Council Tax Rates 2019 - 2020

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Council Tax Rates 2019 - 2020 BRECKLAND COUNCIL NOTICE OF SETTING OF COUNCIL TAX Notice is hereby given that on the twenty first day of February 2019 Breckland Council, in accordance with Section 30 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, approved and duly set for the financial year beginning 1st April 2019 and ending on 31st March 2020 the amounts as set out below as the amount of Council Tax for each category of dwelling in the parts of its area listed below. The amounts below for each parish will be the Council Tax payable for the forthcoming year. COUNCIL TAX RATES 2019 - 2020 A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H NORFOLK COUNTY 908.16 1059.52 1210.88 1362.24 1664.96 1967.68 2270.40 2724.48 KENNINGHALL 1148.21 1339.57 1530.94 1722.31 2105.04 2487.78 2870.51 3444.62 NORFOLK POLICE & 168.72 196.84 224.96 253.08 309.32 365.56 421.80 506.16 LEXHAM 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 BRECKLAND 59.22 69.09 78.96 88.83 108.57 128.31 148.05 177.66 LITCHAM 1167.27 1361.81 1556.36 1750.90 2139.99 2529.08 2918.17 3501.80 LONGHAM 1184.47 1381.88 1579.29 1776.70 2171.52 2566.35 2961.17 3553.40 ASHILL 1165.41 1359.65 1553.88 1748.12 2136.59 2525.06 2913.53 3496.23 LOPHAM NORTH 1145.55 1336.47 1527.39 1718.32 2100.17 2482.01 2863.86 3436.64 ATTLEBOROUGH 1228.64 1433.41 1638.18 1842.96 2252.50 2662.05 3071.59 3685.91 LOPHAM SOUTH 1150.57 1342.34 1534.10 1725.86 2109.39 2492.91 2876.44 3451.72 BANHAM 1158.14 1351.16 1544.18 1737.20 2123.25 2509.30 2895.34 3474.41 LYNFORD 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 BAWDESWELL 1194.64 1393.75 1592.86 1791.97 2190.18 2588.39 2986.61 3583.93 LYNG 1160.12 1353.47 1546.83 1740.18 2126.89 2513.59 2900.30 3480.36 BEACHAMWELL 1173.11 1368.63 1564.15 1759.66 2150.70 2541.74 2932.77 3519.33 MATTISHALL 1168.33 1363.05 1557.78 1752.50 2141.94 2531.38 2920.83 3504.99 BEESTON 1159.89 1353.20 1546.51 1739.83 2126.46 2513.09 2899.72 3479.66 MERTON 1155.96 1348.61 1541.27 1733.93 2119.25 2504.57 2889.89 3467.87 BEETLEY 1156.62 1349.39 1542.16 1734.93 2120.47 2506.00 2891.54 3469.85 MILEHAM 1155.82 1348.45 1541.09 1733.72 2119.00 2504.27 2889.54 3467.45 BESTHORPE 1149.44 1341.02 1532.59 1724.17 2107.31 2490.46 2873.61 3448.33 MUNDFORD 1179.45 1376.02 1572.60 1769.17 2162.32 2555.47 2948.62 3538.34 BILLINGFORD 1166.58 1361.01 1555.43 1749.86 2138.72 2527.58 2916.44 3499.73 NARBOROUGH 1162.10 1355.78 1549.46 1743.15 2130.51 2517.88 2905.24 3486.29 BINTREE 1162.49 1356.23 1549.98 1743.73 2131.22 2518.72 2906.21 3487.46 NARFORD 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 BLO NORTON 1167.19 1361.72 1556.25 1750.78 2139.84 2528.91 2917.97 3501.56 NECTON 1196.58 1396.01 1595.44 1794.87 2193.73 2592.59 2991.45 3589.75 BRADENHAM 1157.61 1350.55 1543.49 1736.42 2122.29 2508.16 2894.04 3472.84 NEWTON 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 BRETTENHAM & 1151.38 1343.27 1535.17 1727.07 2110.86 2494.65 2878.45 3454.14 OVINGTON 1169.30 1364.18 1559.06 1753.94 2143.71 2533.47 2923.24 3507.89 BRIDGHAM 1178.14 1374.49 1570.85 1767.21 2159.92 2552.63 2945.34 3534.41 OXBOROUGH 1158.22 1351.26 1544.29 1737.33 2123.40 2509.48 2895.55 3474.66 BRISLEY 1184.29 1381.67 1579.06 1776.44 2171.20 2565.97 2960.73 3552.88 PICKENHAM 1157.28 1350.16 1543.04 1735.92 2121.68 2507.43 2893.19 3471.83 BUCKENHAM NEW 1200.99 1401.15 1601.31 1801.48 2201.81 2602.14 3002.46 3602.96 PICKENHAM 1152.27 1344.32 1536.36 1728.41 2112.50 2496.59 2880.68 3456.82 BUCKENHAM OLD 1164.64 1358.74 1552.85 1746.96 2135.17 2523.38 2911.59 3493.91 QUIDENHAM 1175.76 1371.72 1567.67 1763.63 2155.55 2547.47 2939.39 3527.27 BYLAUGH 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 RIDDLESWORTH 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 CARBROOKE 1169.57 1364.50 1559.43 1754.36 2144.21 2534.07 2923.93 3508.71 ROCKLANDS 1151.01 1342.84 1534.67 1726.51 2110.18 2493.85 2877.51 3453.02 CASTON 1171.45 1366.69 1561.93 1757.18 2147.66 2538.14 2928.63 3514.35 ROUDHAM & 1165.92 1360.23 1554.55 1748.87 2137.51 2526.15 2914.79 3497.75 COCKLEY CLEY 1168.77 1363.56 1558.35 1753.15 2142.74 2532.32 2921.91 3506.30 ROUGHAM 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 COLKIRK 1158.58 1351.67 1544.77 1737.87 2124.06 2510.25 2896.45 3475.74 SAHAM TONEY 1165.07 1359.24 1553.42 1747.60 2135.95 2524.31 2912.67 3495.20 CRANWICH 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 SCARNING 1163.52 1357.44 1551.36 1745.28 2133.12 2520.96 2908.80 3490.56 CRANWORTH 1161.22 1354.76 1548.30 1741.84 2128.91 2515.99 2903.06 3483.67 SCOULTON 1170.11 1365.13 1560.15 1755.17 2145.21 2535.25 2925.29 3510.34 CRESSINGHAM GT 1187.61 1385.54 1583.48 1781.41 2177.28 2573.15 2969.02 3562.83 SHIPDHAM 1186.98 1384.81 1582.64 1780.47 2176.12 2571.78 2967.44 3560.93 CRESSINGHAM LT 1143.76 1334.39 1525.02 1715.64 2096.90 2478.15 2859.41 3431.29 SHROPHAM 1155.76 1348.39 1541.01 1733.64 2118.89 2504.15 2889.40 3467.28 CROXTON 1152.46 1344.54 1536.62 1728.69 2112.85 2497.00 2881.15 3457.39 SNETTERTON 1156.30 1349.02 1541.74 1734.45 2119.89 2505.32 2890.76 3468.91 DEREHAM 1240.01 1446.68 1653.34 1860.01 2273.35 2686.69 3100.02 3720.03 SOUTHACRE 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 DIDLINGTON 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 SPARHAM 1160.08 1353.43 1546.77 1740.12 2126.81 2513.51 2900.20 3480.24 DUNHAM GT 1147.57 1338.83 1530.09 1721.36 2103.88 2486.40 2868.93 3442.71 SPORLE 1179.58 1376.18 1572.77 1769.37 2162.56 2555.76 2948.95 3538.74 DUNHAM LT 1152.68 1344.80 1536.91 1729.03 2113.25 2497.48 2881.71 3458.05 STANFIELD 1173.20 1368.73 1564.26 1759.79 2150.86 2541.92 2932.99 3519.59 ELLINGHAM GT 1148.69 1340.14 1531.59 1723.04 2105.94 2488.83 2871.73 3446.08 STANFORD 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 ELLINGHAM LT 1166.22 1360.59 1554.96 1749.33 2138.07 2526.81 2915.55 3498.66 STOW BEDON & 1160.88 1354.36 1547.84 1741.31 2128.27 2515.23 2902.19 3482.63 ELMHAM NORTH 1189.60 1387.86 1586.13 1784.40 2180.93 2577.46 2974.00 3568.80 SWAFFHAM 1240.31 1447.03 1653.75 1860.47 2273.90 2687.34 3100.78 3720.93 ELSING 1154.16 1346.52 1538.88 1731.24 2115.96 2500.68 2885.40 3462.48 SWANTON 1215.32 1417.87 1620.43 1822.98 2228.08 2633.19 3038.30 3645.96 FOULDEN 1178.04 1374.38 1570.72 1767.06 2159.74 2552.42 2945.10 3534.12 THETFORD 1220.48 1423.89 1627.31 1830.72 2237.55 2644.37 3051.20 3661.44 FOXLEY 1163.66 1357.60 1551.54 1745.49 2133.37 2521.26 2909.14 3490.97 THOMPSON 1160.31 1353.70 1547.09 1740.47 2127.24 2514.02 2900.79 3480.94 FRANSHAM 1150.74 1342.53 1534.32 1726.11 2109.70 2493.28 2876.86 3452.23 TITTLESHALL 1168.06 1362.74 1557.41 1752.09 2141.44 2530.80 2920.15 3504.18 GARBOLDISHAM 1153.79 1346.08 1538.38 1730.68 2115.28 2499.87 2884.47 3461.36 TUDDENHAM 1151.70 1343.65 1535.60 1727.56 2111.46 2495.36 2879.26 3455.11 GARVESTONE 1160.54 1353.97 1547.39 1740.81 2127.66 2514.51 2901.36 3481.63 TUDDENHAM 1151.87 1343.85 1535.82 1727.80 2111.76 2495.71 2879.67 3455.60 GATELEY 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 TWYFORD 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 GOODERSTONE 1194.58 1393.68 1592.78 1791.88 2190.07 2588.27 2986.46 3583.75 WATTON 1234.84 1440.65 1646.45 1852.26 2263.88 2675.49 3087.10 3704.52 GRESSENHALL 1158.20 1351.23 1544.27 1737.30 2123.37 2509.43 2895.50 3474.60 WEASENHAM 1172.76 1368.22 1563.68 1759.14 2150.06 2540.98 2931.90 3518.28 GRISTON 1167.20 1361.73 1556.26 1750.79 2139.86 2528.92 2917.99 3501.59 WEASENHAM ST 1172.76 1368.22 1563.68 1759.14 2150.06 2540.98 2931.90 3518.28 GUIST 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 WEETING 1181.27 1378.15 1575.03 1771.91 2165.66 2559.42 2953.18 3543.81 HARDINGHAM 1157.71 1350.66 1543.61 1736.56 2122.46 2508.37 2894.27 3473.12 WELLINGHAM 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 HARLING 1183.32 1380.54 1577.76 1774.98 2169.42 2563.86 2958.30 3549.96 WENDLING 1168.34 1363.06 1557.78 1752.51 2141.95 2531.40 2920.84 3505.01 HILBOROUGH 1159.91 1353.23 1546.55 1739.86 2126.50 2513.14 2899.77 3479.73 WHINBURGH 1167.55 1362.14 1556.73 1751.33 2140.51 2529.69 2918.88 3502.65 HOCKERING 1172.95 1368.44 1563.93 1759.42 2150.40 2541.39 2932.37 3518.84 WHISSONSETT 1187.78 1385.74 1583.71 1781.67 2177.60 2573.52 2969.45 3563.34 HOCKHAM GT 1157.22 1350.09 1542.97 1735.84 2121.58 2507.32 2893.06 3471.67 WRETHAM 1170.52 1365.61 1560.69 1755.78 2145.95 2536.13 2926.30 3511.56 HOE 1147.97 1339.30 1530.63 1721.95 2104.61 2487.27 2869.92 3443.91 YAXHAM 1160.06 1353.40 1546.74 1740.09 2126.77 2513.46 2900.14 3480.17 HOLME HALE 1164.56 1358.65 1552.75 1746.84 2135.03 2523.21 2911.40 3493.68 HORNINGTOFT 1156.10 1348.78 1541.47 1734.15 2119.52 2504.88 2890.25 3468.30 ANNA GRAVES, CHIEF EXECUTIVE ICKBURGH 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 BRECKLAND COUNCIL, ELIZABETH HOUSE, WALPOLE LOKE, KEMPSTONE 1136.10 1325.45 1514.80 1704.15 2082.85 2461.55 2840.25 3408.30 DEREHAM, NORFOLK NR19 1EE ??/03/2019 Notification of changes to Council Tax Discounts for Breckland Council In accordance with Section 11A (Discount: special provision for England) and 11B (Higher amount for long-term empty dwellings: England) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (LGFA 1992) as amended and in accordance with the Council tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003 (PCDR 2003) as amended, the Council, as the billing authority for the District of Breckland, has determined that from 1 April 2019, the council tax discounts in force during the 2018/19 financial
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