Journal 1968 Membership List
Proceedings of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, Volume 05 (1968) Authors Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science Publisher Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science Download date 05/10/2021 12:10:43 Link to Item 5 Volume 1968 Proceedings Journal Supplement of the Twelfth Ann ua I Meeting May 10-11, 1968 Northern Ar izona Un ivers ity Flagstaff, Arizona • • • • • 1967-68 Annual Reports • • • • • 1968 Membership List May, 1968 ARIZONA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 8979/ Room 0-203, Physical Science Center Arizona State University II 71 Tempe, Arizona 85281 S� _ ARIZONA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OFFICERS FOR 1967-68 Chester R. Leathers, Arizona State University, Tempe •••••••••••• President James R. Wick, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff •••• President-Elect Thomas W. Barrett, Arizona State University, Tempe ••••••••• Treasurer Kenneth E. Bean, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff • • •••••••••• Corresponding Secretary Howard Voss, Arizona State University, Tempe•••Membership Secretary Institutional or library subscription price is $6.50 per year. Individuals may obtain the Journal and a membership in the Academy for $6.50 a year. Single copies of the Journal are $2.00 post free. For subscription or membership, address correspondence to the Member ship Secretary of the Academy, Room D-203, Physical Science Center, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 85281. EDITORIAL POLICY The Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science is published princ.ipally by and for the members of the Arizona Academy of Science. It is the intention of the Editorial Board that the Journal shall serve all members, therefore, publications are not to be restricted to formal, original scientific papers. Authors who are not members of the Academy will be charged a publication fee of $10.00 per page for each page of their paper.
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