Kansas State Guard

August 6, 1917, to November 11, 1919


Ben S. Paulen, Governor

M. R. McLEAN The Adjutant General


T opeka, M ay 15, 1925.



The 1923 legislature appropriated SI.()()() for the compilation of a history of the Kansas State Guard, in order to perpetuate the memory of that organization and its service during the World War. All available data has been used in the publication of this volume and it is the best that could be prepared with the limited amount of funds provided for the purpose. The Kansas State Guard took a very important part in the world’s % greatest conflict. In addition to training the youth to enter the fed­ eral service, performing guard duty, and assisting the various drives to finance our combat troops, they maintained the patriotism of the communities at high ebb and inspired all civilians to revere the name of America, which was an invaluable aid to the state. I take this opportunity to express the appreciation of the state of Kansas to the former officers and men of the State Guard who so willingly gave their time and financial assistance to protect our citizens while the National Guardsmen were on the firing line. M. R. McLEAN, The Adjutant General, Kansas.

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PAGE The Home Guard ...... 5 The Wyandotte Home Guards...... 7 The Kansas State Guard...... 10 Object ...... 10 Organization ...... 11 Designation ...... 11 Membership ...... 11 Officers ...... 11 Organization of Companies ...... 11 Executive Com m ittee...... 11 Proclamation Directing Dem obilization...... 14 General Orders Mustering Out All Units...... 14 General Orders Relative to Armistice Day...... 15 Service Button ...... 15 Roster and Reports of A ctivities...... 17


Prior to 1917 the citizens of Kansas did not bestow much thought upon pro­ tecting municipal and industrial properties by organized bodies ot troops. When we entered the World War the municipalities assumed that in the Na­ tional Guard the state offered ample protection against sabotage and destruc­ tion of property by alien sympathizers. Stories of espionage published in eastern papers, exaggerated through the constantly reiterated repetitions of overzealous and excitable but well-mean­ ing patriots, soon brought Kansas to look upon any person having the slightest trace of German origin or connection with suspicion. Every com­ munity had its tales based upon its fearful imaginings of pro-German ac­ tivities. To the excited public every necessary utility was menaced with ever-present destruction by enemy aliens or German sympathizers. The peak ot this war hysteria was reached in 1918. Its effects were evident, however, in many lo­ calities in the earlier days of the war. On April 17, 1917, the State Council of Defense was organized in the Gov­ ernors office at Topeka. The object of the organization, as set out in the Council’s history, edited by Prof. Frank W. Blackmar, and published in 1920, was “ to mobilize all of the resources of the state for the support of the war.” After organization the Council was divided into a number of departments, to one of which the Department of Public Defense was assigned the duty of or­ ganizing the Home Guards “ for the protection of local property.” Immediately after the meeting of the Defense Council in April, 1917, the organization of Home Guard units was begun in many communities. The first company to be enrolled was located at Kansas City, Kan., and its organization was completed in April, 1917. From this initial unit approximately 150 companies were or­ ganized throughout the state. Few, if any, of the sponsors for the Home Guard movement in the state had knowledge of military organization, and the plans adopted bv the Council bore little semblance to an orderly and effective organization of a military force. It has been stated that many of those active in the original organization expressed the desire that the Home Guard be non­ military in its character, and we find evidence of this intent in the instructions printed on the original blanks used for enrollment of members. These in­ structions stated that the Home Guard “ is a civilian organization and has no connection with the military service of the state of Kansas or of the .” Under the plan of organization adopted by the Council, the officers of each company were a commander, a surgeon, a recorder, and a treasurer. Mayors of cities of the first and second class were appointed as commanders of the units in their respective cities. In localities other than in cities of the first or second class, the sheriff of the county was appointed such commander. The other officers of the company were elected by vote of the members. The four officers named above were authorized to appoint additional officers, whose duty it was to instruct the company in military subjects, and together with (5) C Adjutant General's Department. the officers so appointed by them, constituted an executive committee having full charge and management of all affairs ot the organization. Other than the action taken by the Council of Defense, no official recogni­ tion was given to the Home Guard by the state, and the organization had no official state status until August 6, 1917. On August 5, 1917, civic bodies awoke to the realization that the National Guard had changed its character overnight, and was from that date a part of the army of the United States and no longer subject to orders of state officials. This departure gave impetus to the Home Guard movement in the larger cities of the state, and emphasized the needs of the organization for arms and ammunition. Five hundred Spring- field rifles, cal. 45. were on hand in the state arsenal at the outbreak of the war. These guns, while in serviceable condition, were of an obsolete type, which had been issued in bygone years to the state for use of the militia. The rifles were used by a number of the Home Guard companies for drill pur­ poses for several months. On receipt of the Russian rifles hereinafter referred to. the companies were directed to return the Springfields. In obedience to the order, 400 were received. The remainder were lost or retained by members who refused to turn them in to their company officers. Many of those re­ turned were in unserviceable condition, badly rusted, and otherwise damaged through carelessness and neglect. An El Dorado company had rendered the guns returned by it worthless by sawing off a foot or more of every barrel; probably this was done upon the theory that the guns were longer than neces­ sary, and carried too much gun metal. The act of congress of June 14, 1917, authorized the issue of arms and am­ munition by the government to Home Guard organizations. On September 26. 1917, the Governor forwarded a requisition to Washington for 100 rifles, ammunition, etc., for use of the Kansas City organization; this issue to be used by men on guard duty at the following industrial plants in that city: Na­ tional Zinc Company, 8 men; Armour & Co., 46 men; Peet Brothers Manufac­ turing Company, 35 men; Kansas City Soap Company, 2 men; Ismert-Hincke Milling Company, 3 men; Thomas Ruddy Company, 6 men. This requisition was returned by the War Department with the information that the state should advise the Ordnance Department relative to the number of rifles de­ sired for issue to the entire Home Guard of the state, the War Department desiring to act upon the needs of the Home Guard of the state as an entity. The state authorities delayed action until after the disbandment of the Home Guard. Thus the organization received no arms other than those referred to in the preceding portion of this paragraph. The activities of the Home Guard were largely confined to weekly meet­ ings and drills, and to individual and organization participation in patriotic movements in the various communities of the state. There was no expense incurred by the state in the organization and maintenance of the Home Guard. By executive order dated February 15. 1918, a reorganization was effected under the designation of ‘‘The Kansas State Guard.” Under the provisions of this order members of the newly created State Guard were subject to call for duty in any part of the state. For this reason many organizations of the Home Guard, whose liability for service under the original organization plan " as limited to duty in the county or city in which their respective units Kansas State Guard. 7 were stationed, did not desire to reorganize and assume the enlarged obli­ gations of service. The Home Guard ceased to function as an organization on February 15, 1918. and its members and organizations, not desiring to re­ enroll in the Kansas State Guard, were considered by the state as having been mustered out on that date. The Home Guard was a community organization, with little supervision exercised by the state. No funds were available to meet the expense of clerical hire necessary for the successful operation of a state headquarters for the organization. Such administrative work as was carried on by the state was handled as a secondary matter by state officials and employees whose principal duties lay in other directions. Few reports were required from organizations and few records of value are therefore on file in this department. Those few records, however, indicate the organization of Home Guard units in the state.

THE WYANDOTTE HOME GUARDS. For instance, a delegation of Kansas City men called upon the Governor on August 5, 1917, with a view of securing state or government issue of arms and ammunition for the Home Guard organizations of Wyandotte county, and of obtaining for the organization official state recognition. The attorney general having ruled that under the statutes, if the organization was to func­ tion as an armed force, it was necessary that specific permission to bear arms be granted by the Governor. The conference held with the party from Kansas City led to the promulgation of the executive order of August 6. 1917, author­ izing the organization of the Wyandotte Home Guards, with Harry A. Men­ denhall, mayor of Kansas City, Kan., as commander. A similar executive order was issued from the Governor’s office to cover the organization of each Home Guard unit in the state. By-laws, drawn by the Defense Council and approved by the Governor, were adopted as a model, after which by-laws of all Home Guard units should be patterned. A copy of the executive order authorizing the organization of the Wyandotte Home Guards, together with copy of standard by-laws adopted by the Defense Council, appear below. EXECUTIVE ORDER. T he State of K ansas, Office of the Governor. To All to IVh om These Presents Shall Come, Greeting: K now Y e, That inasmuch as a state of war exists between the United States of America and the German nation, whereby conditions are rendered unusual, in that the troops of the have been called and mustered into the service of the general government, thus for the time being depriving the state of the benefit of its active militia, and at the same time for the better protection and security of persons and property within the state, making necessary and advisable the organization and maintenance of constabulary forces or Home Guards in the several communities of the state. And it appearing that a local organization of Home Guards has been formed in Wyandotte county, in the state of Kansas, in manner and form as outlined in the report of the Home Guard Committee of the Council of Defense of the state of Kansas, approved by me on June 6, 1917, which organization is designated “ Wyandotte Home Guards,” and in substantial compliance with the recommendations of said committee has adopted by-laws which were ap­ proved by me and filed in the office of the Adjutant General of the state of Kansas on the sixth day of August, 1917: 8 Adjutant General's Department.

Now therefore, by virtue of the authority vested by law, I, Arthur Capper, Governor of the state of Kansas, reposing special confidence in the patriotism, loyalty and abilities of Harry A. Mendenhall, the duly elected and acting mayor of Kansas City, Kan., on behalf and in the name of the state, do des­ ignate him commander of Wyandotte Home Guards during the term ot his incumbency of such office as mayor. And it is ordered, That said Harry A. Mendenhall as commanding officer of Wyandotte Home Guards assume full control over and responsibility for said organization, and that he execute to the state of Kansas a bond as pro­ vided by law for the safe-keeping and proper return of all property which may be delivered into his charge as such commanding officer. And it is likewise ordered, That said organization, Wyandotte Home Guards, be and it is hereby granted permission to exist as an independent military or­ ganization for the purposes set forth in its by-laws, but subject to the com­ mand of the Governor of the state, and to bear arms, but shall not without further permission exceed one regiment of infantry as defined in the acts of congress and the regulations of the United States Army. It is likewise ordered, That the by-laws of Wyandotte Home Guards, as filed in the office of the Adjutant General of the state of Kansas, on August 6. 1917, be and they are hereby approved. I n T estimony W hereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused to be affixed the great seal of state. Done at the city of Topeka, Kan., this 6th day of August, a. d. 1917. By the Governor: A rthur C apper, ,J. T. Botkin, Secretary of State. The by-laws referred to in the foregoing executive order, as having been approved by the Governor, and after which the by-laws of all “Home Guard” units were patterned, were as follows:

A rticle I. Home Guards may be organized in Kansas under the following rules and regulations: Application for the organization of Home Guards in any county or city in the state of Kansas shall be made by the sheriff of the county or by the mayor ot any city of the first or second class.

A rticle II. The name of any organization of Home Guards shall be The ------Home Guards. (Designate name of city or county.)

A rticle III.— Object. The object of the formation of Home Guards shall be to promote, develop and foster loyalty and patriotism for flag and country; to furnish elementary military training and knowledge to its members for the purpose of enabling them to enter service in the defense of the country when called upon to do so, and to aid and assist in the federal military service locally in such matters as securing and promoting enlistments and the like, and to raise and distribute hinds tor the purpose; to form, constitute and act as a constabulary force in and *01 the county and city in which organized, for home protection, under military discipline and drill; to aid in conserving the peace; to perform service for the municipality, state and nation in the protection of property and persons; in the protection of property of the United States and the protection ot supplies in course ot manufacture lor the United States, and the protection ot transportation lines where necessary, including rights of war of railroads, bridges and the like. Kansas State Guard. 9

A rticle IV.—Membership. Evenr loyal male citizen over tlie age of eighteen years, and being a resident of the county, applying, shall be eligible to membership on making application, signing the roll and furnishing satisfactory evidence of loyalty and good char­ acter. Article V.— Officers. The officers of such organizations shall consist of a commander, a surgeon, a recorder and a treasurer. The commander of the organization shall be some member thereof designated by the Governor, and shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Governor. The surgeon, recorder and treasurer shall be elected for the term of one year by the members of the organization.

A rticle VI.— Military Instruction. For the purpose of acquiring military training and performing military duties the officers heretofore designated in article V shall appoint military officers to organize and drill the Home Guards as required by United States Army Drill Regulations for like organizations. The officer of the organization named in article V, together with the military officers appointed by them, shall constitute an executive committee, which shall have charge and full manage­ ment of all affairs of the local organization. The commander shall be chair­ man of this committee. When it. is deemed necessary for the local defense of persons or property this organization shall be subject to the call of the Governor or the local peace officers.

A rticle VII. A duplicate membership roster of the organization shall be filed with the Adjutant General of the state of Kansas.

Article VIII. All units shall be organized in accordance with United States Army Regula­ tions, and all drill instruction shall be in accordance with the United States Infantry Drill Regulations. A rticle IX. Regular meetings of the organizations of Home Guards shall be held at. least four times each month, on such dates and at such hours and places as may be designated by the executive committee. Special meetings may be called at any time. A rticle X. Suitable by-laws for the organization and conduct of Home Guards, in substantial compliance with the above regulations, shall be prepared and adopted and submitted with the application for the approval of the Governor.

Article XI. Attention is called to the state and federal laws prohibiting unauthorized organizations to bear arms, and emphasizing the necessity for obtaining the authority of the Governor before armed organizations can be allowed. In T estimony W hereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state. Done at the city of Topeka. Kan., this 6th day of August, a. d. 1917. By the Governor.

Secretary oj State. 10 Adjutant General's Department.

THE KANSAS STATE GUARD. The organization of the Kansas State Guard was authorized by the Governor on February 15, 1918. During the preceding year there had existed in the state a civilian organization known as the Home Guard, a brief history of which is set out in the foregoing pages. A number of causes led to the abolish­ ment of the Home Guard and its reorganization as the Kansas State Guard. Principal among these causes was the absence of statutory authority for the maintenance of such a force in the state. Questions relative to authority and police power of officers and organizations of the Home Guard were constantly confronting the state officials, and with no definite authority of law for the existence of the organization, these officials were oiten placed in an em­ barrassing position in solving the problems submitted to them. The control of each unit by a committee composed of civilians, whose interest in many cases was either merely passive or wholly lacking, led to dissatisfaction and inactive organizations. It was believed that through a reorganization the weak companies of the Home guard might be disbanded and the active units formed into an organization of value to the state and community. The original draft of the reorganization plan submitted to the Adjutant General provided for the organization of two infantry regiments of twelve companies each, organization of the regiments to conform to the peace-time organization of like units of the Regular Army. Provision was made tor physical examination of applicants for commission and enlistment in the new force and the rejection of those not physically cpialified for active service. So far as possible, requirements for membership and commission and the obliga­ tion of the officers and enlisted men were made to conform to regulations governing the National Guard of the state as it existed prior to entry into United States service. It was desired, if possible, to establish a force which might be at some later date easily converted as a National Guard organization. The proposal to limit the number of units of State Guard to be organized, and the requirements for membership, failed to meet the approval of the Adjutant General, and a compromise plan was adopted, providing for the organization of an unlimited number of battalions and separate companies, with no requirement for membership other than that the applicant be a citizen of the United States over the age of eighteen. The organization plan finally adopted and approved by the Governor is set out in Executive Order No. 1, dated February 15, 1918, reading as follows:

State of K ansas, T he Governor's Office, T opeka, February 15, 1918. Executive Order No. 1. 1. Executive order of this office, bearing date of August 5, 1917, is hereby revoked, and the following substituted therefor: 2. The Kansas State Guard shall be subject to the call of the Governor lor active service within the state, and shall be organized and maintained under the following conditions: (a) Object. The object of the formation of the Kansas State Guard shall be to promote, develop and foster loyalty and patriotism for flag and country; to furnish elementary military training and knowledge to its members for the purpose ol enabling them to enter the service in defense of the country when called upon to do so, and to aid and assist in the federal military sen ice locally in such matters as the promotion of enlistments; the raising and Kansas State Guard. 11 distributing of funds for military purposes; to form, constitute and act as a constabulary force in and for the state, county or city in which organized; to perform services for the nation, state or municipality in the protection of property and persons. (b) Organization. Authority for organization of a unit of the Kansas State Guard will be given by the Adjutant General. Whenever it is deemed advisable to organize a company or other unit of the Kansas State Guard, the sheriff of the county, the mayor of the city of the first or second class, or any reliable citizen of the county or city in which it is desired to organize such unit, shall make application to the Adjutant General for authority to organize, setting out in such application the approximate number of applicants for membership in such organization, a statement of the probable moral and financial support to be given to the organization by the community, and such other facts as will be of value in determining the advisability of the organization. (c) D esignation. If deemed advisable by the Adjutant General/units of the Kansas State Guard may be grouped into battalions of four companies. Such battalion shall be designated by number, and the companies com­ prising such battalion shall be designated by letters, A. B. C and I). Addi­ tional companies may be attached to such battalions for administrative pur­ poses, such attached companies to be designated by letters, E, F. G, etc. Separate companies not comprising a part of, or attached to, a battalion shall be designated by letters A, B, C, etc., followed by the name of the county or city in which organized. ( d ) M embership. Every loyal male citizen of the United States over the age of eighteen years shall be eligible to membership in the Kansas State Guard: Provided, That such membership shall be in a unit whose station is within the county of the applicant s residence. (e) Officers. There shall be commissioned by the Governor one Major, commanding oflicer of each battalion, and in addition thereto, for each battal­ ion, one Captain (adjutant), one Captain (supply officer), and one Captain (surgeon). In each company there shall be commissioned one Captain, one First Lieutenant, and one Second Lieutenant. (/) Organization of Companies. It is recommended that companies be organized with the following personnel: 1 Captain, commanding. 2 Cooks. 1 First Lieutenant. 2 Musicians. 1 Second Lieutenant. 1 Artificer. 1 First Sergeant. 48 Privates. 1 Quartermaster Sergeant. 4 Sergeants. 68 Total. G Corporals. (g) E xecutive Committee. The sheriff of the county or the mayor of the city of the first or second class in which a unit or units of the Kansas State Guard are located shall be ex officio chairman of an executive committee, which shall have charge, under supervision of the Adjutant General, of all financial and administrative affairs of the units represented on such committee. (h) Regular meetings of each organization of the Kansas State Guard shall be held at least four times each month, on such dates and at such hours and places as may be designated by the executive committee. Special meetings may be called at any time. (?) Attention is called to the state and federal laws prohibiting unauthor­ ized organizations to bear arms, and emphasizing the necessity of obtaining authority of the Governor before armed organizations can be allowed. (;) Such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the pro­ visions of this order shall be published from time to time by The Adjutant General in the form of orders, circulars, memoranda, etc. A rthur C apper, Governor of Kansas. I 12 Adjutant General’s Department. 1 The state’s interest in the new organization was immediately reflected in the various communities of the state. Men active in public affairs throughout the state gave to the organization their heartiest support and encouragement. Public meetings were held in hundreds of towns of the state and scores of companies were immediately recruited. In many instances the muster-in of the new companies was made a public ceremony of importance in the com-

munitv.* Chambers of commerce, community clubs and similar bodies pledged their moral and financial support to the organization, and funds were raised by popular subscription for the purchase of uniforms for many companies. Notwithstanding an opinion of the attorney-general that such action was con­ trary to law, county commissioners in a number of counties voted public funds for purchase of equipment for units of the State Guard. Instances ot this character are cited as an evidence of the enthusiasm with which the or­ ganizations were supported in many communities of the state. In the judgment of those interested in reorganization of the Home Guard, it was believed probable that approximately fifty companies of State Guard could be organized in the state. This number of organizations was recruited within a few days after organization was authorized. The hundred mark was soon passed. In all, 281 companies of State Guard were organized, with an average membership per company of sixty-five men. It is probable that during the existence of the State Guard, from its organization on February 15, 1918. to its muster-out on November 11 of the following year, at least 20.000 men served in the organization. The numerous organizations and large personnel made it impossible for the state headquarters, with the few clerks authorized for the work, to administer the organization in the manner neces­ sary to secure the best results. A great number of the organizations were uni­ formed at personal or public expense. Weekly drills, by company or battalion, were held. Men anticipating induction into United States service under the selective-service law joined the organization in order to benefit by such military instruction as might be imparted by its officers. The desire to take an active part in patriotic movements in their community induced many men to join the organization. In the public mind, every citizen was expected to become active in some war work, and the State Guard offered to many citizens the opportunity of giving public testimony of their patriotism. In peace time, an organization of this character, offering no financial returns for the time devoted to its activities, would probably have failed in the initial stages of its development. The entire character and viewpoint of the people of the state was so changed by the war that little was required to stir them into a patriotic fervor, the only outlet lor which was to join some organization engaged in warlike activities. Lack of military equipment greatly hampered the organizations in their desire to assume a military appearance and to give color to the organization’s claim of being state troops. Innumerable inquiries were received at the state headquarters relative to the possibility of securing arms for the various com­ panies. The Russian revolution left the United States’ ordnance department with several million military rifles on hand, manufactured under orders from the imperial government, the shipment of which had been held up pending establishment of a stable government in that country. Information having been received from the War Department that these rifles were available for issue to Home and State Guard organizations of the various states, requisition Kansas State Guard. 13 was forwarded to Washington, and 1.273 rifles, with a large quantity of ammu­ nition. were received by the state. A few of these rifles were shipped out to two or three companies of the State Guard as trial issues. It was later decided, however, that the better policy would be to hold the remainder of the ship­ ment in original packing cases in the state arsenal, rather than to distribute the entire lot among the organizations. The Governor had assumed respon­ sibility for the proper care and ultimate return of the rifles to the government, and it was found after a short trial that rifles furnished the organizations were in certain cases not given the care necessary to keep them in serviceable con­ dition. A few months after the armistice, guns in the hands of organizations were recalled, and on April 30, 1919, the.entire lot was returned to the govern­ ment arsenal. On May 4. 1918, authority was received from the War Department for the organization in Kansas of two regiments of National Guard infantry. Circular letters, setting out the requirements for organization and membership in the National Guard, were mailed out to all State Guard units, it being the desire of the department to recruit the National Guard from among the units of the State Guard then existing in the state. The War Department having an­ nounced that the newly organized National Guard units would not be called for sendee overseas, it was considered that many of the State Guard units would probably embrace the opportunity of entering the sendee of the state and nation as members of a military force recognized by the government and fully equipped and maintained at state and government expense. Much to the surprise and disappointment of those interested in the organization of the National Guard, the opportunity of entering the National Guard service met with little response from members of the State Guard units. In some localities of the state in which recruiting for the National Guard was begun there was evidence of an undercurrent of antagonism on the part of officers and en­ listed men of the State Guard. Of the 281 companies of State Guard there were but six companies whose entire eligible membership was enlisted in the National Guard. The remaining units were mustered out on November 11, 1919, by order of the Governor. The activities of the State Guard were confined to participation in weekly drills, patriotic parades, assistance in Liberty Loan, Red Cross and kindred “drives,” instruction of men anticipating early induction into the army, and in a few cases to the furnishing of guard details for property protection. Other than such expense as was incurred for postage and clerical hire at state head­ quarters, and for the transportation of rifles and ammunition referred to in a preceding paragraph, the maintenance of the State Guard was without ex­ pense to the state. The duties performed were rendered voluntarily and without pay, and such expenses as were incurred by the organization were met bv personal or community contributions. The Governors proclamation demobilizing the State Guard was signed on October 15, 1919. Copy of this proclamation, together with copies of orders from this office providing for the closing of records and affairs of the various units, the organization's participation in the Armistice Day celebration, and the designation of the official service button, follow: 14 Adjutant General’s Department.



W hereas, There has come to my attention the very general desire on the part of the members ot the Kansas State Guard tor demobilization; and W hereas, The cessation of the war having brought about such return to normal conditions that their services are no longer needed, I have chosen November 11, 1919, as the date upon which the demobilization of the Kansas State Guard shall be complete. The Kansas State Guard came into existence as a voluntary organization during the war, and at a time when there were many opportunities for it to serve the state. Its presence was a guaranty against disorder that might arise in Kansas communities during the war. It gave great assistance in the various patriotic drives which were necessary during these trying periods. It stood al­ ways as an exponent of Americanism and the patriotic performance ot duty. Many men subject to draft received their first training in its ranks, and went from the State Guard better prepared for the army activities because ot the training and experience in this state organization. During the various cele­ brations in honor of the soldiers returning from overseas, the State Guard has served with dignity and effectiveness. In giving this direction for its final demobilization, I wish to record the gratitude of the state for the splendid services which the State Guard has rendered in peculiar times. It was one of the absolutely necessary organiza­ tions of the war, and its voluntary membership gave to the duties of the or­ ganization, which were often exacting, unselfish and untiring energies. I n W itness W hereof, I have caused to be affixed the great seal of the state of Kansas. Done at the state capitol, in the city of Topeka, this loth day of October, 1919. H enry J. A llen, Governor oj Kansas. L. J. Pettyjohn, Secretary of State.


H eadquarters, K ansas State G uard, T he A djutant G eneral's Office, T opeka, October 17, 1919. G eneral Orders, ) No. (»9. j 1. Pursuant to proclamation of the Governor, dated October 15, 1919, the commissioned and enlisted personnel of the Kansas State Guard will be mus­ tered out and honorably discharged from the service of the state on November 11, 1919. 2. Upon receipt of this order, commanding officers of battalions and sepa­ rate units will immediately ascertain and advise this office bv letter as to the present commissioned and enlisted strength of their respective commands. Reports of battalion commanders will set out designation of their battalion and of the companies comprising their command, together with the commis­ sioned and enlisted strength of each of such companies and of the battalion staff. Commanding officers of separate units will report the designation of their unit and the commissioned and enlisted strength thereof. 3. Blank muster rolls and discharges will be forwarded to the commanding officers on receipt of reports required under provisions of paragraph 2. Muster rolls and discharges will be prepared in a neat and legible manner and for­ warded to this office without delay. Every effort will be made by responsible officers to insure delivery of discharges to enlisted men within thirty days after receipt thereof, at the expiration of which period undelivered discharges will be forwarded to this office, to be held subject to call of discharged men. 4. Property and funds belonging to the organizations at time of muster-out will be disposed of in such manner as may be determined by a vote of the majority of the members of the organization. Commanding officer of each Kansas State Guard. 15 unit will submit to this office a statement of property and funds belonging to his organization and the disposition made thereof. To each statement will be attached certificate signed by the company commander, certifying that prop­ erty and funds of the organization was disposed of in accordance with the pro­ visions of this order. By command of the Governor. C. I. M artin, 'I'he Adjutant General. Chief of Staff.

Headquarters, K ansas State G uard, The Adjutant G eneral’s D epartment, T opeka, K an., November 7. 1919. G eneral Orders No. TO. ■i 1. November 11, 1919. having been set aside as the day for final muster-out of the Kansas State Guard, it is deemed fitting and proper that the officers and enlisted men of the various organizations throughout the state assemble on that date for participation in the celebration of the first anniversary of “ Armis­ tice Day,' and for such formal ceremonies as may be desired in mustering out the organization. 2. The various details incident to the assembling of the organizations' on November 11, 1919, is hereby delegated to the commanding officers of bat­ talions and separate companies, who should confer and cooperate with parties in charge of the “ Armistice Day” celebration in their localities. By command of the Governor. q j M artin 'flic Adjutant General. Chief of Staff.

H eadquarters, K ansas State G uard, Adjutant G eneral’s Office, T opeka, February 9, 1920. G eneral O rders, \ No. 1. j 1. Service Button. In recognition of the service, patriotism and loyalty of the Kansas State Guardsmen to state and country during the World War, I hereby designate a service emblem for the Kansas State Guard, to be known as the “official service button of the Kansas State Guard.” a description of which follows: 2. D escription. The button is circular, five-eighths inch diameter. The center is a sunflower slightly raised, in bronze, which represents the state of Kansas. Surrounding the sunflower is an inlay of blue enamel; through this enamel there appears the words, in gold, “State Guard, World War.” These words and the sunflower taken together symbolizes the state troops and the particular service rendered by them. The rim is beveled and composed of gold. The button consists of two pieces with screw fastener, and is made for the lapel. 3. By W hom W orn. This official button may be worn by all members of the Kansas State Guard, whether honorably discharged or still remaining in the service. 4. How Obtained. These buttons can be obtained from A. R. Neville, 516 Harrison street, Topeka, Kan., who has the emblem for sale, and who will fill all orders as promptly as possible. By command of the Governor: C. I. M artin, The Adjutant General, Official C opy. Chief of Staff. 16 Adjutant Generals Department.

Considerable difficulty was experienced in securing action on the part of company commanders in completing discharges for members of the State Guard mustered out on November 11, 1919. in pursuance of proclamation of the Governor. Of the 281 companies organized, commanding officers of 50 companies failed to complete muster-out rolls and discharges for their com­ mand. Concerning these companies the records of the Adjutant General’s office are, therefore, incomplete, no evidence of final discharge being on file. The provisions of the Governor s proclamation fixing the date of final muster- out and discharge as of November 11, 1919, govern the matter, however, and service of officers and men in the State Guard is considered to have been terminated on that date. The roster of Kansas State Guard units, organized during the period from February 15, 1918, to November 11, 1919, furnishing muster-out rolls, is set forth below. Kansas State Guard. 17


Headquarters, 1st Battalion, Kansas City, Kan.

M ajor: Captain and Surgeon: Sergeant-Major: Janies N. Atkinson. C. M . Stemsen. Porter, J. E.

Captain and Adjutant: First Lieutenant: Mess Sergeant: U. II. Poindexter. Evan II. Browne. Kennedy, L. G.

Captain and Supply Officer: Clement Williams. LOSS. M ajor: C. H. Poindexter, resigned.

No report of activities furnished.

Company “ A,” 1st Battalion, Kansas City, Kan.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. E. D. Draper. Asplund, Charles. McNaughton, J. F. Blankenship, Williard. Neal, W. H. First Lieutenant: Bridewell, F. Pronce, J. E. R. R. Johnston. Brown, L. C. Quisenberry, A. E. Bundv, Kenneth. Reed, C. H. Second Lieutenant: Cash, C. F. Rhoads, C. P. Clark, Charles. Robinson, R. W . C. A. Kuhn. Cobb, C. E. Sherer, William. Crouch, A. C. Shipley, W . N. First Sergeant: Dulaney, F. Stewart, Samuel, Jr. Quisenberry, George. Dyer, John. Sullivan, Louis. Eaton, L. E. Tavlor, C. A. Sergeants: Eaton, Ray. Tipton, W . Cable, J. A. Freeman, C. L. Tritle, E. A. Jackson, E. D. Griffis, A. E. Tritle, F. L ., Jr. Selby, J. H. Hanna, H. A. Troup, D. W. Honnel, W . R. Vaughn, F. G. Corporals: Horseman, George. Vaughn, G. II. Bartling, W . R. Hyman, W. H. Vaughn, W . L. Hendricks, A. A. Logan, Reece. Watkins, H. E. Leighton, P. S. Matthews, W. F. Williams, H. Longfellow, C. S. Miller, R. C. Woodcock, 0. R. Shade, D. D. McAlpine, R. L.

This company did not report any war-time activities.

2—4436 18 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ B,” 1st B attalion, Kansas City, Kan.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. C. L. Pickell. Adams, F. W. Merrill, C. E. Beaman, Leonard. Miller, Jess. First IAeutenant: Benedict, Arthur. Mitchell, J. E. D. Lynch. Blakemore, Talbot. Moselev, W. C., Jr. Blum, J. W . Mott, Floyd L. Second Lieutenant: Bowler, Lester. Munder, N . Bush, Joe. MeCamish, J. R. John Fail weather. Cannon, John. McCathron, J. R. Cunningham, Lawrence. Reynolds, C. D. First Sergeant: Curtis, George. Roach, D . Samuel, R. T. Curtis, L. W. Scherer, G. B. Da we, C. E. Schweder, Neels. Sergeants: Fish, S. H. Standish, C. E. Capp, Bert M. Fleener, Paul. Stegmaier, C. Taylor, W . Green, Harold C. Stine, LeRoy. Wilhelm, E. M. Griffiths, Ellis. Soward, F. M. Harris, James. Terrell, Russell. Corporals: Herron, Ronald. Troutwain, Sylveston. Horseman, E. II. Trowbridge, J. Cline, R. F. Hovey, W. T. Wagner Daniel. Farris, Faust. Hupp, Charles. Walters, Wyeth. Gates, Glen E. Hutchinson, T. O. Williams, George C. Knox, Raymond. Jones, J. W . Williamson, E. C. Shaffer, Thomas. King, J. X . Wilson, James R. Lasley, C. Winters, Milton T. Matthews, J. J. Woestemover, H. F. Mayer, Carlysle.

This company did not furnish any report of its activities.

Company “ C,” 1st Battalion, Kansas City, Kan.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. U. G. Gates. Belon, Mike. Smith, Luther. Bittick, C. M. Spitzengel, James. First Lieutenant: Buckley, J. Stewart, A. Dail Brennerman. Chanev, Dewey R; Stiglick, Frank. Clark, F. S. Stroud, G. W. Second Lieutenant: Daniels, Henry. Sty pa, John Heeter, Joseph. Sulek, Steve. E. E. Williams. Hough, LeRoy. Underwood, W. J. I ret on, Clarence L. Woodall, John. First Sergeant: Keller, C. C. Woodside, James. Wilson, Walter. Ivocibuski, Joe. Kutchko,. Lewis. Sergeants: Matney, Austin. Robinson, E. D. Maxfield, Frank. Watson, R. E. Munden, Nathan. McClintock, Elmer. Corporals: Osted, Fred. Eaken, J. W . Owens, It. B. Madley, Stanley. Pritchart, A. C. Nevarill, Joe. Puckett, J. H. Rollwagen, Fred. Richardson, William R.

This company did not furnish any report of its activities. Kansas State Guard. 19

Company “ D ,” 1st Battalion, Kansas City, Kan.

CaptQin: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Eugene Stotler. Arnold, C. F. Maulding, E. Brown, James. Palmer, Arthur L. First Lieutenant: Dale, H. W. Pemberton, Ray. George Wright. Da we, Omer T. Petit, George M . Eshon, D. E. Pietrzyk, F. J. Second Lieutenant: Evans, Ilershal. Podry, Frank G. Gregg, Louis. Poling, C. E. William Beggs. Herrod, Paul. Rhodes, Arthur F. Hicks, Harry R. Robison, L. R. First Sergeant: Hite, William. Rosenburg, Emery Estes, Ben. Hoggard, Harwood. Rosenburg, John. Horseman, Elmer. Schmotz, J. J. Sergeants: Hull, George A. Trasher, Fred. I)i\on, Paul R. Ledbetter, William M . Watkins, T. Grueninger, William. Lemanski, Louie. Williams, Claude. Lynch, J. S. Corporals: Abbott, G. A. Lind, Robert. Ludwig, Otto.

This company did not furnish any report of its activities.

Company “ E,” 1st Battalion, Kansas City, Kan.

Captain: rates: Privates— Concluded. David F. Carson. Boylan, W . S. Lang, Joseph. Brown, J. D. Lowder, C. A. First Lieutenant: Curtis, E. W . Powers, M . E. Reed, W . II. John McFadden. Dengal, A. G. Dougherty, Bradford. Sharp, Fred. Second Lieutenant: Hendricks, A. A. Stiles, Ray. Huff, Owen. Uzelac, Mike. Frank Gibson. Huff. Paul E. Worline, R. H. First Sergeant: Dreiinan, William.

inv report of its activities.

* lNY, 1st Battalion, Kansas City. Kan.

Captain: irates: Privates— Concl uded. George M . Barrell. Addison, J. E. Higgins, Aikmus, Roy. Hunt, First Lieutenant: Alexander, A. IT Malotte, E. C. Henry Weinhold. Bauer, John W . Malotte, W. E. Beets, N. C. Miller, Harold. Second Lieutenant: Blevins, William C. Monroe, Ardin C. Bowman, Henry. McGuire, James. Fred Harris. Brown, E. L. Perkins, Robert W . Cagle, Clarence E. Potter, Herbert F. First Sergeant: Christianson. Pratt, William L. Kingman, R. T. Cissna, Charles G. Rice, Herman. Coakley, Joseph. Sargent, Sergeants: Darby, Roy. Severs, Earl. DeMarteau, A. Spalding, William S. Mathews, D. W. Sturdevent, Rice, Ira B. Dutcher, Wival E. Fetters, Harry. Thomas, R. G. Fine, Paul. Van Deventer, Frank B. Corporals: Gilbert. Earl B. Westfall, Earl. Beets, W . J. Gorseline, H. E. Westfall, Edward. Craggs, W . E. Gosche, Westfall, George. Goebel, Peter F. Harper, Earl A. Winkler, Harry M.

This company did not any report of its activities. 20 Adjutant General’s Department.

H eadquarters, 2d B attalion, Lawrence.

l o s s e s . M a jor: Captain and Adjutant: Joseph H. Dunkel, Albert D. Carroll, resigned. resigned.

X o report of activities furnished.

Company “ A ,” 2d Battalion, Lawrence.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Frank B. Dodds. At hey, Elmer R. Reseller, Charles O. Beebe, William Loit, Leroy. First Lieutenant: Bennett, Frank H. Lowman, William K. John S. St. Clair. Bratton, Paul. Moneymaker, Carl Brooks. Ralph E. McNeill, John D\ Second Lieutenant: Brooks, William G. Parker, John H. Browning, Joe. Patchin, Thomas W. August Wahl. Bullene, George I. Peterson, Ed C. Carey, Ralph. Piper, Nelson Quartermaster Sergeant: Deitrich, Francis F. Robertson, Charles M Yiets, Ivan D. Deitrich, William H. Smith, Charles W. Dicker, Myron F. Smith, Lee F. Corporals: Petty, Eddie R. Stewart, William M. DeWatteville, Roland A. Gernand, Martin II. Swisher, John W . Gish, Albert A. Gray, Paul D. Underwood, Prescott. New mark, Winfred M. Griffitts, William A. Yieux, Lawrence E. Noble, Charles F. Hamming, Erwin C. Weber, Joe. Harding, Walter J. Weingartner, Henry. Musician: Hughes, Charles Y. Westfall, Edward E. Wiggins, Alfred C. Kyselka, Otto King, William E. Kissinger, Charles W . Wilson, Karl L. Lane, James O. Wright, James C. Leigh, Clarence V.

LOSSES. Sergeants: Privates— Continued. Privat es— Co ncluded. Charlton, John W ., Danner, William R., O’Brien, Floyd H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Cornelius, Paul D ., Edgar, George B., Jr., Palmer, Lawrence D., discharged. discharged. discharged. Cox, Romeo E., discharged. Fultz, James L., Pearson, John, discharged. discharged. Corporals: Gallagher, Walter J., Pentlin, Ralph F., discharged. discharged. Cohn, Marcel, discharged. Gaumer, Wayne D., Peters, Castle R., Strong, Curtis, discharged. discharged. discharged. Musician: Greenlees, Charles R., Pettey, Julice C ., Groves, Earl F ., discharged. Akers, Merton T ., discharged. Price,Leslie D., discharged. Haelsig, Walter V., discharged. discharged. Stevenson, Burton, Privates: Harbour, Bert F., discharged. Bateson, Frank, discharged. Tuttle, Arthur E., discharged. Havenhill, Marshall A., discharged. Beeson, Clyde J., discharged. Webber, Frederick M. discharged. Higgins, Harold X ., discharged. Bowman, Richard M ., discharged. Wilson, Kenneth IT., discharged. Hostetter, Eugene H., discharged. Brass, Ralph, discharged. discharged. Wright, Charles R., Burgess, Elmer R ., Meshwert, Luther M ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Carey, Walter A., McBride, Ralph W ., discharged. discharged. Chailton, Theodore S., McNees, Sterling E., discharged. discharged. Kansas State Guard. 21

Company “ A ,” 2i> Battalion. Lawrence— Concluded.

ACTIVITIES. Participated in all four Liberty loan drives, and acted as escort to all contingents called into ser.ice. Performed guard duty at Kansas University at time of fire at Fowler shops for a period of two days. Acted as funeral escort five times at burial of deceased soldiers sent horn? for burial; fur­ nished firing squad six times at funerals under military honors. Performed guard duty at bridge when called upon by local authorities on Kansas river bridge. This company was uniformed by a fund made up by the citizens of Lawrence and banks of Lawrence. The unit held regular drills once per week and had practice at bivouac camp on three occasions.

Company “ B.” 2d Battalion, Lawrence. First Lieutenant: Frank Anderson. LOSSES. Captain : First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Paul A. Dinsmoor, Harold B. Maxwell. Clarence C. Stewart, Resigned. Resigned. Resigned.

Xo muster-out roll furnished.

H eadquarters, 3d Battalion, Wichita.

Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Adjutant: ('aptam and Surgeon: J. H. Stewart. Grant G. McMullen. James H. Adams.

LOSSES. Major: Captain: William II. Ralston, Andrew M. Brodie, Resigned. Resigned.

Headquarters, 3d Battalion, did not furnish any report of its activities. 99 Adjutant General's Department.

Company “ A ,” 3d Battalion, Wichita.

Capta-in: Sergeants: Privat cs— Concluded: George H. Snyder. Holeman, Briggs F. Frank, Edward B. Nance, Fred F. Haun, A. C. Spining, Robert T. Hemmenway, A. G. E. First Lieutenant: Hensley, H. F. Rufus M. Crum. Corporals: Holeman, George J. Huffman, Phil C. Honomichl, William. Moore, R. W. Second Lieutenant; Nance, Everet R. Riggs, E. F. Jess P. Lawrence. Robinson, A. F. Privates: Sherman, Fred. First Sergeant: Anderson, Albert L. Suavely, Guy M. Meyers, Amos W. Buchaman, F. O. Timmons, C. S. Coghlan, E. T. Mess Sergeant: Crawford, G. A. Hunt, Thomas K. Dumbolton, J. A.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Privates: Imitates— Concluded: E. Loyd Cole, resigned. Adkins, B. H., discharged. Hubbard, Fred., Adkins, Phil P., discharged. Second Lieutenant: discharged. Klintworth, J. E., discharged. Frank S. Boone, resigned. Bachman, A. L., discharged. Laskey, W. T., discharged. First Sergeant: Ball, Charles O., discharged. Lusk, Frank, discharged. Clark, James A., Baumunk, F. S., Markwell, R. B., discharged. discharged. discharged. Bayouth, E. J., Muff, J. L ., discharged. Sergeants: discharged. McPherson, Charles L., Hawk, Wilbur D., Bradford. E., discharged. discharged.- discharged. Brown, F. R., discharged. Reed, V. E., discharged. Johnson, Carl L., Christopher, J. H., Smith, A. E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Smith, Roy P., Pel ley, Percy H ., Crafts, J. H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Dannar, Lewis, Stabb, A., discharged. discharged. Stanley, V. A., Corporals: DeCourcey, V. St. E., discharged. Blight, Lawrence W ., discharged. Stewart, F. A., discharged. Detweiler, Amerym, discharged. Dawson, Harry A., discharged. Talbot, George B., discharged. . DeYaughn, A. J., discharged. Rairden, Paul J., discharged. Tat man, W . C., discharged. Elliott, W. H., discharged. Royse, William R., discharged. Truitt, H. G., discharged. discharged. Fonts, I. L., discharged. Watson, W. P., Hendricks, O. A., discharged. discharged. Wellman, P., discharged. Hicks, H. M., discharged. Wiggs, H. T., discharged. Hubbard, F. G., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. April 20, 1918, the 3d Battalion furnished an escort for Secretary M cAdoo on his visit to Wichita to aid the Third Liberty loan campaign. Company A furnished the commander and eighteen men. M ay 30, 1918. Battalion acted as escort for selected service men from the city building to the depot, and escorted succeeding detachments as they departed for the cantonments. Company A furnished escorts and firing squads for twenty-one deceased soldiers. This battalion furnished escort for General Wood on his visit to Wichita in aid of the Red Cross drive in M ay, 1918. A company’s captain acted as personal aid. Company A furnished working party to assist in getting the influenza hospital ready for handling patients. This work required ten days to complete. This battalion furnished escort to attend General Leonard Wood on his visit to Wichita in aid of Liberty loan drive. Company A assisted in war-saving drive, June 28. The company furnished detachment for escort in receiving Colonel Roosevelt on his visit to Wichita in Liberty loan drive. Company A took a conspicuous part in celebration of armistice on November 11, 1918. 1 he members of this company were ever faithful and ever ready to assist in all war work, and I can say that every officer and man gave his best service until either called to the colors or enlisted in the Kansas National Guard. I am positive that the men of this organization who entered the United States service were better qualified on account of the training received with the state guard. Kansas State Guard. 23

Company “ B,” 3d Battalion, Wichita.

Captain: Corporals: Privates— Concluded. Charles Oliver DeVorss. Brubaker, John. Inman, Charles. Brumfield, Joseph. Inman, Revy C. First Lieutenant: Bryant, William E. Irving, Floyd. William H. Hillman. Harris, Oscar L. Jones, Arthur E. Rasberry, Harry C. La Fever, Edward. Second Lieutenant: Simpson, Wallace B. Lloyd, Raymond M. Stronquist, Emil. Mau, Theodore. Charles Dalrymple. Turk, Roscoe T. McFall, John R. Osborn, C. M . First Sergeant: Musician: Penny, Daniel W . Haekelman, Charles B. Daniels, Herman T . Pierce, Byrl Francis. Potts, Ralph B. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bugler: Richter, Fred L. Watson, Ira C. Rowe, Alvin G. Stone, Bernard T. Ruhr, R. II. Mess Sergeant: Skinner, Newton A. Privates: Speer, John L. Row, Clifton C. Alfry, Alfred. Spires, Ray C. Ashelman, Earnest. Stephenson, Edward M . Sergeants: Ashley, Eugene. Tanksley, William B. Davis, Lawrence. Barnhill, Brice L. Thompson, Clyde. Fruhauf, Ludwig. Bliss, Lewis S. Tuner, John E. Gifford, Noble C. Fields, J. Larkin. Turner, Elmer. Means, Eldon Ash. Hallgan, Eddie R. Wagy, Clarence J. Morrison, Leonidus B. Hankins, Preston A. Wagy, John M . Higginbotham, William A. Watson, Ira C. Horner, Elmer J. Wiley, Theodore C. Howard, Cecil. Williams, Valentine X .

LOSSES. First Lieutenants: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Eddie E. Starrett, resigned. Flemming, Frank, Parker, James A., William McKinley Hillman, discharged. deserted. resigned. Francis, Earl A., resigned. Phillips, Lewis E., Francis, William J. B., deserted. Privates: discharged. Rogers, Frank W ., Bradshaw, Paul, resigned. George. Edwin R., transferred. Biewener, Earnest A., discharged. Royer, Horace, transferred. discharged. Hardin, Henry J., Shanyo, Leslie, transferred. Brant, Wesley C., discharged. Simison, Cora A., resigned. Henning, Joseph P., resigned. Bryant, Herschell L., transferred. Simpson, Harold, discharged. Jones, Charles R ., transferred. Burnham, Ralph W ., • discharged. Smith, Chester E., deserted. Kopietz, Anton E., deserted. Gain, Orville A., deserted. Stein, Ray E., transferred. discharged. Krebs, Clifford M ., Stone, John C., discharged. Carter, Ora Z., died. discharged. Talbott, Wayne A., Chester, Cecil E., Main, John Gordon, died. transferred. resigned. Mo wen.', Frank, deserted. Thomas, Charles L., Churin, Harry A., deserted. Xewfer, Sheridan, resigned. discharged. Colliotie, Joseph, Olson, Clarence E., Wilhennv, Max L., transferred. discharged. discharged. Cromwell, John II., Olson, Roy II., discharged. Winne, Roscoe W ., discharged. transferred. ACTIVITIES. April 26, 1918, the 3d Battalion furnished an escort for Secretary McAdoo on his visit to Wichita to aid the Third Liberty loan. May 30, 1918, Company B acted as escort to Grand Army of the Republic to cemetery. May 30, 1918, the battalion acted as escort for selected service men, from city building to depot, and as escort for succeeding detachments as they departed. Company B furnished escorts and filing squads for twenty-one deceased soldiers. Company B furnished guard for government aeroplane during their stay at Jones Auto Factory. Company D furnished guard for mail scout aeroplane at McKnight field. Company B guarded the influenza hospital at Twenty-first and Topeka avenue, Wichita, Kan., and cleaned the building and put up a number of beds. This battalion furnished escort to General Leonard Wood on his visit to Wichita in aid of Fourth Liberty loan drive. Company B furnished an escort to Col. Theodore Roosevelt on his visit to Wichita in aid of the fourth Liberty loan drive. Company B furnished guard for British war relics during International wheat show ex­ hibits. This company furnished guard for United States war exhibits at the Missouri Pacific passenger depot in September. All companies assisted in war savings drive, Jun * 28, 1918. The unit was conspicuous in celebration of the Armistice, November 11, 1918. 24 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C,” 3d Battalion Wichita.

First Lieutenant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. George \V. Forbes. Buck, Allen. Hubert, Ernest. Casford, Kenneth R. Hurst, Andrew. Scr(/cants: Dadisman, Ross. Musgrave, E. H. Neilson, Galen. Davis, C. F. Daughty, Frank. Shives, George P. Marts, H. B. Elmore, Justin. Evans, Donald IE Stromie, George. Corporal: Fenn, Randolph. Sutton, Alburt. Gorden, Walter E. Tankersley, Harold. Blevins, J. L. Higgins, Rex. Whipple, Thomas W . Hobbs, Ford. Wilkerson, Edward W. Musician: Hopper, Herbert M . Cox, Henry C. Horton, Harry S.

LOSSES. Captain : Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Glenn B. Turner, resigned. Austin, Lindsey W., Hodges, Carl F., discharged. discharged. Second Lieutenant: Baker, L. H., discharged. Hopkins, T. B., discharged. Vern T. Newton, resigned. Blakeman, David T., Kehl, Harry, discharged. discharged. Lyons, Ernest D ., First Sergeant: Cowan, Howard, discharged. discharged. Magee, James A., Hobson, Herbert W., Crawford, Herman, discharged. discharged. discharged. McRoberts, Harold, Darrough, A. H., discharged. Sergeants: discharged. O’Connor, James, Edmunds, W. O., Davis, L. H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Egeland, Otto B., Palmer, Wintha O., discharged. discharged. Corporal: Endies, E. G., discharged. Purcell, J. M ., discharged. Chism, V. B., discharged. Garnett, Robert, Smith, J. E. A ., discharged. discharged. Privates: Hewett, Floyd V., Taggert, Marion H., Armstead, Frank, discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. On May 30, 1918, this company, as a unit of 3d Battalion, acted as an escort for selected service men from the city building to the depot, and as an escort for succeeding detachments as they departed. The company furnished an escort for Gen. Leonard Wood on his visit to Wichita in aid of the Red Cross drive in May, 1918. No records of this organization were furnished me by the former commander. Kansas State Guard. 25

Company “ D ,” 3d Battalion, Wichita.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. A. G. Einhaus. Alkire, Charles W. Johnson, Ralph. Allen, George E. Keim, George. First Lieutenant: Anderson, Reuben A. Keiper, Theodore. Charles O. Darmer. Ault, Charles B., Sr. Kice, Frank. Ault, Charles B., Jr. Kottler, Xeil. Second Lieutenant: B it.-, H. D. Lee, William J. Bloomenshine, Guy. Lusk, S. C. Fred Williams. Brown, Clair. Murphy, Lewis W. Budinger, Jack. Orr, Joe L. First Sergeant: Clark, Clement F. Paisley, A. A. Watts, Charles W . Crosset, Perrcy. Rodgers, Carl. Demming, Karl D. Romine. Percy. Quartermaster Sergeant: Duncan, James. Sage, U. G. McLeod, Neil. Farha, Aszis. Stanger, Floyd. Folley, Albert. Stine, Ed. Sergeants: Forrester, James. Taggett, Thomas. Green, Ed J. Utt, Howard. Martin, Gerald E. Green, Loyal. Walton, Lewis. Stewart, W . R. Harber, O. Weaver, Charles F Hayes, Neil. Weaver, Fred II. Corporals: Holsey, Clair. Wilson, B. Dean, Dale. Gifford, Delbert. Hamilton, Cecil B. T. Kerns, Joe. Stephens, Earl. LOSS. Second Lieutenant: Henry Lampl, resigned. ACTIVITIES.

April 26, IBIS, the 3d Battalion furnished an escort for Secretary McAdoo on his visit to Wichita in aid of the third Liberty loan. May 30, 11)18, Company I) acted as escort to Grand Army of the Republic to cemetery. May 30, 11)18, the battalion acted as escort for selected service men, from city building to depot, and as escort for each succeeding detachment as they departed. Company D furnished guard for the government aeroplane from Texas camp during its stay on Fairmount grounds. Company I) furnished guard for mail scout aeroplane during its stay at McKnight alfalfa field. Battalion furnished escort for General Leonard Wood on his visit to Wichita in aid of the Red Cross drive in May, 11)18. Company I) guarded influenza hospital at Twenty-first and Topeka avenue, this city, cleaned up building, and put up a number of beds. The battalion furnished an escort to attend General Leonard Wood on his visit to Wichita in Liberty loan drive. Company D furnished an escort to Colonel Roosevelt on his visit to Wichita in aid of fourth Liberty loan drive. The unit assisted in war savings drive June 28, 11)18. Company I) took a conspicuous part in the celebration of Armistice on November 11, 1918

Company “ E,” 3d Battalion, Wichita.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Samuel W . Jones. James B. Brown.

No statement of any activities has been furnished.

Headquarters, 4th Battalion, Beloit.

Major: Captain and Adjutant: Captain and Supply Officer: R. M . Anderson. William Thompson. Albert Hicks.

LOSS. Captain and Surgeon: Richard S. Pickier, resigned.

The Headquarters, 4th Battalion, dyl not furnish a record of its activities. 26 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘‘A ,” 4th Battalion, Beloit.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Samuel R. Seaver. Abercrombie, H. T. Lawson, James I. Abercrombie, I. H. Logan, John A. First Lieutenant: Abercrombie, J. D. Lukens, W. M. J. P. Stack. Barger, J. W . Marr, R. J. Bartleson, J. W . Marshall, George V. Second Lieutenant: Berbsev, S. B. McBride, J. F. Bnzindine, C. McKinley. McCullough, B. E. D. L. Carney. Brown, L. H. McDonald, George Vail. Bunch, George. McElroy, H. D. First Sergeant: Carter, J. R. Nible, G . Lee Home, A. E. / Casterline, J. W . Nible, George W . Collett, Frank. Offield, J. K . Sergeants: Cook, H. W. Pfaff, A. W. Church, Guy E. Cooke, L. M. Pierce, G . L. Collins, W . L. Cooper, J. F. Pruett, O. M. Cooke, B. F. Daniels, Charles V. Rhoades, B. D. Davidson, T. E. Dickson, IL E. Rhodes, T. A. I)oane, Walter. Robinson, A. H. Corporals: Eads, J. B. Rouen, John Blood, G. D. Ensign, Philip W . Shook, J. D. Fit tell, R. J. Foubim, J. O. Simmons, E. M. Fletcher, Charles. Foulds, Lewis. Simmons, Kyle. Hickam, Ulysses. Funk, Buell R. Sloan, Columbus. Hillebrand, E. R. Gill, H. F. Stack, Frank A. Heath, F. M. Stark, John. Cook : Heidride, E. Sykes, John. Hesser, Draig. Thompson, L. X. Stewart, W. R. Hiner, Herbert Elmer. Torrey, Lou S. Hoagland, B. A. Trivett, J. D . M usician : Hoffman, Henry. Weldin, H. F. Watson, Joseph. Hughes, W. F. W hite, J. A. Ingram, Frank. Wilburn, Charles F. Chaplain: Ingram, George F. Wright, Dennis. Parker, L. B. James. W . E. Yost, Raymond. Jordan, A. E. Yount, Claude. Kerr, W. L.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates— Contin ued. Privates— Concluded. IT. C . Annan, resigned. Bunch, J. W ., discharged. Kelly, U. E., transferred. Cox, Edward E., Lanthan, Philip; Quartermaster Sergeant: transferred. transferred. Moore, L. A., resigned. Daugherty, A., discharged. Logan, Emmett; Evans, M. E., transferred. discharged. Corporal: Farrar.------, Mason, Xazair E., King. P. A., transferred. transferred. transferred. Graham, H ., transferred. Mears, R. J., discharged. Cook: Hale, T. W ., died. Mercer, E. J., transferred. Harbaugh, E. E., Miller, R oy; transferred. Michael, Dan, discharged. transferred. Pearson, E. J., Harvey, I). Parker; Musician: transferred. discharged. Pooler, A. G'., transferred. Young, Ora E., Hillebrand, A. W ., Robinson, Dorse, transferred. transferred. transferred. Howe, Horton H., Rosa ley, Rufus, Artificer: discharged. discharged. Lamborn, L. R., Hubbard, H. B., Russe, Roy, transferred. discharged. transferred. Simmons, Kay; Hyman, Floyd, discharged. Privates: transferred. Thierolf, Carl, transferred. Ivaser, Herbert A., Walker, Olin, transferred. Agard, F. M ., transferred. discharged. Bowlus, F. L ., discharged. Wells, TJ. E ., transferred.

Company A , 4th Battalion, did not furnish any record of its activities Kansas State Guard.

Company “ B,” 4th Battalion , Beloit.

Captain: Artificer: Pri votes— Concluded. George E. Prehm. Whitley, William. Miller, L. C. McClary, A. S. First Lieutenant: Privates: McDonald, E. E. L. A. Mergen. Bird, Abram. McGhee, F. A. Birt, Courtney. McMann, C. G. Second Lieutenant: Belknap, Forrest. Noah, Archie. Peden, Eugene E. George E. Kent. Burgan, E. F. Bussell, Clifford. Pooler, A. C. Quackenbush, Harry. First Sergeant: Cliff, Roy. Conley, Clifford. Roberts, Earl. Roberts, O. E. Thierolf, C. W. Conroy, Dan. Daniels, Vernon. Rodgers, Paul. Quartermaster Sergeant: Douglas, Hurd. R0(1 net, G. B. Schellinger, Joe. Brown, Guy. Flannerv, Tom. Scholton, Lue. Fuller, C. C. Sergeants: Fuller, Neil. Sharp, J. S. Gabel, Clarence. Simpson, Harold. Baker, R. C. Simpson, R. I). Lanterman, S. E. Gabel, E. A. Gaston, Clinton. Smith, Ted. Myers, Jay. Springer, W . B. Pressnell, J. R. Gould, Irving. Graham, Harry. Starkey, J. F. Starr, Harry. Corporals: Greiner, L. E. Harbaugh, E. E. Steere, Solon. Brown, R. E. Hay, Nelson. Swaney, H. H. Louthan, Phillip. Swartz, Rodger. Heidrick, Henry. Mercer, Earl. Henke, Ed. Thomas, Harold. McMann, Forrest. Tron, W . J. Henke, John. Saindon, Hubert. Hill, Roy. Tweed, I. I>. Thomas, J. W. Houghten, H. K. Wallace, Irven. Troutman, Fred. Walsh, George. Johnson, Walter. Jones, M . E. Wear, A. D. Cook: Lawson, E. Williams, Lynn. Rouen, Fred. Lievan, John. Marcv, Gay. Musician: Maxwell, Arthur. Davis, Harold. Maynard, Loyd.

LOSSES. First Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Hicks, Al, transferred. Alsop, Frank E., Keys, Hollis, discharged. discharged. Knarr, Welton, discharged. Sergeants: Bninnnage, L. Iv., Lawson, Harold, died. Hill, Frank, transferred. discharged. Mead, F. D ., discharged. Melton, P. O., discharged. Holbrook, Ben, discharged. Burke, C. L., discharged. Miller, A. G .t discharged. Robinson, Dorse, Burke, John, discharged. Mitchell, L. V., discharged. discharged. Chamberlain, A., McGinnis, Fred, Robinson, Dorse, discharged. discharged. Colby, Calvin, discharged. discharged. Pooler, Lewis, discharged. Seaver, S. R ., transferred. Colby, Harry, discharged. Pressler, A. C., discharged. Sparks, George, discharged. Conrad, F. M ., discharged. Conroy, William, Randall, D. M ., Corporals: discharged. discharged. Cooper, L. E., discharged. Roberts, Jay E., Baxter, L. A., discharged. discharged. Brown, W . C., Jr., DeGraff, C. C., discharged. Rouen, L. M ., discharged. discharged. Dilworth, II. E., Runyan, J., discharged. Calvert, A. M ., discharged. discharged. Russell, R. T ., discharged. Dawes, Glen, discharged. Dunham, A. B., discharged. Saunders, Ernest, Downs, T. P., discharged. Elstun, L. M ., discharged. discharged. Hyde, W . J., discharged. Fuller, L. E., discharged. Sparks, Fred, discharged. Severance, R. J., Gildersleeve, Floyd, Staley, Roy, discharged. discharged. discharged. Thompson, W. F., Cook: Harrington, H ., discharged. transferred. Gould, Jay, discharged. Higginbotham, X ., Yolkel, F. F ., discharged. discharged. Musicians: Houghten, Reid, Leonard, James, discharged. transferred. Hoy, Edward, discharged. Lockard, Guy, discharged. Jones, F. C ., discharged. 28 Adjutant General's Department.

Company ‘ B.” 4th Battalion, B bloit— Concluded.

ACTIVITIES. Company hold formations and participated in receptions and parade for the following: Reception of Governor Arthur Capper. Reception of Adjutant General Charles S. Huffman. Reception and escort for every speaker for every Liberty loan. Red Cross and other war drives. Furnished evening reception and acted as escort to train for every contingent from Mitchell COifnty of drafted men to concentration camps. Participated in Decoration services in UM8. Acted as funeral escort for all deceased United States soldiers returned to this community.

C ompany “ C,” 4th Battalion, Beloit.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Roger Bryant. M. E. Evans. John W. Hayes.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Company “ D ,” 4th Battalion, Glen Elder.

Captain: Privates: Pri rates— Concluded: Harry W. Goudy. Adams, Fred. Merrill, Fred. Anderson, Dewey. Morris, Albert. First Lieutenant: Barnett, Roy. Morton, Ralph. Frank E. Ranes. Barnett, Vemie C. McFarland, Ralph William. Breitweiser, Pearl. Nelson, Daniel A. Sec on d Li cut en ant: Breitweiser, Robert Emert. Oplinger, Roy D. Brodie, Robert. Porter, Raymond Edward. Ora E. Pickering. Brown, Herbert Grant. Pound, Eugene F. Cook, D. C. Reinhardt, Robert A. First Sergeant: Davis, Edwin. Rice, Lon. Boiler, William H. Dean. Clifford. Shaeffer, Ralph. Detwiler, John F. Sheets, Ivan. Quartermaster Sergeant: Dickinson, John M . Smith, Charles M. Baird, Earl E. Dudley, Chester. Smith, Ray. Durham, Orville F. Taylor, James Sergeant : Elder, William V. Thompson, J. B. Tipton, T. W. Waltman, E. G. Galder, Glen. Granger, Clarence E. Vallette, Curtis E. Corporals: Hauptli, Herman D. Way, Fred Eldwin. Heltzel, Forest Ward. Welch, W. A. Allen, Onatus P. Hepperly, Ralph Leland. Willette, Melvin. McCarthy, Stephen A. Hillman, Ralph L. Wool man, Carl E. Root, Norris E. Humes, Rufus. Woolman, Harold. Welch, Frank J. Kohler, Floyd P. Woolman, Isaac E. Latham, Charles W. Workman, Charles Everett. Musician: Latham, John D . Workman. Homer. Adams, Orville. Lowell, Jennings J. Workman. Jaffa.

LOSSES. Captain: Pri rates— C onti n ued. Privates— Concluded. Glen E. Lee, resigned. Duncan, Claude J., Norris, Ernest, discharged. discharged. Porter, Archie, discharged. First Lieutenant: Durham, Charles, Porter, Paxton C., Vernon E. Barber, discharged. discharged. resigned. Flear. Thomas H., Remus, G. E., discharged. discharged. Santner, Roy L., Privates: Gentlemen, Merton E., discharged. Allen, Oscar J., discharged. Slagle, Lawrence, discharged. Granger, Orla A ., discharged. Barber, Samuel, discharged. Stafford, C., discharged. discharged. Hepperly, J. E., Talkington, Roy, Blachley, Robert M., discharged. discharged. discharged. KaulL Harry J., Tipton, Leroy N., Breitweiser, Fred, discharged. discharged. discharged. Kaull, William J., Warren, Mahlin, M., Casey, Earl, discharged. discharged. discharged. Casey, Harold, discharged. Marzolf, Lester J., Watson, Monroe, Coble, Ben, discharged. discharged. discharged. Dove, Luman E., Moyer, Harry., Wheeler, C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Willette, Orville, Dudley, Earl, discharged. Neff, Irwin C ., discharged, discharged.

This company did not furnish a report of its activities. Kansas State Guard. 29

Company “ E,” 4th B attalion, Asherville.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Edward E. Cox. Abling, Clarence. Ingram, Jackson. Aiding, Leonard E. Jones, Glen R. First Lieutenant: Baker, Howard F. Jones, R. E. Chester D . Clark. Betz, Ray. Lawrence, George O. Blocker, Cecil A. Loop, Edward F. Second Lieutenant: Bogen, William D. Loree, Carl II. Burnett, James B. Mace Arthur C. Henry C. Sloan. Carr, Claude A. Melton, Buff B. Carr, Edward. Miller, Willard F. First Sergeant: Caughey, Robert. Morgan, William D. McKellar, Areljie R. Chapman, Harold 1). Murray, Harry A. Clark, Aaron. McClintock, Quartermaster Sergeant: Clark, Carl. McKee, Clyde M. Clark, Ernest E. Nicholson, George. Bishop, Joy. Clark, Ogie L. Overman. Charles. Overman, Wesley. Sergeants: Clark, Thomas. Harrow, James J. Parrish, Ben K. Bets, Carl D. Harrow, Orville L. Pearson, George V. Gates, Roy D. Drummond, John L. Pearson, Hearmon. Gates, Ward S. Duff, Ernest G. Pearson, Ray V. Woolman, Ernest E. Dwyer, Carl D. Peterson, George E. Ed gel 1, Walter W . Place, Charles J. Corporals: Evans, John O. Prewett, Harold. Goodwin, Joseph M . Fleenor, Beatty H. Prewet t, Theodore. Guard, Harold. Fondouble, John. Rees, George B. Oakley, Bert L. Gentry, Asa E. Reeves, George E. Parrish, Harry C. Gentry, Otto C. Rehmert, William L. Wells, Floyd O. Goodwin, Joel E. Schoenfeldt, Arnold. Wilson, Joseph F. Gran, John A. Schoenfeldt, William. Gray, Arley J. Schroth, Harry. Cooks: Grecian, Elmer. Schungle, Frank. Baker, Albert W . Grecian, Moses L. Senter, William L. McNulty, Peter. < Iriffith, Milo M. Shull, Lewis V. Guard, Chalon. Shurss, Frank R. Musician: Hazelwood, Evert E. Strawn, Yernie. Heidrick, Joseph M. Yanbeber, James S. Strawn, Donald. Heidrick, Lee J. Watson, James V. Henderson, John. Wagner, Harry C. Artificer: Highfill, Robert L. Drennen, O. E. Huffman, Z. H.

LOSSES. Sergeants: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. Clark, William C., Smith, Stephen R., Ingram, Walter, discharged. discharged. discharged. Grecian, Edward, Mace, Gay, discharged. discharged. Musician: Remington, Truman, Metz, Fines, discharged. discharged. Corporals: Scraper, Joseph F., Betz, Perry, discharged. Privates: discharged. Clendenen, Ross, Smith, Ralph, discharged. Cavender, Joseph M ., Watson, Gilbert, died. discharged. discharged. Melton, Ernest E., Drummond, Cleo, discharged. discharged. Heidrick, William, discharged.


Company E, 4th Battalion, K . S. G ., became widely known over the state of Kansas on account of its activities in the Liberty loan and Red Cross drives. It, also, participated in rounding up slackers, alien enemies, and German sympathizers. It was one of the best drilled companies of the Kansas State Guard. 30 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company i-F.” 4th B attalion, Simpson.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. M. M. Houghland. Duvall, Hiram. Mauk, Henry. Duvall, Jeff E. Melton, Mark. First Lieutenant: Ellis, Orin. Miller, A. R. Morse, G. A. Elbert L. Graber. Frederick, Richard. Funk. Dave. Murry, Lewis. Second Lieutenant: Galloup, Ray. McKee, Clarance. Gilbert, Joe. McKee, Howard. E. J. Foote. Gilbert, William. McKim, Robert. Grau, Claud C. McKim; William. First Sergeant: Griffin, Tom G. Nelson, John W. Deschner, William. Guipre, Andrew O. OvermaiL John. Guipre, Enos. Pearson, David. Quartermaster Sergeant: Guipre, Fred. Pearson, Frank O. Johnson, Martin. Guipre, Joe. Peters, Edd. Guipre, Lewis. Pettersen, Peter. Sergeants: Guipre, Lewis O. Porter, Harry. Guipre, William. Prickett, Joseph. Kosar, Frank. Helm, John G. Prickett, Ray. Wrenkel, William. Hirsch, Fred L. Purvis, Albert. Pricket t, H. D . Hiserote, Oliver J. Reeves, Lawrence. Showalter, J. E. Horn, Fred. Robertson, Charley. Selleek, Arthur. Corporals: Hougland, Hal H. Hougland, Marion C. Seinter, Willard J. Blaha, Vine. Huffman, William L. Sick, William J. Dietrich, L. Roy. Hulse, Jeff. Smith, Walter. Johnson, Reuben. Jackson, Lewis. Stackhouse, Charley. Krenkle, Brisco. Jennings, Cecil. Stickley, Elwin M. Lampert, Henry. Jennings, Charley. Stick ley, Isaac. Pearson, Charlie. Stickley, John.

Jennings, S. G. jgvinn Wheeler, James. Johnson, George F. Stine, Amos A. Johnson, Jens W . Templin, Reuben. Privates: .Jones, Edd W . Thompson, Robert. Asmussen, Carl. Jones, Thomas R. Vernon, Bert. Bell, Raymond. Kelly, Bliss. Vernon, Edd. Berneking, Henry. Kosar, Frank E. Vernon, George. Berneking, W . C. Krenkel, Charley. Vernon, John W . Krizek, A. V. Waggle, Homer. Bond, F. M. 3 Bond, Harry. Laff, Leon. Wagner, Adam. Bond, Russell. Lee, Marshall. Wagner, Henry D. ivis Carter, Charley. Lee, Ole. Wagner, Hill. Chapel, Harry. Leinen, George. Weaver, Ralph. Chapman, Arthur B. Lockard, John. Werts, Harry. Dalrymple, Burton W . Loop, Fred. Williams, Roy. Dalrymple, Herbert. Louthan, Joe. Wolf, John. Dalrymple, Isaac E. Lout han, Mose. Zimmerman. J. H . Daugherty, Amos. Mauk, Charley. Deschner, Charley W . Mauk, Ernest.

LOSSES. Corporal: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Prickett, Ralph, Brewster, Lester, Hirsch, August, discharged. discharged. discharged. Burnett, Lawrence, Murry, Roy, discharged. Privates: discharged. McDade, Edd, deserted. Pfiefer, Willis, discharged. Asmussen, Jens, Duvall, Clyde, discharged. Porter, Leo, discharged. discharged. Edgell. Vernon, Berneking, George, transferred. Sewell, I. O ., transferred. Stackhouse, Fred, discharged. Guipre, Ira, transferred. transferred.

ACTIVITIES. Company F and its band were very active in drilling men; preparing them for active serv­ ice in the United States army, also performed guard duty. The unit took a prominent part in all war activities, such as Liberty loans, Red Cross drives, etc., as would help the state .and nation in carrying on the war. Kansas State Guard. 31

C ompany “ H ,” 4t h B attalion, H unter.

Captain: Honorary Members: Privates— Concluded. Albert R. Kadel. Lemon, E. C. Heller, Ottman. Mallard, G. P. Heller, William. First Lieutenant: Thompson, E. C. Holway, Lester 0 . Clarence R. Hubbard. Hoi wav, W . X . Privates: Hope, H. A. Second Lieutenant: Anderson, Ed Horning, George. Blunden, James PL Johnson, William H. Alex Dobratz. Briney, A. J. Kaplickv, Fred. Broberg, Carl. Kessler, Frank. First Sergeant: Criswell, William. Kessler, Harry. Greiner, L. R. Daugherty, Roscoe. Little, Joseph M. Dillet, Irvin. Lowe, William. Sergeants: Dillet, Earl. Moore, Groce. Harsh, W . C. Farr, J. V. McCalmont, E. A. Thompson, George E. Fenton, Earl. McCaughey. Wick, Andy. Fenton, F. A. McPeak, George. Francis, Floyd. McPeak, Rolland. Corporals: Francis, John K. Patton, J. A. Francis, Joseph G. Rounkleo, Arthur G Baird, R. K. Francis, Walter. Rounkleo, Guy. Gaston, Julius. Gallion, C. H. Schneider, Henry. Gravatt, Harry. Gallion, Sabasten. Shull, Alfred. Mekl, Arthur F. Gaston, Bert. Shull, Ed. Raikes, r red \\ , Gaston, Bruce. Shurley, S. T. I orner, Oscar N. Gaston, David. Swinson, George W . Gatewood, R. O. Travis, Victor A. Musicians: Grover, M . A. Thomas, Roscoe. Hoi way, A. N. Hayes, Frank. Williams, J. E. Heller, Lewis. Woodcock, Jesse A.

LOSSES. Sergeants: Pri votes— Con tin ued. Pri votes— Concluded. Trowbridge, N. B., Cunningham, M. I)., Little, Allison, died. discha rged. discharged. Dobratz, Henry, Little, Earl, Privates: discharged. discharged. Buerman, Albert, Farrar, James A., Troutman, R. M., discha rged. discharged. discharged. Cloepfil, Eugene, Kadel, A. G.. Wit ham, Earl, discharged. discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. On May 30, 1018, Company II presided at memorial services at Ash Yale and Blue Hill cemeteries. The company took an active part in all Victory and Liberty loan campaigns, and was very careful to watch and keep down all pro-German talk and sympathy. Memorial services were held for Sergeant N. B. Trowbridge.

Headquarters, 5th Battalion, Marion.

Major: Captain and Supply: Captain and Surgeon: Thomas B. Armstrong. James E. Evans. George E. Eye.

Captain and Adjutant: James R. Diluplain.

No activities reported 32 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ A ,” 5th Battalion, Marion.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Concluded. George L. McKay. Powell, Bert. Leavitt, Charles A. Powell, G. D. Lehman, Lloyd. First Lieutenant: Minton, Henry J. Privates: Mott, Lewis. Joe Hosea. Adams, I. E. Moulton. C. Ross. Allen, Walter E. Mullen, C. H. Second Lieutenant: Baker, William, Jr. Penland, Clarence. W . O. Livingstone. Blackim, James. Penland, Roy. Bland, Ralph. Pierce, Marion W . First Sergeant: Bowl by, J. R. Powell, David H. Zeller, T . C. Brown, Frank S; Powell, John. Burket, Joe II. Quisenberry, Alvah S Sergeants: Christensen, Ben. Reed, Lem S. Bond, William. Crist, Morton. Remmer, William A. Heinsohn, O. V. Crouse, George L. Roberts, Clarence. Robertson, Louis. Kieferle, William F. Dietz, R. L. Robertson, Wesley. Locklin, Charles S. DuVall, John E. Sallee, McClelland. Loveless, Ed F. Ferm, C. F. Thompson, Charles W . Freeland, Elder. Shahan, Paul R. Gaunt, William H. Sheets, L. Ross. Corporals: Ilaldeman, Sam W. Siebert, Floyd. Hannaman, J. C. Sklenar, Jos. M . Keller, S. J. Harding, William F. Slifer, Samuel M. LacKamp, W. L. Hawkinson, Amos E. Stewart, J. A. McHenry, J. L. Herndon, Frank. Summervill, William. Penland, George M. Herndon, William A. Svitak, Rudolph. Powell, Will N. Hoch, Wallis. Thies, William M. Watson, Charles L. Hoover, Frank S. Turner, Ira W. Yost, Guy. Hunt, Bert. Waterman, A. L. Ireland, Frank. Willey, Frank. Buglers: Jelley, J. Walter. Williams, Luther. Baker, F. L. Jenkins, Benjamin W . Williams, Paul E. Hildwein, L. O. King, Roscoe. Wolf, Merrill B. Kline, Charles. Yeagley, John H.

LOSSES. Captain: George L. McKay, died.

ACTIVITIES. Company A assisted in some of the Liberty loan campaigns, and acted as police at several patriotic rallies and celebrations.

Company “ B ,” 5th B attalion, Hillsboro.

Captain: Pri v a t cs— Con tinued. Pri votes— Concluded. P. H. Heibert. Bacon, John. Letkeman, Edwin. Leeds, William S. Letkeman, Jim. First Lieutenant: Bessel, Sam. Manahan, Jack. George Lucas. Borton, Elmer. Merriweather, Clarence. Borton, Harry. Miller, Ray. Second Lieutenant: Branton, Clyde. Moske, Junior. Carter, Aubert. Leon Harms. Xorris, Earl. Devore, J. H. Powers, R. Walter. Dills, I. S. Scrgmnts: Powers, Roscoe. Dole, George. Quiring, Sam. H. K. Janzen, Q. M. S. Dole, Logan. Riegle, Charles. Fred Foth. Dyck, Frank. Sailer, John. Jack Manahan. Dyck, Harry II. Savage, Charles W. Phil Thurdin. Eichenour, Arthur. Schaefeller, Adolph. Eichenour, I). A. Schaefeller, Howard. Corporals: Gerstenhorn, Irwin. Schaefeller, Robert. Harry H. Dyck. Haak, F. I). Schlehuber, Ed. Henry Friesen. Hadel, H. II. Schlehuber, John. Andrew Feil. Harms, Irvin. Smith, D. Cameron. Herman Heibert. Ilerbet, Fred. Toelle, Gregory. Heibert, Herman. Vincent, Thomas. Cook : Heibert, John. Walker, Roscoe. G. J. ScharfTler. Huenergardt, I. B. Walline, Arvid. Jones, J. W . Walline, Leonard. Privates: Jones, N . A. Williams, Ira. Jones, O. C. Bacon, Gilbert. Kliewer, C. M. Kansas State Guard. 33

C ompany “ C,” 5th B attalion, Lost Springs.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. J. E. Evans. Bevan, Hurbert. Mills, Theodore. Bond, William T. Monroe, Frank A. Second Lieutenant: Bowlbv, John W . Mott, Charles E. Ed Hartkey. Brown, John C. Mowrer, Ezra P. Christnes, Arthur. McCoy, Harry. First Sergeant: Coleman, Charles W . Nelrour, Roy. Daltwilder, E. Novak, Chauncy. Shirk, Charles B. Daltwilder, Irvin. Onsby, Ernest. Day, Frank C. Petterson, Edgar J. Quartermaster Sergeant: Davidson, Henry W . Poppe, Edward. Shupe, C. Earl. Evans, John E. Rendt, E. II. Falk, A. ML. Rhoman, F. H. Sergcxints: Froher, John G. Rhoman, Wiliam C. Day, W . L. Gilbert, Harry A. Rucer, Ben J. Kaiser, William H. Gilbert, Jesse E. Searing, Joseph L. McNicol, Fred. Godfrey, Thomas. Settergren, Enfold N . Smith, Goldman. Gordon, Ross H. Shields, Omer J. Hartkey, Henry C. Shmeck, Frank. Corporals: Henry, Clarence W . Shupe, B. F. Henry, James A. Shupe, Wilford A. Bevan, Beral. Sluby, Frank. Carlson, Fred. Hofman, George E. Smith, A. B. Hamble, Mark. Jemberg, Victor. Johannes, John. Smith, Archie. Stevenson, Fred. Smith, William H. Weylan, John. Kaiser, Walter. Strom, Louis V’. Wright, George. Lietz, Leo. Mansas, James C. Ucker, Earl B. Mansan, Jeffrey. Walter, Oswin H. Privates: Martin, Joseph. Weylan, Claud. Anderson, Arthur E. Martin, M. M. Weylan, John. Belton, Frances T. Maslin, George L. Wharton, Richard. Benhardt, Andrew. Maslin, Wilford. Benhardt, Henry. Maslin, William M .

LOSSES. Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Edgar C. Freemole, Jarvis, Elsworth, Novak, Ralph, resigned. discharged. discharged. Kahus, John, Piffer, Henry C ., First Lieutenant: discharged. discharged. George G. Shirk, Kahus, Willie, Settergran, Martin, resigned. discharged. discharged. Kay, George, Shupe, Cyrus, Quartermaster Sergeant: discharged. discharged. Merillatte, Ackley C., Shupe, Eldon E., Hanson, Ball, discharged. discharged. discharged. Meyer, Otto, Smith, Vern, discharged. discharged. Privates: Mittz, Max, Wenderbrandt, Charles F ., Anderson, Albert, discharged. discharged. discharged. McNicol, Fred J., Wharton, Ira S., Freeman, Nimrod M ., discharged. discharged. died. Nellrouer, Hurbert, Urbamka, Enos W ., Freeman, N . R., discharged. discharged. died. ACTIVITIES. Company C participated in all Liberty loan and charity campaigns.

3—4436 34 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “D,” 5th B attalion, Aulne.

Privates— Concluded. Captain: Privates— Continued. J. C. Lewis. Black, Frank. Nelson, Chris. Black, Peter. Nelson, George P. First Lieutenant: Carroll, George. Nelson, Harry. Carroll, Rolland. Olsen, Carl. Bert Richmond. Chapman, Ellis. Pickard, ------. Richmond, Albert. Second Lieutenant: Chapman, R. E. Davis, C. W. Richmond, Frank. T. M. Stinchcomb. Davis, Glen. Richmond, H. G. Deitrick, Yern. Richmond, H. R. Quartermaster Sergeant: Dolmer, Owen. Richmond, J. F. Duncan, C. W. Ebright, A. S. Richmond, Joseph A. Elliott, C. F. Richmond, J. J. Sergeants: Elliott, Ralph. Sandwell, A. Sand well, Stephen W. Carney, Fred J. Ewert, Clarence. Chapman, L. V. Ewert, Joe. Seibert, Oscar. Smith, George. Ely, J. R. Grosse, Harry. Smith, Sam. Smith, C. J. Grosse, Walter. Gunderman, J. C. Suffield, W . D . Corporals: Hall, J. E. Thorp, A. R. Hansen, Frank R. Tucker, C. L. Carroll, C. M. Hansen, Hans. Turner, Floyd. Carroll, Orland. Hansen, P. F. VanScoik, S. A. Harrison, O. E. Hansen, Sam. Vaughn, Harry H. McGinness, W. E. Harrison, Wayne. Vaughn, John W. Nelson, Robert M. Heerey, Charles J. Vaughn, Lloyd C. Newlin, James. Hett, Lloyd. Wait, Edmond Ray. Rosenberg, C. F. Jackson, Earl. Waner, Robert. Wright, Bert. Johnson, Arthur. Wegerer, F. F. Johnson, V . O. Wegerer, Francis. Pri rates: Kasper, Ed. West, C. H. Abel, W. IT. Lararsen, L. P. Williams, A. S. Anderson, A. M. McGinness, W . C. Winkley, Ed. Anderson, R. T. Nelson, Charles. Winkley, Lee.

LOSSES. Privates: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Black, B. H., transferred. Grosse, Louis, transferred. Richmond, Walter, Burkholder, Charles, Hansen, William, resigned. resigned. resigned. Johnson, Lohren, resigned. Sandwell, Oswald, Burkholder, James, Kannangiesor, Otto, transferred. discharged. resigned. Sandwell, R. T., Chapman, C. H., Kusch, Charles, transferred. transferred. transferred. Slaffort, W . E ., resigned. Christenson, Ben, Lehman, Lloyd, resigned. Thorp, Rex, transferred. transferred. Noll, J. T ., resigned. Traver, J. A ., transferred. Deatrick, D . C .? resigned. Richmond, Clayton, Winkley, L. C ., resigned. Dyck, Emil, resigned. resigned. Forchey, ------, resigned. ACTIVITIES. Company D assisted in all Red Cross drives and the Big Four drive, and practically all others of the same nature. The unit was especially diligent in looking after the tight-wads and slackers, who resided in good old America, but whose sympathy was with the old country. Kansas State Guard. 35

Company “ E,” 5th Battalion, Burns.

Captain: Cook : Privates— Continued. Isedor L. Rowe. Riggs, Ira. Heckenthorn, E. It. Holecek, James. First Lieutenant: Musicians: Knausman, John G. Samuel W . Pyke. Hines, Forest. Larsen, Julius L. Smith, Ray. Larsen, Robert J. Second Lieutenant: Mills, Harry E. Artificer: Morti, Ray II. H. B. Lamborn. McIntosh. Olen. Binford, Herald A. McIntosh, William D. First Sergeant: Nelson, Elmer F. Godding, C. A. Privates: Nelson, Warner. Branson, Arthur. Norton, Floyd. Quartermaster Sergeant: Branson, Charlie. Notz, J. F. Eakin, R. E. Branson, Oscar. Orr, Hilton. Corf man, A. L). Riggs, Roddy C. Sergeants: Dallke, Oliver. Rowe, F. K. Dauber, Ed. Sale, Herman E. Binford, Walter. De Bord, C. E. Sayre, Glenn. Goad, A. F. Freeman, John F. Stackley, Jacob. Hennes, B. E. Freeman, Roy E. Stack ley, William. Walter, Harold J. Corporals: Gfeller, Arthur. Godding, Marc A. Walter, W. F. Bucher, A. L. Green, Cloyce. Westerhaus, Leo. Daley, J. W . Green, Earl. Wise, Dr. L. A. Hammann, C. G. .Hammann, Henry. Vincent, Wilson. Hart, H. J.

LOSSES. Privates: Morris, Cliff, resigned. White, Lewis, resigned. ACTIVITIES. Company E conducted five funerals; assisted in the Victory loan; also helped to raise the money for the Marion county soldiers, sailors and marine recruits. This unit was not organized at an earlier date, due to the fact that a ban was placed on public meetings because of the influenza epidemic. 36 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ F,” 5th Battalion, Florence.

Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. Harry M. Clark. Miles, Chester A. Mercet, Julius. Myers, Chester A. Martinot, Arthur First Lieutenant: Noll, Sam. Mnrtinot, Joe. Poinsett, C. A. A. E. Lunceford. Privates: Rensen, Albert. Robinson, Arthur. Second Lieutenant: Aves, Harry. Bennard, Valentine. Robinson, John. Troy P. Bess. Bibler, Chester A. Robinson. Richard. Breen, Harry. Rosiere, E. J. First Sergeant: Bruner, Harry L. Ryan, James. Hickman, Herbert P. Bussell, Bert II. Schriner, Paul. Cloverdyke, Charlie. Stamp, John A. Quartermaster Sergeant: Cox, Roy Lee. Smith, Grover G. Smith, Ralph W. Norris, A. G. Cummings, Oscar S. Danenfelser, Keith. Soper, Sam. Statz, Eugene. Sergeants: Davis, Charlie. Edwards, Edward. Stearns, Oscar. Aves, C. B. Freeborn, A. F. Stinson, W . J. Bashor, William M. Gentry, Jefferson D. Tailor, Ora. Hoasis, H. L. Holton, Frances. Taylor, Fred. West, R. A. Ireland, Frank. Thompson, Arthur. Irwin, Parker. Thornill, William. Corporals: Kent, George A. Todd, J. M . Bush, Lawrence. Kropp, Peter. Walker, John S. Eichenberger, Adolphas. Larkin, Frank. Williams, Harry. Lincoln, George M. Mercet, Emil.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Corporals: Privates: Riggs, Ernest D., Mercet, Ernest M., Balcom, Charlie, discharged. discharged. discharged. Statz, Ralph, discharged. Beeththold, Fred, discharged.

Company F did not render a statement as to its activities.

H eadquarters, 6th B attalion, Fort Scott.

Major: Captain and Adjutant: Captain: B. E. Consedine. Robert S. Tierman. Walter T. Smith.

Headquarters, 6th Battalion, failed to report any activities.

Company "A,” 6th B attalion, Fort Scott.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: C. D. Sample. W. K. Calhoun. M. M. Rose.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Company “ B,” 6th B attalion, Fort Scott.

Captain: Second Lieutenant: Freeman Martin. Cecil B. Howard.

LOSS. Captain: Lloyd C. Lakin, resigned.

No muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard. 37

Company “ C,” 6th Battalion, Paola.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Concluded. Steve E. Quimby. Becker, Michael J. Miller, Francis. Crowe, James. McCullough, Clyde E. First Lieutenant: Oldham, Thomas P. Artificer: Oyster, Thomas J. Cyrus W . Ricketts. Parker, Roy C. Pancoast, Lee. Parker, Charles M . Second Lieutenant: Privates: Parker, James E. Harry M . Bates. Paxton. Norris. Ahrens, Henry D. Peck, Howard D. First Sergeant: Asher, Arthur. Ramey, Lowrey G. Sporting, Bert L. Balocca, Joe. Rice, Neil C. Barnum, A. Jackson. Riley, Bayard T. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bettis, Oscar. Ring, Virgil A. Carver, William B. Teague, Jesse A. Ruff, Charles. Christie, Ezra W . Scheiner, William S. Cole, John F. Sergeants: Sellers, David O. Cox, William M. Sellers, Robert L. Edmondson,'Leo W. Davee, John. Seroy, Reuben N. Lane, Carson. Downs, Wilbur C. Sheridan, Frank M . Quimby, George E. Dunn, Clarence V. Sheridan, Steve. Wilson, John II. Dunn, David F. Shipp, Glenn. Estes, Melvin G. Shriver, Alex F. Corporals: Evans, Edwin S. Shriver, Orval. Fordyce, John R. Ahrens, Darwin W . Sims, Rudolph. Glenn, Watt H. Slocum, Clyde. Amick, Dan F. Goetz, Fred. Cox, Walter. Smith, B. Earl. Gray, George H. Snow, Lyle W . Croan, Staman E. Gunnels, Carroll. Hackney, Charles S. Stewart, John T. Highley, Thomas M. Tawnev, Oliver. Lane, Vernon B. Hightower, Howard W . Lewis, William II. Vancell, Gustav. Hoag, Frank A. Weaver, James E. Steele, Charles E. Koehler, Jerome S. Yea ter, Frank D. Weaver, Henry D. Light, Alonza J. Whitaker, Harry II. Lindemood, Jesse B. Musicians: Williford, James C. J^ockman, Fred. Wilson, Comet N. Brown, Don D. Mabes, Paul A. Wren, Earl. Mitchell, Oscur C. Metzler, Leroy M .

LOSSES. Corporals: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Cree, Clyde C., Bradway, Charles M ., Keeth, William T., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hagemeyer, Fred E., Buck, Willis C., discharged. McArthur, Marshall A., discharged. Davis, Eugene P., died. died. Doty, Guy, discharged. McGill, Charles E., Cook: Dunn, Perry J., transferred. Kelly, William J., discharged. Neylon, James, Jr., discharged. Finnell, Claude, discharged. discharged. Pancoast, Kester C., M usicians: Fletcher, Charles F ., discharged. discharged. Tracy, Robert L ., Edmiston, George M -, Gorman, William II., discharged. died. discharged. White, Elmer G., Hamlin, Lawrence G ., Graber, Oscar C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Wren, Clair E., Hamlin, Alex, discharged. discharged. Artificer: Johnson, Frank T ., Casida, Jesse E., died. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. At Paola, M ay 30, 1018, Company C participated in Memorial services with the Grand Armv of the Republic. . . On July 4, 1018, it was reviewed by Governor Capper and Adjutant General Charles S. Huffman at Olathe. Three battalions were present. Company C won first honors in the ex­ hibition drill. The organization was well enti rtained with a fine dinner by the ladies of Olathe. The organization went to La Cygne county fair on August 29, 1918, and in competition with several other state guard companies, won first prize— a large United States flag. We were splendidly entertained for dinner and supper by the Red Cross ladies of La Cygne. The unit attended the Franklin county fair at Ottawa on September 18, 1918, and in com­ petition with five state guard companies, it won first honors— a cash prize of $200. On November 11, 1918, in Paola, the company had charge of celebrating the signing of the Armistice, and at night it went to Spring Hill and participated in the celebration at that place— a big time. The Kaiser was hanged and burned in effigy. The company was never defeatt‘d in any competition and was always ready for a contest. On July 28 the company was called to protect the county jail against a threatened mob. Members responded well, but no mob appeared. The unit was called out again to run down 38 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C ," Gth B attalion, Paola— Concluded. train robbers. It was a fruitless chase, as the call came too late and the robbers escaped to Kansas City. A full company was maintained from date of organization to muster-out. It was equipped with uniform, shoes, shirts, and forty old Springfield rifles. We had a fine armory, and en­ tertainments were given to pay expenses. All (hbts were paid; $300 in treasury. Members have been loyal.

H eadquarters, 7th B attalion, Olathe. M ajor: James S. Pel left.

No activities reported.

Company “ A,” 7th B attalion, Olathe.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Ernest W . Miller. Alderson, Samuel W . Knox, Eldon. Anderson, Harry It. Kueg, Charles S. First Lieutenant: Anderson, Howard. Lawson, James E. Homer M. Limbird. Appleby, A. B. Limbird, Richard. Bradshaw, John O. Little, Chauncy B. Second Lieutenant: Brockway, Parker W . Lohman, Ben. Loquet, Arthur C. Robert C. Lay son. Carter. George E. Ciark, Harry. Lyons, Henry M. First Sergeant: Cooms, Guvune, B. Macaubrie, Arthur R. Dawris, Carlton. McGee, Will H. Payne, Carman G. Dawson, Austin J. Pelham, Ezekiel. Dixon, Hugh M. Philip, Alfred. Sergeatit: Evans, George. Philip, James W. Nelson, Al. Fay, Holland Cecil. Prather, Ernest R. Frey. Clement V. Rush, Earl R. Corporals: Frye, Chauncy. Ryan, William H. Bunyan, Harry. Garrett, Earl N. Shelton, R. L. Denby, William. Hardin, Frank E. Smith, Edward D. Evans, J. Al. Glover, Ellis. Swank, Clem A. Prather, Yeme J. Henderson, George G. Vigour, Ernest J. Hill, Albert N. Waddell, Ross M. Artificer: House, Frank L. Watson, William S. Allen, J. J. Howland, Sanford P.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. James S. Pellett, Harness, Jesse, discharged. Lawson, Walter E., died. promoted. Hershev, James II., Redinger, Frank, discharged. discharged. Corporal: Sanford, Lewis W ., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A drilled at least once each week. The 7th Battalion drilled two or three times a month, assisting in conducting officers and noncommissioned officers’ school once each week. Men, subject to military service, were given fundamental training in the school of the soldier. Manual of arms, squad leading and all close-order drill in units up to the battalion. We took up guard duty, informal guard mount, bayonet work, and spent considerable time on open order drill, skirmish, etc. This instruction proved valuable to many of our men who were taken in the federal service. W e assisted in Liberty loan and Red Cross drives and in various patriotic celebrations staged at different times and battalion parades. On the Fourth of July we passed in review before Governor Capper and Adjutant General Huffman. At various times we furn shed guard details for government aeroplanes which alighted in this vicinity. The company furnished military escorts at two fun rals of men who died in United States service, and escorts to various draft contingents as they were called. We furnished military police at several celebrations of various kinds and conducted several successful cele­ brations one on the Fourth of July, and another on Armistice Day. Kansas State Guard. 39

Company “ B,” 7th Battalion, Olathe.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. George W . Norris. Carberry, Andrew. McGee, Harvey. Cooper, Steven. Oliver, Oliver. First Lieutenant: Copeland. Harry. Pickering, I. A. Coulter, Ray. Plummer, Joe R. Adolph Conerus. Crane, Jasper. Powell, Arthur. Davidson, J. L. Rhoades, William J. Second Lieutenant: Denly, Harry. Richardson, Austin. Lindsay Harper. Dennis, Carlton. Robinson, Fred. Divelbiss, Nathan. Rogers, Bert II. Sergeant 8: Donohoo, Glenn. Rowland, Joe. Ewing, Charles. Duguid, John. Simons, E. A. Millikan, Branson. * Edgar, J. D. Smead, Harold. Spalek, Peter. Paulson, Henry. Francke, E. A. Gardner, Frank. Steele, Fred. Storch, Frank. Corporals: Garwood, Fred. Gillihan, Albert. Sutlief, George. Moberly, Hobart. Gillihan, Clarence. Thompson, II. G. Ott, Harold. Gillihan, Harry. Tippin, Dr. Root, Henry. Goodloe, Earl. Townley, Roy. Hannon, Ralph. Trotter, Samuel. Privates: Mathany, Clarence. Truppe, Caspar. Allison, Kenneth. Metzel, Frank. Victor, Edward. Allsup, Harry. Moore, W . Waddell, Max. Anderson, O. R. Murphy, Harold. Weber, W. H. Caenen, R. F. ACTIVITIES. Company B drilled once a week. Average time put in at each drill, two hours. A bat­ talion drill was held about twice per month. School for commissiryied officers was held once each week; noncommissioned officers' school was held once each week. Acted as an escort to each contingent called into federal sendee from this county, and assisted in raising funds for the Red Cross, as well as participating in all Liberty loan parades. On Decoration Day the company acted under orders of the commanding officer of the Grand Army of the Re­ public, during thir ceremonies. Guard duty was performed on several government aeroplanes which landed at Olathe and stayed over night. As one of the units of the 7tl* Battalion, Company B passed in review before Governor Arthur Capper on July 4, 1918, at Olathe, Kan. Guard duty was performed on the several war exhibit trains while in Olathe. 40 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C,” 7th B yttalion, Olathe.

Captain: C ook: Privates— Concluded. Harlan D. Lanter. Cromwell, Ben D. Huggins, Walter M Musician: Hundley, Robert C. First Lieutenant: Johnson, Charles. Wyatt E. Hayes. Dent, Roy F. Johnson, Frank M. Jones, W . F. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Kelly, J. V. Bert Gilbert. Anderson, Charles H. Kennedy, John Wilbur. Beckett, Al f R. Mahaffie, Clarence II. First Sergeant : Berrey, Will. Martens, Henry. Brock way, S. M . Moll, Claud. Hedrick, Frank D. Bronson, I). E. Murray, R. C. Buchholtz, Harry F. W. McKaig, Arthur E. Sergeants: Cantrall, C. J. Neunart, Arthur E. Ayres, Nelson B. Carroll, E. G. Pretz, Otto. Brown, Nathaniel Ross. Carver, Earl. Redding, Earl H. Moll, Roy W. Chamberlain, Marvin H. Reitz, William. Cooper, Ernest. Russell, Glenn E. Corporals: Couch, Vesper C. Searcy, W. W. Beckett, T. E. Cubbison, John G. Snepp, John Howard. Caswell, Jesse C. Denman, E. G. Van Goethem, Julien E. Grogan, George L. Dolisi, E. C. Van Goethem, Maurice H. Hunt, W. A. Enright, Timothy. Vaughn, D. W. Moore, William II. Ernst, Paul S. Ward, John Anderson. Thiele, Julius. Frye, Westfall W._ Wilkerson, John M . White, Frank B. Gardner, Henry N. Wood, Harrison B. Goddard, C. Woodard, J. J. Harley, J. T . Yotz, Joseph Paul. Hitchcock, Charles E.


First Sergeant: Musician: Privates— Concluded. Smith, W. Clarence, Ott, Darius Ralph, Hollenback, Frank P. discharged. discharged. discharged. Hunter, Robert J., Sergeant: Privates: discharged. Morrison, Earl L., Anderson, William, Keenan, Robert S., discharged. discharged. discharged. Burke, Edmund F ., Kenton, Harry J., Corporals: discharged. discharged. Moberly, Ilobart, Enright, John Francis, Deshazer, E. F., transferred. discharged. discharged. Van Giethem, J. S., Martin, I). L., discharged. Hamill, Lloyd, discharged. discharged. Rheem, R. H., Hammond, Albert, discharged. discharged. Sherrard, Guy H., died. ACTIVITIES. Company C drilled once a week. Average time put in at each drill, two hours. The 7th Battalion drill held from one to three times per month. School for commissioned officers held once a week; noncommissioned officer school, also, held once a week. The com­ pany acted as an escort to each contingent called into federal sendee from this county, and assisted in raising funds for the Red Cross, as well as participating in Liberty loan parades. On Decoration Day the company acted under orders of the commanding officer of the Grand Army of the Republic during their ceremonies. Guard duty was performed on government airplanes which landed at Olathe and stayed overnight. As one of the units of the 7th Battalion, Company C passed in review before Governor Capper on July 4, 1919, at Olathe, Kan. Guard duty was performed on war-exhibit trains while in Olathe. Kansas State Guard. 41

Company “ D,” 7th Battalion, Olathe.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. H. 0. Woodbury. Allison, Aaron. Losh, William. Ames, Earl. Mahaffie, II. C. Second Lieutenant: Blankenbeker, William. Mahaffie, Ira. Howard Hershey. Childs, A. B. Moberly, Lester. Collier, W . S. Norton, H. S. Sergeants: Delfo, Frank. Philips, Carl. Duke, J. F. Pickering, Fred. Gras, George \Y. Eldridge, Charles. Ruppelius, Harold. Gray, Ralph. Fick, Henry. Ryan, F. J. Moore, Albert. Fisher, Scott. Scrimer, M . M. McClintock, H. S. Frey, W. L. Swackhimor, J. E. Roberts, G. Arthur. Fulton, Robert. Ward, George. Gillahan, James. Williams, Frank. Corporals: Hannon, W . S. Collard, E. Bert. Hartley, Guy. Francke, Ed. Hershey, Isaac II. Hendrix, Price. Kessler, James. Rennick, Elmer J. King, Ralph. Scott, 0. J. Lanter, F. R. Wilson, Harry S. LOSSES. Sergeants: Privates: Mickie, Earnest, Petrv, W . S., discharged. discharged. . Wright, II. C., discharged. Scott, Ralph, discharged.

Company D rendered no statement of any war-time activities.

Company “ E,” 7th Battalion, Olathe.

Captain: Corporal: Privates— Concluded. Powers G. Porter. Pratt, Bennie. Jackson, Andrew. Jenkins, Eugene. First Lieutenant: Privates: Lewis, Albert. Joe Fanon. Baker, Harvey. Lewis, Claude. Beechum, Charley. Lublett, Arthur. Second Lieutenant: Bruce, John. Manlove, Arthur. Bruce, Ollie. Manlove, Joe. William Ferbey. Bruce, Russel. Pratt, John. Caldwell, Lawrence. Robinson, Edward. Sergeants: Cartwright, John. Rollins, Walter. Barnett, Charley. Duncan, Freeman. Tolbert, Buddy. Jones, Dwight. Fuel, Captain. Walker, Harry. Pratt, Sam. Fuel, Clarence. White, Frank. Robinson, Albert. Glover, Arbie. Walker, Charley. Holmes, James.

ACTIVITIES. Company E participated in the second Liberty loan campaign. 42 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “F,” 7th B attalion, Merriam.

First Lieutenant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. William L. Pattison. Abbott, David R. Hoas, R. W. Acker, Fred. Holmberg, Arthur. Second Lieutenant: Alden, Dell M. Holmberg, Bert. Alden, Will. Horner, IT. H. Charles Loomis. Alden, Willis. Johnson, Fred. Andrews, A. C. Johnson, George E. First Sergeant: Briggs, Arthur. Keating, Jermiah. Candill, Millard F. Brown, C. Kiser, Harvey M. Brown, Clarence. Kiser, John E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Burns, George. Koehler, George N. Bartberger, E. G. Campbell, J. M . Lahman, John. Cessna, G. II. Larsen, R. O. Sergeants: Cessna, Phillips. Layman, E. W. Cox, L. A. Lowry, Thomas. Beazell, Howard. Curry, Clyde L. Mangold, William C. Blanton, Lester. Davis, F. F. Miller, Henry J. Meyer, X. Ouray. Davis, G. L. Munns, J. H. McLeod, C. V. McAnany, Patrick D. White, David II. Davis, It. O. Davis, T. W. Page, Robert E. Enrnshaw, Harry L. Penchy, H. Corporals: Earnshaw, Robert. Peters, William. Bartberger, W. C. Eddie, Albert. Seclenthaler, G . P. Blattman, A. J. Evans, W. C. Smith, A. M. Fraser, Albert E. Fairhurst, James B. Spencer, William F. Garnett, Floyd S. Fisher, Ben. Staggs, W. E. Johnson, It. C. Fisher, D. U. Steinbaugh, Frank. McAnany, R. A. Flinn, J. N . Tarr, John D. McShane, L. L. Flood, Glenn. Terry, Gifford V. Stark, L. II. Foster, Frank B. VandeMiller, Charles C. Fromer, Warner. WTager, John C. Bugler: Fronel, H. M. Wallegan, Art. Meyers, Walter. Gastle, William. Watson, Clem L. Goddard, George W. Whipple, Clarence F. Goddard, Raymond. W hite, John J. Gueren, A. W. Williams, Paul H. Heaton, W. H.

LOSSES. Captains: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Crist Neiman, resigned. Gillham, John W ., Pearson, A. A., discharged. Ridley S. Peirson, discharged. Price, Gus, discharged. resigned. Hammer, M. C., Sherman, A. L., discharged. discharged. Corporals: Huntington, F. W ., Shotswell, John, discharged. discharged. Ely, C. C., discharged. Jones, Freemont. Smith, John M ., Goddard, C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hill, Winnit, discharged. Johnson, Novbert Z., Stevans, Austin, discharged. discharged. Privates: Johnson, Pete, discharged. Stork, C. H., discharged. Cochran, G. D., Ivuoff, Henry R ., Sutton, D. F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Thompson, L. E., Coleman, Paul, discharged. Lawrie, Chester, discharged. Collin, George Alfred, discharged. Thompson, Rufus, discharged. Loy, N. W ., discharged. discharged. Earnshaw, H., discharged. Martens, Henry, Whitfield, C. L., Fleming, S. L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Flinn, Frank, discharged. Mullen, Hugh, discharged. Willson, George, Foster, Carl, discharged. M cCoy, John M ., discharged. Foster, F. R., discharged. discharged. Wise, H. S., discharged. Garrett, Gilbert, McMullen, Willard, Y otz, J. P., discharged. discharged. discharged.

Company F furnished no report as to activities. Kansas State Guard. 43

Company “ G,” 7tii Battalion, Spring Hill.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Robert B. Nelson. Centrall, William M . Minnick, Charles II. Chamberlin, Gayle. Minnick, Ray E. First Lieutenant: Chamberlin, H . H. Mossman, Harry E. Ralph Davis. Chamberlin, Lewis. Mower, Samuel. Coffia, Terry C. McVey, Thomas J. Second Lieutenant: Conn, Albert. Neff, Homer H. Conn, Earl H. Nelson, James L. Fred H . Ricketts. Cook, George W . Nelson, Stephen A. Cooper, W . H ., Jr. First Sergeant: Newton, Lambert. Craig, Jecob H. Nicholson, M. L. Wilson, Ernest L. Dalzell, E. Howard. Nicholson, Thomas II. Da 1 zi'l 1. Harry. Palmer, Willard C. Quartermaster Sergeant: l)esenmus, George W . Payne, Roy H. Sowers, George S. Dever, C. Olin. Pheglev, Roy. Dickey, Beryl. Post, R. C. Sergeants: Dillon. James E. Ramey, George. West, Carl M . Drury, John. Rcnnick, George C. Duflield, Elmer W . Roofo, Paul G. Corporals: Duffield, J. Grant. Rush, William R. Dufheld, Robert F. Russell, J. B. Coons, Paul O. Eagan, Dr. R. E. Samuels, Russell G. Dillon, David W . Edwards, R. F. Shepard. C. Otto. Ellis, George T. Ernst, Martin O. Smiser, Arthur A. Lemen, John F. Fisher, Lawrence W . Smith. Eddie E. Miller, Chester W . Fisher, Wilbur. Stiles, Bert. Mossman, F. E. Flanders, Truman E. Stiles, Osman. McVey, Rov. Foote, John P. Strickland, Clarence. Simpson, G. A. Cast, Edward G. Thomas, Dr. O. Carl. Timmons, A. O. Gay, Edward G. Thomas, Roy. Hartley, B. F. Tisdale, Lloyd. Privates: Hartley, Homer. Weir, Charles. Beattie, O. H. ITcazeltine, Roswell. •Weir, Grant G. Boice, Robert O. Helm, R. R. Weir, Samuel A. Braden, James Hines, Alexander. Wilkerson, John E. Brown, Cecil F. Hines, Thomas. Wilkerson, William F. Brown, Ellis. Holdren, David H. Williams. Thomas. Brown, Elrod. Hoover, Marsh E. Wilson, Floyd J. Brown, Frank E. Johnson, Rev. N . S. Wirt, William B. Brown, James E. Jones, Henry B. Bunger, A. C. Longenecker, Vernon O.

LOSSES. Privates: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Beaver, Bruce A., Jobe, Jesse, died. Smith. Rev. Legh R ., discharged. Johnson, Thomas W ., discharged. Beaver. Dr. H. M ., discharged. Stanley, John H ., discharged. Morris, Glenn R., discharged. Bryan, Stanford, discharged. Stiles, Floyd M ., discharged. Payne, Donald P., discharged. Cuddeback, Frank J., discharged. Stiles, Vernon, discharged. discharged. Ramey, Roy, discharged. Weir, George G ., Foote, Harry E., Russell. John E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Weir, Theodore, Hartley, Wilbur L., Smith, Charles H., Weir, Earl J., discharged. discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company G drilled every Monday night after organization until the influenza stopped it in November, 1918. The unit took second honors in the grand review before the adjutant general at Olathe, Kan., July 4, 1918. Conducted military funerals at Spring Hill for Harry Foote, Jesse Jobe and Arthur La nee r. Assisted in conducting two military funerals at Gardner, Kan., for Harry Modlin and Earl Ashworth. Also assisted in conducting military funeral at Antioch, Kan., for Win. Mark Everett. The organization received $50 from Johnson county commissioners which was given to Spring Hill city for the purpose of preparing a parade ground. Gave $15 to war workers campaign. Cleaned up the business alleys of Spring Hill for the old boxes, etc., which were used in burning the Kaiser in effigy at the jubilee celebration when the armistice was signed on N o ­ vember 11, 1918. 44 Adjutant General’s Department.

H eadquarters, 8th B attalion, Russell.

Major: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: P. A. Peterson. J. E. Missemer. R. A. Stewart.

Captain and Adjutant: M. R. Smith.

No activities reported.

Comp a n ; ‘‘A,” 8th Battalion, Russell.

Captain: Artificer: Privates— Concluded. Marshall E. Darby. Aubert, William M. Hildebrand, Charles. Hoover, Kalvin. First Lieutenant: C ooks: Jacoby, Herbert J. Oscar Ostrum. Dutt, Rean. Linihan, John. Evans, Fred W. Mach in, Floyd R. Second Lieutenant: Mai, Adam G. M ai, Julius A. Andrew J. Francis. Privates: Miles, Lewis G. Bashor, Mark. Miller, George. First Sergeant: Brandenburg, Earl D. Mount, John B. Phlegar, Ben G. Brown, Emerson J. McVey, Perry. Brown, George R. O ’Brien, James E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Burkey, Francis G. Overly, George W. Miller, Vincent H. Butler, Herbert A. Overly, Leland. Carter, Lester R. Reddig, Tracy D. Sergeants: Crissman, Owen. Richardson, John. Roe, Clayton A. Farrell, John S. Darby, Edgar M. Roe, Frank. Randon, Dean S. Dowdy, William A. St. John, Laurence E. Dumler, Alex. Roe, William J. Dumler, Edward. Rogg, Allie C. Corporals: Dumm, Paul. Rogg, George M. Eddy, David F. Shaffer, Charles W. Dishman, Clarence L. Eddy, David W. Scott, M. Francis. Dumler, George H. Ely, Albert O. St. Aubyn, Everett. Ilollinger, Clarence A. Frank, Rudolph L. Wolf, Charles. Linihan, Francis E. Frazier, William H. Wood, Ben S. S tat an, James J. Fuller, A. D. Furthineyer, Adolph. Musicians: Gee, Adam D. Dawson, Ernest E. Gookin, Franklin C. St. Aubyn, Ernst L. Herren, Benjamin F. LOSSES. Sergeants: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Beardsley, Loyd J., Deil, Jacob E., Munsell, Everett, discharged. discharged. discharged. Rupenthal, Lloyd H., Dill, Lloyd, McKeen, Dick, discharged. discharged. discharged. Dumler, Conrad, Olson, Ture, Corporal: discharged. discharged. Johnson, Charles L ., Fleming, Almus, Preble, LaVelle H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Ha vis, Roy C., St. John, William, Privates: discharged. discharged. Brandenburg, Celous E., Jack, Robert F ., Stoppel, Henry, discharged. discharged. discharged. Brandenburg, Laurel, Loft is, Patrick, Vosburg, Willis A. died. discharged. discharged. Brandenburg, Sylvanus E., Meier, Carl, Wentworth, Hiram H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Chami)ion, Samuel C., Morris, Wilbur H., discharged. discharged. Kansas State Guard. 45

Company " A ,” 8th Battalion, R ussell— Concluded.

ACTIVITIES. From Juno 8 to June 20, Company A acted as escort, collectors and solicitors in Salvation Army drive, introducing Doctor Knowles to the gatherings at the various points in Russell county. The company guarded the mill and elevators, also, railroad yards from June 22 to July 22, and succeeded in putting out fires in three wheat fields started by trains. Worked under city chief of police during county fair. Assisted in collecting funds from the Red Cross slackers. Met and welcomed all patriotic speakers. Arranged for and stood the expense of two— Judge Blundon of Salina, and return trip of Doctor Knowles. Escorted each contingent of national army to the station and assisted to entrain same. The unit acted as guard to protect George Helver, Russian-German of threatened hang­ ing, at request of the mayor, also guarded the city reservoir from June 20 to July 20, at re­ quest of city, and was paid for same by the city. Bought ribbons and presented them to the draft board to pin on the men of the National Army, which were used as markers, having “ National Army” printed on them. Attended battalion drill on September 11, battalion review and inspect on on September 25, competitive drill by the battalion on October G, and assisted at five funerals, furnished firing squad and military escort for the same.

Company “ B,” 8th Battalion, Lucas.

Captain: Band— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. O. L. Walmer. Richolson, Leon. McMillen, Win. Torrence, Lee. McMillen, William. First Lieutenant: Torrence, L. L. McMullin, Floyd. M. L. Waycraft. McMullin, Victor. Privates: Me Murry, Carl. Second Lieutenant: Armsbury, Dwight T. Mansfield, Henry. Meitler, Henry. M. G. Rodrick. Bland, C. R. Brooks, G. E. Mintier, Lane. Moore, Merrit. First Sergeant: Brown, H. L . Buehler, Elmer. Mosher, Ralph. Harshbarger, R. M . Campbell, A. E. Nelson, A. C. Chard, Marion. Neuvert, David. Sergeants: Cooper, Emmet. Novak, Frank. Oschwald, Robert. Keeney, W . E. Daily, James. Pauley, G. R. Weatherhead, Robert. Dengate, R. H. Scriven, C. G. Fowler, R. C. Dick, W. L. Dinsmoor, II. W . Scriven, J. M. Corporals: Fowler, C. A. Shirley, Lee. Sims, Raymond. Bollier, Clifford. Gibson, Orva. Harris, Robert. Smith, Dan. Smith, Merritt. Smith, M. E. Sperry, H. B. Harshbarger, J. M. Heinze, Alex. Snyder, Ivan. Tilzey, Marvin. Sumner, C. A. Vaughn, Clarence. Heinze, Carl. Herber, Ernest. Thrapp, A. T. Jay, F. F. Tidball, ------Band: Kvasniska, Ben. Tidball, O. R. Tilzey, Henry. Carbenier, II. H. Kvasniska, Charles. Twibell, John A. Cook, Ray. Loper, C. W . Wilcox, H. W. Harris, Bert. McMillen, Francis. Leach, C. C. McMillen, Otis.


Corporals: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Franzen, P. N. discharged. Chard, E. C., discharged. Markel, W . S., discharged. Williams, S. A., discharged. Cooper, Galen E., Reece, J. E., discharged. discharged. Rollins, Walter S., Privates: Johnson, S. C., discharged. discharged. Jordan, H. T ., discharged. Scriven, L. S., discharged.* Barr, F. O., discharged. McElravy, J. H. Smith, W . C., discharged. Baustian, Bryan M ., discharged. Vaughn, D. E., discharged. discharged. Wendland, F. W., Buchan, T . J., discharged. McMullin, J. L., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. The personnel of Company B, with few exceptions, were very faithful in attendance at drills, and the organization rendered invaluable service to state and country in preserving order in this community. 46 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C ,” 8th Battalion, Dorrance.

First Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Piper, J. S. Anspaugh, Lee. Kendall, C. Anspaugh, S. F. Hepka, II. Killian, A. Sergeants: Bamvorth, P. Betts, M . Kuhnle, W. . Coffeen, F. C. Betts, X . Miller, H. Cooper, Hay. Bisterfeld, C. Patterson, F. Briggs, E. Peebley, Charles. Corporals: Briggs, W . Ptacek, J. Reed, J. Frirnmell, W . Brown, J. Heel, R. E. Bryan, H. G. Shilts, E. Kuhnle, IT. Bunker, George. Smith, Bert. Sprinkle, O. F. Sawhill, H. W. Bunker, James. Steinle, A. A. Weekley, W. Donavan, G. Steinle, D. F. Wilson, F. Duryee, M . Flemming, H. Steinle, Will. Garrett, L. Stumpn, Donald. Artificer: Golliart, X. Talhelm, A. Craine, L. O. Goodnough, E. Veverka, Tony. Heinze, Dave. Washburn, E. Ilettler, A. G. Weekley, John.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. L. H. Nimps, discharged. Anspaugh, D. D., Garrett, Charles, discharged. discharged. Sergeant: Anspaugh, M. M., Howard, Jess., discharged. Hall, Guy G., discharged. discharged. Major, H., discharged. Banworth, M ., discharged. Steinle, Fred D ., Musicians: Briggs, Harlow, discharged. discharged. Bunker, Fred, discharged. Dewey, Peek, discharged. White, Charles, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company C rounded up some pro-Germans and brought them to a patriotic speech at which the speaker solocited funds to help support the work of the Salvation Armv at the “ front." The unit held a patriotic meerting at which local talent and a returned Canadian soldier gave rousing talks. The company gave an exhibition drill, served an “army style" dinner, and raised funds for local work. Patrolled elevators several nights at the time many were being burned over the country by the “ p ro" element ; passed resolution and tried in several ways to suppress the use of the German language on the streets and in the communty; caused the service of one camp meeting which was to have been given in the German language to be preached in English. Kansas State Guard. 47

C o m p a n y “D,” 8 t h B a t t a l i o n , Luray.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Concluded. Opie O. Mowrey. Quigley, B. B. Hubbard, O. D. Webster, Lyman. Jenkins, Frank. First Lieutenant: Kimble, John. W . E. Paugburn. Musicians : King, Roy. Cochran, E. M. Kruger, August. Second Lieutenant: Quigley, Ratio. Lee, Rov. LeWallin, C. E. George Schurr. Artificer: Lockhart. Clarence. Mansfield, W . C. First Sergeant: Griffin, E. S. Markley, A. L. Cullins, E. T. Markley, E. II. Privates: Markley, Merle. Supply Sergeant: Beach, Wilford. Markley, Scott. Glasgow, A. G. Brown, D. N. Missimer, Jacob. Bryan, James A. Missimer, Verne. Sergeants: Buckmaster, W. D. McGlasson, E. F. Buster, Cecil. O'Brien, E. E. Fowler, A. W . Byerly, Jesse. Paschal, Albert. Glasgow, R. H. Cochrum, Ben. Prather, Cecil. Hickman, Marc. Cochrun, W . D. Ramy, Floyd. Rose, Mark. Conwav, Felix. Rainy, Robert. Cullen, J. S. Reiss, E. A. Corporals: Daniels, E. C. Reiss, James. Belveal, Glen. Daniels, George. Richardson, W . A. Buster. Virgil. Dawdy, George. Rose, Abe. Chatam, R. J. Dewe, John. Rose, Thomas. Gile, R. R. Fa 11 is, C. P. Schurr, W . D. Hickman, Walter V. Fallis, O. R. Smith, Charles E. O’Leary, J. A. Fritts, Clarence. Stellson, H. E. Reiss, John, Jr. Fritts, Walter. VanScoyoc, J. M . Rose, John. Gmminon, Will. VanScoyoc, L. V. Schurr, Bert. Gray, Clarence. Weller, Garnet. Schurr, F. E. Good, Fred. Wells, E. H. Hawes, Elmer. White, George L. Holcomb, O. E. Wilkerson, George. Hoops, Lewis.

LOSSES. Sergeants: Pri vat es— Co ntinu ed. Privates— Concluded. Johnson, Roy L., Bollinger, G. F., McKnight, William, discharged. discharged. discharged. Lawler, A. W ., discharged. Brandt, F. H ., deserted. Nelson, N. N . L .f Burch, Charley, discharged. discharged. Corporals: Burch, Harry, discharged. Rueger, R. G ., discharged. Cullens, Harry, discharged. Cave, Earl, discharged. Sanford, B. K ., discharged. Olson, H. M ., discharged. Cochrun, Carl, discharged. Schurr, John, discharged. Fields, C. H ., discharged. Schurr, O. R ., discharged. Schurr, Ralph, discharged. M usicians: Floria, C. H ., discharged. Gebhardt, Adolph, Shafstall, R. L., Lewis, R. M ., discharged. deserted. discharged. Rainsey, Flavius, Giradat, William, Stevenson, O. I., discharged. resigned. discharged. Glasgow, I,. B., discharged. Tabler, C. J., discharged. P rivates: Knapp, J. P ., discharged. Walker, R. H ., discharged. Belveal, J. L., discharged. Maupin, C. C ., discharged. Wilson, M . R., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company D performed guard duty in the city of Luray, including elevators, railroad oil tanks, etc. Decoration services were conducted on May 30 of 1918 and 1919. The unit participating in the Salvation Army campaign, escorting Liberty loan speakers, also other men of military importance. 48 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ E,” 8th Battalion, Paradise.

Captain: C ook: Privates— Concluded. Fred L. Benfield. Robbins, William. Gruver, John A. Harrell, Robert M . First Lieutenant: Bugler: Howard, John. Wylie W . Martin. Miller, Zola F. Howe, J. T. Lewis, George A. Second Lieutenant: Artificer: Mack, Andrew S. Madson, Fred P. George E. Hendershott. Hutchcraft, Clarence S. Martin, James P. Privates: Maupin, Ercil E. First Sergeant: Al linger, Harmon. Maupin, Otto R. Hockett, Penn. Barth, Henry C. Mellard, Edgar A. Bartlett, Vernon C. Miles, George A. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bartlett, William P. Miles, Manoah E. Bourn, Elbert. Bealby, Archie. McNeal, Albert O. Belby, Jimmie A. McGuire, Fred A. Sergeants: Bell, Hugh. McGuire, Loyd W. Booth, Brooks. Bell, Samuel. Paulsen, Bruno. Houser, William L. Boedeker, Lawrence. Pooley, Charley E. Kirkpatrick, Daniel. Bourn, James E. Pritchard, George W . Mothershead, Ola F. Bronson, Gussie. Bobbins, Charles W . Brown, Vernon. Rogers, Guy R. Corporals: Case, Clarence. S&uss, Wilbur. Dawe, Francis W . Shores, Bert. Anderson, Elvis. Drury, Frederick. Spear, Francis L. Martin, Leroy K. Dunlap, David. Stanton, Charley. Pooley, John. Dwinnelle, Ernest L. Stanton, Tob L. Post, Henry L. Dwinnelle, George E. Sturdevant, Vernon O. Wilcox, Norris W . Evans, Donald H. Thurman, Homer. Wines, Charley E. Fink, Chalen V. Wolf, Floyd. Fink, E. Zekell. Wolf, L. Ellsworth. Green, George O. Worley, Sam C.


Sergeants: Bugler: Privates— Concluded. Boedeker, Lawrence C ., Mothershead, Harvey R., Markle, S. William, discharged. discharged. discharged. Nordeen, Henry, Post, Avery R., Privates: discharged. discharged. Bell, Bentley, discharged. Queen, Creed T ., Clark, Bryan, discharged. Corporals: discharged. Clark, Caric T ., discharged. Robinson, Albert A., Hamilton, Foster J., Hamilton, Chester D ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Roundtree, Guy W ., Zimmerman, Claud A., Henry, Joseph T ., •discharged. discharged. discharged. Staggers, Walton, Kirkpatrick, Ray B., discharged. Cook: discharged. W olf, Frank, discharged. Miller, John J., Manbeck, Charley E., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company E assisted in all war work, including Liberty loan, Red Cross, and such other work as we could do. . ,. The company was never called out for active guard duty, but practiced it with our other work.

H eadquarters, 9th B attalion, Topeka.

M ajor: Captain and Supply Officer: Quartermaster Sergeant: Perle B. Hamlin. Thomas D. Humphreys. G. M. L. Goshom.

Captain and Adjutant: Sergeant A /a;or: Color Sergeant: Kenneth T. Erwin. Frank R. Merriam. Willard G. Harrington.

N o report of activities furnished. Kansas State Guard. 49

Company “A,” 9th Battalion, Topeka.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Jack J. McClements. Adams, Earl. Mapes, Henry D. Arthur, Richard L. Markeley, Walter M. First Lieutenant: Ash, Norman. Moone, Clone J. William H. Shields. Bailey, Arthur. McPeak, Harold. Benedict, Calvin C. Nixon, Jay P. Second Lieutenant: Black, Walter. Owens, Glenn A. Dargitz, Claude A. Parker, Henry L. Paul Q. Long. Foster, Thomas W . Pearson, John William. Frost, Arthur. Prewet t, Joseph B. First Sergeant: Goosey, Charles A. Robbins, Frank C. Wolfe, Clayton J. Grantier, Orlin. Rogers, Vemie C. Hahn, Herman S. Sandeffer, John W. Sergeants: Harper, Leo K. Saudi ffer, Albert J. DeMerkel, William D. Hensel, Arthur. Scott, Donald H. Standi ford, Woody S. Hensel, Louis C. Schwartz, Henry B. Herring, Theo R. Standi ford, Cecil W . Corporals: Hughes, Frank D. Taliaferro, Fred. Thompson, Elmer T. Coming, William H. I jams, Shelby H. Jones, Clarence. Turner, Norton A. Strause, George A. Lungstrum, Oscar E. Workman, Howard. Mallory, Claire P.

LOSSES. Captains: Privates: Privates— Continued. Hugh M. Fellow, Afron, Abe M., Davis, Ralph W., discharged. deserted. deserted. Arthur Hargis, Anderson, Garrison C., Dawler, Earl II., resigned. discharged. transferred. Ansel, R. L., Dawler, Herbert, transferred. transferred. Second Lieutenants: Ansel, T. S., Deever, Ray F., Paul C. Scheer, transferred. transferred. transferred. Barrett, Fred F., Drane, Charlie, William B. Wolfe, deserted. deserted. resigned. Beatty, Blaine L., Drennon, W . R ., discharged. desert ed. First Sergeant: Belden, Haydon H., Earll, Clarence V., deserted. deserted. Swendson, Samuel A., Ericsson, Reuben L., discharged. Bell, Paul, discharged. Bower, W . C., discharged. deserted. Ever, Herbert L., Quartermaster Sergeant: Boyer, Fred R., deserted. discharged. Smith, Frank E., Buck, Chester A., Farmer, Roy, discharged. discharged. transferred. Bunts, James II., Fenton, William A., Sergeants: transferred. discharged. Bailey, Warren L., Bush, E. E., deserted. Ferris, John C., discharged. Cairns, George F., discharged. Burgovne, Leon C., discharged. Feverly, William L., discharged. Carter, Elmer B., deserted. Hummel, A. W., discharged. Fisher, Henry M ., discharged. Cassitv, Harry E., discharged. Randall, Graydon H., discharged. Fowler, Cliarles E., discharged. Cessna, Harry D ., deserted. discharged. Fraser, Buy B., discharged. Corporals: Chandler, John J., discharged. Geiger, Willard, Brewer, Donald, Charlesworth, El win W ., discharged. transferred. deserted. Glenn, Guy C., Moser, Arthur II., Christman, John B., discharged. discharged. discharged. Gordon, Robert S., Jr., Swan, Albert M ., Clements, Robert R., deserted. discharged. discharged. Graham, Douglas A., Welch, Paul C., Cook, Calvin A., deserted. discharged. discharged. Green, Thomas C., Crouch, William B., discharged. Musician: discharged. Gribble, Clyde II., Sowell, John, Davies, Frank M ., deserted. discharged. discharged.

4—4436 50 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ A," 9th B attalion, T opeka— Concluded.

Privates— Continued. Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Halbert, Walter L., Mitchell, Donald, Stover, Spencer J., deserted. discharged. transferred. Ha rusher, Chester, Moser, Arthur H., Streeter, Lyman H ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Harris, Elmer, McCord, George D., Tiffany, Floyd, discharged. deserted. discharged. Heil, Henry E., McKernan, John, Tillmans, George T., transferred. discharged. deserted. Herring, Fred F., Neiberger, Leonard, Voiland, Ferdinand, discharged. discharged. discharged. Holland, L. B., Palmer, Earl R., Wall, Harry G., discharged. deserted. transferred. Jaquith, Ralph S., Plumberg, Andrew, Weaver, Thomas R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Jarrell, J. F ., Pool, Glen L., Wiles, Wilburn J., discharged. discharged. deserted. Johnson, Arthur L., Pulliam, Alfred, Wheeler, William J., discharged. deserted. transferred. Johnson, Corbin C ., Rasdall, Charles, Woodward, L. M., discharged. deserted. discharged. Jolliff, John W ., Rowe, Clifton, Woody, William, discharged. deserted. discharged. Jones, Clyde D ., Rowder. Frank, Yarnell, Guy O., discharged. discharged. discharged. Koff, Richard F., Schoonover, Albert, Young, Floyd E., deserted. discharged. discharged. Lake, Harry W ., Smith, Charles I., Younger, Paul A., deserted. discharged. discharged. Long. Jesse, Sowers, Ralph P., Zinn, Ambrose, deserted. discharged. discharged. Luke, Charles A., Spain, Paul A., deserted. discharged. Miller, Fred R., Stickle, Arthur C., deserted. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A participated in all Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns, Seven-in-One and other drives to raise funds for war work and allied activities. The unit acted as escort to departing contingents of drafted men, and performed interior guard duty at Kansas State Fair at Topeka, in 1918. Participated in sham battle each night of the week of the Kansas State Fair, Topeka, 1918, as part of the “St. Mihiel Drive Spec­ tacle.” Provided detail to guard fourth Liberty loan special train. Attended Memorial Day services and other ceremonies. Performed police duty during parades of returned soldiers. Provided funeral escorts and firing squads for deceased federal soldiers. Held drills at least once per week, except during influenza epidemic. Kansas State Guard. 51

Company “ B,” 9th Battalion, Topeka.

Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. George P. Morehouse. Roy, Jonathan M. Ekberg, Olof. Spickerman, E. D. Evans, Clinton J. First Lieutenant: Wellman, Guy T. Foster, Glenn G. Lionel F. Whitney. French, Lawrence T. Cook: Graham, A. A. Second Lieutenant: Butner, Vincent. Grant, Will B. Grice, George J. Edward E. Heidt. Artificcr: Hadden, Charles J. Johanson, Francis L. First Sergeant: Haglund, John T. Kirby, James II. Roundtree, R. D. Lardner, James T. Buglers: Layton, Oran. Quartermaster Sergeant: Fergus, Thomas. Lashbrook, S. L. Watson, Marshall. Gardner, Edgar B. Lempenau, Bert J. Lutz, Edward F. Privates: Sergeants: Maxwell, Charles B. Amis, John H. MePartlmg, Ernest H. Darnell, Charles. Boeger, Charles J. Naylor, Harold E. Kistler, Linford P. Boyd, Ray F. Pondrv, H. E. Rooney, Edward. Butler, William C. Pettit, Walter R. Warnica, Walter R. Calvin, William T. Rigby, II. E. Camp, August L. Schnebly, Ralph J. Corporals: Cannon, Thomas B. Watson, Wiley. Dale, Charles II. Coke, Leander F. Whitmore, Frank W . Drennon, Thomas E. Dixon, Thomas H. Wichers, Anton D. Hamaker, George J. Eaton, Robert W . Williams, David C. Long, Victor C. Edgar, Paul H. Younger, B. F.

LOSSES. Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Continued. Perle B. Hamlin, promoted. Lungstrum, Melvin W ., Campbell, Cleaver B., transferred. transferred. First Lieutenant: McBride, David M., Campbell, Donald A., transferred. Elmer C. Gilligan, discharged. Canna, Frank, discharged. promoted. Platt, Edmund H., discharged. Carlson, Gust, discharged. Carr, Samuel W . W ., Second Lieutenant: Cooks: transferred. Samuel M . Polans, Watson, Wiley W., Carter, W . B., discharged. promoted. transferred. Coffey, W . H ., discharged. Comstock, George, First Sergeant: Surgeon : transferred. Harrington, Willard G ., Cooper, Harry E., transferred. Sams,.Dr. L. V., discharged. discharged. Davies, Jesse, discharged. Quartermaster Sergeant: Davis, Clark, transferred. Privates: Humphreys, Thomas D ., Dawson, Orlyn L., commissioned. Akers, James F., discharged. discharged. Deever, Ray F., Sergeants: Anderson, Clarence T ., transferred. Hardy, Harry A., discharged. Donnohue, Robert M ., discharged. Armstrong, James P., discharged. Lake, Frank N ., discharged. Durbin, Roy D ., discharged. Asher, Ray, discharged. discharged. Lewis, William II., Bailey, Herbert G ., Eyer, Herbert L., transferred. transferred. transferred. Lindemuth, Frank L., Barncord, Charles E., Fansler, J. A., discharged. transferred. discharged. Farmer, Roy, transferred. Wilcox, Chester L ., Barns, Roosevelt, Fidler, John, discharged. transferred. discharged. Finch, William, transferred. Bauman, Robert, Fisher, John W ., died. Corporals: transferred. Forsgren, Henry C., Allen, Richard O., Beltz, Walter F., transferred. discharged. discharged. Foster, Glen G ., Andrews, Orvil P., Birmingham, Michael W ., transferred. discharged. transferred. Franklin, Charles L., Bolmar, Carl P., Boag, George R., transferred. discharged. transferred. Furlong, James J., Burnett, Kenneth F ., Bradley, George C., transferred. transferred. transferred. Gannon, John F., Kersey, John J., Brustman, Simon R., discharged. transferred. discharged. Goodell, John S., Lommasson, Charles C .f Buntz, James H., discharged. discharged. transferred. Adjutant General’s Department.

C ompany “ B,” 9th Battalion, T opeka— C ontinued.

Privates— Concluded. Privates— Continued. Privates— Continued. Richardson, N. L., Goosey, Charles A., Larimer, Gilbert W ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Roller, Grover V., Goshorn, G. M. L., Lawson, William A., transferred. discharged. transferred. Grant, Will B., transferred. Ledford, Ernest C., Sassman, William, Green, S., discharged. discharged. discharged. Schmidt, Walter T., Gregg, David T., Lehmann, Howard A., discharged. discharged. transferred. Griffin, Joseph C ., Lindemuth, Lawrence V., Seely, Clement W ., discharged. transferred. transferred. Hagen, J. L., discharged. Lindemuth, William E., Seely, Harold T., discharged. Hale, Robert P., transferred. transferred. Lowe, Clarence M ., Seward, Louis G., discharged. Hall, Herbert T., discharged. transferred. Lucas, Francis S., Sheridan, B. F., discharged. Hankenberry, Coy B., discharged. discharged. Lungren, Ernest S., Shirley, I. N., discharged. Hardisty, Lud, transferred. discharged. Short, Gail, discharged. Harris, Glen R., Lungstrum, Walter T., Siebert, Roland W., transferred. transferred. discharged. Haseltine, D. P., Mann, Henry P., Smith, Harry Looman, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hathaway, Louis, Marshall, Clad V., Smith, William B., transferred. transferred. transferred. Havener, Charles L., Martin, Cloyd, transferred. Snider, Arthur H., transferred. Martin Henry C., discharged. Hermann, John, transferred. Spain, Paul V., discharged. transferred. Mattingly, C. A., Sterling, Chester A., Ileil, Edwin II., transferred. discharged. transferred. Means, Donald, transferred. Stevenson, Elmer C., Hooper, Clarence A ., Meiser, August A., discharged. transferred. transferred. Stratton, George H., Hornbaker, Harry L., Mellia Clyde O., discharged. discharged. transferred. Strawn, F. W ., transferred. Housh, Emmett W ., Merriam, Frank R., Strawn, Newton C., discharged. transferred. discharged. Howard, Christopher C., Mertel, Robert F., Talbert, Roy, transferred. discharged. transferred. Tibbits, Wallace L., Hughes, Alexander C., Moore, Joseph E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Ticehurst, Lee, transferred. Hunting, P. W., Morand, Frank, Tyler, Harold W ., transferred. discharged. discharged. Husband, George W ., Morehouse, Robert H., Vale, G. W ., transferred. transferred. discharged. Vincent, Cranston, Isaacson, John J., Morris, Ora S., discharged. discharged. discharged. Muss, Raleigh, transferred. Wall, G. J., discharged. Jaenicke, Ralph H ., Myrick, Walter C., Wallace, Rhuben C., transferred. discharged. discharged. Janes, Sydney S., McFarland, Joe T ., Warren, Frank G., transferred. discharged. transferred. Johnson, Nelson, McMurtrv, Alfred, W ebb, Clarence A ., transferred. transferred. transferred. Jones, Charles L ., Nedeau, E. W ., discharged. Webb, Harold E., discharged. Parret, Elmer H., discharged. Jones, Paul S., discharged. transferred. Wesley, Russell, Jones, Roger I., Pearce, Ralph A., transferred. transferred. transferred. Wichman, Harry E., Kelley, F. L., discharged. Peterson, Grant B., discharged. Kinkaid, Edwin B., discharged. Williams, David C., discharged. Plumley, William L., transferred. Klopper, Jake, discharged. discharged. Wilbams, David J., Knight, C. R., discharged. Pope, Leo E., transferred. discharged. Knoll, Ray E., discharged. Pope, James W., Wool folk, Robert M., Krumm, Casper, transferred. transferred. discharged. Reddick, Edward E., Wright, Forest E., Kunish, Fred M., transferred. discharged. discharged. Reed, William, discharged. Young, Homer M ., Laff, Roscoe V., Rendle, Lewis, discharged. transferred. . transferred.

ACTIVITIES. During its two years service, about 240 were enlisted in its ranks, and received various terms of military training, many of whom went into the United States army and navy, some into the National Guard, while others removing from the city carried their enthusiasm and experience to other units. What constitutes a body of well disciplined men have continued in the service with a full complement of officers to answer as their names were called at final muster-out roll call. Kansas State Guard. 53

Company “ B,” 9th Battalion, Topeka— Concluded.

During its active service, over 100 regular company drills were held in which infantry drill was fairly well mastered and put into weekly practice. The officers held frequent noncommissioned officers schools and the promotions were made upon proficiency and term of service. In addition to its weekly (often twice a week) drills, Company B participated in over forty special patriotic events, sometimes with the entire battalion; but often alone, when the other companies could not respond. These special occasions were parades, the guarding of troop trains, etc., incident to the going-away and the home-coming of soldiers, and in the many World War, Liberty loan, Bed Cross drive campaigns, and Armistice and victory celebrations. During the influenza epidemic, fall and winter of 1918-1919, Company B furnished the military escort, volley firing detail and bugler for full military honors at the funerals of nu­ merous United States soldiers brought to Topeka for burial; and this was often at a time when the epidemic was so severe that indoor services were not held and only services at the grave permitted. Company B furnished one major, five captains, eight lieutenants, two battalion color ser­ geants, three battalion supply sergeants, and one battalion sergeant major for state guard serv­ ice, while several went from the company who obtained commissions and warrants in the United States army. During its entire service. Company B maintained a complete and ever-ready unit of Kan­ sas militia; and it never failed to respond to any call of duty, although it often caused much personal and business sacrifice. While not permitted to go overseas it tried to keep “ the home fires burning,” and is proud of its record in having given the elementary military training to almost one hundred young men who went from its ranks into United States military service, some of whom served upon the historic battle fields of France. Company B will always look back with satisfaction upon its humble service during the great World War, not because of what it did, but as to what it was willing to do had oppor­ tunity offered.

Company “ C,” 9th Battalion, Topeka.

First Lieutenant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. W. B. Altman. Allison, George. Hopkins, Author G. Bastin, G. G. Johnson, George J. Second Lieutenant: Becker, C. J. Liabo, J. D. Luthey, Carl. O. O. Bruce. Berg, Paul O. Boettcher, C. W . Mohler, C. G. Morand, E. First Sergeant: Bonebrake, A. L. Brayman, Edward. Myrick, Walter C. Maunsell, C. J. Carlson, Charles C. McQuerrv, C. F. Carson, C. O ’Neal, W . R. Corporals: Case, C. J. Parton, C. Austin, O. K. Coke. J. E. Pretz, G. Bacon, W . E. Delph, G. M. Rigdon, A. Bonebrake, J. J. Dieid, Fred. Roudebush, G. Chadwell, L. C. Gately, G. H. Rumph, D. B. Connelly, F. C. Gorman, G. E. Sea lover, W . R. Kuntz, C. M. Griffin, W . C. Smith, E. L. Hennessy, Henry B. Snooks, E. R. Hinshaw, G. W. Vogel, R. Hocker, Bert E. West, D. J.

LOSSES. Captains: Sergeants: Privates: O. M . Allegre, resigned. Atchison, F. H., Fleming, C., discharged. P. C. Scheer, resigned. discharged. Lewis, W . E., Bodin, W . F., discharged. discharged. First Lieutenant: Heidt, E. E., transferred. McGregor, A. C., W . B. Straws, resigned. Holman, C. E., discharged. discharged. Shelton, G. II., Neiswanger, N ., deserted. Richards, G ., discharged. Second Lieutenant: discharged. Stadell, C. E., Erwin, K. T ., transferred. Corporal: discharged. Vincent, J., discharged. Atchison, F. R., discharged. Whyte, discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C acted as escort to drafted men and performed guard duty at the depot. The unit participated in parades for loan drives, Red Cross drives, and war work campaigns; pa­ rade and guard at Ripley park recruiting for National Guard. Escort to several funerals of service men. Guard duty at depot and line of parade for returning A. E. F. men. Guard duty at state house for inaugural reception. 54 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ D ,” 9th Battalion, Topeka.

Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. Elmer C. Gilligan. Patterson, George Lungstrum, Melvin W. Theodore. Lungstrum, Walter T. First Lieutenant: Yale, George W. Marsh, Benjamin. Young, Homer M. McAfee, Leland N. Harry E. Buchanan. Petro, L. C. C ook: Prosser, Frank L. Second Lieutenant: Williams, George. Ransom, Halsey C. Herbert G. Bailey. Roller, Grover V’. Privates: Smith, Marsh. First Sergeant: Stanley, Ernest A. Bradley, George C. Bierce, Robert S. Talbert, Ray C. Brayman, LeRoy. Thornburg, O. K. Cook, Roy G. Supply Sergeant: Ticehurst, Lee. Crooker, Cecil R. Ticehurst, Roy. Campbell, Cleaver B. Davis, Clark. Wall, Harry G. Finch, William. Wallace, E. Byron. Sergeants: Franklin, Charles L. Wardin, Harry H. Allen, Richard O. Gill, Theodore R. Warren, Frank J. Ansel, Tracy S. Hathaway, Lewis B. Webb, Clarence A. Kersey, John J. Heil, H. Edwin. White, Elliot IT. Talbert, Roy W. Husband. George W. Whitney, Dwight W. Jay, J. G . Woolard, Albert.. Corporals: Johnson, Nelson. Wright, Clarence W . Frost, Russell E. Jones, Rog r J. Hermann, John. Kinkead, Harvey W. Kenyon, Charles. Kinkel, Paul.

LOSSES. First Lieutenants: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Kenneth F. Burnett, Carr, Samuel W. W., Mattingly, C. A., resigned. discharged. discharged. William B. Smith, resigned. Cleavenger, Roy, Means, Donald, discharged. Chester L. Wilcox, discharged. Meiser, August A., resigned. Comstock, George, discharged. discharged. Mertel, Robert F., First Sergeant : Connable, Howard P., discharged. Havener, Charles Lynn, discharged. Mitchell, Stanley, discha rged. Deever, Ray F., discharged. discharged. Muss, Raleigh M., Supply Sergeant: Dougherty, Kenneth, discharged. Seely, Clement W., discharged. Nonken, Charles C., discharged. Eyer, George, discharged. discharged. O’Mellia, Clyde, Sergeants: Farmer, Roy, discharged. Lewis, William H., discharged. Parrett, H. Elmer, discharged. Forsgren, Henry E., discharged. Lindemuth, Frank L., discharged. Pearce, Ralph A., discharged. Furlong, James J., transferred. discharged. Pope; James W., Corporals: Hall, Herbert T., discharged. Birmingham, Michael W ., discharged. Pope, L. E., discharged. discharged. Hardesty, Lud, Pryor, Garvin, discharged. Gillespie, Burt M. discharged. Reddick, Edward E., discharged. Harris, Glen R ., discharged. Hale, Robert P., discharged. Rowe, Clifton S., discharged. Hooper, C. A., transferred. discharged. Haskill, Ralph L., Hmining, P. W ., Strawn, F. W ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Stubbings, Samuel H., Janes, Sidney S., Jaenicke, Ralph H ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Ticehurst, Bertram, Lawson, William A., Kanode, Ralph D., * discharged. discharged. discharged. Wesley, Russell, Turner, Warren H ., Kingsbury, Earl M., discharged. discharged. discharged. Wheeler, W. W. W., Privates: Laff, R. V ., transferred. discharged. Lehman, Howard H., White, Paul E., Adams, Ellsworth E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Lindemuth, Lawrence V., Willette, Raymond Ansel, Roy L., discharged. discharged. Bauman, Robert, Thomas, Lindemuth, William E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Boag, George R., Williamson, Lee W ., discharged. Lutz, Edward F., discharged. Bunts, James H., transferred. Wilson, Roy, discharged. Marshall, Clad V., discharged. Burgner, Harry D ., discharged. Wool folk, Robert M., discharged. Martin, Clovd, discharged. discharged. Campbell, Donald A., Martin, Harry C., Wurtzler, Charles F., discharged. discharged. discharged. . Kansas State Guard.

Company “ D ,” 9th Battalion, Topeka— Concluded.

ACTIVITIES. Participated in all Liberty loan drives, Red Cross drives, Seven-in-One drives, and all other campaigns to raise money for war work and allied activities. Acted as escort to de­ parting contingents of drafted men. Performed interior guard duty at Topeka, Kansas State Fair, 1918, including furnishing details for guarding fireworks and explosives. Participated in sham battle each night of week of Topeka, Kansas State Fair, 1918, as part of the “ St. Mihiel Drive” spectacle. Provided detail to guard fourth Liberty loan special train. A t­ tended Memorial Day and other ceremonies. Provided special police detail for inauguration of Governor Allen. Provided guard details for good roads convention and other assemblies for the common good. Performed police duty during parades of returning soldiers. Provided funeral escorts and firing squads for deceased soldiers. Held drills at least once per week, often more frequently, except during influenze epidemic period, during which two regular drills were suspended. Held noncommissioned officer schools once per week during the summer of 1918. Supported and encouraged formation of new national guard.

H eadquarters , 10th B a t t a l i o n , Lincoln.

Major: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: John J. McCurdy. Elias Rees. Asas Townedin.

Captain and Adjutant: Henry S. Busick.

No report of activities furnished. 56 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “A,” 10th Battalion, Sylvan Grove.

C a p ta in : C o o k s : P riv a tes— C on cluded. R. M. Skaggs. Pugh, Frank. Mueller, Martin. Quickert, A. D. Mueller, William. First Lieutenant: Niemeyer, Otto. P riv a tes: Novak, Edward. Bert E. Kreps. Alley, Rueben, Reno. Nystrom, John L. Becker, Ernest. Oswald, A. W. Second Lieutenant: Behrhorst, Edwin. Pickett, J. V. Paul S. Anderson. Bender, Ray. Pugh, E. E. Blythe, Herbert. Raffety, Edmond C. First Sergeant: Bochow, Fred C. Riekenberg, Gustav. Breihan, W. H. Books, Aubrey. Riekenberg, Lorenz. Books, Marvin. Saenger, Henry. Quartertnaster Sergeant: Calene, Raymond M. Schellhamer, Lawrence. Dehler, William J. Decker, Millard. Seirer, Albert. Decker, Robert. Seirer, Harry. S ergea n ts: Dierker, Otto F. Sowders, Granville. Fyler, R. H. Stolz, E. B. Hurlbut, Oral. Gatewood, F. A. Thrun, Albert. Lawson, S. M. Gier, Lewis. Urban, Frank A. Simpson, Preston S. Henry, Alford. Urban, George. Wilson, James R. Hilpert, Fred. Vanek, Joe. Hurlbut, Oral. Vonada, LeRoy. C o rp o ra ls: Jirka, Frank. Ware, Lawton. Bowen, W. E. Kasiska, L. W. Wilson, A. R. Linder, William. Knox, Claude. Wolting, William H. Meinhartz, John F. Kretzmann, Gustav W. Landgraf, Amos. B u glers: Meade, B. H. Merscli, Clarence. Mersch, Mathias F. Wunderlich, Albert. Mueller, Henry A.

LOSSES. Sergeant: P riva tes— C on tinued. P riva tes— C oncluded. Frey, Sheldon, Calene, Glen, Lawson, Virgil, resigned. discharged. discharged. Cross, E. S. W., Lewellen, Claude, C o rp o ra l: resigned. transferred. Edwards, Claude, Decker, John, Linder, Art, died. discharged. discharged. DcVinney, Dr., Lovin, Roy, P riv a tes: transferred. discharged. Fyler, Earl, Novak, Joe, Barnett, Less, discharged. discharged. resigned. Gatewood, Ralph, Seirer, John, Bell, M. D., resigned. discharged. resigned. Lambert, John, Schneider, W . E., Bender, Will, discharged. resigned. discharged. Lambert, William, Calene, Edwin, discharged. resigned.

ACTIVITIES. Company A drilled regularly once a week and in the fall of 1918 it drilled twice a week and took part in two contests at the county fairs. Four companies took part in these con­ tests, Company A winning first place in one, and second place in the other. The unit was ready to take part in a big Liberty loan meeting, but did not get to do so on account of the state ban during the influenza and all meetings were called off. Company A had an auxiliary of ladies known as the “ blue cross” which was drilled by the officers of the state guard. This society also assisted the Red Cross and gave the branch at Sylvan Grove $157. Kansas State Guard. 57

Company “ B,” 1 0 t h B a t t a l i o n , Lincoln.

C aptain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. G. W. Kertson. Coil, W. J. Morton, E. Conner, George B. Moss, Alonzo D. First Lieutenant: Cooper, J. C. Moss, Miles. M. J. Healy. Cowse, C. W. Moss, W. J. Dalton, John Clark. Munch, Chris. First Sergeant: Davidson, Lesly. McKnight, C. O. Webb, Eugene M . Dill, F. W. McRenolds, J. F. Dyer, V. G. Olson, Fred II. Quartermaster Sergeant: Frobenius, E. R. Ostland, M. L. Mulloy, James N . Graves, Henery D. Parker, James. Grimes, J. A. Plegge, August. Sergeants: Hale, Anton S. Ramsy, Columbus. Green, R. W . Healy, Edward R. Rassmussen, E. Marshall, D. B. Healv, James B. Rhudy, Don. Marshall, George. Healy, J. F. Rouse, Charles A. Rankin, Robert. Hendrickson, L. E. Ryan, E. J. Roper, C. E. Herman, J. W . Ryan, George W . Hitchcock, G. 0 . Ryan, Leo F. C orporals: Hoffman, W. A. Shaffer, Albert. Abbot, E. E. Holingsworth, L. T. Shaffstall, Leo. Allison, J. A. Hooper, Harlin P. Sheets, William R. Dodds, J. W . Jennings, J. F. Sherman, W . T. Lyons, George. Johnson, A. C. Shillinger, J. A. Tipton, G. D. Johnson, Frank. Spear, B. B. Jones, Edward T. Stewart, Rav E. Artificer: Jo.slin, Grant. Stites, C. W . Driscol, M . J. O. Joslin, John. Stover, J. S. Kohler, P. A. Strange, O. M. Privates: Lebien, Frank C. Troupe, George. Anderson, W . N. Lewick, Walter A. Voiles, W . E. Askey, Farris. Long, S. E. Walter, Nolan. Baker, Oscar. Maher, John. Webb, Lee. Barringer, Ramond A. Maher, Lee. West, Howard. Berry, Charles. Maher, Thomas. Wicker, E. H. Brunt, Ralph W . Marshall, J. B. Wilson, J. W. Bunch, Harry. Mason, Samuel. Wolford, S. C. Bunch, Lee. Meile, William. Wright, Jacob S. Burt, John H. Micheack, Charles. Zink, Henery L.

LOSSES. First Lieutenants: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. A. P. Cole, resigned. Bloomfield, Verdun, Lyme, Harlin L., Alton G. Wilcox, discharged. discharged. discharged. Bloyd, Virgil C., Lynn, Clarence M ., discharged. transferred. Second Lieutenants: Boston, Jack,- discharged. Maher, J. N ., transferred. John B. Halfpenny, Bradshaw, Edward J., Micheals, Alva M ., resigned. transferred. transferred. A. W . Seng, resigned. Carter, D. L., discharged. Murray, Thomas L., Casserly, William, discharged. Sergeants: discharged. McKnight, Claud E., Dodd, Harold, discharged. discharged. Roy, Vernon W ., Dodd, Daniel L., Peacock, Glen, discharged. discharged. transferred. Ilazen, T . A., transferred. Galloup, L. H., discharged. Ralston, Doris M., Gilkinson, Robert B., discharged. C orporal: discharged. Ratzsch, Edward H., Grubb, L. W ., transferred. Goure, Warren G., discharged. discharged. Rhudy, Dee, discharged. Chaplain: Haley, Francis L., Shaver, Carl W ., Thomas, Rev., discharged. transferred. transferred. Hall, Frank, transferred. Sheffer, William E., Heating, Richard, discharged. discharged. Smith, Evert W ., P rivates: Heilman, R. J. discharged. Adamson, Jessie F., transferred. Tenny, D. E., discharged. discharged. Hunter, Adlai S., Turner, Frank J., Anderson, G. H ., discharged. transferred. discharged. Jellison, C. A., Underwood, J. B., Aufemberge, Walter, discharged. transferred. discharged. Kaplicky, L. A., Wingerd, Roy, Barnett, L. R., discharged. discharged. transferred. Lutt, Leo H., transferred. Zink, Earl V., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Participated in all Liberty loan and Red Cross drives and attended all military and patriotic meetings. 58 Adjutant General’s Department

Company “ C,” 1 0 t h B attalion, Beverly.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Albert F. Cassell. Donbarger, Fred. Plynsky, Harry. Durrell, A. B. Porter, Louis A. First Lieutenant: Eckhart, Clint. Ramel, Arthur R. Goens, Verne W . Ruggles, Earl A. Harry E . Skinner. Gorton, Walter. Schmidt, J. A. Greene, B. J. Schroeder, Robert L. Second Lieutenant: Griffin, B. Scott, Ralph E. Carl Judge. Hall, J. H. Shirley, James. Harper, Louis. Sparke, Taylor R. Privates: Harper, Wilburn. Sparks, W. W. Anderson, Crum. Henchman, Madison. Starks, Floyd M. Anderson, Roscoe. Ingham, A. K. Stevenson, C. J. Bell, .!••>>•* K. Judd, Lloyd. Stover, M. L. Bell, S. R. Kernahan, A. F. Street, J. C. Bergrnen, G . L . Kernahan, E. E. Thews, F. W. Bergmen, Harry. Long, Harry C. Thomas, W. H. Bishop, J. E. Loy, J. H. Usher, G. L. Bloomheart, S. W. Marty, Henry IT. YanMeter, W. E. Campbell, R. D. Moiling, George. Warren, Calvin. Cassell, Oscar. Miller, William M. Webb, E. J. Cassell, James B. Monacal, Elbert. W ebb, M . Cassell, McKinley. McCormick, Henry. Webb, T. F. Chamberlain, M. McFarland, R. V. Weis, Fred. Clark, V. B. Northern, J. M . Wertz, Milton. Cullum, C. W. Pagan, J. J. Dehner, William A. Painter, B. H.

Company C failed to furnish any report of its activities. Kansas State Guard. 59

C o m p a n y “D,” 1 0 t h B a t t a l i o n , Barnard.

Captain: Coohs: Privates— Concluded. T. E. McCurry. Fitzgerald, J. J. Loy, Homer E. Simmons, E. B. Loy, Lee P. First Lieutenant: Marshall, J. E. Privates: Ray Blanding. Mastellar, Boyd W. Biggs. T. A. Mastellar, Henry L. Second Lieutenant: Biggs, Roscoe. Mooney, Pearl. Borgen, George E. Mooney, Will E. H . M . Jones. Bowen, E. A. Morrical, Jess TV. Brewer, H. T. Morrical, Harry A. First Sergeant: Conn, E. TV. Murray, Willie B. Holland, George TV. Cornellison, Frank. Nelson, George. Crowl, Fred L. Nelson, William. Sergeants: Donivan, B. M. Patrick, I. TV. Cornell ison, Joseph F. Gaddis, Lauren O. Piercy, Bert. Harrell, C. L. Gibbs, E. J. Pruitt, J: M . Hunter, W . E. Griffith, John T. Reese, Arthur. Mesick, Charles E. Guillon, TV. R. Resell, Jodie. Tucker, Nova W . Harbin, Charles B. Richardson, William E. Harbin, Ed. Simpson, Edwin W. Corporals: Harbin, William. Simmons, Fred. Heserot, Elmer G. Snook, Riley F. Dowlin, Robert L. Hills, Royal. Sorber, L. A. Hare, Arthur G. Hippie, TV. E. Stahly, Albert B. Harold, Ernest C. Jackson, Ray. Stover, John L. Myers, Oral L. James, Willie. Wallace, Robert. Swayze, Fred C. Johnson. Frank TV. Whipkev, II. E. Kelly, Olin B. Woodward, TV. R. Mechanic: King, I. E. •Hunter, TV. R. Lov, Emory G.

LOSSES. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. E. C. Cook, discharged. Abercrombie, C. C., Keating, Robert, discharged. discharged. First Sergeant: Biggs, Doyle A., Keeler, William, Townsden, Leslie E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Bishop, Ralph, discharged. Knauer, William F., Brewer, Thomas, discharged. Corporals: discharged. Murphy, Charlie M ., Cook, George N ., discharged. King, V. A ., deserted. discharged. Need, Guy E., discharged. Long, R. M ., discharged. Cozad. George, discharged. Nelson, Lawrence, Mastaller, narry, Edgell, Elmer, discharged. discharged. discharged. Gibbs, Dean, discharged. Saunders, Hiram, Murray, John C., Gregory, T. E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hani, Albert, discharger!. Wallace, John Alfred, Harbin, Lee, discharged. discharged. Physician: Healan, C. H., discharged. White, B. E., discharged. Townsden, A. M ., Kaul, Joseph, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company D took part in Memorial services, May 30. 1918, and performed guard duty and battalion review, July 4, 1918; parade and battalion review, Beverly, July 21, 1918. On April 6, 1918, the unit participated in flag raising and was reviewed by Governor Arthur Capper, and Adjutant General Charles S. Huffman, Lincoln, Kan. The organization assisted in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. 60 Adjutant General's Department.

Company “ E,” 10th Battalion, Ash Grove.

Captain: Privates— Co n t i n ucd. Privates— Concluded. Albert M. Geering. Brown, Hoy R. Jepsen, William M . Christiansen, George C. Kirs liner, William F. First Lieutenant: Christiansen, Harry F. Klameth, Robert E. Jens B. Nygard. Eeker, Albert. Moore, James II. Ellis, Charles E. McCormick, James E. Second Lieutenant: Ellis, Francis E. Peckham, Charles D. Ellis, John P. Sheppard, Charles. Harry J. VanLeewen. Ellis, Robert M ., Jr. Steenbock, Albright W. Farr, John Y. Sulsar, Hylas P. First Sergeant: Geering, Jacob J. Tarkhorn, John F. Brown, Fred W. Geering, James H. Taylor, William S. Hamer, Harry O. Timmerman, Oren J. Privates: Hill, John A. Timmerman, Raymond T. Anderson, George. Jell ison, William L. Van Lee wen, William G. Askey, Lloyd E. Jensen, Henry J. Wells, Beniamin F. Beverly, Lewis E. Jensen, Jens J. Williams, Harvey A. Brown, Lloyd A. Jepsen, Adolph T. Williams, Lewis A. Brown, Henry. Jepsen, Arnold L. Brown, Jesse C. Jepsen, Chris L. P.

LOSS. Private: Sheppard, Frank, died.

ACTIVITIES. Company E drilled twice per week until the influenza ban was put on.

H eadquarters, 11th B attalion, Independence.

Major: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: Clyde Knock. Dick W. Martin. W. E. Young.

Captain and Adjutant: Harry Lang.

No report of activities furnished.

Company “A,” 11th Battalion, Coffeyville.

Corporals: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Parker, Orville E. Curry, Herbert W. Lorance, George W. Tester, William B. Duffy, Francis S. Lowe, Eldon J. Eckhardt, George W. Mathew, Percy C. Privates: Gulley, William. Minniear, William N. Bain, William M. Grigg, William II. Murphy, Harry E. Beckner, Edward M . Hill. Charles W. McGinnis, William H. Brooks, Ralph. Hunt, Arlie I). Roberts, John J. Burton, Lloyd J. Kelly, Emmet J. Ross, William B. Clark, Frank R. Leszenskv, Harry J. Turner, William P. Cockrell, F ranees D . Long, Roscoe K. White, Charles A.

LOSSES. Captain: Quartermaster Sergeant: Sergeants— Concluded. Harry Lang, discharged. Isham, Harry J., died. Sherman, Robert II., discharged. First Lieutenant: Sergeants: Williams, Oliver M ., Willard M. Upham., Bentley, Braum L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Coupland, William C., Corporals: Second Lieutenant: discharged. Carpenter, Harry E., George W. Noel, Dillard, Buford C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Fiebach, Ralph D., Fulkerson, Richard E., First Sergeant: discharged. discharged. Graham, Jesse H ., Skinner, Jesse L ., King, Edward L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Kansas State Guard. 61

Company “ A ," 11th Battalion. Coffeyvillb— Concluded.

Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Higginson, Thomas W ., Dickinson, Fred A., Lewis, Francis II., discharged. discharged. discharged. Jones, Willis F., Dilley, Edward W., Meyers, John R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Ladd, William M., Dillon, Clarence, McCabe, William O., discharged. discharged. discharged. Miller, John A., Dillon, William W ., McCabe, Fred, discharged. discharged. discharged. McCabe, Owen, McBeth, McLane F., Epley, Charles R., discharged. discharged. discharged. McDougal, Miner J., Riley, Robert F., Etchen, Charles A., discharged. discharged. discharged. McGooney, Harry W ., Severance, Arthur L., Falk, Arthur R., discharged. discharged. discharged. McGooney, John R., Townsend, Alva E., Fargo, John F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Fletchall, James, Prewitt, George E., Tudor, John S., discharged. discharged. discharged. Ford, Fred B., discharged. Price, Stanley B., M usicians: Franck, Howard P., discharged. Deavenport, Goldie M ., discharged. Price, Walter E., discharged. Frye, Reed A., discharged. Johnson, Claud W .f discharged. Purdy, Lee S., discharged. discharged. Gamble, Clyde K., Read, Mark C., Tackett, Lloyd H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Geissler, Martin H ., Richardson, Daniel N ., discharged. discharged. Cooks: Griffith, Earl G., Richardson, Guy D ., Bookter, George I.f discharged. discharged. discharged. Hall, Walter R.. Roberts, Charles V., Rickords, Albert, discha rged. discharged. discharged. Hall, William H., Roberts, Orville A., discharged. discharged. P rivates: Hamlin, Claude R., Robison, David A., Allen, Lennie, discharged. discharged. discharged. Anderson, Bert, discharged. Haney, Thomas B., Rogers, Charles G., Anderson, William H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Harner, Wilfred L., Scott, Ora W ., discharged. Anibal, Ray A., discharged. discharged. Simpson, Fred N ., Barndollar, James, Harris, Fred W ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Smith, Joseph A., Barrick, Floyd R., Hayes, Harry E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Stegall, William T ., Baugher, Floyd C., Haynes, William G., discharged. discharged. discharged. Stevens, Amand F., Beasley, George H., Hedrick, Charles R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Summers, John W ., Bell, William E., Hobbs, Clarence D ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Thornton, Everett C., Bird, Joseph F., Holford, Charles E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Thorton, Forest C., Bond, James R., Holford, Herman L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Todd, Walter I., Boothy, Harry J., Ire, Charles D ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Johnston, Frank R., Wagner, Frank, discharged. Brittain, Jabe H., discharged. Walters, Frederick P., discharged. Joyce, Arlin, discharged. discharged. Brogan, Joseph R., Joyce, Edward T ., Watkins, Emerson L .f discharged. discharged. discharged. Calvert, Lon V., Kinney, Edward D., Willard. Charles R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Casort, Charles J., Knight, Roy H., Wilms, Tobias F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Clossen, Oren F., Knoeppel, Charles E., Wilson, William H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Cooper, Byron, discharged. Lamb, Arnett R., Wood, Lawrence R ., Davis, Don H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Davis, Frank W ., Leave, Richard M ., Wright, Floyd C., discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A assisted in all Liberty loan and Red Cross drives; acted as escort to the foreign speakers during the drives. The unit participated in the battalion meets at Inde­ pendence, August, 1918, and in Coffeyville during the county fair, September 18, 19; also, took part in a very large street parade same night. The company guarded the national re­ finery, September 20 to 26, 1918, and took a very active part in the largest "pageant” en­ acted in this section of the state, October 9, 1918, to start the fourth Liberty loan drive. 62 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ B,” 11th B attalion, Independence.

Captain: Musician : Privates— Concluded. William C. Fox. Stewart, Charles R. Jarrett, Mark O. Johnson, Cyril D. First Lieutenant: Artificer: Light, John. Merrit, Oscar. Jakowsky, Milton. Louis H. Clayton. McGaughey, Lyle C. McVey, Walter L. Privates: Second Lieutenant: Oliver, Florin L. George C. Fox. Aman, Charles A. Wasswater, Arthur F. Amend, Henry J. Payne, Phillip R. First Sergeant: Atherton, I. Herman. Pennington, Fletcher E. Batchelor, Luther B. Haslett, Clarence H. Prather, Perman H. Brown, Hugh. Reeves, Ted. Burks, Willard J. Quartermaster Sergeant: Renfro, Frank D. Bush, Harold II. Reynolds, Scot tie. Markgraf, Fred E. Clark, Walter I. Ringle, II. J. Cook, J. C. Rose, Z. F. Sergeants: Corrigan, John J. Searle, J. E ., Jr. Gray, William O. Cunningham, William E. Sharpless, L. W. Nichols. C. T. Davis, L. E. Sloan, Ray R. Zutz, Charles A. Dunham, Ernest E. Small, Hamilton G. Dunlavy, Pierce W . Smith, Clarence. Corporals: Drumeller, Charles E. Smith, Deane H. Elliott, Clifton. Bearden, Robert C. Stafford, Gerald W. Elliott, Paul. Castillo, William W. Swift, Thomas M. Emeus, Paul V. Miller, Justin I. Thurman, Claude. Stewart, Clarence E. Ermey, Thomas R. Todd, Albert E. Evans, Arthur C. Uhrich, Burns H. Varner, Samuel C. Featherngill. Forest. Vincil, Edwin S. Fowler, Luther J. Clerk: Wallace, William H. George, Allen S. Waller, Benjamin E. King, Bert II. Goodell, Clair N. Watt, Harold C. Hess, George L. Williams, Thomas W. C ooks: Holtz, Lee. Witherspoon, C. L. Covell, George. Inge, Luther C ., Jr. Witherspoon, William S. Wick, Joseph R. Irby, Walter E.

LOSSES. Sergeants: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Etzold, Paul C., Dixon, Floyd II., Payton, Ralph, discharged. discharged. discharged. Post, Carl J., discharged. Van Cleave, Chester A., Doop, Chester, Randell, Charley H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Engelman, John, Reeves, Henry II., Corporals: discharged. discharged. Hall, Harold P., Holcomb, George H., Richardson, William, discharged. discharged. discharged. Shukers, Charles D ., Huff, Roy T., discharged. Robinson, William, discharged. Kesler, Lawrence M ., discharged. Stolfus, D. It., discharged. discharged. Shoat, Percy A., Wainscott, C. J., Light, Roily H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Stevens, Carol H., Martin, Mulford, discharged. Stroup, Alex R., Privates: discharged. Meredith, John A., discharged. Albert, H. Vane, discharged. Varner, Howard, discharged. Meyer, Reinhard H., discharged. Albright, Norman, discharged. Welbaum, Hubert, discharged. Nance, Dewey, discharged. discharged. Alford, Virgil W ., Nickerson, Robert, Wilhite, Oliver L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Baker, George S., O’Connell, F. James, Wills, Marion A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Banks, N. A., discharged. Overton, Charles A., Witherspoon, R. B., Degarimore, Ora J., discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. August 4, 1918, battalion inspection and parade at Independence. August 17, 1918, in camp on Verdigris river. August 29, 1918, battalion inspection and parade at old soldiers' reunion at Cherryvale. September 6, 1918, dedicated soldiers honor roll at Independence. September 5, 1918, battalion inspection and parade at Coffeyville. September 21, 1918, camping trip to Verdigris river. Escorted every contingent of drafted men to trains, day or night. Participated in every Red Cross drive, Y. M. C. A. drive, and other war activities, and assisted in every Liberty loan drive except the fifth. Kansas State Guard. 63

Company “ C,” 11th Battalion, Caney.

C aptain: Corporals— Concl tided. Privates— Concluded. Edward J. Eheman. Stone, E. E. Holy field, J. D. Treleaven, W . II. John, L. W . First Lieutenant: Johnson, R. S. R. E. Quiett. B uglers: Jones, J. E. Frye, T. B. Keiser, F. G. Second Lieutenant: Utterback, A. L. Kincaid, Frank. Longtoft, W. G. J. L. Young. P rivates: Lucas, A. H. Marshall. J. E. First Sergeant: Atwood, G. B. Moore, James A. Bolinger, H . V. Bolinger, W . T. Nelson, R. R. Boon, II. W . Parker, C. H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Brady, J. R. Pettus, C. S. Brown, C. W . Koehl, E. H. Quiett, G. W . Callahan, W . L. Itoggenkamp, Joe. Canary, S. C. Sims, J. R. Sergeants: Comstock, W. M. DeHon, R. L. Skinner, C. S. Connely, G. W . Smith, J. S. Hinkle, O. B. Coombs, Claude A. King, J. A. Stone, H. G. Croff, B. J. Templeton, J. A. Todd, A. B. DeHon, R. A. Templeton, Seth. Farley, P. II. Truskett, H. E. C orporals: Foote, B. M . Walker, C». E. Brakey, Robert. Gause, C. I. Wills, A. T. Fisher, A. L. Gees, A. E. Wilson, Charles. Hafel, G. II. Gray, Charles F. Wilson, J. E. McBurney, II. G. Hansen, T . C'. Shoemaker, F . O. Hardman, J. V. LOSSES.

Quartermaster Sergeant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Mitchell, William A., Hughes, O. E., discharged. Rawlings, Austin J., discharged. Johnscai, Gerald M ., discharged. discharged. Rowe, Bascombe C., C orporals: Klecknes, Charles P., discharged. Folse, Emile J., discharged. Scott, George W ., discharged. Lonaux, Amon, discharged. McClymonds, Arthur E., discharged. Snyder, Charles, discharged. McMillen, C. L. discharged. discharged. Stallard, Otto D ., P rivates: McQuillon, Earl J., discharged. Broome, Floyd L., died. discharged. Truskett, Ben O., Graves, Lloyd W ., Owen, Frank J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Woodard, Edward E., Harlan, Lloyd, Pierce, John C., discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company C participated in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. 64 Adjutant General's Department.

Company “ D ,” I I tii B attalion, Cherry vale.

C a p ta in : A rtificer: P riv a tes— C on cluded. Frank A. Swaim. Butler, George M. Johnson, A. E. Karas, William. First Lieutenant: C o o k : Keim, W. D. Hugo, Gilroy. Mangan, Paul E. William H. Hite. Martin, C. E. Meyer, F. W. Second Lieutenant: M u sicia n s: Mustard, Stanley. Clarence B. Hill. Henson, W. II. McKinlev, Robert. Howard, Clarence. Osborn, W. E. First Sergeant: Quicknell, Bert. P riv a tes: Oehler, Fred C. Ragan, A. G. Adey, Harvey. Rowands, Luther. Quartermaster Sergeant: Adey, Rolla. Shantou, Tompy. Barnheiser, Benjamin. Smith, William B. Hileman, A. Dale. Bauer, Fred. Stribling, Edgar. Beatty, Irvin E. Thomas, L. E. S erg ea n ts: Bennett, Ruben R. Thompson, George M. Brady, J. A. Black, Lewis Guy. Thompson, J. H. Hacker, Ralph. Craig, Miles. Tull is, G . Harper, Dan A. Cramer, Hiram B. Van Dyne, Charles. O’Donnell, Sidney J. Emery, Charles O. Wharton, Fred E. Evans, John C. Williams, J. D. C orp ora ls: Fisher, Lawrence. Winslow, Chester. Armstrong, Eugene E. Fuller, George. Briggs, W. A. Graham, Roy K. Burge, William R. llackler, Guy. Clark, W. A. Hastings, A. C. Joneson, Oscar. Hastings, J. O. Kinney, Harry. Henson, Robert. Rmgstaff, W. F. Hilts, R. C. Taaffe, George. Huffman, Edward.


S ergea n ts: P riv a tes— C ontinued. P ri vat es— C on clu d ed . Avey, Sam, discharged. Atkinson, L. M., Harman, Fred J., Cook, Milton, discharged. discharged. discharged. Smith, O. Harry, Bailey, William, Hedges, Milton B., discharged. discharged. transferred. Withrow, J. P., discharged. Barr, A. C., discharged. Lomax, Q. W., Busby, C. H., discharged. discharged. Butler, O. P., discharged. Martin, W. G., C orp ora ls: Cain, Ross O., discharged. discharged. Billingsby, J. G ., Cook, John M ., discharged. Mortland, Earnest A., discharged. Davis, John C ., discharged. discharged. Burgess, Elmar, discharged. Edgar, YanB., Norton, E. J., discharged. Elder, Wilbur, discharged. transferred. Schrader, H. E., died. Edgerle, Sabin S., Swisher, Miles, discharged. M u sicia n : discharged. Utter, Oscar E., Connet, Francis, discharged. Hamm, Frank L., Sr., discharged. discharged. Veeder, Emmett C., P riv a tes: Hamrnan, George, discharged. Andrus, Frank, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company D was mustered in on May 7, 1918, by Captain Clyde Knock, of Independence, Kan. The unit participated in Memorial services, May 30, 1918; battalion meet in Independ­ ence; battalion meet in Coffeyville, September 18, 1918; battalion meet in Cherryvale, August 19, 1918; and performed guard duty at Uncle Tom oil refinery, September 1 to 5, 1918; only part of company being used. ComjJimentary guard duty in CheiTyvale at old soldiers’ re­ union week of August 20, 1918.

Company “ E,” 11th B attalion, Liberty.

C a p ta in : First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Roy L. Kuhns. Carl E. Pinkston. Pearl F . Heckman.

No muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard. 65

M achine G un Company, 11th Battalion, Independence.

C aptain: C orporals: Privates— Concluded. C. T. Nichols. Cooley, W . Glenn. Daniels, Pearl M. Co whan, Henry I. Darby, Henry S. First Lieutenant: Dudley, Luther L. Farley, William J. George B. Weeks. Lowe, Lineous G. Geckler. Forest G. Norris, William H. Gorrell, James R. Second Lieutenant: Harper, Hulbert I.. C ook : Hight, William. Ray F. Shumaker. Humes, Malcolhm. Holt, David H. Johnson, Gordon W. First Sergeant: M usician: Kellogg, William E. Shrodes, William M. Martin, C. Frank. Willis, Navarre. Miller, Charles C. Quartermaster Sergeant: Miner, Clarence R. M ech a n ic: Struck, Fred C. McVeigh, Samuel. Denney, John B. Perskey, Ralph. Sergeants: Phillips, William R. Horscshoer: Carter, Marion F. Roth, George E. Self, Willis C. Cooke, Lawrence C. Snyder, Charles E. Dewey, Edwin T. Simons, G. R. Smith, Charles H. Dorsey, Henry S. P rivates: Smith, James G. Evans, George W . Allen, Carl W . Frye, James B. Smith, Leslie A. Berry, Wallie. Stone, Roy L. Garrison, Jack. Bloomberg, Arthur H. Palmer, William E. Tole, J. Hollis. Bloomberg, Vernie. Watefs, Loren D. Speer, William P. Brown, Julian. Walters, Noel D. Weaver, Wayne. Cook, Harry D. Young, Herbert A. Cornell, John W . Crimmel, Ray H.

This company rendered no statement of its activities.

H eadquarters, 12th Battalion, Athol.

M a jor: J. G. Albright.

No report received as to any activities.

5—4436 66 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company <;A,” 12th Battalion, Athol.

Captain: A rtificer: Privates— Concluded. Frank C. Levengood. Isett, Jesse G. Lynch, William. Miller, Thomas. Privates: First Lieutenant: Moore, Clarence. Badders, B. B. Moore, Roy. Albert E. Boyce. Badders, Dan. McNulty, Guy. Beller, C. L. Naumann, Otto. Second Lieutenant: Beller, George. Oentrich, John. Jesse W . Boyce. Brown, Riley. Panter, John. Bucklin, J. W. Pa liter, Reed. Quartermaster Sergeant: Calkin, Fred. Panter, William. Plitcher, Henry. Calkin, Martin F. Paxton, Asa. Co no way, Fay. Phetteplace, Earl. Sergea nts: Conoway, Guy. Rapp, Walter A. Cowan, A. M. Critchfield, William. Rice, E. O. Cowan, J. C. Cronm, George. Richardson, Floyd. Maine, C. O. Ellis, Edward. Rupert, G. W. Phetteplace, W . J. Goldsmith, C. A. Stickels, Guy. Scott, W. L). Greuerholz, Walter H. Suchland, Carl. Wagonblast, Earl. Heatherington, C. L. Suchland, Cecil. Henry, F. O. Tucker, Roy. Corporals: Holcomb, D. C. Wall, M. J. Gillett, C. L. Kendall, Bernard. Wall, Walter. Hecht, A. J. Kimball, Edgar L. Wertz, Floyd E., Simmonds, E. T. Kirkendall, Willie. Wood, Hollis. Yanderpool, Forest. Lind, Edwin. Zabel, Emil H.

LOSSES. Musician: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Frazier, Glen, discharged. DeVaul, Oscar, discharged. Rapp, Leonard, discharged. Henning, Steve W ., Senimered, Loyal B., Privates: transferred. discharged. Bartholomew, William, Hazen, James C., Shaw, Leslie V., discharged. discharged. Stoop, O. J., discharged. Beahm, Oscar, discharged. Hazen, James L., Werth, Leslie, discharged. Denman, Aden W ., discharged. discharged. Moore, Riley, discharged. ACTIVITIES. This organization met for drill once every week and for battalion drill every two weeks, when weather conditions would permit. The period of drill was three hours. W e did no active guard duty, but always stood in readiness should the call come. The members helped with Red Cross and Liberty loan drives and were always on parade at any patriotic ceremony.

i Kansas State Guard. 67

Com p a n \ "B ," 12th Battalion, Gavlord.v

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Jack C. L. Seeves. Bodle, D. T. Koontz, O. L. Bodle, Frank. Legg, D. E. Second Lieutenant: Bodle, Grover. Lenan, George. Duvall, Jasper. Brake, Waldie. Lloyd, Harry. Carter, Charles. Lyall, Benjamin. First Sergeant: Carter, Harvev Rav. Mahin, Hilary. Campbell, C. O. Mahin, Ross. Lewellen, Percy R. Clydesdale, W . J. Martin, Glen. Conrad, Virgil. Martin, II. M. Sergeants: Dolloff, Herb. Martin, R. E. Hays, A. W . Dolloff, J. G. Mathes, Lloyd. Hays, Harry. Dolloff, Sam. Miller, Charles. Staub, George. Dolloff, W. H. McClain, Arthur. Tallman, E. W . Easch, Ed. McXall, Ben. Eller, Floyd. McNall, Milo. Corporals: Eller, Huston. McNary, O. J. Gledhill, A. E. Farrell, Jim F. Putman, Donald. Hobbick, Harkev. Farrell. J. M . Ratcliff, Walter. Iden, Lloyd. Farrell, T. P. Roach, Acl. Markham, R. F. Gates, Ray. Roach, Earl. Ratcliff, Haorld. Gresier, A. C. Rubendall, A. E. Ratcliff, Harry. Grogan, E. L. Rubendall, Roy. Wells, Joseph. Hammond, G. H. Sonnenburg, Milo. Hammond, Vern. Stephenson, L. C. Heiden, Charley. Stranathan, B. C. Privates: Houser, Morris. Swank, L. E. Abernathy, John. Howe, Sam. Tailor, Charles. Alaway, John, Jr. Jacobs, E. H. Waite, J. M. Atkinson, H. C. Jacobs, Yolna G. Watkins, George. Atkinson, J. A. Johnson, Allen. Windschuffel, Walter. Atkinson, W . H. Johnston, Orb. Wise, George. Beck, C. A. Kalbfleish, Harold. Wolfe, David. Bod el, J. W . Kemp, Earl.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Pri rates: Privates— Concluded. J. W. Scott, discharged. Finch, J. F., d scharged. Mahin, Roy, discharged. Goodwin, Hugh, McCallum, J. D ., died. Corporals: discharged. Nash, Charles, discharged. Stephenson, Paul, Johnson, Roy, discharged. Roach, Emery, discharged. discharged. Kendall, J. C ., discharged. Sellers, Percy, discharged.

ACTIVITIES. This company participated in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. 68 Adjutant General's Department.

Company “ C,” 12th B attalion, Cedar.

Captain: Musicians: Privates— Concluded. William L. Kern. Kallish, Lewis E. Hutson, Albert M. Simpson, Will. Hutson, Arthur W. Second Lieutenant: Jden, Frank M . Privates: Kallash, Joseph F. James Chapin. Kelling, Frank L. Abernathey, Perry C. Kendrick, Walter E. Alfler, Theodore T . First Sergeant: Kern, Edward L. Barb, Everett C. Hain, George R. Kinion, Richard E. Black, Dewey E. Mahin, Clarence E. By field, Artie. Quartermaster Sergeant: Mahin, Melvin K. Byfield, Carl E. McNeil, James H. Harris, Homer E. Casteel, Lem. McNeil, Lenard L. Cole, George M. Morrison, Bela G. Sergeants: ( 'ole, Lafe L. Newbrey, Jat O. Davis, William H. Kelling, Harvey J. Newbrey, John W . Dillon, Forest J. Kelling, Ralph E. Nonamaker, Arthur. Dillon, George W. McFillen, Roy L. Nonamaker, George B. Duston, Clarence E. Robertson, Guy A. Nonamaker, Wilson. Ewings, Ralph. Roseberry, Everett E. Corporals: Fetrow, Franklin E. Fetrow, Horace B. Roseberry, George G. Byfield, Ora. Fetrow, Leland C. Sears, Alba E. Frutiger, Elmer L. Fetrow, William H. Sears, Merle M . Gaddis, Clarence E. Frutiger, Lesley W. Sears, Otto R. Kelling, Fred J. Smith, Bert F. McCormick, Charley A. Gaddis, Vanns I. Gebers, Frederick C. Smith, Harold C. Sears, Leonard E. Hawley, Frank M. Sweat, Solomon L. Walker, Orris T. C ook: Heltzel, Chester V. Hofer, Elmer J. W olfe, Leland J. Rice, Robert R. LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Musician: Pri votes— Concluded. Melvin J. Ilibbs, Slade, Ralph L., McAlary, Arthur C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Rohrs, Frederick, Second Lieutenant: P rivates: discharged. Isaac S. McCormick, Bane, Harry W ., Smith, Winfield E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Farley, Andrew F., Stivers, Ira E., Sergeant : discharged. discharged. Fetrow, Leslie R ., Wilson, John E., McCormick, Carl S., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hale, Denver M., Young, William H., discharged. discharged. Artificer: Mahin, Ross L., Crosby, Archie, discharged. transferred.

ACTIVITIES. Company C, 12th Battalion, Kansas State Guard was never called upon or ordered to per­ forin any guard duty. The company paraded at the ceremonies of laying the corner stone of the Sm th county courthouse, 1918. The organization actively supported Liberty loan drives and all Red Cross campaigns. Only one member of the company had experienced actual military service, but the com­ pany attained a good degree of efficiency in military drill. Kansas State Guard. 69

C o m p a n y “ D.” 1 2 t h B a t t a l i o n , Kensington.

Captain: Cook: Privates— Concluded. Charles M . Alspach. Dillon, Lex C. Leatherman, Walter D. Madison, George B. First Lieutenant: Artificer: Madison, William M. Orlin H. Hinman. Sammons, Edmund L. Mahin, Oscar. McCarter, Milford C. Second Lieutenant: Privates: McDonald, Cecil. Ray Schoeni. Addie, John. Oliva, Frank A. Pyle, Leonard V. Ahlften, Rudolf H. Reynolds, Alvin L. First Sergeant : Allen, Clinton E. Reynolds, C. Austin. Anthony, Edward. McCracken, Ralph. Reynolds, Frank. Atterbury, Thomas J. Rosenkrans, Henry. Quartermaster Sergeant: Billings, Walter R. Rosenkrans, William. Shinkle, Lewis M . Cave, Harvey M. Sc hearer, John M. Chance, Charles A. Schoeni, Virgil L. Sergeants: Cook, Stephen I. Schoeni, John J. Cornell, S. Everett. Schoeni, Virgil L. Holcomb, Eugene E. Detwiler, Clarence E. Kunze, Wilbert F. Shinkle, John S. Dilsaver, Forby. Simmons, Fred. Mills, John L. Drescher, Lyle S. Schoeni, George E. Smith. Arthur. Dimond, Ray. Smith, Barney' C. Fischer, Edward J. Corporals: Smith, Clarence A. Frazier. Lewis V. Smith, Emer I). Chance, Delaney A. Gates, Hugh H. Smith, John A. Grauerholz, James W . Gooder, Allen H. Stephens, Harley X . Rodgers, Charles R. Gooder, Delbert J. Thayer, George H. Theiler, Arthur G. Gooder, Elmer H. Theiler, Leo. Watts, Oscar J. Henshaw, C. Fay. Ward, Ralph H. White, Charles R. Hilbrink, Charles F. White, S. Boone. White, Clyde C. Hobbs, Dow H. Willi's, Arthur \\r. Williamson, N . Chris. Jackson, Elmer. Johnston, Clem FT M usicians: Kestler, Thomas H. .4uiiliary Memhers— Band: Bronson, Lloyd. Lamont, Charles W. Kasson, Ruby. Rutter. Phil. Leatherman, John M. Oliva, Agnes A.

LOSSES. Captain: M usician: Privates— Concluded. Guy R. Currier, Osborn, Clarence W ., Hilbrink, Edwin F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Rutter, Ed F., Second Lieutenant: Privates: discharged. George M . McKee, Anthony, Glenn L., Smith, Edwin L., resigned. discharged. disch.arged. Bronson, Glenn, Stephens, Walter G., discharged. discharged. Corporal: Detweiler, If. Allen, Worley, H. Harold, Wilson, Ernest D ., discharged. discharged. resigned. Furguson, David B., died.

ACTIVITIES. I he Kens ngton home guards were mustered into the sen ice of the state as the Kensing­ ton State Guards on April 16, 1018. As the company had no funds available at the time of its organization, the individual members purchased their own uniforms and about three- fourths of the members purchased old army Springfields, so that the company was really an armed force and were able to master the “ Manual of Arms.” The company was active in the various Liberty loans and Red Cross drives, and especially were we in evidence at the Red Cross auction at which over $4,000 was raised in Kensington and vicinity. At the signing of the armistice the company had charge of the big community celebration. A grand barbecue was planned, at which the company roasted a large ox, erected stands and accreditably served the mass of people gathered to vent their enthusiasm. Over $300 was raised for the Red Cross. The event of tlie evening was the burning of the Kaiser’s palace. Our company enjoyed the distinction of having one of the best bands in the state. This band, believing that they could be of greater s?rvice enlisted in the navy, and after a short term of training at the Great Lakes naval station they were chosen for service aboard the S. S. George Washington, which carried President Wilson and his party to and from Europe. 70 Adjutant General’s Department.

H eadquarters, 13th Battalion, Smith Center. ft'ajor: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Adjutant: John E. Lindquist. Charles E. Adams. Michael E. Brady.

Captain and Surgeon: Victor E. Watts.

This organization did not furnish any report as to activities.

Company “A ” 13th Battalion, Lebanon.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Jesse H . Hampshire. Adams, J. Lyle. Lattimer, Harry A. Adams, John W . Linn, W. Draton. First Lieutenant: Addams, Robert J. Locke, Ernest Perry E. Nicholas. Amis, Eli. Lockwood, Elmo L. Amis, John G. Mace, Frank A. Second Lieutenant: Amis, Robert M. Mace, Lewis H. Bales, F. Charles. Maginness, Edgar H. Lawrence E. Eld red. Bell, Earl. Martin, William J. Bonecutter. James H. Martin, Walter. First Sergeant: Brady, Frank. Miller, Frank. Kirby, George M. Buchanan, Arthur E. Moore, Charles. Carpenter, Boyd. Moore, C. Pearl. Battalion Supply Captain: Cox, Joseph E. Moore, Ray. Charles A. Adams. Crabb, Edgar T. Neal, Harry It. Downey, John H. Neal, Sam A. Sergeants: Empson, Max. Newell, Mylar A. Amis, Harold W. Flood, Charles F. Newton, Robert It. Jenkins, Ira J. Fryback, Earl R. Oswald, Marion W. Murlenburg, Herbert T. George, John Marshall. Pennington, Charles F. Thompson, J. Henry. Godden, Arthur. Roush, James F. Griffith, Bart. Sample, W. Irvin. Corporals: Grover, Floyd E. Schlatter, Ernest. Adams, Howard. Haggart, Bert R. Simmons, W. Leroy. Bell, Walter. Hartman, Hoyt A. Smith, Homer E. George, Leonard E. Hays, Elmer. Snyder, Jesse G. Monroe, Emmet G. Herndon, Albert E. Taylor, Virgil A. Walgamoth, Everett L. House, Lyman A. Vyff, Cleo. Hubbard, Minor D. Wadley, Benjamin F. C ook: Ingram, Clarence E. Watson, Austin T. Bock, Carl. Isom, Oliver M. Woods, Hobart C. Kattenberg, Henry. Woodworth, Lonnie. Musician: Keever, Alford M. Ingram, Raymond K. Keever, Ralph. • Kellogg, Charles W. Physician: Lake, Senica S. Hatch, B. Pearve. Lattimer, Alvin.

LOSSES. Second Lieutenant: C ook: Privates— Concluded. Lee R. Cummings, Wiggs, James E., Laughlin, John G ., discharged. discharged. discharged. May, John H., discharged. Quartermaster Sergeant: Privates: May, Wardie L., Munsell, Everett C., Atwood, Charley M., discharged. discharged. discharged. Moore, Cleo, discharged. Brown, Fred L., Rice, Merritt L., Sergeant: discharged. discharged. Bonecutter, John L ., Brown, George E., Rickford, C. Arthur, discharged. discharged. discharged. Buchanan, N. C., Rogers, Fred E., Corporals: discharged. discharged. Atkins, Vernon D., Buell, Francis E., Story, Orrend W ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Compton, Reed W., Chase, Carl J., discharged. Warner. Charles C., discharged. Cline, Ross, discharged. discharged. Longley, Glen M., Flood, Manie L., Watson, Everett C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Greene, Perry C., White, Gerald L., Musician: transferred. discharged. Hobbs, Howard M., Herndon, Sylvester W. discharged. discharged.

Company A did not furnish any report as to activities. Kansas State Guard. 71

Company “ B,” 13th Battalion, Smith Center.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Joseph A. Barker. Baxter, Emery. Miller, Clarence. Baxter, John. Morin, Herbert G. First Lieutenant: Bell, Daniel G. Morris, W . J. Herbert Fryback. Bell, William J. Muiulell. Walter W. Bolton, James R. McElfresh, Elmer A. Second Lieutenant: Bolton, William L. McElfresh, Harold. Boston, Jay G. P. Xeal, John W. Miles Elson. Briles, William H. Oberdorf, Phillip. Brogan, Harry (). Ogle, Walter A. First Sergeant: Buchner, John G. Otis, Lewis L. Lowery, Bert F. Burgess, Chester V. Peck, Harold. Burr, Hugh A. Plaster, Frank. Quartermaster Sergeant: Carpenter, Chester. Pollosk, John Samuel. Crosbie, Arch A. Carson, Frank M . Rogers, John E. Carver, Jasper T. Rounslev, Harry. Sergeants: Carver, Rov Martin. Rouiislev, William M. Carver, Samuel W . Rugger, Arch. Barry, Ralph W . Rugger, Cecil H. Ford, Edward F. Chandler, Charles. Clinkenbeard, Robert N. Rugger, Ray O. McMullen, William. Daniels, X . M. Seever, Claude E. Shepardson, Loyal L. Corporals: Davis, Joseph M. Dimond, Merrill R. Shoemaker, Charles I). Haberly, Otto E. Ell wood. Roy C. Starbuck, Clarence. Myers, Seth L. Ford, William. Starbuck, Cliff. McDowell, J. G. Grabast, Joseph E. Starbuck, Perry C. Nulty, John R. Gras, Harry. Strieby, Samuel S. Reed, Harrv E. Hays, Ralph L. Taylor, Robert L. Reed, W . W . Henderson, R. E. Weaver, George. Winemiller, John J. E. Hill, Harlan G. Weed, Raymond E. Hinshaw, Clarence F. Welch, Perry. Cook: Hommon, Chester. Weltmer, Charles L. Garrison, C. A. Jones, Clyde X . Weltemer, David W. Jones, Frank II. White, Bruce. Privates: Jones, Richard O. K. White. Fred. Baldwin, E. O. Kingsbury, Charley C. Williams, Henry A. Barker, Walter W . Lannigan, Ebon O. Wilson, William A. Barry, Floyd G. Lannigan, Ralph L. Wolfe, Omer B. Marxmiller, William. Yeo, Leo.


First Lieutenant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. J. C. Behnke, resigned. Alford, William A., Kirkenschlager, Cliff, transferred. transferred. Second Lieutenant: Apple, James A., Lanman, Arden L., discharged. A. F. Rader, resigned. discharged. Atwood, Leroy, Mathis, Curtis, discharged. Quartermaster Sergeant: discharged. Bowman, Cleave, Mathis. Sherman, Chatelle, Rodney L., died. transferred. discharged. Barger, Vergil E., Miller, Byron L., S( rgcants: discharged. discharged. Barker, Joseph A., Bradv, M. E., Miller, Carl, died. discharged. discharged. Miller, Floyd D ., Elson, Miles, discharged. Carson, Benjamin H., discharged. Fryback, Herbert, discharged. Moore, Pliny, discharged. Clark, Vein H., discharged. Morris, Floyd G ., transferred. Muvlow, Ralph I)., discharged. Cook, Jesse M ., transferred. Sutton, Ray, discharged. discharged. Peterson, Clyde, Tweedy, Harry M .t Coolidge, Archie, transferred. discharged. discharged. Potter, John F., Coolidge, Rogers J , discharged. Corporals: transferred. Smith, Hobart A., Moore, Lewis, discharged, Ford, Russell, discharged. discharged. discharged. Stevens, Walter A., Plum, William J., Garrison, Leo; discharged. transferred. discharged. Tallent. Virgil M ., Stein, J. B., discharged. Graham, James, discharged. transferred. Tallman, Elmer, Musicians: Hill, Ira, died. transferred. \’ance, Millard. Dundis, Ralph E., Jones, Orrin; transferred. Wagner, Albert F. transferred. Watts, Victor E., Lowery, Glen O., Kindred, Earl; discharged. Whitinger, Henry. transferred. Yenne, W . A. Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ B,” 13th Battalion, Smith C enter— Concluded.

ACTIVITIES. This company took part as an organization in several service flag c remonies at various churches over the county, and a patriotic service field in Smith Center, in June, 1018, at the time of the laying of tlie corner stone of the new court house. The organization stood guard with full company on the night of November -5, 1918, dur­ ing celebration of the signing of the Armistice in Smith Center; attended twelve soldiers’ funerals in this county, giving such soldiers a full military burial, and going as far as the east side of Smith county to give one soldier his last rites. The majority of this company showed a full willingness to give of their time and energy in any sacrifice necessary to build and maintain a high conception of the patriotic duties owed to their country, and to the brave boys in the service of their country. We materially assisted in developing in the hearts of all of our citizens of this community that fine spirit of sacrifice and assistance which was characteristic of all true American citizens, and, I believe, this com­ pany deserves special mention and credit for their part in moulding public sentiment in this community.

Company “ C,” 13th Battalion, Smith Center.

Captain : C ooks: Pri rates— Concluded. Harry M. Tweedy. Armitstead, Charles F. Gineau, George. Martin, Jesse. Green, Perry C. First Lieutenant: Hutchinson, Edwin F. John Beardslee. Artificer: Jones, Malcom. Jones, Orrin C. Clark, Lewis H. Second Lieutenant: Jones, Orvil. Kimsey, Isaac N . John \V. Bullard. Pri rates: Kirkenschlager, Cliff. Logan, Walter. First Sergeant: Abbott, Earl. Baker, Dan. Lumpkin, Elmer E. Hitchcock, Harry. Barnes, Harry. M ays, Jay. Barnes, Ralph C. McCary, Alvah F. Quartermaster Sergeant: Barrett, C. Guy. McDonald, Harry. Smiley, Harvey A. Beardslee, Harold. Peterson, Clyde L. Blair, Rolla. Peterson, Dan. Sergea nt~ M ajor: Blair, William H. Relihan, Rex. Ring, Harry B. Timmins, Merle H. Braden, Carl R. Branton, William D. Sellars, Fred W . Shockley, Wilbur. Sergeants: Brown, Frank. Brown, Freddie. Smiley, Earl B. Clough, Roy G. Brown, John. Spurrier, Austin. M ay, John E. Brown, Willie. Tallman, Ernest H. Ring, William C. Buss, Clinton. Vance, Millard. Yenne, Walter. Cameron, Charles G. Venables, Vern V. Campbell, James. Williams, Clarance R. Corporals: Campbell, Roy. Williams, Ralph. Bowman, Cleve H. Chance, Franklin R. Womer, Emmet. Brown, Ernest. Chapman, Tom. Yenne, James. Campbell, Delbert. Collins, Samuel D. Yenne, W. Arthur. Clark, Verne H. Cowan, Bert L. Graham, Jim. Cowan, Perry. Million, Frank E. Dunton, Jason.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Coulson, Harry A., Coulson, Keith, discharged. Rorabaugh, Narvin L., discharged. Martin, Walter A., died. discharged. Tallman, Elmer, Relihan, Dan, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C took part, as an organization, in several flag ceremonies at the churches in the communities where the members resided, and had charge of Pawnee and Cora townships in Smith county in the drive for funds for the united war workers and made a creditable showing. The unit stood guard, together with Company B, at Smith Center on the night of No­ vember 11, 1018. With the exception of three or four members, this company was composed of farmers. Consider ng the shortage of help (luring the season of 1018, and the size and kinds of crops, tlie company des rves special praise for their devotion to the cause. When men have worked I arc! all day and all week, it takes one hundred per cent Americanism to inspire them to drive from five to ten miles to drill two or three hours of an evening, or on Sunday after­ noons. Iaken altogether, it is surprising that the attendance was as good as it was and gratifying to the officers that the organization made the progress it did. Kansas State Guard. 73

Band, 13th Battalion, Smith Center.

Chief Musician: Sergeants: Buglers: Stevens, Walter A. Alford, William A. Hotnmon, Floyd M. Plumb, William J. Luse, Wyley E. Principal Musician : Smith, Wilbert F. Nelson, Arthur E. Stevens, Louis H. Privates: Dundas, Ralph E. Adjutant-Captain: Corporals: Johnson, Joseph F. Brady, Michael E. Coolidge, James R. Kirk, Granville. Henning, Joe R. Wolfe. Glenn L. Muxlow, Ralph D. Reese, Harry T. Underwood, Lawson R. Wolfe, Laverne.

LOSSES. Principal Musician: Pri votes: Privates— Concluded. Underwood, Dooley L., Hill, Ira M ., died. Werts, Mack A., discharged. Lowery, Glenn, discharged. discharged. Luse, Alvin E., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. This band conducted rehearsals and drills two days a week, anti public band concerts one day in week. The organization participated in the 13th Battalion drill at Lebanon, Kan.

Headquarters, 14th Battalion, Oakley.

Major: Captain and Surgeon: Captain and Supply Officer: Henry A. Spencer. David R. Stoner. William T. Parrott.

Captain and Adjutant: Clifton L. Spencer.

No report of activities furnished. 74 Adjutant General’s Department.

Com pa? y “ A,” 14th B attalion , Oaklcv.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Lowry L. Moore. Barlow, Howard. Kinsley, George J. Beougher, Clyde E. Kinsley, Lawrence J. First Lieutenant: Bierce, Charles H . Kopp, Arthur R. Bogart, Lawrence E. McCann, Harvey E. E. Weir Hall. Brittain, Jesse. Nelson, Earle J. Price, Charles F. Sergca tits: Buchheister, Ray A. C. Carr, William H. Purdum, Glenn I. Kilgore, Frederick. Churchill, Charles Wayne. Richardson, Ray D. Smith, Charles A. Churchill, William F. Rishel, Clayton. Compton, Walter A. Ruppe, Lawrence H. C orporals: Cotter, Richard L. Schaible, Carl T. Bailey, Fred H. Cowperthuart, Arthur S. Schaible, James C. Carver, Harleigh D . Cunningham, David M. Scott, William H. Frogge, Ferd M. Dodge, Watson A. Sims, Lloyd E. Frost, Frank J. Engelhardt, William A. Smith, Calvin K. Goble, Henry E.* Feckner, Verner. Snyder, Leonard. Jaggar, Hulbeif P. Foulk, John W . Taylor, William R. Vawter, John E. Frogge, Fred S. Tinkham, Elzie W. Willson, Zachary. Fulton, Harley Lee. Tinkham, Milo E. Gillrnan, Charles E. Vandruff, John F. Buglers: Gosser, Peter F. Vandruff, Ralph E. Robertshaw, John Wayne. Hall, Don S. Vawter, Robert H. Wagy, Wilbur L. Spencer, Chester D. Hall, Douglas Keith. Higbv, George C. Willson, Dee. Huitt, William C. Wink, Amos C. Johnstone, Harry A. Winslow, Joseph C. Kauffman, Kasper A. Zeigler, Noah D.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Henry A. Spencer, Alley, Frank M., Randall, Frank, discharged. discharged. discharged. Burke, Edgar W., Roots, Frank B., First Lieutenant: discharged. discharged. Garth McNeil, discharged. Dollins, John L., Salters, Otis, discharged. discharged. Schuessler, Albert, Sergeants: Duttlinger, Joseph, discharged. discharged. Scott, Thomas B., Irwin, Frank W ., Irwin, Ordo W., discharged. discharged. discharged. Smith, James F., Silver wood, Samuel D ., Mihlberger, Fred, discharged. discharged. discharged. Smith, John Ellery, Spencer, Clifton A ., Morris, John F ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Sondburg, Arthur, Young, James R., Mossburg, Arthur C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Stonebraker, Jesse N ., Pierson, Frank T ., discharged. Corporal: discharged. Switzer, James A., Radloff, Gien E., Prather, Wallace M ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Turner, Claude D., Radloff, Floyd W ., discharged. discharged.

Company A did not report any activities. Kansas State Guard.

Company “ B,”' 14th Battalion /, Colbv. %/

Captain: Musician: Privates— Concluded. Burt Dolph. Eddy, Carl G. Mahanna, Frank H. Miller, Charles E. First Lieutenant: Privates: Misner, Jay. Yerni L. C. Smith. Ackord, John B. McGinley, Edward. Beaver, H. W . McGinley, Louis E. Second Lieutenant: Boucamp, Oren. Parrott. John B. Irvin Rickel. Crumley, Ray H. Passed, Earl J. Day, James A. Passed, Gael. Sergeants: Dimmuth, B. Vera. Ryan, Edward. Ferguson, W . Dave. Faulkner, Joe. Ryan, William S. Harris, Alex C. Flood, James. Schroeder, John H. Garvey, Ray H. Snell, Earnest V. Corporals: Hanunill, W . A. Spaeth, William. Chambers, Howard. Harper, Usher T. Spaulding, Art D. Hampton, John M. Harrold, Harry. Stewart son, Evert. Kuska, Joe. Hubbard, William. Storer, Jesse B. Larson, Arthur L. Klinhans, Benjamin A. Storer, Carl R. Wolf, Jack. Luscombe, E. W . Yoisin, Eugene A. LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. William T. Parrott, Calkins, Alva A., Morris, William IL, discharged. discharged. discharged. Connelly, James L., McDougal, Hal B., First Lieutenant: discharged. discharged. William J. Lowis, Crumley, Glenn T ., Perry, Howard V., discharged. discharged. discharged. Davis, Kennith, discharge Ramsey, Guy R., Quartermaster Sergeant: Donelon, William A., discharged. discharged. Stewart son, J., Yoisin, Lew C., discharged. Elder, Otto B., discharged. discharged. Wallace, William C\, Sergeants: Epard, Guy D., discharged. Connelly, Arthur, discharged. Warner, Wilbur, discharged. Fitzgerald, Edward, discharged. Simpson, Tom IL, discharged. Wilson, Aubry H., discharged. Gillman, S. A., discharged. discharged. Corporals: Gouler, Kirt C., Smith, Leroy G., discharged. discharged. Kilivitz, William O., Warner, Jay L., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. The activities of this company were confined to elementary military training for the about to enter United States service and enlisted men of the company. We gave the required assistance in bond and Red Cross drives. As chairman ot Christmas Red Cross roll call I used the individual members as far as possible. Our drilling was of one and one-half hours duration, twice a week. 76 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘‘C,” 14th Battalion, Quinter.

Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. Elmer D. Samson. North, John. Long, S. S. Peck, H. L. Love, J.J. First Lieutenant: Martin, P. J. William F. Howell. J / usicians: Matthews, Matt. Early, Lee. Mitchell, S. A. McKain, C. M. Second Lieutenant: Garrison, \V. H. Xorthrup. T. M. Cecil Calvert. Privates: Ohls, Guy C. Anderson, Lovel. Polkowsky, F. R. First Sergeant: Barnes, W . Roed, John E. Harry U . Porter. Blickenstaff, Carl. Reinecker, Clyde. Blickenstaff, lister. Reinecker, Howard. Sergeants: Burnett, Dixon. Rinehart, Alfred. Custer, Joe. Smith, Claude. Corman, Charles T. Easton, A. C. Smith, Frank. McElroy, Lloyd. Easton, G. Stanley, Ernest. McQueen, George R. Fink, John. Tomanek, J. J. Rash, Charles. Flora, J. H. Tomanek, L. E. Shane, Roy H. Friend, M. L. Tomanek, T. A. Garst, F. G. Thom, H. A. Corporals: Green, Glenn. Transue, F. Foote, Robert, Jr. Haney, Lou. Washburn, C. L. Lines, Harry. Hillmrn, K. D. Whismore, Artie. McKinnev, J. R. Lewis, W. M. Wire, Roy. Miller, G. F. Long, Jess. Wylie, Oliver.

ACTIVITIES. Company C participated in all Liberty loan, Red Cross and other patriotic campaigns.

Company ‘ D.” 14th B attalion, Grinnell.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Earl W. Davis. Forest J. Eaton. J. H. Straw.

LOSS. Captain: Omer B. W olfe, resigned.

No muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard.

Company “ E,” 14th Battalion, Winona.

Captain: Bugler: Privates— Concluded. Franklin E. Brooke. Gfeller, Louis A. Lowe, Edwin F. Lowe, Floyd W . First Lieutenant: Privates: Lowe, Harley E. Daniel W . King. Bergman, Vincent W . McIntosh, Guy E. Brown, Henry A. Newell, Charley. Second Lieutenant: Daniels, John W . Niswanger, Harley A. Peterson, Amel T. Emil J. Gfeller. DeLong, Elmer V. DeLong, Orville E. Phillips, Rhueben O. Postal, Claude. Sergeants: Gfeller, William D. Glenn, Joseph T. Samuelson, Carl O. Cooper, Zach T. Gould, John. Sprague, Arthur C. Haines, Alva W . Irish, Roy L. Stover, John H. Jenson, Morris S. Karr, Harry J. Theimer, George L. Snider, Benjamin F. Kemp, Cary Allen. Tiedemann, Carson A. Kistler, Roy A. Voglegesang, William. Corporals: Knapp, Dell R. Ward, Frank A. Butler, Louis W . Knapp, Wilson X. Waldmeier, Frank P. Lowe, Matthew G. Koons, George. Ward, Morton H. Messier, Theodore K. Kronvall, Oscar T. Werner, Victor J. Poteet, Neal F. Latham, Alexander H. Lewallen, Clifford. Chaplain: Lewallen, Willie J. Frazer, John T. Lewis, Ephriam O.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Continued. Weatherman, Henry C., Edde, Gilbert H., Olson, Guy E., transferred. transferred. transferred. Ward, William T., died.

ACTIVITIES. While our Company E was not yet mustered in, we were organized, had our uniforms, and assisted in the third Liberty loan drive. The entire canvass for the fourth Liberty loan was conducted by our company. In all the drives in our locality we raised more than our quota. All our members were members of the Red Cross, and as an organization, we assisted in raising the quota and also in the '‘Seven-in-One" drive. We conducted a military funeral to a soldier who died in Camp Funston and was buried at Winona. We took an active part Memorial days and Fourth of July celebrations. Our company appeared in uniform at all public gatherings that were in any way related to the war, and on one occasion when Gover­ nor Capper spoke at our hall. W e furnished an escort to Sharon Springs where the governor spoke in the evening. Company E always participated in the farewell or home-coming recep­ tions given the soldiers, and encouraged and assisted in enlistments among our own company and among others. Four of our men entered the service, one of whom is overseas at this time. In certain localities pro-Germans, anti-war agitators, and slackers were numerous and through the efforts of our guard, these people gained a wholesome respect for our government and came forward and did their part financially in the prosecution of the war. 78 Adjutant General’s Department.

H eadquarters, 15th Battalion*, Osborne.

Major: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: Ed Bryant. George Winters. J. E. Hodgson.

Captain and Adjutant: John B. Ansley.

X o report of any activities was furnished.

Company ‘'A.” 15th B attalion, Portis.

Captain: A rtificers: Privates— Concluded. John E. Kissell. Miller, William W. Latlin, Harold A. Welch, Arch A. Lattin, Clarence K. First Lieutenant: Wineinger, George E. Lemon, Alfred L. Mallory, Archie. Charley Love. Bugler: Martin, Charles V. Second Lieutenant: Carporon, Irwin R. Mills, Harry G. Moate, William. Fred Wheeler. C ook: Moyer, Elmer M. McConnell, Arthur. First Sergeant: Burgard, John W. McKenzie, Frank L. Booy, Charles R. McKenzie, Fred A. Privates: Xiles, Austin G. Sergeants: Akens, Clarence. Niles, David E. Daniel, Lee. Akens, Paul (» Noel, Laren D. Laman, Glenn V. Angell, Will H. Palmer, Charley R. Lemon, Elva R. Bodge, Walter A. Palmer, George R. Palmer, Lawrence C. Burtch, Claude E. Paxton, Vaughn O. Welch, John W. Cook, David A. Saylor, Clyde E. Winters, C. Melvin. Creamer, Cecil C. Sherbondy, Ray A. Dutton, Clare M. Smith, Glenn R. Dutton, Clyde L. St. Clair, Harry W. Corporals: Farrell, James E. St. Clair, Oscar. Angell, Ira A. Farrier, Charles T. St. Clair, Ross R. DeBoy, John B. Graham, James K. Stepp, Alonzo L. Farnsworth, Will L. Grieve, Xial G. Timberlake, Frank H. Heide, Fred J. Hale. William. Turner, Joe E. Kant, Charles E. Herron. Orties. Walden, William W. Mcllvain, James C. Huff, Jim R. Winters, Charles S. Thomas, Carl M. Hulett. Claude M. Turner, Orville. Kissell. Horace G.

This company did not furnish any report of its activities Kansas State Guard. 79

Company “ B ,” 15th B attalion, Osborne.

Captain: Privates: Pri rates — Concluded. Samuel \V. Woolley. Abrell, Otto E. Mack, Ralph R. Beck, Homer L. Mason, Joseph E. First Lieutenant: Bell, Charles H. Miller. Royal Q. Loyd E. Latham. Bell, James W. Moore, Edwin E. Cassidy, John C. Nielson, Hans C. Second Lieutenant: Cole, Ira E. Nve, Halbert W. Coop, Earl. O'Connor, John D. George H. Taylor. Crawford, Ira Z. Parrott, Ivo W . Crawford, Mortimer O. Pickens, Harry W. Sergeants: Dawley, Nelson J. Pierce, Clay W . Crain, Wilbur H. Dickinson, George M. Pierce, George I. Hays, Robert Roy. Dunkleberg, Harold D. Pierce, Zay R. Hunt, Charles M. Duryea, Clarence F. Porter, Rees. Koesling, Eric W . Eaton, Harold E. Porter, R. T. Seaman, Joseph G. Eckman, Phillip. Quillen, Warner. Walker, Fred. Enoch, Ransom L. Ribeau, Lewis. Everitt, Franklin C. Robertson, Ora Lee. Corporals: Foster, Walter W. Rousey, Ray. Bell, John H. Gallagher, Harry. Ruggles, Louis D. Berry, John G. Gallagher, Leo. Russum, Sam L. Garrigues, Selah M . Garrigues, Dwight. Smith, Angus R. Hahn, Joseph W . Goad, Jesse J. Smith, George H. Gilbert, John A. Gorham, Clifford C. Smith, Roy E. Roe, Albert H. Gorham, Vern W. Sproal, William E. Smith, George E. Hahn, Clarence E. Steerman, Everett. Storer, Charles M. Hartkey, Len R. Storer, Hugh A. Stuart, Hugh A. Hevwood, Walter. Storr, Charles R. Hill, Lester II. Terrell, William D. Musician: Hilton, Horace L. Thompson, Blaine. Hoover, Roy H. Thuney, C. Ed. VanScyoc, Clifford. Jemison, Norma. Ulmer, Gracen C. Joy, Morrill. \ an Pelt, Pearl E. Cook: Koesling, Max O. VanScyoc, John J. Burns, Henry F. La Bore. LeRoy W . Walker, Harold. Lacy, Lester I). Wiggins, Earl. Artificer: LaRosh, Milton I). Wolff. Albert E. Hicks, John A. Lee, Arthur J. Wvkoff, Charley E. Lochard, Cecil M . Yeager, John F. Mack, Ernest R. Zimmerman, Edmund Z


First Lieutenant: Privates — Continued. Privates Concluded. David C. Roy, discharged. Fonts, LeRoy A., Snyder, Amos C., discharged. discharged. Sergeant: Hale, Vernon O., Stafford, Milton E., Cook, J. LaVerne, discharged. discharged. discharged. McGuire, Willis C., Trompeter, Louis W ., discharged. discharged. Privates: Nelson, Charles A., Underwood, Percy H., discharged. discharged. Bottorff, William W ., Nelson, David E., Vague, Joe S., discharged. discharged. discharged. VanWormer, Fay W ., Clark, Frank, discharged. Noflfsinger, Lysle E., discharged. Clark, James Erie, discharged. VanWormer, Francis M ., discharged. Pomers. Oliver M ., discharged. Clark, Lyell, discharged. discharged. Crawshaw, Curtis C., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company E guarded the elevators at Osborne and Bloomington in the state of Kansas dur­ ing the grain season of 1918. This company kept open quarters all during 1918, and took an active, if not leading part, ui all Liberty loan and Red Cross drives. In fact, the company was very active along all patriotic lines during its existence. 80 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C,” 1 5 t h B attalion, Downs.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. W . H. Ortel. A rend, G . L. Jones, C . D . Armsbury, C. W. Jones, Edward D . First Lieutenant: Baker, J. R. Jones, Leland E. A. C. Davis. Baker, W . M . Keirns, Bert. Bates, Charles B. Lafoon, Charles H. Second Lieutenant: Billings. Paul E. Lockridge, I>. H. Warren M . Carey. Blankenship, A. G. Maness, Leslie. Boehner, Ed. Martin, Roy. First Sergeant: Bottorff, J. W . Mason, Nazir E. Nesbitt, D. E. Bottorff, Wilbur S. McCIenney, Joseph B. Bowers, Ernest H. McConnell, F. G. Sergeants: Breakv, Joseph. Petitt, I. E. Frazelle, Elmer D. Buchanan, R. M . Ransom, W. H. Verhage, B. F. Bump, J. N. Richardson, Joe. Worley, J. E. Carney, S. W. Richardson. R 71. Yost, J. N. Coleman, Walter D. Ruby, Bert. Farwell, E. R. Skinner, Irvin C. Corporals: Flowers, H. D. Smith, Clarence W. Blankenship, J. W . Galer, C. M. Smith, Jesse Edman. Fessenden, C. M . Greider, Walter. Smyth, David B. Owen, Chet. Guess, Raymond. Sutter, Andrew. Sellers, W . C. Henting, Jacob. Talbott, W. G. Sharp, E. J. Heshion, John P. Underwood, Floyd. Stephenson, J. R. L. Hettinger, Claude. Walker, I. N. Holliman, George. Wells, E. N. Musician: Jackson, T . H. Yost, Albert. Wade, George H. Zumwalt, John D.

This company did not submit any report as to activities.

Company ‘‘D,” 15th Battalion, Alton.

Captain: Musician: Privates— Concluded. Frank E. Fouts. Brickell, H. B. Gregory, H. G. Hahn, M. E. First Lieutenant: Artificer: Hale, T. F. Holtslander, George A. Lucian F. Storer. Canefield, W. H. Howe, C. E. Kinion, S. B. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Lemley, Orren C. John A. Guttery. Arnold, B. R. Lemley, V. E. Arnold, F. D. Markley, H. N. First Sergeant: Arnold, R. S. Miller, Burdett W. Barnt, Leonard. Elliott, W. W. McEwen, H. E. Bates, R. H. McCully, B. W. Bleam, D. L. Sergeants: Me Reynolds, J. J. Bleam, G. W. Nelson, G. C. Barber, A. B. Boland, Edward. Nickel, F. J. Bates, Frank. Boland, H. Crumrine, J. C. Pierce, E. L. Boland, J. J. Paynter, Carl D. Hadley, W. Z. Braden, J. R. Holloway, W. A. Roberts, James L. Brent, Roy L. Sage, Clyde H. McKenna, S. E. Bryant, H. B. Shelton, Jewell B. Paynter, A. J. Bunnell, C. H. Smith, W. E. Burch, W. F. Sparks, J. C. Corporals: Carswell, Ed. Sparks, L. A. Bates, Walter. Carswell, V. Strange, Francis M. Clark, H. L. Clair, A. E. Stroup, J. H. Colbert, R. W. Deering, W. V. Stroup, W. C. Dugan, Bert. Dugan, J. R. Swander, L. A. Fuller, F. L. Dugan, R. L. Thornberg, Elmer C. Jessup, C. L. Earl, C. H. Trine, D. K. Morgan, J. R. Earl, L. T. Welker, A. L. Stevens, E. R. Fritsche, O. H. Wence, J. H. Thompson, O. K. Fuller, C. W. Williams, Ernest R. Wilkerson, F. L. Fuller, James S. Wineinger, A. S. Fuller, Milo E. Wineinger, C. A. C ook: Gaunt. F. W. Wineinger, Lloyd. Gillespie, W. A. Guttery, O. G. Wineland, M. Glascock, E. T. York, G. A.

ACTIVITIES. Company D performed guard duty at mill and wheat elevators, Alton, Kan., for a period of three months, and rendered assistance to people in the tornado zone south of Alton, April. 1918. Kansas State Guard. 81

H eadquarters, 16th B attalion, Dodge City.

M ajor: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: Richard W . Evans. Charles I. Moseley. Francis M. Coffman.

No report of activities furnished.

Company “A,” 16th Battalion, Dodge City.

Captain : Privates: Privates— Concluded. Lloyd F. Currier. Amos, William. Komarek. Peter. Baltzall, R. D. Lakey, Edward. Second Lieutenant: Bangs, Ross. Madden, Paul. F. A. Webb. Beck, George A. Main, L. F. Bell. Tom. Matt ley, Robert L. First Sergeant: Buchanan. W . H. Moore, G. O. Bunnell, Homer. Gilbert, Glen A. Moseley, Prisley 1'. Burr, Hiram T. Ott, Curtis. Carey, Henry L. Quartermaster Sergeant: Roberts, Frank. Carter, Robert H. Rose, Newale. Hart, Harry. Clare, Harry. Sayre, Charles I. Cochran, George D. Shumard, Roger K. Sergeants: Combs, R. E. Soil it t, L. L. Michael. A. C. Crane, George. Sturgeon, E. C. McColloni, Charles H. Davis, W. A. Taylor, Tull S. Parks, F. R. Drake, William. Thomas, Albert R. Smith, Clyde E. Ely, R. Thorpe, E. D. Truitt, Homer E. Fansler, J. A. Trickel, Gail. Farley, Leo. Triplett, A. G. Corporals: Geitgey, Charles A. Van \ alkenberg, Earl. Godfrey, Deacon. Wolfe, Ole B. Fleming. Leo R. Goodwin, George. Ingersoll, L. H. Wood, W. K. Greenleaf, Fred. Worling, William. Merrill, E. L. Hackler, Alfred. C. Nevins, Clarence. Wormington, Howard Herron, Joe. Yandell, E. K. Thurston, Bruce. Herzer, Donald. Youncker, Clarence. Iloltferick, George F. Young, T. E. Cook: Hood, W . L. Wenger, C. B. Isley, J. W . Jones, R. L. Musicians: Kennedy, B. L. Garver, Don B. Kennedy, Frank W . Lierle, Alvernon. Kennedy, W. E. LOSSES. Captains; Privates: Privates— Concluded. Richard W . Evans, Archer, T. G ., discharged. Hudwall, C. J., discharged. transferred. Baker, Orie, discharged. King, Walter A., F. E. Shields, resigned. Baltzell, R. D ., discharged. E. C. Moseley, died. discharged. McChristy, E. L., Botting, Robert M ., discharged. Sergeants: discharged. McGahan, J. W., Botting, Robert C., Crane, Clifford, discharged. discharged. discharged. Sit ton, A. R., discharged. Hathaway, E. C., Curry, W . L ., died. Stapleton, W . V., discharged. Davis. E. R.. discharged. discharged. Demons, J. C., discharged. Stubbs, Sam, Jr., Corporals: Fay, Carlos, discharged. discharged. Barnard, Charles H., Gingerich, Clyde, Tarrant, R. M .f discharged. discharged. discharged. Warren, E. E., discharged. Johnson, William E., Hollenbeck, H. W ., Young, Leon B., discharged. discharged. discharged. Leatherwood, E. F., Hood, U. L., discharged. discharged. Howarter, George, Talbot, E. V., discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A participated in all public activities during 1918, and patroled the streets on all holidays where it was necessary. . . , , The unit turned out in full force and escorted all contingents of drafted men to the en­ training points; held regular drills every week, and on October 8, went into camp in \\ right park at Dodge City with the other companies of the 16th Battalion, Kansas State Guard, expecting to stay four days, but the camp was ordered closed on the evening of the second day on account of the influenza. The company did guard duty at the Mexican camp for twenty-one days, said camp being quarantined on account of the influenza. 6—4436 82 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “B 16th Battalion, Cimarron.

Privates— Concluded. Captain: Privates — Continued . William Cramer. Anderson, Charles. Jones, B. William. Balding, S. James. Kissinger, Grant. First Lieutenant: Benton, Edwin. Leatherwood, Jesse. Benton, Howard. Lee, Christ. Eugene C. Crow. Brewer, Wiley. Lee, Patrick J. Brock, Walter. Lucas, Charles. Second Lieutenant: Brown, Charles E. Lucas, Elbert. John A. Evans. Brown, M inter. Luther, Francis M. Burgess, Torn. Mackey, James. First Sergeant: Bver, Rude. Mawherter, Robert. Evans, William H. Campbell, Clayton. Miller, Herman. Campbell. Ether. M i net, Frank. Quartermaster Sergeant: Carter, Willie. Montgomery, Benjamin. Cash, Howard. Morrow, Clayton. Reid, Henry L. Chalkley, Henry. McFarland, William. Crocket, Leslie. Nelson, Gus. Sergeants: Davidson, Carl. Neidiger, Derwood. Cash, Vernon H. Davidson, Ivan. Oakes, Melvin. Hildebrand, Harry. Davidson, Russel. Panka, Emil E. Hinke, Alvin E. Dey, Anthony. Phelps, Harry. Luther, Lester. Dey, Winfield. Raney, Lewis IT. Dunkin, Harry. R ay, Elza. Corporals: Dunkin, Heber. Rector, Luther. Egbert, Gwynne. Dunkin, Henry. Robbins, Henri. Glazo, Ira. Evans, Leo. Ronton, Johnnie. Henderson, John. Firestone, Harry. Sever, Carl. Hollenbeck, Ralph. Fisher, Arlie. Smith, William. Johnson, Raymond. Fisher, John. Steinberger, Frank. Kelly, Walter R. Flowers, Perry. Stucker, Ernest. Naylor, Cary. Glaze, Andrew. Stucker, Rolla. Truax, Hayse. Glaze, Lee T. Sturtevant, Charles. Vandine, Samuel. Gonder, Dayle. Thompson, Eldon. Harris, Pearl. Wagner, Ralph. Privates: Henderson, Erwin. Watson, James R. Allen, Chester Hockstedler, Arthur. West, George. Allen, Lee. Holden, Samuel. Whiteside, Crawford. Allison, Jasper. Iselv, Charles C. Wright, Chester. Immroth, Phillip.

LOSSES. First Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Boiler, Fred, discharged. Berger, Cecil J., Potts, William Dean, discharged. discharged. Corporals: Firestone, Ray W ., Robins, Sam B., Egbert, Ward B., discharged. discharged. discharged. Immroth, Johnnie, died. Whiteside, Samuel W ., Ott, Aaron, discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company B drilled twice each week, commencing at seven and ending at ten. We exe­ cuted squad drills and company drills. The company was called into camp at Dodge City on October 8, 9, 10 and 11 by Major Evans. On account of the influenza the camp was disbanded the tenth. At each call of government recruits the company would meet and escort them to the train. On October 8, 1918, three squads guarded the war-exhibit train in Cimarron. Due to the fact that this unit was composed principally of farmers it was not called on to assist in the Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns, but a majority of its personnel bought bonds and contributed to the drives very freely. Each Decoration Day the company met and participated in the program as ordered by the governor. Kansas State Guard. S3

Company “ C,” 16th Battalion. Ford.

Captain: Corporals — Concluded. Privates — Concluded. Vernie, C. Robb. Hebrew, Lee A. Fowler, Clarence. Trimpa, Frank B. Hendrickson, George. First Lieutenant: Jones, Fred. John C. Lyons. M usicians: Jones, Robert E. Fowler, Will C. Kirkpatrick, Lewis. Second Lieutenant: Price, Ray B. Lamb, Collis P. E. Harold Patterson. Lamb, Paul H. C ook: March, Clarence. First Sergeant: Bentley, Ross. Miller. Sidney L. Padgett, Alve. Patterson, Milton. Plattner, I. L. Penland, Mike W. Privates: Prater, VV. M. Quartermaster Sergeant: Riegel, Glen. Blucher, I. L. Blood, W . M. Sauchman, Edgar. Brink. H. A. Scott, Carl. Sergeants: • Coffey, W. J. Snook, Harry. Burke, J. E. Dawson, Ilomer. Snook, Ray. Henry, B. E. Dooley, Martin. Steele, Ben. Mo wry, Fred. Dooley, Mathew. Stevens, Evan W . I)uncker, Charles H. Stout, Joseph. Corporals: I )unnam, W . S., Jr. Trebilcock, Guy D. Curtis, George A. Fel tner, Beecher. Tucker, Paul H. Einrie, L. J. Ford, Dolph. Winders, W . W .


Sergeants: Privates — C'on tin ued. Pri iat es— Concluded. Henshaw, Charles E., Jamison, George W ., Schneider, Max, died. resigned. resigned. Seery, Cecil Reno, Patterson, W . S., Kirkpatrick, Boyd, died. resigned. resigned. Marsh, Harold D., Snook, William R., resigned. resigned. Corporal: Murphy. Arthur, Taylor, Marvin, Sydcnstricher, Robert E., resigned. resigned. resigned. Murphy, Frank, Trimpa, Allen, resigned. resigned. Walker, Lancelot, McCaffrey, George D ., resigned. Privates: resigned. Winders, Claude, Freebeck, Raymond, Sauceman, W. G., resigned. resigned. resigned.

ACTIVITIES. Company C, 16th Battalion, Kansas State Guard was mustered into state service publicly on May 6, 1918, at a community meeting, and commenced its activities by drilling two and one-half hours each week, preparing for any emergency that might arise demanding their services, and by continuing such drills the company became efficient in the duties of the soldier. On May 30, 1918, the company took part in the Decoration exercises at Bucklin, Kan., leading the procession to the Bucklin cemetery and firing a military, salute in honor of the dead soldiers. On September 12, 1918, the task of registering the eighteen- to twenty-one-year-old reg­ istrants in the Ford district was left to the company, and Captain Vernie C. Robb, command­ ing the company, was legally appointed as chief registrar, and was in supervision of the reg­ istration. The company was also given charge of drilling and giving military instructions to the reg­ istered men before they were called to camp, and all registrants in the vicinity of Bloom, Kingsdown, Bucklin, and Ford, Kansas, were instructed to report at the armory of the com­ pany for instructions and drill each week until they were called to camp. The company participated in the several drives for the war activities, such as the Red •Cross, Liberty loans, Y. M . C. A., U. W . W . campaigns, and thrift-stamp sales, and took an active interest in promoting enlistments in the army. Company C, Ford's unit of the 16th Battalion, Kansas State Guard, reported for duty at the armory, Thursday morning, October 8, 1918, at 7 a. m., and left for camp at Wright park in Dodge City, Kan., in the face of a prospective rain, which fortunately failed to dampen the spirits of the men. The advance guard of the company reached camp at 8:30 and found that Company A of Dodge City had been putting in the early hours to good effect in erecting tents and getting the grounds in some semblance of order. The morning was spent in stak­ ing down tents and policing the company street; the work was not very appealing to most of the boys, but it gave them a fine appetite for the chow, which the efficient kitchen force handed out at noon. In the afternoon the regular routine work of an army camp was taken yPt guard lines were established, and guards posted, who were in the main very efficient. Guard mounting the first day was held at 4 :30 p. in., with Lieutenant Lyons of Company C as officer of the day. Guards were posted for the night, and it was soon time for mess call, 'vhich was answered with great enthusiasm. The battalion was formed before Major Richard ” • Evans at 7 p. m., and with the exception of the guards they went into Dodge City and did police duty at the war trophy train sent out by the government in the interest of the fourth Liberty loan. It was estimated that over five thousand visited the train which the •company assisted in handling and passing through the train. By midnight a reasonable de- 84 Adjutant General's Department.

Company "C ,” 16th Battalion. Ford— Concluded. gree of silence descended upon the camp and quiet reigned supreme until 5 :3 0 Wednesday morning, when the rude strains of reveille arous d the sleepers from their peaceful slumbers to the work of the day. Military discipline was more of evidence the second day. During the day Captain Surgeon Coffman received word from Dr. S. J. Crumbine, secretary of the State Board of Health that the government had signed a proclamation which would close all public gatherings for some time on account of the epidemic of Spanish influenza, and orders were promptly issued closing the camp to visitors and stopped the guards from leaving camp except on passes issued by the major. As soon as the quarantine was placed upon the camp, arrangements were made to break up the encampment, and the following day the company left for the armory in Ford, Kan., arriving at 11 a. m., October 10. 1018. The company was active in participating in parades and observing all patriotic movements, as well as assisting the local board of the county in handling the registrants when they were called to camp.

Company “D ,” 16th Battalion, Spearville.

Coptam : Bugler: Privates— Concluded. F. H. Templeton. Steele, File. Moore, tppah W\ Morgan, H. Earl. First Lieutenant: Privates: Morrow, Ralph A. Mowrer, Clyde M. John P. Hantla. Bartlett, O. Guy. Beck, Aaron E. McKee, Roy M. McKee, Will W. Second Lieutenant: Bishop, Herbert H. Nichols, WTilber. Edward A. McDermott. Curtis, Merrit E. Dollman, W ill. Parthmore, Clarence R. Parthmore, James B. First Sergeant: Elder, H. Lee. Gant, Lon. Riedlinger, John. Wright, Benjamin W. Gilmore, Alexander. Rockenfeller, Jacob W . Gilmore, Alister. Rosa, Ira C. Sergeants: Herman, Henry A. Savage, James B. Evans, Ralph E. Hickman, Ira C. Seltsan, Albert J. Ogle, Ernest L. Houghton, Edward W. Shaffer, Eugene H. Westmacott, Percival. Hull, James A. Speirs, George O. Jennings, Clarence C. Torline, Albert J. Corporals: Laudick, Fred C. Torline, George. Lawrence, Fred M . VanNahmen, Fred Feist, John A. Woodward, William J. Ravenkamp, George F. Lonnberg, Arthur. Westmacott, Stanley R. Lonnberg, John. Wiedower, William.


Lieutenant: Privates— Continued. Pri votes— Concluded. Vernon O. Ward, Applehans, Martin, died. Parthmore, George, discharged. Bain, John, discharged. discharged. Davis, Harry A., Prediger, Will, discharged. First Sergeant: discharged. Potee, Auriel U ., Pine, Will L ., died. Donnald, George, discharged. discharged. Ravenkamp, John, Sergeants: Fry, H. Luther, discharged. discharged. Gallet, Paul, discharged. Dennis, Conrad L., Robbins, James B., Hamilton, Edward T., discharged. discharged. discharged. Ellis, Wilber, transferred. Seidl, James B., Herman, Will, discharged. discharged. Johnson, Glenn H., Corporals: Stewart, Tom, discharged. discharged. Tackley, W’illiam S., James, Ottis Elmer, Kane, Arthur, discharged. discharged. discharged. Knoeber, Will, discharged. Yogelgesang, Luther, Kiser, Stephen, discharged. Lowery, Tom, discharged. discharged. Shaffer, Weldon, Mace, Edwin D., Wade, Otto, discharged. discharged. discharged. Ward, Merril C., Williams, Charles H., Miller, David O., discharged. discharged. discharged. Williams, Roy, discharged. McBurney, Ralph, Winkler, Roy, discharged. Privates: discharged. Alkire, Bill, discharged. Nixon, Clyde, discharged. Alkire, Ed. discharged. Parthmore, Fred, Applehans, John, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company D participated in various parades at times of special demonstration in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns; acted as escort to Hon. Jouett Shouse and Governor Capper; gave exhibition drills Columbus Day and on other occasions; acted as military escort when two of our deceased soldier boys, from Spearville, were buried. Individual members were chosen for service as chairman and committees on Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns and to serve as speakers for the National Council of Defense and Four-minute Men. The principal service rendered by the company was in giving preliminary training to something over fifty men who entered the military service of the United States from this locality. Kansas State Guard.

H eadquarters, 17t h B attalion, Concordia.

M ajor: Captain and Surgeon: Captain and Supply Officer Ed L. Kerin. William B. Newton. Fred M . Murphey.

No report of activities furnished.

Company “ A,” 17th Battalion, Concordia.

Captain: Second Lieutenant: L. D. Sexsmith. Elijah H. Moore.

LOSSES. Captains: Second Lieutenant: Thomas Kennett, resigned. Frank J. Hannum, resigned. Ed L. Kerin, resigned.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Company “ B,” 17th Battalion, Concordia.

Second Lieutenant: George C. White. LOSS. Captain : William D. Sorgatz, resigned.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Company “ C,” 17th Battalion, Glasco.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Continued. Roy D. Kirkpatrick. Beardmore, Earl H. Eberhardt, Valentine G Beardmore Roy L. Evans, Benjamin H. First Lieutenant: Beck, Fred P. Everlv, Golden F. Fuller, Wesley'. James W . Maples. Beck, Henry H. Beck, Jacob J. Grit t man, Leo C. Second Lieutenant: Beck, Willis H. Grittman, Rudolph. Beers, George E. Gruenthal, George R. George W . Spaulding. Benson, Ross L. Guipre, Clyde O. Bistiline, George H. Guipre, Ira. First Sergeant: Blake, Percy X. Hare, Charles L. Nutlaiuf, Sophus. Bowersox, Clarence W . Hill, Elbert. Boyer, Leon. Hilliiouse, David H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bracken, Tom. Hilton, Carl. Horn, Edward. Cleaver, James H. Brott, Karl. Brott, Rufus. Horn, Henry. Horn, Lawrence. Sergeants: Brown, William. Bullock, John T. Horn, Rudolph A. Chapin, George L. Chapman, Cecil. Horn, Theodore. Davidson, Joseph M. Charbonneau, Joseph L. Horn, William F. Franks, Lester J. Cheney, Willard E. Johnston, Tony. Prizer, Robert M . Clark, Joseph H. Jordan, Evert t W. Cline, Charles. Jordan, Howe C. Corporals: Cool, Joseph H. Joyce, Bert P. Rrock, Richard L. Cooper, Ralph. Kelley, Roy F. Jamison, Jesse. Cooper, Roy. Kelley, Russell M. Martin, Roy D. Cunningham, Ora. Kellogg, Leonard C. McCullough, James. Dalrymple, James I. Kiinerling, Roscoe C. Weaver, Chris C. Davidson, Kibbie. Klein, Arnold N. Davidson, William A. Klein, William F. Artificer: Davis, Don V. Knight, Claude P. Berndt, Otto W . Davis, Walter T. Knight, Henry. Day, Roger O. Knight, Otis. Cooks: Devore, Harold H. LaRocque, Charles A. Franks, Charles N. Dussair, John. Ludwig, Arthur B. Smith, Charles J. Eberhardt, John H. Macrander, Elbert. 86 Adjutant General's Department.

Company “ C,” 17th B attalion, G lasco— Concluded.

Privates— Continued. Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Martin, Cecil O. Pinkall, Arthur. Sheets, Joseph S. Martin, John D. Pinkerton, Earnest A. Sheets, Water J. Melton, Jarvis B. Pitner, Wilburn E. Sheets, Lawrence W . Montgomery, Lawrence E. Porter, Ned. Sparwasser, August C. Montgomery, Richard H. Powers, Eldon. Steele, Samuel M. Morris, Albert W. Pratt, John O. Stine, Nobel G. Me Bane, John F. Proha ska, Albert. Stratton, George H. McClellan, Elmer W. Reed, William. Stricklett, Lester. Xowels, Albert W. Rinehart, Lewis A. Teasley, Orvil. Orebaugh, Claude R. Robbins, Charles J. Teasley, Ross W. Palmer, William R. Ruth, Orlando L. Ward, Hazen G. Pilcher, Gaylord. Sawhill, Ray M. Wealand, Elmer F. Pilcher, William R. Schmidt, Louis J. Williams, Jesse J.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Davis, Clarence E ., Halderson, Chester E., Prohaska, William, discharged. discharged. discharged. Henning, Carl, discharged. Rea, Ives U., Bugler: Johnson, Perry W ., discharged. Cawley, Frank E., discharged. Rea, John W., discharged. Kappel, George W., discharged. discharged. Reed, Torn., discharged. Privates: LaRocque, Isadore, Robbins, Ollie, Benson, Roy, discharged. discharged. discharged. Bogue, George, discharged. Martin, Emery, Shell, Benton W ., died. Bracken, Frank, discharged. Steele, Julius E., discharged. Newton, William B., discharged. Davidson, Lorraine F., discharged. St ruble, Andrew, discharged. Olson, Alvin M., discharged. Dopp, John C ., discharged. St ruble, George J., discharged. Olson, Arthur, discharged. Downey, Francis T., discharged. Studt, Phillip II., died. discharged. Olson, Loren R., Studt, Raymond, Downey, George, discharged. discharged. discharged. Olson, Melvin, discharged. Weaver. Ralph E., Gars, James W., Parrott, Charles H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Windhorst, Herman, Grittman, Carl E., Porter, William, discharged. discharged. discharged. Windhorst, John, discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C was not called into active s n ice at any time. It took part in all the Liberty loan and Victory loan bond drives, Red Cross and other drives during the World War, and by its assistance, this community was always among the first to go “over the top” in all its drives. The unit was active in recruiting for the army and navy during the war, and all its mem­ bers who volunteered or answered the draft made excellent records in the United States service.

Company ‘‘D ,” 17th Battalion, Clyde.

Captain: • Corporals: Privates: William B. Crammer. Carter, Herbert Bartholomeau, John E. Crane, Frank S. Beachard, Fred A. First Lieutenant: Cusa, Edwin Roy Brantigam, Peter. Alferd F. Arnold. Duglas, Kenneth I. Bottger, Clifford R. Morehouse, Henry J. Bottger, Mike. Second Lieutenant: Smith, Honor B. Brown, William O. Ernest M. Stimson. Sowers, Floyd J. Buckles, Ray E. Carter, Wilford C. First Sergeant: Musicians: Casey, Ona. Simpson, Edward M. Gillispie, Charles P. Christian, Imo. Hawkinson, John A. Conn, James B. Quartermaster Sergeant: Cyrier, John B. Byrne, John F. Cooks: Danielson, Charles. Danielson, Clarence F. Fuller, Ralph A. Sergeants: Danielson, Herbert. Menard, Frank. Auten, Bert O. Deresseau, Oscar. Bloeher, Daniel. Erickson, Clarence V. V. Colwell, Claud G. Artificer: Erickson, Earl. Davis, Levi P. McMichael, Herbert. Ferron, Leo. Kansas State Guard. 87

Company “ D ,” 17th Battalion, C lylk— Concluded.

Privates— Continued. Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. French, Melvin I). Mittlestatte, Henry J. Raff, William II. Fullmer, Ollie F. Moore, Samuel B. Rogers, Emery S. Cleney, George M . McCarty, Loren E. Schmidt, Enoch. Goering, Daniel. McDonough, Michael. Seldon, Earl W . Hawkingbery, John A. Xadean, Melvin R. Smith, Leon A. Hess, Vern. Xault, Edward F. Sowers, David H. Johnson, Charles A. Xicholas, Homer. Urban, Cletio. Johnson, Victor T. Odette, Charles. Urban, Joseph W . Lambert, Arthur. Payne, Leslie E. Urban, Philip. L ’E Cuyer, Patrick. Pearson, Ralph. Villenenve, David D. Linn, David V. Porterfield, William E. Weekworth, Roy. Linn, John M. Potter, Charles S. Wilcox, Andrew J. Marshall. Robert F. Potter, Fred. Wilcox, Loyd. Menard, Fred E. Provost, Edward J. Wilcox, Walter. Menard, Mose. Raff, Charles M . Yoder, Howard.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Hubert E. Da nelson, Cooper, Clifford A., L ’E Cuyer, Armand, discharged. discharged. discharged. Crumrine, Robert S., L ’E Cuyer, Ulis, S( rgcants: discharged. died. Ganvrean, Peter J., Davis, Clem, Menard, Edward, discharged. discharged. died. Murphey, Fred M ., Egbert, Orvil, McCarty, Ivan, discharged. discharged. discharged. Fortier, Leo. Xault, Frank, Corporals: discharged. discharged. Ganvrean, Edward J., Oelkers, Francis, Chidester, Roland B. discharged. discharged. discharged. Oelkers, Walter C., Gleason, Caryol J., Gill, Robert R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Gram, Adolph X., Payne, Elvin, discharged. Musician: discharged. Gram, Alfred R. Philbrick, Garnette, Rundel, Arthur, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hanson, Clarence, Raleigh, George Joseph, discharged. discharged. Privates: Hayes, Herbert S., Reed, Petter G., Abbott, Burt, discharged.- discharged. discharged. Hess, Ralph, Roe, Wesley, Anderson, Fred, discharged. discharged. discharged. Johnson, Alferd, Roe, John, Best, John M ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Lambert, Leo, Rowley, Sam, Bondreau, Albert, discharged. discharged. discharged. Lapaille, Philip, Slipsager, James, Campbell, Forest, discharged. discharged. discharged. Law, Hobart W ., Slipsager, Peter X . Carron, Philip A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Treason, George W ., Sparger, Guy, Carter, William H ., discharged. discharged. discharged. LeBarge, Leo C., Sullivan, Jerry, Christian, John, discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company D held drills on the following dates, 1918: January 4, G, 8, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27. 2 9 ; ' February 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 2G; March 1, 3, 5, 10. 12, 17, 19. 24. 26, 3 1 ; April 2, 7. 9, 14, 1G, 21, 23, 28, 30; May 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 29; June 4, 11, 18, 25, 26, 30; July 1, 9, 15, 19, 23, 26, 28, 30; August G, 13, 17, 20, 27; September 3, 10, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26; October 1, 3, 8, 10; Xovember 19. It also took part in Decoration services May 30, 1918, also, May 30, 1919. It attended the following battalion drills and reviews and participated in the same: Bat­ talion review and competitive drill, Concordia, July 4; battalion drill, Glasco, July 2 1 ; bat­ talion review, Concordia. July 28; battalion drill, Clyde, September 29. 88 Adjutant General's Department.

Company “ E,” 17th Battalion, Jamestown.

Captain : Artificer: Privates— Concluded. Fred T. S. Ansdell. Gillispie, C. B. McBride, Edwin C. McBride, Ethan. First Lieutenant: Privates: McBride, Neal. McColm, Horace L. Donn Hodgson. Beach, Charles. Beasley, Fay. Neswender, George. Nobles, Calvin R. Second Lieutenant: Beasley, Wilmer E. Brosseau, Albert L. Olson, Ole. Arthur W. Sjoholm. Carter, James. Paulsen, Moody. Peterson, Adolph. First Sergeant: Champlin, Dean. Christenson, Iver. Peterson, Frank A. Carter, Harry. Decker, Avern. Peterson, Hans. Donahoe, Patrick E. Peterson, Lloyd G. Quartermaster Sergeant: Falk, Raymond. Peterson, Roy C. Phenix, Robert E. Murray, John. Gould, Edwin A. Gould, Walter B. Reid, Ayers N. Sergeants: Green, Eugene. Russell, Lloyd V. Grosse, John. Skoguland, Andrew E. Christie, La Roy C. Stinson, Frank D. Fitzgerald, William M. Hughes, Hayden H. Ion, William. Stockton, Andrew B. Gould, Merril L. Taylor, George. Hanson, Harry C. Johnson, E. Gottfred. Jordan, John P. Tufts, W. Arthur. Vincent, George. Corporals: Kaad, Martin. Kern, Jesse E. Vincent. James A. Fleury, Janies R. Larson, Gilbert. Vollin, Richard. Gray, Earl. Linton, George L. Weddle, Otto. Hartwell, George. Lowery, Blaine. Wilcox, Roy. Hinckley, Clarence O. Lundblade, Dale. Johnson, Oscar E. Lundblade, Fred A. Seamens, Ray. Lynch, Joe E. Lyon, Frank A. Musicians: Mann, Lew. « Abby, Fred A. Minard, Elisha. McCall, Thomas G. Murray, Stephen.

LOSSES. Captain: Privat es— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Thomas McCall, resigned. Davis, J.« Adophus, Lynch, George, discharged. discharged. Mick, Levi, discharged. Sergeant: Fairchild, Albert, M ott, John Howard, Elniff, William, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hanson, Arthur L., Pearson, John, discharged. Green, Hobart, discharged. discharged. Peterson, John, discharged. Owens, Joe, discharged. Herbin, Abner, discharged. Powell, Charles, discharged. Hight, Nile E., died. Schellin, Ray, discharged. Corporal: Hills, Frank, discharged. Vandenmark, Howard W ., Hitchcock, Rolla, discharged. Lynch, Lawrence, discharged. Wilson, Lewis, discharged. discharged. Hoagland, Marvin, discharged. Privates: Hodgson, Fred, discharged. Brown, John E ., Johnson, Ole, discharged. discharged. Loftus, Frank, discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company E prevented Russelite lectures, and the scattering of treasonable literature, and assisted in Red Cross activities. Kansas State Guard. 89

Headquarters, 18th Battalion, Salina.

Major: Captain and Surgeon: Captain and Supply Officer: Edwards A. Hiller. Melchor G. Cockev. Edwin \I. Brown.

No activities reported.

Company “ A,” 18th Battalion, Salina.

Captain: A rtificer: Privates— Concluded. Earl M . Hudkins. Holmes, Isaac L. Pehrson, John E. Pratt, Nelson J. First Lieutenant: Privates: Quinn, Thomas P. Reed, Ralph E. Allan W . Dodge. Anderson, Edward O. Anderson, Emanuel E. Ridings, Fred R. Second Lieutenant: Bean, Lawrence B. Sangster, William H. Sellers, Graydon H. Rodney D. Palmer. Campbell, Leslie T. Dearing. Robert F. Slaughter, Olie G. Smith, Daniel H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Estes, Don C. Fitch. Harvey. Smith, L. Loyd. Shot well, William. Force, George R. Spaulding, Fayette. Getts, Raymond D. Tremain, Albert N. Sergeants: Getz, John O. Yehon, Isadore. Brown, Herbert I.. Guyton, John H. Yiles, Thomas F. Warner, Nevell O. Cox, John P. Hanson, Nels J. Weigner, Harry. Worseley, Theo. Holzmeister, Kasper. Johnson, Erick T. Wilson, Albert L. Corporals: Johnson, Harold S. Wilvers, Arthur L. Brown, Clarence P. Kistler, John S. Crowther, Willis B. Kristen. John. Carman, Daniel O. Ludes, Henry W . Hedquist, Elmer E. Merrill, Burr F. Joy, Fred I). McKicknie, Herbert J. Lockwood, George E. Nordlund, Victor H. Weber, Victor N. Onstatt, James A. Wilder, Byron O. Paugh, Guy.

LOSSES. Captains: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Waldorf, F. Ganslee, Davis, Edgar, transferred. Swedenberg, Arthur E., transferred. Hvirf, Carl, died. discharged. John L. Hill, resigned. Kimball, Robert J., Weinle, H. C., transferred. transferred. White, A. C., died. First Sergeants: Ladd, Wayne, discharged. Gregg, Guy S „ resigned. Pohlhamer, Alfred, Moore, David A., died. transferred.

ACTIVITIES. Company A participated in all activities during the war, and was particularly active in the training of men for the military service. 90 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘‘B,” 18th Battalion, Salina.

C aptain: P rivates: Privates — Concluded. John \V. Brown. Bach told, Carl J. Jennings, Roy H. Bailey, George G. Keim, Albert L. First Lieutenant: Barbee, Frank E. Lundgrew, Fred H. John E. Carr. Batsford, Carl J. Monohan, John H. Bower, William L. Moore, George F. Second Lieutenant: Brassfield, Butler R. Nelson, Daniel A. Carhartt, Arlie T. Nesmith, Verne L. Edward M. Geis. Cochrane, William II. Noonan, V. Carley. Cooper, Randall I.. Paxton, Phil T. First Sergeant: Copeland, Robert J. Peters, Herbert L. Riedel, Othal S. Cunningham, Riley G. Pierce, Allan S. Cumberland, William L. Pratt, Alonzo W. Quartermaster Sergeant: Davis, Edgar. Rising, Geary. Webb, Lawrence C. Dick, Harlow G. Ruhl, Merle E. Durham, Charles L. Ryan, Thomas J. Sergeants: Eberhardt, Earl G. Samuels, John C. Crawford, Edward S. Eby, John W. Spencer, Harry. Ferm, Roy. Felt, Sanford L. Spencer, Jefferson M . Roche, Robert G. Ferguson, Edward C. StaYrett, Ralph S. Woodward, John A. Ferguson, Walter L. Surface, Richard, Jr. Finley, Loyd B. Syphers, J. Gould. C orporals: Galvin, John D . Vallette, Frank E. Jameson, I)ave B. Gard, William H. Van De Water, Frank. Morey, Benjamin O. Geren, Charles V. Wakenut, Paul G. Schumacher, John. Gunter, George W. Wallace, John. Taylor, Thomas S. Harbold. Harry M. Weinle, Henry C. Wakefield, William S. Heckendarn, Arthur N. Zook, Samuel D. Whitney, Charles G. Holly, Edgar E. Hood, Ray G. M usicians: Howe, Clarence E. Buenning. Alvin A. Hower, Raymond M. Jameson, Lora B. Huyett, Milton M.


C orporal: P rivates: Privates — Concluded. Glen L. Bishop, Baldwin, George R., Shepard, John H ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hardaway, Richard F., Williams, Fred H., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company E participated in all patriotic parades and attended military funerals. A large proportion of the personnel assisted in all loan drives and war activity work. Captain Brown, Privates Bailey and Brassfield worked two weeks in harvest fields when labor was scarce. Members of company, being all traveling men, sacrificed much time in attending drills, which were held on Saturday afternoons, and we had a well disciplined organization. Kansas State Guard. 91

C o m p a n y “ C ,” 18t h B a ttalio n , Gypsum City.

Captain: Privates: Pri ia tes— Concluded. John W . Rogers. Aldrich, Elvrv. Krauss, John. Armbruster, Chester. Laessig, Frank E. First Lieutenant : Armstrong, E. H. Lindvall, Earl. Elmer C. Talbert. Bickel, Walter E. Major, Thomas E. Bigler, Olliver S. Manuel, Fred. Second Lieutenant: Bogart, Calvin. Monroe, Leon. Branton, Elmer F. Mortimer, Mark. Frank M . Xoonen. Brown, Ulysses $. McDonald. U. S. Burch, Alvin. Xeedles, Walter. First Sergeant: Cooley, Raymond E. Xelson, Oscar. Adams, James R. Currie, Carrol. O'Connor, .1. D. Darling, Arthur. Ott, Fred P. Quartermaster Sergeant: Darling, John A. Ott, William. Manon, John W. Darling, William L. Fettle, Richard. De Mersseman, Dan. Pinkall, E. Sergeants: Fahring, John II. Reeves, George. Fahring, Norman. Robinson, Charles T. Goodwin, George H. Gafiord, Lawrence E. Rogers, Jess E. Manning, Alba R. Gregg, Leslie H. Sears, James. McFarland, Clyde M. Gribben, Thomas A. Shelton, Lewis E. Schmitter, Edgar E. Haley, Robert. Shultz, Ethan I. Hedquist, Olliver. Shultz, Howard. Corporals: Henne, Francis. Shuttleworth, Joseph. Eisenhower, Elmer C. Henne, Raymond. Smart, Hollo. Everhart, Charles F. Herr, Elmer E. Spencer, Harry R. Hammer, Harry. Hesher, Bert. Stein, Thomas. King, Allan. Hill, Carl I). Swisher, .\lvin L. Lamer, Dale H. Hodges, Guy C. Swisher, Wilber E. Prather, Ben. Holcom, Glen. Tinkler, Lorenza E. Snyder, Joseph. Iloleom. Verilla. Underwood, Charles A. Tinkler, Earl N. Hylton, Irvin. Van Fossen, Eugene. # Writer, Ross J. Keas, Byron. \’an Fossen, Raymond. King, George T. Veach, Fred L. Musician: King, Karl. Vermillion, Fred W . Pickenpaugh, W . E. Kitterman, Frank. Weatherbv, George. Kitterman, Will. Weller, George. Knapp, Glen.

LOSSES. Corporal: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Kilmer, Wallace, Fitzgerald, Leo. discharged. Lamer, Lee, discharged. discharged. Gardner, Gilbert, Xoonen, Mike, discharged. discha rged. Shier, Herbert, transferred. Privates: Haley, Isaac, transferred. Sippel, Eugene, discharged. Banks, Leslie E., Heller, Martin, died. Swisher, Orville, discharged. Hodges, Ross B., discharged. Bishop, Wallace, discharged. Thiel, Ernest E., discharged. Hoffman, Clyde, discharged. discharged. Burns, Richard, discharged. Knapp, L. L.. discharged. Tilgner, William, Cheney, Fred, discharged. Laessig, Ray C., discharged. Darling, Rollo, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C was organized at a mass meeting on April 20, 1018. The unit drilled twice a week until the signing of the Armistice with an average attendance of over ninety per cent; this in view of the fact that fully one-half were farmers and very busy. The company took an active part in all Liberty loan and Red Cross drives and aided in enforcing the various war measures, such as the food regulations, etc.; did guard duty every night for several weeks, during the threshing season, when all the mills and elevators were full of wheat and at a time when many elevators were being burned by German sympa­ thizers. Company C conducted funerals, with full military honors, for all deceased soldiers of the l nited States army who were brought here for interment. Practically all men who went into the United States service from C company were ap­ pointed noncommissioned officers, due to the training they had received while members of the state guard. 92 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘‘D---- ,”7 18th Battalion /, Salina.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Wilson B. Smith. Carlton L. Sawin. Arthur E. Heisa.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Edwin M . Brown, resigned. Xorvin I.. Gable, resigned.

Xo muster-out roll furnished.

H eadquarters, 19th Battalion, Clay Center.

M a jor: Captain and Adjutant: Captain and Surgeon. Carl M. Worley. Charles P. Portrum. Charles C. Stillman.

Xo activities reported.

Company “ A .” 19th Battalion/, Clay%/ Center.

Captain: Musician : Privates— Concluded. John Berglund. Leipesberger, Andrew. Henshaw, T. D. Householder, M . E First Lieutenant: A rtifreer: Johnson, B. W . C. H. Starr. McElroy, G. I. Johnson, Con. Johnson, Victor. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Jones, Claude. Kinman, H. L. *1. J. Thornton. Alquist, E. L. Baker, Allen R. Laflin, Delvin. First Sergeant: Blanc, Clarence E. Logan, Kenneth. Bocakos, James G. Myers, Harry R. Brown, C. P. Burtis, O. B. McIntyre, Leo B. Carlson, Edward J. Neill, Wilber. Quartermaster Sergeant : Carson, J. C. Xordstrum. J. W . Brown, H. C. Carson, V. W. O ’Donnell, J. F. Chestnut, W . J. Obenland, George. Sergeants: Cleland, W. B. Priest, Giles W. Barker, Leo F. Crawford, Guy A. Pyle, E. T. Buehman, Arnold, Jr. Davis, Reis. Reed, L. A. Kerby, Warren. Dudley, S. X. Reighley, Curtis. Prentice, W . H . Engler, S. W. Ressler, O. R. Glace, Roy. Robinson, W. G. Corporals: Grimison, J. G. Scarce, J. L. Lawerance, R. E. Gruftdel, Elmer W. Schrader, F. W . Lyman, H. E. Hafner, Harry. Schuette, M. E. McKee, Will. Harner, Homer D. Smith, James L. Prather, O. C. Hamer, Wallace. Spellman, D. L. Schoff, F. J. Harris, Thomas C. Wixom, W. W. Starr, L. F. Henshaw, Ashel. Woodside, J. N . Kansas State Guard. 93

Company " A ,” 19th Battalion. C lay C enter— Concluded.

LOSSES. Sergeants: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Gollober, A. S., Brenner, Julian, Holcomb, D. W., discharged. discharged. discha rged. Keener. W . E., Briner, J. E., Kappclman, Henry F. discharged. discharged. discharged. Woods, J. L. C., Cavin, J. L., Kay, Robert, discharged. discharged. discharged. Cowell, John, Kirkpatrick, Charles E., Corporal: discharged. discharged. Sterling, Roy, Deitrich, Mat, Lowden, Raymond D., discharged. discharged. discharged. Emery, J. F., Maclimer, Samuel, Musician: discharged. discharged. Forslund, Erwin E., Myer, Qirl E., Werner, Albert, discharged. discharged. discharged. Goeheen, Harry F., Peterson, Emit, discharged. discharged. Privates: Hagberg, Charles, Remmington, Allen T., Absher, Wilber, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hagen, Thomas C., Ristine, Warren O., Anderson, C. L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hammond, H. S., Simms, Leo, died. Barker, Rex, discharged. Stafford, Paul, discharged. Hammond, R. C., discharged. Bell, E. L., discharged. Telander, Warren, discharged. Hemphill, Paul. discharged. Binkley, Fredrick, . discharged. Trautwein, Ernest ; discharged. Henry, Earl A., discharged. Bradberg, Elliott, discharged. Woods, Grant, discharged. Herter, John, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company A performed guard duty in city during accident of city water and light plant; attended memorial for the first officer that died in France from Clay Center; helped in all local war activities; held public meetings at which pro-Germans were asked to explain their actions; also gathered affidavits against our county commissioner for his pro-German utter­ ances which brought him before the district federal attorney who caused him to give $500 to the Red Cross and take $5,000 in Liberty bonds; assisted in burial for the boys that died in the camps and were brought back for burial; assisted the farmers during the last harvest by going out in the evenings and shocking about 300 acres of wheat for those who were unable to get help. 04 Adjutant General's Department.


Captain: Corporals— Concluded: Privates— Concluded. L. Barker. Maggs, Will. Hemphill, Benjamin F. Selvage, George W. Hill. Lewis W. Second Lieutenant: Thomas, Hugo Q. Ingamells, Gerald. Fred Kimbrough. Kimbrough, Charles. Kramer, Joseph G. C o o k s: First Sergeant: Kramer, Leon R. McKean, Hiram. Lake, Elliott Harry. Grobergh, George G. Thompson, Harvey W. Mann, Charles F. More, Joseph. Quartermaster Sergeant: M usicians: Morris, Clyde. Kimbrough, Bertehart. Hafner, Otto H. Newton, Warren W. Smith, Charley W. Olson, George E. Sergeants: Osbourn, Floyd. Avery, Raymond E. A rti freer: Osbourn, Glen. Brill. William H. Lee, Robert L. Osbourn, Ray. Howland, Edson S. Pederson, Raymond P. Kiner, William B. Privates: Reed. George W. Reed, Budd. Brooks, Thomas. Richardson, Isaac N . Corporals : Funnel!, Christopher J. Selvage, Robert J. Goheen, John C. Funnell, William H. Jansenius, Adolph A. Haden, Clyde W. Neef, Quids, Ha den, Joseph.


First Lieutenant: Corporals— Conel uded: Privates— Concluded. William C. Opfer, Smith, Kent E., Linquist, Lewis, resigned. discharged. discharged. Walker, Lyle D., More, Glen, First Sergeant: discharged. discharged. Morris, Edison W., Warner, Charles P., discharged. discharged. M usician: McGee, Hugh, Leipersberger, Andrew G., Sergeants: discharged. transferred. McGee. James S., Laybourn, William L., discharged. discharged. Privates: Panton, Bernard B., Ramsey, Charles, Anderson, Ruben, discharged. discharged. discharged. Schiltz, Joseph, Smith, Harry F., Brannan, James, discharged. discharged. discharged. Starkweather, William S., Cowing, James, discharged. Corporals: discharged. Stratton, Evert, Dunlap, Bryan A., Johnson, Oscar E ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Williams, Charles B., Lacy, Ira M., Johnston, Fred A., discharged. died. discharged. Lake, David J., Lawhon, Samuel E., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company B, Kansas State Guards, was composed of the common labor ng class. On in­ quiry I learn that about sixty per cent of my men bought Liberty bonds of different denomi­ nations. Nearly all joined the Red Cross, and were active in all movements to aid in winning the war. Lieutenant Kimbrough and myself were special war deputies and we had the men to look sharp after pro-Germanism. The company was drilled regularly twice a week all summer and fall until the influenza broke in on us. Company B was considered one of the best drilled units in the county. W e performed no guard duty as there was none to do. The men were loyal, and could be depended on in any emergency. Kansas State Guard. 95

C ompany “C,” 19th B attalion, Morganville.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Arthur S. Marshall. Ahlberg, Andrew. Mellies, Herman. Ahlberg, O. F. Mollies, J. First Lieutenant : Anderson, C. Merten, H. J. L. D . Huff. Ashton. Joe. Xelson, Carl. Berggren, Arthur M . Osberg, Theo. Second Lieutenant: Berggren, Axel F. Perreault, George. Bodine, G. I. Peterson, Anton. Guy A. Crawford. Carlson, Sidney. Peterson, Elmer. Carson, E. L. Quartermaster Sergeant: Peterson, George. Dacon, James. Reed, W . W. Taddiken. I)agan, Clyde. Roser, Frank. Davis, R. X. Sanders, Henry. First Sergeant: Doran, A. E. Schwab, W . Patterson, Dewey. Eilers, Ernest. Smee, Cyril. Seitz, Elmer. Fisher, Bert C. Stewart, Ernest. Walker, Virgil. Gennett, James. Thornton C. Gray, Albert F. Wang, Leonal. Corporals : Hayes, II. G. Weiss, Henry. Blaker, Rudolph L. Hughes, J. G. Wiberg. E. Kappelman, G. B. Jacobson, David. Wible, Howard W. Johnson, C. A. Wicklund, Carl. Wicklund, Andrew G. Johnson, Carl R. Wilkerson, Bryan. Musician: Johnson, Charles A. Wilkerson, Elmer. Johnson, Ernest. Woolsey, Thomas II. Marshall, Cameron F. Lakeman, Gus. Young, George Purves, James R. Lakeman, William. Young, Peter. Lennard, William H. Chaplain: Longren, S. Allen, E. V. Mead, W. P.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. L. V. Howell, Balmier, John F., Peterson, Erek, resigned. discharged. discharged. Craig, Harry, Petty, James, discharged. Quartermaster Sergeant: discharged. Lakin, Elmer W ., Wang, John, Peterson, Albert P., discharged. discharged. discharged. Lore, Frank, Wicklund, Axel, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Except for a few military funerals this organization took part in no war activities of a public nature, but its influence upon the community was far-reaching. By giving public drills and attending public gatherings, as an organization, it did much to quell the pro-German propaganda and at the same time arouse the dormant patriotism of our citizens. Many of the boys who went to the army received valuable preliminary training in our company. We feel that in a measure we have kept the faith of our fathers. 96 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ D ,” 19th Battalion, Clifton.

Captain: Artificer: Privates— Concluded. Greer M. Worley. Johnson, Joseph D. Hill, Elmer. Hurley, Jesse Sam. First Lieutenant: Privates: Jansenius, August. Johnson, Ralph. Edgar M. Nunallv. Allen, Orville M . Anderson, Arthur Ray. Jones, William D. Lakin, George. Second Lieutenant: Bachtel, Charles E. Banley, Alfred H. Lisher, Stanley. Arthur L. Haynes. Bamhard, Merrill Jacob. Loyd, Earl C. Barrows, Murlin C. Loyd, Emory. First Sergeant: Bceotte, Fred. Marisette, Alfred E. Baldwin, James H. Beyer, Nicholas. Murdock, William H. Bonar, Leonard R. Ostrander, Wallace H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bullimore, Thomas. Peterson, Peter. Pinder, Thomas B. Obrien, Harry. Cassity, Floyd D. Coates, John P. Rand, Roy. Raines, Cecil. Sergeants: Cook, Ray M. Cusac, George H. Raines, Lanel Otis. Cay wood, Forest C. Demarteau, Alva. Rhodes, Louis. Mowrey, Walter Frank. Demarteau, Charles. Roberts, Lorenzo D. McQuillen, Edward J. Dolan, George K. Roy, Walter A. Selig, Frank L. Dolan, Max. Sager, Bert M . Dyer, William H. Sager, Gilbert E. Corporals: Finkbinder, Elmer. Shields, Clyde. Bloom, Albert C. Flora, William. Steinmetz, Theodore. Cay wood, Emory' W . Ford, Elmer. Temple, Kenneth A. Clark, Everett H. Gallagher, George. Temple, Ray D. Kramer, Cornelius. Gardner, Guy C. Truex, Dean S. Smies, Henry E. Grate, Lewis Henry. Turner, Edmond J. Steinmetz, Peter H. Harbaugh, Malcoin E. Walters, Warren W. Van Scoyc, William M. Harper, George H. Watson, Nordice J. Harris, Adelbert Smith. Woody, Merle R. M usicians: Haynes, Carrol. Wright, Benjamin F. Barleen, Dale. Haynes, Scott. Young, Ralph L. Young, Walter C. Robison, George W . Head, Ivan Francis. • LOSSES. Privates: Privates— Continued. Pri votes— Concl uded. Berner, Clifford, Dolon, Claire H., Graves, Charley L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Bowley, Edmund G., Foster, Lawrence, died. Wood, Maltbic B., discharged. Glasco, Fred A., discharged. Brown, George A., discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company D held semi-weekly drills on Tuesday and Friday nights. School for noncom­ missioned officers was established and continued. Exhibition drill at Palmer, June, 1918. Participated in battalion drill at Morganville, July 4, 1918; Wakefield, in battalion inanuev- ers, July 18, 1918. Participated in competitive drill Clay Center, August 18; Clifton, State Guard picnic, August 22 and 2 3 ; exhibition drill August 22, 1918. Held competitive drills August 23, 1918, with twelve companies competing, under supervision of Major Carl M. Worley, Major Deweese of the national army, Camp Funston, acting judge of contests. Bat­ talion drill at Morganville, August 18. Kansas State Guard. 97

Company “ E,’- 19t h B attalion, Wakefield. Captain: Privates— Continued: Privates— Concluded: George W . Smith. Barnes, Ira. Kynaston, William J. Batchelor, Arthur P. Lockridge, Robert M. First Lieutenant: Batchelor, Percy F. Marshall, John P. Henry S. Carez. Beatty, John P. Martin, Guy A. Billingham, Walter G., Jr. Mickey, Chester A. First Sergeant: Bradbury, Howard. Moyer, John M. Heskett, Kelly R. Budden, Sidney S. Moyer, William. Cowell, Chas. S. Myers, Fred C. Quartermaster Sergeant: Cross, James R. Myers, J. W. Decker, Ralph G. Myers, William H. Workman, Edwin A. DeYoung. Pete. Neimoller, August. Dodson, Fred. Neimoller, Benjamin. Sergeants: Eustace, Allen L. Nelson, Jacob. Alsop, John R. Exley, Lawrence. Price, Albert E. Brodhead, John E. Faidley, Curtain. Ring, Janies M. Gates, William P. K. Faidley, Floyd. Schaulcs, Ross B. Guy, Arthur L. Faivre, Adrian L. Shepperd, Lee. Williams, Clifford S. Faulkner David H. Shiltz, John M. Frazee, Hile. Sparrowhawk, I.awrence. Corporals: Gardner, Glen G. Sparrowhawk, Norman R. Billingham, Edward J. Gaston, William C. Streeter, James B. Hawes, George E. Gates, Andrew P. Swezey, Harold R. Jevons, William. Guy, Richard. Towle, Charles A. Marshall, William L . Haden, William. Walter, Percy R. Martins, Robert R. Heath, Henry H. Walters, Levi S. Mclntire, James B. Helm, Niles E. Weaver, Jesse C. Reed, Claud L. R. Hewitt, Walter H. Wofford. Wallace. Koemer, Henry. Younkin, John M. Privates: Kregar, George. Avery, Henry A. Kregar, Leroy. Avery, Herman W . Kregar, William H.

LOSSES. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Privates— Con cl uded: Elmer A. Myers, resigned. Baker, Harry F., Mitchell, Jesse J., discharged. discharged. First Sergeant: Billingham, Walter S., Myers, William, discharged. discharged. Brown, Stanley M .f Reed, James J., discharged. discharged. Broadhead, Richard, discharged. Shepperd, William T ., discharged. Corporals: Faidley, Jeremiah, discharged. Sparling, Harry M ., Hawes, Elmer N ., Fentein, Harry, discharged. Sparrowhawk, John, discharged. Fentein, Henry, discharged. discharged. Show, Harry, discharged. Gardner, Ralph, Weaver, Leonard H ., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Companv E was recruited and mustered into state service on June 27, 1918, by Captain George W . Smith, Kansas State Guard, and drilled twice weekly until the signing of the Armistice, November 11, 1918...... The unit participated in two battalion drills and two competitive drills; drilled several members of the national army in the first rudiments of military tactics, also assisted in Red Cross and Liberty loan campaigns.

7—4436 Adjutant General’s Department.

Headquarters, 20th Battalion', Washington.

Major: Captain and Adjutant: Charles R. Reist. Charles E. Rust.

No activities reported.

Company “A,” 20th B attalion, Washington.

Captain: M usicians: Privates— Concluded. Bowen R. Shaffer. Pitcher, Charles M. Lloyd, William T. Wells, William A. Miller, Harry. First Lieutenant: Morrow, J. C. Privates: McClaughey, Wilburn. Vernon L. Tewksbury. Asch, Lewis T. McLeod, Daniel W. Patrie, Ellra G. Second Lieutenant: Arney, Charles E. Brown, John J. Pauli, Edward R. William E. Schmidt. Burnett, Frank D. Panack, Lloyd William. Pettey, Jesse A. First Sergeant: Campbell, J. E. Carl, Frank. Potter, Isaac Henry. Brunner, Thomas L. Cornell, Floyd L. Rencin, Noble Wayne. Cot, Charlie Edward. Rosenkranz, William. Supply Sergeant: Cristie, Archie. Rush, Ivin C. Deidrichs, F. A. Cupp, Glenn B. Rust., R. L. Evans, Charles W . Sackett, Elijah G. Sergeants: Fletcher, Floyd J. Scheetz, Harry P. Frazer, Harry M . Soller, Albert William. Hamilton, J. H. Stratton, Frank W . Petty, John. Glasgow, William P. Henderson, William S. Throop, Bert Allen. Sawin, Leroy E. Tubbs. Car) Leroy. Shaffer, Raymond \V. Henthorn, Calvin J. Hilton, George A. Van Kirk, Charles E. Hyland, James R. Warthen, Charles E. Corporals: Keen, Louis G. Wayland, W. Claud. Bailey, J. Harry. Keesecker, Pirn P. Wheeler, Ray W. Chase, Ralph E. Ivenniburgh, D . B. Williamson, Elmer T. Denman, Ben A. Lamoreaux, Samuel James. Worscow, Herman C. Hanni, Adolph. Landon, Ray M. Voder, Frank A. Hutton, Egar C. Landrum, Charles H. Young, George M. Smith, Ora H. Leroy, Lloyd D.

LOSSES. Captains: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Charles R. Reist, Allen, Ralph, discharged. Longwell, W. S., died. discharged. Back, George M., Low, William H. J., Charles E. Rust, discharged. discharged. discharged. Clark, Simpson. McBride, James E., transferred. discharged. C orporals: Clasen, George H., Rutherford, Earl, Baldwin, Frank C., discharged. transferred. discharged. Combs, Otis, discharged. Throop, Vem E., Lahaugh, William P., Fisher, Other E., transferred. discharged. discharged. Weckeley, Henry J., Frazer, Harley, transferred. discharged. Howell, Ralph P., Wertenberger, Fred, discharged. discharged. Lasler, M. H., transferred.

ACTIVITIES. Company A took an active part in the third and fourth Liberty loan campaigns and as sisted in Red Cross drives. Kansas State Guard. 99

Company “ B." 20th Battalion, Barnes.

Captain: Privates: Privates — Concluded . Connie Collins. Baker, Joseph C. Johnson, Lyle H. Ballard, Earl. Kincaid, Vernon. First Lieutenant: Ballard, Harley G. Knedlick, Matt G. Henry A. Jennings. Ballard, Penuel. Knedlik, Milos. Ballard, Ralph C. Kufover, Jasper. Second Lieutenant: Barker, Charles W . Mason, Harry E. Barker, Henry L. Mayes, James I. William A. McDonald. Bartley, John. Monk, Squire P. Bartley, Neil A. Moore, Robert M . First Sergeant: Bledsoe, Harold L. Morrissey, Thomas. Morrissey, John. Bowers, Fred. McClaud, William A. Burke, Charles J. Otney, Leonard. Quartermaster Sergeant: Clark, Jesse M. Pettey, Frank. Shannon, Ernest E. Clark, Merritt. Poland, Jesse T. Clark, Warren E. Quincy, Daniel. Sergeants: Cook, Claude (). Reed, Artie E. Cook, Enoch E. Reitzel, Leroy W . Alton, George I. Coonhad, Alvin H. Ricard, Joseph X . Grimes, John. Crissman, Raymond. Roberts, Grover. Hogue, Harry C. Dalrymple, John. Savage, William H Pifer. James. Dickinson, Frank K. Sehleier, Albert J. Farrell, John P. Schleier, William A. Corporals: Fisher, Fredienond. Scholfield, Ezra L. Hartley, Jesse. Fiske, Frances E. Sedlacek, Frank. Caley, Hugh H. Flear, Fenley F. Sedlacek, George E. Coan, Edwin E. X . Flower, James. Sedlacek, Joseph. Hay, Charley W . Gano, Alfred W. Smith. William C. Ililtgen, William J. Gano, John W. Tavlor, Harvey L. Holt, Ben A. Gnagy, August II. Tracey, Ellis R. Irwin, Warren C. Gnagy, Ernest. Vogler, Max. Morris, John E. Gnagy, M . Wagoner, Raymond J. Smith, Cora B. Gnagy, Seigel A. Wanamaker, Fred A. Spence, Daniel. Hanna, Harry H. Wanamaker, Glen A. Wanamaker, Wallace. Heltgen, Conrad E. Wanamaker, William. Herrmann, E<1. Wesche, Frank J. C ook : Herrmann, William M. Wilkinson, Ernest F. Reboul, George B. Hogue, Ed. Wilkinson, Ray. Hogue, Frank. Wise, Edwin R. Buglers: Hogue, Walter B. Wise, William M. Hogue, William C. Woodward, Reuben. Cerveny, Valentine A. Holte, Lewis B. Wright, Curtis C. Kappel, George M. Jackson, Earl A. Wright, Eugene. Artificer: Johnson. Fred CL Bartley, Ora. LOSSES.

First Sergeant: Pri vates— Continued. Privates — Concluded. Wright, Franklin T ., Brandt, Howard M ., Kufover, Raymond J., discharged. discharged. discharger!. Cook, Bert C ., discharged. Rogers, Lapierre, Corporal: Dalrymple, Brice, discharged. discharged. Rosebaugh, William I., Jennings, Elmer S., Dalrymple, James I., discharged. discharged. discharged. Spurgeon, R t'-mond E., Ferguson, Albert W ., discharged. Musician: discharged. Tracey, Earl, discharged. Hite, Hurvev P., Ferguson, Lewis W ., Tracey, Kelson C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Ferguson, Roy J., Wagoner, Charlie L., C ook: discharged. (iischargerl. Gnagy, Gail, discharged. Wanamaker, Jay, Shamo, Charles A., Gnagy, Leevie, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hansen, Louis W ., Wesche, Warren H., discharged. discharged. Privates: Hill, Ira D ., discharged. Woodward, John, Bokemeier, Clarence L., Kamp, Thomas F., discharged. discharged. discharged.

Xo activities reported. 1 0 0 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C,” 20th B attalion, Greenleaf.

Captain: Privates: Pri votes— Concluded. Edward A. Hood. Ayres, Andy C. Lindeinan, Theodore. Bennett, William A. Miller, Francis M. First Lieutenant: Cairnes, James W . Miller, William L. Carrier, Milton E. Montgomery, Walter J. Albert W. Ban. Combow, Clarence L. Neer, Earl E. Second Lieutenant: Cook, George L. Nelson, Hans C. Osbourne, Sail W . Louis F. Nelson. Cook,John H. Cope, Donald M. Pauley, William M. First Scrpcnrit: Crayton, Walter L. Perkins, Benjamin E. Holden, Edgar W. Dickey, Frederick B. Perry, Henry Dwight. Dickson, James T. Peterson, Harry M. Quartermaster Sergeant: Dunbar, William Quincey, Raymond R. Rathbun, Perry M . Eaton, Leslie G. Riekenberg, Arnold M. East, John L. Sachs, Fred A. Sergeants: Fagan, Walter H. Sachs, Phillip F. Ayres, J. Forrest. Feeley, Charles F. Schoenborn, Adam J. Fagan, Glen E. Fickinger, Donald E. Scholfield, Ora H. Fickinger, Edward W . Finley, Wilbert M. Shelton, Houston C. Thorman, Forrest \V. Flear, Claude W . Shaw, Clifford M. Fowler, Alvin F. Shum, Howard M. Corporals: Gnagy, John L. Simon, Chester S. Durham, Harley S. Gotfredson, Albert P. Skovgaard, Thole P Gilliam, Arthur B. Hanson, Christian R. Stanford, Victor W Heisterman, Arnold S. Hodges, Orville E. Stoll, John M. Lameraux, Theodore B. Holte, Horace M. Talbot, Fred D. Roper, Walter L. Isham, William J. Talbot, Leo G. Wilson, Charles L. Kohlmeyer, Henry D. Williams, Herbert D. Kohlmeyer, Wilbert F. Wlsner, Ben A. Musician: Lane, George H. D. Wlsner, Fred E. Armstrong, Fred L. Lane, Herman F.

LOSSES. Privates: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Fickinger, Paul, Peterson, Chris A., Talbot, Artie C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Flear, Paul L., discharged. Robert, George M ., Talbot, George P., Gilliam, Drena B., discharged. discharged. discharged. Stilley, Louis E., W'urtz, Louis C., Glasgow, John II., died. discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C participated in the fourth Liberty loan and the Red Cross campaigns and the united war activities drive. Participated in two battalion reviews. The organization took second prize in competitive drill in eompetion with five other com­ panies of the battalion. Kansas State Guard. 101

C ompany “ D ,” 20th B attalion, Hanover.

Captain: Musicians: Privates— Concluded. Henry Duever. Schwartz, Charles. Ludivcek, John J. Triska, George W . Meerian, Frank J. First Lieutenant: Munger, Charles W . Galloway, R. N. Privates: Murphy, John T. Allen, Charles V. Powers, Thomas T. Second Lieutenant: Boettcher, Albert A. Richardson, Edward F. Richtien, Joseph J. W. E. Williams. Confal, Barney V. Daihele, Sylvester B. Roth, Harold J. Seheetz, Edward G. First Sergeant: Dieker, B. II. Dunn, Walter T. Scott, Walter E. Imming, F.t Jr. Dusch, Clarence J. Smith, Charles X . Dusch, James. Spandel, John S. Quartermaster Sergeant: Flaherty, Ollie A. Triska, Frank T. Campbell, Charles G. Gedlicka, John J. Triska, Mike A. Golden, Cyrus C. Triska, Tony T. Sergeants: Havekorst, Henry G. Vlock, Joseph, Jr. Hora, John F. Mock. William A. Baker, A. F. Von wooden, Ernest C. Koenig. Adolph H. Hora, Thomas C. Imming, Sylvester C. Walker, Herman O. Merk, John, Jr. Welch, Bernard W . Seheetz, George G. Jones, Lawrence. Kainphaus, Henry J. Welch, Harry. Wenke, John F. Corporals: Kerst ing, Andrew A. Kreinsieck, John G. Zumbahlem, Joseph J. Hrouda, Charles. Krim, John G. Kile, George D. Leubkin, Vernon E. Kuck, George H. Lippka, Albert E. Walker, William A.

LOSSES. Corporals: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Cudahy, Edward J., Eckart, Peter, Mahlmann, John H ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Schniederjans, Joseph B., Gerlene, Oscar A., Meyer, Herman D., discharged. discharged. discharged. Guenther, Edward G ., McMillan, Robert, Privates: discharged. discharged. Bennett, John R ., Guenther, Henry, Prall, Earl H ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Blocker, Ray E., Heilman, Clarence, Rhoades, Fred H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Cook, Edward I)., Kass, Edward W., Richardson, John M ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Curtis, Frank, Kuck, Rualph, Schmidt, Henry A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Daehele, Henry J., Leigh, William H., Tamey, Andrew, discharged. discharged. deserted. Daehele, Vincent J., Lindner, George A., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company I) took an active part in Red Cross drives, also, Y. M. C. A. drive. Also, took an active part in several patriotic celebrations, pertaining to Liberty loans. At a battalion competitive drill, composed of all companies of tin* 20th Battalion, this company was awarded first prize. The organization has put on several exhibition drills in our home town to help instill patriotism into the people here, and aided the war council of this place by taking an active part in all of their work. 102 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ E ,” 20th B attalion, Mahaska.

Captain : Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded: William G. Arnold. McAtee, Lloyd. Kerr, John D. Heesor, Leslie R. Kerr, Robert H. First Lieutenant: Summers, Walter L. Kethcart, Bert. Leo A. Love. Koroush, Albert. Privates: Livingston, John E. Second Lieutenant: Ahrens, Henry J. May, Zenas. Alldredge, Amariah M. Melvin, Lafayette B. Charles L. Hidden. Alldredge, Clifford K. Morey, Grant W. Bonham, George C. McAtee, John A. First Sergeant: Bowman. Max L. Xims, Arthur G. Wall, Victor J. Bright, Wayne S. Peake, Harry C. Brouse, John S. Peterson, Henry M. Quartermaster Sergeant: Brouse, William M . Piper, George C. Bland, George P. Burch, Charley F. Razor, Otis. Coon rod, Harley H. Sellars, James M . Sergeants: Dawson, Helms Lee. Short, Joseph L. Deegan, Edward E. Slater, Joseph L. Deegan, Jack, Deegan, William L. Spradling, James A. llanene, Sterling P. Dragoo, Charles V. Spradling, Wilber. King, Floyd B. Edwards, Madison. Summers, James T. Livingston, Walter A. Emrick, Ulysis G. Summers, Ralph. Emrick, William A. Taylor, Archibald H. Corporals: Garber, Merrill R. Hatch, Perry. Grubbs, Charlie A. King, Lloyd. Hatch, Merrell A. Lakel, Robert J. Hook, Roy.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Privates— Contin utd: Privates— Concluded: William T . Razor, resigned. Kennedy, Joseph M., Whitney, Loren R ., discharged. discharged. Privates: Koroush, James L., Wilkenson, Joseph W ., Coonrod, Elmer, discharged. discharged. discharged. Larabee, Fernando L. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company E participated in all community activities to inspire patriotism and support the war program; exerted a decided influence in the suppression of pro-German and unpatriotic utterances. Assisted in the Liberty loan drives both collectively and individually. Partici­ pated in a competitive battalion drill for the promotion of the fourth Liberty loan. Fur­ nished preliminary military instruction for three m n called for the national army and several men who were subject to call under late registration. Assisted in Red Cross and war chari­ ties organizations. Responded to all requests for assistance in all patriotic demonstrations, and paraded at two towns in connection with the Armistice celebrations. Kansas State Guard. 103

Company “ F,” 20th Battalion, Linn.

Captain: Musicians: Privates— Concluded. Simpson Clark. Cozine, Harold R. Laird, Alfred. Pfeiffer, Fred. Laxton, John. First Lieutenant: Logan, Will T. Don R. Crum. Artificer: Lohmeyer, Albert F. Morgan, Jacob F. Lohmeyer, Clarence. Second Lieutenant: Lohmeyer, John II. Privates: Lohmeyer, Lawrence. Yern E. Throop. Lohmeyer, Louie D. Back, Willie E. Lohrengle, Dave W. First Sergeant: Beaty, George D . Lupher, Lake L. Johnson, Clarence A. Belousek, Frank. Maintz, R. W. Belousek, Henry'. Mickel, Claud. Quartermaster Sergeant: Billings, Willis J. Mueller, Phillip C. H. Bisping, Edward. Kappleman, Henry H. Pauley, James R. Bisping, Otto H. Peters, Ernest C. Bond, Allen J. Sergeants: Peters, Otto H. Borchart, William. Rahe, George. Dodd, Thomas C., Jr. Boyer, Arthur M . Randall, Russell. Frager, Harley E. Boyer, Frances M. Rebbeke, George A. Lenszler, Marshal H. Brown, Owen E. Roche, David F. Rutherford, Earl E. Cairns, Will H. Roche, David H. Candor, John. Rohe, Rufus R. Corporals: Chittenden, Ernest G. Simmons, Edward. Abrams, Archie. Coder, Floyd L. Simmons, Roy. Beeson, Benjamin F. Coder, Ralph C. Slipsager, Fred J. Elliott, Ernest A. Duitsman, Eilert W . Smart, Sherman. Johnson, Herbert W . Elliott, Edward L. Snow, Riley E. Lohrengle, George. Enfield, George D. Stuenkel, August W . Porter, Howard C. Faris, Harry' L. Timme, William. Frerking, Edwin. VanWinkle, Frank. Cooks: Hatesohl, Ernest. Wallace, George M. Hoerman, Lawrence. Johnson. Houston A. Wallace, Oscar R. Herda, Paul. Whipkey, Elmer B ., Wells, William H. Johnson. Merril F. Woerner, Fred. Just is, Ray.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Kelley, Clair M ., Buch, Charles, discharged. Raven, Marvin, discharged. discharged. Morgan, Roy L., Simmons, Warren L., Cook: discharged. discharged. Dunnuck, Egbert A., Pfeiffer, Clarence A., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company F participated in the battalion competitive drill at Washington, Kan., on Thurs­ day, October 3, 1918, in support of the fourth Liberty loan drive; and went over the top in the Christmas membership drive for the Red Cross, December 25 to 31, 1918. Made a drive for old clothes for the Red Cross in April, 1919, which was very successful. The unit participated in Decoration Day services, May 30, 1919. 304 Adjutant General's Department.

Company “ G ,” 20th B attalion, Haddam.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. C. H. Meckenstock. Allen, Otis W. Larabee, Edwin L. Anderson, Archie J. Luell, James. First Lieutenant: Anderson, Emil. Luell, Wayne C. G. O. Sutton. Bashear, Spencer L. Miller, Vernon M . Beelenger, Dan F. Morton, Glen. Second Lieutenant: Brick, John C. Xeidar, Albert G. Burt, Ralph H. Novak, Emrie C. A. F. Larabee. Cavey, Owen C. Odgers, Richard S. Chapp, Frank. Oliver, Guy. First Sergeant: Cline, Howard N. Prather, Ronnie C. Wood, Alec Everett. Conn, Clifford O. Rogers, John M . Cornwell, Ralph C. Runnells, Clifford R. Quartermaster Sergeant: Cox, Roy J. Rutz, Henry. Shaffer, Ina J. Dillingham, Alva. Rutz, Jacob. Drips, Ralph P. Selmer, Albert P. Sergeants: Dwab, John Marion. Shara, Stanley R. Falkner, Howard M . Shaw, John M . Bowman, Ernest L. Falkner, Louis W . Skipton, Jesse O. McKenzie, Raymond L. Fence, Ed R. Slough, Leroy J. Novak, Frank S. Fence, Henry A. Stone, Elmer Ray. Simon, Clarence H. Foster, Delbert F. Stroud, Ray. Graves, James S. Swab, William H. Corporals: Gray, John M . Torbert, James L. Dart, Leroy F. Green, John C. Walt man, Adolph. Flouesch, Innocent I. Greenwood, Benton G. Weeks, Bert. Jones, William J. Hansen, Roland J. Whitney, Loyd R. Morey, .Joseph F. Hare, James \I. Hevenik, Walter J. Buglers: Janewav, Malcolm E. Foster, George H. N. Laflin, Jesse S. Graves, Spencer H. Lancaster, G. S. LOSS. Private: Bobbitt, Raymond C., died.

No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 105

C ompany “ H .” 20t h B attalion, Palmer.

Captain: Artificer: Privates— Concluded: Walter F. Cawood. Songster, George W. Miller, William. Molyneaux, John A. First Lieutenant: Privates: Molyneaux, William H. Roy M . Dean. Anderson, Clarence. McAtee, Oscar. Anderson, Claude. McCall, Louis. Second Lieutenant: Austin, Oscar C. Nauruan, John. Newhouse, William. Edrnonrl A. Poutre. Black, Merle. Damman, Dick. Olson, Martin, Jr. Oullette, Delphos. First Sergeant: Damman, Emil. Damman. George. Oullette, Henry. McIntosh, Robert M. DeBauche, Anthony. Oullette, Paul. Ellis, George A. Palmer, Evan H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Erhard, John J. Peterson, Walter. Alvin H. Tegeler. Fajen, Clarence. Rabe, William. Fajen. Walter. Rafield, Emil G. Sergeants: Ging'es, Ralph. Ragge, Chris, Jr. Greenwood, Bryant. Ragge, Fred, Jr. Bernecker, Robert M. Ragge, Fred, Sr. Bravnard, Herbert H. Grover, Willis E. Hanson, Andrew. Ragge, Theodore. Casper, Andrew J. Slipsager, Marion. Meyer, Herman. Hanson, Raymond. Happ, Joe. Stuenkel, Henry D. Thompson, Elmer. CorporaJs : Happ, Nick. Happ, Peter, Sr. Thompson, George. Damman. William. Herchenroeder, Henry. Veesart, Bernard. Fajen, William. Hjcks, Pearl. Veesart, William. Rowley, John A. Knox, Arthur. Voss, John. Timme, August. Knox, Clint. Wilgers, Rudy. Weeke, Herman H. Knox, Hiram E. Wilson, Aubrey. Knox, Phalis T. Wilson, Henry. Cooks: Knox, Roy. Thompson, Clarence. Knoop, John I). Weeke, Clarence. Laird, John M . Lange, Carl. Musicians: Lange, Herman. Gingles, William H. Loeer, Walter W . Hornbostel, Ernest H. Meyer, Ernest. ACTIVITIES. Company H held regular two-hour drills twice every week until November 1, 1918; was then interrupted by the influenza epidemic. Started drilling again in December, 1918, and continued until about March 1, 1919. The organization took part in all Red Cross and war community drives, also paraded as a company on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918, helping the public celebrate the successful termination of the great World War. 106 Adjutant, General’s Department.

H eadquarters, 21st Battalion, Garnett.

M ajor: Captain and Adjutant: Captain: Charles W. Garrison. Frank J. Hunt. Atwell Lee Benton.

Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: Wesley Charles Gerhold. J. A. Milligan.

Xo report of activities furnished.

Company “ A ,” 21st B attalion, Kincaid.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. S. S. Irwin. Anderson, Glen. Hutton, Lonnie. Blunt, Harold. Logan, Charles. First Lieutenant: Caldwell, Fred. Lowery, Russel. Marsh, Leedy. O. C. Brosius. Cantrell, George. Cantrell, William. Merrifield, Charles. Sergeants: Chestnut, Benjamin. Moore, Floyd. Daiy, Maurice. Pecord, Lawrence. Edwards, Richard. Eddy, Dennis. Povenmire, John. Merrifield, Leonard. Foster, Dean. Powers, Elgie. Reynolds, Bryan. Garrison, Charles. Prather, Romie. Green, Roy. Reynolds, Robert. Corporals: Green, Ruby. Schooley, Claude. Brothers, Edmon Q. Hardin, Ed L. Sharon, John B. Chandler, Earl. Hargis, Ernest. Sharon, Paul. Dixon, Estcl. Harshbarger, Wilbur. Shields, James S. Matthews, Glenn. Heider, Louis. Shields, Rohe S. Nichols, Ira. Heider, William. Sisson, Walter. Hobert, Guy. Stites, Clarence. Hobert, Wesley. Thompson, Charles F. Hosley, Harold. Yarnau, Victor. Williams, Claude. LOSSES. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Joe Sisson, discharged. Anderson, Merle, Ferguson, Lynn, discharged. discharged. Corporals: Barnes, Harold, died. Green, John, died. Lombard, Earl, discharged. Barnes, Lawrence, died. Hosley, Russell, discharged. Wilson, John W., Caldwell, Archie B., Lowery, Guy, discharged. discharged. discharged. McBratney, John, Cushing, Ira, discharged. discharged. Bugler: Edwards, Lewis, Reeder, James, died. discharged. VanBuskirk, Frank, Croan, Orrin, discharged. discharged. Wallace, Lynn, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A drilled twice every week from the date of its organization to date of the Armistice, November 11, 1918. The organization participated in all Liberty loan and Red Cross drives made during its existence. Both officers and men performed the part assigned to them and assisted the com­ mittees in putting over every drive in their township. The company was never furnished arms or equipments and was not called for guard duty. Uniforms were purchased at the expense of a committee, on June 1, 1918. Kansas State Guard. ]07

C o m p a n y “ B , ” 2 1 s t B a t t a l io n , Greeley.

Captain: . Privates— Continue d. Privates— Concluded. Arthur R. Finley. Bergin, Janies H. Litch, Mathew. Blair, Andrew G. Markey, Leo T. First Lieutenant: Blanden, H. C. Martin, Floyd E. George S. Herrick. Brady, John R. Miller, George D. Britton, Otto M . Moore, Walter G. Second Lieutenant: Cotter, Lawrence B. McClure, Ernest. Cunningham, David A. Vernon H. Harper. Newbold, James F. Cunningham, Merle R. Osborn, Lee F. Cunningham, Perry. First Sergeant: Often, Walter F. Draper, Robert G. Pingrv, Marlie E. Imming, Frank B. Duensing, Henry A. Price, Thomas. Dyker, Clyde E. Renzenberger, Charles F. Corporals: Fawkes, Andy H. Rogers, Floyd J. Bryant, Walter C. Fawkes, Clio H. Rommel fanger, Nicholas G. Carlson, Carroll A. Fox, Ren. Seifert, Joseph J. Cunningham, Ora E. Frick, Charles E. Setter, Edwin W . Farren, John W . Gehr, Louis I). Smith, Steven A. Fink, E'arl A. Gerhold, Frank S. Spencer, Andrew B. Liebst, Benjamin F. Hamilton, Howard. Sutton, Green D. Morgan, Rudolph. Hall. Clarence L. Tippin, Roy C. Palmer, William E. Hunt, Thomas F. Vandyke, Wily A. Huttenmueller, Joseph F. Walter, Janies D. Privates: Jock man. Joseph. Wittman, Frank. Jockman, Jules. Wright, James II. Adams, George W . Katzer, Frank. Wright, Walter C. Aziere, Charles E. Katzer, Rudolf J. Wustefeld, Chris E. Baker, J. M . Kratzberg, Edward J. Benson, Glen R. Liell, Philip J.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. James G. Blunt, Fox. Loy G., Kelsey, Thomas B., discharged. discharged. discharged. Gerhold, Wesley G.. Mills, Lewis D ., Privates: discharged. discharged. Bryant, Dale M ., Gerth, Loy G., Pontious, William, discharged. discharged. discharged. Bryant, McCurdy, Howell, Evert P., Sutton, Mike S. M ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Carlson, Carl A ., Jones, Frank A., Templar, Chester A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Decanniere, Henry, Jones, Mayme D ., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. The captain of this organization drilled the company nearly every evening until a full complement of officers were appointed and trained. The company participated in every Red Cross and Liberty loan drive as individuals, and also as a company, besides attending all funerals of soldiers, which were conducted in military form. On August 14, 1918, the bank of Greeley was robbed. The company with other citizens gave chase. Two of the company’s men, Privates Rogers and Blair, were wounded. The cap­ tain placed a guard of four men at the bank building for four nights until the vault could be repaired. On September 3, 1918, the company guarded the Missouri Pacific freight wreck at this place for twenty-four hours. About thirty-five members of our company bought and paid for their own uniforms. 108 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C,” 21st Battalion, Garnett.

C aptain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. George C. Rutter. Allman, Dell W . Manspeaker, Edwin. Carpenter, Bertrand. Meisenheimer, Glenn. First Lieutenant: Carpenter, Ora M . Meyers, Frank. Dewitt M. Stiles. Carrier, Joseph D. Milligan, Harry. Carrier, Nolon O. Mize, Guy H. Second Lieutenant: Cassel, Lester R. McKee, Emmett. Edwin E. Davis. Cassity, William M. Nichols, Roy A. Congdon, George B. Rolla, Jay C. Sergeants: Cullison, Robert. Seip, Frank D. Brown, Walter W. Dart, Addem J. Smith, Glenn. Culluin, Ward R. Eckerman, Max M. Southerland, Edward. Drake, Chauncey M . Eckerman, Ralph T. Spradlin, Ralph E. Foster, Lloyd C. Elliot, Lloyd L. Stephens, William. Galloway, Byron. Emmons, Marion. Swell, Earl E. Howell, William L. Fishburn, Claude. Tippin, Elmer. Wagner, Claud. Ford, James E. Trimmell, Donald T. Wassmer, John W . Fraker, Ralph C. Trimmell, Guy C. Wilson, John T. Frazier, Claude. Trombitis, George. Henderwon, John W . Turner, Quincy L. Corporals: Holcomb, Thane M. Vangilder, Eugene. Grenman, Lawrence. Horn, Ovid L. Wagner, Roscoe. Ivnauss, Harley A. Hull, Irwin W . Welsh, J. Earl. McGlincky, Lawrence. James. Clarke E. White, Robert L. Parris, Walter H. Johnson, George H. Williams, Chettie. Schroeder, John W . Lawellin, Delos. Wollen, Lloyd. Spindler, Ancil. Mace, Clarence R. Yocum, Dewin W. Woods, Charles II. Mace, Wilbur M.

No activities reported.

Company ‘ D.” 21st B attalion, Garnett.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Harry Morris. Cook, Bernard W . Knight, Henry A. Cortright, Osborn W. Moon, Carl J. First Lieutenant : Craig, DeWit M. Murdock, Foster D. McDowell, Edwin N. George F. Morey. Crozier, Albert C. Crozier, Cornelius. McKee, Harry E. Second Lieutenant: Crum, Elmer G. Neff, Urllis. Crum, George L. Nichols, Herman H. Frank F. Swisher. Currier, F. B. Oman, Howard C. Davis, Claron A. Plake, Sherman B. First Sergeant: Davis, Ralph. Rice, Kennith H. Lawellin, Marion C. Demoss, Charles W. Riley, John. Densler, John J. Segle3, Lafayette S. Privates: Dewar, Charles. Sewell, Eliza. Ash burn, George M . Embry, John C. Smith, Charley W. Ayres, Jesse L. Enochs, William H. Smith, Frank H. Bailey, Avery S. Garris, Walter. Smith, George E. Barley, John W . Grear, Edwin H. Squires, Frank L. Baxter, Thomas P. Grennan, Joseph F. Stephens, James J. Beck, Elon L. Hull, George M. Stine, Edward J. Bell, Mont H. Hutchinson, George T. Thomas, Ben W . Berry, James C. Hutchinson, Joseph B. Thorman, Elmer C. Borror, Noah A. Jackson, Smith L. Vaughn, John H. Campbell, John Arthur. Johnson, Harry. Wait, John D. Campbell, William C. Jones, Wilson. Warbutton, Curtis. Childs, Agustin. Kennedy, Charles H. Warbutton, John C. Congon, John R. Knight, Andie L. Ware, William L.

No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 109

H eadquarters, 22n Battalion, Stockton.

Major: Captain and Adjutant: Joseph A. Bonebrake. Hugh C. Sweet.

X o activities reported.

Company “ A,” 22d Battalion, Stockton.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Concluded. Robert C. Johnston. Coalba ugh, Samuel J. Hale, James. Stroup, Clifton. Hill, N . F. First Lieutenant: Jepson, Mathias. Clinton C. Drotts. Artificer: Jones, Clement L. Boyd, Richard J. Kenworthy, Clyde W. Second Lieutenant: Ken worthy, John R. M u sician s: Kriley, Frank J. Lee Watts. Lamkin, Arthur E. Behrens, Richard J. Matheson, John T. First Sergeant: Fealey, Ray. Mendenhall, Orville F. Colson, Fred N. Moore, Carle E. Privates: McMichiel, L. Omer. Quartermaster Sergeant: Allen, Arthur. McNulty, Phillip J. Butler, H. A. Armstrong, J. J. Osborne, Wayne. Beeson, Chester R. Parmenter, Harry L. Sergeants: Bessey, Lymon R. Reeves, Perry M. Bishop. Frank. Rose, Kenneth S. Bigge, Benjamin. Book, Noah L. Saunders, Charlie. Maddy, Merle M. Boylan, Herbert M. Skinner, William K. Roelfs, Leroy M . Bray, Carl E. Smith, Adolphius G. White, Ed J. Burlin, Donald F. Street, Francis E. Clayton, Floyd E. Thayer, Albert E. Corporals: Collier, John. Thompson, Arthur W . Allen, Wallace W . Dopita, Frank. Turnbull, Daniel. Ballard, Roy. Eades, James H. Vandoren, C. J. Bigge, Edward F. Edwards, William E. Weiland, John F. Dryden, Orville B. Evens, Walter. Wells, John M. Gallagher, Emmet. Foaser, John C. Wildrix, Harold H. Risley, Charles C. Foster, Raymond L. Wooden, Evert C. Gallagher, Paul J. Wright, Asa R. Gerrnwood, George E.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Iven L. Perkins, Bryant, Roy A., Hindman, Dufhe, transferred. discharged. transferred. Buck, Norman, Jones, Paul L ., discharged. Second Lieutenant: transferred. Lesperence, A. P., H. C. Sweet, transferred. Burlin, Ralph, transferred. transferred. Coolbaugh, Charles, Morrison, David, Sergeant: transferred. transferred. Cooper, Carl F., McNulty, Leon, discharged. Beam, William, discharged. Robinson, William, transferred. Cooper, John, discharged. transferred. Green, Clarence J., Ruhaak, Edgar B., Privates: discharged. transferred. Barnes, Raymond, Grifhn, Ralph H ., Simons, Ed, discharged. discharged. discharged. Wilcox, Charles I)., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A, 22d Battalion, Kansas State Guard, was mustered in March 22, 1918, and on May 16, 1918, took an active part in the Red Cross drive, the company contributing $365. On May 30, by order of the governor, the company assembled and participated in the Decoration Dav program. On September 4, 5 and 6, Companies A and B, 22d Battalion, held a three-day encamp­ ment at the Rooks county fair, doing guard duty, both for the city and fair association. The unit also participated in a battalion drill and took part in a comparative drill. The company drove to Logan on September 13, 1918, and participated in the battalion drill and ceremonies. In October all drill and other activity was stopped by the influenza, and the company was ordered mustered out April 29, 1919. 110 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ B," 22d Battalion, Stockton.

Captain : A rtificer: P riv a tes— C oncluded. Iven L. Perkins. Balderstore, Lester. Look, Byran H. Lorbeir, Ernest F. First Lieutenant: .1/usicia ns: Muir, Floyd G. Ralph M . Burlin. Felroy, Joe E. Muir, George A. McCauley, John W. Muir, Leigh W. Second Lieutenant: McCauley, Howard W. Privates: McCormick, Arthur C. Edgar B. Ruhaak. McMichael, Ray C. Barr, Edward B. Newbery, Ernest C. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bassford, Henry E. Ochampaugh, Lawrence. Long, Ernest R. Beam, Joseph. Risley, Jerry B. Boyd, Alfred. Rose, Charles E. Bovlan, J. O. S ergea n ts: Silvers, J. D . Crowe, Willard L. Coolbaugh, Charles. Silvers, M. F. Doughty, Raymond C. Silvers, Roy D. Hebrew, Lenard G. Dryden, Rupert F. Hindman, Duffie A. Simmons, William H. Fry, John. Simons, Charles W. McMillen, John W . Hammond, George H. Robinson, William A. Simons, James W. Hammond, Frank H. Sissell, Alvin E. Hammond, James E. C orp ora ls: Bissell, George C. Hance, Ray. Smith, Burnie O. Beckley, George. Hansinger, William E. Stroup, Morris W . Beeson, Oliver C. Hendricks. Dwight. Swaney, John M. Bishop, Claude M. Hunter, Eldie L. Thomason, Lawrence E. Buck, Norman H. Johnston, Lark. Thrasher, Robert S. Dryden, Charles G. Law, Alexander D. Tudor, Buford. Hampton, Wade. Law, Alexander L. Valette, Ed. Law, Allen D. Yalette, Joe P. C o o k s : Law, Commodore W. Wallace, Delbert E. Bronson, Harley I. Law, Erwin Bradley. Wallace, Gussie A. Moddy, Elmer. Libenan, Lenard G. Wyatt, IT. O. I.inworthy, Clarence.


First Lieutenant : C o rp o ra l: Pri votes— C oncluded. William B. Beam, Morrison, David L., Hendricks, Dwight, transferred. discharged. discharged. P riv a tes: Jepson. Christian A., S ergea n ts: Albrigh, Albert F., died. Ballard, Frank W ., discharged. Merri, Andrew S., discharged. Bishop, Frank IL, discharged. Heling, August, discharged. Weldrix, Alvy L., discharged. Daughty, Homer M., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company B, 2 2d Battalion, was mustered into service May 24, 1018, holding weekly drills. The company participated in Decoration Day program, May 30, 1918, by order of the gov­ ernor. Company assembled for three days' encampment during the Rooks county fair, Sep­ tember 4, 5 and 6, and performed police and guard duty; also, participated in a battalion and competitive drill. The organization acted as funeral escort at different times for Rooks county boys who died in United States service. Regular drills were stopped October, 1018, on account of the Spanish influenza. Karims State Guard. I ll

Company “ C,” 22n Battalion, Plainville.

Captain; Chaplain; Privates— Concluded: U. Sidney Green. Hubble, Tod V. Lambert, Charles R. Mayhew, John O. First Lieutenant: Artificer: M ell ott, Timothy. Roy H. Wise. Xorrish, James. Mitchell, Joel T. Morton, Roy. Second Lieutenant: Cook: McCormick, T. E. McReynoIds, Parel E. Beeson, El I wood W . Killian, Dave J. Xicol, Everett. Perkins, Vinton A. First Sergeant: Privates: Phillips, Cecil R. Travis, John W . Anderson, Guy. Pittman, Carl O. Anderson, William G. Plott, Roy D. Quartermaster Sergeant : Bartlett, Harold. Posegate, Paul D. McReynoIds, B. B. Bissett, Alfred G. Pugh, John. Bissett, Arthur A. Reddick, Lenard W . Sergeants: Bright, Minson T. Reed, Fred H. Bryant, Arthur W . Reed, Harry E. Cox, Jay R. Bush, Thomas P. Reeder, Ralph L. Rogers, Leigh F. Carlton, Arthur L. Rempe, Frank J. Couture, Julian. Rempe, Martin. Corporals: Crandall, Clarence S. Sawyer, Roy M. Dorr, Frank C. Curry. William M. Shaw, Harvey R. Dryden, Albert A. DeuPree, Gilbert R. Sleichter, George. * Gardner, F. B. Fike, Vernon J. Toelkes, Joseph. Gardner, William X . Ford, Randall. Ward. Sherman. Jackman, Harry J. Frye* Harry C. Weaverling, A. W . Keas, Hiram. Gebhart, Carl J. Westhusing. George. Sawyer, Jesse J. Gillespie, Earl T. Wise, Ernest R. Williams, R. L. Hammar, Charles. Wise, Fred W . Harrison, Clyde. Wise, R. D. Surgeon: Hauser, Ed J. Barber, Charles E. Henderson, W . O. Hill, William A. Musician: Jones, Boyd. Glennon, Edward F. Keas, Chester L.

LOSSES. Captain : Pri vales: Privates— Concluded. G. E. Giggey, resigned. Bed well, Frank W ., Keas, Harley E., resigned. resigned. Lee, John H., resigned. First Lieutenant: Beisterfeld, W . Nicholis, Shup, Arthur C., Arthur L. Anderson, discharged. discharged. resigned. Bement, Rav O., Sleichter, Everett E., discharged. discharged. Sergeant 8: Bissett, Leo X ., resigned. Stagner, Everett J., Gilbert, Clarence A., Breitenstein, James X ., resigned. discharged. discharged. Harris, Milton, discharged. Cronin, Frank E., resigned. Corporal: Fike, Christian K ., Williams, Kansas T., resigned. discharged. Keas, Elmer L., discharged

No activities reported. 112 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘‘D ,” 22d B attalion, Woodston.

C a p ta in : P r iv a te s: P riva tes— C oncluded. William J. Morrissey. Alexander, Hector. Macy, Walter. Allen, Ellis J. Martin, Frank. Second Lieutenant: Allen, Glen H. Meyer, Ed G. Grover C. Brittain. Aldrich, Roy. Miller, Frank L. Atkinson, Elmer. Miller, Harris. Sergeants: Avery, Hugh. Murphy, Elton J. Bodine, Irving. Murphy, Frank L. Macy, William C. Casteel, Roy E. Murphy, Ward. Marple, Robert V. Cochell, Robert W. Musgrove, James B. Minnick, Clarance. Crawford, Orville C. McCall, Carl. Morrissey, James A. Denman, James A. McGhghv, Alonzo. M cCall, M ac J. Dennis, Warren H. Mclntire, Ralph B. Stechley, William M. Downing, L. A. McNutt, Charles. Vanderlip, Oscar. Dunlap, Clyde. Orr, Frank. Vandyke, Harmon. Dunlap, Walter. Owens, Asa. Elder, Charles. Parmer, Edgar C. C orp ora ls: Elder, Walter. Richards, Dan. Farwell, Clay S. Emrich, Fred. Smith, Samuel C. Graves, Ben. Engler, Ira. Stillwell, Grover H. Guthrie, George. Gager, Clyde. Thogmartin, Mack. Nelson, Eaver. Gager, Ira F. Thomas, Lawrence W. Pauley, George R. Gager, Karl. Thomas, William. Tallman, William A. Goodwin, Harold. Triplett, Rupert. Triplett, Howard L. Goodwin, John. Vanderlip, Arthur J. Williams, Ernest. Grimes, Chester A. Vandyke, Azel U. Grimes, Oscar. Van Dyke, Paul. A rtificer: Hale, Ray. Williams, James Y. Aldrich, Charles. Hammond, Charles M. Wiren, Ephrim. Haines, John H. Voxall, Everett P. M usicians: Hassell, Louis V. Hennerling, Rollo M . Tallman, Oliver. Hollen, Harold. Michener, William. Johnson, Earl. Johnson, Frank R. C o o k s : Johnson, Pat. Lewis, William A. Johnson, Paul. Morrissey, John. Jones, John L.

ACTIVITIES. Company D participated in Red Cross relief work, and in removing debris after a tornado. The organization attended various meetings held in public halls and churches in the inter­ est of a deeper patriotism, and reported regularly for drill, twice a week during the summer of 1918; did guard duty during the harvest time in the summer of 1918. Took part in the memorial services on Memorial days, and Memorial services held in honor of soldiers killed in action. The unit attended the funeral rites of Melvin LaRue. who died in hospital, Great Lakes training camp. Watched and kept down improper propaganda; fostered loyalty, and promoted patriotism throughout the community. Kansas State Guard. 113

Headquarters, 23d Battalion, Larned.

Major: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: Arthur D. Smith. Albert M . Peters. Bert L. Stinson.

Xo activities reported.

Company “ A,” 23d Battalion, Larned.

C aptain: M usicians: Privates— Concluded. Chafles T. Burleson. Niederee, Walter L. Hunsley, Archibald. Vogt, Raleigh G. Johnson, Louis. First Lieutenant: Keast, Albert W . Harry H. Wolcott. C o o k : Kennedy, Emerson S. Marlatt, Frank W . Kennedy, Leo. Second Lieutenant: Kennedy, Rudolph. M ech a n ic: Lowrey, George S. Walter E. Smith. Miller, Neil A. Duff, William R. Paramore, Fred W . First Sergeant: Peacock, Chester D. Van Horn, Elmer M . P rivates: Pease, Guy S. Bach, Clair J. Preston, Willie T. Quartermaster Sergeant: Beryman, William L. Price, Charles H. James A. Carr. Bilke, Edwin E. Rhea, William, Jr. Bilke, William R. Robinson, Louis. Sergeants: Blount, Everett E. Sandstrom, Carl. Burnett, Perry A. Schneck, Lawrence I. Case, Charles C. Christian, Edward. Sewell, Clarence W . Henderson, Frank L. Clark, Leroy E. Simpson, John H. Magolis, Leopald. Crane, Ted J. Steele, Robert Todd. Croft, Edwin T. Thomas, Fred. Corporals: Easter, Turner. Wheeler, Alvin W . Fairfland, Chandler W . Evans, Fred S. Wheeler, Ransler. Fell, William G. Emmerson, Ernest E. Whitmer, Leroy G. Lanman, Addison E. Freese, Hugh T. Williamson, Monroe. Logan, Merville. Grove, Henry D. Wonsetler, Oscar F. Moore, Hale H. Hess, Fred D. Zook, Tillman W. Hoover, Theodore.


Sergeants: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Devlin, John, Fox, Abe W., Lawton, Edgar R ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Funk, George V., Frizell, George L., Lewis, Eyerett A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Gabel, Eden L., Norris, Fred L., C orporal: discharged. discharged. Kreiger, John W ., Grove, Harold, Patton, Alex L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Grove, James H., Ruehlen, Ernest E., discharged. discharged. P rivates: Hopkins, Loris R., Scott, William A., Berryman. Charles S., died. discharged. discharged. Ingel, Anson B., Jr., Smith, Robert L., Brown, Leo M .t discharged. discharged. discharged. Jacquart, Roland, Urton, Mark T., Brown, Robin L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Johnson, Wilber S., Vogt, Edward F., Bruckert, John R., discharger!. discharged. discharged. Jones, Laural E., Watkins, Ernest, Danley, Roy C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Jones, Oliver L ., Wingert, Roy F., Dodge, Homer, discharged. discharged. discharged. Koons, Joseph R., Evans, Albert M ., discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A assisted in all Liberty loan. Red Cross and other war activity drives; assisted local police in rounding up slackers from the harvest fields, and furnished all escorts needed for the funeral sendees of deceased soldiers.

8—4436 114 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘ B,” 23d B attalion, Kinsley.

Captain: Musician: Privates— Concluded. Henry J. Drant. Cox. John E. Misner. Arthur H. Montgomery, William First Lieutenant: Privates: Motz, Charles L. Xeel, Robert E. Archie R. Demoss. Atwood, Oat ha J. Barnett, William E. North, Roy. Ott, George H. Second Lieutenant: Baugh, Thomas E. Beckwith, E. O. Peterson, Edward G. John E. Stowell. Burke, Ralph T. Pickard, D. L. Christopher, Robert. Pixley, Joe C. First Sergeant: Cole, F. N. Raker, Robert R. Burke, Charles E. Cole, Ray E. Shaffer, Kenneth. Delander, Edwin. Sherman, William. Quartermaster Sergeant: Dixon, Clarence. Smith, Vane. Tate, Jesse. Manuel, Samuel T. Elders, Earl G . Fletcher, Fred. Thompson, Harley F. Troutman, William. Sergeants: Ford, Ralph. Frary, H. F. Yang, Joe. Rockenfellow, J. W . Haney, LeRoy. Welsh, Arthur. Weyrieh, Daniel, Jr. Hatfield, Charlie. Weyrieh, Frank. Wilcox, Howard J. Hoffman, G. D. Wilson, John T . Johnson, Vernon. Joy, W . J. Corporals: Key, Harry. Amrine, Charlie L. Kirkbride, Clifford. Barlow, James A. Kirkbride, Elmer. Broadie, Wilber K. Rafferty, W . F. Hatfield, Roy. Mack, James C. McKellip, O. A. Matheny, Edward. Willman, Frank L. Matteson. Charles.

LOSSES. Corporals: Pri vates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Beezley, William, Hampton, Clifford A., Mitchell, R. F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Mullikin, Robert A., Finch, Ray A., discharged. Hargadine, Gaylord, discharged. Reeder, Ivan, discharged. discharged. Nickolson, L. H., Hildenbrand, Frank B., discharged. Privates: discharged. Ott, John, discharged. Amrine, Abram, Justus, Harry G., Panting, Jim, discharged. discharged. discharged. Riisoe, Fritz, discharged. Carson, Clarence, Kirkbride, M. D., Sims, V. K., discharged. discharged. discharger!. Warren, Hubert, Coover, Morris, Lund, Bernard, discharged. discharged. discharged. Mekemson, Archie R., Wilson, Fred, discharged. Gordley, Edward C., discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company B performed guard duty twice; once at a fire, and at another time guarded gov­ ernment airplanes. It, also, took a prominent place in the program of a Red Cross picnic given for the purpose of raising funds. At this time we gave a sham battle which was quite an attraction and drew a large crowd. A number of the members at different time were the leaders in this county in soliciting for the Liberty loans and Red Cross. The unit, also, on numerous occasions, acted as an escort for funerals, departing soldiers leaving to join the colors, and for soldier home-coming celebrations. Kansas State Guard 115

Company “ C,” 23d Battalion, Pawnee Rock.

Captain; M usician: Privates— Concluded. A. S. Allphin. Flick, Jesse. Kell, Winfred. Kenssvater, Sam. First Lieutenant: Cook's: Lewis, C. C. Logan, H. Earl. C. M . Light foot. Goat ley, J. O. Mosbarger, Sherm. Nichols. Tobias P. First Sergeant: McKechine, Joseph Ronald. Nairn, Perry C. DeKalb, Verne H. Privates: Nichols, Ralph W . Armstrong, Eugene S. Quincy, Clifford. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bennett, Arthur. Rhoades, Ralph. McKechine, Pete H. Bowman, Donovan. Russell, Clay. Brady, John D. Russell, Edward. Sergeant: Brady, Louis A. Russell, Lionel H. Dainm, Ed. Schmidt, Antone. Schmidt, Barney J. Daniels, Ronald. Slierpy, Hoy F. Davis, Charles PL Starks, Christian. Corporals: Deekert, Jake. Twitched, Ronald. Flick, E. E. Goatley, W. H I’nruh, Andrew H. Gilbert, Cecil F. Hill, S. C. Unruh, Clyde. Gilbert, I.. L. Huntington, P\ \V. White, Herbert M. Jantz, Adolph. Keeley, James E. Williams, John J. Smith, W, L. Kell, Leonard. Wycoff, Paul. LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. E. F. Bloom, died. Nairn, Charles Hobert, Lile, Albert, discharged. discharged. Mosbarger, Lloyd, discharged. Quartermaster Sergeants : Quincy, Floyd, discharged. Nichols, Claud, Heynes, -Frank E., Privates: discharged. discharged. Bowman, Ralph, Norman, Converse, Woods, Austin M ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hill, George K .. Smith, Glen, discharged. discharged. Swickard, John, discharged. •Corporals: Jantz, Dan, discharged. Twitchell, Ralph, Daniels, A. Guy, Jantz, Arnold, discharged. discharged. discharged. White, Floyd, discharged. Holland Paul, Lamb, Hobert, White, Henry L., discharged. discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C performed police duty for the city for a period of six months; officer of the day at county fairs of Pawnee and Barton counties, and furnished military escorts at funerals ‘Of deceased soldiers returned from camps for burial. 116 Adjutant General's Department.

Company “ D ,” 23d Battalion, Great Bend.

C a p ta in : P riva tes— C o n tin u ed : Pri votes— Concludcd : Leslie J. Caraway. Baker, W. V. Kopietz, Edmund M. Barriclow, Cloud. Krause, A. L. First Lieutenant: Blair, E. S. Lescheskey, Charles. N . J. Berscheidt. Blakey, M. G. Lowe, Jewell M . Britton, George. Marx, Ed S. Second Lieutenant: Brown, E. V. Mathews, A. B. Bubeck, G. L. Mirick, Robert. R . W . Jones. Burns, \V. V. Mitchell, F. S. Bush, F. M. Morrison, C. E. First Sergeant: Butler, H. \I. Morrison, Lem. Kramer, J. S. Campbell, H. J. McNutt, F. L. Chapman, J. B. Nelson, Lee. Quartermaster Sergeant: Coss, Clark. Nelson, W. S. Vollmer, W. O. Coss, J. E. Northrop, Ralph A. Crozier, W S. O’Connell, William. S ergea n ts: Dawson, O. W. O’Neal, C. T. Dirks, A. E. Orm, Harold. Chambers, L. C. D oty, John Batey. Parker, J. H. Cornish, James. Duck wall, W . F. Peyton, Frank. Hart, E. B. Eaton, James B. Pinney, H. E. McMullen, J. K . Edam, Will. Post, Frank J. Rothgam, C. H. Evans, James W . Pratt, S. J. Evans, L. M. Ruble, S. A. C o rp o ra ls: Everett, William. Russell, F. V. Banta, A. C. Ford, James R. Scoles, Earl J. Clark, C. V. French, J. W . Scott, Othel. Olmstead, John S. Frisbie, F. B. Seeber, F. C. Rupart, William. Gardner, B. A. Shepherd, Leo. Schinzler, R. W . Garver, J. A. Stanly, J. N . Seward, E. W. Hammond, Will. Stinson, Bert L. Hood, Joe. Swain, J. G . . M usician ; Howell, Ernest C. Townsley, Will. Evans, Roy. Hutchinson, R. D. Turner, R. M. Jacobs, W. L. Vollmer, E. C. P r iv a te s: James, E. R. Wade, G. L. At hey, Ralph A. Jones, C. E. Worden, A. H . Austin, L. J. Keegan, T. M. Younkin, C. F. Bailey, O. B. Kirkpatrick, L. W. LOSS. P r iv a te : Witte, Henry F. W ., died. ACTIVITIES. Company D acted as escort of honor when the various groups of drafted men entrained for mobilization camp. The organization furnished escorts who conducted military funerals for eleven soldiers who died in service and were buried in Barton county. The company attended a camp of instruction for two days in August, 1918, and partici­ pated in the celebration of the signing of the Armistice, November 11, 1918. Acted as escorts, welcoming the return of the soldiers of Company C on their return from overseas.

H eadquarters, 24th Battalion, Sterling.

Major: Captain and Surgeon: Captain and Supply Officer: A. B. Pinnell. James M. Little. John S. McElroy.

Captain and Adjutant: William T. Brown.

No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 117

Company “ A,” 24th Battalion, Sterling.

C aptain: M usicians: Privates— Concluded. William M. Hall. English, John H. Hutchins, Clarence T. McDonald, Samuel M. Johnson, Vem. First Lieutenant: Lakey, James M. Ralph Anderson Newman. A rt i ficer : Langel, Ernest R. Atkinson, Arthur A. Lavielle, Alfred H. Second Lieutenant: Lavielle, Everett B. Lavielle, J. E. Joseph R. McKnight. Privates: Lavielle, M . I. Bentley, Herbert M. First Sergeant: Lyon, Charles H. Branch, Ransom D. Mahoney, Clem V. Warnock. Arthur 1). Bruce, Harley C. Mead, Charles. Bunn, Robert L. Miles, K. E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Burgess, Weldon. McCandless, Walter. Wilson, Charles E. ('aiderwood, John O. Nichols, Frank P. Calderwood, Robert O. Park, Earl G. Sergeants: Colby, Grant. Prall, Angus W . Coleman, Dewey L. Buckles, Harry B. Richardson, Delbert E Connery, James R. Richardson, Melvin E. Detter, Charles Lee. Cuthbertson, Arthur A. Ross, Harry R. Stubbs, Louis A. Daenzer, Charles H. Rudolph, Harry E. Weyand, Glenn E. Denning, Robert. W . Snowden, David H. Dilh \. Condit W. Stiggins, George H. Corporals: Dougherty, Milton. Thompson, Howard L. Benz, William E. Dymond, Ernest R. Timbers, William G. Carlisle, Kay M . Edwards, Melvin L. Toner, Walter O. Carter, Curtis L. Fanner, R. Wayne. Ward, Lewis M. Hopper, John L. Fleeson, William H. Watters, Clarence M. Murray, Bloomville J. Guttery, Max W. Warren, Ted R. Hanks, Walter L. Williams, John B. Cook: Hanlon, William. Williams, Marion E. Boyse, Joseph P. Hartley, Linton J. Wilson, Robert W . Hawkins, Seth W . Wilson, Lester V. Henry, Charles L. Wingett, Cyril. Higbie, William B. Wyatt, Robert E. Hill, G. L. Young, Thomas C.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Andrew B. Pinnell, Cooke, Charles I., Newby, Orlando C., discharged. transferred. transferred. Elstun, Ora E., died. Partington, Clarence H., Second Lieutenant: Fabin. Andrew, discharged. discharged. William T. Brown, Fleeson, Richard W ., Ross, Floyd W ., transferred. discharged. discharged. Goerke, Louis A., Sills, Elgin H ., Privates: discharged. discharged. Johnson, Earl R., Straney, Milo D ., Barn,', Raymond A., discharged. discharged. transferred. Little, James M ., Stubbs, Frederick, Brown, Loren M ., transferred. discharged. discharged. Lupton, Norman L., Thompson, William John, Bennett, Silas C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Moore, Merrill V., Toner, Clare Lee, Cantwell, Oscar R., discharged. discharged. discharged. McElroy, John S.. Walton, Sidney E., Caskey, Floyd E., transferred. discharged. discharged. McKelvey, Lester J., Young, Orville C., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company A held semiweekly drills. A weekly noncommissioned officers’ school was held. A good interest was manifested by the personnel. During the later months, drill work was interfered with seriously by the influenza epidemic which prevailed. A fair degree of efficiency was reached in the drill movements. The members looked eagerly toward the time when they should be provided with arms, but they were disappointed in not receiving them. The com­ pany was fully uniformed and the expense of the same was borne by each individual member. The company participated in several Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns, battalion pa­ rades at Lyons, Sterling and Aldun, and took a very prominent part in a local “ peace cele­ bration.” The company served as police on Hallowe’en night, 1918, for the city of Sterling, and conducted one military funeral for a local soldier boy, who died in camp, and one for their own deceased member. The organization participated in the exercises at the opening of the S. A. T. C. at Cooper College in Sterling, Kansas. 118 Adjutant General's Department.

Company ‘‘B ,” 24th Battalion, Lyons.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Thomas R. Caruthers. Buckley, Perry. McAUester, Edwin S. Burfield, John J. McAUester, E. E. First Lieutenant: Case, Rufus. McCabe, George. Chapin, Cecil. Naden, Ernest. A. E. Brown. Chew, Clarence C. Naden, Frank. Nash, Dan M. Second Lieutenant: Chew, William. Crandall, Harry C. Nebel, O. J. Lyra Welty. Cross, D. F. Needham. Lewis C. Demel, J. M . Nickols, Walter. First Sergeant: Densmore, Robert. Xickols, Willie. Six, O. H. Diskey, Jasper X. Noble, George. Dressel, A. PL Nodruft, Vera H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Ebright, E. D. Nodruft, William D. Ogden, C. A. Torey, Stanley. Ellison, Paul. Ernst, Henry. Park, Carl E. Park, Harry S. Sergeants: Flake, James A. Forney, Leslie PL Purdy, Charles A. Blair, Donald. Gill, Walter. Purdy, J. T. Blair, Joe. Gould, Roy. Richards, Arba PL Kelley, Raymond. Hefner, Dan. Richards, Joe. Moore, Ray. Heikes, Rama. Scribner, Ralph C. Noble, Leslie R. Hendricks, A. Benton. Seely, Joseph R. Porter, Ora L. Holdren, W. H. Shcllenberger, H. L. Sims, Levy. Holmes, Alve C. Shenkel, Claude W . Hooker, Lerton W . Shoemaker, W. C. Corporals: Hoyt, Bert. Smith, Lewis A. Bobb, John P. Hovt, Frank E. Stewart, Clyde. Gibson, George. Jordan, Alexander C. Stewart, Lee R. Gray, Lawrence. Jung. Melvin C. Stoltenberg, Arthur H. Kaltenbach, Enloe M. Keeling, Hugh. Titus, T . J. Mauch, Edwin. Kenderick, Alvah. Townley, David. Taylor, Frederick. Kimple, E. S. Wagoner, Grover C. Taylor, Glen. Kuhn, Jake. Walker, Lester F. Lansing, Kent B. Warren, Albert W. Privates: Lanto, Alex. Warren, George R. Ainsworth, Arthur. Lewis, Lester. Welsh, Lloyd. Alderman, Donald. Liby, John H. Wiggins, Stanley. Ball, Richard. Martin, A. B. Workman, Willis. Barnes, W . H. Merchant, Lyle. Wykoff, Leo C. Blair, A. S. Meyers, Charles. Young, Rav G. Bohrer, Dean. Meyers, Jessie P. Zile, Cecile H. Brown, Leslie. Middlekauf, Ray H.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Pri rates— Concluded. E. G. Osen, died. Bell, Garth W :, Mann, Ralph, discharged. discharged. Sallee, James L., First Lieutenants: Bradbury, L. A., discharged. William Dressel, resigned. discharged. Waggoner, Lester, Frank Mueldener, Brown, Ernest L., discharged. resigned. discharged. Conklin, Gerald M., Second Lieutenant: discharged. Leslie Yasconsells, Dressel, George, resigned. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company B held regular drills twice a week from the date of organization until October l."). 1 !> 1S, at which all public gatherings were prohibited on account of the epidemic which passed over the country. Company B, 24th Battalion, always turned out well to drills and the members seemed to take a great interest in the same. There was to be a “home coming” or county fair at Lyons on October 17, 18 and 19, 1918, at which there was to be prizes given to the best drilled company of Rice county. Of course, company B expected to win the first prize and were working hard for it by drilling every night for three weeks previous, but the “ home coming” was called off on account of the quarantine in October, 1918. The 24th Battalion had several battalion dress parades and reviews at Lyons, which were attended by large crowds from all over the county, who seemed to be well pleased with the parade. Company B participated in several Liberty loan and Red Cross drives. On November 11, 1918, company B took part in two large peace parades which were car­ ried out very successfully. Kansas State Guard. 119

Company “ C,” 24th Battalion, Frederick.

Captain: Second Lieutenant: Harry S. Chase. John W . Black. Xo muster-out roll furnished.

Company “D,” 24th Battalion, Bushton.

Captain: Frank Herzog. X o muster-out roll furnished.

Company “ E,” 24th Battalion, Gcneseo.

Captain: . First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Clarence E. Kent. Ashley M . McCullough. Clare S. Xewkirk.

LOSS. First Lieutenant: Carl P. Biehler, discharged. X o muster-out roll furnished.

Headquarters, 25th Battalion, Pratt.

Major: Captain and Adjutant: Captain and Supply Officer: Ralph Judkins. Merrill C. Brooks. Fred W . Tierney.

Captain and Surgeon: Paul K . Gaston. X o report of activities furnished.

Company “A,” 25th Battalion, Pratt.

Captain: Artificer: P ri vat es— Concluded. Arthur S. Farmer. Newby, John L. Heston, Charles F. Hodges, Milton F. First Lieutenant: Cooks: Howard, Zach L. Knight, Ellis C. Fred E. Hardesty. Goodman, Jess M. Gray, Robert F. Link, Forest. Mawdsley, Charles R. Second Lieutenant: Miller, Orlen L. Eduard F. Search. Privates: Moody, George L. Anderson, Ralph D. Moneghan, E. E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Barbour, O. P. McCrary, I). E. Roll, Jerome J. Barnes, Edgar R. McKown, Clyde C. Beck, Joseph W . Xeidhart, William. Sergeants: Blackstone, James C. Xorris, George. Bonecutter, O. E. Reece, Xate E. Crick, Reuben F. Brown, Allott. Rich, Cecil P. Gay, C. E. Burris, Robert H. Rieniets, William A. Peacock, Walter W . Cole, R. F. Roll, Oscar J. VanYranken, Ernest P. Corrie, J. F. Rush, Henry P. Sappington, James K. Corporals: Day, James. Eggleston, Edward E. Shockev, Stan'ey L. Chapman, Jerome G. Everett, Melvin. Smith, Lester L. Comb, Frank Clay. Ezell, James P. Stewart, Ortie K. Hattibaugh, Francis C. Farmer, Louis X . St ruble, R. J. Hess, William B. Gardine, Frank A. Tarpley, Henry C. Jenkins, Mike C. Gorsulouskv, Charles. Tobias, Milo. Ftz, Karl C. Goyen, Ormond. Udry, Frank. Harris, John J. Wells, Walter E. Chaplain: Henderson, William D. Wood, J. D. Brooks, Merril C. Herrel, Ross A. Woolwine, George.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Corporal: Private: Fred W . Tierney, McDaniels, Benjamin F., Cord ray, Milo, discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A drilled once every week for a period of one and one-half to two hours per drill. Had guard duty onco each month; was active in Liberty loan drives and Red Cross cam­ paigns. Escorted all drafted soldiers to railway station when leaving for camps. The organization conducted five military funerals for Pratt county deceased soldiers, and paid honor to deceased soldier from Liberal, when the corpse was transferred from train to undertakers at Pratt. Held rifle practice once each week the last three months of service and participated in all patriotic meetings and war activities. 120 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘ B,” 25th Battalion, Preston.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Melvern H. Hays. Barcus, Martin J. Lakins, Charles H. Bennett, Walter N. Lakins, David W. First Lieutenant: Bennett, Will C. Langley', Clarence O. Lester C. Mosier. Benton, Isaac W . Long, Ansel Lee. Brown, Wilbur H. Long, Chester A. Second Lieutenant: Chaffin, William J. Lynch, Charles F. Compton, James A. Maas, Charles P. Charles C. Staleup. Cooper, J. Roy. Martain, Oscar. Cordry, F. Ray. Miller, Earl H. First Serf/cant : Dietz, Jacob. Miller, Wallace C. Hays, Loyal W. Dikeman, R. E. Musselman, Albert O. Dikeman, W. F. Nichols, Frank J. Quartermaster Sergeant: Dockacil, Joe. Payne, Layton F. Coburn, Ralph L. Edwards, John T. Peiper, Thomas O. Ellison, Charles E. Phelps, Jay L. Sergeants: Ellison, Earnest R. Piedpont, William E. Fletcher, John T. Potter, George B. Gray, Charles L. Geist, Clifford C. Reynolds, Fred B. McMillen, Clifford B. Gifford, Lee J. Sawtell, Delpha O. Walker, Lee. Gilchrist, E. Borden. Schlem, John G. Gilliland, Earnest E. Corporals: Seig, Everet. Greenwell, Walter. Sillin, Edwin J. Allen, Harry. Haines, Perry C. Smith, Arthur T. Collins, Nichas A. Haines, Ralph B. Spencer, George W . Cook, W. Logan. Hartman, Benjamin H. Trimpe, Lewis. Kelley, Joseph B. Haskinson, Joe. Trinkle, Roy C. Laroux, Floyd. Hawes, Herbert T. VonDolsh, Leonard. Meskim, Vesy E. Hoff, Arthur C. Von Voet, Phillip. Williams, Clarence E. Hoffman, Edward. Waters, Walter. Hoover, C. Floyd. Whitman, John E. M usician; Huffman, William J. Williams, Charles E. New, Dickins. Haufinan, Moses M. Wirt, Frank W.

Artificer: Haynes, Edward A. LOSSES. Sergeant: Corporal: Privates: Williams, Alfred B., Waters, Floyd W., Lewis, Wesley P.f discharged. discharged. discharged. Nill, F. Herbert, discharged. Shaw, Wesley O., discharged. Waller, Robert, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company B was not called on to do any special service, guard duty, etc. Several squads did duty as such both in Red Cross and Liberty loan campaigns. The organization, also, conducted military funerals for two boys, of this place, who made the supreme sacrifice for our country, and attended the memorial services at the church and cemetery as a unit, and did the honors for our country’s dead in a creditable way. I am sure that company B would have shown the same spirit, had the opportunity pre­ sented itself as it did to our boys in the Argonne. They are true Americans and were ready for the call to active service. Kansas State Guard. 121

Company “ C.” 25th Battalion. Coats.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Louis L. Orr. Basye, David. McAndrews, Joseph M. Bishop, Vernon. McCalla, Raymond. First Lieutenant: Branson, Ralph R. McGaughey, Orien E. Wade Eubank. Buck, Fred L. McGaughey, Roy. Chinn, Aca B. Nash, Warren I. Second Lieutenant: Chinn, Burrell. Norris, Thomas. Clements, John Bruce. Not ter, Albert C. A. E. Homey. Coe, Frank L. Notter, Fred E. Diven, Wallace. Notter, John D. First Sergeant: Durall, Oscar. Notter, Judd P. Wright, Grant L. Faires, Glen. Parker, Fred C. Flannery, Herbert. Pearce, Jess H. Sergeants: Frazier, Jay H. Plummer, Ernest H. Stitt, Blatchley. Freeman, Ivan A. Shore, Glenwood. Wood, Robert G. Freeman, Scott W . Shore, Homer L. Gillett, Loren. Shore, Howard. Corporals: Harper, Emory E. Shriver, Isaac N. Harper, • Charles. Shriver, Jack Klondyke. Fitzgerald, John. Henthome, William. Smith, Ambrose. Harrooff, Ralph. Horney, Elmer O. Snyder, Claude B. Johnson, Edgar L. Jacks, Ernest F. Staats, Abram. Miller, Arthur. Johnson, Edward M. Stranderman, William. Shriver, Jacob N. King, John W . Wilson, Charles. West, William. Lambert, William H. Wilson, Leo Oscar. Lyman, Frank E. Privates: Milligan, Delbert. Alexander, Garnett E. Moore, Russel R. Basye, Alfred. McAdas, Oren.

LOSSES. Sergeant : Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. Arbuthnot, Clyde P., Lyman, Dwight, Chinn, Oscar, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hammond, Allies G., Williams, Edward F., died. Corporals: discharged. McKenzie, Lorenzo I)., Chinn, Chester C., died. discharged. Privates: Staats, Herschel, Bates, Howard F., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C drilled twice every week. A guard of four men was posted each night, from July 10 until September 15, over grain elevators and railroad yards. The organization had charge of funerals of privates McKenzie and Hammond, also, Private Roy Allphin, United States army, and other deceased soldiers. Company C drilled and assisted in the celebration at the signing of the Armistice. Private Orien McGaughey was severely wounded by accidental discharge of his gun while on guard duty, but fully recovered. 122 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “D,” 25th Battalion, Greensburg.

Captain: Musicians: Privates— Concluded. Charles F). Cooke. Bertram, John. Northrup, F. Arthur. Olson, Clarence H. Palmer, Ira W . First Lieutenant: Palmer, Niles J. Horner J. VanFossan. Privates: Palmer, Norris. A wood, Charley. Palmer, Ray G. Second Lieutenant: Boxley, Troy. Palmer, Wiiliam L. Bruner, Elmer O. Paxton, Claud. Charles H. Bissitt. Burris, Robert H. Peden, James P. Caplinger, James Marshall. Porter, Hobart. First Sergeant: Carrier, Harvey Vernon. Ratliff, Roy. W est, Roy. Chase, Frank O. Reed, Don. Davison, Chester. Robertson, Elmer. Quartermaster Sergeant: Dern, Frank. Roessel, Karl A. Franklin, Oscar M. Dixon, Frank Lloyd. Spainhour, Charles A. England, Winfred L. Stevenson, Craig A. Sergeants: Gates, Jerry P. SwafTar, Gus. Grove, Hammond. Towle, Edward F. Caplinger, Jesse L. Hayes, Edgar B. Wacker, Henry W. FI eerier. Weaver L. Hutchinson, Edmond B. Washburn, William W. Hemphill, Mearl. Johnson, Lawrence. Williams, Daniel W. Moorhead, Joseph W . Keller, William G. Williams, Geter S. Kirch, William. Woods, Walter L. Corporals: King, Paul. Woods, Zach B. Fleener, Orlie E. Kyle, Jesse W . Fullerton, Janies R. Lyon, Luther. Land nth, Orton H. Martin, George A. Partridge, Herbert J. Mattingly, Joseph P. Pennington, James P. Meschke, Adolph. Smith, Oliver M. Neas, Arthur.


Corporals: Pri votes— Co n t i n ucd. Privates— Concluded. Conover, Ora C ., Bradley, Cecil, discharged. Olinger, Paul, discharged. discharged. Chandley, Landon S., died. Palmer, Floyd Earl, Noland, Edward, Dennis, Will G., died. discharged. discharged. Graves, Benjamin H., Reed, Alfred C., discharged. discharged. Pri votes: Hubert, Edward, Robertson, Charles L., Abbott, Carl G., discharged. d ischarged. discharged. Miller, Riley H., Smith, Lawrence, Allen, Guy S., died. discharged. discharged. Banta, Charles, discharged. Northrup, Harold, Stephenson, Marvin, Barnes, James W ., discharged. • discharged. discharged. O’Connor, Melvin E., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company I) performed guard duty during the influenza epidemic; participated in Liberty loan drives and other patriotic activities, and assisted in burying deceased soldiers and sailors with military honors. Kansas State Guard. 123

Headquarters, 26th Battalion, Attica.

Major: Captain and Surgeon: Captain and Supply Officer: George Scott, Jr. Mahlon A. Riggs. Volney B. Ballard.

LOSSES. Captain and Adjutant: Keith S. Simpson, died.

X o activities reported.

Company “ A,” 26th Battalion, Attica.

Captain: C ooks: Privates —Concluded. John M . Garrison. Giggv, George F. Intel, Loyd S. Grant, George. Jacobs, Charles H. Second Lieutenant: Kinger, Oliver Joseph. Artificer: Lockhart, Joseph C. W . M . Seaman. Colberg, Albert C. Martin, Carlysle E. Martin, Fred A. First Sergeant : Privates: Martin, Henry L. Hunter, Harry H. Abies, Charles Wesley. Mifflin, Willie H. Andrews, Harvey G. Morse, Harry A. Quartermaster Sergeant: Andrews, Loyd G. McKaig, Join. Wolfe. Arnold, Emery E. Xagel, Gu>\ Tomlinson, George P. Arnold, John J. Xeal, Thomas F. Baird, Joseph W. Oldfather, Herbert R. Sergeants: Bateman, Allen C. Oliver, Emery S. Clark, Richard B. Bell, Glenn E. Pond, Alonzo A. Crowell, George F. Biberstein. Frank J. Potter, Charles ( Earner, Elmer F. Brock, Werlly E. Potter, Harry H. Kille, John G. Cleveland, Grove C. Pryor, Paul C. Del hot al, Robert H. Reed, Robert H. Ryan, Vincent A. Corporals: Detweiler, Uriel F. Drake, Grant E. Schoonover, Howard E Berry, Hubbard T. Eralow, Habeo R. Silcott, Eston C. Campbell, William A. Field, Harry E. Sims, Frank G. Hildebrand, William C. Harnden, Allen C. Trent, George A. Reed, Stacey B. Harndt n, John C. Wareheim, M . M Roberts, Linsay Iy. Harrell, William H. Welch, Rafael S. Hewitt, Edward L. Welch, Wilbur G. Musician: Holcomb, George I). West, Newman. Shannon, Yal L. Holland, William L. Wine, H. J. • LOSSES.

First Lieutenant: Musician : Privates— Concluded. Volney B. Ballard, Oldfather, Marion D., DeVault, William T., discharged. discharged. discharged. Manwarren. Raymond 0 ., Sergeants: Privates: discharged. Johnston, Carlos M ., Bolin, Benjamin B., Montyuigo, Edward R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Potter, Samuel P., Chase, Charles E., Pishney, Anton M ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Clark, Tully H., White, Chester L., discharged. Corporals: discharged. Yocum, Charles T ., Car mean, Wallace J., Cushenberry, Hiram S., discharged. discharged. discharged. Corbett, Charles W ., discharged.

Xo activities reported 124 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘ B,” 26th Battalion, Kiowa.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Concluded. Earl G. Thompson. Ellis, George R. Jacobs, Sherman. Streeter, Roy C. Jacobs, Thomas. First Lieutenant : Jeffries, Homer. Albert B. Rumsey. M usicians: Leishardt, Preston H Prinini, Reuben P. Lenhardt, Henry. Second Lieutenant: Samson, John P. Low, Samuel. Mason, Albert L. Neil B. Blumberg. Privates: McCoy, Daniel W. McHone, Newton R. Bailey, Lloyd H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Newkirk, Jesse D. Bainbridge, Roy S. Miller, James M. Nichols, John H. Baker, Ollie M . Nida, Martin. Botkin, Billie. Sergeants: O ’Dell, Charles P. Cavin, Edgar. Parker, Roscoe C. Burt, Jasper L. Clark, Sam. Rea, Burl R. Kendall, Joseph B. Coryell, James E. Skilling, Charles C. M cCoy, Cecil C. Cowden, Henry R. Thornburg, Thomas. Dixon, Carl R. Thornton, John F. Corporals: Goforth, Roscoe L. Tibbetts, Zeph H. Botkin, Carl. Good, Forest A. Tucker, George A. Brandhuber, Frank S. Griswold, Hugh. Van Winkle, Francis J Dainton, James E. Hendricks, William R. Whitton, Herbert E. Mason, Harry L. Henson, Cecil E. Wing, Jera W . Nichols, Joseph H. Henton, John R. Horsburgh, Thomas.


Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. George Scott, Jr., Ikerd, Roscoe A., Records, Harvey D., died. discharged. discharged. Williams, Arthur L., Rea, Harry, discharged. discharged. First Lieutenant: Charles I. Dunn, resigned.

No activities reported.

Company “C,” 26th Battalion, Harper.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: James E. Burke. Samuel F. Brown. Lemuel R. Galloway.

No muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard. 125

C ompany “ D ,” 26t h B attalion, Medicine Lodge.

Captain: Corporals— Concl uded. Pri i a tes— Concluded. James H. Trice. Richardson, G. Lonker, Ralph. White, H. S. Mooman, Fred. First Lieutenant: Woodward, Hugh T. Moore.. John. Randall J. Shaw. McCollough, Tom. Privates: McCune, C. M. First Sergeant: Axtell, Harvey. McCune, J. W. Axtell, Ned. XTewkirk, Harry W. Thompson, Melvin E. Basey, Paul. Nixon, H. B. Benefield, Fred W . Orr, Albert L. Quartermaster Sergeant: Benefield, Ray. Pelton, Harvey G. Pierce, IJoyd. Branham, G. M . Pepoon, Oran. Carpenter, C. Ernest. Post, Russel T. Sergeant: Case, Gordon M . Racklev, Charles R. Benefield, C. C. Cavin, Leaford S. Reed, C. F. E. Chance, Douglas. Reeves, Thomas. Acting Sergeants: Dillman, W . L. Sheldon, Ralph C. Eby, Franklin. Sims, Joe C. Dill, George C. Elliott, A. T. Stevens, Lawrence W . McCollough, Glen. Field, S. I. Stirewalt, Fred. Timinis, William. Frederick, Mike. Stockstill, L. A. Fullerton, L. W . Stone, Howard S. Corporals: Goodwin, John X . Stout, W. E. DeGeer, Frank. Griffin, Sam. Thom, Oscar T. Ewalt, Sim. Hall, Dan. Thomas, E. A. Knight, William P. Hart, W. L. Woodard, J. H. McCumber, Owen C. Knight, William F. Yoke, Earl. Newsom, Herbert M . Lake, E. Ervin.


Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Kieth S. Simpson, died. Cochran, Oran C., Manning, Leonard, discharged. discharged. First Lieutenant: Fair, H. D ., discharged. Moss, Harry, discharged. Mahlon Riggs, discharged. Folkers, William J., died. McCiflckt*ir Robert, Friend, Walter, discharged. discharged. Horney, William J., Raynor, Lewis, discharged. Sergeant: discharged. Rogers, Ray, discharged. Southworth, Otto C., Knight, Louis, discharged. Smith, R. J., discharged. discharged. Stout, Wyatt, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company D participated in all Liberty loan, Red Cross, Y. M . C. A., Salvation Army, and Seven-in-One drives, after its organization, in whatever capacity the committees of the above requested.

Headquarters, 27th Battalion, Seneca.

Major: Lon H. M . Williams.

No activities reported. 12G Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “A,” 27th B attalion, Seneca.

Captain ; Cook : Pri vo tes—Co ncluded. Frank L. Geary. Jenkins, Frank A. Maze, John B. Me Murray, Stanley. First Lieutenant: .4 rtificer: Palmer, Edward L. John R . Emery. Hart, Charles C. Plummer, Kennison. Rechow, Munford A. Privates: Second Lieutenant: Riley, Frank W . Choywette, Henry. Robertson, Floyd. Roy I). Carpenter. Clifton, John R. Rooney, Thomas E. Clowe, Ralph B. Shackelford, Earl C. First Sergeant: Con well, Simon. Sheley, George V. Jenkins, Clyde H . Cowell, John W. Sheley, Jasper. Cross, Paul. Smalley, Neil G. Quartermaster Sergeant; Davis, Lloyd H. Smith, Mills. Krotzinger, Jake F. First* nberger, Staver, Edward. Christopher C. Stine, Arthur R. Sergeants: Ford, Lewis M. Sweet land, Herbert. Grindle, John C. Thompson, J. Oscar. Mathews, Xed C. Gurney, Charles M. Thomson, John M. Plummer, Edward. Hailey, George E. Townsend, Frank W. Price, Lyle P. Hawkins, Ralph 8. W et more, George A. Jermane, Paul A. Wet more, Cyril. Corporals: Johnson, Cleve. Wheatley, James L. Emery, Rufus M ., Jr. Kill, Jack. Wheeler, Fred O. Fuller, John III. Koelzer, Mathias 8. Wood, Floyd. Maze, Walter 8. Lueb, J. Henry. Wood, James B. Shepherd, Ralph. Martin. Albert A. Wylie, George R.


Captain: M usicians ; Privates— Concluded. Lon H. Williams, Goodrich, Earl F., Jermane, Charles A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Myers, Chester A., Koelzer, Urban E., First Sergeant: discharged. discharged. Kramer, Joseph A., Troughton, John F., C ook: discharged. discharged. Moore, Robert L., Lawson. James M ., transferred. discharged. Quartermaster Sergeant: Porter, Fred C., discharged. Firstenberger, William, P rivates: discharged. Schlaegel, Sidney C., Barrows, Herbert, discharged. discharged. St rat liman, Joseph PL, Corporals : Everhart, Charles O., discharged. Brown, Ward E., died. Volz. Charles J., resigned. Everhart, Logan Dewey, discharged. Shurtleff, Elmer, Jr., died. Vorhes, John S., died. discharged. Henderson, Owen M., Jr., Zimmerman, Berlin B., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company A was originally organized on December 14, 1017, as the Seneca Home Guard, through the activity of its first captain, Clifford W. Baldwin, and continued as a company of the Home Guard until it was mustered in as a company of the Kansas State Guard, on April 14, 1918, Clifford W . Baldwin having been commissioned captain, who. together with Second Lieutenant Lon H. M. Williams and First Lieutenant Albert A. Reichart, subsequently re­ signed. Thereupon Lon H. M. Williams was commissioned captain and took charge of the company, with John Emery as first lieutenant and Roy D . Carpenter as second lieutenant. Upon the formation of the 27th Battalion, Kansas State Guard, Captain H. M. Williams was commissioned major, and Frank L. Geary was commissioned captain and took charge of the company. Company A saw no active service and was not called upon for any service of a public nature other than guarding and assisting in a large Red Cross auction, and visiting a few who had refused to contribute to the allied war drive, because of the signing of the Armistice. Through our explanations and suggestions we obtained a largely increased, if reluctant, contri­ bution to the fund. Twelve members of the organization enlisted, or were inducted into military service; 6even additional young men enlisted in the S. A. T . C. and since the date of the muster-out of the company, four other members have enlisted in the regular army. Kansas State Guard. 127

C o m p a n y “ B ," 27th B a t t a l i o n , Sabetha.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. B. F. Staubus. Aukney, Martin J. Keck, George. Barnes, Frank.. Lainperter, Ernest. First Lieutenant: Bell, Wayne. Lnnning, Harry. G. H. Moore. Bentley, Charles E. Leffler, Thurman. Biere, Andy. Maynard, Robert. Second Lieutenant: Biere, Davis. Meisner. James. Breitweiser, Harry F. Miller, Curtis. Charles Miller. Brumbaugh, Clarence. Morris, Edward. Carpenter, George R. McLaughlin, Charles. Quartermaster Sergeant: Cashman, Roy. Norris, Roy. Steward, M . I). Coulin, Harold. Potter, Earl. Crawford, Platte M. Potter, Grant. Sergeants: Davisson, Wilbur. Prosig, Charles. Derstine, William. Deshins, Paul. Ridenour, Noah. Felmlee, Charles E. Dubnch, Rene A. Robbins, Grant. Ladd, Azel O. Elhvood, Orville. Schlupp, Benjamin. Meisner, Hiram. Feik, Silas. Sherbin, L. J. Reinhart, Clyde E. Feik, Walter. Spooneymore, Homer Snyder, Elmer. Fenner, Ned. Stephenson, Guy. Graves, William. St rahm, Derrey. Corporals: Henmgh, Harry. Strahm, Peter. Hennigh, Roy. Stratton. Robert. Moulton. Harry S. Henry. Robert. Summers, Peter. Myrick, William. Holcomb, George. Tennel, Ralph. Witzel, John J. Holdren, Wilbur. Thomas, Elzie. Horn, Jesse. Welch, Carl E. Johnson, Alvin. White, John A. Jones, Harlan. Whitehead, Loyal. Woodbury, Hilton. ACTIVITIES. Company B drilled twice every week until the Armistice was signed, and took an active part in all Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. 128 ■ Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “C,” 27th Battalion, Centralia.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Frank L. Schubert. Armstrong, James. Huber, Frank R. Atkins, Clinton E. Ice, Duane. First Lieutenant: Ayers, Robert H. Jenkins, Okley. Sam Ayers. Ayers, Thomas M. Kook, Wencel. Baird, Eugene C. Lohmuller, Walter J. Second Lieutenant: Barrett, Hamer C. Mathew, Roland. Blair, Donald W. Meyer, George R. Charles F. McGhee. Blake, William E. Meyer, Orville. Brower, Bruce B. Meyers, Fred M. First Sergeant: Butler, James. Miller, Orley L. Ice, Fred. Cahoon, Asa E. McClary, Chester H. Campfield, Raymond G. Newman, Oscar W. Quartermaster Sergeant: Case, Herbert F. Pfiester, Ernest M . Condit, Jay. Chambers, Arthur F. Philipps, Ben C. Chaney, Hurley F. Robbins, Arthur J. Sergeants: Col well, Dale H. Schober, Fred. Colwell, Elzie C. Schueller, Charles D. Carson, Frank. Conley, Sherman. Schueller, Walter A. Mathew, Ruben E. Cook, Clyde C. Shaffer, Arthur A. Wohlford, John R. Curd, Luther. Smith, Daniel. Wohlford, William A. Darr, Oscar J. Spicer, Walter C. Debord, Emmet. Sthrom, Win D. Corporals: Gilford, Harvey. Sullivan, Lawrance M. Andrews, John C. M . Grey, Francis M . Tannehill, Ernest H. Durland, Harry J. Grey, Marion R. Thomas, George W. H. Gaston, Karl H. Hales, John W . * Thompson, Lloyd. Lohmuller, Richard L. Hardy, Charley F. Tietz, Ellsworth. Murphy, Marvin W. Hicks, William E. Tinker, Truman. McCaig, Roy C. Holenbeck, Danial C. Warrenburg, Earl J. Tinker, Jesse C. Horth, Elmer J. Wells, Clarence H. Young, George O. Howard, Charley W. White, John L. Huber, Albert L. Wilson, Clarence. Huber, Forest R. Wilson, Glen X. Wright, Chalmer E. LOSSES.

First Sergeant: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. Kern, George, discharged. Green, James, discharged. Kirchen, Gustave E., King, Brice J., discharged. discharged. Sergeants: Smith, William E., Knox, Robert L., discharged. discharged. Hartman, Ray H., Koch, Andrew, discharged. transferred. Privates: Lohmuller, Burton L., Wells, Harry W., discharged. discharged. Armstrong, William, discharged. McCaig, Claude L., Baird, William, discharged. Corporals: discharged. Robenson, William R., Clark, Roy I., discharged. Hailey, John W ., discharged. Colwell, Raymond H., discharged. Smith, William, discharged. discharged. Hiskey, Glenn, discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C participated in the fourth Liberty loan as individuals only on account of the state quarantine. The organization gave exhibition drills at the Nemaha county fair, September 5, 1918, stato guard day, and at Onaga, September 6, 1918. • Kansas State Guard. 129

C o m p a n y “ D , ” 27th B a t t a l io n , Wetmore.

Captain: Cooks: Pnvatcs— Concluded. Merle Z. Wilson. Kelly, Guy W. Griffin, Paul M. Levick, George R. Hall, Faneuil G. First Lieutenant: Haynes, Landon C. George Grubb. Musician: Hendershot, Roy A. Reeves, George V. Hewitt, Earle S. Second Lieutenant: Jones, Wesley. .4 rti ficer: Lapham, Augustus P. Percy G. Worthy. Levick, Albert us C. Porter, Abram T. Loveall, Lawrence C. First Sergeant: Lynn, George W . Rion, Robert E. L. Privates: Moyer, Ray. Achten, Harold M. Newlin, Edward. Quartermaster Sergeant: Anderson, Frank L. Nissen, Carl F. Campbell, Edgar W. Asher, William R. Noe, James Wiley. Bennett, Lawrence L. Oliver, Donald B. Sergeants: Binkley, Henry E. Purdum, John R. Brady, Lloyd M . Rolfe, George A. Cahvell, Charles A. Brown, Glen E. Rolfe, Walter T. Noe, LeRoy E. Callahan, John F. Saxton, Albert H. Pool, Austin R. Cassity, Ray W Simmons, William E. Smith, Frederick E. Cha.se, Clarence E. Smith, Fred P. Cole, Don H. Turley, James E. Corporals: Conwell, Van E. Vine, George E. Hough, John C. Courier, Richard J. Walters, William G. Martin, James E. Dean, Claud L. White, James M. Moyer, Robert E. Dickson, Lloyd A. White, Leonard A. Noe, Harrison R. Drown, Harold L. Richardson, John B. Friar, Frank W . Williams, Carl. Gereu, Percy E.


First Sergeant: Corporal: Privates— Concluded. Lee E. Geyer, Holmes, Morton, Goodwin, James H. E., resigned. discharged. discharged. Hart, Raymond L., Quartermaster Sergeant: Musician: discharged. Minton, George E., Roderick, James E., DeForest, Carol H ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Turrentine, James S., Sergeants: discharged. Privates: Roderick, John W .t Williams, Harold H., discharged. Anderson, Leonard E., discharged. Thombunou, Samuel E., discharged. discharged. Berridge, Wesley W ., Wesley, Hubert R ., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company D participated in the 27th Battalion review at Seneca, Kan., July <, 1918, at which Adjutant General Charles S. Huffman was reviewing officer. Companies A, B, and C, were present. The organization drilled and held guard mount at a picnic at Soldier, Kan., August 21, 1918.

9—4436 130 Adjutant General’s Department.

H eadquarters, 28th B attalion, El Dorado.

Major: Captain and Supply Officer: Frank W. Loyles. Alfred William Pennell.

No activities reported.

Company “A,” 28th Battalion, El Dorado.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. William C. Ribb. Coolinan, Everett. Knight linger, Harold. Davis, Pearl. Leathers, Forest W. Scrycant: Delano, Charles E. Manion, Lee. Thurlow, Ralph G. Delano, Frank. Martin, Charles S. Eckstein, William. Miller, Henry O. C orporats: Ewing, William I. Mitchell, Jesse E. Franklin, Mack F. Miller, Jacob B. Fagan, Edward. Frazier, Emil B. McKanna, Clarence A. McCreight, Harvey E. Freeman, Albert. Perryman, Paul. Perryman, Josephus Bane. Fry, Harold C. Rogers, William. Goodwin, Howard. Sanders, Bynum L. Privates: Hamilton, Ross. Smith, Forest W. Albertson, John. Harris, Jesse E. Stroup, John. Baker, Lee. Hobert, William. White, St. Elmo. Beers, Clarence S. Huddlerton, Wissis G. Wikoff, Marvel. Bennett, Walter. James, Owen.

LOSSES. Captain: First Lieutenants: Second Lieutenant: Frank W. Loyles, Byron C. Cox, Ralph Rhodes, deserted. discharged. discharged. Floyd F. Fuller, Private: discharged. McCoy, Wayne, deserted.

ACTIVITIES. Company A was called out on December 10, 1917, as the home guard to assist the sheriff to quell a riot caused by the girls telephone strike; also, on April 5, 1918, to assist the officials of the city of El Dorado to quell riot, caused by the roughs of the city; August 1 to 0, 1918, the unit was on duty in anticipation of trouble by the rough element of the city; August 31, 1918, called out to assist the city officials to quell a riot; February 15, 19i8, called out to assist the city officials with the rough element; September 5, 1918, called out to assist the city authorities quell a riot. Turned out on every occasion to escort the drafted men to trains on their being called to the United States service, and assisted in all Liberty loans. Helped guard the United States army train that toured the country in the interest of the Liberty loan. Kama$ State Guard. 131

C ompany “ B,” 28t h B attalion, Douglass.

Captain: Musicians: Privates— Concluded. Charles A. Alger. Gaskins, Walter. Elder, Barton. Seal, Horner. Essex, John. First Lieutenant: Wyncoop, C. G. Farnsworth, O. A. J. L. Walker. Garrison, Guy. Artificer: Golev, Carl. Second Lieutenant: McCreery, James. Jones, Frank. Fred E. Jones. Jones, Robert. Jones, Walter. Privates: Quartermaster Sergeant : Lewis, George L. Pratt, E. J. Adams, John. Martin, Omer. Andree, St. Clair. McMahan, Jamie. Sergeants: Bare, Floyd. Olrnstead, Joe E. Blackwell, Virgil. Bare, Paul. Purselly, C. F. Darter, J. 0 . Berger, Herbert. Reecer, Frank. Guyot, Paul R. Bledsoe, O. W . Scott, Arthur W. Brooks, Arthur. Scott, Clare S. Corporals: Clav, Bill. Sutton, Lloyd A. Carr, Ed. Cobb, Cecil J. Tinus, Robert. Douglass, Clayton. Cook, James R. Valentine, Edgar. Greenland, R. L. Diller, C. O. Watkins, Arthur. Guyot, Walter. Durham, James G. Willis, Jack. Scott, Ira O. Dm yea, H. B.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. Joseph Guyot, Olrnstead, Delos, Holmes, Samuel O., discharged. discharged. discharged. Rader, Henry J., Lewis, Alvin D., First Sergeant: discharged. discharged. Lamb, John E., Martin, Paris E., discharged. Cooks: discharged. Harrigan, Jim P., McMillan, Lester V., Quartermaster Sergeant: discharged. discharged. Harrigan, Patrick, Prassnell, F. H., Rollins, Elmer I>., discharged. discharged. discharged. Sergeant : Scott, John H., Privates: discharged. Waggoner, Charles, discharged. Burger, John, discharged. Smith, Floyd E., Coughlin, Clinton E., discharged. Corporals: discharged. Walk, John C., Harrigan, John; Holcomb, Noel, discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company B assisted at the funerals of several deceased soldiers; attended two battalion drills, and participated in a public meeting. 132 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C,” 28th Battalion, Potwin.

Captain: Mechanic: Privates— Concluded. Robert M . Poe. Poe, Milo C. Lintner, Oscar B. Lyon, George P. First Lieutenant: Privates: Mertz, Albert L. Moody, Charles E. Jesse F. Thompson. Adams, Joseph A. Ball, George W. Moore, Claude E. Newbury, George. Second Lieutenant: Bowyer, Arthur L. Burton, John 1). Palmer, Otto H. Ralph S. Wilson. Clawson, Daniel W. Petty, William J. Edwards, John D. Powers, William T. First Sergeant: Farni, Christian H. Rice, Floyd J. Thompson, David C. Ferner, Leonard L. Poe, Cecil II. Ford, Eddie C. Russell, Elzy S. Quartermaster Sergeant: Foulk, George A. Schmidt, Edward. Shockley, John H. Harper, Millard A. Foulk, John C. Fouik, Robert W. Shunk, Roscoe S. Sergeants: Geer, George. Smith, Floyd C. Smith, George W , Artz, Pete E. Hall, Verne R. Hall, Zemie H. Smith, James E. Eecles, Henry W . Smith, Otto V. Smith, Albert E. Harper, Raymond R. Harvey, Theodore E. Smith, Pearl G. Watkins, Fred S. Heuston, Oren S. Snorf, Milton C. Higdon, Arthur Philip. Snyder, Frank M. Corporals: Higdon, James H. Stahlman, David C. Adams, Raymond E. Hosman, Erliss R. Tomlinson, Clarence J. Dewitt, James O. Jacobs, Homer H. Vandeventer, Vernie. Penner, Arthur. Kennedy, Paul Y. Watkins, Arthur P. Poe, William F. Kimberlin, John L. Watkins, John F. Smith, Kenneth H. Kimberlin, Leonard J. Watkins, Joseph W . Watson, Clarence. Kimberlin, Orland J. Watkins, Rodger W. King, Melvin. Whitmore, George O. Musicians: Laird, Charles E. Whitmore, Roy W. Raleigh, Joseph. Laird, Edwin A. Whiteside, Willie E. Marshall, Ryland M. Laird, John W . Wilson, Clarence A. Lamb, Miles D.


Sergeant: Privates— Continued. Privates — Concluded. Poe, James S., discharged. Dean, Harry M., Slocum, Jerry C ., discharged. discharged. Privates: Patterson, Guy J., Scrivner, Roy A., Bowyer, Frank O., discharged. discharged. discharged. Perriman, Reuben T., Watson, John S., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C assisted the Grand Army of the Republic in the services on Memorial Day, May 30, 1918. Participated in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. The organization made special survey of Potwin oil field and Potwin refinery to prevent fires. Our activities were handicapped on account of the lack of arms and equipment. Par­ ticipated in guard of honor to Governor Capper and Adjutant General Huffman at El Dorado. Participated in battalion drill with Augusta and Douglass companies at Augusta.

Company “ D ,” 28th Battalion, Augusta. Captain: Rodney M . Schell.

No muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard. 133

Headquarters, 29th Battalion, Cheney.

Major: Captain and Adjutant: Fred Zimmerman. Ralph M . Oldfather.

No activities reported.

Company “ A,” 29th Battalion, Cheney.

First Lieutenant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Paul A. Lindholm. Armstrong, George. Howard, Fred. Aucherman, Harvey. Kane, Mike. Second Lieutenant: Beckett, Charles, Sr. Koster, H. J. H. Floyd W . Walter. Beckett, Charles, Jr. Lansdown, Ralph. Bellew, S. E. Lansdown, Roy. First Sergeant: Black, Lester. Liggett, Raymond. Bomholt, Ambrose. Mason, Bill T. Heath, M . W . Bomholt, C. O. Morss, Clarence. Butts, Fred. Padgett, Harold. Quartermaster Sergeant: Clawson, Fred. Parker, Alois R. Bennett, W . E. Dewey, Roy E. Payne, Leland. Dibbens, Claude. Riggs, Earl. Sergeants: Dibbens, Clyde. Rodman, Forrest. Morss, Lawrence. Englehart, Charles E. Rutherford, Ernest B. McHenry, George. Fearey, Harry. Schaar, William. Fitzgerald, Harvey. Shiplv, Charles. Corporals: Garrison, J. L. Sinslev, Frank. Grett, John. Thorp, William, Jr. Gardner, L. E. Handkins, Edwin. Thresher, W . V. Jones, George. Hartley, Earl. Trexler, P. H. Millhom, Roy. Hartley, Harry W . Walker, Jess. Hessel, Grover C. Woods, Robert. Woodward, Merlin. LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Rex G. Williams, resigned. Bennett. Floyd, died. Northcutt, T. L., Flinn, James, discharged. discharged. First Lieutenant: Green, Earl, discharged. Prver, Elmer, discharged. Hessel, Cicero J., Sweet, Alva, discharged. Paul T. Blakey, resigned. discharged. Walker, John, discharged. Metz, Avery, discharged. Wolter, Herbert, Sergeant: Minges, Charles J., discharged. ' Nester, Earl, died. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. The company drilled five months as Home Guards with two drills a week, and over an hour at each drill. Company A as State Guard, had uniforms, furnished by Major Zimmerman, and afterward paid for by the individual members. Number of regular drills held by Company A, sixty-one, which consisted of close order, extended order, guard duty, bayonet exercise, and ceremonies. Number of battalion drills, three; held by Goddard. Wichita, and Cheney. At these, close order, extended order, guard mount, and dress parade, also due honor paid to the band playing the National Anthem, and this was a thrilling treat to the spectators. The company attended the funeral of Floyd Bennett, a member of the Cheney company, and conducted the funeral of Lieutenant Cunningham, United States army, with full mili­ tary honors. The company furnished guards for the town ten days, after two grain elevators had been set afire on the same day. Guards were furnished the city for twenty-seven days after the marshal was shot by a burglar. The guards were out looking for auto thieves at night on two occasions. The battalion major, without remuneration drilled the high-school students daily for a period of six months, and they became real snappy in the work. The school cadets aided in all the war drives. Five joined the army, although none were over eighteen years old. 134 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘‘B,” 29th B attalion, Goddard.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. L. A. Adler. Aaron, Joseph M. Jeffrey, Charles. Rahull, James. Limebur, O. N. First Lieutenant: Brown, Ray. Miller, R. E. Mitchell, L. S. W . W . Jones. Callahan, A. B. Carpenter, W. D. Mooberry, E. M. McClallan, George S. Sergeants: Clark, Leslie. Edwards, George. McGlynn, John B. Reece, Mevill W. Garnett, Ernest W. McGlynn, Pat. Scholidon, Peter D . Garnett, T. E. Nelson, Albert E. Gosney, W. H. Parks, Loyd E. Corporals: Hagerty, X. E. Riley, Ott. Coleman Delbert H. Halderman, Robert H. Setzer, C. W. Coons, F. C. Harvey, George W. Stemple, John B. Rishel, Walter. Havens, Frank. Wood, R. C. Sherman, Harry C. Hendrixson, Joe. Woolf, M. O. Hutchinson, S.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Gregory, R. W ., Burhns, John, discharged. Sail berg, Eric., transferred. Duggan, George M ., transferred. transferred. Stroebel, Charles, died.

ACTIVITIES. Company B participated in all Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns.

Company “ C,” 29th Battalion, Clearwater.

Captain: Privates: Pri vat es— Con cl uded. Warren Matthews. Abel, Herman. Kimmel, Don. Bencer, J. Kraft, Stephen. First Lieutenant: Bodle, Edward. Kuhl, J. D. J. A. Charles. Carr, Fred. Laebel, Joseph. Carr, Harry. Lobel, Joseph. Second Lieutenant: Cassidy, Joseph. Lohman, Fred. Chambers, Hobart. Long, Lawrence. J. A. Giesendorf. Chambers, J. C. Lucas, Robert. Chambers, Worth. Lupton, Claud. First Sergeant: Colver, Merl. Magill, Clyde. Finley, L. Lee. Cook, Claud. Mathews, Kenneth. Daran, Harry. Matthews, Fred. Quartermaster Sergeant: Duncan, Dewey. McCapperity, Lee. Colver, R. O. Duncan, L. B. McLaughlin, Harold. English, H. Popp, Albert. Sergeants: Geisendorf, Leon. Riclny, V. P. Graham, Wallace. Sautter, Louis. Dale, Frank M. Gregory, Lon. Small, Edward. Hammers, Robert. Hammers, L. A. Smith, Joab. Harrington, Walter. Snonely, Hebert. Corporals: Hope, A. B. Snyder, R. V. Carpenter, M. Hope, Clifford. Tallman, Sam. Hall, Fred. Jent, Cecil. Twiggs, D. E. Richards, Frank. Jent, Sam. Whittaker, C. A. Rochette, Will. Johnson, Carl. Winn, Charles. Tjaden, Jacob. Johnson, George. Winn, Roy.

LOSSES. Second Lieutenant: Corporal: Privates: Harry Burchell, discharged. Webb, Frank, discharged. Carter, Ernest, discharged. Moon, S. A., discharged. Riggs, Ralf, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company C attended all battalion drills, and maintained weekly drill. Participated in the Liberty loan parade at Wichita, April 10, 1918. Maintained order at a Red Cross picnic at Peck, Kan., July 4, 1918. Guarded and maintained order at the city park during the week of August 18 to 23, 1918; took charge of the local celebration November 11. Equipped and kept up company at expense of the members of the organization. The organization furnished firing squad and had charge of exercises M ay 30, 1918. Gave military funeral with full honors to Lorenzo W olf, aviation department, United States army, October 16, 1918. Kansas State Guard. 135

Company “ D ,” 29th Battalion, Viola.

Captain: Artificer: Privates— Concluded: Charles A. Thrift. Miller, Edwin B. Hart, Ora. Johnson, Herman (5. First Lieutenant: Cook: Kimel, Chester L. Ernest L. Clark. Thompson, Thomas G. Lindsay, James E. Miller, John C. Second Lieutenant: Privates: More, Leroy J. Nighswonger, Jay. John R. Small. Coates, Ernest B. Nighswonger, Percy P. Dalbom, Carl M . Porter. George E. First Sergeant: Dobbin, Stewart. Poschen, Joe. Grimsley, William X . Elliott, Robert. Rairden, Ralph H. Ewing, Glenn G. Robinson, Thomas D. Sergeants: Ewing, William R. Robinson. William J. Dobbin. Thomas \I. Faulkner, Carl. Sisson, Alva R. Porter, Joseph C. Faulkner, John. Stinson, Max W . Foster, Philip E. Swaney, Harold F. Corporals: Goll. William J. Taylor, Calvin R. Grier, Andrew S. Thomas, Charles W . Dalbom, Leonard. Grimsley, James E. Wasson, Roy H. Porter, Walter G. Grimsley, John A. Wise, Dewey H. Spitler, Orville O. Hare, Lawrence W.

LOSSES. Privates: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Dobbins, Blair E., Ewing, Charles A., More, Harry, discharged. discharged. discharged. Dobbins, Glenn, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company D participated in Decoration Day exercises at two places, and in thanksgiving sendees in ii)18. Individual members of the organization assisted in the Liberty loan, Red Cross, rive-in- One, and American relief drives.

Company “ E,” 29th Battalion, Mount Hope.

Captain: Privates: Privates— C oncluded. Samuel Mullin. Adams, Grover D. Kissick, Claud. Anderson, Ola F. Kissick, Dewey. First Lieutenant: Baird, Fred C. Koch, Fred H. Christopher R. Rankin. Baird, Robert. Koch, John A. Beltz, Lewis. Lauterbach, Christopher. Second Lieutenant: Bense, Pearl F. Matzek, Lewis. Brewer, Charles E. Moore, Charles H. Albert Larsen. Brewer, Robert G. McCormick, Harvey. Callias, Eugene. McCormick, Stewart C. First Sergeant: Caple, Orvil R. Osborne. Otha. Bardshar, Harry. Congdon, Morrison W . Porter, John A. Dow, Fred. Rimbey, Leonard C. Sergeants: Dow, Lloyd. Salome, William C., Sr. Adams, Harry O. Fra zee, Charles. Salome, William C., Jr. Stamback, Roy. Grier, Cyrus N. Schneider, Floyd R. Wright, Aris L. Hazlett, William E. Smith, Lewis S. Hoover, Frank. Smith, Stewart J. Corporals: Horseman, Delmar. Snivelv, William F. Horseman, Jay R. Wilkinson, Francis H. Adams, Carl D. Ives, Walter R. Black, Cloyd W . Johnson, Sydney R. French, Clark. Keller, Oscar F. Porter, Edward M.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Allen, John L., discharged. Astle, William H., Hunsberger, Howard G., discharged. discharged. Cauble, Wilbur L., Kissick, Harold, discharged. discharged. Lauterback, Bernard, Hill, Chester, died. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company E participated in all Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. 136 Adjutant General's Department.

H eadquarters, 30th B attalion, Blue Rapids.

Major: Captain and Supply Officer; Captain and Surgeon: Charles E. Drumm. Clarence A. Hodges. Robert Leith.

Captain and Adjutant: Eugene Gordon.

No activities reported.

Company “ A ,” 30th B attalion, Blue Rapids.

Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Pri votes— Concluded. Arthur J. Brice. Ska 11a, Fred. Ewing, Levi G. Strange, Joseph M . Fincham, Emmet. First Lieutenant: Watters, Ora S. Fitzgerald, Donald E. John Frost. Foltz, John E. Artificer: Frost, Clyde D. First Sergeant: Farrar, Romeo G. GrifTee, James I. Griffith, John E. Ambrose, Roland B. Musician: Harland, Earl. Henderson, Charles W. Quartermaster Sergeant: Cockerell, Wallace E. Hoag, Germ G. Dean, Aubrey R. Holcomb, Arthur H. Privates: Honeycutt, Isaac. Sergeants: Adams, Roy. Honeycutt, Robert. Brown, Walter B. Albin, Grover C. Hula, Will J. Houston, James H. Anderson, John. Hurlburt, George W. Murrell, George W. Ash burn, Ernest W . Hurlburt, Kenneth. Rodkey, Clyde K. Bartlett, Arthur E. YanYalkenburg, Frank. Ryan, James E. Beacham, Carl R. Vernson, Henry H. Tibbetts, Livy B. Blair, James Dana. Warren, Walter W. Blauer, Philip W . Watters, James. Corporals: Conz, Lee. Watters, John. Axtell, Willis E. Coulter, Clarence. Weeks, By ion. Brown, John C. Coulter, William W. Weeks, Walter. Danheim, Henry N. Cummings, Galan. Wells, William B. Elliott, Joseph H. DeYoung, Aaron. Worthington, William. Gilson, Samuel W . Drake, Howard. Zulck, John. Hodges, George A. Ewing, Grant.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Continued. Clarence A. Hodges, Brown, Henry L., Land, Robert C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Coulter, Clarence K., Layton, Fred M., First Lieutenant: discharged. discharged. Crissman, James Ira, Leeson, Nathanial, Guy E. McCarthy, discharged. discharged. discharged. Elliott, Jesse W ., Long, Hugh L., discharged. discharged. Marvin, Albert A., Sergeants: Fincham, Fred, discharged. discharged. Deiderich, Egon, Fitzgerald, Isaac F., Marvin, Frank, discharged. discharged. discharged. Mickel, Otto, died. Hunt, William W., Foreman, Homer, Miller, Vern, discharged. discharged. discharged. Monteith, Walter, Hunter, William F. S., discharged. Corporals: discharged. Moore, Harry L., Jette, Charles E., discharged. Carlson, Robert, discharged. Moore, John C ., discharged. Johnson, Walter, discharged. Frost, Earl W ., discharged. discharged. Murrell, Kenneth, Mann, Leland, discharged. Kaump, Henry F., discharged. Pishney, Edward J., discharged. Musil, Emil, discharged. discharged. Kendall, William W., Musil, Otto, discharged. discharged. McGinnis, George E., Pri rates: Lake, Warner, discharged. discharged. Adams, George W ., died. Lamb, Harry T., McKee, Clarence, Bailey, Charles, discharged. discharged. discharged. Lamb, William J., McKee, Ross, discharged. Benedict, Murray L., discharged. Nelson, Robert T., discharged. Lambert, Carson E., discharged. Brooks, Louis R., discharged. Netz, William, Jr., discharged. discharged. Kansas State Guard. 137

Company “ A ,” 30th Battalion, B lue R apids— Concluded.

Privates— Con tin u ed. Pri va t es— Con tinu ed. Privates— Concluded. Netz, William C., Reedy, Burton H., Stauufer, Frederick L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Nevins, James W ., Reedy, Thomas W., Stocks, Fred L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Norton, Jesse O., Rodgers, Charles N ., Tempero, C. W ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Old, S. Job, discharged. Rodkey, Clayton, Tibbetts, Charles C., Peacock, Edward F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Rodkey, Fred S., Tibbetts, Harlow, Peacock, William F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Rundus, Joseph, Tolbert, Fred, discharged. Pishney, John F., discharged. Troutner, Melvin, discharged. Rundus, Paul, discharged. discharged. Quinn, Robert E., Sabin, William H., VanHouten, William G., discharged. discharged. discharged. Robb, Henry, discharged. Skalla, John, discharged. Whiting, Frank, discharged. Reeder, Hal C., Smith, Fred, discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. February 10, 1918, Company A helped to promote a patriotic meeting, which was ad­ dressed by Dr. Frank Loveland, in which $370 was raised to supply ambulances to go to France. February 10, 1918, a pro-German near Blue Rapids had become rather bold in his utter­ ances against our country. The guard went to his home and brought him to the Commercial Club rooms. He was persuaded to kiss the flag, swear allegiance to the United States, and to pay $100 to the Red Cross. This prompt action of the guard checked pro-Germanism and aided in the collection of the Red Cross funds. February 14, 1918, attended a patriotic meeting at the Methodist church as an organiza­ tion. March 21, 1918, the prisoners having broken out of the county jail at Marysville, the sheriff called on Company A for help to guard bridges to the south. Guards were posted on three road bridges and one railroad bridge all night. March 31, 1918, there were rumors of pro-Germanism at the dedication of a German church some miles south of Blue Rapids. Company A hiked out that way and drilled near, while several guards, in plain clothes, who understood German, attended the services and re­ ported nothing wrong. April 0, 1918, gave a parade and attended in a body a patriotic meeting, addressed by J. E. Nugent, of Kansas City. May 30, 1918, took charge of Decoration Day services. June 3, 1918, attended the funeral, at Breman. of Fred Rengstrof, a soldier who died at Funston. June 30, 1918, attended the Memorial services at Irwin for Lieutenant Milton Drumm, the first Marshall county soldier killed in France; also participated in battalion drill. July 7, 1918, gave drill and took part in Red Cross drive. July 10, 1918, the city water pump was broke, and the guard patrolled the city as a meas­ ure of fire protection. July 14, 1918, attended a Red Cross rally at Breman and took part in an exhibition and battalion drill. July 28, 1918, was reviewed and inspected by Adjutant General Charles S. Huffman at Frankfort. September 25, 1918, gave military funeral to George Adams, a member of the company. Octobei 8 and November 11, 1918. the Marshall county State Guard was reviewed and inspected at Blue Rapids, by Captain C. A. Dempsey, 164th Depot Brigade, Camp Funston; also took part in competitive drill: took charge of policing the grounds for the Marshall county fair and participated in the fourth Liberty loan drive. October 26, 1918, gave a military funeral to William Netz at Irving, a soldier who died at Funston, also a former member of Company A. November 10, 1918, gave a military funeral to Myron Swank at Cottage Hill, who was a former member of Company A and had just enlisted in the national service. November 30, 1918, gave a military funeral to J. M. Snodgrass, a Civil War veteran. December 4, 1918, promoted and attended in a body a lecture by Trooper O ’Conner. February 9, 1919, attended the Roosevelt memorial services at the Presbyterian church in the morning and the Lincoln memorial at the Baptist church in the evening. March 31, 1919, gave a military funeral to Major John McPherson, a Civil War veteran. April 7, 1919, gave a military funeral to Charles Edinborough, a Civil War veteran. May 30, 1919, took charge of Decoration Day services. September 20, 1919, auto was stolen at Marysville. The guard turned out to assist the marshal and guarded the roads. We recovered the automobile at Blue Rapids, but the thief got away. Investigated several fires caused from trains in grain fields, also notified the state fire marshal of one incendiary fire of grain stacks, who sent a man to investigate, made an arrest, but the case has not yet been tried. 138 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘‘B,” 30th B attalion, Bigelow.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. C. E. Drumm. Bolejack, Lloyd. Morton, Lancelot A. Bronaugh, Loren M. Morton, Perry, Jr. First Lieutenant: Carlson, Melvin E. Musser, Clinton O. R. A. Smith. Carlson. Waltei W. Myers, Clarence. Carpenter, George G. Osborne, Leroy G. Second Lieutenant: Colton, Emry R. Raymond, Nelson A. Cook, Harold A. Rinehart, Frank. Robert S. Shope. Crawford, Henry C. Rinehart, Wilbur. Cromwell, Leonard C. Rucker, Henry A. First Sergeant: Dodd, Everett M. Sabin, Alexander W. Hunt, Daniel H. Drager, Clyde A. Seldon, James W . Dunham, Frank. Seldon, Mark H. Sergeants: Dunham, Oren M . Seldon, Roy R. Bronaugh, Clarence A. Dunham, Thomas J. Smith, Guy R. Brubaker, Nathan A. Everson, Nathan. Smith, James A. Cope, Harry M. Grove, Vernon Delbert. Sparks, Clarence P. Lynch, Andy R. Hale, Robert E. Stedman, Albert E. Raymond, Fea B. Harrison, Edwin O. Summers, Marion A. Rucker, John W . Harrison, Jesse. Summers, Loyd W. Hartwell, Clyde M. Tebbutt, Frederick W . Corporals: Henry, Frank. Tebbutt, William. Hoig, Bennie J. Tietz, Paul. Abbott, Bernard V. Jones, Earl. Vaughn, George. Chitty, Wyman. Jones, Floyd L. Wagner, Matt F. Jones, Louis T. Kapitan, Rudolph A. Wagor, Charles A. Klein, Louis H. Lacy, Arthur L. Warrep, John T. Morton, Perry O. Lundry, Fiber E. Whaley, George A. McNellv, Eli L. Melton, Christain. Whaley, Samuel F. Raymond, George B. Melton, H. Alonzo. Wilbur, Adrian L. Rinehart, William. Meyer, Thomas A. Williams, Finley J. Smith, Robert E. Mills, Norris A. Williams, Joseph E. Walls, Charles A. Morton, Frank G. Williams, Marion W Morton, George L. W right, Samuel J. Morton, George L., Jr. No activities reported- Kansas State Guard. 139

Company “ C,” 30th Battalion , Irving.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Charles G. Fulkerson. Boyd, Thomas. Layton, J. M. Bromwell, Harold. Lyon, Oren. First Lieutenant: Bromwell, J. J. Netz, Harvey. Carl Peterson. Budenbender, Joe. Netz, Theo. Burroughs, L. R. Newberry, Earl. First Sergeant: Carlson, Alfred. Newberry. Ed. Borland, B. K . Carlson, John. Nowak, Joe. Carney, William S. Osborne, L). L. Sergeants: Christie, Ray. Piper, F. J. Blaney, William. Cooper, Clarence. Rickey, I). P. Carney, Walter. Corptein, John. Rohe, John C. Gillette, James. Dawhins, J. F. Roseman, H. Kautz, F. R. DeShazer, Frank. Shaefter, Herbert. Stiles, H. T. DeShazer, Ralph. Shipp, Bert. Tyron, A. L. Dunlap, Lloyd. Slifer, O. W. Ewing, John. Smercheck, P. Corporals: Fairbanks, M. Stewart, Harry. Boyd, O. S. Forbes, B. St iverson, Frank. Gould, Raymond. Frank, Harry. Stiverson, George C Jones, Gilbert. Gronquist, Conrad. Strahm, E. L. Jones, H. B. Haddan, Ed. Strange, Roy. Jones, Paul. Hawk, A. Tenopee, John. Miller, Earl. Helton, Walter. Thomas, A. Sabin, Maynard. Horalek, Frank. Thomas, M. Horalek, William. Thomas, Robert. Privates: Huffmier, Harry. Thomason, Donald. Alleman, A. W. Hull, Marion D. Yanscoter, D. E. Austin, Kenneth. Hull, Willis. Wacek, C. A. Bieler, Ray. Jones, J. R. Wacek, Frank. Boatman, O. Judd, Garwood. Warders, C. E. Boyd, George. Katspish, Stephen. Wells, J. F. Boyd, John. Lane, Floyd. Wilkinson, Lloyd.

LOSS. Private: Strader, Aaron, died. ACTIVITIES. Company C drilled twice a week for eight months. 140 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘‘D,” 30th B attalion', AVaterville.

C aptain: Privates — Continued. Privates — Concluded. James Stevenson. Anderson, Simon. Mills, Charles H. Arganbright, Arch. Mills, J. G. First Lieutenant: Arganbright, Charles R. Modean, J. S. G. W . Shearer. Arganbright, Will W. Nelson, Harold. Bartley, Clarence. Nelson, Rengus H. First Sergeant: Bart low, W . R. Nelson, Richard E. Blasier, F. J. Nelson, William E. Fitzgerald, F. E. Brener, Paul. Nider, Brvon J. Buckner, Glen H. Nider, Gilbert O. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bull, Archie J. Paul, Roy. Berner, Hobert E. Burt, Lawrence. Peterson, Fred. Campbell, Robert J. Peterson, Hans E. Sergeants: Christensen, Dennis. Pishney, V. E. Geyer, Auther F. Dahm, John W. Roepke, George. Giles, Hoy G. Davidson, Kelsv. Roepke, Walter. Noll, J. P. Davidson, Roy. Sawin, Carl G. Thomas, P. R. Earl, Jay. Seih, William. Thompson, James W. Giles, William. Shirek, Harvey. Gordon, Chester. Shriek, Howard. Corporals: Gordon, Foster. Sisco, Elmer. Hayward, Warren. Springer, Gerald. Aganbright, Glen T. Heckard, Eli. Stenson, Ira P. Byers, Peter J. Stryker, Bennett T. Copeland, C. E. Hirt, Charles. Holbrook, C. C. Stryker, John C. Fitzgerald, Frank R. Honstead, F. H. Sucharcht, Roy. Gordon, D. Summers, W. R. Jacobson, D. Honstead. Fred. Hubbard, L. R. Tommer, John J. Larson, Martin. Johnson, Andrew. Tommer, Joseph R. Rice, C. A. Johnson, Edwin. Traxler, Ralph E. Scheinkoeing, John A. Welch, E. Solt, Lowell E. Johnson, Theodore. Jones, Raymond. Wetenberger, David B. Youngerberg, Harry. Keefover, M. A. Zellar. Edward. Musicians: Lamoreaux, Harry G. Zellar, Melvin. Lewis, John. Benfield, O. E. Larson, Karl R. McAtee, Ernest. Larson, L. A. Larson, Lewis. Privates: Lillibridge, Fred. Alderson, Loyd. Linquist, E. T. Anderson, Ed. Livergood, G. E. Anderson, Elmer. Mapes, Auther Y.


Second Lieutenant: Privates: Privates — Concluded. Eugene Gordon, discharged. Flook, O. A., discharged. Palmer, E. R., discharged. Hubbard, J. W ., Reboul, W. A., discharged. Corporals: discharged. Schreck, Herman, Baker, Waldo R., Jacobson, R. E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Stewart, F. C ., discharged. Paul, G. H., died. Nordquist, Charles A., Stewart, W . J., discharged. Finley, Leonard J., died. discharged.

No activities reported.

H eadquarters, 31st B attalion, Frankfort. Major: Captain and Surgeon: Fred K. Barrett. Mark A. Brawley.

No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 141

Company “A," 31st Battalion, Frankfort.

Captain: Privates— Cont.n ued. Privates— C onrl uded. Theodore James Rhodes. Chitty, Joseph CL Mackey, Richard C. Colvard, Benjamin R. Manges, William. First Lieutenant: Culhan, John. Marksman, Joseph A. Russell L. Hazzard. Cummings, Abe R. Martin, Fred E. Cummings, Ralph S. Martin, William. Second Lieutenant: Curtis, Albert L. Milikan, Richard M. Davis, Joseph 8. Miller, Claude E. William J. Gregg. DeLude, William G. Morse, Arthur I). Denlinger, Bert. Museil, Joseph K. First Sergeant: Dodge, George Franklin. Myers, Howard E. Kennedy, Henry. Dunlap, James H. McConchie, Joseph M. Farrar, Forrest W . Nester, George W ., Jr. Sergeants: Feldhauser, William J. Ogren, Victor. Leonard, Albert J. Ferris, Mike. Osborn, B njamin R. Melcher, William H. Ferris, William H. Osborn, James R. Nauman, Irving. Flin. Amos M . Patzka, Andrew A. Pennington, Lawrence. Foye, Oliver H. Quick, Thomas R. Tobin, Frank H. Gingles, Thomas B. Roust, Cornelius F. Gregg, Edward M . Roust, Hobart. Corporals: Griffee, Archie. Roust, Ranse. Gumm, Elmer G. Rickson, Evan. Auld, George W. Halsel, Harold. Robinson, Charles II. Black, John O. Hartman, Frank M. Rogers, Charles. Doty, Fredrick H. Hartshorn, J. V. Ryan, John W . Farrant, Melvin B. Kaskin, M. M. Schafer, August. Hood, D. E. Hendricks, Luther L. Schneider. John C. Murphy, H. L. Hersh, Frank. Shearer, Andrew. Nichols, Robert G. Hersh, G era Id A. Shearer, George II. Rickson, Fred. Hessel, Clemet J. Sheehan, Michael. Smith, Floyd. Hibner, George J. W . Smith, James W. Hilcker, C. Bertrand. Smith, Thomas J. Privates: Hilcker, Charles H. Snodgrass, William H. Adams, Joseph F. Horigan. Lawrence J. Taylor, Roscoe A. Anderson, Andrew. Horr, Harry O. Tilley, Charles A. Anderson, James Leo. Jillson, Dwight I). Tilley, Lavern, Jr. Auld, William D. Jones, David. Walters, Russel J. Barrett, W . W . Jones, Russel H. Warner, Fred T. Briner, Chester O. Kennedy, James. Welch, James M. Briner, George F. Leupold, Glen L. West, G. M. Burke, Peter F. Lukens, Marion E. Williams, Charles V. Cairy. Thomas J. Lutz, Elmer T. Wolfe, James A. Chandler, James F. Mackey, Michael T.

LOSSES. Sergeants: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Barkes, J. M ., discharged. Connors, John, discharged. Miller, Albert, discharged. Cannon, J. L., discharged. Connors, Stafford, McGurk. Thomas, Hazzard, R. L ., transferred. discharged. discharged. Coxley, Gustave, Norris, L. J., discharged. discharged.# Osborn, Gene, discharged. Corporals: Elstrum, E., discharged. Overbaugh, Phil, Barrett, R. C ., discharged. Ferris. M. M ., discharged. discharged. Cook, Ivan, discharged. Flaherty, Vincent, died. Pendergrast, T. V., Flin, Hannon B., discharged. Harland, Charles H., Potter, Edgar, discharged. discharged. discharged. Harrison, Jesse, Pratt, Grover, discharged. Hartman, Allen P., Purnell, John, discharged. discharged. transferred. Hartwell, Earl, discharged. Rickson, John,’ discharged. McRuer, Duncan, Schiller, W. J., discharged. discharged. Heisse, Victor, discharged. Hessel, Arthur, discharged. Seldon, J. S., discharged. Seldon, Mark, transferred. Privates: Howland, Samuel, discharged. Seldon, Roy, discharged. Bronoughs, Ralph O., Hull. Paul T ., discharged. Snodgrass, Howard, discharged. Johnson, C. H ., discharged. Brooks, Angelus, discharged. Stromer, E. E., discharged. discharged. Mathews, Samuel A., Vaught, W. D., Comfort, C. H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Warren, J. T ., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A participated in all war-time activities. 142 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company (‘B ,” 31st Battalion, Frankfort.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Carroll Walker. Dalton, Oliver L. Miller, Wesiev C. DeBord, Otis F. Morton, Cnarles S. First Lieutenant: Dwinnell, Frank C. Morton, 1L X. Herbert A. Sherarer. Eby, Frank D. Myers, Arthur E. Ellis, Murray J. McCouchie, U. S. Grant. Second Lieutenant: Farrell, John E. Xeal, Winifred. Feld hausen, Harry. Nestor, Fred H. James M. Rhodes. Fitch, Austin D. North, Jacob. Flinn, Owen. Osborne, Sidney R. Sergeants: Foltz, Harry B. Overbaugh, Nelson. Campbell, William. Ford, Roy O. Parmentier, Fredrick M . Crooks, James W. Ford, William H. Peahcer, William H. McGee, Robert S. Foster, Earl C. Potter, Harry D. Shearer, D . W . Fox, Thomas A. Rachstraw, Mark. Snodgrass, T. W. Gano, George E. Radcliffe, P. F. Tyrl, Arthur L. Gough, Charley D. Reynolds, Toney M. Gough, Robert Eugene. Ricker, Peter James. Corporals: Griffee, Wait O. Ryan, James H. Auld. Frank W. Gruntzmacher, Rudolph E Scholtz, Walter T. Carver, Ivan P. Hardman, William H. Scott, Z. Z. Mackey, Richard H. Harrison, Edwin A. Severns, Shirley. McCullock, Clark. Haskin, Harold. Sheehan, Peter. Hobson, Orlando K. Shinkle, Jay B. Musician: Hopkins, John F. Shumate, Herbert N. Horrigan, Daniel. Siemotter, Paul R. Ludwiek, David W. Horrigan, John S. Smith, Dale. Huff, Earl R. Solt, Burnie W . Privates: Johnston, Erskin W. Stillwell, Lester L. Arnold, Joseph E. Johnson, William H. Sullivan, John J. Barnett, Albert G. Jones, Hugh C. Thomas, Warren F. Bigham, Matthew T. Jones, Jacob W . Tillev, Alva H. Black, Frank R. Kellv, Charles W. Tillev, Clvde IL Blacknev, Arthur E. Kelly, Miles. Tilley, John W . Bonnell, Charles W . Kirby, Otis II. Tilley, Victor. Bonnell, George P. I.ane, Howard H. Turner, Thomas B. F. Botzenhart, George J. Larson, Carl L. Twidwell, Leonard C. Briner, Charles G. Lefler, Charles. Wanklyn, George F. Brooks, McKinley. Lesslie, Joel S. Warner, Robert J. Brophv, John M . Lobley, John W . Waxier, Ewing. Carpenter, James II. Lord, Samuel W. Waymire, Allie. Ciena, Joseph F. Lucas, Winfred B. Waymire, Carlton A. Conoway, Albert B. Lutz, Davton K. Weis, Rudolph R. Cooper, John E. Lutz, Ollie I. Wells, Thomas S. Cox, Elmer Willis. Lyman, Claiencc A. Wendling, Fred. Culhan, John. Mackey, Leo J. Wendling, Raphael. Curtis, Clarence. Martin, Carl. Curtis, Reamy. Massie, Edward W.

No activities reported. Kansas State Guard.

Company “ C,” 31st B attalion, Vliets.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Herman B. Johnson. Cobb, Andrew. Lindeen, Albert. Connet, Ray M. Little. Charlie. First Lieutenant: Dewalt, Chester. Lofdalh, Arvid. Clarence E. Hull. Dierking, Clifton J. Lofdalh, Martin. I )rotts, John E. Lofdalh, William. Second Lieutenant: Evans, Albert. Martin, Clarence. Ewing, Willard. Martin, Clide. Clarence IX Steele. Gates, Ralph A. Martin, Henrv. Gerardy, Albert L. Sergeants: Mitchell, Jeff. Glasgow, Walter R. Mitchell, Lawrence. Ilubka, Alvin. Grable, Lee. Mitchell, Merriam O. Jacoby, Wayne P. G ust a fson, Ed wa r< l. Nelson, Art hur J. Johnson, John A. Handley, Orlie. Nelson, Oscar N. Rundquist, Abner J. Hasellgren, Jacob E. North, George C. Talbot, Leslej R. Heath, Charles. Olson. John. Heath, George. Owen, Ira. Corporals: Hendrickson, James. Palm, Lars. Carlson, Verner E. Hill, Ernest. Palm, Walter L. Dewalt, Arthur J. Howell, Elmer W . Porter, Guy E. Dierking, Otis L. Howell, Frank E. Reust, Alva. Hubka, James. Hubka, Ferdinand. Reynolds, Frank. Johnson, Edward. Jackson, William T. Rosball. Oscar. Johnson, Emil J. Jellison, Lowene W . Rudeen, Chester. Lofdalh, Elmer. Jellison, Silas I). Statts, Charlie. Owen, Earl. Johnson, George V. Stevens, Ralph. Johnson, Hans J. Swanson, Arvid. Privates: Johnson, Leonard. Swanson, Carl E. Allen, William. Johnson, Sigel R. Vandorn, Arthur. Barnes, Oscar B. Johnson. Virgil W. Waxier, Herman. Brophy, Edward J. Kasper, David. Waxier, Lonnie. Brown, Adolphus. Kasper, Oscar E. V. Wentz, John. Buck, William T. Kenworthy, Julius J. Wilson, Edgar. Carney, John. Lew, Albin. Witty, Fred.

ACTIVITIES. Company C as an organization did not participate in any war-time activities, but dividuals they were all more or less active in this work. 144 Adjutant General's Department.

Company 31st B attalion, Vermillion.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Ernest Schubert. Caswin, William W. Malcom, William B. Chadwick, Fred A. Meredith, William H. First Lieutenant: Chadwick, Willie J. McCleary, George. Clifton. John. McKlindes, O. C. Frank R. Goodwin. Clifton, John P. McLeod, Thomas F. Me Michael, Harry. Second Lieutenant: Cooke, Arthur M. Coulter, Lawrence L. Niper, Albertus. Robert Lee Davis. Curtis, Samuel. Owen, Jesse D . Daniels, John P. Packard, Clarence L. Sergeants: DeWalt, Charles L. Peck, George E. Arnold, Fred W. Duffy, Arthur W. Peterson, B. S. Buckles, Charles C. Florence, Fred. Peterson, Martin W. Law, Fred W. Florence, William A. Polsan, Albin. Stewart, William E. Founds, Fred. Potter, William C. Wassell, Herbert C. Gabrielson, Karl. Punteney, John O. Wiseman, Perry L. Grable, Herman. Quakenbush, Solomon. Grable, Leonard A. Ray, Alva T. Corporals: Gregory, Edward A. Ray, Walter Harrison. Hodges, Charles E. Gruby, John H. Rogers, Joseph L ., Jr. Nelson, Everett W. Havens, Hugh G. Rogers, Joseph L ., Sr. Orchard, Herman. Hayes, John W . Russell, Henry F. Ray, Jesse M . Herda, William. Sandland, Will H. Schafer, Charles S. Hogle, Edward B. Schafer, Howard C. Howard, Orville. Schuyler, Thomas. Privates: ‘ Haword, Ralph W. Smith, Thomas F. Ilybikunaun, Elton W. Starr, Cleo. Acker, William. Hybikunaun, Peter H. Starr, George I. Arnold, Eugene G. Johnson, Andrew. Steckel, Guy. Artis, Wiliner. Johnson, Arthur. Steckel, Howard. Barnes, Edwin J. Johnson, Joseph H. Stewart, Sam. Barnes, Henry G . Johnson, Walton. Tate, Lester T. Barnes, Louis E. Jones, Clifford. Tate, Milo O. Bowers, Howard W . Kenworthy, Joseph E. Ward, Edwin Lloyd. Bullock, Earl. Kiellberg, Andrew. Watson, William H. Bullock, Frank. K j ell berg, Elton. Weeks, Frank O. Bullock, Leroy. Labbe, Antonio D. Wilson, Wallis L. Carlson, Ebben J. Leonard, J. Marcus. Wiseman, Donald. Cashumn, Lawrence. Meyers, Ralph D. Wright, Edward.


Second Lieutenant: Privates— Cont nued. Privates — Concluded. Ed C. Alverman, McAtee, Alvin A., Starr, Merle A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Stowell, Muriel V., McCarty, Charles M., discharged. Privates: discharged. Taylor, John W., Andrews, Dean, discharged. Nash, Virgil F ., discharged. Clear, Arthur E., discharged. Tate, Jesse R ., discharged. discharged. Orchard, Harry, Tillery, W arm I., Cooke, Everett J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Owen. James Edward, Tompkins, Willard L., Duffy, Lawrence W .f discharged. discharged. discharged. Piercey, James R., Warner, Charles R., Florence, Clarence, discharged. discharged. discharged. Poison, Arthur L., Wells, Sol vender H ., Grable, Glen E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Poison, Victor, discharged. Winquist, Frank R., Hodges, Ray, discharged. Rogers, Malcom W ., discharged. Johnson, Arthur W ., discharged. Wiseman, Roy, discharged. discharged. Russell, Owen, discharged. Witham, Guy R., Law, Walter, discharged. Sarver, Alvin L., discharged. Little, Dan H., discharged. discharged. Witham, Willard, Little, Harry, discharged. Smith, Daniel, transferred. discharged. Marble, Albert C., Smith, Leslie F ., Woodman, Frank R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Myer, Orville, transferred. Smith, William D., Ylander, Victor, discharged. discharged. No activities reported.

H eadquarters, 32d B attalion, Oswego.

Major: Elmer S. Nance. No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 145

Company “A,” 32d Battalion, Oswego.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: William T. Tarkington. Wilbur H. Condon. Robert W . Slane.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Company “ B.” 32d Battalion, Oswego.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Walter J. King. Robert Deming. S. L. Van Alstine.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Company “ C,” 32d Battalion, Chetopa.

Captain: H ugler: Privates— Concluded. Charles W . Bush. Finley, Elmer. Moore, Marion. Mullhnour, Ed. First Lieutenant : Privates: McCormick, Dell. Quinby Leap. Asbell, Marion. McCormick, Henery. Barton, Edward J. McKnight, Alfred S. Second Lieutenant: Carpenter, Charles B. Phelps, John. Riddle, W . M. Sig Lehman. Carter, Glen. Cloud, Wilber H. Shaw, Harry. Smith, James P. First Sergeant: Colter, Sam, Jr. Columbia, H. W. Turner, Albert G. Lisle, George. Cottingham, R. L. Walker, J. Scott. Crooser, Jim. Williams, Frank. Si rgeants: Dollor, W. T. W itt, Clarance. Emert, Elmer. Elliott, Wilmer. Witt, Pleas. Emert, George. Fulkerson, Wheaton. Yookam, William A. Huston, Homer. Gail, Raymond. Rex. H. D. Gearty, G. William. Gerty, J. Andy. Corporals: Goudy, Homer. Conderman, R. J. High, Eddie C. Huggins, William. Jackson, Dave W . James, Albert F. Kefford, Charles. Lyons, George. Kelley, William H. McCormick, Henery. Lackey, William. Wade, Herbert. Miller, John E. LOSSES. Privates: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Casey, Joseph P., Hackleman, J. F ., Leicester, W . B., discharged. discharged. discharged. Cochran, Frank, Hamestreet, Howard, Thrift, Sunley J., discharged. died. discha rged. Falkenstien, Luke, Howell, Charles, Upshaw, Platt W ., resigned. discharged. discharged. Hackleman, Earl, Kirkland, Leslie, discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company C participated in all Liberty loan, Red Cross and \ . M. ( . A. campaigns, conducted six military funerals, and held memorial services for the boys killed m rranee. No guard duty was performed by the organization. Company “ D ,” 32i> Battalion, Labette.

Captain: Second Lieutenant: Ray A. Bray. Walter C. Owens. Lass. Captain: Paul C. McConnell, resigned.

No muster-out roll furnished. 10—4436 146 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “E,” 32d Battalion, Edna.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Ralph Parcue. • Richard T. Gray.

LOSS. Second Lieutenant: Willard R. Simons, resigned.

No muster-out roll furnished.

H eadquarters, 33d Battalion, Phillipsburg.

M a jor: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: Ralph W. Pope. Giles I. Crampton. Harrison Johnson.

No activities reported.

Company "A,” 33d Battalion, Kirwin.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. David C. Butler. Campbell, A . M . Lemon, James W. Campbell, H. A. Lemon, Lee W . First Lieutenant: Campbell, L. F. Lindsay, Clarence A. Frantz P. John. Chanen, Charles. Logan, Gorden. Chvojka, Joe. Mar pies, John. Second Lieutenant: Clay, Elbert. Mason, Clarence. Cloggett, Steve. McFadden, Alfred. U. S. Grant Willis. Cloggett, W. T. McFadden, James E. Cox, Bert. McQueen, Orville. First Sergeant: Cox, Stanley. Nedron, Melvin. Townsend, Charles O. Cushman, M. Oelke, Will. Dick, A. W. Palmer, George T. Second Sergeant: Dillon, A. B. Palmer, Will E. Swim, Frank E. Dovill, Ben F. Parsons, Will. East, David J. Perkins, Irwin. C orporals: East, Samuel. Perkins, Karl T. Edwards, George D. Perkins, Roy W . Barber, Charles P. Edwards, Walter C. Reynolds, Ed. Coy swell, A. K. Elliott, Forest. Riley, Ray B. Ewing, Homer. Fisher. Arthur L. Ronau, James. Ewing, Roy. Fisk, Alfred G. Schiller, Frank W . Hainline, E. Fisk, Earl W. Scholonsky, George. John, H. L. Fisk, Fred. Scott. Fred L. Johnson, J. P. Fuller, Earl. Scott, James E. Klontz, M . Garrett, John. Simon, George. Nichols, L. P. Gray, James F. Smith, Charles R. Porter, Ira E. Smith, D. W. Stagg, Ralph. Gray, John M . Gray, Will F. H. Smith, M. S. Stuckman, H. Hally, Roy.' Townsend, Frank. Smith, Owen. Trull. E. C. Hoag, Willis M. Smith, Thomas B. Huffman, Rupert. Sorchet, Dwight. Willis, Bob. Inman, Roy. Stage, Art. Johnson, Richard H . Stanley', Roy. Privates: Johnson, Robert H. Stuckman, Harry W. Atchison, Gill. Kelly, Joel W . St uck man, Ted F. Atchison, Thomas J. Kelmer, William M. Thomas, Sam. Bairghman, Lloyd. Kincaid, J. A. Thompson. James C. Bartlett, John. King, Harry H. Townsend, Guy A. Berthoff, Joe. Klowles, Leslie. Townsend, Wynn M. Boyce, J. E. Koons, Sherman. Tyler, J. M . Butler, Charlie E. Lana, Ed. Whitehead, Alvin. Butler, Frank. Landes, Harry P. Willis, Paul T. Byers, Floyd. Landes, Joseph J. Wills, Tommie. Camp, Carl. Lemon, Chase M.

LOSSES. C orporal: Johnson, Harrison H., discharged. % No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 147

Company “ B,” 33d Battalion , Agra.

Captain: M asid e n ; Privates— Concluded. Fred Underwood. Clark, Lester L. Hensen, Carl. Haugh, Arthur R. First Lieutenant: Artificer: Haugh, Elsworth X. Geer Heath Reid. Gilliland, Arthur P. Hayes, Archie Y. Jus, Albert H. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Jirs, George R. Robert \V. McLeod. Addie, William. King, Cecil A. Atchison, Samuel C. Munyon, Amos. Sergeants: Bailev. Curtis L. Munyon, Joseph. Bailey, Martin A. Baker, Albert R. Musick, Joseph. Crampton, Giles I. Beedy, Flovd W . Owens, James C. Halbert, William C. Beth man, William. Peterson, Charles. Munyon, Grover C. Biennan, Albert. Redfield, CL A. Wheelbarger, Elvin F. Bigelow, Walter. Sargent, Hazen A. Whitney. Carl A. Brooks, Lonnie G. Smedley, Charles A. Capps, Walter H. Smith, Charles E. Corporals: Carroll, Harvey L. Smith, Francis J. Eversoll, Moses O. Case, Robert Glen. Smith, Jasper C. Gilliland, Clyde E. Crown, Joseph E. Smith, Robert. Haugh, Cecil G. Crown, Noah W . Smith, William E. McCord. William H. D’ixon, Charles F. Thompson, Marion M. Roath, Charles W. Dubois, William C. Underwood, Edward L. Sargent, Ray. Eversoll, Earl. Underwood, Harry M. Schrock, Clarence O. Furlong, S. T. White, Ernest A. Gowarni, Charles A. Whitney, Wilbur C. Cooks: Hjjlbert, Louis R. Whithain, William J. DuMars, Charles C. Halluook, Clarence W . Whitman, Jacob S. Faubion, Glen H. Hall. Frank. Womer, Leonard E.

■First Lieutenant: Corporals: Privates: DeForest M . Bradley, Farley, Walter L., Gerritt, D. Hollander, resigned. discharged. discharged. Gilliland, Arthur Lee, Gilliland, Mulford A., Second Lieutenant: discha rged. discharged. Irus, H. Carle, Hopkins, Marion L., J. Theodore Dubois, discharger!. resigned. discharged. Reid, Charley A., Moore, Frank S., discharged. discharged. Sergeants: Portermeir, Oscar E., discharged. Halbert, Clair, M u s ic ia ti: discharged. Post, Jacob A., discharged. Heaton, William M ., Couch, Arthur B., Wilson, James W ., discharged. died. discharged. Wilson, Jesse A., discharged. No activities reported 148 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C,” 33d Battalion, Logan.

Captain: Privates: Pri cates— Concluded. George 8. 1 rancis. Albright, Fredrick C. Loveland, Paul G. Albright, Samuel C. Marvin, Frank L. First Lieutenant: Alsdorf, Edwin. May, Lawrence E. William W. Chestnutt. Alsdorf, Otto. Meyer, Fred A. A pel, Henery X . Meyer, \ ictor H. Second Lieutenant: Becker, Lawrence. Meyer, William G Becker, William M . Mitchell, Vincent. Lewis W . 81 inker. Boethin, Carl M. Morford, Myron E. Boyd, Frank. Mosher, Ralph. First Sergeant: Brady, Joe. Muir, Robert E. Clark, Wesley F. Bras ted, Charles P. McMahon, Charles B. Brimlow, Morgan L. McMurphy, John C. Quartermaster Sergeant: Brunson, William. Xoel, Fred W. Xoone, D. L. Chapman, Mark E. O’Connell, Chester E. Chrane, Charles. O’Connell, Ivan. Sergeants: Clark, Arthur. O ’Connell, John M . Clark, Floyd. Palmer, William E. Mever, John Boyd. Clark, Harry. Paromore, Warren G. Xorrish, Henry W. Danewood, Ora. Parr, Lewis W . Pauley, Nicholas L. Davis, Thomas G. Patton, George. Septer, Dean D. Dugan, Lucius H. Peak, Ernest F. Emeric, Clair F. Pfannkuch, Carl. Corporals: Evans, Allie E. Pfannkuch, Fred G. Albright, Samuel B. Fitzhugh, Hiram. Phillips, Lon. Chapman, Thomas A. Fox, Lesley G. Richard, Harry L. Meyer, Max E. Francis, Alfred V. Rodabaugn, Will. Morton, Algernon R. Gates, Harry. Rogers, Oscar It. O’Connell, Neil. Graham, Edward W. Rundle, William M. Schooler, John A. Griffin, Asa R. Rundle, Richard. Hein, Herbert W. Selbe, Cecil B. Cooks: Henry, Grant S. Selbe, Edward H. Wilson, Earl. Henry, Jesse H . Shearer, Harry. Wilson, Roy Alvin. Highley, James R. Snider, William Wesley. Highley, Milton R. Strickler, George L. Musicians: Holmes, Oliver W. Sukr, Lester. Jakubowski, Ix>uis. Teeple, Edgar M. Clark, Ward O. Kemp, Frank. Tishenor, Anson. Graham, George. I>appin, John C. Troup, Abram. Artificer: Lappin, Robinson O. Troup, Francis C. I^awson, Eudard L. Wills, Leonard K. Lively, George E. Leonhardt, George I,. Wilson, Fred C. Lesperance, Armond P. Wiltrout, Edgar I. Lively, John H. LOSSES.

Captain: C*ok : Privates— Concluded. Abraham Tracy, remgDcd. Archer, Luther T., died. Francis, Ralph, died. Harper, F. J., discharged. First Sergeant: P ri votes: King, Hugh M., Clark, Henry T., Baird, James W., discharged. discharged. discharged. McDonald, Glenn, Brunson, Clarance C., discha rged. Sergeant: discharged. O’Chonnell, Dan G., discharged. Noel, Jake P., discharged. Campbell, Cail Thomas, discharged. Owens, Othe C ., Corporal: Elliot, Leo B., discharged. discharged. Francis, Allen V., Snyder Charles H., Noel. Robert P., discharged. discharged. discharged. Francis, John E., Wiley, Abner, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C was not called upon to p rform any active duty. The organization drilled twice a week and participated in a competitive drill. Kansas State Guard. 149

Company “ D ,” 33d Battalion, Phillipsburg.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Samuel Lee Bracken. Adee, Glen. Mercer, Otto L. Ayres, James W . Michelsen, Albert E. First Lieutenant: Bine, Andrew B. Michelsen, Roy E. Moody S. Couch. Bradley, Harvey E. Miller. Guy. Charvat, John. Morton, Frank B. Second Lieutenant: Clearwater, Charles O. McDowell, Irwin C. Coffin, William J. McKnown, Harley. Herman L. Miller. Cole, Earl E. Nay, Carl F. Covert, Floyd M. Nay, John F. Cotnmissory Sergeant: Cutshaw, Earl J. Patterson, Virgil W . Atkinson, John T. Drake, Harry M. Patterson, Walter O. Drake, John W . Pembridge, George D. Sergeants: Edwards, Bert W . Pembridge, William E. Foerst, Robert J. Edwards, James W . Poling, William E. Hoover, Edward. Ellis, Ross A. Rivers, Claude E. Hurt, Herbert E. Ewing, George E. Roach, Wilbur W . McDowell, Roy E. Faubion, Wilbur L. Robb, David A., Jr. M cKay, Frank. Getz, Harmen. Selbe, Dow L. McKenzie, Jacob O. Greenstreet, Emmett. Selbe, John C. Whitten, Ira A. Gundle, Henry. Shoemaker, Charles L. Gundle. John. Simpson, Robert R. Corporals: Haggard, David D. Slick, Roy M. Hahn, Charles E. Smith, Perry. Abbott, Leonard O. Hahn, Clarence C. Stephensen, Earl L. Bovd, Francis W . Hahn, Dee F. Strong, Adolph V. Churchill, William L. Hahn, Otto F. Strong, Leland O. Cole, EVerett E. Hebrew, Marshall E. Van Winkle, Arthur J. Kelly, Fred W . Heikes, Levi I.. Wallace, O. K. Laughterv, Dave. Hite, Garland. Weston, Fred W . Smith, Karl. Hoover, Russell. Whelan, Leroy A. Stoneman, Harry C. Hopson, Dan. Whitney, P. D. Howard, Joseph M. Williamson, Arthur E. Musicians: I mm, Alfred G. Word, Samuel S. Bridgegroom, Howard D. Jacobs, Francis. Yowell, Lee F. Hoyt, Frank V. Jacobs, Roy J. Jones, Arthur. Artificer: Lamphere, Seth C. Lawler, Joseph C. Mayhew, Hobart.

LOSSES. First Sergeant: Privates: Pri va t es— Co n eluded. Cummings, Sylvester O., Brinson, Clarence C., Clark, Henry T ., died. resigned. resigned. Campbell, Carl T ., Tackwell, Jake W ., resigned. died.

ACTIVITIES. Company D assisted in the various Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns, also in Dec­ oration Day services, and worked to strengthen the spirit of patriotism and loyalty in this community.

Headquarters, 34th Battalion, McPherson.

Captain and Adjutant: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain: Bernard Regier James A. Cassler. Jacob H. Enns.

LOSS. Major: Isaac K. Fretz. resigned. No activities reported. 150 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘‘A ,” 34th Battalion, Canton.

Captain ; Artificer: Privates— Concluded. Roscoe H. Evans. Gorsulowsky, Henry J. Jones, Lester. Kalb, Clvde. First Lieutenant: Kelly, Edward. Privates: John W . Coons. Kiddoo, William E. Alldritt, Nate G. Lake, William E. Second Lieutenant: Bacon, Charles E. Linesnmaver, Walter. Bair, Clarence. Miller, Lyman L. Cloyd C. Kalb. Bair, Homer. Minear, Irvin G. Bivens, Charles. Morrison, George. First Sergeant: Blehm, Ezra. Musick, Ernest. Shaw, Charles B. Brucker, Albert J. McGill, Kenneth. Brucker, Fred. McMurray, Hubert H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Corbin, Leon C. McVay, Alvah L. Coughenour, Melvin. Oldfield, Theodore. Johnson, William M. Cunningham, Arthur. Overman, Charlie E. Doane, L. J. Porter, Chancy. Sergeants: Edgerton, George G. Porter, George. Bowen, George G. Edgerton, William M. Ripper, Guy E. Elder, John F. Evans, Charles V. Robb, John N. Farver, Edger M. Farver, Newton. Rogers, Joe B. Wilson, John W . Fisher, Asa J. Selzer, Clarence M . Fitzsimmons, Lee J. Sharp, Fred H. Corporals: Frick, John A. Smith, Henry E. Gan son, Ralph. Somers, C. Asher. Bacon, Sam G. Ganson, William L., Jr. Souders, Clifford L. Farver, Abner. Gettys, James F. Spurrier. Zene E. Gephart, Lewis H. Giner, Jesse L. Swalander, Albin C. Ledbetter, James M. Godown, Chester E. Terry, Charles H., Jr. Merrick, George. Hedinger, Fred. Thomas, Iven. McMurray, Guy R. Hedinger, Otis M . Travis, Ward. Strickler, William S. Humble. Terry L. Wain, Preston. Wilson, Ira G. Hungerford, Walter. Ware, Chester M. Ingram, Claire. Webster, Benjamin H. Buglers: Jacobson, Lee. Webster, Daniel C. Armour, Lee T . Johnson, Horace N. Webster, Lee. Griswold, Lile A. Johnson, Melvin. Wells, W. A. Johnson, Ralph J. Westbrook, Ben.


Sergeant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Lacquement, David A., Ginder, Paris L., Ledbetter, Alpha G., discharged. discharged. discharged. Gray, Charles L., Maddox, Ralph E., Corporals: discharged. discharged. Doane, Charles L., Griswold, Glenn J., Persinger, Charles G ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Jones, Lee, discharged. Griswold, Lester, Porter, Paul S., discharged. discharged. Privates: Hill, Gerald, discharged. Selzer, Charles W ., Ballard, Bennett, Holcomb, Floyd F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Swalander, Albin C., Banta, C. O., discharged. Ingram, Lester L., discharged. Berry, Glen D ., died. discharged. Swalander, Edwin, Colby, Lester E., Jones, Claud, discharged. discharged. discharged. Lacquement, Fabian A., Westbrook, Herbert, Day, Harry E., discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. This company was organized as Home Guard, November. 1917, and reorganized into State Guard, February 15, 1918. The unit held regular drills twice weekly for the entire company, and officers’ school each week until June 20, For two weeks prior'to that date the company drilled daily, and discontinued drill thereafter for three weeks, while squads went to the sur­ rounding farms each evening to assist in harvesting and threshing the wheat crop. Exhibition drills were held on all legal holidays, either at the armory or in surrounding towns. Company A participated in the battalion drill at Lindsborg, Kan., on September 2, 1918, and was re­ viewed by Adjutant General Charles S. Huffman at that time. Our company furnished twenty-five United States service men, several of whom won early promotions by virtue of the proficiency in drill attained while members of this company. The grain elevators and ware­ houses at this point were guarded by this company thirty consecutive nights while stocks of foodstuffs were largest, during the months of July and August, 1918. members being on duty in two details of four men each; each detail on duty four hours nightly. Assisted at the burial of two deceased soldiers, one S. A. T . C. student, and one member of this company. Company A was the first company organized in this county; the officers were directed by the adjutant gc*neral to assist in the organization of other companies in the county. Assistance in this respect was rendered at both Moundridge and Inman. Kansas State Guard. 151

Company “ B,” 34th Battalion, McPherson.

Captain: Musician: Privates— C oncl tided. Alfred G. Lindgren. Hapgood, Clarence E. Hull, R. B. Hultquist, Carl A. First Lieutenant: Artificer: Jackson, Frank. Telie E. Nafziger. Jacobs, John P. Johnson, Glen A. Johnson. William C. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Jones, S. M. Kaylor, Mark. Carl M. Anderson. Aspergrean, Charles O. Kensinger, J. W. Barber, Frederick W . First Sergeant: Knowles, Oscar M. Beam, Frank K. Knowles, Robert L. Tallbott, Orton. Beardslee, R. E. Lindholm, Wendell. Bower, T. E. Lundswall, C. Runaldo. Quartermaster Sergeant: Brewer, Marion J. Malt by. Raymond. Brown, W . L. Holmes, Grover R. Mattson, Ben. Burwell, I). D. Miller, Lee. Sergeants: Collins, M . J. Modine, Carl G. Conner, W . H. Mullen, W . F. Bixby, Louis E. Cox, Loren X . McCowen, Chester. Dorst, Dena E. Cramsey, Samuel, Sr. McKnight, Clifford C. Elliott, Roy E. Dean, Charles. McPherson, William .1. Emmert, V. M. Dean, G. R.


First Lieutenant: Corporal: Privates— Concluded. James A. Cassler, Stone, M . A., discharged. Hansen, Elmer V., discharged. discharged. Privates: Rodgers, Earl B., discharged. Atnip, Gilbert, discharged. Cramer, Ray, discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company B participated in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns; drilled Monday and Friday nights, and guarded trophy train one night while it was in McPherson. 152 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C,” 34th Battalion, Marquette.

Captain: Cooks: P ri vat es— Co ncluded. Harry Van Horne. Floer, Henry. Gustafison, Clarence W. Harter, Homer E. Hanson, Henry. First Lieutenant: Hawkinson, Willard. Oley L. Ledington. Artificer: Haywood, Rufus. Burnison, Julius. Hetzler, H. E. Second Lieutenant: Holt, Gust C. Musicians: Hopp, Oscar. William Westling. Hughes, John R. Hawkinson, Arthur. Ingermanson, Alfred. First Sergeant: Zimmerman, Rimber W. Johnson, Karl. Nelson, Earl T. Larson, Amos. Privates: Lindberg, Nels L. Quartermaster Sergeant: Anderson, Helmar. Martin, Otto. Roney, Frank. Benson, Johnnie C. Murry, Paul R. Berg, Carl G. McDoual, David J. Sergeants: Berg, George. McMickell, Onlev L. Berg, Leo. Nelson, Frank P. Johnson, Arthur C. Broman, Albert. Nelson, George R. Muller, Don B. Clay pool, James H. Nelson, John. Olson, Martin R. Carlson, Clarence W. Nordin, Olof. Yowell, Glover C. Carlson, Ernest F. Olson, Roy. Carlson, Maurtz W. Peterson, Gifford. Corporals: Cous, Harold E. Rouey, William M. Elmquist, Frank. Crane, Roy. Sandell, Carl. Engstrom, Arthur W. Dahlberg, C. H. Shepard, Harvey. Gustafson, Emanuel G. Ek, Hugo E. Sjogrew, Waldo E. Johnson, Ernest M. Engdahl, Carl A. Stark, Otto S. McNickell, Jessie M . Flohr, Eben. Swenson, Edwin. Westling, Leroy. Flohr, Lester A. Wann, Evert W. Gile, Rome. Yowell, Silas O. Grubb, Theodore.


Quartermaster Sergeant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Harry K . Bruce, Anderson, Fred F., Norris, Euyard, discharged. discharged. discharged. Betterson, George W ., Nostrom, Amos, Sergeants: discharged. discharged. Hokinson, Emil O., Burnison, Dewey, Nostrom, Richard, discharged. discharged. discharged. Carlson, Arthur C., Nyquist, Robert, Corporals: discharged. discharged. Engstrom, David C., Olson, Emory C., Blake, Frank R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Ericson, Harvey, Ostenberg, Walter, Johnson, James C., discharged. discharged. resigned. Gustafison, Arron W ., Palmquist, Cecil, Johnson, Martin I., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hokinson, Rueben, Peterson, Cecil H ., Peterson, Percy, discharged. discharged. resigned. Jackson, Benhard, Peterson, Howard, Van Horne, Hiram A., discharged. discharged. resigned. Johnson, Carl O., Sharkey, Earnest, discharged. discharged. Cook: Lilijstrand, Enock A., Sjogrew, Harold O., Liljestrand, David D., discharged. discharged. discharged. Lillia, Arron R., Thompson, Waldo H., discharged. discharged. Musicia ns: Lindstrom, Amos, Uhler, Ray E., Liljestrand, Paul, discharged. discharged. discharged. Lindstrom, Fred, Ulander, Carl G., discharged. Artificer: discharged. Muller, Roy, Van Horne, Raphel, Loomis. Walter, discharged. discharged. discharged. Nelson, C. Warren, Wickstrom, William L., discharged. discharged. Privates: Nelson, Melbourne, Wynn, Bryan, Alstatt, David L., discharged. discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C drilled once and twice a week, and conducted memorial services on Decoration Day, 1918. Participated in a Red Cross meeting at Lindsborg, Kan., and met with the bat­ talion at McPherson in a battalion parade and company drill. Also, met with the battalion at Lindsborg, and held a battalion parade and review and were inspected by Adjutant Gen­ eral Huffman, and gave a company drill. Kansas State Guard. 153

C o m p a n y “ D ,” 34th Battalion, Lindsborg.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Carl Patrick. Ahlstedt, Arthur S. Larson, Arvid E. Ah Is ted t, Elmer. Lillian, Carl W. First Lieutenant: Altenborg, John A. Lindberg, Robert F. Lindey, Nelson O. Edward O. Johnson. Anderson, Anton L. Anderson, David. Lindholm, Paul G. Second Lieutenant: Anderson, Gustaf. Lofgren, Oscar. Axelson, Carl G. Lundgren, Arthur J. Ben T. Orlowski. Barry, John. Lundstrom, Amos B. Baustain, Henry F. Lundstrom, Clarence L. First Sergeant: Beckstrom, Andrew. Lundstrom, William. Deere, Emil O. Bengtson, Erland. Mogenson, Charles. Blaine, M . Howard. Mohlstrom, Elmer L. F. Quartermaster Sergeant: Boline, Edwin N. Nelson, George A. Nelson, Joseph E. Goodholrn, Ruben F. Chandler, E. Percy. Christian, C. Leslie. Nordstrum, C. Marion. Sergeants: Davis, Lester H. Oakes, G. Herman. Edberg, Armor, H. C. Ogle, Ed C. Berggren, Carl Arvid. Ekberg, Frank B. Olson, Arthur L. Henmon, Sidney A. Ekberg, E. William. Olson, Henry. Jukes, Wray. Erickson, Carl W . Olson, Herman. Lundstrom, Walter A. Erickson, Gustaf A. Olson, Theodore J. Falen, Arthur C. Olson, Victor E. Corporals: Fredrickson, Albert J. Patrick, Arthur G. Ebling, Eugene E. Gibson, Arthur S. Peterson, Carl A. Goodholrn, George H. Gunnerson, Reuben. Pihl, Victor S. Hanson, Harry. Hagstrand, Elmer W . Pihlblad, Ernest F. Johnson, Oscar E. Hagstrand, Reuben L. Pohlman, Carl. Morine, Josef A. Henry, John D. Rooth, Carl R. Pearson, Alfred. Holm, Richard. Simonson, Earl R. Holmberg, Oscar F. Steele, Walter A. Musician: Holt, Edwin F. Stoneberger, James C. Swanson, William J. Hawkinson, Ernest A. Hovander, Harry. Jacobson, Emil. Thompson, James C. Artificer: Jacobson, Herman. Wallin, Arvid N. Johnson, Carl. Warded, Linus C. Palmer, E. Warner. Johnson, C. J. Oscar. White, Henry E. Johnson, David. Winblad, Hjalmar J. E. Johnson, Edward R. Wist rand, Carl O. Johnson, G. Edwin. Wood burn, Percy A. Jukes, Lee.


Sergeants: Privates: Pri rates— Concluded. Ferguson, Alfred J., Backlund, Alim Th., Levin, Joseph, discharged. discharged. discharged. Miller, Carl, resigned. Peterson, Gordon A. R ., Beckstrom, Carl W ., McDowell, Neil, resigned. discharged. discharged. Peterson, Albert J., Benson, Lawrentius J., discharged. Corporals: d ischarged. Peterson, Arthur, discharged. Hegberg, Boad, resigned. Bishop, John W ., resigned. Carlson, George C., Pihlblad, Helge, resigned. Levin, Valdie, discharged. Pihlblad, Terrance, Swensson, Arthur A., discharged. resigned. discharged. Engberg, David, resigned. Exline, Orville, discharged. Siemson, Bert M ., Hendron, Rutherford B., discharged. Musicians: resigned. Skytte, Arthur, died. McDowell, Joseph, Isaacson, Carl, discharged. Sundquist, Charles, resigned. Kulin, Carl A., discharged. resigned. Rhine, Charles Franklin, Larson, Oscar E., Swensson, Lester R .f resigned. discharged. resigned. No activities reported. 154 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “E,” 34th Batta'liox, Moundridge.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Concluded. H. G. Vetter. Kutnink, Herbert. Gray, I. B. Toe vs, Peter W. Harris, Charlie. First Lieutenant: Herms, Gorden. Janies E . Orndoff. Bugler: Holderman, A. Smith, Earl V. Holderman, R. D. Second Lieutenant : Hurt, R. W. Artificer: Janzen, J. M . Carl L. Payne. Krehbiel, Bertram. Horchheiiner, H. Krehbiel, Homer. Sergeants: Lagree, M at, Jr. Durst, Harry L. Privates: Mulvaney, Edd. Dyck, Frank E. Albertson, J. D . Myers, Dewey, Regier, Peter P. Altman, Delbert. McCaslin, J. H. Santee, Raymond. Beutler, C. M . McConnaughy, Clarence. Vetter, Carl H. Beutler, H . L. Parks, Roy. Bliss, A. D. Regier, Walter P. Corporals: Bolinger, Adolph. Reinecker, Joe. Crawford, E. B. Cook, Bert. Schlender, Milton. Durst, E. P. Davis, C. E. Schlender, Ralph. Handke, H. R. Demieville, H. Sheffler, W . A . Haury, John W . Dirks, H. E. Simonson, John J. Ruth, John J. Doty, C. E. Suenram, Paul. Santee, John J. Duby, William. Suenram, Pearl. Gick, Erwin. Wall, P. L. Glazier, H. W. T. Weatherbv, Oscar C.


Bugler: Privates— Concluded. Captain: Leatherman, Joel J., Kutnink, Hermann, George D. Heintzelman, discharged. discharged. resigned. Lagree, Fay, discharged. Privates: Razook, Sam, discharged. First Lieutenant: Altman, Elmer, discharged. Ruth, Dr. G. D., Ben Regier, transferred. Block, Jacob, discharged. discharged. Block. Peter, discharged. Schowalter, Paul, Sergeant: Bruner. Cecil, discharged. discharged. Schowalter, Ray, Duby, Jessie C ., discharged. Chavez, Roy, discharged. Dyck, August E., discharged. Suenram, Carl W., C orporal: discharged. • Finkle, J. R ., discharged. discharged. McCaslin, Ray, discharged. Koller, Otto, discharged. Werner, Chester J., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company E held regular drill every Tuesday until the Armistice was signed. Participated in the battalion drill at Lindsborg on September 2, 1018. Paid military honors to two de­ ceased soldiers sent home from camp. Attended public speaking at the park to ass st in the fourth Liberty loan. Kansas State Guard. 155

Company “ F,” 34th Battalion, Inman.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Conclude d. Albert N . Blake. Deupree, William P. Jones, William. Gatz, Irvin C. Klassen, Xalia C. First Lieutenant: Kliewer, Abe. Nichilas F. Enns. Musicians: Kliewer, Pete G. Knackstedt, Edward C. Kreker, John F. Second Lieutenant: Duty, Harry. Luty, Harvey. Meyer, Arther C. Walter A. Brenneman. Artificer: Meyer, Herbert J. Meyer, Rudolph J. First Sergeant: Debrinski, Guss; Moore, Bert. Enns. Edward H. McKnight, D. A. Privates: Nelson, William. Quartermaster Sergeant: Axtell, Bruce I.. Nickel, Henry J. Wiegand, Frank H. Calam, Richard. Roberts, Bert G. Calam, Richard, Jr. Rutledge, Charles. Sergeants: Calam, William. Stansel, James M. Carmichael, John. Stansel, Marvin. Downs. Carol A. Davis, Jack. Thiessen, Henry K. Graves, Dwight. Doerksen, Mart M . Vogt, Peter H. Pestier, Elmer F. Dych, Peter. Waller, John A. Slabach, Menne D. Enns, Diedrich C. Waller, Robert T. Enns, Elmer. Warner, John. Corporals: Enns, Henry. Wiegand, La ranee F. Busby, Charles E. Fisher, David W . Zimmerman, William A. Dick, Arron. Gatz, George. Hahn, William. Gatz, Roy L. Hargis, Robert R. Graves, Brookes W . Stansel, Roy B. Hahn, Henry W . Vogt, Cornelius. Hebert, Isaac. Voss, George V. Holden. John H.


Privates: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Briggs. Waif red C., Heim, Robert H., Roberts, Edward J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Enns, Jacob H., Jones, William, Smith, Claud J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hargis, Robert S., Klassen, John C., Vogt, Frank, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hayden, Charles B., Pauls, Abe A., Wiens, David F., discharged. discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company F participated in a Red Cross sale which was held at Inman in May, 1918. It was a decided success and was due mostly to the hard work of the company. The unit, also, took an active part in the various drives in the interest of the Red Cross, Liberty loans and other war activities. In August, 1918, the Guard went on a seven mile hike to the Little Arkansas river, where the boys receiver! a little touch of camp life. The company had charge of the celebration on signing of the Armistice. A big bonfire in the evening and the band of our organization gave a concert. On Memorial Day, 1918, the guard marched to the cemetery and decorated the old soldiers’ graves and held short services. The guard also conducted a military funeral on April 1 for an old veteran, William K. Heller, who passed away on March 31. 156 Adjutant General’s Department.

H eadquarters, 35th Battalion, Mankato.

M ajor: Captain and Adjutant: L. L. Burcliinal. William C. Polley.

No activities reported.

Company “ A,” 35th Battalion, Jewell.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. William T. Fay. Abrams, R. L. Green, Clyde I. Atkins, Marshall L. Griffis, George E. First Lieutenant: Bartholomew, Jesse Elmo. Hanna, John C. Henninger, W . S. Fred V. Kreamer. Betts, Putnam Berg. Bohnert, Clarence. Hoffer, Phares M. Sec on d Lieut e na n t: Bohnert, Harold. Johnson, Daniel V. Bortch, Charles G. Laffer, John O. Schumacher, Arthur J. Bortch, John L. Larreau, Joseph E. Brake, Ralph R. Matson, William A. First Sergeant: Carter, J. Henry. Menhusen, John H. White, O. E. Chilcott, Oscar M. Menhusen, Minert H. Clark, Eugene B. Miller, Harry D. Corporals: Dival, Leo J. Moore, John B. Cluster, Burt. Drake, John R . McDill, Roy. Crandall, A. E. Dye, Charles T. Nixon, Guy. Fitch, Elmer T. Edwards, Howard C. Peterson, John O. Frank, J. H. Ely, Alonzo C. Petrie, W . W . Peattie, Clarence E. Eyeliner, George B. Price, P. G. Trapper, Lenard C. Flinn, John H. Reynolds, Claude. Folsom, Burt L . Ruggles, Francis E. Musician: Fortner, W. A. A. Shaver, Alfred M. Frank, George Welley. Tat man, Frank M. McClung, George W. Frank, William N. White, Hallie C., Jr. Giger, Lauran E. Wolf, Fred E. Privates: Gordenier, Fred J. Woolsey, Earl. Abrams, Fred Herman. Gray, Fred L. Young, E.


First Lieutenant: Privates— Continued. Pri votes— Concluded. Henry W. Laffer, Fisher, Emerson D., Meeker, Olin R ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Fulton, Clif E., discharged. Plowman, Carl W., Privates: Gann, Guy, died. discharged. Applebee, Albert W .f Gavin, Lewis O., Plowman, Harry J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Battorf, Frank A., Gray, E. B., discharged. Reynolds, George E., discharged. Hoel, H. S., discharged. discharged. Bennett, Kenneth O., Horn, Irvin W., died. Sheldon, Charles W ., discharged . James, Alvah W., discharged. Berry, O. N., discharged. discharged. Slattery, Edward, Carpenter, Walter J., Kemmurer, Ferd E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Smith, Alfred E., Collier, William R., Kuffer, Alden S., discharged. discharged. discharged. Smith, Loyd L., Earl, Richard V., Lenon, Clinton D., discharged. discharged. discharged. Stanley, Albert, discharged. Evans, Neal, discharged. Matter, Clifford E., Whitney, C. C., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company A had no active service. Their principal work consisted in giving the young men, coming under the selective draft, their preliminary training. Also, members of the or­ ganization took part in all war drives, investigating any citizen who needed an investigation as to his patriotism. As a whole, I wish to commend Company A for their faithfulness and strict attention to dutv. Kansas State Guard. 157

Company "B ,” 35t h Battalion, Formoso.

Captain: Musician: Privates— Concluded. Dick Rex. Hyde, Oran. Isaacson, Henry. Keeler, Charles. Second Lieutenant: Artificer: Keeler, Roy. W. B. Waggoner. Spotts, Benjamin. Lake, Lester. Lawerence, Loyd. Sergeants: Privates: Livers, J. J. Alderson, C. L. Mahaffey, S. G. Andrews, Joseph. Mathes, W. F. Baird, John. Ault, Ivan. Blanding, M. I. Morris, Joseph. Baird, Will iam. Neil, Lee. Cunningham, A. W . Baleh, John, Jr. Dunstan, Henry. Noble, Ellis. Barricklow, Danial. Xywall, David. Hale G. B. Briggs, Ralph. Jacobson, Ralph. Osbourne, F. M. Clark, William. Parsons, R. M. Ley dig, Earl. Cross, Homer. Payne, Bert. Doxon, Charles. Corporals : Rhodes, A. \I. Dunstan, Samual. Sarver, William. Barricklow, Edward. Dunstan, William. Shackelton, Lewis. Blanding, Ira. Dyas, David. Shaw, J. A. Briggs, Alfred. Dyas, Rainond. Shedden Thomas, Jr Dix, H. O. Dyas, Thomas. Smith, Frank. Frye, William. Eilor, Leroy. Sutherland, M. D. Livers, Vyrl. Fall, W. A. Swihart, George. Stewart, Charles. Griffin, William. Thornburg, II. E. Hall, John. Walters, O. K. Cooks: Hyde, Elisha. Welden, J. O. Hyde, Jerome. Butler, George. Wesoot, Merwin. Jacobson, E. H. Hale, R. E. Wilson, A. B. Johnson, Ramond. Isaacson, Charles.


Privates: Privates— Continued. Pri votes— Concluded. Adams, Fred, ------. Esther, Wilber, discharged. Ramsey, Robert, Baird, George, discharged. Fulton, B. II., discharged. discharged. Baird, Kenneth, Higbee, Harry, Slaughter, Orvil, discharged. discharged. discharged. Burchinal, L. L., Higbee, Jay, discharged. Stichelman, John, died. discharged. Howland, Charles, Stone, John, discharged. Carlson, Archer, discharged. Sullivan, E. D ., discharged. I>ee, G. D ., discharged. discharged. Clark, Elmer R., Marr, James, discharged. Wallen, Lenord, discharged. Miller, A. W ., resigned. discharged. Dunn, Mick, discharged. Payne, W . E., discharged. Wing, Arther, discharged. Wlof, Joseph, resigned. ACTIVITIES. Company B participated in every Liberty loan, Red Cross, and other campaigns after its organization. The unit conducted four military funerals for deceased United States soldiers. 158 Adjutant General’s Department.

C ompany “ C," 35th Battalion, Mankato.

Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. L. H. Cauthorn. Ferguson, John. Finch, Ernest O. Lutz, Ignatus L. Grant, Virgil C. First Lieutenant: Sehlagle, Albert W. Gunlick, Gustav F. C. O. Kirkpatrick. Wilde, Clifford. Hancock, Clarence E. Handley, Clarence. Second Lieutenant: H ugler: Hardenck, Lowell. Henderson, Dan. Tyler, Eugene M. Ellison, Carl A. Hooker, Raymond. First Sergeant: Artificer: Jones, Amwel E. Kennion, Orville H. Davis, Elmer E. White, Jesse R. Lawrence, Elmer R. Mead. Harold G. Quartermaster Sergeant: Privates: Mower, Clare C. Kramer, George R. J. Beale, Walter F. Murray, Henry W. Beam, William H. Murphy, Levi. Sergeants: Blair, Levi. McXabb, Bryan. Bonecutter, Arch. McNabb, John. Cole, John A. Carter, Hcnrv. Ralston, Lester. Thompson, Arthur T. Chilcott, I. N . Stanley, Mason, Urban, Joseph. Craig, Robert B. stohr, Charles E. Davidson, Vernon H. Swope, Clyde. Corporals: Drake, Lewis. \ ermillion, Charlie D. Candler, LeRoy. Diamond, Frank C. Walker, Andrew F. Ehly, George P. Everson, Edward G. Wilson, Harold I..


Sergeants: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Pierce, Everett, Crangle, Paul D ., Loomis, Vernon B., discharged. discharged. discharged. Walker, Russell, Crangle, Roy 1. Metz, Roscoe, discharged. discharged. discharged. Monroe, Raymond I., Dunn, Frank, discharged. discharged. Corporals: Gebrett, Floyd H., Moser, Ha Hie, discha rged. Faubion, Charles, discharged. Park, William M ., discharged. Grant, Hobert, discharged. Green, Victor, discharged. Parsons, Ross H., discharged. Hancock, Harvey L., discharged. discharged. Russell, Ralph W ., Musician: Harness, Harold, discharged. Moody, Homer, discharged. Smith, Harley I., discharged. Howell. John W., discharged. discharged. Smith, Murray, Privates: Howell, Oren C., discharged. Axtell, Newell, discharged. discharged. Smith, Walter, discharged. Borland, Forrest II., Jacobs, Phinehs, % Stanley, Frank W ., died. discharged. discharged. Walker, Marion E., Compton, Porter, Jacobs, Ralph George, discharged. discharged. discharged. Wright, Walter R-, Keist, Clarence H ., discharged. discharged. No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 159

C ompany “D.” 35th Battalion, Lovewell.

Captain : Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Wesley V. Griffitts. Arbuckle, Johnnie. Powell, M. Leslie. Ballard, Rollie E. Price, John S. First Lieutenant: Barringer, George I. Price, Paul. Hollis T. Cook. Billing, Albert. Quick, William W. Bothwell, Carl L. Ricewick, William F. Second Lieutenant: Burns, Dwight. Ross, Edwin. Calhoon, Ross J. Scrivner, Robert E. Jacob H. Switzer. Cook. Earl T. Shuler, Christian I). Dannifer, William E Simmons, Alva. First Sergeant: Filch. Clarence E. Stansbury, Edwin F. Edgar, Lewis H. Fordham, Jesse. Stone, Charley E. Gertson, Edward K. St rat man. Raymond E Sergeants: Heldt, Albert W . Swihart, Ira M. Angle, John R. Hutchins, Leroy C. Swihart, Lloyd C. Hendricks, Ralph. Imler, Earl E. Swihart, Ray. Kinyon, Dewey. Jacobs, Lester R. Thomas, Elmer E. Ross, Fred L. Kinyon, Robert R. Truax, Homer E. Smith, Archie. Leece, Charles E. Vadu, Ellery S. Leece, Henry L. Yadu, John H. Corporals: Leece, John. Van Meter, A. P. Lovewell, Cecil R. Van Meter, Chester. Lovewell, Frank Lovewell, Grant. Van Meter, Martin. Marr, Curtis. Lovewell, Stephen R. Warren, Chattie V. McDonald, Francis L. Lowe, Fred V. Warren, Orvil G. Rothchield, Fred C. Mitchell, Ernest W . Warren, William T. Swihart, Fay. Osborne. Inin. Watt, Fred S. Privates: Osborne, Oliver. Wurth, Edward E. Owen. George li. Altman, Earl R. Phillippi, Archie L. Alton, Dean. Pool, Charlie.


Corporal: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Simmons, Clifford B., Benbou, Robert A., Lee, Garold, discharged. discharged. . discharged. Lee, William W ., Heifer, Henry D., discharged. discharged. Winter, Claude E., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company D was very active in the Red Cross, and Liberty loan campaigns, and the Five- in-One drive; our community always exceeded the quota which we were to raise. The organization, also, gave exhibition drills. 160 Adjutant General’s Department.


Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Orville W . Albertson. Baldwin, Jesse A. Johnson, Glenn E. Beck, Frances E. Keennon, Charles R. First Lieutenant : Beck, Ralph T. Landreth, Bert O. Belden, John T. Mahagan, Clarence. James C. Powers. Blackburn, Melvin G. Mann, Hartley B. Second Lieutenant: Boylan, Lawrence. Mercer, Elmer. Boylan, Philip E. Morehead, Carl. Percy B. Graham. Chick, Charles E. Morehead, Murlin J. Clabaugh, B. Ray. Morehead, Orra L. First Sergeant: Conzelman, Emmett E. Parker, Charles B. Nutter, G. Grafton. Davis, Harvey W. Pugh, J. Fred. Dumback, Joe L. Perkins, Duncan A. Quartermaster Sergeant: Eddy, Lee V. Roberts, Alvin E. Emmert, Benjamin M. Ruddell, Everett W . Stromberg, P. A. Emrnert, William A. Simms, Grant H. Sergeants: Evans, Joe S. Smee, H. Ross. Figgins, James A. Smith, Earl J. Ambrose, John L. Fesler, Otis T. Smith, Glenn H. Hunter, Perry G. Fischer, Harry. Somers, Carleton J. Policy, W. Hugh. Fischer, Raymond. Stafford, Clarence E. Corporals: Fleming, John J. Stafford, Samuel A. Fredell, Fred H. Stafford, Willis P. Cardwell, Charley A. French, Guy E. Strom, Ernest B. Cun', Emerson. French, Robert E. Taylor, Cyril J. Powers, Zoe T. Fruend, Wayne S. Taylor, Guy T. Rakestraw, Walter. Gant, John H. Tedrow, Dale. Ruddell, Royd. Gant, Walter G. Throne, Walter. Stafford, Floyd L. Gardner, Harry A. W hite, John R. Musicians: Hall, John B. Wood, Ernest. Harbour, Earl O. Eskenbrack, William M. Heifer, William H. Artificer: Howard, Ivan C. Johnson, Clarence. Cardwell, John W .

LOSSES. Second Lieutenant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. William C. Policy, Denoyer, I>eonard J., Moore, Raymond, transferred. discharged. discharged. Denoyer, Twin G., Morehead, W. Archie, Sergeants: discharged. discharged. Figgins, Jesse L ., EavStman, Frank L., Nitcher, Simon A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Charles, Eugene, Eastman, Glenn, Polley, Robert E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Elliott, Glenn, Powell, Kiley L., Corporals: discharged. discharged. Frankamp, I^ewis G., Rasmussen, Frederick B., Keennon, George, discharged. discharged. discharged. French, Glenn, Rasmussen, Ralph, Nystrom, Ernest, discharged. discharged. discharged. Gossard, Charles E., Rodefer, Albert, Williamson, Clarence A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Gribble, Leo B., Sisson, Clarence, discharged. discharged. Privates: Hobson, I. Ray, Sisson, Floyd, Beck, Evan L ., discharger!. discharged. discharged. Mann, Kenneth E., Smith, Leonard W., Bissenden, William T., discharged. discharged. discharged. Mercer, Raymond, Stafford, Clifford, Boylan, Orville E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Milner, David G., Strom, Alfred V., Boylan, Wesley J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Milner, Earl R., Strom, Clarence W .f Bruns, Fred, discharged. discharged. discharged. Mitchell, John H., Tarenner, John E., Cundiff, Leo B., discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company E drilled weekly, but was not called out for active service nor performed any guard duty. The company stood state inspection, by invitation, with the 17th Battalion at Concordia, Adjutant General Huffman, inspecting officer. The company headed the parade at Belleville, November 11, 1918, at the celebration of the signing of the Armistice. Kansas State Guard. 161

C ompany ‘‘F,” 3oth B attalion, Webber.

Captain: Musician: Privates— Concluded. Frederick W . Maxey. Dahl, Erling. Harding, Mont W . Hendricks, Hollis. First Lieutenant: Privates: Jeffries, William J. Jonas V. Larson. Aberg, John. Jennings, Bert A. Blair, Albert II. Kirkpatrick, Wiley R. Second Lieutenant: Blair, Lyman W . Lundy, William C. Browning, Frank E. Paynter, Cecil A. Charles A. Crispin. Broyles, Frank L. Pick, Clayton. Powell, Frank Grey. First Sergeant: Christiansen, Elmer. Crispin, John I. Powell, Homer E. Humiston, Frank A. Dahl, Haakon. Plukett, Wilmer. Davidson, Ernest D. Plunkett, Bert. Sergeants: Dort, George W . Ralston, Lester. Graham, George W . Drake, Wilbur E. Rothchield, Elwood. Latzenmyer, Harvey J. Dye, Charley E. Singer, Tillman. Wilson, Jess G. Dye, George W. Smith, Mark E. Dye, Verne. St rat man, Raymond. Corporals: Eisenmann, Ernest V. Taylor, Perry B. Broyles, Harry. Eisenmann, Walter O. Vader, Irvin S. Lanner, Charley E. Ewer, Warren E. Vale, Wilbur D. McKeown, Tom. Graham, Harry B. Vestal, Floyd. McKinney, Gus W. Graham, Owen E. W yatt, Albert E. Ross, Oscar E. Hall, Frank M. Wyatt, Hewlie A. Yerian, Frederick J. Hall, Mack Henry.

. LOSS. Private: Blair, Wilbur R., discharged.

No activities reported.

11—4436 162 Adjutant General’s Department.

H eadquarters, 36th Battalion*, Meade.

M a jor: Captain and Adjutant: Captain and Surgeon: Brother Buis. John F. Sweet. William F. Fee.

Xo activities reported.

Company “A,” 36th B attalion, Meade.

Captain: ( ’oohs: Privates— Concluded. James L. Stamper. Edmondson, Mitchell T. Evans, William J. Schmecker, Elmer A. Fairchild, Wilbur R. First Lieutenant: Fletcher, Ernest W . Fletcher, Warren L. Elbert E. Innis. M usicians: Kelley, Joseph P. Fuhr, Frank. Second Lieutenant: Wolfe, Willis W. Gibbens, William S. . Gillidett, James N. Clyde A. Marrs. Artificer: Graves, Herbert. Haskins, Guerald E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Xoell, John M. Hoon, Harry E. Charles M. Gates. Hunt, Stephen M. Surgeon: Johnson, John A. Sergeants: Fee, William F. Kelley, Jesse M . Britten, John J. Ivrisle, Lennie. Day, George W. Com pang Clerk: Lawson, Vincent. Gilman, James A. Howard, Carl L. Lepper, Earl C. Griggs, Roscoe C. Marlow, John J. Kimber, Delbert W . Pri cates: Martin, Alvin. Kimber, Harvey. Martin, Clell A. Amphlett, J. B. Moore, Harry. • Layton, Edgar. Baker, George ‘L. Paimer, Walter X. McCampbell, Theodore E. Basinger, John A. McCay, Abner M. Plush. Karl V. Blair, Edward C. Wilson, Charles C. McKinney, Jesse E. Borger, Claus G . Ragland, Victor L. Bowen, Arthur E. Corporals: Roberts, John E. Brinckman, John F. H. Schuhmacher, Lawrence F. Armstrong, John C. Brown, Cameron. Sourbier, William H. Crawford, J. Lawrence. Brown, Franklin O. Steele, Andrew B. Elliott, John. Brown, George M. Turner, Edward. Ewing, Pat C. Clements, Claude. Twist, Roy. Finkle, Harry W . Cooper, Judge. Vangeisen, Hazen. Fletcher, Oscar \V. Da I gain. Do Earl. Warkentin, Aaron J. Kobs, Earnest A. Deck, Abram A. Wasson, Con. Johansen, William H. Delaney, Donald E. Webb, Leedom C. Johnston, Robert C. Dettle, Oswald J. Wehrle, George W. Petefish, Charles A. Dettle, William F. Wells, George E. Raxroad, Glenn. Ellis. Eber E. Whitemore, P. E. Scott, Ira. Ellis, Sam W. Williams, David B. Smiley, Hubert E. Evans, Mitchell. W ood, John W . Stalder, Herbert F. Evurts, Ross R. Worman, Cliarles F. Wilson, Alex It. Zink, Dwight. Zink, Mance. LOSS. Captain: Brother Buis, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A drilled regularly two nights every week up to November 11, 1918, and par­ ticipated in all war activities and campaigns. The organization conducted five military funerals, and assisted the Grand Army of the Re­ public in Memorial services. Acted as escort to Governor Capper while visiting the city, also other prominent men, and entraining enlisted men. Participated in the Armistice celebration on November 11, 1919. O Kamas State Guard. 1G•J

Company “B ,” 3Gth B attalion, Minncola.

Captain: Pri vates— Cont in ued. Pri votes— C oncluded. W. A. Ammon. Black, Oliver. Otto, Don D. Blanchett, Joseph R. Pittman, Charles R. Second Lieutenant: Bolt, George F. Pittman. Clyde. O. F. Bolinger. Boucher, Herman R. Pitts, John F. Carlson, Gustave E. Ramsey, Edd. First Sergeant: Cheslev, K. E. Rogers, Frank H. Clark, E. M. Rogers, Robert L. Moore, Alva E. Combs, Edwin R. Runion, H. R. Cox, Ezra P. Schoonover, Arthur. Quartermaster Sergeant: Grecelius, Jumes F. Schott, Ora. Mclnteer, R. F. Crouch, Frank. Shelton, Elbert C. Davis, Claud. Shinogle, Clyde C. Sergeant 8: DeArmen, Harvey E. Shirley, James. Davis, William L. Deniston, Arthur L. Skeen, Ralph G. Dufford, William L . Doal, Samuel B. Smiley, Dolphy. Estes, Rufus N . Dook, G. C. Smiley, George E. Stateler, Arthur M . Dural I, John S. Smiley, James B. Erwin, Lewis P. Smith, Elmer D. Corporals: Follick, James A. Smith, George I). Lear, Rex O. Foster, James W. Smith, Henry C. Roberts, Chester A. Giftin. Orval Ray. Smith. Oscar P. Scott, Thomas E. Gillett, diaries G. Statton, Frank B. Hall, Archey C. Statton, Harry S. Cook: Hampton, E. T. Statton, Samuel W. Harshberger, Sidney P. Sumpter, Benjamin F. Hall, Richard E. Hill, Robert J. Swonger, Luther. Kelly, Ulric S. Tedford, Carl S. Musician: Monger, Clifton A. Templeman, Wessie F. Lyon, Arthur L. McCarty, George A. Thompson, Leo J. McCormick, Virgil M. Van Blaricum, J. W . Artificer: Mclnteer, Samuel G. Wallace, Charles S. Wright, W. S. McKissick, Lee. Wallace, William J. Newell, Einmit R-. Walrafen, John B. Privates: Newell, Everett D. Whitney, Herbert F. Bailey, Oliver E. Nicholas, David Edward. Williams, H. H. Mair, T. L. Nicoll, D. M. Wood, Fred M. LOSSES. First Lieutenant: M it sic inn: Privates— Concluded. James M . Shively, Wyatt, D'avid F., Miller, George, died. discharged. discharged. McGee, Frank M ., discharged. Sergeants: Privates: Mclnteer, Howard R., discharged. Gish, S. F ., discharged. Crecelius, Henry Wayne, discharged. Stateler, Charles, Hickman, Lenard G ., Forester, Robert L., died. discharged. discharged. Gardner, C. C ., died. Tedford, Walter, discharged. Corporals: Garten, W. F., died. Latlian, Ralph E., Wright, Harry O., Amy, Ricel J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Nicoll, Henry P., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company B was not called on for active service. The unit participated in all war cele brations, also Red Cross and Liberty loan campaigns, and Memorial sendees. The orgamza iion drilled once everv week. -» i 64 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C,” 36th B attalion, Plains.

Captain: Privates— Continued: Pri votes— Concluded. .1. F. Sweet. Bradford, Janies A. Hays, Frank E. Burns, John T . Jacobs, Roy G. First Lieutenant: Click, Orval R ., Jr. Jurell, James H. Donald II. Traylor. Click, Russell. Knott, Joseph V. Coats, Ira W . McVey, William M. First Sergeant: Coons, W. W. Xovinger, Vance L. Hast, Perry L. Palmer, Edward O. Russel, John W . Edwards Albert T. Person, Scott R. Edwards, Don T. Putman, Barksdale B. Corporals: Elliott, Roy C. Ragsdale, Elisha H. Brannon, Russell J. Fowler, Wade C. Rickers, Carl. Dunn, Clarence M . Fox, Charles. Shinogle, Gus H. McPhee, Robert A. Fox Guy E. Smith, Leo L. Spain. Joseph G. Gillidett, Everett G. Taylor, Charles A. Gollicker, J. Bryan. Traylor, Roy II. Privates: Graham, Archie B. W infuer, John L. Abbott, George. Gunn, William T. W oo ton. Herbert M . Angell, Raymond F. Hale, Leanord W. Wyatt, Edward F. Berghouse, Frank. Hayden, Austin L.

LOSSES. Privates: Pri vat es— Con tin ue d: Pri votes— Concluded. Curtis, Robert C., Hanson, Chester M ., Minnis, Roscoe E., resigned. resigned. resigned. Dickerson, Janies I.., Hege, John D ., resigned. Vtz, Nolan E ., resigned. resigned. Krause, Clarence L., Wyatt, Perry C., died. resigned.

ACTIVITIES. Company C was very active in putting over the various loans and drives. The unit at­ tended funerals of deceased soldiers. Kansas State Guard. 165

Company “ D ,” 36t h B attalion, Liberal.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Pri votes— Concluded. William A. Lipprant. Banning, W . H. LeMonnier, Fay. Bav, James. Lloyd, Raymond M. Fi rs t L ieu t ena n t: Bay, W . O. Lowe, Tom A. Bippus, B. A. Lute, Clifford E. W . B. Taylor. But, Edward L. Mahoney, Alvin. Bish, LeRoy. Mahoney, Ansel H. Second Lieutenant: Bowman, Fred. Mann, Frank. Charles S. Janett. Burk, Fred D. Mann, George H. Bush, Edgar D. Manolopolos, Sam. First Sergeant: Cahaffin, Otho P. Mitchell, A. A. Calloway, John. Mitchell, Andrew. Redd, L. J. Carson, Marion. Morrow, Lewis M. Chittenden, Clarence. McMinnville, Ray. Quartermaster Sergeant: Clutter, H. W. Neer, Pugh. Mayo, Walter R. Crews, Andrew. Niles, John C. Curtis, George William. Packer, Eli B. Sergeants: Dieckman, John. Packer. Paul R. Bush, W . E. Doll, Charles E. Pearcy, F. A. A. Higgins, Floyd. Easley, Harve C. Pittsman, A. T. Sturtevant, William. Emrie, Harlow W . Rebe, H. A. Young, J. V. Erb. Virgil W . Rhea, William E. Evert, Gilbert. Robbins, Oscar E. Corporals: Farrell, Manuel. Ross, Harlan A. Ferguson, Joseph A. Roth, C. W. Boyer, R. K. Forbes, Walter W . Rudolph, Joseph. Edgar, G. I). Forney, M . L. Salley, J. Herman. Langly, L. J. Franklin, Forrest E. Shelton, Lester W . Lockwood, Harry. Franklin, Harvey C. Sparling, Charles E. Madden, George W. Freeman, John W . Stallard, William E. Malone, Robert. Furry, Oscar E. Taylor, Charles D. Gilchrist, J. E. Todd, S. F. Cooks: Gillispie, W . W . Waite, Dewey. Augerot, Charles. Gonzalon, Nick. Waite, S. A. Buck, William. Grev, Eural. Warlord, W. N. Grey, F. W. Warnock, Oscar W. Musicians: Hahn, Victor G. Weidensaul, Lawrence. Flood, M. H. Hall, Robert E. Wheeler, Thomas J. Willey, Leo. Hatfield, Ray W . White, Irvin L. Hayes, .Milo C. Willey, J. G. Artificer: Hazel. Edward A. Wilson, Clark A. Holland, Lamon L. Winnerholm, LeRoy E. Edwards, William. Horn, Thomas W. Wolfe, Forest. Horney, Harry E. Wolfe, R. H. Privates: Hubbard, Clyde. Wood, Dennis. Aldrich, Albert. Hubbard, Thomas G. Wood, Haskel. Bain, Joseph. Hubbart, James G. Wooten, Alphie. Baker, John L. Humphrey, S. E. Young, J. L.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Arthur T. Hildyard, Davis, Cecil D ., discharged. Kyte, Roy, discharged. discharged. Dettmer, George H., Long well, Floyd L., discharged. discharged. Second Lieutenant: Erlewine, Lee E., Meek, Glen L ., discharged. James H. Bassatt, resigned. discharged. Pennington, Glen D., Grace, Donald A., discharged . Privates: discharged. Roberts, Amos D ., Alsup, Jodie C ., Grant, Charle A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Smith, Harold L., Atha, Clyde L ., discharged. Hanner, Ira A., discharged. Summers, Ray E., Barnhall, Gilbert E., Hubbard, Samuel T ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Swan, Warren T ., Chamberlain, Forrest L., Jones, James A., discharged. discharger!. discharged. Christner, Archie B., Jones, Stephen C., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company D participated in Red Cross and Liberty loan campa.gns. Adjutant General’s Department.

H eadquarters, 37th Battalion, Ness City.

M ajor: Edward M. Sweeney.

No activities reported.

Company “ A ,” 37th Battalion, Ness City.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Concluded. Gilbert E. Peck. Knighton, James. Mathes, Lewis. Robertson, John W. Mathes, Orion. Second Lieutenant: May, William. Miner, Harold D. George M. Byal. Artificer: Miner, Percy W . Walker, George I. Miner, William I)., Jr. First Sergeant: Moores, Elmer. Stone, Otis O. Privates: McKinnis, Bert O. Baker, Charles. Peckham, Richard. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bathurst, Paul. Pembleton. Charles. William L. Southern. Beardslee, Samuel F. Pfanstiel, John. Bondurant, Thomas. Pfanstiel, Peter. Sergeants: Brenemen, Edward. Rollins, Harol. Buehler. Benjamin. Harman, Daniel. Roth, Paul. Cook, Chester M. Harman, Edward S. Ruffhead, Edward. Egbert, Dwight. Russell, Alfred C. Schamaun, Harry. Erhart, Everett. Schamaun, John. Floyd, Hayes. Corporals: Sperry, John F. Folks, Albert S. Tarman, Olen. Floyd, Howard I. Gordon, Lee. Taylor, Roy. Foster, Charles D. Handley, Charles O. Van Boskirk, William. Kramer, Ira. Handley, Harry. Walton, Ad L. Pembleton, Luke. Hopper, Dwight D. Walton, Jasper. Van Dover, William B. Hopper, Earl B. Waterson, Arthur P. Weir, Oliver J. Kirberg, Alfred F. Watkins, Frederick C. Lennen, Oliver L. Watson, John R. Musician: Lohnes, George. Wolfe, Eli W. Lohnes, Elmer. Lohnes, Thornton. Young, Aaron. Mat lies, Franklin.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Musician: Privates— Concluded. William B. Leran, Bondurant, Dewey, Norrel, John E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Pfanstiel, Alex, Sergeants: Privates: discharged. Schamaun, Casper, Barnwell. Holland, Dickerson, Clifford, discharged. discharged. died. Farrell, Lorin B., Eibert, Blair, discharged. discharged. Hopper, Jerry M., Corporal: discharged. Robison, Roy, discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company A was active in all Red Cross, Liberty loan and Y . M . C. A. drives. On September 26, 1918, the company went to Rush Center to enter a competitive drill, and took first prize, a very handsome flag. On September 26, 1918, the company was assembled to attend and perform ceremonies for a military funeral for Hubert Taylor, a naval reserve of the Great Lakes Training Station. On October 17, 1918, the company was assembled for a like service at the funeral of Perle Holmes who died at Camp Funston. On December 17 for Ralph Temple, a discharged soldier, who died at Ness City. On December 10. 1918, for Clifford Dickerson, a member of Com­ pany A, 37th Battalion, Kansas State Guard. Kansas State Guard. ]67

Company 37th Battalion, Nekoma.

Captain: M usicians: Privates — Concluded. Frank U. Kershner. Lafhn, Marion. Maresch, Edward H. Proscli, Paul. Maresch, Frank. First Sergeant : Miller, Robert W. Almquist, Gustave F. Artificer: Misegadis, George. Wheat, William S. Moran, Luke M. Quartermaster Sergeant : Nafarane, James. Privates: Nichols, Eugene O. Higgs, Frank O. O ’Brien, Charles W . Adainy, Walter M. O ’Brien, Thomas J. Sergeants: Almquist, Charles W. Poos, Elbert G. Ambroser, William. Barton, Harley W . Pi ice, Clarence. Baldwin, Richard E. Kershner, George E. Ream, Al W . Murray, Walter B. Block, George. Ream, Harold W. Currens, Joe. Williams, Walter. Reid, Charles G. Delaney, Martin A. Corporals: Seaman, James H. Elliott, Clarence G. Smith, Roscoe D. Barton, Horace B. Erdsick, Henry F. Stump, William. Campbell, Eldon H. Gates, Edwin J. Wallace, Robert F. Hansen, Henry. Gates, John. Wampler, Hiram T. Watkins, Edward H. Hansen, Alton. West, John. Hansen, Harvey. West, Kim. West, Lewis M. Hearn, Raymond C. Cooks: West, Mart. Jackson, William S. Wheat, Thomas G. Johnson, William M. Johnson, Lee J. Maresch, Rudolph. Kerschner, Edward P.

LOSSES. Second Lieutenant: Privates— Continued. Pri votes— ( 'on cl uded. West, Thomas H., Wallace, Lawrence, West, Jade, discharged. discharged. discharged. Wampler, Earl, discharged. Williams, Cheste» , discharged. Privates: Wampler, Howard F., discharged. Williams, Janies, Proscli, Hoy R., Watkins, Grant W ., discharged. discharged. discha rged. Wright, G. Iril, Wallace, Charles E., Weltmer, John, discharged. discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Took part in activities, contributing to the last Red Cross drive and the third Liberty loan. Much attention was given to preparing men for the national army by giving them the first elementary training. 168 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “C,” 37tii Battalion, McCracken.

Cap tain: Bugler: Privates— Concluded. Albert R. Brenner. Sieling, William T. J. McKittrick, Thomas. Nickel, Ralph M. First Lieutenant: Privates: Noel, F. K. George R . Brenner. Anderson, T. O. Norlin, John W . Barnes, Troy. Ramsey, Elmer E. Second Lieutenant: Beckett, Maxwell H. Ream, Henry. Heliport, Orrin. Roe, Henry C. Robert E. Nickel. Bowman, William L. Rixon, James A. Roser, Pius H. First Sergeant: Brackney, Charles M . Brock, William A. Ryan, Claudas G. Sweeney, Hughey F. Campbell, Noble. Ryan, Leonard L. Connor, Ancel A. Shepherd, Ralph E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Curtiss, Fred W. Sieling, Ernest H. J. Littler, James C. Curtiss, Lawrence R. Sieling, Harry C. Earlenbaugh, Frank B. Sloan, Robert J. Sergeants: Edwards, John I. Start, Robert. Ensign, Lee. Stickeny, Ora P. Elias, Oscar B. Swisher, Jobe. Hass, Harry. Helton, W. L. H offer, Sidney C. Tanck, Harry W. Janke, Albert. Temple, B. B. McCormick, Frank E. Holdgate, Wiiliam L. Hlisted, W. P. Wagner, John A. Wahl, Charles. Corporals: Irvin, George F. Keena, James A. Walker, Marion I. Huddleston, Charles B. Klee, James Iv. Ward. Leroy C. Lincoln, Oliver H. Littler, Frank E. Warden, Joseph P. Meehan, James R. Marak, Joseph C. Weatherred, Robert E. Noil in, Albert V. Miller, Lewis R. West, Calvin V. Rodeman, Charles. Murray, Kyle. West, Frank. Start, Frank. McGrath, George. West, Wayne.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Privates: Edward M. Sweeney, Farwell, Lyle W ., discharged. discharged. Ream, Ray F., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C held drill regularly twice every week during the spring and summer months until the fall of 1918. During the fall drill was held regularly once every week up to the time of the signing of the Armistice. Battalion drill was held regularly every four weeks. The organization was at all times active in keeping the city and community rid of I. W. W .'s and pro-Germans. A company contest drill was held at Rush Center in the fall and Company C secured the second prize, which was a United States flag. The organization took an active part in assisting with the Liberty loan and Red Cross drives. Captain Brenner was township chairman during each of the bond drives. The company has $18.5*2 on hand which will be turned over to the local Red Cross organization. This money was obtained by a dance given in the city of McCracken by the company. Each member of this organization purchased his own uniform and no assistance was re­ ceived from the outside. Kansas State Guard. 169

C ompany “ D .” 37th B attalion, Brownell.

Captain: Musicians: Pri votes— Concluded. William E. Herndon. Hiding. Lyle S. Jennings, Bert E. Leighton, Clan A. Johannes, Clifford J. First Lieutenant: Mettlen, Joseph C. Carl Newcomer. A rt ificer: Mettlen, Lyman B. Stull, Frank W . Mussel man, James. Second Lieutenant: McCrary, Absalam L. Privates: McCurdy, Frank. Robert E. Walker. Nelson, Charles E. Adkinson, Lincoln C. Parker. Bassil M. First Sergeant: Adkinson, Lydd. Randall, Chris R. Hiltabidle, John M . Anderson, Guy. Rice, Elmer E. Baery, Joseph R. Richardson, Harvey D. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bantiam, August. Roser, Isarel Q. Barnett, Andrew. Skaggs, Renjamin M . Ryan, Claude T. Barnett, William R. Sidebottom, Milo W. Barnett, Zedd L. Sergeants: Sidebottom, Orrison. Barry, Almon U. Smith, Ernest L. Hills, James II. Barry, Caleb R. Snodgrass, George T. Pierce, James V’. Barry, Charles A. Souer, Frank K. Skaggs, Roy L. Broun, Jesse. Squier, Charles E. Wagner, Louis. Carpenter, Owen. Stpiier, Otis L. Claybaugh, Homer W . Stringer, Phillip S. Corporals: Conghanour, William B. Sultzer, Clyde. Conklin, Leonard F. Conklin. John. Sultzer, Fred. Fairbanks, Sam P. Edwards, Frank. Wagner, William. Harlootz, George W . Fairbanks, Vincent. Weeks, John A. Stanley, Abraham L. Gardner, Charles M . Wheeler, Grover C. Wyman, Elmer E. Goat ley, Jerry S. Wyman, Guy. Hair, George A. Cooks: Harlooitz, Joseph M . Hiltabiddle, Andrew. McGinnis, Arthur. Hiltabiddle, James E. Parks, William.

LOSSES. Privates: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Keil, John S., Sidebottom, Felix O., Williams, Barton E.. discharged. discharged. died. Merrell. E. Lee., Stulle, John L., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company D suppressed three socialist meetings, and gave active support to all war activity campaigns. Donated a Liberty bond to the county Red Cross fair. I he organization ran one I. W. W. out of town. 170 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “A,” 38th B attalion, Hays City.

Captain : Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Charles W. Miller, Jr. Chittenden, Stanley S. Morrison, John T. Clark, Carl. McLain. Charles F. First Lieutenant: Clark, Vernon A. Xickles, Albert. Ward M . Jenkins. Cole, Robert Wallace. Oldham, Herman J. Crissman, Harry E. Payne, Edward. Second Lieutenant: Davis, E. R. Pearce, Henry E. Disney, Earl. Pelzl, Joe J. Horace G. Chittenden. Dorney, Wilfred. Peterson, Martin M. Early, Fred. Reed, Thomas, Jr. Sergeants: Early, William H. Rhine, James M . Addison, Higham F. East lack, Martin W . Rhoades, Irwin D. Harkness, Charles A. Ellis, Leslie. Rogers, Edward O. King, Charles C. Enfield, S. M. Schukman, Paul J. Markwell, Robert S. Enright, John. Shade, William T. Robinson. Charles H. Fellers, Harvey W . Staab, Ferdinand. Williams C. E. Fellers, Jay D. Starr, George V. Felton, Harry. Stein, Lawrence J. Corporals: Furbeck, Boyd. Swires, George M . Binder, Albert. Gassman, Nicholas P. Swires, James A. Felton, Pete. Gillam, John T. Tillotson, Glen Ray. Henderson, John. Grass, Warren. Tourtillott, James F. Irwin, Joseph II. Grout, Homer. Tourtillott, John M. Kirkrnan, Harry S. Grout. Wesley. Tourtillott, Stephen H. Xickles, H. A. Havemann, Gustav. Vogel, Vincent. Schmoekel, Arthur. Hoffman, Ross E. Wagner, J. J., Jr. Ward, Walter W. Hudson, Chester H. Wagner, William C. Jewell, El wood, Sr. Walters, Edward W. Privates: Kelley, Everett. Wann, Gilmore S. King, Ernest R. Wassinger, Lawrence E. Addison, Joseph W . King, Frank. Wiesner, Leo G. Archer, Fred N. Levick, William. WJest, Charles F. Bear, George E. Luce, Milton. Binder, Roy. Williams, Walter. Miller, Louis E. Wilson, Reuben A. Bissing, Robert. Montgomery, Joe P. Wirtz, Ed. Blackman, William H. Moore, Newton C. Yapp, Lester R. Blakesley, Lee E. Morrison, Clifford. Zeigier, Maurice. Brungardt, A. J. ACTIVITIES. Company A held drills twice every week with a very good attendance until the time of the signing of the Armistice. Battalion thills were held in Ellis, Wakeeney and Hays City, and in each case our company turned out the largest representation. The organization also at­ tended the battalion drill at the Rooks county fair held at Stockton. Members of the company took a very active part in all war activities, and turned out well to public celebrations of all kinds, in connection with Red Cross, War Saving Stamps, Liberty loans, Memorial Day services, Fourth of July, Home Coming and Armistice day celebrations. A firing squad from this company has always been present at all funerals of Grand Army of the Republic veterans, members of the guard, and late war soldiers. Kansas State Guard. 171

Company “ B,” 38th Battalion, Hays.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Otto A. Nennerich. Arnhold, F. W . Hempell, A. D. Arnhold, N. F. Jacobs, Tony. First Lieutenant: Basgall, P. A. Jameson, C. H. H. A. Bartel 1. Beeby, C. A. Jenkins, W . M. Bessing, Ray. Jensen, Lucas. Second Lieutenant: Bielmann, John A. Keberlein, John. Bielmann, Joseph A. Koerner, F. E. A. Rea. Binder. Albert. Lenoch, Roy. Bird, J. S. Logan, A. First Sergeant: Blakesley, Lee. Lordetsch, C. J. Simininger, Jacob H. Bruner, J. G. Oshant, Fred R. Cave, Reese. Penney, J. J. Sergeants: Davis, Ed. Rhine, J. H. Crittenden, H. G. Dorney, Wilfred. Rogers, E. O. Staab, Ferdinand. Graham, R. W . Earlev, Fred. Philip, George, Jr. Fellers, J. D . Schyler, Nick. Felton, J. L. Schmidt, J. P. Weltz, Alex. C orporals: Flood, E. C. Frank, Joe M. Williams, ------Holm, V. Gassman, N . P. Zimmerman, Tony Karlin, Peter. Gottschalk, C. V. McCarthy, D. F. Grass, Ed. Schueler, Alex. Haffemeier, Fred. Schwaller, Fred.

No report of activities furnished.

Company “ C,” 38th Battalion, Ellis.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Clarence S. Marsh. William R. Congers. Charles A. Sherwood.

No muster-out roll furnished. 172 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ D ,” 38th Battalion, Ogallah.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Concluded. John Pearson. Cruson, C. E. La Rue, Paul Jacob. Wynn, Will. Lindberg, Trueman. First Lieutenant: Lofstead, Alfred. Norman Mapes. Privates: Lofstead, C. J. Anderson, C. A. S. Marquand, Claude. Sec on (I I. icu tenant: Barnes, J. F. Marquand, Lee. Moline, Leonard. Holmstrom, Ira. Baugher, Charles A. Binder, C. T. McConnell, Charles W Nixon, Lawrence. First Sergeant: Blakley, Roy W. Broad foot, Clarence P. Olson, EYnil. Blakley, Ross J. Bucholz, Fred. Olson, John A. Cahoit, J. A. Parson, Oliver. Quartermaster Sergeant: Caskey, W. D. Powers, Miles H. Burk, Ira. Cook, Albert N. Pugh, E. G. Cruson, B. A. Ralph, Joseph. Sergeants: Denies, Arnold. Reeves, C. F. Marquand, Guy. Denies, Palmer. Reynolds, D. H. Rich, \V. A. Denny, Wesley. Richard, Albert G. Sahlin, Edward. Derringer, Louis O. Saleen, Alvin L. Wingerd, I). H. Edwards, W. M. Turner, Charles F. Erichson, Herman. Turner, David. Corporals: Hanson, W. P. N. Turner, George. Harvey, V. V. Turner, Roy. Kellog, Joseph. Wahlburg, Goodwin. Marquand, Glen. Harvey, W. W. Hendricks, N. H. Wahlburg, Herman. Pugh, James W. Wahlburg, J. E. Schuman, John. Joseph, Esto. Keagv, Clark. Watson, T. H. Sites, W. A. Wynn, Norman O. Wynn, Charles. Keagy, Frank.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Pugh, Floyd W., Harvey Bryan, Richards, Lawrence, discharged. discharged. discharged. Marquand, Claude, Ridgeway, Ross, Corporals: discharged. discharged. Marquand, Paul Brent., McConnell, Claude, Turner, Ernest, discharged. discharged. discharged. Foster, Earl, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company D, 38th Battalion, Kansas State Guard, was first organized as a Home Guard on January 21, 1918, and disbanded on March 15, 1918, at which time in compliance with excutive ord r No. 1, dated February 15, 1918, the unit reorganized as a state guard with thirty-four members and mustered in with sixty-eight members. The company drilled regularly every Saturday at 2 o ’clock p. m., and continued in this manner of drilling until the influenza epidemic and afterward irregularly until the present date. This company saw no active service, but participated in battalion drill several times. Kansas State Guard. 173

Company “ E,” 38th Battalion, Wakeeney.

C aptain : C orporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. J. II. Hickman. Hillman, E. II. Horak, Rudolph. Hinshaw. Lee \Y. Huffman, J. A. First Lieutenant: Johnson, II. M Hutchison, C. M. .S. .1. Straw. Kulp, \V. J. Jones, G. G. Efford, R. R. Keraus, P. E. Second L ieutenant : Wonner, Hugh R. Krause, L). B. Kulp, Clemford. O. Bruce Goffe. A rtificer: Maynard, T. W. Pickering, R. I. Musscmann, E. H. First Sergeant: Mussemann, Ferdinand. Woenier, I. A. Privates: Novis, H P Poffenberger, C. H. Quartermaster Sergeant : Basnett. Walter E. Reddig, Paul. Blakely, Guy. Steel, Charles R. Rhoden. George. Clevenger, Irvin H. Saleen, J. A. Cue, Elmer E. Serge ants: Selbe, R. L. Cypher, L). E. Shaw, Fred D. Chalk, B. Frank. Engstrand. Euner. Shaw, Ray J. Groft, Earl M . Fellers, Christ. Shuler, O. J. Heyl, A. W. Frazier, Burl. Smith. Harrv. Pierson, H. S. Galloway, L. H. Smith, II. M. Hardman, C. L. Spena, Fred. Corporals: Harlan, Hudson. Stephens, Chester. Courtney, E. A. Hays, G. L. Wollner, F. C. Harries, August J. Hi He, II. J. LOSSES. Lieutenant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. George C. Kulp, Benson, Judd, discharged. Paul, Charles A., discharged. Gibson, S. \\\, discharged. transferred. Greenwood, G. G., Perry, H. C., discharged. Sergeant: discharged. Rhoades, Charles L., Powell, S. R., discharged. Harries, II. C., discharged. discharged. Harries, Julius, Jr., Rinker, Frank B., Corporals: discharged. discharged. Hixon, Brom, discharged. Siverling, John D ., Hinshaw, Glenn P., Keraus, A. S., discharged. discharged. discharged. Keraus, E. A., discharged. Stephens, Loyd, discharged. Hinshaw, Ren A., Locker, Frank, transferred. Warner, Milton J., discharged. Milholland, John H., transferred. transferred. Wheeler, R. C., discharged. M usicians: Monroe, Edward, Williams, W . J., Stevens, B. A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Wollner, Morgan, McNair, Floyd S., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company E took an active part in all war campaigns, and participated in exhibition and competitive drills at Hays, Colby, Wakeeney, Ellis, and Stockton. Arrested and brought to trial, upon order received from S. M. Robertson, two Russellites, who w.re distributing anti-war literature. Took part in both patriotic and memorial celebrations and services held here and in sur­ rounding towns. The organization acted as escort for all deceased service men buried in Trego county.

Company “ F,” 38th Battalion, Collyer. Captain: Robert J. Tague. No muster-out roll furnished.

Headquarters, 39th Battalion, Abilene.

M ajor: Captain and Adjutant: Captain and Supply Officer: Charles S. Crawford. Ira M . Hassler. William S. Leadbeater. No activities reported. 174 Adjutant General's Department.

Company “ A ,” 39th Battalion, Abilene.

Captain: Artificer: Privates—Concluded. Will Green. Buchanan, E. T. Grice, J. Griggs, W. C. First Lieutenant: C ook: G ross, C. W. H. Averill. Cowan, S. R. . Guiles, P. A. Heart lev, G. Hinkle. R. F. First Sergeant: Privates: H ogan, M. Gordon, Leslie. Ayers, O. E. Kauffman, T. C. Avers, O. W. King, J. S. Quartermaster Sergeant: Baker, O. J. Lechrone, H arry O. Baldwin, H. G. Lippincott, G. C. Sterl, W. Bigler, J. S. M errifield, R. A. Blve, W. C. M iller, R. B. Sergeants: Bright hill, H. Morrison, II. H. Hutchinson, C. C. Bushev, Z. B. Mvers, J. F. Net ha wav, C. C. Butler, H. W. N’icols, G. Wise, R. C. Cavender, E. E. Owens, G. Colhv, A. D. Selluerman, L. W. Corporals: Colhv, H. B. Sexton, C. Cooley, A. B. Smith, M. J. C allahan, R. L. Cooper, R. E. Stractner, R. C. Engle, W. G. Cruse, Charles. S traig h t, G. L. Fitzwater, I. W. Dunable, H. C. Thompson, D. M. Johnson, O. M. Dyer, H. N. Thompson, H. Kauffman, L. A. E m ig, O. Towne, L. Reese, G. W. Engle, A. E. Walters, R. N. Epperson, C. W. W eber, M. Bugler: E ye, Vern. W ilcox, H. A. Shadinger, G. F arror, M. Wood we id , C. Freem an, E. A. Young, B. LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Privates: Privates—Concluded. H. A. Jensen, Beggs, Karl H., Long, Lorraine, discharged. discharged. discharged. Blevins, Charles, Mason, E. E., First Sergeant: resigned. resigned. Hurd, Arthur, Butterfield, Milton G., Mason, E. G., discharged. resigned resigned. Davies. Burton, Mullin, George H., Sergeants: resigned. resigned. Folk, Herbert, McCall, A., Colvin, W. C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Garrett, E. L., Rexroat, Otis M., Ross, Ernest N., discharged. discharged. resigned. Gervin, Will, Jr., Rugh, Elmer C., resigned. resigned. Corporal: Griswold, James A., Schrader, H ., discharged. Woodward, Clio, resigned. Sederick, Theodore, discharged. Hume, Henry, discharged. discharged. Hume, Lawrence, Shearer, Roy, discharged. transferred. Cook: Jolintz, John E., Shipley, Frank, Treiner, Thomas, resigned. discharged. discharged. Lambing, Charles O., Smith, Harry, resigned. discharged. Langston, Roy, Zackaris, Charles E., discharged. resigned. ACTIVITIES. Company A took part in the 39th Battalion review at Chapman, on September 2, 1918, taking first prize m the competitive drill and first prize for best attendance. On September 5, 1918, took part in 39th Battalion review at Enterprise, taking second prize in competitive drill. On September 27, 1918, at Abilene, took part in the 39th Battalion review. Details were on guard duty during the Dickinson county fair held at Abilene, September 24 to 28, 1918. A detail was sent out to assist in the collection of assessments in the war works fund campaign. On Armistice Day, 1918, the company turned out for parades. The company took part in the Victory loan tank parade, April 25, 1919. The personnel of Company A expressed their willingness to serve the state again, as an organization, should they be needed. Kansas State Guard. 175

C o m p a n y “ B,” 39th Battalion, Abilene.

Captain: Cook: Privates— Concluded: J. L. Parks. Armstrong, George W . Martin, VI. B. Moore, R. L. First Lieutenant: Privates: McClintick, W. C. W. A. Matteson. Adams, T. McConnell, L. F. Brann, George. Nichols, W . D. Second Lieutenant: Broughton, W . II. Petrie. A. J. Pyke, Sam. M . E. Burkhart. Burdick, B. G. Dalrymple, J. R. Rauch, N. Reese, J. A. Supply Sergeant: Darling, L. G. Davidson, W. H. Shellhaas, Russell. O. A. Sterl. DeHart, E. P. Shuey, William II. Erwin, B. Sot tong, George. Sergeants: Eusworth, Chester. Sprung, Henry W . Hesselbarth, John. Ewald, C. H. Tucker, Dennis. Hoover, II. C. Frahm. J. W . Tufts, Joseph. Toliver, W . H. Goodell, J. L. Wilson. J. L. Green, .1. W . Wool vert on, C. D. Woolverton, J. T. Corporals: Grimes, R. T. Worley, Dean T. El wick. E. W . Hastings, Jesse. Hurd, Bruce. Hobbs. C. A. Jeffrey, T. W . Hogan, John L. Law, W . A. Hutton. I. H. Lichliter, Ray. Keel, J. E. Picking, W . E. King, S. E. Woodward, S. F. Kohman, M. C. Worley, F. M. Loyd, Ed. LOSSES. Captain: Cook: Pri votes— Concluded. George Dovel, Rodgers, C., Johnson, L. A., resigned. discharged. discharged. Jones, G. L., First Lieutenant: Artificer: discharged. Knight, Charles, Langston, E., R. C. Dederick, discharged. discharged. resigned. Little, A., discha rged. First Sergeant: Privates: Looker, C., Jones, E., Abith, Joe, discharged. discharged. discharged. Me Beth, Orrin, Baer, Dewey, discharged. Sergeants: discharged. Nash. Ed. Rexroat, T. J., Dobkins, Homer, discharged. discharged. discharged. Reed, Melvin P., Edmundson, W . L. Rose. C. F.. discharged. discharged. discharged. Rhodes, Harold, Ensworth, Chester H. discharged. Corporal: discharged. Sherman, J. H .f Erwin. Bernard, discharged. Knoll, H., discharged. Steevens, M ., discharged. Fields, J. B. discharged. discharged. Vickers, R. R., Musicians: Galliger, W . T. discharged. Dalrymple, Karl W ., discharged. Warring, Emmett, discharged. Gantz, D. A., discharged. Worley. Dean, discharged. Whiteford. Harry E., discharged. Goodell, W. D. discharged. discharged. Herron, I., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company B participated in all war activity campaigns where its services could be utilized and was especially active in Se1ven-in-One drive. The organization furnished escorts for all deceased soldiers returned here for burial. 176 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “C,” 39th Battalion Solomon.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: R. A. Vandervilt. Ora I). Herr. Stanley E. Leake. LOSSES. Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Harry H. Davis, resigned. George T. Stephens, Bert M. Hart, resigned. resigned. Xo muster-out roll furnished.

C o m p a n y “ D ,” 39th B a t t a l i o n , Chapman.

Captain: Privates: Pri votes— Concluded. Henry Wadick. Anderson, Owen. Lawrence, Arch. Beard, Earl H. Left wick, Oda. Second Lieutenant: Berger, Jacob. Lexow, Ammiel. Long, Arthur. Frank Halbert. Brandt, Leslie. Bush, Fred R. Miller, Aubrey. Culham, Melvin. Murrison, Edward. First Sergeant: Cushing, William. McCormack, Con. Wilkins, Walter. Davis, John F. McDonald, George. Davis, William M. McFerron, George. Supply Sergeant: Delker, George. Xickolson, William. Keegan, John. Devane, Tom. Norman, Harry. Dobbs, Louis. O’Brien, John. Sergeants: Engler, Albert. O'Brvon, Calvin. Blair, Hays. Erwin, John P. O’Connor, Charles. Grigg, Earl. F ry, Roy. Perkins, Earl. Rollf, William. Gallagher, Edward. Poor, William. Gfeller, Theo. Roberts, Walter J. Corporals: Gorman, D. J. Rollf, Carl. Gorman, Frank. Sandborn, Theo. Beal, Hal. Hassler, Chalmers. Scanlan, Joe. Blair, Earl. Howe, John P. Scanlan, John. Darby, Elisha W. Howe, Thomas F. Scott, Walter. Hassler, Sam. Huff, Harry. Taylor, Byron. Hollinger, Charles. Keegan, Michael. Taylor, Clarence. Keegan, Thomas. L antz, H enry A. Warnock, Ross. Morris, Glen. Lantz, Oscar. Watkins, Harry. Whitehair, Pleasant. Lantz, Walter. Whalen, Harry. Larson, James. Wilkins, Edward. LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Pri votes— Concluded: John A. Anderson., Armold, Ereil, discharged. Hollinger, Robert M., discharged. Arveson, Floyd, discharged. discharged. Carroll, Francis, Hubert, Arthur, First Lieutenant: discharged. discharged. John T. Cregan, resigned. Clark. Leo, discharged. Long, William, discharged. Cushing, Vincent, Loudon, Earl, discharged. Corporal: discharged. Sanborn, Austin, Frazer, Joe, discharged. discharged. Humphrey, Elmer, Hassler, Ira, discharged. Scanlan, Paul, discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company D assisted in all war activity campaigns. Held regular drills, competitive drills, and battalion reviews. Kansas State Guard. 177

C ompany ‘E , ” 39th B a t t a l i o n , Enterprise.

First Lieutenant: Privates: P ri va tes— Concluded. Earl J. Both well. Angst, II. L. Hoisington, R. A. Badger, B. R. Hutchinson, H. E. First Sergeant: Baker, C. A. Jones, H. W. Demoneyf, George. Ballantyne. \V. D. Jones, J. R. Benham, C. E. Kimmel, S. Quartermaster Sergeant: Benham, H. R. Kuester, E. II. Bond, M. J. Lncv, Carrol. Martin, T. F. Brooks, A. E. Lacy, M. C. Burke, R ; Lantz, L. I. .Sergeants: Burton, E. F. Miller, William. Baker, R. Dalton, V. McIntyre, William. Russel, C. E. Davidson, L. R. Nichols, R. Sauer, M. C. Deihl, A. H. Pancake, C. Taylor, W. Demoney, J. A. Peterson, A. Ehrsam, David. Peterson, C. Corporals: Ehrsam, Emmett. Peterson, C. P. Davis, E. C. Ellis, IF C. Peterson, I). Demoney, H. Engstrom, E. Peterson, E. CL Foulkrod, L. Ensworth, L. Peterson, L. Hare, R. S. Fiedler, L. Peterson, P. Tavlor, L. Forslund, C. V. Selby, C. C. Topi iff, J. Foster, M. G. Stewart, Castle. Ginder, R. Stuck, II. S. Cook: Halstead, J. L. Reed, Thomas D. Hansen. George. Taylor, H. Facklam, L. Hatfield, F. A. Thomas, E. Hatfield, S. H. Toplif, R. M usicians: Heath, Senn. Toulouse, T. S. Munroe, M. Henoch, F. E. W idler, F. B. Schwendener. T. Herrman, Stanley W. Williams, J. R. Heselbarth, Erwin H. Artificer: Hewson, A. B. Ehrsam , A. \V. Hilsabeck, Fred. LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Pri votes— Concl uded. James S. Harget, resigned. Ballyntine, Robert L., Koch, Morton II., died. discharged. Krehbil, V., discharged. Second Lieutenant: Benham, Emmett, Pearson, Charles A., Richmond A. Dalton, discharged. discharged. resigned. Brawner, Rov, discharged. Pearson, Chris A., Burton, Elmer L., discharged. First Sergeant: discharged. Peterson, C. R., discharged Burton, Irvin, discharged. Puryear, L. E., died. Porter, H. H., discharged. Burton, Jefferson, Sage, Harry B., discharged discharged. Staatz, A., discharged. Sergeants: Froelich, K. O.. discharged. Staatz, P. M., discharged. Buck, C. F., discharged. Goodway, B., discharged. Sutt, Lawrence, discharged Ensworth, Chester, Grace, Chester, discharged. discharged. Hoehner, K. H., Miller, Earl P., discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company E participated ir all Liberty loan and Red Cross campa gns.

Headquarters, 40tii Battalion, Ellsworth.

M ajor: Captain and Adjutant: Waldo F. Wellington. Charles M. Wilson. No activities reported.

12—4436 178 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ A,” 40th Battalion, Ellsworth.

First Lieutenant: Hu tilers: Privates— Concluded: W. C. White. Kesler, Frank. Laney, R. D. Sinclair, Maurice. Larkin, Lawrence. Second Lieutenant: Long, Harry. A. J. Lewis. Artificer: Martin, E. J. M alone, H . B. Mlynar, Frank. First Sergeant: Mlynar, Tony. Privates: Moore, R. E. Kirk. L. T. Moravek, Stephen. Allan, George R. Mcllree, C. D. Quartermaster Sergeant: Allen, Bruce. Milnke, Otto. O’Donnell, T. G. Artas, Edward. Patterson, Art, Jr. Bartlett, S. E. Patterson, Ira. Sergeants: Bartlett, Thomas W. Pressney, John, Jr. Binganian, Leslie. Radiel, George, Jr. Erdtinan. George. Campbell, Melvin. Jennings, Alfred. Reardon, Dan. Cikanek, Frank. Rice, Roy E. Mlynar, Louis. Darby, Stephen. Webb, B. E. Rustman, E. P. Des Marteau, A. M. Shaw, E. R. Durr, Leonard. Corporals: Sherri ff. Dale D. Fox, W. C. Silverwood, O. J. G ardainer, B. L. Gamber, Earl. Slechta, Vaclav. Gebhardt. Fred L. Grubb, T. B. Smirl, C. G. Goedde, W. F. Harris, Edwin O. Thomas, R. D. P atterson, Art V. Holt, W. H. Wanek, Ralph. Robinson, Harry. Hummel, George. W arta, A. J. Runzel, Nelson. Kelly, Ernest. Weidman, Mark. Schmitt, Will. Kelly, Robert. Wilson, Frank. Shade, L. E. Kyle, Archie. Wilson, John H. I.afferty, George. Wolfe, Ray. W ork, Roy.

First Lieutenant: I'rivates— Continued. Pri votes— Concluded: W. F. Wellington, Choitz, W. C., resigned. Looney, Hubert, resigned. discharged. Eno, Elden C., died. Novak, Frank J., resigned. Fowler, Leslie, discharged. Sparr, L. E., resigned. P rivates: Hoffman, Paul B., Tanton, Robert C., Bradshaw, R. W., discharged. discharged. resigned. Hyde, Hiram L., resigned. VIcek, A. G ., died. Burmeister, W. A., Jennings, Fred, resigned. Wilson, Thomas B., resigned. Kesler, Fred A., resigned. discharged. No activities reported. Kansas yfate Guard. 179

Company “ B,” 40th Battalion, Holyrood.

Captain: Artificer: Privates— Concluded. Harry N. Williams. Montgomery, Marvin. Massman, Herman. Matoush, Joe. Second Lieutenant: Surgeon: Murray, Bud. D. T. Murray. Zerzan, Dr. George F. Murray, James. Phelan, Dennis. First Sergeant: Privates: Pichner, Joe. Raven, John H. Holmes, Bert S. Andrea, Harve. Raymond, Edward W. Bast, Arthur. Reents, August H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Benson, U. S. Rezac, John. Weselv, Joseph J. Besthorn, Chris. Schepmann, Herbert A. C. Besthorn, Herman H. Schepmann, Theodore J. Sergeants: Blazek, Emil. Siemsen, Fred. Blue, William A. Andrea, Sherman. Stoltenberg, August W. Borecky, Edward. Stoltenberg, Edward W. Corrigan, Dennis C. Borecky, John. Richter, Elmer. Thomas, James G. Brejeha, James. Toman, Joseph. Brejeha, Joe. Corporals: Vacek, Joseph. Dlouhy, Joseph. Vlcek, Henry J, Dolling, Werner. Dolecek, Alfred B. Voss, Albert. Hanaberv, John J. Dolecek, Edward. Voss, Alfred. Moody, Frank A. Durr, Leonard. Wamhoff, Chris II. Murray, John J. Frevert, W. C. Wamhoff, Harry G. Pistora, Joe M. Grounds, Charlie T. Weselv, Frank A. Richter, Dennis. Horejai, Henry A. Williams, Clint. Sekaves, Cenek. Jirik, Joe J. Wilson, Fav. Strella, Charles. Johansen, Fred. Wulf, Emil C. Traxler, Arthur E. Johansen, Max. Younger, Frank. Johansen, Robert. Younger, John Fred. Cooks: Johnson, Frank I. Zajic, Joseph Z. Kasten. Reinhold. Dolecek, Frank J. Kihn, Arthur. Younger, Charles V. Kihn, Elmer. Kihn, Irvin. M usicians: K raft, Jam es W. Matoush, Hugo A. Kratkv, Emit Wanasek, Joseph M. Maes, Martin C. LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Lewis E. Bossing, died. Frank J. Moravek, resigned. ACTIVITIES. Company B, 40th Battalion, grew out of the organization of the Holyrood Home Guard and was mustered into state service October, 1918. The company drilled once weekly, except when weather conditions and quarantine would not permit, up to the signing of the Armistice. The company participated in Red Cross work, Salvation Army, and M. C. A. cam­ paigns, and other patriotic work. Attended two funerals as an organization and took part in Decoration Day exercises. 1 so Adjutant General's Department.

Company “ C,” 40th Battalion, Wilson.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Clark L. Danner. Fulghum, Roy. Ptacek, Louis F. Gregor, Frank. Reitz, Albert H. First Lieutenant: Hrabik, James. Reynolds, Charles E. Otis H. Eschbaugh. Jackson, Leonard. Ross, Elmer. Jellison, Charles R. Scheormerhorn, William. Second Lieutenant: Kepka, Anton F. Schneider, Charles H. Kepka, Joseph. Schwarz, Michael. Arthur Kalina. Kirberg. Ross A. Shaw, Harry. Klema, Frank C. Slaughter. Alvin J. M usician: Klema, Jim H. Slimm, William J. Sokup, Joseph E. Klema, Willima W. Sokup, Anton F. Kuasnicka, Vincent B. Somer, Jacob N. Privates: Kyner, Boyd W. Soukup, John. Anderson, John T. Liljistrown, David. Svoboda, Emil. Berger, Alvin M. Lingo, Fabius M. Svoboda, Fred. Biesterfeld, George A. Marks, Fay C. Thompson, William H. Brant. James. Mikulecky, Joseph C. Tobin, Clyde R. Brummitt, Charles D. Miller, Owin B. Truitt, James R. Carter, John B. Moherky, Joseph F. Turner, Charles. Clark, Charles D. Mohler, Selby H. Vrbanek, James R. Cover, Rae. Murphy, Fred. Walters, Herman. Eaton, Marcus. Olds, Frank. Ward, Roy L. Ebling, Chester. Percival, Fred. Weber, Henry. Fielder, Charles W. Powell, Ernest. Weber, Nick. Fisher, Frank. LOSS. Private: Riley, Wallace, died. ACTIVITIES. Company C comm'need drilling on August 2. IBIS. The organization was equipped with regu’ar uniforms. Attended battalion drill at towns during fairs. Only stopped drilling once a week when influ nza epidemic struck us. Was ready at all times to put down any pro- German argument. Put German schools out of business, and incid. ntally saw that German sympathiz rs kept their place or left town.

Company “ D ,” 40th B attalion, Kanopolis.

Captain: Sergeants: Pri cates— Concluded: Earl Black. Hoffman, Micheal J. Harris, Wesley. Sturgis, Ralph H. Hurst, Vance. First Lieutenant: Pauli, Claud Victor. Kendell, George. Lynn K. Black. Scliorch, F. W. Robert. Krieder, Allen N. Thompson, Henry. Kuntz, Jacob J. J. Second Lieutenant: Veitch, William. Man, Phillip H. Nilson, Edward. Arthur E. White. Musician: Qu m y, Kenneth. Woodmansee, Haney. Ram sey, Alfred B. First Sergeant: Ray, Louis W. Sturgis, Alfred E. Privates: Reeves, Wesley I. Sauers, George E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Beighley, Milton. South worth, James B. Boston, Douglas A. Schum acher, H enry A. Sharkey, Jesse. Braden, Charles W. Tate, Stephen E. Butcher, James M. Vitek, Ralph. Buxton, Samuel. Word, Cooper. Hafensteine, Otto. LOSSES. Sergeants: Corporal : Privates: Labourn, Allen A., Cowie, Richard, discharged. Cline, Ben, discharged. discharged. Grubb, Samuel L., Nichols, Raymond G., discharged. discharged. Merrill, Harvey, discharged. Smith, John, discharged. Pettit, Clifford, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company IJ, 40th Battalion, was the main leader in practically all war activity campaigns. I his town wuit ov, r the top every time, and whenever a time came that the company was Kansas State Guard. 181

Company “ D ,” 40th Battalion, Kanopolis— Concluded. needed it was at their service. We have taken a small detail of men several times and gone out and got money for these campaigns from those who refused to pay the leader, such as slackers. It was reported to me that there was a German preacher at the town of Carneiro, who was teaching music, and that he was using such pieces as the German national hymns. I took a small squad and went after this man. took him into Ellsworth and turned him over. Later he was forced to 1 ave. Last summer the company put in two hard nights of drilling every week and participated in every parade held by the battalion.

H eadquarters, 4 1 s t Battalion, Hope. Major: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: William J. Rumold. .1. R. Kohler. H. R. Turner. Captain and Adjutant: Robert I). Sutherland. No activitifs reported.

Company “ A,” 4 1 s t Battalion, Hope. Captain: Musician: Privates—Concluded. John H. Longbine. Hoffman, Henry E. Koch, Harold H. Larson, Frank E. First Lieutenant: Surgeon: Lederer, Harry E. D. E. Gray. J. C. Entz. Limnger, A. B. Longbine, Albert. Second Lieutenant: Longbine, Will J. Privates: Med lock, Otto. Elmer E. Hoffman. Abeldt, Albert. Meuli, David C. Albright, Edward. Miermaster, Herbert. First Sergeant: Albright, Will. Miller, Albert. Stegeman, F. A. Anderson, Ernest. Moore, Paul E. Bohonnan, Oliver A. McCoy, Clifford N. Quartermaster Sergeant: Brenning, Edwin H. McCulloh, Otho. Moore, R. A. Brickie, A. H. O’Neal, Silas. Cook, Earl M. Pease, Orla H. Sergeants: Cook, Merl S. Piper, Oscar. Cooksey, William Loran. Ready, Richard Marcus Anderson, John A. Dillon, Robert. Rumold, Charles F. Dayhoff, L. E. Engel, Floyd H. Sch imming, Fred A. Jaeger, Leon. Engel, Roy E. Shane, Arthur L. Palmer, Preston H. G utsch, E. O. Shawhan, B. M. Harrold, Ira L. Stants, Bryan. Corporals: Hay, Jess W. Stroda, O. L. Anderson, Roy A. Healy, Clarence. Thompson, R. M. Brandt, Harry. Herrington, L. L. Trostle, Frank M. Buttel, Jess A. Hollenbeck, Albert. Weideman, H. C. Davidson, A. W. Hostetter, Jacob B. Wager, Dewey P. Farnham, E. N. Jackson, Earl. Fry. Frank R. Jackson, Ross A. Stants, J. H. Ketchersid, Cline E. So activities reported. 182 Adjutant General's Department.

Company ‘ B,” 41st B attalion, Herington.

Captain: Musicians: Privates— Concluded. G. R. Ewalt. Edwards, Allison. Kilgore, Morice. Horton, Glen. Kingman, M. II. First Lieutenant: Williams, Charles. K ingsbury, V. C. W. R. Niles. Lewis, Sidney. C ook: Low, Herbt. Second Lieutenant: Graves, Arvey. Luey, Lester J. Malone, Fred. L. C. Srhmitter. Marshall, Oscar. Privates: Miller, Glen D. First Sergeant: Andrews, Lawrence. Moore, Hyson J. Brooks, H. W. Bateman, Harold. Myers, Herman. Bodel, George. Myers. William. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bruce, Charles O. McCan, John. Ojers, Harry S. Bruce, V. W. Nelson, Melvin. Calkins, Glen. Nerenberg, Theo. Sergeants: Chalker, William. Newton, Clarence. Crayk, Peter. Ninneman, Fred. Hood, Vern. Crisp, Elmer. Norton, Carl D. Owen, Alfred L. Crittenden, E. P. Ogden, John A. Gehrke, Albert W. Potter, Paul. Corporals: Gehrke, George C. Purdie, W. A. Brooks, Carl A. Gehrke, John. Reigle, Robert. Childs, E. P. Gibson, Dean. Schradley, L. W. Freiday, L. V. Gillman, Frank. Scott, Thornton. Lewis, J. C. Hainer, Frank. Simpson, Alfred. McCullough, R. S. Hankerson, Fred C. Sinclair, John. Osten, R. C. V. Hill, Wallace. Taylor, James H. Johnson, August E. Traister, Clarence. Kaiser, Fred J. Whitbeck, Foster A. WHITE CITY UNIT. Sergeant: Pri va t es— Con t in ued. Privates— Concluded. Owen, Robert D. Hickey, Herbt. Stewstrom, Herbt. Huttgren, George. True, Clifton. Privates: Iseman, Ralph. Wallace, Clyde. Carson, George. Knott, E. Frank. Warneke, Clarence. Cobb, Henry. Logan, Clyde. Warneke, Frank. Hegg, John H. Moore, Clarence. Wilde, Milo. Hembrow, Frank. Mott, Albert W. Hembrow, William J. Simenton, Berl. BURDICK UNIT. Corporals: Privates— Contin ued. Privates— Concluded. Atkinson, William M. Danielson, Albert. Newstrom, Wilbert C. Brandon, Thomas C. Doubek, John. Oberholtser, Raymond. Gellert, Axel. Erricson, Earl. Owen. Walter C. Hall, Zeno W. Pearson, Walter E. Privates: Lough, C. M. Remy, H. B. Adams, Henry. Martin, William. Thomas, W. C. Anderson, David C. Martin, William, Jr. Wesling, Martin. Atkinson, C. R. Naslund, H. L. Atkinson, Frank. Newstrom, Emil

LOSSES. First Lieutenants: Privates: Privates— Concluded. C. S. Stewart, Dwyer, James L., Ringey, Edward, discharged. discharged. discharged. Robert D. Sutherland, Edwards, David W., Rodden, J. A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Gold, Loren, Whorley, Louis, First Sergeant: discharged. discharged. Cates, L. L., Good fellow, William, discharged. discharged. Henry, David, Quartermaster Sergeant: discharged. McCullough, Charles, Hardman, John, discharged. died.

ACTIVITIES. This organization was never called upon for any active service. Its members participated in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns as individuals. It participated as a company in two peace celebrations. This is the extent of its active service other than company drills. Kansas State Guard. 183

Company “ C ,’? 41st B attalion, Woodbine.

Captain : Cooks: Privates— Concluded: Charles F. Moore. Brehm, C. C. Jahnke, Rhinehold T. Likes, George. Johnson. Lee. First Lieutenant: Johnson, Raymond. Everard Young. Privates: Kindt, Richard. Albrecht, Charles W . Krause, Fred Paul. Second Lieutenant: Asling, Henry A. Krause. Louis J. Livengood, Freeman. Clarence F. Schultz. Asling, William L. Brehm, Edd. Longhofer, August. Longhofer, Daniel W. First Sergeant: Brehm, Herman. Brehm, Walter. Longhofer. Solomon. Brown, Elmer J. Brown, Ralph Elmer. Lyons, Lawrence. Clow, Jay L. Miller, Albert H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Davis, George J. Munzemayer, Samuel W . Heibert, Charles W . DeCamp, Jesse Edgar. McCoy, Robert. Deem, Charles M. ()bermeyer, Edward. Sergeants: Douglas, Thomas. Reddy, W illard. Fath, Martin H. Shank, Elmer L. Kennicott, Philip A. Staatz, Wesley. Middleton, James W . Fecht, William A. Ferris, James S. Timm, Alva. Mitsch, William H. Timm, Edgar. Schmidt, Frank W . Fosse, Richard H. Frisk, Alvin. Timm, Elba. Timm, Ralph. C orporals: Garrett, George R. Garrett, Joseph C. Traskowsky, Arthur. Adams, Fred L. Gertas, Adam. Yolkman, Raymond. Davis, James J. Gillett, James H. Ferris, Hubert L. Gugler, Dewey C. Garrett, Joseph A. Ha ire, Johnston W . Kohler, Ora O. LOSSES. Captain : Corporal: Private: J. R. Kohler, discharged. Mrtsch, Charles F., Asling. Benjamin J., died. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C was very active in the war work campaigns. Some were on every committee of Liberty loan. Red Cross, and all war work. All were pushing for victory, of course; how­ ever, many of the personnel were farmer boys, they could not do as much as those in town, because of the shortage of help, but all were doing their full share. 184 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ D ,” 41st B attalion, Navarre.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Clayton B. Fullington. Blagg, Marriatt. Powers, Earl M. Bowden, Claude. Pratt, Walter T. First Lieutenant: Brumbaugh, Gustave H. Rock, Clarence. David H. Rodgers. Cook, Judson W. Rock, Earl E. Day, Charles W. Rock, Floyd. Second Lieutenant: Eisenhower, Walter D. Rutz, George. Engle, Norman K. R utz, Roy. Herbert A. Cleland. Fridley, Earl. Schlegel, Edward. Fridley, Henry. Seeds, H arvey A. First Sergeant: Fuller, Charles A. Shank, Harry. Hair, Robert M. Haas, William J. Shank, J. Harvey. Haas, Willie. Shaw , Joseph L. Quartermaster Sergeant: Haire, Alex. Shaw, Norman. Issitt, Bert H. Hansen, William. Sheets, Oliver. Harvey, Dale. Sheets, Ray C. Sergeants: Krause, Albert. Snyder, Samuel. Krause, Clarence. Sprecher, Albert G. Hinkle, Charles W. Larsen, Albert L. Thome, Edward H. Hollenbeck, Lester E. Lay, Harry M. Thome, Emil W. Shank, Benjamin. Leckron, Harry. Wingerd, Allen. Linden, Jacob. Corporals: Londene, Carl F. Arthur, Paul. Londene, Fred H. Blagg, William J. Londene, Oscar E. Graham, Paul. Longhofer, Soloman. Issitt, Charles S. Markley, Preston K, Issitt, George H. Nutt, David G. Olsen, J. William. Oldweiler, Oliver L.

LOSSES. Privates: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Benedict, Abraham L., Issitt, Kenneth G., Turner, H. R., discharged. discharged. discharged. VanBuskirk, P., discharged. Blagg, George, discharged. Kauffman, Ralph A., Comer. Lee, discharged. discharged. Hollenbeck, Henry, McConnell, John H., discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company D drilled twice a week until the state and county health ban because of the in­ fluenza and later, lacking barracks, inclemency of the weather made it inadvisable. Members of the company were detailed to assist in vigorously soliciting united war fund contributions, and the company as a unit and as individuals assisted in all the patriotic war work possible. Kansas State Guard.

Company “ A,” 42d Battalion, Marysville.

Captain: Privates— C oncluded. Hand —Chief Musician: Hy E. Clark. Draheim, Walter. Woellner, Martin. Ellis, O. R. First Lieutenant: Godsey, Nicholas. Drum Major: Francis Muldoon. Goin, Oscar C. Sampson, John. Coin, Walter. Second Lieutenant: Grauer, Jacob J. First Lieutenant: Green, George S. Francis Muldoon. Anton Schidler. Gut line, R. C. Henry, William. Corpora!: First Sergeant: Hover, Charles R Newton, Chester A Olson, Charles E. Hover, Charles S. Hover, Henry. Hover. Walter B. Bugler: Quartermaster Sergeant: Hurst, Chris I). Nork, Hjalmer. Von Yiesen, Waldamer. Johnson, Carl B. Johnson. Edgar J. Privates: Kraemer, James W . Sergeants: Bickell, Earl E. Lathi op, Gordon. Brodrick, Van C. Bickell, Floyd. Johnson, Henry L. Lathrop. II. C. Libby, Herbert M. Boxell, Earnest. Schmidt, Alex. Clark, Fred W . Livingston, Nicholas. Smith, Ora A. Davis, Leon E. Lockard, William J. Fenwick, George L. Corporals: Montgomery, James R. Morris, James. Guffee, Francis. Mohrbacher, Arthur N. Beverage, J. A. Munson, Mark. Muldoon, Roy W. Breeding, Walter R. McMillan, Dee. Olson, Frank J. Courtemash, Charles W . Nelson, Ole J. Kraemer, William. Pacha, John A. Potter, Clyde. Moore, William B. Paxton, Glen. Shumacher, Andrew O. Throm, William. Newton, Chester A. Peterson, Ant one E. Nork, Hjalmer. Reed, Clarence C. Whitten, Everett. Norlin, M . A. Reinders, George W . Pike, Alfred E. Reynolds, John. Signal Corps— Sergeant: Potter, William W . Rice, Guy L. Schmidt, Alex. Sanderson, John. Privates: Schmidt, W. Muth. Privates: Andrews, Carl. Seaman, W . W . Arnold, Emmons. Andrews, Sylvis U. Siebert, Charles A. Johnson, George D’. Arnold, C. W. Siebert, Louis. Nelson, Don O. Barlow, James J. Smith, George T. Tarvin, Theo. M. Baughman, Samuel. Strauss, Charles F. Thompson, Todd. Benson, Francis. Sullivan, James. Yon Riesen, Emil. Chaffee, R. M . Temple, William B. Cooper, Frank. Vogtmann, Carl. Medical Corps— Corpora!: Cooper, John. Yaussi, Albert. Crabb, Vernon E. Zech, Gottlieb C. Breeding, Walter R.

LOSSES. Captain: Sergeants— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. Jack William Russell, Redmond, Edward P., Ellis, Alfred G ., died. resigned. died. Frederick, Harry J., Shulte, Joseph, discharged. discharged. First Lieutenant: Temple, Golden, Freel, John H., discharged. discharged. Francis William, Funck, Lester D., resigned. Privates: discharged. Barlow, John J., Graves. Earl, Sergeants: discharged. discharged. Brubacker, J. L., Butler, Jesse, Harrison, Edwin, discharged. discharged. discharged. Degnnn, George W . Billingsley, Leslie, Ingalsby, G. Truman, discharged. discharged. discharged. Dougherty, John X ., Butler. John, Loch, George, died. discharged. discharged. Manrose, D. V., Funck, Harold G ., Brown, F. Barr, discharged. McMahon, John H., discharged. discharged. Winslow, Joseph C., Chaffee, Wilmot, discharged. discharged. discharged. Nork, Nils, discharged. Allen, Harry, Clark, Rex, Patterson, William I). Jr., discharged. discharged. discharged. Brodrick, Lynn R ., Clements, Floyd, Talbot, Walter N., discharged. discharged discharged. Casper, J. T ., Dexter, Teesdale, Williams, Albert R., discharged. discharged. discharged. 186 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ A ,” 42 d Battalion, M arysville— Concluded.

ACTIVITIES. Company A participated in Liberty loan, Red Cross campaigns, and other war activities. Assisted in the reception of returned soldiers. X o active duty in connection with strikes, or other disorder.

Company “ B,” 42d Battalion, Axtell.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Theordore Phillips. Alberts, E. A. Lichty, John. Alspach, Harry. Manlev, P. First Lieutenant: Anderson, D. L. Mealy, P. Baker, Ernest. Minger, Clifford. Roscoe Pierson. Baker, Thomas. Morris, John. Baker, Wendell. McLaughlin, Jay. Second Lieutenant: Bare, C. H. McNamara William A. C. McLaughlin. Baxter, R. McProud, 0. U. Bergman, Earl. Newman, C. M. First Sergeant: Branson, Dee. Nork, Phil. Temple, O. C. Buckman, Wallace T. Nowland, E. Carney, Charles. Xowland, F. Sergeants: Coughlin, Bud O’Connell, Arthur. Olson, George. Barnes, H. Derby, Glenn. Grey, Walter. Erickson, Martin. Parli, Edward. Ingram, A. Erlandson, C. X. Parli, William. Keegan, Thomas. Fairfield, L. E. Porting, Peter. Funk, Daniel, Jr. Rieter, Harley. Corporals: Funk, Marion. Rube, W. F. Gailbout, E. F. Rudeen, Verner. Mathers. Abner. Gaston, E. A. Sample, L. C. Motes, R. W. Gaylord, F. M. Sidwell, J. R. Reed, George. Halstrom, George. Sitler, Robert. Richardson, James. Harrison, William. Smith, H. L. Wei born, Charles. Hendricks, Elmer. Stavelund, J. Werner, Fred. Holcott, O. Stavelund, P. Huntsinger, S. M. Swanson, R. Cooks: Hurtie, Melvin. Temple, Floyd. Hanna, Will is. Hynes, Philip. Temple, Oliver. Westenhousen, John. Ingalsbe, L. A. Waters, Donald. Iseli, William. Waymire, E. L. Bugler: Jeffery. William. Waymire, Harold. Hanna, Spencer. Kirk, Pearl. White, Clarence. Lackey, George. White, James. Lackland, H. W. White, John. Lanor, F. W. Whitecraft, George.

LOSSES. Captains: Pri rates: Privates— Concluded. S. J. Sharpe, resigned. Clear, C., discharged. Kirk, J., discharged. C. O. Wilson, resigned. Clear, R., discharged. Manley, F., discharged. Connett, Harold, Mealey, N., discharged. Corporals: discharged. Minger, Clyde, discharged. Brock. H. Ira, discharged. Fisher, J., discharged. Swanson, Eber, discharged. Ford, Clem, discharged. Hawkins, J., discharged. Van Verth, E., discharged. Holcott, C., discharged. Waters, C.. discharged. Keegan, F., discharged. Welborn, T., discharged. Kirk, H., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company B was called for inspection on July 31, 1918, at Frankfort. Nearly all present. A parade was held in behalf of the fourth Liberty loan. The organization paraded liberty day in honor of peace. Kansas State Guard. 187

Company “ C,” 42d Battalion, Beattie.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Pri votes— Concluded. Otis V’. Lohmuller. Eversmeyer, Gideon F. Newton, Mvrl J. Falk. John H. Olson, Dell V. First Lieutenant: Finch, George E. Olson, Robert J. Henry H. Farrar. Fink, Charles L. O ’Neil, John (I. Founds, Joseph W. Orr, Francis N. Privates: Fralin, Riley. Ott, Jacob. Anderson. Carl C. Friddle, Marion. Oxley, Lawrence Gayl. Anderson, Elmer. Gaston, John H. Pauley, Jesse T. Anderson, Frank V. Giles, Arthur. Pauley, Ray S. Anderson, John G. Giles, Bert, Jr. Pauley, Wayne R. Anderson, Ralph P. Goin, Levi. Pinney, Chauncey. Bachoritch, William E. Graham, Bert W. Poison, Carl J. Barber, Floyd W . Gurtler, Daniel G. Poison, Elmer. Barker, Walter B. Gurtler, Howard. Poteet, Glen O. Barker, William M. Gurtler, John W. Potter, Glenn A. Benson, Carl Dallas. Hadam, Walter J. Potter, Merrill. Benson, Raymond A. Ham, Joseph S. Risher, Henry S. Bergman, Lawrence W. Ham. William E. Rueger, John M. Bigham, Andrew l*. Harris, John M. Samuelson, Eben R Bigham, Angelo. Hawk, Chesley Noel. Samuelson, Henry A. Bigham, Samuel W. Heleker, Harry P. Samuelson, Martin (. Blumer, Amiel. Helvern, Bert E. Samuelson, Nels E. Blumer, Walter. Hostettler, Ernest. Samuelson, Philip. R°gl?s, Henry C. Hurtie, Reuben C. Samuelson, Yerner N. Breeding, Archie L. James, Charles W . Schneider, George. Brooks, Ralph A. James, Elmer L. Scholz, Raymond L. Brooks, Ray E. Jennings, Ralph. Specht, Henry S. Brouhard, Nolan. Jones, Aaron. Stosz, John D. Brown, Ben. Jones, Harry. Temple, Claude L. Brown, Fred. Jones, Paul. Thomas, Glen D. Brown, Ray R. Kingman, Orrin. Thomas, Joseph N. Burnside, John D. KooseT, Benjamin F. Thomas, Martin S. Burnside, John R. Kooser, Bert L. Thomas, Robert E. Burnside, Joseph L). Kooser, Joseph A. Thompson, Earl E. Butler, Walter S. Laughlin, Clarence A. Thorn, Joseph H. Button, Milo A. Lenington, George E. Totten, Frank H. Cassidy, Lysle E. Lewis, Lawrence J. Van Dorn, Arvid. Cassidy, William R. Malotte, Bert M. Van Fleet, Clyde M. Cassidy, William Russell. Maxwell, Frank E. Van Nortwick. Asa. Chappell, Clair H. Menehan, Frank J. Vaughn, Virgil. Chidester, John. Meybrunn, George J. Wart hen, LeRoy H. Connell, Harry. Miller, Clyde V. Wart hen, Ralph Pern'. Cooper, Harry A. Montague, Charles A. Wart hen, William F. Cooper, Melvin. Montague, Melvin W . White, Thomas G. Crabb, Louis E. McClelland, Albert W . Wikoff, Glenn S. Crabb, I>ouis H. McFarland, Cloy. Wikoff, Wilbur W. Craig, Fred. McMahon. James T. Williams, John. Crouse, Robert O. McMahon, Martin. Williams. Joseph Jefferson. Dellenbach. William A. McMahon, Peter. Willis, Charles A. Dougherty, Michael J. McReynoIds, Robert C. Willis, Emerson L. Ekstrum, Oscar. Newton, Grover F. Winncv, Verne.

LOSS. Second Lieutenant: Fred W . Rebd, died.

ACTIVITIES. Company C held regular meetings every week, and drills for a period of several months. A number of the members of the company gain.d some knowledge of military training which stood them in good stead when they entered the service of the l nited States army. Uniforms were provided the personnel of the company by Guittard township and Marshall county, each defraying half the expense thereof...... The company took active part in services and activities incident to the W orld War, such as Liberty loan, Red Cross, registrations, etc. The organization participated in a battalion drill at Frankfort, which was reviewed by Adjutant General Huffman. 188 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ D ,” 42d B attalion, Oketo.

Captain: First*Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Jesse A. Craik. James K. McKann. Eugene Champagne.

No muster-out roll furnished.

H eadquarters, 43d Battalion, Erie. M ajor: C. W. Stevenson.

No activities reported.

Company “ A ,” 43d Battalion, Erie.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Lorn B. Herod. George W. Naanes. Lon B. Herod.

LOSS. Captain : C. W . Stevenson, resigned.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Company “ B ,” 43d B attalion, St. Paul.

Captain: Privates: Pri rates— Concluded: J. C. Ewing. Atkinson, Lyle. Kennedy, John. Beackner, Norbert. Leiboidt, Gailord. First Lieutenant: Bell, Vincet. Lero, M. W. J. T. Lancaster. Brogan, Charles. Lero, Ray. Brooks, Paul. Madl, Herbert. Second Lieutenant: Brown, Philip. Moore, Ben. Carroll, J. J. Moody, Fred. Leslie Girard. Carroll, R. H. Munding, Frank. Carter, Ray. McKiernan, Janies. First Sergeant: Casey, James. Neer, E. E. O ’Brien, John. Casey, John. Nunnink, Charles. Casey, George. O'Brien, Francis. Quartermaster Sergeant: Connor, L. W. O'Brien, Henery. Owens, A. L. Dillon, M. J. O'Brien, W. F. Dixon, John. O’Bryan, W. W. Sergeants: Donahue, John. Omailey, C. F. Durbin, J. J. O'Riley, Chris. Brown, Charles. Gahagan, Ray. O ’Rouke, James. Dowd, J. T. George, Harold. Oshel, John. Johnston, M . Gilbert, B. L. Oshel, Walter. McDaniel, R. C. Greenwood, Cyril. Pierce, G. A. Harrill, James. Sands, Edward. Corporals: Heck, C. A. Seivart, Paul. Boher, C. H. Heck, Joe A. Shellhorn, Vaughn. Diskin, Edd. Hoefling, F. VV. Smith, E. J. Munding, Eugene. Hutton, C. A. Smith, Everest. McAtee, C. E. Jarboe, J. H. Smith, Henry. Turner, C. M . Jennings, George. Sork. Isadore. Vitt, George. Johnston, B. L. Stenger, Edward. Johnston, W. M. Sylix. Floyd. Chaplain: Joyce, F. C. Van Lemveen, Jake. Callistus, Rev. C. E. Kellev, Harold. Van Lenween, J. B Kcllev, M . J. Vitt, Henry. Kelley, P. S. Volmer, George. ACTIVITIES. Company B participated in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. Kansas State Guard. 189

Company “ C,” 43d Battalion, Dennis.

Captain: Artificer: Privates— Concluded. C. F. Carson. Hiet, George. Hiet, C. Higdon, J. J. First Lieutenant: Bugler: Hill, Ray. C. W. Robb. Shields, Dey. Hill. William. Johns, W . W . Second Lieutenant: Kelly, A. W . Privates: Kininan E. L. C. Wilson. Bolen, Floyd. Miller, Edgar. Carson, Burl A. Mortimer, W . S. Sergeants: Carson, R. B. Nixon, Perry. Ball, O. H. Chansler, L. J. Parks, Harry. Craft, O. L. Coninger, Clarence C. Pearce, Mert. Hill, G. W. Coninger, William C. Pearce, W . O. Klien, J. D. Cook J. G. Peters, S. A. Craft, E. E. Powell, P. Decker, S. W. Rea, Frank. Corporals: Dennis, P. W . Reed, David. Blake, R. A. Dickerson, J. Sanders, Glen. Darling, J. T. Good, E. E. Shaughnessy, William Johnson, F. W . Hartman, Ed. Shield, Earl. Laut, F. E. Heacock, E. L. Shields, Charles L. Oliphant, J. F. Hersh, Eugene. Smith, Ray. Tusing, William. Hiet, A. Youngs, M.

ACTIVITIES. Company C participated in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. The organization, also, contributed to the funeral expenses of deceased members of the company. 190 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘ D,” 43d Battalion, Parsons.

Captain: .4 rtificer: Privates— Concluded. Hobert J. Rimple. Samples, Bedford F. Minneo, William H. Moffatt. Howard J. First Lieutenant: Musicians: Moser, George L. Walter R. Gans. Barnes, Charles. Moss, Floyd C. Crawford, Glenn H. McClure, Kenneth P. Second Lieutenant: McKenzie, John D. Privates: McKittrick, John T. William A. Disch. Augustus, Raynee DeL. Pierce, Cleo A. Piper, Chester L. First Sergeant: Bat tag, Henry J. Baxter, Ernest W. Pryor, Ralph W . Lindsey, Claude G. Birdsall, Miles C. Rafferty, Louis L. Bugg, Fred M. Reed, Charles W. Sergeants: Bugg, George F. Reinlander, Peter J. Fisher, Richard L. Butcher, James E. Robbins, J. Roy. human, David E. Campbell, Carl H. Robertson, Homer S. Peacock, Chalmers J. Clark, Charles E. Ross, William O. Cory, Edward S. Sachs, Moni L. Corporals: Cowan, McClure W. Scallety, John. Craig, L. B. Simmons, Arthur C. Edwards, Earl M . Smith, Ferdie. Geibe, Edward D. Crandall, Elbert G. Creviston. Alonzo W. South wick, William H. Griggs, Earl B. Spicer, Fred B. Haynes, Jake T. Duncan, M att. Freshman, Harry. Spicer, George D. Russel, Frank A. Starnes, Harry D. Thompson, Milton G. Griffin, Sherod. Isom, Lewis W. Warren, George W. Tillotson, Elroy E. Waters, John M . Wommack, Fred O. James, John V. Jones, James P. White, Lloyd T. Willahan, Arthur E. Co m pa n y Clerk: Jones, S. Fell. Kelley, Clifford E. Williamson, Lester A. Freeman, J. Fred. Kelley, Frank C. Woineldorf, John F. Kenney, James II. C ooks: Kightlinger, Walter R. Braunsdorff, Herman A. Lowe, Cal H. Schneider, Charles. Lucid, Elmer.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Isaac D . Van Meter, Ball, Orrie, transferred. Karas, Jay D., discharged. resigned. Beeler, Charles L ., Kenman, Edwin, discharged. transferred. Second Lieutenant: Caldwell, Kenneth W ., Kennedy, Ollie O., Leon C. Wilson, resigned. discharged. discharged. Couch, Walter O., Kline, John D ., discharged. First Sergeant: discharged. Maloney, Robert J., Craft, Elmer E., discharged. Gannon, Ernest E., transferred. Mortimer, Wilson S., discharged. Craft, Otis L., transferred. transferred. Daughman, Charles M ., McGrimes, James E., Sergeants: discharger!. discharged. Adams, Ira F., discharged. Davis, Robert A., Parks, Henry' B., Huddliston, Everet E., discharged. transferred. discharged. Decker, George H., Reed, David M., King, Volney E., transferred. transferred. discharged. DurBon, Kinsley LeRoy, Schwarzkopf, Virgil, d scharged. discharged. Corporals: Gastineau, Charles L., 'rhoman, Joe F., Long, Ray E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Owens, Henry B., Gibson, William F., White, George R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Sherman, Everett L., Hilton, Milo, discharged. Wilson, Hilman A., discharged. Honaker, Paul, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company D did not perform any' guard duty. Participated in all Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns; also, patrol duty in city. A squad was furnished to guard Liberty loan planes of third loan. Kansas State Guard. 191

Company l‘E.” 43d Battalion, Kimball.

Captain: Artificer: Privates— C oncluded. Charles A. Leech. Comer, James E. Hickman, Clint O. Hickman, Nomie P. First Lieutenant: Musicians: Howard, Emmett Neal. Jacobs, Wilber E. Harding, Alfred M. Charles N . Cosner. Johns, James W . Sailors, William A. Johns, Oscar J. Second Lieutenant: Kelsey, Joseph Milbern. Hurley A. Lowe. Privates: Lowe, Joe. Carlson, Monie O. Lowe, Mark R. First Sergeant: Casper, John M. Michael, Raymond G. Elder, Angell D. Chard, William H. McLeister, Earl H. Collins, Oral. McMullen, William W. Sergeants: Copland, Clyde R. Neal, Ruben. Copland, Paul H. Olsen. Wilbert A. Copland, Lucian E. Daggett, John William. Rumbeck, Thomas D. Cosner, Guy. Davidson, Moses M. Samples, Ansel L. Lowe, Harvey. Doherty, William E. Samples, John L. Fisher, Kenneth. Snodgrass, Leonard L. Corporals: Fisher, Sam E. T red way. Ralph. Acton, J. O. Gier, Jasper X . Woodruff, Lee. Anderson, Ira M . Gier. Oscar J. Dunham, Henry E. Harding, A. W . Harding, Roy. Harding, Foster. Hazen, John Henry. Hardman. Everett. Young, Murlin G. Haviland, Irvin E.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Tweedy, Roy 1.., Berglund, Vernon E., Ponsler, Everett, discharged. discharged. discharged. Bowles, Fred V., Rhoads, Clyde A., Privates: discharged. discharged. Bennett, Ivan R ., Doty, Hugaly Avon, Thompson, Merle E., discharged. discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company E participated in battalion parades at Erie, Kan., on August 29, 1918, and at Parsons, Kan., on September 15, 1918. The organization put on military company drill at Allen county fair at Savonburg. Kan., September 19, 1918. Captain C. A. Leach acted as battalion adjutant in battalion parades at Erie, August 29, 1918; Parsons, September 15, 1918; Columbus, September 2(», 1918; Pittsburg, October <>, 1918, and Fort Scott, Novem­ ber 19, 1918. Conducted military funeral for a deceased United States soldier at Savonburg, September 22, 1918, at Kimball, February 9, 1918, and Erie, April 17, 1919. Participated in celebration of the signing of the armistice at Stark. November 11, 1918. 192 Adjutant General’s Department.

H eadquarters, 44th Battalion, Galena.

Major: Captain and Surgeon: Captain and Supply Officer: Elza E. Julien. William E. Hiatt. David W. Markham.

Xo activities reported.

C ompany “A,” 44th Battalion, Galena.

Second Lieutenant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. C. Kennedy. Baum, William. Kent, Stelle L. Bell, Arthur W. Keys, Louis R. Sergeants: Bennett, Madison K. King, Floyed. Bender, J. R. Berry, Edward S. Kimmons, John A. Martin, Allen O. Berry, Leroy S. Kimmons, Sparks W. Moeller, George. Bray, Guy. Lewman, Jesse E. McNay, Arthur S. Butler, William E. Lopp, Walter L. Campbell, Colin G. Norvell, Glen R. Mallott, M. M. Wood, Chester C. Campbell, Robert E. Martin, Forest S. Casteel, W. R. Martin, Ira. Corporals: Clark, Ozzie J. Martin, Jack. Cleveland, Arthur A. Messer, Everett Ovey. Lamer, Eugene H. Cleveland, Ernest. Milburn, Alvin R. Messenger, Ben H. Cockrum, Clarence C. Miller, John H. Moody, Ben H. Cockrum, Claude C. Moody, Thomas. Moore, Athos M. Crabtree, William T. Murray, Charles A. Murphy, Frank. Day, Charles O. Murray, Ralph R. Murray, Jesse E. Derfelt, Baceus V. Myers, Charles C. Ragland, Harry W. Derfelt, Charles V. Phillips. Cecil A. South, Edwin Burr. Ditson, Albert, Jr. Rice, Alfred. Doty, Verne. Rice, Harry L. Artificer: Downing, Virgil. Richsecker, William L. Burns, John. Ellington. Howard. Robertson, T. Floyd. Elliott, Claude. Ryan, Fred W. Cooks: Erickson, Spitzheim W. Sater, Bryce. Cardwell, Ola F. Gassawav, John M . Stickelman, Floyed R. Slover, William H. Gorman, Joseph C. Thompson, Robert E. Harris, Edgar E. Walters, Frank. Musician: Harris, Eugene V. Walters, Pleas M. Hayward, Samuel J. Wisdom, H. E. Eckles, Forest G. Hedges, Alfred E. Wisner, Charles P. Hutto, Vernon V. Wood, Robert T. Privates: Jackman, Ed G. Barton, Ralph N. Jackson, Oliver II. Baugh, Hale Kenneth. Jacobs, Floy.


Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Elza E. Julien, Allford, William W ., Hardwick, Eugene, transferred. discharged. discharged. Bennett, E. N., King, Raymond J., First Lieutenant: discharged. discharged. Elmer W. Anthony, Black, Tom W., McComock, William T., resigned. discharged. discharged. Black, William A., McNay, Claude H., Corporals: discharged. transferred. Clark, William E., Phillips, Willis B., Barnes, Charles, discharged. discharged. transferred. Clover, Henry W ., Sater, Ben J., Bray, Guy, discharged. discharged. discharged. Creech, John J., Schane, Charles V., Swaney, Paul, died. discharged. discharged. Gorrod. Herbert, Thompson, Kenneth, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company A participated in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. Kansas State Guard. 193

C ompany “ B,” 44th B attalion, Baxter Springs.

Captain: Corporals: Privates— Concluded. H. D. Long. Ellis, Ira M . Funk, Jesse C. Hardy, Clifford A. Garret son, John T. First Lieutenant: Kidd, James R. Garretson, William. J. R. Avery. Long, Lunceford. Goodwin, Hurley. Powel, James. Haley, Carl V. Second Lieutenant: Wene, Lance. Hutchens, Patt C. King, Horace C. Raymond D . Cook. J/ usician: Low, John A. Embree, Fred L. Lundgren, Ambro. First Sergeant: Mason, Edgar L. Goodeagle, Merton. Pri votes: Monpleasure, John K Morton, Arthur D. Quartermaster Sergeant: Abbott, Kenneth P. McDonald, Roy F. Angel, Crawford. Parsons, Charles. Neprasch, Emil. Asbury, H. L. Neprasch, (George Austin, Jack. Color Sergeant: Newman, James L. Bird, Ralph. Newman, Marvin. Smith, Louis A. Rorgesser, H. Orvel. Nichols, Daniel II. Rut ton, Pearl. Nichols, Walter. Sergeants: Campbell, William R. Peterson, Carlyle A. Rock, Nelson S. Cooper, Thomas E. Schoonover, Joseph L. Holt urn, Archie. Covey, Arnold R. Shults, Howard W . Embree, Edward J. Dowty, Forest. Smith, Jesse. Embree, John. Duncan, Joe H. Spicer, Harding W . Campbell, John L. Dunne, William II. Sullivan, Roy. Hunter, James M. Embree, Claude. Waugh, Don. Pffrenmier, Ralph. Farrell, Carl. Weygandt, James E. Trammel, George M . Faulkner, Earl M. Wyatt, Lee L. Fithian, James A. Florey, Vernie.

LOSSES. Captain: Sergeant: Corporals: W . E. Hiatt, discharged. Goodwin, Thomas J.. Rabb, Henry A., discharged. discharged. • Quartermaster Sergeant: Rallard, Arthur C., died. Laster, Edwin D., Jensen, Ruben II., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company R participated in the second Liberty loan drive parade; Red Cross drive April, 1918. Memorial services at Raxter Springs, Decoration Day, May 30, 1918; Decoration ceremonies at Baxter Springs cemetery. Memorial services, Sunday afternoon, 1918, at Co­ lumbus. On June 2, 1918, the unit went to Columbus, to bid farewell to the boys who entered the service from Baxter Springs, Columbus and vicinity. Participated in battalion parade and review at Fort Scott, on July 4, 1918; Major Consedine, reviewing officer. July 11, 1918, parade at Galena, celebrating French day. August, 1918, battalion parade. Street fair by guard company. Review in evening by Adjutant General Huffman. August, 1918, battalion parade and review at Galena, evening, street fair by Galena guard company; Major Julien, reviewing officer. September, 1918, battalion parade and review at Lakeside park, near Carthage, Mo. Afternoon of October 3, 1918, battalion parade and review at Pittsburg. Major Consedinp, reviewing officer. November 11, 1918. peace parade, Baxter to Joplin, Mo. Battalion parade at Joplin, Mo. Memorial Sunday, 1919, Raxt-r Springs services. Decora­ tion Day, 1919, Decoration ceremonies and decoration of graves at Baxter cemetery.

13—4436 194 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ C,” 44th Battalion, Scammon.

Captain: M usicians: Privates— Concluded. William Devlin. Montan, August. Lagle, Sam. Reid, Robert. Lampthn, William. First Lieutenant: Lewis, Alfred. Cooks: Little, Floyd. Thomas J. Grady. Batten, John. Lucas, Homer. Lyons, James. Second Lieutenant: Murray, William. Mackey, John. Walter Tadlock. .4 rtificer: Martin, Paul. Martin, Thomas. First Sergeant: Martin, Charles R. Maxwell, William. Heisted, Jonathan. Moore, James. Privates: McCormick, Barney. Quartermaster Sergeant: Anderson, James. McNally, John. Atwood, George. Nall, Hiram. Laws, Robert. Bassy, Falosa. O’Malley, Mike. Batten, Albert. Parker, Dewey. Sergeants: Batten, Ernest. Plumbo, Sam. Berryhill, Benjamin. Batten, Richard. Reynolds, Edward. Casebeer, Harry. Biamia, Dominate Ross, John. Dunn, James. Brady, Thomas. Saccita, Louis. Fox, Charles. Capute, Frank. Shaw, Isaac. McNamara, Miles. Capute, Peter. Sine, Beryle. Cassidy, Edward. Skeith, Abraham. Corporals: Cheek, John. Steele, James. Davidson, William. Dobbins, Walter. Stewart, Henry. Hoffman, William. Dunn, Allen. Stewart, William. Horn, Thomas. Evans, David. Stewart, Thomas. Little, Thomas. Grand water, William. Tangnar, Ray. O’Malley, Patrick. Hamilton, Harold. Toner, Joseph. Payne, Ira. Harris, Sam. Yilet, John. Nelson, William. Harrison, Walter. White, Fred. Holland, Roy. White, William. Kennedy, William. Willis, Joseph.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. David W. Markham, Baker, Stewart, discharged. Callahan, James, resigned. Bigando, James, discharged. d ischarged. Ferns, John P., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. From date of the organization of this company until after the signing of the armistice the company drilled, as a unit, regularly three times each week. Shortly after this, because of the epidemic of contagious disease, a ban was placed on the community by the local board of health prohibiting public gatherings. After this ban was lifted the company met regularly in school of instruction and interior guard duty. The company took part in two battalion re­ views. As opportunity offered the company participated in Red Cross activities, and took the leading part at home in peace celebrations, also away from home. The organization took an active part in six funerals of deceased soldiers, and rendered every service possible. Kansan State Guard.

C ompany ‘T ),” 44th Battalion, Columbus.

C a p ta in : P r iv a te s : P r iv a te s— C on clu d ed . C. W. Van Zandt. Adams, William. Hurt, A. J. Baumgarner, Cleo. Jones, Raymond. First Lieutenant: Bennett, Ralph. Kirk, Elmer. J. D . Averill. Blaker, George, Jr. Lapp, Thomas B. Boss, F. W. Lewis, E. Offie. Second Lieutenant: Boyd, C. J. Longnecker, Elmo. Bradney, Claud. Maxwell, C. E. Fred Simkin. Brown, J. T. Meriwether, F. W Catlett, H. M. Myers, C. C. S e r g e a n ts : Caunnack, .1. McCarty, Harry. Gordon, O. O. Cooper, C. M . McCaskill, Paul. Hiller, Charles. Correll, Clyde. Norell, F. A. Hoyt, A. C. Crosby, Georg**. Reynolds, Oliver. Peterson, Fred \V. Crosby, Orville. Reynolds, Paul. Sayer, P. R. Dawson, H. O. Sam pica, Frank. Schock, Walter. Devoe, Llovd. Sanders, G. A. Summet, W. H. Ellis, E. H. Wark, J. E. Ellis, J. H. Wilson, Robert. C o r p o r a ls : Gleason, George. .Wilson, R. W. Armstrong, Leo. Goldsberrv, Paul. Willey, James. Daily, Dio D. Hall, J. C. Wimmer, Marion. Goldsberry, M . L. Hall, J. Ray. Wixon, Wavne. Sea mm on, H. F. Hamilton, Vernon. Yellen, R. P. Strawn, W . I. Harris, R. E. Younginan, H. D. Willis, E. J. Hermann, A. Heller. Vivian. Holloway, Harry. Musician: Hood. George W. Finney, Theodore. ' Hosev, William.

ACTIVITIES. Company I) participated in all war activity campaigns.

Headquarters, 45th Battalion, Onaga. % Major: Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Adjutant: James P. Blackledge. Abe Giltner. Frank G. Ellis.

Captain and Surgeon: Laural A. Summers.

No activities reported

Company “ A.” 45th Battalion, Onaga.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Noyce H. Hayward. Hugh H. Seneker. Robert Bruce Hall.

LOSS. C a p ta in : James P. Blackledge, resigned. No muster-out roll furnished. 196 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company “ B ,” 45th Battalion, Wamego.

C a p ta in : P r i v a t e s : P r iv a t e s — C o n c lu d e d . R. C. Johnston. Ashton, Ben. Holuba, J. A. Barr, M. L. Hoover, J. L. First Lieutenant: Bender, F. M. Hugenberger, A. E. Bennett, F. R. Humbert, Jean. M. A. Button. Bignall, O. O. Humbert, J. W . Bingei, II. O. Jones, George R. Second Lieutenant: Bohn, George. Kramer, C. A. E. J. Dalton. Brown, F. M. Landrum, C. G. Burgess, A. C. Larson, B. A. First Sergeant: Burnett, Guy. Leach, Forest. Doyle, K. D. Cary, John. Leach, H. L. Chapman, E. P. Lichterban, D. Quartermaster Sergeant: Cline, Vernon. Merryman, C. P. Coder, It. A. Noe, H. L. Hurlburd, R. C. Cooper, A. L. Noe, O. W . Cord, John H. Paxton, Adam. S e r g e a n ts : Crow, Blaine. Perry, Chas. Ross. Reynolds, C. E. Crowl, W. W. Phillips, Cecil. Schroepfer, O. M. Dalton, W. B. Printy, J. L. Stelzner, C. E. Danforth, Glenn. Roark, L. M. Dugan, E. Rogers, C. W. C o r p o r a ls : Enlow, Joe. Scott, Robt. Beeson, Carl. Finney, H. C. Shaw, Robt. Berner, S. F. Fitzgerald, F. C. Smith, Wm. E. Cline, H. L. Forrester, E. G. Snapp, W. A. Ferril, Jesse. Fulner, L. M . Stanley, J. D . Mansfield, Harry. Funnel 1, Floyd. Stearns, L. B. Pixlev, F. A. Ham, Ferris. Stewart, Glenn. Schuil, Mark A. Hamilton, Virgil L. Stewart, W. T. Whitney, Sol. Harrell, S. O. Swanson, W. A. Hatcher, E. C. Talbott, J. O. M u s ic ia n s : Heath, W. M. Teague, A. G. Henn, George. Teague, Bert W. Lambert, Ray. Hill, R. G. Warner, C. G. Stewart, H. E. Holuba, H. H. Zeigler, Geo. W. A r t i fi c e r : Balderson, N. C. LOSSES.

C a p ta in : P r iv a t e s — C o n tin u e d . P r iv a t e s — C o n c lu d e d . Abe Giltner, Jr., Farrell, E. C. Miracle, Jas. M . transferred. Hecker, J. Miracle, Paul. Huey, C. S. Shreve, J. M . Privates (Discharged): Johnson, LeRoy A. Snyder, Earl. Bolin, George A. Johnson, Paul E. Spalding, Earl. Buatte, E. Larson, E. F. Stewart, J. E. Childers, J. A. Larson, L. F. Swanson, D. Childers, James L. Larson, N. T. Swords, S. M. Childers, Louis E. Line, W . Tallbott, ------Cord, J. H. McCloskev, T. J. Vilven, Leland L. Cordts, Earl. Miller, Fred. Zeigler, Geo. No report of activities furnished. Kansas State Guard. 197

Company “C ,” 45th B attalion, Wheaton.

C a p ta in : A r tific e r : P r iv a te s— C on clu d ed . Laurel A. Summers. McGrath, Michael J. Kennedy, James F. Kufahl, William F. First Lieutenant: P r iv a te s : Lee, Jess S. Edward W . Andrick. Bennett, James L. Lolley, Herbert. Burke, John A. Lynch, Thomas A . Lyon, Claud W . Second Lieutenant: Campbell. Roy. Lyon, Sherman. Harry O. Sutcliff. Cunningham, Frank. Dreher, Eugene L. Miller, Billie. Moran, John. First Sergeant: Ellis, Kenneth W . Ellis, Roy A. McDermott, James B. Grim, George E. Ellis, Walter. Orsborn, Leo E. Fenton, Arthur T. Pierce, James J. Quartermaster Sergeant: Fenton, Thomas. Pierson, Walter H. Plummer, Clarence E. Force, Resiah. Flynn, Timothy O. Force, Jacob R. Plummer, Loyd O. Robbins, Edward L. S e r g e a n ts : Force, Walter R. Foster, Emmett. Robbins, Myron F. Force, Ray. Schlegel, Jesse J. Horgan, Daniel T. Frezier, Frank. Glannon. Richard H. Sch want, Fred. Tunison, Warded H. Smith, Andy M. Willis, Herbert A. Goodman, Dewey R. Goodman, Joseph L. Smith, Frank P. Smith, Harry A. C o r p o r a ls : Goodwin, Andrew N . Goodwin, George E. Smith, Joseph E. Bushey, Charles C. Grabe, Milliam H. Swickard, Adna G. Bushey, Loring R. Griffith, Benjamin E. Thompson, Chester. Doyle, Thomas H. Grof, Henry J. Tibbetts, Howard F. Tunison, Charles A. Force, Frank G. Grof, Jacob M. Keating, James H. Harrington, Daniel W . Tunison, Edward S. Walsh, Edward A. Harrison, George W . Tunison, Howard M . Hennebergh, Ror C. Walsh, Edward. C o o k s : Holder, Thomas W . Walsh, James. Robbins, Clarence E. Honig, Otto H. Walsh, John A. Sanders, Joseph F. Horgan, Henry. Walsh, Martin J. Horgan, Martin. Walsh, Patrick. M u s ic ia n s: Keating, Henry A. Walsh, Thomas. Keating, James L. Winkler, Conley. Ward, Fern. Witham, Hugh. Washburn, Claud E. Keating, Thomas R. Kelley, Michael F. Wonnell, David W . Wonnell, Joseph H. LOSSES. P r iv a te s : . P r iv a te s — C on tin u ed . P r iv a te s— C on clu d ed . Dixon, Joseph, Kuhn, Bill, Kuhn, Harve C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Gullion, Ivan, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company C held regular drills until stopped by the influenza ban. The company also assisted actively in all Red Cross, Liberty loan, and W . S. S. campaigns which were conducted after its organization. This organization held patriotic meetings and rendered an invaluable service in keeping up the morale of the public. 198 Adjutant General’s Department

Company “ D,” 45th B attalion, Blaine.

C a p ta in : P r iv a t e s — C o n tin u e d . P r iv a te s — C o n c lu d e d . Frederick Jones. Carter, Nathanial. Minihan, Jeremiah. Castello, Frank. Minihan, John. First Lieutenant: Conaway, Benjamin A. Minihan, M. J. Thomas Cummings. Conaway, Benjamin J. Minihan, Robert J. Conaway, James. Moerke, William. Second Lieutenant; Culhan, Joseph. McBride, Cornelius A. Cummings, Richard J. McBride, Francis C. Richard O'Shea. Dempewolf, Lewis. McBride, Frank. Dempsey, David. O ’Shea, James. S e r g e a n ts : Downey, Henry. O’Shea, John. Boyle, Michael. Eisenbeis, Charles W. O’Connell, Timothy. Dempsey, William A. Finan, Frank. O’Connor, Mortimor. Finan, Timothy E. Finan, James W. Parks, Edward B. Higgins, H. F. Finan, Michael J. Pendergast, Frank J. Quigley, Clarence B. Frank, Clyde D. Pendergast, Jerome B. Glannon, Thomas. Pendergast, Joe F. C o r p o r a ls : Good, Gavl. Plummer, Williard. Cummings, John E. Good, Henry. Rabbitt, John M. Downey, John L. Griffin, Albert. Roach, William. Harrington, James. Hale, Emmett. Ryan, Emmett. McBride, James. Hale, Robert. Sheahon, Frank. O'Connor, Richard. Harrington, William. Sheahon, John. Pendergast, Arthur. Herman, Carl W. Sheahon, Williard. Higgins, Edward A. Silkman, Tracy J. P r i v a t e s : Hudson, Francis. Strifler, Chester. Hudson, Matthew. Strifler, John. Adams, Arthur D. Hudson, Thomas. Valburg, Henry. Adams, Edmond J. Johnson, Carl H. Walsh, Frank. Adams, Franklin E. Leonard, Arthur. Walsh, John T. Adriance, Frank J. Leonard, George M. Walsh, Joseph T. Area, Archie J. Leonard, Joseph L. Walsh, Michael. Bennett, John A. Leonard, Michael P. Walsh, Michael H. Bennett, Leo C. Leonard, Walter S. Walsh, Thomas. Bent sen, Emery J. Magnett, George. Walsh, William. Bentsen, James N. Magnett, William. Wapp, Herman. Bucker, Gustaf F. Mangan, John J. Wapp, John. Burton. William F. Meehan, Clarence L. Webster, Frank. Carlson, Otto G. Meehan, Thomas J. Webster, James L. Caron, David. Minihan, Edward. Webster, John.

ACTIVITIES. Company D participated in all Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns during the war.

' H eadquarters, 46th Battalion, Richmond.

M a j o r : Captain and Adjutant: Captain and Supply Officer: Edward P. Pendleton. Hugh E. Atchison. Stephen D. Needham.

No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 199

Company “A ,” 46t h B attalion, Ottawa.

C a p ta in : P r iv a te s— C on tin u ed . Privates— C oncluded. Elmer D. Manley. Bennett, J. Henry. Keen, Marius A. Bledsoe, Jess L. Kennedy, Carl. First Lieutenant: Blow, Ralph E. Kirshner, Dale G. Fred A. Clark. Blum, Charles E. Larson, Fritz Ephriam. Bridwell, J. Roy. Martin, Delph. Second Lieutenant: Briscoe, Guy E. . Martin, Fred P. Brooks, Walter S. Moise, Percival R. James W . Sutton. Burk, Earl F. Moore, Charles W. Burket, Francis L. O’Connor, Roderick M . First Sergeant: Callan, J. Edward. Overman. Harry C. Gish, Leo N. Campbell, Otis W . Payne, Claude. Carnes. Roy. Pillars, Jack. S e r g e a n ts: Caswell, Robert B. Printy, John T. De Wald. Gilbert L. Chapman, Clifford H. Printy, William F. Jewell, Harry L. Clearman, Hubert T. Ramsey, Will H. Ogg, Courtney S. Cooper, Edgar M . Richardson. Elmer E. Ricketts, Thomas L. Ramsey, Marshall. Cramer, Crayton P. Crotts, Vertiss I. Rowland, Blendon L. C o r p o r a ls : Diake, Carl J. Sheldon, Clarence M. Dugger, John H. Shideler, Dwight L. Davis, J. William. Elwell, Joel E. Snethen, Everett R. Dial, Arch. Foltz, Howard V. Snethen, John W . Fredeen, Paul. Gilliland, Hugh. Snyder, William A. Harris, Clare M . Gilliland, Wayne E. Southerland, Willie A. Martin, Fred P. Gilliland, William T. Spencer, Ralph E. Thompson, George P. Hanes, Ralph S. Stephens, Lawrence G. M usicians: Harrell, Theron P. Stevenson, Josiah G. Harris, John. Strafuss, Alfred M . Jones, Aaron. Hartley, Oscar A. Stookey, Roy W . Van Osdell, James R. Hegberg, Boyd R. Vickers, William A. Herald, Roy. Warner, Emanuel L. P r iv a te s : Herrington, Lynne R. Weinheimer, Clarence. Anderson, Fred E. Herron, Campbell C. West, Ernest C. Ragg, Frank. Jones, Joseph D.

S e r g e a n ts : P r iv a te s — C o n tin u ed . P r iv a te s— C on clu d ed . Moody, Clarence W ., Buckles, Horace G., Johnson, Gerald T ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Woods, Harry W., Byers, Juan C ., discharged. Kennedy, Harvey L., discharged. Crow, Earl F., discharged. discharged. Davis, Fred B ., discharged. Leonard, Forest H., C o r p o r a ls : Doughty, Lewis, discharged. Geiger, Charles T ., discharged. Mitchell, George D ., discharged. Emerson, Troy M ., discharged. Lamb, Harold J., discharged. O ’Neil, William C., discharged. Flinchpaugh, Fred B., discharged. Morton, John H., discharged. Peterson, Frank, discharged. Fulton, Arch H., discharged. Washburn, George H ., discharged. Postern, Charles E., discharged. Gowans, Ralph E., discharged. discharged. Roberts, William W ., P r iv a te s : Gunn, George W ., discharged. discharged. Senter, Andrew F., Barnes, Sereck F., Guy, John, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hamish, John F., Smart, Charles A., Bement, Mahli, died. discharged. discharged. Bennett, Frank R., Henderson, George, Temple, Richard E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Bowers, Benjamin F., Hicks, James E., Jr., Walsh, James, discharged. discharged. discharged. Watts, Edison E., Brovhill, Warren W ., Hughes, Oliver C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Brumit, Charles R., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A held biweekly drills; participated in Memorial Day and Fourth of July activities; guarded Liberty loan train. Assisted in Liberty loan, Red Cross and other cam­ paigns; bought Liberty bonds as a company. The unit assisted at funerals of deceased sol­ diers, and acted as escort for returning soldiers. Maintained an armory at company expense, and disbanded with $150 in company treasury'. Participated in social functions. Enjoyed our service, did some good, we believe, and learned some things. Ready to serve again if we are needed. 2 0 0 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company ‘‘B,” 46th Battalion, Richmond.

C a p ta in : P r iv a te s — C o n tin u e d . P r i vo t e s — C o n c lu d e d . Roscoe M . Spencer. Chandler, Bradford. McDaniel, Jesse D. Clark, George A. McDanniel, Charley C. First Lieutenant: Clark, John M . McDanniel, Harber. Clarence K. Kelsey. Cleceland, Earnest B. M cEvoy, Lawrence F. Cooper, Elmer C. McKay, George. Second Lieutenant: Davis, Charley W . McNeel, Willis M. Davis, Silas W. McNeel, Willis R. Ray E. Duffey. Demorat, Cassada. New, Benjamin F. Demorat, Charles W. New, Freddie E. First Sergeant: Denchfield, Charley R. Patton, Clinton H. Atchison, Harry V. Dench field, Richard C. Peak, Erast us E. Elliott, Chester J. Pearson, Howard B. Quartermaster Sergeant: Feuerborn, George H. Pendleton, Raymond E. Bell, Fred E. Fuller, Harry N. Price, Joseph Z. Gault, Harry L. Price, Merl M . S e r g e a n ts : Gault, Ross. Rhodes, Fiber W. Evans, Foster. Gore, Doyle. Roush, Cleveland G. Grippen, William E. Greenwalt, Frank R. Roush, Lou E. Henderson, Earnest M. Grippin, Guy L. Slocum, Charles G. Tippen, Frank. Grippin, Leo W. Sigler, Alfred O. Wantland, Charley O. Heckman, Perry V. Spencer, Claude C. Henderson, Bart S. Stevenson, Harry H. C o r p o r a ls : Henderson, Howard C. Stevenson, Thaddius. Akin, Wallace J. Hobson, George F. Stevenson, Thomas L. Atchison, Ray R. Horstick, Harry C. Stewart, Charles A. Brown, Guy C. Howel, Earl. Stewart, Chester R. Gentry, Earnest C. Johnson, Frank W . Stewart, Harold I. Kueser, Frank N. Kepple, Fabian J. Stringham, Morton H. Rice, Squire B. Kirkland, Quin A. Thorp, Erman E. Roecker, Arnold F. Knight, Benjamin S. Wantland, Walter. Weaver, Danial F. Lawton. Floyd D. Waver, Charles N. List, John. Whitmer, Warren F. P r i v a t e s : Luiulquist, Oscar l . Williams, Francis L. Bell, John W . Lyons, Charley E. Williams, John. Berger, Daniel H. Martin, Chester W. Williams, John E. Biniamin, Theodore. Mills, Orda. Williams, Ray B. Blake, Elvie B. Mitchell, Elmer E. Williams, Roy D. Blunt, Bruce K. Morris, James A. Winter, Charles. Brown, Oren R. McCall, Vernon J. Witt man, Carl W. Carpenter, Joseph D. McClung, Miles. Worman, Merle E. Chambers, Albert F. McCrea, Robert S. Worster, Fred S.


C a p ta in s : P r i v a t e s : P r iv a te s — C o n c lu d e d . Earl L. Edwards, resigned. Burlingham, William E., Morris, Henry S., Edmond P. Pendleton, discharged. transferred. resigned. Davis, Frank W ., Stevenson, William W ., Second Lieutenants: discharged. discharged. Hanna, Rolland R., Weisner, Alfred A., Ray W . Johnson, resigned. transferred. discharged. Clinton H. Patton, Lloyd, William B., died. Williams, Polk F., resigned. Morris, Christopher L., discharged. First Sergeant: died. W itt man. John It., Atchison, Hugh E., discharged resigned. No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 201

Company “ C,” 46th Battalion, Lane.

C a p ta in : Privates: P r iv a te s— C on clu d ed . Roy Hendrix. Adkinson, Francis L. Jenkins, Loyd M . Adkinson, H. B. Kenney, Chester P. First Lieutenant: Adkinson, Wesley C. Koontz, Francis M. William C. White. Alexander, James W . Land ess, George E. Baffrey, John E. Lewis, Albert A. Second Lieutenant: Baker, Arlan H. Mills, Gideon G. Baker, William O. Mills, Harry. David A. Walter. Banks, Willie L. Mills, Joseph O. Bump, Charlie. Myers, Arthur O. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bump, Falcutt. McNutt, Marion. Hussey, Norman C. Bump. Roy E. Needham, Dana. Burkdoll, Garry W . Needham, Louis. S e r g e a n ts : Burkdoll, Willie. Needham, Ray M. Burkdoll, John N. Chambers, William S. Needham, Stephan G. Lafollette, Clint. Chet wood, John M . Nofsinger, George A. Needham, Jasper H. Cornelius, Isaac I. Owens, William. Cumber, John C. Pennington, Edward E. C o r p o r a ls : Creese, David O. Rhodes, James E. Dobbins, James A. Rowland, John L. Herron, Earl. Edwards, Charlie G. Rowland, William E. Hurst, George E. Ellis, Jesse Oscar. Schlagle, Charles E. Stamper, Thomas F. Ensle, William J. Seever, Casper H. White, Verne. Fisher, Louis H. Smith, Elmer E. Fisher, William A. Soper, Milvin. Musicians: Gerth, Cecil M. Thomlinson, Walton A. Chitwood, Archie J. Glinkman, Louis W . Triplett, Jerry. Koontz, Ray F. Glinkman, Everett. Tripp, Willie W. Hill, Fredrick A. Vinson, Sylvanus B. A r tific e r : Hendrix. Shendan W . Wain, Glen E. Seerest, Austin O. Hume, Edgar. White, Alva L. James, George A. Wolter, Herman W . James, Guard F. Zinnbrun, Loyd M. LOSSES. C a p ta in : C o rp o ra ls— C o n clu d ed . P r iv a te s— C on clu d ed . Stephen D. Needham, Pennington, Stewart M ., Rhodes, Charles, died. discharged. discharged. Rose, Ulyuss G ., discharged. First Lieutenant: Privates: Rose, Willis S., Dalton, Orion G ., resigned. Abbott, Edwin F., discharged. discharged. Sturgeon, Henry C., Quartermaster Sergeant: Coulter. Ward E., discharged. Monroe, Loyd H., discharged. Smith, Richard L., discharged. Crow, Frank M ., discharged. discharged. Smith, Willie L., Sergeant: Hendrix, George E., discharged. Smith, Elvie E., discharged. Welton, Victor A., died. transferred. Hendrix, Joseph J., Wheeler, James B., discharged. discharged. C o r p o r a ls : Johnson, James E., White, Dewey, discharged. Barber, Charlie, discharged. discharged. Wren, Everett W ., Hendrix, Oscar E., Loch, John C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Pratt, Silas A., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C attended four military funerals, and participated in Decoration Day services. Attended the meeting and celebration at Olathe, July 4. Hunted bank robbers one day as a unit. Attended the competitive drill at Ottawa, battalion drill at Osawatomie, also held bat­ talion drill at this place. The organization assisted in all Liberty loan and Red Cross drives. The company drilled regularly every Wednesday night, and part of the time twice a week. Held noncommissioned officers’ school once a week for three months. Drill was suspended after the signing of the Armistice on account of having no armory accommodations and the lack of proper clothing for outside drill. 2 0 2 Adjutant General’s Department.

C ompany “ D,” 46th Battalion, Homewood.

C a p t a in : P r iv a t e s — C o n tin u e d . Pri votes— Concl uded. Clarence M. Lewis. Clemmons, Sam. Mason, Henry. Clines, David N. Mason, Robert. First Lieutenant: Coroperthwaite, L. I. Meshimmons, Clarence. Willis, Walter W. Dean, John. Miller, Newton. Edmeundson, Evert. Moon, Forest. S e r g e a n ts : Faulkner, Mack. Moser, Fred W. Fredricks, Clifford C. McClure, H. J. Glidden, Robert D. Fredricks, John. McDaniels, Onie O. Masters, Paul E. Fredricks, Philip. McDowell, George. McClure, Alfred It. Funk, Fred. New, Charley N. Wyatt, Clyde A. Funk, John. New, G . W . Gay, Fred C. Owen, Henry E. C o r p o r a ls : Graffham, Homer R. Payne, Kenneth F. Chambers, Clyde J. Graffham, Kester A. Peed, Lester R. Funk, Harry A. Greene, II. H. Pennell, Delbert H. McIntosh, George C. Guge, Fred. Plowman, John F. New, Rollie. Hanna, Roland R. Poole, Frank. Read, Earl R. Hayes, Bruce R. Price, Rawlie M . Spore, Leon. Herring, Henry E. Rogers, Hugh E. Higgins, Henry B. Rozell, Cary. P r i v a t e s : Hockett, Earl. Seiler, Charles H. Anderson, Elmer E. Hockett, John. Seiler, George. Arnold, S. C. Hockett, Sam. Shirras, James. Bechtle, Ernest B. Huddleston, Ira G. Shomber, Oliver H. Brown, C. E. Huddleston, Thomas A. St rider, Keyes. Bruner, Franklin A. Killion, Cecil K . Sullivan, Tim. Burgoon, David. Lennes, Peter. Warner, Ernest. Butalph, George M. Malburg, John. Wilkerson, John. Clemens, John A. Mason, Frank.

LOSSES. C a p t a in : P r i v a t e s : P r iv a t e s — C o n c lu d e d . James Column, resigned. Chase, Ralph E., Peed, Neil F ., resigned. transferred. Rill ion, Emery H ., Lieutenants: Hasty, Grant, discharged. deserted. Osgood R. Harder, Hasty, W. E., discharged. Slagel, Glenn, discharged. resigned. Holly, Ed, resigned. Willis, Walter, resigned. Jay Peterson, resigned. Mills, Peter T ., resigned.

ACTIVITIES. Company I) held regular drills once a week until the Armistice was signed. The organiza­ tion took part in several war activities, such as Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. Was called to Williamsburg about October 1, 1918, to search for a child which had strayed from home. Company spent one day and night and until 8 o ’clock the following morning in the search when one of the lieutenants of the company located tlie lost baby.

H eadquarters, 47th Battalion, Mound City. Major: John O. Morse. No report of activities furnished. Kansas State Guard. 203

C ompany “ A ,” 47th Battalion, Mound City.

First Lieutenant: Privates: I'rivates — Concluded. Benjamine C. Garrison. Austin, William R. Lamoreau. Howard. Bran, Carl. Mahon, Clayton. Second Lieutenant: Brooks, Stanley T. Mitchell, Archie L. R. Clarence L. Leeper. Burkhead, Burl L. Mitchell. Melvin S. Coughenouer, Fred \V. Montanye, John C. First Sergeant: Damitz, Carl E. Mundell, James M. Decker, Jewell. Murphy, Edward. Adams, Jesse B. Dickinson, Elmer L. McSwan, Edward G. Dingus, Greg A. Nesbit, Robert M. Supply Sergeant: Dingus, Wilson J. New, William O. Nesbit, Fred W . Dingus, H. Winfred. Nickelson, Art. Edeburn, Warren W . Paddock, Tedford D. S e r g e a n ts: Ellington, Alonzo J. Patrick, Richard F. Crosswhite, Herman S. Fisher, Harry W . Platt. Charles B. Jones, Ira T. Fletcher, Ernest E. Rankin, John E. Moody, Henry S. Frisbie, Arthur E. Schmidt, George H. Reeves, Herman D. Gleason, Ralph D . Shinkle, William G. Gleason, Walter I.. Sowers, Clarence E. C o r p o r a ls : Graham, Harvey L. Stark, Denton. Barnes, Robert. Havens, Cecil. Stark, Frank. Corbin, Byron C. Hollis, Clifford M . Steinshoer, Harry T. Dingus, Elmer. Hollis, George M . Stone, Vernie. Doty, Richard. Hoover, Halbert H. Tyhurst, Daniel. Ester, Vera H. Hoover, William T. Tyhurst, Harry. Mayhon, Harley C. Johnson, Garland. Venters, Elzie. Peatman, Ralph A. Kenney, Frank. Walker, Earl. Shinkle, Frank. Kingore, George R.

LOSSES. Captain: Private: John O. Morse, Pace, Charles E., promoted. died.

ACTIVITIES. Company A drilled twice each week from June 10 until December 1, 1018. Xo gucii duty. The unit participated in a parade and battalion inspection. PI asanton, September 2, 1918; parade and drill at Fort Scott in connection with the war fund drive, November 10, 1918. The organization was never equipped with arms. Uniforms were purchased with the assist­ ance of the count\ which contributed $500, and the enlisted personnel of the organization paid the balance, $7.50 per man. 204 Adjutant General’s Department.

Company B.” 47th Battalion, Pleasanton.

C a p t a in : C o r p o r a ls — C o n c lu d e d . P r i vo te s — C o n c lu d e d . Walter T. Smith. Leisure, Dewey. Leisure, Lawrence. Lincoln, Harry. L’Nuillier, Harold. First Lieutenant: L’Nuillier, Marvin. P r i v a t e s : W. Merton Stopple. Mays, Daniel Frank. Abbey, Ira H. Mays, Edward. Second Lieutenant: Allen, Jay T. Mays, Hugh Oscar. Bahl, Marvin J. Morris, Arthur. John Henderson. Baker, Harry. McBath, Colfax. Beck, Joseph. Newman, William. First Sergeant: Blaker, Harry. Palliny, Josiah. Ladd, Harley. Bradley, Mark V. Park, Dalice. Brittuyham, Arthur. Pellegrino, John. Quartermaster Sergeant: Brown, Omer. Poore, Floyd. Hall, Horton H. Brown, Rolla. Porter, Harry. Buffington, Andrew. Porter, John. S e r g e a n ts : Burland, Rees. Porter, Lawrence. Corbon, Gus. Poteet, Lewis. Evers, Emiel. Costello, Charles W. Rees, William. Hutchison, William. Epley, James C. Reese, Fred. Leisure, Carl. Evans, Harry D. Saunders, George R. Taylor, Clyde E. Ford, George. Shaffer, DeVon. Teubner, Richard. French, Robert. Shipley, Fred. Thirlwell, William. Geobel, William. Smith, George. Gritton, George. Smith, John. C o r p o r a ls : Harrell, Samuel M. Staton, Roscoe. Abbey, Ira B. Harris, Ranford. Thirlwell, Harry. Beatty, Grover. Higday, Andrew. Tucker, Clyde. Carson, Wilson. Jackson, James. Weeks, Joseph. Cannon, Lester. Justus, Thomas. Whinery, Charles. Fehr, Dewey. Kennen, James N. Whinery, Lack. Gunset, George. Kincaid, Frank. Worthington, Henry. Kay, W. Chester. Klopfenstein, Ralph. W right, John S. Leavitt, Roy S. LOSSES. C o r p o r a ls : P r i v a t e s : P r iv a te s — C o n c lu d e d . Chase, Herbert, Irwin, Charles, discharged. Milton, Jesse, discharged. transferred. Midgley, Ralph, died. Xo activities reported. Kmisas State Guard. 205

C o m p a n y “ C,” 47th B a t t a l i o n , La Cygne.

C a p ta in : B u g le r : P r iv a te s— C on clu d ed . J. E. Williams. Leasure, Marion F. Mills, Frank. Mills, John. P r iv a te s : First Lieutenant: Mooney, Harold. J. E. Strain. Allen. C. W . Mouse, Scott S. Andrews, Otis. Partridge, Charles. Bales, Phalas. Plumb, Cecil. Second Lieutenant: Brooks, E. H. Reese, Ernest. C. T . Potter. Brown, George. Rhynerson, Frank. Carnagie, Charles. Rhynerson, William. First Sergeant: Cart well, Thomas H. Riley, Edwin J. Moore, E. L. Clarke, Howard L. Rose, Walter. Danner, Oliver. Rowley, Irvin X . S e r g e a n ts: Dyer, W. J. Rush, Edwin F. Scott, Ellison. Evey, William. Enloe, Gurdon. Smith, Floyd. Greever, Hoy. Evey, Charles. Snyder, Oscar. McCallister, Everett. Evey, Elmer. Stainbrook, Franze. Persons, Fred. Farmer, Wallace. Haynes, Roscoe. Stainbrook, Fred. Steurm, John. C o r p o r a ls : Hesser, Clarance E. Hoggatt, George. Stevens, John. Creager, John. Holt, Julius E. Stevens, William A. Evans, Bret. Holt, Sanford L. Strohl, Ray J. Helm, Hersh el. Hope, Edgar. Terry, Henry. Jackson, Ralph. Irwin, Fred H. Terry, Sam C. Marinon, Callie. Lampman, Oscar. Thompson, Ray. Martin, Monroe. Lopeman, Amos. Weir, Ivan. Sappington, George. Martin, Marvin. Welgus, Frank. Miller, Harry. Williamson, Homer.

LOSSES. S e r g e a n ts: P r iv a te s : P r iv a te s— C on clu d ed . Gooden, Herman E., Joslyn, John W ., Russell, John, Dr., discharged. discharged. discharged. Haynes, Walter, discharged. McCoy, R. M., Swan, Ohn, discharged. Vezie, Ray, discharged. discharged. Thompson, Edward, Ogan, Hershel, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. Company C drilled twice each week and worked hard training men for active service. The organization took active part in war activity campaigns.

C o m p a n y “ D ,” 47th B a t t a l i o n , Parker. C a p ta in : C. F. McClay.

No muster-out roll furnished. 206 Adjutant General’s Department.


A da Company.

Captain: Second Lieutenant: Daniel D. Sechrist. John J. White.

No muster-out roll furnished.

A rkansas C ity Company

C a p t a in : P r iv a t e s — C o n tin u e d . P r iv a t e s — C o n c lu d e d . Foss Farrar. Brooks, William. McCaslin, Robert N. Brown, Dave N. R. McCathron, John G. First Lieutenant: Bumgardner, Henry E. McWilliams, David R. Max Coulter. Burk, Delbert. Madison, Harry O. Burton, Laurence O. Mahaffey, Frank E. Second Lieutenant: Cameron, Robert W. Marshall, Finley B. Carlton, Anthony. Martin, Harry. Wilbur H. Hill. Conrad, Loyd P. Martin, James H. Crouch, Earl B. Masters, Charles E. First Sergeant: Dailey, Chester S. Mathias, Orvell K. Reeder, Janies T. Davis, Robert M. Mierau, Edward C. Dawson, William E. Miller, Glenn E. S e r g e a n ts : Fesler, Walter C. Miller, Guy J. Gould, Fred A. Fisher, Clare. Mogle, Homer B. Johnson, Leo Webster. Garris, Raye J. Moody, Henry E. Maxwell, Howard M. Gay, Clarence S. Moore, Allie H. Mogle, Clarence H. Gilbert, Stanley. Murphy, William R. Ogren, John E. Goodnight, Vern R. Needs, John M . Schmidt, August J. Goodrich, Fred E. Ogelvy, Ed G. Green. Charles A. Oldroyd, Ralph W. C o r p o r a ls : Hall, Elbert B. Orr, Thomas J. Harrelson, J. Glenn. Osgood, Ferol A. Gennette, Hector J. Harris, Luther T. Peek, Charles H. Kuhns, Leroy D. Hess, Burton F. Post, Arthur L. Murray, Cyrus O. Hill, Arthur G. Purvines, John R. Sowden, Alfred. Hill. Harold M. Rector, William. Wickliffe, Ralph. Hoyt, William C. Reed, James C. Woodward, Robert L. Hollenbeck, Roth. Rhoads, Ross H. Hughes, Ollie E. Roberts, Earl. M u s ic ia n : Hughes, Roy E. Scott, Clarence O. Blass, Harry A. Humble, Charles A. Shannon, James W. Huston, B. L. Shaw, James W. P r i v a t e s : Johnson, William B. Shuster, Charles A. Jones, Perry A. Ames, Richard F. Simmons, Samuel C. Anderson, Robert D. Kelley, Thomas W. Skinner, John W . Bays, Paul. Kentner, William. Smyer, Horace R. Kinninmonth, George A. Beard, William R. Sowden, Ralph C. Lawhon, Fred R. Stewart, Tom. Bird, Richard. Livingston, Alexander, Blass, Carl. Strange, Carl L. Livingston, Forrest. Sturtz, Lewis A. Blass, Leroy Alva. Lupen, W. S. Thomas, Basil E. Boggs, Paul R. Thomas, Joseph Lewis. Bossi, Paul. Luper, Delbert G. Woods, James B. Bowman, Harry E. Lvtal, Carl C. LOSSES.

Second Lieutenant: First Sergeant: P r i v a t e s : George W . Smith, resigned. Williams, Homer L., Ames, John M cE., resigned. discharged. Daniels, John S., died. Darst, James Perry, discharged. ACTIVITIES. The Arkansas City company took part in all celebrations in honor of the boys entraining for cantonments under the selective service draft law during the summer and fall of 1918. Posted guards for Liberty loan train and exhibit October, 1918, and performed police duty in Arkansas City on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. On several occasions during the fall and winter of 1 9 1 8 -T 9 the company did guard duty for government airplanes forced to remain in or near Arkansas City over night; took part as Kansas State Guard. 207

Arkansas C ity Company— C o n clu d ed . a company in the celebration given by citizens of Arkansas City for soldiers returned from service. June 2d, 1919. During the fall and winter of 1918-'19 the organization acted as escort at funerals of all soldiers who died in the service and were buried in Arkansas City.

Arlington Company.

Captain: Cooks: Pri va t es — Concluded. Charles A. Bainum. Reynolds, Walter R. Mallory, Dr. Benjamine F. Pickering, James H. Millard, John W. First Lieutenant: Miller, Hewett R. Henery C. Ratzlaff. Artificer: Minor, Marion A. Reynolds, Joseph H. Mock, Kester. Second Lieutenant: Moore, Claud C. Privates: Pennington, James W. Victor \V. Jones. Pennington, John W. Baker, Allie E. Prettyman, Arthur E. First Sergeant: Blodgett, Fred E. Reynolds, Roy W . Bryant, Charles G. Blodgett, William E. Reynolds, William H. Borders, John W . Richardson, Fred A. S e r g e a n ts: Cassil, Ralph M. Roberts, Sherman E. Cecil, Lemuel C. Rutledge, William H. Crabbs, Lee M . Clark, Guy. Hayes, Walter P. Shackelford, Clifford N. Claik, John. Hemphill, Harry H. Shell. Felix C. Cook, Elden W. Mitchell, Edward G. Shoup, Charles A. Crabbs, Frank L. Smith, Arthur A. Sims, William H. Del vent hal, Charles J. Spence, Chester L. Edwards, Samuel L . C o r p o r a ls : d'hrasher, Guy. Ewing, Elmer T. Trembly, Joseph S. Bruce, Herbert S. Fowler, John J. Ungles, Thomas G. Ewing, Earl. Fuller, Daniel E. Walborn, Charles W . Fowler, Earl. Gordley, Elbert S. Wells, Frank R. Kelman, Samuel C. Guide, John. Wickham, Grovier. Paepke, Samuel. Hawkins, Thomas. Wood, William M. Thrasher. Fay. Hayes, Carl W . Hayes, Harrod M. Musicians: * Jessie, Ralph C. Edwards, Albert F. King, Charles W . Roberts, Earl E. Lentz, Fred S.


S e r g e a n t: Privates— Continued. Privates — Concluded. Edwards, Leonis P., Brown, Norman S., Sokel, Harry A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Cecil, Ora L., Spence, Russel T ., Privates: discharged. discharged. Breidenstein, Fritz O., Nall, James E ., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. This company performed no active service, n ither did it participate in any war activities. Liberty loan, and Red Cross drives as a company; many of the men took part personally. We furnished seven details, such as firing squads for funerals and funeral escorts; drilled once a week and many times twice a week from May until the Armistice was signed, then attend­ ance was poor as the influenza was raging and many were afraid to come out to drill. The organization was ready at all times to assist wherever needed, but the opportunity never presented itself. 208 Adjutant General’s Department.

A shland Company.

C a p t a in : C o r p o r a ls : P r iv a te s — C o n c lu d e d . John Dakin. Barr, George F. Hughes, Edward C. Dyer, Jesse E. Hughes, Gay A. First Lieutenant: Grimes, Sidney E. Hughes, Timothy M. Earl G. Wallingford. Shupe, Robert C. . Hulstine, Leland. Hulstine, Merlin. M usician: Second Lieutenant: Johnson, Arthur Anderson. Stephens, John E. Miller, Warren L. Robert N. Nunemacher. Mitchell, John T. A r tific e r : McFarland, Clair C. First Sergeant: Railing, Charles F. Cauthers, Thomas R. Woodward, Sanford E. Rankin, John. Rhodes, Era A. Quartermaster Sergeant: P r i v a t e s : Rice, James S. Kinzie, John W. Bengston, Willard N. Romine, Roscoe E. Campbell, Arley A. Romine, William G. S e r g e a n ts : Christman, Harry B. Salyer, Arthur Monroe. Cress, Charles B. Salyer, William E. Hartsook, Edward E. Daniels, Harry. Smith, Charles. Hill, Virgil W. Donnell, Frank Andrew. Smith, Clarence C. Hines, Fred W. Dorsey, Henry L. Sundgren, Ruben. Rhodes, David C. Dorsey, John S. Watts, Charles W. Ward, William C. Dugan, Charles R. Watts, Edgar H. Fetty, Lee Stanley. Willard, Thomas J. Hedrick, Burl Bassett. Wilson, Carnel Hash. Hensley, Edd. Wise, J. LeRoy. Hensley, Paul J. Wright, Jach Eugene.

ACTIVITIES. This company participated in five military burials of deceased United States soldiers and sailors; and did street patrol during influenza epidemic to suppress crowds.

A tchison Company.

C a p ta in : First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Clifford P. Elder. Chester L. Weeks. John R. W . Kawk.


C a p ta in s : First Lieutenants: Second Lieutenant: Charles V. Gundy, George L. Seaton, resigned. Howard J. Wallenstein, resigned. Harry S. Tooley, resided. resigned. Arthur C. Smith, resigned. Edward E. Wert, resigned.

No muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard. 209

Basehor Company.

Captain: Corporals: Privates— Concluded. Gilbert E. Marshall. Gardner, William A. Fonts, Charles E. Mclntire, Scott W. Hammond, Melvin L. Second Lieutenant: Stover, Gilbert E. Hawkins, George W. Weslie Klamm. Hein, Fred A. Cooks: Henniger, John W . First Sergeant: Stone, Fred C. Mayfield, Hobert Z. Warren, John P. Murphy, John T. Klamm, Leslie. Murphy, Robert E. M usician: Poggemeyer, William E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Stottler, Cecil Ivan. Treff, Francis. Hammond, Charles L. Truesdale, H. Eli. Sergeants: Privates: Hellar, Fred J. Ashmore, Neal L. Luther, Edgar J. Davis, Orville N. Oliver, Willard. Elder, Dean. Stephenson, George A. Elder, Sol A. LOSS. First Lieutenant: Clair O. L. Dunbar, resigned. ACTIVITIES. There was no call for guard duty. Several members of the organization were appointed on the Liberty loan and Red Cross committees, and they rendered splendid service as individuals.

B i ffalo Company.

Captain: Corporals; Privates— Concluded. Samuel P. Shotts. Dodge, Frederick F. Lee, Charles W . Hanson, Floyd H. Mitchell, Glen L. First Lieutenant: Litsey, Lewis L. Mitchell, Harry A. Moore, Roy. Walter S. Lacy. Privates: . .. Orr, Frank. Parmenteer, Joseph. Second Lieutenant: Blackwood, J. Carley. Puckett, Arthur. Charles V. Thomas. Biggs, Dee. Carlburg, Frank H. Purdy, Frank M. Stanfield, Ira. First Sergeant: Carlburg, Henry C. Carley, James E. Wagner, Albert us C. Ward, William L. Danner, Emmett W . White, Roy. Harrington, William. Sergeants: Jensen, John P. Danner, Thomas H. Lacy, Alvis C. Moore, Isom G. Lay, Roy D. Powell, Frank. ACTIVITIES. The Buffalo company performed no active service, nor participated in any of the Liberty loan or Red Cross campaigns as an organization.

14—4436 210 Adjutant Generals Department.

Bunkerhill Company.

( 'apt ui/i: Pri t o t es— Co n t inued. Privates— Concluded. L. H. Nimps. Biays, John. Little, C. A. Bostick, James. Little, Roy. First Lieutenant: Bronson, Bertram. Mahoney, John. Bronson, Harry. Meier, David. Clarence Peck. Brown, Elba. Missimer, Ira. Second Lieutenant: Carother, George. McKanna, V. E. Cobb, Warren. Oberheim, John. A. R. Baldwin. Dewald, Jacob. Olds, Klovis C. Dodds, Eli. Otto, Charles H. Ser(leants: Duffy, E. P. Prediger, Fred. Baldridge, Hand M. Dunkel, James. Price, Edgar. Miller, E. A. Duval, Guy. Ranck, Howard. Shaver, George. Fisher, Charles. Rohe, Walter. Flickinger, Charles. Schmidt, Fred. Corporals: Frederick, John. Schotemever, Samuel C. Schultz, C. F. Butler, Benjamin F. Gemmer, George. Sellens, James T. Dunkel, John. Graham, William. Shaffer, Harry M . Harbaugh, Walter. Harbaugh, Charles. Harbaugh, Fred. Shaffer, Ira C. Hoke, Frank. Heard, Abraham. Shaver, Roy. Shaw, Frank. Musician: Houdyshell, Lloyd. Humes, Earl. Shearer, Walter. Shearer, Edward R. Kaps, William. Snyder, William. Kennicott, Asa L. Srader, Marion. Pri cates: Kenmcott, Harold. Thomas, Clayton. Allen, P. S. Kennicott, James. White, Horace. Bechtel, Carl. Lindenmeyer, William E% White, Howard. Bennett, Matthew G. Lindsay, George. Wilkerson, William. Best, Franklin. Lindsay, William Guy. Wolf. Walter.

LOSSES. Quartermaster Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Biays, W. Max, Anspaugh, Samuel R., Mahoney, Robert J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Collicott, Elijah, McCaleb, Sidney K., Sergeant: discharged. discharged. Reh, Fred, discharged. Morton, J. Clare, Fairchild, Alton, discharged. discharged. Shaffer, Joseph E., Hoke, Walter, discharged. discharged. Corporals: Jones, Joe, discharged. Shearer, William E., Keller, Fred, discharged. discharged. Hoopman, Fred Bruce, Kuhn, Anton, discharged. Spicer, Melvin, discharged. discharged. Leatherman, Ralph, Wallis, Gaile, discharged. Sellens, Cecil J., discharged. Wolf, Jacob Roy, discharged. Little, Charles, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. The line of act on followed by this company was solely squad and company drill; two appearances at battalion drill; no guard duty having been performed. The organization did not participate in Liberty loan or Red Cross drives as a unit.

B ushton Company.

Captain; Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Frank Herzog. Finnin, Frank H. Mullenix, Charley B. Finnin, Hugh E. Murphy, Frank E. Privates: Finnin, James E. Nedderman, Henry F. Appel, George O. Godfrey, John Thomas. Parker, Clyde L. Appel, Orvile E. Godfrey', William F. Peterson, Robert L. Becker, William. Hall, Thomas M. Phleiderer, William T. Benehe, William. Hegwood, Otto Lee. Saeguesser, Edward P. Berndt, Ray E. Hickman, Thomas D. Shan.vo, Burton C. Buehler, John A. Hold, Ora L. Staatz, John Harvy. Bunce, Marvin C. Hubener, David N. Stehwien, Robert A. Clair, Frank E. Hubener, Fred N. Stillman, Judson Moore. Daugherty, Charles II. Karandan, Michal. Tracy, Benjamin F. Feldman, Gerhard W . Manahan, Harvey. Triplette. George Tunis. Feldman, John H. Mohney', George M. William, Theo.

ACTIVITIES. This company rendered no active service of any kind. However, it is thought that the unit was of much benefit to the conununity, due to its patriotic influence. Kansas State Guard. 211

Caldwell Company.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Herbert W . Baker. Bailey, Floyd \V. Kubik, John. Bobik, Edward J. Kucera, Mure]. First Lieutenant: Boykin, Howard G. Martin, Charles B. Cary S. Glasse. Campbell, Earnest W . Metzinger, William. Cock ran, EIzv A. Parsons, Earl M . Second Lieutenant: Colley. Wallace I. Peck, Daniel F. Craig. James E. Polivka, Peter. Clayton F. Viele. Davis, Robert. Puckett, Charles W . Did. Milfred. Rhodes, Gilderoy H. First Sergeant: Donhain, Edgar B. Ridings, W illiam E. Kerr, W . E. Elliston. Earnest. Roth, Alex. Estes, Carn. Roth, Peter M. Sergeants: Fisher, Estell C. Sharp, Carl E. Dacy, Maurice J. Fisher, Leonard L. Showalter, Ira E. Glover, E. Frank. Ford, William M. Smith, James L. Hall. Clyde B. Fossett, Charles S. Smith, Perry. Metzinger, Frank. Gibson, Edson. Spray, Elmer G. Hyland, John F. Griswold, Walter S. Subera, Frank. Halt, Edward L. Surguy, Earl M. Corporals: Hatfield, Roy. Thompson, Fred. Herrin, Charles B. Trimer, John C. Baker, Thomas. Kinch, Everard. Yoges, Leonard B. Moore, Andrew. King, Clement V. St ruble, Henry. King. Earest. Kubik. Fred B. Bugler: Kubik, Harry. Clark. Guy F. LOSSES.

Privates: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Curtis, Eddie, died. Horton, Norman, Peck, Frank L., Douglas, John L., died. resigned. discharged. Howe, William, Shelley, Arthur \V., Finney, James E .t resigned. resigned. resigned. McKee, Harvey, Shifflet, George W ., Harris, Roy C., resigned. resigned. died. Peck, Clarence, Via, John M ., Hoffman, James L., resigned. resigned. resigned. ACTIVITIES. Th s company participated in all Liberty loan and Red (Toss drives.

Chaxute Company.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Delmer B. Hickey. Havne H. Graham. George H. McDonald.

No muster-out roll furnished. 2 1 2 Adjutant General’s Department.

C hase Company.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. George W. Smith. Gallis, Charles E. Miner, Herbert G. Callis, George H. Miner, Paul. First Sergeant: Campbell, Frank. Mix, Ralph. Manning, Sidney J. Campbell, Lucius H. Moore, Roy. Coffman, Silas H. McFarland, Rosco. Quartermaster Sergeant: Dittmar, Albert. McGregor, Charles. Dittmer, Joseph. McGuire, Rollan T. Razliff, David. Dressier, Rudolph. McNeil, Thomas. Easter, Asas. Nichols, Willard. Sergeants: Foote, Albert R. Porter, John J. Keller, David W. Foote, Amos. Proffett, Ralph. Linville, Brad. Gilmore, Louis. Revel, Claud. Miller, James E. Grizzell, Charles F. Revel, John S. Groves, Albert. Revel, William. Corporals: Handy, Frank. Robinson, Tom. Almquist, Martin F. Hathaway, Bert. Saint, Ansel. Barngrover, Robert. Hathaway, Newton C. Schelegel, Lester M . Brown, Robert C. Haxton, Clinton. Schroeder, Frederick. Durall, Charles W. Hedges, Chester G. Scott, Leo. Feldman, Walter. Hoover, Joseph. Sharp, Homer. Hardwick, Lester M. Howlett, Roy. Sharpe, Roy. Hedges, Logan N. Johnson, Theodore. Sheehy, James. Hurd, Harold R. Johnson, Virgil. Sherer, Albert. Link, Frederick J. Kelly, Charles G. Sherman, John. Rollins, Ray. Kennedy, George. Shuck, Frank. Smith, David M. Kirkindall, Robert. Smith, Ernst. Lansing. James W . Smith, John. Pri votes: Link, Carl L. Spain, Ernst. Link, Laurence. Spain, George. Ackley, Ned. Link, William. Steffin, Albert E. Ames, Wilbur R. Linke. Ernst. Walker, Homer E. Baker, Roy J. Linville, John S. Wallace, Floyd E. Boherer, Gus. Linville, Louis R. Wedel, John. Bowman, Joe R. Linville, Thomas A. Winkleman, Carl. Bullard, Charles E. Malone, Victor. Winter, Floyd. Buntz, George D. Marshall, Dave. Witham, Will. Bussman, John C. Marshall, Orth W. Woods, Emmet.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. McFarland, Warren, Doris, Shakes, discharged. McFarland, Wade, discharged. Flammery, Holly, discharged. discharged. Pentico, Ira, died. Privates: Haxton, Harley, Purcell. Heaton, discharged. Beard, Richard H., discharged. Spain, George, discharged. discharged. Kiley, John, discharged. Boes, Mike, discharged. Link, Paul, discharged. ACTIVITIES. This company was mustered into service June 14, 1918. It rendered services at funerals of three deceased soldiers and one company b oy; drilled twice a week, with an average at­ tendance of seventy-eight members. The unit gave six exhibition drills at other towns, and met all returning soldiers. The organization was active in Liberty loans, Red Cross campaigns, and other services of public nature. The captain visited all who refused to contribute to above loans. After explaining conditions he found only one citizen who refused to contribute to any cause. Had an excellent band consisting of twenty-two pieces; largest company in the county; largest in line at all battalion drills. Company consisted of ninety per cent farmers, who were enthusiastic over the success of the company. Uniforms were purchased by the company. At the request of the majority of the company, Adjutant General C. I. Martin saw fit to discharge Company C, 24th Battalion, February 17, 1919. Kansas State Guard. 213

Council G rove Company.

Captain: Privates— C out in ued. Privates— Concluded. George C. Peck. Connelly, John T. Prather, Harry E. Corbin, Van. Rader, Benjamin H. First Lieutenant : Crowley, Seth H. Reveal, Charles. Revsomer, Richard E. Samuel Illk. Dacy, Harold S. Doggett, Walter M. Roberts, Edgar W . Second Lieutenant: Endicott, Frank L. Roberts, Louis C. Fisher, James F. Root, Eugene E. Hiram L. Markham. Gillispie, John J. Rosworm, Benjamin F. Graham, Floyd. Ruch, Edward. First Sergeant: Hale, John M . Schmidt, John F. Zimmerman, Albert R. Hinton, Samuel L. Sewell, James. Holaday, Earl. Shaw, James E. Privates: Holscher, Fred. Sisson, James S. Anderson, Edwin. Hotchkiss, Edwin R Smith, Leslie H. Harnett, Joseph. Janzen, Karl. Stone, Gardner. Barth, Robert R. Jenkins, William S. Terry, William L. Boyce, Joseph H. Johnson, Marion L. Whorton, James H. Brockeback, John. Ivarr, Sherman L. Williams, David. Brown, Charles O. Landfeild, Phillips. Wood, Earnest H. Brueggen, Henry C. Miller, William A. Bumgarner, John R. Neely, Edwin. LOSSES. Bumgarner, John W . Nelson, Arthur M. Privates: Christensen, S. M. Nix, William E. Clapp, A. L. Pirtle, Alva L. Holaday, William H., died. Coffin, George W . Porter, Edmond L. Kirkpatrick, W . H., died. Colver, Thomas E. Porter, Elmer B. Scott, B. R., died.

No activities reported. 214 Adjutant General’s Department.

D elphos Company.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. H. S. Bourne. Allison, Truminan. Kleiner, C. F. Baer, C. R. Kline, F. J. Second Lieutenant: Bain, J. W . Marler, E. S. Meredith, G. H. G. B. Bourne. Belveal, S. B. F. Billings, H . D. Miller, J. O. First Sergeant: B rid well, Edward. Morris, H. R. Brown, W. S. Myers, Clark. Alpine, C. B. Casey, Willard. McCullough, C. A. Chance, B. S. Olds, J. 6. Quartermaster Sergeant: Oligenpeel, L. D. Pardee, C. P. Ford, J. J. Coffield, C. R. Parks, H. S. Courtney, Blanch. Phillips, J. T. Sergeants: Courtney, Joe. Pilcher, L. C. Harding, R. C. Cruden, D. T.* Rice, F. P. Moore, C. R. Dillinger, O. W . Rice, M. H. Wiseman, W. W. Doty, F. L. Richards, J. H . Young, George. Duncan, F. L. Richards, W. S. Fairchild, M. E. Richardson, E. F. Corporals: Farrar, M . J. Simmons, Lloyd. Felt, W. A. Slater, L. O. Avery, W. B. Fetters, Art. Smith, A. C. Ballou, L. M . Fetters, J. E. Smith, A. J. Barren, G . F. Fleishman. H. J. Smith, William. Bright, L. O. Garrison, J. A. Stauffer, E. L. Dean, G. H. Giles, R. M. St el ter, W . H. Hart, L. J. Harvey, Marshall. Sullivan, James. Pdcher, H. D . Hawkins, John. Sweet, E. E. Reese, W . P. Hockett, D. E. Truer, C. A. Reynolds, J. L. Hockett, G. D. Van Horn, F. W. .Skinner, Fred. Hurtig, D. E. Yirgason, F. J. Steinhrock, W. F. Hurtig, E. J. Webster, Herbert. Wallar, A. C. Hurtig, Keith. Willars. L. A. James, D. B. Musicians: Johnson. O. F. Hogan, F. J. Kent, W. H. Slater, F. T. Kiser, J. X .

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Corporals : Privates: O. F. Webster, resigned. Harlan, H. P., discharged. Adams, A. S., discharged. W hite, L. L ., resigned. Barker, G . W ., discharged. First Sergeant: Woodward, V. D., Adams, J. O ., resigned. discharged.

Scrgeant : Ballou, Kenneth, resigned. ACTIVITIES. This company had no active service, nor guard duty. Participated in war activities, Lib­ erty loan, Red Cross, and other campaigns, and rendered other service of a public nature.

Ensign Company.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Joseph K. Sayre. Beverly B. Belmear. Clyde N. Sayre.

Xo muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard. 215

Garden City Company.

Captain-: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. B. R . H. d ’A Demand. Ramsey, Arlie B. McAllister, Chester M . Ramsey, Guy L. McQueen, James A. First Lieutenant: Stoeckly, Eugene. Niquette, S. Clyde. Chester A. Carter. Norris, James A. Privates: Otto, Herbert W . Second Lieutenant: Abbott, George O. Patton, Eugene. Baker, Claude A. Perry, Leigh G. Homer J. Ediniston. Baugh, Luther. Proffitt, Luther E. Brown, Mitchell. Ramsey, George W . First Sergeant: Campbell, Wayne M. Rickman, Robert L. Cassel, Charles E. Chandler, A. J. Ruckel, P. J. Cox. Erma J. Ruggles, Leo E. Quartertnastcr Sergeant: Duel, Ralph. Sexton, Edson. Crow, Lloyd Wilson. Eiler, Leslie V. Smith, J. L. Field, Robert S. Staley, Bryl. Sc? geants: Fields, II. Loren. Steen, Archie A. Fleming, Arthur M. Still, Charles H. Burt is, Preston A. Fulton, Vern. Stowell, Frank L. Osbun, Albert G. Gillenwater, T. D. St urgell, Bascom. Son tag, Ed. Gust, Charles. Terhune, Orland W. Sturtevant, Harry L. Kacklev, George W . Van Schoiack, C. James. Kemper, Edward C. Vincent, Rex. Corporals: Kenton, Edmond M. Wagner, George W . Bosworth, J. Ralph. Keune, Henry. Whitaker, Francis M . Good, Wm. Edgar. LaGesse, John B. Whitney, Vernon E. Layman, Andrew H. Lightner, Warren P. Whitney, William B. McBeth, Raymond V. Miller, John.

LOSSES. First Sergeant: Pri vat es— Co ntin ued. Pri rates— C oncluded. Laughlin, Rushton D., Edmiston, J. M., Miller, Ralph IL, discharged. discharged. discharged. Ellis, Alfred, discharged. Myers, C. M ., discharged. Sergeants: Finn, Lloyd M ., McCoy, Lester, discharged. Niquette, C. L., discharged. Schulman, Frank, discharged. discharged. Floyd, Lewis, discharged. Garnand, Ivan D., Smith, A. F., discharged. Corporal: discharged. Smith. C. C., discharged. Hawk, F. W ., discharged. Spangler, C'aude J., Bittiker, Charles P., Hopkins, R. J., discharged. discharged. discha rged. Hulpieu, Noel P., died. Trinkle, H. O., discharged. Johnson, Charles F., Walters, John F., Privates: discharged. discharged. Bendure, Will X ., Johnson, W . J., Z rkle, Albert, discharged. • transferred. discharged. Carter, R. I., discharged. ACTIVITIES. School of the soldier, the squads and ti e company. Preparation of men for military service for national army, navy, and oth*r branches as tin* cas* happen- d to be. Thirteen men niter d the service who w re discharg d officially from the company. The company participated in Red Cross campaigns; acted as escort to drafted men to trains who w re having for cantonments. At ended Memorial services. Also acted as pall bearers and escort at fun rals ot deceas’d soldi rs. On patrol and guard duty during three days of the cattlemen’s carnival. On patriotic guard duty during the fourth Liberty loan drive at the time war r/lics w re shown from special train at Garden City. ^ Assisted in drilling class 1 men during October and November for military s rvic?. Gave military instruction to high-school students who were interested. 216 Adjutant General’s Department.

Gardner Company

Captain: Pri vat es— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Charles A. Bigelow. Ayres, J. C. F. Kaiser, Earl. Blacker, Leo M . Lawrence, Freeman. First Lieutenant: Bigelow, Arthur. Moore, Alva. Bigelow, Ernest R. Moore, George Nelson. Omer I. Oshel. Bigelow, William I. McFarland, Fred. Second Lieutenant: Carnes, Joe. Mclntire, Ray L. Craig, Homer O. Mclntire, Tom. Raymond S. Hill. Cubbison, Loren. Mclntire, W. R. Denvon, Emery. ' Russell, Clarence. Recruiting Co. Clerk: Eaton, Edwin L. See, Keen. Lvon, F. B. Eyerly, Earl M. Smith, Ray. Eyerlv, John H. Squires, Edward. Corporals: Gants, Allen, Jr. Stanley, John W . Terrell, H. M. Blacker, Homer. Green, Ray. Thomas, Allen. Donovan, Clarence. Hay, Carl C. Turner, Ed. N. Wilson, Joseph D. Hedrick, William D. Higgins, J. F. Wickham, Emmett. Williams, James P Privates: Hodges, Borden. Hodges, Cleon. Wilson, Kennith. Anderson, Harold. Horn, C. L. Wilson, Leslie. Anderson, John M . Hulse, Fred.

LOSSES. Captain: Privates: Pri votes— Concluded. Howard C. Bigelow, Hedrick, Thomas, Todd, Charles Nelson, resigned. died. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. The company met and drilled regularly once a week until the Armistice was signed. It took part in the promoting of the Liberty loans, attending all meetings and assisting in the drives; assisted the Red Cross in their drives and sales at this place. Attended funerals of deceased soldiers, conducting a military funeral for the same. Attended memorials held for soldiers who lost their lives overseas. It is believed that the presence of the local company of the Kansas State Guard instilled a spirit of patriotism into the people of this community. W e are ready to reorganize whenever the occasion demands.

G rain field Company.

Captain; Martin Sutcliffe.

No muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard. 217

Gypsum Company.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. J. W . Rogers. Armstrong, E. H. Lasseig, F. E. Bickel, Walter E. Lindvall, Earl E. First Lieutenant : Bigler, Olliver S. Major, T. E. E. C. Talbert. Bogart, D. L., Jr. Monroe, Leon. Bogart, J. C. Mortimer, Mark. Second Lieutenant ; Brant on, Elmer F. McDonald, U. S. Brewer, G. M . Needles, W . E. F. M . Noonen. Brown, U. S. Nelson, Oscar. Burch, Alvin. O'Connor, J. D. First Sergeant: Cooley, R. E. Ott, F. P. Adams, J. R. Currie, Carrol. Ott, William. Darling, A. I. Pet tie, Richard. Quartermaster Sergeant: Darling, J. A. Pinkall, Emil. Manon, J. W. Darling, W . L. Reeves, George A. DeMersseman, Dan. Robinson, C. L. Sergeants: Fahring, J. H. Rogers, J. E. Fahring, Norman. Schultz, Ethan L. Goodwin, G. H. Gafford, L. E. Scares, James W . Manning, A. R. Gregg, L. H. Shelton, Lewis E. McFarland, Clyde. Gribben, T. A. Shultz, Howard. Schmitter, E. E. Hedquist, Olliver. Smart, Rollo. Henne, Francis. Spencer, Harry R. Corporals: Henne, Raymond. Stein, Thomas. Eisenhower, E. C. Henry, Louis K. Swisher, Alvin L. Hammer, Harry. Herr, Elmer E. Swisher, Wilber E. King, Allen. Hesher, Bert. Tinkler, Irl N. Lamer, D. H. Hill, Carl D. Tinkler, L. E. Overhart, C. F. Hodges, G. C. Tinkler, Vernon. Prather, B. M. Holcom, Glen H. Underwood, Charles A. Shuttleworth, Joseph. Holcomb, Verilla. Van Fossen, C. L. Snvder, Joseph. Hvlton, Irvin. Van Fossen, Eugene. Writer, R. J. Kelley, B. H. Van Fossen, Raymond. Kilterman, Frank. Veach, F. L. Musician: Kilterman, William. Vermillion, Fred W . Pickenpaugh, W . E. King, Carl. Weatherby, George. King, F. A. Weller, George. Privates: King, G. T. Aldrich, Elvrv. Knapp, Glen Armbruster, Chester. Krauss, John.

LOSSES. Corporals: f’riiates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Cheney, Fred D ., Fitzgerald, Leo, Rash, Tolliver H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Kilmer, Wallace, Gardner, Gilbert, Seveir, Earl, discharged. discharged. discharged. Shier, Hurlbert, transferred. Noonen, Michael, Haley, Isaac, transferred. Sippel, Eugene, discharged. discharged. Heller, Martin, died. Streigel, George F., Tilgner, Win. F., Hodges, Ross B., discharged. discharged. discharged. Swisher, Orville J., Hoffman, Clyde M ., discharged. Privates: discharged. Thiel, Ernest, discharged. Banks, L. E., discharged. Hoffman, Elmer W ., Trueblood, J. A., Barnett, Arthur, discharged. discharged. discharged. Knapp, L. R ., discharged. Van Buskirk, C. O., Bums, Richard, discharged. Koogler, Carl, discharged. discharged. Darling, Charles E., Laessig, Ray C., Wall. Henry V., discharged. discharged. discharged. Faelber, Ed, discharged. Lamer, Lee, discharged. Lauxmnn, John G., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. This company did ten days guard duty, guarding mill and elevators. It took part in two patriotic demonstrations at Salina, on July 4 and September 6, 1018; attended three military funerals of deceased soldiers. Individual members assisted in Liberty loan drives and Red Cross campaigns. 218 Adjutant General’s Department.

Haviland Company.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Bard E. Matthews. Amerine, Dan. Fisk, Jasper W . Bennett, James G. Gause, Lindley. First Lieutenant: Bryant, Allie E. Meisel, Harry C. Rollin Q. Elliott. Bryant, Bert. Morgan, Columbus C. Bryant, Harold L. McNutt, John W. Second Lieutenant: Bryant, Henry F. Phillips, Phillip. Bryant, William. Renicker, Jay. Henry F. Gifford. Burns, Harlan H. Sneed, Vernon H. Evans, Carlile D. Toad vine, William O. Frankhauser, Glenn L. White, Hugh Delman.

ACTIVITIES. This company was not called on for active service, but showed much enthusiasm in learn­ ing the drills. They were ably instructed by an efficient drillmaster, in the person of Lieut. Rollin Q. Elliott.

Hiawatha Company.

Captain: Musicians: Privates— Concluded. John G . Waste. Buehler, Robert O. Lacroix, John F. Evans, Elmer. Lakin, Joseph J. First Lieutenant: Lamme, Charles, Jr. A rtificer: Lee, Walter A. George A. Smith. Schaber, Eli P. Lowe, Lawrence E. Merritt, John W . First Sergeant: Privates: Moser, Stanley D. Haner, George W. McCrary, Samuel K. Bain, Harlan C. McLaughlin, George O. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bedker, Charles A. Overfield, Alonzo. Moore, Napoleon T. Bevans, John. Pautz, Ralph F. Cue, Charles E. Phillips, Arthur G. Davis, Albert J. Sergeants: Potter, Robert A. Dodson, Everett. Richards, Harold C. Culbertson, Roy B. Funkhouser, John H. Richards, William E. Engelhardt, Fred E. Gale, Cleon C. Rosenbalm, William. Hall, John M . Gilmore, Lloyd A. Shannon, James O., Jr. McLaughlin, Andrew M. Godding, Don L. R. Smith, Jacob L. Gordon, Charley O. Corporals: Snyder, Charlie. Hanney, Clayton E. Soiomon, Charles H. Angle, Ernest. Hawkes, Elmer. Sprague, Chauncey C. Engelhardt, William E. Hey, John T. Spealman, William. Field, Charles G. Hoar, Lester R. Syster, Blair. Hirth, Homer. Hoar, Sidney F. Thompson, Alvin E. Hixson, Calvin D. Hubbart, Arthur C. Walters, Albert R. Stewart, Gerald A. Jones, Loyd M . Walters, John L. Kern, Abraham S. Warren, Theron V. Cooks: Kreuzburg, Fred H. Wells, Arthur L. Huber, Samuel A. Kreuzburg, George M. Martin, William. Kroh, Franklin O. LOSSES. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Pri votes— Concluded. Floyd N. Whitcomb, Bailey, William J., Harton, Arthur J., resigned. discharged. discharged. Barlow, Bryan, discharged. Hawks, Robert J., Quartermaster Sergeant: Beach, Oliver C., discharged. Seburn, Harvey J., discharged. Heisler, Earl., discharged. Hixson, Henry, discharged. discharged. Biddle, Cecil W ., discharged. Lindn r, Frank R., Sergeant : Comstock, Samuel W ., discharged. discharged. Nyfeler, Byron, discharged. Simmonds, Harold W ., Dodson, Emmett, Ormiston, John P., discharged. discharged. discharged. Dragoo, Carl E., Pautz, Roy L ., discharged. Corporal: discharged. Bates, Clare H., Furnish, Richard D ., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. This company engaged in drill regularly from date of organization to November, 1918. It took part in parades and furnish d firing squads for the Grand Army of the Republic on Memorial Days, 1918 and 1919; furnished guard detail at war trophy train, September, 1918, and participated in Red Cross fete parade in August, 1918. Also furnished escort and pallbearers at funerals of several deceased soldiers during the year 1918. Kansas State Guard. 21!)

Hill City Company.

LOSS. Captain: J. C. Herman, resigned.

X o muster-out roll furnished.

Hutchinson Company. Captain: Bert S. Berry.

No muster-out roll furnished.

I ndependence Com pany— I Colored ).

First Lieutenant: Corporals: Privates: J. J. Jefferson. Britter, D . L. Attaway, Joe. Edwards, Payton. Battle. Walter. Second Lieutenant: Johnson, Marshall. Carter, Lance. E. M. Wesley. Lennon, R. Collins, Alford. Tit well, Harry. Day, Earl. First Sergeant: Washington, Clarence. Fields, Douglas. Hold, W . 1). Fields, Ira. Cooks: FIuelen, Cleon. Quartermaster Sergeant: Beasley, H. Holmes, Walter. Combs, Hayford. Holt, Levi. Markham, J. A. Huey, Thomas. Musicians: Merrill, C. Sergeants: McFarland, Wayne. Adams, Raymond. Parker, Herbert. Carter, Jesse. Rollins, Johnson. Fine, Marvin. Robinson, Ben. Ross, Reuben. Gray, William. Artificer: Hare, William. Stevens, Ennis. Summers, D. Jacobs, William. Thompson, Jordan. Vanderford, J. L. Williams, \V. Washington, Anthony. LOSSES. Captain: Pri votes— Con tin uc d. Privates— Concluded. H. H. Harper, Cunningham, H., Miller, Pete, resigned. discharged. discharged. DeHart, F., McCulloch, C., Sergeants: discharged. discharged. Duffin, F., Payne, R., Wesley, John, discharged. discharged. discharged. Franklin, G ., Smith, J., Wilson, E., discharged. died. discharged. Hampton, O., Stevens, T., discharged. Corporal: discharged. Hancock, G., Turner, N ., Hunt, Wash, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hill, P., Washington, L discharged. discharged. Privates: Holt, C., Wilhite. G.. Berry, E., discharged. discharged. discharged. Johnson, S., Williams, B., Briggans, M ., deserted. deserted. discharged. Miller, G .t Wilson, F., Craig, L., discharged. deserted. discharged. ACTIVITIES.

This company called out on July 16, 1918, for parade to depot with drafted iimii. Called out through July, August, and September, to escort drafted men to train. Ordered out August 4, 1918, to be inspected by Adjutant General Chas. S. Huffman. Ordered out September 12, 1918, day and night, for public parade on account of registra­ tion day. Ordered out September 18, 1918, to be reviewed by Captain Maux, from overseas, and Major Knox of 11th Battalion, Kansas S ta t» Guard. 2 2 0 Adjutant General’s Department.

Iola Company.

Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Pri rates— Concluded. Julian C. Davis. Hooker, Bert. Curtis, F. A. McDonald, C. P. Davis, C. W. First Lieutenant: Perea u, W . Davis, Walter. Day, Harry E. B. F. Fraser. Trusheim, J. D. Gavin, J. W. Second Lieutenant: Musician: Graf, W. G. Merchant, J. V. Hobart, Glen. W. H. Booth. Holcomb, B. C ooks: Jordan, S. G. First Sergeant: Kelly, Floyd. W aite, O. C. Arbuckle, Ross. Kellv, Harold. Peterson, W . E. Kirk, C. J. Quartermaster Sergeant: Lamer, J. M. Artificer: Smith, C. P. Moore, Fred B. M cHatton, Lee. Morrell, Don C. Sergeants: Mortz, R. H. Privates: Patterson, H. M. Dugan, H. E. Alexander, A. Potter, B. C. Lam, W . W . Anderson, R. S. Ross, S. E. Slack, George F. Baxley, L. L. Shafer, C. Townsley, F. C. Bmgenhimer, C. T. Smith, Paul K. Brunell, C. D . Southerland, Ed P. Corporals: Carroll, E. G. Walton, F. N. Geerv, E. R. Chezem, F. Warner, L. S. Gritzner, M. V. Christy, T. I. White, George.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Sergeants: Privates: A. E. Gibson, discharged. Slick, M. A., discharged. Barber, C. W ., discharged. Trim. A. D., discharged. Brownfield, C. P., Second Lieutenants: Tyler, J. T ., discha rged. discharged. Carter, Bert, discharged. Cain, F. E., discharged. Crick, C. B., discharged. Corporal: Fryer, J. A ., discharged. Busghings, R. H., Sutton, B. A., discharged. First Sergeant: discharged. Wisner, W. J., discharged. Zook, C., discharged. Thompson, T. S., discharged. ACTIVITIES. This company participated in Decoration Day exercises and fired the volleys for the old soldiers, May 30, 1918. On July 4, 1918, the company led the parade for the benefit of the Red Cross, and did guard duty for the Red Cross from July 4, 1918, until July 5. 1918. The organization was called out on November 11 to do guard duty for the celebration of the signing of the Armistice, and again on December 29, 1918, to do guard duty for two government airplanes which landed here for the purpose of mapping out a United States postal airplane route.

K ansas City, K an., Companies— (Colored). M ajor: D. A. Holmes. C O M P A N Y A. Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: James H. Dickerson. Thomas Mapper. William Hulsey. No muster-out roll furnished. C O M P A N Y B. Captain: First Lieutenant: James R. Burdett. William V. Boone. No muster-out roll furnished. C O M P A N Y C. Captain: David W. White. No muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard. 221

K ingman Company. Captain: Charles C. Calkin. LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Cecil W . Higgs, resigned. Virgil E. Reed, resigned.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Lansing Company.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. D. W . Burns. Adams, J. P. McCormack, W. R. Axford, S. L. O ’Brien, K. First Lieutenant: Bealmer, Wm. Owens, Paul. R. L. Kimball. Bed well, J. J. Parisa, S. E. Black, L. R. Pendleton, Robert. Second Lieutenant: Burgess, Morton. Potter, S. C. Codding, J. K. Schneider, John. Hudspeth, R. H. Frank, A. W . Selchepine, Charles. Frank, Gerald. Selchepine, P. R. First Sergeant: Graham, J. L. Selchepine, W . F. Reese, J. Herwig, L. T. Shaver, Roy. Lamb, George. Smith, J. H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Lichte, Oscar. Spencer, O. M. Harmon, W . A. Lichte, William. Stafford, W . \V. Lindsay, C. M. Thomas, W. 0. Sergeant: Lohman, Lewis. Walker, II. E. Mathey, V. T. Ward, Ralph. Rogers, M . B. Morgan, W. J. Williams, Clyde. Morris, Walter. Wilson, L. Musician: Murray, Bernard. Zoll, W. E. Lindsay, R. A. Murray, Joe T.

LOSSES. Privates: Privates— Continued. Pri vat es— Co n eluded. Baylin, D ., discharged. Cherrie, E. W ., discharged. Lindsay, David, Bird, Carl, discharged. Hoge, James, discharged. discharged.

a c t i v i t i e s . This company did not render any active service; neither did it participate in Liberty loan and Red Cross drives as an organization. 9 9 9 Adjutant General’s Department.

Lawrence Company— (Colored >.

Captain: C ooks: Privates— Concluded. James L. Bowers. Brodie, Charles. Harris, Horner L. King, James. Hill, William. First Lieutenant: Howard, Edward. Frank Anderson. M usicia ns: Hughes, Edward. Dimery, Orlando. Jackson, Johnnie. Second Lieutenant: Salisbury, Albert, Jr. Kidd, Carson. Logan, David D. Fred W. Taylor. Privates: Miller, Eugene. Murry, John K. First Sergeant: Albritton, Herbert. MeCalep, Thomas. Anderson, Ernest V. Sampson, Asa B. McKay, Douglas. Blackburn, Jesse. McKay, William. Bradford, Floyd. Quartermaster Sergeant: McNutt, Roy C. Brown, Lawrence. Nelson, James C. Porter, John A. Calhoun, Xehemial. Pierson, Clarence X . Coates, Newton H. Posten, Dewey H. Sergeants: Conley, William. Quinton, Morgan T. Bowers, Vernie. Cooper, Clarence. Rice, David. Brown, William C. Davis, Russel. Rodgers, Summer. Carson, Jesse. Elliott, Richard F. Steward, Hubert. Wilson, Wayne. Evans, Clarence E. Strode, Meh’in. Fortner, Charles H. Suttles, Brant. Corporals: Garrett, Justunian. Sutties, Joseph. Georgia, Cecil. Bowers, Gerald E. Taylor, Clyde. Gillum, James. Brown, Bruce. Tucker, William. Greer, Richard. Carson, William H. Walker, James. Guye. Claude B. Cliieks, Frederick D . Wallace, Leslie P. Lee, Virgil M . Hacklev, Thomas. Steward, Emmett. Harding, Eddie. Taylor, Reuben. Harris, Floyd.


Second Lieutenant: Pri ia tes— Co n t i n ued. Privates— Concluded. Irving G. Bartleson, Anderson, Glenn, Jackson, Robert, discharged. discharged. discharged. Carson, Fred, Jones, Kelly W ., Sergeant: discharged. discharged. Conley, Chester, Rodgers, Riley, Jr., Lee, Andrew X ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hacklev, James, Lee, Arbray R., M usician: discharged. discharged. Hagen, Euri, Riley, Peter S., Robinson, Earl L ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Harding, Charles M ., Williams, Rhodney, discharged. discharged. Privates: Holmes, Earnest W ., Alsop, Preston, discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. This company escorted drafted men, who were leaving for cantonments, to the depot, upon every occasion after we were mustered into the service, and participated in parades for the third and fourth Liberty loan campaigns. Kansas State Guard.

Lexora Company.

Captain: Corporals— C oncl tided. Privates— Concluded. Chase Cole. Jacobs, Remus E. Goodman, Charles F. Morford, Edgar W. Heatherington, Oinah H. First Lieutenant: Jeter, Edward E. Ralph Arden Crans. M usician: Mizer, Dan H. Barbo, Joseph V. McRea. William D. Second Lieutenant: Newkirk, Jackson. Palmer, Earl R. Charles Henry Bills. Privates: Patterson, Enos. Barbo, Clarence G. Searls, Daniel. First Sergeant: Bennett, Richard V. Simpson, Herbert W. Becker, John C. Bockover, James L. Smith, Oliver N. Born, Frank R. Stuenkel, William A. Qua rtermaster Sergea n t : Cleveland, Leslie E. Tilton, Martin E. Goodman, Charles E. Cutting, Edd. Whisnaut, Albert F. Cutting, William A. Wills, Robert. Delp, Jonas S., Jr. Wills, Roy. Corporals: DeWitt, Peter 8. Winterhalter. Omer H. Happen, Ernest. Ellsworth, Delos I.. Woodside, Clenne. Delp, Henry A. Fallon, Bernard. Yocum, John W. Hickert, John VV. Goings, William E. Yocum, Ray.

LOSSES. First Sergeant: Privates: Privates— C oncluded. Davis, Glen W ., » Allen, Leonard L., Jones, Montra G ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Bacon, Lew s J., Larson, Chester M ., Sergeants: discharged. discharged. Barbo, Ross F., Barnes, Charles B., Miller, John M., discharged. discharged. discharged. Davis, Percy G., Blanding, Fred, discharged. Moore, Thomas N., discharged. Cramer, Claude C., discharged. discharged. McLaughlin, Bert, Corporals: Cutting, Otis E., discharged. discharged. Shields, Ross F., Hayes, Floyd W ., Fleming, Festus R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Simpson, Jube, discharged. Heitrnan, John J., Goodman. Lloyd J., Winters, Victor L., discharged. discharged. discharged. McCready, Jesse B., discharged. ACTIVITIES. This company took a vigorous part in every Liberty loan drive and took bonds of the same, including the fifth. It was the policy of this organization to informally boost anything that would help win the war, especially the loans and Red Cross activities. No guard duty called for— removed from commercial centers.

Leonardville Company.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Charles F. Johnson. Frank F. Lebombarb. Lester Guy Bovey.

LOSS. Second Lieutenant: Ohlen B. Garrison, resigned.

No nmstci-nut roll furnished. 224 Adjutant General’s Department.

Little River Company. Captain: Clyde Patterson.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Long Island Company.

Captain: First Lieutenant: % Second Lieutenant: Eber T . Weed. William E. Brees. Lyman B. Arnold.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Louisblrg Company.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Concluded. William T. Breekenridge. Capper, Perry O. Kircher, Richard H. Frost, Allen A. Lewis, Samuel W. First Lieutenant: Livingston, Jacob P. Edward J. McGuirk. Musicians: Lovett, Edgar J. McDowell, Cyrus L. McCarter, John W . Second Lieutenant: McElhany, George W. McCluskey, Clifford L. McCoy, William J. Hugh Lee. Artificer: McDowell, Roy H. McDowell, William C., Jr First Sergeant: Williams, Homer L. McWilliams, John J. F. Lee, Ezra V. Patterson, Louis G. Privates: Powell, James R. Quartermaster Sergeant: Barker, John W . Purvis, James L. McCluskey, John M . Barnes, Bernard L. Reeves, Clifford L. Borders, Ben A. Rhodebeck, Samuel M . Sergeants: Carter, Clarence W. Rice, John T. Cook, Artie B. Rucker, John W . Borders, Hugh B. Cook, Robert R. Seek, Clarence E. Connor, Michael J. Cook, Samuel M. Sloan, Neal. Glenn, Daniel A. Crotchett, Walter T. Sloan, Patsy W. Young, Howard E. Garrett, James F. Steger, George. F. Glendenning, Murile C. Thomas, Asa G. Corporals: Grab ill, Albert R. Town, John S. Connor, John F. Hunter, Clarence S. Town, Joseph E. Hearn, John W . Humbud, George W. Van Kirk, Charles P. Hennigh, Kinsel D. Iler, Charley R. Weir, Clem L. Lee, Riley W. Johnston, Cleo W. Whitaker, Maurice I. Miller, Adam G. Jones, John C. White, Asa. McDowell, Wade H. Kern, Loyd W.

LOSSES. Quartermaster Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Hind, John L., discharged. Breekenridge, Cecil M ., Jones, Harvey D ., discharged. discharged. Corporal: Crosley, Charles G., Lewis, Charles S., Newhart, Merton F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Dagenett, Manford H., Maynard, Frank, discharged. discharged. Musician: Dane, Joseph, died. McDowell, William C., Sr., Gardner, Fred A., died. Vohs, John L., discharged. discharged. Sheeton, Justin W ., Hupp, Frank, discharged. discharged. White, Adna D., discharged. ACTIVITIES. This company drilled four to eight times per month, and assisted in the last two Red Cross campaigns; also conducted funerals of deceased soldiers and sailors who were returned for burial; and performed guard duty for the city of Louisburg for four nights. Kansas State Guard. 225

Manhattan Company. Captain: Louis R. Brady.

No muster-out roll furnished.

M ullinville Company.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: German O. Lewellyn. George H. Claren. Clarence A. Schlatterback. No muster-out roll furnished.

Norton Company.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Robert W . Hemphill. Bower, Claude. Lovejoy, Len. Bower, H. J. Mansfield, E. P. First Lieutenant: Bower, Hobert. Marsh, Harry B. Arthur J. Johnson. Bruner, D. F. Mildrexler, Frank. Burnham, Ray II. Moody, R. F. Second Lieutenant: Campbell, Charles W . Mustoe, Arthur. Campbell, Clifford W. McFarland, J. B. Carl W . Smiley. Chappell, W. H. Neville, H. W . Cox, E. F. Palmer, Frank E. First Sergeant: Dobbie, W. G. Peterson, Manford Wesley, R. D. Dolsbie, W. L. Prickett, A. L. Evans, Paul. Rapp, C. I). Sergeants: Fagg, George W . Redd, L. Broquet, Paul. Frank, Harry D. Regester. O. L. Bullock. R. L. Gleason, II. W . Rickey, George. Johnson, H. A. Graves, Courtney. Rogers, Cyril. Griffin, O. L. Rudolph, Lon. Corporals: Griffith, C. I. Sarvis, Herman. Griffith, Floyd. Sarvis, Lyle. Bridges, Mark E. Hamilton, C. A. Sarvis, W . A. Erwin, J. E. Harmanson, Harry E. Schloeffel, S. II. Graves, John W . Heilman, A. C. Shelv, W . R. Recht, John J. Hendrickson, Walter. Sidebottom, A. H. Ward, T. J. Hendrickson, Wm. A. Snyder, C. C. Holmes, R. A. Tuite, T. P. Privates: Johnson, Floyd. Ward, Steve. Bailey, J. H. Kennedy, Francis G. Ward, Joe. Ballenstine, Ralph. Kissell, J. W . Waller, Harry N . Bancroft, H. L. Knapp, Harry. Wray, John B. Bisbee, C. W . Kygar, D. W. Wynn, Chester. Bower, Clarence. Lathrop, W. C. LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Morehead, O. H., Harmanson, Walter E., Proctor, Virgil, discharged. discharged. died. Reed, Arthur J., Hicks, Glen, discharged. discharged. Corporal: Hicks, Irl, discharged. Stover, B. E., discharged. Browne, David L., Hicks, R ., discharged. Stover, Merrill, discharged. discharged. Jensen, Ralph, discharged. Ward, L. C., discharged. McMahon, Lerov W ., Woods, Alpheus, discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. This company had no active service, but participated in Memorial services and other pub­ lic patriotic meetings.

15—4436 226 Adjutant General’s Department.

Oberlix Company.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Willie Leroy Hayes. Andrews, Willard S. Hughes, Richard W. Armstrong, Leston. Janousek, Frank. First Lieutenant: Avery, Floyd. Janousek, Anthony. Avery, Torrv. Johnson, Otto A. James W. True. Bailey, Elvin L. Kelley, Julius D. Bebb, Harvey C. Krezeh, Anthony. Second Lieutenant: Beneda. Jerry. Lipsey, William F. William Clark Rogers. Berry, Roscoe J. Meier, Henry O. Bolm, Everett W. Mines, Cecil M . First Sergeant: Brooks, Elwood M. Murlin, Homer A. Robertson, Claud O. Bullock, Albert. Murphy, Alva C. Bullock, Oliver. McClaurv, Eugene. Company Supply Sergeant: Carman, Carol X. McCoy, George J. Nipper, Louis J. Beneda, Louis. Cat heart, Joseph V'. Claussen, Herman H. Peterson, Arthur H. Petracek, Emil. Sergeants: Cook, Charles D. Craven, Cleo. Pettis, Elba C. Lippelmann, Henry. Curry, Wayne O. Pollnow, Hugo A. Mellor, Ernist. Decker, Ernest B. Powell, Thomas E. Dugger, James O. Raymond, Myron G. Corporals: Eldon, Kempehorne. Ruzicka, Joe. Bivans, John W . Forton, George H. Shurtteff, Frank. Heller, George J. Geisinger, Floyd G. Soderland, Walter. M ay, Earl M . Hale, Lester. Stowell, Samuel O. Myers, James E. Handwerk, William A. Uehlin, Alonzo G. Paddock, Jay I). Hanson, Arthur M. Upson, Bernard. Recnes, Arthur. Heller, John C. Vernon, Clovce L. Walton, Fred E. Heller, Rov. Walton, Charles C. Hill, Ralph W. Wilson, Charley A. Bugler: Holmes, James R. Wilson, John H. Bystrom, Lars. Huber, Howard S.


Captain: Pri votes— Co n t i n ued. Pri votes— Concluded. Henry B. Bayer, resigned. Ashman, C. O., discharged. Johnson, Carl E., Beaner, Emery E ., discharged. First Lieutenant: discharged. Jom, Chris G., discharged. Hallie L. Haden, resigned. Beardsley, George B., Jones, Guy B., died. discharged. Keys, George W. Second Lieutenant: Beardsley, Henry S., discharged. discharged. Miller, Adam J., Neal W . Rogers, resigned. Beers, Alonzo J., discharged. discharged. Miller, Louis B., First Sergeant: Beers, Chas. D ., discharged. Railsback, Frank D., discharged. Musser. Wheeler W ., discharged. Birdsell, Carl B., discharged. discharger!. McClaurv, Walter H., Sergeants: Bobbitt, Earl F., discharged. Johnson, Rector W ., discharged. McCody, George, discharged. Carr, Will T., discharged. discharged. Raymond, James B., Oevely, Harry F., Nitsch, Paul A ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Cook, Jacob M., Noble, Perry T ., Corporals: discharged. discharged. Goodrich, Uriel E., Dickey, Claud, discharged. Pantry, Enock A., discharged. Fair, Cecil B., discharged. discharged. Maddox, Morrison W ., Forsdick, John S., Parker, Leslie T ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Milleson, Oran E., Garucholz, A. E., Rubendall, Walter L.f discharged. discharged. discharged. Stevenson, Richard, Griggs, Matthew W., Ruzicka, Louis F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Zimmerman, Richard, Haber, Isack K ., Smith, Everett, discharged. discharged. discharged. Smith, Floyd O., Hanson, Glen F., discharged. Privates: discharged. Stevenson, Tutor M., Allen, Arthur W ., Hanson, John W ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Stone, Arthur F., Anderson, Ernist E., Heightman, Henry J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Vickers, Abel A ., Anderson, Frank L ., Johnson, Millard, discharged. discharged. discharged. Kansas State Guard. 227

Obkhi.ix Compaxy— Concluded.

ACTIVITIES. This company held regular drills once each week until the state-wide influenza epidemic, and lack of winter clothing; did not drill during winter months. The organization was not called for service in any war activities, but performed one week’s guard duty for city of Oberlin during Chautauqua.

Offerle Company.

Captain: Musician: Privates — Concluded. Wilbur L. Ellis. Speck, Harry H. Lightcap, Reuben. Magerkinth, Ernest A. First Lieutenant: A rtificer: Olephant, Marcus W . David W. Marks. Bitner, Bertram. Reich, Otto H. Renfro, Eugene H. First Sergeant: Privates: Reser, Joseph H. Riggs, Wilfred E. Higgs, Charlie E. Beese, Samuel. Sand, William O. Bisgall, Joseph. Sims, Bryan L. Sergeants: Brehm, Vanes H. Sinder, Nick. Galyarder, David. Brown, Leonard L. Sire, Julions A. Hedges, Ben F. Dernain, John. Speck, Richard M . Narvel, James W. Demain, Lucian. Stegman, Edward P. Gleason, John S. Westphal, Robert H. Gunn, Royal S. •Corporals: Westphal, William J. Hardgreve, Everatt. Woodman, John L. Bright, Charles X . Hedges, Ernest H. I,unclick, John J. Judge, Edward. Offerle, Harry A. Kuhn, Lane J. Steimel, George J. Laibl, George F.


First Lieutenant: Privates: Pri votes — Concluded. William Cunningham, Harrison, Alva M ., Olsen, Ale, died. deserted. died.

This company did not report any activities of any nature. 228 Adjutant General’s Department.

Osage City Company.

Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. H. C. Sticher. Skinner, George I. Jefferson, John. Sranson, Albert. Jenkins, Theodore. First Lieutenant: Whalen. W. E. Johnson, Arlie. F. M. Miller. Johnson, Eber S. Privates: Jones, J. E. Second Lieutenant: Anderson, Victor. Kimball, Thomas. Lafferty, Max. H. E. Westmacott. Bair, Frank. Blache, L. F. Lauer, Ben M . Morris, Sidney. First Sergeant: Briggs, Charles. Brown, A. C. McElfresh, W. L. Hunsicker, F . G. Bryan, Hugh. Nichols, Melvin E. Bryan, Mills. O’Neil, T. J. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bowman, Benjamin. Packer, E. B. Holmes, Forrest. Burd, Philip. Ramsey, Marion. Cahill, Edward .1. Rapp, C. A. Sergeants: Christeason, Clarence W. Rapp, Clarence J. Clift, Arnold. Reid, Samuel W. Brown, Will. Renstrom, C. J. Humphrey, George. Creegan, James. Cruey, Oliver. Rickart, Charles D Marchetti, A. E. Rondured, Albert. Messerley, C. G. Curphey, J. J. Curtis, C. J. Rudeen, John. Curtis, Commodore. Shenk, L. M. Corporals: Curtis, Ronald. Skinner, Rexford. Allegre, A. M. D oty, Rex. Slusser, Orville. Anderson, Andy J. Erickson, D. S. Stonequist, C. E. Bloom, F. A. Foster, Marion. Stonequist, Robert. Bloom, Fred. Gamba, Emil. Thomson, Robert W. Burke, Alvin. Gamba, Humbert. Waring, L. F. Donna hue, J. A. Gamba, Jerome. Webb, Keith. Howard, Albert. Gamba, John. Whalen, Robert. Jenkins, A. D. Harper, T. T. Whitcraft, G. E. Lattin, Joe. Harris, Ike. White, E. S. Marchetti, C. D. Hawkins, Alfred. White, W. C. Mullen, Joe. Haynie, T. B. Womer, J. W . Schroeder, Robert. Heilbrun, Benjamin. Wynne, Robert. Silver, Clarence. Jacobs, Leavitt.

LOSSES. Privates: Rosser, A. C., died. Walker, W. J., discharged.

ACTIVITIES. This company assisted in all Liberty loan campa gns; conducted a regular drill every Monday night; furnished guards of honor at the funerals of tlie deceased soldiers, and acted as guards when the war plane in connection with the fourth Liberty loan campaign landed here. The organization participated in opening united war work drive at Melvern, Kan., and other points in the county; acted as guards whin thousands of people gathered on Novem­ ber 11, 1918, to celebrate the signing of the Armistice. Despite the great excitement during this celebration not an accident occurred. W e assisted in gutting recruits for the national army and rendered every sendee possible during the influenza epidemic. The influence of the officers and enlisted men were placed behind every patriotic movement during the period of the war.

Osawatomie Company.

Captain: First Liemtenant: Second Lieutenant: Keith Clevenger. Robert R. Parker. Fred Beckley.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Overland Park Company.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: R. W. Coleman. C. E. Pincombe. Louis W . Breyfogle.

No muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard. 229

Peabody Company.

Captain: Privates: Privates— Concluded. Bruce P. Conner. Bigelow, Claude C. Magee, Raymond A. Carey, Raymond. Marsh, Charles H. First Lieutenant: Christie. C. Milton. Millikin, Fred. Jerome E. Mulliken. Clark. Cassius M. Noll, Hurd. DuBois, Irwin. Pevey, Cecil. Second Lieutenant: Fisher, Virgil L. Phillips, Claude. Fuller, Burrill. Reed, William D. Howard A. Ray. Gibbs, Albert M . Robinson, Marvin L. Gibbs, Orville. Rock hold, Fred. First Sergeant: Gunderman, George M. Runyon, Charles A. Niccolls, Walter C. Haize, Clarence. Runyon, Clyde. Highfill, Fred. Russell, Elza. Quartermaster Sergeant: Hines, William H. Skinner, Thornton C. Griffiths, John \V. Huddle, Clyde B. Slater, Ellwood A. Hughes, William. Snyder, Lawrence C. Sergeant: Jones, John. Stovall, Vernon. Kornhous, Oliver. Swarts, William. Brooks. Walter C. La uck, Edwin. Ulsh, Barton. Logan, William. Vinsonhaler, Charles I. Lowry, Russell.

LOSSES. Sergeants: Pri votes— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Carothers, Scott, Brown, Willie R., LoVellette, Roy E., . discharged. discharged. discharged. Symons, Thomas A., Carr, Thomas P., Moffett, Joseph Orr, discharged. discharged. discharged. Cockley, Charles, Moore, Earl C., Corporals: discharged. discharged. Draper, Irwin, discharged. Cullins, Bryan L., McKee, Vail, discharged. Gaunt, E. Ray, discharged. discharged. McLean, Frank, Isaacs, Fred, discharged. Draper, Floyd, discharged. discharged. Rasmussen, Hans C., Fellingham, Leonard, McMillen, Charles A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Rhodes, George, discharged. Fisher, Emery W ., McMillen, James E., Wehry, Harold F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Fisher, LeRoy P., Rhodes, George W ., White, Walter, discharged. discharged. discharged. Fost, Andrew P., Rood, Harold, discharged. Cooks: discharged. Russell, Fred S., Furst, Mortimer S., discharged. Bentz, Arthur E., discharged. Sager, Eugene, discharged. discharged. Green. Charles E., Sands, Paul, discharged. Bowers, Claude, discharged. discharged. Schwalk, Simon C., Greene, David M ., discharged. Musicians: discharged. Shores, Perry T ., Haupt, James C., Hansen, Martin C., discharged. discharged. discha rged. Smith, Charley, Sterling, L. Hubert, Hess, Don. discharged. discharged. discharged. Hoch, Raymond M ., Smith, Melvin A., discharged. discharged. Artificer: Homan, Harry W ., Stullwitz, Arthur, Milne, George, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hope, Robert, discharged. St all wit z, Edward, Privates: Jackson. Guy H., discharged. discharged. Summers, Amor B., Anderson, Ira E., discharged. discharged. Kafton, William E., discharged. Swarts, James, discharged. Arbsland, Leonard, Wehry, John D., discharged. Kieler, Fred A., discharged. discharged. Beeton, Ray, discharged. Weiser, Hurley C., Berns, Arnold, discharged. Kobel, Alonzo C., discharged. Brown, Earl S., discharged. Kurtze, Robert, discharged. White, Albert, discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. This company performed artl duty for the local grain ele ,ators. 230 Adjutant General’s Department.

Pittsburg Company.

Captain ; Privates: Privates— Concluded. Carl Oscar Pingry. Anderson, Ira W. Holden, Dana A. Anderson, J. K. Bert. Hughes, Edwin H. First Lieutenant: Armstrong, Joseph C. Hutchinson, John L. Baxter, Abram L. Jarrett, David R. Edwin Rvron Hughes. Bender, John F. Jenkins, Ralph E. Jones, Frank B. Second Lieutenant: Blackman, Benjamin F. Boots, J. Lewis. Kidder, George W. John W . Fuhrer. Boylan, Hoyt F. Lang, James F. Byers, Joseph. Lorillard, A. Jack. First Sergeant: Carter, Edgar. Matson, Charles E. Mangrum, Ronald E. Caskey, Robert E. Mendenhall, Edgar N. Costello, Frank L. Moore, Win. Paul. Sergeants: Countryman, Charles H. Mclnerney, Michael J. O’Connor, Edward J. Brower, Lyle. Cuthberton, Fred. Oelune, Otto H. Coulter, Orrin E. Davies, Richard B. Hill, Clyde. Dickinson, Frank H. Ogg, Otis F. Pompeny, Joseph A. Dominique, E. Paul. Pease, Samuel J. Evans, Flotow. Phillips, Sidney A. Pickering, Lester F. Corporals: Ferguson, Glen W . Finley, Charles E. Presson, Frank C. Brinkeroff, Frederick W . Forester, Samuel J. Probst, Ruben J. Eyestone, Tracy P. Fra zee, Earl II. Rae, James. French, Arthur H. Frohlich, Leo. Rickey, Lee A. Henney, W . Earl. Frohlich, Max. Rowe, Charles H. Lorenzen, Louis W . Gilbert, Elmer E. Sebring, W. Ray. Oertle, Homer E. Goldman, Al E. Smither, Elbert S. Stokes, Robert A. Graham, Charles E. Spence, Mac. Wolf, William G. Hackett, Albert L. Stamm, Otto L. Hackett, Enrique W. Wallace, William H. Musician: Haile, R. Aaron. Walsh, Leo A. Copen, Albert B. Harpold, George F. Wheeler, Jessie Lee. Hav, Iven. Williams, Alfred L. Hill, Charles H. Wolleson, Lee. Hobson, John R. W yatt, J. Clarence.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Artificer: Privates— Concluded. James P. Engle, resigned. Jeffries, Horace E., Fields, Albert, discharged. discharged. Forrester, Charles R., died. Sergeants: Griffin, Alonzo, discharged. Mi nerd. Sylvester L ., Privates: Lynch, Charles, discharged. discharged. Alexander, Floyd, Owensby, Oscar M., Nichols, Guy W ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Broughton, Frank, died. Pole, Samuel J., Schultz, George A., died. Coillot, Elie, died. discharged. Wild, Frank, discharged.

ACTIVITIES. In July, 1919, the company participated in the muster-in of the company of State Guards at Scammon, and in August, 1918, the company assisted in the muster-in of the company at Columbus, and took part in battalion review. During months of August and September the company guarded a number of government airplanes in Pittsburg. In October, 1918, the company took part in a review of battalion at Pittsburg. At this time the company was re­ viewed by Governor Arthur Capper. * The company drilled two nights every week, for about two hours, from July 15, 1918, until about the middle of October, when drilling was stopped on account of epidemic of influenza. A noncommissioned officers’ school was held once every week. Kansas State Guard. 231

Pretty Prairie Company.

Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. Earl Ross. Henry, Ray. Lockhart, H. M. Hobbs, Ben S. Luckev, R. H. First Lieutenant: Pritchard, Ray. McCubbms, C. W. C. W. Claybaugh. Santee, John P. Penington, Ben J. Penington, H. L. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Pike, Lee. Pritchard, Albert. Albert Knight. Adams, Bluford. Barton, A. H. Roots, Charlie. Roots, Clarence. First Sergeant: Barton, V. J. Bixler, Roy. Santee, Dick. Graber, Jesse A. Blew, Frank. Santee, Fred. Brownlee, J. A. Schmitt, J. W. Quartermaster Sergeant: Brubaker, Sam. Schmitt, Walter. Hanes, W . H. Bidder, D. B. Seyb, Eilgar. Bush, E. R. Shapcott. Hannon. Sergeants: Carithers, J. C. Siebert, Ray II. Collingwood, Lelo. Steward, Bert. Barton, W . W . Stevens, V. C. Bush, D. W . Dafforn, H. L. Dale, John A. Smith, C. E. Dunkin, O. K. Smith, G. D. Hendricks, I. C. Field, F. C. French, L. R. Smith, John O. Hendricks, W . E. White, Ed. Corporals: Jester, Albert. White, Tom. Bush, Earl F. Krehbiel, E. D. Winfrey, J. F. Chambelin, L. E. Krehbiel, H. D.

ACTIVITIES. This company was organized by Capt. Earl Ross and Lieut. C. W . Claybaugh and was not mustered in by a recruiting officer, as the Armistice was signed before we could have it done. Captain Berry of Hutchinson was to have done this. This company drilled every Monday night from July 15, 1918, until November 11, 1918, anil it can be said that its active presence made a decided impression in this particular vicinity, which is mostly German.

Protection Company.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Pri va t es— Concluded. Earl O. Peeler. Baxter, Fred. Morton, John R. Baxter, Mack. Myers, Thearen A. First Lieutenant: Bedinger, John. Pierce, Charles M. Emery E. Fleming. Brewer, Ben L. Price, Reed W . Brewer, Frank E. Ring, Fred. Second Lieutenant: Chambers, Adrian B. Rowland, Claude. Chase, Thomas. Scovell, Eugene D. William T. Brewer. Densmore, Harold W. Simonds, Ira L. Feger, Frank. Simonds, Neal H. First Sergeant: Guver, Earnest H. Smith, Bert. Kimes, Jacob I. Hale, John. Snyder, Robert. Hall, Bert M . Stanfield, Albert. Artificer: Hall, Glen. Stark, Bert M. Taves, Frank. Keltner, Claude. Harbaugh, Eli S. Harmon, Dallas. Thornhill, Alva L. Hughes, B. L. Thornhill, Noel R. Privates: Jones, D . Ellis. Tobias, Daniel E. Anderson, William. Lawrence, Elmer G. Ward, Alanzo. Ashcraft, Chester P. Lund, Carrol. White, William. Baker, Frank A. Monticue, Wilbert C. Young, Cliffton.

ACTIVITIES. The Protection company performed patrol duty in the business section of the town for about eight weeks, when the light was damaged by fire, leaving the town in darkness. The company also had charge of the services on Decoration Day. 232 Adjutant General’s Department.

Quenemo Company.

Captain: C ooks: Privates— Concluded. Elmer Butler. Erbar, E. H. Hillman, Tom. Hillman, John W . Hollingsworth, Edd. First Lieutenant: Hutchinson, Joseph D . M usicians: Jenks, E . E. Floyd V. Field. Logan, A. W. Culbit, Frank R. Logan, C. E. Price, W . E. First Sergeant: Marshall, W. S. Connie, A. F. Mavden, A. N. Privates: Miller, C. E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Arnold, C. C. Morris, Ben H. Woodmas, W. P. Brighton, H. E. McMichael, R. Brooks, Asa. McMullen, C. A. Sergeants: Brooks, Samuel F. McMullen, Warren S. Burgess, Charles. Newton, Henry. Arnold, C. J. Canniff, George M. Newton, LeRoy. Painter, J. S. Cole, Earl O. Pugh, Ralph D. Stivison, Robert J. Col lard, Joseph H. Pyle, W. S. Washburn, Samuel A. Davidson, W. H. Rankin, J. T . Davis, John. Rush, R. R. Corporals: Eagle, W. M. Smith, Chester C. Farrow, Charles E. Erbar, Herbert M. Sweet wood, George. Foley, John W. Farrow, W. H. Whitcher, Harry. Gibson, George. Foley, Charley. Wiggans, Ned. Miller, C. Edwin. Gardner, M. T. Windett, Frank. McBrayer, Fred W. Grant, Johnie. Wilson, Fay. Sowers, Jacob A. Harlin, Jesse Homer. Woods, Glen. Hillman, John A. Wyman, C. H.

LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Corporals— Concluded. Privates— Concluded. Moine Miller, Poston, William O., Logan, Challis K., resigned. discharged. discharged. Rankin, John R ., Neill, Ernest T., Second Lieutenant: discharged. died. Newton, William, Jr., Harry Harkness, discharged. resigned. Privates: Shaffer, Lawrence, Allan, Martin H., discharged. Sergeants: discharged. Smith, LeRoy, Brann, Herbert O., Eagle, E. Ralph, discharged. discharged. discharged. Thompson, John H., Edmonson, Delmar, Kersey, Lester, died. discharged. died. Watkins, J. W ., Kersey, Charles E., discharged. Corporals: discharged. Windett, George S., Kersey, Horace A., discharged. McMullen, C. W., discharged. discharged.

This company did not render any report as to activities. Kansas State Guard. 233

R andolph Company.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Eldon C. Newby. Beckman, II. C. Larson, Chester. Bergs ten, Ray. Lund, C. A. First Lieutenant: Blanchard, Clarence. Lundberg, Elmer L. J. A. Holmstrom. Blomgren, dem on. Martin, Carl. Boles, Homer. Meline, August. Second Lieutenant: Bovey, J. O. Moon, Isaac. Bovey, W. I. Moon, Thomas. B. E. Nygren. Burgman, Oscar. Musil, J. F. Burkland, Martin. McAninch, S. B. First Sergeant: Carlson, C. J. Newby, Gaylord T. Christepherson, Anton C. Carlson, Godfrey. Newby, Gerald R. Carlson, Hugo. Nohlen, Carl L. Quartermaster Sergeant: Carlson, Oscar. Nohlen, George C. Goranson, Frank. Carlson, Stanley. Nordstrom, Elmer A. Cook, H. S. Nordstrom, P. A. Sergeants: Copeland, J. F. Norris, C. H. Cvrone, Albert P. Oberhelman, Vernon. Denison, Reuben E. Dewey, Charles H. Osbourn, A. C. Forsberg, Emil. DeWyke, Bruce. Palmer, Sigurd. Iledke, Henry H. DeWyke, Roy. Parsons, Joseph. Peterson, George E. Erickson, A. J. Peter, Arthur J. Floberg, A. T. Peter. Fred C. Corporals: Fritz, E. Ren, J. O. Boles, L. E. Hahn, W. H. Richter, William H. McCosh, N. A. Hagenmaier, Carl E. Rickson, Wilbert. Haller, Bismark H. Rose, Reuben L. Musician: Haller, Court. Salberg, Ed. Peterson, August R. Haller, Hans. Salberg, Roy. Hanson, John. Samuelson, A. N. Cook: Heller, Charles A. Schwartz, Clarence E. Hillstrom, Fred. Schwartz, Ed. Hungerford, William. Holmberg, Ernest C. Schwartz, Louis H. Holmberg, Leslie. Seborg, Victor. Privates: Holtman. Edmund L. Swanson, E. G. Anderson, Aaron E. Houser, Julius. Sweany, H. V. Anderson, Emery. Isaacson, Marvin. Swenson, Nelon A. Anderson, Leslie. Johnson, Carl J. Vandahl. W . A. Anderson, Richard E. Johnson, Elmer. Vawter, Henry. Axelton, A. G ., Jr. Johnston, Carl W . Vogelsang, Henry. Axelton, Elmer. Johnston, Ed J. Waistrom, Leonard. Axelton, Reuben O. Jones, Ben. LOSSES. First Sergeant: Artificer: Pri votes— Concluded. Pfuetze, Karl N ., Anderson, John, DeLong, Charles W ., discharged. discharged. discharged. Dicks, Arthur G., Sergeants: Pri votes: discharged. Edgerton. Charles M ., Blomgren, Raymond, Jones, L. O., discharged. discharged. discharged. Larson, Leonard, died. Pfuetze, Herman D ., Carlson, Walden N ., Mann, H. F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Weber, Max H ., died. ACTIVITIES. Hon. J. G. Strong, of Blue Rapids, was present at the mustering-in of the company and made a stirring, patriotic address to the crowd of nearly 500 people who had assembled for the occasion. Details were made for even' Liberty loan drive, also Y. M. C. A. and Red Cross cam­ paigns, to control autos and otherwise keep the place of meetings quiet that the speakers might have every opportunity to present the cause to the people. The township did not fail to meet its quota in any campaign. On October 19, 1918, a squad, in charge of Corporal Hedke, attended the funeral of Private Gust Emanuel Gustafson, N . A., who died on October 15, at Camp Funston, of in­ fluenza and pneumonia. They acted as pallbearers and escort; no salute being fired because of rule of cemetery. October 25 the company attended the funeral of Max II. Weber of our company who was accidentally killed by his own gun while trying to protect his poultry from rodents. The com­ pany acted as escort and provided pallbearers and fired a salute at the grave. The company also dug the grave, provided the uniform for burial and a flag to cover the casket. October 29, 1918, a squad, in charge of the commanding officer, attended the funeral of Private Ernest Joseph Belin. who died at Camp Doniphan. October 25, of influenza. This squad traveled sixteen miles through deep mud, by team, marched a mile leading the pro- 234 Adjutant General’s Department.

R andolph C ompany— Concluded.

cession to the cemetery, fired the usual salute and returned home, making a trip of 32 miles for the occasion. November 11, 1918, the company led a parade of school children and citizens in celebra­ tion of the signing of the Armistice with the central powers. December 22, the company attended the funeral of Private Leonard Larson of our com­ pany, who died December 18, of pneumonia. Pallbearers were provided, a uniform and a flag, and the company escorted the procession to the cemetery, marching first to the church, in all, two miles of march, on a very cold day. February 5, 11)19, a squad in charge of the captain attended the funeral of Edward Secrest, a veteran of the Civil War, a respected and honored citizen. The flag was placed at half mast, before the services, on the flag pole in front of the deceased’s residence and it re­ mained until sundown. The company provided pallbearers and Grand Army of the Republic members acted as honorary pallbearers. The customary salute at the grave and sounding of taps. March 17, 1919, the company, assisted by the local Red Cross auxiliary, conducted a pub­ lic reception for returned soldiers, about 300 people being present. Captain Lee DeArmond of the 117th Ammunition Train was present and made a very interesting address. Decoration Day, May 30, was observed by the company with a public program in the cemetery in which the schools and public joined us. July 16, 17 and 18, a reunion for returned soldiers, which was largely attended. A re­ cruiting train from Camp Funston in charge of Lieutenant Colonel Lemmon attended this reunion.

R obinson Company.

('apt ain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Claude E. VanVoorhis. Harold R. Maxwell. Harry Trees Lukert.

LOSS. Captain: Samuel J. White, resigned.

No muster-out roll furnished.

Rosedale Company.

Captain: Cooks: Privates— Concluded. Guy W. McNatt. Harris, James. Mann, George. Wisner, George. Mercer, Harold. First Lieutenant: Mercer, Charles. George W . Holsinger. Musicians: Meyers, Benjamin. Bolen, Austin. Meyers, Gilbert. Second Lieutenant: Meyers, Ernest. McIntyre, Charles. McIntyre. John. John P. Jones. .4 rtificer: Powell, John. Rees, Fred. First Sergeant: Preston, Jesse. Ringer, Paul. Stockton, Douglass C. Rose, Edmund. Privates:- Rose, George. Quartermaster Sergeant: Baker, Leonard. Rushton, George. Rush ton, Frank. Barnett, Benjamin. Sanders, Ernest. Bishop, George. Sayers, Clinton. Sergeants: Brownlee, James W . Scheer, John. Buie, Donald. Scheuerman, George. Chandler, Marshall. Campbell, Joseph. Schoeller, Christopher. Germs, George. Sperry, Fred. Collins, Walter. Seitter, Henry. Espenland, Albert. Sheldon, Edgar. Wilson, Lawrence. Espenland, Fred. Spencer, Thomas. Corporals: Ferguson, Earl. Stucker, Lester. Gates, Horatio. Swarner, Earl. Collins, Walter. Gemer, Leonard. Trabon, Louis. Drebert, Watson. Golden, Charles. Upton, Arthur. Espenland, Dave. Helmreich, Louis. Williamson, Sidney. Ross, William. Hervey, Edward. Wisner, Walter. Rushton, Dick. Hervey, William. Woodcock, George. Wisner, Herbert. Holsinger, Wallace. Worth, Ray. Hough, Roy. Yaeger, Leslie. Johnson, George. Yaeger, Harry. Larson, William. Zeff, Sam.

This company reported no activities. Kansas State Guard. 235

Rush Center Company.

Captain: Corporals: Privates— Concluded. George Sc hie gel. Barnes, Corwin. Popp, Fred. Barnes, Vergil. Popp, Joseph A. First Lieutenant: Holmes, John. Pozalek, Adolph. Eugene L. Bates. Lewis, Robert A. Pozalek, Ralph. Renner. Andrew J. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Renner, Frank. Renner, Ora L. Clyde E. Smith. Beaton, Charles H. Fairbank, Milton. Renner, Walter H. Reynolds, Carl V. First Sergeant: Hall, John. Hallett, Leon. Russell, Bruce A. Renner, John C. Heaton. Harvey J. Schmidt, Fred G. Scranton, Charles F. Quartermaster Sergeant: Horacek, Jerry. Jennison, Willard C. Smith, Leon G. Dixon, Leroy E. Kain, Lee R. Styskal, Anton. Kaufman, Charles F. Troudt, Henry. Sergeants: Long. Clifton F. I'blaker, Otto. Davison, Charles H. Lvman, Clarence H. Deighton, William J. Miller, Carl W . Magerfleisch, Reinhold A. Morton, Jesse P. Remer, Samuel A. Peterson, Vernon.

LOSSES. Privates: Privates— Continued. Pri vates— Concl uded. Burnes, James D ., Campbell, Lester R., Hall, Clarence M ., discharged. discharged. Ohl, George, discharged.

X o report rendered.

Russell Springs Company.

Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: James W . King. James Dillon. Andrew J. Francis.

No muster-out roll furnished.


Captain: First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Dallas U. Birch. Frank J. Murray. Harold W*. Dwyer.

No muster-out roll furnished. 236 Adjutant General’s Department.

Sedan Company.

Captain: Artificer: Privates— Concluded. W. H. Cheney. Hartzell, Harold C. Hurst, George D. Hurst, Sam P. First Lieutenant: Privates: Kellar, Edwin A. Charles Toal. Ackarman, Fred. Kinkade, H. Shannon. Atkinson, Tom J. Mack, Ellis. First Sergeant: Baker, Tom. Millison, Ed. Kellog, Frank J. Benson, Oliver E. Moore, Ray. Bever, Dan J. McBrian, Ralph. Quartermaster Sergeant: Blair. Mat B. McGill, Buree. Bossee, Mat B. Owen, Earl. Loomis, II. Williard. Boyer, George. Rayburn, John. Bradley, J. Ormand. Roberts, John W . Sergeants: Brewster, Fred. Robinson. Ed. Gilman, Lyle A. Brunger, Arthur. Samues, Doyle. Shukers, Frank S. Bilinger, Ernest. Sherrod. Leslie. Smith, R. F. Chubb, G. Elmer. Short, J. Ike. Wothing, James J. Coover, Arthur. Simmons, Frank. Crepps, J. William. Sleeth, Ivan. Corporals: Crozier, Walter. Smith, Cecil L. Chubb, Fred. Day, Albert L. Staugh, John I. Denman, Arthur G. Ellis, Earl. Taylor, O. Leroy. Eaton, Glen H. Floyd. Albert J. Thompson, S. S. Kellog, Charles S. Floyd, Robert. Thrasher, J. W . Robertson, W . J. N . Garrett, Lee C. . Warren, Clarence R. Garrett, Lin. Watson, E. E. C ook: Garritson, Perry. Wemmer, Ben. Hanna, A. R. Westlake, Charles E. Ellis, Delos. Harmon, Frank. Williams, Alvin H. Harmon. Roy. Williams, Walter E. Musician: , Hays, Dwyer. Wilson, Dean. Busby, Virgil. Holbrook, Bert. Wintermute, Earl. Hartzell, Max W. Hudson, Wray L. Woodworth, Brother.

LOSSES. Corporal: P ri votes— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Colville, Frank M., Dietle, Tom, Rost, Charles, diseharged. discharged. discharged. Frye, Norman F., Starmer, P. B., Privates: discharged. discharged. Adams, Clyde, Fulton, John S., Stephens, Frank, discharged. discharged. discharged. Adams, L. P., Hays, Gene, Stephens, Harry, discharged. discharged. discharged. Brosius, Lee M ., Jenkins, Arthur, Strait, Elmer, discharged. discharged. discharged. Buckles, A. Y ., Martin, P. W ., Thornhill, Orb, 4 discharged. discharged. discharged. Buckles, Rollie I., McGinley, Clarence, Tucker, T. J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Casement, Floyd, McNeal, John S., Williams, Levi, discharged. discharged. discharged. Chambers, Miles, Pin well. Dan, Wilson. Wilbur, discharged. discharged. discharged. Denman, John, Rodgers, M. R., discharged. discharged.

ACTIVITIES. This company did not perform any active duty, but participated in the various Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns, etc. Kansas State Guard. 237

Stanley Company.

Captain: Privates— Continued. Privates— Concluded. Benson Armstrong. Anderson, Jesse. Keltner, H. R. Baker, Robert. Lawson, G. M. First Lieutenant: Bartlett, Troy. Linder, John Z. Ralph B. Williams. • Beardslee, O. H. Linder, Press. Blythe, R. L. Lowman, John F. Second Lieutenant: Boone, Clyde. Mathis, I. M. Bruton, Charles II. McKinney, G. C. Albert L. Flanner. Bruton, Fred W . McKinney, H. R. Cannon, G. L. Nicholson, P. J. First Sergeant: Carr, Arno R. Norris, P. M. Kellog, Percy L. Chaney, Robert B. Parsley, Lloyd. Divelbiss, B. S. Quarles, V. j. Quartermaster Sergeant: Divelbiss, E. X . Shanahan, R. W . Flook, John F. Dougan, Robert. Rawie, W . W . Ellis, C. O. Sharp, Frank B. Sergeants: Filtingberger, Charles. Sharp, Perry M. Granger, Fredrick. Simpsin. Will. Elliott, Carl A. Grigsby, Isaac. Staten, Ernest. Rawie, T . J. Grigsby, Jesse E. Thompson, A. R. Hanson, Martin. Thompson, M. A. Corporals: Holmes, L. H. Thurston, Lafe. Parsley, Harry. Holmes, R. II. Weeks, S. D. Rife, Clay M. Holmes, R. H., Jr. Whitaker, B. W . Holmes, W . B. W yatt, Lambert. Privates: Justice, Louis. Young, J. L. Akiles, Fred M . Klapmever, O. F. Allison, F. G. Klapmever, W m . H.

LOSSES. Sergeant: Corporals— Concl uded. Privates: Campbell, D. S., Flook, Lester J., Pitt, H. F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Pitt, R. L., discharged. Grigsby, R. L., discharged. Shanahan, C. E., Corporal s: Lawson, W . A., discharged. discharged. Allison, K. D ., discharged. Myers, Vernon, discharged. Allison, L. H ., discharged. Wilkerson, F. W ., Briggs, C. P., discharged. discharged. Briggs, G. D ., discharged. ACTIVITIES. This company participated in the Rfd Cross sale at Stanley, May 2G, 1018, and the Red Cross sale at Morris, May 30, 1918; assisted in the Reel Cross and patriotic celebration, Olathe, July 4, 1018. Performed guard duty and rendered other assistance; also won all prizes at Stilwell Red Cross celebration, Stilwell, August 8, 1018. The organization was very active in the third, fourth, and fifth Liberty and \ ictory loan campaigns. 238 Adjutant General’s Department.

Studley Company.

Captain: Privates— Con tin ued. Privates— Concluded. Harry Pratt. Cain, Purl L. Parks, John E. Cane, John. Phelps, Orin R. First Lieutenant: Carrick, Ernest D. Pratt, Abraham. George W. Scott. Chapman, Lawrence C. Pratt, George H., Sr. Clifton, Garrett H. Pratt, John F. Second Lieutenant: Clifton, Lloyd R. Pratt, John R. Coffey, Charles M. Pratt, Joseph C. Alfred E. Mills. Conard, Ralph F. Pratt, Robert T. Conard, Thomas A. Randolph, Chester G. First Sergeant: Corke, Clyde M. Raney, Earl D . Stout, Earl F. Crawford, Cecil E. Rawson, John J. Cunningham, Floyd. Rennard, John C. Quartermaster Sergeant: Duckett, James E. Russell, Con. Turtle, Charles W. English, Roy L. Sample, John P. English, Walter S. Schizas, Marios. Sergeants: Epler, Fred J. Schropp, Max M. Fallis, John T . Scott, Frank M. Corke, Paul H. Foil, Walter. Shapley, Howard A. Currier, Charles H. Foster, James. Shipley, Raymond E. Jones, Claude C. Gaston, James H. Simon, Orin R. Gift, William F. Simon, Walter S. Corporals: Gilmore, Lewis M. Small, James H. Davis, Charles. Grinstead, William F. Small, Owen T. Kemp, Lee A. R. Hanson, Oscar L. Smith, Benjamin S. Pratt, William T. Hayes, Louis. Smith, Walter R. Rawson, William A. Haynes, Alva. Storer, Olin. Senger, Leonard F. Hines, Jonathan O. Teater, Daniel E. Simon, Edward F. Hite, Albert B. Teater, Karl C. Teater, Thomas C. Jackson, Millard. Transue, Roscoe J. James, Carl E. Treu, John J. JHusicians: Kemper, James J. Trew, Ernest T. Wanamaker, Charles R. Johnson, Floyd E. Lea men, Roy C. Mead. Orren A. Wilcox, Elisha R. WaIters, Fred D. Merriweather, Homer C. Wilcox, William H. Morgan, John F. Wilcox, William S. Privates: Mowry, Lester L., Jr. Williams, Charles E. Ackley, Erwin. Mowry, Walter J. Williams, George F. Best, Ivan E. McDowell, Joseph J. Woods, John R. Black, Tom D . McGuire, Christopher C. Yocum, Mark A. Borger, Irwin P. Norton, George M. Zimmerman, Thomas E. Brewster, Robert L. Paigh, Samuel E.

LOSSES. Sergeants: Cooks: Privates: Johnson, Herman E ., Mowry, Lester L., Jr., Best, Charles N., discharged. discharged. discharged. Scott, Arthur M., Simon, George F., Clifton, William McKinley, discharged. discharged. discharged. Ewer, Rolo S., discharged. Corporals: Artificer: Hyde, Walter R., Corke, Ray G., Epler, Ralph H., discharged. discharged. discharged. Moyer, Warner A., died. Dickinson, George M ., Pratt, George H., Jr., discharged. discharged. Schroop, Bert, discharged. ACTIVITIES. The company participated in several public functions, such as flag raisings, public funerals, Red Cross work; in fact, the company was on hand whenever there was anything doing. It conducted military funerals for members of our company who died and assisted at the fu­ nerals of several of the boys who died in the various military camps. N o one ever asked in vain for the services of Company A, Kansas State Guard. W e were ready, day or night, to do what could be done to the best of our ability, and I wish to state that it is a great pleas­ ure to have had the honor of commanding this company. Kansas State Guard. 239

Topeka Companies— (Colored I.

Captain-Judge Advocate: Elisha Scott. C O M P AN Y A.

Captain : First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Robert L. Hamilton. Robert H. Martin. William Bradshaw.

No muster-out roll furnish*<1.


Captain: Privates— C out in ued. Privates— Concluded. H. I. Monroe. Daniels, C. C. Moss, C. C. Daniels, Fred. Murry, Henry. First Lieutenant: Davis, Peter. Oliver, Wendell. Packer, W . M . James Johnson. Dennis, Harry. Donnelly, Elliott. Parks, Alexander. Second Lieutenant: Dotson, John. Payne, A. J. Drain, Edward.' Payne, Samuel. B. F. Payne. Edmonds. Henry. Perkins, Ben. Estes, Reuben. Poynter, Leonard. First Sergeant: Etherly, Albert. Reed, Taylor. Bradshaw, Clarence. Evans, Earl E. Reeves, Leslie. Fisher, Harry. Ridley, E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Fisher, Jerry'. Robb, Carl. Edmonds, Henry. Fitchue, James. Roberts, Peter. Floyd, Roberts. Scott, Elisha. Shaw, Lary. Sergeants: Foster, Robert. Gaines, William. Sims, R. S. Morgan, Robert. Gordon, Ernest. Smith, George W. Peak. Mell C. Graham, V. A. Smith, Ira. Graves, G. F. Smith, William. Corporal: Hardison, ------. Spears, Carl. Scales, Green. Hare, James H. Starnes, John. Hatcher, William. Thompson, Fred. Privates: Hawkins, S. P. Thompson, George B Alexander, Ivan. Hickerson, E. E. Thompson, Robert. Anderson, John. High, S. W. Todd, W. E. Beard, David. Holman, J. J. Tucker, Robert. Beck, E. W . Howard, F. H. Walker, Joe. Bigbee, Bayless. Johnson, Jack. Washam, R. Brannock, Leroy. Johnson. R. J. White, Scotty. Brooks, Abraham. Jones, Edward. Williams, Oscar. Brown, Samuel. King, Leonard. Williams, Terry. Burton, Benjamin. Knott, Lewis. Williams, Theodore. Burton, Curtis. Lane, Ben. Williams, William. Burton, Dwight. Martin. George. Willis, Horace. Conley, Edward. Martin, James R. Wims, William. Cooper, W . D. Morrow, George K.

ACTIVITIES. This company took part in parades: guarded the railway stations during the departure of troops and on other public occasions. 240 Adjutant General’s Department.

T y r o C o m p a n y .

Captain : Privates — Continued. Privates — Concluded. Benjamin H. Dunbar. Butler, Heber. Mason, William. Couch, Samuel A. Matthews, William C. First Lieutenant: DeLozier, Charles R. Mitchell, W. A. DeWitt, Heber H. I). W. Wilson. McGhee, Roy D. Doss, Samuel. McGhee, Samuel N. Second Lieutenant: Douglass, A. Lawrence. McRee, Harry A. Dowling, Oliver F. Orr, Leander. Victor B. Bassett. Durst, Alexander. Parks, William H. Durst, Henry. Parsons, Oliver A. Scry cant: Fields, Charles T. Prouty, Strauder M. Wilson, William B. Fields, John C ., Jr. Rathburn, George T. Gilliland, Amulek. . Ray, William H. Corporals: Gilmore, Lloyd D. Roper, Harvey J. Buster, Charles L. Gilmore, Walter J. Smith, Frank H. Hammond, Drew R. Harding, James A. Smith, Leroy II. Harding, Merle J. Hill, Hugh. Snell, Clarence E. Jaggers, Jerry M . Hill, William T. Souders, John H. Sutton, John R. Prouty, Salem M. Hiteshew, York. Shriver, Robert. Hollingworth, Edward M. Tasker, John H. Teegarden, Roy L. Hollingworth, Ivan. Tuttle, Jasper Wesley. Howard, Truman. Williams, Jessie A. Musician: Ingmire, Arthur D. Wood, Perry. Jaggers, Ivy W . Yoe, Walter E. Hugo, J. O. Jones, Henry D . Young, Fred M. Jordan, Albert L. Privates: Roger, Melvin. Buster, Claude A. Roger, Murrill R. Buster, John I. Lane, Joe.

No report was rendered by the Tyro company covering its war-time activities.

W e s k a n C o m p a n y .

Captain: Corporals— Concluded. Privates — Concluded. Almon H. Barber. Carlson, Paul. Hoyt, Charley M. Cox, Clarence Jackson. Hunter, Thomas G. First Lieutenant: Teed, Earl. Johnson, George C. Leffingwell, L. W . William C. Ringeisen. W ood, Clarence. Lutz, William H. Second Lieutenant: Cook : Marsh, Erl. Chaney, Elmer. Miller, Cail G. Ransom R. Baker. McCartney, Glenn J. M usician: Nystrorn, Carl A. First Sergeant: Okeson, Olof. Pierce, Vern. Weed, Theodore. Padgett, Andrew I. Padgett, Leo. Quartermaster Sergeant: Privates: Putt, Edward H. Richard, Carl. Bjurkland, Ernest H. Bergquist, John G. Brees, Ernest. Richard, John. Sergeants: Brees, Roy. Roundtree, Vern. Cox, Everett L. Rosendall, Christ. Engberg, David. Cox, Harold. Samuelson, Lawrence. Huitt, Elmer F. Cox, Wilbur. Satterfield, James E. Johnson, Oscar. Curtis, James. Shelley, Luther M. Sexson, John E. Emond, Thomas. Swanson, Clarence E. Emond, William. Swanson, Nels David. Corporals: Flanory, Robert C. Swartz, Hugh W. Alvord, Fred R. Gauss, Michael I. Wilcox, Guy E. Bjorklund, Arthur. Gordon, Alben. Wilder, William A.

ACTIVITIES, The Weskan Company a sisted in all war-time activities, rendering every possible service. Kansas State Guard. 241

W i n f i e l d C o m p a n y .

Cajptain: Privates— Continued. Pri votes— Concluded. Will French. Bloomfield, R. H. King, Harry. Brooks, Will. Kinninmonth, E. P. First Lieutenant: Brown, George S. I.atta, R. B. Ralph I). Peters. Brown, Guy M. Lawrence, Harry. Burdette, Penrose. Lea veil, G. E. Second Lieutenant: Burgener. Will Sew Lefler, C. E. Chase, H. H. Martin, C. A. Charles E. Allen. Clark, J. K. Moore, L. D. Clay, V. F. McGregor, J. F. First Sergeant: Crandall, W . II. Noble, A. L. Drennan, C. M . Crawford, L. B. Patterson, W . G. Crawford, S. M . Reed, Ralph. Sergeants: Danford, G. S. Sage, W . J. Pritchard, D. G. Dauber, I. A. Schwantes, John. Ray, C. W . Dodson, Maurelle. Shockey, Earl. Drake, W . O. Snowhill, A. Corporals: Dudey, M . II. Snyder, A. K. Dutton, D. D. Snyder, II. L. Burney, Janies. Finch, J. H. Spengler, H. H. Daves, John C. Fink, Ellis. Stoutimore, F. L. Pontius, D. L. Forbes, Charles E. Stutzman, Ira. Renibaugh, C. F. Foster, W . D. Swenson, John. St allcop, W . W . Gentry, Ivan E. Talla, Henry N. Stuber, Ralph T. Gooch, W . E. Terry, E. L. Goodman, II. B. Thorp, G. M. Privates: Grantham, Harold. Thorp, W. B. Adams, G. Clinton. Grantham, John. Tuttle, E. G. Allen, C. E. Guy. P. H. LanDeWater, George II. Backus, Tom W . Hanlen, Homer. Virden, Harry Lee. Bailey, V. E. Hart, Harry. Wade, J. N. Ballien, Frank E. Henthorne, Lawrence. Watson, W. W. Barnes, W. T. Hiigel, Clyde. Woodson, R. C. Beard, W . T. Jobes, W . A. Woolev, Howard. Beavers, F. T. Johnston, Tom D. Wycolt, C. S. Benniac, Thomas. Kanoga, E. G. Bird. R. B. King, A. L.

LOSSES. Captain: Corporal: P ri vat cs— Cone I u did. R. R. Gilbert, resigned. W ilson, R. M., resigned. Hudson, Fug ne, resigned. Martin, Jarvis, resigned. First Lieutenant: Privates: Sumpter, Hairy L., James Helt, resigned. Beach, Bert O., resigned. resigned. Bridges, Boyd II., resigned. Warner, Kern, resigned. Horton, Harry, resigned.

ACTIVITIES. The Winfield company. Kansas State Guard, was called upon to perform guard duty at nights at the library in this city, which was at that time headquart rs for the Cowley chap­ ter of the Red Cross. This duty was performed throughout the spring and summer of 1918. The company was also called out upon s “veral occasion to do guard duty over the mills and wholesale groceries of the city upon occasions which were deemed advisable. As the indi­ viduals of the organization were n arly all m mbers of the local committee to work for the Liberty loans. Red Cross and other campaigns, the organization did not take part in any of th se campaigns as a unit. The company was also called out for duty in connection with the work of these campaigns, at one time to perform guard duty and handle the crowd at a war exhibition train, and at another time to guard a government airship which remained in town some twenty-four hours. All other work was of a routine nature, the company drilling one* a week regularly, until after the Armistice was signed. A good attendance was the rule and consequently the men progressed nicely in close order drill and were given considerable work in extension order formation, guard duty, etc.

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