.l'he Vice-Ciraneellor is pleasect to fix the tolior,ving Colieges Ds Ceni'r:c ior (includinr: B.A.t[J.-ic /B.Com. Core/'Gen Semester-VI Session 2018-21. Examir'atic'rn \rocational) seheduleC to he conrrnence Dn E. frorn ?8't!8'2021'

-[-he C-entre' Tht'v are Nar11e of f]entre Sr.rperinten

Pri nci pal, K^ B.\\/on.ien's l(, B. \fu'crrnerr's College, Markhani Coll. o1'Coil.. I-l"Bag { flaz,aribeg College. llazanibaP S.E"M i.T T T. Collcge, G.M.Evening Col lege. lchak .It CS Principai, l-'lazariba \4a:ipirhi. Hazari Col lege. N4asipirhi. Pri nei pal. R arngarh College, Chitarpur Col lege" Ch itarPirr College. Rarnagrh 6. I{aingarh Ramgarh C N.College. Ramgarl"' I J.M. Coilege Bhukunda Pnncipal, 7. 2. Women's College, Ram C.N.Coiie j.\4 College Bhukunda Ramgarh Coiiege. Ramgarh Prl nci pal, 8" J.M. College Bhukunela Pri ncl pai, .Jubilee Coliege" 1 .P"T.P"S.Col lege, Patr"atLt 9" J ubi lee C--ol le ge. B hurkunda B hurkunda 2 C.N.Cotlege, Ramgarir llegistrar'. t{adha C o','i nd Jtadha Govid T.T.College" I "iubilee College" 10" 2.l.C.S.C,ri lege, Mandu 1 1.Co1l"'ge RrrnP.a:h College, Giridih l. Ft.K.Nulahila College" Giridih Prine ipal. Oiridih College. Giridrh t 1. 2. K.K Verma Evening College- Giridih 3. C.D.Baear-ia College of Mgt""GirirJih .l[ ( \ l'i'itrcrplr! rrrhn Subhash T"T"College, I-. B"Col I ege, M i r"zagarr.i '.h 11. Ciridih Cliridih T.'f.College" R..K"iv{ah'ila G iridili Col lege.C iridih 13" (,ollege,Gir"idih 11.i( klahi ia Coi rriri ilr pal. Adarsh College. Sariya Clol leEe, SariYa Pri nci 14. ,\darsh Coiie r-i lrartr,var .lhai"khand Col iege. l)urnri P.N.College. lsri lPrincipai. 15 I College. Durnri Principal" L.B lv(. C.oliege. L. Li" M.College. Mi rzagan3 Adarsh Col lege, Raj dhanrvar 16. F.N.College, lsri P.N.College. Jhai:khand Coi lege, Dumrr 11. Contd.. "21-

,,1 rrresh/l\4 srvP- I I | /Centrelc-3 0 (2':

sI" Name of Centre Nanre of eolleges Nnrne ol C.S.

i Cci lege" lhurnritelai_va [iN]'M Coilese" Barlri Iit"iitcipal. j -i.1. oi iete. {6 "-l "ihr-imrite iairr,a ,llrarkhand T'eachers I . .Jhuniriteiaiya Commerce. Col lege, jt^ CS,Principal, 'Tarainiirg I(arn-la, J humritelaiya J9. College, Jharkhand Teachers Tanainins i(oderrna 2" RI-SY Coliege. .lhurriritelaiya College" Koderma l. R"P"Y"Degree Co!leee, Domchanch J hui,.r r.ite! aiya Com. ,l.l.Col !eEe. .| humritelai ya Pri nci pal. Jhumri telaiya Com. 20. t-'ol iege. Jhumriteiaiva Col lege" .ihumritelei va t! Crizii_r,College of Worren's College. Kodernia .lt CS Principal. Gnizlly Coliege of EC ucation, Jhumriteiaiya Edulcation. J huinriieiaiva Chati"a College, Chatra Vananchal Col lege.T'andwa Pri nci pal )-'t l. " 2. Sirnariya Deqree Colleee, Simarita Chatra I oiirge" Chatr'l; L, ne nclra Prasad Verma l. Ciratra College" ( iralra Jt. C.S., Princrpal. Upendra Prasad 23. inte" Clollege, Chatra 2. Wonien's Col lege, Clratra Verma Inter College, Chatra K".8, *2 Hieh School, Bhadrakal i Col iege, Itkhc-ri Jt CS Headmaster. K -B iliglr 21. -2 Ehaclrakriii School. Biradrakali Rrrrr r.r*arayan H;gh R.N. M"Col lege. I Iuntergan.j it. CS. ileadmaster" Ram Nara\an 25" School. Huntergani Hir:h Sr'htrol. HLinterr:ln; By order of the Vice-Llltarrceil,:r Sdr'- (Gauri Shankar: Tiwar-yl

Clontro I ler of Examinations

(.opy to: l. Ali Principals under V.B"LJ", for infonmation" 2 Concerned Centre Superintendent under VBU l'or infornration" -1. Dist. JudgerDC,r/SP/SDM" [{azaribaglKoderrna/ Chatr:a/Rarngarhiciridih l]ist" 1" Direotor" Cornputer Cell, Exarn" Dept.. V.ts.Li. 5. Cor-rcerned Assistant" Exanr.VLltl 5. Store Exarn" Account Section. Eram. Confidential Exarn. V.B.Ll. 7 . [i.egistrariF.O.. V.B,[-i. 8. nr"A. to V"t-./P.V.C." f-or !


I I nteshilr'lsrr Ir-l I I /C'errtre,/c-10