Bhopal Riots.Pdf
BHOPAL RIOTS a report I t ,::-- ::----; e' € € =- -.=---- >tape'aeEG> 4' ?& -*.az "4 gs f,,.#,;,^= p e""nr.t u"io,, roipTrn'ig;;atic Richts' Dcthi MahrEni IlrDibAi Cole!€ n l*.t€d on ths nolil' t.nhofth.loEr tak€ in Budhfrn, Hietrly dsro€ and .oryEr€d, BudhMh ik Eullin mjo.ity locartiy itr old Bholal o! th6 -drhiD€ofTrh D"cpbb- n Es amons fic lt,6r ptqes qheF vior6r.. srupied. AlDo.t ore th ird ofrhe 3000 dudr 1E of r hi! woD.dt @ucs€ oDs 6w,t rt y riob &r ofi BHEL,E. B, th. hd. .drlew q! srcund 'mpcrd;r lo rh,r turninF. mo.r or I be .tudsn6 had rlFad, reeched thr 6lhs€ sohe fr.u.ry hembeE .kyed b'.k ;d boL oF b cMuF ssfa dumof ihenshdenk. Thce :eidins in nea:by loceliii4 Ereabte 6 Bch hone mn. sratr6@ad other studenh. lhe airlG rDn BIIEL weE shifiad ro ihe ho6bl. The h6bl n not iEide i)E ,o$s . .ort*€ Bnpu& But ii is not ae,eitf,ei l b a unique l@stion rhe host l, risnt oppo! iie ihe .on%E, iE on rhs south bank orihs talre. ri L locebd in the phfesdB @rory in N€y Bhopal. Ihp" oF."'"s a boa- r"fr hour ro hhsp.n 6eFrl! i and rb. rr dher the {Jd.nEdo no, n..dbso,hrcuch rh"otd.i,r rFsJjsrh,wbEkpehoarridero,cachr?rr^ords hdts aft- ,"o.h ns rn, rrlE,[-rinlo Meanvhilc runouE besih 6 cirulate in rhe cily sbour ihe t re ofthe conege si.b.
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