List of “Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) Letters Home”

Thanks him for a "swet broch" he had given her; includes watercolor of Eugene labeled January 1, Violet Paget to Eugene Lee- "The pride of Oxford and Oriel." [Includes 1 1866 Hamilton (Oxford, ) separate watercolor drawing.] Sends him birthday greetings; tells of trip to see the opera "Doiw Roffiloim now January 6, Violet Paget to Eugene Lee- Lanjuman." [Includes separate watercolor 2 1866 Hamilton (Oxford, England) drawing.] Violet Paget (Baden-Baden, Has two teachers now, one for German and November Germany) to Eugene Lee-Hamilton arithmetic, the other for French; mother has 3 28, 1866 (Oxford, England) given her book by "le chainsin shmit." Violet Paget (Baden-Baden, Thanks him for stamps he sent her; asks for March 3, Germany) to Eugene Lee-Hamilton more stamps and arms of Oxford and 4 1866 (Oxford, England) Cambridge

Violet Paget (Baden-Baden, Acknowledges receipt of his letter; describes Germany) to Eugene Lee-Hamilton her birthday gifts. Enclosure reads: "Mamma 5 no date, 1866 (Oxford, England) and Baby to the Bruder." Violet Paget (Baden-Baden, Germany) to Eugene Lee-Hamilton "Old Flower" (?) fled to France, having 6 no date, 1866 (Oxford, England) pawned his silver for 900 francs. Her cousins and Mary Trump called; description of Mrs. Jenkin's house, appearance and Mrs. Jenkin's theory that "No one can be happy. That when anyone attains to perfect happiness he necessarily dies"; Mrs. Jenkins Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry advising on composition and French lessons; 7 June 16, 1870 Paget VP reading "Sixte Quinte" by Baron Hubner. Description of the Ruffini's house, after a visit there; she had been to Mr. Story's studio in Rome; Mrs. Turner told her about publishing; Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry she will write more, now that Eugene can "post 8 June 17, 1870 Paget our letter to you gratis" Very unflattering description of Mrs. Jenkin's husband; Mrs. Jenkin found her a "mistress of French style," a Madame Blancheotte; Eugene Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry is to dine with Madam Planat de la Fey and 9 June 22, 1870 Paget will meet the actress Madame Ristori A visit by the "perfect Frenchman" Wrotnowski; describes the hideous, ornate architecture of Paris' new public buildings, under the government of Napoleon III; new signs in Paris saying "La Majeste Robespierre," Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry which she calls "some absurdity of the Rouge 10 June 23, 1870 Paget party."


A visit to Mrs. Jenkin, whom they "luckily found alone"; records a "peu pres," of the conversation among Mrs. Paget, Eugene, and Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry Mrs. Jenkin, concerning "attraction and 11 June 26, 1870 Paget repulsion," Dante, and authors' leading ideas. Visit from Mrs. Jenkin, who is interested in the 1848 Maygar insurrection for her novel; visit to a bookstall; 17th--Mrs. Jenkin's stories about "old Mrs. Murray." 21st-- she can't find books July 16-17, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry on 18th century music for her essay; she is 12 21, 1870 Paget reading Mrs. Turner's novel "Charity." Violet, Eugene, and Mamma visit Mrs. Jenkin; record of their conversation about Violet's whistling and opera singers in Rome; Mrs. Jenkin criticizes Violet's faulty copy of Eugene's essay; 29th--her disgust with the way July 28-29, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry the Swiss paper "La Famille" is treating her 13 1870 Paget "Les Aventures d'une Piece de Monnaie." Eugene's essay to be sent to the "North British Review" at Mrs. Jenkin's suggestion; 5th--copy of a note Mrs. Jenkin sent to Eugene about his essay and Violet's potential; 7th--copy of a note, in French, she received from "that donky Vulliet," editor of "La Famille"; sends regards to Mme. Eggemann as "I am so busy in the August 4-5, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry literary line that I cannot write to her just 14 6-7, 1870 Paget now." 7th--100,000 men marched on Ministere de l'Interieur in Paris; 8th--copy of a letter she received from Mrs. Turner praising "La Biographie d'une Monnaie"; an unexpected visit from the Jenkins; political problems in August 4, 7-8 Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry France; she is reading Plutarch's "Lives" and 15 1870 Paget Story's "Roba di Roma." 8th--a frightening mob gathered outside the Paget's windows in a noisy "patriotic demonstration against the Prussians"; 9th-- more citizen uprising finally subdued by new August 8-9, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry political appointments; the Paget-Hamilton 16 1870 Paget household in a state of great excitement. Seige of Paris is over; the carnival is going on; description of a "decayed gentleman" she met, who claims to be the Comte de Cleremont; observation that Paris is still in the 18th February 15, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to century; includes copy of her story "Capo 17 1871 Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) Serpente" which she is trying to get published.


Laments that Mrs. Jenkin has decided to write no more novels; she is reading Kavanagh's "French Women of Letters" and "English Women of Letters"; she is working to improve her Italian; the gardens in Rome are outstanding; her mother is learning to play the April 19, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to mandolin; they will leave Rome within a 18 1871 Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) month. A trip to the Teatro Valle; description of a terrible play, "The Glacier of Mount Blanc." May 15, 17 Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Henry 17th--note from Matilda Paget to Henry Paget 19 1871 Paget concerning travel arrangements. A visit by Violet and her schoolmaster to the Bosco Parrasio which houses the Accademia delgi Arcadi; a "precis of the history of the literary society"; description of the villa and its incompetent curator; her plans to write a biography of Metastasio, with fragments of Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to translation of his works; a trip to see Ristori as 20 June 28, 1871 Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) "Phedre" at the Teatro Apollo She clarifies her plans for a work on Metastasio: a series of papers on "Metstasio and his correspondents," Mrs Jenkin apparently having suggested that criticism or Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to history or biography might be unwise; they 21 July 1, 1871 Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) wait to rejoin Eugene in Paris. August 1, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Henry Saw Bressant playing Alceste in "The 22 1871 Paget Misanthrope." Sends Mrs. Jenkin a volume of Racine; she puts herself in the French, rather than English, class of Mrs. Jenkin's correspondents, as "your letters are always awaited with impatience and August 27, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to received with rejoicing"; she accepts Mrs. 23 1871 Henrietta Jenkin Jenkin's advice about the Metastasio work. Is planning to go to a Rossini play; previous day had been the feast of St. Petronius, with October 5, Violet Paget (Bologna, Italy) to much celebration; visit to the Philharmonic 24 1872 Henry Paget Lyceum. Has deferred her work on Metastasio until she has gained "a more or less thorough acquaintance with aesthetics in general"; she is learning Latin and counterpoint; recurrances of the previous summer's illness prevent her February 18, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to from working; cites her admiration for Shelley 25 1873 Cornelia Turner and Goldoni. March 15, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugen 26 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French and English


March 23, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugen 27 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French March 31, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugen 28 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French

Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 29 April 2, 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French. To Emily Sargent? Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 30 April 4, 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French April 12, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 31 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French April 15, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 32 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French April 16, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 33 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French April 20-21, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 34 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French April 22, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 35 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French April 23, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 36 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French April 24, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 37 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French April 25, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 38 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French April 27, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 39 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French April 29, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Eugene 40 1873 Lee-Hamilton Letter written in French Her continued interest in Clementi; they left Rome because of her illness; on the way to Salzburg, stops at Bologna, Padua and Verona; Violet Paget (Salzburg, Austria) to her dislike of Germany; Eugene's health 41 July 15, 1874 Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, Francis) improving. Thanks Mrs. Jenkin for her help in the Clementi business and says she advertised for information about Clementi in the "Athenaeum" too; Eugene very ill and ignoring doctor's orders; she feels herself unsuited to pursue music seriously, but perhaps she might April 19, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to write on comparative aesthetics or the 42 1874 Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) aesthetics of music. Asks her to assist some Romans, led by Violet's music teacher, in makin a biography of Muzio March 10, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Clementi; Eugene is very ill; she is learning to 43 1874 Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) sing and asks advice about practicing; asks the


title of Mrs. Jenkin's new novel.

Pagets have been travelling from Munich to Innsbruck, to Recoaro, to Vicenza, to Padua and Bologna; she continues to gather information on the musician Clementi; she is reading on the Italian ; ask for the "modus operandi" of publishing novels; she has August 22, Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) given up piano, and is concentrating on voice 44 1874 to Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) lessons. Has enjoyed Mrs. Jenkin's new novel; feels there should be a book written on music, consisting of "the aesthetical, abstract examination of principles, illustrated by examples, then the historical, critical part"; her September 4, Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) contempt for dillettantes in music; Eugene has 45 1874 to Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) had "a slight relapse." Eugene to have an interview with Mr. William Blackwood about publishing stories in his September Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) magazine; Violet would like to write about 46 29, 1874 to Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) Bologna for the magazine. Asks for an introduction to a magazine; her October 2, Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) desire to write, someday, on literature and art; 47 1874 to Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) Eugene has had a serious relapse. Has completed her essay, "Autumnal Impressions of Bologna," and is trying to get it October 14, Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) published by Blackwood or Fraser's Magazine; 48 1874 to Henrietta Jenkin (Paris, France) her distaste for doing translations. Asks Mrs. Jenkin to give her mss. to Mr. Constable of Blackwood's for a reading; beginning one series of articles about "various quaint things I have met in Italian towns or Italian books," and another on "aesthetical October 23, Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) subjects growing with my own lights and 49 1874 to Henrietta Jenkin following the course of my studies." Retracts her request of the previous day, that Mr. Constable be a mediator between herself October 24, Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) and Blackwood's; asks Mrs. Jenkin to send the 50 1874 to Henrietta Jenkin mss. herself to Blackwood's editor. Has received news of Mrs. Turner's death; doubts about her essay in its finished form; November 7- Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to "My besetting sin is redundancy"; 8th--She is 51 8, 1874 Henrietta Jenkin sending the mss. to Mrs. Jenkin


Asks her to return the mss. if it is rejected by Blackwood's so she can imporve on it; Eugene seriously ill again; her music lessons continue; she is reading Taine's "de l'Ideal dans l'Arte" December 20, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to and Muller's lectures on the science of 52 1874 Henrietta Jenkin language. No word from publishers on her article, nor has Eugene heard from Blackwood's; she is reading Muller on philology and comparative mythology; first draft of a paper on the Arcadi written; she wants to do a series of papers on January 28, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to musical aesthetics and studies of Arcadi, 53 1875 Henrietta Jenkin Frugoni, Goldoni, Metastasio, and Hasse. Has reconsidered her wish to have her article published anonymously, and has chosen H.P. Vernon Lee as her pen name; still no word Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to from Blackwood's about accepting her or 54 April 6, 1875 Henrietta Jenkin Eugene's articles. Her amusement at the unexplained loss of her mss; she is sending a story about Germany to April 30, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to an Italian review, "Nuova Autologia" and 55 1875 Henrietta Jenkin awaits its rejections Considers sending her mss. of "Autumnal Impressions of Bologna" to "Contemporary Review" as Blackwood's hasn't accepted it; the "Nuova Antologia" hasn't accepted yet her Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to story about Germany; Eugene has had another 56 May 18, 1875 Henrietta Jenkin relapse Wants Mrs. Jenkin to be sure that "Contemporary Review" knows she expects Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to payment for her article on Bologna, if it is 57 May 19, 1875 Henrietta Jenkin accepted. Asks what needs to be communicated to Sig. Zeni; "Contemporary Review" rejected her article on Bologna; Mr. Turner sent her a watch which his wife had; she is trying novel Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) criticism; Mr. Fenzi's unflattering description 58 June 18, 1875 to Henrietta Jenkin of the author Onida. Her resentment at Blackwood's rejection of her article; "Revista Europia" offered her 8 Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) pp./month to write reviews of female novelists; 60 June 20, 1875 to Henrietta Jenkin she is writing an article on the author Onida. Asks her to send the "Autumnal Impressions of Bologna" manuscript to Coomes Booksellers who might find a publisher for it; newest articles on musical aesthetics seemingly done by "newspaper critics"; she thinks Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) "Middlemarch" "clever," "disagreeable," and 61 July 20, 1875 to Henrietta Jenkin "tiresome."


Has communicated with Mr. Ruffini about Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) reviewing Mrs. Jenkin's novels, and hopes she 62 July 23, 1875 to Henrietta Jenkin will not be thought impertinent. Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Asks how the title of Mrs. Jenkin's book "Once 63 July 27, 1875 to Henrietta Jenkin and Again"might be translated into Italian. Wants the Italian title immediately. Asks Mrs. August 6, Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Jenkin to tear out certain pages of her article 63.1 1875 to Henrietta Jenkin on Bologna Her first article in the "Revista Europia" will appear in September, the article about Mrs. Jenkin, in October; later articles will be on Miss Kavanagh, Mrs. Gaskell, George Eliot; August 28, Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) she has invested in a society of amateur 64 1875 to Henrietta Jenkin authors. August 29, Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Asks her to send the "Bologna" manuscript 65 1875 to Henrietta Jenkin herself, directly to Fraser's. Sends her the review of "Once and Again" from the "Revista Europia"; repeats her October 2, Violet Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) request that her "Bologna" article be sent 66 1875 to Henrietta Jenkin directly to Fraser's Fraser's wants her to continue her series on the 18th century in Italy; she is writing on the Italian Comedy of Masks; her acquaintance with Mrs. Lynn Linton, the novelist; the December 18, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to "Academy" has discovered that "Vernon Lee" 67 1878 Henrietta Jenkin is a pseudonym. Violet Paget (, England) to Received news of the death of Mr. Robinson's 68 June 2, 1881 Matilda Paget father; she is going to hear Sarah Bernhardt. June 16-17, Violet Paget (London, England) to 69 1881 Matilda Paget June 20-22, Violet Paget (London, England) to 70 1881 Matilda Paget 26th: John Sargent has done a sketch of her; a trip on the James in a steam launcher with the Corks; visit from Horatio Brown; saw "Hamlet" and Sarah Bernhardt; 27th: promises June 25-27, Violet Paget (London, England) to to write more often; visit to Mrs. Clifford's 71 1881 Matilda Paget where she met Huxley and Leslie Stephen. Allen accepted her article on Elizabethan Dramatists; intends to submit her manuscript of "Child in the Vatican" to Satchell; attended a "combination performance" of tragedy, comedy, and melodrama; 30th: the MacCarthys took her to the Houses of Parliament; Longman's refused Ottilie; she is June 29-30, Violet Paget (London, England) to encourging Mary Robinson in her novel- 72 1881 Matilda Paget writing.


Visited the Morrises at Hammersmith; went with Mary Robinson to Royal Academy, thought pictures "extremely poor" but liked statue of Teucer; John Sargent gone to Paris; Mary's book received poor reviews; met Lewis Morris at Miss Cobbe's house: "the most Violet Paget (London, England) to utterly repulsive brute I ever beheld"; visited 73 July 5, 1881 Matilda Paget National Gallery and arsenal at Woolwich.

73a Went to flower show in Regent Park; met Evelyn Wimbush and Mr. Marston at the Sharp's; people at the grand soiree at the Royal Academy astounded her; 8th: had lunch at the Clifford's house; 9th: claims she cannot get Eugene's book reviewed, as "London literary society is merely a thing shown to me through a grating"; thinks her "sworn admirers" are avoiding her; 10th: went to a dismal party at Pultney; visited the Gosses, Mr. Gosse being July 7-10, Violet Paget (London, England) to "the only man I have met in this literary 74 1881 Matilda Paget set." Will send Eugene's manuscript to Longman's; sent her manuscript of "Belcaro" to Satchell; visited Robert Browning, who is "completely a gentleman"; Mrs. Linton's friends are "far the most impressed about me"; 14th: thinks the British Museum marbles "magnificent" but the gallery itself poor; MacCarthys visited; 15th (from Oxford): the city "so much les July 12-15, Violet Paget (London, England) to mediaeval" than she'd expected; liked Gilbert 75 1881 Matilda Paget and Sullivan's "Patience." Is writing the epilogue to "Belcaro"; met Pater at the Ward's; again refuses to give Mr. Gosse Violet Paget (Oxford, England) to Eugene's book to review, as it would be 76 July 18, 1881 Matilda Paget improper and useless. Evelyn Pickering visited; Violet and Mary Robinson going to dinner at the Pater's; 20th: had a nice visit with Mr. Pater whom she calls "heavy and dull, but agreeable"; 23rd (from London): Pauline de Cargouet invited Mary and Violet to her home in Brittany; sent the July 19-20, 23 Violet Paget (Oxford, England) to end of "Belcaro" to Satchell; lunched with Mrs. 77 1881 Matilda Paget Stillman. Tea at the Clodds' (?) "consisted mainly of philologists and was exceedingly dull"; 28th: July 26, 28, Violet Paget (London, England) to Mary Robinson can't go with Violet to 78 1881 Matilda Paget Brittany, as Mr. Robinson forbids it.


Apologises for infrequency of her letters; dined July 28- with Miss Cobbe; surprised that Longman's August 3, Violet Paget (London, England) to refused Eugene's manuscript; 's 79 1881 Eugene Lee-Hamilton book very popular and highly praised. Violet Paget (London, England) to Will leave for Lambalu, Brittany on 80 July 30, 1881 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Wednesday, August 3. August 3, Violet Paget (London, England) to Will leave for France Wednesday; asked 81 1881 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Pauline de Cargouet to meet her at St. Malo. August 4, Violet Paget (St. Servan, France) to Sea crossing was difficult; she must get to 82 1881 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Lambalu by herself. In St. Servan overnight before going on to Lambalu; anxious for Mary Robinson to stay with them in Florence; 5th (from Dol, France): three hour wait in this "very medieval" town for the train to Lambalu; 6th (from Ste. Melaine): Pauline de Cargouet's home here nice, but everything "dull as ditch water"; August 4-6, Violet Paget (St. Servan, France) to intends to work on articles for "Cornhill's 83 1881 Matilda Paget Magazine" and "Contemporary Review." Thinks Pauline de Cargouet is suffering from August 7, Violet Paget (St. Melaine, France) to "dullness" there and finds her neighbors 84 1881 Matilda Paget "insupportable." Pauline de Cargouet seems unhappy to have married Theophile because of loneliness; August 10, Violet Paget (St. Melaine, France) to Pauline has "a curious indifferent, rather 85 1881 Matilda Paget depressed manner." Needs five pounds immediately as her trip to Paris will be expensive; will have to leave Ste. August 12, Violet Paget (St. Melaine, France) to Melaine suddenly if Pauline's baby gets 86 1881 Matilda Paget whooping cough. Pauline de Cargouet's "wretched little baby" August 14-15, Violet Paget (Lambalu, France) to still sick; drove to Launar, home of Alice 87 1881 Matilda Paget Lamobe (?). Records itinerary for her trip in France and Italy with Mary Robinson; the Murrays are also visiting the de Cargouets at St. Melaine; went August 18, Violet Paget (St. Melaine, France) to to see the medieval castle at the Chateau de la 88 1881 Matilda Paget Hunandagu August 19, Violet Paget (St. Melaine, France) to 89 1881 Matilda Paget May leave for Paris on Tuesday, August 23. Is appalled at her mother's suggestion they stay at the Bagni home for October rather than go to Florence; they shouldn't have taken the expensive Casa Bertagna with them; sent her manuscript of "Apollo the Fiddler" to August 22, Violet Paget (St. Melaine, France) to Cornhill's Magazine; 23rd: will send money 90 1881 Matilda Paget home; leaves to meet the Robinsons in Paris.


August 26, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Met Mary Robinson upon arrival there; John 91 1881 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Sargent came for dinner. August 27, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Went to the Louvre, then to John Sargent's 92 1881 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) studio; he did a portrait of Mary Robinson. August 28, Violet Paget (in France) to Matilda Is detained for a few hours between train 93 1881 Paget journeys; Mary Robinson has been ill. Saw the play "Le Monde ou l'on s'ennuie" with the Sargents; visited the "salon," the Louvre and Luxembourg with John and Emily Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Sargent; going to Roven tomorrow, then to 94 June 8, 1882 Matilda Paget London Saturday (10th). Violet Paget (London, England) to Is with the Robinsons and is going with them 94.1 June 10, 1882 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) to their country home in the afternoon. Mary Robinson and V.P. visited Stillmans before leaving London; visited at Epsom by the Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to French painter Bertha Newcombe and the 95 June 11, 1882 Matilda Paget (Florence). actor Forbes-Robertson She and Mary Robinson visited Mullers and met Rotoli there "to whom I proceeded to turn my back"; Willie Sargent visited, a "patronising shy creature"; sent Eugene's Violet Paget (London, England) to manuscript of "The New Medusa" to Elliot 96 June 14, 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Stock; Mr. Stillman and Lisa visited. Called on the Dicksons and Mrs. Ward, "a tiptop intellectual woman"; dined with the Rosettis and Stillmans where there was a "grand discussion about thrashing brats"; saw June 16-17, Violet Paget (London, England) to John Sargent's pictures at the Academy; 17th: 97 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) saw "Romeo and Juliet" at the Lyceum. Spent the weekend at Epsom; MacColl visited; Violet and Mary Robinson dined at the Gurney's and met there Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Ritchie, Mrs. Ritchie having been Miss Thackery; Elliot Stock willing to publish Eugene's "The New Medusa"; visited British Museum with MacLean; visited, with Mary Violet Paget (London, England) to Robinson, Bertha Thomas and Helen 98 June 21, 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Zimmern. Robinsons had a dance for 70 people last night; Fischer Unwin, publisher, called, wanting advice on life of Garibaldi; feels she's still obscure as an author; 23rd: Madeline and Gosse visited; went to Mary Robinson's lecture on Lake Poets at Working Women's College; more negotiations with Elliot Stock over Eugene's book; 24th: dined at Leslie Stephen's; June 22-25, Violet Paget (London, England) to 25th: Symonds is not well; she and Mary saw 99 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Wagner's "Tristan"


Elliot Stock will publish Eugene's "Medusa"; she and Mary Robinson visited Mrs. Clifford; Mrs. Beoington's new book of poems "full of imbecility"; attended party at the Tennants', and an "afternoon" at Mrs. Alma Tadema's; 28th: saw Mr. Browning at Mrs. Sutherland Orr's; visited Mr. Bunting of the June 27-28, Violet Paget (London, England) to "Contemporary Review" at his "shabby genteel 100 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) house"; Fraser published "Apollo the Fiddler." Called on the Paters who invited her to stay with them on her way to Wales; lunched with Nina Barstow; visited Leslie Stephens and Mrs. Ward; July 1: advises him to omit the Elegy, June 29, July Violet Paget (London, England) to "which completely lacks interest," from his 101 1, 1882 Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Siena, Italy) "Medusa" book. Visited Mrs. Stillman and Mrs. Ward, then joined Robinsons at Epsom; (from London): Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to Mrs. Stillman had taken her to the Morris's 102 July 3, 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy). house; Emily Sargent will visit tomorrow. She and Mary Robinson took Emily Sargent to the Academy and Liberty's; Paters, among others, at Robinson's dinner party; feels she has finally been accepted by the Watts, Pater, Stephen, Mrs. Clifford, Maccoll, and the Wards; 6th: Mrs. Muller intoduced her to Professor Lankester, "a great big bulldog young man"; 8th: "Magazine of Art" refused her "Blood and Bones" novel; she and Mary going to Pulborough to rest and work. P.S. July 5-6, 8, Violet Paget (London, England) to Mary Robinson to Matilda Paget: Violet not 103 1882 Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Siena, Italy) ill; they go to the country to work. Violet Paget (London, England) to Leaves for Pulborough in the afternoon; visited 104 July 11, 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Miss Thomas and the Buntings. Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) 105 July 12, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) She and Mary Robinson rented a cottage here. Happier in the cottage here than she had been Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) at Gower St.; she is working on portrait art of 106 July 13, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) the Renaissance, Mary on Emily Bronte. Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) Will return to Italy soon if Eugene continues 107 July 14, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) to be so ill. Is very nice here, but it cannot compare to Italy; Mr. Lemon told of his "very weird ghostly experiences" which "put into my head a Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) sort of story"; they have some problems with 108 July 15, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) the landlady.


Real reason for her leaving London was Mrs. Robinson's treatment of her; there was a misunderstanding about a ticket to the Academy and Mrs. Robinson virtually asked Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) her to leave; Mary stood by her throughout the 109 July 20, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) quarrel; Longman refused "Blood and Bones." Feels Mary Robinson has grown tired of her parents' literary circle, as "she is growing and it is shrinking"; the quarrel (with the Robinsons) Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) may be advantageous to Mary if it gives her 110 July 22, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) more independence from her parents. Talked to Satchell about publishing Eugene's new book; she plans to write on "Art and Evolution," writing the musical with the serious aesthetical articles and submit it to Macmillan; dined at Coates' Farm; wrote Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) "Portrait Art of the Renaissance" for the 111 July 24, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) "Fortnightly." Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) 112 July 26, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Will amend Eugene's manuscript as requested. Thanks her for her understanding of the quarrel with the Robinsons; seeks advice about Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) whether she should go directly to the 113 July 27, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Robinsons to pick up her things there. Went to Arundel with Mary Robinson and Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) Emily Callwell; beautiful parks and cathedral 114 July 29, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) there; she leaves for Oxford August 1. Needs 20 pounds to go to Wales; it had been very inexpensive for her and Mary Robinson to stay at Pulborough. P.S. Mary Robinson to Violet Paget (Fittleworth, England) Matilda Paget: she wished Violet to be her 115 July 31, 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) guest at Pulborough, but she refused. August 2, Violet Paget (Oxford, England) to Is staying at the Paters' in "one of the prettiest 116 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) houses I have ever seen." Spent the previous day with the Paters in Oxford; found the cathedral there at Gloster "compared with French cathedrals, coarse, Violet Paget (Gloster, England and clumsy, and uninteresting"; 4th: staying at the August 3-4, Llandovery, Wales) to Matilda Paget small house of her "very worn and not pretty" 117 1882 (Siena, Italy) cousin Adah Hughes. Her cousin Adah Hughes reminds her much of Pauline de Cargouet; visited her mother's old house at Middleton; much complicated intrigue among the cousins there, "it all sounds August 5, Violet Paget (Llanfair, Wales) to like a horrible mixture of "Wuthering 118 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Heights" and "Zola.""


Cornhill published "Botticelli at the Villa Lemmi" manuscript quickly; leaves Wales August 9, Violet Paget (Llandovery, Wales) to tomorrow to stay with the Jeffersons at 119 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Leamington. August 12, Violet Paget (Leamington, England) Staying with Mary Robinson at the Jefferson's; 120 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) went to Warwick to train She and Mary Robinson have rooms in a large August 13, Violet Paget (Warwick, England) to 15th or 16th century house which was once a 121 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) monastery. Will travel from England to Belgium on the 23rd with Mrs. Smillie and go from there to Siena; rowed on the Avon with the Jeffersons; visited Warwick Castle, "the most Faery Queen sort of place I have ever seen"; a Miss Nussey, "Charlotte Bronte's only surviving friend," is criticising Mary Robinson's work on Charlotte Bronte; Mary wrote prologue to August 17, Violet Paget (Warwick, England) to "The New Arcadia," but expects no good 122 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) reviews. August 23, Violet Paget (London, England) to Will leave for Belgium with Mrs. Smillie in the 123 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) afternoon Mr. Robinson saw her off in England, "he was August 24, Violet Paget (Bruges, Belgium) to very polite and says he is extremely sorry;" she 124 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) and Mrs. Smillie now take the train to Ghent. Spent two hours sightseeing in Brussels; will August 25, Violet Paget (in train near Brussels) make her way through Germany and Italy and 125 1882 to Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) arrive at Siena on Wednesday (August 30). Violet Paget (in train, just after Koln, August 26, Germany) to Matilda Paget (Siena, Spent last night in Cologne; will spend the day 126 1882 Italy). travelling through Germany Must stay a day in Coblenz with Mrs. Smillie, August 26, Violet Paget (Coblenz, Germany) to who isn't well; tomorrow she will go to see the 127 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Rhine. Found the Rhine "very disappointing as a August 28, Violet Paget (Coblenz, Germany) to whole…I would give the whole Rhine for the 128 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Avon." August 28, Violet Paget (Basel, ) to Travelled all day on the train; will arrive in 129 1882 Matilda Paget (Siena, Italy) Florence on the 30th, Siena the following day Violet Paget ("Casa Duffy," Florence, Italy) to Matilda Paget Had a successful journey from Lucca to 130 June 20, 1883 (Bagni di Lucca) Florence Met the Stillmans at Pistoria; saw Mrs. Violet Paget (Milan, Italy) to Matilda Callander and Mr. and Mrs. Meser (?) at the 131 June 21, 1883 Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) station; dinner with the Addisons. Violet Paget (Bale, Switzerland) to Will arrive in Paris tomorrow night and see 132 June 22, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) John Sargent there. Violet Paget (Paris, France) to John Sargent will visit tomorrow; "Of Mario's 133 June 22, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) book, the first story is perfectly splendid, the


others very good."

Went with John Sargent to the Louvre and met Ben Castillo there; saw John's new studio, "from his having invested in this house, I presume Miss Burckhardt is gone off the horizon;" saw a statue of Venus, "a beautiful and singular thing" which would be a good Violet Paget (Paris, France) to sonnet subject for Eugene; is going on to 134 June 23, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Roven, then London. Arrived in Roven on the first day of the races there and left because of the crowds; boarded a Violet Paget (between Dieppe and boat at Dieppe and will arrive in Newhaven, Newhaven) to Matilda Paget (Bagni England; John Sargent calls the author Rollinat 135 June 25, 1883 di Lucca, Italy) a "beast without any talent." Violet Paget (Kensington, England) to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Mary Robinson met her at the station, as the 136 June 26, 1883 Italy) Duffys hadn't expected her so early. "Art Journal" would like poems from Eugene; dined at the Robinson's new house; saw Richard Garnett at the British museum; lunched with Mrs. Ward; talked to Henley about Cecconi's article in the "Magazine of Art"; complicated misunderstanding between the Wards and the Middlemores, MacColl Violet Paget (London, England) to having put Mrs. Ward "into quite a 137 June 29, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) disagreeable position"; visited Mrs. Clifford. Celice (?) arrived and seemed friendly; met Mary de Morgan "of whose odious identity you have heard me speak" at the Barrington's; Mrs. Clifford had a party in her honor; tomorrow she goes to the Paters; finds the "old literary clique" boring, longs for Alice Calander and Violet Paget (London, England) to John Sargent; her friends have literary 138 June 30, 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) successes, "alas, alas, for "Miss Brown."" Went to tea at the Bunting's, where "the atmosphere of strict morality is perfectly choking"; rather bored and dislikes London; met Fagan at the Br. Museum; saw Mrs. Caldecott and Agnes Clarke; party tonight at the Robinson's; will go with Evelyn Pickering Violet Paget (London, England) to to meet Miss Barrington, "who writes on art"; 139 June 30, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) will take her book "Miss Brown" to Macmillan. Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Going to Hampton Court; saw Mr. Theodore to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Watts; sends manuscript of "Miss Brown" to 140 July 2, 1883 Italy) Macmillan.

141 Re-entry of 140.


A man "very much after Mary Robinson" took them rowing; Evelyn Pickering took her to lunch at Mrs. Barrington's, " a rumpled, scrumpled little brown paper woman"; in his studio, G.F. Watts talked to her about her "Portrait Art" article; went on to Sir F. Leighton's house, "the 8th wonder of the Violet Paget (Kensington, England) world"; at Mrs. Clifford's met Fred Macmillan, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, the painter Alfred Parsons, Mrs. Orr, and Mrs. 142 July 2, 1883 Italy) Carr Went to the McGurneys' and talked about ghosts; she and Mary Robinson went to tea with "the funny little aesthetic painter" Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Holiday, and met there Annie Cobden- to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Sanderson and Mrs. Morris; has a busy, full 143 July 6, 1883 Italy) schedule of invitations, but Mary is not well. Has been socializing with Lalia (?), Mrs. Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Dickson, Robinsons, Barringtons, and Evelyn to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Pickering; is trying to find a publisher for 144 July 7, 1883 Italy) Eugene Dined at the Barringtons' with Evelyn Pickering; talked to Theodore Watts, an admirer of Eugene's poetry, about meter and Violet Paget (Kensington, England) how Eugene could improve his "monotony in to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, the pacing of the caesura"; greatly enjoyed a 145 July 9, 1883 Italy) visit with the Monkhouses. "The Academy" publishing her paper on Mario Pratesi's book; visit to Leyland's house to see Rossetti paintings, which she thought "not merely ill-painted and worse modelled, but Violet Paget (Kensington, England) coarse and repulsive"; went with Bella Duffy to to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, the Buntings'; visits to art galleries to see 146 July 11, 1883 Italy) Rossetti paintings; dinner with the Stephens. Violet Paget (London, England) to Send manuscript of "Apollo and Marsgas" to 147 July 13, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Henley. Visited the Gurneys; travelling to Epsom with Violet Paget (London, England) to Mary Robinson; Adah Hughes will be going to 148 July 14, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Italy. Went with Evelyn Pickering to see the artist de Morgan in his studio; then went to de Morgan's mother and sister--"I never saw anything odder"--who believed they saw ghosts about; Mrs. De Morgan "felt sure I must be a ghost seer from my expression"; saw Mr. Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to Graham's collection of Burne Jones and 149 July 15, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Rossetti paintings; lunched with the Gurneys.


Henley rejected "Apollo and Marsgas"; went with mary Robinson to meet the Ellises, of the Ellis and White publishing company; will offer Ellis the manuscript of "Euphorion"; feels Violet Paget (Kensington, England) writing fiction not lucrative for her; went to to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Salvation Army meeting, which she found 150 July 18, 1883 Italy) "utterly trivial and vulgar." Violet Paget (Kensington, England) to Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Bagni di Huish interested in Eugene's sonnets; Duffys 151 July 20, 1883 Lucca, Italy) gave a big party; lunched with MacColl Will not visit the Paters at Oxford; she and Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Mary Robinson may go to ; lunched at the to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Dicksons'; visited Mrs. Clifford; supper with 152 July 22, 1883 Italy) the Hamleys, "unwriting literary people." Needs money before she and Mary Robinson can go to Kent; feels the Clifford set "claims" her, but the Watts, Marston, etc., "don't care a rap about me"; has been working in the Print Violet Paget (London, England) to Room and the Eglin Room at the British 153 July 27, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Museum; visited the "pedantic" Mrs. Bunting. Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to Sent photos to Eugene; leaves with Mary 154 July 29, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Robinson tomorrow for Tenterden, Kent Violet Paget (Canterbury, England) Stopped here on the way to Tenterden; to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Caterbury "has something of Oxford, but with 155 July 30, 1883 Italy) more old houses." Violet Paget (Canterbury, England) August 1, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Will stay in Caterbury for a week before going 156 1883 Italy) to Tenterden. She and Mary Robinson read Eugene's new sonnets; Alfred Austin wants to publish her paper "Transformation of Chivalric Poetry" Violet Paget (Canterbury, England) anonymously, as her signature is connected August 3, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, with ideas which are "scandalizing to the 157 1883 Italy) readers of the "National Review." Violet Paget (Canterbury, England) August 5, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, 158 1883 Italy) French Jesuits have set up a college there. Cavalry men stationed in Caterbury make Violet Paget (Canterbury, England) streets there "very animated"; went to service August 6, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, at the Cathedral; tomorrow she and Mary 159 1883 Italy) Robinson go to Sandwich. Tenterden is "a very dead little place"; asked Violet Paget (Tenterden, England) Austin to return her article, "Transformation August 8, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, of Chivalric Poetry" as he was putting too 160 1883 Italy) many restrictions on it. Violet Paget (Tenterden, England) Despite the Coltons' recommendation of August 9, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Tenterden, she finds it a "great fraud"; will go 161 1883 Italy) to see the Fishers at Midhurst; has just begun a


paper for Escott; Marston's book being published by Stock.

Violet Paget (Tenterden, England) Austin will publish manuscript August 11, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, "Transformations of Chivalric Poetry" signed 162 1883 Italy) "V. Paget"; will go to Midhurst about the 25th. Will stay in Tenterden another 1/2 week; met a Mrs. Redmund, "like a woman out of G. Eliot's books," who took her and Mary Violet Paget (Tenterden, England) Robinson on a drive; Mary is reading "The August 11, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Mill on the Floss" aloud to her; has been 163 1883 Italy) exploring an abandoned farmhouse. Violet Paget (Tenterden, England) August 14, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, May go to Rye on the 18th; will be in Italy in a 164 1883 Italy) month. She and Mary Robinson go to Rye in two days; Violet Paget (Tenterden, England) will stay briefly with the Robinsons before August 16, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, leaving England; took the landlady's niece to 165 1883 Italy) the circus; rescued the cat from drowning. August 18, Violet Paget (Rye, England) to 166 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Found good lodgings there. Rye is "one of the most picturesque places I have ever seen"; drove to Rye harbour; going to Winchelsea which Baring Gould wrote about in "Mehalah." [Includes envelope and August 19, Violet Paget (Rye, England) to two paper dolls, described as "Mary's sister 167 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Helen effigy of Alfred Austin."] August 21, Violet Paget (Rye, England) to 168 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Will go to the Fishers at Midhurst on Saturday or Tuesday; drove through the marsh to the seaside; many sailors angry at new regulation August 23, Violet Paget (Rye, England) to which has condemned many boats as not 169 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) seaworthy Fishers live in a beautiful house; went to see the ruins of the Cowdray (?) estate; saw a collection of Vandykes at Petworth Place; she August 28, Violet Paget (Midhurst, England) to and Mary Robinson go to Epsom on Thursday 170 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) (30th). September 1, Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to Will stop to see Amiens and Riems on the way 171 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) to Italy. Escott won't say yet if he'll take her article; Nencion doesn't want her article on the "Outdoor Renaissance"; has applied to do a biography of Mme. D'Arblay for W.H. Allen's Eminent Women Series; drove to Box Hill; September 2- Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to going to meet Mr. Fisher at the British 172 3, 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Museum Print Room.


Will leave for Amiens on Sunday (9th) and meet the Lemons at Riems; will write a September 5, Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to biography of the Countess of Albany for W.H. 173 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Allen for fifty pounds. Travel plans have changed; Mrs. Robinson September 6, Violet Paget (London, England) to doesn't want her to go to Amiens and Riems 174 1883 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) alone, so she shall go with the Lemons. Violet Paget (between Bologne and Had a bad crossing; signed agreement with September 8, Amiens, France) to Matilda Paget W.H. Allen for biography of Countess of 175 1883 (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Albany. John Sargent had his "famous nominee tea party" to which V.P., the two Robinson girls and Arthur Lemon each invited four nominees; Violet Paget (Kensington, England) chance meeting between Lady Colin Campbell to Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Bagni di and Mrs. Callander "greatly added to the 176 June 4, 1884 Lucca, Italy) dramatic interest" of the party. Violet Paget (Kensington, England) to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, 177 June 8, 1884 Italy) Will visit the Symonds with Mary Robinson; lunched with Miss Wakefield; dined at the Wards'; MacColl, Garnett, and Maclean visited; saw an exhibition of Whistler sketches; Violet Paget (Kensington, England) party at the Sharps' with "frumpy women and to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, frowsty literary people"; will dine with Leslie 178 June 8, 1884 Italy) Stephen. Visited Mrs. Clifford who "has a screw loose, for surely not even literary London could produce such manners"; has had many invitations since she got to London from Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Rossetti, Miss Wakefield, Mrs. Callander; went to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, with Mabel Robinson to Beauington Atkinson, 179 June 10, 1884 Italy) a "rather seedy art critic." Visits from Miss Hamley, Mrs. Rossetti, Mrs. Hueffer, Mrs. Stillman; Maclean very depressed about death of Mme. Meyer; "two pictures of the year" are by Burne Jones and Whistler; saw William Rossetti, Sharp, and Violet Paget (Kensington, England) MacColl at Mrs. Augusta Webster's to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, homecoming; is tired of the "literary 180 June 13, 1884 Italy) frumpdom" in London. Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Heard Manning preach; met at to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, National Museum; "Euphorian" seems selling 181 June 16, 1884 Italy) well." Is staying with the Paters; Mrs. Augusta Webster astounded to discover Violet Paget is Violet Paget (Oxford, England) to Vernon Lee; Clara Pater took her to Christ 182 June 19, 1884 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Church; "the rising poet is ,


supposed to be a woman."

Enjoys staying with the Paters and each afternoon has a "long, private audience" with Pater; Mr. Creighton comes for dinner; will see the Campbells and the Wards before going to Epsom; 21st: Mrs. Cadele and Miss Frasor June 20-21, Violet Paget (Oxford, England) to just died; "St. James" gave "Euphorion" a 183 1884 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) terrible review. Met Professor Jenkin, "a clever, lively, opinonative, paradoxical man," at the Campbells'; suspects Middlemore wrote the bad review of "Euphorion" in St. James Gazette, but he denies it; visited Mrs. Dickson, Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Mrs. Barrington; party at the Tennants'; to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Nencioni's review of "Euphorion" "very 184 June 24, 1884 Italy) good." Had an "odd medley" of visitors: Evelyn Pickering, Ellen Clerke, Mrs. Callander, Maclean, John Sargent, Lemon, and Henry Violet Paget (Kensington, England) James; then all went to a party at the to Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Bagni di Tennants'; a "better letter" soon; has read and 185 June 26, 1884 Lucca, Italy) liked very much his "Spissimus" (sp?). Visited Mrs. Fitzgerald, "literature and metaphysics smitten, this clever, vain, half crazy little woman"; with Mabel Robinson saw "Glargebrook's people at Harrow"; dinner at Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to the Gurneys', the MacColls; may offer 186 June 29, 1884 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) manuscript of "Miss Brown" to Eliott Stock. Saw the Ellis' Rossettis at Epsom; Blackwood gives no answer on publication of "Miss Violet Paget (London, England) to Brown"; may do Beckford for the "English 187 July 2, 1884 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Men of Letters" series. Good reviews of "Euphorion" by Pall Mall, British Quarterly; Unwin may put "Euphorion" into one volume cheap edition; Mme. Villair is visiting; Agnes Clarke is "grinding away at astronomical biographies"; Violet Paget (Kensington, England) had large tea party where Theodore Watts and to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Henry James complimented her on 188 July 11, 1884 Italy) "Euphorion." Review in the "Spectator" of "Euphorion"; will Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to see Mrs. Fleming Jenkin and the Stephens 189 July 14, 1884 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) tomorrow. Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Cholera epidemic prevents entrance to Italy, so to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Mme. Villari can't get back; visited Mrs. 190 July 16, 1884 Italy) Dickson; dined at the Stephens' along with


Sidney Calvin, Cyril Flower, and Mrs. Velly.

"Academy" had a "jocose but good review" of "Euphorion"; her old friend Sir Frederick Burton visited; Oswald Crawford visited, "I fancy he is rather a swell"; dined with the MacCarthys and met Lord Randolph Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Churchill, whom she thought very feeble and to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, factious"; saw Sarah Bernhardt in Sardon's 191 July 19, 1884 Italy) "Fedora." Won't return to Italy until the quarantine is over; Mary Robinson read and corrected Eugene's new poem; John Sargent brought Paul Bourget ("flabby and blond") to visit; went with Mary to see Mr. Watts; bad reaction Violet Paget (Kensington, England) to her flu vaccination; Unwin ecstatic over the to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, success of "Euphorion"; Mary finishing her 192 July 23, 1884 Italy) biography of Marguerite de Navarre. Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Blackwood will publish "Miss Brown"; will stay to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, at the Robinson's London house until mid- 193 July 26, 1884 Italy) August and work on rewriting "Miss Brown." Told Blackwood clearly that she wouldn't agree to alter "Miss Brown"; Contemporary Review did a not "very grand" review of "Euphorion" but the Buntings "strewed my path with flowers, that is, with invitations to Violet Paget (Kensington, England) write for the Contemporary"; will stay with to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Emily Ford at Leeds; has decided to dedicate 194 July 30, 1884 Italy) "Miss Brown" to Henry James. Is working on the end of Miss Brown; will August 3, Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to press Elliot Stock for an answer (concerning a 195 1884 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) manuscript of Eugene). Returns Eugene's poem which Mary Robinson Violet Paget (Kensington, England) had been making; she and Mary staying alone August 5, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, in Robinson's house; will return to Italy when 196 1884 Italy) quarntine is lifted, perhaps with Mary. Alternative plans for her return to Italy: if cholera still around, will come alone on 26th or 27th; if cholera gone, will come with Mary Robinson mid-September; discussions with Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Blackwood about American rights to "Miss August 8, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Brown"; Stock will decide on Eugene's 197 1884 Italy) manuscript. Plans for returning to Italy still uncertain; Violet Paget (Kensington, England) 12th: went with Mary Robinson to Hampton August 11-12, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Court; will go to the Fords in Leeds on 14th; 198 1884 Italy) Mary has completed her book on Marguerite


de Valvis and has good reviews; finished revision of "Miss Brown."

Is staying at the Fords' house (Adel Grange) near Leeds; sky is constantly grey with smoke August 15, Violet Paget (Leeds, England) to from the city; tomorrow goes to Haworth; will 199 1884 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) be glad to leave there. Discussing with Mrs. Barstow and Mrs. Smilie August 19, Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to the possibility of returning to Italy with them; 200 1884 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) went to see the moors at Haworth. Violet Paget (E. Grinstead, England) She and Mary Robinson staying with Mrs. August 22, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Paynter there; Mary will not return to Italy 201 1884 Italy) with her August 24, Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to Only way open to Italy is via Vienna; may 202 1884 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) travel there with Mme. Villari. As cholera epidemic is spreading, advises her family to move to a secluded villa in Florence; Elliot Stock will make agreement about Eugene's manuscript; MacCarthys expected to visit; had "extremeley touching" letter from Mrs. Callander; spiritualisit friend of the Fords August 28, Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to tells of meeting an Ancient Briton on the 203 1884 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) moors. Strongly urges her family to move to Florence before the grape harvest; will travel to Italy Violet Paget (Kensington, England) alone, as other arrangements fell through, and August 31, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, "I am surely old enough to take care of 204 1884 Italy) myself." Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Relates her itinerary from London to Florence; September 2, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Elliot Stock will risk thirty six pounds on 205 1884 Italy) Eugene's book. Did not leave for Italy alone, as she discovered quarantine would soon be lifted; will arrive at Florence Monday (15th); Watts will review September 9, Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Eugene's new book; glad they have gone to 206 1884 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence Violet Paget (on train near Amiens, Finally left England, despite the Robinsons' September France) to matilda Paget (Bagni di objections to her travelling alone; will arrive in 207 13, 1884 Lucca, Italy) Florence on Tuesday (16th). Arrived in Florence and met the Duffys; Bella Violet Paget (between Alexandria Duffy wants Frankie Forbes Robertson and Turin, Italy) to Matilda Paget (Eugene's reader) to meet a Miss Coray, an art 208 June 21, 1885 (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) student. Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Pauline de Cargouet and husband met her in 209 June 23, 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Paris; is expecting John Sargent for dinner.


Fears John Sargent "is getting rather into the way of painting people too tense"; lunched with John and Miss Burkhardt; John sends advice to Frankie Forbes Robertson to paint Violet Paget (Paris, France) to only in black and white; will go to England 210 June 25, 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) tomorrow. Mary and Mabel Robinson met her when she Violet Paget (Kensington, England) arrived in London; Alice Callander arrives to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, tonight; Campbells liked "Miss Brown," but 211 June 27, 1885 Italy) "there seems a strange lull of invitations." 212 No entry. Robinsons are giving a dinner party for her; went with Mabel Robinson to tea at the Robertsons' studio and met Mrs. Jopling; has had invitations from the Dicksons, the Stephens; went to an exhibition of MacLean paintings; will call on Miss Dunn and Miss Osborne, "two nice, semi-artistic old maids" and Mrs. John Richard Green, "widow of the Violet Paget (Kensington, England) historian"; Austin of "National Review" will to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, accept "The Value of the Ideal: a 213 July 3, 1885 Italy) Conversation" Lunched with the Dicksons; observed Jack's (?) comments on Leslie Stephen: "It is amusing to see these different classes working at each other"; visited Mrs. Fitzgerald who talked on metaphysics, love and marriage amid a large, Violet Paget (Kensington, England) unknown crowd at Mrs. Jopling's; talked to to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Lord Campbell and the Robertsons; visited 214 July 6, 1885 Italy) Mrs. Elliott. Agrees with Mrs. R.J. Green that the troubled times ahead will hinder the production of any great literary work in England; "Pall Mall" being censored for printing obscene material; mixed reactions among her friends to "Miss Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Brown," but "I have got the better of any to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, intention to give me the cold shoulder"; 215 July 9, 1885 Italy) attended studio party at Tristam Ellis'. Stock has turned down Eugene's book; Maclean not doing well with his paintings; 12th (from Epsom): arrived here last night; went with Alice Callander to a meeting of the Psychical Research Society and from there to at large party at the Jeunes'; only Rossettis and Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Watts still angry about "Miss Brown"; visited July 11-12, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Mr. Newton, director of antiques at British 216 1885 Italy) Museum.


Went with Mabel Robinson over to Bartholomew's Hospital; dined wih Lewis Campbell and saw there Watts who seemed cold toward her; visits expected from Miss Violet Paget (Kensington, England) MacCarthy, Crawford, Henry James, and to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Forbes Robertson; will settle with Unwin over 217 July 15, 1885 Italy) "Baldwin." Unwin will publish "Baldwin" and wants her to do a history of the Italian Republics; F.R (Forbes Robertson) visited, "a boasting, fulsome, melodramatic swaggerer"; Arthur Lemon came; lunched with Emily Ford; Professor Jenkin died; 18th: saw Sarah Bernhardt in "Theodora"; Alice Callander leaves on 20th; Stillman and Pater candidates Violet Paget (Kensington, England) for Oxford Slade Professorship; feels visiting July 16,18, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, England after May 1 useless, as everyone is 218 1885 Italy) leaving. Alice Callander returns to Wales; went to Coombe near Kingston to see Flekher's "Faithful Shepherdess" performed outdoors, arranged by Lady A. Campbell, "a very clever, delightful, fantastic wayward creature"; 20th: Lucy (?) came for lunch; 21st: will go to see Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Mrs. Barstow; is writing a paper on the play at July 19-21, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Coombe and Sarah Bernhardt for the 219 1885 Italy) "Fanfulla." Unwin has unexpectedly lowered his price for "Baldwin"; just discovered that a George Moore had attempted to include bits of "Miss Brown" in an anthology of "improper Violet Paget (Kensington, England) passages," but Mary Robinson prevented it; to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, trying to atone for having ignored "Miss 220 July 23, 1885 Italy) Brown"; wil be staying with Mary for 10 days. Shocked to hear of Mrs. Dickson's death; Unwin has returned to original agreement about "Baldwin"; lunched with Cotter Morrison who urges her to spend as much time as possible in England; Henry James suggests she "never lose an opportunity of seeing anything of any kind"; can't see the play at Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Coombe again as it's too expensive; was to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, introduced to Mrs. Andrew Lang; Blackwood 221 July 25, 1185 Italy) would see another story of hers.


Mary Robinson is weak and having fainting fits, but is writing many verses; visited Mrs. Clifford whom she finds "interesting and cordial"; talked to Mr. Tilton at the Barrington's about the Coombe play; feels Mr. Newton will be a useful friend; John Sargent Violet Paget (Kensington, England) visited; Andrew Lang wrote uncomplimentary to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, article on "Miss Brown" in "St James' 222 July 27, 1885 Italy) Gazette." Came to Cambridge, as Mary Robinson was suddenly ill and she (V.P.) was in the way there; the Langs sent apologies for the review of "Miss Brown," "I think both their behaviour remarkably nice"; staying with the Creightons at Cambridge which "gives no impression in Violet Paget (Cambridge, England) the sense that Oxford does, but it has charming to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, things; saw John Sargent and Mrs. Green 223 July 29, 1885 Italy) yesterday. Is at Epsom with Mary Robinson for 3 days; visited Mrs. Callander; the latest problems with Frankie Forbes Robertson stem from her discontent at Bagni di Lucca; Frankie has a Violet Paget (Kensington, England) reputation of being "very fast"; Mrs. Callander August 1, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, intends to pursue literature seriously and work 224 1885 Italy) at her novel. The Creightons took her to the cathedral at Ely; invitations to dine with Mrs. Clifford and with Mr. Newton where she shall meet Lady Strangford; Mabel Robinson thinks Henry James a "vulgar American," which "vexed me, as this abusing of my friends is quite a habit"; August 1, Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to may go to for ten days; she and Mary 225 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Robinson visit the Austins on the 19th. Is distressed about all the problems Frankie Forbes Robertson has caused at Bagni; is making plans for a trip to Venice; Henry James Violet Paget (Kensington, England) visited; met Lady Strangford at Mr. Newton's August 5, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, and found her "sniffy to an incredible degree"; 226 1885 Italy) will dine with Mrs. Clifford. Will return to Italy at once if the problems with Frankie Forbes Robertson have "left you Violet Paget (Kensington, England) both morally ill and so sad and desolate"; August 6, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, intends to make Alice Callander aware of the 227 1885 Italy) entire situation. Talked to the Robertsons about the problems Frankie had caused at Bagni; Frankie's sister, Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Mrs. , apologised for Frankie's August 8, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, behaviour; Frankie will be brought home from 228 1885 Italy) Florence.


Mrs. Callander's novel shows "delicate and charming conception of character,…if only she could learn to write"; next spring will work on the 15th century novel; Mabel Robinson says August 10, Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to Frankie Forbes Robertson's bad conduct not 229 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) surprising. Saw Mrs. Clifford, Colvin and the publisher Tuer at MacColl's; at Mrs. Von Glehn's, met the painter Richmond and the poet MacKail; Paters have moved into a nearby house; Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Herkomer won Slade Professorship; Robert August 13, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Browning showed her "the real 'Book' of the 230 1885 Italy) "Ring and the Book."" In two days goes with Mary Robinson to Ashford; has been buying new clothes; Bella Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Duffy will go to Florence in September. August 17, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, [Includes poem by Mary Robinson called "The 231 1883 Italy) Siren."] She and Mary Robinson staying with Alfred Austin "who spouts a sort of utilitarian toryism"; visited Goddington, the 17th century manor house: "I think I shall use it up in a ghost story I am projecting"; asks her mother to save the August 16th edition of "Fanfulla August 21, Violet Paget (Swinford, England) to della Domenica" containing her article on the 232 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) play at Coombe. The visit with the Austins was very pleasant, as there was a "great difference between their whole manner and that of ordinary literary folk"; Mrs. Callander intends to introduce her Violet Paget (Kensington, England) to her friends in Venice and she has letters of August 25, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, introduction from Mme. Villari to two other 233 1885 Italy) women there. Will leave England in about a week; saw the Clarkes; Henry James will introduce her to two women in Venice; expects A.W. Benn will arrive to announce his engagement; Austin has August 27, Violet Paget (Epsom, England) to "hanking after passing my Renaissance novel 244 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) thro' the "National"." Reports of Benn's engagement were false--he may visit them at Bagni; heard that Frankie Forbes Robertson is now staying at a convent; will leave London on the 5th, travel through France and arrive in Venice on the 9th; her articles out in "Contemporary Review" ("A August 28, Violet Paget( Epsom, England) to Dialogue on Novels") and "National Review" 245 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) ("The Value of the Ideal: A Conversation").


Went with Mary Robinson to visit Lalla Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Dickson, who gave her (V.P.) an old portrait of September 1, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Matilda Paget; everyone but the Rossettis "has 246 1885 Italy) got over "Miss Brown." Sends Eugene a copy of Palgrave's "Golden Treasury"; Norman Robertson came to apologize for his sister Frankie's behaviour; Violet Paget (Kensington, England) dined with the MacCarthys, where "little Justin September 3, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, impressed me painfully"; went to say goodbye 247 1885 Italy) to Alice Callander. The Robinsons saw her off from London; had lunch with Miss Burkhardt and John Sargent at his studio; will visit the Lemons, the September 5, Violet Paget (Amiens, France) to Barringtons and Frankie Forbes Roberston's 248 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) parents. Mrs. Duffy and Bella Duffy met her at the station there; visited the cathedral at Bale September 7, Violet Paget (Lucerne, France) to during a stopover there; "Contemporary 249 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Review" paid her "by anticipation." Trip from Lucerne to Milan was pleasant; being back in Italy is a relief, as she knows "how to tackle the people"; will arrive in September 8, Violet Paget (Milan, Italy) to Matilda Florence on 25th or 26th; hasn't yet been paid 250 1885 Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) for articles in "Fanfulla" and "Fracassa." Has found a decent hotel room there; visited St. Mark's, "far away the loveliest place in the world," and a fruit market; Venice has "six September 9, Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to times more of Italy than Florence, even than 251 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Siena." Most of the people to whom she had letter of introduction are out of town; met Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, American friends of John Sargent and Henry James, "these sort of Americans, who shudder at Howells, look up to James as a sort of patron saint of cosmopolitan September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to refinement"; will return to Florence on the 252 11, 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) 25th, as Venice is expensive. Austin has finally sent payment for her last article; her neighbors in the hotel know some September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to of her friends in London; saw Horatio Brown 253 13, 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) yesterday. September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Will dine with the Curtises; Layards have 254 14, 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) returned to town The Curtises are kind to her, but she is very much on her own and does not have "H. Brown or young Curtis to pilot me about"; September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Curtises tod her a story about an Italian hero 255 16, 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) which could be material for a ballad.


Hopes there is no delay in her return trip to September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Florence, as she doesn’t want to stay in Venice 256 18, 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) until the 1st. Is tired of sightseeing and ready to do some Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to work; called on Lady Layard who has "a September Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Bagni di certain indifference to humbler mortals"; the 257 19, 1885 Lucca, Italy) Curtises entertain her frequently. Will return to Florence on Saturday, the 26th; is anxious to be home as "one can't always feel up to the imaginative excitement necessary" for sightseeing; went to Chioggia by steamer; September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to upcoming parties at the Bronsons' and 258 22, 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Curtises'. Will return to Florence Friday evening, as cases (of cholera?) are spreading, and she is September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to anxious to get South; spent a dreary evening 259 23, 1885 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) with Mrs. Bronson. Is staying there with the Robinsons; had an Violet Paget (Kensington, England) "admirable crossing"; is going to Miss 260 June 3, 1886 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Wakefield's concert. Has engagements with the Stephens, Mrs. Clifford, Mrs. von Glehn, Alice Callander, Browning, and Mrs. Jeune; the Paters and Lizzie Sharp called; with Mabel Robinson, visited the Raffaloviches, "some eccentric people…in a fashionable artistic sort of milieu"; went to Mrs. Hancock's party--"I Violet Paget (Kensington, England) never bored myself more in a frowstier lost; has to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, "boring" reviews in "The Pall Mall" and the 261 June 6, 1886 Italy) "Academy." Had lunch with Mrs. Green who displays "hospitality of attention, not merely, as usual, of food"; Mabel Robinson attended the debate on the Irish Bill; visited Alice Callander; will Violet Paget (Kensington, England) go to Coombe to see "Lady Archie" Campbell; to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Blackwood wants to publish her "Oke of 262 June 8, 1886 Italy) Okehurst"; lnched with Mary Wakefield. At the party there last night, "I saw mainly H. James, John, and Miss Burckhardt…Miss Hamley, Mrs. Stillman, and Miss Wakefield"; had called on Mrs. von Glehn and Mr. Watts who has just done a painting sufficient "to place him as a really imaginative artist"; will Violet Paget (Kensington, England) lunch with Mrs. Jeune and go to a concert with to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, John Sargent, Mary Robinson, and Miss 263 June 10, 1886 Italy) Burckhardt.


Went with Mrs. Green to the Youngs' for dinner; called on Lady Welby, Miss Tennant, Violet Paget (Kensington, England) the DeHoghtons; lunched with Cross; Oswald to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Crawford called; will stay with the Paters when 264 June 13, 1886 Italy) the Robinsons leave. Sent clippings of reviews from the "Athenaeum" and "Academy"; will lunch with Lady Wolseley on Friday; lunched with Mary Wakefield and Marion Terry, then spent the weekend at Epsom; visited Alice Callander; Violet Paget (London, England) to went to a Wagner concert with Anne Callwell 265 June 16, 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) and the Lemons. On Thursday, went to Bloomsbury and called on Miss Levy, Mrs. Thursfield, Mr. Newton, the Wards, and Mrs. Rossetti; lunched with the Wolseleys and some disagreeable people; dined with M. Wakefield, "an appalling feast"; called Violet Paget (London, England) to on Miss Browning, who had been ill, and Mr. 266 June 19, 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Browning gave her some flowers. Book by Alma Tadema's daughter well-written but an imitation of "Wuthering Heights"; has been suffering from neuralgia; has visited the Stillmans, the DeHoghtons, Lady Welby, Mrs. Linton, Helen Zimmern; 22nd: met Maud White, "a rather famous composer of fashionable songs" at Miss Wakefield's; had a nice lunch with the deHoghtons; Lady Welby June 21-22, Violet Paget (London, England) to a "delicate, sickly, spiritual, very paintable 277 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) woman,...metaphysical to the backbone." Lady Archie Campbell, in a scene which left V.P. "with a strong sense of the New Arabian Nights," insisted she (V.P.) send her article "Perigot" immediately to Knowles for inclusion in July ed. Of "Nineteenth Century" in order to "humble that horrid little Austin" who could promise no publication date for the article; 23rd: next morning Bunting, of June 22-23, Violet Paget (London, England) to "Contemporary Review," said he'd publish the 288 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) article in his August issue. Dined with the Wolseleys; went with Paters and Robinsons to the Academy; visied an eccentric friend of George Eliot; called on Marion Terry; Mrs. Stillman took her and Mary Robinson to Hamilton Aide's rooms where they again met Lady Archie Campbell; went with Lady Archie to see Knowles of Violet Paget (London, England) to "Nineteenth Century" who begged for the 289 June 26, 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) "Perigot" article.


Went to Epsom instead of to Coombe as Lady Archie Campbell had an unexpected visit from her sister-in-law; dined at the Wolseleys' along with the Archbishop of Canterbury; saw Fancy, Bertha Newcombe, and Phyllis Ellis at Epsom Violet Paget (London, England) to who, "gave me the sort of sequel to "Miss 290 June 29, 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Brown""; will visit the Myers at Camberley. 291- 299 No entries. Told Knowles of "Nineteenth Century" she would rather have "Perigot" appear in the Contemporary Review; dined with the Crawleys; went with Mabel Robinson to hear Ulster Protestants talk about Home Rule; visited Mary Wakefield, Mrs. Green and Miss Violet Paget (London, England) to Chapman, author of the "New Godiva"; has 300 July 2, 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) elaborate travelling plans for the next month. Lately has had dull dinners wit the George Macmillans and Mrs. Orr; Mary Robinson asked Alice Callander to lunch; at Henry Violet Paget (Kensington, England) James' flat, met Mr. Lowell, "who told some to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, excellent ghost stories about buccaneers in the 301 July 8, 1886 Italy) style of Washington Irving." Invitations from Lady Wolseley, Lady Welby and Mary Wakefield to various parties; went with Mary Robinson to dinner at Newton's; Lady Archie Campbell "is going to be of much, Violet Paget (Kensington, England) much more use to me than I ever dreamed of"; to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, while travelling will stay with the Paters, the 302 July 10, 1886 Italy) Stillmans and the Wakefields. Spent the weekend at Epsom; is not invited to the Rawlinsons' party because Mrs. Morris (whom she upset by putting her in "Miss Brown") will be there; American reviews say Violet Paget (Kensington, England) "Baldwin" supposed to be about her to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, relationship with Pater--"that would indeed be 303 July 13, 1886 Italy) a thrilling tale!" Met Julian Story and Mrs. Mason at Henry James' house; after dining with Unwin went to see "a miserable adaptation by Wills" of Faust; called on Browning and his sister and saw Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Gosse; going to the Macmillans' "boring to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, garden party"; revised part of "A Phantom 304 July 15, 1886 Italy) Lover."


Is staying with the Paters, to whom she read the proofs of "A Phantom Lover"; she and Mary Robinson visited Sharp; to the Robinsons' "literary tea drinking" came the Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Paters, James, Thomas Hardy, and others; to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Mrs. Mason will take her to the Coombe play 305 July 20, 1886 Italy) at Wimbledon. At the Paters' dinner party, met three Violet Paget (Kensington, England) agreeable young men of the "fashionable to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Bohemian element"; went to the Coombe play 306 July 22, 1886 Italy) which was "a fearful falling off from last year." Has left the Paters' house and is staying with the Stillmans; Hamilton Aide and Alfred Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Austin have asked her to visit; saw Mary to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Robinson at the play at Wimbledon; will visit 307 July 25, 1886 Italy) Lady Wolseley. Will go to the Wakefields' house on the 31st; met Mr. Edward Arnold who wants her to Violet Paget (Kensington, England) write for his new magazine; spent yesterday to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, with the Wolseley family, "who seem so fond 308 July 28, 1886 Italy) and proud of each other." Is staying at the Stillmans' "huge, cockney, gothic, excessively grandiose" house; Miss August 1, Violet Paget (Kendal, England) to Herbert at Tynemouth wants her to visit on 309 1886 Matilda Paget the 6th. Went hiking in the hills with Mary Wakefield, who "is remarkably intelligent and very goodnatured, and altogether as queer a creature as one can meet"; enjoys herself more August 4, Violet Paget (Kendal, England) to at the Wakefields' than at Emily Ford's, 310 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) "despite all the aspirations of her soul." Is in the Northumbrian moors, stayin with Miss Herbert and the Thursfields; she and Mary Wakefield went out driving every day of her stay at the Wakefields' house; read manuscript of "Medea da Carpi" to Mary Violet Paget (Northumberland, Wakefield and will submit it to Edward August 7, England) to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Arnold's magaine; Roberts of Boston will pay 311 1886 Lucca) ten pounds for "Oke." Violet Paget (Tynemouth, England) Came from Alston to Tynemouth with the August 10, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Thursfields, Miss Herbert and Mr. Woods; the 312 1886 Italy) Tyne River polluted and hideous. Is visiting Emily Ford; during her stay with the Herberts and Thursfields a parson took her to see old, dilapidated houses, "had I but the story, I have got background for five and twenty ghosts"; will travel around England, August 13, Violet Paget (Leeds, England) to staying with various friends, until she goes to 313 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Venice on September 4th or 5th; Arnold has


accepted "Medea" for the new magazine.

Encloses an "extraordinary epistle" from Adah Hughes, apparently objecting to the fact that some characters in "Miss Brown" and "The Countess of Albany" were imitations of Adah's August 15, Violet Paget (Leeds, England) to relatives; has written to Alice (Callander?) and 314 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) awaits a reply to settle her travelling plans. Will not visit Alice Callander in Wales; on 23rd or 24th will stay with the Stillmans; Emily Ford took her to "a club for millwomen" where she talked about Italy; these millwomen were to her "quite unlike my idea of English lower classes"; with Emily Ford's cousin, Wolf, August 18, Violet Paget (Leeds, England) to toured a factory and observed the terrible 315 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) working conditions. Considers her own story "very much better" than Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyll"; will visit the Stillmans, then the Austin's; will travel to Venice with the Wakefields, Terry and the Curtises; met a Dr. Allbut upon whom George Eliot is said to have modelled Lydgate in "Middlemarch", but "I am sufficient of a August 22, Violet Paget (Leeds, England) to novelist to understand the value of such 316 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) sayings." August 23, Violet Paget (Leeds, England) to Requests all her letters be sent to Robinsons' 317 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) or Stillmans'. Told Adah Hughes she was being overly sensitive in being offended by "Miss Brown"; Fishers have invited her for the same days she will be with the Austins; is determined to elave for Venice or Lucca on the 8th of September; is going to see Hamilton Aide; saw her August 25, Violet Paget (London, England) to "Phantom Lover" being sold--"I felt 318 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) celebrated!" Had an enjoyable visit to Hamilton Aide's house in Ascot; she has, for Aide,"the double attraction of being a demi-semi lion and the Violet Paget (Kensington, England) friend of Mrs. Stillman"; "Oke" is "flaring August 28, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, about on all the bookstalls of the kingdom"; 319 1886 Italy) will go to the Austins on September 1.


Will leave England September 4, as that's when the Wakefield-Terry party wants to go; Violet Paget (Kensington, England) may be able to see Mary Robinson at Como; is August 31, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, annoyed that the Austins have invited Mallock 320 1886 Italy) to visit at the same time she does. Will leave tomorrow for Venice with Dover Wakefield, Marion Terry, and Evelyn Pickering; looks forward to returning to Italy; Mallock, who "cares only for people in the peerage" was there: "I never saw a more sunless September 3, Violet Paget (Kent, England) to creature"; has begun a ghost story for Unwin's 321 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) annual. September 4, Violet Paget (Amiens, France) to Mr. DeMorgan is accompanying them; 322 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) "excellent crossing." Is glad to be back in Italy "for all my interest in England, this is my country"; cholera in Venice September 8, Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to is sporadic, would like to invite Miss Wakefield 323 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) and Marion Terry to Casa Bertagna. Will spend the rest of her stay in Venice with September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Mrs. Curtis; Mary Robinson s enjoying Davos; 324 11, 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) will be home in a week. Is delighted to be staying with the Curtises, "this is Venice; the other's merely Cook's September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Touristdom"; will stay at Mme. Pisani's villa 325 13, 1886 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) on the way to Bologna. September Violet Paget (Milan, Italy) to Matilda 326 16, 1886 Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Is safely in Milan Met Amy (?) in Milan; had a comfortable Violet Paget (Bale, Switzerland) to journey by way of Lucerne to Bale; leaves for 327 June 2, 1887 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Paris tomorrow. Mme. Poynter asked her to dinner; is Violet Paget (Paris, France) to comfortably situated there; waits to hear from 328 June 3, 1887 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) John Sargent. With Mlle. Read, saw an exhibit in the Rue de Seze; Miss Poynter took her to a lecture on the Gospels at the College de France; boring party at Miss Read's; "literary mediocrity is the same all the world over"; dined with the Panniers; went to the Salon with John and Ralph Carter; Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Mlle. Read intoduced her to Mme. Ackerman, 329 June 4, 1887 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) an "old lady of insipid conversation." Mlle. Read introduced her to the Hayems; wishes to send Mme. Hayem a copy of "Miss Brown" and Mr. Pannier a photo of Botticelli's "Primavera"; Masson called; has several invitaions for when she arrives in England; ran June 7-8, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to into Mrs. Eliot, who persists in attempts to 330 1887 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) establish a friendship with her.


Violet Paget (Kensington, England) 331 June 9, 1887 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Met Mary Robinson upon arrival in England Enjoys the freedom of staying alone in lodgings; Robinsons had many people in to see her; has had very many invitations from various friends; Unwin just published "Juvenilia"; has Violet Paget (London, England) to seen Browning, who "treated me like a long 332 June 11, 1887 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) lost grandchild." Went with Miss Grace Black and Papafava to a socialist conference where "Stepniak the Nihilist" and Champion were present; called on the Gosses, Stephens, Edward Arnold, Mrs. Hardy; visited with Mrs. Jeune and Tottie Pater; with Mary Robinson, dined with Lady Dorothy Nevill, "a sceptical, ironical 18th Violet Paget (Kensington, England) century woman"; the party at Lady Nevill's to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, "one of the pleasantest parties I have ever been 333 June 13, 1887 Italy) to." Called on Gurney, Alice Callander, and many others in Bloomsbury; Mrs. Stillman and Mary Wakefield called; 19th: went to Lady Shrewsbury's where everyone treated her as if Violet Paget (Kensington, England) she were "a governess come after a place"; Miss June 17-18, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Black took her to a meeting of the socialist 334 1887 Italy) Fabian Society. Mrs. Jeune had "prepared a party of socialists" to meet her, so she talked with Stepniak, "a mild, dreamy Russian" and Hyndman, "a cock- a-whoop man"; spent Sunday with the Cobden Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Sandersons; talked to Lady Dorothy Nevill at to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, the Jeunes' dinner party; has seen Miss Sellers, 335 June 21, 1887 Italy) Dolly Bloomfield, Aide. Is trying to collect information about socialists to offer Bella Duffy; will meet Cotter Morrison, Miss Gruner and Champion; doesn't see Mary Robinson often; lunched with Lady Wolseley; went to tea at Mary Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Wakefield's; dined "more or less en famille to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, with the Leslie Stephens"; lunched with John 336 June 24, 1887 Italy) Sargent; "A Phantom Lover" well received. Is staying at Miss Pete's "pleasant, pretty, Philistine house"; returns to London tomorrow to dine with Annette Callwell; Lady Welby Violet Paget (Tunbridge, England) wants her to go to Denton; lunched with to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Cotter Morrison; has several engagements 337 June 26, 1887 Italy) planned for the next week in London.


Her mother need have no fear that she is foolishly "cultivating the Peerage"; spent Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Tuesday (28th) visiting friends, including Mary to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Wakefield, John Sargent, Emily Ford, Lady 338 June 30, 1887 Italy) Mt. Temple, Stepniak, Tennants. Is rather exhausted from all her running about; travel plans are uncertain, but she may visit the Lewis Campbells at St. Andrews, and "some people of George Eliot's" in Warwickshire; Violet Paget (Kensington, England) met Champion, the socialist, "a very serious, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, honest person"; dined with Lady Young and 339 July 2, 1887 Italy) the McCarthys. Has been very busy with social engagements with various friends, and "a fearful party at the Violet Paget (London, England) to Rossettis"; "Fortnightly" want her to do an 340 July 5, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) article. Mrs. Robinson very ill with asthma; at the Thursfields' saw Hubert E.H. Jerningham, an old friend, "you never saw such a thin, hollow- eyed personification of failure"; went to the British Museum with Newton; attended a meeting of "The Fellowship of the New Life," "they are something between Socialists and Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Positivists"; the Rossettis' party consisted of to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, "extraordinary frowsty ghosts of the great 341 July 8, 1887 Italy) aesthetic movement." Friday evening went, with Miss Sellars, "the beautiful Greek scholar" to a party given by Mr. Somerset Beaumont, "the only pleasant party I have almost ever been at"; is staying with Lady Welby who has an "extraordinary Violet Paget (Grantham, England) to cracky illuminated sort of cleverness all come 342 July 11, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) to nothing." Has vague plans to travel north, visiting the Herberts and perhaps Mme. Ybarrando; may spend tomorrow with Lady Archie Campbell; took Cotter Morrison to see Lady Dolly and discussed "18th century things"; at the Welbys' Violet Paget (Kensington, England) met Miss Muir Mackenzie, " a charming old to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, maid"; on Saturday, will visit George Eliot's 343 July 15, 1887 Italy) friend Mrs. Cash. Miss Clapperton, whose Scietnific Meliorism she once reviewed, contrived to get this invitation for her to stay with G. Eliot's friend Mrs. Cash; there at Rosehill, "the atmosphere in fact is heavy with Geo. Eliot"; toured ribbon and watch factories; will return to London to Violet Paget (Coventry, England) to see Lady Dolly and Aide; on Friday, visited the 344 July 17, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Stillmans, Paters, Cottons, Theodore Watts,


Shadwell, Alice Callander.

Enjoyed her stay at Coventry, although "it was so odd living among people who spoke of George Eliot…as Marian"; visited Lady Dolly Violet Paget (England) to Matilda and Aide; spent yesterday with Lady Archie 345 July 20, 1887 Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Campbell, "it was delightful and so funny!" Violet Paget (London, England) to Is staying at the Robinson's house; will 346 July 23, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) definitley go to . Miss Anstruther-Thomson, "a semi-painter, semi-sculptor, handsome creature…with whom I am expected to make great friends" will join her there at Muir Mackenzie's house; 25th (Kensington): liked Miss Anstruther-Thomson very much, "she is a picturesque personality"; July 24-25, Violet Paget (Surrey, England) to will go to the Robinson's house at Epsom, then 347 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) to the Wolseleys. Will travel north to Berwick, Carham, Edinburgh, and St. Andrews before leaving for Brittany; Henry James visited; received a letter from Benn, "quite like a guide book"; various friends want her to visit before she leaves Violet Paget (Kensington, England) England, but there won't be time, "that blessed to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Brittany curtails my English possibilities 348 July 27, 1887 Italy) cruelly." Is staying with the Paters, as Mrs. Robinson is ill; will visit the Wolseleys at Haslemere for 3 days (August 1-3); C. Anstruther-Thomson has asked her to visit; lunched with the Stillmans, Violet Paget (Kensington, England) and consequently missed John Dillon's visit to to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, the Robinsons; Pater has written a review of 349 July 30, 1887 Italy) "Juvenilia" for the "Pall Mall" Is staying at the Wolseleys' manor house, along with Mrs. Andrew Lang, "a nice, bright, tidy little woman"; likes the Wolseleys very much, "Lady Wolseley has a delightful, unconventional, clean, bright sort of mind, with an odd dash of sentiment"; will call on Miss Mackenzie, then return to London; has Violet Paget (Haslemere, England) refused to write an article for the August 3, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, "Fortnightly," having been given only 13 days 350 1887 Italy) notice.


Has been conferring with Dr. Jonathan Hutchinson about Eugene's illness; the doctor "calls the malady one of nervous hyperaesthesia…he thinks E.'s nerves are Violet Paget (Kensington, England) permanenetly in a state of unhealthy August 5, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, sensitiveness"; asks Eugene to send a complete 351 1887 Italy) history of his case. On August 6 went with Mabel Robinson to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show; later that eveneing at Pope's Villa at Twickenham saw "Midsummer Night's Dream" "done by electric light"; yesterday went with Mary Robinson to see Lady Archibald Campbell, "an Violet Paget (Kensington, England) enchanting being, giving one an impression of August 8, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, a delightful big child brought up on fairy 352 1887 Italy) books." Had a long, tiring journey north to Carham where she is staying with the Herberts; Violet Paget (Carham on Tweed, Carham is surrounded by the Cheviot Mts., the August 10, England) to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Eildon Hills and the Tweed R., "full ballad 353 1887 Lucca, Italy) country." Had herself photographed at Kelso, in Scotland; finds Scotland "a much scrubbier England, everything more untidy and happy go lucky"; 16th: discovered Leonard Huxley is also staying there at the Campbells' house; Violet Paget (St. Andrews, Scotland) wants Eugene to write a play, "something August 15-16, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, antique but fantastic and spectacular" which 354 1887 Italy) Lady Archibald Campbell could use. Will send the doctor further details of Eugene's illness; Gaston Parin has written on behalf of a friend wishing to translate August 18, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to "Juvenilia"; will visit M. Ybarrando at 355 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Liverpool. Will consult Hughlings Jackson "the nerve specialist" about Eugene's illness; "Fortnightly" wants her to do an article on the New Reformation, but she'd rather write "another paper of the Baldwin sort" for the Contemporary Review; thinks the Anstruther- August 20, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to Thomson house delightful, and Miss Thomson 356 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) herself "a very enchanting creature." Must alter travel plans, as there has been an occurrence which "has given me rather a shock," but which she cannot explain; asks permission to invite Miss Thomson to Florence in the winter; feels closer to Miss August 25, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to Thomson than to anyone except Mary 357 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Robinson; is writing a dialogue for the


"Contemporary Review"; "Fortnightly" has raised her pay.

August 27, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to Will go to the Ybarrandos in Liverppol on the 358 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) 31st; the rest of her travel plans are uncertain. Reveals that what had upset her plans so much was Mary Robionson's sudden engagement to James Darmsteter, "a Jewish Professor at the College de France"; feels quite strongly that the marriage is ill-advised because of Darmsteter's physical deformities; is thankful that she was in the company of Miss Thomson August 30, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to when Mary's shocking announcement was 359 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) made. Arrived there after a 12 hour journey; will meet September 2, Violet Paget (Liverpool, England) to with the doctors on the 5th to discuss Eugene's 360 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) health. M. Ybarrando took her to an art exhibition in Manchester; the Ybarrandos' house is very beautiful and comfortable, but she preferred the atmosphere at the Anstruther-Thomsons'; Mary Robinson seems quite jubilant about her September 2, Violet Paget (Liverpool, England) to engagement despite everyone's 361 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) disappointment. Will go to stay with the Stillmans in London; September 5, Violet Paget (Liverpool, England) to will meet with two doctors to discuss Eugene's 362 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) illness; hopes to start for Itlay next week. Her consultation with the doctors about Eugene's illness was disappointing, as Hughlings Jackson could not prescribe any new medicine; thinks the Robinsons had better Violet Paget (Kensington, England) allow Mary to marry Darmsteter, as they September 6, to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, couldn't prevent it anyway; intends to be back 363 1887 Italy) in Italy by October 1. Spent some time with James Darsteter and thinks he'd be a suitable husband for Mary Robinson despite his physical deformities; Darmsteter himself promises the marriage will be platonic, as neither he nor Mary is "fitted for an ordinary marriage"; for Mary's sake, September 8, Violet Paget (London, England) to hope the engagement can be made to appear as 364 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) normal as possible.


Is at the house of Pauline de Cargouet who is "weak as water" so the children and the house are in a wretched state; will leave on the 17th, but her itinerary is uncertain; cannot understand how Mary Robinson will be happy September Violet Paget (St. Melaine, France) to with James Darmsteter as he is very dull, 365 12, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) unartistic and unliterary. The London doctors think Eugene has a nervous, rather than vaso-motor, malady; has had a letter from Adele Alfieri, and will visit her for two days; realizes her attitude towards Mary Robinson's engagement vascillates, but she only cares about Mary's "moral dignity, which means her essential happiness"; feels that her friendship with Mary has been hurt by September Violet Paget (St. Melaine, France) to Mary's engagement; "I feel a wretched, 366 14, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) helpless idiot." September Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Met Mary Robinson in Paris; will travel to the 367 18, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Alfieris' house tomorrow. Feels she has done as much as she can to persuade Mary Robinson to break her engagement, but all in vain; arrived at Asti, September Violet Paget (S. Martino, France) to home of the Alfieris, and will stay there until 368 20, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) the 23rd. She and Mary Robinson remain with the Alfieris until the 24th when they travel to September Violet Paget (S. Martino, France) to Venice, via Milan; wants Kit Anstruther- 369 22, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Thomson to have a copy of Eugene's poems. Delayed departure for Venice until 25th so that she can visit the house of Mme. Alfieri; Mary Robinson is not very well, having received so much opposition to her engagement to Darmsteter; implores Eugene September Violet Paget (S. Martino, France) to to restrain himself and behave properly when 370 24, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Mary and Darmsteter are in Florence. Will remain in Venice while Mary Robinson does her archival research, but only until September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to October 2nd; after that date, will go to 371 26, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Florence. Will arrive in Florence with Mary Robinson on Oct. 2; thinks that as long as Mary and Darmsteter's marriage remains platonic, and no children are produced, it may be a satisfactory, if unnatural, arrangement; September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to D'Annunzio, the publisher, is staying at their 372 27, 1887 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) hotel, and wants to meet Vernon Lee.


Darmsteter wrote to Mary Robinson assuring her that he could have none other than a platonic marriage; feels the situation "is all very extraordinary and not very human" but "After all one cannot make rules for exceptional people"; found D'Annunzio a "Neapolitan"; September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to includes (in Italian) "a memorandum about my 373 29, 1887 Matilda Paget (Florence) room" Delays departure for Florence for one day so October 1, Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to that she and Mary Robinson can see Mme. 374 1887 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Pisani at Rovigo. Is staying with the Gambas in Rome; with Maria Gamba walked around the city which Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda she thought "all very small and provincial 375 n.d. (1888) Paget (Florence, Italy) looking compared to Florence." Is glad to be away from Florence, "I am in such a whirl that all this hideous business (Mary Robinson's engagement to Darmsteter) seems a dream"; was introduced to Donna Laura Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Minghetti; has had invitations from the 376 n.d. (1888) Paget (Florence, Italy) Stillmans, Miss Hall and Mme. Pasolini. Maria Gamba is making her stay there very pleasant; spends a lot of time with Mme. February 26, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Pasolini, "far the most charming Italian I 377 1888 Paget (Florence, Italy) know"; visited Marchesa Guerrieri Gonzaga. Will return to Florence on the 9th; the Gambas have been very kind to her, while her English friends there are rather ignoring her; Alice Callander may come to Florence in the spring; dined at the Gonzagas, and spent two evenings at Mme. Minghetti's; Pasolinis took March 5, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda her to a Sistine Chapel; "the Pope in complete 378 1888 Paget (Florence, Italy) toggery." She and Donna Laura Minghetti thought of sending a copy of "Belcaro" to Miss Hastrister, n.d. (March Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda the actress; when Kit Astruther-Thomson 379 10? 1888) Paget (Florence, Italy) visits, V.P. will keep her out of Eugene's way. Is staying in a remote place by the sea, next April 20, Violet Paget (S. Terenzo, Italy) to door to Shelley's Casa Magni, "the house of a 380 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) drowned man." The weather has been so bad, they have not yet April 23, Violet Paget (S. Terenzo, Italy) to been to Porto Venere, "the place I have come 381 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) to see," so the journey home is delayed. Violet Paget to Matilda Paget Her health is not good, so will return to 382 n.d. (1888) (Florence, Italy) Florence after seeing the Cinis at S. Marcello. Is enjoying this quiet place, as "I am subject to Violet Paget (S. Felice, Italy) to sudden fits of fatigue"; Baldwin (V.P.'s doctor) 383 n.d. (1888) Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) "said I must make no efforts."


Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to 384 June 13, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Had a good journey, but very hot weather. Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to Is feeling much better due to the cooler 385 June 15, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) weather; spent yesterday at Ravenna. Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to Will leave Sunday night (24th) for Milan, then 386 June 22, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) on to Airolo and Paris, and England on July 1. Will go to the Wolseleys when she arrives in England; wants to go to Scotland immediately Violet Paget (Paris, France) to to Kit Anstruther-Thomson who "takes care of 387 June 28, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) me in a hundred ways other people wouldn't." Has managed the journey from Italy but found Paris tiring and noisy; the doctors advise baths for her health and Kit Anstruther-Thomson wants her to go to Scotland very soon; read Violet Paget (Surrey, England) to that Edmund Gurney died from an overdose of 388 July 1, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) chloroform. Is being sensible about her health, "I am really Violet Paget (Surrey, England) to doing nothing you would think silly"; received 389 July 3, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Mary Robinson's new book of poetry. Will see a doctor about her gout; the Russian Violet Paget (Surrey, England) to doctor says she will need 3 months to regain 390 July 7, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) her health. Doctor in London told her "short of Norway the east coast of Scotland is the best place I could be in"; Mary Robinson is avoiding most of her old friends; will stay with Kit Anstruther-Thomson at Miss Mackenzie's Violet Paget (Surrey, England) to cottage in Effingham , then visit the Sargents 391 July 11, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) and the Fords before going to Scotland. Is getting lots of rest there, although General Wolseley "tires me only just less than Pannier"; work is impossible as "I seem to live in a half waking condition only"; feels her health is too weak for a visit to the Austins'; went to see the Sligos near Guildford; all her Violet Paget (Surrey, England) to London friends, except Lady Duffy and Mary 392 July 14, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Wakefield have been ignoring her. Finds the Sargents' mill cottage there very Violet Paget (Reading, England) to quiet and peaceful, "for the first time for 393 July 17, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) months I seem to feel well." Is quite comfortable there at Miss Mackenzie's Violet Paget (Effingham, England) to cottage; she and Kit Anstruther-Thomson 394 July 21, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) leave for Scotland in a week. Requests the "exact colours of the carriage wheels" be sent to the India Rubber Tyre Co.; Violet Paget (Effingham, England) to her travel plans undecided because of the 395 July 25, 1888 Henry Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) illness of Kit Anstruther-Thomson's brother.


Is staying with Evelyn Wimbush until tomorrow morning when she leaves for Scotland with Kit Anstruther-Thomson; still suffers sudden fatigue, "particularly after the Violet Paget (N. Finchley, England) slightest mental effot"; Kit gave her an idea for to Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, a ballad for Eugene; Kit and another woman 396 July 27, 1888 Italy) are founding a Consumer's League. Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to 397 July 28, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) written in French Is comfortable there but feels it will be months before she'll be able to write again; an Austrian August 2, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to woman has written for permission to translate 398 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) "Miss Brown." Masson, the publisher, "proposes an Anglo- August 6, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to French publication of my 4 stories"; tomorrow 399 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) she begins her sea baths. Encourages Eugene to send copies of his book to Gosse, Browning and Mary Robinson; is enclosing a note she received from Mary whom she thinks is "trying to get patched up with me August 8, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to while it is still time, before the thing is done"; 400 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) will attempt to go sea bathing today. Thinks the sea baths and walks are improving her health; she and Kit Anstruther-Thomson are usually alone there, so it is very quiet; knows that she will have to slow down the pace August 12, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to of her life unless she wants to become a 401 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) "permanent invalid." Has not been writing often because of her Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to weak condition; will not allow Mary Robinson August 13-14, Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Bagni di to write anymore, as it would be a "dangerous 402 1888 Lucca, Italy) beginning for her married life." Her life there is monotonous, "but it is a very pleasant monotony"; her health is improving, August 18, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to but "the intellectual damage seems the worse"; 403 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) has begun to read a little. Her first notice of Mary Robinson's marriage August 26, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to was through Mrs. Sargent's letter her mother 404 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) forwarded. Has had a relapse, and has resumed taking "Dr. Hutchinson's tonic"; Kit Anstruther- Thomson's brother and aunt have visited; September 2, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to wants Eugene to send copies of his new book 405 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) to Mary Robinson and Kit. Is hesitant about accepting Miss Wimbush's invitation to travel at her expense; her health September Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to has not improved and she knows she will not 406 12, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) be able to spend the winter in Florence, but


alternative plans all confused.

Refuses her mother's offer to send a check; will not allow Kit Anstruther-Thomson to sacrifice September Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to her painting all winter; dreads returning to 407 17, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Florence because it is so busy and noisy. Is returning her mother's check, as she has plenty of money; will accept Miss Wimbush's September Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to offer to take her South in the winter; is 408 20, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) recovering from her relapse. Is angry there has been such a mixup about her accepting Miss Wimbush's offer to pay her way south; feels that accepting, then declining the offer, is unfair to Miss Wimbush; insists her reason for not wanting to return to Florence is not that she has "disagreeable associations" September Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to there; would prefer to go to Sicily or Tangier 409 27, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) rather than Egypt. Apologises for the angry letter she sent September Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to yesterday; thinks Tangiers would be the best 410 28, 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) place for her to visit. Suggest various towns outside of Florence where they might move to escape the city; thinks Miss Levy would serve as a good reader October 2, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to for Eugene; Kit Anstruther-Thomson is 411 1888 Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) teaching her to ride. She and Kit Anstruther-Thomson have been October 7, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to spending time with the Fergusons, "he a 412 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Gladstone M.P." October 9, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to Suggests the problem with the new carriage 413 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) wheels is "due to some defect in balancing" Likes his new book of sonnets "immensely," but fears there is too much crammed into it; Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to she and Kit Anstruther-Thomson will stay on a October 15, Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Florence, farm for 3-4 days; has hired a pony to learn to 414 1888 Italy) ride. October 20, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to 415 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Expects to sail for Tangiers on November 29. October 25, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to Is sure she won't be able to travel sooner than 416 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) in 6 weeks. She and Kit Anstruther-Thomson will stay with a Lady Campbell in Glasgow and a Miss Taylor in Northumberland before going to London; will stay with the Stillmans until her October 28, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to boat sails; is progressing well with her riding; 417 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) no publisher will take her four stories.


November 1, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to Must sail on the 22nd rather than the 29th; 418 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) needs a check for 50 pounds. Will travel to Tangiers then to Spain with Evelyn Wimbush; she and Kit Anstruther- Thomson will leave Charleton at the end of November 5, Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to the week, going to Edinburgh and 419 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Norhtumberland. November Violet Paget (Charleton, Scotland) to 420 12, 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Will go directly to London in two days. Will give up plans to go to Tangiers, "altho I hear from people just returned that all ground of alarm is limited to the interior of the November Violet Paget (Kensington, England) country"; will go to Gibraltar, and possibly 421 16, 1888 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Granada and Corfu. Is staying with the Austins until the 19th as London was too noisy; the Lemons came to visit; Mrs. Robinson is still very upset by Mary's marriage; has heard that there is not November Violet Paget (Kent, England) to danger at Tangiers, "so eventually I hope we 422 17, 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) may go." November Violet Paget (London, England) to Spent yesterday at Oxford; will sail tomorrow 423 22, 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) for Gibraltar. November Violet Paget (London, England) to If she can't stay in Spain, would rather go to 424 23, 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Sicily than Algiers. The voyage is very rough, but she is not too ill; Violet Paget (off the coast of her strength is improving, "but I feel I shall November Portugal) to Matilda Paget (Florence, never be as before, with regard to my head"; 425 25, 1888 Italy) Miss Wimbush is miserably sick. November Violet Paget (Gibraltar, UK) to 426 27, 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Just arrived. She and Miss Wimbush will cross over to Tangiers tomorrow, as it is quite safe; hired a horse and rode through "several Spanish November Violet Paget (Gibraltar, UK) to villages, sort of horrible dust heaps"; 29th: will 427 28-29, 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) leave at noon for Tangiers. December 1, Violet Paget (Tangier, Morocco) to She and Miss Wimbush are perfectly safe 428 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) there; has hired a horse to tour on. December 4, Violet Paget (Tangier, Morocco) to Is quite comfortable there; will try bathing as 429 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) the weather is very warm. Tangier is wonderful, but "without the something intimate, the soul, which a picturesque European town possesses"; the only industrious people there are the Jews; December 7, Violet Paget (Tangier, Morocco) to misses Scotland and Florence, "I hope this 430 1888 Bella Duffy (Florence, Italy?) amusing evil may soon be at an end." December 12, Violet Paget (Tangier, Morocco) to Takes Spanish lessons from a Jew there; will go 431 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) to see the Spanish theatre with Perdikaris;


finds it rather dull there.

Finds it difficult to move around there; went to December 19, Violet Paget (Tangier, Morocco) to see a Moorish woman: "like a Madonna in gala 432 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) dress"; going now to see "snake charmers." Is feeling much better, but "this sort of life is December 23, Violet Paget (Tangier, Morocco) to wearying me"; may return to Florence in a 433 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) month. Travelling to Malaga, as Tangier was too hard to move around in; found Evelyn Wimbush a dull companion; will travel in Spain before Violet Paget ("on the steamer in the sailing for Naples; is concerned about the December 26, Strait") to Matilda Paget (Florence, future, "as it seems more than ever difficult to 434 1888 Italy) make money." December 28, Violet Paget (Granada, Spain) to Had a smooth journey from Tangiers which 435 1888 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) didn't hurt her health. Is very depressed there because "the place and life are fearfully dull"; it is impossible to go riding and the people are "hideous, stupid and January 2, Violet Paget (Granada, Spain) to intolerably rude"; will leave for Naples on the 436 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) 23rd. Kit Anstruther-Thomson will return to Scotland from Paris at the end of the month January 5, Violet Paget (Granada, Spain) to but V.P.? will go to Florence as soon as her 437 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) personal affairs are settled. Has a ballad subject for Eugene about a January 8, Violet Paget (Granada, Spain) to Moorish woman; will stay for two weeks at 438 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Naples or Capri with Evelyn Wimbush. Has translated the story of Catalina de Arrogo; has an idea for a ghost story called "The Virgin of the Daggers" about Granada; relates, in January 8, Violet Paget (Granada, Spain) to some detail, the Moorish history of that place; 439 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) will leave Gibraltar on the 23rd. Will leave tomorrow for Seville; Kit January 12, Violet Paget (Granada, Spain) to Anstruther-Thomson is not going to Scotland; 440 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Miss Mackenzie wil be in Florence. Arrived there after an 11-hour journey; "this is January 13, Violet Paget (Seville, Spain) to a very pretty cheerful town and quite 441 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) picturesque." January 22, Violet Paget (Gibraltar, UK) to Will leave tonight on the S.S. Iberia for 442 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Naples. Will stay in Rome and Naples only for a short time as she is anxious to get back to Florence; her health again is bad, "I have been unwellish a long time….this illness has been a great Violet Paget (on board the S.S. lesson to me not to strain after the impossible, January 26, Iberia) to Matilda Paget (Florence, but to do what lies at hand"; wants her friends 443 1889 Italy) to know that she is "quite unfit to resume


ordinary life."

Will stay with Maria Pasoline when she goes to January 27, Violet Paget (Naples, Italy) to Rome; likes Naples very much, "this place is so 444 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) cheerful after Spain." Just received a letter from Eugene sent on the 6th of December, telling her how bad his January 28, Violet Paget (Naples, Italy) to health is; not having had this letter earlier, she 445 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) never understood how bad his condition was. Is very upset that her mother does not seem to understnd how fragile her health is; insists, "I shall in future, if my life and work are of any value, have requirements as distinct and January 29, Violet Paget (Naples, Italy) to necessary as a ground floor and carriage are to 446 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Eugene." Will stay in Rome with Maria Pasolini until February 6, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda the 15th; went to hear Orfeo, "beautifully 447 1889 Paget (Florence, Italy) given by a German woman." Asks her mother to send Kit Anstruther- Thomson an invitation to stay with them in Florence; went to Orpheus a second time; February 7, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Pasolinis will lend her their groom so she will 448 1889 Paget (Florence, Italy) be able to ride. Violet Paget (S. Marcello, Italy) to Will leave for Coccolia tonight, has enjoyed 449 July 10, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) her stay there. Had a good journey from France; glad to see Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Mrs. Stillman, "but much depressed by 450 July 18, 1889 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) London"; will go to the Sargents' on the 25th. Went to a doctor about her hurt arm; "I am Violet Paget (Kensington, England) much discouraged aobut the Stuarts; there 451 July 20, 1889 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) seems no demand for them at all" Hurt her arm falling down some steps; will stay Violet Paget (Kensington, England) with the Stillmans until Friday (26th), then go 452 July 24, 1889 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) to the Sargents' Arrived there at Sargents' yesterday; the city was bad for her health; saw Ben Castillo, "not a bit changed"; dined with Alice Callander, "quite broken by death of brother and bad Violet Paget (Pershore, England) to health"; "Princess Penelope" "not publishable 453 July 27, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) at present." There has been much confusion about cashing Violet Paget (Pershore, England) to her check; feels better in the country than she 454 July 28, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) did in London. August 5, Violet Paget (Pershore, England) to Hopes to be able to remain there for a week or 455 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) ten days.


August 10, Violet Paget (Pershore, England) to At the end of the week will go with Evelyn 456 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Pickering to Yorkshire. Will leave for Ben Rhydding, Yorkshire, Aug. August 16, Violet Paget (Pershore, England) to 20; Kit Anstruther-Thomson has been ill, 457 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) "very weak and worn out generally." Left the Sargents' at Fladbury last night; will make arrangements to have sea baths there; Violet Paget (Ben Rhydding, "Have suffered terribly from nervous August 21, Yorkshire) to Matilda Paget depression of late, said to be a symptom of 458 1889 (Florence, Italy) getting better!" Violet Paget (Ben Rhydding, Is changing lodgings to Ilkley; began sea baths; August 23, Yorkshire) to Matilda Paget Kit Anstruther-Thomson will join her and 459 1889 (Florence, Italy) Evelyn Pickering next week. Evelyn Pickering "insisted on Kit Anstruther- Thomson and me being her guests here for a fortnight and took this cottage"; her health is bad again, "this odious discomfort and the August 24, Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to worry and fatigue have rather pulled me 460 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) down." Sea baths have been helping her health somewhat; John Sargent decided to paint Kit Anstruther-Thomson, so she'll be delayed in getting to Ilkley; wishes she were getting August 28, Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to hydropathy, "The Dr. here seems very 461 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) backward, and is a disagreeable cuss." Kit Anstruther-Thomson and Vi (?) will arrive August 30, Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to tonight; baths and air are helping her health; 462 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) wrote Spanish story for "New Review." Health is improving due to sea baths and the air there; Kit Anstruther-Thomson arrived September 3, Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to with Vi (?); "Alfieri has an article in the "19th 463 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Century!!!" September 5, Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to Will bring Miss Levy with her to Florence to 464 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) see Eugene; will return to Italy in November Will leave London October 15th with the September 8, Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to Childers to return to Italy; Miss Levy can't go 465 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) with her to Florence. Evelyn Wimbush left two days ago, but Vi (?) September Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to still remains with her and Kit Anstruther- 466 11, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Thomson there. September Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to Would Eugene rather have Alice Abadam or 467 14, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Lisa Stillman stay with them in Florence? September Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to Vi (?) left yesterday; is having difficulty finding 468 18, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) someone to go to Florence with her. September Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to died last week, "and had her novel 469 18, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) cremated with her." September Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to Fears Masson may be giving up his magazine, 470 23, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) "a great loss for me"; Emily Ford has visited.


September Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to Insists her mother needn't have Alice Abadam 471 24, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) unless she really wants her to visit. Has been reading Fere and Binet's book on Animal Magnetism and thinks hypnotism should be tried on Eugene; will stay with the Fords at Adel Grange for two days, then go to September Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to the Sargents; proposes bringing Miss 472 26, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Mackenzie back to Venice with her. September Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to Asks to have Elliot Stock send copies of 473 28, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Eugene's book to the Sargents. September Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to 474 30, 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Wants the size of the coachman's glove; "much October 1, Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to of my time and money this winter will have to 475 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) go at the Dentist's!" Is willing to see the doctor in Paris about October 2, Violet Paget (Ilkley, England) to Eugene; Miss Mackenzie will go to Florence 476 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) with her. Has been staying with the Fords since yesterday and today goes to the Sargents'; is happy to be travelling to Florence with Miss Mackenzie as the Childers "couldn't look after me"; Mary Darmsteter (Mary Robinson) wrote October 5, Violet Paget (Leeds, England) to saying she wanted to resume their friendship, 477 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) "the letter doesn't seem to me very sincere." Will see Dr. Luys about "his machine," as October 8, Violet Paget (Pershore, England) to Eugene shouldn't try hypnosis without a 478 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) doctor; will arrive in Florence on the 21st. October 12, Violet Paget (Fladbury, England) to Explains itinerary; will arrive in Florence on 479 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) 21st. Dr. Luys will show her "his machine," but says he's never heard of a case like Eugene's; Kit Anstruther-Thomson would like to go to Florence in February; has learned that Amy Levy committed suicide, being "on the verge of a terrible and loathsome form of madness"; October 14, Violet Paget (Fladbury, England) to Miss Mackenzie is ill, so she may have to travel 480 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) to Florence alone. October 16, Violet Paget (Fladbury, England) to Doctor says Miss Mackenzie will be well 481 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) enough to travel by next week. Will wait until the 24th for Miss Mackenzie to October 18, Violet Paget (Fladbury, England) to get well, otherwise, she will travel to Florence 482 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) alone; goes to the Paters until the 24th. October 22, Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Is at the Paters' until the 24th, when she leaves 483 1889 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) for Florence with Miss Mackenzie. Has seen Dr. Luys with his hypnotism October 25, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to machine; Mary (Robinson) Darmsteter will 484 1889 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) arrive in Florence on the 27th.


Had a good journey; "M. P. (Maria Pasolini) January 18, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda met me in evening clothes between two 485 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) parties!" January 21, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Olive Thomson will return to Florence with 486 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) her; is enjoying herself very much there. Spends her time with Maria Pasolini and the January 22, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Stillmans; took a drive in the Campagna; met 487 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) Boughe at Princess Venosa's. Has been driving with Duckworth in the January 27, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Campagna; went to the French Academy; R. 488 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) Ferguson and Lady Helen called. Will stay in Rome for another week; has seen January 31, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda the Stillmans, the Martinis, and Princess 489 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) Venosa. Thinks "Michael Field's" criticism of Eugene's poems is absurd; Princess Venosa has February 4, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda interesting dinner parties; will return to 490 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence on the 9th. Can't return to Florence before the 12th or February 5, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda 13th; spent yesterday at Anagni, "a curious 491 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) mountain town." Has decided to return to Florence with Olive Anstruther-Thomson on the 13th; will ask Evelyn to lunch on Friday (14th); lunched at February 10, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Donna Laura Minghetti's, then went to the 492 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) Duchess Grazioli's. She and Kit Anstruther-Thomson are very Violet Paget (Panzano, Italy) to comfortable there, in a "delightful farmhouse, 493 July 22, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) with such kind people." Arrived there safely with Kit Anstruther- Violet Paget (Siena, Italy) to Matilda Thomson from Panzano; the people at 494 July 23, 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) Panzano were very kind. Violet Paget (Siena, Italy) to Matilda Kit Anstruther-Thomson's health is better; 495 July 26, 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) weather has been unseasonably cold. Violet Paget (Siena, Italy) to Matilda Is able to take nice drives there, but "I have a 496 July 30, 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) little of Kit's neuralgic complaint now." August 1, Violet Paget (Siena, Italy) to Matilda "I am so vexed about Cecconi and wrote off to 497 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) him at once." Bourget has married a "Catholic jeune August 7, Violet Paget (Siena, Italy) to Matilda personne"; Lord Wolseley is given a command 498 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) in Ireland. Her health has been bad again; Quilter, editor of the "Universal Review," wanted articles from her, but wouldn't accept the fiction she offered; the races will be on the 16th and 17th; August 10, Violet Paget (Siena, Italy) to Matilda will begin a week-long tour of Italy on the 499 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) 18th.


Her health is not good: "I fear I am in for a little relapse, getting weaker and some of my August 12, Violet Paget (Siena, Italy) to Matilda old symptoms I had in Spain"; will try to get 500 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) hydropathic treatment in Piedmont. Plans for travel are still vague because of her August 13, Violet Paget (Siena, Italy) to Matilda health; is angry that Eugene wrote Cecconi "a 501 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) stinger--after all, he was not solely to blame." Is concerned that Kit Anstruther-Thomson insists upon paying her own way when they travel together; thinks she (V.P.) ought to pay for both of them, "as she (Kit) is necessary to my getting about at all" and Kit has very little money; has fallen into a relapse "due to writing and generally doing too much"; the August 14, Violet Paget (Siena, Italy) to Matilda "Contemporary" and "Fortnightly" want 502 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) articles but she can't write. Kit Anstruther-Thomson insists on accompanying her to the hydropathic and paying her own way; the "Contemporary"'s acceptance of her manuscript of "A Worldly Woman" is unexpected; has been attending the August 17, Violet Paget (Siena, Italy) to Matilda horse races there for three days; tomorrow will 503 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) begin their trip through Italy. Stayed here for one night, will move on to Volterra; will have a hydropathic treatment in August 19, Violet Paget (S. Ginugnano, Italy) to the Appenines, as it isn't too far away; met 504 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Mrs. Jack Gardener at Mme. Chigi's. August 20, Violet Paget (Volterra, Italy) to Will stay in this "strange Etruscan place" 505 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) overnight, to rest the pony. August 22, Violet Paget (Pontedera, Italy) to Will stay here "in this manufacturing hole" 506 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) overnight before going on to Lucca. Has given up going to the hydropathic as it August 23, Violet Paget (Lucca, Italy) to Matilda would be a long journey; will take a cottage 507 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) near Abetone and have sea baths at Venice. Will arrive at S. Marcello tomorrow morning, where they will have rooms; Bunting (ed. Of August 24, Violet Paget (Lucca, Italy) to Matilda "Contemporary Review") has sent her 20 508 1890 Paget (Florence, Italy) pounds. Elena French has taken a house for her and Kit August 28, Violet Paget (S. Marcello, Italy) to Anstruther-Thomson 2 hours from S. 509 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Marcello. She and Kit Anstruther-Thomson are comfortable there, but it is quite cold; will August 30, Violet Paget (Prataccio, Italy) to leave Thursday (Sept. 4th) for Bologna or 510 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Modena. September 1, Violet Paget (Prataccio, Italy) to Wonders if she should return to Florence, as 511 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Eugene's health is so bad.


Asks her mother to send tea and soup tablets, September 4, Violet Paget (Piteglio, Italy) to "we find them a great resource in this 512 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) wilderness." The Pasolinis are taking care of their pony, and tomorrow they leave for Venice; read an article on Mary Darmsteter and wonders "how Mary can endure such a piece of impertinence…she September Violet Paget (Bologna, Italy) to must have utterly ceased to be an 513 14, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Englishwoman." Is staying with Kit Anstruther-Thomson in nice, inexpensive lodgings; does not understand how Mary Darmsteter could like the article that was written about her, but "she had got strangely avid of even the most fulsome and impertinent personal flattery"; September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to suggests Eugene take Clementina Black as a 514 16, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) secretary for a month. September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to 515 18, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Has begun to take sea baths. Is taking sea baths and swimming lessons; Claude Phillips and Schuster took her and Kit September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Anstruther-Thomson rowing; Kit is very weak 516 20, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) with constant cold and fatigue. She and Kit Anstruther-Thomson will go to September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to stay with Mrs. Bronson at Asolo after October 517 21, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) 7th. Will stay an extra week in Venice, with the money her mother sent as a birthday present; is September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to very worried about Kit Anstruther-Thomson's 518 21, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) health and fears consumption. Is "horrified" about Bergust's accident; Kit September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Anstruther-Thomson's health is a little 519 25, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) improved; will lunch with Mr. Peto. Have had invitations from Css. Marcello and September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Mme. Pisani; Symonds is expected to move in 520 26, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) next door. Thinks the Curtises' lack of hospitality due to September Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to "the V. business, or with that story 'Two 521 30, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Novels.'" Thinks Miss Black would be "immensely October 3, Violent Paget (Venice, Italy) to grateful" to be able to stay with them in 522 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence. As Mrs. Bronson is ill, the trip to Asolo must begiven up; she and Kit Anstruther will go to October 6, Violent Paget (Venice, Italy) to Ravenna to await Maria Pasolini's return from 523 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Paris. October 8, Violent Paget (Venice, Italy) to 524 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy)


She and Kit Anstruther-Thomson are staying in the Pasolini's house there; encourages Eugene to take Clementina Black as a temporary secretary; is very concerned about Kit's ill health; thinks "someone at Venice has October 9, Violent Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to been making mischief against me" as people 525 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) are being barely civil. October 11, Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to They are very comfortable in the Pasolini's 526 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) house there, and are living cheaply. "This is my birthday, so I must write to thank for having been brought into a world which is October 14, Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to most often tolerable and occasionally good"; 527 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) will lunch with the Gambas. October 18, Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to Gives instructions about matting and 528 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) carpeting. October 19, Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to 529 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Asks to have winter clothes sent to her. October 21, Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to Is trying to find a different pony; may go to the 530 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Spallettis'. Thanks her mother for having sent the winter clothes, as it is so cold there; Maria Pasolini will arrive in Coccolia in a week; will go with Kit Anstruther-Thomson to the Spallettis' for 4 days; Mary Darmsteter continues to write to her, despite her pleas that she stop; includes an October 24, Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to extract from one of Mary's letters about 531 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Eugene's poetry. Goes tomorrow to Spallettis'; will be at October 26, Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to Coccolia on the 30th; will try to see Dr. Murri 532 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) at Bologna about her diet. October 28, Violet Paget (Bologna, Italy) to On their way to the Spallettis'; is trying to sell 533 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) her pony. Was sick with a "very bad chill," but hopes to November 1, Violet Paget (Rubbiera, Italy) to travel to Coccolia tomorrow; is expecting a 534 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) check from the "Contemporary." Cannot buy a new horse until she sells the one she has; was very sick for one day at the Spallettis'; the "Contemporary" published, in two installments, her story "A Wordly November 3, Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to Woman," "which I hope you will do me the 535 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) honour to read." November 5, Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to 536 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) May have a buyer for her horse. November 8, Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to 537 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Is taking quinine for her cold and chills.


Buntin, editor of the "Contemporary Review," has raised her pay only insignificantly; is "restless to get home and settled to my work"; November 9, Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to has had an invitation from Mme. Gordigiani to 538 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) stay her villa. , proprietor of the "Art Journal," returned some of Kit Anstruther-Thomson's drawings; as production of the "Art Journal" has ceased, there seems no chance that Eugene will be paid for the sonnets he sent them; can't November Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to sell her horse as it has a cold; will go home as 539 12, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) soon as the horse is sent over the Appenines. Novembe 17, Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to 540 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Wants to leave by the 21st. Has been asked for an article by the "New Review"; although she has been cured of her "cerebral weakness," has discovered that her digestion is "quite ruined"; insists that once she November Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to returns to Florence she be allowed to order 541 18, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) and prepare her own food. November Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to Will return to Florence soon, after spending a 542 21, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) few days with Mrs. French at Pistoia. Dr. Murri told her she suffers from "nervous dyspepsia," which requires the "greatest care and humouring"; the doctor has prescribed a nerve tonic and a dilution of hydrochloric acid; November Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to hopes to be back in Florence on the 28th, after 543 23, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) having spent 3 days with Mrs. French. Will not be able to see Mrs. French, as she is November Violet Paget (Coccolia, Italy) to still at S. Marcello; she and Kit Anstruther- 544 24, 1890 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Thomson will arrive in Florence tomorrow. March 5, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda "This is a most lovely place"; Kit Anstruther- 545 1891 Paget (Florence, Italy) Thomson leaves in the afternoon. March 5, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda Alice "accepts with joy and gratitude"; Kit 546 1891 Paget (Florence, Italy) Anstruther-Thomson has just left. Had lunch with Maria Pasolini's sister-in-law; March 10, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda yesterday drove into Genoa; will return to 547 1891 Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence on 14th. The Gambas saw her off at Florence; travelled part of the way with the Magneders and Violet Paget (Montericco, Italy) to Gennaro Placci; will see the doctor in Bologna 548 June 24, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) tomorrow. Violet Paget (Montericco, Italy) to Will go to the Spallettis' tomorrow; visited 549 June 25, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Modena. Will stay here one day before moving on to Violet Paget (Rubbiera, Italy) to Milan where she will be met by Donna Laura 550 June 27, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Gropallo; didn't see Dr. Murri.


Was met at the station by Laura Gropallo; will Violet Paget (Milan, Italy) to Matilda lunch with a friend of Placci tomorrow; 551 June 28, 1891 Paget (Florence, Italy) received a letter from Mary Darmsteter. Will number the sentences in her letters so as to "give the news in small numbered particles to Eugene"; visited the Sargents; John Sargent took her to the new Salon; Panniers invited her to dinner; went to see Mary Darmsteter at her home with Carlo Placci; found Mary "tremendously changed...apparently no interest Violet Paget (Paris, France) to beyond herself"; will go to the Paters' upon 552 July 2, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) arrival in England. Violet Paget (Paris, France) to 553 July 4, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Will stay with the Paters until the 10th or Violet Paget (Kensington, England) 11th; "I hate this black hideous place and wish 554 July 7, 1891 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) I were back in Italy." Harris, editor of the "Fortnightly", wants her Violet Paget (Kensington, England) to do criticism of his articles; called on the 555 July 9, 1891 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Robinsons. Is going to stay with Kit Anstruther-Thomson; will lunch with Miss Ferguson; has seen only Violet Paget (Kensington, England) the Robinsons and Mrs. Barstow; "it's a bad 556 July 11, 1891 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) business about poor little Mar=t C=den." Went to hear the socialists at Morris' house at Violet Paget (London, England) to Hammersmith; Miss Arnold, Miss Wakefield, 557 July 14, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) and Miss Black all called. Maitland wants to see her; lunched with Sir Charles Newton, "rapidly dying, but Violet Paget (London, England) to charming"; Dorothy Blomfield likes Eugene's 558 July 16, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) play; may go to the Austins'. Hamilton Aïdé called; lunched with Miss Wakefield; has sent Unwin mss. of three Violet Paget (London, England) to stories; confusion over how much money she 559 July 18, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) will receive from "Fortnightly" for her article. Called on Lady Wolseley; Kit Anstruther- Thomson's brother called; has seen much of Violet Paget (London, England) to the Fergusons; Miss Black brought "Champion 560 July 20, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) the socialist" to meet her. Will not accept only 20 from Unwin for her Violet Paget (London, England) to stories; is going to a polo match; sees "a good 561 July 25, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) deal" of the Fergusons. Is sending her stories to Balesten, "without much hope"; Miss Ferguson took her to see Violet Paget (London, England) to Lucas Malet; will go to the Austins' for 3 or 4 562 July 28, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) days.


Went to Mrs. Graham Thomson's party-- "such scrubs!"; "Baldwin" and "Juvenilia" "virtually out of print"; first half of "Pictor Violet Paget (London, England) to Sacrilegus" out in the "Contemporary"; will 563 July 30, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) dine with the Paters. Is dissatisfied with her book sales, "I am August 1, Violet Paget (London, England) to decidedly an unsuccessful author, well known 564 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) but not read." Is staying with the Austins until the 10th; "have August 7, Violet Paget (Ashford, England) to been very low in health and spirits"; will visit 565 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Hamilton Aïdé at Ascot. August 8, Violet Paget (Ashford, England) to Asks her mother to get a copy of "Fantasia" for 566 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Alfred Austin. Unwin wants to get back the rights to "Juvenilia"; "Contemporary" has paid £28.10 August 11, Violet Paget (London, England) to for first half of "Pictor Sacrilegus"; will see 567 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Mary Darmsteter for a day in London. August 13, Violet Paget (Ascot, England) to 568 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) August 15, Violet Paget (Ascot, England) to Has had a pleasant stay with Aïdé; her last 569 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) book of stories was a loss to Heinemann. Will stay with Lady Campbell from the 4th to the 11th of September; with Kit Anstruther- Thomson will visit various friends in England; August 18, Violet Paget (London, England) to requests fruit, flowers, and wine be sent to the 570 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Paters from Florence. Will visit some of Kit Anstruther-Thomson's relatives; Emily Ford called; went to the August 22, Violet Paget (London, England) to Museum with Eugénie Sellers, "like her so 571 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) much." Has been staying there for 2 days; will go to August 25, Violet Paget (Guildford, England) to Maidenhead, then London, then Chelmsford, 572 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) before leaving Scotland. Leaves today to stay in Chelmsford until August 28, Violet Paget (London, England) to September 1, visiting Kit Anstruther- 573 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Thomson's brother. September 3, Violet Paget (Crarae, Scotland) to 574 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) September 7, Violet Paget (Inverary, Scotland) to Of an article in the "Review", "these English 575 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) have no more imagination than pint pots." Will be at Assynt for a week; wants to go to London for a while "to see a few people, particularly Buddhists with a view to a story"; Miss Little will stay with them in Florence at September 8, Violet Paget (Crarae, Scotland) to Christmas; Kit Anstruther-Thomson also 576 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) wants to go to Florence at that time.


Will be at Assynt for a week, then will stay with Mrs. Taylor near Newcastle, before going to Emily Ford's near Leeds; Mrs. Graham September Violet Paget (Crarae, Scotland) to Thomson "handsome certainly but rather 577 10, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Athenaeumy." Stayed last night at Oban with Kit Anstruther- Violet Paget ("Steamer on Thomson; will arrive at , then take September Caledonian Canal," Scotland) to train to the Fergusons'; will meet Kit at the 578 12, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Fords' on 21st. Arrived there on the 12th, after a long journey; September Violet Paget (Assynt, Scotland) to may go to Edinburgh with Mme. Cantagelli's 579 14, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) sister; will visit Mrs. Taylor at Newcastle. Will go to the Tods' at Edinburgh for 2 days then to Mona Taylor in Northumberland; will September Violet Paget (Assynt, Scotland) to be back in Florence by November 15; went to 580 17, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) pony races in Inverness. Will visit Mme. Cantagelli's sister at Edinburgh, then join Kit Antruther-Thomson at the Fords'; will see Mrs. Graham Thomson September Violet Paget (Assynt, Scotland) to and Mrs. Webster when she is in London; may 581 19, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) visit with Kit, Miss Mackenzie. Is staying with Miss Tod outside Edinburgh; September Violet Paget (Corstophine, Scotland) will meet Kit Anstruther-Thomson in Leeds in 582 22, 1891 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) 2 days. Will stay here with Mrs. Taylor for a day Violet Paget (Chipchase Castle, before going to the Fords'; saw the Forth September England) to Matilda Paget (Florence, Bridge at Edinburgh, "a marvelous and very 583 25, 1891 Italy) beautiful monument." Found Chipchase Castle "delightful"; will see if September Violet Paget (Leeds, England) to she can stay with the Creightons on her way 584 27, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) south; will be in Chelsea by the 30th. Henry James called and said "he is going in deliberately for playwriting"; will see a September Violet Paget (London, England) to dramatization of "The American"; her health is 585 29, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) very good. Went to see a dratization of Henry James's "American", "a great deal seems to me October 2, Violet Paget (London, England) to unnecessary concession to a vulgar public"; 586 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Olive Thomson is very anxious to go to Italy. Went to see the Daly Company "considered October 4, Violet Paget (London, England) to the best comedians in English. So vulgar and 587 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) lachrymose." "Poor little Margaret C-n Cobden is dead"; visited Mrs. Clifford whose "literary house strikes me as more odious than ever"; "I am in Octobert 6, Violet Paget (London, England) to search of Buddhists and spiritualists for a 588 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) story."


Bad health may necessitate an early return to Florence; Mrs. Graham Thomson and Mrs. Webster are both away from London; before she died, Margaret Cobden "had lost her mind October 8, Violet Paget (London, England) to utterly"; will see some Theosophists in the 589 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) evening. Her health is much better; "Half the edition of October 9, Violet Paget (London, England) to 'Hauntings' was burnt accidentally. A new 590 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) cheap one will come out." Would like to ask Mrs. Ward's sister to come October 11, Violet Paget (London, England) to to Florence; "on better acquaintance I like 591 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Miss Sellers very much." Spoke to the Travellers' Club at a dinner at Toynbee Hall; will visit Lady Archie Campbell October 14, Violet Paget (London, England) to at Coombe; "Nineteenth Century" returned 592 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) one article, but asks for another. October 15, Violet Paget (London, England) to 593 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Dined with Mrs. Barstow. Mlle. De Bury called, "very much Melegan October 17, Violet Paget (London, England) to type, sentimental, elderly, but slatternly!!!"; 594 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) dined with the Dunhams. Mrs. Mahomed took them to see some schools October 22, Violet Paget (London, England) to in the East End; "Contemporary" took her 595 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) article which "Nineteenth Century" rejected. October 23, Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to 596 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Will stay overnight with Miss Mackenzie. Visited the Stephens and Mrs. Clifford; would October 25, Violet Paget (London, England) to like to invite Miss Sellers to come to Florence 597 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) in May. Lunched at Coombe with Lady Archie Campbell; Robinsons have asked her and Kit October 28, Violet Paget (London, England) to Anstruther-Thomson to dinner; may go to stay 598 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) with Kit's cousins at Norfolk. Olive Thomson will arrive in Florence November 4; will attend Miss Sellers' lecture October 31, Violet Paget (London, England) to at the British Museum; will see the Paters and 599 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) lunch with Sir Charles Newton. Is tempted to return to Florence, but thinks November 2, Violet Paget (London, England) to she had better stay in London and see a few 600 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) people; called on the Garnetts. Mrs. Taylor is taking her and Kit Anstruther- Thomson to see "As You Like It"; has been to November 5, Violet Paget (London, England) to Miss Sellers' lectures at the British Museum; 601 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) may write about Greek sculpture. November 7, Violet Paget (London, England) to Saw the production of "The American" again, 602 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) "Didn't like it this time." November 9, Violet Paget (London, England) to Is considering lecturing as "a mode of 603 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) influence and money making"; went to a dull


dinner at Raffalovich's.

Will stop at Cambridge on her way back to November Violet Paget (Thetford, England) to London on the 13th; Miss Gladstone and Fred 604 11, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Myers are both out of town. November Violet Paget (London, England) to Visited Sir Charles Newton; will lecture the 605 14, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) "Toynbees" on the 20th. The University Extension wants her to begin November Violet Paget (London, England) to lecturing at once; may lecture on "Greek art as 606 16, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) a standard of all art." Will give her "Toynbee lecture" on the 20th; November Violet Paget (London, England) to will return to Florence immediately, "if you 607 18, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) want me." November Violet Paget (London, England) to 608 21, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Her lecture at Toynbee went well. Will come to Florence very soon; found that November Violet Paget (London, England) to the lecturing season is 20 October to Easter, 609 22, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) which would be hard for her to arrange. Will leave for Florence Dec. 2, stopping at November Violet Paget (London, England) to Paris and Nervi; will try lecturing in Rome at 610 29, 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Easter. Has been Bella Duffy only twice; will go with Violet Paget (London, England) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson to the Ranee at 611 n.d. (1891) Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Wimbleton. December 1, Violet Paget (London, England) to 612 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Leaves for Florence tomorrow. December 3, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Lunched with Mme. Blanc and had tea with 613 1891 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Mary Darmsteter; leaves tonight for Nervi. December 5, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda Is tired and would like to remain there until 614 1891 Paget (Florence, Italy) the 7th or 8th. December 7, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda 615 1891 Paget (Florence, Italy) Will arrive in Florence on 9th. "The Fenzi business has been much worse than the worst anticipations," involving "bankruptcy, complicated with fraudulant affairs"; Nina Barstow implores her to give up her idea of lecturing; feels about lecturing, though, that "if it's worthwhile writing for shoddies, it's also worthwhile lecturing"; asks Kit to "nail Miss Sellers" on the subject; Miss January 15, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit Duffy warns her that essay writing "was only 616 1892 Anstruther-Thomson journalism after all." April 12, Violet Paget (Orvieto, Italy) to Has enjoyed seeing things there; leaves for 617 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Rome today. April 14, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda She and Kit Anstruther-Thomson were met at 618 1892 Paget (Florence, Italy) the station there by Maria Pasolini.


April 28, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Spent 1/2 day at Frascati; dined with the 619 1892 Paget (Florence, Italy) Bourgets; will return to Florence May 7. April 28, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda 620 1892 Paget (Florence, Italy) Will start her journey as planned. She and Kit Anstruther-Thomson dined with Vitteria Cima, Placci's friend; "Pratesi called, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to much aged"; will call on Mary Darmsteter and 621 June 16, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) the Panniers. Called on Mary Darmsteter and found Miss Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Poynter staying there; will meet Gaston Paris 622 June 17, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) at at Mary's tomorrow; called on Mlle. Read. Called on Mme. de Bury, "infinitely untidy and poor, but very genial and enthusiastic"; Violet Paget (Paris, France) to lunched with Mary Darmsteter, "won't again"; 623 June 19, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Mason called. Went to see Mr. Müntz, Directeur des Beaux Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Arts; visited Mme. de Montibello; dined with 624 June 21, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Placci's sister. Will go to the Paters' on the 27th; dined with Violet Paget (Paris, France) to the Panniers and "Mary [Darmsteter] became 625 June 22, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) sore subject." Mme. de Montibello "proved delightful"; Knowles, ed. of "Nineteenth Century" sent a Violet Paget (Paris, France) to check for only £12, which she assumes was for 626 June 24, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) someone else. Received letter from Knowles (ed. of "Nineteenth Century") with new check; Violet Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Desmond had a baby girl; will call on Burgs 627 June 26, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) and Mary Darmsteter; leaves tomorrow. Will lunch with Miss Dunham to see John Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Sargent and Placci; "England uninviting, 628 June 28, 1892 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) cannot conceive why I've come!" Lunched with Mrs. Taylor and Miss Ferguson; saw Bella Duffy and Mrs. Lang; has been Violet Paget (Kensington, England) invited by Mrs. Creighton; called on the 629 June 30, 1892 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Robinsons. Will lunch with Mr. Watts today, tomorrow Violet Paget (London, England) to with Bella Duffy; on 4th will go to Kit 630 July 2, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Anstruther-Thomson's. Kit Anstruther-Thomson's health is no better; "I am awfully feeble and depressed with the Violet Paget (London, England) to usual London depression;" will lunch with the 631 July 5, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Fergusons. Has left cards with the Wards and Gosses; "everyone engaged in elections, small liberal Violet Paget (London, England) to majority expected"; is studying at National 632 July 7, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Gallery.


Visited Bunting; dined with Miss Dunham; will Violet Paget (London, England) to go with Mrs. Ward for an afternoon in the 633 July 9, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) country; will lunch at Cyril Flowers'. Swelling in her leg, for which she saw "the Russian Doctoress in Paris," is better; Kit Anstruther-Thomson's brother Arthur visited; would like to ask Arthur to stay with them in Violet Paget (London, England) to Florence at Christmas; visited Mrs. Clifford: 634 July 11, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) "how grimy and grubby and literary!" Had to see a doctor about her swollen eye; will go to Miss Mackenzie's for a few days; Kit Violet Paget (London, England) to Anstruther-Thomson "very seriously run 635 July 13, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) down." Will go to Miss Mackenzie's for a week, Violet Paget (London, England) to leaving Kit Anstruther-Thomson alone in 636 July 16, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) London. Leaves today for Miss Mackenzie's; will try to Violet Paget (London, England) to go to Venice on the way back to Florence; 637 July 18, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) dined with the Fergusons. Violet Paget (Ranmore, England) to Is very comfortable there with Miss 638 July 19, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Mackenzie; will stay a week or 10 days. May go to Scotland in August, "if London Violet Paget (Ranmore, England) to knocks me up again"; Will go see Aide at Ascot 639 July 22, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) for a few days. Violet Paget (Ranmore, England) to Has resumed writing; may stay with some 640 July 25, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Americans at Losely Hall for the weekend Violet Paget (Ranmore, England) to Will return to Kit Anstruther-Thomson in 641 July 28, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) London as she is very ill. Violet Paget (Ranmore, England) to Returns to London today; may stay with Aide 642 July 30, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) for a few days. Kit Anstruther-Thomson very ill, but "insists on going to Psychological Congress today!"; August 1, Violet Paget (London, England) to will begin study of Greek sculpture; visited St. 643 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Paul's. Is attending the Psychological Congress attended by Helmholtz, Suley, Barn, Galton, Stanley; Dr. Bramwell did a hypnotic August 2, Violet Paget (London, England) to experiment; "remarkable new lights on 644 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) suggestion in functional diseases." August 5, Violet Paget (London, England) to Saw experiments of hypnotic suggestion at the 645 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Psychological Congress. Went to see the Robinsons and Mary Darmsteter at Epsom; may stay with Lady August 7, Violet Paget (London, England) to Welby or Aide if Kit Anstruther-Thomson 646 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) goes to her cousin's. Will stay alone in London while Kit August 10, Violet Paget (London, England) to Anstruther-Thomson goes to her cousin's near 647 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Epsom.


Will go to the Palmers near Guildford for the August 12, Violet Paget (London, England) to weekend, then to the Austins for as long as Kit 648 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Anstruther-Thomson stays away from London. August 15, Violet Paget (Guildford, England) to Is staying in a "beautiful old house" there; 649 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) hopes to go to the Austins tomorrow. August 17, Violet Paget (Ashford, England) to Will go with Kit Anstruther-Thomson to St. 650 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Moritz to stay with Miss Dunham. August 18, Violet Paget (Ashford, England) to Will leave for St. Moritz with Kit Anstruther- 651 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Thomson next week. Will stay with Kit Anstruther-Thomson at August 20, Violet Paget (Ashford, England) to Miss Dunham's in St. Moritz; will arrive in St. 652 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Moritz on the 27th. August 23, Violet Paget (London, England) to Is staying with Miss Moffat until tomorrow 653 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) when she leaves for Bale. Violet Paget (St. Moritz, August 27, Switzerland) to Matilda Paget "Very wonderful and beautiful scenery 654 1892 (Florence, Italy) here…brilliant sun and delightful air." Kit Anstruther-Thomson's health is already Violet Paget (St. Moritz, improving there; took a drive with Placci August 29, Switzerland) to Matilda Paget yesterday; has been invited to stay with 655 1892 (Florence, Italy) Contessa Suardi at Bergamo. Violet Paget (St. Moritz, Countryside there is "delightfully stimulating August 31, Switzerland) to Matilda Paget and full of strange beauty"; they take many 656 1892 (Florence, Italy) drives. Violet Paget (St. Moritz, Met another of Maria Pasolini's sister, Mme. September 1, Switzerland) to Matilda Paget Esengrini, who invited her and Kit Anstruther- 656.1 1892 (Florence, Italy) Thomson for a visit. Violet Paget (St. Moritz, Will stay with Miss Dunham until the 12th or September 4, Switzerland) to Matilda Paget 13th; will go to Venice, then to see Maria 656.2 1892 (Florence, Italy) Pasolini. Violet Paget (St. Moritz, September 6, Switzerland) to Matilda Paget Met the "charming local magnates, Von 656.3 1892 (Florence, Italy) Planta, sort of feudal sovereign." Violet Paget (St. Moritz, September 8, Switzerland) to Matilda Paget Will leave on the 15th, stopping at 656.4 1892 (Florence, Italy) Promontogno. Violet Paget (St. Moritz, September Switzerland) to Matilda Paget Gives itinerary of her trip with Kit Anstruther- 656.5 10, 1892 (Florence, Italy) Thomson from St. Moritz to Venice. Violet Paget (St. Moritz, September Switzerland) to Matilda Paget Has seen Mrs. Penn Browning several times; is 656.6 12, 1892 (Florence, Italy) reading about French literature. Violet Paget (St. Moritz, Will leave in 2 days for Promontogno, September Switzerland) to Matilda Paget accompanied by Kit Anstruther-Thomson and 656.7 13, 1892 (Florence, Italy) Miss Dunham. Violet Paget (Promontogno, September Switzerland) to Matilda Paget Will stay here overnight before going to 656.8 15, 1892 (Florence, Italy) Cernobbio tomorrow.


September Violet Paget (Cernobbio, Italy) to 656.9 17, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Was met upon arrival there by Laura Gropallo. Recovered her lost bag after 3 days; dined with Donna Vittoria Ceina; is staying with Mme. September Violet Paget (Monza, Italy) to Esengrini, "a timid copy of Maria Pasolini, 656.10. 19, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) very kind." September Violet Paget (Monza, Italy) to Will remain here for 1 or 2 days, then go to 656.1 20, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Contessa Suardi at Bergamo. September Violet Paget (Monza, Italy) to Will remain there until the 23rd; Kit 656.1 21, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Anstruther-Thomson's health much improved. September Violet Paget (Monza, Italy) to Is sending photos home as they are too heavy 656.1 22, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) for her to carry. September Violet Paget (Bergamo, Italy) to Will stay there until the 29th, then go to 656.1 24, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Verona. September Violet Paget (Bergamo, Italy) to Will stay there until 27th, then may go to stay 656.2 24, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) with Countess Marcello. Will go tomorrow to Contessa Marcello's until September Violet Paget (Bergamo, Italy) to the 30th; then will go to Mrs. Bronson's at 656.2 27, 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Asolo Veneto. September Violet Paget (Magliano, Italy) to Will stay here overnight before going to Mrs. 656.2 29, 1892 Matilda (Florence, Italy) Bronson's at Asolo, Veneto. October 1, Violet Paget (Asolo, Italy) to Matilda Arrived here at Mrs. Bronson's yesterday; will 656.2 1892 Paget (Florence, Italy) probably go to Venice on the 4th. October 4, Violet Paget (Asolo, Italy) to Matilda "This is the most beautiful place in the world;" 656.2 1892 Paget (Florence, Italy) will go to Venice tomorrow. She and Kit Anstruther-Thomson hope to be October 6, Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to in Florence on the 16th; wants to take Kit to a 656.20. 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) doctor in Bologna for her ear. October 9, Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Wants Eugene to order flowers and bushes at 656.2 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) once; will be in Florence on the 16th. Violet Paget (Montericco, Italy) to Will take Kit Anstruther-Thomson to see October 12, Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Florence, nurse in Bologna on 14th; hopes to be in 656.2 1892 Italy) Florence on the 16th. Will return to Florence on Monday, the 17th; Dr. Murri says Kit Anstruther-Thomson's ear October 14, Violet Paget (Montericco, Italy) to problem is "only influenza effects hanging 656.2 1892 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) about." Journey there was "long and rather tiring"; January 31, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda Miss Sellers would like to visit them in 657 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence. Finished writing dialogue ("Althea?") for Harris; "It is the first fruit of all that wearisome political economy reading, so I am very February 2, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda pleased"; asks her to send a copy of "Walden" 658 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) to Miss Krahnstörer. February 5, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda Went to Genoa for a day; will stay at Mme. 659 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) Heurano's house at Tuscana until the 11th.


Dr. Erb said Eugene will never be "permanently the worse for a relapse, as it is now a mere matter of hyperaesthesia"; Miss February 6, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda Sellers will visit for 3 days; sent ms. of dialogue 660 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) to Harris ("Althea?") February 28, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Miss Anstruther-Thomson, Kit's aunt, is very 661 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) ill. February 29, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Miss Anstruther-Thomson, Kit's aunt, died 662 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) yesterday; Kit "very busy, sad, and fagged." March 3, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Attended Miss Anstruther-Thomson's (Kit's 663 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) aunt's) funeral; has called on Maria Gamba. Harris will pay £15 less than she expected for her mss; suggests Eugene employ Dorothy March 6, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Blomfield as a secretary for May; will return to 664 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence by the 15th. Kit Anstruther-Thomson is busy with the lawyers settling her aunt's estate; advises March 7, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Eugene to find himself a secretary; Lady 665 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) Campbell is ill, and Kit may go to nurse her. Has asked Dorothy Blomfield to be Eugene's secretary; Kit Anstruther-Thomson want to March 8, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda return to Florence, "Don't refuse her, she 666 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) might be hurt." Dined with the Stillmans and Aïdé; attended a dinner for the Russian Ambassador, Martini, March 9, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda the Venosas, Primoli; will dine with Maria 667 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) Gamba. March 10, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Will return to Florence with Kit Anstruther- 668 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) Thomson on the 20th. March 12, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Maria Gamba wants to take Kit Anstruther- 669 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) Thomson riding. Will return to Florence on the 20th, with Kit March 13, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Anstruther-Thomson following on the next 670 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) day. "The Queen seems to wish to see me, but… I March 16, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda have no clothes, among other difficulties"; met 671 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) Countess Glerchen, "a sculptor, nice." Will return Monday evening (20th); wants Eugene to try a secretary in May, in preparation for the summer; insists Bella Duffy and Emily Sargent be asked to visit; has given March 18, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda up meeting the Queen, as she didn't have the 672 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) proper clothes; went to a party at the Venosas. March 21, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Will arrive in Florence with Kit Anstruther- 673 1893 Paget (Florence, Italy) Thomson tomorrow.


Had a good journey from Amiens where she saw the Cathedral; "my hosts (the Austins) are Violet Paget (Ashford, England) to out, having had no notion of the hour of my 674 June 8, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) train." Will leave the Austins on the 16th, going to Violet Paget (Ashford, England) to Miss Moffatt's until the 19th, then to Miss 675 June 9, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Price's until the 28th. Violet Paget (Ashford, England) to Received a letter from Pratesi, saying he'd 676 June 11, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) received the post of Provvidetore at Belluno. Violet Paget (Ashford, England) to Is upset about Eugene's health; Kit Anstruther- 677 June 14, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Thomson is at Charleton, Scotland. Is staying in London with Miss Moffatt; Kit Violet Paget (London, England) to Anstruther-Thomson will visit tomorrow; will 678 June 17, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) go to Oxford on 19th. Arrived this morning in Oxford; Kit Violet Paget (Oxford, England) to Anstruther-Thomson came for dinner last 679 June 19, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) night; will go to the Paters' June 28-July 3. Saw Lord Rosebury given a degree at Commemoration; went to "a great lunch at All Souls… I sat between the President of Trinity Violet Paget (Oxford, England) to and Master of University, whose gowns almost 680 June 22, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) buried me." Kit Anstruther-Thomson took her to the New Gallery to see John Sargent's portraits; John Sargent's portraits; John is "the great man of Violet Paget (London, England) to the season"; "London has had its usual effect of 681 June 29, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) depressing and disgusting me." Mrs. Robinson and Mabel took her to see Mrs. Rosetti; "Paters had people to tea, 24 women and no man!"; will spend a day at Wimbledon with Ranee Brooke; dined at the Dunhams'; Violet Paget (London, England) to with the Sargents will "see some Dahomey June/July, Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Florence, people War dance at the Crystal Palace"; goes 682 1893 Italy) to Miss Sellers' on Monday. Is living with Eugenie Sellers in London; met Bernard Shaw, "who despite… his socialism, is one of the most really brilliant writers and thinkers we have"; dined with Cotton and Kit Anstruther-Thomson at the Paters'; Mme. Ybarrando is near death; publisher MacIlvaine has accepted new volume of Dialogues, to be Violet Paget (London, England) to called "Althea"; will write a final dialogue, 683 July 4, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) "summing up"; will dine with Claude Phillips. Saw Swenburne while visiting a Miss Hay; "I have been seeing and attempting to see various Violet Paget (London, England) to socialists"; saw Bella Duffy; yesterday there was 684 July 7, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) a Royal Wedding.


Attend Aïdé's dull party; dined with Claude Phillips; went to Wimbledon with Ranee and met Mrs. Ritchie, Thackeray's daughter; Violet Paget (London, England) to lunched with Playfairs; met Cunningham 685 July 11, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Graham, "socialist member, delightful man." Is finishing the last dialogue in "Althea", "it is far the most important book I have so far written… of course it will be financially and otherwise a deadfailure"; Eugene Sellers is Violet Paget (London, England) to "editing the portion of Pleny (?) which refers 686 July 13, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) to antique sculpture." May go in September with Helen Dunham to see Lady Agnew in Wigtonshire; would also visit while there Miss Orr Ewing Dryburgh Abbey and the Hays at Melrose; leaves tomorrow to stay with the Wards in Hertfordshire, then Lady Ponsonby, then Ranee at Wimbledon; called on Mrs. Cyril Flower who had changed her name to Lady Violet Paget (London, England) to Battersea, "doesn't it sounds like the queen of 687 July 16, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) the washerwomen?" Will go with Kit Anstruther-Thomson, Flora Priestly, and Miss Price into the country for 10 days; Kit took her and Berenson to see the Velaquezes at Apsley House; called on Countess Feo Gleichen, "a funny mixture of Violet Paget (London, England) to royalty and Bohemia"; went to Ham Common 688 July 21, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) to see Mrs. Scott and her daughters. Is staying there with the Ponsonbys, "the Court being away, one can ramble about freely"; the Queen's apartments seem "very Violet Paget (Windsor Castle, German"; Windsor has "an extraordinary want England) to Henry Paget (Florence, of stateliness and appearance… just the reverse 689 July 22, 1893 Italy) of Oxford or Cambridge." Has finished writing the last chapter of "Althea"; will go with Kit Anstruther- Thomson, Miss Price, and Flora Priestly somewhere in the country for 10 days; had a wonderful time at Windsor with the Ponsonbys; has been seeing socialists, "Mr. Podmore, a conspicuous one" and Cunningham Graham; is glad to be getting, in Violet Paget (London, England) to England, "a thorough shaking about all of my 690 July 27, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) ideas." Will go to Lady Brooke's to meet Placci; on August 1 will go to Bushey with Kit Violet Paget (Paddington, England) Anstruther-Thomson, Flora Priestly, and Miss 691 July 29, 1893 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Price.


Spent the afternoon with Ranee at Wimbledon; thinks the three houses she has "added this year," Ranee's, Ponsonbys', and Prices', are "on the whole the nicest I have Violet Paget (London, England) to here"; will send him a copy of Huxley's Oxford Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Florence, lecture on Ethics and Evolution; recommends 692 July 30, 1893 Italy) he read Mill's "Liberty". Will go tomorrow with Kit Anstruther- August 1, Violet Paget (London, England) to Thomson to Bushey where Miss Price and 693 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, England) Flora Priestly will join them. Is glad to be there "as the air of London was August 4, Violet Paget (Bushey, England) to beginning to tire me"; "Althea" is finished and 694 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) going to press. Likes this village very much, as she can be outdoors; Ranee Brooke is glad to have her stay with her at any time; Miss Price is reading to her Browning's "Fifine at the Fair" which August 7, Violet Paget (Bushey, England) to she recommends Eugene read but, "I don't 695 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) think he'd appreciate it yet." Spends all day outdoors there; will return to London on 13th with Kit Anstruther- Thomson; on 18th gives a lecture at August 11, Violet Paget (Bushey, England) to Cambridge; her travel plans for September are 696 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) uncertain. Enjoyed Miss Price's company at Bushey very much; would like to have Miss Ponsonby visit them in Florence in October; realizes she "must set to some consecutive study to cure myself of the desultoriness and incapacity for steady application"; wants Laura Gropallo to start her at working on her "facility for mental August 15, Violet Paget (London, England) to science"; travel plans for September are still 697 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) vague. Her plans are vague, as no one is able to have her to stay with them; may have to return to August 17, Violet Paget (London, England) to Italy early; will go to Cambridge for the 698 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) weekend. Her lecture at Cambridge went well, with an audience "mainly of the class of school teachers; also Americans and people desirous of disconnected culture"; is in lodgings with Evelyn Wimbush and the Chittendens; lunched with the ladies at Newham, then went August 20, Violet Paget (Cambridge, England) to tea with Pertzes; will lunch with Mr. Ward, 699 1893 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) professor of mental science. August 21, Violet Paget (London, England) to Is trying to arrange for a friend of Miss Price 700 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) (Miss Cruttwell) to serve as Eugene's secretary.


Thinks Miss Cruttwell would be an acceptable secretary for Eugene; likes Mrs. Ward very much, but thinks Mr. Ward "rather a blundering, bumptious snob"; in September, will stay with the Foster Arbuthnots, Ranee Brooke, the Welbys, Mrs. Taylor, the Hays, August 24, Violet Paget (Kensington, England) the Orr Ewings; will begin for Italy on 701 1893 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) September 25th. Advises Eugene on how to resume writing; went with Kit Anstruther-Thomson to "a sort of new Toynbee Hall on a smaller scale called August 26, Violet Paget (London, England) to Mansfield House"; this a sort of club for 702 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) workmen run by socialists. Thinks she is not a popular writer because of her "habit and determination to write only to please myself, irrespective of readers"; it does not trouble her that she makes little money from her writings; feels she doesn't yet know enough about life to write a novel; "life is too serious to be misrepresented as in 'Miss Violet Paget (Kensington, England) Brown'...So I am bound to be unpopular, and August 31, to Eugene-Lee Hamilton (Florence, you must just put up with it. And so must 703 1893 Italy) mama." Is staying for one day with the Trowers here before going to Ranee Brooke's; will be joining September 5, Violet Paget (Weybridge, England) Kit Anstruther-Thomson in Scotland; saw the 704 1893 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Ponsonbys at St. James' Palace. Likes Ranee Brooke very much; "she is such a very good, kind, sincere simple creature"; "Faust" always bores her, but "Browning's 'Paracelsus' is obscure enough to make one commit suicide"; is reading Dante very slowly; is correcting proofs of 'Althea' and it seems September 9, Violet Paget (Wimbledon, England) "awfully bad"; will visit Miss Smyth for 2 days, 705 1893 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) then Lady Welby. Will go to Lady Welby's tomorrow; as Lady Campbell is ill, Kit Anstruther-Thomson is nursing her; stayed one night at Eugenie Sellers' house; met Miss Smyth at Waterloo; 14th: went with Miss Smyth to see the Empress Eugenie, "nothing could be more like September Violet Paget (Farnborough, England) a visit to anyone else"; may return to Italy in a 706 13-14, 1893 to Matilda Paget (Florence, England) few days. September Violet Paget (Grantham, England) to Has given up plans to go to Scotland; may 707 15, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) return to Florence on 21st or 22nd. Has taken a room close to Kit Anstruther- September Violet Paget (London, England) to Thomson; will leave England on the 30th, 708 17, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) arriving in Florence on Oct. 4th or 5th.


Is staying in "weird" lodgings inhabited entirely by women; will leave England on 29th or 30th, stopping in Paris on the way to Florence; Lady Welby has improved and seems September Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to "comparatively sane," having original ideas 709 19, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) about philosophy. Will leave England on 30th, stopping in Paris, and stayin with the Esengrinis at Monza before September Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to coming to Florence; will see Miss French at 710 22, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Pistoia. September Violet Paget (London, England) to Will leave tomorrow for Calais and spend a 711 29, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) day in Paris before going to Italy. Had a good journey from Paris; will stay October 3, Violet Paget (Monza, Italy) to tomorrow at Elena French's, then go to 712 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence. October 26, Violet Paget (Pistoia, Italy) to Is staying with Elena French, who is not well; 713 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) will go to the Rossegliosis on 29th. November Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to Has arrived at Maria Pasolini's, having 714 26, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) travelled with a priest on the train. November Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to Is enjoying herself there; will return to 715 29, 1893 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence December 2. April 15, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda Hasn't written because "holding the paper is so 716 1894 Paget (Florence, Italy) very tiring and troublesome." Was met by Placci, Mlle. Alfieri and the Violet Paget (Milan, Italy) to Matilda Papafavas at the station; will dine with Laura 717 May 31, 1894 Paget (Florence, Italy) Gropallo and lunch with Mme. Esengrini. Saw the Esengrinis, Laura Gropallo and Mme. Ponti while in Milan; travelled from Milan to Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Paris with Flora Priestly who helped an old 718 June 2, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Swiss couple find their way abroad. Violet Paget (Paris, France) to 719 June 3, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Will dine with the Panniers tonight. Will go to Miss Price's at Oxford, rather than the Paters', when she gets to England; has seen Mary Darmsteter twice, "but briefly and badly"; has seen the Taines, Mme. Blanc, and Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Mme. de Montebello; "I like Paris so much 720 June 9, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) better than London." Has seen much of Mme. Blanc, at whose house she met Rosny, "a strange illdressed, black, bristling person"; did not like either Whistler who gave "no indication of genius" or Tissot, "a painter with next to no talent"; went with Mme. Ormond to a lecture of Desjardins at the Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Union Morale Association; "went to the 721 June 12, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) 'Revue des 2 Mondes' and saw Bruntiere."


Travelled from France on the same boat as Sarah Bernhardt; lunched with Gandarax, editor of "Revue de Paris" and saw Mary Violet Paget (Oxford, England) to Darmsteter there; met Desjardins "with whose 722 June 15, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) charming personality I am delighted." Has been busy preparing to deliver a lecture; Violet Paget (Oxford, England) to spends part of each day rowing on the river; 723 June 23, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) will lecture in London on 27th. Her first lecture "went off tolerably", but the Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to audience was nearly all women; "I speak badly, 724 June 28, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) no doubt about it." Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to Will write when she is not so busy with her 725 June 30, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) lecture. Kit Anstruther-Thomson has persuaded her to write her entire lecture, to cut down the temptation to improvise; dined with Mrs. St. John; will go for 2 days to Hertfordshire with Emily Simcox, "one of the last survivors of the George Eliot set"; is reading on Darwinism; lunched at the Playfairs' and had tea with Mr. Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to Watts, "a Michelangelo come in the wrong 726 July 3-4, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) century." Her second lecture was successful; had a lovelty time in Buckinghamshire with Emily Simcox, "a writer on Ethics and Political Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to Economy"; Macmillan has accepted her paper 727 July 6, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) on Ravenna. Made £35 on her lecture series; will visit the Ponsonbys at Windsor for 2 days; she and Kit Anstruther-Thomson will go to see Lady Ross Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to at Richmond; heard Bernard Shaw speak at 728 July 13, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) The Pioneers' Club. Violet Paget (Windsor Castle, Will stay here with the Ponsonbys until England) to Matilda Paget (Florence, tomorrow; all her articles were refused, "I have 729 July 16, 1894 Italy) 5 on my hands"; is able to live on £ a week. Has been ill since her last lecture; doctor said it was "relaxed sore throat and general slight smash"; is going to Richmond until the 24th; on 26th will visit Mrs. Costello at Haslemere; Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to "Nineteenth Century" may publish her 730 July 21, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) lectures. Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to 731 July 24, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Has been learning to ride a tricycle. "Hauntings" and "Vanitas" are not selling well; "Nineteenth Century" has decided not to publish her lectures; "'Fortnightly' is distinctly Violet Paget (Richmond, England) to no good"; Lady Ross is treating her well there; 732 July 24, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) will visit Mrs. Costello in Haslemere for a



Violet Paget (Richmond, England) to Her health is still not good; Helen Dubham 733 July 24, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) has invited her to go to Whitby in Yorkshire. Her health has improved because of the air Violet Paget (Haslemere, England) there; will spend next weekend with the Wards 734 July 28, 1894 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) in Hertfordshire. Her health has not improved, so she'll visit the Wards, then go to see Miss Simcox; enjoys the Costello family very much: "I never saw so united, independent and cheerful a family"; has heard a rumor "that Oscar Wilde has got into Violet Paget (Haslemere, England) terrible hot water and left England"; may go to 735 July 30, 1894 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Whitby with the Dunhams. Deals with some household business; thinks all the refusals she's had from publishers may have affected her health; has nothing to do in Violet Paget (Buckinghamshire, England, "none of the people in Scotland or August 8, England) to Matilda Paget (Florence, the North have invited me"; has only Miss 736 1894 Italy) Smyth and Ranee Brooke to visit. Returned from Miss Simcox's and went to the National Gallery; thinks perhaps that her recent illness may have been influenza; Mme. August 13, Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to Placci "has been almost at death's door in 737 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence." "With the help of the publisher Heinemann I August 16, Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to have recovered my long lost 'Virgin of the 7 738 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Daggers'"; will go visit Mrs. Scott. Has been preparing her lectures to give them to a publisher; has sent mss. of "The Virgin of the Seven Daggers" to Blackwood; went with Kit Anstruther-Thomson to visit Mrs. Scott; August 25, Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to plans visits to Aïdé, Miss Smyth, and Ranee 739 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Brooke. Met Harry Cust, editor of the "Pall Mall", and Oswald Crawford, at Aïdé's; "Fornightly Review" may again be receptive to her articles, as Harris is no longer editor; while visiting August 28, Violet Paget (Farnboro, England) to Miss Smyth, met Thornycroft, "a sculptor I 740 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) used to admire but now think pretty poor." Eugene's sonnets had a favorable review in the "Academy"; will probably be back in Florence on the 22nd, after stopping to see the Esengrinis, the Alfieris, and Mrs. French along September 1, Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to the way; has lunched and dined with the 741 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Ponsonbys.


September 8, Violet Paget (Wimbledon, England) Will leave England on the 13th, going first to 742 1894 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Paris, then to the Alfieris' at Asti. September Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to Leaves tomorrow for Paris; will go to Asti, 743 12, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) arriving on 16th. September Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Will go to Asti on 17th; Laura Gropallo wants 744 14, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) to visit in October. Is staying at Asti with Adele Alfieri; on 21st will go for the weekend to visit Elena French at Pistoia; will arrive in Florence on 24th; while September Violet Paget (San Martino, Italy) to in Paris, saw the archeological excavations 745 18, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) from the palace of Artaxerxes Nnemon at Susa. Has felt better ever since she left England; in Paris, got on better terms with Mabel Price, feels Mabel has an intuitive sensitivity about Violet Paget (San Martino, Italy) to art, but "I think one must be utterly September Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place impersonal about her"; "on the whole the 746 19, 1894 unknown) Louvre antiques are a poor lot." September Violet Paget (San Martino, Italy) to Will go tomorrow to Igno, then to Florence on 747 20, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) the 24th. Septmeber Violet Paget (San Martino, Italy) to 748 21, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Will go to Igno from the 24th to 26th. Will arrive in Florence tomorrow; assumes there must have been some confusion about September Violet Paget (Pistoia, Italy) to coordinating her travel plans with Miss 749 25, 1894 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Crutwell's, who is to be Eugene's secretary. 9th: While Eugene admits his illness is caused by auto-suggestion, he is doing nothing to bring himself out of it; Eugene has convinced himself that he is in for a 2-month relapse; Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit 10th: Eugene "seems to fill the whole horizon November 9- Anstruther-Thomson (place with the thought of himself"; will go to 750 10, 1894 unknown) Ravenna next week. Is perfectly well, and Kit need not worry about her; her father's death came rather suddenly, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit but her mother is taking it well; her father "had November Anstruther-Thomson (place such a simple, sportsman's or naturalist's 751 17, 1894 unknown) temper." Publisher Smith paid £50 for 1000 copies of January 26, Violet Paget (San Remo, Italy) to "Renaissance Fancies and Studies"; will stay 752 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) there until February 1. January 29, Violet Paget (San Remo, Italy) to Visited Bordighera (?), "very lovely, 753 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) particularly from the profusion of palms." January 31, Violet Paget (San Remo, Italy) to 754 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Will leave tommorow for Nervi. February 1, Violet Paget (Genoa, Italy) to Is detained here while waiting for a train to 755 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Nervi.


February 3, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda 756 1895 Paget (Florence, Italy) February 5, Violet Paget (Nervi, Italy) to Matilda It is very cold there, "almost enough to spoil 757 1895 Paget (Florence, Italy) the place for one." February 12, Violet Paget (Bogliasco, Italy) to Will stay with Ranee Brooke until the 15th, as 758 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) she is unwell. March 19, Violet Paget (Foligno, Italy) to Will remain there until the 22nd, then go to 759 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Cittadi Castello. Arrived "in this beastly little hole"; will stay March 23, Violet Paget (Castello, Italy) to tomorrow night at Cerezzo, then return to 760 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence on the 25th. Was met there by Maria Pasolini; "had a Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda philosophic discussion interspersed with dress 761 May 3, 1895 Paget (Florence, Italy) matters." Kit Anstruther-Thomson has been unwell, and Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda she hopes it won't interfere with their work in 762 May 5, 1895 Paget (Florence, Italy) the galleries; will stay there until the 12th. Doctor there told her she suffers from nervous Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Matilda exhaustion and must not work for some 763 May 8, 1895 Paget (Florence, Italy) months; "This is a bore." Violet Paget (Viareggio, Italy) to Feels the sea air is good for her health; will 764 May 12, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) remain there until the 15th. Violet Paget (Viareggio, Italy) to Will remain there an extra day, returning to 765 May 14, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Florence on the 16th. Violet Paget (Bale, Switzerland) to Had a good journey from Milan; will go to 766 May 31, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Pairs tomorrow. Has had invitations to visit Mme. Ormond, Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Mme. Heureux, and Mabel Price; is going to 767 June 2, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) the Louvre and Notre Dame. Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Saw Mary Darmsteter, "very thin and altered, 768 June 4, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) terribly." Will dine with Bernard, "in my opinion quite Violet Paget (Paris, France) to the greatest living painter; will be in London 769 June 7, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) on the 10th. Violet Paget (Paris, France) to 770 June 8, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Had a pleasant journey from Paris; is staying Violet Paget (London, England) to with Bella Duffy; "I find London very 771 June 10, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) abominable." Violet Paget (Nottinghill, England) Her lecture went well, but the audience was 772 June 11, 1895 to Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) small; is going to Oxford. Violet Paget to Kit Anstruther- 773 June 13, 1895 Thomson Second lecture was successful, but the audience Violet Paget (Oxford) to Matilda so small that "economically, it is a dead 774 June 19, 1895 Paget (Florence, Italy) failure."


Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to Asks her to tell Eugene that she could be back 775 June 26, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) in Florence on the 1st or 15th of August. The net profit from her lecture series just over 7 pounds; will visit the Simcoxes for the Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to weekend; "my utter repugnance to dinner 776 June 28, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) parties immensely chokes sociability." Will go with Evelyn Wimbush to Norfolk for Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to 3 days; interviewed R. Smith of Smith, Elder 777 July 3, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) publishers. Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to Is glad Eugene will translate her "Madonna"; 778 July 6, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) will leave England on the 24th. "Debale" is willing to pay only for the translation of "Virgin of the Seven Daggers" not the original; will visit Fabbri for the weekend at Maidenhead; met R. LeGallienne, Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to "a curious person got up with a 15th century 779 July 11, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) head of hair." Debale is willing to pay only for the translation of "Virgin of the Seven Daggers" no the original; will visit Fabbri for the weekend at Maidenhead; met R. LeGallienne, "a curious Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to person got up with a 15th Century head of 780 July 13, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) hair." Will leave England on the 24th, staying with Violet Paget (London, England) to Mary Darmsteter in Paris the 28th-29th; from Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Florence, Paris, will travel to Florence via Bale and 781 July 16, 1895 Italy) Milan. Violet Paget (London, England) to 782 July 20, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Will arrive in Florence August 1 Found Dieppe "after England…so pretty and picturesque"; will go to Beauvais to see the Violet Paget (Beaufresne, France) to cathedral; will arrive tomorrow at Mary 783 July 28, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Darmsteter's. Likes France, as it seems "no island or semi- island like England or Italy"; stayed with Miss Cassatt in France who seemed "the almost childish garrulous American provincial"; is afraid she was "blinded by a jealously I was quite unaware of" in having such a negative Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Kit view of Mary Darmsteter's marriage: "If so, Anstruther-Thomson (London, what a loss for me, and what stuff are we made 784 July 28, 1895 England) of?" Violet Paget (Paris, France) to Is glad Eugene has decided to go to Andorno 785 July 28, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) to see the Venostas. Eugene's trip to Andorno lasted only 24 hours, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit and he returned refusing to leave home again; August 6, Anstruther-Thomson (place "Good Lord, I shall always have him on my 786 1895 unknown) hands?"; Eugene, having gotten his own way,


"seemed very cheerful…I feel dazed and utterly idiotic."

August 14, Violet Paget (San Marcello, Italy) to 787 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Is enjoying her stay there at the Cinis' house. Mme. Spalletti has invited her to visit, but it is August 15, Violet Paget (San Marcello, Italy) to impossible, as Amy Turton and Miss Price are 788 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) coming to Florence. August 18, Violet Paget (San Marcello, Italy) to 789 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Will return to Florence on Tuesday. On Saturday will go to Citta de Castello; August 20, Violet Paget (Foligno, Italy) to visited Spello, "one of those curious little hill 790 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) towns." Asks her to send the manuscript of the "Virgin of the Seven Daggers" to Watts; Eugene "is too weak to think about anything except Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit himself"; is "working with delight at August 26, Anstruther-Thomson (London, psychology"; Amy Turton will visit for the 791 1895 England) weekend. Eugene has gone to visit at Abetone for a while; "it is sad to find his absence such a relief"; Miss Price, who is visiting, "said since knowing me (V.P.) she had lost so much of her terror of people"; 11th: is writing a paper on Limbo; urges her to read Bain's "Emotions and Will"; 12th: the Bernards will come to Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit Florence in October; is distressed that the September Anstruther-Thomson (London, criticism of experts can make so much trouble 792 10-12, 1895 England) for artists. September Violet Paget (Pistoia, Italy) to 793 21, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Is staying with the Frenches there. September Violet Paget (Pistoia, Italy) to Will travel to Seravezza, stopping overnight at 794 26, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Lucca. September Violet Paget (Seravezza, Italy) to May stay there 3 or 4 days, as she wants to see 795 27, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) some of the high quarries. September Violet Paget (Seravezza, Italy) to She and Miss Price will ride up to the quarries 796 29, 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) on mules. Arrived here 2 days ago, after a half day at Lucca; visited a quarry yesterday--"I had no idea how wonderfully lovely it was"; Mabel Violet Paget (Seravezza, Italy) to Kit Price is a good companion, "like a delightful September Anstruther-Thomson (London, ghost by one's side"; will remain there 3 or 4 797 29, 1895 England) days more. October 14, Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to 798 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) Is staying at Maria Pasolini's house.


Is with Maria Pasolini who will take her for 2 October 26, Violet Paget (Mte. Ricco, Italy) to days to Ravenna; will return to Florence on the 799 1895 Matilda Paget (Florence, Italy) 29th. Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to A letter of recommendation for Violet Garrad, December 31, Marie Belloc Lowndes (place requesting that Marie Belloc Lowndes get her 800 1895 unknown) a job as an illustrator. Feelse she has been a burden to Kit; Miss Price has invited her to go to Gloucester; is staying with Mabel Prices' aunt; Mabel is "radiant like a sort of archaic Apollo"; is anxious to be again Violet Paget (Exmouth, England) to in Florence with Kit; bicycling has made her September Kit Anstruther-Thomson (London, lame; the Tremaynes were very nice when she 801 12, 1896 England) visited. Will go with Mabel Robinson to Gloucester; advises Kit not to lead a busy life and work at the same time, as it is bad for her health; will return to London on the 23rd or 24th; has Violet Paget (Exmouth, England) to plenty of money, so Kit should feel free to September Kit Anstruther-Thomson (London, spend it; wants desperately for Kit and Mabel 802 15, 1896 England) to become friends. Intends to make Bella Duffy and Eugene the executors of her will; will leave Kit Anstruther- Violet Paget (London, England) to Thomson money in the will; would like to be September Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Florence, able to give up writing for money; will go to 803 28, 1896 Italy) Oxford on October 7th or 8th. Confronts him with innuendoes he made in a letter to her and suggests that he is accusing September 2, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to her and Kit Anstruther-Thomson of 804 1897 Bernard Berenson (place unknown) plagiarism. Has been doing a lot of bicycling; asks her to get certain books on psychology from the library; is glad to be "a free woman, with Violet Paget (Gloucester, England) enough money to live on," but at the same September to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (plalce time feels "there is something dreary in never 805 20, 1897 unknown) being anything save a visitor in people's lives." Acknowledges receipt of Bernard Berenson's apolgy for his accusation of plagiarism, but deems the apology "unsatisfactory"; wishes Mr. November, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Benn to fulfill his promise to act as arbitrator 806 1897 Alfred W. Benn (place unknown) in the matter. Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Mrs. Concerns accusation of plagiarism made November 3, Costelloe (Mary C. Berenson) (place against V.P. and Kit Anstruter-Thomson by 807 1897 unknown) Bernard Berenson As a P.S. to a letter from Kit Anstruther- Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Mrs. Thomson to Mrs. Costelloe; discusses again November 9, Costelloe (Mary C. Berenson) (place the accusation that she and Kit Anstruther- 808 1897 unknown) Thomson plagiarized Bernard Berenson.


Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Mrs. Discusses the accusation of plagiarism made by November Costelloe (Mary C. Berenson) (place Bernard Berenson against her and Kit 809 12, 1897 unknown) Anstruther-Thomson. Notes that she and Kit Anstruther-Thomson Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Mrs. are accepting Bernard Berenson's apolgies for November Costelloe (Mary C. Berenson) (place his accusation of plagiarism; requests that her 810 17, 1897 unknown) notes be examined to acquit her completeley. Will remain there in "the most delightful place Violet Paget (Rothenburg, Germany) Germany can possibly produce" until the 11th; July 9, 1898 to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place intends to go on to Paris, then to Eugene's 811 (?) unknown) wedding in London. Her plans for visiting people in London are uncertain; has been staying in Ireland with Lady de Vesci and Miss Vesey, who "make me Violet Paget (Birmingham, England) feel that there is a home for me outside Italy"; September to Kit Anstruther-Thomson will leave for Italy on September 30 or October 812 13, 1898 (Northumberland, England) 1. Eugene has become "more flat and unprofitable since his marriage"; her sister-in- law, Annie Holdsworth, irritates her; sends manuscript of her new book "Genius Loci" for Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit comments and suggestions; the house in October 16, Anstruther-Thomson (place Florence is being remodelled; has had many 813 1898 unknown) invitations to visit friends in Italy. Wishes Kit to write more often to inform her Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit of her travel plans; tells Kit to come to November Anstruther-Thomson (place Florence only if she wants to and feels well 814 10, 1898 unknown) enough. Recognizes her enormous need of Kit, "I don't know what would happen if I thought you were going to marry"; has just finished an article on "Firenze Antica" for the "Times"; had a bizarre interview with Herbert Horne; "my little romance with dear Lady de Vesci is dribbling Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit its natural course into nothingness"; wants to December 4, Anstruther-Thomson (London, normalize her relationship with Lady de Vesci 815 1898 England) without dropping the connection altogether. Understands Kit has been delayed in coming to Florence beccause she was caring for Mrs. Head after her operation; feels that living alone Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit for 2 months has been good for her; Evelyn December 21, Anstruther-Thomson (London, Wimbush, Miss Lowndes, and Mrs. Cruttwell 816 1899 England) are coming for Christmas. n.d. (before March 5, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 817 1899) Mona Taylor (place unknown)


Sends along a letter just received from Kit Anstruther-Thomson asking, "is Kit reduced to imbecility of expression?"; finds the diagnosis of Mrs. Head's illness, whom Kit is Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to nursing, hard to believe; "I have no attraction, March 5, Mona Taylor (Northumberland, no raison d'etre for her (Kit) except when I 818 1899 England) have teeth out!" Feels her suspicion of Mrs. Head's symptoms is Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to due to "20 years of hysteria on my brother's March 6, Mona Taylor (Northumberland, part"; thinks Kit Anstruther-Thomson should 819 1899 England) not be giving Mrs. Head sympathy. Has decided she feels better about her relationship with Kit Anstruther-Thomson if she keeps Mrs. Head out of her thoughts; recognizes the break with Mary Darmsteter damaged her health, and feels "not 20 Kits would be worth losing my serenity and intellectual elasticity"; a long discussion of her March 17, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Mona sense of betrayal by Kit and a list of resolutions 820 1899 Taylor (Northumberland, England) for dealing with the situation. Kit is angry with her for suggesting she borrow money from Mrs. Head to help Amy Turton start a convalescent home and nursing school; March 18, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Mona "I cannot lock my heart to Kit. I love her more 821 1899 Taylor (Northumberland, England) than ever." Will not warn Kit against Mrs. Head, "I only want her to realize that she has a large share of my happiness in her keeping"; feels Kit doesn't want or need her anymore; to her motto March 19, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Mona "Labora et noli constristari" she now adds a 822 1899 Taylor (Northumberland, England) feeling of great gratitude to Kit. Feels this world is one of "isolated atoms," but it is some comfort to think that other people have problems too; is not jealous of Kit's relationship with Mrs. Head, but feels that "she (Mrs. Head) is Fate against whom I cannot struggle"; is angry with Kit, not for staying with Mrs. Head, but for not being vexed that March 25, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Mona Mrs. Head was keeping her away from V.P., 823 1899 Taylor (Northumberland, England) perhaps unnecessarily. Assures her that Kits' illness is past; feels that Kit nursing Mrs. Head last winter kept Kit from being ill herself; feels she and Mrs. Head April 10, Violet Paget (place unknown) to must become friends because they are both so 824 1899 Christine H. Head (place unknown) close to Kit.


Will work at improving her health as she would like to be entirely free from the lingering ailments of her long illness; feels Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit Evelyn Wimbush is much better, emotionally, Anstruther-Thomson (London, since her parents' death; has asked Amy 825 June 19, 1899 England) Turton to come to Florence. Feels she should explain she did not visit Mrs. Violet Paget (Oxford, England) to Head because Kit Anstruther-Thomson felt Christian H. Head (Inverailot, such a visit would be too upsetting to Mrs. 826 July 27, 1899 Scotland) Head's nerves. Carlo Placci is recovering from his long illness; has done much travelling lately: "I am learning Violet Paget (near Padua, Italy) to to be a spectator of life, and a pleased one!"; October 28, Mona Taylor (Northumberland, Kit "has been more and more perfunctory" and 827 1899 England) is still with Mrs. Head. Has been reading a lot of books on psychology; will spend the winter working on literary analysis; after this, will begin "methodological enquiries on aesthetics"; lists several studies on Violet Paget (Ravenna, Italy) to Kit aesthetics she intends to undertake; is enjoying December 7, Anstruther-Thomson (London, being with Maria Pasolini, "so young, so quick 828 1899 England) of intellectual perception, and full of interest." High praise of Stevenson: "the man was a sort of saint and paladin mixed"; "Genius Loci" "has produced mainly a bill for postage of copies!"; admires Kits' brother Bill's courage for not going into the war; reaction to the news of Ruskin's death; a plan for "teaching the Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit enjoyment of the capable ones among January 28- Anstruther-Thomson (London, the uneducated and poor"; 29th: has written 829 29, 1900 England) ten pages on Ruskin. Is writing a paper for the "Fortnightly" to be called "Our Debt to Ruskin"; feels that "marriage deprives women of intellectual Violet Paget (Florence, Italy (?)) to staying power"; feels her early attraction to February 2, Kit Anstruther-Thomson (unknown aesthetics, and her ability for sticking with it, 830 1900 place) makes her different from other women. Fells it will not be possible to arrange for a April 15, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to performance of "Ariadne": "it was intended for 831 1900 Lillian Granville-Barker reading, not for the stage." Feels she cannot return to Mona's house where she spent such a difficult time in her life (after her break with Kit); has resumed visiting old Violet Paget (Surrey, England) to friends: Mrs. Stillman, Ranee Brooke; Kit has August 12, Mona Taylor (Northumberland, moved in with Mrs. Head; feels she can trust 832 1900 England) only old friendships.


Is using Kit's check to "feed up that tailoress I told you of!"; urges her to go abroad for the winter; writes of the disappointment she Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit suffered at losing Kit: "it did to me a little what December 13, Anstruther-Thomson (unknown I suppose people mean when they speak about 833 1900 place) hearts breaking." Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit March 23, Anstruther-Thomson (Edinburgh, 834 1901 Scotland) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place not 835 April 4, 1901 named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place not 836 June 23, 1901 named) Violet Paget (Hampton Court, England) to Kit Anstruther- 837 July 29, 1901 Thomson (Edinburgh, Scotland) Violet Paget (Surrey, England) to Kit August 27, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 838 1901 named) Violet Paget (city not named, France) September to Kit Anstruther-Thomson 839 10, 1901 (Glasgow, Scotland) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit October 7, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 840 1901 England) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit October 22, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 841 1901 named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit November 6, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 842 1901 named)

November Violet Paget (place not named) to 843 16, 1901 Evelyn Wimbush (place not named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit December 20, Anstruther-Thomson (Invernesshire, 844 1901 Scotland) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit January 1, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 845 1902 England) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit February 1, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 846 1902 England) March 9, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 847 1902 Evelyn Wimbush (place not named)


Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (London, 848 June 24, 1902 England) Violet Paget (place not named) to August 22, Annie Lee-Hamilton (place not 849 1902 named) Violet Paget (place not named) to August 22, Eugene Lee-Hamilton (place not 850 1902 named) Violet Paget (Astaffort, France) to October 25, Kit Anstruther-Thomson 851 1902 (Invernesshire, Scotland) December 13, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit 852 1902 Anstruther-Thomson (Paris, France) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit February 13, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 853 1903 England) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit February 15- Anstruther-Thomson (place not 854 16, 1903 named) Violet Paget (Pistoia, Italy) to Kit 855 June 6, 1903 Anstruther-Thomson (Paris, France) Violet Paget (Surrey, England) to Kit August 19, Anstruther-Thomson (Glasgow, 856 1903 Scotland) Violet Paget (Savoy, France) to Kit September 8, Anstruther-Thomson (Inverailort, 857 1903 Scotland) Violet Paget (Zatters alla Calcina [?]) October 7, to Kit Anstruther-Thomson 858 1903 (Inverailort, Scotland) Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Kit October 16, Anstruther-Thomson (Inverailort, 859 1903 Scotland) Violet Paget (Venice, Italy) to Kit November 6, Anstruther-Thomson (Inverailort, 860 1903 Scotland) November Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Alice 861 14, 1903 Callander (place not named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit November Anstruther-Thomson (Inverailort, 862 16, 1903 Scotland) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit December 12, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 863 1903 England)


Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit December Anstruther-Thomson (London, 864 25-26, 1903 England) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit January 7, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 865 1904 England) Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Kit February 29, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 866 1904 England) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit March 27, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 867 1904 England) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (London, 868 April 7, 1904 England) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit April 17, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 869 1904 England) Violet Paget (Pittenweem, Scotland) August 18, to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place 870 1904 not named) October 23, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit 871 1904 Anstruther-Thomson (Fife, Scotland) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit October 24, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 872 1904 named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit November Anstruther-Thomson (London, 873 28, 1904 England) Violet Paget (Middleton-in- Teesdale, England) to Kit August 1, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 874 1905 named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit February 11, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 875 1906 England)

Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 876 June 2, 1906 Alexander Moring (place not named)

[Copy [?] Includes draft of an agreement Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to between Violet Paget and Alexander Moring, 877 June 9, 1906 Alexander Moring (place not named) publisher.] Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to E. 878 June 9, 1906 Grant Richards (place not named)


Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 879 June 18, 1906 Alexander Moring (place not named) Violet Paget (Bern, Switzerland) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson 880 May 6, 1906 (Inverailort, Scotland) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit November Anstruther-Thomson (place not 881 25, 1906 named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Irene Forbes-Mosse (place not 882 n.d. [1907?] named) Violet Paget (place not named) to September Annie Lee-Hamilton (place not 883 14, 1907 named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to October 25, Sarah Orne Jewett (South Berwick, 884 1907 Maine) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit November 7, Anstruther-Thomson (Inverness, 885 1907 Scotland) Violet Paget (Athens, Greece) to Kit November Anstruther-Thomson (London, 886 27, 1907 England) December 20, Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Irene 887 1907 Forbes-Mosse (place not named) Violet Paget (Rome, Italy) to Irene December 22, Forbes-Mosse (Baden-Baden, 888 1907 Germany) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to December 25, Irene Forbes-Mosse (Baden-Baden, 889 1907 Germany) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit December 28, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 890 1907 named) Violet Paget (place not named) to 891 n.d. [1908] Carlo Placci (place not named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to January 3, Irene Forbes-Mosse (Baden-Baden, 892 1908 Germany) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to January 7, Irene Forbes-Mosse (Baden-Baden, 893 1908 Germany) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to January 8, Irene Forbes-Mosse (Baden-Baden, 894 1908 Germany) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to January 17, Irene Forbes-Mosse (Baden-Baden, 895 1908 Germany)


Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to January 23, Irene Forbes-Mosse (Baden-Baden, 896 1908 Germany) February 28, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 897 1908 Irene Forbes-Mosse (Rome, Italy) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (London, 898 April 7, 1908 England) Violet Paget (place not named) to 899 June 10, 1908 Elena French (place not named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Concerns alleged shooting of Baroness 900 June 10, 1908 Eleanor Metcalfe (place not named) French's dog by Miss Metcalfe. Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit October 31, Anstruther-Thomson (London, 901 1908 England) November Violet Paget (place not named) to 902 25, 1908 Elena French (place not named) November Violet Paget (place not named) to 903 26, 1908 Elena French (place not named) December 22, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 904 [1909?] Herbert G. Wells (place not named) January 5, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 905 1910 Herbert G. Wells (place not named) January 19, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 906 1910 Herbert G. Wells (place not named) February 13, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 907 1911 Austin Harrison (place not named) November Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 908 13, 1911 Matilda D. Shields (place not named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to November Irene Forbes-Mosse (Munich, 909 17, 1911 Germany) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 910 May 25, 1913 Carlo Placci (place not named) Violet Paget (London, England) to April 17, Union of Democratic Council (place 911 1915 not named) Violet Paget (place not named) to September 26 George Bernard Shaw (place not 912 ?, 1920 named) Is sending the first copy of a book to Mrs. January 23, Violet Paget (place not named) to Berenson in appreciation for "much hospitality 913 1924 Mrs. Berenson (place not named) and friendliness in the last few years." Apparently in reply to a letter from Miss Duffy which told Violet Paget she was near death; February 3, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Bella consoles her and thanks her for "what you have 914 1926 Duffy (London, England) been all through my life."


Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to September Brooke, Ranee of Sarawak 915 13, 1930 (Wimbledon, England) January 31, Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 916 1933 Roger Fry (London, England)

Updated and Miscellaneous

Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit August 23, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 917 1898 ? named) Envelope to missing letter June 5 "wrong date," Violet Paget (Paris, France) to 918 1884 Matilda Paget (place not named) Violet Paget (on train in France) to 919 n.d. Matilda Paget (Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit September 2, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 920 1895 named) Envelope to missing letter Violet paget (place not named) to 921 n.d. Henry Paget (place not named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit January 21, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 922 1901 named) Envelope to missing letter Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit August 14, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 923 1905 named) Envelope to missing letter Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit October 22, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 924 n.d. named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit October 20, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 925 n.d. named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place not 926 n.d. named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit August 19, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 927 1906 named) Envelope to missing letter Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit September Anstruther-Thomson (place not 928 14, 1920? named) Envelope to missing letter March 30, Violet Paget (place not named) to 929 n.d. Miss Chittenden (place not named)


Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place not 930 n.d. named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place not 931 n.d. named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place not 932 n.d. named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place not 933 n.d. named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place not 934 n.d. named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place not 935 n.d. named) Violet Paget (place not named) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place not 936 n.d. named) Violet Paget (Malmesbury, England) to Kit Anstruther-Thomson (place 937 n.d. not named) Violet Paget (Sciarra, Italy?) to Kit February 28, Anstruther-Thomson (place not 938 n.d. named) Violet Paget (place not named) to 939 July 2, 1888 Matilda Paget (place not named) Envelope, no letter, note on back n.d. (in 1884 Violet Paget (place not named) to 940 letters) Matilda Paget (place not named) 941 June, 1884 "Euphorion" Clipping

942 n.d. August 9, Violet Paget (place not named) to 943 1882 Matilda Paget (place not named) Envelope to missing letter Violet Paget (place not named) to 944 n.d. Matilda Paget (place not named) 944.1 n.d. Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 945 n.d. Matilda Paget (place not named) August 21, Violet Paget (Warkwick [?]) to 946 n.d. Matilda Paget (place not named) Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to 947 n.d. Matilda Paget (place not named)


Violet Paget (place not named) to December 29, Irene Forbes-Mosse (place not 948 1907 named) Envelope to missing letter November 4, Violet Paget (place not named) to 949 1895 Marie Belloc Lowndes Violet Paget (Florence, Italy) to Marie Belloc Lowndes (place not 950 n.d., 1895 named) Violet Paget (Chelsea, England) to Marie Belloc Lowndes (place not 951 July 21, 1895 named)

Envelope labeled: "Mona Taylor's excellent letter to me after Kit's departure and my letters 952 1899 to her which she sent back at this time."

953 1882 Envelope labeled: "V.P. letters Home 1882"

Wrapper labeled: 1881, 1883, 1885; V.P.'s 954 letters home (in considerable disorder)