
Re-decentralising the web Reducing our dependence on centralised platforms and services

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018



Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 https://www.flickr.com/photos/dullhunk/34390755362 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_Advisory_Commission_on_Election_Integrity https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cambridge_Analytica_protest_Parliament_Square4.jpg #indieweb

the centralised/corporate web

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

What represents the centralised web?

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 Niall Kennedy https://flic.kr/p/apNav2 https://www.flickr.com/photos/niallkennedy/6176497431/ #indieweb

“A centralised web site typically owned Silos by a for-profit corporation that stakes some claim to content contributed to it”

Full definition indieweb.org/silo

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Low barrier to entry

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Addictive & compelling

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

user generated content

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Enter the Mega silos

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018


single point of failure

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

limited/no data portability

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 A very brief history of… The early centralised web (2000s)

404 ☹


Welcome ...to the cemetery of acquired and shutdown websites, platforms and tools Ofen taking down with them dead links, lost content and user data

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

the decentralised web

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

“A Decentralized Web is a network of resources in which no one player can control the conversation or spin it to [his or her] exclusive advantage.”

Simon St. Laurent Strategic Content Director, O'Reilly Media, Inc.

What Is the Decentralized Web? 25 Experts Break it Down https://ischoolonline.syr.edu/blog/what-is-the-decentralized-web

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

…the decentralised web in decline

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 https://chribba.deviantart.com/art/The-old-pipes-320068994 #indieweb

focused on plumbing-centric design …rather than user-centric design

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Tantek Çelik “When you get complexity, you end up with things that are too The once and future IndieWeb hard, too fragile and too few implementations. @ Web Directions South 2013 …A standard without implementations is not a standard at all.”

Video presentation URL youtu.be/FNr0JNwsLy8

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Enter IndieWeb

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

2011 Aaaron Parecki a people-focused alternative to Amber Case the "corporate web" Crystal Beasley

Tantek Çelik indieweb.org

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Principles indieweb.org/principles

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Your content is yours When you post something on the web, it should belong to you

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

You are better connected Your posts, responses and interactions can go to all services, not just one

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

You are in control Post what you want, in any format you want, share simple readable links

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

What/who represents the IndieWeb movement?

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb


Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018


• Freenode IRC discussion Social • Wiki Public domain / Creative Commons License • BarCamp Meeting in-person to stimulate ideas

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Engineering the decentralised web

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Simplify the plumbing and give more time to focus on the User Experience

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Designing standards focused on users and the front-end

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

IndieWeb Standards

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Microformats are amazing

Published by W. Developer on

In which I extoll the virtues of using microformats.


Blah blah blah

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb


Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb


A way to use your own domain (1) Use rel=“me” attribute name to sign in to websites indieauth.com Use an existing OAuth provider to log-in to your website

e.g. Github,

Me on Twitter

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018


(2) Be your own OAuth provider

Enables you to use your domain name directly as your

Example of a self-hosted Authorisation Endpoint used to login with a personal URL: github.com/inklings-io/selfauth indieauth.net

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

IndieAuth W3C Draf w3.org/TR/indieauth #indieweb

An open API standard.

Micropub Create, update, and delete posts on one's W3C Recommendation own domain using third-party clients.

w3.org/TR/micropub Post and edit articles, short notes, comments, likes, photos, events, or other kinds of posts to your own site.


Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Quill quill.p3k.io #indieweb

OwnYourGram ownyourgram.com #indieweb

PESOS Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate (to your) Own Site

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

POSSE Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Webmentions Notify another URL when

W3C Recommendation you link to it on your site


Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018


*Brid.gy & Facebook Turning off Facebook for Bridgy snarfed.org/2018-06-07_turning-off-facebook-for-bridgy

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

‣ Known Get your site on the IndieWeb ‣ WordPress indieweb.org/projects ‣ Jekyll ‣ Perch

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb


Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Get involved!

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

‣ Be an active part of the community Help make the ‣ Build a better experience than the silos decentralised web a ‣ Contribute in-person better place for everyone ‣ Help solve problems that people actually need solving

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Attend an IndieWebCamp indieweb.org/next-iwc

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018


Join discussion on Slack/IRC

Freenode #indieweb chat.indieweb.org/slack

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

My IndieWeb project: indiewebguides.org

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Homebrew Website Club London hwclondon.co.uk

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

More on re-decentralisation… redecentralize.org/about

A collection of interesting networks and technology aiming at re-decentralising the Internet: https://github.com/redecentralize/alternative-internet

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

Learn more and contribute indieweb.org

Calum Ryan @calum_ryan London Web Standards / 18 June 2018 #indieweb

thank you

calumryan.com / @calum_ryan