
White Lake BioBlitz 2016 Report

During the weekend of May 27-28th, 2016, over 30 biologists and local citizens gathered for 24 hours in White Lake, Ontario to participate in the 2016 White Lake BioBlitz.

A BioBlitz is an intense period of biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within a designated area. Groups of scientists, naturalists and volunteers conduct an intensive field study over a continuous time period, usually 24 hours.

The event was funded by the generous contribution from the G2 Gallery, in partnership with the White Lake Preservation Project, Watersheds Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Federation.

Photos 1-2: Welcome to the White Lake BioBlitz

The goal of this project is to provide the White Lake community with information on biodiversity while conducting expert-led species inventories. The resulting species inventory can be used for protecting biodiversity by providing information for responsible land use management decisions, protection of rare or at risk species, and inclusion in Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC). These events also provide an excellent opportunity for members of the public to participate in conservation projects, learn about biodiversity and species identification.

Part educational event and part scientific endeavor, the White Lake BioBlitz, is a first for the White Lake Preservation Project. It offered a community-based approach to identifying

White Lake BioBlitz Final Report 2016

species and ecosystem diversity for an area of Crown Land located on the western shores of White Lake. Most of the research conducted in the White Lake area focuses on the eastern portion of the lake. This information will contribute to provincial databases and increase the local and regional knowledge base of the area.

The figure below is a map of White Lake & the BioBlitz Study Area

The BioBlitz was located on a 207 acres of Crown Land, at the end of Wabalac Road in the township of Lanark Highlands. This area supported a variety of different ecosystems included forested and wetland areas but overall little is known about this parcel. Therefore, throughout the two days, experts worked towards developing a biological inventory of the property, as well as leading guided walks to the public.

White Lake BioBlitz Final Report 2016

The figure below shows a satellite image of the study area.

This was a large area to cover and therefore experts spent numerous hours making their observations. Overall most of the observations were made in the western portion of the property.

Over the 24 hour period, we were able to identify five hundred and eighteen different species with over seven hundred and twenty three observations logged into the Canadian Wildlife Federation’s iNaturalists website. (see appendix A for the full list of species or visit the online database White Lake BioBlitz iNaturalist Species List). SAR’s observed during the BioBlitz included the Snapping turtle, which is designated as Special Concern, the Eastern Whip-Poor-Will which is Threatened and the Eastern Wood-pewee, a species of Special Concern. These sitings will be reported to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

White Lake BioBlitz Final Report 2016

Photo 3: Turkey-tail Fungus Photo 4: Pumpkinseed Photo 5: Large Yellow Lady Sunfish slipper Orchid

Photo 6: Green Frog Photo 7: One-eyed Sphinx Photo 8: Painted Turtle

Photo 9: White Baneberry Photo 10: Mink Frog Photo 11: Snapping Turtle

White Lake BioBlitz Final Report 2016

There was a special night session on May 27th, “Sounds and Creatures of the Night”. Experts Suzanne Deschene, Diane Lepage and Jim Des Rivieres, set up white sheets and black lights at numerous locations. Once the sun went down, a large variety of and came out to play. The experts photographed the moths for future identification. An amazing experience for the community.

.Photo 12-15: Discovering the moths of the area with experts

White Lake BioBlitz Final Report 2016

A Children’s Program sponsored by Canadian Wildlife Federation ran throughout Saturday, along with guided walks and a Community BBQ lunch. Photo 16, 17 & 20: Educating the next generation Photo 18 (middle left): Identifying minnows with fish expert Adam Pugh Photo 19 (bottom left): Making seed bombs

White Lake BioBlitz Final Report 2016

Photo 21: Learning about the forest ecosystems with Jeff Ward

Photo 22: Birding with Chris Heffernan

Photo 23: Nature walk with Eleanor Thomson

White Lake BioBlitz Final Report 2016

Photo 24-27: Reptiles and amphibians with James Page

White Lake BioBlitz Final Report 2016

The 2016 White Lake BioBlitz was a huge success. We identified 518 different species, we brought together a community and we showed them the diverse wonder in their own backyards.

We would like to thank all of our experts for taking the time to share their knowledge and expertise to this great project on White Lake.

Jeff Ward (Watersheds Canada Board Member & Tree Expert), Adam Pugh (Adam’s Outfitting) Eleanor Thomson (E.R. Thomson Botanical Surveys) Diane Lepage (Moth Expert, Ottawa Field Naturalists Club) Suzanne Deschenes (Moth Expert, Ottawa Field Naturalists Club) Jim Des Rivieres (The Moth Man) Chris Heffernan (Biologist, McIntosh Perry) James Page (Species at Risk & Biodiversity Specialist, Canadian Wildlife Federation)

A very special thank you to the White Lake Preservation Project for hosting this wonderful event. Susan Gottlieb, Janet Taylor & Doug Smith, thank you for providing accommodations for staff and experts. Your hospitality was greatly appreciated. Thank you to the Canadian Wildlife Federation for sponsoring our children’s program and helping to educate the next generation of nature lovers.

This event could not have been possible without the generous financial support of the G2 Gallery. Thank you for bringing species awareness to the White Lake Community.

APPENDIX A: 2016 White Lake BioBlitz Species Observations *Species at Risk

Species Observed Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Name Northern Pike Esox lucius Northern Pike Actinopterygii Pumpkinseed Sunfish Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed Sunfish Actinopterygii Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolomieu Smallmouth Bass Actinopterygii Yellow Perch Perca flavescens Yellow Perch Actinopterygii

American Bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus American Bullfrog Amphibia American Toad Anaxyrus americanus American Toad Amphibia Eastern Red-backed Salamander Plethodon cinereus Eastern Red-backed Salamander Amphibia Gray Tree Frog Hyla versicolor Gray Tree Frog Amphibia Green Frog Lithobates clamitans Green Frog Amphibia Mink Frog Lithobates septentrionalis Mink Frog Amphibia Northern Leopard Frog Lithobates pipiens Northern Leopard Frog Amphibia Spring Peeper Pseudacris crucifer Spring Peeper Amphibia

Millipedes Diplopoda Millipedes Animalia Nightcrawler Lumbricus terrestris Common Earthworm Animalia

American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus American Bittern Aves American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos American Crow Aves American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla American Redstart Aves American Robin Turdus migratorius American Robin Aves Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula Baltimore Oriole Aves Barred Owl Strix varia Barred Owl Aves Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta varia Black-and-white Warbler Aves Black-capped Chickadee Poecile atricapillus Black-capped Chickadee Aves Black-throated Blue Warbler Setophaga caerulescens Black-throated Blue Warbler Aves Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata Blue Jay Aves Broad-winged Hawk Buteo platypterus Broad-winged Hawk Aves Canada Goose Branta canadensis Canada Goose Aves Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum Cedar Waxwing Aves -sided Warbler Setophaga pensylvanica Chestnut-sided Warbler Aves Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina Chipping Sparrow Aves Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula Common Grackle Aves Common Loon Gavia immer Common Loon Aves Common Raven Corvus corax Common Raven Aves Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas Common Yellowthroat Aves Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus Eastern Kingbird Aves Eastern Phoebe Sayornis phoebe Eastern Phoebe Aves *Eastern Whip-poor-will (Threatened) Antrostomus vociferus Eastern Whip-poor-will Aves *Eastern Wood-Pewee (Special Concern) Contopus virens Eastern Wood-Pewee Aves Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Great Blue Heron Aves Great Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus Great Crested Flycatcher Aves Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus Hairy Woodpecker Aves Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus Hermit Thrush Aves Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus Hooded Merganser Aves Killdeer Charadrius vociferus Killdeer Aves Least Flycatcher Empidonax minimus Least Flycatcher Aves Magnolia Warbler Setophaga magnolia Magnolia Warbler Aves Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Mallard Aves Mourning Warbler Geothlypis philadelphia Mourning Warbler Aves Nashville Warbler Oreothlypis ruficapilla Nashville Warbler Aves Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus Northern Flicker Aves Northern Waterthrush Parkesia noveboracensis Northern Waterthrush Aves Osprey Pandion haliaetus Osprey Aves Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla Ovenbird Aves Pileated Woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus Pileated Woodpecker Aves Pine Warbler Setophaga pinus Pine Warbler Aves Red-breasted Nuthatch Sitta canadensis Red-breasted Nuthatch Aves Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus Red-eyed Vireo Aves Red-bellied Sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius Red-bellied Sapsucker Aves Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Red-tailed Hawk Aves Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus Red-winged Blackbird Aves Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus Rose-breasted Grosbeak Aves Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris Ruby-throated Hummingbird Aves Sandhill Crane Antigone canadensis Sandhill Crane Aves Scarlet Tanager Piranga olivacea Scarlet Tanager Aves Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia Song Sparrow Aves Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius Spotted Sandpiper Aves Swamp Sparrow Melospiza georgiana Swamp Sparrow Aves Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor Tree Swallow Aves Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura Turkey Vulture Aves Veery Catharus fuscescens Veery Aves Rail Rallus limicola Virginia Rail Aves Warbling Vireo Vireo gilvus Warbling Vireo Aves White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis White-breasted Nuthatch Aves White-throated Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis White-throated Sparrow Aves Wood Duck Aix sponsa Wood Duck Aves Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Aves Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus Yellow-billed Cuckoo Aves Yellow-rumped Warbler Setophaga coronata Yellow-rumped Warbler Aves

Birch Polypore Piptoporus betulinus Polypore Fungi Boreal Oakmoss Evernia mesomorpha Boreal Oakmoss Fungi Common Greenshield Lichen Flavoparmelia caperata Common Greenshield Lichen Fungi Cup Lichen Cladonia peziziformis Cup Lichen Fungi Gray Reindeer Lichen Cladonia rangiferina Gray Reindeer Lichen Fungi Green Reindeer Lichen Cladonia mitis Green Reindeer Lichen Fungi Hooded Tube Lichen Hypogymnia physodes Hooded Tube Lichen Fungi Shield Lichen Parmelia sulcata Shield Lichen Fungi

Abrupt Brother Raphia abrupta Abrupt Brother Insecta Ambiguous Moth Lascoria ambigualis Ambiguous Moth Insecta American Lappet Moth Phyllodesma americana American Lappet Moth Insecta Arched Hooktip Drepana arcuata Arched Hooktip Insecta Ashy Clubtail Phanogomphus lividus Ashy Clubtail Insecta Aurora Damsel Chromagrion conditum Aurora Damsel Insecta Belted Whiteface Leucorrhinia proxima Belted Whiteface Insecta Black fly Simulium nigricoxum black fly Insecta Blinded Sphinx Moth Paonias excaecata Blinded Sphinx Moth Insecta Blurry Chocolate Angle Macaria transitaria Blurry Chocolate Angle Insecta Bog Bibarrambla Moth Bibarrambla allenella Bog Bibarrambla Moth Insecta Brachinus medius Brachinus medius Insecta Brown-shaded Carpet Moth Venusia comptaria Brown-shaded Carpet Moth Insecta Brown-spotted Zale Zale helata Brown-spotted Zale Insecta Canadian Melanolophia Moth Melanolophia canadaria Canadian Melanolophia Moth Insecta Canadian Tiger Swallowtail Papilio canadensis Canadian Tiger Swallowtail Insecta Chalk-fronted Corporal Ladona julia Chalk-fronted Corporal Insecta Closebanded Yellowhorn Moth propinquilinea Closebanded Yellowhorn Moth Insecta Common Baskettail Epitheca cynosura Common Baskettail Insecta Common Gluphisia Moth Gluphisia septentrionis Common Gluphisia Moth Insecta Common Green Darner Anax junius Common Green Darner Insecta Common Whitetail Plathemis lydia Common Whitetail Insecta Comstock's Sallow Moth Feralia comstocki Comstock's Sallow Moth Insecta Curve-toothed Eutrapela clemataria Curve-toothed Geometer Moth Insecta Darker Moodna Moth Moodna ostrinella Darker Moodna Moth Insecta Dark-spotted Moth Palthis angulalis Dark-spotted Palthis Moth Insecta Deceptive Snout Hypena deceptalis Deceptive Snout Insecta Distinct Quaker Achatia distincta Distinct Quaker Insecta Dot-tailed Whiteface Leucorrhinia intacta Dot-tailed Whiteface Insecta Double-humped Moth Pococera expandens Double-humped Pococera Moth Insecta Eastern Forktail Ischnura verticalis Eastern Forktail Insecta Eastern Panthea Moth Panthea furcilla Eastern Panthea Moth Insecta Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Papilio glaucus Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Insecta Elegant Prominent Moth Odontosia elegans Elegant Prominent Moth Insecta Eupithecia Strattonata Eupithecia strattonata Spirea Looper Insecta Eyed Baileya Moth Baileya ophthalmica Eyed Baileya Moth Insecta Faint-spotted Angle Digrammia ocellinata Faint-spotted Angle Insecta Faint-spotted Palthis Moth Palthis asopialis Faint-spotted Palthis Moth Insecta Forage Looper Moth Caenurgina erechtea Forage Looper Moth Insecta Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth Malacosoma disstria Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth Insecta Four-barred Gray Moth Aethalura intertexta Four-barred Gray Moth Insecta Four-lined Wave Moth Scopula quadrilineata Four-lined Wave Moth Insecta Four-spotted Gluphisia Moth Gluphisia avimacula Four-spotted Gluphisia Moth Insecta Four-spotted Skimmer Libellula quadrimaculata Four-spotted Skimmer Insecta Frosted Whiteface Leucorrhinia frigida Frosted Whiteface Insecta Geometroidea Geometroidea Geometrid and Swallowtail Moths Insecta Grape Leaffolder Moth Desmia funeralis Grape Leaffolder Moth Insecta Gray Furcula Moth Furcula cinerea Gray Furcula Moth Insecta Gray Leafroller Moth Syndemis afflictana Gray Leafroller Moth Insecta Gray Spring Moth Lomographa glomeraria Gray Spring Moth Insecta Greater Oak Dagger Acronicta lobeliae Greater Oak Dagger Insecta Green Leuconycta Moth Leuconycta diphteroides Green Leuconycta Moth Insecta Green Pug Pasiphila rectangulata Green Pug Insecta Grey Birch Button Acleris logiana Grey Birch Button Insecta Hickory Shoot Borer Moth Acrobasis caryae Hickory Shoot Borer Moth Insecta Impressed Dagger Moth Acronicta impressa Impressed Dagger Moth Insecta Kent's Geometer Moth Selenia kentaria Kent's Geometer Moth Insecta Lady Beetles Coccinellidae Lady Beetles Insecta Large Aspen Tortrix Choristoneura conflictana Large Aspen Tortrix Insecta Lemon Plagodis Plagodis serinaria Lemon Plagodis Insecta Light Marathyssa Moth Marathyssa basalis Light Marathyssa Moth Insecta Linden Prominent Moth Ellida caniplaga Linden Prominent Moth Insecta Lintner's Gluphisia Moth Gluphisia lintneri Lintner's Gluphisia Moth Insecta Little White Lichen Moth Clemensia albata Little White Lichen Moth Insecta Lunate Zale Moth Zale lunata Lunate Zale Moth Insecta Twig Borer Moth Proteoteras aesculana Maple Twig Borer Moth Insecta Maple Webworm Moth Pococera asperatella Maple Webworm Moth Insecta Modest Furcula Furcula modesta Modest Furcula Insecta Mosquitoes Culicidae Mosquitoes Insecta Mottled Gray Carpet Cladara limitaria Mottled Gray Carpet Insecta Norman's Quaker Crocigrapha normani Norman's Quaker Insecta Northern Finned Prominent Notodonta torva Northern Finned Prominent Insecta Northern Pine Looper Caripeta piniata Northern Pine Looper Insecta Oak Timberworm Arrhenodes minutus Oak Timberworm Insecta Olethreutes malana Olethreutes malana Insecta One-eyed Sphinx Smerinthus cerisyi One-eyed Sphinx Insecta Pale Moth Tacparia detersata Pale Alder Moth Insecta Pale Beauty Campaea perlata Pale Beauty Insecta Pale Homochlodes Homochlodes fritillaria Pale Homochlodes Insecta Pale Metanema Metanema inatomaria Pale Metanema Insecta Pale Metarranthis Moth Metarranthis indeclinata Pale Metarranthis Moth Insecta Pale-winged Midget Elaphria alapallida Pale-winged Midget Insecta Phragmatobia Phragmatobia Insecta Pine Tube Moth Argyrotaenia pinatubana Pine Tube Moth Insecta Pistachio Emerald Hethemia pistasciaria Pistachio Emerald Insecta Pleasant Dagger Moth Acronicta laetifica Pleasant Dagger Moth Insecta Polymorphic Pondweed Moth Parapoynx maculalis Polymorphic Pondweed Moth Insecta Powder Moth Eufidonia notataria Powder Moth Insecta Powdered Bigwing Moth Lobophora nivigerata Powdered Bigwing Moth Insecta Purple Plagodis Plagodis kuetzingi Purple Plagodis Insecta Racket-tailed Emerald Dorocordulia libera Racket-tailed Emerald Insecta Red-fronted Emerald Moth Nemoria rubrifrontaria Red-fronted Emerald Moth Insecta Red-headed Inchworm Moth Macaria bisignata Red-headed Inchworm Moth Insecta Renounced Hydriomena Moth Hydriomena renunciata Renounced Hydriomena Moth Insecta Schlaeger's Fruitworm Moth Antaeotricha schlaegeri Schlaeger's Fruitworm Moth Insecta Sedge Sprite Nehalennia irene Sedge Sprite Insecta Sharp-lined Powder Moth Eufidonia discospilata Sharp-lined Powder Moth Insecta Shattered Hydriomena Hydriomena perfracta Shattered Hydriomena Insecta Signate Melanolophia Moth Melanolophia signataria Signate Melanolophia Moth Insecta Small Engrailed Ectropis crepuscularia Small Engrailed Insecta Southern Oak Dagger Acronicta increta Southern Oak Dagger Insecta Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth Orthosia hibisci Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth Insecta Spirea Looper Eupithecia strattonata Spirea Looper Insecta Splendid Palpita Moth Palpita magniferalis Splendid Palpita Moth Insecta Spotted Tussock Moth Lophocampa maculata Spotted Tussock Moth Insecta Spring Azure Celastrina ladon Spring Azure Insecta The Scribbler Cladara atroliturata The Scribbler Insecta Three-spotted Nola Moth Nola triquetrana Three-spotted Nola Moth Insecta Three-spotted Sallow Moth Eupsilia tristigmata Three-spotted Sallow Moth Insecta Toothed Brown Carpet Xanthorhoe lacustrata Toothed Brown Carpet Insecta Transfigured Hydriomena Hydriomena transfigurata Transfigured Hydriomena Insecta Twelve-spotted Skimmer Libellula pulchella Twelve-spotted Skimmer Insecta Variable Carpet Moth vasiliata Variable Carpet Moth Insecta Waterlily Leafcutter Moth Elophila obliteralis Waterlily Leafcutter Moth Insecta White Pinecone Borer Moth Eucopina tocullionana White Pinecone Borer Moth Insecta White Slant-line Tetracis cachexiata White Slant-line Insecta White Spring Moth Lomographa vestaliata White Spring Moth Insecta White-blotched Balsa Moth Balsa labecula White-blotched Balsa Moth Insecta White-dotted Prominent Moth Nadata gibbosa White-dotted Prominent Moth Insecta White-striped Black Moth Trichodezia albovittata White-striped Black Moth Insecta Widow Skimmer Libellula luctuosa Widow Skimmer Insecta Yellow-dusted Cream Moth Cabera erythemaria Yellow-dusted Cream Moth Insecta Yellowhorn Moth Colocasia flavicornis Yellowhorn Moth Insecta Zale phaeocapna Zale phaeocapna Insecta

American Beaver Castor canadensis American Beaver Mammalia American Red Squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus American Red Squirrel Mammalia Common Porcupine Erethizon dorsatum Common Porcupine Mammalia Common Raccoon Procyon lotor Common Raccoon Mammalia Coyote Canis latrans Coyote Mammalia Eastern Chipmunk Tamias striatus Eastern Chipmunk Mammalia Eastern Gray Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis Eastern Gray Squirrel Mammalia North American River Otter Lontra canadensis North American River Otter Mammalia Silver-haired Bat Lasionycteris noctivagans Silver-haired Bat Mammalia White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus White-tailed Deer Mammalia Woodland Jumping Mouse Napaeozapus insignis Woodland Jumping Mouse Mammalia

Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha Zebra Mussel Mollusca

Allegheny Blackberry Rubus allegheniensis Allegheny Blackberry Plantae Alsike clover Trifolium hybridum Alsike Clover Plantae American Basswood americana American Basswood Plantae American Beech Fagus grandifolia American Beech Plantae American Bugleweed Lycopus americanus American Bugleweed Plantae American Elm Ulmus americana American Elm Plantae American Fly-honeysuckle Lonicera canadensis American Fly-honeysuckle Plantae American Hog-peanut Amphicarpaea bracteata American Hog-peanut Plantae American Plantain Plantago rugelii American Plantain Plantae American Red Raspberry strigosus American Red Raspberry Plantae American White Waterlily Nymphaea odorata American white waterlily Plantae American Willow Salix discolor American Willow Plantae American Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens American Wintergreen Plantae Annual Fleabane Erigeron annuus Annual Fleabane Plantae Anomodon Moss Anomodon attenuatus Anomodon Moss Plantae Balsam Abies balsamea Balsam Fir Plantae Barren Strawberry Geum fragarioides Barren Strawberry Plantae Basswood Tilia americana Basswood Plantae Beaked Hazelnut Corylus cornuta Beaked Hazelnut Plantae Bebb's Sedge Carex bebbii Bebb's Sedge Plantae Bebb's Willow Salix bebbiana Bebb's Willow Plantae Bigtooth Aspen Populus grandidentata Bigtooth Aspen Plantae Bittersweet Nightshade Solanum dulcamara Bittersweet Nightshade Plantae Black ash Fraxinus nigra Black Ash Plantae Black Cherry Prunus serotina Black Cherry Plantae Black Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa Black Chokeberry Plantae Black Medick Medicago lupulina Black Medick Plantae Black-Fruit Mountain-Ricegrass Piptatherum racemosum Black-Fruit Mountain-Ricegrass Plantae Bladder Campion Silene vulgaris Bladder Campion Plantae Bladder sedge Carex intumescens Bladder Sedge Plantae Blue Dew Saelania glaucescens Blue Dew Plantae Blue Flag Iris versicolor Blue Flag Plantae Blue Ridge Sedge Carex lucorum Blue Ridge Sedge Plantae Blue-Bead Lily Clintonia borealis Blue-Bead Lily Plantae Bluejoint Calamagrostis canadensis Bluejoint Plantae Bluestem Goldenrod Solidago caesia Bluestem Goldenrod Plantae Bog Arum Calla palustris Bog Arum Plantae Bog Rosemary Andromeda glaucophylla Bog Rosemary Plantae Bristle-Stalked Sedge Carex leptalea Bristle-Stalked Sedge Plantae Bristly Haircap Moss Polytrichum piliferum Bristly Haircap Moss Plantae Brittle Bladderfern Cystopteris tenuis Brittle Bladderfern Plantae Broadleaf Arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia Broadleaf Arrowhead Plantae Broom Moss Dicranum scoparium Broom Moss Plantae Brownish Sedge Carex brunnescens Brownish Sedge Plantae Bulbet-Bearing Water Hemlock Cicuta bulbifera Bulbet-Bearing Water Hemlock Plantae Bull Thistle Cirsium vulgare Bull Thistle Plantae Bush-Honeysuckle Diervilla lonicera Northern Bush Honeysuckle Plantae Canada Goldenrod Solidago canadensis Canada Goldenrod Plantae Canada Rush Juncus canadensis Canada Rush Plantae Canadian Bluegrass Poa compressa Canadian Bluegrass Plantae Canadian Buffalo-Berry Shepherdia canadensis Canadian Buffalo-Berry Plantae Canadian Bunchberry Cornus canadensis Canadian Bunchberry Plantae Chiloscyphus profundus Chiloscyphus profundus Plantae Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana Choke Cherry Plantae Cinnamon Fern Osmundastrum cinnamomeum Cinnamon Fern Plantae Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara Coltsfoot Plantae Common Apple-moss Bartramia pomiformis Common Apple-moss Plantae Common Bladderwort Utricularia vulgaris Common Bladderwort Plantae Common Blue Wood Symphyotrichum cordifolium Common Blue Wood Aster Plantae Common Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum Common Boneset Plantae Common Bracken Pteridium aquilinum Common Bracken Plantae Common Cattail Typha latifolia Common Cattail Plantae Common Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Common Dandelion Plantae Common Duckweed Lemna minor Common Duckweed Plantae Common Evening-Primrose Oenothera biennis Common Evening-Primrose Plantae Common Green Bryum Moss Bryum pseudotriquetrum Common Green Bryum Moss Plantae Common Haircap Moss Polytrichum commune Common Haircap Moss Plantae Common Juniper Juniperus communis Common Juniper Plantae Common Marsh-Bedstraw Galium palustre Common Marsh-Bedstraw Plantae Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed Plantae Common Mouse-Ear Chickweed Cerastium fontanum Common Mouse-Ear Chickweed Plantae Common Mullein Verbascum thapsus Common Mullein Plantae Common Ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia Common Ragweed Plantae Common Selfheal Prunella vulgaris Common Selfheal Plantae Common Serviceberry Amelanchier arborea Common Serviceberry Plantae Common St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum Common St John's Wort Plantae Common Waterweed Elodea canadensis Common Waterweed Plantae Common Wrinkle-Leaved Goldenrod Solidago rugosa Common Wrinkle-Leaved Goldenrod Plantae Common Yarrow Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow Plantae Coontail Ceratophyllum demersum Coontail Plantae Crested Buckler-Fern Dryopteris cristata Crested Buckler-fern Plantae Cuckooflower Cardamine pratensis Cuckooflower Plantae Cypress Spurge Euphorbia cyparissias Cypress Spurge Plantae Delicate Fern Moss Thuidium delicatulum Delicate Fern Moss Plantae Delicate Quill Sedge Carex tenera Delicate Quill Sedge Plantae Dewey's Sedge Carex deweyana Dewey's Sedge Plantae Ditch Stonecrop Penthorum sedoides Ditch Stonecrop Plantae Downy Arrowwood Viburnum rafinesquianum Downy Arrowwood Plantae Downy Yellow Violet Viola pubescens Downy Yellow Violet Plantae Drooping Woodland Sedge Carex arctata Drooping Woodland Sedge Plantae Dwarf Red Raspberry Rubus pubescens Dwarf Red Raspberry Plantae Early Goldenrod Solidago juncea Early Goldenrod Plantae Early Meadow-rue Thalictrum dioicum Early Meadow-rue Plantae Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis Eastern Hemlock Plantae Eastern white pine Pinus strobus Eastern White Pine Plantae Eel-Grass Pondweed Potamogeton zosteriformis Eel-Grass Pondweed Plantae Elegant Bristle-moss Orthotrichum pulchellum Elegant Bristle-moss Plantae Enchanter's-Nightshade Circaea lutetiana Enchanter's-Nightshade Plantae False nettle Boehmeria cylindrica False Nettle Plantae False Solomon's Seal Maianthemum racemosum False Solomon's Seal Plantae Fan Clubmoss Diphasiastrum digitatum Fan Clubmoss Plantae Fibrous-Rooted Sedge Carex communis Fibrous-Rooted Sedge Plantae Field Horsetail Equisetum arvense Field Horsetail Plantae Field Pussytoes Antennaria neglecta Field Pussytoes Plantae Fire cherry Prunus pensylvanica Fire Cherry Plantae Fragrant Bedstraw Galium triflorum Fragrant Bedstraw Plantae Fringed Brome Bromus ciliatus Fringed Brome Plantae Fringed Polygala Polygala paucifolia Fringed Polygala Plantae Fringed Sedge Carex crinita Fringed Sedge Plantae Frogbit Hydrocharis morsus-ranae Frogbit Plantae Frullania eboracensis Frullania eboracensis Plantae Glaucous Honeysuckle Lonicera dioica Glaucous Honeysuckle Plantae Golden Sedge Carex aurea Golden Sedge Plantae Graceful Sedge Carex gracillima Graceful Sedge Plantae Great Horsetail Equisetum fluviatile Great Horsetail Plantae Greater Duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza Greater Duckweed Plantae Greater Water Dock Rumex britannica Greater Water Dock Plantae Grove Meadow Grass Poa alsodes Grove Meadow Grass Plantae Hairy Goldenrod Solidago hispida Hairy Goldenrod Plantae Hairy Honeysuckle Lonicera hirsuta Hairy Honeysuckle Plantae Hairy Solomon's-seal Polygonatum pubescens Hairy Solomon's-seal Plantae Heartleaf Foamflower Tiarella cordifolia Heartleaf Foamflower Plantae Hedwig's Fringeleaf Moss Hedwigia ciliata Hedwig's Fringeleaf Moss Plantae Hoary Sedge Carex canescens Hoary Sedge Plantae Hobblebush Verburnum lantanoides Hobblebush Plantae Hooked Buttercup Ranunculus recurvatus Hooked Buttercup Plantae Hypnum pallescens Hypnum pallescens Plantae Indian Cucumber Root Medeola virginiana Indian Cucumber Root Plantae Inland Sedge Carex interior Inland Sedge Plantae Intermediate Wood Fern Dryopteris intermedia Intermediate Wood Fern Plantae Interrupted Fern Osmunda claytoniana Interrupted Fern Plantae Ironwood Ostra virginiana Ironwood Plantae Ivy-leaved Duckweed Lemna trisulca Ivy-leaved Duckweed Plantae Jack-in-the-Pulpit Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-Pulpit Plantae Juniper Polytrichum Moss Polytrichum juniperinum Juniper Polytrichum Moss Plantae Kentucky Bluegrass Poa pratensis Kentucky Bluegrass Plantae Kidneyleaf White Violet Viola renifolia Kidneyleaf White Violet Plantae Lady Fern Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern Plantae Lady's-slipper Cypripedium calceolus Lady's-slipper Plantae Lake sedge Carex lacustris lake sedge Plantae Large White Trillium Trillium grandiflorum Large White Trillium Plantae Large Yellow Lady's-slipper Cypripedium parviflorum va Large Yellow Lady's-slipper Plantae Largeflower Bellwort Uvularia grandiflora Largeflower Bellwort Plantae Large-leaf Aster Eurybia macrophylla Large-leaf Aster Plantae Leatherleaf Chamaedaphne calyculata Leatherleaf Plantae Lesser Tussock Sedge Carex diandra Lesser Tussock Sedge Plantae Lindberg's Hypnum Moss Hypnum lindbergii Lindberg's Hypnum Moss Plantae Liverworts Marchantiopsida Liverworts Plantae Long-awned Wood Grass Brachyelytrum erectum Long-awned Wood Grass Plantae Longhair Sedge Carex comosa Longhair Sedge Plantae Long-leaved Notchleaf Moss Paraleucobryum longifolium Long-leaved Notchleaf Moss Plantae Long-stalked sedge Carex pedunculata long-stalked sedge Plantae Lowbush Blueberry Vaccinium angustifolium Lowbush Blueberry Plantae Maple-leaf viburnum Viburnum acerifolium Maple-Leaf viburnum Plantae Marginal wood fern Dryopteris marginalis Marginal Wood Fern Plantae Marsh Blue Violet Viola cucullata Marsh Blue Violet Plantae Marsh Cinquefoil Comarum palustre Marsh Cinquefoil Plantae Marsh Fern Thelypteris palustris Marsh Fern Plantae Marsh Skullcap Scutellaria galericulata Marsh Skullcap Plantae Marsh St. John's-wort Triadenum fraseri Marsh St. John's-wort Plantae Marsh Thyme-moss Plagiomnium ellipticum Marsh Thyme-moss Plantae Matted Feather Moss Brachythecium populeum Matted Feather Moss Plantae Meadow Anemone Anemone canadensis Meadow Anemone Plantae Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup Plantae Meadow Willow Salix petiolaris Meadow Willow Plantae Meadowsweet Spiraea alba Meadowsweet Plantae Monotropa uniflora Monotropa uniflora Indian Pipe Plantae Mountain Maple Acer spicatum Mountain Maple Plantae Narrow-leaved Cattail Typha angustifolia Narrow-leaved Cattail Plantae Nerveless Woodland Sedge Carex leptonervia Nerveless Woodland Sedge Plantae Nodding Thread-Moss Pohlia nutans Nodding Thread-Moss Plantae Northern Bugleweed Lycopus uniflorus Northern Bugleweed Plantae Northern Oak Fern Gymnocarpium dryopteris Northern Oak Fern Plantae Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak Plantae Northern White Cedar Thuja occidentalis Northern White Cedar Plantae Northern Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens American Wintergreen Plantae Northwest Territory sedge Carex utriculata Northwest Territory sedge Plantae Nuttall's Ribbon-Leaved Pondweed Potamogeton epihydrus Nuttall's Ribbon-leaved Pondweed Plantae One-Sided Wintergreen Orthilia secunda One-Sided Wintergreen Plantae Ontario Balsam Poplar Populus balsamifera Ontario Balsam Poplar Plantae Ostrich fern Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich Fern Plantae Ox-eye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy Plantae Pagoda Dogwood Cornus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood Plantae Pale Corydalis Capnoides sempervirens Rock Harlequin Plantae Paper Birch Betula papyrifera Paper Birch Plantae Partridgeberry Mitchella repens Partridgeberry Plantae Peck's Sedge Carex peckii Peck's sedge Plantae Bittercress Cardamine pensylvanica Pennsylvania Bittercress Plantae Pennsylvania Sedge Carex pensylvanica Pennsylvania Sedge Plantae Philadelphia Fleabane Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia Fleabane Plantae Pincushion Moss Leucobryum glaucum Pincushion Moss Plantae Pointed-leaved Tick-Trefoil Hylodesmum glutinosum Pointed-leaved Tick-Trefoil Plantae Poverty Oatgrass Danthonia spicata Poverty Oatgrass Plantae Prairie Willow Salix humilis Prairie Willow Plantae Prickly Gooseberry Ribes cynosbati Prickly Gooseberry Plantae Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria Purple Loosestrife Plantae Purple-flowering Raspberry Rubus odoratus Purple-flowering Raspberry Plantae Purple-fringed Riccia Ricciocarpus natans Purple-fringed Riccia Plantae Pussy Toes Antennaria Pussytoes Plantae Pylaisia selwynii Pylaisia selwynii Plantae Red Baneberry Actaea rubra Red Baneberry Plantae Red Clover Trifolium pratense Red Clover Plantae Red Elderberry Sambucus racemosa Red Elderberry Plantae Red Maple Acer rubrum Red Maple Plantae Red Osier Dogwood Cornus sericea Red Osier Dogwood Plantae Red Pine Pinus resinosa Red Pine Plantae Redshank Ceratodon purpureus Redshank Plantae Red-stemmed Feather Moss Pleurozium schreberi Red-stemmed Feather Moss Plantae River Bank Grape Vitis riparia River Bank Grape Plantae Rock Harlequin Capnoides sempervirens Rock Harlequin Plantae Rock Polypody Polypodium virginianum Rock Polypody Plantae Rough Bedstraw Galium asprellum rough bedstraw Plantae Rough Cinquefoil Potentilla norvegica Rough Cinquefoil Plantae Rough-stalked Feather-moss Brachythecium rutabulum Rough-stalked Feather-moss Plantae Roundleaf Dogwood Cornus rugosa Roundleaf Dogwood Plantae Roundleaf Serviceberry Amelanchier sanguinea sanguinea Roundleaf Serviceberry Plantae Round-leaved Sundew Drosera rotundifolia Round-leaved Sundew Plantae Sarsasparilla Aralia nudicaulis Wild Sarsaparilla Plantae Sensitive Fern Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive Fern Plantae Shinleaf Pyrola elliptica Shinleaf Plantae Side-flowering Skullcap Scutellaria lateriflora Side-flowering Skullcap Plantae Silver Maple Acer saccharinum Silver Maple Plantae Silverleaf Cinquefoil Potentilla argentea Silverleaf Cinquefoil Plantae Silvery Bryum Bryum argenteum Silvery Bryum Plantae Slender Cottongrass Eriophorum gracile Slender Cottongrass Plantae Small white violet Viola macloskeyi Small White Violet Plantae Small-flowered Buttercup Ranunculus abortivus Small-flowered Buttercup Plantae Small's Spikerush Eleocharis smallii Small's Spikerush Plantae Smooth Hawkweed Hieracium piloselloides Smooth Hawkweed Plantae Soft Rush Juncus effusus Soft Rush Plantae Spatterdock Nuphar advena Spatterdock Plantae Speckled Alder Alnus incana Speckled Alder Plantae Spinulose Wood Fern Dryopteris carthusiana Spinulose Wood Fern Plantae Spongy Sedge Carex stipata Spongy Sedge Plantae Spreading Dogbane Apocynum androsaemifolium Spreading Dogbane Plantae Squarrose Goldenrod Solidago squarrosa Squarrose Goldenrod Plantae Staghorn Rhus typhina Staghorn Sumac Plantae Star Sedge Carex echinata Star Sedge Plantae Starflower Trientalis borealis Starflower Plantae Steeplebush Spiraea tomentosa Steeplebush Plantae Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica Stinging Nettle Plantae Striped Maple Acer pensylvanicum Striped Maple Plantae Sugar Maple Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Plantae Sulphur Cinquefoil Potentilla recta Sulphur Cinquefoil Plantae Swamp Aster Symphyotrichum puniceum Swamp Aster Plantae Swamp Milkweed Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed Plantae Sweet White Violet Viola blanda Sweet White Violet Plantae Sweet-fern Comptonia peregrina Sweet-fern Plantae Sweetgale tomentosa Sweetgale Plantae Tall Meadow-rue Thalictrum pubescens Tall Meadow-rue Plantae Tall Thimbleweed Anemone virginiana Tall Thimbleweed Plantae Tamarack Larix laricina Tamarack Plantae Tangled Thread Moss Hygroamblystegium varium Tangled Thread Moss Plantae Tetraphis Moss Tetraphis pellucida Tetraphis Moss Plantae Thicket Creeper Parthenocissus inserta Thicket Creeper Plantae Tree Climacium Moss Climacium dendroides Tree Climacium Moss Plantae Tree Fringewort Ptilidium pulcherrimum Tree Fringewort Plantae Treelike Clubmoss Dendrolycopodium dendroideum Prickly Tree-Clubmoss Plantae Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides Trembling Aspen Plantae Tufted Loosestrife Lysimachia thyrsiflora Tufted Loosestrife Plantae Tufted Vetch Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch Plantae Twoleaf Bishop's-cap Mitella diphylla Twoleaf Bishop's-cap Plantae Two-seeded Sedge Carex disperma Two-seeded Sedge Plantae Variegated Pond-lily Nuphar variegata Variegated Pond-lily Plantae Velvetleaf Blueberry Vaccinium myrtilloides Velvetleaf Blueberry Plantae Virginia Strawberry Fragaria virginiana Virginia Strawberry Plantae Wahlenberg’s Nodding Moss Pohlia wahlenbergii Wahlenberg’s Nodding Moss Plantae Wall Scalewort Porella platyphylla Wall Scalewort Plantae Water Pepper Polygonum hydropiper Water Pepper Plantae Water Purslane Ludwigia palustris Water Purslane Plantae Watershield Brasenia schreberi Watershield Plantae Waxyleaf Moss Dicranum polysetum Waxyleaf Moss Plantae Western Poison Ivy Toxicodendron rydbergii Western Poison Ivy Plantae Whip Fork Moss Dicranum flagellare Whip Fork Moss Plantae White Ash Fraxinus americana White Ash Plantae White Avens Geum canadense White Avens Plantae White Baneberry Actaea pachypoda White Baneberry Plantae White Clover Trifolium repens White Clover Plantae White Picea glauca White Spruce Plantae White-grained Mountain-ricegrass Oryzopsis asperifolia White-grained Mountain-ricegrass Plantae White-stemmed Pondweed Potamogeton praelongus White-stemmed Pondweed Plantae Wild Columbine Aquilegia canadensis Wild Columbine Plantae Wild Lily-of-the-Valley Maianthemum canadense Wild Lily-of-the-Valley Plantae Wild Raisin Viburnum nudum Wild Raisin Plantae Wild Sarsaparilla Aralia nudicaulis Wild Sarsaparilla Plantae Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata Winterberry Holly Plantae Wood Horsetail Equisetum sylvaticum Wood Horsetail Plantae Wood Nettle Laportea canadensis Wood Nettle Plantae Woodland Strawberry Fragaria vesca Woodland Strawberry Plantae Woodsy Thyme-moss Plagiomnium cuspidatum Woodsy Thyme-moss Plantae Woolgrass Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass Plantae Woolly Blue Violet Viola sororia Woolly Blue Violet Plantae Woolly-fruited Sedge Carex lasiocarpa Woolly-fruited Sedge Plantae Yellow Avens Geum aleppicum Yellow Avens Plantae Yellow Water-crowfoot Ranunculus flabellaris Yellow Water-crowfoot Plantae

*Common Snapping Turtle (Special Concern) Chelydra serpentina Common Snapping Turtle Reptilia Eastern Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta picta Eastern Painted Turtle Reptilia Midland Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta marginata Midland Painted Turtle Reptilia Northern Redbelly Snake Storeria occipitomaculata Northern Redbelly Snake Reptilia Northern Watersnake Nerodia sipedon Northern Watersnake Reptilia

Unclassified Observations Blueberry Wild Raspberry Steeplebush Iridopis vellivolata Phragmatibia fuliginosa Colobochla interpuncta Nedra amosula Ochropleuta implecta Argurotaenia mariana Plathmis lydia