OURCE&IRST'LIMPSES&ROMTHE53#ENSUS0OPULATION"ULLETIN6OL n .O*UNE 3OURCE+IDS#OUNT$ATA3HEET n "ALTIMORE -$4HE!NNIE%#ASEY n &OUNDATION n Child Abuse and Neglect Cases 1990–2003, by Type £]Óää]äää £]äää]äää TOTAL nää]äää NEGLECT PHYSICAL Èää]äää SEXUAL {ää]äää EMOTIONAL MEDICAL Óää]äää ä £äÊ ÓäääÊ ÓääÓÊ ÓääÎ 3OURCE53"UREAUOFTHE#ENSUS3TATISTICAL!BSTRACTOFTHE5NITED3TATES 7ASHINGTON$#53'OVERNMENT0RINTING/FFICE Sociology Databank A-1 Sociology Databank Education Education is the social institution responsible for the transmission of knowledge to its members. This includes academic knowledge, vocational skills, and a society’s beliefs, norms, and values. How Educated Are Young Workers? Education Spending 0ERCENTAGEOFTO YEAR OLDSWITHCOLLEGEDEGREES Median Household Income by State, 2003 Îx Îä Óx Óä £x £ä x ä ORMORE 7HITEWOMEN "LACKWOMEN (ISPANICWOMEN TO TO 7HITEMEN "LACKMEN (ISPANICMEN Source:3OURCE U.S.53"UREAUOFTHE Bureau of the Census,#ENSUS Statistical3TATISTICAL!BSTRACTOF Abstract of TO 3OURCE53"UREAUOFTHE#ENSUS -ARCH the UnitedTHE5NITED3TATES States, 2006. TO Percentage of Postsecondary School Expenditures, 2004 Graduates by Sex, 1960 to 2003 Çä¯ Èx°n¯ È£°x¯ x°Ó¯ xÇ°x¯ Èä¯ xÈ°ä¯ xx°n¯ xΰ{¯ xx°£¯ x£°£¯ xä°Ç¯ xä¯ {{°ä¯ {ä°n¯ {n°¯ {°Î¯ În°x¯ {Ȱȯ {{°¯ {ä¯ Î{°Ó¯ {{°Ó¯ {Ó°x¯ Îä¯ Óä¯ -EN £ä¯ 7OMEN ä¯ 0UBLIC3CHOOL%XPENDITURES0ER0UPIL ORMORE n n 3OURCE$IGESTOF%DUCATION3TATISTICS7ASHINGTON$#53.ATIONAL#ENTERFOR n %DUCATION3TATISTICS WWWNCESEDGOV n ORLESS A-2 Sociology Databank Educational AttainmentofthePopulationbyAgeGroup (2003) £ää £ä Óä Îä {ä xä £ä Óä Îä {ä xä Èä Çä nä ä ¯ ¯ ä ä 3OURCE ÀÜ>Þ ÀÜ>Þ %DUCATIONATA'LANCE0ARIS/RGANIZATIONFOR%DUCATION >«> >«> Ài> Ài> âiV Ê,i«ÕLV âiV Ê,i«ÕLV -ÜÌâiÀ>` -ÜÌâiÀ>` 1Ìi`Ê-Ì>Ìià 1Ìi`Ê-Ì>Ìià i>À i>À >>`> >>`> !GESn !GESn -Üi`i -Üi`i !T,EAST5PPER3ECONDARY%DUCATION >` !T,EAST4ERTIARY%DUCATION >` iÀ>Þ iÀ>Þ ÕÃÌÀ> ÕÃÌÀ> Õ}>ÀÞ Õ}>ÀÞ #OOPERATIONAND$EVELOPMENT iÜÊ<i>>` iÜÊ<i>>` À>Vi À>Vi i}Õ i}Õ ÀiiVi ÀiiVi Sociology Databank Sociology Ài>` Ài>` 1Ìi`Ê}` 1Ìi`Ê}` ÕÃÌÀ>> ÕÃÌÀ>> Vi>` Vi>` *>` *>` ÕÝiLÕÀ} ÕÝiLÕÀ} Sociology Databank Ì>Þ Ì>Þ -«> -«> *ÀÌÕ}> *ÀÌÕ}> /ÕÀiÞ /ÕÀiÞ iÝV iÝV A-3 Sociology Databank Th e Political Institution The political institution is the body through which power is obtained and exercised to maintain order and handle confl ict in the society. Electoral Votes by State, 2000 ££ { Î Î Ç Î £ä £ä { ΠΣ { Î £Ç \Ê£Ó Ç Ó£ x x Óä ,\Ê{ x Ó£ ££ /\ÊÇ x xx È ££ n £Î \Ê£x \ÊÎ ££ £x £ä x Ç È n \Ê£ä £x ÃÌÀVÌÊv È ÕL> Î Î{ Î ÓÇ { .UMBERELECTORALVOTES #HANGESINCE#ENSUS 3OURCE&IRST'LIMPSES&ROMTHE > 53#ENSUS0OPULATION"ULLETIN6OL ÊV >}i .O*UNE Ãà U.S. House of Delegations "Ì iÀÊ­`i«i`iÌ® >ÀÌÞÊ,i«ÕLV> >ÀÌÞÊ iVÀ>ÌV !SDETERMINEDBYTHEELECTIONS µÕ>Ê*>ÀÌÞ ,i«ÀiÃiÌ>Ì 7 6/ / ", 7 9 - , 79 * / 6 " 1/ " 76 - " 9 6 / < " , - - /8 3OURCE53"UREAUOFTHE#ENSUS 3TATISTICAL!BSTRACTOFTHE5NITED 3TATES A-4 Sociology Databank Sociology Databank Political Action Committee (PAC) Count—1980 to Present Óäää #ORPORATE .ON #ONNECTED £nää 4RADE-EMBERSHIP(EALTH ,ABOR #ORPWITHOUT3TOCK À«À>Ìi £Èää #OOPERATIVE £{ää £Óää iVÌi` £äää /À>`iÉiLiÀà «Éi>Ì nää Èää >LÀ {ää «iÀ>ÌÛi À«°ÊÜÌ ÕÌÊ-ÌV Óää ä 3OURCE53"UREAUOFTHE#ENSUS 3TATISTICAL!BSTRACTOFTHE5NITED3TATES Number of Women Holding State Public Offi ces, 2004 .UMBEROF7OMEN(OLDING 3TATE0UBLIC/FFICES ORABOVE n n n ORLESS 3OURCE53"UREAUOFTHE#ENSUS 3TATISTICAL!BSTRACTOFTHE5NITED3TATES Sociology Databank A-5 Sociology Databank Reported Voting by Age Group—Presidential Elections, 1984–2004 Óää{ Óäää 9EARS/VER n9EARS £È n9EARS EAR n9EARS 9 £Ó £nn £n{ ä¯ £ä¯ Óä¯ Îä¯ {ä¯ xä¯ Èä¯ Çä¯ nä¯ 2EPORTED6OTING 3OURCE53"UREAUOFTHE#ENSUS #URRENT0OPULATIONI3URVEYS Average Voter Turnout in All National Elections Since 1945 :IMBABWE 5NITED3TATES 3OUTH!FRICA -EXICO *APAN )SRAEL 'ERMANY #ANADA "RAZIL "ELGIUM !USTRIA %GYPT !RGENTINA )TALY 3OURCE&EDERAL%LECTION#OMMISSION A-6 Sociology Databank Sociology Databank Th e Economy The economy is the social institution that regulates the production and distribution of goods and services for a society. What Jobs Do Women Have? 0ERCENTAGEOFEMPLOYEDPERSONS >>}iiÌÊVVÕ«>Ìà 7i i *ÀviÃÃ>] Ài>Ìi`ÊVVÕ«>Ìà i}>ÊVVÕ«>Ìà ->ià `°ÊÃÕ««ÀÌ] VÕ`}ÊViÀV> i>Ì V>ÀiÊÃÕ««ÀÌ *ÀÌiVÌÛiÊÃiÀÛVi `Ê«Ài«>À>Ì]ÊÃiÀÛ} >À}] vÀiÃÌÀÞ]Êvà } *À`ÕVÌÊVVÕ«>Ìà ÃÌ>>Ì]Ê>Ìi>Vi]ÊÀi«>À /À>ëÀÌ>Ì] >ÌiÀ>ÊÛ} ÃÌÀÕVÌ]ÊiÝÌÀ>VÌ ä£äÓäÎä{äxäÈäÇänää£ää¯ 3OURCE53"UREAUOF,ABOR3TATISTICS 7OMENINTHE,ABOR&ORCE!$ATABOOK Sociology Databank A-7 Sociology Databank The Ten Fastest-Growing Occupations «ÞiÌÊ­ÊÌ ÕÃ>`î ÀÜÌ ÊÓääÓqÓä£Ó "VVÕ«>Ì ÓääÓ Óä£Ó ­£äääî *iÀViÌ i`V>Ê>ÃÃÃÌ>Ìà iÌÜÀÊÃÞÃÌiÃÉ`>Ì>ÊVÕV>ÌÃÊ>>ÞÃÌà * ÞÃV>Ê>ÃÃÃÌ>Ìà -V>É Õ>ÊÃiÀÛViÊ>ÃÃÃÌ>Ìà iÊ i>Ì Ê>`ià i`V>ÊÀiVÀ`ÃÉ i>Ì ÊvÀ>ÌÊÌiV V>ÃÊ * ÞÃV>ÊÌ iÀ>«ÃÌÊ>ÃÃÃÌ>Ìà ÌiÃÃÊÌÀ>iÀÃÉ>iÀLVÃÊÃÌÀÕVÌÀÃÊ >Ì>L>ÃiÊ>`ÃÌÀ>ÌÀà 6iÌiÀ>ÀÞÊÌiV }ÃÌÃÉÌiV V>à 3OURCE53"UREAUOFTHE#ENSUS 3TATISTICAL!BSTRACTOFTHE5NITED3TATES Average Annual Salary, by State !VERAGE!NNUAL3ALARY ORMORE TO TO 3OURCE53"UREAUOFTHE#ENSUS 3TATISTICAL TO !BSTRACTOFTHE5NITED3TATES ORLESS A-8 Sociology Databank Sociology Databank Gross National Income in Percentage of Income Purchasing Power Parity Per Paid in Taxes by Individuals Capita for Selected Countries, 2004 in Selected Countries .IGERIA iÝV Ài> />ÝiÃÊ*>` -OZAMBIQUE ÀiiVi (AITI Ài>` 0ERU >«> -«> #HINA -ÜÌâiÀ>` "OTSWANA ÕÝiLÕÀ} 3AUDI!RABIA âiV Ê,i«ÕLV 1Ìi`Ê-Ì>Ìià .EW:EALAND ÓÓ]£Îä 1Ìi`Ê}` 'ERMANY ÕÃÌÀ>> &RANCE >>`> Vi>` &INLAND Õ}>ÀÞ *APAN À>Vi #ANADA Ì>Þ ÕÃÌÀ> .ORWAY ÀÜ>Þ 5NITED3TATES /ÕÀiÞ 7ORLD *>` -Üi`i iÌ iÀ>`à 3OURCE7ORLD0OPULATION$ATA3HEET 7ASHINGTON$#0OPULATION2EFERENCE"UREAU i}Õ .OTE&IGURESGIVENIN53DOLLARS i>À iÀ>Þ ä £ä¯ Óä¯ Îä¯ {ä¯ xä¯ 3OURCE4HE7ORLD!LMANACAND"OOKOF&ACTS Sociology Databank A-9 Sociology Databank Religion Religion is a unifi ed system of beliefs and practices concerned with sacred things. Percentage of Americans Who Think U.S. Per Capita Income/Per Member Religion Is Increasing or Giving as a Percentage of Income Losing Its Infl uence ,OSING )NCREASING 3OURCE4HE'ALLUP/RGANIZATION Percentage of Americans Who Believe Christian Church Adherents, That Religion Can Answer All of by State Today’s Problems or Is Old-Fashioned #AN!NSWER /LD &ASHIONED #HRISTIAN#HURCH!DHERENTS ORMORE n n n n 3OURCE53"UREAUOFTHE#ENSUS 3TATISTICAL!BSTRACTOFTHE5NITED3TATES 3OURCE4HE'ALLUP/RGANIZATION A-10 Sociology Databank Sociology Databank Sport Sport is a set of competitive activities in which winners and losers are determined by physical performance within a set of established rules. Participation in High School Athletic Programs, 1973–2003 (3"OYS (3'IRLS 3OURCE53"UREAUOFTHE#ENSUS 3TATISTICAL!BSTRACTOFTHE5NITED3TATES Interest in Professional Sports Based on Attendance At Professional Sporting Events: United States by Demographics >i i>i 9Õ}Ê-}ià 9Õ}Ê Õ«ià 9Õ}Ê>iÃ Ì ÕÃ>ÃÌ >ÌÕÀiÊ>ià `iÀ>ÌiÊÌiÀiÃÌ -iÀÊ Õ«ià -iÀÊ-}ià } Ê-V É/À>`iÊ-V 1ÛiÀÃÌÞÉ i}i `Û>Vi`Ê1ÛiÀÃÌÞÊ i}Àii 1`ivi` iÃÃÊÌ >Êf{ä f{äÊÌÊfnä fnäÊ*ÕÃÊ ä¯ £ä¯ Óä¯ Îä¯ {ä¯ xä¯ Èä¯ Çä¯ 3OURCE,ANG $AVIDh)NTERESTIN0ROFESSIONAL3PORTS!SA3PECTATOR 0ROFILE2EPORTv!PRIL Sociology Databank A-11 Sociology Databank Racial Composition of Players in Men’s Professional Leagues and the WNBA 7HITE !FRICAN!MERICAN ,ATINO /THER 3OURCE2ICHARD%,APCHICK h2ACIALAND'ENDER 7."! -,3 -," .&, ."! 2EPORT#ARDv4HE)NSTITUTEFOR$IVERSITYAND%THICSIN3PORT Participation in NCAA Sports >i i>i >i i>i -«ÀÌ Ì iÌiÃ Ì iÌià -«ÀÌ Ì iÌiÃ Ì iÌià >ÃiL>Ê .!->} .! >ÃiÌL>Ê -} Ü}Ê -VViÀ ÀÃÃÊ VÕÌÀÞ -vÌL> .! µÕiÃÌÀ>Ê -µÕ>à -Ü}É iV}Ê Û} -ÞV Àâi` ÌL>Ê .! .! 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