Memorials Families of the Surname of Arche
" d. e rnam : S u e 3m a . I NTROD T U C I ON . T H E u surna m e throu h out notices of any partic lar , scattered g the records of past centuries , although unassociated with any prominent historical events , and seldom occurring, save in the pages of the County historian , may yet acquire , by their union in a collective form , a certain amount of interest, as illustrating the fortunes of a member of the common family . - m h The Anglo Norman Surna e Archer, was not uncommon in the seventeent . i l century Several fam lies of loca distinction , bore it in various parts of England , U m bersla de i and amongst them , the principal was that of , in Warwickshire , a fam ly much more widely spread, than might be supposed , and the only one , of any note , Coo ersa le — which , unlike those of p , Lizard , Stoke Archer and Dover, is certainly , not w extinct , although in the person of Andre , second and last Lord Archer , the senior male line expired , in the year The following are “ arms assigned to various families of the name — l l 3 i . Archer, Cornwal sable, a chevron between broad arrows argent (the L zard) — Tr l tw . 3 . 2 . k e a s e . be Archer, , Cornwall sab a chev . engr pheons or — 3 . n betw . 2 Archer, Essex azure , a garb erect or laurel branches , tied by a ribbo 3 be tw. 8 t wo in base on a chief emb . arg . arrows, points down , ermine spots , 1 828.
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