New Nine-Classroom Addition for St. Francis de Sales' High School Ready Next September

■ Member of Audit Bureau of Circulatiom Content# Ccpyricht by the C*tholic Pre*# Society. Inc., 19B7— Permi»ion to Reproduce, Except on Article* Olhenri** Merited, Given After 12 M. Fridey Folloering issue DENVER CATHaiC

REGISTER Architects' sketch of oddition (at left) to St. Fronds' de Sales' High School, Denver; connecting section with present building is at center. VOL. Lit. No. 23. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17,1957 DENVER, COLORADO Student8 attending St. Fluorescent lighting will be roof, of 20-year construction, Francis de Sales’ High employed throughout. A consid­ can be easily removed when erable portion of the expense construction of the thiri floor School, Denver, in the involved in the project is for U feasible. 1957-58 curricular year electrical rewiring of the old Architect for the project fa will enjoy the facilities of building to bring it up to Pub­ John K. Monroe. Th* Kirehbof the modern plant sketched lic Service standards. Construction Company ha# tbe CATHEDRAl PARISH NEAR The new unit will have steel- general contracL and McCarty above. The RL Rev. Monsignor Gregory Smith, V.G., pastor of sash windows, wails o f cinder £ Johnson Plumbing and Heat­ the parish and superintendent block, acoustical tile ceilings, ing Company, tbe mechanical of the school, announced that snd asphalt tile floors. The contracL contracts for the construction of the new entrance (center) Founder of Home on Ran^e and nine at some future date. The third dreds o f miles to the north. floor, omitted from present lected boys,” The Eaglea dug tufcfl. dociuncnla. Irtlm, or in their pocketa and came up rreollocriona of worih ronrom* Traders, trappers, and moun­ plans because o f it# large added eoi^ will house science labora- (T u n to P a g tS — CoUmitS) In# (he paat yean o f the parish tain men had blazed trails aaoss toriei. Also envisioned for the it inviud to make them avail, Tbe Csabasyi family wood Saturday, Jan. 12. Tba refugee* left the plains and mountains of future is a large gymnasium, able for thii work. Snrh ma. New Shepherd Budapest Nov. 17. After being recaptured by ColcsMO, and establisbed a few from Budapest, Hun­ which will be connected at the Irrial would be rarefully p r» the Russians and returned to &eir home, they trading posts in the Arkansas gary, are shown visiting with their new pastor, left of the plant ahown in the ScHool Addition tertrd and relomrd. again departed for West on Nov. 23. the Very Rev. Monsignor Bernard J. Cullen sketch above, toward Alameda and South Platte River Valleys, Sandor, a houaepainter, and his family are 'Ib e material may be bm aslil of St. Louis' Parish in Englewood. Avenue. or aent to the Rev. John H. but these could scarcely be being sponsored by tbe parish SC Vincent de The Caabanyis, from left, Anna, Sandnr, The first floor of the pro­ Rev. Elwood Cajiedv Eb«d at the R^gittmr offlee called permanent mclcmcnca Paul Society. Sandor, Jr., is enrolled in tbe per. jected building will conlaiu To St. Mary's in Iren, Sandor, Jr, and Earoly, arrived in Engle- isb sebooi. (9.18 llannoek Street. Kt'. three offices, four Urge clsss- guess IL but he h y a 960-acre 420S), or the (^tbedral rretory San Ituis First -r -I- + -1- -T + ^ + roorns, a storeroom, and locker spread in the heart of North (ISOI Penntrlrania Streat, Permanent Town and shower room# with toilet Dakota's Badlands. Littleton in Use MA. 3.023S). facihtiet. On the second floor The Prairie Priest is Fsther The only teal settlements in Family of Five Bolted for Freedom will he five classrooms, one Elwood Castedy, who ridei herd A one-story adiiitton to Colorado 100 yean ago wete a meeting room, faculty and of­ on some 100 bead o f cattle and St Mary’s &hool, Little­ few .Spuiish-Ainetican coiooies fice rooms w i^ toilet facilitiea, S« mors-or-lest maveriok young ton, whieh (Kida five rooms £1 Pomar Counts and a storeroom. in the San Luis Valley. San Luis, boys. Father Cassedy . directs to the parish’s education, Twice From Red-Terrorized Hungary Clearing Plant the first permanent W hite set­ plant was put into use for Tbe heating plant, of base­ Maverick — A Diotbarleti 1,187Retreafants tlement in Colorado, had been By Ha n k Roziex the first time Jan. 14. It brings with Anna when the fast-mov­ trian safeU was attempted on board radiation type, will be calf, coitooiarilr be]oB|iag founded by these colonists in the THOUSANDS of Hungarian ing events of the past two and Nov. 17. The family went by the capacity of the school to big enough to heat also the fu­ to the one fin t brandiog it. San Luis Valley in 1851, and refugees have escaped their one-half months made his mem­ train to a point about 22 500, The present enrollment is Over Past Year ture third floor and gymnasium. — Webster. 430. irrigation was iKgun. Russian - oppressed homeland ory hazy on a particular date or kilometers from their goal, The Father Caa.edr trie# bit in the past two months. Possibly evenC The stories he told of large group o f which they were The Rev. Frederick McCallin, El Pomar, Colorado Retreat bast to brand lha rouagatera On May 12. 1858, the day on unique, however, is the story the Russians’ barbarism, of the a part gained the no-man’s-land pastor, announced that an open Center for Women, Broadmoor, St. Jude Burse Stands nobodr waat# with the indel­ which J ^ n W . Denver took the of the Sandor Csabanyi family. Hungarian Freedom Fighters' between Austria and Hungary. house will be held in February, Colorado SprinR*. had 1.187 re. ible imprint# of saactitj and This man, his wife, and their heroism, of the defection of • • • ■o that the parishioners and treatanU in the 37 retreat# con­ oath of office as Governor of At Total of $4,787.04 citiseoihip. three small children escaped 17,000 Russian occupation RUSSIAN BORDER friends of the parish may view ducted fo r women in 1956. The the Kansas Territory, W . Green across the Hungarian border troops to the Hungarian cause GUARDS entered the forbidden the new facility. Included in eiKht day# of recollection drew Russell with other gold miners The St Jude Burse, Denver twice in mid-November, but the and their subsequent slaughter territory, recaptured them, and Rome on the Range for Boys the new structure are the prin­ 2S6 participanta. It is hoped from Georgia joined a Cherokee first time'the despised Russians by their invading comrades took them back. The young un­ archdiocesan fund for the edu­ between Besch and Sentinel cipal's office and lavatoriea. that a larger number of women cation of priests, stsnds at Indian expedition leaving the captured the Csebanyis in a have been told before. married men were separated Butte, N. Oak., close to Teddy The new and old buildings art will take advantaiK of the gpir $4,787.1)4 this week, Eight don­ buffer zone wert of the border But the Csabanyis' story has from the group and were not Rooeevelt's favorite territory. connected by a charming court­ itual benefit# dffered at El Po- Missouri frontier to prospea for ors gave a total o f $24 to the and hauled them back. not been told. Their first depar­ seen again. The familiM were Nearby too, is fabulons Msdora. yard. mar this year. gold in Colorado. Their dis­ burse in the past week. Sandor. 30, and Anna, 26, ture frim Budapest for Aus­ fr u m teP agaS — ColumndJ town of tbe French Marquis There are now 10 ctasirooms Between now and Lent the fol­ In addition, St, Patrick’s Par­ covery o f small placer gold de­ would rather forget those night­ who was the first to send beef available in the school, which lowing retreat# are scheduled, ish, Fort I.#>gan, made a pay­ posits near the confluence o f the marish days and nights. For east in refrigerated c a n urre#«fni ronrlnsinn. (Parish be Pari«h Report p.m. During the ceremonies, the attended Regis College in 1943 IS a stock barn donated by Knights of Colombus his North Dakota ranch where boys are branded Ad Altare Dei medal and the An invitation i# extended on Page 2.) and then spent one year at St. councils of North Dakota. Tbe building in the with good lives and good citizenship. Parvnii Dei cross will he Thoma#' Seminary. After trans­ awarded to Catholic Cub and ferring to the Society of Mary HARD-HIT CONGRCGATIOirS STRUGGLE VALIANTLY TO HEEP UP SUPPORT OF CHURCH Boy Scouts who have met tbe he spent one rear at SL Mary'# requirements. Twenty-four Boy Manor, the Marist minor sem- Scouts are eligible for tbe Ad Insry, and then made a one-year Altare Dd award, and, at press noviuata at Staten Island, N.Ys Plains Parishes Suffering Severely From Drought Conditions time, 108 Cub Scouts were re­ He took his phiio.iophy st the By W, J, K ilkenny ported to have passed the re­ In Wray, the Rev. Joseph past four or Msriet College snd Semintry five years, he The Rev. Robert Freuden- out; they'd take toe much of Bprings, Father Freodenstein quirements for tbe Psrvuli St Framinghim, Mas#,, and i# R ural parishes are still A. Kerb reported "very little said. About 45 'Hmities re­ stein, pa.stor o f SL Anthony'# a loss on selling their land.” said. croos. now completing his fourth year aufferinfr from drought moiicore, not enough to raise main. Parish. Hugo, said that mo‘ t Seek Outside Work Church collections are Attendance at this impres- of theology at the Marist Col­ a winter wheat crop or even condition?, despite con­ With the dwindling number of his paririiioners are hard Some men get jobs in Den­ live ceremony is urged to honor lege, Washington, D.C. a summer crop." down ovsr the past few years, sid e ra b le moisture in of parishioners, there has hit by the drought conditions. ver or Colorado Springs and tbe hundreds of Catholk adults Sc Patrick's Cnurch in Den­ 30 Families Move but there has been no sub­ some area.s, a spot check come a drop in church collec­ "The last crop for some of commute on week ends to in the area who provide volun­ ver will be the scene of Fsther Thirty Catholic families tions, Father Kerb said. D^ them was seven years ago." their homes in tbe Hugo area, stantial change since Fkther teer leadership for tbe scouting Kielan'i First Solemn Ma*.#, to of pa.9torR in the Arch- bare moved out of St. An- nations are down 12 per cent he #*id. ''They're so heavily about 100 miles from Denver Freudenstein's appointment program as it is carried ea b* offered early in June, diocese of Denver shows. dieWa Farirh, Wray, in tbs in tbe past year. in debt that they can't tnuve and 85 miles from Colorado (Tun tePagt t — Coltmnl) under Catholic auspices. Tfiur(4oy, January 17/1957 PAGE TWO Offka, 93B Bannock Straet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER C'oDffregatioBS Sa^rlflfe lo Support Church Denver's Cathedral Parish Report in High School Drive Plains Parishes Hard Hit by Drought Record of Pledges and Poymenta To end including Week Ending Jen. 12 Pr«viout T«tsl ceUgett^ Preieat total (Cntmutd From Pagi On«> In Roifen. th* Rev. Leon­ condition. In the preTloui year, it had brought $936; Nearing Centenary Pariikat paid balaDce Ibis week paymsBit Total p1o4(*i th«r* tut Septenbcr, t)w pu- ard Abercrombie reported that the annual fall collec­ urlicr the average had been tor u id . ’ sthcdral...... - ...... $ 70,193.62 1 6,676.26 $ 76,869.87 $ 210,187.70 tion, which need to rtiie u $7,000. H u fo b u 9S Cttholie f i n - All SainU’...... , 23,561.88 397.28 28,949.11 119.074.40 much M $10,000, w u can­ Father Abercrombie wid n iu : Utt U n o n m iuion, 55; Annunciation...... 11,404.78 211.76 11,816.61 39,126.50 D m t TraiL 53; aod Stru* celed )u t year becaUM of the that a Uardi G r u in the par­ Of Parish in 1960 84,128.98 182.078.68 filetsed Sacram ent...... 62,621.48 1,606.60 par!«hioner»’ poor financial iah hall on March 3 will help b o r f 24. 69,193.03 889.60 69,882.63 149,402.60 to make up for the cancella- Christ the King...... (Cgntinutd From P agt On*) the corner of Stout attd F (now ... 47,534.24 1,289.40 48,803.64 178.481.68 tien of the fait collection lu t Cure d'Aia...... Arspeitoe, Kansu Territory, was 31,584.61 672.26 82,166.76 99.478.00 year, end that be hopes to I5ch) Streets. Plans were made Holy Family.______-.... 160.76 1SA99.30 33.814.00 reaume the annual eolfection Mgaoized st a meeting of 200 for the building, committea Holy G h ost...... 13,738.66 6,631.16 102.50 6,837.68 80.363.60 next fall. The donatlona to metL The same year. P uebb were appointed, and work be- Holy Rosary...... MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY 638.40 26,690.36 89.891.80 the collection are pledged on Most Pracioaa Blood...... — 25,063.98 w u founded u Fountain City. gan. 84,649.17 56.867.60 the amount of acreage of Mother of God—...... - ...... 34,436.67 112.60 The following year George Since Denver was so far from 148.60 6,930.65 26.467.00 INSURANCE SINCE 1897 each parithioner. Oor Lady of Grace...... 6,784:16 A. Jacluon found gold' tk»g his center of activities, Bi Our Lady of Lourdes...... 22,788.62 792.87 23,660.99 84.494.62 Father Abercrombla uya, Preaantition..— ...... 16,380.80 316.26 16,677.06 68.988.00 i n s u r o r a however, that conditioni in. Chicago Creek at the site a Miege asked chat the Pike’s P' Sacred'Heart...... 3,848.60 294.00 4,142.60 17.136.76 Roggtn appear better than in ptfcseot-day Idaho Springs. On region be assigned to the juris­ TA. 5-0241 St. Anthony's (Westwood)..—. 9,218.85 198.60 9,416.36 39.708.76 753 Goi li Electric Bldg. Hugo, where ha hid been May 6. 1859, John Gteg^ diction of Bishop John B. laniy SL Bernadette's (Lakewood).. 28.060.79 1,024.00 29.074.7* 103.836.40 paster before his transfer made his famous gold-lode strike 13.00 2,140.76 8.817.80 Herbert W . Leibmon Gerord R. TeBeckhorct last September. “The mois­ o f Santa Fe. Priests o f the Sants S t Caietan’e...... 2,117.76 .60 114.08 838.00 ture it good, but it could be os North Clear Ocefc, pfecipi- Fe Diocese were already ita- Our Lady of Victory...... 113.50 637.60 17.00 $64.50 1.472.00 Gerald J. Hencmonn a lot better," be uid. "Some tating a ruth of piospea«s who tiooed in the seniements of Our Lady of Guadalupe...... - S t Catherine's—— ...... —— 36,448.64 1,682.86 ' 38,111.29 109A84.93 people have been helped by established the camps o f Black- soutfawatern Colorado. 488.60 24,319.51 78.882.30 the Soil Bank plan.” S t Dorainic'a...... 23,831.01 hawk, Central Gty, and Nevada- Father MaeheheuI St Elixaboth'a-— ...... '... 4,600.87 379.90 4,980.77 17.883.60 Only one family b u moved ville. The Jeffettoo Territory S t Franeii de Sales'...... 46,936.13 780.30 47,696.43 143,802.06 out in the past year, he Arrives in I860 was estibli^ed, without the St Ignatiui Loyola’s...... 13,063.49 189.26 13,252.74 67,297.06 added. There are now 46 Bishop Latny assigned his S t James’ ...... — ...... _ 62,643.48 969.60 63,802.96 189.908.76 Catholic families in Roggen tanaion of die U. S. Congress, NEXT TIME I NEED MONEV Vicar General, Fuher Mache- S t John the Evangelist's.------45,068.88 1,212.60 46,281.38 123.722.08 aod 39 in Father Abercrom­ to govern tbe gold camps, aod beuf, to the new territory, ac­ S t Joieph’s (C.SS.E.)... 11.688.60 210.76 11,897.35 44.887.60 IM GOING TO SEP THE bie's mission at Keeniburg. officeh were eleaed. Prospec­ 1,216.60 2.903.00 companied by Father J ^ B. S t Joseph's (Poliih)...... 1,216.80 The Rev. Walter Steidle, tors swarmed over the hills aod S t Leo’s...... — . 2,885.00 • 62.00 2,947.00 8,828.60 pastor in Elbert and mis- Raverdy. The two ptiats ar­ LOAN ARI?AN6ER founded Boulder, Colorado City, St Louli (Englewood)..,-____ .... 32,119.79 679.75 32,899.54 708,194.90 fioni, Mid that conditions rived in Denver toward the end 19,790.95 289.67 20,080.62 61.020.80 are “ not too good" and that Gold Hill, Hamilton, Tatryall, o f October, 1860, in their S t Patrick's...... — .... 6,917.25 78.50 6,995.75 18,224.26 “ eoUectloni are down a lit­ and Pueblo. - 61,813.10 161.788.00 covered w agon conveyance. S t Pbilomena'a...... 60,766.60 1,046.60 tle." but the ^population it In I860 rich placer discover S t Roaa o f Lima'a...... 20,026.31 462.00 20,477.31 80.886.16 Since they did not know where fairly steady."’ iea at CaliftMoii Gulch caused a S t Vincent do Paul's...... 52,450.63 1,272.71 53,723.34 180.887.08 Uis parish hnd fiva mis­ the church was, they made pre > 72,010.78 stampede to present-day Lead- St Anne’s Shrino (Arvadt)... 12,643.26 296.60 12,938.75 sions— Eliubeth, Kiowa, paratioas to camp out on a Holv Trinity (Weitminstor).. 4,546.69 82.60 4.629.09 22.424.60 Monument, Parker, and Cas­ ville. It was not until 1861 that 3,217.70 9,838.20 It lot at the cornet of F tod S t Joseph’i (G olden)...... 8.I8L45 88.26 tle Rock—cover abont 8,000 tbe Colorado Territory was es­ S t Mary's (Littleton)...... 16,998.93 331.00 16,329.93 83.386.63 M cG at Streets, now 15th aod square miles, in which cattle tablished, with the same boon- St Patrick's (Fort L ^n)—. 2,798.13 86.60 2,884.63 14,033.08 Market, but a passing Catholic raising is more common datiea as the present state, aod St Therese's (Aurora)...... 29.938.72 889.26 30,807.97 131,476.70 than faming, and the ten­ recognised them u priesa and Sta. Peter and Faul’a (W heat Ridge) 17,718.60 568.26 18,276.85 63.284.30 dency awiy from fanning is President Lincoln appointed invited them to hit bouse. All Souls' (Englewood)...... 8,566.08 282.60 8,827.58 32.462.00 growing, he said. The people WiUiam Gilpin as the first ler- 8,236.81 201.60 8,437.31 81.299.60 I you o e rnddestr Ul by op unexpecled S n od oi Father Machebeuf found chat Guardian Angels'...... — eBMteeDey...Lel ua help wHh a t o t era “ Crying to gat back the ritotial Governor. 9 t Pius Tenth (A urora)..— . 12,893.74 270.60* 13,184.24 67.481.80 biandly. oonHdeatial loon. grass that should never have liale had been done on tbe General Account A—— — ...... 6,446.00 6,445.00 10.146.00 been plow^ up in the fint Bishop Mfego church, which consisted of General Account B— L 8,826.65 17.00 8,843.55 8,843.66 place," he addM. Pisifs Denver founduloo and pila of building $3,391,112.88 Citizens Loon Co. Reports came to Bishop John material The church was fin­ Total— ...... $1,034,889.43 $ 27,669.43 $1,062,678.86 1538 Californio St. MA. 3-4959 Baptist Miege, S.J, Vicar Apos­ ished sufficiently for Midnight tolic o f the territory east o f the Mass 00 Christmas, 1860, to be It. B. DILLON, PmM«al Rocky Mountains, o f tbe bur- offered there, although it was geoniog populatioo o f tbe min- Reunion to End not plastered aod canvas coveted ___ ing camps. Since this territocy, the wiiKiowa. This was the first THE LOAN ARRANGES WHILJ . 9 6 - s a> ^ I though far-distant from bis Mass in otd Sl Mary's Cathe­ YOU ID Long Years headquarters at Leavenwottfa, WAIT dral, Denver. K ant, was in bis juriadiCTioo, Father M a cb ^ eu f was named i-nAi ouasAirm Bishop Miege detennined on Vicar Apostolic of Colorado ttxl Of Separation DIJXLOP MOST CARS perscmal survey. Utah Aug. 1 6 , 186B, and conse DISTRIBt’TORS ■ONDID LZNINC. e ^ .o o Bishop M iege and a Jesuit crated a Bishop. H e was named I'Coatiniied from P-egt On*) S-Tmt GiaiiBlte.,... Kztn Brother left Leavenworth some first Bishop o f Denver, and the export field. He apiaki Dutch. J im , o f, ^uaiiJti^ DRUMS .00 Freoch, German, English, and TURNED ...... I u tk time neat the end of May, 1860, Diocese of Denver was estab­ Spanish. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE for the long trip across the lished, in 1887. Another Hollander, Johannes b y i k t 2500 5. BROADWAY plains to Denver. He arrived in Old Sr. Mary's Cathedral, with AUTO IAK6 CO. Tilburg. 22. arrived in Denver Founders of the Pneumatie Denver in June, where be found eniargemeots and improvements, RA. J-447* fkose for Appt by train Wednesday morning, RELIGIOUS PICTURES Tire Industry abou^ a doien Catholic families, was used until 1900. In 1890 Jan. 16. Ha wilt live and work lUIT. IISS 2424 E. CoHox besides an indeterminate number Bishop Nicholas C Mttz, suc­ at the Wolhunt Club, Little­ ton, under the aponsorsbip ol (UNFRAMEO) HACK 5 wHm m n e i of Catholic individuals, about cessor to Bishop Machebeuf, be­ a DUNLOP TIRE Eddie Jordan. Ft. 7 - n i l Phew far Appt. 200 in all gan the cobsmictioo of the Ca­ TkAt |b rifkt far m t f Truck. Bwa* Also arriving Wednesday TrActupf PuBMAfv A SpnU Car Setting out to provide a 122 N. CASCADE thedral Sebotd on Logan Street were two Hungarian rtfogaea, IMPORTED SHEET PRINTS diurch, Bishop Miege secured a JOE KAVANAUGH. INC. ILACK 5 WHITE SERVICI The basemeor was completed in Istvan D ouak and Janoa VTkor, TA 5-1261 ME. e-StTt Cotoeds Spfinqs dotution from the Denver Town time for services on ^istm as. They traveled by train to Cbay- 7TH AT LOGAN enne, Wyo., and took tbo but MANY SUBJECTS & SIZES Company of a plot of ground at 1890. From then on ooe-balf of to Denver, where they were the parish gathered in the base­ greeted by two Irlenda, Hun­ ment of the school for worship. garian displaced persons them­ TO CHOOSE FROM In 1900 the Old Oihedral selves, Margaret Boda and Ralph Budai. wu sold aod demolished, aod Mass w u offered in a downtown 19 Refugees Arrive hall In 1905 tbe downtown Eighteen Hungarian rofunes & 5 0 * ’ arrived in Denver by air Mon­ portion of tbe congregation be­ day. Jan. 14, and e ij^ t came by Clo$inf{ Out Some JN'ornbers - Bibles^ came an independent p uish, aod train Saturday. They are Kal­ Prayer Book.N and MUsals — Dally old Holy GhoM Church wu man KorvaOi. 28, and hia wife, built. Ilona, 32: Ferenc Vaea, 41: and Sunday at i/g Off. Margit G ^di, 88; the Csabanyi The site of the present Cathe­ femily, Sandor, 81; Anna, 27; dral of the Immaculate Concep­ Sandor, Jr., 9; Karoly, 6; and tion on the cornet of Colfax Iren, 4— being iponaored by SL ONE HOUB Avenue and Logan Street w u Louis' PatiiA, Englewood; la- van Pataki, 46, and hit wife, FREE PARKING bought by Father Michael F. Veronc, 46. being aponsored by For Our Cualomera Callanan, rector o f the Cathedral, Holy Choat Cburth, Denver; and ground w u broken for the the Bilogh family, Joattf, 32; Next Door at 1625 Tremoot Place new building in 1901. Exava- hia w ife, Iren, 30; Josstf, Jr., Wilb $2.00 PnixKaa* 7 ; and Iren, 9--alaa being apon- tkna were made and footings sored by Holy Ghoet Pariah, laid when work bad to be sus­ along with Mr. Balogh'i pended for lick o f funds. Woric brother, Frenc, 16; w u resumed in 1906, the Lajoe Relmn, 28: bla wife. The J ames C larke foundatioos were put in, and the Maria, 29, Lajoe, Jr., 8, and Victor, 3, being apontersd by comentnoe w u laid on July 15 Christ tbe King Cnurch, Den­ o f that year. Again work baited ver; Ivan Stuhl, 27; hia wife, for financial reasons. Ilona, 27; and their daughter, C hurch Goods House O n July 26, 1908. the Rev. Ilona, 3—going to S t Francis de “TA# IF'eai’a Larfetl— Since 1902" Sales’ Parish, Denver. (later R l Rev. Monsignor} One of the Saturday arrlTal's Hugh L McMenamin wu reunited D esio G n rg ^ a lv l, 60 1633 TREMONT oiroed rector of the Cathedral —who eecaped t Russian prison and the eloquent, energetic camp and cams to Denver last ALpine 5-4200 TAbor 5-3789 young priest pushed the tre­ spring—with bis wife, Laura, DE.WER, COLO. 66: bis SOD, Deaao, J r , 30; and mendous building project to a niece, Julia K e ^ . The older cwnpleticm. Tbe Cathedral wu Mr. Gyorgyfalvi u s been em­ dedicated Oct. 27. 1912. and ployed at Sl Clara's Orphan­ consecrated O ct 23, 1921. age. He bad not seen hia family w*u in 10 years. They will live In a Tbe Very Rev. Mocisigoor w DR. JAMES P. houM near the o^hanage. CARPETS Wall Waiter J. Canavan, present pw- Room Sixo Pariahei Moka Plana cor o f the Cathedral, aucceoled and Smaller Other Denver parisbes, mean­ RUGS GRAY the late Monsignor M cM enim io while, were malcing plana to LarsHl MiKUau la Ik* dtr. in September, 1947. greet Hungarian famlllss. Chria- Optometrist tian Family Movement groups FurnitBre'"™.”,.™ " Eyes Examined • Visual Care F in alist in Presentation, SL Therese's, 9m v i M v tm um tu I and SL Piut X 'l Parishes were Phone readying bouaea fo r two fam­ ilies (the Aurora parishes are E.M.W. TAbor 5-8883 acting jointly.) In ail, five or wkara ca»b talks FOR APPOmTMXNT six Hungarian familiea art ex- 3141 So. Braadway 213 COLO. BLDG. cted next week, according to SHarmaa 4-3754 1635 CALIF. ST. Sotisignor Elmer J. Kolka. di­ rector of tbo arcbdiocetan Cath­ olic Resettleooent Cwnmittoe. The current arrivala bring to Skating on thin dollars can moon sorious trouble should a fom ily 596 persons who bavi eomo to the archdiocese under tbe Enur- gtney Refugee Relief Art. \Compfefe Party Heatls •morgoney arise. You can feel safe ond secure when you have a Eigbty-two are Hungarians and 64 are Dutch. from Abbey Rents! growing savings account paying you a good return on your money. Aa of Jan. 16 there were 20,300 Rungarlani at Camp N.J. Of these, more then Folding ChsWi 12,000 are under iponaorahip Bsnquat TsWtl of tbe National Catholic Wel­ BridgaTsMta 5fv« Nr sicirrfy it Tti Aiifri(» Nittoiil B»k. fare Conference. The NCWC Cixna —Sitor baa alread;r sent out 9,100., Giiasoait— Linaa Another shipload o f refugees^ Portable Ban 'K t Bilk for Bny Ptoplo* was expected in New Jan. 18,' Punch BoatsA Cup* with tentative plant already Tents and Canopies nude for more to follow. Convenient free parking in David Kmitch (above),! Tke DeoTer Cttholie eur next deer Parking Pleza son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ nard Kmitch, 4644 Raleigb Regiiter StraeL and a tenior at Hmy Family High School. Denver, Poblisfaod Weakly by the was a finaliat in tbe Merit Catholic Press Society, Inc. Seholartbip Test program. He' 938 Bannock S t r o ^ Danvtr, took the College Board exams Subfcription: 88.00 Par T H B AMERICAN S*a Jaft. 12. Yaar. Sold in combination *TIm AMrica l9|wf* Finalitts from Regis High with Tha Register, .Vational School, Denver, in the Merit Edition, in Archdiocese of 350 BROADWAY NATIONAL BANK Channel 7 Scholarship Test pragram, wbo Denver. Mandaya-7 F.M. iikewiie took the Collega Board Entered aa Second Clau PE. 3-4651 O F OENVen • 17TK AND LAWRENCE exams Jan. 12, were Joha G. Matter at tha Peat Offica Lajnrr, MKhael J. Maber, and Denver, Colo. i Dennis J. Seits. \

RAGE THREE Thursday, January 17, T9S7 Office, 938 Banneeh Sfreet TH E DEKVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4*420S -B , Reared .,//-» MotherIes9> I Family i Served in Denver, Fort Collins pmTheatine Killed byMexicon Robbers

Mrs. Weber, Dies at 85 By I. R. W alsh the shrine were away when the Fullana arrived in the U. S. to FATHER JOHN FULLANA. crime was committed. Among work in the then Dioewe of MRS. BERTHA M. WEBER. 1938, four years after the C.R., 63, who served at St. Ca- items stolen was a valued ei- Denver. Besides parish work at 88, grandmother of two Den­ death o f his w ife. Rose. An­ jetan’i Parish, -Denver, from borium embedded with gold S t Cajetan's, he also served at ver Jesuits, was buried from other daughter, Mary Weber, ibout 1930 to 1938, was mur­ buttons from Majorca and pre­ Conejos-Bnd Antonito. V ■ V St Ignatius Loyola's Church came from Switzerland to Den- dered in the rectory of Our cious stones given the priest by veV, upon the death o f her sls- Lady of Fatima Shrine, Mexico his mother. FROM 1936 UNTIL ABOUT Jin. 14. A pioneer member of a a a the parish, she died Jan. 10, ter-in-law in 1932, to assist City, Jan. 9. Mexican euthori- 1950, Father Fullana compiled surrounded by members of her Mrs. Berths W eber In caring ties said he died from a skull A SOLEMN REQUIEM an unusual record at Holy Fam­ family, in the home, 2420 Gay- for the children at the family fracture inflirted by robbers, MASS was offered at the shrine ily Church. Fbrt Collins. He luril Street. home in f.oyola Pariah. one o f whom waa capturod the won the hearts of the Spanish- Father Joseph Weber, SJ.. ErailTrei, who married Mary next day. speakiag people of his con^e- was celebrant of the Solemn Weber in 1937, has been as a Father Fullina's death was gation by his untiring work in Requiem Mass. Father Leo father to the W eben since that discovered -Thursday morning, their behalf. Weber, S.J., another grandson, time. He is also mreUker atij.n. 10. Parishioners noticed A Solemn Requiem Mau was was deacon, and Father Ed­ Loyola Church. The couple the gates at the priest's resi­ offered Jan. 14 in Holy Family ward P. Murphy, S.J., pastor, have one son, Al, a graduate of dence -were still locked. Upon Church for Father Fullana by was subdearon. Father William Regis High School, 1966, and investigation they found him Father A nthw y Homar, C.R., Heavey, SJ., assistant pastor, now attending Regis College, dead. His mouth was gagged who succeed^ him as Mitor. preached. a a a . and his hands and feet were Father Francis Colon. C.R., as­ Holy Family Hiyh School lenior*. and Sally and Fimt piece • • • IN ADDITION to the two tied. Debate Meet Trophies Sandra Mally, second place nesative winners sistant pastor at Antonito. was w i n n e r k in riests,' the Weber children are from St, Francis d* Sales' High School, Denver, MRS. WEBER was bom In Padre Juen't great ambi- deacon, and Bro. Anselm Jara- frank, a Denver certified pub­ millo, C.R., of St Andrew Beestiv* debkte, Ed Schwsrtz end Joe Doutsard, admire their trophies. Switzerland Dec. 8. 1871, Her tioo wat te anlarga hi* ihrine El lic accountant and graduate of -i- husband died there in 1909. to our Ledy of Fetime, end Avellino's Seminary, Denver, and she came to the U.S. in Regis College, class of 'SI; subdeacon. I it wei this that cost him hia • • • >Vin Top SpolN in Colorado Nprin|S.<> Debnto Tourno.v 1920 with three of her five end Mary, a graduate o f Ca- life. He lellced. both in aer- children. She had resided in tbedral High School, 1949. mona and to individuala, con- t h r o u g h ' H 1 S UNIQUE Loyola Parish since 1928. Mrs, W eber fo r years at­ atantly of hia dream, and it VENTURES in the manufac­ Holy Family, De Sales Speech Victors One daughter, Sister Euse tended daily Mass and received wea known that ha had a aunt ture of mops and a parish co­ bis. a member of the Poor Sis­ Communion, She was a member of money saved up. operative grocery store. Fa­ ters of St, Francis Seraph, of the parish women's society, a r e ther Fullana, assisted hy de­ Schwarts and Joe Doussard Catholic student teams in Colorado Springs Jan. 12. the Regis Guild, the Third Or­ FATHER JOHN ORDINAS, voted parishioners, was able to of Holy Family took a top- from Holy Family and _St Speaking on the question: der o f St. Francis, and the C.R., pastor of St. Cajetan's build up the Fort Collins par­ Francis de Sales' Uiith “ Resolved, that the federal place trophy on the negative Dominican Aid Society. Church, said the Theatine priest ish plant. Labor fo r the ven­ side. A brother-and-sister Schools, Denver, talked them- government should sustain For several years, in the had just locked the gates at tures was furnished by the m^n selves into both fin t and sec­ the price of major agricul- team from South High, Den­ early history of the parish, she of the parish. the residence in Mexico City Rot. John FulUna, C.R, ond places in the annual invi­ Uira! pfodurta at not less ver, Sue and Kent Sima, mended altar cloths, albs, and when he was jumped by three Tho profit realised from the took the top spot on the af­ tational debate tournament than 90.per-cent parity." Ed other items for the church, robbers. The captured man was Friday, Jan. 11, by Father An­ sale of mops— which be termed firmative side, which .she would bring home to identified as having worked for drew B onet C.R. Father .An­ the “ beat that money can buy" Another "family” team, tew, She assisted regularly in Father Fullena a few years thony Sagrera, C.R., Superior — provided a humble living for Scored Hit on Bruadmiy twins Sally and Sandra Mally washing, ironing, and repair­ previously. of the Theatine Fathers in the the workers. P rofit from the of St. Francis de Sales', won ing church linept. Apparently the robbers were U. S. and Mexico, left Denver grocery co-operative helped to 'Finian's Rainbow' Picked second place on (he negative ' * . * acquainted with the shrine and for Mexico City after receiving complete the charch, support side of the same question. TWO ROSART SERVICES the residence, Father Ordinaa word of Father Fullana’s death. the school, and provide for the The second-place affirmative were held in the Boulevard added. Two priests stationed at On June 29, 1925, Father people's modest wants in food was taken by a Colorado Mortuary Sunday, Jan. 13. and clothing. As Star Nights Production Springs High School team. Ona at 2:30 p-m. was Forty-one teams from ligious ami members IN ALL HIS WORK as gro­ schools throughout the state Regis Guild, and the other Finian'f Boiniov. the Broad-] praised revival in 196.^, Ffwmii's Family Fled to Freedom cery clerk and supervisor of participated in the meet held 7:30 was attended hy the Uity. way musical comedy with ital Sainhow is loaded with songs the manufacture of mops, Fa- at Colorado College. Other Burial was in M t Olivet Cem always and fancifulness built abniit the pot I that have now become well-loved Catholie schools that partici­ etery. was not un- of gold an Irishman has spirited I everywltere, tneh as “How Afe pated were Cathedral and ;; From Hungary's Commies Things in Glocca Morra?" It Present in the sanctuary cuilonjer to enter . away from the leprechauns of Mt. Carmel o f Denver, AbJ the Ma.^• were Fathers Heavey, his country and brought to also features bright comedy, fCoufiiiHed From Pape 0»c) the succession o f camps that the store and first kiss the boy of Canon City, and who brought Mrs. Weber dally priest's hand — the same hand America, will be presented hy Icprechaun-like fantasy, and a returned to Budapest on Rus­ followed. Sandor registered his Pueblo Catholic. Communion for more than a that weighed out a pound of I.oreCto Heights College as the good smattering of social satire. sian tnieks after dsys of ques­ family for tha United States on month al home; Michael Schae­ pinto beans or reached for a eighth annual Star Nights pro­ tioning hy the secret police. Nov. 29. The fam ily was then Mogieol Pot of Gold fer, S.J-, assistant pastor; can of tomatoes. duction at City Auditorium on ■The Csabanyis arrived hsrk placed under the sponsorship This Utter element is at the' Louis Fitzsimmons, S.J., from of the 'NCWC Catholic Relief Completing the church, in­ Feb. IS. in their Budapest apartment at expense of a Claghom-ish char­ Mrs. Bertha M. W eber Trinidad; John Teeling, SJ., 7:30 p.m. Nov. 22. A t 6:30 Services. stalling stained glass windows, With a record o f 91 week.s on Prairie Priest • • • acter in the show named Sen­ and Gene Kelly, SJ„ both enlarging the convent, envision­ Broadway in its first produc­ a.m. the next morning they ator Bilboard Rawkina, who died in 1935 in St. Anthony's from Regis; and Walter Huber, ing a new school, end scores tion o f 19d7, and a warmly were oii a train, again headed THE JOURNEY o f the Csa- makes the Irish heroine ao fur- Hospital, Denver, where ehe was S.H.B,, of the Bethlehem Fa- for freedom. This time they banyi family took them from of other projects came under iouf 'with hia bigoted comments Runs Ranch for stationed. Another daughter in tberv Father Bernard Murray, left the train at a point 50 their camp to Vienna to Salz­ the Theatine Father's ovef-all. about Negroes that she. sitting Germany and a son in Switzer­ SJ., of Regia attended services kilometers from, the border at burg to Munich and finally by program. By all he wat re­ Paul Horan, Jr,, above the magical pot of gold, land each are the parents of at the cemetery. 4 a.m. lane to Camp Kilmer; N. J. spected as a priest intensely in­ carelaasly expresses a wish that three children. • « • rived in Englewood just ■ • e Father Joseph Weber is sta­ ^h‘ terested in his people's spiritual comes true—that he become Homeless Boys tioned at St. Joseph's Hall, De­ SANOOR CARRIED the lit­ five days ago, Saturday. Jan, and temporal welfare. Wins Oratorical black for a while and so know ^Costimied From Pops Ong) MRS. W EBER'S Other son. catur HI., and Father Leo is at tle girl on hia back. Anna and 12. • • • how it feels. In consequence he with $12.1 Then Mr. and Mrs. Adolph, the father of the four St. Mary's College, St. Marys, the two .boys walked through Asked whether they had seen BORN IN MAJORCA, an Is­ has an awful time, to the satis­ K. B. Lievens, childless couple Weber children, succumbed in Kans. the bitter winter weather. The Cardinal Mindsxeniy, Sandor land oh the coast of Spain, in Contest of State faction of evepyone else. of Sentinel Butte, read about 60 kilometers were covered in explained that their apartment 1893, he took his seminary A' senior o f Regis High School, Other magical wishes also his speech and donated their .About Catholie Faith 17 hours. The route, a different was directly across the street studies at the Theatine Semi­ Denver,-Paul Horan, Jr., 3i0 come true in the show, By the filiO-acre ranrh on the rich land one, led through marshland, from the American Legation nary, St. Espenolet, there. He Jersey Street, has h « n named rumor of (he existence of gold of the Golden Valley. Other refugees joined them. but that they were not aware was ordained in the Cathedral winner of the Colorado "Voice in the ground of the idyllic val­ Father Cstiedy'i former Colorado Springs Station The number had reached 70 hy the Cerdinal had sought politi­ o f Palme, Majorca, Feh, 24, of Democracy" contest The an­ ley to which Fiilian McLonergan boki, Joeeph E. Willisma, by the lime the border was cal .asylum there until crowds 192.3. His silver jubilee was nouncement was made Satur> has come to bury his treasure, this time vice preaident of the in sight. beglin to gether in front of the marked at the Fort Collins par­ di.v, Jan. 12. the glittering crock works an­ bank, paited the hat in the Telecasts 'We B^tieve' About 40 of the group were building, ish March 7, 1948. Horan will receiva a four- other magic fo r all the poor ten- hallowed Chsae halts, and youths, boys and girls, They ant farmers who dvrell there. earaa up with $1,000. A Tha Rev. James J. McQuade, ther McQuade will again be made a break and ran for free­ As gold does whenever it is bur- houaawifa sant a frying pan, S.J.. former head of the religion found surrounded by his Ingen­ dom when the bordpr was near. ted in a vault, it produces un­ and tfaa Hnuaa on tho Ranga department of John Carroll Uni­ ious array of unique props and The Russians recaptured all of MARDI GRAS bound credit. was raady to bacoma a homa. versity in Cleveland, 0 ., will other visual aids as he explains them. In the ensuing confusion Join the happy throng for the famous pre-L«nten festival The Rainbow Valley farmers It was ineorporatad in July discuss the Catholic belief con­ in simple language the beliefs and with the help of two Hun­ have 10 much credit they can o f 1950. cerning God in this week's We nf Catbolics concerning the ns- garian soldiers, the rest of the , Colorful and quaint New Orleans at its gayest. buy anything they want without But a ranch needs cattle. Ra. Believe television series in Colo­ lure o f God. His background as group waded waist high through Leave Denver February 28 .... Snell, former Lieutenant Govet a teacher and television person­ an icy river and reached Aus­ paying a penny, and so appro­ rado Springs. Includet rail tickets, hotel accommodations, parade nor of North Dakota, got every We Believe wa.s produced hy ality are clearly indicated as be trian territory. priately sing the rousing songs, • • » tickets, night life tour, 30 mile cruise on the Misnseippi, "When the Idle Poor Become the rancher he could to donate ani- the National Council of Catholic takes vieweis over the route of and special Uardi Gras Ball. Idle Rich" end “ The Grdat mats. They all, rather naturally, Men and is being telecast over Catholic doctrine in a etmple TAKEN IN AND FED by Come and Get It Day." All gave cows. A herd cannot grow Station. KRDO-TV every Mon- and unhurried fashion that Austrian farmers who had sig­ RATEvS FROM $i:{4.96 dreams come true in this show that way, A collection taken up d a y n t 7:30 p.m. The series ia makes his talks easily under­ naled them with flashlights, —with the Irish that sort of at s Montana-Dakota conven­ designed to acquaint both Cath­ standable to people of all edu­ the refugees were taken to an thing can happen. tion of ranchers brought enough olic and non-Catholic with the cational backgrounds. Au.strian village the following pAhjUc’AhjihidarL TRAVEL In this blithe mixture of tune­ to purchase two fine bulls— and basic doctrine nf the Church in KRDO-TV. Channel 13, is re­ morning and were registered ful songs and kidding of medi­ that was the start of the an educational and objective ceive in tbe Colorado Springs with Austrian aulhoriUei, eval superstitions about lepre- ranch's ,now growing and manner. area, and We Believe ia prt- Papers and credentials were 517 17th St,a»s«>i» DsBvw avv Bids-MA. 3-1211 ehauns and modern legends of i proving herd- In this week’s program Fa- teated as a public service. inspected and re-inspected in race-bigotry, laced with quaint Althoufb there urea plenty Iriah humor and American exu­ o f range, fo r awhile the OFFICIAL HOLY NAME CALENDAR berance. Dennis Gallagher and ebandoned granary on the Anne Chase will have the roles Lievana ranch waa tha only o f Finian McLonergan and his home. Father Caaaedy, how­ wistful daughter, Sharon; John ever. BOW haa a two-atory McGowan will be seen as the brick ranch house, or dormi­ capering, fickle leprechaun; Sue tory, which houaea e chapel Paul Horan, Jr. Sommerfeldl and Mary Ann aod dining room too. What year full tuition scholarship to Dunn as the girl who Is mute, ba daaperately naeda ia a Colorado State College of Edu- and so dances out what she has gymnasium, aod be ie light­ ctUon at Greeley. Ha will also to say until another magical ing ceudlei before the atat- receive a three-day expense- wish frees her tongue: Wayne ues f t Mary in considerable paid trip to the national awards Jackson as the tenant-farmer quantity asking that some­ irogram in ’ W ashin^on, D.C., who falls in love with Sharon: one will make this poasihle. [n February, and will compete and Bob Ogren as tbe villainous Father Cassedy 1s most grate on tbe national level for one of Senator Rawkins. ful for the way in which the I'ommunity has accepted his fou r $500 Kholarship.s. ' ' i - boys. The theater owner lets them into shows free, the non- Catholic doctor end dentist do­ nate their services, and all the boys attend the Beach Public High School. One of hia boys Is co-captain of the basketball team and another on the varsity squad. Even when one or two of the boys get into youthful scrapes, the community seems to understand. And the Prairie Priest knows it is all vrorthwhile when one o f his graduates comes home CneSnun 1 from the Air Force to spend Christmas on the Range. This Boulevard Mortuaries same led, incidentally, thinks he will become a priest so that he m t • DENVet'S UAOIH& CATMOUC HMTVAIIES * can assist Father Cassedy. One final incident proves ■MS. jA H i F. itfCOHarr • w in s t. ihceiun • lOstfK r. asceiurr how. even in the most difficult MMX J. aaan cases, tbe Home on the Range pays dividends. A brilliant but Glaad M iU • DIHVQl. COLMAbO unruly lad visited town one eve­ Federal loatevord at Spaer levtevsrd • • So. Celarada and WssIssJppi Avtiaa ning and the temptation proved too great. He committed petty theft..A few days later he ran OllSM I fnndM fltA A 7wn Denver students. Kay Glowes'awsy from the ranch, and fi- a n u a t u 1957 M Ueen v u n u iu u io (ieft)_gnrt Caml Springer (rightl.'nally ended up in Milwaukee, 1957 have been selected as Star Nights queen cahdidates by (he junior, Brought to a court hearing and 7,rj »> Doll* Dresied to Ordor 606 14(h Si. Between California & Welton TA. S-B331 A.8.C. Doll Hospital 1 Hour FREE Parking Directly '2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1 ftgUCIOL‘5 STATVES REPAlKEO $• in rear of our store—Welton St. Entrance Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCourt . . . . T.' 616 Dewnini MA. 3-7617 ______T ■ ■ T " ' PAGE FOUR Office. 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keyttone 4^205 Thundey. January T7,1957 93,100 Communions at Holy Family 325 Attend St, Vincent (H »lr Family Pariik, Danvar') funarala. Father Allas was raising projects in the parish. In h)< annual parochial re* also abla to asaounca a fi- Father Allen observed that, with port. Fathrr Forrest Allen, naacially luccasaful year for a majority of the parish using Holy Name Breakfast putor, recorded an increase of lha parish. the 2H per cent plan, jt would almoat 8,000 Communions dia* In the way of future financial be unnecessary to have dona­ (St, Vincent dc Paul's Parish, Jeanette's Hcond grade room tribut^ In the pariah in 1050. coals, Father Allen outlined a tions toward a car award at Denver) won the attendance award. in lo ss there were 90,300 Com­ plan based on a autteestion the Eliieh spring social. The When the Holy Name So- Mri. Gladye G r a b e m, the munions distributed. In 1958, made by Bishop Clarence Issen- yearly fail subscription drive claty'i annual father and son eat speaker, was presented by the number increased to 98,100. man in tha Bepistcr. A’ohonal could be omitted. Grade school Communion breakfast was held Ee Klggine. Hn. Graham Since 1953, when 70,000 Edition 1957 church support is­ tuition could be canceled. Fn- on Sunday, Jan. 13. Archbishop talked on the country of Pan- particles were used, the in­ sue. If a sufficient number of ther Allen asked that parish­ Urbsn J. Vehr offered the 8 ana and narrated eulered crease o f 23,000 is even more contributors in the parish ioners inform him in writing o'clock Mess, and delivered the alldea. notable, the pastor reported. promise to increase their Sun­ through the collection of their sermon. Mrs. W . Ebrman, safety la lha year, fhara ware day donations to the 2IA per intention to subscribe to the There were 826 men and ebainnan, requutad that all iVt per cent plan. 16S baptised ia Iba pariib, cent or one hour’s wages recom­ their eons at the breakfast, at parents see to it that their chil­ 126 of wham wera adult mended by Bishop Issenman, 90 at Breakfast which Elmer Book, outgoing dren obtain their 1957 lleentn csararls. Marrisfat totalad tha pastor promised to eiimin- More than 90 men attended president of tho Holy Nome So. fo r tKeir bikee. a Men's Club-sponsored break­ ciety, presided. Archbtahop Mrs. W. Hughes, ways end fast on the parish patronal Vehr wae the principal apeaker means chairman, spoke on the Feast of the Holy Family Sun­ at the'breakfast, and presented plans of the forthcoming games GOOD CLOTHES NEED For Prompt day, Jan. 13. John J. Sullivan, some vary interesting statisUcs partv to be held on Friday, Feh. NOT BE EXPENSIVE K.S.G., spoke to the men on on the enonnoui nowth of the 1. Tnii committee is also mak­ LAUNDRY & truth and the Communist error Catholic population in the ing plans for another aocial THE in the modern world. Father Al­ United States during the past mixer to ba held on Idareh 2. DRY CLEANING len installed as 1957 officers of 10 years. Mrs. H u g h e a announced that ENGLISH tha men's group Sidney Vitry, The HNS presented the Rt Mrs. E d Walsh and Mrs. Leo Servica . . . Callt president; John Fletcher, vice Rev. M oniignor Eugene A, Lager were in charge of the president; Maurice Robinson, O’SulUvan, p u tor, with e check opcom sales fo r tha month ot TAILORS treasurer; and A. J. Pistersj, for parish funds. The brukfut Cecember. T A . 5 - 6 3 7 0 secretary, w u prepared and served by There will be no clascos on CASCADE 901 FIFTEENTH STREET The breakfast w ^ prepared women of the perish, under the Friday. Jon. 26. boesuso that and served by agroup of Altar chairmgnshipof Mrs. Ed. will ba tba data of tba par. Combina Quality and Styla Laundry & Dry and Rosary^'Society members Hegge. ant-toacKor confcroncc at 5t. headetHijr’Mrs. Victor L. Moore. At the December meeting the Vincent da Paul's Scbool. at Prices You Can Afford president, Mn. Owen Mitchell, serves as cashier Cleaners Assistmg Mrs.. Moore on the Holy Name Society officere for Monday, Jan, 26, will be Iba Cafeteria Providesr Appractati^. ii each day at icbool. kfast committee were azpraased to tha ensuing year were elected: boginaing of tba acw somes- Helpera in tha cafeteria program, ahown in Mmes. Anthony McNulty, Ed­ President, Donald Winter; vice tor. Pupils Hot Meols Hia top photo, are (adults), from left, Mmes. win B- Lantzy. Nicholas Ucr- preeident, Elmer Jenun; ucre- The uctional ipell-down for Jm . DeAsda, Owen Mitchell, Hilda Walker, vincem de Paul's Parisli^ d’ A n School. Dentrar, Mrs. Joe DaAnda, fo r her tery, Victor Brown; treasurer, the South Side epelling division old, Joseph Pughes, George Eva F ottorff, Elmer Windholz, William StauCer, Dalnas, Henry Fallico, Martin splendid work and efficient handling of the Tbtodora Sevier; end sergeant will take piece at SL Vincent so. UNIVERSITY BLVD. 4 E. ARIZONA and Norbert Jasso.-Tha children are, from left, Potter. Emmett Grace, Philip lunch program. This is the first year for the at arms, Lloyd Gluier. dc Paul's Auditorium on Satur­ Catherine Solano, Mary Wais, Barbara Wemel, ------SUNDAY MASSiiS ------Baiamonte. Mary Ahem, John lunchroom and it Is opeAting even more On Sanduy, Feb. 10, Arch- day, Jan. 26, at 2 n.m. The fol­ Barbara Belfiore, Harry Krosky, Caieste Says, Toohey, John Kslkhorat, smoothly than bad been anticipated and the re- bishop Vehr will administer lowing Bchoeia will participate: 6:46, 8:00, 9:30, ll^OTand 12:15 Charles Mangione, Janet Hodap, and Catherine Severin Windholz, Carl Wilson, eulte are most natifying. Mrs. Eva Fottorff, the sacrament of Coufirma- S t Francis de Sales’, Our Lady ConfesMons: Saturdays and 7:30 to 9 p.m. HoeOer. 3:p^B-.30 Peter Allen, Joseph Brand, manager and coox, is doing a wonderful job and tion to a large class of both of Lourdes, St John the Even- RT. Rev. Mk b , E v a it s A. O'Sullivan, P astor Two tablea o f first grade youngstec.t, ahown Thomas Uailinan, Elder Lund- serving well-balanced meals. adults and children. There gelist's, S t Philomena’s, and St in tha lunchroom, are under tha lupervision of strom, Frank Sardick, Joseph will be two inetruetion Vincent de Penl’s. The Rev. 2386 E . Arizo;)*-''^______SP. 7-4813 All luncheon help is voluntaer work by Sister Elizabeth Ann (left) and Sister M. Woertman, and J. E. Penns. classos for edulls to be con- William Jones, erchdioceun mothers of children in the ichooL The PTA Vlncentia (right). firmed. Tbe first will be on S t Rita's Circla will meet on director of schools, wilt pro­ Tbursdey, Jan. 24, and tha Wednesday, Jan 23, in the home + - r + -h ~ nounce the words for the con­ Roys'StandardService o f Mre. J. C. Maguire, 6620 W. second on Thursday, Fab. 7. testants. Parenta and friends L fN ^ Pharmacy are invited to attend. Ray Guertner, Prop. 48th Avenue. The meeting will The convert initrsctlon ■ U C. FEHR. Ft»|.. began at 1 p.m. 2-Week Mission at Cure d'Ars Parish classes begin Monday, Jan. 14. The following PTA members Matubar SI. VIUMt ?4ur! Piriili Wasbiog • C rea sin g 'Thia week Father Edward Anyoso intereatad in attending attended tha CPTL meeting: Mmes. W. Buckley, L. Pozelnik, Have Your Doctor Phone So. ClayloB at LouiiisBa Madden received Terry Ray­ these clauei is invited to do so. Ua Your Prescription mond Kelley intp the Church. The clasMS w ill be held every D. Sikes. George Learned, L. RA. 2-9870 Weber, and W. .bngerer. 2707 E. Uulfiena R.4 2.3789 Sponsors for Mr. Kelley were To Be Given by Redemptorist Fathers Monday and Wednsdiy evening At LouHUm «ad S«u1h Clayton Free Firfiup and Delitery Mr. and Mrs, Eden OiTuIlio. et 8 o'clock in the reeding room Mrs. Mat C roft and M n. This year again the high (Cure d'Ara Pariah, Denver) Achievement Award Plan p.m. in the home o f M n. Henry of the new rectory. Father Welter Angerer attended the school basketball home games A mission conducted by Re- The guest speaker at tha PTA Hoyt, 3085 Glencoe. George Weibel conducte the in deanery meeting on Tuesday, Washington NORRIS AG MARKET in Regis gym are being run by demptorist Fathers James Sul­ meeting was Maurice R. Waller, Edward O'Keefe was callad struction clessee. Jan. 15. a group of men from Vhe par­ livan and Harry Korta will be who ia the director at Denver to Council Bluffs, la., in the AHendanca of 107 A girl. Karen Marie, was earn aurti. rm held in the parish from Fab. bom to Mr. and Mrs. T. A . Sul­ Bwlw al tL ViMUt'i PiAil ish. Chairman of the game Coneerratory of Music. Paf- past week by the illness sad A t the PTA meeting Monday, Pork M kt. 10 to Feb. 24. livan o f 1021 S. Harrison Caapiala AC Ftai Caatar workers is Thomas J. Dlgenan. enU who would like infonna. death of his father, Edward Jan. 14, there wera 107 mem- Bill Hugh*! He is being assisted by John The first week is planned for tion on the Achievement Award O’Keefe, Sr. bars present, and Sister Street Your Friindty Open Sundays 9 llli 2 Weakland, scorekMper; and the women— married, tingle, srogram may eontart Mr. Wal- AG Store Credi* — Frea Delivery George 'Taylor, Sidney Vitry, and high school age, The sec- er at AC, 2-3316. If they wish 598 S. Gilpin SP. 7-6075 S.CUytoD4 Levlaiaaa F£.S.94t7 Bernard Carroll, Paul Heffer- ond week Is planned fo r the a representative to call at tbair HEAR nan, Martin Potter, Maurice men— married, single, and high home to give a child the moti- St. Patrick Unit Elects Robinson, Joseph Brand, and school age. If men cannot come cal aptitude test, they may Robert Laniigsfeld. one week they may make the contact Mr. Waller. There is Digeinan has represented the mission with their wives. Wom­ no charge for this service. ASK and LEARN parisR on the workers' commit­ en who cannot come tha first Miaa Pat Kelley’s second President Replacement tee o f the Parochial League for week may make the mialloo grade won the St. John Vian­ (St. Palrick's PcriiK, Dcuvar) 157 at tha end o f Decomber, KOA SO. GAYLORD SHOPPING DIST. 15 straight years. Taylor is a with their hu.sbands. ney statue for having the most At the meeting of the Alter 1955. to 239 on Dec. 31, four-year veteran in helping at Parish Society (o Meet parenta in attendance. and Rosary Society Jan. 8 Mrs. 1956. 10:JS Ettrr Sunday Esenlng league events. The other men, Sister loha's art demonstra* Sanford l^ c y was elected presi* Tha St. John Vianney So­ F or the third consecutive besides being active in Men's tIon was impressive. The chil­ dent for the coming year. Mrs. ciety w ill m.eet Friday eyening, Queetions on raligieu sob* Club activitie.s. have helped at dren who participated in the Poinjak, who was elected in year or linca its organization Jan. 18, at 8:15 o'clock. Hosts nittod by the radio audioaca high school activities for the actual program were: Grads 1, December as president, was tha credit union paid a three- EMPIRE MARKET and hostesses for the eveaing aaewerod on tha arebdloc- L e n t D r u g past several years. will be Mr. and Mrs. Edward Michael Marranzino and Nancy unable to serve in that office. Johnny Meyers Bob Holm per-cent divldand on fully paid aean broadcaeL A. Rollman, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lauth; grade 2. Michael Ellis, A valentine party w u planned shares. Base Your Dettor Phono Open Waak Oeyi ond Sundara for Feb. 5: each member is to Maybury, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Catherine Quering, and Kather­ Four couples attended the BookUt on CalholU Churdi Yoar Pratcriptiont » AM. u $ FM bring a valentine and a 60-cent Va Cassidy, and Mr. and Mrs. & ine CtroUo; grade 8, Debbie fourth annual CFM day of Stoole; grade 4, Danny Conboy; hiBdkerehiel for a gift ex* noUabla fro* o f cots R.4 2-3664 ■ Free Delivery HN Men's Club Costello. raeoUiction a t LoratV> Haights Qaelity Meats - Sea Food Entertainment for the eve­ nade 5, Patricia Paul, Dennis change. (o ell (ngalrers. IM S. C*Tl*r4 It Tinmwl! College. Those attending wera 1058 S. Gaylord SP 7-7567 ning will be provided by Bob Polosky, Susan Stead, and Vicki Mrs. Fred Burdoff, who hu Wa Gian 6 a H C i*» Zumya been hospitalized, it convales­ Hr, and Mrs. Edward Kraao- WRITS TO Bruso, Jr., an Arthur Godfrey DaAnda; and grade 6, Joaeph cing et borne. Mrs. Ed Heide- vich, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Aek and Liarn, Statlen KOA B E U IO N T Plans Jan. 26 talent acoot wipner, who will Godwin-Austen and Ricbard Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Please Patronize man it recupeiating from a Daavar 2, Colorado sing. A colored film will be Aaaness. Gallegos, and Mr. and Mrs. PLUMBING CO. show, entitled One* f/pmt a Sister Ions also showed seme sprained ankle. Mrs. Katy Han­ Your REGISTER sen, a member of the Altar and Donald Klene. Honeymoon. There will he murals done by the school chil­ R e p a irin g &Contracting Advertisers and Get-Together Rosary Society, died recently. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SKAtl the Club 26 award and refresh- dren. (Guardian Aagali* Pari.h, ments. Everyone in tha parish Hostesses for the meeting Choir Practice Saai BoivTa U|r. 1072 S.Cirlord Mention Dan ter) is invited. were Mmes. Joseph F. Hast­ The senior choir went skat­ Doyo PE. 3.2070 THE REGISTER Ths Holy Name Men's Club Investitute for Brownies ings, Pat Colburn, Julius Zo- ing Sunday, Jan. IS, at Home- Nifkti EA. 2.5379 1 of the parish is sponsoring a wood Park. Members are begin­ Troop 926 will invest two glo, Joa Goodwin-Austen, and get-together in the parish hall ning preparations for the Holy new Brownies, Denise Mitchell Ray Brookman. on Saturday, Jan. 26. There Week end Easter Masses. Any- and Jackie DeAnda. The girls S t Anthony's Circla will will be dancing from 8 p.m. to one in the parish who can sing from this troop enjoyed a trip meet in the horns o f Mrs. Lu­ midnight There will be a free is welcome to Join the choir. to tha Gock Manor recently. cille Hunt, 2960 Locust Street, Dutch lunch and refreihmenta. The ebility to reed music is not Troop 793 will viiit Chil- Thursday, Jan. 24, at 1 p.m. Th( admiuion is 81 per person. necessary. Practice ia held dres's Hospital on Feb. II to St James’ Circle will meet A id Boy Scouts Saturdays at 7 o'clock in the deliver scrapbooks they have in the home o f Mrs. Harold BchooL Transportation home is The Holy Name Men’s Club made for tna children from Miller. 3645 NIagva, on Thurs­ rovided for those who need it. and the North Denver Knights Christmas cards and magazine day. Jan. 17, at 8 p.m. ?he senior choir sings et the of Columbus are sponsoring a pictures. On the sama day, they When the Sacred Heart Circle High Mau at 10:30 o'clock on Windsor wrist waten, matching wUI visit an old people's home mat on Jan. 8 in tha home of CONOCO PRODUCTS Preisser's Red&Whife Sundays. pen and pencil set and a pair to present them with valentine M n. .Joseph Hastings, 8400 LiB^rlcatl«fi, Car Wtahiof. Aalttrits of cuff links and tie claip. Sunday, Jan. 20, members of K »d8«rr«< Tlr« Vu^caalsing tray favora, another of their Cherry Street, new officers Grocery and Market These will be presented March were named for tha coming the Young Ladies' Sodality will IT* Cit4 Piort9^ Stttmpt projecta. receive Communion corporately. 17. In anticipation o f the Girl sar: Captain, Mrs. Charles ^CATHEDRAL PARISH' FANCY MEATS, VECETAILES, The meetings for the week BONNIE BRAE The proceeds will ha used In Scout cookie tale, firat year ?iegle, 3360 Dexter; and treas­ AND quALTnr g r o c e r ie s are as follows: Thursday, Jan. E. COLFAX 4 LOCAN 3T. helping the Boy Scouts of the Brownie Troop 607 will tour urer, Mrt. Fred White, 3595 parish buy such equipment as 17, at 8 o’clock, the tYoung Conoco Service Free belivery SPruce 7-4447 the Bowman Biscuit company Elm. SUNDAY MASSES bed rolls, camping equipment Ladies’ Sodmity; Friday, Jan. 724 So. Univoraitj PE. 3*9909 esai E.OhIv Av>. IS .U alv..aeO klal on Feb. 16, Catherine Quering St Rita's Circla wilt meet 6:00 - 7:00 - 8:00 - 9:00 - 10:00 - 11:80 - 12;30 and pack bags. 18, at 8 o’clock the Senior New­ recently joined thie troop. on Thursday, Jan. 24, at 8 4 6:30 P.M. Anyone who would lika to man Club; and Saturday, Jan. CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 8:30 4 7:30 The firms listed here donate any o f these items or 19. at 2 o’clock Junior Newman Msot. W. J. Canasak, Pastob S o n n i j L (B a o s l deserve to be remembered who knows any business that Club. 1501 PENN. ST. MA. 3-0233 Cleaners - Launderers would like to sponsor the Boy Credll Unlcn Meetiag when you are distributing Scouts, are asked to contact Christ the King PTA The parish Credit Union will your patronage in the dif­ L. E. Shacklett Joe Abell the pastor, Father Leonard hold its fourth innual meeting 715 S. I niversUv Redelbergcr or Eugene Sullivan at the school on Jan. 22. Father ferent lines of business. PE. 3-6.529 ■ ' at GR. 7-2970. W ill Meet on Jan. 21 Fremcia Syriancy, pastor o f SL ^ H a ji h Tha parish ia badly in naed Pius X 's Parish, Aurora, will o f choir memhera. Tha choir will be guest speaker and the Credit p r u o CO start rehearsing for Easter and (Chritt tha King Pariah, their daughters' Brownie lead­ Union film Porgivi Ui Our anyone who can assist will be Daavar) ers, M n. John Ryan and Mrs. D tbtt will be shown. PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED IT . FRANCIS de SALES' PARISH' Wm. Peitier. FOR AND DELIVERED welcome. The choir lacks both Tha first PTA meeting of The treeiarer's report et E. ALAMEDA 4 SMERMAN ST. alto and bass voices. Tba Legion o f Mary mam- C*lf4a ■! D«v b 1mc Dmtvp the new year will be held Mon­ here have been caring for the end o f Docombor, 1956, KCyclM* 4-3217 8 a LONDON MARKr home of Mr. and Mn. Pater increasing by 8 6,000 and 800 So. Sherman St PE. 3-6400 ection o f Mrs. Jack Maclear, S w Allen on Saturday, Jan. 19. meaboribip inertaeing from SUPER CHEF AND GROCERY program chairman, will ba pro- Mnted by tha achool children. •ytK, Caro AitMC Itoa ( k M r i l OSCAR TV N N E U . Pr«w a. Caitu u Lasaa Choral aolections will ba sung Quility Meals sad Grocaria. Alameda Drug Store CONOCO PRODUCTS by sixth, seventh, and eighth V. a PETER50N. Pr»». PHONES; MA. S-SZSe. TA. e-SSAI Ski Club Holds Benefit LubricBtion.Dpjoo Balteries saoo WALNUT gnden under the direction of Cal Rate Drug.R Sister Mary Clams. A recita­ DOYLE’S Please Patronize Car H'a*«hing tion will be given by a seventh founiuin Serrica Saadrlci ” PHARMACY Your REGISTER LOYOLA PARISH grade boy and a ballet number For Carnival,^ Banquet lour Buiinco dppreeiaW W. A. (Dutch) ThomOS be given by a group of T1i» Ptrtiettey Or«ftiit Advertisers and 8 A V I TlW t T 8 A D I AT fiOMB fifth grade girls. A lam c^ ft So. Rpoadway lAl.m.d. 4 Log.u PE, 3-9640 (Catbodral Young PoepU'e Alice Sweeney, religiooz 17th A^X. and CRAM Mention Mmekj fUrt A rep^ of special signifi­ Club) chairman, tebednied two activi­ K£. s-saOT FREE OEUVERY THE REGISTER E. I7tli aaj Raco cance win be given by t h e The “ Snow Ball" dance held ties for the coming week. 'The Rocky’s Pharmacy; Inc. health chairman, Mrs. Donald Jan. 13 at Oscar Main Hall, religious lecture this month ------— ^HOLY FAMILY PARISH' Leaher. Denver, was sponsored by the was held Jan. 15 at 8 p.m. on CYPC Ski Club under the di­ M ik AVE. 4 UTICA ST. Voiir All parents are urged to at­ tha third flpor o f lha Knights 'CURE d'ARS PARISH' D rafftii tend and see the school children rection of Carol and Ed Lo of Columbus Nome, at 1576 E. 3Zxj AVE. 4 DAHUA ST. * SUNDAY MASSES = Preier;pt(0&» Liquor perform. A special invitation ii Bato to help finance the annual Grant StreeL Father Vincent F. extended by tha president to iki carnival and banqucL The Hart, C.SS.R-. relief chaplain SUNDAY MASSES 6:45 . 7:.7(1 . 9:00 - 10:15 - 11:15 - 12:15 4 7K)0 PM all new members o f the parish dance alto served as a send off at tha Air Force Academy, 6:flfl - 8:00 • ld ;0 0 - 11:80 4 7:00 P.SL CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 3:30 4 7:30 'who have children attending for the week-end trip to Cooper spoke on 'Tem ptations and CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 4:00 4 7:80 Rkv, f*. H.’A llb.v . Pastob Ail Saints Parish I achool to coma to this first PTA Hill and Leadville Jan. 26 and Eini.’’ A pizza loeial followed. 4377 U TIC A ST. GL. 5-1664 I meeting of the new yeer. 27. Music wis by the Eddie R ev. J o h n N . H a l c t , P a sto b Lewis band. Sunday. Jan. 39. is the date 3050 Dahlia SL EA. 2-1119 Brentwood ' Mrs. Henry Thnrstin. Irame- set for the Communion break­ jdiate past president, gave birth Refugee Family fa st Following the 9 a.m. Mas? I to an eight-pound boy at St. at the Cathedra], breakfast will Joseph's Hospital ^turday, A ^ s Dictionary be uken at Millers Cafeteria. !jan. 12. THEL44A KASSON Please Patronize FRED LUCCI BLALACK'S G & W HARDWARE An Huegariao refugee The ipeaksr at the ivent will TTie PT.A Council will meet faauly Is ia aoed of aa Hua- be Bishop Bernard J. Sullivan, BEAUTY SALON Your REGISTER STANDARD SERVICE ,Monday, Jsn. 21. at 12:30 p.m. gariu-Eaflith or Eaglisb- S.J.. o f Rejgis College. 2676 Celerude Blvd. Complete Selection Of: Advertisers and Custom Upholstery 44lS Teaajion CR. 7-9908 jin the school hall. All officers, Hoagariaa dictionary, la- Camera Club flair Sryfing (Chairmen, and room mothers qoiriee otade ia all Drayar Farmanenl fFaving Mention Lsbricelioa - T ir o ■ Baltariei Hem^— ' ara expected to attend. bookstore! bave failed to re­ TTie Cathedral Young Peo- PHONE OEitn Z-liaa ApplioaeeB aad Paris TliilW! KaiMu OX m m t . Owuw THE REGISTER and New Puroiiure Gii4 Scout Meeting veal tuck a book. Tbe only pie's Club is re-establishing a Hardwara aad Tools copy ia tbo Dearer Pablic Li­ Camera Club. The first outing Made to Order Please Patronize I The Girl Scout neighbor- brary it net for circalalion. o f thia group is scheduled for 1957 Fishing Liceniei ! hood meeting will be held Wed- aayoae kaewiag of tba ezisl- Jan. 20 at 1 p.m. If weather John C.' Beautiful Samples to Show Your REGISTER ,neaday, Jan. 23, at 10 a.m. in eaee of suck a dictionary, or ahd roads permit a trip will YOl ALWAYS Now Avoilabla ;the school hall. Ail leaders, co- any book daiigaed to teacb ba made to the Rockies for Scholl Oaf er Erenlng Call* -Advertisers and S A V E A T I leaders, troop chairmen, and or- Engliih lo Huagariaai, it some winter icene pictures. FLNEST 2102 So. Fadaral Btvd. .nizera are expected to attend. aikod lo call Mrt. A, J. Reed. MEATS AND +ilO Elm Cl. CL. 3.1222 .Mention Alternate trip plana are avail­ Sothers of Brownies in troop PE. 3-4049. 1007 S. Race. able if required. Freemond CROCEJUES SIMMONS DRUG THE REGISTER 789 are especially invited to WE. 5-1701 Hie Hoagariaa laaguage is Sener, KE. 4-5536, ia organiz­ 2ltS Falrlai ' attend thia meeting to meet 2866 Cule. Blvd. FR. 7-2614 alto called Magyar. ing the outing. FJL 7*1TM I

' RT RAGE FIVE TSurtdoy, January 1 7 ,19S7 Offiea, 938 Bannock Straat THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephena, Keytfena 4^208 Senior Choir St. Cojeton's Laymen Painting Church Hall In Sacred Heart (S i . Caielea’i Parish, Denver) stall athletic eiiuipnent on tha Through tht efforts of Robert school grounds. Throufdi the Sanchez, Sr.; Art JaramiJlo and fund-raUing p rojects other son, Gui Garcia, Don Gonzales, school needs, repairs, sports, Parish Elects and Gene Chavez, the painting etc,, will be met. of the church's basement hail it In line with this tetivi^, the (Saerod Heart Periok. Denver) almost completed. These men PTA and ths Fithen’ Club The Senior Choir elected of­ are active board members of have scheduled the second big ficers fo r tha coming year as the Athletic Club, the fathers' dance of tha year in Carpen­ follosvi: Ed Reid, president; organization of the PTA. ter’s Hall OR Feb. 23. All com­ Laura Price, treasurer; and Organized by Robert San­ mittee members of this noup Dorothea Klug, secretary. They chez, Sr., chairman, the Athletic will soon be called to oegin wilt serve for a period of two Club includes the following in work on this drive. years. its board and special commit­ A t the CPTL card party Jan. Jim Fraxieris is the choir di­ tees: Secretary, Angelo Lopez; 17 in the Lincoln Room of the .mo Shirley-Savoy Hotel, St rector. Mrs. Goldie McLuxgdf treasurer, Ben V a l d ex; E will continue as organist; she Albo, Levi Romero, Albert Cajetan's PTA group will in­ has serv^ for several years. Martinez, Dan Gonxales, Gus clude Mrs. r. J. Torres, chair­ and Willie Garcia, Sam Torres, man; Mrs. Dan Gonzales, secre­ Among the new choir mem­ Willard Juarez, John De Leon, tary: Phyllis Virgil, past presi­ bers are Eleanor Gonxales. and Phillip Torres. dent; Mrs. Cal Rodriguez, and Olivia and Antoinette Omeias, This group has begun to in­ Miss Alice idontoya. . Richard Lopes, and Kathleen and Elaine Vialpando. Matt Frilot, Jr., was welcomed when 10- he returned after hia absence. Father and Son Violinists^ Z.pictured Applications are received at this above, added to tfae solemnity of Christmas ceremonies in S t time for new members, Elizabeth’s Church, Denver, with their stringed accompaniment. Mrs. Martha Kilker and the The two participated with the children's choir in a Franciscan t Rosaries — Statues other women prepared a ham oratorio preceding the' Solemn Midnight Mass, and in carola at Mmes. Vem Beaman, J. W. Bruskottar, V. J. dinner for the Christmas party. the Offertory and Communion. John is a fourth grade pupil in Room Representatives Warner, Thomas Fits^trick, Joseph Shields, H. Gifts were exchanged, and all S t Elizabeth's School. His music instructor is Byron Dirneli. Medals-Prayer Books-Plaques Brabam,•IDS and William Frazier; third row. Mnies. joined in the games. Charles C. D. Buchanan, Arthur Petty, Richard Bens, O f S t. Louis' PTA£ ,™ S Price received honorable men­ CoBipiele Line nf Religinua Antrles , E. C. Reed, John C. Mack, tion for his representation of Gnfriewood, pkturcd abov#. ni«i in the home of Francis Chaput, Paul Pytlinski, Eugene Gold, the word “mood" in "Mood In­ Supper Attended by Club for Church and Home — Mra. Vihcent Wasmer, Wedaeaday, Jan. 0. to Robert Guthrie, Mary Wedow, Ctrl Junk, J, D. digo." diacuu treate for the children of SC. LouU' Rapp, and J. P. Moore; and fourth row, Mmes. P /u s n Large Atiorlmenl o'f GifU School for the remainder of the year. The eam« Oliver Kimberly, V. De Francis, Charles Fras­ Folia Driva Aides n Mother of God Parish {troup is interested and actiee in various pro} cati, Robert Kane, E. J. McKenna, Vic Alianiello, (Mother of Cod Pariih, , Banns of marriage were an­ f o r all Occasions — The following women are cap­ ects of (he Parent-Teachers' Assoeiation. They and Robert Jackson. Denver) nounced between William Kel­ ■re responsible, smon? other projects, for the tains for the PTA March of Not present when tha picture was taken ley of Most Precious Blood Par­ first Friday breakfasts, and are bostease; for Dimes: Mmse. George Ramirez, The Mr. and Mrs. Club en­ CHURCH SUPPLIES were Mmes. R. L. Etzkom, Ruth Durlin, R. C. ish and CollesQ Welch j>f this tha monthly PT.A meeting. Great credit is due Vera Guerrero, Eleanor Fernan­ joyed a box supper Sunday Sills. Bruce Baumann, Charles Hoffman, R. parish. this itroup for the success of the recent early dez, Albert Sanches, and Marie evening, Jan. 13, in the church AH Religious Articles R. Holm, R. C. Linger, John Tier!, Edward Jsmboree conducted by the PTA. Chevez, snd the P T ' president, basement. After eating, the Erskine, W. P. Neher, F. G. Kennedy, Walter Mrs. Stella Gutierrez. couples played casinu for the Room representatives shown shove are, left Maguire, Michael Jundt, Robert Thompson, L. H. remainder o f tho evening. Host 'r u x o t o ’ The Holy Name Seciety to rirht, first row, Mmet. Jack Rieirel, K. D. Sanguine!, Willard Stambaugh, Robert Brath, couples were Mr. end Mrs. AI- RIOS ‘ elected the followleg offi­ ^ h iL p , (Daisddm. Qo. Vogeisberff,- els- and - J. - -R. Cavanaugh; - second row. Florence Miller, and William Vobejda, win Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. lUllDJNCS cer* for the coming yean Clarence Gillen, and Mr. and OF lIRDS ELMER J. GERKEN, Mgr. Joseph Romero, proeideotj Mrs. Jack Riordao. The, next InKtrnrtionM on Jan. 21 Fred Pediila, vice protideni; meeting, on Feb. 10, will be .iMtiTi ilX A lia oM um TMmir . 1120 Broadway CH. 4-6304 snd Ray Lucaro, aacratary- under the direction of Mr. and Mt. Utw BIIMlb traaturar. .IN ffrtlir^Ro N thm, Nitllaii Paulist to Give Mrs. James Mooney. .rMnUtt. lia tJi. Ti Confirmation Scheduled Choir practice is held every Mrs. Charles Fellows and ,f«r iiwir « fMT. Wednesday night and play prac­ Mrs. Alwyn Hansen hava vol­ Fb* fm Sm «r Ftoi* UNKTCD MATERIALS 2-Week Mission tice on Monday night, as an unteered to caro for the altar V, K tk kH KE 4*S2>9l In St. Louis' February 3 nounced at rehears^. during January. bMl«i VaiM Englewood.— (St. Louis’ Parish)— Confirmation In Westwood will be hetd on Sunday, Feb. 3. at 4 in the afternoon. Westwood.— (St. Anthony of All ^dulU and high school students who have not been Padua'i Parish)—A priest of confirmed are requested to attend the pre-Confirma- the mission band of the Paulist tion instructions to be held on Monday evening, Jan. Fathers of New York will con­ ------' 21. aV 8:16 o’clock in the school duct a two-week mlRiion in the GENERAL ELECTRIC — - I .cafeteria. At that time, bap- parish beginning Sunday, Jan. 20. Governor Johnson''*’"”'''turned in to the priest. The women will attend the I The Blessed Mother Circle first week, with the conferences will meet on Thursday, Jan, 31, to get under way at 7:30 o'clock Cited by Friends ;in the home of Mrs, Elsa Ken­ each evening. Benedictioa and nedy, 336S S. Corona Street, . Cosfeuions will follow. The JANUARY A a CeawAmsejall D m w A» *t S:S0 p.m. The circle is mak- men will attend from Jan. 27 AT rflrewell rO rtyilng rosanes and sending them to Feb. 1. The miseioner will * In the various missions. Re- be available for private confer­ A party, ‘ paying tribute to freshments will be served. ences after the servicH each evening. retiring Ciov, Edwin Carl John­ The Mr. and Mrs. Club will son. was given by a group of meet on .Saturday, Jan. 19, in SPECIAL 659 Children close personal friends, through the school cafeteria at ft p.m. the yeiri, in the Century Room There wilt be games and card In Catechism St the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Den­ playing. Refreshments will be The CCD unit In the parish ver. Thursday evening. Jan. 3, served. All couples from the met on Friday, Jan. 11, snd re­ with a banquet at 6:30 p.m. perish are invited. ports! on the work accomplished 17995 There Were several hundred The Legion o f M ai? will thus far. Most all tbo families friends attending this party. meet on Friday, Jan. 18, at 8 on the parish rolls havo been The R t Rev. Hontignor John p.m. in the rectory. . contacted and informed of their with trade in R, Mulroy gave tha invocation The Blessed Sacrament Cir­ duties as regard.* the religioua and the Benedictinn. M onsi^or cle will meet in the sacristy on instruction of their children, At Mulroy, who has been a friend Tue.sday, Jan. 22, at I p.m. Mrs. present there ere close to 060 o f the Governor since 1917, Edna Fisher will serve as host­ children ittending the weekly paid high tribute to the Gov­ ess. eitechism desses. ernor. Charies Vigil, former U.S. Mrs. Vincent W agner and A general census will be District Attorney, was master Mrs. J, W . Bruskotter enter­ taken in the spring in hopes of of ceremonies. A. B. Hirschfeld tained the room mothers at a obtaining the names of the fam­ ACTIVATOM WAtHINO ••VCAN WAITTAN p was the main speaker. coffee in the home o f Mrs. ilies who have moved into the PLixtsLt AgroMATte Bruskotter. 3030 S. Franklin, OONTML cycle eon* ACTION With General WAARANTy Famous G'£ Also on tha committee were new sections to the west of the Jan. 9. Plena were made for (rt>l diii fiva yoo e dtotee of Electrie Activator waahial dependability is becked by a * pariih site. The CCD will be ectioo your dothee are at* one year wrltun vrarranty Harry Zinn, Frank Clancio, vilentine treats for the chil­ I to 1$ miiwtM echiAl wjub in charge, snd 60 to 75 parish­ lime. To start wuhin^ you le t^ in the water beinf OP the entire washer An * Frankclin Murphy, and Jack dren. Thirty-one room mothers Murphy. Among the guests were ioners will be enrolled to cover eim^iy eel the deaired time wathed. Your clothea are additional four year wrilteo ^ were present. eonalaAtly beina dipped, warraaty applies to tha Ma}for and Mrs. Will Nicholson, the area. It is hoped that with on ihe diaL aelect either hot A large number of parents this many workers the census or varm w«ah »at«r. end the (^eud and fently cImb^ ^ Seated'tn itanasUiion « and the mayor paid high trib­ piece by piece » paiiinf parts. enjoyed the annual PT.A “ Dad’s can be completed in a few days’ wajher wHI »Urt, It w iU ute to tha retiring Govemor, as waih. rin»e. dejnp'dry the Lb rough three mam of waeh* • Night" and potiuck supper Jen. lime. did many o f tha other guests. d9tb« end »hut itaelf off -.. io| action •viforoua. CMdj' 8 in the school cafeteria. Hosts A house-by-house map is now The Govemor was presented eutomatMtUyf ujD and hghL were fstbers of children in being prepared by Harold Mc­ with a portable television set ei grides lx end ly. The meeting Millan. a token of <;sUem by the guests, was conducted by Dennis O'Neil. and the First Lady, Mrs. John­ Gerald Cooney, who spoke on son. was presented a beautiful •‘The Fslher in PTA" wis in­ orchid. troduced by Mr. O'Neill. Gimes Mrs. Virginia D. Johnson were played, with white ele­ Lakewood HNS pliyed “ Auld I.ang Syne" on phants fo r prizes. the piano, and the audience .Mrs. H. A. Krumholz, PTA oined in singing. Governor resident, and Mrs. James Shown Film on Johnson has devoted most o f his {essme, health chairmen, at­ life in eervice to others, during tended the Catholic Parent- nearly the 40 years of distin- Teacher I/Cague meeting Jan. guisbwl public service, 10, Viking Rocket Lakewood.— (Rt. Bernadette’s 60th Wedding Jubilee Parish)—For the Holy Name Society, on Jan. 7, Glenn B. 95 Carpenter o f the Martin Co., Denver divirion, presented Hori* sons L'xlimtlrd. ^ is story was 159 brought to the members by means of a film “On the Viking Rocket and Upper Atmospheric AOgUOTJtatl eONTAOL Ntw AIA FLOW »V tT f M NO aP fO lA b WIAIMO Temperalure control dta! al* Research." Members of the so- Air is warmed m a separate N«ciAAAAvThis new ^ow« you to select dryiog rhamher and then circultiad General Electric Clothes i f , d etv had numerous inquiries timea according to faoric directly throu^ the clothas. Dryer <*n be cotralad cn from the Door regarding the requirementa For example, Thoa, clothes aren't ’’hakisd'* eilhere U&'VoltarcuitoroA research program of the Martin dial aaetting for family oot* dry against the hot surface e 230*volt circufL For US* Co. Iona is 2S<3S minutea, de* nf a loefel drun . . . or ex* operatjoo.thet^rca» pendipf on amount of poeed <0 direct beat from » ptugied into a aUAdard The program committee Is etothea . . . for sheer gar* ^OT^eatinc alementA New DOuaeboM appliance ouUeC arranging for ths February meat! and syntheuca. setting heaket has a d m it . For 230* volt open lion, it can snooth*ta*glaaa porcelain meeting of ths Holy Name So­ it 5*10 mlautaL And. at your » coQoectad to a ita ^ rd aelection, clotfaea can be surface without a aenaa of 330*volt« 20*anp. dryar ciety to have Fred Welch of dunpdrred^ ready for iron* perforalioae to Abrade citeviL Gates Rubber Co., who todk an Ing. or dried comptetaly - active part in the resepe work ready to put away or waar. in Grand Canyon lask summer where the two giant airliners Model D.4 .320P ■ rsahed. Mr. WelcK will lecture AUTOMATIC DRYER and show colof 'illdes of the Nothing But the Finest Since rescue operatipiis. Sunday, 20, all tha men OF THE FAMOUS MASON & HAMLIN PIANO, THE LOWERY ORGAN and beys of the parish take part in-- the corporate Com- nunioa in tha 7;30 o'clock A N D T H E FABULOUS NEW PLAYER PIANO Mass.

New OHiceri Open Monday and Friday Evenin9s Till 8:30 — Open All Day Saturday At the Altar and Rosary So­ ciety meeting Jan. 10. officer* for the year were installed by Mrs. Lucille .Schultz, past presi­ dent of the Denver Deanery. The officers are as follows; Mrs. Kay Hackethal, president; .Mrs. Pearl Roberts, first vice presi­ GEORGE SAINDON’, 83, and liis wife Bertha, dent; Mrs. Doris Metz, second vice president; Mrs. Lil Cum­ 75, of St. Mary Magdalene's Pariah, Denver, were min*. third vice president; Mrs. host* to friends and reiztives who visited them by the countlea Caroline Yarvo, treasurer; Mra. numbers on th e^ ca sjon o f their 60lh wedding anniversary. Sons Harriet Dimmitt,secretary; and and daughters of the Ssindon fsmilv rented the hsll si '(Vest Mra. Frank Scherer, historian. 2Kth Avenue end Depew Street, Wheja cske, coffee, snd light All were held over from last

M%” r in d .7 w .s bom in Northern Quebec in 1874 snd e.m* to Kansas when 11 years of agr. He settled in Rook* County. Then were 201 Bsptiim*, Kan*., where he met Bertha Deslongchamp, a native of the 17 msrrise**, sod 14 desthi county, and they were married on Jsn, 11. 1897. In 1318 the ia the psri*h in ih 7 »«n family moved to Denver and hi\a been residents of North Denver I9S6. since that time. Dave Clevenger. F.N.. Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Saindnn hive six living children (two others tie Reserve Fleet. Florida died, in infapej), 10 grandchildren, and 10 greai-grandchil- Group, wa* home on ietve from dren. Living are Alphonse of Idaho Springs.,Mrs, Jack Bolton Green...... «...Cove Springs, Fla., MrS’ Al Brin of Denver, Mr*. Carl Snyder hf Idaho Springs, j where he is in soner nd radio! ^rthur of Monuoiept, Xans., and Eugene of Denver. work.

S „ X*. 41t. FACE STX Office, 9 3 t Sannocl: Sfreet m DENVER CATHOLtC REGtSTER Teiephone, ICsyttone A-4205 ' Tfiuritfajr, January 17, T957 Social Evening Planned St. Joseph Guild Plans At St. Pius' Feb. 14 Card Party February 2 The St Joseph Cuild'i Patrons for the card party annual card party will bt are Misses Ellen Gemon. week, and further information Aurori.— (S t Pius X Pariah) ■ held Feb. 2 in the Denver Emma Grant, Patricia Mc- will be forthcoming. — On Feb. 14 a vaIcnUna social Dry Goode Tearoom at 2 Glons, Hrats. Marvin Ander­ vill bt held featuring profes­ Prayera are requested for p.m, Thera will be numerous son, Michael Auer, J. F. sional entert^ners, dancing, Mrs. Mary Bristow, a polio vic­ special and table prisaa, Ashcroft, Mam Doyle, L. E. games, refreshmenta, and fun tim who has been confined at which have been donated by Elliot, Mayme FIstcher, Harry fo r all parishioners. All is in the Fibsimons Hospital during a the Sisters of St Joseph. Hughes, Lorraine Keating, interast of a most worthy cause neumonia attack: also for Mrs. Karl Mayer, Anne McCallin, —the development of the parish Sobert Squires, who baa been Vincent McVeigh. Thomu school. admitted to St. Joseph's Hos­ Mulligan,. Alice Neven, D. J. Uembers of the Holy Name pital for surgery. Reinert, «ames Sheehan, and Society are sponsoring the Variety Show Andrew Spahn. CFM Meets event and urge every parish­ Ticketa are available at 65 The newly organized CFM ioner to reserve this evening eentj each. They can be pur­ roups will meet Sunday, Jan. fo r the occasion. Committees, chased from any of the n ild under the general chairmanship 50, at 8;1E pjn. One group will Is Planned by members or by calling Kath­ of Dr. Mel Aresberry, are hold­ meet in the home o f Mr. and erine Burdorf at GR. 7-1254 ing a planning meeting thii Mrs. Albert Morr, Jr., 1234 or Lorraine Keating et GL. Revere, and the other at the Cathedral PTA 5-3566. The proceeds from Hoyle Adams home, 1043 Tuc­ the card party will go to son. (Cethcdrel Perish. Denver) the seven convente o f the St. Exactly 100 Beplltmt, in­ A atar-studded caat of enter- JoHph Sisters. Refreshment cluding thoie of 11 adult tainera headed by two maeitros will h e served. converts, have been re­ of mirth, Jeriy Bakek and Wil­ corded et St. Pius X Chureb lie Hartzell of the Beacon Sap­ for 19S6, Felber Francii per Club, will feature the Ca- Daughters Court Syriancr, peitor. reports. t h e d r a 1 PTA "Readez-vous Them have bean three wed­ N igh t" Initiation Slated dings and no funerals in tba Promptly at 8 p.m. Sunday, church. Jan. 20, the curtain wilt rise John Howard, ton o f Mr. and in Mato HsJI, 1845 Logan Street, In Colo. Springs Mrs. John Bistrajiin, 1156 on ■ program of satire, tongs, Peoria, was hom Jan. 8. Mr. and syncopation. The Citholic Daughters of and Mrs. Joe Powers, 1130 Star headliners w ill be tim America, Colorado Sprinp, will Revere, are parents o f a boy. Beacon Supper Club c u t: Pat^r meet at tha Woman's Clnb Timothy Martin, born Jan. 6 Hartzell. “Skeeter” Palmer, Tusiday, Jan. 22, at 8 p.m. in St Joseph’s Hospital. The Beth Mitchell, Helen Hartley, Initiation o f new members will be held Sonday, Jan. 27, The .Uosi {mportenl Joe Craigs, 1156 Scranton, have Dave Roberta, Dale Smith, and a new daughter. Nancy Jean, Horace Crocker. beginning with Mase in St- bom in St Joseph's Hospital “ The CoUeens,” a quartette of Mary's Church at 8 o'clock. CAKE on Jan. II. Deanery Party For Little Rower center esti chairman of the board; Mary Nadorff, Mra. L. A. Riggine, the longstraases, will perform alto. Initiation will bt .held et 6 o’clock at the Woman’s Gub, Mrs. Ann Purcell, 956 Racine, Khop Rev. John E. Casey,‘SJ., pastor of Sacred Heart Parish; Mrs. Tha etars are Colleen and Cath- In your life fo r the and dinner at the Swite Chalet will be faoste.xs to the members Daniel Yaeovetta, ptesident Denver Deanery Council; and Mrs. lean Hnghes. Jo Latham, and moat important occaeion a t 6:30 p.m. of the St Thomu a'Kempie Coimnunity Centers y/?b^^'hrutma,“ 2r?;mn«‘r^ Mary Hooper, program director of Little Flower Center. Little Joanne Loughry. Providing the Reservations must ha in by W M ing Gaket bridge circle on Tuesday, Jan, by the Denver Deanery Community Center, Inc. Standing, left Flower and Vail Centers are Red Feather agencies of the rhythmn sectioni fo|A dancing Thursday, Jan. 24, with Mn. A S ptM ty 22. at 8 o'clock. to right, are deanery Board members Mrs. William Augustine. Denver Area Community Chest and specialty numbeff will m '“ rbe Music Crafters," an 8- Marie Virtefenille, ME 3-9857; The S t Joseph Canasta Circle plere band. Mrs. Ruth Snyder, M E '4-6815; will meet in home o f Mrs. Ticketa fo r this Jamlwree are or Mri. Ruth Allen, HE 8-7932. Jo Ruder, 1259 Tucson, at 8 Candidates fo r initiation In­ o'clock Tuesday, Jan. 22. Officer-Couples Named $1 per person. They can ba ob­ More Than 100 Rosary Society clude Mmes. Mary Lund, Mary tained by phoning Mrs. Eleanor Meeting at 8 o’clock Tuesday, Perry, AL. 5-9907, or may be Jo Bocovick, Mary Smith, An­ Jan. 22, will be the women of purchased at the door Sunday tonia Haffting, Veronica Bren­ the St Pius Tenth Canasta By St. Therese's PTA night Advance ticketa can be nan, Martha E. Anderson, Circle. Mrs. Barbara Lubeley, At St. James' In Wheat Ridge BAKERY purchased at the Beacon Sapper Louise Bohren, EliHbeth H. T41 Toledo, will entertain. Aurora. — (St. Thereie's thairmen of the school carnival Parish) — Approximately 200 to be held Feb. 2, announced Club, E. Colfax Avenue and Bnaltel, Lillian A. Peck, and Phone RA. Z -U lt Thanks are expressed to Mrs. members attended the PTA that preparations are well un­ Spruce Street, and at the Joe Darothy V .v c H u g h ; and Misses Kathleen Mehlin, who for the meeting on Jan. 8 at which tha der way. Anyone wishing to To Meet Jan. 17 Onofrio Music Company, 13th Ida J. Kaltz, Mary E. Gerzina, "D ie Pineti OiJy" Altar Unit Meet past two years has been re- following officer couries were lielp in a booth may contact and Broadway. and Mary Cachiaro. 4 Sterst to Serve Yon Wheat Ridge.— (Sts. Peter spoDfible for printing the par­ (S i. Jamet’ Pariah. Danvar) them at EM. 6-9765. There will

. * m j iiLA* X'. ' * c V


TT«ii2day«^Jonuo2^7^^^ Offkt, 931 lanneek Strtat T H t DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Tiltpfim*, KEyttOM 4^205 RAGE SEVEN Lucille Ash Is Bride Auxiliary Mass College Women Honorary Group to Meet Jan. 17 Slated Jan. 20 Mn. Eugene BlUh will'be. Mrs. William Kalt^ has been hostess to Kappa Gamma Pl.inamed chainnan arrange- national Honorary Society of''m...... enu fo r the spriirg sard party, At St. Thomas' Catholic Women's Colleges, on which will be given to provldrovlda Thunday, Jan. 17. All mem­ funde for the vocation mojact Fkthtr WillUm J. Kcnnctll)', bers are asked to bring canned recently adopud by the Denyer C.M.. bM uinoDDCed U u ( th< er peckaged foods for a gift group. Mrs. Patrick Cronin will BODBtl U m ’ for th« membori baikat for the sisters et the be chairman of the ticket com- of tb« St Tbomao S«min»ry CarmellU convent in UtUeton. mittee. Mim Antoinette Velas­ Aaxill*ry and their huibande ques, chairman of the prise will be held in the lemiruiry Naw Nurse Olficers commitUe, will be asaiaUd by chapel on Sunday, Jan. 20, at To Lead Meeting M n. Charles Cassidy. M n . John to a.m. Brcatfutwill be terred Dunn, Mrs. Joseph Reisi, Mrs. in the dining room immediately Ntvw officers who will pr«. Fred Kirk, and Mias Mary Pat followins the Mau, Mri. Prank side at the meeting of District tfcGlona. Morfield la chairman fo r the 2, Colorado Nurses' Associs- breakfait Uon, Wednesday, Jan. IS. Genealogists to Meet a t 7:80 ,p.m. In St. Joseph's Cord Party Fab. 27 "A Genealogical ParadiM" Hospital Auditorium, Denver, will be the eubisetof Mrs. Sulla The auxiliary trill meet on are Miss Donna V. Collette, Hare, when ihe addrataes tha Friday, Jan. 18. in the Catholic president; Mn. Jean Johnson, raembere o f tha Colorado Genei- ’ Dauchtera of America Home, tint vice president; Misi Ann logical Society at 7:45 o'clock 1772 Grent Street Denver. Dashen, second vice president; Thursday evening. Jan. 17, in Plane are under way for the Miss Marguerite Fascon, treas­ Room 606 o5 tha YW C A Build­ t l annual card party, which will be urer; and Hist Catharine Caf- ing, 1645 Tremont Placa. Den­ held thie year in tha ionnce frey, recording secretary. ver. GuesU will be welcome. of St John Che Evanfeliat'e Church, E. Serenth Aveaue and Eliaabeth Street, on Wednev day, Feb. 27, at 1 p.m. M n. FALL & WINTER John Harrini^n ie chainnan, and Mn. Joaaph McGowan if CPTL Honors JoneelLampc, fin t preaident of the Catholic Parent- HAT SALE eo

jMwti Pm Tb* lu ll* Is Announced at Rally of CPTL 712 • 16lfa ST. 0TT Ms. M 131b M. T A . 6-8610

CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH, Colorado Springs, (Calbolic Paroal.Teacher polio are having allergies or cupatione include bealtb educa­ w u Lesfue, Denyer) aeuU infecUona. Father Jones tor^ medical techpolegiits, vo­ Jojuf. and, J^JianjcsA, the setting Saturday morning, Jan. 5, for the Mrs. Edwin O’E eefe, beelth also urged paranU to set to it cational rehabilitation counMl- marriage of Miw Lucille Mary Aih and William R. McClure. The chairman of the CPTL, made that all ehifdrtn who era eligi­ on, medical social worktra, bride it the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joaepb A. Aah of Colo­ known at the meeting Thurs­ ble for polio shoU in the uhools psychiatric social workers, rado Sprinp, and her huiband'a parenti are Mr. and Mra. day, Jan. 10, the sUrt of a new get tbem. dental bygieniets, lanitarians, WDliam W. McClure of Hillidalt, Mich. Tho Rev. Anthony G. T y i i u k , (j J o a L S fw fL polio iramuniution program for sanitary engintera, spitch ther- Elsi officiated. the teen-age group. Begioninft Health Courses apiftf, bio-statlsticiant, practi­ 760 Downing AL. 5-7132 The bride wore a gown of Imported brocaded lUk. ityled this week, polio ihoU will be Health again was brought to cal nursai, hospHsI administra­ with portrait nockline outlined with rhineitoBie and paarl^ long given to grades 7 to 12 in the the atUDtion of the members tors, snd phsrmacitts. Many of Classical and Popular Piano aleevcf, lone torao bodice, and full akirt tarminatiog in a Cathe­ parochial a c h e o 1 e. SUtistics of the league by Mrs. Henry these occupations in tha field dral train. Her veil of illoiion wai held in place by a bonnet of •bow that 1,600 high school itn Swan II, chairman of the of health, the women point out, FREE INTRODUCTORY LESSON pearls and faqnine and aha carried a abowor Muquet of feathered d enu in D a n v a r parochial Health Career Horixons Com­ require leas form al' trainin; C rrlifM T earW s ITill Tvocli In Your Hemr whlU carnatieni centered with,a white orchid. K hoola hSTs had no polio im- mittee, and Mn. Theodora than doctors, dentteta. an Miu Marlin Weber of Colorado Springs was maid of munizatioB and 276 nave had Clark of the Denver Arts Wel­ nurses, the most commonly s^ honor and tha bridaamaida were Miss Ann Sexton o f Chicago only one shot. A s compared to fare Council, thie tim e in ref­ s o e ia M as health workers, yet and M iu Celt Early of Denver. 71 per cent having bad at least erence to tha 100 different job they cau afford for Mmeone Give Your Ilome a Ken Aeh was beat man, and Dr. Charles J. Asb, of St. Louia, two thoU In the grade Khoola, opportunitlaa in health careers the human eadsfactioo work of and William Loataeber, of Colorado Springs, u ib e^ . IVew Look in 1957 this number shows a definite in Colorado. The women made this type cen bring. The raception wat held in tha Officers’ Club at Ent Air need fo r such a program in tha available boekleU for aebooi Anyone eeeking m o^ tnfer- Sores Bate. The rebearatl dinner, given by Mr. and Mra. HC' hirt Khool noup. libraries In which are IisUd the DRAPERIES Clure, was held in tba Garden Room of Rnth’e Oven. After a miUon on meteriil aveileble Father William Jones, super- requiremenU of theia careers such u filme, speakere, ate. wedding trip to Glenweod Springs, the yonng ronple will make inUndent of Khooli, urgei par in health and which Khoola in on the heelth careers mey call their home In Rhode Island, whera L t (J.g.) McCIura it stationed SLIP COVERS enU to encourage this program Colorado furnish them. The AM. 6-0291. as a naval aviator. Mrs. Charles L. Wetig IF* CIct EttimtUi and iUted that the greatest booklaU are meant as an aid Concert March 7 Tha former Mies Ash attended*Loretto Heights College and has announced the e'n- incidence of polio cases falls in to ihow high Khool itudenU In I'our Horn* is at present a lenior at Colorado College. She waa a member of eagement of her daughter, T bs Childrin'i Symphony the’ age group from 16 to 84. the many opportunities avail Karen (above), to Lewis E. tha 1658 Olympic and World't teams in figure skaling. Her The only reasons for any child able to them in this field. chairman, Mrs. George Learned, ^ vsd iin k fD jtapsiAistZ Srhnurr, son o f Mr. and Mrs. husbind Ie a graduate of Motre Dante Unireriity.— (Photo by net being immunised ayair st Some of the leu femiliar oc- announced that there will be an Mr. oad MrB. Harry Shirman Knuteon-Bowers) Clark E. Sebnurr o f Loveland. all-parochial concert in City 1501 So. Pearl St. RA. 2-3636 The couple plan a February Prcftidcnl.s* Diiinor Jan. 30 Auditorium on March 7 at wadding. 10:80 a.m. Other details will ba Meeting of Aid Society Hies W etig 1s a 166S graduate furaithed PTA chairman wou. The capacity of the auditorium The Dominican Sistera and o f Cathedral High School and idee of the society and Domfn- Archbishop Guild Circles is 2,250. ' I FOR THE FINEST CLEANING Fritnda of tha Sick Poor Aid icanattes. is new a sophomore at tbs Uni- It was brought to tha at-| Society will meet at Corpus veraity of Colorado Extension Refreshments and a poelal tendon of tha group that the AND REPAIRING Christl Convent, 2601 Gaylord Center in Denver. She ie a mem­ will follow tha meeting. cm) dtfenaa chairman. Mrs. Street, Denver, on Tuesday, ber of Sigma Epsilon Sigma, AU meeabcia and frienda are Asked to List Members Herbert Edmonds, had boen, ORIENTAL and DOMESTIC RUGS Jan. 22. Tba meeting vrill open invited to attend. honorary acbolaatio aororHy for (Archbishop's Caild, Deavor) vie# president, Rita Sebeuoa- elected treasurer o f the Citi- at 1:20 p.m. with recitation of lopbomore women. She spent All eirclaa of tha Archbishop's xene’ Committee. the R oaa^. her freshman year on tba cam- m u; secreUry-tieainrer, Ber- NEW RUGS and CARPETS Legion Praotidinm Guild art requested to send a Mrs. Jamte Ford, president,, Mra. A . D. McCiU, preaident, pua in Boulder. nlata Rauptmu; and hittorian, complete list of members, to­ reminded all PTAe to have. ■nnouncea plani will be com­ Will Act as Host Schnurr is a 16SS graduate o f gether with addrettM and tela- Tiwraaa SUkabtka. Elixabeth tbeir yearbooks end hietpiian | pleted for tha annual card Our Lady of tha Miraculous Loveland High School. He at­ ibont numbers, to Virginia Col­ books ready fbr the all-day con-, party to ba bald in March. The Medal Praasidium of St, Mary'i tended (^lorado A . A M. College Flynn raeentiy Joined St. Anne's Call {ins, secretary, 570 8 . Grant ference to be held on March 21. p ie e t speaker wilt be Mra. John Parish, Littleton, vrill act ae for two years and last year wai Cirela. S tr^ Denver. Also, the of­ They will be ju d ^ at this Rae. who will talk on tha an­ host at tha monthly eoraitinm on active duty with the Air The Are Maria Circle will ficers of each eircla should be time. nual needlework in-gatbermg. meeting of the Legion of Mary Force at Keesler Air Farce Base meet Friday, Jen. 18, in the 2630 E. 3rd DE. 3-8840 or EA. 2-8181 The guMte will be enter­ to be held at Holy Ghoet Hall in Biloxi, Mies. He is at present listed. An early reply will be home o f Mary Kinkel. Tha Rev. Hariey Schmitt, featured speaker'on the pro­ AIm Well ta Wall Claaaiat >o tha Kona tained by SUter Marie Tbereea in Denver on Tfanndar evening. employed at Buckley Field, much appreelatad. New officers for Our Lady •hewing pictures of the activ- Jan. Denver, as a radar technician. Janaarv 20 U tha data sat of the Rotary Circle are; Presi­ gram, gavo somo of his Impres­ The couple will resida in Den­ far tha Presidents' Dlaaar. dent, Esther Sekera; secretary, sions of Romo and tha Modi- ver and Miss W etig vrill con­ Tha newly alactad and ra- Sar^ Schreiner; linen chair­ terannean area. tinue Iwr aludies at tha uni- alaetsd prasidinls will meat man, Mary Rosengren; layette Mrs. Alfred Rampe, first FIREPLACE FiXVURES vanity. with tha Guild’s spiritual di- chainnan, Kay Henshaw; and president of tha league, was t 8raM ractar, the Rt. Rev. Mansi* jinblielty chairman, Elva Loep- guest st the meating. She wse i r ' ParamountClub gnor Crafory Smith, V.C., introduced by Mrs. Ford, Lster Hre wtt afficars, and cauBcil mam, Mr, and U rt. Jouph McCabe the received the special prist, nrtHqktef a potted plant. bars la discuss aativitias for u d children of Bleued Sacra­ Asdiron Meeting Jon. 22 the eaming year. Mrs. James Konlng, hospi­ ment Circle left Denver Jan. 16 WeW keMen Alice Gathercole, historian, fo r Milwaukee, W ii., whera they tality chairnfan, was sssitted Ceol tads The Paramount Social Club reports that a eommittaa baa will attend tba wedding of their s t the deer! by Mrs. Jossph iwill meet Tuesday evening, b e n working with MonsIgiioT son. Ensign Joseph McCabe, to Forte of St. Jamn' Parish. Certaie sereem Jan. 22, at tha Catholic USD, Smith on a revision of the Anne Bose Abler. The nazt Icagna meeting Is Spark gaerds Kheduled for Feb. 21. t«6g Grant Street, Denver, at statistical report and tha saw Onr Lady of Loretta Qrcte fleciric laas 0 o’cloek. Tom Riley, newly in- form will be ready shortly. It li will meet Friday, J u . 18, in « a Ugi s'ulled pruident, will preside believed that the circlaa w^l find tbs home of Irene Boar. Spring Wetiding over a abort bunneaa saaston. the new form halpful in many Mary Tortey, president of the DENVER MARBLES TILE Go. Dancing and card playing vrill ways. Any anggeitJMis for Guild, it ap^ing two weeks follow. RefreshmenU wul ba ebugea ebonid be made at once larg«it #n4 iroti diifloT of fi'rooloto in Chxsgo. f tM W«iL served ae usual. to Alice Gathercole. New officers for St. Jude's iNoMiWa >te«« ton The birthday party eelebrat- New efficere far Infant of Circle sre: Preside A, Dorothy M A.304S4 1330 STOUT ST. K L 4«5SI0 Inf tha club's seventh yeaV of Prague Circit, are: Praai^nt. Meyer; tressurer, Dorothy • xistence Tuesday, Jan. 8, was Anna Mae Hartelon; treasurer, CMuer; Isyctte chairmu, Joan well attended. Mrs. Lilly Robin­ Pat Bogan; linen chairman, Miklich; publicity Cbairmu, son, a put president of the Lucetta Ebtrhart; praytr chair- Thelma EllioU; linen chairmen, club, insulled the nav officers. man, Shirlev Spieler; layetta Catharine Vlfqualn and Alice This club ie made up o f Cath- chairman, Mary Frances Bar- Bell; telepboas committee. Flor­ Pile men and women p u t 36 stead; secretary, Marilyn Long; ins Seastone; and Thank^viag years of afc, who are single, and publicity chairman, Philo- bosket chairmen, Leone Berg­ widowers, or widows. Further mena Peels. Hr. and Mit. man and Jo Keller. informaUon may be obtained by James Barstead are the parents Mr, and Mrs. Tony Nadella calling Amelia Desmond, FL. of a boy, Robert Janes, bom of Sc. Jamas’ Circle are Che par- 6-5444. Dec. 30. ante o f a boy, bom Jan. 6. This Morning Star Circla't new of is their fin t ton. The parents Summer Wedding ficers are; President. Phyllis of Marien Jones, Ur. and Un. Dflhaute: secretary - treasurer, J. B. Keitgen, are visiting in Isabelle McNamara; linen cnair- Denver. Their borne is in South Horan's Low C:o5t FUNERAL FUND PLAN pro- man. Jeasie Piaquale; and pub­ Dakota. licity chairman, Ctella Barry. t*€ts you, ony members of your fomily, from Isaballs McNamara w ill ba the Engaged hostess for Morning Star Circle birth thru oge 80 for o few cents a doy. No med­ Jan. 25 Onr Lady of tba Snows Cir­ I w « ico! exominotion is required. For informotion ap­ cle will meet in the home of The engagement of Mias 'Blanche Vargasoo Tbunday, ply either by phone or moil. Jan. 24. Carol Johnson of 1663 Kathleen Ann Reddish! S. Quitmaa rwantly joined the (above) to M. Thomas Murray eixefe. was ennouDced Saturday eve­ ning, Jan. 12, at a buffet din­ 1271 E. Himydsa Ava. SU. 6-6460 er FR. 7-2098 VeisM of Honor Cirela re­ cently elKled new officera: ner and cocktail party given in PresideBt, Charlene Burke; tbeir honor by her parents, Mr. secretary, Arlene Lobr; treas- and Mrs. Marshall M. Reddlih. Nearly 600 relatives and jorer. Helen Rieger; prayer chairman, Carol DeChint; and friends o f the couple attended A cancelled check fi convincing proof of the affair in tha R ^ d iih home, layetta chairmen, Harriet Ryan 2370 Leyden Street. ptymeni... a legal receipt and a record and Regina Lowrey. New mem­ Mist Reddlih, a member of bers of VesMl of Honor Circle St. James’ Parish, is a grad­ of money spent. Youll find a checking era Judy Williami, U65 Birch ^ ( I a1u L u |( uate of Cathedral High School Street, and Joan West, 1826 and the University of Colorido account here a wonderful time-saver. Milwaukee Street. School of Nursing. She Is s Haybells Lovelace is the new Sefer. too. to pay by check (mooey can member o f the Chi Omega So­ president of ~SL Anne's Circle; rority. be lost or stolen). Her fiance, the Mn of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray j. lndnci«e» of Navy and M n . M. 'T. Murray o f Den­ N'oone at a party OR New Will Get Treats ver, is s graduate of Regu Vesr's Day made known to A coatlngent of Colorado in­ High School and the University ralatives and a few cloao friends ductees into ths Navy will Issve of Denver Sebool of Journalism. tha angagemant and forthcom­ OD Jan. 23. just a little happier A member o f Blessed Sacra­ ing marrltje of Mrs. Noone's through the combined efforts Mr. and Mrs. Anthony ment Parish. Mr. Murriy has daughter, Elixabeth Elaine EL of the Denver Nsvy Mothers' M. Pranks announce the a position with an advartUng KKVER jllott labovu), to Clyde Lawr­ Club 410, and Rocky Mountain engagement of their daughter, and public relationa firm is ence Deidel, ton o f Daniel L. Navy Mothers' (3nb 462. The Joan (above), to Willis 'F. Deaver. 'Deidtl and the laU Mrs. Deidel. eluta will provide “snack Horan, Jr., m b o f Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Murray is a member of Miss ElUett, daughter o f the boxes" for each boy to take W. T. Moran of Lakewood. Council 539 o f the Knights of ___ CRAIIi laundrette! laU J. Ralph Elliott. Sr., at­ with him. Miss Franks was gradated Columbus and is chairman of tended SL Mary’s Academy and SevrieiiaSKa in pmMl.r n»hing and Hrmting Repairs Rocky .Mountain Navy from Holy Family High School ,tbe youth activity program of iwte graduated from East High Mothers’ Club 462 will meet el and attended Loretto Hri^te itbe Knights of Columbui. Member Federal Deposit School. 11 a.m. Monday. Jan. 21, at College. I Mr. Reddieh. assistant super- lasaroaee CorpereKoB SLATTERY & COMPANY Mr. Deidel Is a graduate of 2026 S. Williams Street to fill Mr. Moran was graduated 4ntendent of the Denver Mint .Cathedral High School and at- its q u o u o f the boxes. Mrs. from C.S.C.E. and is a laem-jfor tike past 20 year., is grand Plumbing ami Heating Cnntraclora I tended Ragii College and Lay Enixabelh Hecht, commander, ber o f D elu Pti fraternity. He knight o f Couttcil 636. sems.romoa.VrMWMi aoaexTF.coNNoa.VksVrMMsai jola Unhrenity. •rill be in charge. Mrs. Lulu is now Krvmg in tfae armed The couple picnsplans a iprfng I 99 South Broadway at Bayaud Street SH. 4-SU I 181 Vallajo St. I An early summer wedding is Doetxel and Mrs. Beulah Freuia forree at Ft. Lawton, Waah. A wedding.f —__ (Pnoto hvby AbdooAKHaa I • • aJiplaniwd. will assist her. late summer wedding is planned. Studio) J PAGE EIGHT Office, 93S Bennock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KeyUone 4-4205 Thurtioy, JaiiMry 17,1957

InniA r E iirl!«le Applyior prineiplea Iramtd in KMmetrr K Junior EUCIIflS (ophomer»« il St. Mary'* Acadamy, l'S S d u w L rharry Hilla. try thair hand at aiaaaurinu tha Khool’a ftaKpola. Thaaa eirli and their rlaumate* hava bran atudyine aaperu n{ eomrtry that hava a baarine on avaryday life. From M t, ara T b iw A . Slary Brtb Martin, Joan Butklay, Pam Pninty, Dana Kaakall, Bath Pika, and Mary Jo Dinaa. ;\l St. Franels de Sales Pep Club Selects Loretta Weith Queen

(St. Francis dc Salei' Kifk Degrees of merit entitling School, Deaver) speech students to membership Loretta Weith, aenior, was ii\ the Nitional Forensic chosen queen of the Pep dub Leegue, were awarded to ths dance by members of the Pep following sophomores, George Club. Loretta is the daughter Kerin, Sue I,cnlhan, I.aVome o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weith, Bintner, Patricia Eifsrt, Glenn 4864 S, Delaware Street Freoeh, Steva Grand. Sally Attendants to the queen arc McCabe, Ann McGill. Tom Mc- Joanne Killian, senior, daugh­ Gonigte. Fred Martin. Sue ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Vraneaic, Paul Vraneaic. and KillUn, 224S Holly Street; James SCeichen. Jim Lopet, sen­ Marilyn Pence, junior, daugh­ ior, also received a degree of ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas m erit Pence. 267S S. Sherman Street: Peefry Anthology and Sally Watson, sophomore, Twenty-two seniors have daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Otto been notified that their poems F. Watson, 202D S. Madison will be published In the national Street. high school* poetry anthology. Eligibility for election was Students whose poems have based on the girls' attendance been accepted are Judy Mitch at school ithlsU r events and ell, Gertrude Moser, Evelyn Bonnis Johnson and Den Dunn had the comic participation in Pep Club at- Rohr, Bernard O'Lear, Mary 'Belle oi Boreelono' rolei of the irate English governess and Hal'i tivitiea. This year's dance is Taylor, Cathleen Hughes, Mary presented by Cathedral High School, Den­ Irish companion to Spain. Ths three-act play, scheduled to be held in the Sil­ Kay Kottenstetts, Judy Han­ ver. starred Lynne Kennedy (second from right) directed by Wayne Jackson, speech teacher, was ver Glade Room of the Cosmo­ son, Barbara Vos, Barbara Hoy, in the title role. Tom Stuert (right) jriayed fiven in Oscar Malo Hall Friday and Saturday, in Ever>'dav Life politan Hotel Jan. 28. Maureen Fenton, Patricia Kee­ opposite her as the Amerken, Hal W ri^L aiIan. 11 and 12. Oamerif Report Given gan, Shirley I,ehnfrz, Ardie .1. Student council activities Taylor. Dennis Stebenne, Pa­ were summarized by Jim Pa­ tricia Frede. Tom Pepper,-Jerry Srhednled for Jan. 19 Panel of St. Mary's Academy Tells checo, council secretary, at a Forkner, Betty Kastner, Caro­ recent aatembly held in the lyn Khool auditorium. Michael Na- JunefisF '''"'®*'''Cathedral to Be Host at Speech Meet Geometry's Value to Student Body chazei, treasurer, gave the fi­ Betty Crocker Winner nancial report and clarified a Marianne Conway, senior, (Cathedral High School, participation In lha March of freshman at Cathedral. Other student problem concerning the (5 t. Mary'e Acadamy, Cfaarry seceived the highest score for Donvor) Dimoc driv< and a student dancer* include Jean Sillitrop, draaaad tha atudant body at a or o f aamplaa to prove their demerit system In school, Hilic) her school in ths Betty Crocker Cathedral High School will couhcil-speaiorad dance for Deanna Hyde. Anns Rttchlee*, anaral aaaambly xponaored by theiM, Joanne Dea, junior, reported Homrmakiag exsm. She hss re­ play host to an interschool pa­ the Huniarian Roliof Fund Barbara H errixsey, Carol Explaining intaraatinir aida- Eta atudant council on Monday, Kathy Lincle cave examplex that bowling teams will be or- Ilyhta OR caomatry and damon- ceived sn awsrd pin. designed rochial apeech meet this Satur­ aro all on (ha asaoda for Power, Dolores Dandrow, and Jan. Id. to provt that tha itudy of ganised this week. John O'­ •tratjne taa u h > of ganmatry by Trifari of New York, for day, Jan. 19. Mrs. Mary Cath­ n o it weok. Carolyn Duran. Tha chairman of tha panel ceometry ran help the atudent Brien, editor of the yearbook, her achievement. erine Connor, speerh teacher, ia In daily life, a panrl o f St. wax Dana Haxkall. Opanini; the form habiia of thinkinc loci- urged the students to subscribe Exam dates are Jan. 22, 2.7. Worked on Script Marianne's examination pap«r directing plans for the meeL and 24, with two exama slated Mary Aradamy anphomoraa ad- diaeuuion, Sharon Doyla de­ cally and of datecting fallaciea to Ihe annual and to bring the will ba entered in competition Students from ML Carmel, T o Mr*. Richard Connor. J r , fined eaotnetry and noted the in incorrect rea.xoninc. patron driva to a successful for eaoh day. to name the stats candidata for Holy Family, Annunciation, head of the speech departmenL intellectual yaluea to be at­ Geometry in iti role aa trick- eoncluaion. Semester reports will be dis­ All-American Homemaker of Mullen, Regis, St. Francis de goes the credit fo r adapting and tained throuffa the itudy of ater— in optical iltueionx— waa Franislian girl, Mary Mc­ tributed to parents of the stu­ Tomorrow. Tha national win­ Sales', S l Mary's Academy, and cutting ths KripL thia acfenee. praiented by Kathy Haley. Gill, discussed tha qucition con­ dents when they attend parents' ner in the third annual exsm. Cathedral will compete for hon­ Patricia Leech and Connie Savaral apeakara dealt with Holy Fomily Debofert cerning uniforms for the girls night sessions Feb. 4. sponsored by General Mills, vrill ors in six divisims of speech: Rinard. sraiors, accompanied caomatry ilaelf: M a r ca ra t at SL Francis. Patricia Carra- Meet Academy Team be announced at ths American Dramatic, humorous, and ora­ Senior prts will help aeli car- the musical numbers. Schcahaer, providinc informa­ her, Pep Club president, gave, ! SMITH BK0THER5J Debating the iiaue of govern­ Table banquet in the Waldorf- torical declamation, original or­ nationa fo r the March o f Dimes Lynn Kennedy, a junior, car­ tion on tha kinda of trianclas; a brief talk about the Pep Club ment aubxidy to the fanner, Astoria Hotel. New York City. atory. poetry reading, and ex­ drive Fridsy, Jan. 28. Patricia ried the title role of Margarita, ^ BLACK Lea Thomai' ahowinc how a dance .which will bo held Jan. Leech, student lieutenant gover­ four apeech atadenlx from Holy A SS.OOO scholarship will be temporaneous speaking. tha Belle o f Barcelona. Caaole theorem in geometry ia proved; Family High School and from 26. awarded to the Homemaker of nor, is listing times and places Perry and Cynthia Mare* on tC^GtLP/^OPsJ Keeping the schoolyard and Registration for the coaches and Irene Carbone, demonxtra- Tomorrow. The girls who place for the work. altemata ni^ts played the St. Mary's Academy met in pri­ is scheduled for 8:S0 in the tinc the uae o f the compaaa cafeteria clean was tha subject second, third, tnd fourth in the u rt of her sister, Mercedes. vate competition at the latter journalism room, room 201, of The semester will clo« with and the protractor in the con- achool, Jan. 7. Affirmative of Sandre Maier'a talk. Joseph nationel finals will receive a dance Friday evening, Jan. 25. Dick Cbiodini, '8 6 . was Don U:arian Kali. Lists of rooms for itruction of figurea. Ryan, Fransalian boy and $4,000. $3,000, and $2,000 Khol- Student council members* hope Juan, and Bob Connor w ai De- •peaken were Judy Dillon and each event will be posted on Carryinc tha topic into every­ Mary Kay Malnati from St. council president, presided at arships, respectively. to realize $100 for the Hun­ Gontero, both floors of Marian Hall. day life, Cathy Etzkom abow^ Mary'a: and negative ipeakera, the meeting. Each stata winner receives a garian Relief Fund. Admission Others in the east included Ax Arivrriiaad Rounds will open at 9. 10:30, drawinca, illuatratinc the pres- $1,800 scholarship snd a Uip, is SO cents apiece. Final ar­ Clarence Lederboe, Joseph San­ Joe Douaaard and Ed Schwartx Speech Awards and 1:18. Awards will be an­ ’ence of caometry in nature— with her school adviser, to rangements fbr the dance will chez, George Warrick, Tom from Holy Family. Judges an­ Degress of merit, honor, and nounced at a general meeting in iin the pattamed wince of but- Washington. D.C.; colonist Wtl- be completed thirweek. Stuart, Larry Razal, and Don nounced ^ e result aa a lie. excellenct were awarded *thia Oscar Malo Hall, immediately (arfliat, tha aymmetrical out- liamsbueg. Vs.; and New York Dunn. Tha topic of (he debate wai: week to speech students. A de-' after compilations of score* are Proceed* from last week's City. RunnCr-up girls in each Ray Cunningham, a senior, Dial lines of Itavea, and the ahad-:ReaoIved: That the United free of szrellenre, ISO points, completed, probably about 8 mosicet wtU be used to purchase owa o f treea. state will be awarded a $800 was stage manager for the pro­ Statee government should sus­ was awarded to Livia Petreili, o'clock. hi-H microphones for the stage. scholarship tnd the school of duction. Members of the cos­ I Patsy Clementa pointed out tain the prices o f major agri­ senior: and Patricia TeMaat Mary Warder, pre*ident of Musical ProMntad ths slate winner will be given a tume and makeup committee In­ ^the gaometrie figurea— circiei, cultural products at not leas and Judy Rmerx, juniors re­ Cathedral'* chapter o f the Na- set of ths Encyclopaedia Brt- By Students cluded Judy Lraihan, JoAnn triangles, lines, and curvax— than 90 per cent o f parity. 'This ceived degrees o f Honor, 76 tional Forensic League, is stu­ KMYR lanKica, Students presented a musical, Musaer, Marilyn Wood, Joann uxed in form ing tha letters o f topic is bainc debate through­ points, dent chairman of the parley. out the nation dsring the antitled TAe i?«((x nf Esreefona, Bender, Barbara Marek, C ar^ !nur own alphabet and those of + + r -1- + Paul Kelty, student governor, i* 1986-67 school year by mem­ on Jan. 11 snd 12 under the di­ lyn Duran, Marcia Lobel, Mari­ 'the ancient Phoenician alpha- in charge of the extemporana- rection of Wayne Jackson, lyn VanVeghten, Kathy Bans- Ibet. bers of tha National Forensic ou* division. Joanne Solem, a 7 1 0 speech teacher, ban, Erlinda Paiz, Bamice Utea of gaometry in arthi- League. The four students par­ senior speech student, has se­ Martha Almansa, native, of Slenker, Loretta Ortega, snd tectura and iil fabric design ticipating in the debate have cured the judges for the moeL South America, planned and Judy SiMitrop. Marie Haltby wars demonstrated by Sheila shown considerable interest in and Judy Marhut, a junior, is the NFI. work ehd have awards took part in the Spanish and Carol Ann Caut made pigt- Ratlin Dial ISullivaii and Mary Helm chairman of tha hostets com­ dance routines. Martha is a rrs to advertbe the play. Bamea, respectively. Both to their credit Mary Kay Mal- mittee. speakers made uae o f models nati and Ed Schwartz are presi­ Student* who will represent dents of their respective NFL Cathedral in the competition in unite. Ed took first place in im­ t-K fo y ih e C'mireruVnre anrf C .o m p in e elude three in each category. promptu speaking at the St Gayle Jayson, Judy Marbut, farilitifi of Francis de Sales meet held on and Katharine Robinson are Oct IS. At the same meet Joe slated for dramatic declamation, Douaaard carried o ff a double In humorous declamation Gloria first ons in oratory and one in James, Margie Sinnott. and This Area's Most extemporaneous speaking. Judy Nancy- Foehl wilt compete. Dillon, the other S t Mary's de- Trude Rotole. Carolyn Rosi, and hater. won second place in the Lynne Kennedy are preparing MODERN BANK city-wide Voice of Democracy for oratorical declamation, with contest in Denver. Jeanann Gulgransen signed ug ' Acting as judges for the de­ as an aitemate, bate ware the Rev. Chtrles It's known os the bonk Original oratorv mmMtitors H erbst C.M., director o f speech fjor honor* are Dolores De Her­ thol's large enough to at S t Thomas' Seminary, and rera, Susan Ferber. ind Bir- serve you, yet small Sister Marinsil, teacher c^ Eng­ hara Topil. Carol GauL Kaye Williams Nash, Inc. lish and history at S t M ary'a Y'ates. and Elenita Garris will enough to know you . . . teoturirw______Karen Sollivan, secretary of Services such os Fridoy Night Bonking, Drive- compete in poetry reading. Jack St Mary's NFU presided over Daly, Jack GilchrisL and Bob D a r rliik Pnw fillw Loretta Weith. recently elected Pep /4ulhoritfd thfoi^h Service orxi o convenient eosy-to-reoch the meeting, which was at­ rep LIUD nOyaiTy cjuj, ,t St. Francis de Sales' Gilchrist, with Judy Slllstrop Safes £ S fr c ic o tended by the St Mary's stu­ locotion. High School, Denver, discusses the dance over which tha will a* an alternate, will take part dent body. reign with her attendanu |from left), Sally Watson. Joanne in Shelia Sullivan, NFL treas­ J. KER.VAN WECKBAUGH Killian, and Marilyn Pence, » ______Exp«rt Mechaairal Work All .9lakeR urer. timed the speakers. The 0»M Chairman ; 20 3 0 U niverailv meet wax conducted according CvMlillf* SH. 4-27BI tn standard regulations for m h o m l u w formal debating, each speaker M t. Carmel Panel Three Priests to Conduct being allowed eight minutes to ADJUSTING $ J 2 » present hix case, plus fou r min­ SPECIAL 3311 South Broadway SU. 9-0.511 utes for rebuttal. On Youth Issue Retreats at Holy Family BRAKE ‘ At a return engagement, Member Federal Deposit Insurance planned for later in the year, (M t. Cxrmxl HifK Schout, (Holy Fainily Hlfh School, I The rhairmcn of the games Guaranteed Brake Lining Corporation debaters from S t Mary's will D*BV«r> Doaver) 'committee are Carole Prasnik Member Federal Reserve System he guests o f HoI« Family High Three. Instead nf the t»ual.»" »><• invit»i It’s Not Too Laic for You ent*. with Father Thmnai Lo enu. Those on the invitations Club at Colorado University, are Virginia Frey and Sharon 320 14rii S t, Cuifomer Porking MA. 3-02S4 ( aario, O.S.M., a* moderator. Boulder, will give the senior*’ Students partiriniling will ba Johnson. Attending to details To Earn College Credit retreat, which will open Mon- in the school hall are Gene Geraldine Pergola, Tom Srag- dty morning, Jin , 21. with Freeman and Sharon Ahern, OPEN EVENINGS lia, and Tnm Hine. Parents Mass and close Wednesday Through ... art Jerry lut Guardia. Mrs. co-chaionen. morning with Masa and break­ Plans for the refreshments Emmett Grace, and Harry fast. Capra. are in the hands of Gary Shos- KrancUcan Fathers Daniel J. maker and Karen Volkman, Su­ GERARDOT* HERRICK'S Subjects o f the fivt-minute Barry and Paul Felchter, from pervising the music are Joel EVENING talks will be “ School Asstgn- St. Elizabeth's, Denver, will Gossard and Eileen Hefner. BUI ments and Homework.’’ "IMs- gixr retreats simultaneously Bell is chairman of the clean- ripline at Home and School.’* for the juniors and the fresh­ , up committee. and Abuse of Cars.' man and sophomore groups on S«ce4,.>.. 'S C o c^ CLASSES "Dalinr,'' “Modesty io Thursday and Friday. Drvxx." and “Holding Jobs and Schoolwork.' A fter the The retreat masters will al­ d — 4— panel, there will be a 10-min­ ternate in giving conferences for the two groups. Prrriously ute period for queitiona from norMa S-444$ the floor. the juniors had made their re-^ . . . 54', of Our Evening: Class Students Are Over 2.5. treat with the underclassmen. Fully Accredited, Co-Educational Classes in At this January meeting “ ir« Don't a ant All ihf Business— Just J'ours" the fathers will prexide. Hold­ Friday night, Jan, 16, the' freshnten will featurs a com-' ing nffirerx' position* for tho Accounting English Science binatinn dinre and party, a evening will he Carmine Buiineit iSno-Bali. Tngether with Sister ^ p e c io lA History Sociology hardi, Ernest Marranzinn, Marie Catherine, their sponsor, Administrotien Edward Knight, and Joseph Philoaophy Speech I the freshmen hope tn make this CONTINENTAL Economics Celantano. I a social surrra!i, their first com -l Education Psychology Thoolegy The PTA ia sponxoring a jplelely freshman-sponsored *f- GET OUR pantry shower for the sisters -fair since they rame to Holy LINCOLN Second Semester Feb. '4-May 29 *i this meeting 'Family High. LOW PR IC E PETER J. WALSH REGISTRATION JAN. 29 ■ 30 ■ 31 IXIYOLA HALL ON REGIS CAMPUS ______5:30 — 9. P.M . Gill & Smith Your cor is on« of your mosf treosurad pessattioni. Chooto it with cart from a dealer in whom you Near Arvada 50th and Lowell hava confidence . . . where it will be serviced care­ fully and treated respectfully. f o r rom p/ele ifefaiVi write: Est. 1864 CAPITAL la ifla n M niRKCTOR EVENING CL.ASSES 305 Guoronfy •eaaM .say REGIS COLLEGE Bonk Bld^ MA. 3-0186 JtoiL £sdL TybioiL 1700 East CoHaa Aviaa* nENVER 11 nr, d - s b -t i D enver TAbor 5-5191 OExIor l-4ttl

,9 Tolepheno, Kaysteno 4-4205 PAGE NINE Ttiur»dqy, Jonuary 17,1957 Office, 938 Bannock Stroot THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER 29 Clubs Enter Junior Cuge Meet Sf. Joseph's Site of Seventh Annual Invitational Jan. 22-27 The seventh annua! invitational state grade school basketball tournament sponsored by the St. Joseph Redemptorist Parish ie scheduled to get under way Snap Back Ability this Tuesday, Jan. 22, at uie SL Joseph's gym and will continue through Sunday, Jan. 27 . This year’s tournament will Loui.', Engtowood; 7, St, defray the expenses of the 46- ha the biggest in the history of Frnnci.’ t., Annunciationj 8, gamo tourney. tha meet at SL Joseph’s. In all, St. Vincent do Paul’. *i. Tki. year two .podsl Proved by Rangers winner of 9 p.m. Tnoiday; prise, will bo awerdod to 29 teams have entered their rosters for this six-day meeL and 9. Sl. Dominic', vi. •poctator.. A bisb's w .tch Adams State cannot be the leniatioua) Boone turond including six out-of-city fives: BIcMcd Sneramant. •al. valuod at $70, and a blamed if its arrival in Denver 1b hie fln eit game to data ai Sacred Heart of Pueblo, SL The winners of the opeidng woman', wsich aoL vaiued al $95. will ba givtn. in a tiigbtly timid one this ha pound through 39 points hlary’e of Colorado Springs, St round will qualify for the sec­ week end. It will meet the — 25 in tho socond half—to Peter's of Greeley, SL An­ ond round of the cbamplgnihip During tha antira sis day. af tba lenrnamant, avtryaaa Recie College Rangers in the lead Iba Rangers to an 85-73 thony’s of Sterling, and Sacred flighL The losers of the first Auditorium Arena Saturday win ever a good St. Michael Heart of Boulder. round will automaUeally go will have tha chanco to afternoon, Jan. 19, in the 4 of Winooski Park, Vt„ team. into the coneolatioD bracket to participata at tha diftribu- ?! Boone bit a tronsndous 15 23 From Denver lion of tba award, on Son- o'clock game of a doubleheader. compete for two consolation The Air Force Academy plays baskets in 29 attempts, and Completing tha list will be crowns, tha A championship day avaaing; two parMO.' Colorado AAM at 2 p.m. bald up tha Rogis scoring in 23 teams from the Denver and B championship. aama. will ba drawn from On Jan. 10 the Adams State tbo final aifbt minutes of thi. box to rocaivo Iba wri.t Junior Parochial League. They Quarterfinals in the consola­ five absorbed a 96-66 pasting play. Sparked by Boone’s 18 waicba.. Tha winnars muit ere Presentation, Holy Ro­ tion round will be played Set- on its own court at Alamou. points In those final min- sary, Holy Family, CaUedrsl, ba praaent on Sunday avaning utos, Regis nvtrcama a four- urday afternoon. Quarterfinali to qualify for tha prixat. This week it must face that ML Carmel, Christ the King, point deficit to win going in the championibip round will same squad in the Rangers’ own SL John's, SL Mary Magda­ den, and the results of Regis’ away. be played Saturday eyaning. lene's, St .Dominic'A SL Fran­ The semifinals in both ronnu most recent games indicate Reserves tggin contributed cis de Sales’, Sacred Heart, will be played Sunday after­ it is getting tougher as the to tho'Regis win, as Sheehy, right, are, back row. Father James E. Kane, Cffrrimn RnltPafc The St. Anthony's Loyolk, SL Louis' of Engle­ noon starting at 12 noon. The Knights Set season progresses, Sierim g DODCUIS g^^ool Bobcats Tony Rendulich, end Uooger- •uletie director, Aloytiue Klein, David Kramer, wood. Assumprion of Welby, The Seattle Ualverslty George Maupin, Bob Haldeen, Stanley Kolbar championship games will be w erf supplied rebounding and of Sterling will bring thU club to Denver Isn. St Catherine'e, Our Lady of Cbiaftaies found that o u t dans, Edward F. Hvrahy, coach: and front played Sunday evening starting scoring punch when it was 22, fo r the St. Joseph's invitationsl cage meet. Lonrdes’, Blessed Sacrament, last Sunday wkon iba Rauf row, 'John Engraff, Frank Monheiser, John at 6 p.m. and ending with the needed. Sheehy and Rendulich The six-day affair will close Sunday, Jan. 27. SL Philomena'A SL Clare’s Grade lourney art stormod bock aftor tho Hofsetz, Jake Schneider, and Bob Steinback. toumement championship game eech had eight rebounds in tha A record 29 teems will compete for the “esrly Home, Annunciation. SL Vin­ !olf-timo latormiicioD and at 8 p.m. last 14 minutes, and H ow r- season” stite title. Shown above, from left to cent’s Home, S l Vincent de aoarly upcat lha ofoth-raokod werf turned in a good floor Paul’s, and SL Joseph's Re- Trophies for Winners lo a n In tbo aatioB. Soattlo game and contributed seven For Boulder Raiders Play BDlldog.s Jan. 20 demptorisL Immediately after the last Coacb Jobn Cattollaui callod points. L in n e n b e r g e r hit 14 game Sunday eyening, trophiu it "our wont learo of tbo Firing will h.gln Tn.tday The Boulder Knights of Co­ points before fouling out late will be ewarded to the first, i o a a 0 a,” wheroas Rofia .ft.rn o o B e l 4 p.ns. with St. lumbus have announced plane in the game. second, and third place teams Coach Karvay Moero had BIG ONE DUE IN PREP RACE Clara's Homa mealing Sl. for a parochial grade school in­ Bathing but praico fo r his RANGERS SNAP BACK Jeiaph'i; S, Lourdes vs. St. in the championship round, and vitational basketball tourna­ oquad. Philomena'si 6, St. Mary to the winners of tha consola­ ment to be held at the Boulder St Michael’s, one of the top In tha night's foaluro in the ihc Holy Fimily .coring with Leading, 37-28, at the half, By H ank RozitR Magdalene's vs. Holy Fam­ tion A and B rounds. Trophies High School gymnasium on independent teams in the New (inaia at 9 p.m. 14. Lehnors, Caliehan, and will also be given to the mem­ Seattle jumped its margin to England area, threatened to The Titans clash early this ily; 7, Sl. Catberina's vs. Feb. 16. The tournament ia part Action OB Sunday, Jan. Vogt each accounted for bers of the state championship 48-32 aher eight minutes of move away from a Ranger campaign in tha Denver Paro­ Holy Rosary; 8, Boulder vs. of the golden anniverstry ob­ 20. calls for tho solo affair tight. tesm. An All-State team, con­ the second helf, end most of squad, which was “ down” from chial LMgue as the preseason Cbrisl the King; and 9, SL servance of the Boulder Coun­ botwoen the Annunoialion The Bengals came beck in sisting of 10 members, will be the 2,100 fens settled back to its effort against Seattle the co-favorites, the Regis Raiders John’s vs. Presentation. cil which wet chartered on Feb. Red Birds and tha Cathedral their second game to eerily selected by the referees and watch the slaughter. But a trio day before. Regia, leading and the St. Joseph’s Bulldogs, Wednesday will find tha 17, 1907. squad in the Regia gym at 3 overcome the Annunciation each will receive an individual of Ranger reserves, Terry 46-40 at the half, could man­ meet head-on this Snnday, Jan. following teams malchad: 4 Nina School. Salacled o'clock. Red Birds 52-30. Callahan was tropiry. A special trophy will Sheehy, Tom Hoogerw erf, and age only ^ jump shot by Boose 20, in the feature contest at St. p.m„ Sacred Heart, Denver high man fo r the Tigers with 12 also be awarded to the “out- Participants for the tourna­ Bill Bollwerk, came off the while the Easterners tallied Joseph's gym st 4. According Tha two games preceding the vs. Ml. Carmel; S, Assump­ points. Foster added 11. Maes itinding player” of the tourna­ ment were selected hy drawing bench to spark a Regia rally. four field goals and four char- to the form sheet this shonld Raider-Bulldog feature in St tion, Welby vs. St. Vincent's topped the losers with 11 and ment, to be selected by the the names of nine schoob that BOONE, HOOGY SPARKLE tosses to move ahead, 62-47, be the “ big tussle” of the first Joseph'a gym, will find St Heme; 6. Cathedral vs. Sl. riorea had nine. referees. sponsor varsity grade school With Dennis Boone, BoD- just after the intermission. round. Francis' South Sherman Street teams in tha Denver Junior Pa­ werk, end Hoogerwerf hitting squad opposing the Bengals of Regis, possibly thinking back Going into the game, the ' As an Intereiting sidelight, rochial X/eague. Tha first seven from the outside, and Bob Lin- Holy Family at 1. This vrill be to the Gonzega game when Raiders, defending champs, two wall-pleoues will be teems drawn have been invited nenberger, Allen Hower, and foUowed at 2:30 by the Mullen it law a 20-point lead evapo­ rule a elight favorite but only Jr. Cagers Holt' Schedule awarded to the tearai which with tha last two as altemstes. Sheehy grabbing rebounds, Musta^-Mt Carmel Eagle tilt rate, came right back on three because it is bad policy to have the best follosrmg in at­ Tbs Boulder Sacred Heart team Regis acrsmbled back to within Regis had an easy time of it field goals by Boone, one by desert the king until he is tendance during the duration will be entered os the host team. one point, 47-48, then went in disposing of its two foes last Linnenberger, end two free beaten. The Northsiders will For St. Joseph's Tourney of the toumamenL The attend­ The first round will begin aheaci at 63-62, 66-64, and week and. Piling up a 25-14 throws by Gatens to go ahead hold a slight height edrentege. ance vrill be judged on the at S:S0 a.m. on Feb. 16 end 67-66. lead against Mullen by half­ The Junior Parochial eager*, The scheduU for the next at 66-66. Both ace even-steven on past basis of one vote for children the four losers will be elimin­ But Die combination of Se- performances. time, the Raiders coasted in to sporting two divisions,'-go into three weeks follows: present, two votes for high Tied at e7-all with 6:00 to ated. The semifinal round will attle’l aeniational Elgin Bay­ the 63-34 victory- Chrlat^her their second week of play with school sUidente, end three votee play, Gatens and Boone scored In cage action last week the VARSITY— NORTH start at 2:30 p.m. and the con­ lor and Dick Stricklin could had 16, Hibbison 13, and Riley games scheduled in the Blessed for adults. The home SL Jo­ to put Regie ehead foe good, knots were loosened a little bit AT ST. JOSEPH'S solation and final games will not be contained. Seattle went and Bell eight apiece for the Sacrament, SL Joseph's, and seph's School has been de­ out in front at 60-57 with 6:40 snd Boone then added eight but not much. There is eUU a JSD. 19 he played at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. bulk of the Regis production. St. Vincent de Paul’s gyms, $ t ViacMt** T*. K*lr clared ineligible lo r these pointe during the closing min three-way tie for first piece. 9:00 First, second, end third place left, end etayed there despite Rendon bit five buckets and The varsity unit, 25 strong, 10:00 St. vs. Mt. Carmnt awards, uUi as St. Michaei's, trying des­ Sl. CAtb«rlAt'n TB, trophies will be awarded. the all-out efforte of the Ran­ j UT i s Gallegos had eight points for are composed of three nonps, 11:00 St. VI. St. ttMaipk's Admission for the Tueidiy, Charies Powell, chairmen of g er five, perately to get possession of the Mustangs, the north, south, a n f east, 13:00 C U n ' t St JftMok’s St Ffudk' H«)r FacbD}' va. B y Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Stricklin, taking passes from the ball, committed several V4. Mt. while tha midgets, formed lAst the. K. of C. youth acOvity VILLANO TOP SCORER Feb. 2 and Saturday morning and af­ committee, is in charge of ar­ tha classy Baylor, took gams fouls. R ifli T:30p.B.-. Holy Family year, boast two unite, the south 9:00 Hvlr ReMry ra. Ml. CAm^l rangements. Ha ia assisted by searing honors with 26 points, Regis vHU enter the Adams VI. 5 t Mt Carmel was unable to and easL !0:00 St. VtBc««t*s va. ternoon action will be: Cbil- followed hy Boons with 23 State game Saturday with 9tjM *rk'» tiOOy.m.1 Mullan va. find the range in the first half There will be no league con- 11:00 St. JvMpb'a va. Sl. Daoil«J«*a d m , 10 cente; high ichool stu- Frank Nicaiae. Jim Graham, AnnunelaUon 13:00 St. C4tMria«‘a va. Hair F4a* denu, 20 cents; and adults, 35 and Tom Renditr. Tickets for points for Regis. season record of eight wins end and Regis tripled the Eagle teste scheduled tha week of »y fttiit t:OOnm.i Ra|li vs. C* cents. For the Sunday evening the tournament will be avail­ Monday aTaninf, Jsn. 14, three losses. ibtdrd total at half-time, 33-11. Sal Jen. 20-27 to allow all teams St. CUam'a vi. By* Villano accounted fo r 14 o f his to compete in the SL Joseph's Ftb. 9 finals, admission prices will be: able through the Sacred Heart Jan. 20 9:00 Ml. Carmai va. Bouldar children, 15 cents; high school, School student! and proceeds 19 points in the second half but invitaWonel tourney. 1 0 :0 0 H*lv RvMrr va. 5t. DealaU • St JvaayVa St Fraacii' 26 cents; end adults, 60 cento. will be used fo r the Sacred vs. Kaly Family the cause was lo s t Riiey had 11:00 91. VlAeMt'a va. Hair Family 20, Hibbison nine, and Christo­ 12:00 St. Joaapb'a va. St. wlara'a This money will be used to help Heart athletic program. Si. JaatoVs S:My.m.: Mt Cavmtl St. CalbtriDa** va. Byv V8a MullCB pher eight in the 61-36 win.- Junior Raiders RcfiB ItOOihSk.i ApnuncU* SOUTH St Francis’ Gremlins ran AT ST. VINCENT'S 4 ! S e Ueo TBa Calbadrml wild with 54 points in tbs two THE FIRST o r THE SU 4;00p.n.i St. J*4*pb*8 Take Lead in Jbb. 19 VB. R«(ij middle quarters and went on 8:90 Catkadfal va. 0 « r Udy •( 1957 HAZEL M. OBERFELDER to smother Annunciation 86- Lmirdaa Three other clubs are all sqnare 49. Claypool was top man with 9:30 St. Vineant'i va. Fraavatalla* CELEBRITY SERIES Lounge in the fourth slot. And two tO:SO St. L«ola' va. St. Mary Maf> 82. Gamel chipped m with 24 B Cage League (iaim'a teame have the dubious honor and Pacheco had 14. Flores U :M Sl. Fraaela* va. Su CaJaUmS of being tied for seventh. notched 20 and Maee IS for the A vest tight race begins to F«b. 2 Denver Auditorium Theatre The Craralins lanila with losers. loom in the Parochial League 9:S0 Our Lady of Laurdai va. St. Saturday, Jon. 19, 8:20 p.m. Fine Food and Drinks Available 7 Doys a Week VlflCMit*a M t Carmai in the S t Joseph The Gremlins needed a 16-8 B team race as every team in MO|S|^rrscH Delightful Atmosphere Which Honors Pioneer Deys 9:30 Catktdral vi. St. Laula* 084 *1 iki iBMt r«n«vn«4 gym at 7i30 Friday avaning, final period to edjn out the tha league except Regis shows 10:30 St. CaJaUa’a va. St. Mary tki* fMimtioQ. Krapping Cathedral aggrega­ Macdalt»a*a Featuring CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS Jan. 18. Sanabody will coma at laastjjne deYcat. The junior 11:30 Praaaautltfl va. St Francia* out of tha collar in the 9 tion 46-40, in the best geme of Raiders currently lead the loop F«b. 9 4550 LEETSDALE DRIVE o'clock fray at the sama aita the week end. Stebenne led with three wins snd no losses. 8:30 St. Cajatan'a va, Catbadral SINGLE TICKETS ON SALE NOW whan Mullan and Annancia- the Gremlins with 13. Claypoo! 9:20 FnaamUtiva va. St. Mar> ifvtir iMlI John MarGn, SL Francis' B 406 - 17TH St. TA. 5-6101 had 12 and Pacheco nine. MifdaUna'a O li BIm Jc EftAt « f C*(ffm4a Blv4. ra Ateia«4ii lioB crash h«ad-on, center, tops the league in scor­ 10:30 St. Fnacla* vi. St, Vijcaat'a ZUiKA MILANOV. WHO RUCNS SUPREME AS ONE OF THE (Smt ftl^ l Bkck ftl laUmtUvn) Kenny Cabbie grabbed top Across town in Rogis* gym ing. Carl Weakland of Holy 11:30 fh r r Lady Laurdaa vt, SL METROPOUTAN’S GREAT ARTISTS—COMING JAN. ZS LMia* ANDRES SEGOVIA. FEB. S; CESARE SIEPI, FEB. le, on tho lamo night. Holy Fam­ honors for tha day with 26. Family, second in scoring, won St Joseph's Bulldogs led all I JOSE LIMON. MARCH II ily's Tigara ran op against a a promotion out of the league EAST GREATEST ARRAY OP NEW TALENT ON ANY SERIES th^jvaj^^u^^hej^ooj^ad tough ossignmont la tho St, to varsity play hy his two-game AT BLESSED SACRAMENT Joseph quintot in tho opener Jbb. 17 STAND1NC3 spurL 3:30 Saervd Haart va. St. Jamai* I CHARLTON ANNE at 7i30. Rogis' Raiders will T mud W h Pet Pie OP Stendingt 4:30 CbrUt tk« Kiaf va. Sl PkJl^ faca tha Cathedral Blue Jays Rofli ...... J 0 I.DOO 176 too sana'a lUfT HESTON-BAXTER St, FroBcit* _ 3 0 1.000 101 I7Z W L Pci. 7tOQ St, Jaka'a va. l>yaia St. JoMDb’4 _ 3 0 t.000 177 131 0 1.000 8:00 Aaflaaeiatlaa va, Bleaaad Saa» a r f S GILBERT TOM Co(ko4rml ..... I 2 .333 130 lAZ RegU ...... ramafli PRIVATE PARTIES .667 Truckers Invite Mt. Corei«l . I 3 .333 133 HZ Sl. Jo.aph's ..... J8B. 31 A Vfofefff- ROIANDTRYON Holf FuaUp . 1 2 .333 143 >44 Annnncxatien ... .667 3:30 SL Joba*! va. CbHit tka In DanvtrY Nowuil Smartatl UoUn . 0 3 .0 0 0 114* let Junior Gagers Cathedral ...... 667 4:30 St. Jamai’ va. Blaaaad Sacn' IffiSIMI'USKKII Aoaiioeiotiea., 0 3 J»0 113 aio B«nt Suburban CuH-Ru.taurunt a« ( .333 •oOAMsnrai T b * D «n v «r • C b ic A fo Ml, Carmel — 7:00 Sl, PkHawrna*a va. AiuiuaaSa- fmrntaWOimkaw • moi Mm' Ma • am i H f .333 Trock«r» b*?8 *11 tht trouble with tha Blue Jays. It Holy Family ... tiea majiaaiDeun .333 8:00 Layala va. Saerad Haarl Busices. Laocbeoai oi Bridge pUjari p»rticip«tiQf ib th« took a 25-point third quarter St. Francis' ..... iKMicaai* to assure the 61-51 Bulldog vic­ Mullsn ...... 000 Fab. 7 Partin served m d e p o t witoiiii4 is Juaipr P«ro«biBl LaapB* 3:30 AaaviiclatloB va. Ckriat tbv inj^ with Incomparable Food and reul/lBOM biskatball profram lo faa tory. Berger wse top man for Laading Scorers Klar the winners with 28. Ryan 4:30 Sl, Jamaa* vi. St. PkllaGtana'a Beverages bf PAUL tb«ir cuvaU al tbo Trnckoro- GFCFTTP —itoiD $151 per penoa added 16. Shipp had 16, Cab­ 7:00 Blaaaad Saaraiftant va. Loyola S T A R T S 1 8 l h A T Paaria cantast alatad lor Marlin, 8:00 S(. Jaka'a va. Sarrad Haart bie 12, and Piroddl nine for the Tutidop OTOBiBfg JaB. 22« at Sl. Francis’ 3 12 6 32 MIDGET DIVISION Conveojent Loesuon • Free Parking J A N . 1 8 DENHAM CALIF. tha Auditonun Araao. Jays. The Bulldogs rolled over Weakland, SOUTH Ib ardor to gain OBtroBCO 2 7 10 24 AT BLESSED SACRAMENT to tha ganoi tbo juBier Mullen 69-42 in their second Hnly Family —. L Jbb. 30 THE3 T IFFIN J cagorf ara atkad to cemo la game. Hanak racked up 17 Haindanrieb, 8:00 St. Doniaie'a va, St. Joa^k'i tbo Champa Straol gato aa* points for tha winners. Cor­ Annunciation • 8:M Sl. Cathatlea’a va. St. Frasela* I71u South Colorado Blvd. aomponiad bp tbair eoaeboo. dova and Petras each added 14 McCann, Ragi. ,... 7:00 SL Vlacaara va. PraaaataUM SKylme 6-8202 and Knafeic had nine. Rendon Fab. 6 (Writers’ Manor) Denvet. Colo, Gamo tima 8-p.Ua Karin, 8:00 Sl, Frweia* va. pTvaoatatlaa and Beer accounted for eight Sl. Francis' _ — 3 9 2 20 4:00 St IlamiBJa'a va. St. Vlneaat’a apiece for the Mustangs. 7:00 Sl. Joaayb'a va. St. Calkar* Chavaz. laa*a A W4ll.b.lenc«d scoring AnnBQciation . 3 6 8 18 i%KL4»KAHT H OTEL fresh as a salt breeze C a l l a attack gave tha Ml, Carmai EAST Eagles a 58-44 dMition evar Foliar, AT BLESSED SACRAMENT TTheea Denver’a Soeiely Enlertaioa for Lanebeou tha Holy Family Tigari. Fa- St, Francis' - — S 7 4 18 Job. 19 and Dinner. Hungry for aetfood? Come on down to the Old Navarre.^ Z O \ E C A B 9:00 AaauseUtloa va. Blaaaad Sac FOR SPEOAL RESERVA'nONS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES, Here are a few of the aeefood items on Johnny Ott’a menu: brisio M tha parade vritb 18 Capra, ramcBt .MAin 3-7171 markers. Carolla and Villano Holy Family _ 3 5 7 17 10:00 Sl Jamaa* va. Socrad Haart DANCES A.ND DI.NNEB5 PHONE UAlN 3-3101 CHEAPER RATES came tbrongb with 12 and 11 Ball, 11:00 Sl. PbUaaaaa'a va, Booldar Beautiful Ballrooms Privala Dining Rooms .... 3 8 0 16 12:00 Sl. Mary Mafdalaaa'a va. St. Shrbnf Creels. t-WAV RADIO CLEAN HEW CARS vaipMtivelr. Foster topped Holy Family Joba'a A treasured recipe from New OrUant. Also, Gulf Fob. 2 Shrimp, triad . . . or in shrimp cocktaiU. PARAMOUNT Phono Phone Sl Marv Mat’dalaaa'a va. Sa CH 4- CH. 4- arad Haarl tIUk ClfMrn St. PkUamaaa'a va. Ajieimcla' THE LINCOLN ROOM Fri.s Jin . IS •Tburs. Jin . 24 2494 UOB SL JahJi'a va. Bauldaf t Hospitality Center Ck3BdJ*r • JoBBB* Dm B I a a a a d Sactamnl va. $L Jamaa* Banquet and Meeting Rooms Red Snapper, "DRANGO” Fob. 9 I 2l JmiD..' T., 5t. PkllwDMn'. 12-1200 PERSONS Freeh from Californian waters, in deli- J«oiei Araeit AnnuoclntlM 8 miI.w T,V. S2131 Mrs. Long cioui pink flicta served up ia the Nivirrt'e A n ii* DiekiBiofi Si.'. . . . Saerod H.nn 5t. M.ry MAgdal.o.'. grand manner. “Gun the Man Down” BW.M4 Soeruamt Shirley Savoy Hotel Dungsness Crab. MONACO DRIVMN D-C Meets Mighty E. 40iL tad Mvoaco Psrkvar From Toketand, Washington... in crab leg cock­ Jan. IS-Jan. 20 tails .. . or in the traditionii erteked crab ftahion. FaU Domino - Liaa Gayo 1747 Tremont at Broadway Peoria Cats Jan. 22 The Denver Truckeri, play­ "Shake, Rattle and WHCA.E LIVE MAINE ing one more home game be­ Molna lobsttr. Rock” fore going on the road, will meet the ho^e Peoria team in They airive alive... fresh aiwugb to bit. Marla English - Tom Conway LOBSTER SI 65 the Auditonom Arena Tues­ tb* hand that bioQs th«m. day night, Jan. 22. before a MEMORIES WORTH WHILE- SECOND two-game trip for league tue- Includes Potatoes and Hot Breads slee aX Pbillipe Jan. 25, and Beautiful Photomurals, soft lights, FEATURE Wichita, Jan. 27, subdued background music, sparkling B5 other taste-temptationa too, on the dinner menu of the VALLEY DRIVE-IN DANCING Two non-etarten led the white linena and a wonderful "Fes­ fsjDOua place where you alwayg dine fine... eZM E. Evaas Fridoy end Saturday NighH Truckers in their 91-72 victory tive Dinner.” Jan. 18-Jan. 20 over Milwaukee Jen. 10. They THE Spsneor Tracy-Claira Trover 9:30 tilt 1:30 a.m. were forward Dick Eicber and Cftll CR*tlvT«w 9*2594 FREE DLVNER FARKINC forward - guard Jerry Vaydi, For RtoenrAHooi "THE MOUNTAIN” • t l•c«t*«lka Afltr S aa4 anyo . with 20 pointi apiece. Bill Urn* «• Swdaya mm4 I kwf Logan, with 16, and season Raadelpb Scell-Barbari Halo Jgat ni«t do«r aid 2 baort «t Muiki* ! scoring leader, Terry Rand, THE HOLLAND HOUSE pal PariUaf CaPBfa, I33S TrtmML 1727 Trw m nt F I.—dou by 8m big holris—MA 3-6789 "7TH CAVALRY” with 14, were ether high men in the D-C victory. PAGE TEN OKtce, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keyitene 4^205 Thursday, Januory 17,1957

dkqjuisiA canL 9n, fia a i Altar Society Installation

ANCtUNA POARECA. of UU MARY F. SADUSKY. 44. of 84? Pat LardiBo, all of Arrada. At St. Francis de Sales' Sliftheo*. Abo li lurvIvH hr • •on. Inca 3(r»«i. Sht U aarvived by her Requiem High Mass waa celebrated Kiok Porr««A: them rUuthtom, PtuD' hiubtnd. TbomM A. Saduaky: flv« Jan. 10 la the Shrine of 8i. Anne. «M Horth* Yonnkh. ond Eva aon*, Afllhpny A.. Cvorgn. Killi Mm i I» b Blood Pari.b, dinner will be held that eve­ rPolitb) Cbareb. Inlanaaal in Ml. tuary. Jaa. 11 in St. Bercndette'a Chureh. D .n vor) Olivet. Boulevard Mertaarr. Interment In Mt. Olivet. ning. The dinner will honor the LORETTA SUZE BURKE. 98. of New officers for ths Men’s UBEJUTORE (JOHN) VECCHI* 4184 Grave Stnal. She la aarviyod FRANK BOLZ, JR. past presidents as well as the ARELLL ftJ, of m i Raltmatb Street. Ffanb J. Bolt. Jr.. 4*. of 1184 Club were elected Monday eve­ fathers o f the PTA. Each set Ke ia aurviead by bia wife. Pals: two by a brother. Fred Burke; and aa Vaor* Street dMd Jan, 7 in a aona. Aotboor and l^ la Vcethiarelli: ■ uot. Mra. AbqIo Kane. Requiem bo^iuj after a short illaeia. ning, Jan. 14. Mason Cogswell of parents who plan to attend Maaa waa eolabrated Jan. 14 la Su ... Bela waa born Jaft. 7. 1848. In a dauabtar, Roaa Santofta; a Hatirb* CaiberlQt'a Church. lateriDrat la Ml. was elected president; John F. will be asked io bring a dish Tcr*iD-1avr, Mary VaerhlaralH; four Union City. HJ. Ha came to Denver Carroll, vice president; Robert o f their choice. Mrs. James •iepaooa. Aethony Cailela of Heaa. Olivel. Day Mortuary. Id 1884. and was ninrrbd May 40. MANUEL DIAZ. 74. of 1SS4 Clay 1887. Clark, secretary; and Alfred Hogan will be chairman of the Arif.. John and Jet GaJlek of Dan* Street. He la aurvlved by bia wife. ter. and Hilo GalkU of Lane Boacb. He we* sales manager for Walker Wasinger, treasurer. dinner, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Barbariu Dias; and five childreo. Bros. Motor Co. for nine years, and Calif.: three atapdaoKbron. LtieUle Adels, Rafael. CbaDi. CerlMo. aod A social hour followed the Doronzo. Fitsrermid of Oakland. Calif.. NatH mere recently was office manager of Jatnea. and Phebe PuglJaaa of Den* That. Requiem Maaa waa celebrated Applewood. Ine. Mr. Belt was a mem­ business meeting, and movies Mrs. F. H. Dulan, school Job. 15 la St. Cajetan’e Chureb. la- var: 17 grandebildran, abd SI great* ber of the Lakewood council of the w.ere shown o f the “ Black Cat health lArrse, has announced temeDt la Mt. Olivet. Treviao Mor­ Kalgkls ef Celumhua. gran deb ndrea. Requiem High Maaa tuary. Ball," which was held in Octo­ tiiat the seventh and eighth wme eaWbratad Jan. 11 fn Our Lady Ke is aurvived by bis wife. Mar­ W in TrO D hv Although haftjy over haring Pictured, from left, are. front row. John Bradley, BARNEY F. DAY. 44. of 1811 guerite: n daughter. Kadelle Bolt; and ber. of Mw Comal Church, lataimmi Mt grade pupils, as well as the wflil IlU pilj jjjg eecond-place trophy Dick Frisbie, Ronsy Nale, Dennis Conrad, and Olivet. Boulevard Mortuary, Coart Place. He ia aurvived by bia a sister. Mrs. Ray C. Tharp. Country Cousins high school students, will re­ CATHERINE E. SUMMERS. 47. of metber, Kra. Sola Day: aod a ahtof. Rtqniem Mass was relebraled Jnn. in the Invitational Tournament played at Pat Keefe; back row, Terry Badger, Frank Snyder. Sbe le anrriTed by her boa* Mra. May Streble of St. Petenburt. 8 ia Su Bernadette** Chureh. inter­ The Country Cousins Square ceive their first or second polio Blesaed Sacrament School, Denver,r, tneidle MlMidget Plankey, John Smithline, Tom Wilson, coach; band. MarabalT Sumaera: bao ana, Fla. Rennie ta High Maae la beiag ment in Mt. OUvrt. Dance group will meet in the shot, beginning on Monday, celebrated Thuraday. Jan. 17, at 9 GEORGE ZADEL team is still practicing hard for future games. Janes McNsmee, Martin Mead, and Mike Hart. Maraball C. Bammnn of iba U.S. hail Monday evening. Jan. 21. Jan. 28. Navy aad Roban R. Suamara of i.m. in Holy Ghost Chureh. lator- George Eadal, 4H. of Firestoee died + + + Sayder: *nd a brotbar. Anthony B. meat ia Mt. Olivet. HeekelbiU*Noo* Jaa, 8 in a local hoepital after a Any couple of the parish wish­ The Rev. Frank Merfeld + + + Rea bard of Denver. Raoniem Hlgb aan Hortnary. ebort nines S. ing to join the group m ^ call haa announced that inalnic- IfaM waa calebrntad Jatw 14 In 9t. HELEN A. GOLDEN, 41. of t il S. Bora Feb. 28. 1884, in Ysgoelaria, Jaaepb^a iPoUah) Chnrab. Intamaot Grant Street. She la aurvlved by ber be earn* to Firestone II years age. Gerald Sheridan at SK. ^7769, tioB claaiet for Interasled ia Mr. Oil*et Boulevard Mortuary. buebaad. Ralph U. Coldea: four Mr. Zadel* a farmer, waa a metnl^ or Earl C om i^ n a t SK. 6-7738. adnlU, Catholic and non- of the TnilbUsers* Lodge of tW 2 Schoolboy Clubs at St. Philomena's KATtE HANSm. 7tr of 4101 K. daughter*, Juae and Nancy Roec Tom Schneiders, chairman for Catholic,’ wilt start on Tues­ IZud Aecnue. She , has Iwcn named tlie Bftty Card-s may be obtained after Crocker “Homemaker of To­ (St. Joseph’s Redemptorist each Sunday Maas. Membership W IATER V.iC/lTIOV ... morrow” et Mt. Carmel High Perish. Denver) in the club is limited to 200 School, IHnver. The Double Ring Club will persons. At this time of yeer. many trevc) to the Southlands Dolores received the highest sponsor a big "Backward The club meets at each for a vacation. Ono of the most veluabie things you can score on a written examination Dance” this Saturday night, monthly Holy Name Society take is a psir of sunglasses, since the glare of the sun on homemaking knowledge and Jan. 19, in the parish nail. 'The meeting, at which time a mem­ attitudes. The test was taken by members will come with their ber receives {lOO. The winner is greet "down South.” Get one of our Ray-Ban or 300,000 young women in schools clothes on backwards, and any need not be present. Dues are Calobas sungltaiea, either in your prescription or plain. across the nation on Dec. 4. Sis­ attire will be suitable. There J1 per month, or a yearly mem­ ter Mary Flavia fa homemaking wilt be an orchestra fo r the bership may be purchased for ai.d clothing instructor at Ml dancing, and there also will be )I 0 . 'The p ro ce e d o f the club SWIGEKT BROS. Carmel. a special prize. The committee go to furtiier the work of the For ber achievement Dolores fo r this so fiil event wilt be Mr, Holy Name Society in its many 1550 Call/ornia OpfOlltell*IVtS KEyttona 4-7651 has received amliward pin and and Mrs. Clarence Allan, Mr, undertakings for the welfare ber ptper will 'be entered in and Mrs. Joe Musso, Mr. and of the pariah. BfUrr yU h n Cood S.rric. competition with other high Mrs. Neil Skau, Jr.; and Mr. Mrs. Uames Ctnzona, 2010 and Mrs. Leland KiUmiller. Lowell Boulevard, will be host­ /or £rery ^go ^?WS^r Bight Prittt school winners throughout Colo­ rado for the state “Homemaker This group promises a delicious ess to tho Little Flower Circle Mrs. John Slorm GLASSES INDIVIDUALLY STYLED of Tomorrow,” and unusual luncheon. on Tuesday evening, Jan. 22, The nations! winner will be A capacity crowd was on Chairman, PTA Bake and at 8 o’clock. announced Mey 2. hand for the PTA meeting Food Sale Wednesday night, Jan. 9. It there will be a hot dog lunch­ was the largest in many years. eon for the school children. The It 'was Fathers and Sons’ paper drive usually held on the CREST HOTEL Altar Group Sets Night, and the dads turned out last Friday o f each month has Mt. Carmel PTA in Isrge numbers. Mrs, Spang­ been canceled for the month of 120 Fireproof Rooms Supper Jan, 24 ler, the president, conducted January, as the company that Located one block from Holy Ghost the meeting, and then turned buys the paper will not be able Sets Meeting ot Church . . . Spaciou.s Lobby . . . over the entertainment part to .to use it at this tin , but the the fathers. PTA woulduid appreciate haring Free TV . . . Nicely Furnished and At Lady of Grace Danny McNicholas was the it saved until later, if posiiblr. Decorated Rooms and Suites master of ceremonies, and in­ Mothers Jan. 23 (Our Lady of Croce Pori.h, troduced Bob King, a ventrllo- Recitalist Complete Service — Reasonable Denver) <]uist, who performed to the de­ (Oor Lady of Mt. Cansal P.nnoiicM end Ril». The Altar Society will have light of all present. BUI Sloan Pamb, DcDTar) a potlnck supper Jan. 24 at 6:30 INSPECTION INVITED then showed a movie of the All mothers who have daugh­ p.m. A ll women o f the parish highlights of the 1956 football 20th & Broadway are invited to participate. ters in the grade school are season. Each father as he came asked to be present at a spe-, K E . 4-0151 The Young I-adies' Sodality up for the luncheon was pre­ will meet Thursday at 7:30 pun. cial meeting which will be held' f sented with a carnation. The on Wedne^ay, Jan. 23, at o Alt girls 13 3 ^ r s o f age and seventh and eighth grade room Westinghouse I older are invited to join. Jane .m., io the grade school assem- ONE PICKUP FOR DIREa SERVICE mothers served tbs luncheon of Ely room. Matters pertaining IBernett is president; Rosemary homemade apple pie and cof­ i Dominguez, vice president; Ber­ to the school uniforms will be fee. discussed. Also at this meet­ bers Yara. secretary; and Anna The monthly hot dog lunch­ TO BOTH \ COASTS Ledesma, treasurer. ing all mothers who have chil­ eon for both the high and grade dren in the eighth grade are Orders for candles are being schools was served on Thurs­ ' taken on Sunday, Jan. 13 and on asked Co be prese'nL Plans will Waste-A-Way day, Jan. 10. by the sixth grade be discussed and made for the .Sunday, Jan. 20, after ill the room mothers. Masses. The candles can be children's continuation exer­ m om coAsiEr&msT m cr carrier The polio shots for those pu­ cises. picked up on Sunday, Feb. 3, pils of the seventh and eighth after the Masses. Mrs. Mary Garramone, dis­ grades whose parents have trict major for the March of Carnes M rties are held in the signed the consent slips will be I church hall every Tuesday night Dimes, has asked Mrs. Carmine 5 8 8 8 given on Wednesday. Jan. 23. Lombardi, PT.4 president, for with 1.00 B urgraff in charge. The high Khool students also Denver-Chicage Trucking Co., Inc. as.sistance in recruiting vol­ will receive then at that time. unteer workers for the house- Par S.00 isnlSIr f«r IS maalkt 2301 Blake Denver KE. 4-7261 The room mothers who wUI St. Vincent de Paul to-house canvass which will be serve the first Friday breakfast held on Thursday, Jaa. 31, be-' Solvnge Bureau in February and also the Tues­ MA>d 3 -3 3 1 4 tween tbe hours of 7 and 9 PICKUP SCHEDULE day breakfasts will be taken An efficient gorboge disposer at a very low p.m. Anyone who can help out MqndaF from room 9 '3, with Mrs. Vera for that evening is asked to ^ o rth Da&vwr, Arwadn. Benno Moiseiwitsch Schnabel as chairman. The hot call Mra. Garramone at GR. dog luncheon will be served by (above), one of the price! Quickly disposes of waste foods , , , W«*tmm*t8r, TboroloB. and T-6928 for further information. F. J. KIRCHHOF world's greatest piano virtuosi, Lokawood . (North o f IGth the eighth grade room mothers, Altor Society A vanao). with Mrs. Frank DiUie and Mrs, will be presented in concert in shreds hord bones to coffee ground fineness TaaiJay and Thur*d«y B. Powell in charge. The total the new Denver Auditorium i Elect* Otticer* Construction Co. Sooth and Wait Deavar, number of breakfasts served in Ubeater by Hazel M. Oberfelder | At the Altar and Rosary So- Enf)awood, Lakewood December was 464 for the fim |on Saturday evening. Jan. 19. |c!ety meeting Jan. 8, officers , . , Is built for dependoble service. (Soath of I6lh Aranac). Friday, and 806 for the Tues­ Other artists to be presented !were elected for the comingl aad Littlaton area. day breakfasts. in tbe Oberfelder .series include year: President, Mrs. Clarsi BUILDERS Wadnasday and FrldsF Tbs third grade children, un­ Zinka Miianov. dramatic so- Fran ca; vice president, Mrs.i Ea»l Danrer and Park der the direction o f Miss 2am- prano, Jan. 26; Andres Segovia,iP au 1 i n e Maipiede; secretary,, Doirafoira, /eurfA /foor Chtrry Crttk. loteer main We Appreciate Your Patronage Hill. Aurora, and HoffmoJi bonl, will entertain at the next m a t guitarist, Feb. 8; CaesariCharlene Pontirelli; treasurer,' T owb. PTA meeting. The hostesses Siepi, baritone. Feb, 16; and,Mrs. Carmella Scordo; and pub-1 Laktndi.Ukt Urtl PboBft CH. 4*5503 will be Mrs. V on Tilius and Jose Limon. dancer, and hisilicity and sick committee chair-i 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. Mrs. Zimmerman. group, March 11, iman, Mrs. Mary Ross. ‘ Thursday, Jonuory 17,1957 OHlaa, 938 la a n e c k S»r**t THE DENVER CATHOLIC RECtSTER TiUpImn, 4-4205 PAGE ELEVEN

■->v- ^nint llarbtired ltcfn^ee« llevelatioii of ^ecrct« Seldom Advised Egypt 600 A.D., Professional Confidences REGISTORIALS By P A fl H. HAtLTTT cogent arguments against apital punishment (;ONSH)ERABI.E INTEREST wis at­ is that sometimes the innocent suffer from it. C ondoainc>il Man i^ol W holly a lAiNer Mirror of Present tracted by the report that the Methodist min- Thus the public good would certainly be istec w ho tnended the executed murdera. cauK for reveiation, with the m in's permisskm, ike .4N EHIO of the present is the life-story L Jack Graham, had revealed to a repextet of a if the case were such that many p>eop>le might Something to Be Said for Execution of St. John the Almoner. Patriarch of Alexandria Denver paper that Graham had commined have grounds for doubting the guilt of the con­ in the early part of the seventh century. In our own demned; the Graham trial, however, cleuiy By Rev. Roiftr E. Kekeieen ST. THERESE of the his death celt. But the man ihe crime for which he met death. Child Jesus, the beloved Ut- clutched t crucifix with evi­ day we have seen the spectacle of thousands of refu­ showed the man's objeaive guile A SENTENCE o f deaUi, The faa that this minister received com- like that visited upon the late tla Flower, adopted con- dent contrition just before gees fleeing war. oppression, and persecution. Most M O S T P E O P L E , 1 think, wiU feel that plaints about the incident shows pretty forci­ John Gilbert Graham, is not ^mned crtminals as her he met his end—because nations and persons welcome the unfortunate refu­ seaets commined to pHofexsional men o f any romplately without disadvan­ K«cial spiritual charges. Therese prayed. bly the semi-sacred charaaer that any con­ Everyone remembere the ease This is a sobering thoughti gees, and give them all the aid they can. Others seem kind are regarded as so saaosanct that the com- tage to tha parson concerned. fession made to any p>rofessional man has in resentful of the intrusion of their unfortunate For the condemned man ra- o f tha Bluebeard who, even ae Not everyone is so fortunate. mca good is bener served by keeping them In this tingle aepect, as was the minds of most people. Ancbroptologists ceivea one boon—from the he awaited the guillotioe's brothers. hidden, even should the person aH|Cied freely John Gilbert Graham. have shown that most of the (Kimitive pet^Ies itandpoint of faith; He call, read lewd literature in Every age, it seems, has known its refugees. give his permissioo, and even ur^ their dis­ of the world have known some kind of per­ knows precisely when ha it When St John was Patriarch of Alexandria in Egypt, closure. going to die. sonal confession of sins, connected in some the mighty armies of Persia invaded and plundered The urge to communicate something loaded There are those who would BUT TRUp way with a religious rite. foreswear such knowledge Syria 'and sacked Jerusalem. Refugees poured into on one's conscience is so sucuig that many Egypt, and St. John welcomed them all, providing for H E R E I.S T H E P L A C E to say that because of ■ natural fear of Kt8 ftr Cattiilw L m people have blurted out past sins to an indis- final impending doom. Such I have no thought of censuring Graham’s min­ them food and shelter. He likewise sent vast amounts aeet world. Such avowals bring a feeling of individumt say that God ii ister, w ho at most may have been guilty o f an of food and money to Jerusalem to aid the unfortunate relief at first, but later the persoo affeaed has merciful in not disclosing to ill-advised act, readily understandable under the each man the time and na­ there, as well as 1,000 Eg>T)tian workmen to help rich cause to regret them. rebuild the churches. Two Bishops and an Abbot were circumstances. H e revealed Graham's admis­ ture of his death. They are A L L T H I S , again, is not meant to reflect, happy to ba in ignorance of dispatched by the Patriarch to the work of ransoming sion with the dear permission of the coo- either oo the Meth^ist minister in queatioo these important facta. The captives. cietnned man. and then only with the under­ aword of Damocles is no or on the Protestant clergy in general who re­ A.NT trrifER EVENTS in the life of the Patri­ standing that the confession would not be re­ pleasant chandelier, M ceive the seaets of their flo^ These con­ arch John are reminiscent of our own day. The vealed until after the executioo. BUT THE TRUTH re­ fessions have been inaeasingly encouraged, mains: To know tha exact poor were his constant solicitude, and he sought to It remains true, however, that the revela­ and they have produced much good. moment o f one's future death aid them by legislation as well as by alms. Today we tion of a professional seart is generally not Oliver W e^ell Holmes (1809-1894), a can be a ipiritual gift; it can would probably call him a champion of the “common ba an opportunity, given to advisable, even when the owner o f the secret physician who had ample meins of observing few, to prepare for the great man.” himself gives piermission. This is particularly the last houn o f both Protestant and Catholic On the day of his consecration as Patriarch of reckoning with the Keeper true when the profession is espedally associa­ patients, wrote that "people think the coofes- o f the Book o f l i f e ; a last Alexandria, he published some severe ordinances ted with the guarding of confidences. ' sional is unknown in Protestant churches. It is period for fruitful medita­ enjoining the use of just weights and measures to tion. sincere sorrow, end tha THE ONLY EXCEPTION tty such a a great mistake. T he puincipol change is that revent the defrauding of the public. He likewise rule is the necessity of guarding the common building up of peieonal confi­ there is no saeen between the penitent and dence in the olvine mercy. 'orbade all his seh-ants and officers to accept pres­ good, or the good o f a third party. Even in ents, lest they be biased and prejudiced in favor of the father confessor." Holmes, of course, was Two incontrovertible ficte sacramental Confession, seaets have on occa­ wrong. loom before the intelligence the donors. On another occasion Nicetas, the Gov­ of the ordinary man; That sion been revealed when the penitent gave such THE PRINCIPAL CH-ANGF. is that he will most certainly die; ernor, proposed a new tax to eliminate a deficit in the permission, and the revelation was necessary confession (0 a minister, however naturally and that he does not know public budget. The tax, noted the Patriarch, would to save a falsely accused man. A case o f this weigh heavily on the poor and he opposed it strongly. beneficial, does not of itself have the power of either the manner or the tort occurred about three years ago in Italy. calling down grace from God. People every­ hour of hie demise, The The Governor flew into a rage, but did not dare to mounting rate of traffic In the Graham case, it is likely that the where seem to sense the inimitabi. power of override St. John’s opposition. deaths in this nation, it is minister in question thought that the common the priest. It is notewrmhy that Graham, orn of a NOBIJ: family at Amathus in Cyprus, true, relegate a targe per­ B centage of the population to St. John was very wealthy. His wife and children good was served, insofar as this revelation (h o u ^ I Protestant, had the Catholic diap- would remove from some minds any doubt lain. Father Justin McKernan, O i.B ., ac­ the traffic patrolman’s log having di^, he used his income to help the poor. He book. But there are still company him to the death chamber. was above 50 years of age when, his fame for sanctity of the guilt of (he accused. One of the most “ freak deaths,'’ from causes being widespread, he was chosen Patriarch of Alex­ deemed incapable of produc­ Old Hereditary Beliefs Bein|{ Ponctnred ing death; sudden fatal III- %lA77awQr/i andria. netses, eeising healthy His first act on arrival in his see city was to ask frames; and old-age depar­ C c M H i n y that a list be made of his “ masters.” He explained Eugenic Sterilizing Unscientific Answer ture! after a long period of /^ JirSfAvitifbnfk Cfuixk that these were the poor, who had great power before weaknest that can hardly be irA/lan4mJ0T odm-ground craMt/aUf diegnosed. By J. R. Walsh ally permissible only i f tha since the end of the war. ^ijent mil M ah) y*ik. the throne of heaven. A list of 7,500 was drawn up, THE READER of this edi­ organ is diseased and if tha Contributing toward this de­ and he took them under his special protection, provid­ IN COLORADO, a woman torial night fall dead before preservation o f tha health or cline was a study published regarded by paychiatrista as he finbhee Its perusal: as. ing for them the necessities of life. Every Wednesday lift of the body hinges upon in 193^. by a committee o f the not mentally HI w u held at Indeed, ita writer might be­ and Friday he sat the whole day on a bench in front the sacrifice of the part 'Tha American Neurological Asso­ A Now Plan, a Now Hopo the itate mental hospital al­ fore he completei iL Only immoral character of eugenic ciation. headed by Dr. Abra­ of the church, so that all might have free access to him most a year. She charged that God knows, and tbis is a se­ sterilization hai repeatedly ham Myerson, famed psychia­ with their needs and gripvance.s. He dispensed not the hospital set op ai a con­ cret He prefers to keep in been condemned by the trist. What of Educational TV? dition of her parole that she most cases. only material aid, but settled differences, gave com- Pones, COMPULSORY STERILl- agree to be eterilized. The The terrifying element in By C. J. Zecks while- Aecording to a tele­ fort to the grieved and afflicted, and spiritual advice REEXAMINATION of ZATION was recommended woman's mother refused con­ alt this macabre speculation vision log, the station has many accepted beliefs about as undesirable by the com­ EDUCATIONAL TELEVI. to all. sent to such an operation is that death gives no one a SION ia still a baby. In fact, 12 live, seven kinescope, and heredity has led many doc­ mittee. which held* that the A LEX.ANDRIA w as then the E1R.ST among the and held it was sgainst tha second chance. “Where the some persons in the Denver two filmed programs. It ta tors to adopt a new pesition consent of the sterilized or tenets of her religion. tree falls, so shall it lie." area were surprieed the other doing a fine service to the Eastern sees in wealth and dignity, and St. John with regard to enforemenc his guardian would fomtall A district court judge or­ . . . “ The night comea. when day to find out that we have Denver area. When tha NBC consecrated its revenues to the poor. One of his first of tleriiizatlon laws. Mod­ abuses likely in such a pro­ dered the patient to be set no man mavi w ork." When an educational TV station, broadcasts become available ern methodology has punc­ gram. acts was to distribute among the hospitals and mon­ free. Testimony and records, man'e period of pilgrimage KRM A-TV, Channel 6. In a in March, the station will be tured some of the older be­ "We do not believe.'' the asteries the 80.000 pieces of gold he found in the he stated, showed the vromsn 00 the earth is ended, his short time the station srill be iring viewers somaa,of the "was not an insane person, liefs, which bald that social report said, "that aociety toul will be Judged accord­ fest programming available, treasury. Many others, moved by his example, pro­ and physical ills ran in fam- needs to hurry into a program celebrating ita first birthday. was not diseased in mind,” ing to the state ha ii in at It televises propama from IT IS HOPED that some vided him with means to aid the poor. ilias because of "bad heredi­ based on fear and propa­ and blasted institution offi­ that moment 6:46 p.m. to SlsO or 8:46 day a bridge over the gulf of tary straios.” ganda. Although the problem When it was comiJlained that his actions were cials for neglecting to Inform THOUGH IT IS NOT often p.m. Monday through Friday. "commercial" and "eduea- ths court of the condition of The GeargettwK Lau Jour­ of mental disease and defec­ the ease, a rather virtuoue impoverishing the Church, St John replied simply The station it one of 22 tioDsd" television will be laid. nal points out that in 19^ tiveness is enormous, there indiridual may commit hia that God would provide. He recounted a wonderful the petitioner. educational TV stations Both the purely instructional the number of compulsory exists no new social or biolog­ one mortal lin just before vision he had in his youth, when a beautiful woman THIS IS ANOTHER CASE throughout the U.8. These rote and the predominantly sterilization operations per­ ical emergency.” This "go his soul takH flight, and be In which stats officials in stations have had their eco­ entertainment function of a appeared to him, brighter than the sun, with an olive formed in the U. S. was slow" attitude has had great relegated to puniiAment for­ hoapitals might well be wary nomic trials and often uphill mass medium are impor­ garland on her head. He was given to understand that only 1,067, the lowest num­ influence In the decline of ever. Too, one seemingly of performing eugenic ster­ going in programming. It waa tant services. We enjoy an ber reported in any one year eugenic iterilization. among the most wicked of she represent^ charity, or compa.ssion for the poor, ilization, being outmoded by Dod news,'therefore, when educational program aa well and she said: "I am the oldest daughter of the Great modem sclentiAc studies, in men could be .empowered by obert W. Strnoff. president at watching Perry Como or Stor>' o f an .\rchblNhop God's special grace. Just be­ S the belief that such opera­ of the Nations! Broadcasting a baseball game. King. If you enjoy my favor, 1 will introduce you to fore death, to feel an ardent tions, help "mentally re­ Company, announced that his Such a gap was filled In the Great Monarch of the universe. No one has so sorrow that will lift him to tarded inaividuals to adjust company was going to make the “good old days" of radio unending union with the much influence with Him as myself, since 1 was the better to society." Scientific Forgotten Prelate available its network facili­ when the broadcuting ata- Creator in beatitude. occasion of His coming down from heaven to become Investigations of hereditary By BlU KILKESKY choice; Henry Edward Man­ ties to these non-commercial lions released their time for Such is not often the case, ■trains and emotional trends ning. itatioDs. educational purposta, aaee man for the redemption of mankind.” THE FORGOTTEN MAN it is true, for men generally are f i t from complete, as Errington was offered s rommereiala We recall inch S T. JOHN LIVED IN THE GREATEST personal of the Archdiocese of Weet- die as they live: but nothing UNDER SA R N O FF'S psychiatrists themselves mlnster was a prelate who al­ kind of consolation prise, the PROPOSAL NBC, acting in rewarding programs as the austerity as to food, clothing, and furniture. is outside the pale of divine NBC University Theater of readily edmit- A report bythe most headed the see, but in­ post of Archbishop of Trini­ co-operation with the Edu­ posaibility in the matter of the Air (where you could get When a distinguished person of the city learned that American Neurological Asso­ stead ended hi* life serving dad, which ba refused. cational Television and Radio souls and their final disposal. college credits via corre­ the Patriarch had only one poor blanket on his bed, ciation implies a great deal u a parish priest. SPURNED AND DE­ Center of Ann Arbor, Mich., NO ONE CAN DENY, for spondence counea by liitening is to be ascertsined and Archbishop George Erring- FLATED, yet with a rigorous will provide three half-hour he sent him a rich rug. St. John spent an uneasy example, that the man who to the program) and the Co­ abins must be guarded ton was a Catholic before following among the London programs a week for a 26- night on hA unaccustomed soft couch, and the next died in Canon City in the lumbia Workah^ programs, against. Henry, Edward Manning ever clergy. Errington might well week period. The programs past week could have mar­ among many. Why not on day sold the rug and gave the money to the poor. The The practice of steriliza­ thought of turning to "Ro­ have gone his independent shaled true sorrow fo r all his will go out live over the net­ tion, begun in the U.S. more TV! friend, being on the watch for some such action, re­ manismhe was serving in way and caused great harm faults in time to obtain God'i work's lines from New York purchased it and presented it to the Patriarch a than SO years ago, de­ England in the bleak daya to the Catholic eauM. forgiveness. Indeed, no one at a time— probably 6:80 i , i - rs second and a third time. The saint always disposed veloped to a point where 33 preceding the Catholic revival But with rare humility and but God knows for certain p.m.—when the relay facil- W O rd S tO L lV 6 DV states and territories passed Initiated by the Oxford Move­ resignation, he retired to the whether the man was morally {ties are not being employed / of it the same way, saying with a smile: “ We shall laws on the su bject In the ment, when Nicholas Wise­ D iocne o f Clifton, where he guilty of the crime for which for dlsaemination of NBC'e II! fares the land, to hasten­ see who will get tired first” past 3 5 years, however, eu­ man was fir away from It labored as s simple psrish he was executed— or, in ths regular commercial schedule. ing ills a prey, where wealth On a journey to visit the Emperor in Constanti­ genic sterilization has been til at the English College in priest until his death. A con­ event of nilt, to what ex­ Channel 6 could not get accumulate*, and men decay. nople, St John died at Amathus on C>T)rus about the on a steady decline. Rome. temporary writer said of him; tent. these programs live because Princes and lords may flour­ STERILIZATION OPERA- Yet to Cardinals Manning “ He nurwfd no resentment in But, even supposing the of the time element, but per­ ish or may fade — a breath year 616. Coincidentally, in connection with his care TIONS are classified in four and Wiseman went the glory his heart, . . . His tongue blackest guilt there is al­ haps they might turn up in can make them, aa a breath for refugees, his body was taken to Constantinople groups: 1) Therapeutic, to that accompanied the tre­ left no sting or stain behind." ways hope in life. Once s kinescope versions. has made; but a bold poasan- and from there to Hungary, where King Matthias safeguard the health or life mendous growth o f the IN A WORLDLY WORLD, criminal was canonized as ha S arnoff said his company try, their country's pride, cons^cted a shrine for it in his chapel at Buda. In of ap individual; 2| contra­ Church in England in the lat­ his action seems almost sense­ breathed out his last breath would appropriate 9300,000, when once destroyed, can ceptive, aa a permanent ter half of the I9th century. less. But In Christendom bis upon a cross. The Psalmut or about iSSOO fo r each half- never be supplied. — Oliver 1530 his relics were moved to Tall, near Presburg, hour show, for production method of birth control; S) ERRINCTON SEEMS to course was tha only logical speaks o f the darkest mis­ Goldsmith (1728-1774), Tk» and in 1632 to the Cathedral of Presburg itself. In the punitive, to punish persons deeds being "made white at purposes. T h e Kducational Dtterltd Vitlafe. have bad as his main fault one: To aerve God hi tha convicted of certaiih crimes; snow," No one can presume Center will meet the cost of • • t East St John the Almoner is honored on Nov. 11, the the problem of not getting Church in the bait way ha to plumb the mercy of God, making locsl connections be­ i . l day of his death, but in the on Jan. 23, the anni­ and 4) eugenic, for persons along well with his associates, knew, to accept God's will, to Trust that man in nothing keep the faith. for it is infinite. tween the educational sta­ L, versary of the translation of his relics. whose ailmentc ere regarded principally Wiacman. Re had who has not a eonscieaea in as hereditary and thoa to tion* and tha network linet. ______—Rev. John B. Ebel served as Bishop of Plymouth everything. — Laurcnco pravant tha birth o f children and aa Administrator o f the FORTY HOURS' DEVOTION “ EVERY CITIZEN has a Sterne (1713-1768), Tk* Foot- with the um e ailments. Diocese of Clifton before his Archdiocese of Denver ■ take in the success with port. In therapeutic sterilization which these stations carry « • • appointment in 1365 as Coad­ WEEK OF JAN. 20. SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY The Denver Catholic Register the reproductive organs have out their misiion." Sarnoff The law is tha last recult y jutor, with the right o f suc­ Denver...... Si. Miry'e Academy President ...... Most Rev. Arehbiihon Drbin J. Vebr, D.D. to be removed from the body cession, to Cardinm Wiseman. aaid. “ The drastic national o f human wisdom acting upon Editor..,-Rt Rev. Msrthew Smith, Pb.D., Jour.D., LiltD., LLD. because they have been at­ Then the trouble started. shortage of teachers and human experience for the tacked by a disease, such as classrooms lends a special MsniionK Director....Motuignor John B. Cavantgh. M.A., Ph.D. Wiseman founded the religi­ benefit of tPe public. — Sam­ urgency to their efforts to Executive Editor...... Rev. John B. Ebel, Litt.0., Hist.D. esneer. The primery objec­ ous community of the OblaUa uel Johnson (1709-1784). '(Radwand. JU Jjjq,' build themselves into a major Aeeoeiato Editon— Rev. Robert Kekeiien. M.A., LittD.: Rev. tive is the removal of the of St. Chsrlee, with Manning, • • a diaeesed o r n n end the pres- education force." IHniel ^eherty. M.A.; Linue RienUn, Ph.D.; PtuI Hallett, then Provoet of the Metropol­ Jdleneu and prida tax with ervetion of the health and KBTV, Denver KVOD, Denver He aaid the three half- LittD.; Jeek Heher, B.A., littD .; Prink Morrise, B.S., LL.B., itan Chapter, at the driving a heavier band than Kings life of the patient. Cbaoeet 9 CHRISTIANS IN ACTION hour presentations would em- LittD.; Art Director. Leo Cenavan, D.F.A. force behind the new group. and Pariiamenta. If we can Contraceptive sterilisation BISHOP SHEEN. "Ufe U ^RtVe Laci«» C«rv*ot*8, bract “ instruction in mathe­ Errington did not like the get rid of the former, we may seems to ba legal in ell but Worth Livinf”— Sandey. S.Jv of Rvfit matics. the humanities, and idea of taking tome diocesan easily bear tbe latter.—^ n - Entered aa second class matter at the postoffics at t few itates where it is spe­ P«Dv«r— Sand 178 Jbb« government" James R, New­ priests and making religious jamin Franklin (1706-1790), Denver, Colo. cifically prohibited by law. s a c r ^’e' d h e a r t p r o - a*r7. IliOS •.m. man, editor of Tht World of clergy out o f them; be es­ Letter on the Stamp Act, TXk Pant PnetaO Eailnlr Sr Cetoa U k « Morally speaking it Is unjus­ CRAM - Sunday, 12:15 LIFE IS WORTH LIVING- Malkrmatict. has agreed to pecially disliked their control P ^ Bitbop Felton J. Shoes— supervise the courie in this July 1,1765 tified mutilation of tha pa­ of the seminary, which, un­ • • • tient and in no way ia re­ TREASURE CHEST Of I field. der prc.ssure, the Oblates fi­ KNOWLEDGE. Rofit KIMN, Denver To those just being intro­ Advice ia offensive — be­ Published Weekly by quired for the preservation nally left; and some felt that o f hia life or health. Its mo­ College—Seturdny, 4 p.m. SACRED HEART P R O - duced to educational televi­ cause it shows US that we ere THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) Wiseman directed Church af­ K R D O -T V . . CRAM— Senday, 7 a.m. sion there is an undersund- known to otheri ee well as to tive is the same as that which fairs with too little concern 938 Bannock Street. 1 leads otheri to practice birth able tendency to stress the ourselves. — Samuel Johnaon fo r the letter o f the Iiw and Colorado Springs HOUR-S- (1709-1784), Th* BamtUr, Telephone, KEystone 4-1205 P.O. Box 1620 control by contraception, n day, 7:18 n.m. use o f the home screen as a too much stress on whimsy. tool of formal instruction.. N a 156. PUNITIVE STERILIZA. THE CHRISTOPHERS— FAMILY THEATER pro- • • ■ TION imposed by the stale SUCH ANATTITUDE gram ef Father Patrick This role is great, indeed, and Senday, 1-1:30 p.m. If you levs only those who it rightly regarded as cruel soon gave Errington the rep­ Peytoe, C.S.C.— Saturday. it serves the purpose of the Subscription: WE BELIEVE — Moaday, love you. whet reward have and unusual punishment utation of being, at best, of 6:30 p.m. station. Members of the fac­ SI.50 per year in Archdiocese of Denver. a non-Catholie bent. (The 7:30-6 p.m. ulty of any educational insti­ you!— Matt v. 47. when a crime hds been com­ KFSC, Denver • • « charge was a common one of KOA, Denver tution operating a non-can- S2.00 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. mitted. Sterilization of the SACRED HEART PRO­ the day; John Henry New­ CATHOLIC HOUR — San- merrial station are appearing If you do not adueato the Canada, S2.76 a year per sub.scription. arx criminal is not reasonable GRAM — (Engliib) — punishment, and in fact man was considered by tome day. 12 noon to 12:30. on the air regularly. child, he will begin, for good Foreign countries, including Philippines, $3.50 a year. a Protestant o f torts until Moaday through Friday, or ill, to adueatc. himscu.— makes the comraiiiion of sex ASK AND LXARN — Sun­ 9 a-m. S A R N O FrS PLAN can he was mide a Cardinal in day. 10:1S p.fn. b o ^ educational T.V in it* Pius XII. • 42 Thursday, January 17, 1957 crimes easier by removing SACRED HEART PRO­ Use twilight of his life.) struggle for prominence. In- the pezslbility of conception. KBOL, Boulder GRAM — (Spaaith) — E r r in ^ n 's reputation itnictioD distributed over the O wad focne power the Criminals actually regard SACRED HEART PRO­ Saterday, 7 a-m.; Saaday, seems baseless, but his crit­ network is necessary, but the giftie gie ni to lee oursei'i OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER this ty p e^ punishment as GRAM— Monday throefb ical ways led Pius IX to 7:15 a-m. new plan can get educational as others tee ue! It wad frae Tba Denvtr Catholic Retrla^r merits our cordial ap­ something^sirable. oust him as Coadjutor with Saterdoy, 6:45 n.B. THE VOICE OF ITALY— TV out of the confining limi­ monie a blander frea ua, and proval We confirm it aa tha official publication of the arch- Eugenic sferiUzation is ad- the right of succeuion in KFKA, Greeley (Italian) — Sunday. 7:30 tations of the studio itself foolish notion.— RoBert Bums diocaaa. Whatever appears in its columns ever the iiimature vecaM by some secular au­ thorities when performed on 1S60. AVe MARIA HOUR—San- and “bring all the fascination (1759-1796), To a Itoxas. of the Ordinary or thoea of tha Officials of our Curia ia THE CHRISTOPHERS— • • ■ mentally defective persons in ON THE DEATH of Wise­ day, 12:30 p.m. of the outside world into the hereby declared official, Senday. 7 a.m. the interest of social better­ man in 1865, the clergy o f tha home.” Educational stations Moderation is the satin KWBY, Colorado Springs THE LAMPLIGHTERS — Wa hope The Regiiter will be read in every 'home of the ment This method is aimed Metropolitan Chapter madi eventually will he stifled if string running through tha MOMENTS OF MEDITA-; Weakdaye in January, trcfadioceae. primarily at the production things embarrassing all they must depend only on ths diamond rhaintof every virtue. TION^^aily, 7:tS a-m. ^ 4:40 p.m. We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a of a more healthy rare and around by insistently nomin­ resonreef of ;hr campus. — Mery C. Dorsey SUNDAY IN HOLYWOOD. VOICE OF ST. PAUL — • » • taato in the children of the archdiocese for the reading of the eradication of serious ating Errington as Arch­ Through the NRC plan, the Marykaoll Mirelonere — ! Seadaye in Janeary, 4:40 Tha Register. problems created by defective bishop of Westminster, Pius new series could personalize People who drink too much Sondayt, 8:3S a.m. I p.m. seldom have a sobering « URBAN J. VEHR persons in society. IX was greatly displeased what the profer*or taught on thought — F a t h a r Gabriel Archbishop of Denver Eugenic sterUizalion im. with the nomination but gave (D rop a poetrerd to (hoeo eialiona, Irlline (hona the campus. Jan. 2», 1943 - airs an organ in :U vital the matter much thought be­ yea oppreeieto Out* profrema.) To dace, the programming Ward Hafford, Calkolio Vir­ Jaactions. Such an act it mor­ fore finally making bis on Giannel 8 has been worth- ginian. PAGE T W a V E Office. 938 iannocic Sheef THE DEKVEP CATHOLtC REGtSTER Thursdey, January 1 7 ,19S7

W ill B e H eld on Jan. 2 8 Solemn Mass at So. Roggen Church] Minturn Society Plans Polio Show Skit South Roccen. ■— (Sacre>l| The Junior NewmeB Club ressful bake sale in the church ball on Sunday, Jan. in. Hpitrt P ari;h i--P arirh ioD fn of eeaouncei e chili cupper to Minturn.— (SL Patrick’s Par­ A skit, to ba part of the The next meeUng will be in A meeting for chairmen and both Sacred Heart Church at he held SuBdey, Jaa. 20. in ish)— When tha Ahar and Ro­ the home o f Mrs. Arthur Guy asaistanta fo r tba all-parish Polio Show on Jan. 28 and Romcen and Holy K a m i I y the Holy F enily Church heee- sary Society mat in the heme with Mrs. George Ledbetter as Maidi Gras h u been scheduled acted out by the Altar Society Church at Keeneaburs had the nent et Kecacebur| from of Mrs. David Williami, with eo-hoitaas on Jan. 31. lite r the 11 a.m. Mass Sunday. riney's Englisb class being hostesses. for tha church. Louisville, In administering the cniertained the group with a Mrs. J. Elliott, PTA mem- Nawmanitei Honored Anostolic Bifissina above If a replica of the bleiiings to the perents ind panel discussion on “ .Steady }/vaiW It. iM Caaifig Apostolic Biessing conferred on btribip chairman, reported 277 The Junior Newman Club has children. Father Paulinas was bating in High School.” The Peter Hagan, Sr., and family of Colorado Springe by Pius XII. D. CROUCH leid members, which is approx- been organized for the junior tha celebrant of Solemn Bene­ J. enel was composed o f Don Kagan, a former member of the Colorado Springs Fire Depart­ C. D. O'BRIEN mateiy two-thirds of tht Khool. high and high school students, diction. An additional bieuing Sorgenson, Mary Walters, Linda ment for more than 26 years, is a long-time resident of that MAY REALTY Mri. G. Pfalmer, first Fri­ the purpose being to obtain in- was given for expectant I.ene. Julia Trainor, Kathleen dty. He it a retired fire chief of Eat Air Force Bata and was day breakfast, said the price strucGeg in (heir religion, edu­ ptothers. Saidy, Quentin Ertol, Linds navigator of the Fourth Degree Council, Knights of Columbus. for breakfast in the future will cational, and lociti activities. This lervlce w u requested Marcovich. Dave Molt, Robert He is a member of St, Mary's Parish. Two of hii children, Peter, REALTOR ba 16 cents, as the pries o f the Mr. Lyendecker and Mr. Satter- and supported by the Boulder Strauch. and Shiela Bellaau. Jr., and Mary, iiva in California. Another son, Richard, resides food has gone up. wfaita are the inalruetors, and section of the (Kristian Fam­ Mr. McOney was the modera­ in Colorado Springs. J. Daly, Cub Scouts, gave e the club meets every Monday ily Movement Other projects INSURANCE - LOANS tor. summary on their acGvitias. and evening at 7 o'clock in the that hivs been undertaken by T ht business meeGtm was noted that the “Scout Circus" home of N. E. Buchhoiz. Offi­ Schedalcd Jan. 30 the Boulder CFM groups re- called to order by Mra. T. Mar- would be held In the future. ctntiy in their pregram of fam­ 725 N. Tejon S«. tovicb, president. Tba following cers are; President, Suzann Qualify Apporai The cubs are not permitted to Lewis; vice president, Susan ily sanctification Include the chairmen gave reports. Colorado Springs, Colo. tell Uckets from door to door, Koonce; and secretary-treas­ distribution of cards containing IN CULMADO SPiUNCS Mrs, K. McCarville, hospi­ because of the Green River urer. Jetty Buchhoiz, Ft. Collins Cana Meeting Catholic, Jswisb, and Protes­ sm eg te n tality chairman, thanked the Law. but must get promises for ME. 3-7731 Coleen Dian Neuman, daugh' tant graces fo r meels to all first and eighth grades for Kiowa end Tsjoa Stroets tickets from their friends. ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neu­ restaurants in Bouldtr, the dis­ Mrs. C. Haley and Mrs. T. man, was baptized Nov. 4 with tribution of cards containing the McCeney, food sale, thanked Rosann P u ff and George Smith Split Into Three Sessions Morning Offering to ail pa­ tboee who helped to make the as sponsors. rishioners after Sunday Blasses, FRED'S BOOTERY Charlotte Klitz tale a aucceaa. Tha goods netted Fort Collins.— (St Joseph's Uns Cana Conference Into three ths use of Advent Wreaths, and ICfmCm Marie Romeo, daughter $188.12 profit. o f Mr. and Mrs, Stephen R. Parish)—Father Homer Hogan, Mpsrate conferencat. The func- the obtaining of holy water 106 E. Pikaa Peek -L Mrs. J. Eipander, volunteer Romeo of Gypsum, was bap­ an Oblate Father from (Colo­ tioD, iponvortd by the CFM fonts for members' homes. Tk* a «M W kitchan help, named the fol­ rado Springs, has announced Q w .i. Becomes Bride tized Jan. 6. Sponsors, by groups in St JoMph's Parish, One of the Boulder groups vtLVEi STEP . errr club lowing who helped this past that he will divide tha Fort Col- proxy, were Wiiliam Blatack will be held on S u n ^ y , Jan. 20, has prepared a sign showing thei WCATHEA a iM SHOES month; Mmes. Foster, Brouil- k » and Katherine Fanning, from 1 p.m, to 6:30 p.m. in the location of the Catholic church' rw imn tm w n n> ii« lelte, Berce, Savelis, Koehman, school hall. Reservations should and the Maas schedule. The sign Maedonell-Bori Rita In Holyoke Rite Bcukc, Knauf, King, Bertichy. ba made by contacting Dr. J. H. will be placed on Broadway. On Dec. 26 Mias Maureen Mayer, Barth, May, Huber, Reid. They art not mandatory, Boulder’s main north-south Holyoke.— On Saturday, Jan. Bart, daughter of Mr, and Mrt, ML. 3-aS4t ME. 4-easi The R eyse Sheet Eskeibson, Stewart. Dubas, Group in Rifle however. street. Another group ar­ LAKRy 29, Charlotte S. Klltz, daugh­ Maxwell R. Ban of Eagle, be­ JEXRy Shlrola, Gilbart, Marcovich, ranged to provide evening meals nietal dc R oofing ter o f Mr. and Mrs. A1 H. Klitx came tba bride o f George Mae- Father Hogan wilt discuss Bowman, Ladson, Elliott, At­ “Man and the Church." "Love for the listen of Sacred Heart Madden Pltimbiog Co. o f St. Patrick's Perish, and donell, eon of Hr. and Mrs mCOeiPORATED well, and Giles. The month of and the Church," and "Children School during the past two PLUMBING CONTRACTORS Robert E. Greene, son of Fire Alex Maedonell, in St. Mary’s To Hold Dance HEATING ROOFma January will bt taken care of and the Church.” weeki when the regular con­ PLUMRINC REPAIRS SHEET METAL Captain and Mrs. Emmett P. by the levantb and tighth grad- Church, wih Pather Leberer of- CAS WATER HEATERS While in Fort Collins, Father vent cook was ill. Sevsral U> SO. NEVADA Greene of Niagara Falls, N.Y., era' mothers. fieiaUng. The attendants ware l i tooat BT •. CMirM be Hogan is also conducting the groups tkave active programe for PIm m i me. a-MH E«L IttS were married in • late morning Mrs. Marcovich asked for i the sister and brother of the double-ring ceremony. The Rev. On March 16 Colorado A, A H. Newman Club obtaining new memben and discussion on the traffic situs bridegroom, Mrs. Harjoria Mor­ John Walsh witseasM tba cere­ retreat, as part o f B«li|rious starting nsw groupa. Pete Beroni Gon on Bijou and Kiowa dur­ ris o f Glsnwood Springs, and Rifle.— rSt. Mary’s Parish) mony and celebrated the Nup­ Emphasis Week at the ccnool. ing the school hours. A com' Alex Maedonell, Jr., of Eagle. —When the Altar and Roaary Fnrnitnre Shop William C. Craron tial High Mats in St. Patrick’s The retreat began with Mass on mittee of men was appointed A reception waa nald in the Society met Jan. 10 in the home UPHOLSTCXINC Church here. campus at 6:30 p.m, Wednes­ Colo. Springs Women RC.UFH0L5T2PmC A^D to meet with Montignor William Ban home, honoring the newly­ of Mrs. J. J, Fennell, with Mra. The bride, whosa gown was day, and will continue through REPAIRING Optometrist Kelly and the city planning en' weds. After a short wadding Gcorgt Vessall acting as o of white imported Chantilly lace Saturday, He will also hear Slate Turkey Dinner Silo Coovre uid Drsoertoe iw Nwtk r.)M SL gineer, Paul Griffith, to dia- trip, the young couple era mak­ hostess, there wore 10 members Mede l« Ordw over Mtin and French tulle, Confessions at SU Joseph's at PHONE M E 2-SM l cusi a definita safety measure. ing their home In Eagle and on present. Mrs. Lloyd Salliday of was escorted to the altar by her the tegular times Saturday. WoiaftB'i Club cf tbe . Furoitare Made to Order . COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. Traffic on Bijou Street is Brush Creek, where Mr. Mac- Riifle joined the eociety and Mrs. ks«-U EW aM i00 Controlltd a l ovtf woimlh and Mrs. Henry M'eingardt, Fred Weibel, Mr. and Mrs. . . . fghlwelghl. . . eempitta freedom Si.ltr Fraacit da Sales Andy Weibel. Mr. and Mrs. Siilar CarBalta (rom heovy covort, you hove oU ibis Marian Webb, Mr. and Mrs. and took her first vows on Dec, 1 Two sisters come to Sa­ BLYTHE-GOODRICH Bernard Waldron, Mr. and Mrs. 8. 1916. Before coming to Ster­ end you sleep hi solid comfort cred Heart Parish, Peetz. Tom Vindutka. and Mr. and ling she was stationed at Ran­ .Mortuary ^§TATEfiyffm^a Mrs. Mike Vinduska. every Saturday during the under on electric blsnliei. dom I.«ke, Wis., where she eele-| Fori Colliae A t tha recent meeting o f the “ !»®! B™'** brated the silver jubilee of ben "Aorfheni Cotorndo's I school catechism. They are Sis­ FR 2-3208 AlUr and Rosary Society profession in 1940. She has been' t e ^ M g U tp a n m u l Store” Thit winter g |l comfortable movie on Mexico was shown ter ijarmelia and Sister Francis in Sterling eight years teaching Corner Olivo aad Masos I de Sales, members of the Fran­ Kgbi weigh) electrk blonketi lee ell by tht president Mr*. Joe third and fourth grade*. At a Scherr. Thehe ipeciaipecial ggift ilt was ciscan Community in... m Sterling.— meeting of teaching sisters at ihe beds in your home. given to Sirs. Tom Vinduska. *> «« be i.stcra h «^ 'b a ^ . Lontto Heights Callcgt in 1965 Please Patronize S t Anthony's Parish Grade and SHINN PHARMACY Cue*t day has been postponed s.St was honored on the comple, High Sc))ools. ^)'oar Porl.A Dragarore'' Your REGISTER For more mformotion, until later in the spring. The lion of 40 yean in teaching pri- society is planning a chicken- .About,40oui 30iu childrencniiorvn attendaueno theine HU 2-1036 and HU 2-1036 Advertisers and classes in PeeU. Sister Carm ella-'""^ cqII 0 represoniotiva of this compony noodle dinner to be ■ irved at Northern Hotel Bldg. Mention noon on Jan. 27 in the kail. The te«cbe3 first, second, tnd (bird I Sister PrenciB dt Ss)e« wss or your dealer today. afternoon will be spent playing irrRd4s snej etch m r prepiresjboni in Port WMhiDffton. WU.. The Store with a Smile THE REGISTER cards aad games and in visiting. the First Communion clau. S.s- in ter Francis de Sales takes Sister Clara Therese is at 1944. Her first auignment was grades four, five, and six. In to St. Mary's Academy. Mil- M 04 Pvt. E 2 Leo J. P im p le , present on retreat at the her classes she uses the religion mother-hoose in O'Fallon. Mo. . . wBukee, from which she was MB of Mr. and Mrs. Roy transferred to Sterling in I960, Pimple of St. Peter's Parish. The needlework group will pre^iwd by t^ CCD ^ sh* teaches general scienc in Fleming, rorazHly completed meet every Wedne^ay after­ Arcbd.oceseofSt.PaulandaIsoiji^ j, ^ w r Greeley basic training a\ Fort Leonard noon in the cinbroom. Quilting the Confraternity .Vrasevgers. * Wood, Mo, ,jis being - done at ,. _lbe -V present'gjic directs t)te junior choir Belh •i.len have bees | After spending the holidays time, and anyone who wishes to hich sings at Benediction with comiag to Peels .iace they | with h ii parents he will receive |belp it welcome to attend, which the rlasecs end. In past joiaod Ih* Slvrlinf cobmob Pleahe Patronize Adamson Mortuary © his six months'active duty with! The members of the Flagler years this choir has sung at the' ity. Traaipertstieo i> pro- Your REGISTER the Arm): Reserv, at (^mp Altar and Rosary Seciaty will First Communion Mass and on vided by the periihieoer.. By 24 Hear Anbaleaes Service PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Chaffee. Ark. receive Communion corporately Christmas Day. Ib* *ad of the preMol .chMl Advertisers and Pimple, a 1956 graduate of on Sunday, Jan. 20. Sister Carmelia It a native of year they will have Irswled Mention Greeley, Colorado the Abbey High School at On Tuesday, Jan. 22. thCi Minnrapolii, Minn, She entered 20.000 iniU. betweea them H. R w A4iB..a lUaC P. ASi b i b jCtnon City, was engaged in|Knights of Colurabu. will hold a the novitiate of the franciKan, Ibe.a Satarday trip, to THE REGISTER Phaae IBS* SIk Av*. at Ilk SL Ifsrming with bis father. trdsocial in the parish hail. ISisters at Milwaukee in 1913, Pasts.

5 ^ E Thursday, January 1 7 ,19S7 OKica, 936 Bannock Stroat THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Teltphona, Ktytten* 4-4205 PAGE THIRTTEN Holyoke Parish Group Holy Name Unit To Conduct Bake Sale Chairmen Told THE REGISTER CLASSIFIED GETS RESULTS Holyoke.— (SL Potriek'i Pir- month to the ftri^ Thursday of ish)— When members of the the month. After the business meeting, At Presentation Alur snd Roury Society met cards were played at five -Phone Today KE. 4-4205 To Place Your Classified Ad in the Register- Monday afternoon, Jan. 7, it (PretenleCioa Parish. Denver) w u decided to hold a bake sale tables. Mrs. Wayne Carruthers Tuesday afternoon, Jan. X. It won high p r iu and Mrs. A, R. John Fleming, president of Help Wanted— Female 7 was also voted to change the Church, low. the Holy Name Society, has REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33 PIANOS, MUSICAL named the following men as LET'S SWAP so reeular meetinic of the society Hostesses for the meeting 6t. Deniadette'a INSTRUMENTS 39 were Mmes. Nell Hailander, committee chsirmen: D. A. Legal Notices COOK from the flrst Tuesday of each 5 Bedrooat brick Cape-cad Bona. 5HOP orevod thea tee aur plaae Leo Mailander, Mervyn Matt­ Flora, membership; Joe Csva- BE. t-5957 ANYTBINC of value taken aa pur- Experienced and reliable. vaJuea. ehaaa o r InauUlaUeM of n a fumaeaa. son, L. B. Miles, Clarence Mil­ niugh, public relations; Robert NOTICE TO CREDITORS TOW WALKER P1AN08 witar baatero. ate. What bava yea. ler. and, (ilatence Mutchie. C. E c k I e r, p ro ^ sm ; Gilbert Ns. P-IS64 Hours' 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wilson & Wilson Realty Eaay Parklaf EA. 8-8749. Undeman. Eucharistic: Floyd ESTATE OP ANNA CUBA, also 1541 8. Bdwy. 6P. 7-7591 Seventh Annual Fstksr John Welsh, pas­ Monday thru Friday. C^tkolU Really for Irwin, Jr., activities. These ksowD ts ANNIE CUBA. 58 ter, eanouBced on Sundsy, D«cMi«d. Yoor$** APPLIANCES 45 AUTOS (Usad) chairmen will name assistants KE. 4-4649 JsD. 20, there would be two NotJ»« 11 htrthf ctvM (hjkt 4ia U yoa ore id the MARKET to help carry the organizsUon'i NO DOWN PAYMENT Messes offered uch Sundey lltb dar o t D«cfmbtrs lH4s TO SELL YOUR HOME Card Party in program for the year. of adnitAiitntiDB *«rt to tbo Houaekerper for Uotbarleaa baaa. RANGES. aEFaiGERATORS, wuli- in St. Petrick'e Chnrcb, in- nadtnfvood idailDistnitot o f tb* Celh tra. dryan. up to 1199 dlaeogat m T h e membership committee Glria 1 and 5. steed of one BS in the pest. abova oamad MUitVs ood all (»«non« EA. 2-8«91 fEvtalay) Relpb WiUoD for free ' leme modela. PS. 5-7544. Adaaa of the Holy Name Society is TnwB Hodta, Alameda aV Desralo#. The first Mess will be el havins «lain« araiait aaW a*UU aft appraise) planning a campaign for new rtiiQifM} to fUe tbaai Cor allovmato Opaa «U f p.m. 7:30 end the lest one et Salesmen oi Ladies 9B WB GIVE BED STAMPS Rangely Mar. 5 members. The yearly dues o f $2 in tba Couaty Court of tht C^ty aod Wilion & Wilfon Reolty Bill Dreiling t0:30. Mess et Heetun will CoBBty of DtDvtfs Calonidoe with la $80.00 CASH 2869 Soe Breedwey Rantrely.— (S t. Ignatius' Mis* be et Bits every Sundey are payable at the beginning of •tx montba from aaid data or said to Churebea. Seheeta, Cluba. Scocta r I 1 BARGAINS i 1 I the fiscal year In order to main­ tlalnt will bo fortvtp barrod. and OrfxaliatloBB. Juat aell $4 bot- SU. 1-6B71 Ueed VMuuai Chaaera. Trodt-iaa. aD slon)—The seventh snnual card Kerning. makea and medak. St aed op. Open tain membership in the organi- LOUIS CUBA tlea of Watkftia Double atrencth The Best in Used party will be sponsored hy the Mr. and H n . John Kafka, AdblJiUtntor Vanlllm Datalla call Seadaya. 19 a.m. to b p.m. ttl5 W zation. 82nd Ava. O L 1-7151. women o f the parish on Shrove Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gaskill, Will Ian F. SuIJiTtn, Ura. AlBQt CH. 4-5050 Atty. CKriat tba K ib( Tuesday night, March S, at 8 Mr, and Mrs. Gene Krogmeier, Altar Society ViroX PuMleatiM Doeenbor 27. 195$ EMPLOYMENT Bfautlfully built 5-bedroB79. |e Would Ilka to SELL er TRADE reed Or New Cars o’clock. Besides the special and Vincent and Phillip Krog­ Chairmen Named Publfeallon Jaouair 24. IH7 Xanmere autematlr waaber for a (PublUbtd la DuTtr Catbolit AGENCIES 10 bath bona. PLUS full flnlabed prise, there will be high and meier returned from Mon­ The Attar and Rosary So­ beaamenL rood ilaadard lypa waabar wiih low nrises for men and women Aeslitor) OWNER WANTS OFFER pnnp. 120 TO CHOOSE mouth, ill., where they at­ ciety president, Mrs. John STENO. - TYPISTS CA. 7-42&3 4152 Wolff St for bridge, pinochle, and ca­ tended funeral services for Frank, has named the following NOTICE TO CREDITORS BOOKKEEPERS Cherry Creek Realty FROM nasta. Refreshments wilt be their brother. Tom Krogmeier. as committee Chairmen: Mmes. No. AU typaa of officr work. If you 1023 E. Znil A » . FL. S-3S4e BUILDING served. He died from injuries sustained ESTATB OF HENRY WU. DOR- M. Sandos. ways and means; MBIKR. I>«e«Mod. want a good offk5 Job Inmadl- MATERIALS 46A BANK RATES The affair will begin at 8 in' a tractor accident. A. Miller, Guild representative; Notk* it honhy irlien that n auly. call: o’clock. It was decided that only Novena services to Our Lady A. L. Raymond, altar and sanc­ 24th i o r c f DreoaboT. 216$. UtUn AC 24>?21 thoaa who arrive and begin of AdailoUinitlon wtro itioed to tb« for PrallmiDary Job iBfomaUoa NEW AND USED of Perpetual Help ace held in tuary; S. Gonzales, large linens; QndtF4lfn«d M Adnialitntor of thi CURE D' ARS Up to 3 Years to Pay playing on time wilt be eligible the church every Wednesday C, Bellacosa, vestments; L. ohovo Btmod <6tat«. ood oH porconi Selecihe EmploymeDl Baycaa 3 bdrm. brick. Full Bsmt. BUILDING MATERIALS for priiM. This ruling is con­ lufiaf eliiau agoJajt »ald «6Ut« liCllitail 5HI. 1554 CalH. evening at 7:30 o'clock, fol­ Barry, eurplices and sibs: E. Eating space in kitchen. PIoMH s Dg7M EM. 6-3536 Thursday, Jan. 10, in the parish tohupfiit and detormlnttSoii of iba 2342 Beiair Mrs. Isaac F. Carmichael, was called at CH. 4-9063. hall, Zephia HoUowell, the out­ hrira cf loeb doeuiod. aod settlav 2 bdrms, bath on 1st flood. baptised Jan, 13 with Isaac L. The public school children forth that tho nAat4ii oddrtaiai and going president, led the Rotary. PBX SWITCHBOARD 3 bdrms, bath, 2nd floor. Carmichael and Barbara Jo who will raceiTO tbeir First ralaUooabtp of all parponii wbo ara Ploa raoaptlouiat traJaUir. Bsti- • Want a Job? The new president, Dorothy Communion on Feb. 2 ere er eUin to ba halra of m M deataaad. a m danasda traicad panoeaaL Carmichael as sponsors. ae for aa known to iba patlUener. Owner •.ill /inance Koppes, presided. Orpha Boet- asked to turn in their baptis- All arts. Fraa placamant for tboaa • Want to Sell? Mrs. Pat O'Caliaghan is home art as fallowi. to-wlt: who Qualify. HEARNSeeRCER EA. 2-MlS r and Francis Weeker will tnel eerliiicetes by Jen. 21. from the local hospital where Paulina Lin. adult, e/o Mary Dukaa. • Want to Hire? Kin charge o f the monthly card These eertificetes sh ou ld 517 Cbriatlan 8t.. PbilaAaipbla. Switchboard School fbe was a pneumonia patient irties. The group will hold a Pa., Dautblarj Harr Jlmanat. TrmntB# to 5 W«*ki • Want beer tbe official seel of the ’ Day or Bvoalay to Bay? Mrs. Anna Huber is .'till con­ Eike sale Saturday. Jan. 19. aduU. 1154 21th EL. Drorar. Colo- cburch in wbicb the child was >mdo. Daufhur: EaUp Cordova, 1450 Lovaa 8l. XE. 4-4715 • Want to Rent? fined to the local hospital. Pearl Stub, Leah Ensign, Or- baptised. adult. 25?9 Arapaboa Oanvor. Most Precious Blood • Want Tho Cetbolic Men's Club phe Boetger,' and Jackie Thelen Colorado. Daufbtar; Carria Meataa. Baby Sitter Service ISA a Home? will m**t Soadsy, Jen. 20, et will be in charge of arrange­ adult. 2724 Arapaboa 8L. Daavar. ta biMfe u ta il i. H»Arr K«« Colorado. Daoibtor; Martha Paoa. Baby-sitting In rny hene. S bdrei. frame heme PLUS 5fd Ike office of Attorney Pet ments. Coflverf Work Comes ndall. 5150 U y n l o Avp.. El Paso. O'Cellsfben, preeideet, et 7 AM. bdrm. o r dab. Fsneed yard. Ultra Members who are assigned as Taxaa. Daothttr; Jean it Layba. ilertga. Kaads aome werk. p .n . adult. 2515 lAwrtaca Si.. Danvar. hostesses for events er who are From New Christians Colorado* Dascbler: Lopa Garclo. CONVALESCENT Oaly 811,500 designated to church cleaning Taipei, Formosa.—Much of ad oil. U54 20 lb 81.. Dtnrar. Colo­ HOMES 19 are urged to find a substitute rado. Daufbtar; John Ga/aU. adult. CALL: HARRY METZGER the convert-making in the city "Say You Saw U in if they are unable to fill their 2555 tAwraoaa Su« Dapvar. Colo­ Bake Sale Slated of Kaohsiung is done by new rado. 8ea. Moore Realty aseignments. THE RECISTER” Christians, reports a pastor of Aceordlsflf. not|«a It atao htra The Best of Care Z234 9. Breadw.r SK S-SSOI Meetings are held on the third the city, Vincentian Father hr fivao that upoa tba data afora- for Thursday of each month at 7:30 aaM» or tba day to which tba haarfBi In Woodland Park Thomas Smith of New Orleans. p.m. A bond w ill be purchased may ha eoutiouad. tba Court wiU pn>» MALE PATIENTS ONLY Father Smith, in the past year, eaad to raaalvt and haar proofs aoo- with money from the silver of­ has had an increase of more aarelsf tba bain of aueh dacaaaad. Special Diets The firms listed here fering and traveling package. and. upon tba proofa lubmlttad. will Saturday, Jan. 19 than 2,000 Catholics. Five hun­ Fineit of Servica Many persons attended the enur a daaraa In aold aatata datar- deserve to be remembered Call dred were baptized in Decem­ mlnlnr who art tha bain of auoh da Holy Hour on Thursday, Jan. Mr>, Anna C U u eo’t Woodland Park.— (Our Lidy ber. raaaad parson, at wbltb baaricif all when you are distributing THE REGISTER 3. Mass was celebrated on the panoni ilaimlof to ba bain at law o f the W oods Psrisb) — When Rest Home first Friday, Jan. 4, in Limom - The priest reports that once of lucb daceaaad may appanr aod your patronage in the dif­ KE. 4^205 the Alter and Rosary Society praaeat thalr proofa. Breakfast was served by Mary contacts are made tbe new con­ 1-133 Si. Paul FR. 7-2090 met Jan. 9 there were nine JOHN A. GARCIA, ferent lines of business. Buhr, Orpha Boetger. Viola verts do the rest. They bring members and three children Adainiatratar. Boetger, Vera Boetger, and their friends to church and are Jamal 3. Dolanay. Attaraoy. present. The Rosary was led by Peggy Emmerling to Che echool never elow to speak to others 454 Majaatie BulIdJof. HOUSES FOR R E N T - Father Michael Kavanagh. about their new faith. Daayar 2. Colanda. children in the parish hall. Pint Pubileatlon Jaoury I. 2957 FURNISHED 23 It was decided to hold a bake Orpha Boetger, Pearl Staab, Father Smith explains that last PublieatloB January 21, 1157 sale on Saturday, Jan. 19, at and Barbara Matties will visit many of the Chinese in For­ Dalis Market, and all women of the tick in town and Willia mosa, refugees from Commu­ PERSONALS St. Peter & Paul the perish are asked to help Dean Allen and Jackie Thelen nism, are seeking to fill their WHEAT RIDCB — WILL RENT bring donations of baked goods will visit the sick living in tbe spiritual void by becoming Cath- our 2 bedm haraa completely fo r this occasion. Income Tax reluroa furntibed for 5 mo*., to respon- country. olica prepared Bible adults. Reaioiuble to tha On Wednesday, Jan. 18, the The president will appoint a rtvht party. - monthly family potluck supper committee to see about getting 28 yeara axporitpeo HA 4-12&4 PE. 5-I9S5 was held in the parish hall. speakers to attend meetings this It was suggested to try pro- year. Mr. John Lnwloia greuive card parties to be nald Meeting Slated Man bar of St Vlneaat Da Paul HOUSES— Mrs. Adam Gotto has re­ SERVICE DIRECTORY once a month, with dues of SO turned from California where UNFURNISHED 24 cents per person, to help raise she attended the funeral of her KE. 4-420S funds for the society. The first brother. Edward Greenan, who By Credit Union Dr. D. J. Smi^h arty will he on Jen. 23 in the was killed in a car accident Her St. Dominic Parisli {ome o f Mrs. Rita Crampton o f daughter, Kathy, is ill in her Optonniriat 7252 UB. Kiway « — Darby Divide from 1 o’clock to 4 in home, suffering from after-ef­ 3 Bedroom 885.00 per Mo. ASH HAULING 100 FLOOR REFINISHING 126 PAINTING 142 the afternoon. AT. 5-MM < fects of the flu, At Annunciation 85th A Coroiia “ Thorotoa dS27 We.l 29lh Miller Troeb Sai vice FRANE-S FLOUR 8CRVICE The society welcomed a new Mr. and Mrs. Neil Phagen AT. 7 *4926 LAY, SAND AND FINISH member, Mrs. C e o r ^ Jeckle. (Anauncietien Periih, Denver) Pickup Saturday and Su&day. AL have brought their infant eon, (EVENING APPOINTMENTS) AL. 5-5676 GR. 7-3690 5-1182. WORE CUABANTEED— RA PalaUaf. Textorlar. Paper The aanctuary will be cared Gritty, home from Flagler. Me The parish credit union will Ckaninr, Wall Waahins. FURNITURE CaulklBf. Wiadov-Cleentn^ for next month by Mrs. Frank has been in an incubator since hold its annual meeting on BRICK AND CEMENT 104 Harbour and Mrs. Fred Haager, Tuesday evening, Jan. 22. at 8 REPAIRING 127 Alae CeaaraJ Rapelra. his birth on Cbristmis Day. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33 A-i Weriu 8140 par beat who will do the altar linens. o’clock in the high school «udi CLIropreetir Tuck peteUBf. Aibplta. 8rick rapaln. For H ^lh Cere Ueeaaad. J. Gailofhet. TA. 5-4717. bnlluue aad beltap claaa of furniture. Mrs. William Horack will take torium. , H^eJred • Ktinlabed • Taeeh Up WE. 5-5976 rare of the sale of eard.< and re­ Pauline Altar Unit Thera will be an election of Dr. F. Eugene Armbruater 55 Yre. Lxperteaea ligious articles after Mass. To Hold Meeting officers, and important changes DE 3-8020 Wilson & Wilson Realty CARPET LAYING 111 J. C. L4MB The hostesses for the meet­ in the bylaws are (0 be dis­ 3700 FrenhHD AL.8-7Q20 1310 Williams “ Voitr Calholie Realty PLUMBING and ing Feb. 13 will be Mrs. Ed Colorado Sprint.— (Pauline cussed. Der tad C vnio. App«UtBut. FURNACE REPAIR­ Stepanek and Mrs. Joe Me- For tV erj" HEATING 146 Chapel Parish)— The Altar and The Rev. Leo M. Black will Arcber'l Roor Covorisg. IN G -C L E A N IN G 128 Grady. Rosary Society will hold its be the guest speaker. MS CMipUt. Emp.rt ln.t.lllitio.. A penny march was taken up first meeting of the year in the All members of the credit Wedding Invitations Naw 5 bdrtt. Semi-eonteapoemry. Th. O'CONNOR Fluablat C& and the meeting adjourned 105 far 17.50. Fint QuUIVy, baauufui 2 con Plata batba. W. ta W, carpel- S CsfOiti • Unol.QB home of Mrs. F. R, Blut, 20 union are urged to attend, and • Til. • F.rwlu FEDERAL CAS HEATINC CO. 0 with a prayer by Father Kava­ raNad lattar prloUBc, fait Mrvlaa inr P ^ e ndaeH to 127.509 far ITS 5». FEDERAL N Loma Linda Drive, following any member of the parish in­ Dolan. 110 12th 8l AL. 5-9151. auiek isle. -F m u llM l.i ckMrfolIr tivM’ nagh. Poraaeea • Inatallallee - Repair* £ recitation of the Rosary at 1 terested in the credit union will SZZSW.ZStk A'~. 6E.T-I00T BETTER • The hostesses for the ifter- p.m. in the chapel. All women Have opanlnpff for riperlenead 8ervke be welcome. salesmeB or sales woosene food Afur Host. C.U C£. 3-OZM Sheet Uftjil aad Cotter Work for Stiea aad Service noon were Mrs. Frsnk Harbour of the parish are invited to Don Wagner Speaker Yppr Eyas Ar* Yoor comvlMioB. new hones, office Call CB.5-IMC or CU 5-4855 and Mrs. William Hnrtck. attend. UsUnvs and Door Une. WE. 4-7832 5050 W. 4.. FR.T-7iSI Suo.. avrty evaBlAf after 5. Rufi end fumiture CleaBlac campaign. ' Kleera WasH tad Pellahad MA. 3-3340 Appu Ed Dkkinaen. EM. i-1124. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS W’eUa aad Witidew* Veabad Mrs. Mayfield turned in her Cure d'Ars irlll b. lUkS Cornell, oi _____ ROCKY A dcUcSlful Sea..—t bdrmi, m e Pape* Cleoslpf [repart from the Sunday night Tee Rooms & Restaurants 4 WASUINUTOB PARK PUARNACT Expert • Dcpeadabla • loiured vriib draieinc >a , or cbllda n>- Fa. SP '.ITCS lost 6Mik CorlorS :snack bar at the pimcs party. S? ft. Uvlnf rsi. erltb fireplace, Pree Satimatea Rcfartocea UPHOLSTERERS 157 Mrs. Julia Martinez reported full diaiar rn. Staam hc«u Dn* CL 5-5754 bla samva. Uaay eilrai. PROF. QUILTING 119 baperi epbelatary and aerpet aJeanlaf MOUNTAIN on the children's Christmas Ruark'a First .Avenue CL 6-8269 Ml yonr boa« at eer ahep Carpet psrty. Pastry Harry Lyndea rvniriot aad layma. Uoyd ElUea. The PTA will hold a card OE. 3-t?10 iM i.lii Unimoi Sbep U.cYl.t «oII«- j r r , , r, 445 WaditaOPtk. 5-5859 Qumtilj Balcorj Goo4i I in., renot-M doWD ond wool com-| IN SU LA T IO N 131A SPRING WATER [party at the Ga.< and Electric Drdrr your parly aaada (ran St. Map? MAfUaUiie I font. A .«l btui lor toll SMI E building on Friday. Feb, 11. EaautKully dacacatad Cabas ourA A vary nkt 5 bdrm brkk raaeh. ISH At. Dll. t-ZML J.M. certiDed job to * varath and The lOth grade turned in $77 specialty. y Lately buchea baa diainv aj«a. lower fuel bUL Golden Uphol.tery 8446 Well 1st Avs. WE. 5-0120^ aUIlty ra. Claaa to ErarythlBr. Hr. Utyi Sorvico dollars from its prujrct. ELECTRICAL RA. 2-0:52 Anytnsa Card Party Benefit Mr. McMahan SERVICE 1 2 0 Scfi'lnr LaK.wmS • CoMto* MOVING, TRUCK­ l.ooli«.i . Arr.e. Tbe PTA sponsored a card SU. I *2522 *Flma FeraltKPe by Iparty Thursday. Jan. 10, at Dupkioo Realty Ce. ING, STORAGE 138 Maatw Creftanen** 12:30 p.m. for the St. Vincent “Don’t Cook— KE. 4-5171 RE-UPHOLSTERINC Aid Society at ilt. St. Vincent's Service-Denver RE-STYUNG Ordar from Aarun & Sanis Fe REPAIRING Home. The chairman was Mrs. rna Erjmmi—QmruKcfd Vwt Marie Smith. ELKCrRI(;.4I, M o .in g & S torage n. jZOeOS.CrUI RA.S-TMT PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4^205 Thursday, January 17,1957 [■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I— Work of Jesuit O d iv i iiM , To Be Studied ■■■■■■■iiiniiuw nnnm ininnni:Mn8 Blo.stjed Sacrament Parishioner On Television The work of i well-known Thomas Tierney Named Jesuit poet will receive some unorthodox treabnent during the "Treasure Chest of Knowl­ edge" television show, of Regis Director of Blue Cross College, Denver, over KBTV (Channel 9) at 4 pjn. Saturday, Thomas M. Tierney, 38, a At one time Tierney was at­ Jan. 19. member of Blessed Sacrament torney for Mercy Hospital, and Parish. Denver, has been ap­ he is now on the executive The Rev. Robert R. Boyle, pointed executive director of board of the Catholic Char­ S.J., head o f the English de­ the Colorado Blue Crou, it was ities, partment at Regis College, will announced by the board of Tierney lives with his wife use a aeries o f special photo­ trustees of the Colorado Hos­ and four boys at 5633 Mont- graphs to iilustrate the mean­ pital Service. view Boulevard. His wife is the ing of the text of “Spring and Tierney, who has practiced former Betty Ruth Fairall Fall” Jjy Gerard Manley Hop­ kins, SJ., 19th-century poet and law in Denver since 1946, for daughter of the late Kerber priest the past five years has served C. Fairall, publieher and inaur on the unpaid Blue Cross anee man and former itate Father Boyle will use four treasurer, who was one oi Regis College students to dem­ For 'Home on the Range' e - Denver's most renowned Cgth onstrate the technique. He hat EIw(^ Caasedy olie laymen. been experimenting with this (center) a check for 325 for hi! Home on the Range for Boys. Tierney is a partner in the picture-text method of explain- Jim Peri lleft), president of the Friday Luncheon Club, intro­ include, left to right, atanding. Frank Martinei, law firm o f HiesCer and Tier- ing poetry for several years, duced Father Cassedy. who traveled from Sentinel Butte, Doy of Recollection Dr. Ralph Spear, Mike Romansik, Marvin ney, formed six yeara ago. and says Uie results ace “highly N. Dak., to Denver especially to apeak before the Friday Lunch­ the first annual Haynes, Tom Holan, Irving Schnur, and Joe successful.” The method was eon Club in celebration of the National Western Stock Show, day of recollec- Zimmer: Mated, Mrs. Ralph Spear, Mrs. Mika also tried at the United States “Uncle” Joe Dryer presented the check from faia balance left For K. of C.,■•f Wives»*■»** tion for Kniyhts Romansik, Mrs. Marvin Haynes, Mrs. Tom Long Illness Is Fatal Air Force Academy and Loretto from the orphans' Christmu party. of Columbus and their wives, to be held this Kolan, and Mrs. Joe Zimmer. Heights College, with similar (See story on Page One also.) Sunday, Jan. 20, at Loretto Heights College, will To Sacramento Bishop results. Father Boyle first reads the Gcorj^c McWilliams Is Speaker Sacramento, Calif. — Bishop poem and asks the students for At IIoight«i Jan. 20 Robert J. Armstrong, 72, died their impressions. Then the District Judge in M ercy Hospital here Jan. 14, poem la taken line by line, with after* an illness of several a picture flashed on the screen Luncheon Club to Hear months. He had been Ordinary to help illustrate the meaning, Big Attendance Seen Vacancy Given o f Sacramento since 1929. A second interpretation is then His funeral was scheduled asked from the students. Ian. 18 in the Cathedral of the The Regis College priest says 'Denver Post' Reporter Blessed Sacram en t Bishop that the use of the special pho­ "And the Public Responded” gree in 1933. Following ^ sd u a - For K. of C. Retreat Day To Neil Horan Duane G. Hunt of Salt Lake tographs, taken by a St. Thomas will be the subject of George tion he worked as police and :City, a longtime friend, was to Seminary student, Roman Bor- McWilliams, who will address general reporter for the De­ The first annual day of re­ 10;30 a.m. There will then Nail Horan, 66-year-oId Den­ preach the sermon. gerding, generally assiata stu­ the Friday Luncheon Club at troit T in ri. He joined Radio collection for members of the follow a talk by Father Lu­ ver attorney, a member of St Born Nov. 17. 1884, in San dents to get the exact meaning its weekly luncheon Friday Station W JBK in Detroit as a Knights of Columbus and cius Cervantes, SJ., sociolo­ Philomens’s Parish, has been Francisco, Bishop Armstrong intended by the poet. noon, Jan. 18, in the Knights news reporter and then moved their wives will be held this gist and Regis College pro­ appointed a Denver district was ordained a priest in 1910. An explanation of the pic­ of Columbus KaU, Denver, to Denver, where he worked for Sunday. Jan. 20, at Loretto fessor. judge by Gov. Steve McNichoIs. He was a pastor in Yakima, tures ana how they fit into the Mr. McWilliams is a feature the Denoer CatMio Register in Heights College. A ham dinner will be served Judge Horan, who -will fill Thomas M. Tierney Wash., then part of the Spo- poem's meaning will be 1937 and 1938. Dr, Ralph Spear, chairman In the cafeteria, which is in­ the vecancy resulting from the kane Diocese, at the time of his plained on Saturday's program. As the war clouds in Euro Board of Trustees, two years of this important Catholic ac­ cluded In the 82-per-person election of Judge Albert T. Episcopal appointment His dio­ Four Regis College students, were rapidly spreading, a.s president. He succeeds Jo­ T tivity, predicted that many admission tickets. A t 2 p.m. Frantz, a Catholic, to the Su­ cese includn 209,231 Catholics James Drinkard and Augustus McWilliams joined the 'U .S . seph R. Grant, who resigned members will want to avail there will be a panel discus­ preme Court, will preside as a in a total populaGon o f 870,270. Aquinor from the Day Division, ny A the post in November. themMives o f the graces and sion by Dr. and Mrs. Lewis district judge until the next Bishop Joseph T. McGucken has and Mary Grace and Marguer- ing his bis discharge, he went to btesainga available from this N. Barbato, M ajor and Mrs, general election in Novem­ A graduate of Regis High been Coadjutor with the right etta Dickerson from the Eve­ work for the International News day of retreat. Members are Arthur R. Curran, and Mr. ber. 1958. School, Denver, Tierney at­ of succession since October, ning Division, will help demon­ Service in Denver, then to San and Mrs. Harshall Reddish. 1956. strate the technique. reminded to check at the K. An unsuccessful Democratic tended Notre Dame Univeraity Francisco, and for three years of C. office to see-whether There also will be a ques­ candidate for the district judge- and received his bachelor of in the Pacific area. resorvatioDS are still avail­ tion box period, opportunity arts and bachelor of laws de­ Park nill Parishioner On his return he worked on able. for Confession, renewal of grees from the University of the Denver Post in 1946 aa a The program for the day marriage vows, and closing Denver. staff writer, covering many oi will itart with a conference in with Mass and Communion at In 1955 Tierney waa one of the college auditorium at approximately 4 p.m. Max G. Brooks Elected the famous stories in the Rocky seven persons appointed to Mountain Empire. Last winter two-year term on the Urban hie stories about Elijab the 2 - K - K m Renewal Commieeion by Mayor horse received national atten. Quigg Newton. The vrork of Head of Central Bank tion. Most recently Mr. McWil- H the commission is concerned iiime and another reporter have with city slum clearance and AKoniemaker’is Max G. Brooks, widely His wife, the former Josephine received national reci^ition for slum prevention. Tierney pre­ their reporting of the Graham Gallagher, and four children: viously was chairman of the known banker and civic leader, airplane bombing case. interim committee formed to Gary, Philip Judy, and Woody, and a member of Blessed Sac­ Mr. McWilliams, his wife, D epartm ent set up the Urban Renewal now reside in their new home rament Parish o f Denver, has Dorothy, and their three chil­ Commission. at 4600 Montview Boulevard. been elected to the presidency dren. Judith, Mike, and Sean, E PatronisePalronI: Theie Reliable and Friendly Firms Tierney, who la widely of the Central Bank A Trust Alt four children attend Blessed Sacrament School. attend St. John the Evangeliat Cm ■ I I known for his work in the Company, succeeding his father, Max Brooka received his Church in Denver. Church and its inititutiona m Elwood 51. Brooks, who be­ early training ia tba banking George McWilliame Luncheons are held in the ihe Denver area, haa served comes chairman of the board. TAKES NO TIME.. . LEAVES NO MESS also as a chairman of the im­ business at the Farmers Na­ main hall of the Knights of The younger Brooks became writer and reporter for the portant special gifts commit­ tional Bank of Oberlin, Kans., Columbus Home, 1675 Grant “ RAZOR-KLEENS" CLOGGED LINES FOR LESS Denoer Fast. He is a gsaduate Street All Catholic men and tee in the .Archbishop's High of which his fsther ia now of the University of Detroit, School Fund Campaign. He chairman of the board. After their guests are invited te the was a division cochairman in service in the finance depart­ where be received bis A.B. de­ program, which lasts one hour. ROTO-ROOi the Archbishop’s Seminary ment o f the Air F orce at L o w ^ Campaign, and la a member of Field he joined the Central in SBWBm SBRytCB the Denver Serra Club. 1945 and became a vice presi­ dent of the bank in 1947. At GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS, INC. one time in charge of the per­ Judge Neil Horan Rector to Lead “ ^eeredllsd Purve^on to the Catholic Clergy" Carvings Sewer Service sonnel department ar the Cen­ JANITORIAL A SANITARY SUPPLIES tral, young Brooks established ship in 1954, Judge Horan re­ 1421 • 16th Street — CH. 4-6776 or 2598 Exclusive Roto-Rooter Operators Clergy Retreats personnel policies that have ceived the unanimous endorse­ DENVER Z. COLORADO The Very R«v. William J, been widely acclaimed by ex­ SP. 7-4227 200 E. 4th Are. ment o f bis party in 1956 to fill Kenneally, C.M., will give perts across the nation. the vacancy created by the k emmT — Total resources of the Cen­ death of Judge Joseph J. Walsh, clergy retreats in the Arch­ The Oety Hmoatl Sewer SemetdrwVsWe loct'ly diocese of Los Angeles and m tral have increased from 330,- a Catholic, but failed to be the Dioceses of Madison. Wis., 000,000 in 1946 to more than appointed, and Dodge City, Kans., m the 3100,000,000 today; and from Bacon & Schramm Westminster Graduate next few months. $8,000,000 in 1943 when El­ PRINTING COMPANY A graduate of WestminMer Father Kenneally, president wood Brooks became president. KE. 4-4054 ComposilioQ Rnofing Law &hool, Judge Horan has o f the St, Thomas' Seminary, Tile ILoofing ENGLEWOOD been a practicing attorney here Denver, and widely known as Cure d'Ars Paster 1832 CurlU St. Roof Repairing for 30 years. A former fireman, a speaker and retreat master, he attended law school at night will give two retreats for the To Speak at D.U. 4020 Rriflilon Blvde Heating Company when off duty. He practiced law clergy of the Madison Diocese, The Rev. John Haley of Cura a ie 4-0563 ScPTlit E»Mr9 Enlf««od iiC Oimr Am alao while still a member of the in the last week of January and d'Ars Psrish, Denver, will be Electrical Contracting & Repairing Autkoriivd Lmeapb D«*J«r fire department. He has been Easter week; a retreat for one of the mtin speakers dur­ P arM ^ Air Ceaditjenlav attorney for the retired fire­ the priests of the Dodge City ing the Religion-in-Life Week Please Patronize men's organization. Diocese in the first week of Brooks observance to be held on both EARL J. STIIOHMIA’LER Your REGISTER Alt Mftkoe Furnaces In World War I Judge Horan June; and three retreats, in University of Denver campuses. Instilled, Serviced served four years in the Marine the last three weeks of June, a convert to Catholicism in During the live days of spe­ Electric Company Advertisers and to the priests of the Los 1965. The family was then liv- cial religious eonvocstions, ad­ end Repaired Corps. UcMMd ui4 Bwhdtd Mention His father served tn the Den­ Angeles Diocese. in g '« i St. Philoment's Parish. dresses, and teminara beginning ver City Council for many years Sunday, Jan. 20, students at Member NeticBel Electneel Cootreetor* Heatin9 THE REGISTER and was responsible for the re­ the university will evaluate the Air Conditioning ligious sisters in Denver being George Sweeney Heads importance of religion in daily 1178 Stoat St. AC. 2-5733 THE BEST IN LUGGAGE Sheet Metal Work given the-privilege of riding the living. , OI All Kiedi I streetcars free. Phone Sll 1-4494 ! Judge Horan, who lives at Realty Board of Denver Fr*« Chvclivp and Cacifliate 1225 St. Paul Street, is mar­ Oty aad Nlfbl SarrlM OUSEW AREi ried and the father of four chil­ Georg* T. Sweeney, one­ and Loan Association of Den­ 106S W. Hanpdan dren. He is a memher of the St time cage star of Cathedral ver and ia an attorney with —OR— Yessir, Folks! Frank WaterOi Prepe Philomena Holy Name Society, High School, Denver, is the the law firm o f Collier, King, the Men's Club, and haa been new president of the Denver Hayden, and Sweeney, He is H HARDWARE' an active supporter of all par­ Realty Board. He, his wife, also basketball coach at Ca- ish activities, the former Elaine Rusche, Uiedral. and two children, Marilyn, 3, While playing haskethall "TRY and Thomas, 1, live at 70 at Cathedral, Sweeney set Dover Street, Lakewood, and the scoring record for the are members of St. Berna­ Parochial League, He later dette's Parish. played varsity ball while at­ J ' j c d h i j l . HOME The new official is with tending Colorado College, the First Federal Savings Colorado Springs. FIRST"

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