Annual Training 2014 California Army National Guard Conducts Largest Consolidated Annual Training Exercise in More Than a Decade Page 5
June 2014 Vol. 9 No. 6 GRIZZLYOfficial Newsmagazine of the California National Guard The AT issue Annual Training 2014 California Army National Guard conducts largest consolidated annual training exercise in more than a decade page 5 Camp Roberts heliport resurfaced under budget with low cost, eco-friendly “Rhino Snot” page 16 Leadership Corner Annual training 2014 a big success Major General David S. Baldwin In June, nearly 5,000 Soldiers converged on Camp Roberts At the start of the AT training period, the 146th Airlift Wing for what was our largest consolidated annual training since My gratitude to all the ran a joint reception, staging, onward movement and in- before the attacks on 9/11 thrust the California Guard into tegration (JRSOI) process at Channel Islands Air National conflicts overseas. Aviators, infantrymen, medics, com- leaders and troops that Guard Base in Port Hueneme. And on Camp Roberts, the manders, logisticians—Soldiers of every stripe came togeth- 195th Weather Flight from Port Hueneme and the 210th er for a highly coordinated, massive training that served to made this year’s annual Weather Flight from Riverside kept track of the heat. not only improve our combat effectiveness, but also our re- sponse to domestic emergencies here at home. The State Military Reserve (SMR) had a big role supporting training a huge success. this year’s AT. The SMR provided Staff Judge Advocate per- Amazingly, there was little discernible difference on the sonnel, ESGR tour day support, a small arms training team Camp Roberts main post, as these several thousand Soldiers that assisted with marksmanship on the ranges, and chap- took to the field rather than the comforts of garrison life.
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