Evaluation into Practice to Achieve Targets for Energy Efficiency

Horizon 2020 programme: Engaging and activating public authorities

Lovorko Maric, Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Central & Eastern European Energy Efficiency Forum 13-16 June 2018, Serock,

C4E Forum 2018 Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 EPATEE’s project team

10 Partners Project partners Location 8 EU countries

Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 2 Concepts and goals

EPATEE’s main concept: Improving evaluation practices help bridging the gap between the need for effective policy making and the lack of data and analysis about the impacts.

C4E Forum 2018 Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 3 Purpose of evaluation

“Policies are living creatures and “The success factors of this well- need to be adjusted periodically to working policy measure have take into account changes in context, markets, policy priorities, been good monitoring and etc. A timely evaluation can evaluation, strong results and provide the necessary basis for this” communication of results.”

“One may have fear to do an ex- “There were no more questions post impact evaluation, because it may show smaller results than about the rationale or interest based on the engineering to implement this scheme. At estimates. However this increases the opposite, the questions the robustness of the results and were about how to make the therefore the confidence funders scheme grow.” can have in them”

Quotes from interviews with policy makers and evaluators C4E Forum 2018 Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 4 Methodology of the project

Building resources based Creating the conditions for an on up-to-date knowledge and concrete experience feedback effective use of these resources Knowledge Base (user-oriented database of Online toolbox references) (making resources easy to use)

Guidance and Experience support sharing (targeted workshops, webinars, etc.)

Case studies Dissemination (about ex-post evaluations)

C4E Forum 2018 Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 5 Knowledge base

• https://www.epatee-lib.eu/

C4E Forum 2018 Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 6 Overview of EPATEE case studies Finland US (Amsterdam) Nordic > EE agreements in > New England > Subsidy scheme for Countries Industries Capacity Market housing corporations > Nordsyn > Energy audits in > Weatherization > Multi-year agreements in (market municipalities Assistance the industry surveillance) Program UK > Supplier Obligation Denmark > Renovation > Warm Front > EEO scheme programme for Ireland apartment blocks > Better Energy Germany Homes > Energy Efficiency Fund Belgium (Wallonia) > Energy Efficiency Networks Initiative > Primes Energie Austria > Environmental Support > "Future Investments" Programme for companies programme > City EE Programmes of Vienna > Voluntary agreement Croatia for freight companies Spain > Energy renovation programme > White Certificates scheme for public sector buildings > Tax credit scheme > Individual heat metering in C4E Forum 2018 Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 multifamily buildings 7 Case studies

• Available online at: https://epatee.eu/case-studies • Examples in Croatia – Energy Renovation Programme for Public Sector Buildings – Individual heat metering in multi- family buildings – Links between measurement, monitoring&verification tools and evaluation

C4E Forum 2018 Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 8 Case studies

“One may have fear to do an ex-post “It is important to distinguish M&V and impact evaluation, because it may evaluation. M&V provides data and show smaller results than based on feedback as a regular basis for managing the engineering estimates. However the scheme. Evaluation provides an this increases the robustness of the independent and in-depth analysis of the results and therefore the confidence scheme and its impacts, in order to draw funders can have in them” recommendations.”

Quote from the case study Quote from the case study on Better Energy Homes (Ireland) on EEO scheme (Denmark)

Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 9 Synthesis of knowledge base and case studies; online toolbox

• Main factors to consider and analyse: – Geographical coverage (building a core group with possibilities for expansion, especially in South-eastern and Eastern Europe) – Role of indicators (with an emphasis on energy savings) – Adjustment effects (coverage and frequency) • Comparison between the Knowledge Base conclusions and the summary of the Case Studies • „Checklist” for evaluators • How do evaluators choose evaluation methods, based on type and availability of data? • Preparation for the online toolbox

C4E Forum 2018 Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 10 Evaluation and Article 7 Examples of evaluation uses (for EEO schemes and/or alternative measures):  Providing an evidence base for revision/update of policies  Assessing cost-effectiveness (both at policy and action level)  Better understanding of additionality  Improving EEO‘s targeting (eligible action types; prioritization factors)  Identifying needs for quality insurance/requirements  Assessing stakeholders’ satisfaction/getting feedback  And much more!  But for an evaluation to be successful (= used), it needs legitimacy/trust = good enough data & methods + transparency EPATEE provides support for results to be documented, and for evaluations to be as effective as possible

C4E Forum 2018 Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 11 Stakeholder involvement

• Interviews with key stakeholders • Surveys on evaluation practices • EU peer-learning workshops • National peer-learning workshops • Webinars • Direct support • EPATEE newsletter https://epatee.eu/subscribe-our- newsletter • Specific support (bilateral exchanges on specific issues, direct support to stakeholders for concrete policies or evaluations, particularly in the CEE region)

Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 Thank you for your attention !

More information at: https://epatee.eu/ https://epatee.eu/subscribe-our-newsletter

@epatee_eu ; #EPATEE_EU

C4E Forum 2018 Serock, Poland - 13-16 June 2018 13