THE LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF HONG KONG REVIEW OF SEXUAL OFFENCES SUB-COMMITTEE CONSULTATION PAPER RAPE AND OTHER NON-CONSENSUAL SEXUAL OFFENCES This consultation paper can be found on the Internet at: <> September 2012 This Consultation Paper has been prepared by the Review of Sexual Offences Sub-committee of the Law Reform Commission. It does not represent the final views of either the Sub-committee or the Law Reform Commission, and is circulated for comment and discussion only. The Sub-committee would be grateful for comments on this Consultation Paper by 31 December 2012. All correspondence should be addressed to: The Secretary The Review of Sexual Offences Sub-committee The Law Reform Commission 20th Floor, Harcourt House 39 Gloucester Road Wanchai Hong Kong Telephone: (852) 2528 0472 Fax: (852) 2865 2902 E-mail:
[email protected] It may be helpful for the Commission and the Sub-committee, either in discussion with others or in any subsequent report, to be able to refer to and attribute comments submitted in response to this Consultation Paper. Any request to treat all or part of a response in confidence will, of course, be respected, but if no such request is made, the Commission will assume that the response is not intended to be confidential. It is the Commission's usual practice to acknowledge by name in the final report anyone who responds to a consultation paper. If you do not wish such an acknowledgment, please say so in your response. THE LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF HONG KONG REVIEW OF SEXUAL OFFENCES SUB-COMMITTEE CONSULTATION PAPER RAPE AND OTHER NON-CONSENSUAL SEXUAL OFFENCES _________________________________________________ CONTENTS Chapter Page Preface 1 Terms of reference 1 The Sub-committee 1 Work to date of the Sub-committee 3 Overall review of sexual and related offences 4 Overseas developments of significance 4 The consultation paper 5 1.