Bringing Back the Ark - 1 Chronicles 13:1-14

Topics: Direction, Disobedience, Instructions, Punishment Open It * 1. Which people in your family read the instruction manual for assembling or operating things you purchase? Who doesn’t? 2. Who do you think is often better at asking for help and following directions—men or women? Why? Explore It 3. What project did undertake? (13:1-3) 4. How did David reach a decision about whether he should move the ark? (13:1-4) 5. Where had the ark been located? (13:5-6) * 6. By what means of transportation did the Israelites move the ark? (13:7) * 7. What happened to as he marched beside the ark? (13:9-10) * 8. How did David feel toward God when Uzzah died? (13:11-12) 9. What did David do with the ark after Uzzah died? (13:12-13) 10. What happened to the family who provided housing for the ark? (13:14) Get It * 11. How had David and the people ignored God’s rules for handling the ark? (See 1 Chronicles 15:13.) 12. How can a person know what God wants him or her to do in a particular situation? 13. What are the dangers of doing what you think is best rather than consulting the for direction? 14. What are some of the subjects for which God has given clear commands and instruction in the Bible? 15. What makes it difficult for us to listen to God’s Word and be obedient to it? 16. What help can a Christian seek from others when making decisions? * 17. How can Christians help each other be wise? 18. What decisions are you in the process of making for which you need God’s wisdom? Apply It * 19. Who can help you search the Bible for guidance for a decision you have to make? 20. To whom do you want to turn the next time you need wisdom beyond your own? 21. When can you read the Bible this week for guidance concerning some area of your life? 22. Where in the Bible do you want to read this week to refresh your memory of God’s commands?