Documents on East Timor from PeaceNet and Connected Computer Networks Volume 13: May 8 – June 7, 1992 Published by: East Timor Action Network / U.S. P.O. Box 1182, White Plains, NY 10602 USA Tel: 914-428-7299. Fax: 914-428-7383. E-mail IGC:CSCHEINER or
[email protected] For additional copies, please enclose US$6. per volume to cover costs; add an extra dollar for interna- tional air mail. These documents are produced monthly and mailed to subscribers. If you would like to subscribe, send $24 for the next four months (US), or $30 for international air mail. Subsidized rates are avail- able for groups in developing countries working on East Timor. Checks should be made out to “WESPAC Foundation / ETAN.” The material is grouped by subject, with articles under each category in approximately chronological order. It is also available on IBM-compatible diskette, in either WinWord or ASCII format. Reprinting and distribution without permission is welcomed. Much of this information is supplied by Task Force Indonesia, ETAN/Canada, NOSCA or TAPOL. TABLE OF CONTENTS TRIALS OF TIMORESE ................................................................................................................................. 3 DILI ‘MURDER’ TRIALS START........................................................................................................................3 THE CAMARA TRIAL: EXCERPTS FROM THE LAWYERS’ DEFENCE PLEA.........................................................4 PROSECUTORS WANT 15 YEARS FOR BRANCO ..............................................................................................5