Directors Joseph R. Aguera SPECIAL BOARD MEETING - Jeff Bender 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 31, 2021 Christa Finn TDPUD Board Room Tony Laliotis AGENDA Kim Harris Interim General Manager Brian C. Wright As permitted by State of California Executive Order (EO) N-29-20, the Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board meeting room will not be accessible to the public. Members of the Board will be participating from separate remote locations. The meeting is accessible for public observation via Tahoe Truckee Media (TTM) online at or cable TV channel 18. Public comment will be accepted via email at
[email protected] and via Zoom on any item on the agenda until the Board President closes public comment on each item. 1. Call to order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance - defer 4. Changes to the agenda 5. Public Comment – This is time set aside for the public to address the Board on any matter not on the agenda. Testimony related to any agendized matter should be addressed at the time that that item is considered. (The public may comment on any subject that is not on the agenda. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes, but speaker time may be reduced at the discretion of the Board President if there are a large number of speakers on any given subject.) DIRECTOR UPDATE 6. This item provides time for Directors to comment on any item within the purview of the District. PRESENTATION 7. Special District Leadership Foundation Award of Excellence in Transparency.