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James Lloyd Green, viewing the hills from the banks of the Norwich has always drawn upon a wide range of diverse Thames, compared the city to the beautiful petals of a rose. cultures for its citizenry. Irish, Polish, Italian, Asian, Haitian Preacher, abolitionist and suffragist Henry Ward Beecher, vis- and many more have all come to Norwich, found a home and iting Henry B. Norton’s Norwich home, declared her “The contributed to its economy and society. Rose of New England.” As Norwich developed, the city expanded from Norwich – Events /PSXJDI $POOFDUJDVU Norwichtown to the Harbor and the downtown Chelsea area. When Norwich men and women were called upon to Other neighborhoods, such as Yantic, Greenville, Laurel Hill, serve their country in war, they did so valiantly. In the 17th Norwich – Places and Things Norwich Free Academy is at the mid point between and Mohegan Park, developed along the rivers as the popula- century, wars caused the deaths of countless Mohegans, Norwich’s rich history and sense of place have Norwichtown and Downtown with The Slater Museum part of the tion and industry grew. Pequots, Narragansetts and European colonists. Leaders ensured the preservation of landmarks like the Old campus. The museum houses copies of the world’s greatest included the Pequot Sachems Tatobem and Sassacus, the Burying Grounds, Yantic Cemetery, Chelsea Parade, Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Renaissance sculpture. Within the Norwich – The People Narragansett Sachem Miantonomo, the Mohegan Sachem Norwichtown and Little Plain greens. Her streets are Museum are the Converse Art Gallery, focusing on contemporary The native peoples called the area by names that have Uncas and the English Lion Gardner, John Mason, Thomas lined with accurately restored houses from conserva- Connecticut artists and the Norwich Galleries, displaying fine and become Shetucket and Yantic today.
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