Reel Heritage: and Scholarship Selected Bibliography

The Higher Learning staff curate digital resource packages to complement and offer further context to the topics and themes discussed during the various Higher Learning events held at TIFF Bell Lightbox. These filmographies, bibliographies, and additional resources include works directly related to guest speakers’ work and careers, and provide additional inspirations and topics to consider; these materials are meant to serve as a jumping-off point for further research. Please refer to the event video to see how topics and themes relate to the Higher Learning event.

Utilizing Archives and Cultural Repositories

Alexander, Ben and Jeannette A. Bastian. Communities and Their Archives: Creating and Sustaining Memory. London: Facet, 2009.

Balloffet, Nelly, Jenny Hille, and Judith A. Reed. Preservation and Conservation for Libraries and Archives. Chicago: American Library Association, 2005.

Bastian, Jeannette A. and Ben Alexander. Community Archives: The Shaping of Memory. London: Facet, 2009.

Blouin, Francis X. and William G. Rosenberg. Archives, Documentation, and Institutions of Social Memory: Essays from the Sawyer Seminar. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2007.

Burton, Antoinette M. Stories: Facts, Fictions, and the Writing of History. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005.

Cox, Richard J. Closing an Era: Historical Perspectives on Modern Archives and Records Management. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000.

---. Personal Archives and a New Archival Calling: Readings, Reflections and Ruminations. Duluth, MN: Litwin , 2008.

---, and David A. Wallace. Archives and the Public Good: Accountability and Records in Modern Society. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 2002.

Craven, Louise. What Are Archives?: Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives: a Reader. Aldershot, U.K: Ashgate, 2008.

Documenting a Province: The Archives of Ontario at 100. Toronto: Archives of Ontario, 2003.

Ellis, Judith. Keeping Archives. Port Melbourne, Australia: Thorpe, 1993.

Farr, Ian. Memory. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.

Forde, Helen. Preserving Archives. London: Facet, 2007.


Reel Heritage: Film Archives and Scholarship Selected Bibliography

Great Britain Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Centres for Social Change: , Galleries and Archives for All. London: The Department, 2000.

Hamilton, Carolyn. Refiguring the Archive. Dordrecht, : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Jimerson, Randall C. Archives Power: Memory, Accountability, and Social Justice. Chicago: Society of American , 2009.

Kumbier, Alana. Ephemeral Material: Queering the Archive. Sacramento: Litwin Books, 2014.

Mays, Sas. Libraries, Literatures, and Archives. New York: Routledge, 2014.

Merewether, Charles (ed.). The Archive. London: Whitechapel, 2006.

National Council on Archives. Changing the Future of Our Past. Sheffield: National Council on Archives, 2002.

Osthoff, Simone. Performing the Archive: The Transformation of the Archive in Contemporary Art from Repository of Documents to Art Medium. New York: Atropos Press, 2009.

Pandey, Gyanendra. Unarchived Histories: The 'Mad' and the 'Trifling' in the Colonial and Postcolonial World. New York: Routledge, 2014.

Posner, Ernst. Archives in the Ancient World. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1972.

---, and Kenneth W. Munden. Archives and the Public Interest: Selected Essays. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2006.

Public Archives of Canada. Archives: Mirror of Canada Past. Toronto: Published for the Public Archives of Canada by University of Toronto Press, 1972.

Rossi-Snook, Elena. “Persistence of Vision: Public Library 16mm Film Collections in America.” The Moving Image 5.1 (2005): 1-27.

The Origins of Film Archives

“A National Film .” The Bioscope (May 26, 1910): 4.

Bland, R. Henderson. “The Need of a National Repository for .” Kinematograph and Lantern Weekly (April 17, 1913): 2489-2491.

Bottomore, Stephen. “'A Fallen Star': Problems and Practices in Early Film Preservation.” in This Film Is Dangerous: A Celebration of Nitrate Film. Roger Smither and Catherine A. Surowiec (eds). Brussels: Federation Internationale des Archives du Film (FIAF), 2002. 185-190.


Reel Heritage: Film Archives and Scholarship Selected Bibliography

Brown, H. G. “Problems of Storing Film for Archive Purposes.” British Kinematography 20.5 (May 1952).

“Historic Films – The Difficulty of Preservation.” The London Times (November 26, 1916): np.

Matuszewski, Boleslaw. “Une Nouvelle source de l’histoire (1898).” Cultures 2.1 (1974): 219-222.

Film Preservation (History and Theory)

---. “The Sparking Surface of the Sea of History: Notes on the Origins of Film Preservation.” in This Film Is Dangerous: A Celebration of Nitrate Film. Roger Smither and Catherine A. Surowiec (eds). Brussels: Federation Internationale des Archives du Film (FIAF), 2002. 86-97.

Bowser, Eileen and Ronald S. Magliozzi. “Film Archiving as a Profession: An Interview with Eileen Bowser.” The Moving Image 3.1 (Spring 2003): 132-146.

Brown, Harold. “Trying to Save Frames.” in This Film Is Dangerous: A Celebration of Nitrate Film. Roger Smither and Catherine A. Surowiec (eds). Brussels: Federation Internationale des Archives du Film (FIAF), 2002. 98-102.

Callahan, Vicki. Reclaiming the Archive: Feminism and Film History. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2010.

Campagnoni, Donata Presenti. “The Preservation, Care, and Exploitation of Documentation Related to the Cinema: an Unresolved Issue.” Film History 18.3 (2006): 306-318.

Carey, Gary. Lost Films. New York: , 1970.

Cherchi Usai, Paolo. The Death of Cinema: History, Cultural Memory and the Digital Dark Age. London: British Film Institute, 2001.

Decherney, Peter. Imagining the Archive: Film in America Before MoMA. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001.

Enticknap, Leo Douglas Graham. Film Restoration: The Culture and Science of Audiovisual Heritage. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.

Frick, Caroline. Saving Cinema: The Politics of Preservation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.


Reel Heritage: Film Archives and Scholarship Selected Bibliography

Head, Anne. A True Love for Cinema: Jacques Ledoux, of the Royal Film Archive and Film Museum of Belgium, 1948-1988. The Hague, Netherlands: Universitaire Pers Rotterdam, 1988.

Houston, Penelope. Keepers of the Frame: The Film Archives. London: British Film Institute, 1994.

Jones, Janna. The Past Is a Moving Picture: Preserving the Twentieth Century on Film. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2012.

Kula, Sam. “Up from the Permafrost: The .” in This Film Is Dangerous: A Celebration of Nitrate Film. Roger Smither and Catherine A. Surowiec (eds). Brussels: Federation Internationale des Archives du Film (FIAF), 2002. 213-218.

Madden, Paul. Keeping Television Alive: The Television Work of the National Film Archive. London: British Film Institute, 1981.

McGreevey, Tom, and Joanne L. Yeck. Our Movie Heritage. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press, 1997.

Noordegraaf, Julia, Cosetta G. Saba, Maître B. Le, and Vinzenz Hediger (eds). Preserving and Exhibiting Media Art: Challenges and Perspectives. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2013.

Pierce, David. “The Legion of the Condemned – Why American Silent Films Perished.” in This Film Is Dangerous: A Celebration of Nitrate Film. Roger Smither and Catherine A. Surowiec (eds). Brussels: Federation Internationale des Archives du Film (FIAF), 2002. 144-162.

---. The Survival of American Silent Feature Films, 1912-1929. Washington D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources and The , 2013.

Shepard, David and Kyle Westphal. “Forty Years of Film Preservation: A Conversation with David Shepard.”Northwest Chicago Film Society (January 30, 2012). Accessed August 30, 2012. conversation-with-david-shepard/

Sitton, Robert. Lady in the Dark: Iris Barry and the Art of Film. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.

Slide, Anthony. Nitrate Won't Wait: A Preservation in the United States. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co, 1992.

Smith, Paul. The Historian and Film. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976.


Reel Heritage: Film Archives and Scholarship Selected Bibliography

Thompson, Frank T. Lost Films: Important Movies That Disappeared. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Pub. Group, 1996.

Torlasco, Domietta. The Heretical Archive: Digital Memory at the End of Film. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013.

Wasson, Haidee. Museum Movies: The Museum of Modern Art and the Birth of Art Cinema. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.

Waldman, Harry. Missing Reels: Lost Films of American and European Cinema. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008.

Film Preservation (Practice)

Bordwell, David and Kristin Thompson. “Pandora’s Digital Box: Pix and Pixels.” Observations on Film Art (February 13, 2012). Accessed December 15, 2014.

Bowser, Eileen, and John Kuiper. A Handbook for Film Archives: Based on the Experiences of a Member of the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF). Brussels: FIAF Secretariat, 1980.

Cherchi Usai, Paolo. “The Conservation of Moving Images.” Studies in Conservation 55 (2010): 250-257.

---. “Film as an Art Object.” in Preserve then Show. Dan Nissen, Lisbeth Richter Larson, Thomas C. Christensen and Jesper Stub Johnsen (eds). Copenhagen: Danish Film Institute, 2002. 22-38.

Fossati, Giovanna. From Grain to Pixel: The Archival Life of Film in Transition. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press, 2009.

Gracy, Karen F. Film Preservation: Competing Definitions of Value, Use, and Practice. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2007.

Parth, Kerstin (ed.). Work/s in Progress: Digital Film Restoration Within Archives. Vienna: Synema , 2013.

Read, Paul and M.P. Meyer. Restoration of Motion Picture Film. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, 2000.

Journals Dedicated to Moving Image Preservation and the Study of Archives


Reel Heritage: Film Archives and Scholarship Selected Bibliography

Association of Canadian Archivists. Archivaria. Established 1975. Editor: Jean Dryden. Published by the Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA), twice yearly. english

Association of Moving Image Archivists. The Moving Image. Established 1997. Editors: Devin Orgeron and Marsha Orgeron. Published by the University of Minnesota Press, twice yearly.

FIAF. The Journal of Film Preservation. Established 1972. Editor: Catherine A. Surowiec. Published by La Fédération international des archives du film / International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), Brussels, Belgium, twice yearly.

Film History: An International Journal. Established 1987. Editor: Gregory A. Waller. Published by the University of Indiana Press, Bloomington IN, quarterly.

Society of American Archivists. The American . Established 1938. Editor: Gregory S. Hunter. Published by the Society of American Archivists (SAA), twice yearly.

Advocating for the Preservation and Exhibition of Motion Picture

Bahr, Lindsey. “Read 's passionate defense of film.” Entertainment Weekly ( August 4, 2014). Accessed September 19, 2014.

Bernstein, Paula. “Martin Scorsese Rallies to Keep Film Stock Alive: 'Film is an art form'.” Indie Wire ( August 4, 2014). Accessed September 19, 2014. scorsese-rallies-to-keep-film-stock-alive-film-is-an-art-form-20140804

Bernstein, Paula. “In the Digital Age, Projectionists Still Need to Learn How to Show 35mm Film Prints.” Indie Wire (August 11,2014). Accessed September 19, 2014. show-35mm-film-prints- 20140811?fb_action_ids=10100118423690234&fb_action_types=og.shares

Bundhun, Rebecca. “Film Heritage Foundation founder talks about urgent need to preserve India’s cinematic history.” The National (December 1, 2014). Accessed December 15, 2014. urgent-need-to-preserve-indias-cinematic-history


Reel Heritage: Film Archives and Scholarship Selected Bibliography

Dean, Tacita and Nicholas Cullinan. Film. London: Tate Publishing, 2011.

Eagan, Daniel. “With 35mm Film Dead, Will Classic Movies Ever Look the Same Again?” The Atlantic (November 22, 2012). Accessed September 23, 2014. movies-ever-look-the-same-again/265184/

Giardina, Carolyn. “As Kodak Negotiates Film's Future With Studios, Archivists Seek Digital Options.” The Hollywood Reporter (August 22, 2014). Accessed September 19, 2014.

Gan, Vicky. “Unhappy Medium: The Challenges With Archiving Digital Video.” The Washingtonian (September 10, 2014). Accessed September 19, 2014. archiving-digital-video/

Hardy, Robert. “Is Film Dead? The World's Best Cinematographers Don't Seem to Think So.” No Film School (July 10, 2013). Accessed September 23, 2014. dead-cinematographers-dont-think-so-kodak

Harris, Paul. “Library of Congress: 75 percent of Silent Films Lost.” Variety (December 4, 2013). Accessed December 15, 2014. silent-films-survive-1200915020/

Hurley, Michael. “We're About to Lose 1,000 Small Theaters That Can't Convert to Digital. Does It Matter?” Indie Wire (February 23, 2012). Accessed September 19, 2014. to-digital-does-it-matter

Kaufman, Amy. “CinemaCon 2014: expresses love for 35mm, disdain for 3-D.” L.A. Times (March 26, 2014). Accessed September 19, 2014. interstellar-3d-film-digital-20140326

Littleton, Sylvia. “National Film Preservation Foundation Unearths Lost Silents in Pact with Dutch Museum.” Variety (March 30, 2014). Accessed December 15, 2014. pact-with-dutch-museum-1201150168/


Reel Heritage: Film Archives and Scholarship Selected Bibliography

Marine, Joe. “Quentin Tarantino Says Digital Projection is the 'Death of Cinema As I Know It'.” No Film School (March 24, 2014). Accessed September 19, 2014. cinema

Raymond, Adam K. “What’s Behind the Struggle to Save Film Stock?” Yahoo Movies (September 18, 2014). Accessed September 19, 2014. struggle-to-save-film-stock-97814347472.html

Reeves, Keanu. “Keanu Reeves: the future of cinema: Why I made a documentary about the differences - and affinities - between digital and celluloid.” The Guardian (14 February 2013). Accessed September 23, 2014. cinema

Ressner, Jeffrey. “The Traditionalist.” Directors’ Guild of America (Spring 2012). Accessed September 19, 2014. nolan.aspx

Sharma, Kanika. “We lack a sense of preservation: Shivendra Singh Dungarpur.” Mid-Day (November 20, 2014). Accessed December 15, 2014. preservation-shivendra-singh-dungarpur/15779160

Verrier, Richard. “End of film: Paramount first studio to stop distributing film prints.” L.A. Times (January 17, 2014). Accessed September 19, 2014.

Wenz, John. “When Irreplaceable History Lives on Obsolete Tech.” Popular Mechanics (July 2, 2014). Accessed September 19, 2014. entertainment/when-irreplaceable-history-lives-on-obsolete-tech-16945602