ジェフ ショア

Jeff SHORE 教授 研 究 業 績 2018 年 4 月 1 日現在

著書・ 著書・論文等の名称、発行所・発表雑誌・学会等の名称、 発行・発 論文等 共著の場合の編者・著者名、該当頁数 表 の区分 年 月 著 書 "Zijn zonder zelf: De kern van (Dutch translation of Being Without Self: 2008. 3 (単) Zen for the Modern World) ",Rotterdam : Asoka, 174p. 著 書 "Being Without Self: Zen for the Modern World", Rotterdam : Asoka, 205p. 2008. 7 (単) 著 書 Introduction to The Sayings of Layman P’ang: A Zen Classic of China, 2009. 3 (単) (Shambhala) pp. xix-xxxiii 著 書 Létezés Én Nélkül: Zen A Modern Világ Számára(Hungarian translation of Being 2010. 3 (単) Without Self: Zen for the Modern World)Egy Csepp, Budapest, 234p. 著 書 Zen Classics for the Modern World: Translations of Chinese Zen Poems & Prose 2011.11 (単) with Contemporary Commentary (Philadelphia: Diane Publishing, November 2011) 158 pp. 著 書 “Foreword” to Crossroads in Psychoanalysis,,and 2014. 1 (単) ,Lanham:Aronson,pp.ix-xi. 著 書 A Zen Gyakolasa(book in Hungarian containing writings and translations 2014. 3 (単) on Great Doubt and the Zen koan),pp.272,Budapest,Egy Csepp. 著 書 解説、『無我の体験』バーナデット・ロバーツ著,pp.265~277 東京、ナチュラ 2014.10 (単) ルスピリット 著 書 Ser sin yo:Entonces ¿quien soy?(Spanish translation of Being Without 2014.12 (単) Self)pp.240,Mexico City,Editorial Pax. 論 文 "Zen Praxis in Westen ", Zen (Magazine), pp.24~35. 1988. 9 (単) 論 文 "Zen Door Wester lingen", Zen (Magazine), pp.28~37. 1988. 9 (単) 論 文 「宗教の問い」、東方出版ブディスト、30~35 頁 1988.秋 (単) 論 文 "Problems and Misconceptions in Western Zen Practice", FAS Society Journal, 1989 (単) pp.19~33.

論 文 「禅修行をしようとする欧米人の抱える問題」『花園大学研究紀要』、81~97 1989. 3 (単) 頁

論 文 "Zen i väst", Zen vágen(Magazine), pp.15~22. 1989. 3 (単) 論 文 "The Problem of Religion", FAS Society Journal, pp.34~38. 1990 (単) 論 文 "Japansk Zen Och Västerlandet(Part1)", Zen vágen(Magazine), pp.17~21. 1990. 2 (単)

論 文 "English Education Through Music" 花園大学研究紀要(第 22 号),61~71 頁 1990. 3 (単)

論 文 "Writing Oneself: English Education Through Short-short Stories" 花園大 1990. 3 (単) 学研究紀要(第 22 号),72~80 頁

論 文 "Japansk Zen Och Västerlandet (Part2)", Zen vágen(Magazine), pp.9~13. 1990. 6 (単)

論 文 " Zen en het Westen (Part1)", Zen(Magazine), pp.20~27. 1990. 7 (単) 論 文 "Japans Zen en het Westen (Part2)", Zen(Magazine), pp.19~27. 1990.10 (単) 論 文 "The Flame Extinguished", FAS Society Journal, pp.1~7. 1990.12 (単) 論 文 「炎は燃え尽きた」『ブディスト』、12~20 頁 1991. 5 (単) 論 文 " and the West:Beginnings", 1990 Anthology of Fo Kuang Shan 1992. 3 (単) International Buddhist Conference, pp.438~460.

論 文 "The Understanding of the Body in Chan/Zen Buddhism", FAS Society Journal, 1992.夏 (単) pp.83~94.

論 文 "International Society and Education:A Zen Buddhist View of Liberation" 人 1993. 3 (単) 権教育研究(創刊号),28~59 頁

論 文 "Towards a European Zen?", Towards a European Zen? (Zenvägen 1994 (単) Publishers,Stockholm,Sweden 1994), pp.7~21.

論 文 "Toward a Western Zen:F.A.S", FAS Society Journal,1994, pp.1~13. 1994 (単) 論 文 "F.A.S at Fifty: A Critical View", FAS Society Journal,1994, pp.34~45. 1994 (単) 論 文 "On Lay Zen Practice in Europe", FAS Society Journal,1995, pp.19~66. 1995 (単)

論 文 「ヨーロッパでの在家禅」『禅文化研究所紀要』第 21 号、69~85 頁 1995. 3 (単) 論 文 "Introduction to the First FAS Retreat in Europe", FAS Society Journal,1996, 1996 (単) pp.11~15.

論 文 "Koan Zen From the Inside" 花園大学文学部研究紀要(第 28 号),1~52 頁 1996. 3 (単)

論 文 「抱石の世界と私の世界」『久松真一著作集別巻久松真一の世界』、京都法蔵館、1996. 7 (単) 251~261 頁

論 文 "The Fundamental Koan of Humankind: Making it Our Own", FAS Society 1997 (単) Journal,1997, pp.97~105.

論 文 「人類の基本的公案*いかにしてわれわれ自身の問いとするか」『禅学研究』第 1997. 3 (単) 75 号、68~87 頁

論 文 "The True Buddha is Formless: 's Religious Quest", Masao Abe : A 1998 (単) Zen Life of Dialogue(Tuttle), pp.3~9.

論 文 「夢想家抱石久松真一のポストモダン世界と西洋における批判」『禅学研究』第 1998. 3 (単) 76 号、10~31 頁

論 文 「インターナショナル禅:過去、現在、未来」/"International Zen: Past, 1999. 3 (単) Present, & Future"(対訳)『花園大学文学部研究紀要』第 31 号、35~62 頁

論 文 "The Source of Zen: Who Transmits What?", FAS Society Journal, 1999, pp.55 1999. 4 (単) ~69.

論 文 "Abe Masao's Legacy: Awakening to Reality Through the Death of Ego & 1999. 4 (単) Providing Spritual Ground for the Modern World", The Eastern Buddhist Vol.XXXI, No.2, pp.295~307.

論 文 「禅における自己のあり方」『季刊仏教』48、法藏館、39~56 頁 1999.10 (単) 論 文 "La Source du Zen:Qui transmet quoi? Lignage et transmission dans le 2000. 1 (単) Bouddhisme Zen"(2'eme Partie), French Belgian Journal Voies del' Orient74, pp.6~15. 論 文 "Zen in Early Buddhism:The Fundamental Koan in Gotama Buddha's First Sermon" 2001. 3 (単) 花園大学文学部研究紀要(第 33 号),1~17 頁

論 文 "A Buddhist Model of the Human Self: Working Through the Jung-Hisamatsu 2002 (単) Discussion", Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy Polly Young-Eisendrath & Shoji Muramoto, Editors (East Sussex: Brunner-Routledge/New York: Taylor & Francis, 2002), pp.30~44. 論 文 "The Unconditioned in Buddhism, Zen, and Our Own Lives" 花園大学文学部研 2003 (単) 究紀要(第 34 号),17~40 頁 論 文 "Den grundlaeggende koan i Buddhas Benarestale" (Danish) in Religioner i 2004 (単) , by Esben Andreasen (Norhaven Book, Denmark), pp.140~143. 論 文 "Basics of Zen Practice, Principles of Zen Practice" 花園大学文学部研究 2004 (単) 紀要(第 36 号),1~54 頁 論 文 "Translating Zen: What We Do When We Do " 世界の日本研究 Japanese 2004 (単) Studies Around the World 2004,Observing Japan from Within: Perspectives of Foreign Scholars Resident in Japan『内側から見た日本:在住外国人研究者の 視点』, International Research Center for Japanese Studies 国際日本文化 研究センター, pp.286~293. 論 文 "Foreword" to Bernadette Roberts What Is Self?: A Study of the Spiritual 2005 (単) Journey in Terms of Consciousness (Sentient Publications, January), pp.IX ~XIX. 論 文 "No-self in Zen Buddhism"『花園大学文学部研究紀要』第 37 号, pp.15~31 2005. 3 (単) 論 文 「欧米における禅への関心とその現代的意義」『トランスパーソナル心理学/精 2005.12 (単) 神医学』Vol.6No.1、1~4 頁 論 文 "Becoming One and Being without Self: The Practice of & Dhyana in 2006. 2 (単) Zen Buddhism" 『禪學研究』第 84 号(3月), pp.1~30. 論 文 "Encounters on the Way : A Buddhist Pilgrimage"『花園大学文学部研究紀要』2008. 3 (単) 第 40 号, pp.103~125 論 文 "Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism",『禪學研究』第 86 号, 2008. 1 pp.1~22 論 文 "L’Expérience Religieuse à la Lumière du Bouddhisme Zen (French 2008.春 translation) ", Voíes de l’Oríent #107, pp.2~15 論 文 "No Bull: Zen Oxherding Pictures for the Modern World"『禪學研究』第 88 2010. 3 (単) 號, pp.1~50. 論 文 “Great Doubt: Getting Stuck & Breaking Through The Real Koan”『禅学研 2011. 2 (単) 究』第89号, pp.1~37. 論 文 “Enjoying the Way: Translation and Commentary”『花園大学文学部研究紀要』2011. 3 (単) 第43号, pp.113~145. 論 文 Great Doubt: Practicing Zen in the World, Wisdom Publications.128 pages. 2016. 7 (単) 論 文 [ 禅セッション]Rinzai Zen Now, Jeff Shore & 安永祖堂氏『禅文化』242号, 2016.10 (単) 2016. 10. 論 文 「現代社会における臨済禅」『「臨済録」研究の現在』禅文化研究所 pp.583- 2017. 6 (単) 601 翻 訳 「西田幾多郎『人心の疑惑』」『The Eastern Buddhist』17,2、7~11 頁 1984.秋 (単)

翻 訳 「久松真一『一日上作一日上食』」『The Young East』Vol.11、30~32 頁 1985 (単)

翻 訳 「鈴木大拙の思い出」"A Zen Life:D.T.Suzuki Remembered"『Weatherhill Press』、1986 (単) 65~80、148~159 頁

翻 訳 「富樫実『作品集:空にかける階段』」、Gallery Okazaki 1987 (単) 翻 訳 「西谷啓治『生花』」『Chanoyu Quarterly』No.60、7~16 頁 1990 (単) 翻 訳 Akizuki Ryomin's "Patriarch Zen & the Koan: An Introduction to Zen Training" 1993.夏 (単) Chanoyu Quarterly,No.72, pp.12~30. 翻 訳 Nishitani Keiji's "The Japanese Art of Arranged Flowers" World Philosophy:A 1996 (単) Text with Readings Edited by R.C.Solomon & K.M.Higgins (New York: McGraw-Hill), pp.21~27. 翻 訳 Miura Kiyohiro's "He's Leaving Home:My Young Son Becomes a Zen Monk" Tuttle, 1996 (単) pp.102. 翻 訳 "Selections From AKIZUKI Ryomin's Koan:An Introduction to Zen Practice" 花 1997. 3 (単) 園大学文学部研究紀要(第 29 号),193~236 頁 翻 訳 "True Sitting:A Discussion with Hisamatsu Shin'ichi" The Eastern 1998 (単) Buddhist,31-1, pp.72~84. 翻 訳 " and Postmodern Man" by Shin'ichi Hisamatsu, FAS Society 1999. 4 (単) Journal,1999, pp.2~8. 翻 訳 "The Zen Teaching of " 『家庭画報』International Edition, Winter(創刊 2003 (単) 第 2 号)、68~75 頁 翻 訳 「現代社会における臨済禅」『「臨済録」国際学会論文集』pp. 189-199 (日本 2016. 5 (単) 語訳) pp. 367-375 (中文訳) その他 One Day Seminar on Zen Practice in Japan: "What are the Living Zen Traditions 1991 (単) and What do They Have to Offer Westerners? " and "In Search of a Master/Monastery/Temple: Concrete Advice About Zen Training in Japan" Tiltenberg Retreat Center, Vogelenzang, Holland, July 27, 10:30am-5:00pm. その他 "The Understanding of the Body in Chan/Zen Buddhism" 1991. 8 (単) lecture for International Conference on Buddhism & Christianity, Theological Faculty, University of Aarhus, Denmark その他 Lecture on "What is Zen?", International Program of Doshisha Woman's College 1998.10 (単) その他 "Zen Buddhism: Living History, Religion, Thought, & Culture", One Semester 1993. 9 (単) intensive course Center for Japanese Studies/Stanford Japan Program. ~


その他 書評 Rude Awakenings: Zen, the , and the Question of Nationalism 1996. 3 (単) 『人権教育研究』、花園大学人権教育研究室、167~174 頁

その他 "Japanese Religions with a Focus on Zen Buddhism", Intensive course for 1997. 9 (単) Comparative Religion & Culture Program, Friends World College, East Asian ~ Center, Long lsland University 1997.11 1998. 9 ~ 1998.11 その他 編集 FAS Society Journal(Kyoto, Japan). 1984~ (単) 1999 その他 書評 Masao Abe: A Zen Life of Dialogue『人権教育研究』第 7 号、159~163 1999. 3 (単) 頁 その他 「夢想家久松真一」、FAS協会、論究(林光院) 1999. 6 (単) その他 ""Koan" and "Zen and the West"" Encyclopedia of Monasticism, Fitzroy 2000 (単) Dearborn Publishers, pp.714~717,1423~1424

その他 "Grondbeginselen van Zen" published lecture in Dutch Buddhist Quarterly 2003 (単) Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme #31 (Spring, 2003), pp.16~20.

その他 "Westerse zen is leken zen" interview in Dutch for the Buddhist Quarterly 2004 (単) kwartaalblad boeddhisme, Summer, pp.12~16. その他 "Foreword" and "Impressions" for The Laughing Buddha of Tofukuji: The Life 2004 (単) of Keido Fukushima, World Wisdom Press, October, pp.IX and 133 ~134. その他 "Introduction to Zen Thought & Practice" lecture for New York's Colgate 2004.11 (単) University study abroad program, 本学, ショア研究室, 1-2:30pm, 11 月 10 日. その他 "Intet Selv i Zen-Buddhismen" translation of "No-self" lecture for the 2004.12 (単) Danish Buddhist journal Buddhistisk Forum, pp.24~29 その他 "Hakuin: An Introduction" Hakuin : Zen Paintings and Calligraphy from the 2005 (単) Ryuunji Collection p.ⅲ その他 "Ensho KOBAYASHI: Profile & Interview" 、『禪學研究』2005 年 7 月、1~9 頁 2005. 7 (単) その他 “Zonder zelf zijn” article-translation in Dutch Buddhist magazine Vorm 2006 (単) & Leegte, vol.11, #3 (Spring 2006) pp.12~15. その他 “De Middenweg”Thirty-minute Radio Interview for Dutch Buddhist Broadcast 2006. 5 (単) May 14, 2006 ; access through . その他 “At give liv til den koan, som vi selv er!” interview for Danish Buddhist 2006 (単) magazine Buddhistik Forum, Vol.14, #1, pp.10~15. その他 “Mesteren gør ikke noget” interview (continued) for Danish Buddhist 2006 (単) magazine Buddhistik Forum, Vol.14, #2, pp.12~17. その他 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” from lecture given 2007. 5 (単) at London’s Buddhist Society in March 2007, The , May 2007, Vol.82 No.1, pp.21~29. その他 “Wenn alles zur Ruhe gebracht wurde-was bleibt dann?”Interview for German 2014. 1 (単) Quarterly Buddhismus aktuell,pp.45~49 その他 "An Interview with Jeff Shore: Beating dust out of the futon – a critique 2016. 7 (単) of Western Zen," The Zen Gateway, Internet publication of The Buddhist Society, London See:http://www.thezengateway.com/latestnews/ an-interview-with-jeff-shorebeating-dust-out-of-the-futon-a-critiqueof- western-zen 口頭発 「基本的公案」、FAS Weekly Meeting: Shokokuji 1984. 6 表(単) 口頭発 「形無き自己と二次元自己」、same as above 1984.10 表(単) 口頭発 「FASの現状」、same as above 1986. 3 表(単) 口頭発 「東洋的無」、same as above 1987. 9 表(単) 口頭発 「エリックフロム あるものか居るものか」、same as above 1988. 1 表(単) 口頭発 「日本の禅と欧米:私観」、Zen Lecture Series:Toyonaka Citizen's Hall 1988.10 表(単) 口頭発 「禅と欧米:現代の課題」、FAS Lecture Series: Kyoto University's Rakuyu Hall 1989. 4 表(単)

口頭発 「禅と欧米:過去と現在」、Kyoto Circle: Bukkyo 1989.10 表(単) University's Shijo Center

口頭発 「欧米禅のかかえる問題と誤解」、FAS Weekly Meeting: Shokokuji 1990. 5 表(単) 口頭発 「禅と欧米の 100 年」、Kyoto Buddhist Studies Circle:Bukkyo University's 1990.11 表(単) Shijo Center

口頭発 "Japanese Zen and the West", 国際仏教会議, Fo Kuang Shan Buddhist 1990.12 表(単) Monastery, Taiwan, December 25-29 口頭発 「仏教哲学概論」、Adam Mickieuicz University's Institute of 1991. 2 表(単) Linguistics:Poznan, Poland

口頭発 "Towards a European Zen?", International Symposium at Stockholm, Sweden 1993. 9 表(単)

口頭発 「外国人から見た日本*落ち着き」、京都市保育園連盟(八瀬野外教育センター) 1994. 5 表(単)

口頭発 "On Zen Practice in Europe", Voies de l'Orient (Catholic Center) Brussels, 1994. 9 表(単) Belgium

口頭発 "Lay Zen and European Zen", Seminar Retreat, Monastere de Bethanie 1994. 9 表(単) (Benedictine Monastery)Ottignes, Belgium

口頭発 "Lay Practice in Rinzai Zen", Covent des Domincains (Dominican Priory) 1994. 9 表(単) Strasbourg, France

口頭発 "Zen:The Goal of Meditation is to Wake You up", Katholieke Universiteit 1994. 9 表(単) Leuven (Leuven Catholic University) Leuven, Belgium

口頭発 「よく落ち着いて本当の自己に目覚める」、FAS 協会別時(相国寺山内林光院) 1994.12 表(単)

口頭発 「抱石の世界と私の世界」、FAS 協会別時(相国寺山内林光院) 1994.12 表(単) 口頭発 「ヨーロッパでの在家禅」、FAS 協会別時(相国寺山内林光院) 1994.12 表(単) 口頭発 "Koan Zen From the Inside", 19th Summer Seminar on Buddhism, BodhiManda Zen 1995. 6 表(単) Center,NewMexico, USA,sponsored by Mt.Baldy Zen Center & Philosophy Department of University of New Mexico

口頭発 "Koan Zen:An Introduction", University of Leuven,Leuven,Belgium 1995. 7 表(単) 口頭発 "Koan Zen From the Inside", Keizersberg Dominican Abbey,Leuven, Belgium 1995. 7 表(単)

口頭発 "Mutual Inquiry", Tiltenberg Ecumenical Retreat Center, Vogelenzang, 1995. 7 表(単) Holland

口頭発 "How to Transform Zen into Practice and Practice into Zen", University of 1996. 7 表(単) Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

口頭発 "The Practice of Zen", University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 1996. 7 表(単) 口頭発 "The Fundamental Koan of Humankind:Making it Our Own", Tiltenberg 1996. 8 表(単) Ecumenical Center, Vogelenzang, Holland

口頭発 "An American View of ", Suzhou University, Department of 1996. 9 表(単) Foreign Language & Literature, Suzhou, China

口頭発 "From Shakyamuni to Dogen", Comparative Religions Course, Friends World 1996.11 表(単) College, Kyoto

口頭発 "Zen in the Life of a Monk, Zen in the Life of a Lay Person", University 1997. 8 表(単) of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

口頭発 "Zen in Japan, Zen in Europe", Tiltenberg Ecumenical Center, Vogelenzang, 1997. 8 表(単) Holland (Sponsored by the Japan Foundation 国際交流基金)

口頭発 "An Introduction to Zen Buddhism", Utrecht Zen Center, Utrecht, Holland 1997. 8 表(単) 口頭発 「夢想家抱石*久松真一のポストモダン世界と西洋における批判*」、花園大学 1997.11 表(単) 第 68 回禅学研究会学術大会

口頭発 「人類の基本的公案」、FAS 協会、平常道場の論究(相国寺山内林光院) 1997.12 表(単)

口頭発 "Zen:An Introduction", Lecture for Luther College Japanese Religions 1998. 1 表(単) Program,Kyoto

口頭発 "Zen Buddhism", Lecture for Stevens College Japanese Religions Program, 1998. 6 表(単) Kyoto

口頭発 Lecture on "The Source of Zen", Retreat at Tiltenberg Ecumenical Center, 1998. 7 表(単) Vogelenzang, Holland

口頭発 Public Lecture on "The Source of Zen: Who Transmits What?", Utrecht Zen 1998. 8 表(単) Center, Holland

口頭発 "Zen Lectures", International Zen Retreat at Utrecht Zen Center, Holland 1998. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Public Lecture on "The Source of Zen: Who Transmits What?", Leuven Zen Group, 1998. 8 表(単) University of Leuven, Belgium

口頭発 "Zen Lectures" International Zen Retreat at AverbodeAbbey, Averbode, 1998. 8 表(単) Belgium

口頭発 Lecture on "The Source of Zen:Who Transmits What?", Achel Zen Group, Belgium 1998. 8 表(単)

口頭発 Public Lecture on "The Source of Zen: Who Transmits What?", Ekoji Ecumenical 1998. 8 表(単) Buddhist Groups, Richmond,Virginia,USA

口頭発 Lecture on "The Path I Have Taken", Philadelphia Buddhist Association, 1998. 8 表(単) Haverford, PA,USA

口頭発 Lecture, Seminar & Workshop Series "My Seventeen Years in Japan", Asian 1998. 8 表(単) Studies Graduate Program, Department of Religious Studies, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA

口頭発 「インターナショナル禅の過去、現在、未来」、集中講義『人と文化*禅*』 1998. 9 表(単)

口頭発 "The Basics of Zen Buddhism" lecture for the Empty Nest Zen Group, North 1999. 3 表(単) Fork, California

口頭発 "Awakening in Zen" lecture for the Philadelphia Buddhist Association, 1999. 3 表(単) Haverford, Pennsylvania

口頭発 "Why Would a Philosopher Pursue Zen?" lecture for Department of Philosophy, 1999. 3 表(単) University of Utrecht

口頭発 "Sitting Zen * Working Zen" lecture for Zen onder de Dom group, Utrecht, 1999. 3 表(単) Holland

口頭発 "Zen Buddhism in Daily Life-Death" lecture series for Zen onder de Dom Group 1999. 3 表(単) weekend retreat, Utrecht, Holland

口頭発 "Compassion: Zen & the Way of the Other" lecture for Zengroup Noord-Limburg, 1999. 3 表(単) Achel, Belgium

口頭発 "La Transmission du " lecture series for Voies de l'Orient one-day 1999. 3 表(単) retreat, Brussels, Belgium

口頭発 「禅における自己のあり方:ユングと久松との問答を解く」国際会議 禅と心理 1999. 5 表(単) 学の出会い(京都)

口頭発 "Zen Buddhism :Our Very Questioning is the Way" Zen onder de Dom Group, 1999. 7 表(単) Utrecht, Holland ~

口頭発 "Our Very questioning is the Way" Peer, Belgium 1999. 8 表(単) 口頭発 "Buddhism, Zen, and the Koan" 国際禅学研究所にて、Luther College Program 2000. 1 表(単)

口頭発 "Buddhism, Zen, Tea and the Arts" lecture for Colgate University program, 2000. 3 表(単) Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies 1230-4pm.

口頭発 "Shakyamuni's First Sermon and the Fundamental Koan" Philadelphia Buddhist 2000. 7 表(単) Association

口頭発 "The Fundamental Koan Opens Up Wherever We Are" University of Leuven, 2000. 8 表(単) Beligium

口頭発 "Buddha's First Sermon:What Does it Mean Today? " Zen Onder de Dom Group, 2000. 8 表(単) Utrecht, Holland

口頭発 "The Unconditioned in Buddhism" Vatican Biblical Institute, Rome 2001. 2 表(単) 口頭発 "The Unconditioned in Buddhism" Daseinanalyse Institute, Brussels, Belgium 2001. 2 表(単)

口頭発 "The Unconditioned in Buddhism, Zen, and Our Own Lives" University of 2001. 2 表(単) Leuven, Belgium

口頭発 "The Unconditioned in Buddhism, Zen, and Our Own Lives" Zen Onder de Dom 2001. 2 表(単) Group, Utrecht, Holland

口頭発 "An Intoduction to Buddhism and Zen" Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies at 2001. 3 表(単) Stanford Japan Center, Kyoto

口頭発 "The Koan of the Unconditioned" lecture for St Lawrence University's Study 2001. 5 表(単) Abroad Program, 花園大学

口頭発 "The Unconditioned in Buddhism, Zen, and Our Own lives" public Lecture for 2001. 8 表(単) the Philadelphia Buddhist Association, Temenos Retreat Center, West Chester, Pennsylvania 口頭発 "An Intoduction to Zen Practice" lecture for Luther College Study Abroad 2002. 1 表(単) Program, Kyoto

口頭発 "On Zen Practice" lecture for Buddhist of Bucks County, Yardley 2002. 1 表(単) Friends (Quaker) Meeting, Pennsylvania

口頭発 "Zen Buddhist Practice: Back to Basics" lecture for Zen Onder de Dom, 2002. 2 表(単) Utrecht, Holland

口頭発 "Zen Buddhist Practice: Back to Basics" lecture for Zendo De Kern, Eersel, 2002. 2 表(単) Holland

口頭発 "Zen Buddhist Practice: Back to Basics" lecture for Eindhoven Zendo, 2002. 2 表(単) Eindhoven, Holland

口頭発 "Zen Buddhist Practice: Back to Basics" lecture for Zen-groep Romaanse 2002. 2 表(単) Poort, Leuven, Belgium

口頭発 "Zen Buddhist Practice: Back to Basics" lecture for Sangha il monte 2002. 2 表(単) interiore, Vatican's Biblical Institute, Rome, Italy

口頭発 "Zen Buddhist Practice: Back to Basics" lecture for Philadelphia Buddhist 2002. 7 表(単) Association, Chestnut Hill College, Pennsylvania

口頭発 "Zen Buddhist Practice: Back to Basics" lecture for Buddhist Sangha of Bucks 2002. 7 表(単) County, Yardley Friends (Quaker) Meeting, Pennsylvania

口頭発 "Zen Buddhist Practice: Back to Basics" lecture for Kashin Zendo, Chevy 2002. 8 表(単) Chase, Maryland

口頭発 "Zen Buddhist Practice: Back to Basics" lecture for Springs Mountain Sangha, 2002. 8 表(単) Susan B. Anthony Annex of All Souls Uunitarian Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado 口頭発 "Zen Buddhist Practice: Back to Basics" lecture for Ecumenical Buddhist 2002. 8 表(単) Society, Fletcher Branch of Central Arkansas Library, Little Rock, Arkansas

口頭発 "Zen Buddhism: An Integrated Introduction to its Thought & Practice" lecture 2002.10 表(単) for Department of Religion, University of Calgary, Canada

口頭発 "Blue-Eyed Zen: A North American View of Traditional Zen Buddhism" 2002.10 表(単) colloquium for Department of Religion, University of Calgary, Canada

口頭発 "Principles of Zen Practice" public lecture for Zen Onder de Dom, Utrecht, 2003. 2 表(単) Holland

口頭発 "Buddhist Principles of Zen Practice" public lecture for Zendo De Kern, 2003. 2 表(単) Eersel, Holland

口頭発 "Principles of Zen Practice" public lecture for Zendo 't Hool, Eindhoven, 2003. 2 表(単) Holland

口頭発 "Buddhist Principles of Zen Practice" public lecture for Zen-groep Romaanse 2003. 2 表(単) Poort, La Foresta Franciscan Monastery & Retreat Center, Leuven, Belgium

口頭発 "Principles of Zen Practice" lecture for Sangha il monte interiore, 2003. 3 表(単) Palazolla Retreat Centre of English College Rome, Italy

口頭発 "Buddhist Principles of Zen Practice" public lecture for Philadelphia 2003. 7 表(単) Buddhist Association, Chestnut Hill College, Pennsylvania

口頭発 "Principles of Zen Buddhist Practice" public lecture for Buddhist Sangha 2003. 7 表(単) of Bucks County, Yardley Friends (Quaker) Meeting House, Pennsylvania

口頭発 "Illuminating the Source: Buddhist Principles of Zen Practice" lecture for 2003. 8 表(単) the Zen Buddhist Center of Washington D. C. (Kashin Zendo), Friends (Quaker) Meeting House, Dupont Circle 口頭発 "Illuminating the Source: Principles of Zen Practice" lecture for the Empty 2003. 8 表(単) Hand Zendo, Friends (Quaker) Meeting House, Rye, New York

口頭発 "In Honor of Isshu Miura Roshi" talk and discussion for Sairaizenso (西 2003. 8 表(単) 来禅荘), Sussex, New Jersey

口頭発 "Translating Zen: What We Do When We Do Zazen" 国際日本文化研究センター、2003. 9 表(単) 第 5 回日本在住外国人研究者シンポジウム 内側から見た日本?在住外国人研究 者の視点(International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Symposium: Observing Japan from Within) 口頭発 "What Do We Do When We Do Zazen?" lecture and discussion for Hartford Street 2003.10 表(単) Zen Center, San Francisco

口頭発 "Zen Practice on American Soil" lecture and discussion for Comparative 2003.10 表(単) Cultures class, Honors College of the University of Central Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas 口頭発 "What We Do When We Do Zen Meditation" lecture and discussion for Honors 2003.10 表(単) College Forum, University of Central Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas

口頭発 "Zen and Buddhism" lecture and discussion for Buddhism class, Hendrix 2003.10 表(単) College, Conway, Arkansas

口頭発 "From Buddhist Thought to Zen Practice: No-Self in Action" lecture and 2003.10 表(単) discussion for the Socratic Society, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

口頭発 "Religion and Zen in My Life" lecture and discussion for Religion and Global 2003.10 表(単) Context class, Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas

口頭発 "What is Zen Buddhism? A Practitioner's Approach" lecture and discussion 2003.10 表(単) for Religion Department forum, Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas

口頭発 "Illuminating the Source" public lecture for Ecumenical Buddhist Society 2003.10 表(単) at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Conway, Arkansas

口頭発 "An Introduction to Zen Thought & Practice Through the Philosophy of Keiji 2003.11 表(単) Nishitani" for seminar on The Aesthetics of Being: Modern Japanese Thought, Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies, Stanford Japan Program, Okazaki, Kyoto 口頭発 "An Introduction to Zen Thought and Practice" lectures for Kannon-do Zen 2004. 2 表(単) Group retreat, Innsbruck, Austria, 2月22日, 9-5pm. 口頭発 "No-self Awareness" lectures for Zen-groep Romaanse Poort retreat, Heiberg 2004. 3 表(単) Center, Leuven, Belgium, 3月2日-4日. 口頭発 "Zen & Eckhart" lectures for weekend retreat, together with Father Bernard 2004. 3 表(単) Durel, for Voies de l’Orient, Chant d’Oiseau, Brussels, Belgium, 3月5 日-7日. 口頭発 "No-self in Zen Buddhism" lectures for Zen in Zeeland group retreat, Het 2004. 3 表(単) Pakhuis, Middelburg, Holland, 3月10日, 9am-9pm. 口頭発 "No-self in Zen Buddhism" lectures for Zendo De Kern retreat, Duizel, 2004. 3 表(単) Holland, 3月12日-13日. 口頭発 "No-self in Zen Buddhism" lectures for Zendo ‘t Hool retreat, Eindhoven, 2004. 3 表(単) Holland, 3月14日, 10am-5pm. 口頭発 "No-self in Zen Buddhism" lectures for weekend retreat, Zen Onder de Dom, 2004. 3 表(単) Utrecht, Holland, 3月19日-21日. 口頭発 "An Introduction to Zen Thought and Practice" lectures for Saarbrucken Zen 2004. 3 表(単) Groups, Saarbrucken, Germany, 3 月 26 日-28 日. 口頭発 "Teaching About Zen Buddhism in American Schools" lecture for National 2004. 7 表(単) Consortium for Teaching About Asia (NCTA) Program, 老湖庵, Kyoto,7月11 日,10:30am-12noon. 口頭発 "No-self in Zen Buddhism" lecture for Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County, 2004. 8 表(単) Pennsylvania, USA, August 23. 口頭発 "No-self in Zen Buddhism" lecture for retreat, Clearwater Sangha, 2004. 8 表(単) Levittown, Pennsylvania, USA, August 25. 口頭発 "No-self in Zen Buddhism" lecture for weekend retreat, Philadelphia 2004. 8 表(単) Buddhist Association, Pendle Hill, Pennsylvania, August 27-29. 口頭発 "No-self in Zen Buddhism" lecture for retreat, Sairai Zenso, Sussex, New 2004. 8 表(単) Jersey, August 31. 口頭発 "No-self in Zen Buddhism" lecture for weekend retreat, Zen Buddhist Center 2004. 9 表(単) of Washington, D.C.(Kashin Zendo), Dupont Circle Friends Meeting House, Washington, D. C., September 3-5. 口頭発 "No-self in Zen Buddhism" lectures for Ecumenical Buddhist Society of Little 2004. 9 表(単) Rock, Hendrix College, & University of Central Arkansas Honors College, September 8-9. 口頭発 日本トランスパーソナル心理学/精神医学会第6回学術大会「禅と現代心理学の新 2004.11 表 潮流」特別シンポジウム「禅と現代心学の対話」パネラー、花園大学教堂、11 月6日、2:30-5pm. 口頭発 "An Introduction to Japanese Culture and Zen" lecture for Hong Kong 2005. 1 表 Polytechnic University study abroad program,花園大学教堂. 口頭発 "Being One & Being Without Self" lecture at weekend retreat for Hannover 2005. 2 表 Zen Group, Hannover Garmany. 口頭発 "Being One & Being Without Self" lecture at weekend retreat for ZEN onder 2005. 2 表 de Dom, St Michael’s,Steyl Holland. 口頭発 "Samadhi & Dhyana in Zen Buddhism" lecture at one-day retreat for Zen Group 2005. 2 表 De Romaanse Poort, University of Louvain (Leuven), Leuven Belgium. 口頭発 "Samadhi & Dhyana in Zen Buddhism" lecture at weekend retreat for ZEN onder 2005. 2 表 de Dom, St Michael’s,Steyl Holland. 口頭発 "Being One & Being Without Self" lecture at weekend retreat for Saarbrucken 2005. 3 表 Zen Group, Forum 3000, Saarbrucken Garmany. 口頭発 "Being One & Being Without Self" lecture at weekend retreat for Kannon-do 2005. 3 表 Zen Group, University of Innsbruk, Innsbruk Austria. 口頭発 "Samadhi & Dhyana in Zen Buddhism" lecture at weekend retreat for ZEN 2005. 3 表 Buddhist Association of Copenhagen Denmark. 口頭発 "Being One & Being Without Self" lecture at one-day retreat for the Sangha 2005. 3 表 of Aarhus Zen Center Aarhus Catholic Church, Denmark. 口頭発 "Becoming One & Being Without Self" lecture at one-day retreat for the 2005. 8 表 Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County, Yardley Friend Meeting, Pennsylvania. 口頭発 "Samadhi & Dhyana in Zen Buddhism" lecture at one-day retreat for Sairai 2005. 8 表 Zenso, Sussex, New Jersey. 口頭発 "Becoming One & Being Without Self" lecture at weekend retreat for 2005. 8 表 Pennsylvania Buddhist Association, Pendle Hill Quaker Retreat Center. 口頭発 "Becoming One & Being Without Self" lecture at weekend retreat for Zen 2005. 8 表 Buddhist Center of Washington, D.C.(Kashin Zendo),Dupont Circle Friends Meeting House. 口頭発 "Samadhi & Dhyana in Zen Buddhism" lecture for Empty Hand Zendo, White Plains 2005. 8 表 New York. 口頭発 "Dharma Friendship" lecture-discussion for Honors Seminar, University of 2005. 9 表 Central Arkansas, Little Rock. 口頭発 "An Invitation to Zen Practice" lecture for Honors High Table, University 2005. 9 表 of Central Arkansas. 口頭発 "An Introduction to Buddhism" lecture-discussion for World Religions 2005. 9 表 Course, University of Arkansas at Little Rock. 口頭発 "Becoming One & Being Without Self" lecture for The Socratic Society, 2005. 9 表 University of Arkansas at Little Rock. 口頭発 "The of Buddhism" lecture-discussion for Senior 2005. 9 表 Colloquium on Theories of Religion, Hendrix College, Conway Arkansas. 口頭発 "Inter-religious Dialogue: Within & Without Self" lecture-discussion for 2005. 9 表 seminar on Inter-religious Dialogue, Hendrix College, Conway Arkansas. 口頭発 "My Life of Religious Pursuit" lecture-discussion for Friday Afternoon 2005. 9 表 Discussion, Religion Department Hendrix College, Conway Arkansas. 口頭発 "Becoming One & Being Without Self" lecture at one day retreat for The 2005. 9 表 Ecumenical Buddhist Society of little Rock, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Conway Arkansas. 口頭発 "Becoming One & Being Without Self" lecture at one day retreat, Judy Hoyem 2005. 9 表 Zendo, San Francisco California. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism, with Special Reference 2006. 1 表 to the Koan” lecture & discussion for the Luther College study abroad program , 本学、教堂, January 13. 口頭発 “Buddhism in the Light of Religious Experience” lecture for Insight 2006. 2 表 Meditation Group, Princeton New Jersey, February 15. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism, Zen Buddhism in the 2006. 2 表 Light of Religious Experience” lecture and discussion for course on Zen Buddhism, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, February 16. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” lecture for Clearwater 2006. 4 表 Sangha, Levittown, Pennsylvania, February 16. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” lectures at weekend 2006. 4 表 retreat for Zen Buddhist Association of Copenhagen Denmark, April 7-9. 口頭発 “An Introduction to Zen Meditation” seminar for Department of Theology 2006. 4 表 & Religion, University of Durham, England, April 13. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism, Zen Buddhism in the 2006. 4 表 Light of Religious Experience” lecture and discussion for Department of Theology & Religion, University of Durham, England, April 18. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” lectures at retreat 2006. 4 表 for the Sangha of Aarhus Zen Center, Aarhus, Denmark, April 21-22. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” memorial lecture for 2006. 4 表 Zendo De Kern, Duizel, Holland, April 27. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2006. 5 表 discussion for the Het Graalhuis, Utrecht, Holland, May 2. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism, Zen Buddhism in the 2006. 5 表 Light of Religious Experience” lecture for ZEN onder de Dom, Utrecht, May 3, followed by two retreats at Steyl Mission House, Steyl, Holland, May 5-7 & May 11-14. 口頭発 “The Existential Dilemma in Light of Zen Buddhism” seminar for The Belgium 2006. 5 表 Center for Daseinanalyse, Brussels, Belgium, May 20. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture for 2006. 5 表 Zen in Zeeland, Middelburg, Holland, May 26. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2006. 6 表 discussion at retreat for Zen Group De Romaanse Poort, Catholic University of Louvain (Leuven), Belgium, June 2-3. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” lecture & discussion 2006. 6 表 for Rinzai Zen Center, Oslo, Norway, June 6. 口頭発 “Zen Buddhism & Religious Experience” public lecture for University of 2006. 6 表 Tromsoe, Tromsoe, Norway, June 8. 口頭発 “An Introduction to Zen Meditation” public seminar, City Center, Tromsoe, 2006. 6 表 Norway, June 9. 口頭発 “An Introduction to Buddhism” talk for students on international exchange 2006. 6 表 program from Pennsylvania’s Westtown (Quaker) School, Kyoto, 老胡庵, June 20. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” (in English with 2006. 6 表 German interpretation) public lecture & discussion for Schlosskeller, Saarbruecken, Germany, June 30, followed by weekend retreat. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” (in English with 2006. 7 表 French interpretation) lecture & discussion for Association for S’asseoir (Dominican Priory), Strasbourg, France, July 5. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” lecture & discussion 2006. 7 表 for Department of Religious studies, Hannover University, Germany, July 13, followed by weekend retreat. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” lecture & discussion 2006. 7 表 for Kannon-do Zen Group, University of Innsbruck, Austria, July 21, followed by weekend retreat. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2006. 8 表 discussion for One-Drop Zendo at Shambhala Buddhist Center, Budapest, Hungary, August 4, followed by weekend retreat at One Drop Zendo. 口頭発 “La Cultura Oriental” & “Practica de la Filosofia Zen” (in English with 2006. 9 表 Spanish interpretation) lectures for One-day Inter-cultural symposium at Post Escuela de Post Grado de la UNA, Puno, Peru, September 12. 口頭発 “Zen at Work” (in English with Spanish interpretation) lecture for 2006. 9 表 Universidad Andina, Juliaca, Peru, September 13. 口頭発 “Zen Buddhist Thought & Practice” (in English with Spanish 2006. 9 表 interpretation) lecture for Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano, Puno, Peru, September 13. 口頭発 “Zen Buddhism: Methods of Meditation” (in English with Spanish 2006. 9 表 interpretation) lecture for Universidad Andina, Cuzco, September 20. 口頭発 “Zen Experience, with Special Reference to Kitaro Nishida & the Kyoto 2006. 9 表 School of Philosophy” (in English with Portuguese interpretation) lecture for International Colloquium on East-West Encounter: The Legacy of the Kyoto School, sponsored by the Japan Foundation, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 28. 口頭発 “Japanese Philosophy & Zen” lecture for the Post-Graduate Seminar on 2006. 9 表 Japanese Philosophy , sponsored by the Japan Foundation, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 29. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” lecture & discussion 2006.10 表 for the Shambhala Buddhist Center, Media, Pennsylvania, October 8. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture 2006.10 表 Philadelphia Buddhist Association at Pendle Hill, Wallingford, Pennsylvania, October 13, with intensive retreat, October 12-15. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2006.10 表 discussion for the Syracuse Zen Center at Syracuse University, October 20. 口頭発 “The Four Great Vows” for the Syracuse Zen Center, October 2006.10 表 22. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2006.10 表 discussion for the Religion Department, Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, October 24. 口頭発 “An Introduction to Buddhism & Zen” lecture for Buddhism Class, Luther 2006.10 表 College, Decorah, Iowa, October 25. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2006.11 表 discussion for the Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County, Yardley Friends Meeting, Pennsylvania, November 3, followed by one-day retreat. 口頭発 “From Theradava to Zen” lecture for Princeton Insight Meditation Group, 2006.11 表 Princeton, New Jersey, November 15. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” & “The Four Great 2006.11 表 Vows” lecture & Dharma talk for Empty Hand Zendo, New Rochelle, New York, November 19. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” special lecture for 2006.12 表 NASA’s Goddard Space Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, December 6, followed by Forum on Religious Diversity, December 7. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2006.12 表 discussion for Zen Center of Washington, Dupont Circle Friends Meeting House, Washington D. C., December 8, followed by weekend retreat. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2006.12 表 discussion for St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s, Maryland, December 13. 口頭発 “Soto-Rinzai Encounter” half-day Dialogue with Daigaku Rumme, Hartford 2007. 1 表 Street Zendo, , January 13, 2007. 口頭発 “Zen & Japanese Culture” lecture for Japan Culture Center of Everett 2007. 1 表 Junior College, Seattle, Washington, January 16. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2007. 1 表 discussion for Socratic Society, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, January 23. 口頭発 “Buddhism: A Personal Introduction” lecture for Religion & Global Context 2007. 1 表 Class, Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas, January 24. 口頭発 “Living Buddhism: The Four Noble Truths & the Three Characteristics” 2007. 1 表 lecture for Class, Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas, January 24. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2007. 1 表 discussion for Honors College, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas, January 25. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2007. 1 表 discussion for Religion Department, Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas, January 25. 口頭発 “Introduction to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue” with Professor Jay 2007. 1 表 McDaniel, Religion Department, Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas, January 26. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2007. 1 表 discussion for Ecumenical Buddhist Society of Little Rock, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Conway, Arkansas, January 26, followed by one-day retreat. 口頭発 “Essentials of Zen Practice” lectures for ZEN onder de Dom during 2007. 2 表 intensive retreat at Steyl Mission House, Steyl, Holland, retreats, February 16-20. 口頭発 “Why a Zen Retreat?” lectures for retreat for Zen Group De Romaanse Poort, 2007. 2 表 Catholic University of Louvain (Leuven), Belgium, February 23-25. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2007. 2 表 discussion for Psychology Faculty, Catholic University of Louvain (Leuven), February 27. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture for 2007. 3 表 the Rinzai Zen Center Oslo, at the Deichmanske Bibliotek (Public Library), March 2, followed by weekend retreat at the Zen Center, Oslo, Norway, March 3-4. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture & 2007. 3 表 discussion for the Department of Cultural Studies & Oriental Languages, University of Oslo, March 5. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” (in English with 2007. 3 表 Hungarian interpretation) public lecture & discussion for the Buddhist College of Budapest, March 9, followed by weekend retreat at One Drop Zendo, Budapest, Hungary, March 10-11. 口頭発 “Religious Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism” public lecture for 2007. 3 表 the Buddhist Society, London, England, March 14. 口頭発 “Zen Buddhist Thought & Practice: Relevance for the Business World” 2007. 5 表 lecture for MBA program, China Europe International Business School, Shanghai, China, May 23. 口頭発 “Zen & Japanese Culture”「禅と日本文化」Socio-Cultural Lecture Series, 2007. 6 表 Japan Foundation (国際交流基金), Osaka, June 8. 口頭発 “Genuine Koan Practice in Rinzai Zen” talk for Choboji Zen Center, 2007. 8 表 Seattle, Washington, August 24. 口頭発 Lectures for 3-day Zen retreat sponsored by the Philadelphia Buddhist 2007. 8 表 Association at Pendle Hill, Pennsylvania, August 31-September 3. ~9 口頭発 “What is Buddhism and Why Do We Sit?” talk for the Won , 2007. 9 表 Glenside, Pennsylvania, September 4. 口頭発 “Zen & Kyoto”, talk for Rock Point School, Burlington, Vermont 2008. 2 表 International Program, 老老胡庵にて 口頭発 Daily lectures for seven-day Zen retreat at Steyl Mission House sponsored 2008. 2 表 by Zen Onder de Dom, the Netherlands 口頭発 Lectures (in English with Hungarian interpretation) for one-day retreat at 2008. 2 表 One-Drop Zendo, Budapest, Hungary 口頭発 “Basics of Zen Practice ”public lecture (in English with Hungarian 2008. 2 表 interpretation) for Buddhist College, Budapest, Hungary 口頭発 Lecture & Discussion (in English with Hungarian interpretation) for evening 2008. 2 表 of zazen at One Drop Zendo, Budapest, Hungary 口頭発 “Zen & Japanese Culture”「禅と日本文化」 Social-Cultural Lecture Series, 2008. 3 表 Japan Foundation(国際交流基金), Osaka 口頭発 Lectures for four-day retreat sponsored by Philadelphia Buddhist 2008. 8 表 Association at Pendle Hill Quaker Retreat Center, Wallingford, Pennsylvania. 口頭発 Lectures for two-day retreat sponsored by the Won Buddhist Temple, Glenside, 2008. 8 表 Pennsylvania. 口頭発 Lectures for four-day retreat at St. Lioba Abbey sponsored by Zen onder de 2008.11 表 Dom, Egmond, Holland. 口頭発 “Zen in the Modern World” lecture for Kyoto Cosmos Club, 京都、老胡庵 2009. 1 表 にて. 口頭発 “Zen: Who Transmits What to Whom?” lecture for retreat at Leuven 2009. 2 表 University, Leuven, Belgium. 口頭発 Daily lectures for retreat at the Benedictine St. Lioba Nunnery, Egmond, 2009. 3 表 the Netherlands. 口頭発 “The Ten Oxherding Pictures” daily lectures for Zen retreat at Steyl 2009. 3 表 Mission House sponsored by Zen Onder de Dom, the Netherlands. 口頭発 Daily lectures for retreat at Tannenhof Zen retreat Center outside Munich, 2009. 3 表 Germany. 口頭発 “The Ten Oxherding Pictures” daily lectures (in English with Hungarian 2009. 3 表 interpretation) for retreat at the Jesuit Manréza Conference Center, Dobogókő, Hungary. 口頭発 “Introduction to Zen and Zen Practice” talk for study abroad program, Rock 2009. 4 表 Point School (Burlington, Vermont), 京都、老胡庵にて. 口頭発 “Zen Oxherding Pictures” daily lectures for retreat at the Benedictine 2009. 8 表 St.Lioba Nunnery. Egmond,the Netherlands. 口頭発 “An introduction to Zen Practice” lecture for retreat at Leuven 2009. 8 表 University, Leuven, Belgium. 口頭発 “Zen Oxherding Pictures” lectures for retreat at Won Buddhist Temple, 2009. 8 表 Glenside, Pennsylvania. 口頭発 “Zen Oxherding Pictures” daily lectures for retreat at St. Raphaela 2009. 8 表 Center, Haverford, Pennsylvania. 口頭発 “Zen Buddhism & Zen Practice” lecture for One Drop Zendo, Budapest, 2009. 9 表 Hungary. 口頭発 “Zen Oxherding Pictures” daily lectures (in English with Hungarian 2009. 9 表 interpretation) for retreat at the Jesuit Manréza Conference Center, Dobogoko, Hungary. 口頭発 "Getting Stuck & Breaking Through the Real Koan" lectures for retreat, Lioba 2010. 1 表(単) Priory, Egmond, Holland. 口頭発 "Getting Stuck & Breaking Through the Real Koan" lectures for retreat, 2010. 2 表(単) Clearwater Sangha, Levittown, PA, USA. 口頭発 "Zen for the Modern World" 50th Anniversary public lecture sponsored by the 2010. 2 表(単) Chapel House, class lectures & Introduction to Zazen for Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, USA. 口頭発 "Getting Stuck & Breaking Through the Real Koan" lectures for retreat, St. 2010.2~ 表(単) Raphaela Center, Haverford, PA, USA. 3 口頭発 "Getting Stuck & Breaking Through the Real Koan" public lecture, One Drop 2010. 3 表(単) Zendo, Budapest, Hungary. 口頭発 "Getting Stuck & Breaking Through the Real Koan" lectures for retreat, 2010. 3 表(単) Nagykovácsi, Hungary. 口頭発 "Getting Stuck & Breaking Through the Real Koan" public lecture, Ensôkai 2010. 3 表(単) Zendo, Munich, Germany. 口頭発 "Getting Stuck & Breaking Through the Real Koan" lectures for retreat, 2010. 3 表(単) SeminarhausTannenhof, Buch am Buchrain, Germany. 口頭発 "Introduction to Zen" public lecture, One Drop Zendo, Budapest, Hungary. 2010. 8 表(単) 口頭発 "Enjoying the Way" lectures for retreat, Nagykovácsi, Hungary. 2010. 8 表(単) 口頭発 "Enjoying the Way" lectures for retreat, Lioba Priory, Egmond, Holland. 2010.8~ 表(単) 9 口頭発 "Enjoying the Way" lectures for retreat, St. Raphaela Center, Haverford, 2010. 9 表(単) PA, USA. 口頭発 Lectures for retreat, St. Raphaela Center, Haverford, PA, USA. 2011. 1 表(単) 口頭発 “Introduction to Zen” public lecture, One Drop Zendo, Budapest, Hungary. 2011. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Lectures for retreat(with Hungarian interpretation), Nagykovácsi, Hungary. 2011. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Lectures for retreat, Steyl Priory, Steyl, Holland 2011. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Public lecture, ZenDoKai, Munich, Germany. 2011. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Lectures for retreat, Seminarhaus Tannenhof, Buch am Buchrain, Germany. 2011. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures (with Hungarian interpretation), Nagykovácsi, Hungar. 2011. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Public Lecture (with Hungarian interpretation), Sárbogárd, Hungary. 2011. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, St. Lioba Priory, Egmond, Holland. 2011. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, IHM (Immaculate Heart of Mary) Spirituality Center, 2011. 9 表(単) Chester County, PA, USA. 口頭発 Introductory Talks on Rinzai Zen for Antioch University Study Abroad 2011.10 表(単) Program, 老胡庵にて, Kyoto. 口頭発 Introductory Talk on Zen Buddhism for Colgate University Study Abroad 2011.11 表(単) Program, 老胡庵にて, Kyoto. 口頭発 “Living Zen” lecture for Morikami Museum, Southern Florida 2011.11 表(単) 口頭発 “Gotama’s Flower Sermon” lecture and book signing, University of 2011.11 表(単) Pennsylvania 口頭発 Retreat lectures (with Hungarian interpretation), Nagykovácsi, Hungary. 2011.12 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Ladywell Retreat and Spirituality Centre (Franciscan), 2012. 2 表(単) Godalming, Surrey, UK. 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Style Priory, Style, Holland, 2012. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Public Lecture, “Zen Do Kai, Munich, Germany. 2012. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, “Zen temple Tannenhof”, Munich, Germany. 2012. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Won Retreat Center, Claverack, New York, USA. 2012. 4 表(単) 口頭発 University Lectures, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York, USA. 2012. 4 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Kasteel de Berckt, Baarlo, Holland. 2012. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures (with Hungarian interpretation), Nagykovácsi, Hungary. 2012. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lecture, “Groot Beginhof”, Leuven University, Belgium. 2012. 9 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Holy Trinity Spiritual Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2013. 1 表(単) 口頭発 Public Lecture, One Drop Zendo, Budapest, Hungary. 2013. 2 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Posticum Retreat Center, Oradea, Romania. 2013. 2 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Kasteel Mariagaarde, Hoepertingen, Belgium. 2013. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Zentempel Tannenhof, Munich, Germany. 2013. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lecture, Pollinaria, Civitella Casanova, Abruzzo, Italy. 2013. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Won Buddhist Center, Claverack, New York, USA. 2013. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Ladywell Retreat and Spirituality Centre (Franciscan), 2013. 8 表(単) Godalming, Surrey, UK. 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Posticum Retreat Center, Oradea, Romania. 2013. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Mission House St. Michael’s, Steyl, Holland. 2013. 9 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Zentempel Tannenhof, Munich, Germany. 2013. 9 表(単) 口頭発 Introductory Talk for Antioch “Japan & Its Buddhist Traditions” semester 2013. 9 表(単) abroad program, Kyoto, 老胡庵にて。 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,St.Raphaela Retreat Center,Philadelphia,USA. 2014. 1 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Averbode Abbey,Averbode,Belgium. 2014. 2 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Mission House St.Michael’s,Steyl,Holland. 2014. 2 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Ladywell Rtreat and Spiritualiity 2014. 3 表(単) Centre(Franciscan),Godalming,Surrey,UK. 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Posticum Retreat Center,Oradea,Romania. 2014. 3 表(単) 口頭発 “From Ego to Self&Beyond: of Zen”Public Lectuer for 2014. 3 表(単) Zen Do Kai,Munich,Germany. 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Zentempel Tannenhof,Munich,Germany. 2014. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Posticum Retreat Center,Oradea,Romania. 2014. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Kasteel Mariagaarde,Hoepertingen,Belgium, 2014. 9 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Immaculate Heart of Mary Spirituality 2014. 9 表(単) Center,Chester,Pennsylvania,USA 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Dharma Drum Retreat Center,Pine Bush,New York. 2014.12- 表(単) 2015. 1 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Public Lectures & Book Signing for Spanish translation of 2015. 1 表(単) Being Without Self,Mexico. 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Ascot Priory,Berksire,UK. 2015.2 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Zentempel Tannenhof,Munich,Germany. 2015.3 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Posticum Retreat Center,Oredea,Romania. 2015.3 表(単) 口頭発 Publoc Lecture,Budapest Zendo,Budapest,Hungary. 2015.3 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, 2015.3 表(単) KasteelMariagaaebe,Hopertingen,Belgium, 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Immaculate Heart OF Mary Spirituality 2015.5 表(単) Center,Pennsylvania,USA 口頭発 京都・宗教系大学院連合 K-GURS チェーンレクチャー「救済とは何か」、大谷大 2015.6 表(単) 学内 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Ascot Priory,Berkshire,UK. 2015.8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Posticum Rereat Center,Oradea,Romania 2015.8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Mission House St.Michael,Steyl,Netherlands, 2015.8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Zen Kreis,Bremen,Germany, 2015.9 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures,Zentempel Tannenhof,Munich,Germany. 2015.9 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Immaculate Heart of Mary Spirituality Center, 2016. 1 表(単) Chester,Pennsylvania,USA

口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Tannenhof Zen Tempel, München, Germany 2016. 2 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Posticum, Oradea,Romania 2016. 2 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Mission House St.Michael's, Steyl, the Netherlands 2016. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Ascot Priory, Ascot,UK 2016. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Public Lectures: "Slowing Down the Mind-Train," The Buddhist 2016. 3 表(単) Society,London, UK 口頭発 安永祖堂氏とのセッション"Rinzai Zen 2016. 5 表(単) Now"『臨済録』国際学会、花園大学教堂、 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Ascot Priory, Ascot,UK 2016. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Posticum, Oradea,Romania 2016. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Kasteel Mariagaarde,Hoepertingen, Belgium 2016. 表(単) 8-9 口頭発 Retreat Lectures, Tannenhof Zen Tempel, München, Germany 2016. 9 表(単) 口頭発 Public Lecture & Retreat Lectures, Zen Kreis, Bremen, Germany 2016. 9 表(単)

口頭発 Lectures sponsored by Colgate University Chapel House, Hamilton New York, 2016.10 表(単) USA

口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat, Immaculate Heart of Mary Spirituality 2017. 1 表(単) Center, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA 口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat, Ascot Priory, Ascot, UK 2017. 2 表(単) 口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat, Mission House, Steyl, Netherlands 2017. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat, Rinzai-Zen Tempel Tannenhof, Munich, 2017. 3 表(単) Germany 口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat, Posticum, Oradea, Romania 2017. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Introductory Lecture on Zen Buddhism,Kecskemet, Hungary 2017. 3 表(単) 口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat,Immaculate Heart of Mary Spirituality 2017. 4 表(単) Center, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA 口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat, AscotPriory, Ascot, UK 2017. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat, Bugac,Hungary 2017. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Public Lecture on Zen Buddhism,Kecskemet, Hungary 2017. 8 表(単) 口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat ,Hoepertingen Priory, Hoepertingen, 2017. 9 表(単) Belgium 口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat, Rinzai-Zen Tempel Tannenhof, Munich, 2017. 9 表(単) Germany 口頭発 Dharma Talks for Zen retreat, Casa Xitla, Mexico City, Mexico 2017.12 表(単)