Parish News Nowodhow an Bluw JANUARY 2021 A HAPPY


Cornish Language phrases related to the New Year can be found on the following website. If you click the phrases it also gives you the audio for pronunciation. Phrases for other occasions can be found here too.

Printed by Unit 6C, Treloggan Industrial Estate, TR7 2SX 01637 874012 JANUARY 2021 ADVERTISEMENTS 2 JANUARY 2021 POEM / MESSAGES 3

CRISP PACKET RECYCLING – UPDATE Unfortunately Prickles & Paws can no longer recycle crisp packets so please do not drop anymore off. Newspapers still welcome. Judy - Editor JANUARY 2021 ADVERTISEMENT 4 JANUARY 2021 KID’S CORNER 5 JANUARY 2021 ADVERTISEMENT 6 JANUARY 2021 QUIZ CORNER – BEAR FACTS 7

Give the name of each bear and then answer the questions below. Answer next month

Picture Picture Question Question No No 1 Who invented this bear 11 What does the shop sell in which he works 2 Who created this stand up comedian 12 In which film does he appear 3 In which newspaper does this bear appear Who wrote the book on which the film was 13 4 Which organisation is he a mascot for based In which comic does this bear appear - the 5 Who loves this bear 14 6 Which actor was his fictitious owner comic first printed on 30th July 1938 Name one of the two other puppet 7 Who drew this bear in the classic books 15 characters 8 Which animal portrays Robin Hood Who is the fictional character and narrator 9 Who did the voice in the 2010 film of the African-American folktales in which In which film does this bear appear 16 10 this bear appears. He sang Zippity Doo Dah Hint - it is a sequel in the controverisal Disney film JANUARY 2021 ADVERTISEMENTS 8 JANUARY 2021 CROSSWORD 9 JANUARY 2021 ADVERTISEMENT 10 JANUARY 2021 ADVANCE MOTORCYCLISTS 11 JANUARY 2021 CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU 12


The views and opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of the editor. The editor reserves the right to refuse material for any reason whatsoever and cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions which may occur in this publication.

Email : [email protected] Web Site : JANUARY 2021 CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU 13

Email : [email protected] Web Site : JANUARY 2021 ADVERTISEMENT 14 JANUARY 2021 BIRD NOTES 15 At least 720,000 seabirds are caught accidentally by commercial fisheries worldwide, says the WWF and Sky Ocean Rescue. Conservationists are calling for cameras on fishing vessels to help lower their by-catch, and get a more accurate toll. Helen McLachlan said “Nature is in freefall and we need urgent action. Effective monitoring of fisheries will help us understand their true impact on wildlife and help minimise the needless death of seabirds and other marine mammals.” It seems Harry Potter fans were keeping owls and failed to look after them. The fad was inspired by his pet owl “Hedwig”. One went blind due to the unclean conditions. Owen Joiner of The Bird Gardens, a bird sanctuary in the Borders, Scotland said four were kept in boxes meant for taking cats to the vets. One went blind as a result of not feeding them properly or letting them roam. The blind female owl was teamed up with a rescued male. Author JK Rowling repeatedly urged fans not to keep owls as pets. A pair of Barn Owls are having the roof of their run-down home repaired after a £30,000 appeal in Shillingstone, Dorset. Even at the end of November, Rooks are apparently sizing up their nesting places. Rooks nest in colonies in tall trees. Crows which are also corvids tend to nest singly. Numbers of Greenfinches are slightly on the rise after a disease a few years ago nearly wiped them out. Bird flu is on the increase. 8 Swans from a family of 9 died with symptoms at Ulverston Canal at the end of November. On the 29th November around 10,500 Turkeys faced being culled after an outbreak of Avian influenza at a farm in North Allerton, North Yorkshire. A six-mile control zone was set up. The Department for Environment and Rural Affairs insist the virus does not affect food safety. This follows outbreaks at a chicken farm in Herefordshire and among geese and swans in Gloucs, Dorset and Devon. Public Health England said the risk to humans of the H5N8 virus was very low. I would advise taking some time to sanitise your hands after touching the bird feeders in your garden. I have recently received reliable reports of 12 Choughs being seen on the headlands near Mawgan Porth. What a success story for Choughs in Cornwall. The pair that I help to monitor have produced 8 offspring in the last 2 years.

Many thanks for kind remarks about Bird Notes in the Newsletter. Nadelik Lowen (Happy Christmas) Rodney Phillips

Email : [email protected] Web Site : JANUARY 2021 ADVERTISEMENT 16 JANUARY 2021 CUBERT NDP 17 As we move into 2021 it is natural for people to look back, assess what has gone and look hopefully forward to what may be coming down the track. Clearly there is a universal hope that things will get better on all sorts of levels, not least with regard to Covid-19. I think what has been clearly evident throughout the pandemic is the willingness of individual members of communities to provide help and support for each other. It is this community awareness that I would like to harness and cultivate in 2021 in order to afford the Cubert NDP Steering Group the best opportunity to produce a development plan for the parish that is not only fit for purpose but that also carries as much support as possible from both residents and businesses alike.In the short term, the Covid-19 tiering restrictions prohibit any sort of meaningful public meeting. This does not however alter the fact that the opinion of the people of Cubert Parish remains the cornerstone of what will become the final report. With this in mind, the steering group has agreed the need to for us to harvest opinion through as many mediums as possible. The Cubert newsletter is a great way to get information out to people. What we are trying to achieve however is a two way flow, a dialogue and an accumulation of opinion. With this in mind, Tim Lord has completely overhauled the Cubert NDP website and provided the opportunity for people to join the “NDP Community” and through that be able to air their thoughts. He has created the ability for people to comment specifically on each of the priority areas separately in recognition of the fact that people have their own differing views and priorities. In a similar vein, we are looking to expand the usage of our Facebook page, put more information into the public domain and generate more interaction. For the information of those may not yet be aware the priorities identified to date are; priorities for new housing, future business development in the parish, traffic control and car parking, provision of sports and leisure facilities, protecting our heritage assets and green spaces and safe guarding our school facilities and potential expansion needs. The members of the Steering Group have formed sub-groups to assess the potential within each subject area. I would urge as many people as PLATFORMS possible to utilise the platforms that I’ve mentioned and which are shown to express their views. There remains the option to contact me directly at [email protected]. JANUARY 2021 CRANTOCK MEMORY CAFE 18

Email : [email protected] Web Site : JANUARY 2021 CUBERT METHODIST CHURCH 19


“CLUB FISHING” A number of small eyed ray are being caught from local marks; the heaviest fish which has been weighed in on club scales is 9 lbs. It was hooked and landed by Wayne Harris, the bait being frozen sandeel on a running ledger trace. “DECEMBER COMPETITIONS” The Christmas Competition commences at 6.00 pm on Saturday 5th December 2020 and runs through to 10.00 am on Sunday 20th December 2020. Fishing for: 1st Prize “Most Species” 2nd Prize “Heaviest Fish” “CLUB CUPS AND TROPHIES” Would Club Members please return to Colin Hunt any cups and trophies by Thursday 4th February 2021, duly cleaned please. “NEW YEARS COMPETITION” A competition will run from the 1st January 2021 through to the 30th April 2021. Fishing for: “Heaviest Fish” “CLUB MEETINGS” Due to the Corona Virus the AGM scheduled for Thursday 7th January 2021 has been cancelled, the AGM will now take place on Thursday 4th February 2021 commencing on 8.00 pm and held at “The Treguth Inn” at Holywell, please bring your face masks. Brian Osborne JANUARY 2021 PARISH COUNCIL REPORT 20 Report of the Parish Council Meeting Wed 16th December 2020 PRESENT: Cllrs. N. Bradder, R.L.B. Spencer, D. Hopkinson, P. Wallis, A. Percy, T. Hulbert , J. Barritt and the Clerk: D. Hawken. APOLOGIES: Cllr. G. Rowe, W.C.Longden, Cornwall Councillor Adrian Dennis Harvey. Police Report – None. OPENING: The Meeting was opened at 7.00 pm, by the Chairman Cllr. A. Percy MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18th November 2020: The Minutes were approved and signed as True Records. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF 18th November 2020: The Clerk informed the meeting that he has contacted a contractor with regard to the Cubert Toilet refurbishment and hopes to have a quote before the January meeting. Cllr. A. Percy spoke about Parking at the school. He visited the school, the head teacher was present and an enforcement officer. The enforcement officer spoke to several parents and is Liaising with Head Teacher. Cllr. A. Percy reported on the continuing argument with over the Colan Section 106 for affordable housing. We are currently awaiting the Internal Review results from Cornwall Council before we take this further. Cllr. A. Percy further reported that we are still awaiting a decision on our funding application for the proposed cycle track in the QEII park soon. Cllr. A. Percy agreed to chase this up in the New Year. FINANCE: To ratify delegated decisions for December - RESOLVED: To ratify the delegated decisions for December. PLANNING: PA20/10194 Residential development comprising 15 affordable units and 15 open market units. Reserved matters application for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development following outline approval PA18/08384. Land To East Of Wesley Road Cubert Cornwall TR8 5HB for Kingsley Homes Limited Resolved to Strongly Object to the application. PA20/09944 Non material amendment to amend previously approved drainage strategy and minor amendments to plans and elevations to PA19/00869 Land East Of Park Allen Lewannick Road Cubert Cornwall TR8 5HL for Mr and Mrs Hutton - Resolved to raise no objection to the application. PA20/09837 Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of store/office as self-contained annexe - High Meadows Barn Road From Junction North East Of Windsor Farm To Junction West Of Chy Woon Praze Trewolla St East TR8 5JY for Mr And Mrs Gannon - Resolution: The Parish Council has no evidence of residential occupation or the length of any residential occupation of the building. Details of the decisions can be found on the Parish Council website: NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Physical meetings have been cancelled until further notice. The group have held another meeting under the chair of Michael Crisp. Cllr. A. Percy reported that Cllr. A. Percy and Cllr. R.L.B. Spencer have been asked to look at planning. Michael Crisp has split the steering groups into smaller groups to look at different aspects of the neighbourhood plan. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS NOT REQUIRING DECISIONS AT THIS MEETING: The Clerk reported that the Church Trustees have sent their thanks for the contribution covering the cost of cutting the church field. Cllr. P. Wallis reported on his attendance at the planning conference. Cornwall Council regard Enforcement as last resort and currently has a backlog of over 200 cases. Cllr. N. Bradder asked about the possibility of a Large Climbing frame for the Youth Park. Cllr. D. Hopkinson raised the issue of grass growing through the matting in Toddlers Play Area. Cllr. D. Hopkinson also raised the issue of the highway markers at rejerrah. It was decided to contact Highways to ask for them to be attended to. CLOSING, DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The meeting was closed 8.30. pm. The next regular meeting to be held on 20th January 2021 at 7.00pm.

Parishioners and other interested parties are invited to view the planning applications that the Parish Council is currently considering and are encouraged to contact the Clerk if they wish to comment on any of the applications. Details of the applications currently being considered can be found on the Parish Council website: JANUARY 2021 PARISH NOTICES 21 LITTER BINS Everyone can help us by not putting domestic waste or dog poo bags in litter bins. Please only put dog poo in the allocated Dog poo bins – The Parish Council litter bins are not designed for this use.Domestic waste should never be placed in litter bins. Please use the Cornwall Council regular collection service. CUBERT PARISH NOTICES Corona Virus – Covid 19 The Parish Council has taken the decision (and confirmed by Cornwall Council) not to hold any public meetings until further notice. There will be a Virtual Parish Council meeting to be held 7.00pm on the 20th January 2021. If any members of the public would like to view the proceedings or speak before the meeting is formally opened – please contact the Clerk (01637 830947) Email: [email protected] at least 48 hours before the meeting is due to start so that access details can be provided. The Parish Council has taken actions so that it can still function during these trying times and IS STILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS. You can still contact your Councillors by phone or contact the Clerk (01637 830947) Email: [email protected] If you are elderly / infirm / self isolating and need some assistance (Shopping etc), please contact us and we will try to put you in contact with a local volunteer who may be able to help you. STAY SAFE AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELVES AND YOUR NEIGHBOURS. PLANNING NOTICES I checked the October 2020 list in the newsletter against that held on the Parish Council website and the only new entries are one for comment by the Parish Council and one under Application Resolutions For Ratification Judy – Editor

PA20/10624 Construction of rear single storey Living Room/Dining Room extension Hargeisha 49 Wheal Golden Drive Holywell Bay TR8 5PE for Mr Andrew Bromley. Comments to be sent to the Parish Council by 16th December 2020 PA20/08905 Proposed first floor extension including a Juliet balcony Snailey Cottage Road from Snailey Cottage To Lewannick Road Cubert TR8 5HL for Mr Richard Hartley. Resolved to raise no objection to the application JANUARY 2021 ECO NEWS 22 As we start the New Year we have plenty to think about as we look back at 2020. A year ago the threat of a pandemic seemed very remote, but by March we were deep in the thick of it, and sharply reminded that we cannot isolate ourselves from the rest of the world or from the rest of the natural world. Our very health and existence are intimately connected to animal and plant life on the land, and in the sea and air that surround us. With that in mind, here are a few stories from around the world to inspire us with a sense of hope for the future…. We know that areas of great natural beauty and ecological importance are still under threat from environmentally damaging development such as intensive farming and fishing, pollution and increased human population, so it is good to know that one of America’s largest and most ambitious conservation projects, The American Prairie Reserve, has recently acquired a large tract of land connecting two other reserves to form 5000 square miles of protected, ecosystem-scale grassland. This will ensure the resilience and resources for a wide range of wildlife to thrive and will be managed by a combination of private, federal, state and American Indian agencies working together. Further encouraging news from the US is that under President Biden, there will be a return to American commitment to address climate change seriously, with the appointment of John Kerry as special envoy for climate change and a seat on the National Security Council. John Kerry campaigned tirelessly for measures to mitigate climate change while he was Secretary of State under President Obama, and it was he who signed the Paris Agreement on behalf of America in 2015. Elsewhere in the world the remote group of islands Forming the Tristan da Cunha community, in the South Atlantic is the latest to join the UK’s Blue Belt of protected waters. There will be nearly 700,000 km2 of sea around the islands, completely protected from industrial fishing or sea-bed extraction, making it one of the largest areas of pristine marine environment in the world. Closer to home, the South Wales council of Torfaen has partnered its own waste management company with a business making damp-proof membranes for the construction industry, from recycled plastic collected by the council. This is part of the ‘Circular Economy Wales’ strategy aimed at reducing waste, tackling climate change and 3 ISLANDS OF THE 4 – MAKING UP TRISTAN DE CUNHA providing new job opportunities. Together they won ‘Best Local Authority Recycling Initiative of the Year’ 2020. Even closer to home, many of us will have bought batteries for Christmas presents this year. In the UK it is estimated that we use 40,000 tonnes of small batteries each year, but in 2018 only 8,000 tonnes were recycled. The damage caused by irresponsible disposal of batteries, especially lithium batteries, can be huge at this scale, so let’s make a resolution to recycle all our old batteries in 2021! There are collection points at most supermarkets and there is a box at the back of Cubert church. -Wendy RECYCLING IDEAS • Plastic Milk Carton Tops - collected at LUSH stores (one in ) • Newspapers – needed by Prickles & Paws as well as kerbside • Plastic bags no longer required – supermarket collection points e.g. Sainsbury • Household Batteries – Supermarkets and most places that sell batteries Judy - Editor Email : [email protected] Web Site : JANUARY 2021 RECYCLING 23 JANUARY 2021 LOCAL HELP 24

Email : [email protected] Web Site : JANUARY 2021 BOOK REVIEW 25 JANUARY 2021 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 26 Accountants & Tax Advisers David G Wright Small Business specialist 01637 830799 Accommodation Myrtle Cottage B&B Accommodation, Trevail 01637 830460 Bakery & Farm & Coffee Shop Baker's Dozen Farm Shop, Bakery And Fine Coffee 01637 831900 Beauty & Health & Fitness 01637 499302 Karen's Beauty Tips Professional Nail & Beauty Treatments 07812 063355 Radiant Health and Fitness Yoga, Pilates, Exercise to Music & Meditation Instructor. Exercise Classes, 1-to-1 Pilates or Yoga, Small 07764 744382 Claire Connelly Group/Corporate Computers Compu-K Computer builds, repair & maintenance 01637 871847 Estate Agents Richard Holder David Ball Agencies 01637 850850 Daniel Peel Newquay Property Centre 01637 875161 Funeral Directors Bob Chudleigh John Nicholls Funeral Service 01637 851177 AC Richards A C Richards & Son 01872 572027 Heating, Plumbing, Gas Peter Griffin Plumbing & Central Heating Engineer 01637 830702 Holidays Treworgans Holiday Park 5* Park, Static Holiday Homes 01637 830200 Photography Portraits, weddings, events, lifestyle, property, S J Photography products,branding & marketing + digital services - restoration 07905 375569 [email protected] & digitalisation of slides & negatives - Tresean, Cubert Pubs, Restaurants, Etc Gull Rocks Bar & Coffee Seasonal Beachside Bar and Coffee House 01637 830205 House The Smuggler's Den Inn Public House - Trebellan, Cubert 01637 830209 The Treguth Public House - Holywell Bay 01637 830248 Shop & Post Office Post Office, Newsagent, Off Licence & General Cubert Shop 01637 830525 Stores Taxis 123 Associated Taxis 24 Hr service, local rates, over 25 years service 01637 851234 Surf Cabs Cubert Shopping Trip: Prescriptions: Trains: School Runs etc 07305 466905 Undertakers John Nicholls Independently Owned Funeral Service 01637 851177 JANUARY 2021 ADVERTISEMENTS 27 JANUARY 2021 ADVERTISEMENT 28