The Rise of Bronze Age Society: Travels, Transmissions and Transformations Kristian Kristiansen and Thomas B
Cambridge University Press 0521604664 - The Rise of Bronze Age Society: Travels, Transmissions and Transformations Kristian Kristiansen and Thomas B. Larsson Index More information Index Note: Page numbers for figures appear in italics. abstraction, in oral traditions and rock Amenhotep III, 72, 73, 80 art, 269 Amenophis II, 72 Abydos temple, 96 Amenophis III, see Amenhotep III acculturation, 25, 26--7, 30, 363 Amenophis IV, see Akhenaton acrobats/acrobatics, 230, 229--31, 351 Amun, 70 affines, 45, 46 Anatolia agency Alaça Hüyük site, 75, 78, 308, 348 socio-seismographic curve of, 370 Demircihuyuk site, 174 theory of, 370--72 Hasanoglan site, 308 agro-pastoral economies, 109 Hattusha site, 79, 200 Akhenaton, 72--3, 74 Horoztepe site, 77, 308 Akkad dynasties, 63 Miletus site, 101 Akkadian languages, 78 rulers, 75--7, 85 Akurgal, E., 315 trade networks, 77, 91--3, 181--5 Alaça Hüyük site, Anatolia, 75, 78, 308, use of metal, 77, 109 348 see also Boghazköy rock art; Hittites Alcinos, 227 ancestors, 45, 54, 56, 210 Aldred, C., 73 Anderlingen burial, 191, 206 Alexander, R. L., 96, 337 Andrén, A., 21--2, 269 Alfred, 238 Andronovo Culture, 171n.5, 176, 173--9 alliances Aner, E., 186 confirmed through marriage, 37, 205, animals, 45, 309, 348 232, 234, 240 as burial sacrifices, 176, 177, 245 Egyptian, 68, 72, 74 Mistress of Animals, 358, 344 guest friendships, 28, 238--40 role in religion, 320--4 power and, 37, 74, 80 used for sun journey transport, 309 travel and, 204--9 see also specific animals Almgren, O., 251 Anitta, 78 Die älteren Kulturperioden
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