BLOGGING FOR ENGINES Blogs under the Influence of Software-Engine Relations Name: Anne Helmond Student number: 0449458 E-mail:
[email protected] Blog: Date: January 28, 2008 Supervisor: Geert Lovink Secondary reader: Richard Rogers Institution: University of Amsterdam Department: Media Studies (New Media) Keywords Blog Software, Blog Engines, Blogosphere, Software Studies, WordPress Summary This thesis proposes to add the study of software-engine relations to the emerging field of software studies, which may open up a new avenue in the field by accounting for the increasing entanglement of the engines with software thus further shaping the field. The increasingly symbiotic relationship between the blogger, blog software and blog engines needs to be addressed in order to be able to describe a current account of blogging. The daily blogging routine shows that it is undesirable to exclude the engines from research on the phenomenon of blogs. The practice of blogging cannot be isolated from the software blogs are created with and the engines that index blogs and construct a searchable blogosphere. The software-engine relations should be studied together as they are co-constructed. In order to describe the software-engine relations the most prevailing standalone blog software, WordPress, has been used for a period of over seventeen months. By looking into the underlying standards and protocols of the canonical features of the blog it becomes clear how the blog software disperses and syndicates the blog and connects it to the engines. Blog standards have also enable the engines to construct a blogosphere in which the bloggers are subject to a software-engine regime.