41 $ # % They were frequently used on adventures and their breath weapon attacks were excellent for clean retrievals of treasure. %&))&! Patron Deity: None (although Robilar did occasionally give &!%&*+ homage to Odin). Stronghold: Robilar's Castle was located about 70 miles by Robert J. Kuntz with Douglas J. Behringer southwest of the City of Greyhawk, on the Wild Coast (Hex E4-89). The castle complex was surrounded by several (
[email protected],
[email protected]) villages, all of whom paid a tithe to Robilar for protection. he following information is derived from the original The castle consists of a series of structures; a great keep Greyhawk campaign, as conducted by E. Gary Gygax surrounded by four walls with towers at the corners. The and Robert J. Kuntz. This information is presented for uppermost part of the keep had a collapsible roof allowing background and trivia's sake, and may not in some the dragons to take immediate flight up and out. The main instances completely agree with the "official" Greyhawk gate was barred so that only a person with storm giant setting, as published by TSR, Inc. Only TSR, which owns the strength could lift the bar to gain entry (i.e., Robilar had a rights to the Greyhawk setting, can decide what is "official" girdle of storm giant strength, so only he could enter). Greyhawk lore, but it is hoped that the reader will find this Role-Playing Notes: Robilar started his career as neutral in information from the original Greyhawk campaign of alignment but over time has turned lawful evil.