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[email protected]> Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:35:12 -0400 From: Dave Robinson <
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[email protected]> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id MAA26788 May 20, 1998 Contact: Dave Robinson 814-453-4955, Ext. 235 PAX CHRISTI USA CONDEMNS INDIAN TESTING AND HYPOCRISY OF OTHER NUCLEAR WEAPONS STATES ERIE, PA. - Adding Pax Christi USA's voice to the chorus of world condemnation about India's nuclear testing is critical, and equally critical is denouncing the hypocrisy of the other nuclear weapons states' reliance on nuclear deterrence, says one of the organization's leaders. "While we feel it's necessary for Pax Christi USA to publicly denounce India's decision to test nuclear weapons, we're also compelled to cry out against the hypocrisy and culpability of the other nuclear weapons states' continued reliance on nuclear deterrence," says Dave Robinson, program director at the Erie-Pa.-based headquarters of Pax Christi USA, the national Catholic peace orga nization. Quoting from a joint statement of Pax Christi International President Godfried Cardinal Danneels and World Council of Churches General Secretary Rev. Dr. Konrad Raiser, issued from Geneva just two weeks before the Indian tests, Pax Christi condemned the doctrine of nuclear deterrence and expressed "grave concern" over India's apparent embracing of "this morally corrupt" doctrine. "The choice", states Pax Christi USA, "is between a nuclear-weapons-free world for all, and a nuclear weapons free-for-all.