MARITIME SATELLITE SERVICES INTERVIEW Samer Halawi, CEO, Thuraya Telecommunications Company FOCUS ASIA Aero & Maritime #SATCOM Mobility in Asia 2015 Q3 NEWSLETTER T-1602, 170 Seohyeon-ro Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do SEOUL 463-862 Rep. of KOREA Tel: +82-31-783-6244 Fax: +82-31-783-6249 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: 03 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 04 FEATURES: Maritime Satellite Services 04 Euroconsult: New Satellite Systems and Data Intensive Applications to Drive the Maritime Market 10 Intelsat: Intelsat Delivers the Performance, Economics and Accessibility that the Maritime Sector Craves 16 SingTel: Cyber Security in Satellite Communications with Maritime Industry 20 INTERVIEW 20 Samer Halawi, CEO, Thuraya Telecommunications Company 24 FOCUS ASIA 24 NSR: Aero & Maritime #SATCOM Mobility in Asia 30 SATELLITE TRENDS 30 SSL: 10th Anniversary of HTS 36 APSCC MEMBERS 38 NEW MEMBER 38 Asat Satellite Communication Co., Ltd 40 INSIDE APSCC 40 Satellite Summit @ CommunicAsia2015 42 SATELLITE INDUSTRY NEWS 47 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 48 ADVERTISERS’ INDEX MARITIME SATELLITE SERVICES INTERVIEW Samer Halawi, CEO, Thuraya Telecommunications Company FOCUS ASIA Aero & Maritime #SATCOM Mobility in Asia 2015 CONTENTS Q3 NEWSLETTER 3rd Quarter 2015 t Volume 21 t Issue 3 t ISSN 1226-8844 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Maritime Satellite Communications play a vital role in the global economy. With up to 80,000 mer- chant, cruise, and government vessels at sea at any given time ( and more than 1400 offshore oil-rigs (, there is a pressing need for the connectivity and benefits that satellite provides.