Some Reflections on thethe SAAPSAAP andand Homelessness in PARITYAustralia Slums and Land All Our Days Defining and Defying thethe ImageImage ofof CampCamp Pell The Origins and Development of the Australian Women’s Refuge Movement Why I Work withwith thethe Elderly Homeless The Freedom to Sleep: A History from thethe LongLong GrassGrass inin Darwin, Northern Territory The Bigger Picture: Australian Homelessness Legal Advocacy South Australian Housing Policy:Policy: Retrospective/Prosp ective. From ‘Vagrant’ to ‘Nuisance’:‘Nuisance’: 200200 YearsYears of Public Space Law InIn QueenslandQueensland Whatever Happened toto thethe Revolution?Revolution? …… Activism and the Early Days of Youth Refuges inin NSW History of Response toto HomelessnessHomelessness The NSW Women’s Refuge Movement Talking like a Toora Woman: the herstory of a single women’s serviceservice Another Country: NOVEMBER 2006 Another Country: PrintPrint PostPost approvedapproved PP328866/0060PP328866/0060 ISSNISSN 1032-61701032-6170 ABNABN 20 005005 475475 007007 HistoriesHistories ofof HomelessnessHomelessness VOLUME 19 • ISSUE 10 PARITY · Volume 19,Volume · PARITY Issue 10 · November 2006 Council to Homeless Persons Chief Executive Officer: Deb Tsorbaris Policy Officer: David Wright-Howie Homelessness Advocacy Service: Co-ordinator: Annie Paliwal Contents Advocates: Michala Wright and Angela Kyriakopoulos Parity Editor: Noel Murray Editorial 3 Youth Policy Officer: Anna Forsyth Administration Officer: Joy Pagalos Some Reflections on the SAAP Address: 34 Brunswick St, Fitzroy, and Homelessness in Australia 4 Melbourne 3065 Phone: (03) 9419 8699 By Doug Limbrick, Fax: (03) 9419 7445 Director Performance, Reporting and Data, Housing and Disability Group, E-mail:
[email protected] FaCSIA. Promotion of Conferences, Slums and Land 6 Events and Publications By Heather Holst* Organisations are invited to have their promotional fliers included in the monthly All Our Days 8 mailout of Parity.