304 highest quality. Longest lasting. stainless STEEL PROFESSIONAL ACCESSORIES for professional drivers 2020 304 stainless HIGHEST QUALITY. LONGEST LASTING. STEEL PROFESSIONAL ACCESSORIES FOR PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS. | 3 welcome to the big leagues of truck accessories Our Reputation Is Stainless! On the assembly line, at the dealership or in your garage, CONTENTS Panelite puts the original in original equipment. Lites & Harnesses 4-5 Trusted as an industry leader in quality & innovation, Universal 6-10 Panelite is the preferred lite panel and “chrome” accessory supplier to nearly every heavy truck manufacturer in North America. Freightliner 11-18 International 19-28 Panelite is also the aftermarket brand of choice for truckers Kenworth 29-48 everywhere. Mack 49-58 So wherever you buy parts - spec the most original equipment Peterbilt 59-94 available & demand Panelite. Volvo 95-100 Western Star 101-109 customer service 1-800-331-7952
[email protected] www.panelite.com @panelite_by_dieters @Panelite_Dieter www.facebook.com/PaneliteByDieters NOTE TO DEALERSHIPS: In order for the parts contained in this catalog and on the panelite.com website OUT WORK. to load in your ordering systems, the following pre-fix or suffix is needed: OUT PLAY. Freightliner: PNL... International: PL... OUT DRIVE. Kenworth: ...PNL Mack: 7139- Peterbilt: ...PNL OUT LAST. Volvo: PNN... Western Star: PNL... OUT SHINE. 2 | PANELITE BY DIETER’S PROFESSIONAL ACCESSORIES FOR PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS. | 3 304 stainless HIGHEST QUALITY. LONGEST LASTING. STEEL PROFESSIONAL ACCESSORIES FOR PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS. | 5 REPLACEMENT WIRE HARNESS LITES & HARNESSES Diagrams of all wiring harnesses available online at www.panelite.com When ordering harness for cab panels, be sure to order 1 extra set of female plugs than the number of lites in order to plug into the 00212335 00212338 sleeper panel.