July 22, 2020 Agenda ID #18644


Enclosed is the Action Statement of the Wildfire Safety Division (WSD) and Draft Resolution WSD-010. The Action Statement and Draft Resolution WSD-010 deny Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc.’s (BVES) 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP), submitted February 7, 2020, as updated on March 6, 2020 and with errata submitted on May 22, 2020. BVES shall submit a new WMP as detailed in the accompanying documents.

Pursuant to Rule 14.5 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, stakeholders may submit comments on the Draft Resolution.

Comments shall be limited to ten (10) pages in length and should list the recommended changes to the Draft Resolution. Comments shall focus on factual, legal or technical errors in the proposed Draft Resolution.

Comments must be received by the Wildfire Safety Division by August 13, 2020. Comments should be submitted to the following email address: [email protected]. The WSD will consider comments on the Draft Resolutions when finalizing its Action Statement on BVES’s 2020 WMP.

Stakeholders submitting comments on the Draft Resolution must also serve their comments on the service list of R.18-10-007. Comments that are not served on the service list of R.18-10-007 may not be considered. The WSD will post all comments received on the following website:

Replies to comments will not be accepted or considered if submitted.

1 Resolution WSD-010 WSD/CTJ/gp2 DRAFT

Draft Resolution WSD-010 will appear on the agenda at the next Commission meeting, which is at least 30 days after the date of this letter. The Commission may vote to ratify the WSD’s Draft Resolution at that time or it may postpone a vote until a later meeting.


/s/CAROLINE THOMAS JACOBS Caroline Thomas Jacobs Director, Wildfire Safety Division California Public Utilities Commission


July 22, 2020

Wildfire Safety Division Draft Action Statement on Bear Valley Electric Service Inc.’s 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan

This Action Statement is the denial of Bear Valley Electric Services Inc.’s (BVES) 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) submitted on February 7, 2020, amended on March 6, 2020 and May 22, 2020, and is presented to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for ratification, via the associated Resolution. BVES shall file a new 2020 WMP meeting the requirements set forth herein no later than 60 days from the date of mailing of the accompanying final Resolution. Stakeholders may comment on any matter in the new WMP no later than 30 days following its submission; comments shall be limited to 20 pages.

Introduction and Background

Wildfires have caused significant social, economic, and environmental damage on a global scale. In June 2020, the CPUC approved with conditions the WMPs of the other electrical corporations under its jurisdiction. The CPUC’s Wildfire Safety Division (WSD) had mailed a draft Resolution approving BVES’ WMP with conditions, but after the May 7, 2020 mailing, on May 22, 2020 BVES served an “errata” disclosing serious errors in its original WMP that rendered moot virtually the entire WSD analysis of BVES’ plan.

In its Draft Resolution (draft Resolution WSD-006) and accompanying Draft Action Statement, the WSD raised two key concerns with BVES’ WMP. First, the WMP proposed costs that were three times as high, on a normalized basis, as BVES’ utility peers. Second, BVES appeared to be proposing undergrounding all of its power lines, an expensive and poorly justified option. Draft Resolution WSD-006 proposed conditions for BVES to remedy these two concerns as well as other concerns.

BVES’ errata (attached to the Resolution accompanying this Action Statement as Appendix A) explained that it had committed a fundamental error in its original - 1 - Resolution WSD-010 WSD/CTJ/gp2 DRAFT

WMP by stating that all of its lines would be undergrounded rather than just a portion of one line. This error caused its costs to appear three times as high as those of the other electrical corporations submitting Plans. BVES did not otherwise explain its error.

In response to the errata, the WSD extended its own time for review of the WMP. The WSD cited as authority Public Utilities Code section 8386.3(a), which states that the Division has three months to review and approve or deny an electrical corporation’s WMP “unless the division makes a written determination, including reasons supporting the determination, that the three-month deadline cannot be met.” The WSD stated it had reviewed BVES’ errata and found the changes to be substantive and significant. BVES submitted its errata on May 22, 2020, two weeks after the WSD released Draft Resolution WSD-006. Stakeholders and the public had no opportunity to review or comment on the errata, and WSD had no opportunity to review the errata in detail or consider comments on it. Therefore, the WSD found the three-month deadline in Public Utilities Code section 8386.3(a) could not be met.

Compounding the problem, BVES submitted its initial WMP by the February 7, 2020 deadline using the wrong format, despite notice of the new format and template on December 16, 2019 to all parties to Rulemaking 18-10-007, the WMP formal proceeding. All other electrical corporations successfully submitted their WMPs using the new format by the February 7, 2020 deadline. BVES did not submit a WMP in the correct format until March 6, 2020, almost a month after it was due. BVES used a consultant (Navigant) for its submissions.

Discussion of WMP Assessment

BVES is a small utility, and the WSD does not take a decision to deny its WMP lightly. However, BVES’ conduct demonstrates a serious problem with its quality control, its understanding of its own wildfire mitigation initiatives, and the WMP process. Use of a consultant to prepare documents does not relieve a regulated entity of the obligation to submit accurate information to the consultant, check the consultant’s work, verify it is accurate, and submit material to the Commission and the WSD that meets statutory and regulatory requirements. Had the WSD not found the errors in BVES’ WMP, it is not clear BVES would - 2 -

Resolution WSD-010 WSD/CTJ/gp2 DRAFT

have ever discovered or corrected them on its own. In the WSD’s view, BVES’ conduct demonstrates lack of organizational control and leadership and calls into question management’s understanding of its own strategic direction on wildfire mitigation initiatives.

WSD reviewed all 2020 WMPs for compliance with statute, the WSD’s guidance served on all electrical corporations with the Rulemaking 18-10-007 Administrative Law Judge’s December 16, 2019 Ruling, and with the following criteria:

 Completeness: The WMP is complete and comprehensively responds to the WMP requirements,  Technical feasibility and effectiveness: Initiatives proposed in the WMP are technically feasible and are effective in addressing the risks that exist in the utility’s territory,  Resource use efficiency: Initiatives are an efficient use of utility resources, and  Forward looking growth: The utility is targeting maturity growth.

BVES’ February 7, 2020 WMP, as amended March 6, 2020 and May 22, 2020, fails the “Completeness” requirement.

In view of BVES’ conduct, the WSD is denying the WMP as submitted. BVES shall submit a new 2020 WMP no later than 60 days from the date of mailing of the accompanying final Resolution ratified by the Commission. BVES’ new WMP shall reflect the changes in the errata, to the extent it is still accurate. BVES is strongly urged to also address Class A and Class B deficiencies that the WSD found in BVES’ original WMP, as set forth in Appendices B and C to the accompanying Resolution. BVES shall check every aspect of the new WMP to ensure completeness and accuracy prior to submission and shall submit a sworn attestation by the most senior officer responsible for BVES’ WMP as to the new WMP’s completeness and accuracy.

The WSD expects BVES to make immediate improvements to its internal processes to ensure the quality and accuracy of its wildfire mitigation work, reporting, and regulatory submissions. As a separate supplemental filing - 3 -

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submitted concurrent with its new WMP, BVES shall provide a full and detailed explanation of how and why the errors leading to the errata were made. The explanation must include, but is not limited to, what caused the errors, how BVES reviewed the consultant’s work products before submission to the WSD, how much BVES paid for the consultant’s work product(s), and a description of what changes BVES is making to avoid such significant failures in the future.

The WSD expects BVES to submit complete and accurate documentation on time and within the parameters set forth in the Public Utilities Code, Commission decisions, orders, and rulings and guidance.


/s/ CAROLINE THOMAS JACOBS Caroline Thomas Jacobs Director, Wildfire Safety Division California Public Utilities Commission

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WSD/CTJ/gp2 DRAFT Agenda ID#: 18644


Resolution WSD-010 Wildfire Safety Division [Date]

RESOLUTION Resolution Ratifying the Action of the Wildfire Safety Division Denying Bear Valley Electric Service’s 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 8386.

This Resolution ratifies the attached action of the Wildfire Safety Division (WSD) denying Bear Valley Electric Service Inc.’s (BVES) 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) submitted on February 7, 2020, updated March 6, 2020, and made the subject of an errata by BVES on May 22, 2020 (BVES Errata). BVES submitted its errata after a Draft Action Statement and Draft Resolution mailed on May 7, 2020 to BVES and the public approving the WMP with conditions. BVES’ Errata made fundamental changes to its WMP that rendered the prior drafts unusable.

BVES’ lack of care and numerous, substantial corrections necessitates the WSD restart the process with a new WMP. The new WMP shall be filed no later than 60 days from the date of the California Public Utilities Commission’s (Commission) mailing of the accompanying final Resolution. BVES shall correct the matters identified in the BVES Errata to the extent they are still accurate. BVES is strongly urged to also address Class A and Class B deficiencies the WSD found in Draft Action Statement and Draft Resolutions WSD-006 and WSD-002,1 mailed on May 7, 2020, as set forth in Appendices B and C (and explained in Appendix D) to this Resolution. To address Class A and B deficiencies, BVES should include submission of a Remedial Compliance Plan along with its

1 Resolution WSD-006 has now been withdrawn from the Commission’s agenda; it is appended here for explanatory purposes only as Appendix D.

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new WMP as well as information required in the first Quarterly Report.2 BVES shall also check every aspect of the new WMP it submits to ensure completeness and accuracy and include a sworn verification by the most senior official responsible for BVES’ WMP as to the new WMP’s completeness and accuracy.

BVES’ Errata (attached to this Resolution as Appendix A) explained that the utility had committed a fundamental error in its original WMP by stating that all of its lines would be undergrounded rather than just a portion of one line. In addition, BVES used a different methodology to calculate costs than that specified in the December 16, 2019 Administrative Law Judge ruling in Rulemaking 18-10-007. These errors caused its costs to appear three times as high as those of the other electrical corporations submitting Plans. BVES did not otherwise explain its error.

Because BVES’ costs as originally submitted appeared three times as high as its peer utilities, the original draft Action Statement and Resolution WSD-006 contained extensive analysis to remedy BVES’ status as an outlier. When it submitted the Errata, all of that analysis was rendered moot. Hence, stakeholders, the WSD and the Commission extended significant effort in response to an erroneous submission.

The Commission and the WSD’s most important responsibility is ensuring the safety of Californians. BVES should demonstrate the same commitment. BVES’ conduct demonstrates a serious problem with its quality control, its understanding of its own wildfire mitigation initiatives and the WMP process. Use of a consultant to prepare documents does not relieve a regulated entity of the obligation to submit accurate information to the consultant, check the consultant’s work, verify it is accurate, and submit material to the Commission and the WSD that meets statutory and regulatory

2 See ResolutionWSD-002 for an explanation of Remedial Compliance Plans and Quarterly Reports. BVES may address all Class C deficiencies in its 2021 WMP Update consistent with the other electrical corporations.

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requirements. Had the WSD not found the errors in BVES’ WMP, it is not clear BVES would have ever discovered or corrected them on its own. It is also unclear whether BVES’ Errata captures all errors in the WMP or only those brought to light by the WSD’s evaluation. BVES’ lack of care raises concern about its attention to detail and understanding of its own wildfire mitigation initiatives.

This Resolution therefore denies BVES’ WMP submitted on February 7, 2020, resubmitted on March 6, 2020, and its Errata submitted on May 22, 2020. This denial is made pursuant to Public Utilities Code sections 8386 et seq. and 701.

The WSD expects BVES to make immediate improvements to its internal processes to ensure the quality and accuracy of its wildfire mitigation work, reporting, and regulatory submissions. As a separate supplement filing submitted concurrent with its new WMP, BVES shall provide a full and detailed explanation of how and why these errors were made. The explanation must include, but is not limited to, what caused the errors, how BVES reviewed the consultant’s work products before submission to the WSD, how much BVES paid for the consultant’s work product(s), and a description of what changes BVES is making to avoid such significant failures in the future.

1. Discussion

The WSD denies BVES’ 2020 WMP as submitted. The Commission has reviewed the denial the WSD prepared pursuant to Public Utilities (Pub. Util.) Code Section 8386.3 and ratifies the denial. BVES shall submit a new WMP no later than 60 days from the date of Commission mailing of the final Resolution. Until BVES receives approval or conditional approval of its updated 2020 WMP by the WSD and subsequent ratification by the Commission, BVES will be without an approved 2020 WMP.

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The original Draft Resolution on BVES’ WMP mailed on May 7, 2020 found the following problems, discussed in more detail in Appendices B, C and D to this Resolution:

1) Disproportionate spending when compared to other electrical corporations. On a normalized basis, BVES is spending three times the amount per circuit mile as the large electrical corporations on wildfire mitigation and many times more than its peer small and multijurisdictional electrical corporations without justification of why such expense is justified. Combined with BVES’ failure to complete 2019 mitigation, we are concerned that BVES’ approach to wildfire mitigation may not be adequate. BVES’ Errata changed this portion of its earlier WMP.

2) Delays in completing prior mitigation promised. BVES reports limited progress on certain mitigation promised in its 2019 WMP. For example, BVES is off target on LiDAR surveys (vegetation management), removal of conductor strung on live trees and replacement of expulsion fuses that spark and cause ignition (system hardening).

3) Lack of PSPS planning and readiness. BVES has not called a PSPS event but appears to have some risk of such an action due to its interconnectedness with Southern California Edison’s (SCE) power lines. It must have a plan for keeping the public informed and safe in the event a PSPS occurs.

4) Deficiencies. BVES’ WMP lacked a great deal of required information, listed as “deficiencies” in the original Draft Resolution in Appendix D.

Therefore, the WSD’s draft approval of BVES’ WMP identified a number of deficiencies and imposed corresponding conditions.

WSD reviewed all 2020 WMPs for compliance with statute, the WSD’s guidance served on all electrical corporations with the Rulemaking 18-10-007 Administrative Law Judge’s December 16, 2019 Ruling, and with the following criteria:

 Completeness: The WMP is complete and comprehensively responds to the WMP requirements,

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 Technical feasibility and effectiveness: Initiatives proposed in the WMP are technically feasible and are effective in addressing the risks that exist in the utility’s territory,  Resource use efficiency: Initiatives are an efficient use of utility resources, and  Forward looking growth: The utility is targeting maturity growth.

BVES’ February 7, 2020 WMP, as amended March 6, 2020 and May 22, 2020, fails the “Completeness” requirement. BVES failed to submit a comprehensive and complete WMP on two separate occasions: first on February 7, 2020, where BVES’ submitted its WMP using the 2019 format, therefore failing to include required information, and again on March 6, 2020, where BVES submitted an incorrect WMP that was the subject of the BVES Errata submitted on May 22, 2020.

Submission of BVES’ Errata on May 22, 2020 does not satisfy the criteria of completeness because BVES submitted its Errata after issuance of the May 7, 2020 Draft Action Statement and Draft Resolution. Further, the WSD does not know whether BVES’ Errata addresses all errors in BVES’ WMP or only those that came to light in Draft Resolution WSD-006. Stated differently, the WSD is not assured that BVES has undertaken a complete and thorough review of its WMP submission to capture all errors in its Errata or whether its review extended only to those areas identified as Deficiencies in Draft Resolution WSD-006. For these reasons, the WSD cannot make a finding of completeness based on the information submitted by BVES.

Within 60 days of mailing of the final Resolution by the Commission, BVES must submit a new WMP. BVES is strongly urged to address the Class A and Class B deficiencies3 that the WSD found in BVES’ original WMP, as set forth in Appendix B and Appendix C to this Resolution. Addressing the deficiencies not related to the errata will speed up review of BVES’ plan. To address Class A and B deficiencies, BVES is strongly urged to submit a Remedial Compliance Plan

3 BVES may address Class C deficiencies in its 2021 WMP Update, consistent with direction provided to other electrical corporations in Resolution WSD-002.

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along with its new WMP as well as the information required in the first Quarterly Report.4

BVES shall address the matters in the BVES Errata, to the extent the information presented in the BVES Errata is complete and correct.

The WSD expects BVES to make immediate improvements to its internal processes to ensure the quality and accuracy of its wildfire mitigation work, reporting, and regulatory submissions. In a separate supplemental filing submitted concurrent with its WMP, BVES shall also provide a full and detailed explanation of how and why these errors were made. The explanation must include, but is not limited to, what caused the errors, how BVES reviewed the consultant’s work products before submission to the WSD, how much BVES paid for the consultant’s work product(s), and a description of what changes BVES is making to avoid such significant failures in the future. Finally, BVES shall also check every aspect of the new WMP it submits to ensure completeness and accuracy and include a sworn verification by the senior most official responsible for approval of BVES’ WMP as to the new WMP’s completeness and accuracy.

2. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

After BVES submitted its WMP, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Executive Order N-33-20 requiring Californians to stay at home to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Specifically, Governor Newsom required Californians to heed the order of the California State Public Health Officer and the Director of the California Department of Public Health that all individuals living in California stay home or at their place of residence, except as needed to maintain continuity of operation of the federal critical infrastructure sectors, in order to address the public health emergency presented by the COVID-19 disease (stay-at-home order).5

4 See Resolution WSD-002 for an explanation of Remedial Compliance Plans and Quarterly Reports. BVES may address all Class C deficiencies in its 2021 WMP Update consistent with the other electrical corporations. 5 Executive Order N-30-20. Available at Executive-Order-N-30-20.pdf.

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As articulated in the March 27, 2020 joint letters6 of the WSD, CAL FIRE and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services regarding essential wildfire and PSPS mitigation work during COVID-19 sent to each electrical corporation, electrical corporations are expected to continue to prioritize essential safety work. The WSD expects the electrical corporations to make every effort to keep WMP implementation progress on track, including necessary coordination with local jurisdictions. Such effort is essential to ensuring that electrical corporations are prepared for the upcoming and subsequent wildfire seasons, while complying with COVID-19 restrictions requiring residents to shelter-in-place, practice social distancing, and comply with other measures that California’s public health officials may recommend or that Governor Newsom or other officials may require in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, the WSD expects the electrical corporations to continue to make meaningful progress on PSPS mitigation goals, including continuing with sectionalization projects, local outreach and coordination, establishing customer resource centers, and microgrid projects. In addition, electrical corporations are expected to undertake any other critical work related to operating a safe and reliable grid and to mitigate wildfire and/or PSPS risk.

3. Conclusion

BVES’ Errata so fundamentally changed the nature of its capital spending and undergrounding plans and demonstrated a significant lack of quality control, leadership and management within BVES that it is prudent to deny BVES’ 2020 WMP, submitted February 7, 2020, amended March 6, 2020 and further amended May 22, 2020.


Pub. Util. Code § 311(g)(1) provides that resolutions must be served on all parties and subject to at least 30 days public review. However, given that this resolution is issued outside of a formal proceeding, interested stakeholders need not have

6 Letters to each electrical corporation are found under the heading ”Other CPUC Actions”, March 27, 2020: Joint Letters to IOUs re: Essential Wildfire and PSPS Mitigation Work.

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party status in Rulemaking (R.) 18-10-007 in order to submit comments on the resolution. Please note that comments are due 20 days from the mailing date of this resolution. Replies will not be accepted.

This draft resolution was served on the service list of R.18-10-007 and posted on the Commission’s website,, and it will be placed on the Commission's agenda no earlier than 30 days from today.


1. BVES submitted its WMP on February 7, 2020, but it used a format BVES followed in 2019, rather than the format required in the December 16, 2019 ruling in R.18-10-007. BVES used the proper format in its March 6, 2020 WMP submission. 2. Assembly Bill (AB) 1054 and Commission Resolution WSD-001 require BVES to file a WMP for 2020 that conforms with Pub. Util. Code § 8386(c) and guidance provided by the WSD and served on the R.18-10-007 service list on December 16, 2019 by Administrative Law Judge ruling. 3. BVES submitted an Errata on May 22, 2020 that fundamentally changed the capital spending and undergrounding plans in its March 6, 2020 WMP and rendered moot the analysis of that WMP. 4. BVES’ 2020 WMP fails to satisfy Pub. Util. Code § 8386 et seq. 5. BVES’ WMP fails to satisfy WSD’s criteria requiring that a WMP be complete and comprehensively respond to the WMP requirements. 6. Appendix B contains findings regarding deficiencies in the February 7, 2020 BVES WMP, as amended March 6, 2020. 7. Appendix C contains conditions that apply to all electrical corporations and require correction this year. 8. Appendix D contains explanation of the conditions in Appendices B and C and is attached for informational purposes only. 9. BVES should be required to remedy the matters in the BVES Errata. 10. BVES should be strongly urged to cure the deficiencies identified by the WSD with regard to BVES’ February 7, 2020 WMP, as amended March 6, 2020. Addressing those matters now will speed review of BVES’ new WMP. 11. Ratification of the Wildfire Safety Division’s denial of Bear Valley Electric Service’s 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan is appropriate.

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1. The Wildfire Safety Division’s denial of Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc.’s 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan is hereby ratified. 2. Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc.’s pending Wildfire Mitigation Plan is denied. Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. is without an approved 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan. 3. Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. shall submit a new Wildfire Mitigation Plan no later than 60 days from the date of Commission mailing of this final Resolution addressing the matters in Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc.’s May 22, 2020 Errata, to the extent they are still accurate. 4. Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. is strongly urged to satisfy the Class A and Class B conditions set forth in Appendices B and C to this Resolution, as explained in Appendix D. To address Class A and B deficiencies, Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. is strongly urged to submit a Remedial Compliance Plan along with its new Wildfire Mitigation Plan as well as the information required in the first Quarterly Report (See Resolution WSD-002 for an explanation of Remedial Compliance Plans and Quarterly Reports). Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. may address Class C conditions in its 2021 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Update. 5. With its new Wildfire Mitigation Plan submission, Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. shall provide a full and detailed explanation of how and why the errors leading to incorrect submissions on February 7, 2020 and March 6, 2020 were made. The explanation must include, but is not limited to, what caused the errors, how Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. reviewed the consultant’s work products before submission to the Wildfire Safety Division, how much Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. paid for the consultant’s work product(s), and a description of what changes Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. is making to avoid such significant failures in the future. Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. shall also check every aspect of the new Wildfire Mitigation Plan it submits to ensure completeness and accuracy and include a sworn verification by the most senior official responsible for Bear Valley Electric Service’s Wildfire Mitigation Plan as to the new Wildfire Mitigation Plan’s WMP completeness and accuracy. 6. Stakeholders may submit comment on any matter in Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc.’s new Wildfire Mitigation Plan no later than 30 days following

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submission. Comments shall be limited to 20 pages and must be submitted to the Director of the Wildfire Safety Division at [email protected] with a copy to [email protected]. Stakeholders must also serve comments on the service list of Rulemaking 18-10-007. 7. Nothing in this Resolution should be construed as approval of the costs associated with Bear Valley Electric Service Inc.’s Wildfire Mitigation Plan mitigation efforts. 8. Bear Valley Electric Service shall submit a letter to the Wildfire Safety Division containing any updates to scope, timing or other aspects of any mitigation set forth in its Wildfire Mitigation Plan as result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including Public Safety Power Shutoff. The letter shall list items using the same names and sections used in the Wildfire Mitigation Plan and give a thorough description of why the COVID-19 pandemic requires the specified action. The letter shall be submitted within 60 days of issuance of this Resolution and shall be addressed to the Director of the Wildfire Safety Division. The letter shall be emailed to [email protected] with service on the service list of Rulemaking 18-10-007. If there are no changes to report, no such submission is required. 9. Nothing in this Resolution should be construed as a defense to any enforcement action for a violation of a Commission decision, order, or rule.

This Resolution is effective today.

I certify that the foregoing resolution was duly introduced, passed and adopted at a conference of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California held on ______; the following Commissioners voting favorably thereon:

______Alice Stebbins Executive Director

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RESOLUTION WSD-010 Resolution Ratifying Action of the Wildfire Safety Division on Bear Valley Electric Service’s 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 8386.


I have electronically served all persons on the attached official service list who have provided an e-mail address for R.18-10-007.

Upon confirmation of this document’s acceptance for filing, I will cause a

Notice of Availability of the document to be served by U.S. mail on all parties listed in the “Party” category of the official service list for whom no e-mail address is provided.

The official service list I use is current as of today’s date.

Dated July 22, 2020, at San Francisco, California.

/s/ GABRIELA PEREZ Gabriela Perez

- 1 - Resolution WSD-010 WSD/CJT/gp2 DRAFT


Persons should notify the Process Office, Public Utilities Commission, 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2000, San Francisco, CA 94102, of any change of address to ensure that they continue to receive documents. You must indicate the proceeding number on the service list on which your name appears.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Commission’s policy is to schedule hearings (meetings, workshops, etc.) in locations that are accessible to people with disabilities. To verify that a particular location is accessible, call: Calendar Clerk (415) 703-1203.

If specialized accommodations for the disabled are needed, e.g., sign language interpreters, those making the arrangements must call the Public Advisor at (415) 703-2074 or TDD# (415) 703-2032 five working days in advance of the event.

- 2 - ************ SERVICE LIST *********** Last Updated on 22-JUL-2020 by: KB3 R1810007 LIST

************** PARTIES ************** Keith Switzer BEAR VALLEY ELECTRIC SERVICE William B. Abrams 630 EAST FOOTHILL BLVD. Community Advocate SAN DIMAS CA 91773 1519 BRANCH OWL PLACE (909) 394-3600 X-759 SANTA ROSA CA 95409 [email protected] (707) 787-7759 For: Bear Valley Electric Service, div of Golden State Water Company [email protected] ______For: William B. Abrams ______Christi Hogin Counsel Rachael E. Koss BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP Attorney 1230 ROSECRANS AVE., STE. 110 ADAMS BROADWELL JOSEPH & CARDOZO MANHATTAN BEACH CA 90266 601 GATEWAY BLVD., SUITE 1000 (310) 643-8448 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080 [email protected] (650) 589-1660 X13 For: City of Malibu [email protected] ______For: Coalition of California Utility Employees (CUE) ______Douglas E. Coty Attorney Michael J. Agurre, Esq. BOLD, POLISNER, MADDOW, NELSON & JUDSON AGUIRRE & SEVERSON LLP 2125 OAK GROVE ROAD, SUITE 210 501 WEST BROADWAY, SUITE 1050 WALNUT CREEK CA 94598 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 (925) 933-7777 (619) 876-5364 [email protected] [email protected] For: Contra Costa Water District For: Ruth Henricks ______Justin Wynne Valerie Pryor Attorney Gen. Mgr. BRAUN BLAISING SMITH WYNNE, P.C. ALAMEDA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER 915 L STREET, STE. 1480 100 NORTH CANYONS PARKWAY SACRAMENTO CA 95814 LIVERMORE CA 94551 (916) 326-5813 (925) 454-5000 [email protected] [email protected] For: California Municipal Utilities Association (CMUA) For: Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, ______Zone 7 ______Evelyn Kahl Attorney David J. Miller BUCHALTER, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Avp - Sr. Legal Counsel 55 SECOND STREET, SUITE 1700 AT&T SERVICES, INC. SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105-3493 430 BUSH STREET, 6TH FL. (415) 227-3563 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 [email protected] (415) 268-9497 For: Energy Producers and Users Coalition [email protected] ______For: AT&T ______Michael Alcantar Attorney At Law BUCHALTER, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 55 SECOND STREET, SUITE 1700 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 (415) 227-0900 [email protected] For: Western States Petroleum Association ______

1 ************ SERVICE LIST *********** Last Updated on 22-JUL-2020 by: KB3 R1810007 LIST

Nora Sheriff, Esq. Luisa F. Elkins Counsel Sr. Deputy City Attorney BUCHALTER, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION CITY OF SAN JOSE 55 SECOND STREET, STE. 1700 200 EAST SANTA CLARA ST., 16TH FL TOWER SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 SAN JOSE CA 95113-1905 (415) 227-3551 (408) 535-1953 [email protected] [email protected] For: California Large Energy Consumers Association (CLECA) For: City of San José ______

Jerome F. Candelaria Kevin Collins Vp & Counsel, Regulatory Affairs PO BOX 722 CALIFORNIA CABLE AND TELECOMM. ASSN. FELTON CA 95018 1001 K STREET, 2ND FL. (831) 234-7306 SACRAMENTO CA 95814-3832 [email protected] (916) 446-7732 For: Kevin Collins [email protected] ______For: California Cable and Telecommunications Association ______Shana Lazerow Attorney Karen Noreen Mills COMMUNITIES FOR A BETTER ENVIRONMENT Sr. Attorney 120 BROADWAY, SUITE 2 CALIFORNIA FARM BUREAU FEDERATION RICHMOND CA 94804 2600 RIVER PLAZA DRIVE (510) 302-0430 X18 SACRAMENTO CA 95833 [email protected] (916) 561-5655 For: California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA) [email protected] ______For: California Farm Bureau Federation ______Kelley Williams COUNTY OF INYO John Larrea PO DRAWER N Dir - Govn'T Affairs INDEPENDENCE CA 93526 CALIFORNIA LEAGUE OF FOOD PRODUCERS (760) 878-0120 2485 NATOMAS PARK DRIVE, STE. 550 [email protected] SACRAMENTO CA 95833 For: County of Inyo (916) 640-8150 [email protected] For: California League of Food Producers J. Scott Kuhn ______COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COUNSEL Peter Smith 500 WEST TEMPLE STREET, STE 652 CITIZENS TRANSMISSION LLC LOS ANGELES CA 90012-2713 88 BLACK FALCON AVENUE, SUITE 342 (213) 974-1852 BOSTON MA 02210 [email protected] [email protected] For: County of Los Angeles For: Citizens Transmission LLC ______Tiffany M. Lin William Rostov Deputy County Counsel Deputy City Attorney COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 70 W. HEDDING ST., EAST WING, 9TH FL. CITY HALL SAN JOSE CA 95110 1 DR CARLTON B. GOODLET PL. RM 234 (408) 299-5900 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102-4682 [email protected] (415) 554-4700 For: County of Santa Clara [email protected] ______For: City and County of San Francsico ______

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Jason Hoppin Megan Somogyi COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ Attorney ADMIN. OFFICE GOODIN, MACBRIDE, SQUERI & DAY, LLP 701 OCEAN STREET 505 SANSOME STREET, STE 900 SANTA CRUZ CA 95060 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 (831) 454-2100 (415) 392-7900 [email protected] [email protected] For: County of Santa Cruz For: City of Santa Rosa ______

Christopher Clay Megan Somogyi Legal Division Attorney RM. 4300 GOODIN, MACBRIDE, SQUERI & DAY, LLP 505 Van Ness Avenue 505 SANSOME STREET, STE. 900 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 (415) 703-1123 (415) 392-7900 [email protected] [email protected] For: Office of The Safety Advocate (OSA) For: City of Placerville ______Jedediah J. Gibson Attorney Megan Somogyi ELLISON SCHNEIDER HARRIS & DONLAN LLP Attorney 2600 CAPITOL AVENUE, SUITE 400 GOODIN, MACBRIDE, SQUERI & DAY, LLP SACRAMENTO CA 95816-5931 505 SANSOME STREET, STE. 900 (916) 447-2166 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 [email protected] (415) 392-7900 For: Bear Valley Electric Service (BVES) / Liberty Utilities (CalPeco [email protected] Electric) For: County of Mendocino ______

Lynn Haug Megan Somogyi Attorney Attorney ELLISON SCHNEIDER HARRIS & DONLAN LLP GOODIN, MACBRIDE, SQUERI, & DAY, LLP 2600 CAPITOL AVE., STE. 400 505 SANSOME ST., STE. 900 SACRAMENTO CA 95816 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 (916) 447-2166 (415) 392-7900 [email protected] [email protected] For: East Bay Municipal Utility District For: County of Sonoma ______

Ronald Liebert Charlyn A. Hook Attorney At Law Legal Division ELLISON SCHNEIDER HARRIS & DONLAN LLP RM. 5123 2600 CAPITOL AVENUE, STE. 400 505 Van Ness Avenue SACRAMENTO CA 95816 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (916) 447-2166 (415) 703-3050 [email protected] [email protected] For: California Manufacturers & Technology Assn. (CMTA) For: Public Advocates Office ______Tim Lindl Ronald Liebert Partner Attorney KEYES & FOX LLP ELLISON, SCHNEIDER HARRIS & DONLAN LLP 436 14TH STREET, SUITE 1305 2600 CAPITOL AVE., STE. 400 OAKLAND CA 94612 SACRAMENTO CA 95816 (510) 314-8385 (916) 447-2166 [email protected] [email protected] For: Sunrun Inc. For: Perimeter Solutions ______

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Irene K. Moosen Alyssa Koo Attorney At Law Attorney LAW OFFICE OF IRENE K. MOOSEN PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 53 SANTA YNEZ STREET 77 BEALE STREET, B30A SAN FRANCISCO CA 94112 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 (415) 587-7343 (415) 973-3386 [email protected] [email protected] For: Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition (LGSEC) For: Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) ______

Daniel Marsh Cynthia Hansen Mifsud Mgr - Rates & Regulatory Affairs Assist. Gen. Counsel LIBERTY UTILITIES (CALPECO ELECTRIC) LLC PACIFICORP 933 ELOISE AVENUE 825 NE MULTNOMAH ST., STE. 1800 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE CA 96150 PORTLAND OR 97232 (562) 299-5104 (503) 813-6566 [email protected] [email protected] For: Liberty Utilities (CalPecoElectric) For: Pacific Power, a div of PacifiCorp ______

David L. Huard Malinda Dickenson Attorney General Counsel MANATT, PHELPS & PHILLIPS, LLP PROTECT OUR COMMUNITIES FOUNDATION ONE EMBARCADERO CENTER, 30TH FL. 4452 PARK BLVD., STE 202 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111-3736 SAN DIEGO CA 92116 (415) 291-7430 (858) 521-8492 [email protected] [email protected] For: City of Laguna Beach For: Protect Our Communities Foundation ______

Diane Conklin Staci Heaton Spokesperson Regulatory Affairs Advocate MUSSEY GRADE ROAD ALLIANCE RURAL COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIF. PO BOX 683 1215 K ST., STE. 1650 RAMONA CA 92065 SACRAMENTO CA 95814 (760) 787-0794 (916) 447-4806 [email protected] [email protected] For: Mussey Grade Road Alliance For: Rural County Representatives of California ______

Jeffery Richard Kirstie C. Raagas Chief Deputy County Counsel Regulatory Counsel OFFICE OF THE NAPA COUNTY COUNSEL SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY 1195 THIRD ST, SUITE 301 8330 CENTURY PARK COURT, CP32F NAPA CA 94559 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 (707) 253-4234 (619) 699-5003 [email protected] [email protected] For: County of Napa For: San Diego Gas & Electric Company ______

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Matthew J. Sanders Thomas Long Deputy County Counsel Legal Director SAN MATEO COUNTY COUNSEL’S OFFICE THE UTILITY REFORM NETWORK 400 COUNTY CENTER, 6TH FL 785 MARKET ST., STE. 1400 REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 (650) 363-4461 (415) 929-8876 X-303 [email protected] [email protected] For: Peninsula Clean Energy Authority For: TURN ______

James M. Birkelund Lauren Gill President Town Mgr. SMALL BUSINESS UTILITY ADVOCATES TOWN OF PARADISE 548 MARKET STREET, STE. 11200 5555 SKYWAY SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 PARADISE CA 95969 (415) 602-6223 (530) 872-6291 [email protected] [email protected] For: Small Business Utility Advocates (SBUA) For: Town of Paradise ______

Russell A. Archer Lenneal K. Gardner Sr. Attorney Principal Attorney SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY TRANS BAY CABLE LLC 2244 WALNUT GROVE AVE. / PO BOX 800 ONE LETTERMAN DRIVE, C5-100 ROSEMEAD CA 91770 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94129 (626) 302-2865 (415) 291-2300 [email protected] [email protected] For: Southern California Edison Company For: Trans Bay Cable LLC ______

Ali Amirali Robert L. Mitchell STARTRANS IO, LLC TRANS-ELECT NTD PATH 15, LLC 591 W. PUTNAM AVENUE 1850 CENTENNIAL PARK DRIVE, SUITE 480 GREENWICH CT 06830 RESTON VA 20191 [email protected] [email protected] For: Startrans IO, LLC For: Trans-Elect NTD Path 15, LLC ______

Alan Stein Lisa A. Cottle Impacted Individual Attorney / Partner 14301 HANSON CIRCLE WINSTON & STRAWN LLP MENDOCINO CA 95460 101 CALIFORNIA STREET, 34TH FL. (707) 964-6514 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 [email protected] (415) 591-1579 For: Alan Stein [email protected] ______For: Horizon West Transmission, LLC (formerly NextEra Energy Transmission West, LLC - NEET West) Gregg Morris ______Director THE GREEN POWER INSTITUTE Hans Laetz 2039 SHATTUCK AVE., SUTE. 402 General Mgr. BERKELEY CA 94704 ZUMA BEACH FM BROADCASTERS (510) 644-2700 RADIO MALIBU 99.1 FM KBUU [email protected] 6402 SURFSIDE WAY For: The Green Power Institute (GPI) MALIBU CA 90265 ______(424) 442-9862 [email protected] For: Zuma Beach FM Emergency and Community Broadcasters, Inc. ______

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********** STATE EMPLOYEE *********** Ashley Vinson Crawford AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP ********* INFORMATION ONLY ********** 580 CALIFORNIA ST, SUITE 1500 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 Andrew J. Graf (415) 765-9561 Associate Attorney [email protected] ADAMS BROADWELL JOSEPH & CARDOZO For: Ad Hoc Committee of Senior Unsecured Noteholders of Pacific 601 GATEWAY BOULEVARD, SUITE 1000 Gas and Electric Company SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080 ______(650) 589-1660 X16 [email protected] George D.(Chip) Cannon, Jr. AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP Marc D. Joseph 580 CALIFORNIA STREET, STE. 1500 Attorney At Law SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 ADAMS BROADWELL JOSEPH & CARDOZO (415) 765-9500 601 GATEWAY BLVD., STE. 1000 [email protected] SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080 For: Ad Hoc Committee of Senior Unsecured Noteholders of Pacific (650) 589-1660 Gas and Electric Company [email protected] ______

Miles F. Maurino J. Porter Wiseman Associate Attorney AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP ADAMS BROADWELL JOSEPH & CARDOZO 2001 K STREET N.W. 601 GATEWAY BLVD., SUITE 1000 WASHINGTON DC 20006 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080 (202) 887-4219 (650) 589-1660 [email protected] [email protected] For: Ad Hoc Committee of Senior Unsecured Noteholders of Pacific For: Coalition of California Utility Employees (CUE) Gas and Electric Company ______

Maria Byrnes Andy Umana Legal Assistant Senior Paralegal AGUIRRE & SEVERSON LLP AT&T SERVICE 501 WEST BROADWAY, STE. 1050 430 BUSH STREET, ROOM 6043 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 (619) 876-5364 (415) 268-5304 [email protected] [email protected] For: Ruth Henricks ______Fassil Fenikile Dir - Regulatory Maria C. Severson, Esq. AT&T SERVICES, INC. Attorney 430 BUSH STREET, 5TH FL. AGUIRRE & SEVERSON LLP SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 501 WEST BROADWAY, STE. 1050 (415) 417-5020 SAN DIEGO CA 92101-3591 [email protected] (619) 876-5364 [email protected] Gwen Johnson For: Ruth Henricks Quality Testing ______AT&T SERVICES, INC. 430 BUSH STREET, 5TH FL. SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 (415) 417-5034 [email protected]

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Jeffrey Mondon Paul Nelson Dir - Regulatory Consultant AT&T SERVICES, INC. BARKOVICH & YAP, INC. 430 BUSH STREET, 5TH FL PO BOX 11031 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 OAKLAND CA 94611 (415) 417-5021 (707) 937-6203 [email protected] [email protected]

Michelle Choo Britt K. Strottman Assistant BARON & BUDD, P.C. AT&T SERVICES, INC. 11440 WEST BERNARD COURT 430 BUSH STREET, 6TH FL. SAN DIEGO CA 92127 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 (415) 310-7523 (415) 268-9494 [email protected] [email protected] For: Counties of Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino, Lake, Yuba, Nevada. Cities of Santa Rosa, and Clearlake. Sultan Banu Acimis ______Safety and Enforcement Division 180 Promenade Circle, Suite 115 Kelcie Abraham Sacramento CA 95834 2939 BCG (916) 928-3826 2 EMBARCADERO CENTER SUITE 24 [email protected] SF CA 94111 For: SED [email protected]

Adenike Adeyeye Eric Cardella Executive Division Supervisor, Engineering & Planning RM. 5214 BEAR VALLEY ELECTRIC SERVICE 505 Van Ness Avenue 42020 GARSTIN DRIVE / PO BOX 1547 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 BIG BEAR LAKE CA 92315 (415) 703-2005 (909) 866-4678 X140 [email protected] [email protected]

Wendy Al-Mukdad Marc Stern Safety Policy Division BEAR VALLEY ELECTRIC SERVICE AREA 4-A 42020 GARSTIN DR./ PO BOX 1547 505 Van Ness Avenue BIG BEAR LAKE CA 92315 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (909) 866-4678 X151 (415) 703-2311 [email protected] [email protected] Nguyen Quan Ryan Arba Regulatory Affairs Mgr. Wildfire Safety Division BEAR VALLEY ELECTRIC SERVICE 300 Capitol Mall 630 EAST FOOTHILL BLVD. Sacramento CA 95814 4309 SAN DIMAS CA 91773 (916) 894-5644 (909) 394-3600 X664 [email protected] [email protected]

Catherine E. Yap Paul Marconi BARKOVICH & YAP, INC. Director PO BOX 11031 BEAR VALLEY ELECTRIC SERVICE OAKLAND CA 94611 42020 GRASTIN DRIVE / PO BOX 1547 (510) 450-1270 BIG BEAR LAKE CA 92315 [email protected] (909) 202-9539 [email protected]

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Deborah Behles Gwenn O'Hara Of Counsel Attorney 2912 DIAMOND STREET, STE 162 BUCHALTER, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION SAN FRANCISCO CA 94131 500 CAPITOL MALL, SUITE 1900 (415) 841-3304 SACRAMENTO CA 95814 [email protected] (916) 945-5170 For: California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA) [email protected] ______Lillian Rafii Benjamin Bodell Attorney Attorney BUCHALTER, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION BEST BEST AND KRIEGER LLP 55 SECOND STREET, STE. 1700 2001 N MAIN ST., STE. 390 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105-3493 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596 (415) 227-3586 (925) 977-3377 [email protected] [email protected] For: Energy Producers and Users Coalition ______Joshua Nelson Attorney Meghan Thomas, Esq. BEST BEST AND KRIEGER LLP Associate 500 CAPITOL MALL, STE. 1700 BUCHALTER, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION SACRAMENTO CA 95814 500 CAPITOL MALL, SUITE 1900 (916) 551-2859 SACRAMENTO CA 95814 [email protected] (916) 945-5176 [email protected] Laura Fernandez Attorney Michael Cade BRAUN BLAISING SMITH WYNNE, P.C. Analyst - Energy & Nat'L Resources 915 L STREET, STE 1480 BUCHALTER, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION SACRAMENTO CA 95814 55 SECOND STREET, SUITE 1700 (916) 326-5812 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 [email protected] (415) 227-3583 For: California Municipal Utilities Association [email protected] ______Sarbjit Bagri Catherine Sandoval Safety Policy Division Assoc. Professor, Co-Dir 180 Promenade Circle, Suite 115 BROADBAND INSTITUTE OF CALIFORNIA Sacramento CA 95834 2939 500 EL CAMINO REAL (916) 713-4143 SANTA CLARA CA 95053 [email protected] (408) 551-1902 [email protected] Andie Biggs Safety and Enforcement Division Kari Cameron 505 Van Ness Avenue Legal Administrator San Francisco CA 94102 3298 BUCHALTER (415) 703-3305 EMAIL ONLY [email protected] EMAIL ONLY CA 94105 (415) 227-3581 Billie C. Blanchard [email protected] Energy Division AREA 4-A 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (415) 703-2068 [email protected]

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Truman L. Burns Mavis Scanlon Public Advocates Office Editor RM. 4205 CALIFORNIA ENERGY MARKETS 505 Van Ness Avenue 425 DIVISADERO ST., STE 303 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94117 (415) 703-2932 (415) 963-4439 X12 [email protected] [email protected]

Henry Burton Alex J. Morris Public Advocates Office Exe. Dir. 505 Van Ness Avenue CALIFORNIA ENERGY STORAGE ALLIANCE San Francisco CA 94102 3298 2150 ALLSTON WAY, STE.400 (415) 703-7311 BERKELEY CA 94704 [email protected] (510) 665-7811 X110 [email protected] Diane Fellman Vice Chair Deborah Behles CA WILDFIRE SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD Of Counsel EMAIL ONLY CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ALLIANC EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 2912 DIAMOND STREET, NO. 160 [email protected] SAN FRANCISCO CA 94131 (415) 841-3304 Rachel A. Gold, Esq. [email protected] Climate Chg Program CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD Jordan Pinjuv EMAIL ONLY Sr. Counsel EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR (916) 323-0560 250 OUTCROPPING WAY [email protected] FOLSOM CA 95630 (916) 351-4429 Benjamin Dawson [email protected] CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY CHOICE ASSOCIATION For: California ISO EMAIL ONLY ______EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 [email protected] Matthew Karle For: CalCCA Public Advocates Office ______CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION EMAIL ONLY Imeghan Thomas EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES (415) 703-1850 EMAIL ONLY [email protected] EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 [email protected] Nick Cronenwett Legislative Analyst Kavya Balaraman CALIFORNIA STATE ASSOC. OF COUNTIES Staff Writer / Reporter 1100 K STREET, STE 101 CALIFORNIA ENERGY MARKETS SACRAMENTO CA 95814 EMAIL ONLY (916) 650-8108 X531 EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 [email protected] (415) 963-4439 X16 [email protected]

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Tony Brunello Frank Lindh CALIFORNIA STRATEGIES & ADVOCACY, LLC Attorney 1 EMBARCADERO CENTER, STE. 1060 CITIZENS ENERGY CORPORATION SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 110 TAYLOR STREET (916) 718-8292 SAN RAFAEL CA 94901 [email protected] (415) 596-3931 [email protected] Jennifer Capitolo For: Citizens Energy Corporation Exe Dir ______CALIFORNIA WATER ASSOCIATION 601 VAN NESS AVENUE, STE. 2047 William K. Sanders SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102-6316 Deputy City Attorney (415) 561-9650 CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO [email protected] CITY HALL RM 234 1 DR. CARLTON B. GOODLETT PLACE Katherine C. Piper SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102-4682 Regional Managing Counsel (415) 554-6771 CALPINE COPORATION [email protected] 4160 DUBLIN BLVD., STE. 100 For: City and County of San Francisco DUBLIN CA 94568 ______(925) 557-2252 [email protected] William R. Smith City Mgr Avis Kowalewski CITY OF COLTON Vp - Gov'T & Regulatory Affairs 650 N. LA CADENA DRIVE CALPINE CORPORATION COLTON CA 92324 4160 DUBLIN BLVD, SUITE 100 (909) 370-5099 DUBLIN CA 94568 For: City of Colton (925) 557-2284 [email protected] John Driscoll CAMERON-DANIEL, P.C. City Attorney EMAIL ONLY CITY OF PLACERVILLE EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 31001 CENTER STREET [email protected] PLACERVILLE CA 95667 (530) 642-5200 Gregory Reiss [email protected] CENTENUS GLOBAL MANAGEMENT, LP For: City of Placerville 437 MADISON AVENUE, SUITE 19B ______NEW YORK NY 10022 (212) 763-0909 Yue-Han Chow [email protected] Sr. Deputy City Attorney CITY OF SAN JOSE Stephen R. Cieslewicz 200 E. SANTA CLARA STREET, 16TH FL Uvm Consultant SAN JOSE CA 95113 EMAIL ONLY (408) 535-1201 EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 [email protected] (707) 591-6862 [email protected] Elisa Tolentino Sr. Deputy City Attorney CITY OF SAN JOSE' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 200 EAST SANTA CLARA STREET, 16TH FL. SAN JOSÉ CA 95113 (408) 535-1953

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[email protected]

Adam Abel Katharine L. Elliott Assist. City Attorney County Counsel CITY OF SANTA ROSA COUNTY OF MENDOCINO 100 SANTA ROSA AVENUE, RM 8 501 LOW GAP ROAD, RM 1030 SANTA ROSA CA 95404 UKIAH CA 95482 (707) 543-3050 (707) 234-6885 [email protected] [email protected] For: County of Mendocino Sue A. Gallagher ______City Attorney CITY OF SANTA ROSA Elizabeth G. Pianca 100 SANTA ROSA AVE., RM 8 Lead Deputy County Counsel SANTA ROSA CA 95404 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA (707) 543-3050 70 W. HEDDING ST., EAST WING, 9TH FL. [email protected] SAN JOSE CA 95110 (408) 299-5900 Mark T. Prestwich [email protected] City Mgr CITY OF ST. HELENA Steve M. Mitra 1480 MAIN STREET Assist. County Counsel ST. HELENA CA 94574 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA (707) 312-0252 70 W. HEDDING ST., EAST WING, 9TH FL. [email protected] SAN JOSE CA 95110 For: City of St. Helena (408) 299-5900 [email protected] For: County of Santa Clara Mary Neher ______District Secretary CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT Bruce Goldstein PO BOX H20 County Counsel CONCORD CA 94524 COUNTY OF SONOMA (925) 688-8024 575 ADMINISTRATION DRIVE, ROOM 105-A [email protected] SANTA ROSA CA 95403 (707) 565-2421 Mark P. Schreiber [email protected] Attorney COOPER, WHITE & COOPER LLP Cory O’Donnell 201 CALIFORNIA STREET, 17TH FL. Chief Deputy County Counsel SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 COUNTY OF SONOMA (415) 433-1900 575 ADMINISTRATION DRIVE, ROOM 105-A [email protected] SANTA ROSA CA 95403 (707) 565-2421 John R. Todd [email protected] Dep. Chief-Prevention Svcs. Bureau COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPT. Petra Bruggisser 1320 N. EASTERN AVENUE, RM. 254 Deputy County Counsel LOS ANGLELES CA 90063-3294 COUNTY OF SONOMA (323) 881-2461 575 ADMINISTRATION DRIVE, ROOM 105-A [email protected] SANTA ROSA CA 94503 For: County of Los Angeles (707) 565-2421 [email protected]

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Esther Northrup Carolina Contreras State Regulatory Affairs Safety Policy Division COX CALIFORNIA TELCOM, LLC 505 Van Ness Avenue 5887 COPLEY DRIVE, STE. 300 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 SAN DIEGO CA 92111 (415) 703-5125 (858) 836-7308 [email protected] [email protected] Cheryl Cox Legal Division Energy Division CPUC 300 Capitol Mall EMAIL ONLY Sacramento CA 95814 4309 EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 (916) 327-6799 [email protected] [email protected]

Paul Schulman DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP Sr Research Fellow 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, STE. 800 CTR FOR CATASTROPHIC RISK MGNT SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 MILLS COLLEGE (415) 276-6587 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA [email protected] BERKELEY CA 94720 (925) 376-7682 Anna Fero [email protected] Attorney DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP Shelby Chase 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, SUITE 800 Public Advocates Office SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 505 Van Ness Avenue (415) 276-6500 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 703-5402 [email protected] David Huang Attorney Edward Chavez DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP Wildfire Safety Division 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, SUITE 800 180 Promenade Circle, Suite 115 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 Sacramento CA 95834 2939 (415) 276-6500 (415) 519-9811 [email protected] [email protected] Jim Tomlinson Franz Cheng DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP Energy Division 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, SUITE 800 AREA 4-A SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 300 Capitol Mall (415) 276-6587 Sacramento CA 95814 4309 [email protected] (415) 703-1536 [email protected] Patrick Ferguson Attorney Christopher Chow DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP News and Outreach Office 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, SUITE 800 RM. 5301 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 505 Van Ness Avenue (415) 276-6500 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 703-2234 [email protected]

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Steve Greenwald Daniel W. Douglass Attorney Attorney At Law DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP DOUGLASS & LIDDELL 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, STE. 800 4766 PARK GRANADA, SUITE 209 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 CALABASAS CA 91302 (415) 276-6500 (818) 961-3001 [email protected] [email protected] For: AD HOC Committee of Sr Unsecured Noteholders of PG&E: Angelo, Gordon & Co., LP; Apollo Global Management LLC; Aurelius Michael Kramer Capital Mgnt, LP; Canyon Capital Advisors LLC; Capital Group; DUCERA PARTNERS LLC Carval Investors; Castle Hook Partners LLP; Citadel Advisors LLC; 499 PARK AVENUE, 16TH FLOOR Citigroup Global Markets: Cyrus Capital Partners, LP; Davidson NEW YORK NY 10022 Kempner Capital Mgnt LP; Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.; Diameter (212) 671-9750 Capital Partners LP; Elliott Mgnt Corp; Farallon Capital Mgnt LLC; [email protected] Fir Tree Partners; Oaktree Capital Mgnt, LP; Och-Ziff Capital Mgnt Group LLC; Pacific Investment Mgnt Co. LLC; Pacific Life Ins. Co; P. Donald R. Allen Schoenfeld Asset Mgnt LP; Senator Investment Group LP; Taconic Founding Partner, Counsel Capital Advisors LP; Third Point LLC; and Varde Partners, Inc. DUNCAN & ALLEN ______1730 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE, NW, SUITE 700 WASHINGTON DC 20036 Suzanne Toller (202) 289-8400 Attorney [email protected] DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP For: Citizens Transmission LLC 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, SUITE 800 ______SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111-6533 (415) 276-6500 Fadi Daye [email protected] Safety and Enforcement Division 320 West 4th Street Suite 500 Tahiya Sultan Los Angeles CA 90013 Associate (213) 576-7017 DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP [email protected] 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, STE. 800 For: SED SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 (415) 276-6539 Marianne Divina [email protected] Administrative Law Judge Division 505 Van Ness Avenue Vidhya Prabhakaran San Francisco CA 94102 3298 Attorney (415) 696-7307 DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP [email protected] 505 MONTGOMERY ST., STE. 800 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 Tim G. Drew (415) 276-6500 Public Advocates Office [email protected] AREA 4-A For: AD HOC Committee of Sr Unsecured Noteholders of PG&E: 505 Van Ness Avenue Angelo, Gordon & Co., LP; Apollo Global Management LLC; Aurelius San Francisco CA 94102 3298 Capital Mgnt, LP; Canyon Capital Advisors LLC; Capital Group; (415) 703-5618 Carval Investors; Castle Hook Partners LLP; Citadel Advisors LLC; [email protected] Citigroup Global Markets: Cyrus Capital Partners, LP; Davidson Kempner Capital Mgnt LP; Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.; Diameter Drucilla Dunton Capital Partners LP; Elliott Mgnt Corp; Farallon Capital Mgnt LLC; Safety and Enforcement Division Fir Tree Partners; Oaktree Capital Mgnt, LP; Och-Ziff Capital Mgnt RM. 140 Group LLC; Pacific Investment Mgnt Co. LLC; Pacific Life Ins. Co; P. 180 Promenade Circle, Suite 115 Schoenfeld Asset Mgnt LP; Senator Investment Group LP; Taconic Sacramento CA 95834 2939 Capital Advisors LP; Third Point LLC; and Varde Partners, Inc. (916) 327-6775 [email protected]

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Katie Jorrie Attorney DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE, LLP 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, SUITE 800 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 (415) 276-6500 [email protected]

John W. Leslie, Esq Attorney DENTONS US LLP EMAIL ONLY EMAIL ONLY CA 92121 (619) 699-2536 [email protected]

Anand Durvasula Laura J. Manz Executive Division Director RM. 5130 ENERGY NAVIGANT 505 Van Ness Avenue 35 IRON POINT CIRCLE, STE. 225 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 FOLSOM CA 95630 (415) 703-2765 (858) 354-8333 [email protected] [email protected]

Rachel Jones Amanda Vanega EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT EQ RESEARCH LLC 375 ELEVENTH STREET 1155 KILDAIRE FARM ROAD, SUITE 203 OAKLAND CA 94607 CARY NC 27511 (510) 287-0166 (919) 825-3339 [email protected] [email protected]

Saji Thomas Pierce Blake Elder EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT Policy Research Analyst 375 11TH STREET EQ RESEARCH, LLC OAKLAND CA 94607-4240 1155 KILDAIRE FARM ROAD, SUITE 202-203 (510) 287-2013 CARY NC 27511 [email protected] (919) 825-3339 [email protected] Brett T. Kawakami EBMUD Ray Cruz 375 11TH STREET, STE. 200 Dir OAKLAND CA 94541 ERGONICA (510) 287-1087 1107 FAIR OAKS AVE., STE. 887 [email protected] SOUTH PASADENA CA 91030 (213) 598-7430 Brian S. Biering [email protected] Attorney For: Ergonica ELLISON SCHNEIDER HARRIS & DONAN LLP ______2600 CAPITOL AVE., STE. 400 SACRAMENTO CA 95816-5931 Katherine Palmquist (916) 447-2166 EXPONENT [email protected] EMAIL ONLY For: DATC Path 15, LLC EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 [email protected]

Andrew B. Brown Julia Ende ELLISON SCHNEIDER HARRIS & DONLAN LLP Energy Division 2600 CAPITOL AVENUE, STE. 400 300 Capitol Mall SACRAMENTO CA 95816 Sacramento CA 95814 4309

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(916) 447-2166 (415) 703-1688 [email protected] [email protected]

Jeffery D. Harris Gary C. Ermann Attorney Safety Policy Division ELLISON SCHNEIDER HARRIS & DONLAN LLP 505 Van Ness Avenue 2600 CAPITOL AVENUE, STE. 400 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 SACRAMENTO CA 95816 (415) 703-1429 (916) 447-2166 [email protected] [email protected]

Jean Hawley Jonathan Frost Telecommunications Paralegal Energy Division FRIEND, HUDAK & HARRIS, LLP 505 Van Ness Avenue THREE RAVINIA DRIVE, STE. 1700 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 ATLANTA GA 30346-2131 (415) 703-5412 (770) 399-9500 [email protected] [email protected] Brian T. Cragg Amy Warshauer Attorney Mgr - Gov'T & External Affairs GOODIN, MACBRIDE, SQUERI & DAY, LLP FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 505 SANSOME STREET, SUITE 900 1201 K STREET, SUITE 1980 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 SACRAMENTO CA 95814 (415) 392-7900 (916) 683-7989 [email protected] [email protected] Michael B. Day Charlie Born Attorney Dir - Gov'T & External Affairs GOODIN, MACBRIDE, SQUERI, DAY & LAMPREY, FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 505 SANSOME ST., STE. 900 1201 K STREET, STE. 1980 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 SACRAMENTO CA 95814 (315) 392-7900 (916) 686-3570 [email protected] [email protected] For: Trans-Elect NTD Path 15, LLC ______Marybeth Farley Wildfire Safety Division Izoe Harrold 300 Capitol Mall GREEN POWER INSTITUTE Sacramento CA 95814 4309 2039 SHATTUCK AVE., STE. 402 (916) 894-5640 BERKELEY CA 94704 [email protected] [email protected]

Arthur Fisher Marc Kolb Public Advocates Office GRID DEL SOL CONSULTING 505 Van Ness Avenue 46 VISTA DEL SOL San Francisco CA 94102 3298 MILL VALLEY CA 94941 (415) 703-2056 (707) 385-1624 [email protected] [email protected]

Cathleen A. Fogel Asish Gautam Administrative Law Judge Division Safety Policy Division RM. 5101 RM. 4-44 505 Van Ness Avenue 300 Capitol Mall San Francisco CA 94102 3298 Sacramento CA 95814 4309

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(415) 703-1809 (916) 823-4834 [email protected] [email protected]

Masoud Foudeh Elena Gekker Energy Division Legal Division 505 Van Ness Avenue RM. 5137 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 505 Van Ness Avenue (415) 703-1244 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 703-1642 [email protected]

Pouneh Ghaffarian Scott Castro Legal Division HORIZON WEST TRANSMISSION, LLC RM. 5025 ONE POST STREET, SUITE 2550 505 Van Ness Avenue SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (415) 318-5919 (415) 703-1317 [email protected] [email protected] For: (Formerly NextEra Energy Transmission, LLC) ______Daphne Goldberg Public Advocates Office Steven Greco RM. 4208 Regulatory Affairs Analyst 505 Van Ness Avenue HORIZON WEST TRANSMISSION, LLC San Francisco CA 94102 3298 700 UNIVERSE BLVD (415) 703-1578 JUNO BEACH FL 33407 [email protected] (561) 691-7481 [email protected] Alice L. Harron For: (Formerly NextEra Energy Transmission, LLC) Ceo ______HARRON, LLC 4016 EVERETT AVE. Tracy C. Davis OAKLAND CA 94602 Sr. Attorney (415) 420-5707 HORIZON WEST TRANSMISSION, LLC [email protected] 5920 W. WILLIAM CANNON DR., BLDG. 2 AUSTIN TX 78749 Emily Lieban (512) 236-3141 HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP [email protected] 50 CALIFORNIA STREET, STE. 2800 For: (formerly NextEra Energy Transmission, LLC) SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 ______(415) 743-6946 [email protected] Lea Haro Executive Division Kevin J. Ashe 300 Capitol Mall Associate Sacramento CA 95814 4309 HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP (916) 894-5673 50 CALIFORNIA STREET, STE. 2800 [email protected] SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 (415) 743-6921 Jessica T. Hecht [email protected] Administrative Law Judge Division 400 R Street Tara Kaushik Sacramento CA 95814 6200 Partner (415) 703-2027 HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP [email protected] 50 CALIFORNIA STREET, SUITE 2800

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SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 Christopher Hogan (415) 743-6924 Public Advocates Office [email protected] 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco CA 94102 3298 Marcos Mora (415) 703-2848 Director Of Development [email protected] HORIZON WEST TRANSMISSION EMAIL ONLY EMAIL ONLY AA 00000 (561) 691-2162 [email protected]

Tyler Holzschuh Scott Dunbar Public Advocates Office Attorney 505 Van Ness Avenue KEYES & FOX LLP San Francisco CA 94102 3298 1580 LINCOLN STREET, STE. 880 (415) 703-2717 DENVER CO 80203 [email protected] (949) 525-6016 [email protected] Landis Marttila IBEW 1245 Sheridan Pauker 30 ORANGE TREE CIRCLE Partner VACAVILLE CA 95687 KEYES & FOX LLP (925) 285-9057 436 14TH STREET, SUITE 1305 [email protected] OAKLAND CA 94612 (510) 314-8202 Curt Barry [email protected] Sr Writer / Editor INSIDE WASHINGTON PUBLISHERS Valerie Kao EMAIL ONLY Administrative Law Judge Division EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 RM. 5005 (916) 449-6171 505 Van Ness Avenue [email protected] San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (415) 703-1341 Craig Judson Mcbeth [email protected] JUDSON INVESTMENTS LLC 84 WEST PARK PLACE, 3RD FL. Jonathan Koltz STAMFORD CT 06901 Executive Division (203) 343-0367 RM. 5035 [email protected] 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco CA 94102 3298 Caroline Thomas Jacobs (415) 703-2760 Wildfire Safety Division [email protected] RM. 520 300 Capitol Mall Brian Korpics Sacramento CA 95814 4309 Executive Division (916) 894-5607 505 Van Ness Avenue [email protected] San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (415) 703-5219 Mahdi Jahami [email protected] Wildfire Safety Division 300 Capitol Mall Jeffery A. Williams Sacramento CA 95814 4309 Superintendent - Codes & Ordinances [email protected] L.A. DEPT OF WATER & POWER 111 NORTH HOPE STREET, RM. 856

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Buck B. Endemann LOS ANGELES CA 90012 Partner (213) 367-2212 K&L GATES LLP [email protected] 4 EMBARCADERO CENTER, STE. 1200 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 Shannon Eddy (415) 882-8016 Exe Dir [email protected] LARGE-SCALE SOLAR ASSOCIATION 2501 PORTOLA WAY SACRAMENTO CA 95818 (415) 819-4285 [email protected]

Tim Mason Sharon Yang Policy Dir Dir - Legal Services LARGE-SCALE SOLAR ASSOCIATION LIBERTY UTILITIES (CALPECO ELECTRIC) LLC 2501 PORTOLA WAY 9750 WASHBURN ROAD SACRAMENTO CA 95818 DOWNEY CA 90241 (510) 812-1416 (562) 299-5120 [email protected] [email protected] For: Liberty Utilities (California) Michael Brown ______Consultant LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL BROWN Jamie Garcia EMAIL ONLY LOS ANGELES DEPT OF WATER AND POWER EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 11 N. HOPE ST. ROOM 856 (415) 699-0261 LOS ANGELES CA 90012 [email protected] (213) 367-2212 For: Small Business Utility Advocates (SBUA) [email protected] ______Jim Rainey Leon Bloomfield Staff Writer Attorney LOS ANGELES TIMES LAW OFFICES OF LEON BLOOMFIELD EMAIL ONLY 1901 HARRISON STREET, SUITE 1400 EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 OAKLAND CA 94612 (213) 237-3395 (510) 625-8250 [email protected] [email protected] Jessie Crozier C. Susie Berlin LUMINUS MANAGEMENT Attorney 350 WEST 43RD APT 14F LAW OFFICES OF SUSIE BERLIN NEW YORK NY 10036 1346 THE ALAMEDA, SUITE 7-141 (248) 252-0793 SAN JOSE CA 95126 [email protected] (408) 778-8478 [email protected] Diana L. Lee Legal Division Gerron Blackwell RM. 4107 LIBERTY UTILITIES 505 Van Ness Avenue 9750 WASHBURN ROAD San Francisco CA 94102 3298 DOWNEY CA 90241 (415) 703-4342 [email protected] [email protected]

Greg Campbell Aaron Louie LIBERTY UTILITIES Public Advocates Office 9750 WASHBURN ROAD 505 Van Ness Avenue

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DOWNEY CA 90241 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 696-7316 [email protected] Annmarie Lett Coordinator - Rates & Reg Affairs Chloe Lukins LIBERTY UTILITIES (CALIFORNIA) Public Advocates Office 9750 WASHBURN ROAD RM. 4102 DOWNEY CA 90241 505 Van Ness Avenue (562) 319-4751 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 703-1637 [email protected]

Joseph W. Mitchell, Ph.D Christopher Meyer M-BAR TECHNOLOGIES AND CONSULTING, LLC Wildfire Safety Division 19412 KIMBALL VALLEY RD. 300 Capitol Mall RAMONA CA 92065 Sacramento CA 95814 4309 (760) 703-7521 (415) 703-2908 [email protected] [email protected]

Steven Moss Christopher Moore Partner News and Outreach Office M.CUBED 320 West 4th Street Suite 500 296 LIBERTY STREET Los Angeles CA 90013 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94114 (213) 576-7095 (415) 643-9578 [email protected] [email protected] For: The Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition Candace Morey ______Legal Division RM. 5031 Alejandro Mendez 505 Van Ness Avenue MADISON AVENUE PARTNERS San Francisco CA 94102 3298 150 EAST 58TH STREET, 14TH FLOOR (415) 703-3211 NEW YORK NY 10155 [email protected] (212) 702-8646 [email protected] Lucy Morgans Public Advocates Office Eli Samaha 505 Van Ness Avenue MADISON AVENUE PARTNERS San Francisco CA 94102 3298 150 E 58TH STREET, 14TH FLOOR (415) 696-7333 NEW YORK NY 10155 [email protected] (212) 702-8648 [email protected] April Mulqueen Executive Division Michael Callahan RM. 5220 MARIN CLEAN ENERGY 505 Van Ness Avenue EMAIL ONLY San Francisco CA 94102 3298 EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 (415) 703-1112 [email protected] [email protected]

Stephen Keehn Trina Horner Mgr Of Energy Reg & Legislative Affairs Director MONTEREY BAY COMMUNITY POWER NAVIGANT CONSULTING 70 GARDEN COURT, SUITE 300 101 CALIFORNIA STREET, STE. 4100 MONTEREY CA 93940 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 (831) 641-7222 (415) 399-2107

19 ************ SERVICE LIST *********** Last Updated on 22-JUL-2020 by: KB3 R1810007 LIST [email protected] [email protected]

MRW & ASSOCIATES, LLC Edwin Guyandi EMAIL ONLY Analyst EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 NEWTYN MANAGEMENT (510) 834-1999 405 PARK AVENUE, SUITE 1104 [email protected] NEW YORK NY 10022 (212) 446-2477 [email protected]

James W. Carson Gareth Stamp Attorney At Law PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY NIELSEN MERKSAMER PARRINELLO 245 MARKET STREET, ROOM 914C 2350 KERNER BLVD., STE250 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 SAN RAFAEL CA 94901 [email protected] (415) 389-6800 [email protected] Jessica Basilio, Esq. Attorney Karin Nguyen PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Safety and Enforcement Division 77 BEALE STREET, B30A 505 Van Ness Avenue SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (415) 973-5548 (415) 703-2924 [email protected] [email protected] Julie Cerio Arthur J. O'Donnell PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Wildfire Safety Division 77 BEALE ST., RM. 2388B [email protected] SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 (415) 973-2079 Jay Barkman [email protected] ORANGE COUNTY FIRE AUTHORITY 1 FIRE AUTHORITY ROAD Lise H. Jordan IRVINE CA 92602 Attorney At Law (714) 573-6048 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY [email protected] 77 BEALE STREET, B30A SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 Lola Odunlami (415) 973-6965 Wildfire Safety Division [email protected] 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco CA 94102 3298 Meghan Dewey (415) 703-1893 Mgr - Ee Policy / Strategy [email protected] PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY EMAIL ONLY Jamie Ormond EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 Executive Division (415) 973-1805 505 Van Ness Avenue [email protected] San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (415) 703-1193 Meredith Allen [email protected] Sr. Director, Regulatory Relations PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Case Coordination 77 BEALE STREET, B10C PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 PO BOX 770000; MC B23A (415) 973-2868

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SAN FRANCISCO CA 94177 [email protected] (415) 973-6593 [email protected] Spencer Olinek PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Charles R. Middlekauff 77 BEALE STREET, ROOM 2333 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 77 BEALE STREET, B30A / BOX 7442 (415) 973-5540 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 [email protected] (415) 973-6971 [email protected]

Tracy Maratukulam Timothy K. Clark PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY PACIFICORP (ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER) 245 MARKET STREET, ROOM 903 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE, SUITE 320 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 (415) 973-3638 (801) 220-4565 [email protected] [email protected]

Viktoriya Malkina Doug Karpa Coordinator - Regulatory Sr Analyst - Regulatory PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY PENINSULA CLEAN ENERGY 77 BEALE STREET, MC B23A 2075 WOODSIDE ROAD SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 REDWOOD CITY CA 94061 (415) 973-1818 (650) 771-9093 [email protected] [email protected]

Wade A. Greenacre Joseph F. Wiedman Case Mgr. Dir - Regulatory & Legislative Affairs PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY PENINSULA CLEAN ENERGY AUTHORITY EMAIL ONLY 2075 WOODSIDE ROAD EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 REDWOOD CITY CA 94061 (415) 973-8098 (650) 265-0083 [email protected] [email protected]

William V. Manheim Nori Yokozuka Attorney At Law General Counsel PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY PERIMETER SOLUTIONS PO BOX 770000, MAIL CODE B30A 8000 MARYLAND AVE., SUITE 350 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94177 CLAYTON MO 63105 (415) 973-6628 (314) 396-7314 [email protected] [email protected]

Heide Marie Caswell James W. Mctarnaghan PACIFICORP Attorney 825 NE MULTNOMAH, STE. 1700 PERKINS COIE LLP PORTLAND OR 97232 505 HOWARD STREET, STE. 1000 (503) 813-6216 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 [email protected] (415) 344-7007 [email protected] Jessica Buno Ralston Sr. Attorney Monica Palmeira PACIFICORP News and Outreach Office 825 NE MULTNOMAH, SUITE 2000 RM. 3-90 PORTLAND OR 97232 505 Van Ness Avenue

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(503) 813-5817 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 703-1268 [email protected] Pooja Kishore Mgr - Regulatory Affairs Leslie L. Palmer PACIFICORP Safety and Enforcement Division 825 NE MULTNOMAH STREET, SUITE 2000 RM. 2203 PORTLAND OR 97232 505 Van Ness Avenue (503) 813-7314 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 703-2369 [email protected] For: SED

Christopher Parkes Allie Detrio Public Advocates Office REIMAGINE POWER AREA 2-D 77 SALA TERRACE 505 Van Ness Avenue SAN FRANCISCO CA 94112 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (415) 825-0133 (415) 703-1975 [email protected] [email protected] Conor Skelding Bryan Pena Reporter Safety and Enforcement Division REORG 320 West 4th Street Suite 500 11 E 26TH STREET, 12TH FL. Los Angeles CA 90013 NEW YORK NY 10010 (213) 620-2680 (646) 390-5733 [email protected] [email protected]

Quang Pham Nick Williams Wildfire Safety Division Senior Distressed Debt Analyst AREA 2-D REORG RESEARCH INC. 300 Capitol Mall EMAIL ONLY Sacramento CA 95814 4309 EMAIL ONLY NY 00000 [email protected] (646) 862-2577 [email protected] Filiberto A. Pineda Executive Division Sue Mara 300 Capitol Mall Consultant Sacramento CA 95814 4309 RTO ADVISORS, L.L.C. (916) 823-4778 164 SPRINGDALE WAY [email protected] REDWOOD CITY CA 94062 (415) 902-4108 Elizabeth Podolinsky [email protected] Safety and Enforcement Division RM. 5216 Junaid Rahman 505 Van Ness Avenue Safety Policy Division San Francisco CA 94102 3298 505 Van Ness Avenue (415) 703-3201 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 703-3372 [email protected] Nathan Poon Administrative Law Judge Division James Ralph 505 Van Ness Avenue Executive Division San Francisco CA 94102 3298 300 Capitol Mall (415) 703-2751 Sacramento CA 95814 4309 [email protected] [email protected]

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Jim Ross Jonathan J. Reiger RCS, INC. Legal Division 266 PENNINGTON LANE RM. 4107 CHESTERFIELD MO 63005 505 Van Ness Avenue (314) 530-9544 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 355-5596 [email protected]

Colin Rizzo SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Administrative Law Judge Division 8330 CENTURY PARK COURT (CP31E) RM. 5042 SAN DIEGO CA 92123-1548 505 Van Ness Avenue (858) 654-1240 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 703-1784 [email protected] Iross Nakasone Planning & Regulatory Compliance Joy Mastache SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION Sr. Attorney - Off. Of Gen. Counsel 525 GOLDEN GATE AVE., 7TH FL. SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102 6201 S STREET, MS B406 (415) 554-2436 SACRAMENTO CA 95817 [email protected] (916) 732-5906 [email protected] Ilana Parmer Mandelbaum Deputy County Counsel Central Files SAN MATEO COUNTY COUNSEL'S OFFICE SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY 400 COUNTY CENTER, 6TH FLOOR 8330 CENTURY PARK CT, CP31-E REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 SAN DIEGO CA 92123-1530 (650) 363-4681 (858) 654-1240 [email protected] [email protected] Phillip Muller Christopher M. Lyons President Sr. Counsel SCD ENERGY SOLUTIONS SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY 436 NOVA ALBION WAY 8326 CENTURY PARK COURT, CP32D SAN RAFAEL CA 94903 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 (415) 479-1710 (858) 654-1559 [email protected] [email protected] William Chung Chuck Manzuk Vice President Business Development Dir - Grc & Revenue Requirements SHARPER SHAPE SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY 1080 NIMITZ AVE SUITE 200 8330 CENTURY PARK COURT VALLEJO CA 94592 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 (714) 423-1799 (858) 654-1782 [email protected] [email protected] Kerri Timmer Jamie K. York SIERRA BUISNESS COUNCIL Grc Program Mgr. 10183 TRUCKEE AIRPORT RD SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY TRUCKEE CA 96161 8330 CENTURY PARK COURT, CP32D (530) 414-8247

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SAN DIEGO CA 92123 [email protected] (858) 654-1739 [email protected] Ariel Strauss Counsel - Regulatory Norma Jasso SMALL BUSINESS UTILITY ADVOCATES Mgr - Regulatory 548 MARKET ST., SUITE 11200 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 8330 CENTURY PARK CT, CP31E (310) 709-1213 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 [email protected] (858) 654-3535 [email protected]

Audra Hartmann Ryan Stevenson Principal Principal Advisor / Reg - Policy SMITH, WATTS & HARTMANN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY 925 L STREET, SUITE 220 8631 RUSH ST., GEN. OFFICE 4 SACRAMENTO CA 95814 ROSEMEAD CA 91770 (916) 446-5508 [email protected] [email protected] Laura Mcwilliams Case Administration STATE SENATOR JERRY HILL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY STATE CAPITOL, ROOM 5035 8631 RUSH STREET SACRAMENTO CA 95814 ROSEMEAD CA 91770 (916) 651-4013 (626) 302-6906 [email protected] [email protected] Syed Safvi Connor Flannigan Wildfire Safety Division SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY 180 Promenade Circle, Suite 115 2244 WALNUT GROVE AVE. Sacramento CA 95834 2939 ROSEMEAD CA 91770 (415) 703-2044 [email protected] [email protected]

Gary Stern Melissa K. Semcer Managing Dir. Wildfire Safety Division SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY RM. 522 8631 RUSH STREET 400 R Street ROSEMEAD CA 91770 Sacramento CA 95814 6200 (626) 302-6904 (916) 823-4773 [email protected] [email protected] For: Southern California Edison Company ______Sean A. Simon Executive Division Kavita Cande Srinivasan RM. 5201 Senior Advisor 505 Van Ness Avenue SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY San Francisco CA 94102 3298 8631 RUSH STREET (415) 703-3791 ROSEMEAD CA 91770 [email protected] [email protected] Devla Singh Laura Genao Safety and Enforcement Division Dir. - Cpuc Regulatory Affairs RM. B-10 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY 180 Promenade Circle, Suite 115 601 VAN NESS AVE., STE. 2030 Sacramento CA 95834 2939 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102 (415) 703-1461

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(626) 302-3062 [email protected] [email protected] Nathaniel Skinner Margarita Gevondyan Public Advocates Office Sr. Attorney AREA 4-A SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY 505 Van Ness Avenue 2244 WALNUT GROVE AVE / PO BOX 800 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 ROSEMEAD CA 91770 (415) 703-1393 (626) 302-6931 [email protected] [email protected] For: Southern California Edison Company ______

Joyce Steingass Charlotte TerKeurst Energy Division Safety and Enforcement Division 505 Van Ness Avenue RM. 2201 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 505 Van Ness Avenue (415) 703-1810 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 [email protected] (415) 703-3124 [email protected] Katherine J. Stockton For: SED Executive Division 505 Van Ness Avenue Leuwam Tesfai San Francisco CA 94102 3298 Executive Division (415) 703-1711 RM. 5137 [email protected] 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco CA 94102 3298 Eric Borden (415) 703-2403 Energy Policy Analyst [email protected] THE UTILITY REFORM NETWORK 785 MARKET STREET, STE. 1400 Fui F. (Isabel) Thong SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 Wildfire Safety Division (415) 929-8876 X320 300 Capitol Mall [email protected] Sacramento CA 95814 4309 (916) 894-5662 Katy Morsony [email protected] Staff Attorney THE UTILITY REFORM NETWORK Koko M. Tomassian 785 MARKET STREET, SUITE 1400 Wildfire Safety Division SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 320 West 4th Street Suite 500 (415) 929-8876 X313 Los Angeles CA 90013 [email protected] (213) 576-7099 [email protected] Marcel Hawiger For: SED Staff Attorney THE UTILITY REFORM NETWORK Rick Tse 785 MARKET ST., STE. 1400 Safety and Enforcement Division SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 AREA 2-D (415) 929-8876 X311 505 Van Ness Avenue [email protected] San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (415) 355-5581 Robert Finkelstein [email protected] General Counsel THE UTILITY REFORM NETWORK Ikavya Balaraman 785 MARKET ST., STE. 1400 Reporter SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 UTILITY DIVE

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(415) 929-8876 X-307 EMAIL ONLY [email protected] EMAIL ONLY DC 00000 [email protected] Jane E. Terjung Community Advocates Ricardo Vega TOPANGA COMMUNITY ALLIANCE EMAIL ONLY 1639 OAK DRIVE EMAIL ONLY CA 00000 TOPANGA CA 90290 [email protected] (310) 488-8779 [email protected]

Jane Whang Fred G. Yanney, Esq. Staff Counsel Attorney VERIZON YANNEY LAW OFFICE 201 SPEAR STREET, 7TH FL. 17409 MARQUARDT AVE. STE. C-4 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 CERRITOS CA 90703 (415) 778-1022 (562) 926-5050 [email protected] [email protected]

Jesus G. Roman Anna Yang Assist. Gen. Counsel Public Advocates Office VERIZON 505 Van Ness Avenue 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. D201 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 IRVINE CA 92618 (415) 703-2144 (949) 286-7202 [email protected] [email protected] Amy C. Yip-Kikugawa Ceallach Vigil Legal Division Wildfire Safety Division RM. 4107 300 Capitol Mall 505 Van Ness Avenue Sacramento CA 95814 4309 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (916) 894-5628 (415) 703-5256 [email protected] [email protected]

Rebecca M. Vorpe Matthew Yunge Legal Division Safety and Enforcement Division RM. 3206 505 Van Ness Avenue 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco CA 94102 3298 San Francisco CA 94102 3298 (415) 703-1667 (415) 703-4443 [email protected] [email protected]

Lon W. House, Ph.D WATER & ENERGY CONSULTING 10645 N. ORACLE RD., STE 121-216 ORO VALLEY AZ 85737 (530) 676-8956 [email protected]

John W. Hamilton Associate Attorney WINSTON & STRAWN LLP 101 CALIFORNIA ST., 35TH FL. SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111

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(415) 591-1000 [email protected]

Joan Weber Safety Policy Division RM. 5TH 320 West 4th Street Suite 500 Los Angeles CA 90013 (213) 266-4729 [email protected] For: OSA