Information Note 4th High – Level Meeting on Tourism Cooperation Between China and CEECs (China + 16 ) 18 - 20 September 2018 Hotel Dubrovnik Palace, Dubrovnik, Croatia 1. Places and dates The 4th High-Level Meeting of Ministers in charge of Tourism of the China – CEECs Tourism Cooperation platform will take place in the City of Dubrovnik from 18 to 20 September 2018 at the Dubrovnik Palace hotel. The participants of the HLM will be ministers and high-ranking delegates responsible for tourism from the sixteen CEE countries and China. The official opening is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 19 September, starting at 9:30 am in hotel Dubrovnik Palace, with the welcome reception held the day before, on 18 September in Sponza Palace at 19:00 pm. Parallel sessions and workshops are to be held on 19 September in the afternoon. More detailed working and social programme, agenda and practical information will follow shortly. 2. Registration Participants are kindly requested to complete the registration form using the link Registration by Thursday, 30 August. In order to help us make the necessary arrangements for transfers, please provide information on your travel schedule, chosen hotel, as well as about persons who may be accompanying you. 3. Contact details for any additional information Ms Blanka Belošević Tel.: +385(1) 6169 300 Head, Department for International Cooperation E-mail:
[email protected] The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia Ms Nikolina Zagorec Sector for tourism politics and International Tel.: +385(1) 6169 294 Cooperation E-mail:
[email protected] The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia 4.