Ediacaran and Cambrian Rocks on Scatarie Island, Avalonian Mira Terrane, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada Sandra M

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Ediacaran and Cambrian Rocks on Scatarie Island, Avalonian Mira Terrane, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada Sandra M Document generated on 09/24/2021 5:05 a.m. Atlantic Geology Journal of the Atlantic Geoscience Society Revue de la Société Géoscientifique de l'Atlantique Ediacaran and Cambrian rocks on Scatarie Island, Avalonian Mira terrane, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White, Sören Jensen, Teodoro Palacios and Deanne van Rooyen Volume 56, 2020 Article abstract Scatarie Island and adjacent Hay Island, located 2 km east of the eastern tip of URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/1072994ar the Avalonian Mira terrane of southern Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4138/atlgeol.2020.011 contain a succession of epiclastic and other sedimentary rocks of inferred Ediacaran to Cambrian age. The age assignment was based previously on See table of contents lithological comparison with the Main-à-Dieu Group and overlying Bengal Road and MacCodrum formations of the Mira River Group. Detrital zircon grains from two sandstone samples from the Bengal Road Formation yielded Publisher(s) typical Avalonian detrital zircon spectra with middle to late Neoproterozoic, Meso- to Paleoproterozoic (1300–2200 Ma) and Neoarchean ages. They indicate Atlantic Geoscience Society maximum depositional ages of 532.4 ± 4.2 Ma and 525.4 ± 2.4 Ma from essentially the same stratigraphic level, consistent with the interpretation that ISSN the rocks are Cambrian. The Bengal Road Formation also yielded scarce organic-walled microfossils including an acanthomorphic acritarch identified 0843-5561 (print) as Polygonium sp., also consistent with Cambrian age. The fine-grained 1718-7885 (digital) siliciclastic succession on Hay Island, tentatively attributed to the MacCodrum Formation, yielded trace fossils, including Teichichnus isp. and Gyrolithes Explore this journal scintillus, that confirm Cambrian age. The Hay Island Gyrolithes scintillus expands the geographical distribution of this ichnospecies, previously known mainly from the Chapel Island Formation of Newfoundland, and represents a Cite this article younger occurrence. Barr, S., White, C., Jensen, S., Palacios, T. & van Rooyen, D. (2020). Ediacaran and Cambrian rocks on Scatarie Island, Avalonian Mira terrane, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Atlantic Geology, 56, 257–279. https://doi.org/10.4138/atlgeol.2020.011 All Rights Reserved ©, 2020 Atlantic Geology This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of Érudit (including reproduction) is subject to its terms and conditions, which can be viewed online. https://apropos.erudit.org/en/users/policy-on-use/ This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit. Érudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, and the Université du Québec à Montréal. Its mission is to promote and disseminate research. https://www.erudit.org/en/ Ediacaran and Cambrian rocks on Scatarie Island and nearby Hay Island, Avalonian Mira terrane, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada Sandra M. Barr1*, Chris E. White2, Sören Jensen3, Teodoro Palacios3, and Deanne van Rooyen4 1. Department of Earth & Environmental Science, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2R6, Canada 2. Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2T9, Canada 2. Área de Paleontologia, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Extremadura, 06006 Badajoz, Spain 4. Department of Mathematics, Physics, & Geology, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6L2, Canada *Corresponding author: <[email protected]> Date received: 30 July 2020 ¶ Date accepted: 13 September 2020 ABSTRACT Scatarie Island and adjacent Hay Island, located 2 km east of the eastern tip of the Avalonian Mira terrane of southern Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, contain a succession of epiclastic and other sedimentary rocks of inferred Ediacaran to Cambrian age. The age assignment was based previously on lithological comparison with the Main-à-Dieu Group and overlying Bengal Road and MacCodrum formations of the Mira River Group. Detrital zircon grains from two sandstone samples from the Bengal Road Formation yielded typical Avalonian detrital zircon spectra with middle to late Neoproterozoic, Meso- to Paleoproterozoic (1300–2200 Ma) and Neoarchean ages. They indicate maximum depositional ages of 532.4 ± 4.2 Ma and 525.4 ± 2.4 Ma from essentially the same stratigraphic level, consistent with the interpretation that the rocks are Cambrian. The Bengal Road Formation also yielded scarce organic-walled microfossils including an acanthomorphic acritarch identified as Polygonium sp., also consistent with Cambrian age. The fine-grained siliciclastic succession on Hay Island, tentatively attributed to the MacCodrum Formation, yielded trace fossils, including Teichichnus isp. and Gyrolithes scintillus, that confirm Cambrian age. The Hay Island Gyrolithes scintillus expands the geographical distribution of this ichnospecies, previously known mainly from the Chapel Island Formation of Newfoundland, and represents a younger occurrence. RÉSUMÉ L’île Scatarie et l’île Hay voisine , situées à deux kilomètres à l’est de la pointe du terrane avalonien Mira dans le sud de l’île du Cap-Breton en Nouvelle-Écosse, abritent une succession de roches épiclastiques et d’autres roches sédimentaires remontant présumément à la période de l’Édiacarien au Cambrien. L’âge attribué était antérieurement basé sur une comparaison lithologique avec le groupe Main-à-Dieu et les formations sus-jacentes de Bengal Road et de MacCodrum du groupe de la rivière Mira. Des grains de zircon détritique provenant de deux échantillons de grès de la Formation de Bengal Road ont affiché des spectres de zircon détritique avaloniens typiques des périodes du Néoprotozoïque moyen à tardif, du Mésoprotozoïque au Paléoprotérozoïque (1300 à 2200 Ma) et du Néoarchéen. Ils signalent des âges de sédimentation maximaux de 532,4 ± 4,2 Ma et de 525,4 ± 2,4 Ma d’un niveau stratigraphique essentiellement identique, ce qui correspond à l’interprétation situant les roches au Cambrien. La Formation de Bengal Road a de plus révélé la présence de microfossiles palynomorphes, notamment un acritarche acanthomorphe identifié en tant que l’espèce Polygonium, ce qui correspond également à l’époque du Cambrien. La succession silococlastique à grains fins sur l’île Hay, rattachée à la Formation de MacCodrum, a présenté des ichnofossiles, par exemple, l’ichnoespèce Teichichnus et le Gyrolithes scintillus, qui confirment l’âge du Cambrien. Le Gyrolithes scintillus de l’île Hay élargit la distribution géographique de cette ichnoespèce, antérieurement reconnue comme une espèce principalement présente dans la Formation de Chapel Island de Terre-Neuve, et il représente une occurrence plus récente. [Traduit par la redaction] ATLANTIC GEOLOGY 56, 257–279 (2020) doi:10.4138/atlgeol.2020.011 Copyright © Atlantic Geology, 2020 0843-5561|20|0257–0279$4.45|0 ATLANTIC GEOLOGY · VOLUME 56 · 2020 258 INTRODUCTION REGIONAL BACKGROUND Scatarie Island is a Nova Scotia Wilderness Protected area Southeastern Cape Breton Island, geologically compris- (https://novascotia.ca/nse/protectedareas/wa_scatarie.asp) ing the Mira terrane (Barr and Raeside 1989), is part of located in the Cabot Strait 2 km from the southeastern tip of Avalonia in the northern Appalachian orogen (Fig. 1, inset). Cape Breton Island (Fig. 1). The island has a long history as Like other parts of Avalonia, the Mira terrane is character- a fishing settlement, and archaeological research has provid- ized by Neoproterozoic volcanic, sedimentary, and plutonic ed evidence for 18th century fishing activity on the island; rocks, overlain by lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (Fig. tales abound of life there in the Nineteenth and Twentieth 1). Weeks (1954) included all the Precambrian volcanic and centuries. The area is also known for its long history of ship- sedimentary rocks in a single unit called the Fourchu Group; wrecks, most recently the Great Lakes freighter M.V. Miner, but based on mapping, petrological studies, and U–Pb zir- which ran aground when a towing cable broke in Septem- con dating, Barr et al. (1992, 1996) subdivided the rocks into ber 2011 and which was removed from the island in 2015 groups of three different ages, ca. 680 Ma, ca. 620 Ma, and ca. (https://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20150622003). 575 Ma (Fig. 1). The name Fourchu Group was retained only Although designated a protected area because of its rare or for the ca. 575 Ma volcanic and minor sedimentary rocks unusual flora, the bedrock geology on Scatarie Island is also in the coastal part of the terrane south of Louisbourg. The remarkable because it includes a rare occurrence of rocks new name Main-à-Dieu Group was assigned to rocks west, that formed during a time interval that spans the boundary north, and east of Louisbourg that were considered equiv- between the Ediacaran and Cambrian periods of geological alent in age to and/or younger than the Fourchu Group on time (Barr et al. 1992, 1996). Although much of the interior the basis of field relations, petrological characteristics, and a of the island consists of dense spruce and fir forest, barrens, poorly constrained U–Pb zircon age of <560 Ma from a rhy- and bogs and hence lacks outcrop, the Ediacaran–Cambrian olite sample (Bevier et al. 1993). Other group names were rocks are well exposed along parts of the shoreline. The pur- assigned to volcanic, volcaniclastic, and sedimentary rocks pose of this paper is to present the first direct paleontologi- farther south and west in the terrane, based mainly
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    PAG E 0 •• • •••••••• 0 • 0 •••• 0 • 0 • •• • • • •• • •• 0 •• • • 0 • • • 0 ••• • • ••• • ••••• • •••• 93 Carboniferous Lowlands D 51o I IIIlii 520 • 530 § 540 llllll 550 • 560 § 570 0 580 • 590 Figure 15: Region 500, Carboniferous Lowlands, and ils component Dislricls. Theme Regions: Natural History o f Nova Scotia, Volume II PAGE . 94 500 CARBONIFEROUS LOWLANDS ~ The Region has been divided into nine Districts on stones which contained abundant fish and plant re- the basis of topographic character and soil type: mains. Towards the end of this period in the Early 510 Till Plain Carboniferous a marine incursion took place; the ba­ 520 Coastal Plain sins became enlarged and interconnected, and an 530 Stony and Wet Plain inland sea formed with a shoreline on mainland 540 Clay Plain Nova Scotia which closely approximates the present 550 Coastal Fringe boundary of the Carboniferous deposits. Within this 560 Submerged Lowland sea was an archipelago of islands including the 570 Rolling Upland . Wittenburg Ridge, Mount Aspotogan, the Pictou­ 580 Hills and Valleys Antigonish Highlands, the elongated blocks of the 590 Dissected Plateau Avalon Zone in Cape Breton, and the Cape Breton highlands. REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS In the marine basin a laminated limestone form­ 500 Carboniferous ed, followed by deposits of evaporites (mostly gyp­ Lowlands Lowland Nova Scotia is mainly Carboniferous sedi­ sum) and red and green shales. Near the islands, I mentary rocks on which deep soils have developed. shelly reefs developed, for example, at Gays River, Many of the rivers flow in valleys eroded from the Aspotogan, and East River (Mahone Bay). In the ini­ unresistant Wmdsor Group rocks, which include gyp­ tial incursion of seawater, the intermontane basins sum.
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