Corrections and comments on descriptions and diagrams in the new Scottish Rock Climbs guidebook are to be found on the SMC web site at: Opinions on grades are not necessarily in the majority as opinions were collected in preparation of the book and these are not reproduced. Further corrections and comments are welcome to
[email protected]. OUTER ISLES LEWIS, AIRD MHOR BHRAGAIR, Arch Wall: Sea an Enema 20m E2 5c *. G.Latter. 10th August 2005. The overhanging right-slanting crack above the right end of the upper ledge (left of Children of the Sea). Lagoon Wall: Sleight of Hand 20m E1 5b *. G. & K.Latter. 10th August 2005. The shallow hanging groove in the centre of the wall. Start up a short left-slanting crack, then the groove, finishing up an easy short crack above a ledge at the top. UIG SEA CLIFFS, AIRD UIG AREA, Screaming Geo: Whirlwind 20m E8 6c **. D.MacLeod. 6th May 2005. The ‘YY unclimbed crack’ shown in the crag topo in the guide. The first section of crack up to the horizontal is serious with poor gear and snappy holds. Above, the climbing gets steadily harder towards the top but better protected, culminating in a tricky crux right at the top. F8a climbing and awesomely exposed. FA headpointed. SANDRAY, The Galleries: The Galleries are situated at a geo on the south-west coast of Sandray (NL 635 909). There are three main walls described from the north. The Tait Gallery is the first tapering wall with many short routes.